#Wookiees are like 7 feet tall???
drawnbythestream · 2 months
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some lineless sketches of my OCs Master Graaddik and Padawan Naarla Lanii. Their missions usually involve protecting non sentient creatures.
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Star Wars Alien Species - Lasat
Lasats were native to the planet Lira San, beyond a collapsed star cluster in Wild Space. At an unknown point in time, a group of Lasats colonized the Outer Rim world of Lasan, and over the years their homeworld was reduced to myth. While the Lasats did not take part in the Clone Wars, a galaxy-spanning conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, at least one Lasat was a member of the Jedi Order, Jaro Tapal.
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At the war's conclusion, the Republic was transformed into the Galactic Empire, and during its reign the Empire devastated Lasan, destroying the High Honor Guard, the royal family, and killing nearly all members of the species, despite the attempts of the Wookiees to prevent the massacres, often at the cost of their own lives. Since then, Lasats were rarely seen in the galaxy, and none remained on their homeworld. In their conquest of Lasan, T-7 ion disruptor rifles were used extensively by the Empire. This led to a strong hatred and distrust of such weapons by Lasats. Many of those who survived the fall were enslaved by the Empire.
Following this, Lasat culture fell into decline, with few remaining who could properly speak their native tongue, and the bo-rifle became, like the lightsaber of the Jedi Order, another symbol of a dying age.
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Fifteen years after the birth of the Empire, three of the last remaining Lasats in the wider galaxy embarked on a quest to find the legendary Lira San with the help of the rebellion. They succeeded, using ancient Lasat technology in a Bo-rifle to shield the Ghost from being torn apart by the collapsed star cluster blocking their way, and with the help of Ezra Bridger and Kanan Jarrus, guided them through the Force to the true homeworld. The Lasats in the wider galaxy regained contact with their original homeworld and Lira San became a safe haven for survivors of the Lasan genocide.
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Within the species, those with fighting skills were highly respected, often being members of the Lasan High Honor Guard, a group of highly trained, highly intelligent warriors sworn to protect their homeworld of Lasan. Bo-rifles were a long-standing tradition in Lasat culture, used exclusively by the Honor Guard of Lasan. The warrior way of the Lasat was the Boosahn Keeraw. When a Lasat was bested by a superior opponent in combat, they would give them their weapon.
Facial hair was an important status symbol in Lasat culture. Those with green eyes and prominent purple stripes were considered to be attractive by others of their species. Juvenile Lasat were noted to climb tree branches. The species spoke Lasat, a language whose r's were difficult to replicate by most other species.
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On Lasan, time was measured by counting how many of their homeworld's dust seasons they had survived through. The Lasat believed in the Ashla, a "spirit of the galaxy" and a personification of the Force. Using a Bo-rifle, a Lasat was able to channel the Force to see past and future events. The spiritual leaders of the Lasat people on Lasan were called the Revered Masters, who often carried around Ashla Staffs—staffs with a special connection to the Ashla.
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A humanoid sentient species, Lasats were notable for their impressive height, strength, and agility, with their muscular digitigrade legs enabling them to run faster, jump higher and farther, and move more quietly than humans.
Their large finger pads and prehensile toes assisted them in climbing. In addition, their large eyes and ears afforded them superior sight and hearing over humans. They had the strength to open a powered-down blast door. A height of two meters tall was considered below-average for a Lasat.
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The fur patterns of a Lasat varied from individual to individual, and could change suddenly as they aged. Some humans considered a Lasat's strong odor unbearably offensive.
An average height for a Lasat was aboowe 2 meters or 6.6 feet.
Lasats age at the following stages:
1- 9 Child
10 - 17 Young Adult
18 - 44 Adult
45 - 69 Middle Age
70 - 84 Old
Examples of Names: Boscoface, Chava, Davin, Gron, Garazeb Orrelios.
