thefuriousquake · 19 days
Does anyone have any good Bucky Barnes x enhanced reader oneshots or fics? Needless to say I'm a huge Daisy Johnson fan lol I lowkey miss the winterquake era that lasted for 2 seconds years ago 😅
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simplybombshell · 2 years
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Let’s just breathe Stay with me
@lisbugrph​  Myler Ver. 2
All gifs made from scratch by me. please like/reblog if you like/use/found useful.
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What If… Zombies?!
Summary: the world is infected and in need of saving; and in order for that to be done, sacrifices must be made
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Daisy Johnson
Warnings: spoilers for 1x05 of What If, zombies, death, angst
Word Count: 809
Masterlist Link
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Bucky aimed his firearm at Wanda, her corpse vessel growling with displeasure. It was his duty to act as a distraction so that the others had an opportunity to escape and endorse in creating the cure. He turned, with glassy eyes, and looked at the woman that he had been fighting for; one of the last avengers to not be poisoned with the impending sickness that revelled throughout their veins and contorted them into hunger pledged monsters. Daisy Johnson AKA Quake. They had been through mountainous struggles together, survived and rejoiced in each other’s company from the forties to the present day, and he’d have chosen no other to have spent such time with.
Behind her doe brown eyes laid torment of the finest; she was aware that by his bravery and stupidity - his sacrifice, that she was about to lose him. Peter tried to pull the lady back, but she roused forwards as Wanda drew her magic around her lover; Vision had done a selfish thing by keeping her alive, but she knew that if she were in his position, then perhaps she’d have done the same thing. “No!” Daisy weirded out with her words, panic struggling down her throat as she viewed Bucky’s weapon hitting the ground, and before she could make the interface of the planet rattle, he was thrown into the sea of demise.
Tears bombarded her eyes, but they squinted say they stared at the witch, and she pushed her colleagues back. “Go, I’ll give you more time.” For Bucky had not given them enough, and the century that they had spent losing and finding each other was too short lived. This was the only way that she could rejoice after such a situation, that is if she managed to survive. Peter tried to argue with her, poor kid, but instead she chastised him away, and drew her hands onto the ground below, causing a turmoil source to shake Wanda’s bones. It was her last battle, she was to avenge the ones that she had lost; to avenge the one that she loved.
If Coulson could see her now, he’d be proud, and worried. A sigh of relief evacuated her lungs as she watched the aircraft carrying the survivors stubbornly take off, and with one last huff, she threw Wanda out from the sky. Vision would not approve of the actions that she was making, but he too had sacrificed himself, and now it was the two past friends fighting. She was prepared to give another burst of the world’s shaking upon the woman, but she reeled through the destroyer’s mind, made her see the face that was surely torn to pieces by the flesh eating wasps that urgently wanted to spread their disease.
And speaking of wasps, she could feel Hope stand, and catch the ship that her friends had taken off in. So whilst glaring at Wanda and imaging Bucky behind her forced eyes, she released a growl, pivoting her hands out to knock the giant into the sky and provide an escape for those that were left without sickness. It worked and Hope Vandyne tumbled, hitting many of her fellow walking dead as she fell, and that left her faced with Wanda. She stood no chance as she was grappled by red reels, but one last thing that came to mind was that she’d see Bucky again.
The only thing that she didn’t want was to become a flesh consuming monster, but there was nothing that she could do, not as red eyes bore upon her as though she were her favourite meal. But she did nothing but wait, causing anxiety to stir in Quake’s lungs, as she dreaded nothing but the worst. With a gulp and a deep breath, the agent composed herself, standing up straight as she prepared for what was come, but what she hadn’t expected, especially this early was for a monster to creep out from the rest, blood drenching his brunette locks and beard, a paisley coloured tone ringing in his skin, and yellow orbs replacing his regular sea eyes.
“James.” Her lover was now one of them, and she had lost all intention to fight. The world was already gone, there was nothing to save and nobody to save her; all of her heroes were now villains of their own appetites, as she could see before her. His head cocked to the side as saliva and guts sprung from his mouth, this wasn’t how she wanted her last memory to be of him, and she knew what she must do as he staggered towards him, barely recognising her. She leant down and braced her hand against the earth, destroying the planet and population before Thanos could; Peter’s quest to save everyone was too late, no one was going to survive this mass of ongoing death.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
My Top 4 Marvel Ships
Daisy Johnson x Bucky Barnes
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Lorna Dane x Alex Summers
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Felicia Hardy x Harry Osborn
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Wanda Maximoff x the Vision
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-these are in no specific order, these connections are just so beautiful and underrated and only two are an official marvel couple which makes me sad
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winterquakeforever · 3 years
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Sam Wilson and Daisy Johnson and Bucky Barnes manip. Enjoy.
