#Wooden Katori
digitalvision05 · 7 months
Gift Guide: Wooden Beer Mugs for the Beer Lover in Your Life
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Forget the cold, impersonal feel of glass or concrete. Wooden beer mugs offer a unique and sensory-rich alternative. But with so many styles and options available, choosing the perfect one can feel daunting. Fear not, fellow gift-giver! This guide will walk you through the world of wooden beer mugs, helping you find the ideal vessel to match your recipient's personality and preferences.
A Touch of Nature: Why Choose Wood?
Wooden mugs go beyond mere function; they're a statement piece. The natural beauty of wood adds a touch of rustic charm to any setting, while the material itself insulates your beer, keeping it cooler for longer. Plus, the unique grain and texture of each mug make it a one-of-a-kind treasure.
Navigating the Forest: Different Woods, Different Feels
The type of wood used plays a big role in the mug's aesthetics and performance. Popular choices include:
Oak:- Known for its durability and rich, golden tones, oak mugs offer a classic, timeless look.
Walnut:- This darker wood boasts a beautiful grain and imparts a subtle nutty aroma to your beer.
Cedar:- Lighter in color and weight, cedar mugs offer a natural, earthy feel and a hint of cedar fragrance.
Finding the Perfect Fit: Styles and Features
There's a wooden mug to suit every taste. Consider your recipient's preferences:
The Traditionalist:- Opt for a hefty tankard with a handle for a truly medieval vibe.
The Craft Beer Aficionado:- Choose a mug with a narrower mouth to concentrate the aromas of complex brews.
The Casual Enjoyer:- Select a lighter-weight mug for everyday use.
Personalization Power:- Making it Special
Engraving the recipient's name, initials, or a special message on their mug adds a sentimental touch that elevates it to a cherished heirloom.
Still Stumped? We Can Help!
Feeling overwhelmed by the choices? Don't fret! At The Brand Barrel, we specialize in helping you find the perfect wooden beer mug for any occasion. With our curation of high-quality, handcrafted mugs, you're sure to discover the ideal gift that will have them raising a toast in appreciation.
So, ditch the ordinary and embrace the rustic charm of wood. With the right mug, you're gifting more than just a vessel; you're gifting an experience, a conversation starter, and a cherished reminder of your thoughtfulness. What are you waiting for? Start crafting the perfect beer-soaked memory today!
P.S. What type of beer would your recipient pair with their new wooden mug? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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digitalvision · 8 months
Gift Guide: Wooden Beer Mugs for the Beer Lover in Your Life
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Forget the cold, impersonal feel of glass or concrete. Wooden beer mugs offer a unique and sensory-rich alternative. But with so many styles and options available, choosing the perfect one can feel daunting. Fear not, fellow gift-giver! This guide will walk you through the world of wooden beer mugs, helping you find the ideal vessel to match your recipient's personality and preferences.
A Touch of Nature: Why Choose Wood?
Wooden mugs go beyond mere function; they're a statement piece. The natural beauty of wood adds a touch of rustic charm to any setting, while the material itself insulates your beer, keeping it cooler for longer. Plus, the unique grain and texture of each mug make it a one-of-a-kind treasure.
Navigating the Forest: Different Woods, Different Feels
The type of wood used plays a big role in the mug's aesthetics and performance. Popular choices include:
Oak:- Known for its durability and rich, golden tones, oak mugs offer a classic, timeless look.
Walnut:- This darker wood boasts a beautiful grain and imparts a subtle nutty aroma to your beer.
Cedar:- Lighter in color and weight, cedar mugs offer a natural, earthy feel and a hint of cedar fragrance.
Finding the Perfect Fit: Styles and Features
There's a wooden mug to suit every taste. Consider your recipient's preferences:
The Traditionalist:- Opt for a hefty tankard with a handle for a truly medieval vibe.
The Craft Beer Aficionado:- Choose a mug with a narrower mouth to concentrate the aromas of complex brews.
The Casual Enjoyer:- Select a lighter-weight mug for everyday use.
Personalization Power:- Making it Special
Engraving the recipient's name, initials, or a special message on their mug adds a sentimental touch that elevates it to a cherished heirloom.
Still Stumped? We Can Help!
Feeling overwhelmed by the choices? Don't fret! At The Brand Barrel, we specialize in helping you find the perfect wooden beer mug for any occasion. With our curation of high-quality, handcrafted mugs, you're sure to discover the ideal gift that will have them raising a toast in appreciation.
So, ditch the ordinary and embrace the rustic charm of wood. With the right mug, you're gifting more than just a vessel; you're gifting an experience, a conversation starter, and a cherished reminder of your thoughtfulness. What are you waiting for? Start crafting the perfect beer-soaked memory today!
P.S. What type of beer would your recipient pair with their new wooden mug? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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uraharasandals · 2 years
Continued brainrot about an anxious S/O sending the OG captains off to the Quincy battle! Part 1 here | My own OC here
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--  Decaying nobility, morbid paleness spreading a miasma of unease 
The thump of a sword hitting the wooden floor wouldn’t have normally startled you, but news of the Quincy invasion has provided new challenges for your nerves. You can feel the weight of Nobutsuna’s gaze on you as you jump, but you quickly steady yourself. Weakness is definitely not a desirable trait, especially not in the Shigyou household.
“I will execute all of our enemies and deliver justice onto those who invades Soul Society,” Nobutsuna states bluntly and clearly, hands folded on top of the hilt of his sword. You raise an eyebrow at this - rarely does he voice his thoughts on his principles and beliefs, but apparently this is an occasion that calls for it.
“I rest my faith in you, Nobutsuna-sama.” 
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-- Innocence at first glance, a swift butchering delivered without mercy 
Batsu’unsai’s aura of innocence makes many let down their guard due to their initial assessment of her as someone who has accidentally wandered onto the battlefield, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. Little do they know her proficiency with her weapon - rarely do her enemies realise it was her blade that slices them into clean pieces that fall onto the floor like slabs of meat.
And it’s with this faith in her abilities that you linger at the doorway as she turns around, a small smile on her face, as if she was heading out for a walk. “________, I’ll be off then, okay?” 
“See you, Batsu-chan,” You reply in the same tone, giving her a small wave. The smile widens in return of your affection, but her expression shifts as the sunlight catches on her glasses - when the light obscures her eyes, something sinister flickers on her features. “Stay safe, alright?”
“Oh, don’t worry, I will.”
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-- A tall and imposing sentry, unmoving and threatening like jagged rock 
“You do understand that there’s no reason for me to get rid of the bloodstains when you’ll just stain it with the blood of your enemies again, right, Entetsu?” Slightly annoyed, you hand his newly bequeathed white haori to him, a piece of clothing that came with his new title. The man merely opens his mouth slightly at you - the golden teeth fastened on his lips serve as a perpetual and unnerving grin. Despite your complaints, he knows you don’t really mind - it’s proof of his ability on the battlefield, and the bloodstained legacy he bears. 
Shrugging it on, Entetsu picks up his sword - already in shikai form, and you swallow at the sight of it. Despite the number of times you’ve seen it in its released form, the fact that it resembles a club still unnerves you. Then again, his whole appearance serves to do the same.
