vensaro · 1 month
Взаимоотношения между дракончиками в моей АВ(у которой теперь есть название, ейй!)
Some relationships between the dragons in my AU(that has a name now, yayy!)
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(P.S. yeah, I know that Error's(Healer's now) antennas are not colored, I just forgot about them) / (P.S. да, я знаю, что усики Эррора(то есть Медика) не покрашены, я просто забыли про них)
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ravewing · 5 months
wof infection au part 4! more under the cut; all parts will be tagged under 'fragariapathosis'😋😋
cw for scary imagery!! this one is really mild, the only vaguely scary thing are squid's awful doodles of an infected dragon. mentions of amputation, and some minor blood is drawn, but yeah this one is pretty tame. inspired by the mip infection aus on tiktok yayy
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icecreamsodaaaaa · 9 months
Thinking about Flame’s scar and the symbolism behind it… esp with the Darkstalker theme where he healed Flame’s scar and just like. I think to Flame, the scar symbolized the past, where he was one of the False DoD. Where he watched a dragon die in front of him. Where he was forced to live and forced to keep up this whole lie for this random ass dragon who was a major asshole. Due to having the scar, he unconsciously carried around the weight of his past and trauma. Healing the scar would mean that he could finally be free. But, of course that’s not even remotely true. And tbh I just feel kinda cheated on Flame having a recovery arc.
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epochthedragon · 2 years
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Dune! Real screwed up story, my man! Life hasn't been kind to him!
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clockys-soul · 2 months
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Some (new?) Male wof ocs, they’ve got nothing to do it’s the story I’ve abandoned, but I’d say these guys also life like maybe 6000 years after the main wof storyline.
Canyon is a Sandwing bandit, he’s cocky, clever and overall pretty good at what he does.
Hoverfly is a Hivewing Prince, he’s arrogant and mean, though he loves his older sister, Sawfly, very much and would do anything to keep her safe.
Monsoon is a Seawing noble, he’s extroverted and smug, he’s had more girlfriends than he himself has kept count of.
Nightfall is a Nightwing student, he is observant and clever and sometimes a bit of a know-it-all, he’s very close with his father, who is a nightwing General.
Hibiscus is a Rainwing healer's apprentice, he is very friendly and calm, everyone is pretty sure he’s never been mad in his life, he agrees.
Garnet is a Skywing noble, he’s mean and egotistical at times times but completely calm and kind towards his blind younger sister Spinel.
Violet is a Silkwing, Tailor/Seamster in the Lilac Hive (previously Jewel Hive), he’s kind and softspoken, he loves what he does and is very proud of it.
Copper is a Mudwing Sculpter and Potter, he is kind and likes to help where he can, he hatched from a blood-red egg and has 4 brothers and 1 sister.
Alder is a Leafwing mercenary, he is impulsive and reckless, the jewel around his neck is a gift from his mother whom he loves dearly.
North is an Icewing noble, he is Prideful above all else, but he is also very knowledgeable in all kind of things.
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wofconfessionsblog · 3 months
following up on anons wof gen idea
Since wofs hierarchy is more like ours I'd imagine they'd have alot more roles or jobs technically
Although game play wise lets limit it to what's need for the town to survive so, healers, guards, some type of leader position, maybe hunters and gatherers but they all could just hunt for themselves, maybe Gardener's??? Would be alot more convenient to have a feild full of fruit next door rather than having to travel all the way to a store or something to get them (i have no idea what im talking about 👍)
maybe you could have a dragon from the kingdom that you chose to live in that's like a person the queen sent as a way of saying "this is an official town" idk
So say we choose to live in the sand kingdom, we pick our town leader and their next in line, then we pick out a sandwing to be our first resident sorta, i don't know what they'd be called tbh
And for moon events we could have like
"name went missing for a few days and came back with a leg coated in frost breath"
"name was visited by someone using a dream visitor last night"
"name wishes they were an animus so they could enchant name2 to go away"
"while trying to get coconuts for the dragonets, name had a coconut fall on their head"
"name saw a scavenger trying to eat a dragon"
"name has discovered that they are an Animus and has decided to keep this hidden"
"name told stories about the great ice dragon"
i have no comment this is INCREDIBLE
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amethyst257 · 7 months
Really thinking about Planes characters as WoF dragons, so I'm just going to dump the information I have here
He had a MudWing-like relationship with the SeaWings he trained. He was like their bigwings
He lost parts of his wings to the point where he couldn't fly. Although he quickly got prosthetics made, he never used them until he saved Dusty from Ripslinger
He's like Dusty's dad
MudWing. Tiny MudWing
Either he just hatched alone or his siblings left. He doesn't know, but he's grown up mostly on his own (I'm too lazy to make ocs for this au /hj)
Despite being a full-grown MudWing, he's small enough to comfortably sit on Skipper's back
He has made Skipper so much happier
He keeps a pouch around his neck with a bunch of random things inside
LeafWing/SkyWing hybrid
Ned & Zed:
Bravo & Echo:
They have a MudWing-like relationship with the other jws. Flysenhower is like their bigwings
And, because I suddenly got motivation for them, a few Cabbie and smokejumpers headcanons
MudWing bigwings. His scales were once a brighter shade of orange/red, but have dulled out to a gray as he aged. He still has a few bright red markings, though
Lost his siblings
Has adopted/become a second bigwings to the smokejumpers
Big MudWing. He can easily carry a smokejumper or two
He usually ends up becoming a pillow for the smokejumpers
MudWing siblings
Dynamite is their bigwings, but Cabbie became a second bigwings
They pile up next to Cabbie when they sleep
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ave1dragon · 2 months
Today in: Wings of Fire headcanons made to work with my oc even though the canon is different:
The Skywing Arena is used for whatever the Queen wishes, not just for fighting. Queen Firestorm used it for art and beauty shows. Queen Scarlet uses it for fighting, and Queen Ruby uses it for a hospital.  
