#Messers Moony Wormtail Padfoot & Prongs
lulublack90 · 4 months
Prompt 31 - Insecure
@jegulus-microfic May 31, Word count 1101
Previous part First part
This is it, the final part. I hope you enjoy it. I'm just going to go cry that it's over. Love you all xxx
Sirius dropped down next to James and looked thoughtfully at his brother. 
“What is he? A, maine coon?” He tilted his head, trying to see all of Regulus. Remus leant over and traced the flickering star shape on Regulus’s chest and looked closer at the glowing eyes. 
“I swear I’ve read about a cat like this somewhere,” He screwed up his face as he tried to recall the information. 
Peter crashed through the trees and came to a stop beside them, his hands on his knees as he bent over and inhaled huge gulps of air. He looked over at Regulus in his cat form. 
“Oh, he’s cute,” He wheezed. Regulus hissed at him. “Sorry, regally handsome,” He corrected. Regulus let out a little huff. 
“I think he’s a Cat-Sìth.” Remus started, explaining, "They were these huge cats that lived in the highlands. They used to go and mess about with the muggle farmers, so the wizards in the area told the locals to leave out milk for them on Samhain so they'd bless them, or they’d dry up all their cow’s milk. There was also something about the muggles believing that the cats were really witches that could transform into a cat. And there was something about them stealing souls. But everything I read said that they were all black cats apart from a white patch of fur on their chests and eyes that glowed in the night.” They all looked at Regulus with scrutinising faces and nodded along in agreement. 
Regulus transformed back into his human body. 
“Ha! I’m a legendary myth,” He pointed at Sirius, gloating. 
“You might transform into a legendary myth, Reggie. But at the end of the day, you’re still just an itty bitty ickle pussycat.” Sirius took off running and transformed into Padfoot mid-step as the giant black cat of legend chased him into the forest. James couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him as he heard the unmistakable yelp of a dog being attacked. 
“We should probably go and break them up,” He said to Remus and Peter. They followed the sounds of barking and hissing through the trees.
“We’re going to have to add him to the marauders map and figure out a nickname for him now, aren’t we?” Remus chuckled as Sirius yelped again. 
“Yeah, I think we have to,” James grinned happily at the thought.
He was nervous. More nervous than he’d been on the night he’d first turned. He’d followed James, Sirius and Peter out into the grounds. It was still light, but the sun was rapidly sinking towards the horizon. 
Regulus watched James fold away the marauder’s map, now proudly emblazoned with the names, Moony, Wormtail, Eclipse, Padfoot and Prongs. They had decided on Eclipse after they’d pulled Regulus off of Sirius, because James said, with the white flash, he looked like a solar eclipse, with a tiny bit of light in the total darkness.  
The whomping willow reached towards them as they neared. Violently slamming its branches down at them. He watched as Peter transformed into the tiny rat. He scurried under the flailing limbs and pressed a little knot on one of the tree's roots. The willow froze, not even its leaves moved. The four of them slid into the opening at the tree’s base and dropped into the tunnel below. 
Regulus had to stoop to walk forward. He had no idea how Remus walked down here, he must have to nearly crawl. 
The tunnel finally opened up to reveal a door. Sirius pushed it open, and they stepped into the dusty, mouldy insides of the shrieking shack. 
“They send Lupin here?” Regulus asked incredulously. No wonder he’d caused himself so much damage. 
“Better than being locked in a cell made from silver under the ministry,” Sirius said blandly. Regulus turned to his brother, shocked. 
“Is that really what they do?” 
“Yes. Registered werewolves have to report there before the full moon.” Sirius replied. 
“But silver is poison to werewolves,” Regulus argued. Sirius nodded sadly at him. 
“That’s the point, Reggie,” Regulus’s eyes flickered to a spot on the wall behind Sirius’s right shoulder. There was a long deep gouge carved into the wall. His eyes widened as he realised what had caused it. 
“Just how big does Remus get?” He asked, feeling insecure for only a second as he pointed at the claw mark on the wall. Sirius grinned. 
