#Wurmple my beloved
wurmplespotted · 6 months
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Reblog if you use!
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teamphobia · 11 months
L obviously she could just eat wurmple...
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I don't think any of you realize how large she is. An itty bitty wurmple won't statiate my beloved little hunter...
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pokemuseum · 5 months
On Pokémon journeys.
You may sometimes hear me say that I support the idea of young children being able to have pokémon adventures, and I do, but I really think that there should be a distinction made between pokémon adventures and a gym circuit. I have nothing but support for age-appropriate pokémon adventures.
Adventures with pokémon can help a child learn so many things, and teach them independence. But there is a limit, and it's important to remember what a child may consider an adventure.
A six year old going out to play in the big tree in the park with her beloved pachirisu is an age appropriate adventure with a pokémon. A ten year old going in to town with his growlithe for snacks, or taking a walk in the tall grass is an age-appropriate pokémon adventure.
To a three year old a pokémon adventure could be coming in to our museum over the course of a summer and watching as the wurmple in our exhibit evolve, and eventually getting to see us let them free when the time comes. Or it could be pretending to be a trainer and adventuring through the tall grass while they've got a cleanse tag clipped to their clothes, have been sprayed with a repel, and the family's tropius is watching.
As a kid I grew up in a rural area, and Ve and I had countless "adventures." Ve's mom was actually the flareon that hung out at our ranch and helped keep the wild aron away from our toolshed, and she ended up coming home with Ve's egg at one point.
My mom helped me hatch her when I was five, and the day I turned ten we registered Ve as my starter. But even before then Ve and I had countless adventures.
We'd try and find Sandshrew in the little quarry near our home, and dug up fossils, or we'd go for little hikes in the mountains. We'd try and rescue the neighbors skitty when it got itself stuck in a tree. At one point I got the TM for Secret Power and we made secret bases in every bush we could find.
Exploring small caves (and getting startled by the zubat) and playing around with the pokémon on the farm was an adventure to me, and all children should get to experience that kind of thing.
However, no matter what, you will not catch me saying that ten year olds should be travelling across the entire region alone, or dealing with ecoterrorist groups, or taking on the Pokémon league. Yes some kids manage it, but there are dangers out there that they shouldn't have to deal with.
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oceandiagonale · 2 years
Wurmple anon here 🥺im at work right now but was able to take a lil scroll and 😭yall be so sweet! I havent used my computer in ages, but i’ll try to get on tonight and see if i can strong arm my brain into remembering the password i made in 2012 LOL i wont be able to this weekend since i’ll be out of state 😅
EYYY another old-timer, eh? I joined in 2014 myself, and only the password savers know my password now 😂😂😂
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type specialists my beloveds!!
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JHFKJSD mood, though the app has definitely gotten a lot better over time!! you can even block tags and content words on there now 👀
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I don’t even know if poké-OSHA has rules about time travel yet, but considering how little respect Arceus has for human rules they definitely wouldn’t care about that 😂😂😂
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colossal-idiot · 2 years
🗿 technically-a-geodude Follow
Sudowoodo my beloved
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🖌️smearglecouldkillarceus Follow
just caught a wurmple hope I get a silcoon
♻️ smearglecouldkillarceus Follow
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⚡elisasno30fan Follow
why does weepinbell look like that XD
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xamaxenta · 1 year
if you’re still doing the Pokémon asks, I’d love to know what you think! ✨
Wurm :3 makes me think… of wurmple my beloved… look at the wurmple celebrating the new year
Look at the wurmple lying down. Precioso bebito..
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Sorry i got weird for a second i just saw your Wurm part of the username and zeroed in on it because Wurmple exists and its such a cute pokemon…
But I don’t think it’s your ace pokemon 😂 (unless you want it to be! It would be a cute squishy boi companion)
Your trainer class would be in the collector class? You would look to expand your bug menagerie, maybe you have an entire greenhouse full of cute bug pokemon!