While the Sky kingdom is big, most Skywings live close to the palace. All eggs are hatched in the palace hatchery, and all dragonets are raised in the wingery.   
Skywings kill any dragonets with Fire scales or Animus magic out of fear that said dragon will grow up to kill everyone, although this law is changing with Queen Ruby. The parents of said dragonets would never have anymore dragonets. They did not kill the dragonet with too little fire until Queen Scarlet's time.
Skywings believe in offering their dead to the sky for seven days before being burned, so that the dead dragon reincarnates as a Skywing and not any other kind of dragon.  
Skywings are very religious and have a preists who have a lot of power. There is a priest in each town and a high priest who is second only to the queen. The priests are chosen by the previous priests and receive ten years of training. The priests not only conduct religious rites, but are also judges, healers, scholars and teachers, and mediators between arguing dragons and towns. The priest is always female and unlike Sandwing priestess, can get married.    
In the past, before Queen Firestorm’s time, The Skywings had a ceremony called the Clash of Claws tournament. Every seven years, Skywings across the kingdom appeared from across the kingdom to compete in seven challenges over seven days. The first day is Flame, all qualities are tested, the next is Endurance, a token is left on top of the tallest mountain in the kingdom, and the contestants must race to find it starting from the palace. This tests speed, stamina, and resistance to the cold. The third test is strength, Skywings lift heavy boulders from the Diamond Spray River, fly as high as they can, and throw the boulder as far as they can. The fourth test is cunning, elaborate mazes are constructed with secret rooms filled with treasure, the competitors must find this treasure while avoiding the traps, the winner finds the most treasure. Five is the test of Guile, find a scavenger, the most cunning of prey, and bring it back alive and unharmed. Sixth is the test of Wit, each competitor must correctly answer a series of riddles made by the Queen and her advisors. Seventh is a test of speed, a race to see who is the fastest Skywing.     
Skywings can either choose a partner or go through a program to be matched up by the queen. Skywing marriages were traditionally two dragons saying a few ritual words in the sky, with no other dragon around. After Queen Scarlet took the throne, she made all weddings celebrations and all celebrations with deadly gladiator battles, so Skywings stopped getting married. The Skywings didn’t want Scarlet to partner them, so most Skywings stopped partnering up instead.  
While Noble Skywings don’t put much value into family, the more commoner Skywings do and are often close to each other even after moving out.
Neither common nor noble Skywings are very romantic and marriages are mostly for lineage and dragonets
@wof-reworked had a Skywing headcanon that each Skywing family had a particular naming system, like all being named after different types of birds. The dragonets are named using the mother’s family’s naming system.
Skywings are one of the more religious tribes, so their schools’ teachings include the Skywing religious beliefs and legends.
Skywings mostly marry for dragonets and political reasons in the case of nobility, so they are generally not interested in romance as a tribe. However, they are very close to their friends in a way that more romantic tribes like the Seawings and Sandwings mistake as romance.
Skywings tend to be close to each other, despite the size of the Kingdom, as all Skywings are raised in the Wingery until age 2, and all Skywing dragonets must go to the Sky palace between the ages of 4 and 8 for battle training.  
Since the Sky Kingdom is so big, every town has its own noble family that reports back to the queen. The leader of these noble houses is picked out by the old leader on their death bed, instead of fighting to the death like queens do. The leader is also always female.
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glittergrubz · 1 year
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askldhaj this was super fun to make! But also took a decent amount of time, and yet I love it so much! I'm very proud of how they all look! I'm also happy with the changes my art has gone through, altho I need to do way more different poses,,ack my weakness lol.
All I ask is that you guys aren't to harsh about these headcannon designs. I personally hate that almost every Sandwing is the same sandy desert color. So I wanted to expand that, your allowed to like the cannon designs! Don't worry, just don't shit on my designs for being different, I want my designs to be different! I think it's fun to reimagine characters espically the WoF families. BTW: I plan on doing more in the future. Queen Glacier's family is next bc Dravvona gave me a great idea for Glacier's design >:]
Also yes these will be used for my Rainbow Sparkle Chaos AU/Rewrite. Even have some headcannons for each of these little guys. --- These designs are FTU! Here are just a few rules for the designs. I even have seprate files for each headshot so you guys can get a better look at each of these fellas! - DO NOT claim the art or designs as your own. Credit me with either a tag on websites I have or linking my DA profile. - Do not edit my headshots or trace these designs, you will be blocked and blacklisted. - Take inspirations! I don't mind at all, just credit me! (I love seeing people use my designs or inspirations hehe) - Do not repost headshot designs either
Stash Link -> sta.sh/210nk11kfs1c?edit=1
Character Headcannons -
Blaze - The blue jewelry she owns is from her girlfriend Glacier. She made it especially for her and she wears it with pride. - While ditsy she's gain some plant knowledge from her dead brother Scald. They were very close, spending hours together painting claws, tending to plants and trying on makeup! - She sounds like Pinky Pie from Gen 4! (I love pink characters so much agh!!) - She now spends her time with Glacier (I'm sorry but I can't let her die, Blaze needs her so badly) often helping healers with plant knowledge and trying to figure out how to get plants to grow in the Ice Kingdom. - I wanted her to look like a strawberry dragon, it just felt perfect! PINK PINK PINK!!