“I’ll try to spare you the chore tonight, __________.” And that’s the end of it - no loving words, no reassurances, a comment so common and casual that it would’ve been part of your regular conversations. Entetsu promptly turns and leaves, also bringing the threat of death with himself. 
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-- Unwavering stature of nobleness, sternness maintained even in face of death
Furuoki has never really been a man of many words, preferring to replace them with his music - something you’ve always found ironic, him dressing himself as a man of art rather than of blade - and he refuses to make an exception even as he may be marching to his death.
“Don’t tell me you’re bringing your hat to the battlefield as well, Furuoki.” The comment, clearly made in sarcasm, manages to make the corner of his lips tug up slightly, almost as if he’s restraining himself, stopping himself from laughing - but otherwise, he maintains his stern expression. You let out a small exhale, wanting to make the mood more light-hearted, but of course, not to be. 
“Are you going to say anything, or will you go without any last words?” You raise an eyebrow. Normally, acting like this would hardly make him happy - in fact, acting out like this usually makes him irritated, but in the face of an enemy invasion, you could hardly care about his preference for righteousness and proper conduct when this may very well be the last time you see him.
“Stop being ridiculous - you’re overthinking.” Those are the only words he leaves you with, before he promptly walks off. A thin smile spreads your lips - typical, as always. Even in face of death.
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-- A spider lily from the depths of the underworld, death blooming in her wake 
Yachiru is so beautiful when she’s stationary, standing like this and staring at you with those soulless eyes of hers - arguably more beautiful than when she’s on the battlefield, killing foes and allies alike mercilessly with the quick flash of her blade. She stares at you, and any words that you want to say die on the tip of your tongue, because really, what could you say (and honestly, what right do you even have to say anything) to the woman who’s known as the most merciless killer in the entirety of Soul Society? 
Small wonder she has yet to murder you. You suspect the only thing keeping you around is your wits, and the fact that she has yet to be bored in your presence. 
Picking up her blade - polished and without blood, fruit of your efforts - and sliding it carefully into her scabbard, she steadies the weapon strapped to her waist. There was a period of silence between you two, where unspoken words were exchanged through glances that were perfected throughout the years, before you step forward tentatively. Yachiru lets you, her eyes never leaving your actions, watching you attentively like predator stalking her prey. 
Except, you have no overt intentions aside from picking up her hand. Years of battle has honed her instincts, and she reacts reflexively, but you wait - and Yachiru lets you clasp her hand in yours eventually, before raising it to your lips, and brushing the skin almost heart-breakingly tenderly with a kiss. 
Then the moment fades, and she’s gone like the wind, the only evidence of your goodbye gift a tingling on your lips from the sheer amount of reiatsu she exudes. 
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-- Overdressed corpulence, visual aposematism accentuating venom
The moment Zenjouji had been given news of his current appointment, he had jeered at the irony of the entire situation - a sentiment that had not passed you by either, to be frank. “Yamamoto Genryusai gathering a band of murderers to defend Seireitei? Even the punchline of a well-written joke wouldn’t have been as funny!” 
And it was with that same sense of sentiment as you watch him applying the paint to his face - a mask of sorts, but also resembling war paint, strangely; a routine of sorts - before he heads to the battlefield. “You’re not going with this seriously, are you?” 
Zenjouji looks at you like you’re being ridiculous - which you suppose you are, having known the man for such a long time. “Are ya kiddin’ me? ‘Course I ain’t! I’ll go and smash some heads together and call it a day!” 
As expected, really.  
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-- A wandering corpse of shaken bones, rattling death in graves borne in his wake
“I don’t understand why Genryusai-dono asked you, Saizou-dono,” You state flatly, standing in front of his katana, which was propped on the shelf behind your back. “You may have been formidable in your prime, but you’re well past that now.”
He grins toothily at you - meant to be menacing, you’re sure, but not now, and especially not in this context. “Regardless of what you think, _________, Yamamoto has asked me. And so I’ll answer.”
“Whatever for?” You retort. You aren’t afraid of losing him to battle - Sakahone Saizou was more than capable of holding his ground. Or at least, that was what you told yourself. Secretly, you worry - given his current state and age, you aren’t so sure anymore. “Pride?” 
Before you were aware of the fact, Saizou had already retrieved his weapon that you thought you had barred him from. “Merely for igniting these old bones of mine, __________.” 
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smallflowersblog · 1 year
"middle of nowhere"
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When I moved here two years ago from the metropolitan area, a woman in a shop said to me. "How dare you came all the way to the middle of nowhere?" I think she said it as a welcome which means "Welcome, although there's nothing to see here," but I felt a little sorry for the "middle of nowhere" that people said to me like that.
Certainly, there are many famous popular cities like Kyoto, but if you think about it, there are far more cities, towns, villages, etc. whose names you've never heard of, and you would say, "Where is that?" For some of them, you don't know how to read, or even for a town in the prefecture where you live, you may not know much about the location or what is there.
Having moved to one of those "middle of nowhere," I have a new hobby. Walking. The "nothingness" means that there are open landscapes nearby that you don't see in the city and that is an enjoyable factor for walking. And because I am able to see farther, my eyesight has improved. When I walk in such places, I discover many things. Even when walking along the same path, the "middle of nowhere" takes on a different look depending on the time of day and the season. When I take pictures of those looks, I notice something. Is this the "middle of nowhere"? There's a lot of stuff here!
There are people who live, study at school, or work, even though here is the "middle of nowhere." Every day at dusk, the houses are lit up, and the chimneys of the factories along the coast are constantly emitting white smoke. Windmills for offshore wind power generation are also spinning. When I see them on the way home from Tokyo on the highway, I feel at home. My favorite place is the place where I live now. I love the fact that even in such "middle of nowhere," there are people going about their daily lives.
I am sure that every place has its own beautiful scenery. Even in places that many people think are "empty," there should be always something there. If you didn't really like where you live now, why not take a little walk today and find it?
Kamisu City (Ibaraki, JAPAN)
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Green Park behind City Hall, with a 4.4-km-long pond with more than 10 species of wild birds.
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Wind Power Kamisu No. 1 offshore wind farm; Kamisu City is the site of Japan's first full-scale offshore wind farm. Visitors can enjoy the scenery on an empty beach.
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Ikisu Shrine. Together with Kashima Jingu Shrine (Kashima City, Ibaraki Prefecture) and Katori Jingu Shrine (Katori City, Chiba Prefecture), they are called the three shrines of the East. Kashima Jingu Shrine and Katori Jingu Shrine are about a 20-minute drive from Ikisu Shrine. These three shrines share a common amulet, which is completed by purchasing a wooden amulet for the main body at one shrine and purchasing stickers of different colors from the other two shrines and affixing them to the main body (the sticker from the first shrine is already attached).
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The scenery changes with the seasons. In winter, there is no greenery and the whole area looks like a desolate desert.
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Nasaka Sunset Township Park, a sunset spot that even the locals rarely visit.
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The scenery looks similar for a moment to a scene I encountered in England??