Languages: The Lasat spoke Lasat, a language whose r's were difficult to replicate by most other Species.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Old Friend, New Family (6)
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Requested by Anon | Prompt:
Hey I was wondering if you’d take a prompt where the reader is an ex-padawan who’s master died pretty early on in order 66, and was instead saved by a clone that removed his inhibitor chip. Then maybe they get separated, and years later when the reader is a crew member on the Mantis, they come across the clone again? How would the crew, especially Cal and Cere, react to meeting a friendly ex-soldier clone who’s close with the reader? Could you make it full of angst then fluff? Love your writing!
Tags: Defected! Clone Trooper, Jedi Survivor! Reader, Order 66 Survivor
Also posted in AO3
Chapters: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 | Previous: Part 5 | Next: Part 7 | Masterlist
6 of ?
There were debris that had to be cleared out of the landing pad, in case partisans and rescued Wookiees are nearer to that point once they rendezvous. The big problem was the AT-AT, the partisans had little to no resources in moving that away, but they need to clear the path for the other groups coming from the other side.
“Can’t exactly blow it up, can we?” you suggested.
“No, Spinner, we can’t blow it up,”
“Well, my next idea was to tow it until the legs come off,”
“We’ll need some heavy machinery to do that. I don’t see any working walkers or gunships here, do you?”
The day became very busy. The wrecked walker will have to wait, you made yourselves busy in the landing pad—receiving the new batch of supplies, tending to the injured, assisting the medics, and the like. When most of the work at the landing pad has been done, you join Strig and the others to the refinery.
The elevator door rumbled and revealed the forest trench, it was literally a hop and a skip to the platform up ahead. Most of the partisans had their gear to easily traverse the terrain, Strig noticed that you’re barely armed—save for your lightsaber, of course.
“You need some help getting across, Spinner?”
“I think I can hold out well,”
Strig and the others went ahead with their grappling hooks and rope-guns, from behind, you ran the walls, hopped the gaps, and got rid of the flame beetles before you could grab the liana to swing across. From the platform, Strig watched you navigate through the trench.
“Huh, not bad,” he muttered under his breath.
You landed on the balls of your feet after climbing up the grate.
“I see that you ain’t rusty yet, huh?”
“Oh, I had some practice through the years,” you huffed, catching your breath. “I have a good training buddy too.”
A fatherly intuition was piqued from your last sentence. Strig tried his best to hide his overprotectiveness and kept it casual.
“Do you?”
There it is again, the side-eye to the right.
“Look, we’re gonna have to get to the high ground and there’s no way you’re climbing that and joining us at the top in time,”
“I think I can handle myself pretty well, Strig,”
“I don’t doubt that, but I’m trying to make this easy for you,” he tugged another blaster pistol from his vest’s utility belt and handed it over to you. “You’ll need this grappling hook.”
The tool leaves his hand, you follow Strig’s lead and then pulled the trigger as you pointed it at the ledge above. Both of you zip upwards and land on the balls of your feet when the length of the cord retracted back into the gun.
“You’re three years overdue with your explanation—two of them, at that,”
“Two?! Whoa hey, slow down there, Spinner, we’re just getting started with the mission!”
“Then let’s finish it quickly,” you coyly smirked and lightly thumped his chest with the back of your hand.
You gather at the edge of the platform here there’s optimum view of the whole refinery—at least the bulk of it—the pack leader peered through his binoculars and surveyed each portion of the area.
“Gerrera should be in the control center at the end of that hallway,” the pack leader points at the infrastructure. “They should also be close to the prison blocks over there, and then the Wookiees would be free. Come on!”
The group stalked through a shortcut in the forest that leads out to the suspension beams of the refinery. This time, you scaled the structure without using the grappling hook, but let everyone else climb up ahead first so you could follow.
The people in front broke down the ventilation grate for everyone to sneak through, later on, you joined everyone else in the command center—including Saw—but they were in the middle of the skirmish. The Stormtroopers that were stationed there were easily outgunned and outnumbered; you heard the whiz of a door and in the corner of your eye, indigo sparks covered the end of an electrostaff.