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marvelousbirthdays · 5 years
Happy Birthday,  goldenstilesstilinski!
May 11 -  a story with WinterQuake for @goldenstilesstilinski
Written by @ozhawkauthor
Daisy choked on the sip of beer she’d just taken. Brunnhilde patted her on the back, but since the Valkyrie was Asgardian and generally unaware of her own strength, Daisy ended up on the floor. Bucky reached down a hand to help her up, chuckling.
“You okay there?”
“Uh-huh, yeah, fine. Don’t help me again, please,” she pointed at the Valkyrie, who shrugged.
“Your funeral. It’s not like you to choke on your beer, though.”
“It was shock! I was shocked.”
“About what?”
“What you and Bucky were talking about!”
“Sex? Didn’t take you for a prude.” The Valkyrie, lounging back with her boots up on a coffee table which probably cost more than Daisy made in a month, gave her a doubtful look.
“I’m not! I just - is it really true?” Daisy turned to look at Bucky.
“Is what true?”
She blushed, but she was too curious not to ask. “You really haven’t had sex since the forties?”
“Hydra weren’t big on giving their Asset any personal time.”
But you’ve been out from under Hydra’s thumb for five years. Daisy didn’t say the words out loud, just considered Bucky thoughtfully..
Brunnhilde wasn’t one to shy away from asking questions of an awkward personal nature, though. “So do you prefer men or women?” she asked cheerfully, taking another swig of her drink.
Bucky blushed. “Women.” He muttered it almost inaudibly, but… his blue eyes flicked over to Daisy and stayed, holding hers. “Definitely women.”
“I could take care of the problem for you. I’d be gentle.” Brunnhilde grinned lasciviously. “It’s been nearly that long since I slept with a man, actually.”
Both of them knew the Valkyrie was having plenty of sex, though. The current gossip in the Avengers compound revolved around her and Carol getting caught banging in the operations center.
“I think Carol might object,” Bucky said, “and if it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not have her mad at me.”
“Oh, she wouldn’t be mad. Probably. I’ll ask her!”
“No, no, really, it’s fine, don’t!” Bucky reached out to arrest Brunnhilde as she swung her boots off the table and made to rise. “No insult, but I don’t want to sleep with you.”
Brunnhilde grinned, dark eyes dancing with mischief. “So who do you want to sleep with?”
He’d given himself away hopelessly, Bucky realized, but he couldn’t stop himself looking at Daisy again. He’d tried to flirt with her, but it seemed sometime in the last few decades he’d completely lost the knack. He just couldn’t read whether she was interested in him at all. Sure, she laughed at his jokes, she was friendly, but she was like that with everyone. Everyone liked Daisy.
It was just that Bucky was hopelessly head-over-heels in love with her, and had been from the moment she came out of nowhere to save his ass one day, standing over his body and holding off wave after wave of Doombots all by her badass self. By the time the other Avengers arrived in response to his emergency signal, there was nothing left to do but mop up the stragglers.
Daisy was looking at him now with something he thought - hoped - might almost be a spark of interest in her eyes. “Leave him alone, Brunn,” she said absently. “Go find Carol and bang in the hall of armor or something.”
“Ooh, we haven’t tried there! Nice idea!” The Valkyrie bounced up with a broad grin, but paused before leaving to put a hand on Bucky’s shoulder. Bending close to his ear, she said in a whisper which was probably loud enough to be heard in the hall of armor, a good hundred feet from their current location “Just ask her, soldier. She likes you too.”
Bucky was pretty sure his head was about to explode from the heat raging in his face, but when he glanced shyly at Daisy, he was surprised to see a flush crawling across her cheeks as well. She didn’t meet his eyes, looking down and studying her hands, but she did find her voice before he did.
Bucky blinked. “Excuse me?”
“She said I like you, too. Brunn’s damn observant, as we all know.”
“Oh.” Bucky got the question. “Yes. Yes, she’s definitely right about that. I do… like you.”
