kaybl · 4 days
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i drew my sailor favs and opposite favs
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and reboot wally why not
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avvidstarion · 3 months
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the difference in description between the cullen plushie and dorian plushie?????? hello???
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It's strange how hated Loghain is in the fandom but how loved Cullen is.
Loving Loghain elicits disgust from most people, while loving Cullen is generally accepted. Even though both of them have committed horrendous crimes. But the difference is that Cullen is constantly coddled by the fans and the devs.
Whereas Loghain is not, you can give him a punishment that fits his crimes. The "best" case scenario for him is getting forcefully conscripted into the Grey Wardens and getting shipped off to Orlais, of all places. The "worst" - well, you get to literally behead him, in front of everyone attending the Landsmeet and no one will oppose you except Anora who just got sprayed by a gallon of her father's blood.
Meanwhile you can't even be particularly rude to Cullen, let alone call him out on his bullshit. And he is never truly faced with consequences for his genuinely abhorrent actions. Also the "redemption" he gets is frankly nonexistent.
Yeah Loghain was a main villain...but so was Cullen...?? Did his fans collectively forget about that?
Yeah Cullen has a tragic backstory...but so does Loghain? Does that excuse their actions? No, but a whole lot of Cullen fans try to bring all that into a conversation when someone criticises their fave.
So allow me a similar luxury. Not to excuse Loghain's actions of course but to get on even footing with everyone trying to wave away Cullen's crimes via invoking the power of a tragic backstory:
During the Orlesian invasion Loghain's family lost their farm due to increasing taxes, essentially making them homeless.
The resistance they put up was futile in the face of the Orlesian soldiers who easily overpowered them and subsequently made Gareth and Loghain watch them violate Loghain's mother before brutally murdering her.
After fleeing Oswin, they were on the run until Maric unknowingly lead the Orlesians into their camp. Loghain ran away with him, however to buy them time, amongst others Gareth sacrificed himself.
Loghain had no siblings and both his parents were dead at this point.
He had that whole situationship with Rowan that he could not realistically pursue in good conscience as she was betrothed to Maric. This put a strain on Loghain's relationship with them both.
In 9:25 Dragon, Maric disappeared. Loghain tirelessly searched for his closest friend for two years.
Shortly after, in 9:28 Dragon, Loghain also lost Celia, his wife.
I'd say he lived around 80% of his life in utter misery. Not that it nullifies anything vile he has done but since so many people love to bring up Cullen's past while defending him...
So let's not be hypocritical.
Either be hellbent on hating Cullen too- or have mercy for Loghain as well.
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maulfucker · 5 months
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Star Wars oc time !!!! Crew of guys who don't need air to breathe
Boss Wulli (Helon Dop, she/he) - Big fucking gungan. ~2,20 m (~7'3") and really strong - Former Gungan Army soldier and engineer, still holds a heavy preference for gungan technology - Knows how to make boomas, and had Booma install a booma cannon in the ship - Lost an arm and part of an ear at some point but that only made her more powerful
Booma (Lei Leiru Been, he/they) - A genius gungan engineer and Boss Wulli's long time friend - They suggested becoming space pirates as a joke, Wulli decided to take it seriously and dragged him along - Engineered a lot of modifications to the ship, to suit their needs and tastes
Nass (Ahak Keer, she/her) - The crew's big money maker - Used to be a spy, but got tired of risking her life and settled for a slightly less risky career - Has had that harpoon gun since forever. it can pierce ship hulls. she loves it - Secretly gay for Boss Wulli (it's only a secret to the two of them)
Bullet (he/him) - Entirely unrelated to those two weirdos, met them on the job - Kind of a jack-of-all-trades by necessity, he used to be a solo bounty hunter - Knows a lot about guns. like A Lot.
Bone (it/its) & Rust (it/its) - Eggmates who work as cyberneticists together - They each know how to deal with one half of the process, so for your own good Do Not Separate Them - Didn't know about anesthesia until they started working off-world - Easiest way to tell them apart is to see which one is wearing a silly scarf (that would be Rust)
Knives (KN1-V35, she/any) & Dollie (D0L1-33, it/any) - Reprogrammed pit droids - All-purpose assistants - Dollie is usually helping Bone and Rust - Knives is usually either with Dollie or stalking Bullet - Knives realy really reallly likes Bullet. because he lets her shoot guns
I have not designed their ship because well. I am no good at drawing spaceships. but it's a pretty spacious repurposed freighter ship. the interior looks very gungan - every room is sealed off from the other so the ship only has atmosphere where they want atmosphere - Boss Wulli's, Booma's and Nass's rooms are submersible - Bullet's room is connected to Bone and Rust's, and they are usually full-time no atmosphere areas since the three of them are always wearing breathing tanks. (they activate the atmosphere sometimes, but their atmosphere setting is only breathable for them)
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discworldquotes · 2 years
'Whut's the plan, Rob?' said one of them. 'Okay, lads, this is what we'll do. As soon as we see somethin', we'll attack it. Right?' This caused a cheer. 'Ach, 'tis a good plan,' said Daft Wullie.
Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
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lesbiankiliel · 28 days
reading the wee free men in english after first having read the finnish translation and I'm now genuinely impressed with the translation
of course it can't quite reach the same feeling as the scottish accent the feegles have but it's very good, and the way mika kivimäki has translated some words is just inspired
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systlin · 1 year
Like genuinely love checking on your blog for the first time in a while and coming back to dragon age stuff. It's like putting on a favorite sweater again. Anyway I think the HoF and most versions of Hawke would be best friends and Cassandra's worst nightmare.
I know in my heart that Cullen knew when Hawke arrived because a chill went down his spine. A swift and sudden certainty that he was, in the next ten minutes, about to get fucking roasted for his weird cloak
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swordbisexual · 3 months
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Fucking sobbing.
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scotianostra · 7 months
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On March 8th 1936 Oor Wullie and The Broons made their first appearance in the Sunday Post.
Jings , Crivven’s, and Help ma boab!! All words synonymous with oor we dungaree wearing hero.
Wullie and his gang have been keeping boredom at bay for decades in the typical Scottish town of Auchenshoogle.
The rascal has become an icon sitting on an upturned bucket in his famous dungarees as he plans the latest pranks and japes.
Fat Bob, Soapy Soutar, Wee Eck, Primrose (and don’t forget Jeemy the mouse) all join in the fun, with Wullie’s Ma, Pa and poor old PC Murdoch also playing starring roles.
Some famous faces have appeared in the strip over the years including Nicola Sturgeon, Ewan McGregor, Andy Murray and Amy Macdonald.
A 2004 survey voted Wullie ‘Scotland’s Favourite Son’, beating William Wallace, Sean Connery and Rabbie Burns in the top four
Everyone knows the Broons. Hen is still the tallest beanpole in Scotland, Joe’s still flexing his muscles, Maggie’s still as gorgeous as ever, Daphne’s still trying to get a man, Horace is constantly swotting and the never-named Twins are always up to mischief. And that’s not forgetting the brainiest Bairn in Scotland, the ever youthful Granpaw and heads of the whole clan - matriarch Maw and put-upon Paw.
Although they’ve only ever appeared in the pages of the Dundee-based Sunday newspaper, the annuals - which alternate year about between Oor Wullie and The Broons - are still flying off the shelves faster than Granpaw’s false teeth during a toffee apple eating contest.
The annuals are always in the top ten Christmas bestsellers at booksellers Waterstone’s.
While the two strips adhere to the traditional format there have been some changes over the years, not all go down well, like when hen they tried printing the comics strips in colour the 90s, Michty me! There were shoals of complaints from readers and they had to go back to black and white In the most recent annuals, Horace gets a makeover and is mistaken for Harry Potter, while other characters are seen clutching mobile phones, checking e-mails on laptops, singing on karaoke machines and watching satellite TV.
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mothmy · 2 years
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A happy late birthday to @kemvee !!!
Have some more of everyone's favorite commander :3
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108garys · 2 years
Curie 💕
So after much anticipation the boy, my beloved Curie has arrived, so here's a bunch of pictures of him and Skully Wully😁
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Time for his✨Close up✨
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I was supriesd to learn that he's not attached to his character(which I'm having fun with)
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Oh no! He dropped an obol😏
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new-berry · 4 months
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@steeple-sinderby-wanderers after Belgium wore the Tintin kit Scotland announced their upcoming kit for a game in June. They announced this on April 1 however….
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lost-sunset-canine · 1 year
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28th attack uwu !! a MASSATTACK with 27 characters, lol i almost got 28 just like the attack number xp xp check it out on Artfight :3 I cant possibly link all f the original creators like usual, buuuttt you can always click the link to the og attack and then go from there, aswell the ones who do own a tumblr i will tag and I hope thats just as acceptable :3 @leaderofthecocaine , @asktwotpot , @bai-zewarrior , @mayonaisalspray those are all the guys who have tumblr from those who are included in the attack dont come at me x-x
i just went down a rabbithole with wulli worm / worm on a string and other floofy oc's and knew i had a mission to draw a party of some sorts qwq -dairiem
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Gulliver gets Bailey Booped!
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maulfucker · 22 days
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forcing myself to leave these doodles unpolished was hard. forcing myself to leave the colors unpolished was even harder
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martyrmarked · 2 months
despite her best attempts to completely mask it, there are a few small signs that sidri is, at best, extremely uncomfortable around the templars and is, more often than not, shifting between loathing & fearing them. she usually speaks to them without giving any direct eye contact and instead finds something else to pretend to look at or distract herself with. her posture, while hardly ever relaxed, maintains a distinct rigidity that hints at discomfort rather than regality. there's no cadence beyond mere authority in her words, there's no conversations beyond giving orders or receiving reports.
she looks on edge to those paying close attention because she is on edge.
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