“Strig, [y/n], come on!” one of the soldiers, faceless in the room blanketed in red light, motioned at the two of you and headed strode through the twists and turns of the network of corridors leading to god-knows-where.
Cal just missed you, he appeared when the large blast door open and he’s greeted by the electrostaff Purge Trooper—you were already through the other door with the others en route to the prison block. A code read as “4B” was painted white on the dark grey metal walls of the cell block, however, it wasn’t easy freeing this batch of Wookiees. Your group had to fight through an entire security unit consisting of Stormtroopers and at least five Imperial droids.
“The insurgents have breached block 4B!”
“They’re outnumbered, we can take them on!”
By instinct, you took out your saber from your belt and started banking the shots to the Stormtroopers. Suddenly, the Stormtroopers’ morale sank below average level.
“[y/n], wait!”
“Oh no, they got a Jedi with them!”
The partisans needn’t to worry about the Imperial security droids—you had it covered. You were deflecting the tall droid’s heavy punches, you caught a glimpse of another running towards you and it was already running across the bridge connecting your platform to the other.
You staggered away from the droid you’re dealing with, you Force-pushed the droid to the one charging towards you and they fell down hard on the concrete floor below. From above, a small transport-gunship hovered over your heads, deploying more reinforcements; you spot a barrel of explosives that can destroy the gunship as well as the troops inside.
“Strig! Barrels!”
Using the Force again, you launched the barrels up in the air and Strig—being the sharpshooter that he is—made fireworks out of those gasoline-filled tanks with a single, perfectly-timed shot at the enemy. The gas wasn’t potent enough to make a large-scale explosion, but it was enough to overpower the Stormtroopers by cutting off their reinforcements.
When the gunship spun out of control and plummeted to that vat of sap that the Empire themselves have harvested, one of the partisans who infiltrated in the command center hit the button and set all of the Wookiees free all at once. It was a cacophony of cheers. Strig clapped you on the shoulder.
“I see you’re still sharp with that lightsaber, Spinner,”
“You still live up to my nickname for you, Sureshot,” you winked.
All of a sudden, the partisans started swamping towards the two of you—celebrating your teamwork, they started smothering Strig with tight hugs, tousling his head, hard claps on his back, and they showered you with the same treatment. Overwhelmed with the positive emotions flooding you from every direction, your only response is beam a smile and nod.
For the first time, this was what liberty feels like for you and this was a firsthand taste of it. It was something you, your master, Strig and the clones fought for once… before the Empire ruined everything. Strig watched you be showered with affirming words and cheers, and pats on the shoulder, beyond your sweet, innocent smile—he can feel that you’re just trying to keep up with everybody’s energy.
“You don’t celebrate much, Spinner?”
“I don’t save one planet from the Empire’s iron grasp every day,”
“You’ll get used to it,”
The leader received a radio call from the other faction, Cal has freed the rest of the Wookiees and has now regrouped with Mari Kosan. This furthered the celebratory mood of the partisans. It’s too early for a victory party, but it’ll be in order soon.
“Come on, Spinner, let’s get back to base,” Strig notices a graze on your shoulder. He wagered the adrenaline has numbed you of the pain for you to not notice. “We need that cleaned and patched up. You can get gangrene pretty easily with all the crawlies here in Kashyyyk.”
You playfully grimaced, “Will I have mushblooms growing out of my arm any minute now?”
“Oh yeah,” Strig played along. “I can see the stems popping out already right there!”
You’re glad that Strig retained his sense of humor.
Now that you and Cal have cleared the path for the partisans to freely navigate through the refinery, Strig led you to a shortcut that leads back to the landing pad. He collected some medical supplies from the box that you retrieved earlier and then began patching you up.
“Tell me if it stings, okay?”
“What am I, ten?”
“You still look like you are,” he lightly taps the tip of your nose as he chuckled.
The gentleness of his hands never went away over time. Even though it has been so long, his touch was still ingrained in your nerves. It made you flinch for a bit, but then calmed seconds later. It was the same kind of touch that he emitted when he offered his hand to the child who had lost her master.
