#Wormtail wasn't always evil
This absolute gem from p.552 chapter 23 of choices by Messermoon
'Without a word Sirius reaches over and cuffs Peter on the back of the head.
“Ow, what the hell!”
“Where’s your loyalty Wormtail?” Sirius demands. “Bitches before witches.”
“Wait, hold on,” Lily says, still laughing. “Does that make you three the bitches?”
“Absolutely,” Sirius answers without hesitation"
(This was all because Peter wanted to sit with his new girlfriend instead of the marauder for a singular meal mind you)
I can't I love these interactions so much 😂😂🤣🤣
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kb-weasley · 4 years
peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder too peter was a marauder
say it with me
peter was a marauder too
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urupotter · 3 years
I hate when people try to rehabilitate Wormtail. "Peter wasn't always evil!!!" Shut up, Snape's Worst Memory is the only time we see him before canon or get information about him that isn't colored from Sirius and Remus's understandable hatred, and he shows absolutely zero redeeming qualities even then. Everything about Wormtail is terrible. People shouldn't try and avoid this imo, they should do the opposite! lean into the evil, make him as over the top terrible as he is in canon, make him sinister and vile, it's very entertaining. Add his plot device hypercompetence and you have the perfect Wormtail.
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honestly i have mixed feelings about Annalena after reading the Hogsmeade festival sidequest. i mean i don’t like her all that much but i also don’t think she’s totally evil and irredeemable either. and she didn’t deserve to be framed for the festival getting ruined, Ismelda was wrong for that but at least she agreed that she went too far and that Annalena didn’t deserve to take the blame for her actions even if she has been horrible to her. i know it’s not Annalena’s fault that she’s favored by their parents but it’s disappointing to hear that she didn’t treat her sister much better than they did. i hoped she’d be nicer and that Ismelda had misinterpreted the person she was but guess not seeing how she’s said things like she was an only child to her friends. but hopefully they can continue to fix their relationship in the future.
Annalena...is complicated. And I love her for it.
I had no idea what they were going to do with her. If they would make her sympathetic or unlikeable. But I am reminded once again how much I love the writing of these characters and how this really is Jam City's strong suit. In particular, they seem to have a knack for subverting the Potterverse tropes we've come to expect. Is Ben going to be like Neville, or will he be like Wormtail? Turns out, he isn't quite like either of them. Barnaby and Ismelda are just the new Crabbe and Goyle, right? Hell no, they're way more interesting. And Annalena is another example. Is she the new Theseus Scamander, or the new Dudley Dursley? The answer is...somewhere in the middle.
The first thing I noticed about her, that really caught my attention, was just how obsessive she is about succeeding and not wanting to look bad. In a way, she reminded me of Percy Weasley. Where she comes across as a workaholic who prioritizes her job and her reputation over her relationships with her family. But just like in Percy's case, I feel as though it's a bit more complicated than that. First of all, the fact that she was the favorite child of the family weighs heavily on my mind. I suspect this girl figured out from an early age that she could either make her parents proud, or disappoint them, and Merlin help her, she did not want to disappoint them. Whether because she feared consequences, or because she just didn't want them to think she wasn't measuring up...it's so abundantly clear that Annalena is under a lot of pressure, or at the very least, feels like she is. I bet that started with her parents. There's something about the tone she takes, when she's panicking about the festival getting ruined and being held responsible for it...sure, it may have just been genuine fear for her job, but with how Ismelda described Annalena as being this person that her parents saw as a flawless, do-no-wrong, perfect daughter...I think Annalena must have worked very hard to maintain that image and learned from a young age that she had to. I don't think she's ever shaken that off either.
The way she treats Ismelda...could be kinder. Listen, it's not the favorite child's fault that they're the favorite. But some people react better to it than others. If Annalena was the favorite and she had bullied Ismelda on that basis...it would still be the fault of their parents for putting them against each other like that, but in her adulthood, Annalena should be able to get some perspective (like Dudley did) and see her childhood for what it was, especially since Ismelda is still a kid. That said, did Annalena bully Ismelda? It's a little ambiguous, but I'm gonna say that she didn't do so on purpose. She's far too high and mighty about everything, and the way she keeps jumping to "You always blame me for everything, it's just like you" etc, etc...I won't lie, that does somewhat sound like a narcissistic family member manipulating the blame off herself. But we don't see their childhood, and knowing what Ismelda is like, knowing that she did frame Annalena...I still think she could have been a bit more patient, considering what their parents put her little sister though, but as for everything else? The stuff like telling her friends that she was an only child? It's made very clear that she didn't know Ismelda overheard that. It's still a dick move, make no mistake, but I don't imagine that Annalena is proud of it, even before she finds out that Ismelda heard it. Probably just something terrible she did out of insecurity and a desire to fit in.