Blister - She's quite thin compared to her more plump or round family. Built like a snake and sounds like one too. - Her amber jewerly was gifted from her father, she loves her jewelry as she despises her mother. Giving all her attention to Blaze because "she's the baby of the family" while Oasis boasts about Burn's power in battle. Her mother tried to connect with her but she liked Char. He always knew what to say when she was upset. She was devastated when Char passed away. - She sounds like Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty 1959 - Has an secret obsession with poisons, although she herself is quite afraid of being poisoned.  - I wanted to stay mostly close to the pale snake motif. Although I just couldn't help adding orange n red to make her look fiery, almost like a super venomous snake. One that wears it's toxicity on it's scales to warn others. Also wanted her diamonds to look more interesting, I always though cannon diamonds were way to cluttered.
Burn - Had a fling with Scarlet, thought she was pretty and quite interesting. But really wasn't looking for a relationship, and after the whole face venom thing well they were not getting back together. - Def sounds like Lady Dimitrescu from RE8 - Despises her brother Singe. Everytime she looked at that awful weasel he always had something to say, either behind her back or right to her face. He always teased her for not being great at speaking or writing. Teased the way she walked, her slight mouth gape at all times. Till one day she ripped his neck to shreds, sending the dragonet almost to the heavens. After that day she was placed into fighting training where she became the power house she is now.  - Once she killed her brothers she took her time with Singe, torturing him for as long as she could. She gave Scald a more, "merciful" kill but anything would seem merciful if you saw what she did to Singe. - Yes she's a dark color bc I thought it was neat, made her look alot like her papa. She has also cut most her frill/hair off bc of dangers of fighting. Less things to grab! I tried making her hair kinda like a roman helmet but kept the theme for most the family. 
Oasis - Big boss bitch who knows exactly what to do! Smart, cunning and beautiful, she does have one odd thing about her. Body mods, she loves them dearly and enjoys her horn piercing's (altho they were a bitch to put in, their horns have a lot of nerves). She's also a adrenaline junkie, so her piercing addiction, lots of treasure and devious tactics are perfect for her.  - Loves her small man Char. If you walked in a room with both of them it's a lot like Mortica and Gomez Addams. She was devastated when Char passed away, become a more unhinged dragon in the process.  - She sounds like Mortica Addams from Wednesday (I just had to, sounds perfect). - I wanted a more light, warm theme with Oasis. Almost like desert terracotta, and yes hear scales! I thought it was cute on Blaze but Oasis HAD to have them. I also had to give her dark curly hair with highlights bc omgomg I loooove that so much. 
Char - Sounds like Gomez Addams from Wednesday (hehe small man n big wife gang) - Malewife energy all the way. He constantly embellishes himself in beautiful amber jewels while taking care of the look of the palace. Talking to his servants and giving all his children as much time as he can. His wrinkles and bags are from all the duties he does. Although he would never change it for the world, especially for his love for Oasis.  - Def has an addiction to coffee, I mean how is he going to help Scald get those new plant imports in, and buy Blaze's new makeup, help Singe hunt that beautiful beast he saw in the desert- (you get it lol). - I really wanted "im very tired" vibe with him. I also wanted to go with a dark/char look to him while keeping bright reds, oranges and yellows for fire! It gives him an intimidating look, but also has alot of warmth to it. 
Smolder - Hoenstly I don't have much for Smolder, other than that he was probably the straight man of the family. Although way more chill and with horrible sleeping issues! He's an insomniac and takes traditional medicine Scald makes for him to help him fall n stay asleep.  - Sounds like Legoshi from Beastars  - I had to make this dude greasy n tired. It was just a great idea imo. Like he has to be tired dude, and he doesn't have time to bathe!! I also made him more orange than Blister altho making sure it make them look like they come from the same hatching. 
Scald - I made him into a femboy- ENOUGH SAID, lmao. Seriously though I really wanted to give Blaze a best friend, she really deserves it! So: a very femine brother who loves beauty products but also looooves plants! He's obsessed with em and his mother made him his very own greenhouse. He loves his plants and takes care of them as much as he takes care of Blaze.  - Do not underestimate this small dude, he will kick your ass. Not only is he pretty but he will fight to protect Blaze and to prove a point. Although he is no idiot and will not pick fights, more so he fights for things worth fighting. Although he has a fear of needles so no peircings for him! - Sounds like Stolits from Helluvaboss - Blaze is a strawberry dragon, SO TANGERINE DRAGON TIME! I just really think the orange works very well for him, and I honestly wanted to make a femine male character bc I havn't really done that in a bit. I espically had fun with the flower necklace as I think it makes him stand out quite well against his family.