“There we go, all patched up and ready to go,” Strig cooed.
“Thank you, Strig,”
“You’re welcome,”
Minutes later, you find that Cal has returned to the landing pad after his own side of the victory. You spring up from your seat and ran up to him—Strig’s eyes followed you until you’re at a finger’s length away from the redhead boy. Cal caught you in a hug, lifted you inches off the ground and lightly spun you around.
“We did it!” you cheered.
Out of impulse, Cal gingerly caressed your cheek and closed in for a kiss—right in front of Strig. This little display warranted a raise of the eyebrow from your long-lost guardian.
Strig loudly cleared his throat.
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blue-scorpion-king · 7 years
The Bagklock Races
(Post version for mobile followers)
The 52+ most populous species of Bagklock Earth: Humans, Hutui/Hutus [Eretus descendants], Hubits [Hobbits descendants], Huliaths [Goliaths descandents], Huthals [Neanderthal descendants], Chimans [Ancient chimpanzees descendants], Gorimans [Ancient gorilla descendants], Orangumans [Ancient orangutan descendants], Près des Hommes Extensibles [Stretchy and rubber-like near-humans], Faunus, Therians, who are humanoids with some animal parts; The Kemono race (http://blue-scorpion-king.tumblr.com/kemono-detail), Monster Personas, with categories on the different Monster Personas, excluding some ones, who became their own race not in an category, like the different youkai, the Centaur, the Manticore, the Minotaur, and the Thunderbird Monster Personas (Think of Monster Girls, expect with male individuals of each monster ‘species’), the three types of Anthros, the Kim kind, who is like the most humanoid, the ‘inbetween’ Deviant kind, and the Zoo-Bipedial type, which are basically evolved bipedal animals, but not much is changed, yet are connected as one race [No Pokemon, Digimon, Bakugan, or any of that sort of Anthros exist], Stuck-Trolls, Orcs [Warcraft], Orks [Partially different biology in the Bagklock Universe], Torks [Tolkien kind of orcs] [All three have sub-species], Elves [With the main species calling themselves ‘Eldar’ {Warhammer}; Nifel-Elves {Tolkien}, Night Elves, Blood Elves, Dark Eldar/Drow Eldar, Half-Elves, Sun (High) Elves, Silver Elves, Wood Elves, Avariel (Winged) Elves, Mithral Elves, Green/Greenish Elves, Aqua Elves, Dwemer (Dwarf-like) Elves, Orsimer (Orc-like) Elves, and Snow Elves], Dwarves, Gnomes, Goblins, Draenei, Undead, Taurens, Warca-Trolls, Pandarens, Ghouls [From Tokyo Ghoul], Nitros [From Toriko], Eosapiens, Pivots, Inklings, Octolings, Worgen, Vampires, Holves [Jak-verse], Draguns [Humanoid Dragons], Gr-Na'vi [Green Earthling Na'vis], Fishmen, Merfolk, the Atlanteans, Thri-Kreens, Tarkatans, Yoshis, Giants, the Shandorians, Birkans, the Skypieans, Sangheilis, Zabraks, Twi'leks, Wookiees, Mon Calamaris, Ewoks, who are also said to inhabit much of the planetoids and moons of Bagklock Earth, tracing their species’ origin to the ‘Goat-Moon’, Gungans, Dugs, Chagrians, Kaminoans, Genosians, Togrutas, Nautolans, Utapauns, Pyronites, Vulpimancers, Petrosapiens, Kinecelerans, Galvans, Tetramands, Lepidopterrans, Piscciss Volanns, Arburian Pelaroti, Florauni, Loboans, which originate from the ‘Goat-Moon’, Thep Khufans, Transylians, Gourmands, Slipxsons, Opticoids, Spheroids, Methanosians, Sonorosians, Vaxasaurians, Aerophibians, Necrofriggians, Crystalsapiens, Cerebrocrustaceans, Arachnichimps, Biosovortians, Appoplexians, Orishans, Amperis, Talpaedans, Geochelone