“Let’s just say he makes me look like a puppy.” Regulus stared at him open-mouthed. 
They had to hide quickly when they heard Madam Pomfrey and Remus coming down the passageway. They ran up the stairs and hid in one of the bedrooms until Madam Pomfrey left. 
Sirius rushed back downstairs ahead of them and checked Remus was okay by running his hands all over him. 
“Sirius, I’m fine, stop fussing me,” Remus protested, pushing Sirius away. James pulled Regulus in close. 
"It won’t be long now, love. You ready?” Regulus looked up into James’s eyes and felt completely safe.
“Yeah,” He smiled, being completely truthful. He looked around the room at the four people in the world who truly cared for him and chuckled under his breath.
“What’s so funny?” James asked, his voice full of kindness. Regulus stood on tiptoe and kissed James before he answered. 
“I’m so glad I was out picking fluxweed while a crazed werewolf was running amok.”
“Hey!” Remus feigned outrage through gritted teeth. 
“It's time,” Sirius said, giving Remus one last kiss before he changed into Padfoot. 
Regulus watched through his new eyes as Remus dropped to the floor screaming and writhing. Sirius whined and danced about on his feet and Remus broke apart and reformed as a truly enormous wolf. Eclipse craned his neck to see all of him.
The wolf and the dog sniffed each other excitedly and Padfoot licked the Moony all over his face, wagging his tail excitedly. It took a while, but the wolf eventually spotted the cat. He let out a low growl, but Padfoot rushed to Eclipse’s side and whined at Moony, pleading. Wormtail scuttled forward and sat at Eclipse’s feet. Prongs came to stand behind them all, his antlered head slightly lowered in case he needed to protect them. 
Moony leaned closer, but Eclipse held firm. Moony shoved his nose into the white fur on Eclipse’s chest. Eclipse put his paws on Moony’s muzzle and stood up on his hind legs. The werewolf stared into the Cat-Sìths eyes, recognising him as another legendary creature. Eclipse purred. An approximation of a smirk crept across his feline face, knowing everything would be alright.
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spiritstar477 · 3 months
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Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs
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ellecdc · 9 months
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This absolute gem from p.552 chapter 23 of choices by Messermoon
'Without a word Sirius reaches over and cuffs Peter on the back of the head.
“Ow, what the hell!”
“Where’s your loyalty Wormtail?” Sirius demands. “Bitches before witches.”
“Wait, hold on,” Lily says, still laughing. “Does that make you three the bitches?”
“Absolutely,” Sirius answers without hesitation"
(This was all because Peter wanted to sit with his new girlfriend instead of the marauder for a singular meal mind you)
I can't I love these interactions so much 😂😂🤣🤣
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thatfanficbihch · 2 years
MESSERS: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs
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Side Note: these literally took forever, But, I’m really happy with how they turned out!
Another Side Note: Should I do the Slytherin Skittles next, or the Mauraders Era Women?
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The marauders definitely had cutesy nicknames other than the obvious ones
Messers Moony Wormtail Padfoot and Prongs?
More like Moonbeam, Comet tail, Starlight and Sunshine
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ell0ra-br3kk3r · 2 years
Messers moony, wormtail, padfoot and prongs would love to wish you a congratulations on your great achievement <3
thank you thank youuu<33
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solemnlyswearnogood · 2 years
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im not gonna get it but like why is this so funny to me? Great fic, just never expected this lol
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peter: what part of your morning takes the longest?
james: eating breakfast.
sirius: my hair
remus: finding a will to live.
everyone: *looks at remus*
james: mate, are you okay?
remus: never.
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swine-designs · 4 years
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I drew this around Christmas, made it into postcards and forgot to post it anywhere AHAHAH
I should probably redraw this soon and see improvement ha
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quill-q · 2 years
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Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs - a Gentlemen’s Evening
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ihipster · 7 years
I can only imagine what the Potter/Pettigrew households were like after James and Sirius and Peter revealed their Animangi sides. Or if their parents knew all along and we just extremely non-chalant about it or if they never stopped making puns which led each to think ‘How was this a good idea again?’