Singe - Awful stinky man, so smelly! He's two faced, lying, manipulating and egotystical dragon. Often picking fights with Burn as its easy for her lack of brains....well untill he was torn to shreds by her. After that he became way more fearful of the dragoness. Using expensive furs from the animals he's hunted. He's also very cowardly so no fighting or even peircings for him. - Obv sounds like Karl Heisenberg from RE8 - Honestly just a peice of shit, I have really nothing else to say lmao. - I wanted to do one more pink dragon before I finish the designs. I espically wanted a burnt pink dragon idea in mind, kinda like Char but pink! I was also done making jewerly so fur accessory sounded so much fun to draw.  --- ★ Not for Other's Use ★ ★ Feel Free to Take Inspiration but Credit Me ★ ★ NOT FOR AI USE OR NFT USE! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED AND BLACKLISTED ★ ★ DO NOT REPOST/TRACE/EDIT! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED AND BLACKLISTED ★ DA: https://deviantart.com/glitterbonez TW: twitter.com/GLITTERBONEZx Tumblr: khaleern.tumblr.com/
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lizard12323 · 4 months
OOOOOO I like that :0
What are the 6 types?
I'd be lying if I said I didn't see this ask coming.
Casual undergrounders: They are the most common ones you’ll see. It's common to see them in sibling groups. They share a great bond but they are less likely to be totally friendly. They won’t trust you and if you do something wrong then uhh DEATH.
Crystal undergrounders: Ohoho how interesting! They are quite quick and also live in sibling groups but they have a special ability. It's basically using their wings to reflect light. It's great for fighting off sentinels and other undergrounders.  They can create accessories but they don’t do that too often.
River undergrounders: They don’t exactly live in or near rivers. They live near underground lakes, rivers and other water sources that are deep enough. There are sort of giant underground lakes where river undergrounders live. They travel in groups along with their siblings if they have any.
“Hive” undergrounders: Oh wow! Something unique! Well let’s start with the fact that their name speaks for itself. They live in hive-like structures. It's hard to find them but not impossible. They don’t have a leader unlike other groups/clans. Instead they have some sort of actual hivemind but when they feel safe then they are calm and peaceful. They also create accessories that are quite rare. So if one of them gifted you something then keep it. It’s yours and you should not just give it away.
Icy undergrounders: They are quite fast, possibly faster than others; they can also shoot the needle from their stinger; they seem to be made for spying and hunting. You’ll never see one unless it wants you to see it or if it’s too late.
Mixed undergrounders: As their name suggests they are mixed for example: Feather is a hive, icy and river mix. There are also hybrids but they are mainly when their parents are purely one sub-species of undergrouners for example Hive and Crystal parents. Mixed undergrounders usually have at least one parent who is a hybrid.
Most info is from my Google Docs document with facts about them.
I'll give you some more info too.
Their saliva heals their nanites only if they want to heal them. (They can't be hurt by their own nanites.)
Their wings are more bat-like but still have a little bit of birb.
They form sibling bonds! (Like Mudwings from Wings of Fire)
They have hoards! (It mostly depends on what they like.)
They are quite good at swimming and they can use their actual eyes to communicate underwater but they would rather use vibrations instead. (Mostly river undergrounders swim but still!)
They do have LGBTQ+ drones. (Feather and Skyfire are partners as an example. And Orion (Feather’s twin brother) is AroAce)
Their “newborn” aren’t pill-babies unlike worker drones. They look like infants and unlike human babies they aren’t loud screaming things instead they make chirping sounds or bat-like sounds.
It’s common for undergrounders to have pets/familiars. (Feather has a tamed sentinel for example)
They can have the albinism “mutation” and it’s usually called “coding” because they are robots heh.
Most undergrounders hate being in the open especially if they can’t fly. It’s safer for them to be inside caves or near trees (Mainly loner undergrounders that like being left alone are fine with being in the open but would still rather fly around a little.)
Their wings have eyes (only crystal undergrounders don’t have wing eyes) they can see with them but when they need/want to. (Having five eyes on each wing is considered a blessing among them)
Their naming system is weird because they name their kids after different things so it's hard to know. (Sometimes they name them after their skills like Nightwings form WoF!)
Also female undergrounders have a little bit darker yellow eyes than males. (It's close to orange)
They do not heal like surfacers! They need to use healing stuff to fully heal. So they have healers for that job!
Feel free to try to draw how you think they look if you really want to! But ask me just in case. (I let you do so but I still don't allow you to draw them inappropriately.)
Y'all are lucky I gave you a little bit of info about my OCs! >:(
Just kidding I'm not mad about it. :)
You can send me more than one ask at a time if you feel like it!
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vensaro · 5 months
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"It's really you?" / "Это реально вы?"