Aerios, Prypiatosian-Bs, Citrakayahs, Gimlinopithecus, Eatles, Chronosapiens, Conductoids, Segmentasapiens, Galileans, Crashhoppers, Polar Manzardills, Mole-Staches, Kickin’ Hawks, Nosedeenians, Vladats, Fangines, Canigus [Both from Oddworld], Togorians, Bipamammals, who are an invasive immigrants from the 1960’s, 72 years after the Martian invasion of England, but in the U.S.A and ultimately, after six months, got defeated and have to left their traitor prisoners behind, Saurians, Poleepkwa/Prawn, Locusts [Gears of War], Yuzzems, Sullustan, Trandoshan, Matora (Bionicle [Not movie version] species), R'Zahnians, Kluts, Ssi-Ruuk, Whiphids, Rodians, Toydorians, Gamorreans, Ithorians, Bothans, Kaleesh, [Eight sentient and sefl-aware] Rancors, Acklays, Nexus, Reeks, Opees, Wampas, Metriadleys (Ripley’s species, from Metroid), Andorians, Horaxes, the Chirmaerea [Traitor Chimeras of the ‘horde’, from the ‘Resistance’], Cybertronians, that came from the mechanic planetoid of Bagklock Earth several billions of years ago, Cybertron [The smaller Beast Wars kind, without the large vehicle alternate modes, and most small vehicle alt. modes, not just 2 factions, but with “Titan Bots”, “Combiners”, “Mini-Cons”, and some other sub-groups, even with the sub-sub-group of the Fuzors; They are still connected to the spirituality of their ancestors’ culture back in Cybertron, like the Matrix and Primus, and can ‘evolve’ further by adding more ‘bulk’/parts either the Real Robot way {Like Gundam: Thunderbolt or some parts of Evangelion} or the Super Robot way {like GaoGaiGar or Gaiking},, into Transmetals, to Transmetal 2, and even Transmetal 3. Though, there are only 20 Transmetal 3 Cybertronians EVER in the race’s history {Also, this comic and the comments below it clears up Cybertronian intercourse} Also also, the general term for the transformation of Cybertronians, even among factions, split since the 3rd Great Cybertronian War and 4th Great Cybertronian War so long ago {Both G1 and Beast Wars/Machines, expect with no terraforming Cybertron, with the time shenanigans}, is “Rollaize”, which “Rollaizing” being before the faction’s own transformation phrase like ‘Primaize’, ‘Maximize’, ‘Demolitionize’, ‘Wreckaize’, ‘Terrorize’, “Titanize’, ‘Pygmyize’, or ‘Armadize’], Boomop-Boomops [The Boom Booms and Pom Poms from Mario], Ferengi, Kenku (DN’D), Elcors, Marts, who claim to be descendants of Martians from Mars, that are not like the Martians that tried to invade Earth in very late 1800’s (Looney Tunes/Duck Dodgers In The 24th & ½ Century), Orions, Mazones (Harlock; With an history of being left by ‘something’ in their extremely early history), Ctarl-Ctarls, Lyca-morphs, who are a moth-like race, Modrons, Zoqs, Fots, Piks, [sentient griffiths] Criffiths, Xextos, Iyras, Baabians, Killiks, Labois, P'we'cks, Xi'Decs, Niktos, Mossies, Seksis, Gelflings, Mogwais, the Smurfs, the Snorks, the Muppets, including the entire Sesame Street, Qberts, Lombaxes, Pacs [The species of Pac-Man], Gorns, Asaris, Turians, Volus, Krogans, Quarians, Yahgs, Drells, Exos, Cabals, Eliksni, Asogians, who are all immigrant races from 1970, Apostles, who are descendants of the ones from the medieval times, starting at Midland {Berserk}, Herglics, Majins, Kousou-Akuryo, meaning ‘Frost Demons’ [Descendants of Frieza’s Race from long ago], Yordles, Gorons, Hylians, Zoras, Dekus, Gerudos, Au Ra, Bangaa, Elezen, Mithras, Tarutarus, Moogles, Vestals, Neathians, Gundalins, the Viera, Candy People, [less hostile] Earth-Daleks, along with Earth-Cybermen, Flame People, Ooo-Dogs, Rainicorns, Lemon People, Lumpy Space People, Nut