“Like me, or like me, like me? Christ, why do I sound like I’m twelve?” Daisy flung a hand up to cover her eyes and groaned, and Bucky suddenly felt as though he was on familiar ground. Maybe things hadn’t changed quite as much as he thought, since the forties.
Getting up, he moved around the table the Valkyrie had rested her feet on and took a seat beside Daisy. Shyly, he put his hand - his flesh and blood hand - on top of the one she wasn’t covering her eyes with, which still rested on the couch beside her.
“If I had to choose anyone to break my very long drought,” he said, “for any number of reasons… it would only be you.”
The hand covering Daisy’s eyes dropped, and she turned her head to look at him. “Really?” she asked.
“Really.” He squeezed on her hand, very lightly, and she turned her hand under his and squeezed back.
“That’s a hell of a compliment.” She swallowed, licked her lips before continuing. “It’s been… a while for me too, though. Lincoln… I’m not…”
He’d heard all about her lover who died. Her friends Fitz and Jemma were both ridiculously easy to pump for information. “You still miss him.”
“I do.” She didn’t look away, though. “But he’s gone, really gone.”
Bucky nodded. “I’m sorry.” It was inadequate, but it was all he could say.
“It’s been years. He’d have been the first to tell me to let go of the past, move on. Find a future I could be happy in.” She glanced down at their hands, worked her fingers to thread between Bucky’s and interlink them, before looking up at his face again. “He’d have really liked you.”
“Well, we share excellent taste in women,” Bucky tried a little joke, to ease the heavy tension of the moment, and it worked. Daisy smiled.
“You sure both know how to charm this one. I guess what I’m saying is… can we take it slow? I’m not ready for fast.”
“I’ve been celibate almost eighty years. A few more won’t make much difference.” Bucky shrugged, trying to look unaffected, but in reality he wanted to jump for joy.
Daisy laughed softly and leaned closer to whisper in his ear, a proper whisper, not like the Valkyrie’s yelling. “I promise I won’t make you wait that long.”
Her lips were so close. So close, and so tempting, her breath sweet-smelling… Bucky’s eyelids drifted close, and he leaned in a little more.
His first kiss in almost eighty years was everything he could have dreamed of, and then some.
At least, until it was interrupted by Rocket yelling “About fucking time, Barnes!” across the room.
Bucky flipped the raccoon the bird with his metal finger without ever opening his eyes or breaking the kiss. Daisy was giggling against his lips, though, and he pulled back with a sigh.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” She squeezed his hand. “Let’s get out of here. Unlike Brunn, I’m not really into exhibitionism. And while kissing’s probably all I’m ready for right now… I’m ready for a lot more of it.”
“Me too,” Bucky agreed fervently. “Oh, me too!”
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dying is easy, living is harder | winterquake | 55K | E
Ten years after a devastating war, the wizarding community has rebuilt, but one witch and one wizard remain trapped in the wreckage.
On one edge of London, Curse-breaker Daisy Johnson drifts wherever the job takes her; resigned to life as a recluse, she’s long since cut ties with her family, her friends, and her future.
On the other side of the city, James Barnes has renounced his name and shunned his past, including his magic, grinding through a mundane existence deep in Muggle London.
When James encounters Daisy in a pub, they begin a sexual relationship founded on shared demons, but the no-strings arrangement eventually gives way to something deeper. Together, Daisy and James’ feelings for each other won’t be a cure-all—but they may be enough to help two broken people begin to piece themselves together again.
Read it here.
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welovedaisyjohnson · 5 years
Quake in Hiding
by fandom_queenn
After Daisy loses Lincoln she crumbles. She's done with losing people in her life. She's done with pain. She's just done.
As soon as they touch base Daisy collects all of her things and disappears in the middle of the night. Ready to go rogue Daisy begins not to feel well, she thinks it's just her body shutting down while grieving Lincoln. What she doesn't expect is that she was pregnant. Daisy wants to go on this path of revenge and not feel pain but she doesn't want to do anything wrong. This is the legacy that she and Lincoln created, if he was alive he would've been ecstatic. Even if he's not here, she will do right by him- she will love this baby for the both of them. Daisy does a whole 360 on her life, she decided not to feel sorry for herself and to keep her family safe- whatever it takes.
