#Witcher Gaetan
ormakona · 11 months
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Gaetan was a witcher from the School of the Cat who, around 1272, ended up in Velen.
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karjalantroll · 6 months
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just dont ask why...okay?
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wyrm-mlm · 1 year
Yooooo I just had an idea for a modern Witcher AU that has latched my brain and won’t let go so I gotta just get it out:
Kaer Mohren Animal Hospital
Geralt, Lambert and Eskel all grew up, adopted by Vesemir and somehow all became Veterinarians. Then they decided to open an animal hospital together
Eskel is usually who you see if you bring in a cat or dog, handling the general practice. He’s kind with animals and people alike, sitting with clients as long as it takes to make sure they understand everything.
Lambert takes care of exotics, the weirder the better to him. If Eskel’s schedule is tight he’ll examine a dog or two but he refuses to work with cats. They hate him, he’s sure.
Geralt is usually on the road, tending to livestock. Horses are his favorite of course, and he has some of his own. When he’s at the clinic he will see dogs and cats too.
Yennifer is the lead Tech. She’s hard on her techs but they all know she does it for the good of the animals. She’s not great with clients.
Triss is basically her right hand and takes over if it’s Yen’s day off. She’s great with people and is usually the one to take scheduled euthanasias. It takes a lot out of her but she pretends it doesn’t effect her.
Letho is the muscle, and usually tags along with Geralt to help restraint with larger animals. He tends to intimidate people in the clinic so he’s happy to stay on the road most the time.
Coen is also the muscle but tends to stay at the clinic as he’s better with people. He can get a mastiff on the surgery table with little help. Though it’s catching up to him and he has chronic back pain. He has a hard time asking for help. Yen tends to scold him for that.
Iorveth runs a wildlife rehabilitation center and often brings in things to Lambert. They have to make sure his appointments are on different days from Roche(who helps Foltest with his show and hunting dogs. Basically a glorified assistant.) or the two will argue for hours in the waiting room if they run into each other.
Jaskier fosters animals constantly (he has a big heart and a deep wallet, what can he say?) so he’s commonly bringing in dogs and cats and the occasional exotic to make sure that they are healthy and can be rehomed. He flirts with everyone. All the time. Also a lot of business comes from people who he refers to the clinic.
Aiden is another tech. He has a way with cats that no one else does. Even clients are surprised. A lot of cat owners ask for him by name because of it.
Gaetan is a kennel tech that wants to become a vet some day. He dreams of opening an all cat hospital and roped Aiden into the idea. Lambert thinks they’re crazy.
Vesemir used to be a large animal vet but now works the books for his boys.
Ciri is Geralt’s god child and dreams of becoming a zoo vet some day and spends most of her time not at school at the clinic with Geralt.
That’s all I got for now, may add to it. If anyone has suggestions or head canons let me know. Also PLEASE if this inspires fanart or fanfics tag me.
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oriworii · 6 months
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nya (with killing intent)
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dravenxivuk · 1 year
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What if we let Gaetan have some clean armour, as a treat?
In @atroppa-nightshade 's Null moon
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Gingerbread Witchers, that i just made and have been bullied into posting.
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Three Wolves and a very irritated Viper
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With two bonus Cats
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Gaetan with dumplings, referencing the EXCELLENT fic Metaphorical Dumplings (one of my favorites)
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Aiden with an absolute travesty of a medallion and, for lack of any better ideas, a fish.
The cookies are a very nice lebkuchen that i baked yesterday.
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piranhaincaps · 11 months
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for a dear friend, who found this tshirt’s existence ♥ i might be in love with the marker brush now
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ginstermoff · 8 months
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We've been robbed!
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on-a-lucky-tide · 2 years
(CW: murder, Gaetan)
Jamming around my bedroom doing laundry and overcome by the idea of Modern Assassin Gaetan plugging in his airpods before a gig and committing mass murder to I Don't Feel Like Dancin' by the Scissor Sisters.
Jiving about, slitting throats à la early noughties action movie villain and echoing Jake Shear's "yoo-hoo-hoo". Shimmying around flying fists, hips doing all the work. He pauses to do the clap during the chorus and the only time he uses a firearm is during the "pewpew" lasers.
Letho happens to have got the same contract but doesn't intervene. He can't. He's standing in the window, epitome of head empty, dick hard. Gaetan's two-step makes more than his chest pound. Letho's going to marry himself a bloodthirsty little cat witcher.