The ending of this quest also doesn't magically fix their problems. There are still years of animosity and bad blood, and neither of them seem 100% willing to forget the past. Ismelda...I think she does want a relationship with her sister, deep, deep down. If she didn't, she wouldn't be so hung up on Annalena excluding her when they were younger. In hindsight, I wonder if pulling pranks on her (As was referenced in the Sphinx Club TLSQ) wasn't an attempt to get her attention. As for Annalena, I think she decided to try and "be the bigger person" as it were. Which is a somewhat egotistical mindset to approach this situation with, but hey, if it works, it works. She does seem to feel at least a degree of guilt for what she's done to Ismelda in the past. (Though not enough if you ask me.) Like...she was a kid, and sisters pick on each other. I could forgive Annalena in a heartbeat if she seemed more genuinely sorry about what she had done, but she really wants the conversation to be about Ismelda's flaws instead...at least, until the very end. While trying to destroy the festival is wrong, and that's a conversation that should be had....I dunno, if you're the favorite child, and your younger sibling is hated and mistreated by your parents...then once you reach adulthood, you need to wise up and realize who the real enemy is, so to speak. But again, this is why I like Annalena as a character. She's not horrible, and she's not wonderful either. She's mixed.
I genuinely think this is the best route they could have taken for the character. I doubt we'll see her again, but I kind of hope we do.
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throwaway3844893 · 4 years
Imagine: An old Newt Scamander hears of the birth of a former student, James Potter’s, son.
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July 31, 1980. Owls arrived at nearly every doorstep in Godric's Hollow, but one owl had a much more strenuous journey. It was to fly all the way to a little cottage in Dorset for an old author to receive. It was a particularly sunny morning, only a few clouds dotting the sky, and the grass around the home was green as ever. Flowers planted ever-so-carefully by the woman who resided in the cottage bloomed and decorated the pathway in brilliant purples and reds, and a lone tree towered over the home, a small swing attached to a branch swaying gently in the breeze. Through a window, the owl saw the woman scrubbing a number of dishes, the window open to let the cool summer air in, the small curtains dancing. The owl hooted, and the woman looked up, smiling before sidestepping to allow the bird in. He flapped in quickly, perching on a mantelpiece to allow the woman to untie the strings attached to the letter from his foot. She did so carefully, the thick envelope set aside as she strode over to a jar and pulled out a few treats for the owl. She fed them to him carefully, whispering her thanks as he took off and flew back out, journeying back to the mailstation where he'd deliver more letters.
The woman observed the parchment, pressed carefully with a seal she didn't recognize. It was addressed to her husband, Newt, who was resting in a rocking chair in their sitting room, a mug of tea in his hand. "Darling," She started, scanning the name of the sender. "You've received a letter."
Newt chuckled in disbelief. "A letter? At my old age? Dear, you know those ended ages ago when Rubeus and I chose to conduct our meetings at Hogwarts." Rubeus Hagrid was an old admirer of Newt, and he'd received excited letters from the boy ever since the early 1940s, when he'd started school. Newt was particularly fond of him, because like him, Rubeus was expelled from Hogwarts for something he couldn't control. Newt was ecstatic when Rubeus started working at Hogwarts, happy that Albus Dumbledore, his old professor, had shown the student mercy and welcomed him back to the school.
His wife shook her head. "No, it's from an, erm, James Potter."
Newt sat up abruptly, a few papers falling off his lap. He recognized the name: James was a former student of his. A rambunctious pupil, he was always stirring up trouble, but Newt admired the spunk of the boy. He'd graduated from Hogwarts a few years prior, taking residence with the muggleborn Lily Evans. Newt was particularly fond of her. She was the top of her class and a rather sophisticated girl. Her and James were a perfect match. Lily straightened him out, while James encouraged her to let loose. They complimented each other perfectly. "How strange," Newt mused, staring at the fireplace. "I've not heard from him since his graduation. What does it say?"