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●For those of you who kindly have read this far and are interested in Kamisu City, Kamisu City's character, Kamisukoko-kun, at the link below shows you where Kamisu City is located in a very easy-to-understand way (His head is in the shape of Ibaraki Prefecture, and he is telling you that Kamisu City is here. "koko" of "Kamisukoko" means "here" in Japanese.). By the way, his favorite food seems to be nata de coco.
カミスココくんプロフィール / 茨城県神栖市 (city.kamisu.ibaraki.jp)
●A place that hardly anyone pays attention to is glistening in the sunlight. This music makes you feel even more enlivened when you walk in such places.
(278) "Say So" - Doja Cat - Cover (Violin) - YouTube
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kykyonthemoon · 4 years
A Trip to the Countryside
Dragon Raja Fanfic
Paring: Chisei Gen x Lyris (MC)
Summary: Chisei took Lyris to his hometown and spent a the day together.
(From Chisei Gen’s in game messages.)
Word count: 1800+
This work is a part of Allies  - a series based on in game text messages, letters or moments by Allies themselves.
For @soul-dancer-lyris~ Hope you enjoy the story~
Read more of my DR fanfic here: x
or on AO3: x
The rain came and left in a haste, leaving a lingering smell of wet ground, mixed with roasted sweet potatoes.
The smell made Lyris hungry. Following the aroma, she found a small vending cart by a corner of Tokyo street. It was not her first time trying roasted sweet potatos, but the first time trying one from a cart. It was more delicious than she had expected! The warm roasted sweet potato made Lyris happy, especially in this kind of weather.
She decided to share that little happiness with someone, so she took out her phone in one hand, the other still held onto the bag of roasted sweet potatoes.
“Chisei Gen! Chisei Gen! Listen!”
The reply came almost immediately after the message was sent.
“What’s wrong? What happened?”
Lyris giggled to herself, or her gemini – the one that was floating around her. Chisei Gen replied so fast! He must have thought something had happened to her. That meant, he cared.
“Oh, nothing. There’s just someone selling delicious roasted sweet potatoes by Kabukicho!”
“Oh? Is there anything strange about that?”
“It’s different from where I came from. They sell roasted sweet potatoes in ovens made out of remodeled oil barrels.”
“You sound like some kind of expert.” Chisei seemed to be more relaxed with his reply. “I guess you like to eat roasted sweet potatoes.”
“I want to tell you about this because it’s so rare to see it.”
Lyris found a seat by the riverside while waaiting for Chisei’s reply. She sat down on a bench and gazed at the other part of the city, across the river. It was nighttime. All the city lights turned into stars. She thought of what Chisei would be doing at that moment, and felt thankful for his replies to her messages, despite the busy life of the High Patriarch.
“Have you done much traveling?” He asked.
“Yes, I like to travel outside the country when I have time.”
Lyris loved traveling. That was why she appeared in Tokyo, while she was supposed to stay in Cassell and do her essay. She thought a change of air would be nice. And another reason was that she wanted to see Chisei Gen.
“I admire that kind of life. I travel for business, but it’s mostly just to handle local affairs. I’m also quite busy with work, so I don’t have much time to take a vacation.”
Lyris let out a sigh as she was reading his text. Chisei was always, always busy. He seemed to work all the time when his eyes were open! She doubted he would actually rest at night. That guy was the man of work. He breathed in work.
But he had once or twice talked about his dream. Surprisingly, it was not becoming the most successful person in the world; nor bringing his clan to the most glorious days. He only wanted to be a sunscreen vendor, living his life freely somewhere in a French beach…
How could a High Patriarch, the Emperor of all Hydras have such a thought? People would laugh at his dream, and tell him to snap back to reality. But Lyris did not. She listened carefully to all his thoughts. To her, it was brave of Chisei to have that dream, and to keep it alive inside his heart even though the world told him to let go.
Lyris enjoyed another roasted sweet potato from the bag as they exchanged messages about how Chisei missed the beach in France. Her gemini sat beside her, teasing her for wanting to be there with him.
“This beach sounds like your first love. No wonder you’re so obsessed with it.” Lyris replied lightheartedly, with a snickering emote.
“Lyris, you must be joking! What do you mean, first love?”
A finger tapped on the phone screen repeatedly, Lyris was thinking of what to reply next. But another message came:
“Speaking of which, actually, I didn’t grow up in Tokyo.”
“Oh, really?” Lyris quickly replied.
“When I was a child, I lived in a small mountain village… But what about you, Lyris? Where did you grow up?”
“I’ve been in the city since I was born. I’ve never lived in the countryside.”
Lyris replied, but she wished she had lived in the countryside too. She wanted to know Chisei more, and to know about the life he had lived long before becoming the High Patriarch who only knew work.
Lyris stared at the phone screen. She took notice of the three dots popping up next to Chisei’s avatar, indicating that he was typing something. But long minutes passed by, the dots kept appearing and disappearing. She grew nervous. Would Chisei prefer girls from the countryside than city girls, like her?
But his next message was something she could not expect, “Would you like to go and see the village I lived in? The scenery is quite nice.”
Lyris was sent to the clouds! She stood up from the seat, with her phone held close to chest, and she started dancing around with her gemini.
“Is he asking me out? He must be asking me out!”
Lyris beamed and danced, ignoring the curious eyes of the passerby. She kept dancing until her gemini reminded that she had not replied to Chisei yet.
“Oops! How could I almost forget?!”
And she hastily sent him a message, “Of course! I’d love to!”
That night, Lyris danced with her gemini gleefully all the way back home.
 On a sunny morning, Lyris dressed in her favorite blue floral dress that matched her eyes color and waited patiently by Tokyo street. With every car came in sight, she tip-toed, gazing at it with a fluttering heart.
Chisei arrived at last. He was wearing casual outfit; a white shirt and dark pants, black shoes, and even a pair of glasses. He was completely different from the every-day-High-Patriarch-Chisei-Gen. And that made Lyris’ heart beat too fast! As if it could jump right out of her chest and fall into Chisei’s hand when he stood there, reaching a hand out towards her. She could not help but sneak glances at him all the way to his hometown. Chisei caught her a few times. He only turned away and smiled to himself, which made her heart flutter even more.
Katori Town was not far from Tokyo. Lyris was excited, and a bit nervous. It was her first time being here, and she was with Chisei!
The view was very different from the city. Lyris took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air and the fragrance of grass. This place, it was beautiful, and it belonged to the young Chisei. Lyris turned around to look at him. His eyes spoke nostalgia, and she was thankful he had taken her to this place with him.
They decided to take a stroll in the forest. Lyris had so many things to ask, but she wanted Chisei to speak first, to open up first about his childhood.
“When I was a child, I lived here, in this village with green forests, flowing streams and hanging stoves in wooden houses. In the summers, I practiced holding my breath in the streams, and watched the fish swam past my eyes. In the snowy winters, I chiseled holes in the ice to catch fish, which I’d then cook into a soup… Those early years were the happiest in my life.”
They reached a small wooden house which seemed to be abandoned for so long. It was locked. Chisei gazed at it with an unspoken sadness in his eyes.
“Is this… your old house?” Lyris softly asked.
“I assume that you don’t want to come in…”
Chisei turned to look at Lyris. Though his face showed no emotion, his hazel eyes betrayed him.