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seaweedinthebrain · 2 years
what if after the battle of hogwarts, with all the marauders dead, the magic that kept their homunculus spell selves stuck into the map is gone
so one day harry is having a bad episode and he opens the map for the first time in months just to find some comfort
and suddenly four 15-year-old versions of the marauders just materialise in his room
ghost(ish) marauders made from the fractions of the personalities and magic each of their creators left trapped on the map
they can't touch or really do anything aside from talking and joking
and instead of talking to the reader or to each other through paper like before
messers moony, wormtail, padfoot and prongs pop out of thin air once the map is revealed
and then disappear immediately after "mischief managed" is said
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visd3stele · 3 years
The beauty and his beast - wolfstar fic
summary: two different nights, years passed, some things changes, but some never do
TW: nightmares, PTSD, trauma, non depictive child abuse, themes of suicidal thoughts
A/N: I loved writing this, but I am so nervous about it. What do you think?
requests ; masterlist
fanart credit picture down below: @lunopal
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Ragged voices licked his ears. Three different ones overlapped in a cacophony of hissed whispers and dooming laughs. From where he stood in the middle of his cell, Sirius could see a silhouette standing in the open door. Open, because there was no way he could escape. Three Dementors floated in a circle around him, so fast he could barely tell them apart. Black smoke, a burning smell and shadows whirled under low hoods, bringing him to his knees.
The man in the door curled his lips in a terrible grin. The Dementors were his and with each mind they broke, with each soul they ate, the wizard gained a sense of pride and morbid joy.
Sirius knew it. He knew the man, back in his school years - how far they seemed now! But Sirius also knew he was delusional. The Dementors bow to no one. They have no law, no caretaker, no master. Only their purpose.
Continuing to swirl around his frail body, sinked in to a third of what it used to be, bony edges poking out through dirty thin layers of clothing, the Dementors closed in on Sirius. Flashes of memories flew before the Animagus' eyes. James' empty ones, still open in a silent plea for his sacrifice to be enough to save his family, his brown hair dipped in his own blood, body angled in an unnatural position with his hand stretched forward above his head as if reaching for his best friend. Lily's tears, yet to dry and evaporates, stained her too pale face, the red of her hair sprayed around too lively; no blood pools formed around her lifeless body, laid on its belly as it fell onward, as if leaping away from her son, so the baby won't have to see it. And finally Harry, his godson, crying in his crib, a brown-red crust shaped like a lightning forming on his forehead; his green, small eyes, swollen, puffy and trimmed with red followed his godfather as the man turned his back on him and ran outside.
Sirius cursed loudly, beginning to shackle the chains trapping him in place in case he tried to escape the daily visit of the Prison Warrant and his guards. But the now twenty five years old has stopped trying to run a long time ago. What good would it be? There was nothing - no one - waiting from him out in the world. No, Sirius trashing around the cold, dirty dais, snapping the metal biting in his wrists, bruising his effervescent skin and almost cracking his bones as well was his attempt to run from his own mind. If he could just wipe the haunting memories away with a shook of his head, a twist of his back or punching and kicking the thick walls.
Fragments of thoughts he wasn't sure belonged to him invaded his mind. "Your fault. Traitor. Another Black." And, worst of all, one pained howl, a desperate scream in the night. Sirius wasn't sure if he heard it, or the dark creatures around toyed with him, but Remus' wild, feral yell of pure hurt reverberated inside the bars of his mind. The young wizard shut his eyes closed tightly, hoping to brush away the sound, the voices. Failing to do so, he released a scream of his own, only a hint of Padfoot, the big, black dog, his alter ego, printed in it.
The thirty four years old man yanked up. The bed sheets were soaked in his sweat, the blanket throwed on the floor. Sirius passed a shacking hand over his face, feeling the hot air leaving his mouth in short breaths, than big inhales with no exhale, the burning of tears on his warm red cheeks and the running nose. His lips felt sewed together all of a sudden, as chill after chill entered his body, cooling off his face too quickly.