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schoolofthepussy · 2 years
Gaetan: I'm not a lover but I am a fucker
Aiden: A motherfucker
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jayofolympus-writes · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Gaetan (The Witcher) Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Post-Blood and Wine (The Witcher 3 DLC), Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, I Shook A Witcher And Intergenerational Trauma Fell Out (The Witcher), Gaetan whump, Hurt Gaetan, Retirement at Corvo Bianco (The Witcher), reluctant found family, Gaetan is a feral cat Series: Part 25 of The Witcher Flashfic Challenge Summary:
When Gaetan hears of the manor with the light in the window, he brushes it off as a fantasy, but a string of bad luck means he needs nothing less than a miracle.
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skaldingrayne · 2 years
If you want to speculate on a title, "You will not grow weary"
Lambert/Gaetan rivals to lovers, has to be
It's a year after the events of TW3. Eskel and Geralt are retired, but Lambert's a few decades younger than them and...not sure he's ready just yet to hang up his swords. As much as he hates the Path, he's not sure what he is without it. Not yet.
He's out on a griffin contract when he sees the Cat armor.
No, just no - he's not having it. He stands up from his blind to chew the interloper out, chase him off from Lambert's contract. He's not fucking doing this shit again.
Meanwhile to Gaetan this guy just rose up out of the ground. Leaves in his hair, branches and all the other stuff Lambert had covered himself in to hide all falling to reveal a very anger witcher who just started yelling bloody murder at him.
Gaetan's feeling pissy, so he yells right back - nearly sliding down the little embankment as he strides forward to defends himself from this jerk.
He'd just been passing through. Minding his own business, unlike some. Didn't even know there was a griffin contract out in the area.
Got a big fucking clue though when it comes screeching out of the sky trying to grab him up, alerted by all the noise they've both been making.
Gaetan rolls to dodge, but the griffin is faster - gets its talons in his jerkin and starts making for the sky.
There's a pulling on his legs though, and he looks down to see the other witcher's trying to hold on like they're actors in some farce of a play.
It's enough Gaetan can get his hunting knife free, slashing hard against the claws grasping him until they open. He and the other witcher go tumbling like a bunch of clowns, landing in an undignified heap of limbs and indignation.
They both scramble to their feet quickly enough though, and then it's short work at that point for two witchers to take down a half-starved griffin that's barely even fledged, so thin you could count the creature's ribs as it heaved it's last breath.
Geatan knew the feeling - work's been thin on the ground these past few weeks. It's a shame he'd come to late for the contract on this thing, he could use the gold.
Still breathing hard, he glanced over at the other witcher, about to ask if his help might at at least rate him a meal. Only to see the guy is bent over double, kneeling in the leaf litter of the forest floor with his arm wrapped around his middle like -
"You okay?" Gaetan asks, not quite knowing why he's bothering to ask.
Alright, well he does; some misplaced sense of owing a particular white haired bastard of a Wolf -
"Do I look okay?" the other witcher snarls. But it's weak, his face pale.
Which of course is when he sees this witcher's medallion is that same snarling wolf's face. Just before he keels over with a groan.
Gaetan's only got two swallows left on him. But after he gets the guy laid out so he can take a look at the problem, he sees the massive gut wound where the griffin must've raked the other witcher with it's claws in the fight.
There's no other choice than to - very grudgingly - give one of his precious potions up, and Gaetan knows it. Not unless he wants to have to explain to the great White Wolf why he let one of his few remaining brothers-in-arms die when he could maybe have saved him.
Fetching the small bottle from the little holster on his belt, he tips it into the strange witcher's mouth. And though while the first reaction was to reject the noxious stuff, sense memory seems to kick in quickly enough; the body remembering that foul taste as the harbinger of healing, greedy for the rest.
Gaeten watches, fascinated as the flesh knits itself back together.
He fucking hates the potions - hate the way they sink slight like a lead weight ino the depths of his belly, only to climb back up it's side like living fire. Hates the way they make his skin crawl, his eyes feel like embers, his teeth ache like they'd been yanked out and replaced with chips of broken glass.
Usually if it's bad enough for him to resort to a Swallow, he's in far too much pain to appreciate the efficiency of it.
Efficient, but painful all the same - weeks of healing all happening at once still taking it's toll, just in one lump sum.