“I’m sorry, Lyris… But I’m afraid that once I unlock the doors, memories of the place would escape… The good ones, and even the bad ones…”
“We don’t have to go in if you don’t want to,” said Lyris. She was worried about him. “When we talked on the phone, and on the way coming here, I thought you only had good memories of this place… But it seems like I was wrong.”
Chisei looked down on the ground, advoiding her eyes. He must have done it wrong. He should not be so emotional and weak in front of Lyris. She did not come here for a sad Chisei, did she?
But Chisei would never know, Lyris felt utterly happy that he had shown her another side of his. She took his hand and said, “If you have bad memories about this place, how about creating good ones to replace them?”
Chisei seemed surprised. “Replace the bad memories?”
“Yes! You just told me about catching fish in the streams, and cooking soup,… That sounds really fun! I haven’t done anything like that before. I want Chisei to teach me how to hold my breath, catch fish and use hanging stoves! So when I think about this place, my mind will be fillied with memories of Chisei! And Chisei will remember the memories with me as a part of this place too!”
Was it a faint blush she caught on his face? Chisei smiled softly as she gazed down on her beautiful face.
“Lyris, you know that it will take a lot of time to learn all of those, right?”
“No problem! You just need to bring me here again and again and again, until I learn all!”
Chisei’s smile turned into a big grin. “I’ll take you here as many times as you want.”
When he saw her beam, he thought it was even more radiant than the most beautiful sunrise on the mountain that he could remember. That day, Chisei took Lyris to the streams and they caught lots of fish. They made soup and roasted sweet potatoes together when the sun set. Chisei had never met a beautiful city girl who was willing to get her dress dirty and do all the hard work she was not familiar with.
By the end of the day, they both sat down on the hill looking up at the stars. Lyris, though exhausted, still kept a smile on her face.
“I’ve never had this much fun... Thank you, Chisei Gen.”
Chisei looked at her and smiled, without saying anything. Lyris had to ask out of curiosity.
“Why are you staring at me?”
“You have dirt… on your face.”
“Huh?!” Lyris tried to brush off the dirt on her face sheepishly. Chisei always liked beautiful girls. How could she let him see her being ugly, even for just a moment?
“Don’t worry.” Chisei said softly. The wind messed with his hair as he placed a hand on her face, a finger caressed her cheek. “You’re still the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on.”
-The end-
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Know all about the famous handicrafts of Gujarat!
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One way a place expresses itself is through its arts and crafts. Probably no country in the world has a greater variety of these words than India when it comes to the arts and crafts. Each corner of this vibrant and intense land has something to say. It's exciting, interesting, varied,and contenting journey. Gujarat has an ancient history and a rich patrimony of culture and Gujarat Tourism is helping to preserve this thousands of year old heritage and art. The place's age-old crafts have survived until today. The art and crafts are maintained in the state and are widely practiced. Gujarat's workmanship is renowned for its color scheme, precision, and intricate work and artistic look. Such crafts are a result of India's skilled craftsmanship. A great variety of handicrafts are available. You may choose from silver jewelry, embroidery, furniture, clay pieces, hand-made carpets, stone crafts, and other items. Here are Gujarat’s popular crafts which represent the state’s culture and traditions and are worth purchasing on your Gujarat holiday tour package.
1. Bandhani: 
Bandhani or tie-dye is a traditional Gujarati style of clothing. The making of a pattern on the fabric is a special dyeing technique. In Gujarat’s Kutch regions the best Bandhani is made. Also, Bandhej garbs are made in several different types and designs, and each is distinct from the other. The term Bandhani originates from “Bandhan” meaning joining up. So, on their wedding day, the Gujarati brides wear a "Bandhani” dupatta or dress. Women having a place with the state will likewise dress in customarily looking Bandhani apparel, with men wearing a Bandhani Turban. Bandhani saree and dupatta are most in-demand and are worldwide renowned handicrafts. 2. Beadwork:
Beadwork is a Gujarat craft created by 2-3 beads joining together. Gujarat is a bead craft hub, also known in India as Moti Bharat. Bead Work is the specialty of making home beautifying things, for example, chaklas, indhonis, mangalkalash and nariyal, and gateways and gems, for example, neckbands, bangles, earrings, and so on. The pattern of putting 2-3 beads together dictates motifs and patterns This art originates from the districts of Saurashtra, Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Amreli & Junagadh and is also practiced in Ahmedabad. Ancestral craftsmen from the Panchmahala and Vadodara regions likewise make customary bead adornments and trimmings while working around strong articles, for example, coconuts and pot-rests it takes a shocking three-dimensional structure. Bead art is used to render home furnishings 3. Patola: Patola is a woven saree made from the tinting technique of double ikat. Such handmade sarees are highly costly and used to be worn by royal families. The artwork by Patola is native to Patan, Gujarat. For the production of a saree, it takes about six months to one year. The dyeing process is the reason behind its demand, which takes a long time. The saree has become renowned in Indonesia for its fine intricacy and marvelous coloring, for local weaving being a tradition there. There are only three families in Patan making this handicraft rich and popular. It is said that only sons within the family are taught the technique of this handwork. There are essentially four patterns of Patola saree and all are produced by Salvi community in Gujarat.
4. WoodWork:
Woodwork is a common Gujarat hands-on skill. Gujarat people love to use wooden objects to decorate their houses, rooms, and other locations. Woodwork provides for these spaces with a typical richness theme. Bhavnagar District is the center of Gujarati woodworking. Woodworking art is a classic mix of opulence and elegance. Most notable, Surat woodcraft "sandli" (sandalwood), Gujarat has its place in people's hearts. Carpeting delicate "sandli" articles with state of the art designs require years of experience. The template includes picture frames, porch wing, bridal box, jewelry box, spoon serving, and furniture. Gujarat handcrafted wood stuff is loved nationally and globally. 5. Zari: 
Zari is a decorative feature of textiles, using a thread to do the embroidery. In Indian bridal dresses, Zari research plays a significant part. Surat a city in Gujarat is famous for its threads work. They use these shimmery threads to create delicate and elegant designs. The string comes in three hues like golden, silver, and copper, all of which when utilized in the weaving procedure look rich. Zari's fashion started in the Mughal era according to historians. It has also been the Mughal dressmakers' favorite fabric to create royal outfits. 'Salam’ 'Katori’ 'Tiki’ 'Chalak’ and 'Kangari' are the most well-known Zari embroideries. Zari embroidery is widely used by men and women alike in clothes. Therefore the analysis is carried out in India. 6. Claywork:
Clay's work is an old practice in India. Terracotta clay work of Gujarat is renowned. Earlier the Kutch district ladies used to embellish their homes with hand-held terracotta clay. Another art name is “Lippan Kaam” (clay art form), it also means adorning items with hands. According to the planned design, one can model wet clay into any shape and size. The clay craft techniques are influenced by common patterns and designs on the embroidery. It takes three to five days for the craft to dry off until it’s completed. The workmanship plans are typically observed in customary structures including a peacock, horse, mango tree, blossoms, ladies, ladies, and substantially more. The art makes enhancing and conventional things, for example, bowls, pots, handis, lights, divider casings, and figures. 7. Leather Handicraft:
Gujarat’s Leather Handcraft is a striking quality in India. The leathercraft originates in Kutch regions. The leather products are primarily manufactured by the Meghwal community in Gujarat. Bhujodi village is renowned for its handicrafts in leather.