"Hehe, yeah. And now we have only one eye for two of us" / "Хехе, ага. А сейчас у нас один глаз на двоих"
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ravewing · 4 months
hey! i love your wof au, do you have any fun facts for it?
wus good ok fragariapathosis fun facts boom
-sunnys pins on her bag are the colors of the other dod
-flame carved a stone knife for qibli and then they ran it through turtles wooden bowl a bunch of times so that everyone was liek. well equipped idfk
-dragons that had animus magic have a stronger immune system against fragariapathosis; it develops noticeably slower in them
-of the initially infected/'patient zeroes,' kinkajou and anemone are the only immune dragons
-liana and mango r dating.. bc i said so
-kinkajou makes bracelets for moon while recovering in the infirmary for when she "gets better"
-the nightwings in renewal are living in anarchy rite neow. its going pretty good for them tbh theyre kinda chilling i guess
-the sandwing kingdom is NOT doing as well as renewal is. around a third of the dragons think that thorn is unfit to rule and onyx has siezed the scorpion den and taken leadership of the rebels; theyre calling themselves the 'serpentcoil rebellion' and onyx has a sick crown with an onyx rattlesnake on it,, shes letting dragons from any tribe join her little rebellion but obviously they have to like. swear loyalty and shit. its pretty crazy yall
-the chaos in the ice kingdom has pretty much settled down. the ~20-25% of the icewings that WERENT asymptomatic have pretty much died out and since asymptomatic dragons are 'immune,' they're actually doing pretty good!! snowfall has taken advantage of her tribe's immunity to send healers to the sky, rainforest, and sand kingdoms. renewal is currently rejecting icewing aid
-literally nobody knows whats up with the mudwings. anyone who goes into that kingdom does not come out
-i alr said this in another post but ruby (who has crazy military strength) wrote to coral like 'yo dawg. send seawings to pantala and let them know about the situation' so she sent shark moray and some other dragons and now that theyre in pantala queen jewel and the silkwing assembly were like 'you guys cant go back for now btw. or else you guys might get sick' so theyre just there for now (coral is getting antsy..)
-ok i figured i should put alliances here too;
rain-sky-ice alliance
ice-sand alliance
seawings have cut all contact
mudwings have cut all contact
renewal has cut all contact
pantala has currently stayed out of the whole situation
ok i hope that these silly fun facts satisfy your needs bye bye
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icecreamsodaaaaa · 2 years
mayhaps,, flame for the wof requests if you're still doing them? also can i just say that i love ur artstyle shsgsgdjf it is so (many positive adjectives)
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Him!! One of my favorite characters
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overmorrowpine · 1 year
i have acquired: wof oc pair
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[image ID: two digital reference sheets, each showing one dragon. each has a full-body shot of the dragon, facing left, and a wingspread.
the first dragon is a white-blue icewing/seawing hybrid, with icewing head and tail spikes, seawing bioluminescent markings, and ripped-up seawing webbing along his back. his webbing is turquoise and his belly is dark teal. he has four visible scars, all of them right-pawed claw marks. his wings are turquoise with the icy blue fading at the edges of the membrane, and subtle pale spotting. a patch of pale blue and darker blue with the patches demonstrates that they glow in the dark, labeled day/night. the background is a subtly dappled greyish pale teal, and there is writing by his tail and over his back.
transcription of the writing reads: Hollow/Thaw
- IceWing/SeaWing
- frostbreath
- raised outside the IceWing circles
- left his mom Immediately (she sucks)
the second dragon is a light blue rainwing, with dark purple legs, feet, back, face, and tailtip, white underbelly and horns, and periwinkle blue/purple accents on her back scales, toes, and underbelly line. she has an orange flower behind her ear, and her ruff is the same color orange. she has large white spots down her neck, sides, tail, and legs. her wings have dark purple phalanges and light blue membrane, with the edges of them fading to white, and moderate white spotting. her left wing is ruined, with the third-from-left membrane segment completely eaten away, and smaller holes missing in the second and fourth segments. her right wing is unhurt.
the writing on her sheet reads: Mahogany
- RainWing
- previously a healer
- raised in the rainforest
end ID]
backstory for them both beneath the cut
content warnings for thaw's backstory: child abuse, egg death.
content warnings for mahogany's backstory: ableism.
thaw was the product of the fact that wof dragons don't have birth control, and his mom had a fling with a seawing that washed up. her name was permafrost, and his dad was named tempest. he never met his dad though.
when she realized she was with egg, she was pissed, and smashed all but one of them in a fit of rage. when the lone surviving egg hatched, she named him hollow.
hollow had a really shitty childhood. permafrost didn't want him and made that abundantly clear, and as she had left the circles years before, he grew up with her as pretty much his only dragon interaction. she also hated that fact that he was clearly a hybrid, and tried to stifle his seawing side.
when he was eight years old (so, i guess, maybe 19? 20? in people years) he went "fuck it" and left, settling in a border town full of hybrids where he didn't really stand out too much. he renamed himself thaw and quickly gained a reputation for being a protector of abused dragons, albeit a Really Grumpy one. we'll come back to 11 year old thaw in a minute.
mahogany was just a regular ol rainwing in the rainforest, and trained to be a healer. she was an adult, maybe 12 years old, when glory challenged for queen of rainwings, and she helped with the kidnapped rainwings that were rescued from the nightwing island. one of them woke up, middle of a panic attack, and spat venom at her in panic. she flung up her wing to protect her face, but it burned through a lot of her wing before a relative of the panicking rainwing managed to stop it.