Your ace pokemon would be a water type i think, so id say your partner pkmn is Azumarill
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marikmizuki · 2 years
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Meet the latest addition to my character roster: Wilbur Milton Wrigley or:
for short! He is my beloved scumbag, who thinks that catching rare pokemon will make his childhood friend, Nadia, finally agree to date him....after she's kindly declined him multible times already. His proudest catch is an extra large wurmple, that he cought with a stolen pokéball from his mom's purse when he was a wee little 5 years old. He's an awful little simp, who needs to learn to keep his ego in check. And I can't wait for him to get a reality check and get emotionally curbstomped.
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alascene · 2 years
twin shiny wurmples my beloved
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fancyson · 1 year
apricorn and bug buzz :) !!!
apricorn: ARCHEOPS ^_^ i also like aerodactyl, tyrunt and aurorus
bug buzz: i rly like joltik!! im also a big fan of scyther, beedrill, heracross, wurmple, kricketune, the sewaddle line, dwebble, volcarona and cutiefly :] also i already mentioned them for poison types but scolipede my fucking beloved <333 this one was hard to narrow down because i like most of the bugs LOL
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dappled-grove · 2 years
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this is how my shiny box currently stands (26/10/22). lemme explain them
first, the double stantler. i decided to hunt stantler because i hunted one on platinum. why? because it’s ugly. straight up. look at it
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so fucking GREEN. but theres just something about a disgustingly bright, turbo green shiny that’s a little bit charming. i got two because after the first one i found the chain continued, and i was hoping to get one with frisk, but no such luck.
then we have the bugs. so my girl Lepidoptera? my beloved shiny beautifly whom i love? she was an absolute BITCH to find. since im playing pearl, i cant find silcoon in the wild (but i just learned i can find beautifly on a specific route so kms) so i had to hunt wurmple in eterna forest and hope it evolves into a beautifly. and guess what! it didnt. it evolved into dustox.
so i went back and hunted another. i was using the 17-chain method, so i was expecting it to take a bit. it took THREE HOURS. of constant resetting until i found one. i ran outta repels at that points, i had to charge the battery outside the grass and hope i didnt get an encounter when i stepped back in to reroll the patches. i started the resetting at ~2:40am and found it close to 6am.
so i caught it and it evolved into silcoon. yippee! but the chain continued so i was like eh why not.
i got to chain 40. which makes shiny patches 1/99.
i found 3 more shiny wurmple until the last one broke the chain. 3 of them had a beneficial nature for beautifly (+sp. att basically) but none of them evolved into silcoon. so 3 shiny cascoon for me.
so i had 2 shiny beautifly, one with a neutral nature and one with +sp -def. i took the neutral one to be my beloved partner.
and thats pretty much the only interesting ones. the shiny ponyta was pretty standard and not all that interesting.
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i also have a shiny smeargle with false swipe and spore in case i find any recalcitrant shiny and need to call in backup.
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evanium · 4 months
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traumatas · 7 months
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Happy birthday <3 Hope you have an amazing day x
Incredible gif. Wurmple my beloved!
And thank you so much :]
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the-pokemon-prof · 1 year
Well, Rosette. The first question just about anyone on rotomblr asks… what’s your favorite Pokémon and what Pokémon do you have on your team? - (One-anxious-trainer)
hoogh horgle the question of what one's favourite pokemon is is, infamously, a deeply impossible one! it depends on the day, the hour, the second! my durant Creetcher is most definitely up there, little guy has saved my hide more than once, but favourite species? I find Tandemous and Maushold amazing! when I had an inkling my Maushold family was on the verge of evolving I remember staying awake for 32 hours straight trying to capture the moment when the smaller creatures appear. I closed my eyes for three minutes and the moment I opened them, pop! there they were! my camera footage even cut out the moment it happened... perhaps its simply something human eyes were not meant to see.
currently I'm raising my aforementioned, beloved Durant Creetcher, a rambunctious Maushold family (Ketchup, Mustard, Mayo, and Relish), and a Ribombee, Corde!
those are all the pokemon I raise long-term, but, that said, I'd also consider myself an amateur lepidopterist, and after one ill-planned-out year in my undergrad, I assisted a colony of wurmple growing into adulthood... who now overwinter in my attic every year. sigh. have you ever had a dustox get into your wardrobe? it's not pretty. i would hardly be so bold as to call myself their trainer, but we have a mutual fondness for one another.
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my beloved goldfish.... the wurmple on my team <3
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wormoftheday · 3 years
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