It was just a nightmare, he knew. He escaped Azkaban, has been a free man from over a week already. But Sirius Black couldn't let the twelve years in prison go. The things he saw there, what the Dementors showed him day after day, carved their way in his brain, refusing to leave. Yes, he may have been wrong: his family and living friend welcomed him back. Harry was warming up to hid godfather, Nymphadora Tonks was eager to know her uncle, Andromeda even reached out, sending letter after letter and Remus - well, Remus hugged him tight and apologized for believing that filthy rat's lies. The werewolf spent his days, from first ray of sunshine until the last drop of sunlight. But the nights he went home. The nights when ghosts came to play, wounds teared open and pain leaked like blood from Sirius' heart, Remus was gone.
He tried to remember a time they didn't share a bed - before Azkaban, of course. Not in a sexual way, though it came to that in the late years of Hogwarts too. But simply for the comfort they each found in the other. It started in the second year, Sirius recalled.
Four twelve years old boys in a room seemed like a receipt for disaster. In a way, it was. After finding out their friend's secret, James, Sirius and Peter decided to sneak in the herbology cabinet, get Mandrake leaves and become Animagus. Seeing as they got away with it, the four created their enchanted map and become the Marauders, messers Prongs, Padfoot, Moony and Wormtail, waltzing their merry way through Hogwarts.
Not everything was merry and joyful, though. And despite their reputation, the wizards could be grave and serious when need be. Like one night, when Sirius woke them all up with his cries. The grey eyed boy stood on top of his bed covers, knees drawn to his chest, hands tangled in his shoulder length hair. He leaned back and forth, trembling. Front teeth bit in his lower lip to prevent him from making more noises as silent tears rolled down his face.
The other three boys thought Sirius saw a mean spirit, the haunted glassy look in his eyes only proving their theory further. But no danger threatened in the shadows of their room. No monster lurked in the darkness.
James was the first to get up and surf his way to the pure blood. Remus followed closely behind while Peter watched everything from the safety of his bed. Sirius' episode truly spooked him.
"Padfoot, mate, what's wrong?"
"Nothing. 'm sorry. Go back to sleep."
James and Remus changed worried looks at the sourness of Sirius' voice. Their friend would usually be the epitome of confidence, yet now he seemed to desperately try to shrink and disappear. But it was late and they were tired, so the boys decided with a swift nod that they'd pick up the subject in the morning and climbed back under their covers.
Remus jolted awake. Two out of his three best friends were sound asleep. Sirius still stared at the wall in front of him, breathing jerky. Due to his fine, superior hearing, the werewolf discerned the Black boy's muffled whimpers, sounds that kept him from sleeping.
"Sirius, why are you so afraid?" Remus whispered.
" 'm not afraid, Moony. Sleep."
"Can't. Werewolf remember? I hear you trying to not cry. You can cry, you know."
"I know." Sirius said in a tone that clearly showed he doesn't. With a sigh, Remus threw away his blanket, slipped his feet in his shoes and trailed his legs over the dorm's brick daises until he reached his friend's bed. The brown haired boy signed Sirius to scoop over, which he did, to both wizards surprise.
Later, when talking about that night, Padfoot admitted he was too tired, too shocked and too lost in his mind to think and only acted on auto pilot.
Remus brought the blankets to cover them both, still seated as they were. "Do you need a hug?" Sirius hesitated before answering, but eventually he nodded twice, a quick movement as if the boy was ashamed to admit it and wanted to pass unnoticed.
But Remus smiled softly and wrapped his hands around him. Sirius clinged onto his friend. The warmth of the gesture, the cozy closeness of a settled, stable body, a person that cared deeply about him and only him as a being, set the restrained tears free. Remus held Sirius until his body stilled and he could feel no more tears soaking his pajamas.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Sirius swallowed, but the words demanded to be spoken. "Yes."
"Alright. I'm gonna ask you questions and you can answer with yes or no. It's your choice if you want to elaborate. Sounds good?"
"Yes." Sirius said and for a moment his usual, ironic self showed up.
"Was it a nightmare?"