afterwards, she tried to continue being a healer, but all the other rainwings just looked at her with such pity that she couldn't stand it, so she left. she ended up in the same border town as thaw, and helped out an established healer.
enter: panicked traumatized young dragon with a broken wingbone. they ran to thaw, who brought them to the same healer's place as mahogany was helping with, and she was instantly enamored with this prickly dragon guarding the patient and making sure they knew they were safe.
she ran into him again in the market a few days later, and asked him on a date. he (arospec, traumatized) was like "uh no but we can hang out?" and so they did. eventually they got like, super close, and mahogany moved in with him.
tada :D
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I posted 63 times in 2022
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#wof headcanon - 6 posts
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#we know nothing about fringewhisker yet but for whatever reason i see her as the poor person dealing with the karen in the drive through
My Top Posts in 2022:
We’ve seen in wings of fire that different tribes can get variants of abilities. Skywings have firescales, Nightwings have their mind reading and foresight abilities, Mudwings have fire resistant scales, Silkwings have flamesilk, Leafwings have leafspeak, and Hivewings have all sorts of variations in abilities from Nerve poison, to stingers or to boiling acid able to be shot from their tails.
This made me wonder, what would other tribes have? Seawings, Icewings, Sandwings, and Rainwings don’t have ability variations, unless you count Chameleons lack of ability to change his scales. So I was trying to think of what those variations could’ve been and here’s what I came up with.
Some Seawings could be born with the ability to speak to ocean life through frequencies in the waves. From plants to animals to the ocean itself, Seawings could hear all sorts of stories from the deep. There could’ve been Seawings in the war of the Sandwing succession who sent out spies, or simply asked for any news that the creatures have seen. Seawings told of Albatross’s massacre by the shells on the shore, Kelp passing along a message that the summer palace was going to be attacked. Octopodes who witnessed Whirlpool attacking Tsunami, Animus touched coral that can tell others what their enchantment is. Maybe this ability could be called “Marine Messaging” and maybe the first Marine Messenger to discover this ability was a Seawing named Starfish. There could’ve been a dangerous substance corroding the ocean, and the waves were able to warn Starfish of the threat so their tribe could evacuate and take care of the problem. As for dragons in canon who I believe could’ve been a Marine Messenger, I think it would be interesting if Whirlpool or Riptide had it. Or Typhoon, the Seawing/Icewing hybrid who delivered Qibli’s enchanted earrings to the Ice kingdom during the plague. He could’ve heard of said plague from the narwhals or the killer whales who live in the freezing waters.
Icewings could have something called “Rime Affixing” this idea was born out of a headcannon I have for Icewings, but I think it works better in this context. A Rime Affixiated Icewing would have large ice crystals constantly forming around them. These crystals would build up and eventually grow into large chunks of ice attached to their scales. This ice could then be carved into whatever they wish. During the war of the Sandwing succession, most Rime Affixiated Icewings chose to carve themselves into a better weapon or better shield. By having their tails have sharp icicles that could easily impale, chest plates to keep them safe from spears or projectile weapons. A thin sheet of ice spread all over their body making them slippery and hard to grab, built in shields on their arms for both protection and as a bludgeon, or small shards that could be ripped off and used as a weapon if they had none left. If not used for battle though, they could carve it into anything else they saw fit. Maybe there was a Queen named Queen Avalanche who was Rime Affixiated, and she made her crown from her own ice. A traveller who carved little pockets onto themselves for any trinkets they encounter. A healer who has vials on them at all times. A flightless Icewing who decided “well my wings aren’t gonna take me anywhere, so let’s have fun with them!” And carved another pair of wings out of ice, or drew beautiful designs onto their scales that wouldn’t be able to stay if they were able to fly. But like Firescales on Skywings, Rime Affixiation can be dangerous if left unchecked. If any ice were to grow on their wings, it would have to be regularly cut off cause they wouldn’t be able to fly with it. Or if you’re stranded somewhere alone and have your claws incased in ice, it’s just going to grow and grow until you freeze completely. So you have to regularly get it carved. For dragons in canon who I think could’ve had it, I think Winter’s sister, Icicle, could have it. Queen Scarlet loved dragons with peculiar abilities after all. Loved to see all the ways they could entertain her on the battlefield, so it makes sense she would recruit Icicle. Darkstalker and Whiteout also having it would be interesting. Whiteout would have it on any white part of her body, and would love to draw designs of what to turn it into. I imagine Foeslayer would carve it out, clumsy at first but she soon gets the hang of it. As for Darkstalker, due to the white scales being under his wings, it would grow to encase them in the time he spent asleep under the mountain. He would wake up thousands of years later to his wings completely incased in ice, unable to be moved. It’s as if the Icewings were still out to get him after all that time.