This magnificent art, dating back in time, continues to flourish during the modern era with its strong effects. The leathercraft is mainly used for the production of saddles, armors, helmets, and swords, depending on the time of demand. In contemporary times, exquisite leather objects include boots, shoes, covers for cushions, and artifacts. One can see the handmade leather pieces in beautiful colors and embroideries. The master of this craft Narsi Bhai Bijlani moved from Pakistan to Gujarat after partition. 8. Hand block printing:
Hand-block printing is a Gujarati traditional technique. Gujarat the oldest and largest center known for Hand block printing. Each Block design has a conventional approach. The most popular designs of this art involve flowers, leaves, stems, and trees. The different styles are part of various Gujarat states. Which include the Kutch and Desa ‘Vegetable’ print, Bhujpur ‘Batik’ prints, and Kutch village ‘Saudagiri’ prints. That hand ability simply shows India’s cultural and traditional importance. The Hand Block Printing items include ladies’ dresses, men's kurta, bed sheets, pillow covers, and decorative wall pieces. 9. Embroidery work:
Gujarat Embroidery Work holds its peculiarity. This is one of the world's most popular handicrafts. The Kutch regions are at the center of this artwork. In India, foreigners are fond of buying Gujarati embroidery pieces. The craftsmanship is made up of multicolored threads, beads, and tiny mirrors. The artisans have a wide variety of stitches and patterns to adorn the items. The most widely used pattern for stitching is herringbone. This craftsmanship from Gujarati corporates covers for satchels, grips, frill, divider pieces, place settings, boots, nd cushions. Also the embroidery is famous for the execution of architectural designs, known as "Kheer Bharat" The stitches got this name from floss-silk, which in India is called "Kheer". 10. Tangaliya work:
Tangaliya Job or Daana is skilled in weaving shawls and making textiles for wearing the outfit. Dangassia is Gujarat’s native culture, who began the craft 700 years ago. Gujarat District Surendranagar is the birthplace of Tangaliya Work. Tangaliya shawls are one of Gujarat's most renowned crafts. The perplexing additional turning technique to make geometric designs makes it exceptional. The soul of Tangaliya Work is vibrant dots, which are simultaneously rendered on both ends of a shawl. Using various colored fabrics, the handwoven technique is used to make cloth or shawl. The content from "Tangalia" contains items from home decor and ladies’ clothes. This art speaks volumes about its quality worldwide. 11. Rogan Painting:
Rogan Painting, or "Rogan Printing" captures spiritual India's true spirit. Kutch regions Khatri group is famous for this craft. Also though it comes from Persia, in India Gujarat leads the way for Rogan Painting. Niruna village is the mainspring of a Rogan handcraft in the Bhuj district. This is a painting produced using silk that utilizes a unique brush to get the excellence right. The paintings, therefore, take on a degree of excellence to offer such brilliant work. The paint is made from vegetables or flowers with castor oil and natural colors. It takes a few days for the paint to make the crafts turn into a paste.
12. Rabari Embroidery:
Rabari Embroidery has deep origins in Gujarat's Kutch areas. This art was initiated by women of the Rabri community and named after their culture. When tribal women loved to be colorful they made their Rabari Embroidery garments. The most famous styles of Rabri Embroidery are the Dhebar and Kachchi. Rabari Embroidery has developed around for decades, because of its distinctive designs, evolving as a modern craft. Throughout every piece, the embroidery has elements with striking colors, small mirrors, and artistic features. Quick in every part of the world, this handwork has its place. 13. Patchwork & Applique:
Patchwork and Applique are methods for the repair of a torn piece of fabric. The district of Banaskantha Gujarat is renowned for that art. Kutch is the root of Patchwork and Appliqué Art. The art of producing and arranging embroidered pieces on cloth may sound simple but creating each piece requires an artistic meaning. Patchwork and Applique are important elements of dark-colored fabrics, beads, mirrors, and other adornments. The most in-demand pieces of this craft are door and wall hangings. A groundbreaking aspect about this artwork above all is that once the patches are mounted on the fabric they do not appear to hack or wrinkle. 14. Carpets (Dhurries): Dhurries, floor coverings, covers, and mats are as yet being woven at straightforward pit looms in the towns of Kutch. The craftsmen weave the patterns with their fingertips and work on the pedal-operated machines. Their exquisite patterns, contrasting paint schemes, and intricate weaving make these carpets popular. The durries are made of fleece, goat hair, and cotton. Subsequently, handloom weaving is a significant control of the town, situated on thruway Ahmedabad-Bhavnagar.
Gujarat tourism is blessed with a rich and vibrant Handicraft's heritage. Throughout its proportions of its shapes, it varies widely from the item of wonderful exquisite Artifacts throughout various forms. With its eclectic arts and crafts, it stands unique – a mixed blend of visual appeal. So next time you plan a Gujarat tour package make sure you shop for the above things and take it for life as a souvenir.
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avfoodvlog · 4 years
Recipe for Katori Chaat:
250 gm Refined Flour
3 spoon Oil
1/2 spoon Salt
Boiled Potato
Mint Sauce
Tamarind Sauce
Mix Refined Flour, Oil and Salt in a mixing bowl. Add water in small amount to make a dough. Leave it for 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes, make small balls from the dough and roll them on a wooden base to make a chapati. Use a fork to make small holes on this chapati.
Take one small steel bowl and apply oil at its back. Place the chapati on its back to cover it completely.
Heaten up oil in a frying pan and put two bowls in that and fry It until it turn light brown. Remove steel bowls from pan and fry Refined Flour’s bowl for 2,3 mins. and place them in a plate.
You can store these Refined Flour’s bowl for a month in an air tight jar.
For Filling:
Mix chopped potato, onion and tomato, salt, spices, curd, mint sauce, tamarind sauce, coriander in a mixing bowl.
Fill the Refined Flour’s bowls upto half with this filling and garnish it with curd, Tamarind sauce, Mint Sauce in your style.
Your Katori chaat is ready.
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digitalvision05 · 9 months
Wooden Tableware to Elevate Your Meals
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Today, where almost every kitchen product is made from stainless steel and other materials, there's an undeniably special quality in the touch of nature. We are introducing our stunning and handmade premium quality wooden tableware collections tha bringing a unique warmth and charm to your everyday meals. Our wooden products are ready to transform your simple acts of eating and drinking into sensory experiences. If you want to explore finest collection of wooden, concrete, and woolen products, you can check out our website.
Now let’s explore our finest collection of wooden products.
1. Wooden Coffee Cup:
Ah, the humble coffee cup, a vessel not just for caffeine, but for the very essence of the morning. In those quiet pre-dawn hours, before the world fully awakens, the coffee cup becomes a companion, a confidante, and a catalyst for the day ahead. Its importance in the morning ritual cannot be overstated.