People, Tree People, Exceeds, and [Immigrant descendants] Klingons, Chiss, Anzati, Quarrens, Balosars, Nosaurians, Devaronians, the Fosh, Iktotchi, Horusians, Huks [A race extremely similar to the Hulk/Bruce Banner, expect not created by gamma radiation], Florans, Apex, Avivans, Hylotl, Novakids, Vipers [X-Com-like], Garmillas, Xens [Near-human Gijinka-like Xenomorphs], Centurians, Centurii, Krylorians, Kt'kns, Kymellians, Landlaks, Nibelungs [Harlock], ‘White Walkers’, Taurians, Xixix, Stenth, Lava-Min {Marvel’s Lava Men}, Glx, Kawas, Z'Nox, Zundamites, Thranx, {D&D} Garrgoyyles, Charr, Saiyans, from one groups of crashed pods during the Ice Age [There are more females Saiyans than males on Bagklock Earth], Hyleks, Quaggans, Norn, Slyvari, Djinn, Myconids, Weav-Spiders, Kobolds, Elins, Accretians, Omnics, Anodites, Incurseans, Stits (Tummyhead’s species), Nemuinas, Falleens, Miralukas, Nagaii, Rakatas, Talz, Ishi Tibs, Decapodians [Zoidberg’s race], Detrovites, Trumbipuai (Humanoid elephants with bat wing-like ears), Thundragohs (Humanoid warthogs), Planchakoles, Cephalod-ae, Basalts, Ickthyperambuloids, Zaroffians, Gelamen [Gang Beasts-like], Argonians, Khajiits, the Skaven, the Ratonaga, and the soon-to-be merging Newtypes & Coordinators in the future. {2 not registered races; Which only has three billion sightings total, but no solid proof of their existence, from the 1900’s to 2042, are the so called ‘Mudokons’, and the Henries of Earthland}. Plus, ‘Minions’, of different colors, like the Pikmin, are a part of the races that live on Bagklock Earth, but choose not to be registered in the documented races, that are most populous. 44+ minor races, that are registered, are the Olympians, Steefs, the four human subspecies; Ogryns, Ratlings, Squats, & Beastmen, the Lemurians, earthling Chozos, Shokans, Gnolls, the Blueys, [Earthling Grey Aliens descendants, supposedly, expect dark blue in skin color and about 6 to 7 feet tall, on average], the Kongou, the Yodalili [Yoda’s Species], Earthling Sligs (Oddworld), the Gour-Ogres [Gourmet Ogres], the Goombas, the Kerbals, the Yautjae, who are immigrants from very long ago, the Hirogens, and the Namekians, who are also immigrants from long, long ago, Minks (Not Zou-born), Trills, [Runaway] Geems, [A bit smaller] Yithians, Chevins, Crites, Zeti, Toads [Mario] {Are a race who has multiple genders, like funguses}, Thunderians, Zanburgs, Twilis, Aegyls, Beastmen, & their tribes [Final Fantasy], Burmecians, Cleyrans, Clavats, Selkies, Yukes, Lillties, Dragoniers, Galkas, Garifs, Genomes, Hummingways, Hypello, Lalafells, Nu Mou, Peruperu, Qu, Roegadyn, Seeq, Shumi, Zilarts, Breakfast People, Cloud People, Crystal People, Cube People, Cuties, Earclopses, Grass People, Hot People, House People, Mushroom People, MOs, Peanut People, Pillow People, Rock People, Rump People, Sand People, Slime Princess, Soft People, Spiky People, Turtle People, Veggie People, Wildberry People, Worm People, E-Vulcans [from Earthland], Kyuzos, Aqualish, Draethos, Gotals, Harchs, Noghris, Nelvaanians, Vulptereens, Stenax, Sluissi, Junkers, ZeHethbras, Critokians, Squalrises, Adarians, Lutrillians, Niktos, Ryns, Glymphids, Keroidens, Roclites, Yirbeks, Yrds, Kineticlops [A race that are a giant organic sphere, with a eye pupil, and electricity that lifts them up on two legs and with two arms], Atsts [Organic sentient versions of the AT-STs], Xwaings [Organic sentient versions of the X-Wings], Tivdes [Organic sentient versions of the TIE Fighters], Atats [Organic, giraffe-size sentient versions of the