#Winter Answers
hypewinter · 4 months
Hear me out! Danny finds his human form slowly getting more eldrich as he gets older (and more powerful) and ends up going to Gotham where people are way less likely to ask questions!
Sadly when the people of Gotham see Danny, oops my shadow has eyes now, Fenton they just assume he's gonna be a new Rouge!
Que the bat fam watching Danny waiting for him to make his move, over-analyzing everything he does. Mans can't even buy a new laptop without Bruce breathing down his neck about it
This would be an issue if Danny wasn't such a little troll, and he starts buying more obviously ominous things only to openly use them in improperly boring and normal ways. Like buys a death lazer and can be seen using it to make toast, buys a cursed box full of death themed artifacts and uses it as a coffee table, that kinda stuff.
Every time the bat's assume 'this is it!' And gets ready to take him down, only to see Danny setting up a new 'coat rack' made of kriptonite
Even better when they see him tinkering on some kind of doomsday device, the kind that looks super evil and dangerous and even has a red count down timer on the front and- it's a fucking air frier again! He already has three! Why does he keep making air friers?! Obviously this must be some kind of scheme
I raise you: Danny starts selling his things out to random citizens (they've all been intensely screened). The bats panic thinking this is an attempt to cripple Gotham in one fell swoop. Nope. Ms. Randall just really needed a new air purifier and Danny had a toxin dispenser that was just collecting dust.
I imagine though that he might start to notice that the bats are focusing on him a little too much which is a problem considering there are things going down in Gotham that actually need their attention. But at the same time, our resident ghost boy isn't ready to stop being a menace just yet. So what does he do? Kill too birds with one stone.
Whenever Danny catches wind of a new plot going down, he does something to draw the bats's attention to it. Two Face planning a robbery? Suddenly Danny is showing up to the bank everyday to work on the vault (he offered to reinforce it for free). The bats get so suspicious they focus hard on the bank and discover Two Face's plot before he can do anything.
The bats pat themselves on the back while Danny giggles in the background. Wonder how long it will take for them to figure out what's going on.
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iphoenixrising · 4 months
I ask this with absolutely no pressure on you, but I was wondering if you think you’d ever be un hiding your works? I absolutely get not wanting people who only comment shitty things on your fics and taking care of yourself, was just wondering and wondering how you’ve been?
Hi babe.
I'm answering this ask on the tail of some very kind and supportive and encouraging DMs about what's going on and what things are happening. It was ... pretty extreme for me to take my works offline, but honestly, it was because of what was happening at the time.
Last September, I had an abnormal test result come back and that lead me, unfortunately, down the road of oncologists and a few minor surgeries as preventative measures to cervical scary-C-word.
It was a lot. A lot. My kiddo is 10 and I was trying to work, be a mom, and a caretaker to my fam at the same time I was going through a biopsy and LEEP procedure was fucking awful, babe. I don't have a village, and most things I have to do on my own. I've kept sane by some peeps on here that I've talked with daily, by my kiddo ready to get out of Elementary School, and my very cool work peeps that keep me moving. The LEEP procedure was done in April, so I'm hoping for the absolute best.
And, after all the DMs of kind people, I'm going to release some of these works tonight, so the fam that loved them can have them back again. I'm sorry I was weak there for a while, and I hope you all can forgive me now.
So much love to you, babe, and the others that still read these works and enjoy <3
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wof-inbox · 5 months
To the Jade winglet, Quick kinkajou is sad what do you? this may or may not be winter's fault.
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“Three moons.. I’m sorry.” -Prince Winter
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xcaptain-winterx · 2 years
I accidentally soaked my panties imagining Lloyd doing this to me 🥺
He would do this, wouldn’t he?
Oh he would😏and he would enjoy every second of it.
I’m thinking of him just finished torturing someone and shooting him in the end. He sees you across the room, rubbing your thighs together, trying not to show how turned on you are. He tells everyone to get the fuck out before walking over to you, picking you up and then slamming you on the bloody table.
“Such a freaky little bitch, aren’t you, sunshine? Getting all wet, seeing me shoot this bastard. Guess you are really my girl, huh”
He says as he rips off your tight skirt and spreads your legs further. Lloyd leans over, so he’s face to face with you.
“Now you better not come before I tell you, otherwise I pull that fucking trigger”
Lloyd leaves some bite marks on your neck and breast, before getting back up. Seeing how the blood on his face and hair is now also on you. He looks at his masterpiece for another second before grabbing his gun
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dee-de-winter · 24 days
1,4,8, 29, and 30 for the ask meme please 🥰
1 the last sentence you wrote
It's not an enviable situation; after all, how do you tell a guy you've had a front row seat to the view through his bedroom window for months now? 
4 a story idea you haven’t written yet
that's a longer list than the ones i've written, but i'm gonna go with the one where everyone's a bit of a dick. marco does magic and gets himself in a pickle all the time. this time he's getting hunted by three werewolves for reasons unknown (but he knows he probably deserves it anyway) and thatch is the one who kinda sold him out but also kinda warned him, cause it was funny
8 if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
red velvet. originally was gonna do it then realized i don't wanna, but if i had to, i'd have material
29 how easy is it for you to come up with titles?
so easy, i have like 4 files and notes and sticky notes with just titles. i write everything title worthy down
30 share a fic you’re especially proud of
absolutely this one but tbh i am proud of all my work
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winterfromwof · 2 months
Yes tis I, Prince Winter.