Our wooden coffee cup cradles your morning caffeine fix in cozy warmth, the natural wood grain adding a touch of organic elegance to your morning ritual. It's a quiet moment of luxury, just you and your coffee, connected by the simple beauty of nature.
2. Wooden Tea Cup:
Holding a wooden teacup is like cradling a piece of nature itself. The smooth, cool wood feels grounding, connecting you to the earth's raw beauty. Each cup boasts unique grain patterns, a fingerprint of the tree it once was, making it a one-of-a-kind treasure.
As you pour hot water over your favorite leaves, the wood gently infuses the aroma, creating a sensory symphony. Each sip reveals the natural sweetness of the wood, complementing the delicate flavors of your tea. This isn't just a cup, it's an invitation to slow down and savor the moment.
3. Wooden Ice Cream Cup:
Wooden ice cream cups elevate the simple act of enjoying frozen treats to a sensory extravaganza. Forget flimsy paper and sugary cones, these rustic vessels offer a unique blend of charm, sustainability, and taste that's sure to tantalize your senses.
Ditch the boring paper bowls and let the natural charm of wood add a touch of whimsy to your frozen treat. The cool wood against your fingers as you dig in creates a playful contrast, enhancing the simple pleasure of your favorite scoop. It's a reminder that joy comes in the smallest moments, often wrapped in the beauty of nature.
4. Wooden Water Glass:
Forget the predictability of glass and the coldness of plastic – wooden water glasses offer a unique and captivating way to hydrate. Wood, unlike glass or metal, is a natural insulator. This means your iced water stays refreshingly cold, while hot beverages retain their warmth longer, without burning your fingers. It's a comforting embrace in every sip, a delightful interplay between the coolness of the liquid and the gentle warmth of the wood.
Our wooden water glass transforms even the most basic act of hydration into a mindful experience. The cool water against the natural grain creates a gentle sensation, reminding you to savor each sip. It's a celebration of nature's bounty, a reminder to appreciate the beauty in the everyday.
5. Wooden Soup Bowl:
Cozy up to a steaming bowl of goodness in our warm, inviting wooden soup bowl. The natural wood insulates your fingers from the heat, while the rich aroma of the broth infuses the wood, creating a sensory treat. Imagine a chilly evening, candles flickering, and everyone huddled around the table, sharing stories and laughter over steaming bowls of soup. It's a moment of family, of warmth, of connection brought together by the simple power of nature.
Our wooden tableware is more than just beautiful objects; it's an invitation to reconnect with nature, to slow down and savor the everyday moments. Each piece is handcrafted with care, infused with the unique character of the wood, and ready to bring a touch of warmth and charm to your table. So go ahead, embrace the natural beauty, and let our wooden tableware transform your meals into moments of mindful joy.
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digitalvision · 8 months
Wooden Tableware to Elevate Your Meals
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Today, where almost every kitchen product is made from stainless steel and other materials, there's an undeniably special quality in the touch of nature. We are introducing our stunning and handmade premium quality wooden tableware collections tha bringing a unique warmth and charm to your everyday meals. Our wooden products are ready to transform your simple acts of eating and drinking into sensory experiences. If you want to explore finest collection of wooden, concrete, and woolen products, you can check out our website.
Now let’s explore our finest collection of wooden products.
1. Wooden Coffee Cup:
Ah, the humble coffee cup, a vessel not just for caffeine, but for the very essence of the morning. In those quiet pre-dawn hours, before the world fully awakens, the coffee cup becomes a companion, a confidante, and a catalyst for the day ahead. Its importance in the morning ritual cannot be overstated.
Our wooden coffee cup cradles your morning caffeine fix in cozy warmth, the natural wood grain adding a touch of organic elegance to your morning ritual. It's a quiet moment of luxury, just you and your coffee, connected by the simple beauty of nature.
2. Wooden Tea Cup:
Holding a wooden teacup is like cradling a piece of nature itself. The smooth, cool wood feels grounding, connecting you to the earth's raw beauty. Each cup boasts unique grain patterns, a fingerprint of the tree it once was, making it a one-of-a-kind treasure.
As you pour hot water over your favorite leaves, the wood gently infuses the aroma, creating a sensory symphony. Each sip reveals the natural sweetness of the wood, complementing the delicate flavors of your tea. This isn't just a cup, it's an invitation to slow down and savor the moment.
3. Wooden Ice Cream Cup:
Wooden ice cream cups elevate the simple act of enjoying frozen treats to a sensory extravaganza. Forget flimsy paper and sugary cones, these rustic vessels offer a unique blend of charm, sustainability, and taste that's sure to tantalize your senses.
Ditch the boring paper bowls and let the natural charm of wood add a touch of whimsy to your frozen treat. The cool wood against your fingers as you dig in creates a playful contrast, enhancing the simple pleasure of your favorite scoop. It's a reminder that joy comes in the smallest moments, often wrapped in the beauty of nature.
4. Wooden Water Glass:
Forget the predictability of glass and the coldness of plastic – wooden water glasses offer a unique and captivating way to hydrate. Wood, unlike glass or metal, is a natural insulator. This means your iced water stays refreshingly cold, while hot beverages retain their warmth longer, without burning your fingers. It's a comforting embrace in every sip, a delightful interplay between the coolness of the liquid and the gentle warmth of the wood.
Our wooden water glass transforms even the most basic act of hydration into a mindful experience. The cool water against the natural grain creates a gentle sensation, reminding you to savor each sip. It's a celebration of nature's bounty, a reminder to appreciate the beauty in the everyday.
5. Wooden Soup Bowl:
Cozy up to a steaming bowl of goodness in our warm, inviting wooden soup bowl. The natural wood insulates your fingers from the heat, while the rich aroma of the broth infuses the wood, creating a sensory treat. Imagine a chilly evening, candles flickering, and everyone huddled around the table, sharing stories and laughter over steaming bowls of soup. It's a moment of family, of warmth, of connection brought together by the simple power of nature.
Our wooden tableware is more than just beautiful objects; it's an invitation to reconnect with nature, to slow down and savor the everyday moments. Each piece is handcrafted with care, infused with the unique character of the wood, and ready to bring a touch of warmth and charm to your table. So go ahead, embrace the natural beauty, and let our wooden tableware transform your meals into moments of mindful joy.
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lifebetweenlines · 5 years
D74 - Anniversary Health Katori
1. Highlight of the day: We had sex a couple times during the night and in between kisses, QT said happy first month anniversary. My heart skipped a beat and was filled with a healthy dosage of joy. We soon fell asleep in each other’s embrace. After our physical ritual, we were able to tear ourselves from the bed to enjoy a simple breakfast with fresh coffee and shitty croissant (QT’s words) and some fun facts about milk/cream/fair value of cows. It was a balmy morning and not as windy as yesterday so we decided to walk to Pho Tien Thanh. On our way, I kept gasping whenever I saw or remembered something interesting and QT kept shaking his head and exclaiming “Troi oi”. Even though I was not impressed with the food we tried, it was still a very lovely date. QT showed me the photos during his Japan trip more than 10 years ago and I got to see a glimpse of his young self (very dreamy with his lush hair and bright smile). We walked it off by tracing our steps back, stopping by a few shops along the way, including a Korean shop that sold cute stuff featuring cats and other adorable creatures. We finally loaded ourselves with calories from Nadege’s macaroons before parting ways. 