AT-ATs], Agamo [A 15 foot tall rock golem-like race from both Central America and the South Pacific, with eons of evolution behind them], Magmo [A 15 foot tall, four-armed rock golem-like race, evolved from various volcanoes’ magma chambers at the beginning of their existence, during the vague-known ‘Deep-Time Missing Period’, in the range of 100 billions and 4 billions, at the creation of Bagklock Earth, that even they can hardly remember], Vuvrians, Nekghouls, Skritts, Margonites, Mursaats, Grawls, Streearks, Marmice, Batttoads, X-Mutants, Metahumans, Kelari, Talarians, Feeorins, Khils, Massassi, Houks, Selkaths, Snivvians, Shistavanens, Swoke-Swokes, Kian'thar, Farghuls, Cathars, Arconas, Defels, Chadra Fans, Skakoans, Talortai, Selonians, Colicoids, Cragmoloids, & Codru-Ji. The Diclonius and the Ajins are an emerging, but not registered within populations, race ever since 2005.
=+Most of the races on Bagklock Earth evolved on the planet, alongside humans.
+-The ‘almost’ extinct Vegeta-Saiyans are on the other side of the planet, but in the single digits and are very certain individuals, who do not know of the Bagklock!Saiyans.
+-Like in Disney movies, there are in fact talking animals as well, but only to themselves.
All of the races’ blood are a few colors: Pink, Blue, Purple, Orange, or Black. But, not red, like the Bagklock water. Black, blue, pink, and orange are the four most common blood colors.
Every race on Bagklock Earth, unlike real life Earth, would feel, and resist, that normal 111.8 degree temperature of an mortal Olympian like you would feel someone’s very high fever, expect it is normal.
~The Bat~
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/world/united-states-of-america/happening-today-barr-cyclone-fani-chicken-peter-mayhew/
Happening Today: Barr, Cyclone Fani, Chicken, Peter Mayhew
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What to Know
AG William Barr has now emerged as arguably the most divisive figure in Trump’s administration; Nancy Pelosi accused him of lying
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is getting some strong reaction on social media after advising people to not wash raw chicken
Peter Mayhew, the actor best known for his role as Chewbacca in Star Wars, died April 30 at his Texas home, according to a family statement
Get the top headlines of the day in your morning briefing from NBC 4 New York, Monday through Friday. Sign up for our newsletter here.
William Barr Besieged by Allegations of Being President’s Protector
Attorney General William Barr portrayed himself as an apolitical elder statesman at his confirmation hearing. He declared he’d rather resign than be asked to fire special counsel Robert Mueller without cause and insisted the prosecutor he’d known for decades would never involve himself in a witch hunt as the president claimed. But now Barr has emerged as arguably the most divisive figure in Donald Trump’s administration. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi accused him of lying — a charge the Justice Department called reckless and false — and House Democrats are poised to hold him in contempt. His appearance this week before the Senate Judiciary Committee accelerated calls for his resignation after he said Trump had been falsely accused and he spun politically damning episodes in Mueller’s report in the president’s favor. Barr might have seemed an unlikely lightning rod given his long government career, his distance from Trump’s inner circle and his age, 68, that he said made him unconcerned with political advancement.