As for our stupendous SandWings, they could have “Depascent Mimicry” an ability which allows them to copy any sort of injectable toxin they have eaten or otherwise absorbed. DepaMimic Sandwings would also be immune to poisons and other toxins since they have to come into contact with it to absorb the ability. For example, if a Rainwing were to shoot their venom at a DepaMimic Sandwing and it made contact with their bloodstream, it wouldn’t kill them, and would instead allow them to use the venom from their tail barb. Any Rainwing venom that landed on their scales however would melt the affected area like normal. This applies to the Hivewings nerve toxin as well. If a Hivewing were to sting them, it wouldn’t fully paralyze them. It would freeze around the affected area and the DepaMimic would gain the ability to use the nerve toxin too. This affect wouldn’t last forever though. Depending on the dosage they’re exposed to, DepaMimic SandWings could retain the ability to use other poisons for three to thirteen days. They need to have constant access to the poisons to be able to constantly use them, which can be easily achieved by ingesting poisoned food or other objects. During the war of the SandWing succession, DepaMimic Sandwings were often put on the front lines, and because their opponents didn’t know what poison they were injected with, they didn’t know the cure. Manchineel, Elderberry, Iris, Rosary Pea, Death Camas and Mountain Laurel were popular with Burns army. Burn was happy to experiment with the poisons her allies had access to, and would often force her DepaMimics to test the toxin on traitors. Manchineel was also popular with Blisters army, along with Castor Beans, Wild Poinsettia, Angels Trumpet, and Arrowgrass. Many were puzzled by her poisons. Blister was allied with the Seawings, so naturally they looked for the plant responsible along the sea. Which while some were found, others just weren’t. Unbeknownst to them Blister was also allied with the Nightwings, who had learned a bit about the poisonous plants in the rainforest from their expeditions. Blister also would force DepaMimics to pair up, trying to add more to her forces as she learned more and more about toxic plants. It was also a DepaMimic who got her the Dragonbite Vipers she gifted to Burn, their immunity making the job easy. Blaze didn’t care too much for toxins. She was willing to tell Sunny the cure to normal Sandwing venom without much probing, so I don’t think it’s a concern of hers. She also had no Sandwings with Depascent Mimicry allied with her, other than herself of course. Which makes her sisters so mad and she can’t help but find that funny. Glacier however, does care more for the toxins. She mostly wants to know so she can get a good supply of antidotes for all sorts of venom. On the very rare occasions Glacier convinces Blaze to use her abilities, she’ll supply her with some Eranthis flowers or the occasional Winterberry.
Now for the RainWings! I was thinking they could have something related to the passage of time, or more specifically, the past. During Darkstalker’s time, RainWings weren’t seen as useless and lazy. I’ve always wondered what happened with RainWings between then and the Dragonet prophecy, but since they couldn’t read (and had little interest of learning to do so before Glory became queen) they couldn’t consult scrolls or other historical text to fill in the blanks of their history. But what about visuals? RainWings adore pretty things, bright colours and visual wonders. So what if they told stories through paintings? They could have huge murals of rainbow dragons, fluffy sloths and dancing flowers painted onto platforms and woven into huts. And some RainWings could even create such visuals on their own scales. “Vivid Elocution” is what I’ve chosen to call this ability. It would be the ability to create complex visuals like a living projector on their scales and across their wings. RainWings with this ability often are storytellers, fictional and non-fictional. They typically have bigger wings and frills than most RainWings do, allowing more space to tell their tale. Vivid RainWings also have their scales change when they’re dreaming, showing off the unique images our minds create when we’re asleep, and allowing other dragons to better research how dreams work. For canonical dragons who have this ability, I think Orchid and Peacemaker would be cool. Mastermind could’ve paid special attention to Orchid while she was locked in the volcanic Night Kingdom. Studying memories and dreams that swirled through her scales to hopefully gain a better understanding of both the RainWings venom and their habitat. I imagine Orchid would make her scales shift to things that would scare Mastermind, like the volcano erupting early or the RainWings breaking free and melting his scales till he was a puddle. Orchid is a rather docile dragon, but it’s easy to see her willing to to do something like that out of anger for her captors. As for Peacemaker, his NightWing traits are heavily dominant over his RainWing ones, so he wouldn’t be able to fully visualize images across his scales. The most he could do would be on his wings and frills, on the coloured stars sparkling amongst his dark sky. The images he would be able to show would appear as more of a sketch, a moving dot to dot. I’d imagine he also has very little control over it, his projections mostly happening when he’s dreaming or having a very vivid thought. It’s easy to imagine Hope quickly covering his wings with hers when constellations of a huge NightWing with white scales under his wings appeared on her dragonet. Or when he dreamed of a crown made of twisted metal atop someone’s head, or a peculiar hourglass filled with white sand. But also warmer memories, memories of a violet Nightwing and a green SeaWing with bright glowing sapphires in each of their talons. A family of four dragons, one white, one green, one blue, and one a mix of bright whites and deep blues shimmering across their scales.
128 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
Writers really do look at orange cats and think “hmm yes, protagonist material”
165 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
The concept of “What if Starflight was born under the three moons” is excellent. But I feel like nobody looks into the true untapped potential of what if Sunny was born under the three moons
185 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
A lot of people overlook Silkwings in wings of fire. They’re the docile tribe, the gentle giants. Beautiful but delicate butterflies with scales of azure wonders, but that’s all they are. And that’s completely intentional, you’re supposed to overlook Silkwings.