***This story takes place after season 3 episode 22. I will use bits and pieces of the storyline from season 4 but not too much and I'll have daisy meet some of the Avengers in this. ***
Words: 209, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), MCU
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Skye | Daisy Johnson, Melinda May, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Phil Coulson, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, Yo Yo Rodriguez, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James Rhodes, Peter Parker, Lincoln Campbell, Antoine Triplett, Avengers Team (MCU), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Agents of SHIELD Team
Relationships: Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, Lincoln Campbell/Skye | Daisy Johnson, Clint Barton & Skye | Daisy Johnson, Leo Fitz & Jemma Simmons & Skye | Daisy Johnson, Phil Coulson/Skye | Daisy Johnson, Steve Rogers/Skye | Daisy Johnson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Skye | Daisy Johnson, Skye | Daisy Johnson & Avengers Team, Skye | Daisy Johnson/Avengers Team
Read this at https://ift.tt/31qIHw8 Ao3 works tagged 'Daisy x Bucky Barnes'
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luna-orlha · 7 years
14. “Who did you murder this time?” with Daisy/Bucky, Daisy being the line said to?
Well... ok, haven’t written MCU for awhile... *cracks knuckles* I’M ON IT.
“Who did you murder this time? “ Bucky asked as he entered the living room.
“Who said I murdered someone?” Daisy replied, with an arched eyebrow.
Crossing the room, he sinks the couch beside her and slings his arm over her shoulders. “Well... Stark is working in the lab like he’s high and muttering about how she killed him.”
She flops her legs over his thighs, her lips stretching into a wide smile. “And you immediately thought of me and not Natasha or even Pepper?”
“He wouldn’t have made a fuss over Natasha but damn, I didn’t even think of Pepper.” He heaved a large sigh of relief. “Oh good. That means I don’t need to go bury a body.”
Daisy threw her head back and laughed. “Was that the first thing you thought of when you thought I murdered someone?”
He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. “Well, I’m sure if you did kill someone, it’d have been a good reason. Plus hiding bodies is kind of my thing? I was a little annoyed that you hadn’t asked me along.”
“Oh Bucky...” She kissed him on his lips before pulling away to chuckle. “Only you.”
Send me a prompt with Person A + Person B and a number: List here
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ospreyarcher · 7 years
Bucky runs into another super-powered fugitive from justice with a yen for black leather jackets: Skye a.k.a. Daisy Johnson a.k.a. Quake.
He figures he's got to have something in common with someone who's got that many names.
And I’m all caught up on fics for ACLU donations! So if you want a fic from me, now is obviously the time to donate to the ACLU & send me the receipt & discuss fic possibilities. Steve and Bucky’s madcap adventures? Various Agents of SHIELD pairings suffer beautifully? (I just got caught up on the show and YOU GUYS. YOU GUYS. I guess this is not the place for spoilers but YOU GUYS.) Some other fandom entirely? LET ME KNOW. 
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Chapter two is now up! This is a continuation of Third Time is a Charm. Feel free to submit any AU or scenarios that you would like to see for this couple!
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dresupi · 7 years
Bucky/Daisy - ‘Hotel California’
for @agentdaisymaximoff
Hotel California - The Eagles
“This place looks as good as any…” Bucky said, motioning towards an old looking hotel off the next exit.  
“It absolutely does not.  It looks like the place where you breath your last at the hands of an axe murderer,” Daisy argued.  
“They can’t all have axe murderers in them, Daisy.  It’s just not statistically possible!”
“That last one had a skin wearing mother-murderer vibe.  Not an axe murderer vibe.  There’s a difference, Buck!”  
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simplybombshell · 3 years
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"Love is when you meet someone who tells you something new about yourself."
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ozhawkauthor · 8 years
Happy Birthday, hella-hollis!
January 27 - “You’re so cute when you’re tired, you know.” Bucky/Daisy for @hella-hollis
“Ugh,” Bucky threw himself onto the couch, landing face-down in the cushions. From her chair just across from him, Daisy lowered her tablet and raised her eyebrows.
“That bad, huh?”
“Bloody Steve,” came the muffled reply, “and fucking Sam encouraging him.”
Daisy’s lips twitched. It was a familiar refrain from her boyfriend. He seemed to think it was his responsibility to keep everyone from diving into trouble - her included. He might have a little bit of a point about their hare-brained schemes and tendency to dash off half-cocked, she privately conceded. Not that she’d ever tell him that.