2. Thing I’m grateful for: My family is still doing well amidst the rampant COVID-19, largely thanks to the drastic but effective measures by the government to safeguard everyone’s health and also our people’s innovative methods to promote hygiene. On the other hand, I don’t think personal information is properly handled and such violation can create social stigma and ostracism against confirmed cases. 
3. Thing I’ve learnt: QT showed me a few clips from his Katori Shinto dojo and he demonstrated the practice with the wooden sword he ordered from Japan. As we shared our experience and passion for martial arts, I was enchanted by his energy, drive and mindset. I sincerely hope he could find something that embodies the spirit he is looking for and that he could continue to grow and find joy in committing to that.
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a2cg · 5 years
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自宅に蔵があるだけでも凄いことなのに立派な松の木もあって、素敵な御宅です。 #千葉県 #香取市 #佐原 #建築 #建物 #建物探訪 #レトロ #レトロ建築 #ノスタルジー #昭和 #佐原の町並み #木造 #木造建築 #chiba #katori #sawara #architecture #retro #oldarchitecture #showa #wooden #woodenbuilding (佐原小江戸めぐり) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7zESmxgQog/?igshid=x9bekdolk01l
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Are you ready for the festive season?
Are you ready for the festive season?
Are you ready for Navratri/Dussera? Festive season preparations
  Bombay Haat Designer Golden Puja Thali / Rakhi Platter / Tilak Thali with two Katoris
Maitri Creation Handicraft handmade Pooja Thali
Colorful wooden Sankheda Dandiya sticks (Navratri Dandiya Stick)
Ganapathy Gems Oxidized Silver Jhumki For Women (Blue )
  Zephyrr Jewellery Choker Necklace Handmade Tribal Oxidized White Metal…
View On WordPress
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lavingtondesigns · 7 years
Personalized Gifts for Grandparents
Personalized Gifts for Grandparents 
Grandparents and Grandchildren Relationships 
There is a loving relationship between Grandparents and their Grandchildren which also results in giving good amount of benefits to Grandchildren. These benefits include good knowledge of history and culture, and finding what is the good way and making correct choices in life. Grandparents also play an important role in mentoring their Grandchildren. Children require mentorship in order to avoid making mistakes and come out of difficult times.  
‘Across the United States, more than 13 million children are living in homes with their grandparents.’ 
Your Grandparents always say that they don’t need any gift or present from you. But you should never stop giving them the gifts, which can be given on their birthdays, Christmas, New Year and other occasions. Grandparents are in fact the backbone of our family who had raised our parents with the moral and social upbringing, that our parents in turn teach us. That is why you should come up with a perfect gift for them that says why you love them. 
Here are some of the Gifts that will surely put a smile on your grandparent's face 
1. Grandparents Pillow – A pair of Pillows with names of the Grandchildren will surely tell how much they are loved by their Grandchildren. They can use these pillows on their beds or on their comfortable recliner while watching television. You can also put photo, special messages and more on these pillows. So if you're looking for a great Christmas present, a practical birthday gift or a unique way to honor them on Grandparents Day, these pillows for grandma and grandpa will work great. 
Order these GRANDPARENTS PILLOWS now from our site now. 
2. Personalized Blankets – Everyone can give a plain blanket as a gift but when you give a personalized blanket to your Grandparents, then it will show how much thought you have put on the gift.  Add your favourite photos, names, monograms, special dates and messages to create one-of-a-kind personalized blankets for your Grandparents - that will be loved and appreciated.  
See our wide range of Personalized Blankets on our shop page. 
3. Picture of Family Memories – Making a picture of family memories is a good way to express your love, while at the same time it will illustrate some of the more memorable parts of life shared between you and your grandparents.  
Each picture will say a thousand words, that can be from birth to the present, or can be from their marriage. They are easy to make, needing just some pictures, glue, poster board and pens. They give benefit by teaching your family history to kids and will enhance the family relationships in a great way. 
4. A Dinner at a Fancy Restaurant  
The tradition of family dinners is thousands of years old where our ancestors sharing food while sitting together around a fire or a dining table. This is a core American value and you should sometimes take your Grandparents for a dinner at a Fancy Restaurant 
Being old, this nice dinner becomes a luxury to them as opposed to a frequent occurrence. Moreover, it can be difficult for them to get out of the home if they can no longer drive or walk with ease. Taking your grandparents out to a restaurant can be a great treat and they will love spending this time with you. 
Hope you like the suggestions!    Top 10 Best Personalized Wedding Gift Ideas 2017 
Keywords - Personalized Wedding 
 Weddings are special occasions which are remembered all throughout the life. It is a new beginning in the life of a couple, and therefore should be made perfect and special. The tradition of giving Wedding Gifts is as old as our civilization itself. The weddings gifts can be anything, meaning some are gestures of love while others are mementos of families that are passed down as a legacy.   
Today, more and more people choose Personalized Wedding Gifts over everything else. The reason is that they are special and more attractive.  
 So let me provide you the Top 10 Personalized Wedding Gift ideas of 2017.  
 1. Personalized Wedding Pillows Set  
Wedding pillows set comes first on this list and makes a great gift for the newly wed. Don’t forget to put the bride and groom names and wedding date on them. They will surely love your gift. 
 Check some of the Personalized Wedding Pillows from our site – click here. 
 2. Personalized Photo Frame 
Nothing beats a Personalized Photo Frame as a wedding gift. Make it special by inscribing a personal message on it. You can opt from various types of frames like sterling silver or wooden. Sterling silver picture frames are one of the most favored photo frames amongst people. Wooden picture frames also look extremely classy with the names or messages etched on it.    3. Personalized Crockery Sets  Personalized Crockery sets containing plates, bowls, cups and place mats must be presented to someone who loves cooking. A complete crockery set includes dinner plates, small plates, bowls, oval serving platter & bowl, lid, oval dish, deep dish and katori.  
 We make gorgeous personalized “Crockery Sets” with a twist. Send us your design or look around in our site. 
 4. Personalized Crystals and Crystal ware 
Crystal products with a personalized design, look and feel make many people go crazy about them. These products are also quite expensive. So if you are looking for a high price wedding gift then they are the one.  
  5. Personalized Wine Bottles 
Personalized wine bottles offer you with a brilliant way of celebrating a wedding. Customize them in any way you want, by using some significant pictures, phrase or an art work.  
 6. Personalized Blankets 
Personalized Blankets make wonderful gift ideas for almost every occasion. They come very handy at all places. You can order them from our website. 
 7. Personalized Key Holders 
If you want to gift a small yet excellent item, which your friend is going to remember forever then you can gift a Personalized Key Holder. They are unique, versatile, cost-effective, attractive, valuable and appreciable by any person of any status.  
 8. Personalized Jewelry 
Personalized Jewelry is expensive but also loved the most by brides on their weddings. There are host of things which you can do with it, like putting the bride’s first name, or her nickname, on it. You can also put name of her business or successful online product on the jewelry.    9. Personalized Cosmetic/makeup bag for the bride 
If you are looking for a present for a girl friend who loves makeup and other grooming essentials, a personalized cosmetic bag makes a great gift idea.  