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wardofwinters · 1 year
Get checkmarked. bitch.
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How dare u
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winterr-w0nderland · 2 years
Do YOU ship vaggie with men?
In a fun ‘what if’ way not seriously. I like crackships for how weird and strange they are, plus the potential really fun dynamics. I adore the fact that she and Charlie are canonically a couple, I never want my crackships to be canon lmao.
I just like having fun. 
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sideblogofawriter · 7 months
Hey I wanted to ask you something ^^ I saw your plot bunnies about divergent Obey Me after lesson 16 and I was wondering, do you mind if people write fics based off of those ideas?
Short and cynical answer: physically, I cannot stop them, so it doesn't matter if I mind.
Longer and more optimistic answer: I would love to read something inspired by me/my ideas. However, I do have a history with people confidently stealing my writing word for word, changing a single sentence slightly, and claiming their work is just somewhat similar because it was inspired by mine... so I'm now slightly more jaded about this sort of thing, even though it's not exactly the same scenario.
But for the normal sane people who are respectful and maybe link me/give me credit for the idea(s), go for it. I would be super interested to see something made of them since I doubt whether I'll have time for it myself. If you do, please share it with me.
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cappycodeart · 1 year
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"The dead one! Yeah I haven't thought about her in a long time!"
A little theory I've had about Winter King's original motives based on his heartless comment about Betty and Ice King's original motives for kidnapping princesses in the first place...... clearly she gave off Bad Ex Vibes…
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hypewinter · 7 months
Danny fakes his death and runs away, but with a twist. He runs away from the Fentons and somehow gets adopted by the League of Assassins somehow
Ra's: No Detective, we are not giving up our emotion support badger. And why are you even here?
This reminds me of that trope when a character looks very serious but then it turns out they're in a very unserious scenario. Like you have someone preparing for battle but then it turns out they're just preparing to call the doctor.
I can just see the Bats busting into Nanda Parbat, planning to rescue this poor boy who doesn't realize what he's getting himself into.... only to find Danny teaching a group of assassins how to make a panini.
Now this can all just be a front. Danny is running away from all of the emotions that have to do with everything back home and he's using the League as an excuse not to think about it. He has to purify the pits and host a bird watching hike and convince Ras to allow an art class. So no time to dwell in heavy feelings like your parents treating you like a monster. Nope. No siree.
Either that or Danny genuinely couldn't be happier. He no longer has to hide around his own house or fear being "ripped apart molecule by molecule". He doesn't even have to worry about eventually being hunted down because both his parents and the GIW think he's dead. Danny is finally living his best life free of stress and he's taking full advantage of it.
.....He also may or may not have accidentally cultivated an entire army of assassins more loyal to him than their leader himself.
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iphoenixrising · 9 months
Hello, sorry to bother you, but I recently found your ao3 fics and absolutely adore them. About 20 something chapters into Fracture, suddenly ao3 blocked access to this fic and some of the others. That's why I wanted to ask if it's permanent or not? Sorry if it's stupid, but I'm not well wersed about ao3 mysterious ways
Hello babe.
I don't really know where to start. It's been... a lot the last few months. Just like, life, really. A lot of things have been weighing on me and I guess it all came to a head. So, I've gotten some ah, awful comments along with other things happening with the fam and work and kiddo. Just awful, and I ah, I couldn't take it. I've left these works for a while saying I'll eventually get to them, and I still talk daily to some people that have followed me for, well, since I started writing here and on ao3, so I know there's a wave of readers commenting awful things to creators.
I know it's wrong to punish long-time followers and people that support me by hiding these works until I'm in a better place to handle these things. I know I can just ignore the emails with those comments or just delete them from the ao3 dashboard, but it's just really hard to be okay right now? Everything is really hard right now, so I'm going to just put these works away for a bit until some thing sin real life just stop. I just need some time. I'm sorry everyone.
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wof-inbox · 5 months
to the Jade Winglet minus Qibli, what was your reaction when he actually got arrested
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“Ok well I didn’t want to use it!” -Turtle
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xcaptain-winterx · 2 years
So I’m guessing that Lloyd broke sunshine’s heart in Harvard? They’re college sweethearts then? 😌
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….but he did break her heart in Havard
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dee-de-winter · 25 days
for the fic writer ask: 1, 9, 11, 12, and 15!
went all out with 5 numbers, damn grl
1 the last sentence you wrote
It's not an enviable situation; after all, how do you tell a guy you've had a front row seat to the view through his bedroom window for months now? 
9 start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted?
it was on my alt account, took a day because it was a rb fic i wrote on the day of posting as per usual
11 a WIP you’d like to finish someday
ok so many years ago (i'm talkin 2013-2014) i wrote a whole outline for an ancient rome au focused on marcoace with a tiny bit of thatchizou in which ace was the son of a disgraced senator, only alive because throwing him into the arena with a promise of freedom was more fun than just executing him with his family, and marco was a barbarian captured in a raid and thrown into the same arena cause what else would they do with him. they're both expendable because one's a barbarian, and the other one's a traitor's son, but they both have many reasons to win, and eventually they have to face each other
12 a trope you’re really into right now
summer romance. happens every summer that i wanna write a fic with a grand love that has a deadline, which only makes it better
15 favorite weather for writing
anything where it's not too hot cause if i'm melting and sweating over my keyboard, i ain't writing
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winterfromwof · 2 months
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