The thing about Silkwings is that they never had a chance to be anything. We know next to nothing about their history, their culture, and even their abilities. Flamesilk is something that Queen Wasp tried to hide, and back when Beetlewings were around, they were said to have even more abilities. After the tree wars, Silkwings were essentially stripped down to their name alone. Their ability to make silk was useful to Wasp, and later on their antennae were too. But they could never do anything more than that.
Luna got swept in a silk parachute all the way to Phyrria, isn’t that cool? What if Silkwings before the tree wars often made parachutes for wingless dragonets or injured Silkwings? What if they had a language of their own that they spoke through vibrations on silk lofts like strumming a guitar? What if certain colours on Silkwings were rumoured to show your personality, kind of like zodiac signs. It could be said that green Silkwings were fierce and competitive, or yellow Silkwings were curious and creative. Blue Silkwings could be loyal and Loving or purple Silkwings could be adventurous and hard-working. What if they had beautiful forests of colourful trees, calligraphic silk art along the bark and branches. Flamesilk lanterns painstakingly crafted for ceremonial celebrations or holidays for Silkwings to whisper their greatest wishes into, before setting them free. There could be little doctors appointments for getting dragonets ready for their metamorphosis, and trying to calm the worries of those who were scared. Synchronized dances to form pictures with their wing patterns, hide and seek games where the seeker only uses their antennae, murals of stories weaved together with silk. But unfortunately all of this is a what if.
The tragedy of the Silkwing tribe is that they don’t have that, nothing in their world was made for them. They have no way of finding out who they once were, what it means to be a Silkwing. They don’t get to weave tapestries of their stories, their homes or their happiness. Everything they make is a what if, a dream of a life they couldn’t achieve without tragedy.
188 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So, in omen of the stars, Ivypool kills Antpelt’s spirit to become a dark forest warrior. It’s a scene we all know and love. But what bugs me about it is that nothing comes from that. Ivypool doesn’t learn anything new after becoming a dark forest warrior, and even if she did it’s doubtful she’d tell anyone anyway. Ivypool has this weird running theme in omen of the stars where everything she does doesn’t amount to anything plot wise. Cause while her chapters are important for establishing and exploring her character, if she wasn’t a protagonist not much would’ve changed in the main plot.
Antpelt’s death was tragic, and it’s horrifying in concept alone. For WindClan to have found their clanmate dying without knowing why, and then when StarClan and the Dark Forest were able to fight with or against the living cats, I’m sure someone from WindClan was looking for him. Ivypool is never confronted about this later though, meaning Breezepelt didn’t tell anyone what happened.
So, I feel like Ivypool should have had some sort of consequences for killing Antpelt. But because we have no protagonists in WindClan, we don’t even see how his clanmates reacted to his passing. So, what if she didn’t have to kill Antpelt? What if Ivypool had to kill her own clanmate, Blossomfall.
It would’ve been more dramatic. Ivypool being forced to kill her new friend and her clanmate. She would’ve seen how Blossomfall’s death impacted her clanmates. And how scared they probably were after finding her body with no enemy in sight. It would’ve been horrifying for Ivypool to be jerked awake by screaming, finding Bumblestripe standing panicked over his sister as she bled out in the warriors den.
218 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
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theevilicecreamsoda · 2 years
What are your non wof OCs 👁️👁️
I never answered this I’m so sorry 💀
Ima list them
Neal Foster: He’s the son of Lucifer and he’s like… really traumatized because he has to save the world at 16 cause his half-brother, Dolos(name may change) decided he liked the Other-Realm and Earth so much he stopped them from drifting apart or something but uh oh now dude’s stuck in limbo between worlds. Anyways Neal has nightmares cause his brother is like “DUDE HELP” but Neal is clueless until he gets portaled into the Other-Realm. I love Neal, he gets wings, horns, and a tail later.
Theodore G. Reaper: He’s the grim reaper. He’s old. He’s also gay. Old fruit. Anyways uhm his story and personality changes a lot from rp to rp. He used to be tumblr sexyman material though 💀💀💀
Lincoln: Rattlesnake! He’s yellow, like a banana. He’s also INCREDIBLY anxious. Everyone is mean to him 😔 His venom is also really strong and in past rps he would supply his venom to assassins despite being like… 12 😭
Charlotte Feathers: Raven lady. She’s big and strong like a raven. Butch lesbian vibes. Probably friends with Arch, they are wlw for mlm <3 She acts as a guardian to Lincoln
Arch: Gay, Snowy owl. He used to work for AHGC but now he doesn’t cause they’re assholes, also they punted Arch & Pat out of Heaven into the mainworld. Him and Charlotte: mlm🤝wlw. Also dating Pat
Pat: Part healer and part mad scientist, gay, barn owl. Also used to work for AHGC but after Neal escaped and caused problems him and Arch were fired. Now they live in a tree <3
Francis: Dickhead, I hate him so much… he’s horrible 😐 Manipulative and cunning, he manipulates Neal into working for him and doing some terrible stuff(basically think Scarlet and Peril from wof, like that). I think he was Southern in the past
Ath: Failboy living in a girlboss world, will describe him later
Elijah/Bliss: Ohh… problem causer. Very innocent but would definitely push you off a cliff if he needed to. He’s an asshole and works for AHGC but nobody knows yet lol
There’s more but I’ll list them later
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