She didn’t ask what Steve and Sam had done now. It would probably be all over social media if she cared to look, anyway. Instead she set her tablet down and got up, crossing to perch on the edge of the couch beside Bucky and placing her hands on his lower neck.
“You’re tense,” she said, “let me help.”
He mumbled an assent, and very gently, she sent a small vibration through the tight muscles, trying to trigger them to relax. His left side in particular tended to knot up to the point where he could barely move sometimes, where the real muscles melded with the synthetic ones connecting to his cybernetic arm.
Bucky groaned into the cushion as the first vibrations crackled along his nerves. This was so much better than regular massage, the gift that only his beloved Daisy could give him. He groaned again as he felt the tight muscles spasm before suddenly relaxing.
“Oh god, that’s so good,” he mumbled, not caring that he was lying with his mouth open and probably drooling into the couch.
Daisy chuckled softly, leaning down to kiss the side of his brow. “You’re so cute when you’re tired, you know.”
“I’m not tired,” he said honestly, “just done with cleaning up other people’s messes, and dragging Steve out of the fights he picks by the scruff of his foolhardy neck.”
She was glad he couldn’t see her grin. Bucky really was fit to be tied this time. She’d have to go look on Twitter. Maybe YouTube, if she was lucky there would be cellphone footage. She sent a stronger vibration through Bucky’s neck as she felt him starting to tense up again.
“Relax. Don’t think about it.”
He startled her by pulling away and flipping over quickly, reaching to pull her into his arms. “It’s gonna take a lot more than just your magic hands to make me forget about today’s shitshow, doll.”
“Yeah?” The look in his blue eyes told her exactly how she could help him forget. Smiling, Daisy leaned down to press her lips to his. “Let’s see what I can do about that,” she whispered, reaching down to unzip his jacket.
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winterquakeforever · 6 years
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WinterQuake edits.
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marvelousbirthdays · 6 years
Happy Birthday, piercethelowtime!
July 17 - first-meet soulmate au for Daisy Johnson/Bucky Barnes? With Daisy being all badass for @piercethelowtime​
Written by @iamartemisday
Skye hadn’t wanted to go to the park that day. She only agreed because it was Bailey’s thirteenth birthday and Bailey was her best friend at the group home. Her party was a picnic on a windy hilltop. They would’ve had it in the gardens, which were Bailey’s favorite, but some senator guy was doing a rally that day. Skye saw him enter the park with his entourage. He had gel back brown hair and he smiled like his mouth was permanently stuck that way.  Skye was only twelve (or twelve and ten months thank you very much) but she knew already that she didn’t like politicians. They were too phony and she’d dealt with enough phony people in her life.
She helped to hold the blankets down with rocks and set the table. Her foster dad arrived five minutes late with a stack of pizza boxes. Skye grabbed a slice of sausage before someone else could take it all and sat with Bailey under a tree. They chatted about school and boys and what it was like to finally be a teenager.
“I’ll be honest, I thought I’d feel different,” Bailey said, “but I kind of don’t.”
“Maybe it takes a few days to settle in,” said Skye.
“Yeah, maybe.”
While their foster parents wrangled the younger kids (looked like Bobby had spit in Danny’s food again) they watched a bird make a nest and the political guy give his speech. They were so far up, they couldn’t hear what he was saying, but half the crowd loved it. The other half booed and he smiled even harder at them.
“After we eat, wanna go practice soccer?” Skye asked.
“Sure. I’ll get the ball.”
They let their foster parents know where they’d be and climbed down the hill to the empty soccer field just outside a huge forest. Skye liked the trees, but she was never allowed to go that far. Even though she was twelve years old (and ten months) she still got treated like a baby. She couldn’t wait to turn thirteen.
Skye stood between the goalposts while Bailey kicked the ball over her head and under her arms. She was way too good at this game, but Skye always preferred kickball anyway. Ever since she was old enough to understand what the words on her stomach meant. She pulled her shirt over her pants as Bailey reared her foot back. She attempted a spinning kick, but her aim was way off and the ball flew through the trees.
“I got it,” Bailey shouted, sprinting after it.
“We’re not supposed to go in there!” Skye yelled back, but it was too late. Bailey was gone.
A few seconds later, someone snapped their fingers.
That was what it sounded like. A really loud snap followed by a chorus of screams. The political guy wasn’t behind the podium anymore. He was on his back, his face covered in red. He wasn’t smiling anymore. His bodyguards surrounded him. They called for a full evacuation of the area. Bailey was still in the forest. Skye ran to the tree line and called her name, loud as her lungs would allow. No one answered.
