den-with-6-ns · 6 months
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Not comic related, I just got back into playing WoW and Darion Mograine is my most beloved ever, this is just a real quick 45 min painting.
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herssian · 8 months
i got into video games later in life and mmos even later than that but i've been reminiscing about WoW and how even though i don't play anymore, i'll never forget the feeling of making my first character and loading into the night elf starting zone. the colors, the music, the creatures, the wonder of adventure ahead. i played when i was in a very dark place in my life and these bunch of pixels brought exceptional warmth and joy. still one of my fondest video game memories
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dapperdraws · 2 months
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The Halberdier (Commission)
A commission for Roziana! The first time I get to draw a Troll, and it’s a lot of fun! I always love getting commissions for things I have not done yet; it gives me experience and it expands my portfolio.
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all the "Rabbit & Steel" user reviews are like "it's like FFXIV raiding" and that doesn't help me. I need to know if it's like WoW raiding. This will determine if I want it or not
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catgirlforeskin · 2 years
MMORPGs as a lens of examining gender. There’s the obvious “picking a female character when you’re a ‘boy’ and later realizing why,” or “it fucking sucks being a woman in a space often so hostile to you, let alone also trans and a lesbian, and having many players pretend you don’t exist or actively try to push you out,” but I think it goes beyond that.
Gender is having a separate set of armor you equip whenever you go into town because you like how it looks. Half your already limited inventory is consumed by this.
Gender is choosing the most monstrous character race available because the thin, perfect elves feel completely alien to you. You see yourself more in the rotting skeleton or the hunchbacked orc. Their racial ability synergizes poorly with your class.
Gender is equipping the “wrong” weapon for your class because you prefer its attack animations. You are unable to find groups for multiplayer activities because complete adherence to an optimized meta is valued over all else.
You know what I’m saying?
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chaoticstrata · 2 days
I need to rant...
...about group content in MMOs. This pretty much is the same for any MMO nowadays.
I HATE how the mindset for dungeons (or whatever the name of the small party content is for a particular game) is 'GO GO GO PULL FASTER! MUST GET DONE FAST!' Who cares if there's someone new struggling to keep up. Or there's a new tank that leveled up in non-group content. Or someone trying to just appreciate the dungeon layout. "You need to go FAST! You didn't pay my sub, so you can't waste my time! (proceeds to kick whoever doesn't conform)." I seriously hate it, and it makes me want to avoid group stuff for the most part. I've seen it in so many games now.
Thankfully, in games like FF14 with Trusts and now WoW with Follower Dungeons, people can experience the content without feeling like they're struggling or getting left behind. But that kind of sucks that they have to put those in because this is a problem.
I've been kicked out of an FF14 dungeon (yeah, you read that right—the game known for its friendly community) as a tank because I didn't wall-to-wall pull. Tell me where in the TOS it says I have to wall-to-wall pull. Sorry that I'm not used to tanking and get super nervous when queueing for a role like that. I now refuse to play tank, especially when I was kicked for doing my job--keeping aggro and using my CDs when needed.
Today in WoW, I saw a Demon Hunter DPS pulling everything while the poor Death Knight tank tried to keep up. It didn't help that DKs are one of the slowest classes, and DHs are the most mobile. I really wanted to kick that DH, not going to lie. Hell, he was doing less damage than the tank, most of the time.... >.>
Don't get me started on SWTOR's veteran flashpoints...
I don't know when this became the new norm...but I it really annoys the shit out of me. And I sometimes feel like I'm the only one.
Sorry. Rants over. Just needed to get that off my chest.
Side Note: Mythic+ in WoW is the exception, but those were designed to be done fast... especially with the timer.
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blackbackedjackal · 2 months
GW2 is one of those games I've been playing for so long that it's just a comfort space for me. I love the game and I love talking about it, but you gotta push the hyperfixation button in my brain otherwise I'll hardly mention it.
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wine-dark-soup · 8 months
where's that post that's like "i must not redownload world of warcraft" because this is me rn
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sexybritishllama · 2 months
i completely understand and appreciate that MMOs are not most people’s thing. the interface is objectively horrific, there’s normally massive quest bloat and lots of ‘walk to this place, kill 3 of X creature, walk to this new place, repeat’, and then there’s the whole subscription fee model. all completely valid issues
but my god MMOs compel me
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nekhcore · 2 months
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drew a bunch of my MMO characters a few years ago. this was pre-transition but look at all my girls teehee
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du-hjarta-skulblaka · 5 months
Okay for real I was looking through the tag but it's mostly fanart and thirsting (no shade, I get it, Reth's a hot guy) BUT. that is not what I am looking for.
Palia players! Do any of you rp?? I know there's communities so there's gotta be the equivalent of an rp guild out there somewhere, right?
If you rp on Palia, or if you'd like to, shoot me a message! I'm still learning it but I would love to have a big player home set up as an rp hub.
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dandelionandkrindle · 2 years
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god give us this day our daily quests
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dapperdraws · 1 month
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Follow The Path
Another RP inspired piece! This time from a dramatic scene involving my Draenei and an RP partner's Sin'dorei! Demons, fel, aaaaah. SPOOP. Given the context of the RP scene, this is also my submission for "Sacrifice" of the 100-theme challenge!
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villainanders · 5 months
A bit of a reach but does anyone have recommendation for fairly short (or otherwise good enough for just messing around with for a couple of sit downs and possibly not returning to) steam games. This would be for my brother who would definitely prioritize interesting gameplay mechanics over narrative
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Today, rant is brought to you by boredom. I need a need a game to play. Preferably, something with social aspects. I need to heal people in a game or I lose my mind. It's freaking weird, idk.
I love mmos, I've played swg, wow, lotro, swtor, new world, and a few more. I have tried a few of the cozy, laidback ones. They're cute and I may have played more if I had a few people to play with. (No one collected me, so I just wandered around alone.) RPGs man, I just can't get enough. My brain lives in a fantasy land. It is constantly imagining random shit. If I'm not reading or writing, I need my brain engaged in a story somewhere and I am not a big tv person. I need to interact with the story some way and heal people. I'm partially an overwatch addict, most of that stems from I can do the social thing and then dip out. However, it feeds the need to heal people constantly. I've tried ExoPrimal, I liked it but something was missing. I am looking forward to Marvel Rivals, but that's not here NOW. I also tested a certain other game (no healing even!) that really had me wanting it, but the author-that-shall-not-be-named cannot have my money any more. So, I still play WoW and lots of Overwatch with some other games sprinkled in around. However, WoW is dying. We all know it. I'm positive what they have announced is probably the ending of our WoW saga. Overwatch without Papa Jeff is turning into a cash grab dumpster fire. And Blizzard, I don't have a lot of hope that they can fix the past 13 years of their decisions and horrible inhouse problems. I just realized how much I've wrote. I'll leave this early morning rant with a question and plea. Can we call her the author-that-shall-not-be-named? Can we call her you-know-who? CAN WE PLEASE MAKE USE HER OWN VILLIAN TO DESCRIBE HER BECAUSE SHE IS HIM.
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