Cyclone Hits India’s East Coast; 1.2 Million Evacuated
Cyclone Fani tore through India’s eastern coast on Friday as a grade 5 storm, lashing beaches with rain and wind gusting up to 127 miles per hour and affecting weather as far away as Mount Everest. The India Meteorological Department said the “extremely severe” cyclone in the Bay of Bengal hit the coastal state of Odisha around 8 a.m., with weather impacted across the Asian subcontinent. Dust storms were forecast in the desert state of Rajasthan bordering Pakistan; heat waves in the coastal state of Maharashtra on the Arabian Sea; heavy rain in the northeastern states bordering China; and snowfall in the Himalayas. Around 1.2 million people were evacuated from low-lying areas of Odisha and moved to nearly 4,000 shelters, according to India’s National Disaster Response Force. Indian officials put the navy, air force, army and coast guard on high alert. Odisha Special Relief Commissioner Bishnupada Sethi said the evacuation effort was unprecedented in India.
‘Don’t Wash Your Raw Chicken’: CDC Warning Sparks Online Debate
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is getting some strong reaction on social media after advising people to not wash raw chicken. In a recent tweet, the CDC urged consumers to avoid washing raw chicken saying that “During washing, chicken juices can spread in the kitchen and contaminate other foods, utensils, and countertops.” According to the CDC, raw poultry is often contaminated with potentially harmful bacteria like Campylobacter, and, less frequently, Salmonella and Clostridium perfringens. Eating undercooked chicken, or anything contaminated by raw chicken and its juices can lead to food poisoning, the CDC warns. The USDA, which has for years advised against rinsing or soaking chicken prior to cooking, says any bacteria on the raw chicken, like salmonella, ride misting water droplets out from the sink in a process known as “aerosolization,” splattering the food-prep area in a 2-3 foot radius.
Breast Implants Tied to Rare Cancer to Remain on US Market
U.S. health authorities will allow a type of breast implant linked to a rare form of cancer to stay on the market. But the Food and Drug Administration said women should receive more information about potential risks when considering the implants. The announcement follows a March public meeting where dozens of women called for bolder steps on breast implant safety. Regulators said it is too soon to ban one type of textured implant recently linked to a rare form of lymphoma. They noted that these kinds of implants account for less than 10% of the U.S. market. The FDA is weighing new warnings and checklists for patients on potential complications and illnesses associated with the implants.
Peter Mayhew, Chewbacca of ‘Star Wars’ Films, Dies at 74
Peter Mayhew, the actor best known for his role as Chewbacca in the Star Wars series of science fiction films, died April 30 at his North Texas home, according to a statement from his family. Mayhew, who was born in London on May 19, 1944, died with his family by his side. He was 74. Mayhew, who stood 7 feet 2 inches tall, was the giant man inside the furry suit portraying the Wookiee Chewbacca in five Star Wars films beginning with the original trilogy released from 1977 to 1983. Mayhew put on the suit again for 2005’s Revenge of the Sith and then again most recently for 2015’s The Force Awakens, when he was reunited with Harrison Ford and their iconic spaceship the Millennium Falcon. In addition to films, Mayhew voiced the character in a number of cartoons and video games. Mayhew, who lived in Boyd northwest of Fort Worth, is survived by his wife Angie and three children. There will be a memorial service for friends and family on June 29.
Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds Expecting Baby No. 3
Blake Lively turned heads for all the right reasons at the New York City premiere of “Pokémon Detective Pikachu.” As it turns out, the Hollywood actress debuted her baby bump. In other words, the former “Gossip Girl” star and Ryan Reynolds are expecting their third child together. Blake was all smiles when she revealed her bump in Retrofête’s Rebecca Dress in metallic yellow. As for Ryan, he also looked more than excited as he posed for photos with his leading lady. The notoriously private couple are already proud parents to two kids. And while they try their best to give their children a private life, both parents have been able to gush about parenthood in rare interviews. And as so many moms and dads know, those first few months of parenthood can be filled with learning curves. Ultimately, both stars embraced every twist and turn with love, humor and patience.
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