She entered the brush, rules be damned. Her foster parents would understand why she did it. No way would Skye ever leave her friend behind. She wandered through the trees, twigs snapping and leaves crushing under her sneakers.
“Bailey,” she cried. “Where are you? We have to go!”
Through a pair of tall bushes, Skye caught sight of yellow hair and a bright green t-shirt. Her heart leapt. She tore into the clearing and nearly fell flat on her face. Their ball was under her foot. Bailey wasn’t even looking in her direction. Instead, she stared straight ahead at a man. A man dressed in all black, so dark Skye almost missed him. He wore a mask that covered his face below the forehead. His hair was long and unbrushed. There was something weird about his left arm, but it was far less important than the gun in his hand.
He walked straight, right at Bailey. Skye wanted to scream at her to run, but her voice was gone. Bailey either wouldn’t move or couldn’t. Probably the latter since she clearly saw the gun and knew she was one step away from an untimely death.
The world was on pause. All noises gone. Skye had never thought of herself as heroic or religious, but she reared back her foot and kicked the ball with all her strength. As it sailed through the air, she prayed. ‘Please let this work.’
The ball hit the masked me square in the temple. It bounced off his skull into the darkness, never to be seen again. He didn’t fall down, not that Skye expected him to. It did knock his goggles off. They fell at his feet and he looked at her with dull blue eyes.
“Pick on someone your own size!” Skye shouted. It sounded tough, but she was at least a foot shorter than him and therefore nowhere near his size. In fact, her moment of bravery might’ve just gotten them both killed.
The man charged, not running but walking with purpose. He raised the gun, pointing the barrel at Skye’s head. She prayed again, even harder this time. She’d never known what happened to her real family, if they really didn’t want her or if they were all long dead, but if she had anyone up there waiting for her, she just hoped they were nice.
She closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable. It didn’t come. The man grunted like he was in pain. When she looked he was hunched over, his free hand clamped down on his wrist. He pulled it slowly back, almost like one half of him was trying to stop the other half from killing her.
“Nnngh-” he groaned. “Nn… no… I won’t…”
He reached into his belt, pulling out a small circular object. It looked like a cherry bomb, but when he dropped it, a thick cloud of smoke surrounded her. Skye coughed and fell on her knees. Heavy footfalls moved quickly away from her and disappeared. By the time the smoke cleared, Bailey was on the ground, shaking and crying, but unharmed. The man was gone, not a trace of him left.
Skye told the police when they arrived, but despite saying they’d get back to her, they never did. The politician’s assassination was never solved and eventually, Skye moved on with her life. But long after Bailey was adopted and moved across the country, after Skye turned eighteen and struck out on her own, and after starting her own tumultuous adventure into the world of espionage and superheroes, she never forgot that day in the park, or that man with eyes like the dead.
Not until Thanos was defeated and Daisy Johnson walked in on Steve Rogers and the newly resurrected Bucky Barnes. She stumbled as her brain registered their presence, nearly walking into a desk. “Sorry! Sorry. Thought this room was empty.”
“It’s okay,” Steve said pleasantly. He nodded at Barnes. “Buck, this is Daisy Johnson. She and her team were a big help in… you okay?”
Barnes was either not okay or extremely okay. Daisy had no idea which it was, only that she’d never seen eyes quite that wide or quite that blue either. They were mesmerizing, and oddly familiar. Daisy found herself staring at him as he rose to his feet and walked to her. A twinge of fear leftover from childhood hit her, but faded quickly when he smiled at her.
“Nice to meet you,” he said, taking her hand, “just promise you won’t hit me with a kickball again.”
Daisy’s jaw dropped. Steve seemed to realize what was happening and quickly bowed out. A million and one questions ran through Daisy’s head so fast, her brain needed to reboot itself several times before she finally got something out.
“It was a soccer ball…”
He chuckled, but his mirth died fast, replaced with apprehension. “I know I didn’t leave a good impression on you the first time, but Wakanda is beautiful this time of year. Want to maybe go for a walk?”
This had to be the craziest way anyone had ever met their soulmate. The kind of thing that turned her off to romance films because it was so unrealistic. Just a normal day for Daisy.
“I’d love to,” she said, and she really meant it.
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