The woman passed over the letter, and he appreciatively took the paper. "Thank you, Tina," He mumbled. Breaking the seal, he slid the top of the thick envelope over and withdrew the loose parchment inside. The letter was long, but the handwriting was scribbled hastily, providing a sense of urgency. Newt wondered whatever the matter must be. He saw that the text at the top changed with who was reading it. Newt marveled at the excellent charm that must've brought on. It had to have been Lily's idea. Unfolding it, he read:
Professor Scamander,
I am pleased to inform you of the birth of Lily and I's son, Harry James Potter, on July 31. Everything went smoothly, Lily and Harry are resting as I write this. Harry is perfect. He has Lily's eyes, but my hair. I'm sure it'll be as unruly as mine, though Lily won't admit it... perhaps her intelligence will pass onto him. We both know I wasn't the greatest student!
I can't possibly explain the happiness that accompanied the birth of my first son. It was as if I fell in love all over again, but twice. I didn't think I could love Lily any more than I already did, and Harry, he's my entire world. I will do anything I can to protect him from the evils we face.
My apologies I didn't tell you sooner. I was troubled with the idea of even sending this letter out. You-Know-Who is out there, and I don't want to endanger our son. Padfoot is here to protect us, as are Wormtail and Moony, but caution is to be taken with every step.
Harry is already showing signs of the magic in his blood. It's astounding. Of course, he bewitched us as soon as we saw him, but I'm talking about true magic. I half-believe he sent something flying across the room when he was taken out of Lily's arms for the first time. He feels safest with her and I. There's also his seemingly unharmful devotion to Padfoot. Lily and I are more than pleased he's comfortable with him, but Lily is a bit apprehensive. She knows about the trouble he and I got into back in the day. She worries we'll pass that on to Harry... (We will). The day he lays his hands on the invisibility cloak, well, that's something I do look forward too. We'll be unbeatable during hide-and-seek.
Times are uncertain, but we are doing everything in our power to protect Harry. He has given us a little hope in these dark times.
I wish you well,
James Potter
Newt set down the letter and wiped his eyes. He'd gotten a bit misty-eyed following the news from a prior student. He was surprised James had thought to write to him. "What was it about?" Tina asked, placing a hand on Newt's chair.
Newt placed the letter on a side table and sighed. "James Potter and Lily Evans had a child, Harry. He was born only a few days ago," He explained, and his wife looked at him appreciatively, remembering the birth of their own children. She kissed his forehead and squeezed his shoulders.
"Well, I suppose you should write back and congratulate him. It would mean a lot to hear from a professor," Tina suggested, and Newt nodded, removing a quill from its holder and producing a piece of parchment. Tina walked to their bookcase and pulled out an old, dusty novel, sitting in her own chair and beginning to read it. Newt leaned over the side of the chair and began writing a response to James.
Tina and I congratulate you and Lily on the birth of your son! What a wonderful boy he must be. I don't doubt he will do great things. Having taught both of you, I know the talents you passed down to him. He will be rambunctious, sure, but witty as well. He'll have the best of both worlds.
You and Lily will make wonderful parents. Cherish the small moments, because he'll be grown in an instant. Soon you'll be running him to King's Cross and receiving letters from his first Hogsmeade trip.
Though I will not be his professor, Rubeus Hagrid makes an amazing teacher. He is just as knowledgeable as I, with a heart pure as gold. I hope Harry shares the same compassion for magical creatures as we do.
Stay safe and stay well.
Newt Scamander
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I bet some people only (or mostly) want Rakepick to be good because she's "hot". Like I bet if she wasn't as "attractive" and looked more like Pettigrew or something, I think less people would be so desperate for her to be a double agent or clamour for that reveal. Or maybe people just like the bitch because she's evil and that adds to her "sexiness". Like I've seen people be like "oooh, Rakepick is sooo hot, she can use the killing curse on me ANY time she wants ;)" it's beyond weird, ngl.
You’re not wrong, anon. About any of that. There will always be a section of every fandom that stans an unrepentant or irredeemable villain because they are horny for said villain. Either because they find the “evil” to be a turn on and like to fantasize about the dark side...or because they want to downplay the character’s villainous traits. (Kylo Ren fans are infamous for doing this.) 
I’m glad you mentioned Wormtail, because I find it interesting just how hated he is by the fandom, to the point where people will exclude him from Marauder fanart (and low-key miss the point of his betrayal in the process) but you just know that if he wasn’t canonically fat and unattractive, people would have been screaming for him to get a redemption arc. Why are the Malfoys glorified and not the Dursleys? Because the Malfoys are good-looking? It’s very often an unconscious thing, but plenty of fans will do this. 
It’s funny because I haven’t really seen that many people thirsting for Rakepick. When I jokingly put a tag to that effect in one of my reblogs, I got a swarm of anons arguing that she was ugly. 😆
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