"About your family?"
With a shudder, the grey eyed boy forced out another "yes."
"Your brother?"
"Your parents, then. Did they - did they do something to you?"
"Yes." Remus' arms tighten around him and he clunged harder to his friend as well. In the safety of the Gryffindor dorm, shared with his most trusted peers, comforted by the scarred boy he became an Animagus for, Sirius stumbled over his thoughts. The dream weighted heavy on his mind, but he didn't know how to let free of those horrible images that haunted him. Not images, memories. Sirius feared that if he said anything they'll become real. Not that they weren't, but they happened in the past. Talking about them, invoking them, would feel like living through them again.
And yet, part of him wanted to talk. He needed someone to know. Sirius couldn't be sure why. Maybe to hear that it was nothing, that it was ok and he shouldn't be such a weak ship. Or maybe to hear it was normal and he wasn't alone. That is how parents love and his didn't hate him after all. Or just to show someone how broken he were, hoping to be picked un and patched.
So, speaking slowly, but evenly, Sirius retailed his nightmare to Remus. In his sleep, the twelve years old boy was hanging some muggle posters in his room: bands, promo for concerts, normal things a boy his age would own. He smiled broadly, music turned on quite loud, muggle music, when his parents bursts in. Walburga and Orion both yell, but Sirius can’t understand what they’re saying. It’s pretty clear they are very upset with him, though. And the reason couldn’t be more obvious. 
“Sirius Orion Black!” his mother shrieked. “Ungrateful, worthless child! You are a stain on the family’s name.”
“You should be ashamed of you. As much as I am for being your father. Well, say something. Look how upset you made your mother!”
“Sorry,” he’d try to say, but his voice would break, too small to be heard by the angry adults. Which only worsened their state. Sirius watched frozen in terror as Walburga took her wand. Only his head seemed to be able to move, and he was shacking it vigorously, wiping his cheeks with it. The young wizard tasted tears on his tongue as he repeated the same words over and over again “no, please, ‘m sorry!” It did nothing to help. 
Remus stayed in his bed that night.
The moon shone mockingly on the window. Last night has been a full moon and Prongs, Padfoot and Wormtail failed to properly contain Moony. It happened quite a lot in their first days as Animagus. As normal, they got better over the years, the four boys falling in rhythm like an oiled machine. By the time they reached excellency, though, mistakes happened. James, Peter and Sirius thought less of it, but Remus took it badly. 
As he laid in the dark, blanket drawn to cover his head as he hugged his knees on the side, the young werewolf tried to remember what happened last night. What if he killed someone? What if he will next time the boys won’t be able to restrain him? Is it worth living like this, a danger to himself and the ones around? What if he hurts his friends? 
“I can hear your mind working from over here y’know?”
Remus straighten up in shock. “Padfoot?”
“Well, it’s not the Fat Lady. What’s on your mind?”
Remus shrugged, but Sirius wouldn’t stop pestering him until he poured his deepest fears and doubts. 
“You won’t”
“How do you know this?”
“You won’t, Moony,” Sirius said more firmly this time.
“Alright.” Remus clearly didn’t believe him and his worries still troubled him as he turned to lay back down. He heard footsteps, then felt the mattress shifting as another body climbed over his bed covers. “I know because I am Sirius Black and you are my friend.” Less than an hour later, both boys were sound asleep.
Sirius slept in his bed that night.
It became a tradition. At first, they'd wait until one of them woke frozen in pain and panic, then they'd stay together and talk silently until they could sleep again. Later, Sirius and Remus would wait until James and Peter were out to decide who's bed to sleep in, knowing one of them - or both - ought to need the comfort.
The man kept trembling. His sobs caught in hiccups, leaving him out of breath. He did it. He left Harry for revenge. He practically made the choice for James and Lily, selecting Peter as secret keeper. His brother died and instead of mourning him, Sirius rejoiced bitterly in his cell - until he found out how he betrayed the Dark Lord.