 10. Monogrammed Cloth Dinner Napkins 
Personalize these napkins by printing the following: a. Bride’s names b. Groom’s name c. your monograms d. your name. Then, below it print the wedding date and venue. 
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kairuy · 7 years
In August the Gregory Award nominations went out, and holy crap, I was excited. All five best director nominees were women. All five best new play writers were women. Three of the best production nominees were directed by women, and one of them was the all-female BRING DOWN THE HOUSE, a two-part adaptation of Shakespeare’s HENRY VI. Artists of color dominated, especially black artists, especially black women artists, while Asian and Latinx artists also grew from previous years. There is strength in numbers. People are finding their voices, finding ways to tell the stories that mean something, finding ways to collaborate. This is how you gain power. In that moment, I was so proud that the distant thunder I first heard last year had become a roar: we cannot be silenced.
1. Much Ado About Nothing, William Shakespeare, dir. Jon Kretzu, Seattle Shakespeare Co/Wooden O. As usual, diversely-cast.
2. Please Open Your Mouth, Joanna Garner, dir. Norah Elges Scheyer, Café Nordo. Diversely-cast.
3. Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, dir. Leah Adcock-Starr, Off-Road Shakespeare Company. Diverse-race-AND-non-gender-specific casting. Everyone learned a bunch of different parts, and they pulled them out of a hat at the beginning of each performance.
4. Downstairs, Theresa Rebeck, dir. Julie Beckman, Theatre22/ACTLab. White or white-presenting.
5. Greensward, R. Hamilton Wright, dir. Richard Ziman, MAP Theatre. Race-specific, cast accordingly.
6. Hoodoo Love, Katori Hall, dir. Malika Oyetimein, Sound Theatre/The Hainsberry Project. Race-specific, all-black cast.
7. The Wong Kids (reading), Lloyd Suh, dir. Harry Todd Jamieson. Almost entirely Asian cast.
8. Pericles, William Shakespeare, dir. Annie Lareau, Seattle Shakespeare Company/Wooden O. Diversely cast.
9. Feed/back, Amelia Wade (devised piece), dir. Megan Brewer, MAP Theatre. Diversely cast.
10. Hamlet, William Shakespeare, dir. Robin Lynn Smith, Freehold Theatre. Diversely-cast.
11. Resistance Cabaret, UMO Ensemble, dir. Elizabeth Klob, UMO Ensemble/ACTLab. White or white-presenting.
12. Sundown at the Devil’s House, Eddie DeHais, dir. Eddie DeHais, Café Nordo. Both race-specific and non-race-specific, diversely-cast.
13. Mud, Maria Irene Fornes, dir./trans. Rose Cano, ESE Teatro. They did this in two versions: the original English, and in Spanish. Monica Cortes Viharo, who is in the graduate program at UW, learned Spanish for this role; you could tell, but it wasn’t necessarily a distraction.
14. American Archipelago, multiple writers, dir. Bobbin Ramsay, Pony World Theater, race-specific and cast accordingly.
15. Fool for Love, Sam Shepherd, dir. Alex Bodine, ACTLab. Diversely-cast.
16. 14/48, multiple writers and directors. They made a major change: all the roles come out of a single bucket, not divided by gender. That was pretty cool.
17. Over and Under, Juliet Waller Pruzan and Bret Fetzer, dir. Rachel Katz Carey, Annex Theatre. Diversely-cast.
18. Alex & Aris, Moby Pomerance, dir. John Langs, ACT. Diversely-cast (can you say that a play is diversely-cast if there are only two actors in it?).
19. Madagascar Jr., Kevin Del Aguila, George Noriega and Joel Someillan, dir. Hattie Andres. This was Seattle Children’s Theatre’s summer program performance, so, all little kids. Very diverse.
20. Intiman Emerging Artists Showcase, solo works, multiple directors. This was all about diversity.
21. Building the Wall (reading), Robert Schenkkan, dir. Desdemona Chiang, ACTLab/Azeotrope/Outsider Inn. Race-specific, casted accordingly.
22. The Moors (reading), Jen Silverman, dir. Erin Murray, Forward Flux. Diversely-cast.
23. Fractured. multiple writers/directors, BASH Theatre. White or white-presenting.
24. We Are Pussy Riot, Barbara Hammond, dir. Logan Ellis, Theatre Battery. Diversely-cast.
25. Statements After An Arrest Under the Immorality Act, Athol Fugard, dir. Emily Harvey. Race-specific, casted accordingly.
26. Proof, David Auburn, dir. Arlene Martinez-Vasquez. Latinx cast and company, bilingual English/Spanish adaptation.
27. Nite Skool, created and directed by the Libertinis, Annex Theatre. Race-specific, I think.
28. Okay, Bye (reading), Josh Conkel, dir. Marquicia Domingue, ACTLab. Diversely-cast.
29. Goblin Market, Polly Pen and Peggy Harmon, dir. Teresa Thuman, Sound Theatre. Diversely-cast AND they switched roles back and forth.
30. Persuasion, Harold Taw and Chris Jeffries, dir. Karen Lund, Taproot Theatre. White or white-presenting.
31. 14/48: Nordo, multiple writers/directors, Café Nordo. Diversely-cast.
32. Much Better, Elizabeth Frankel, dir. Henry Nettleton, Really-Really Theatre Group. Diversely-cast.
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charleschuang · 8 years
Practice makes perfect/Carlos Pueblo
  I was watching many Japanese samurai movies and suddenly a documentary
of real samurai produced by NHK popped up. I turned attention to this video
with a conclusion, Practice makes perfect. Two days later, I was summoned to
a tennis double games and ran into a player with stroke consistently forehand
and backhand. Friends call him ball machine Dan because he builds his tennis
skill by practice with tennis ball machine.
  Japanese swordsmanship comes back alive after century decline. The documentary
Introduces Katori Shinto-ryu, one of the three surviving schools at Narita, Chiba
Near the famous Narita Airport of Tokyo. The school allows students practice with
wooden sword and I watch carefully that the practice is repeating again and again
for varies technique attacking certain parts of unprotected body. That is why as the
master indicates traditional Japanese swordsmanship or the art of fencing can not
be a part of fencing sport at the Olympic. I have watched the famous duel between
him and Sasaki Kojiro at a beach front. The legend, after research and research,
tells that he used a solid wooden sword to make that fatal blow on Kojiro’s forehead.
It’s a matter of seconds.
  I have regretted that I don’t have enough practice for my tennis stroke; therefore, I
depend on game experience to fool around all tennis double matches. No strong
strike to win a point but returning the ball softly by slicing it to avoid hitting out of
the line. I have been winning by waiting the opponent’s error. I envy very much for
Dan’s hitting skill and I believe that hitting with a ball machine can reach the level
of practice makes perfect like the swordsmanship. Am I too late to start over? Or
am I too stubborn to be changed? Or I really don’t need to worry about it just
enjoy the remaining of my time to play the game?
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a2cg · 5 years
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