...(oops, I didn't mean to start writing this for real! 😅) So the idea was that Gaetan keeps watch while Lambert recovers, due to "owing" Geralt for sparing his life. Lambert's not happy about it, but when you've just seen your own guts its hard to tell the guy who saved you to go fuck off because you loved his school-mate. (Not that Lambert lets that stop him.)
They get to talking about Aiden and...there's an uneasy sort of comradery that brews from it.
And when Lambert does finally turn in the griffin contract, he buys Gaetan that meal, and asks if he wants to travel together a bit. Lambert's feeling lonely and...he's not Aiden, obviously, but he knows some of the same jokes and...and he's someone who understand this shit.
It'd always tended to work out, when Lambert and Aiden traveled together. Sure it's an extra mouth to feed, but it's not that much. The cost of a room at the inn is the same for one body or two, and the monsters go down twice as quick and three times as easy.
To Gaetan's own surprise he agrees. But whatever - these Wolves seem to have been blessed with more than their fair share of luck. Might as well see if some of that could rub off on him, right?
So they travel for a few weeks, taking on enough contracts together that Gaetan's stopped being able to count his own ribs in the inn's clouded old mirror.
He almost see what Aiden saw in this Wolf.
But then they take on a contract for a trio of vampires - alps who've been terrorizing a mining town.
They have to take Black Blood to fight them, there's no way for Gaetan to get around it.
The fight goes well enough, they take out the alps without any more than the usual trouble.
It's the potion that's the problem now - Gaetan can feel it spreading inside him, like frost spreading across a spider's web, causing it the shatter.
And he cold, so fucking cold - his teeth chattering with it, his whole body shivering as he sits there, rocking back and forth on the forest floor.
But then there's - there's light and there's heat; faint at first but soon soaking into his bones.
"You back?" Lambert asks in his ear from where the Wolf is wrapped around Gaetan like a massive coat.
He's got a fire going in front of them, and what feels like both their blankets wrapped around what parts of the Cat aren’t already covered by Wolf.
"Yeah," Gaeten says, swallowing his suddenly dry throat. Because...this is nice, really.
He doesn't get nice. Not him.
"This okay?" Lambert asked, uncertainty in his voice.
When Gaetan takes too long to answer, he can feel Lambert start to pull away, his hands lifting free of where they'd been crossed over Gaetan's chest.
Gaetan's own hands come up to halt their retreat, clutching at the Wolf's forearms, holding them in place.
"Yeah," is all Gaetan can bring himself to admit. That there might be food regularly in his belly these days, but that there's still plenty of other ways to starve. Doesn't come out like that though.
"S'alright," he tells Lambert instead, his hands and their iron grip holding Lambert in place telling a different story.
One Lambert seems to understand, settling back down and - and -
And nuzzling Gaetan's neck with that sorry scruff he called a beard.
"I'm not him," Gaetan said into the still air.
"Neither am I," Lambert's voice drifted from back behind him.
Damn. Guess he hadn't been as subtle as he'd thought when asking Lambert all those questions about Geralt. Or when Lambert had broken the news to him about the third Wolf - Eskel.
"Still alright?" Lambert asked, as Gaetan felt the barest brush of lips against his neck, making him shiver.
"Yeah," Gaetan said, feeling like - like it just might be.
He relaxed back into the Wolf, curious to see where this might go.
@continentcakeshop @oxenfurt-archives
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akhuna · 11 months
Gaetan getting one of these “Don’t worry, it’s not my blood” T-shirts for his birthday or Yule.
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howdoistormspirit · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Witcher (TV), Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game), Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Coën/Gaetan (The Witcher) Characters: Coën (The Witcher), Gaetan (The Witcher) Additional Tags: Cock Warming, Established Relationship, Alternate Universe Series: Part 16 of Witcher Kinktober 2022 Summary:
Kinktober Day 16: Cock Warming
Gaetan has never minded getting on his knees for Coën.
 Day 16 Joke: My friend’s bakery burned down last night. Now his business is toast.
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sillylilfang · 1 year
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just some fun quotes of the cats and the cat-in-law
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gingersnappish · 10 months
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School of the Cat -AKA: the one that includes almost all of my favorite fanon-fleshed-them-out Witcher maniacs!
(Thankful credit is due to the many fanauthors and fanartists whose depictions have influenced my personal mental concept of the Cats and to the face-claims suggested by various fans on the Accidental Warlord Discord, which also ended up heavily influencing how I envision them)
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