He was just another Black. An evil presence in the world, despite his efforts. Gryffindor or Slytherin, it mattered not when his genes crafted him. Sirius tried so hard to be good, brave, loyal and the only thing he managed was to disappoint everyone. He was a nuisance and a burden and the a stain on the world. It'd be better if his sorry, useless existence would be wiped off the surface of the Earth.
Such thoughts clouded Sirius' mind when a light knock pulled him out of his head. "May I come in, Padfoot?"
The man almost broke at the nickname. Only one single person now would know to call him that. The weight of the realization hit him and another wave of tears carried the air from his lungs.
Receiving no answer, Remus kicked the door open, worry written all over him. The werewolf was panting and sweating from running, eyes wide close to terror. "Padfoot!" Seeing his oldest friend's state, he rushed to his side and hesitated only a moment before drawing him in for a hug.
"Yes. They-" Sirius gulped, shame tightening up in his throat. He was a thirty four man, for Godric's sake! And yet he cries like a baby. But the path he and Remus trailed off to, simple questions, any type of answer, so familiar and soothing he couldn't stop. "They tortured me. Showing me their - James and Lily's - death over and over. I left Harry, Moony. I stepped inside the house, saw that beautiful, brave child, suffering and I took off after bloody Pettigrew!" Before Remus could say a thing, Sirius continued, teeth so barred that words barely spitted out. "I heard you screaming too. I don't think that was real, but it sounded so broken, Moony. Twelve years, over twenty four full moons alone. 'm so sorry. It's all my fault."
Remus inhaled sharply, pulling Sirius even closer to him. He rubbed circles on his back, leaning to whisper in his ear "It was not, Padfoot. I should have trusted you more, star. If anything, it's my fault for spending so much time alone. So much, in fact, that it seems I neglected you, our agreement."
“It was my fault.” Sirius insisted.
“No,” and not letting him time to argue, Remus added “I know so, Sirius, because I am Remus Lupin and you are my... friend.”
Sirius pulled away only to find a reluctant smile playing on Remus' face. His body reacted before his mind could process its moving. He moved on the right side of the bed, still avoiding the other wizard's eyes. "Why are you here, Remus?"
"I couldn't sleep either. Thought to check on you as well. And good thing I did. You looked..." The professor didn't know how to finish that sentenced. Hollow. Empty. Dead. Scaringly close to death, in fact.
"Merlin! Thank you, Moony. You don't look bad yourself."
Remus chuckled. "Are you feeling any better?"
"No. You?"
Both men laughed. A bitter sweet sound passing through silence, taking with it any sign of discomfort that existed.
"I'm glad you came."
"Me too."
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moonyswish · 2 years
map: messers moony, wormtail, padfoot and prongs are proud to prese—
me: my boys are proud :,,,))
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strawbmerry-fields · 4 years
Moony and the Map: Part 1
After Remus confiscated the marauders map, finding it in the hands of Prongs the second and insulting Snape, he didn’t know what to do. Use it, of course. But being back in the castle and seeing the way that the four messers had poked fun at Snape, for a moment it had felt like he was back in Hogwarts as a student with his best friends. He hadn’t heard any of them laugh or joke in twelve years, it was becoming harder to remember what it had been like at all.
He pulled the map out in front of him and sat back in his chair. Fuck it. He touched the map with his wand “reveal yourself”.
Mr. Wormtail would like to congratulate Professor Lupin on his teaching position, but worries for his capabilities if he has forgotten how to use the map.
Mr. Padfoot would like it known that he always knew Lupin would become a professor and looks forward to collecting his prize of 1000 galleons from Mr. Prongs presently. He also wishes the best for Professor Lupins students, as it is exceedingly difficult to concentrate when Lupin uses his Professor voice.
Mr. Prongs reminds Mr. Padfoot that the bet was for 5 chocolate frogs, not 1000 galleons, and would have it known that he fully supports Professor Lupin in his endeavours.
Mr. Moony urges Professor Lupin to remember the solemn oath and put an end to this torture.
Remus coughed out a laugh, his eyes stinging as he watched the words slowly fade. These four idiots really hadn’t a clue what was coming for them.
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