#XR walk au
solemn-siren · 5 months
XR walk au finale
Part 3: Splendiferous silver sovereign
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A/N: it’s time for my ice dragon to make her proper debut here
“Storm? Hey wake up!”
“He can’t be dead… right?”
“If we all survived then he has to be alive.”
Storm opened his eyes to be met with the eyes of his brothers, Siren, and a cavern he did not recognize.
“What happened?” He mumbled as he sat up, trying to remember all the details. They were standing on an ice bridge when Velkhana came by, roared, and destroyed the very bridge they were on.
“We may have found the very hunters we were looking for.” Siren answered, pointing to a camp in the distance. The hunter that was leading them was talking to a hunter wearing a similar crimson armor to the injured hunter that they met in the cabin.
“So we don’t have to fight Velkhana?” Kenpo asked, and not soon after he was met with his worst nightmare: Velkhana’s cry. He screamed, hugging Hunted and trying to drown out the elder dragon’s cry.
Siren looked around the cavern, following the echo of the ice wyvern’s cry to see where it was probably coming from, her eyes landing on a opening separated from the land they were on by a massive frozen lake. That was probably where it would come flying in.
A palico dragged a heavy box in front of them, and Siren knew what this meant.
“We have to confront Velkhana.”
Kenpo was the first to complain. “But I don’t want to-“
“But we have to.” Hunted added, watching the Palico open the box. He grabbed a slim, long sword for himself, passing another one to Kenpo while Storm and Siren grabbed massive claymores that were as big as themselves.
The group stood by the frozen lake, all of them watching the opening in the distance.
And then it arrived.
Flying in with a gorgeous, haunting cry, Velkhana stood to face their challenge.
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Now that they were up close and personal with it, it was horrifying, even for Siren who worked with these world ending dragons as a job.
Yet they didn’t really have an option did they?
Four head strikes against Velkhana were made, and when it was about to retaliate, their weapons blocked the fatal blow, maybe except a bit of knockback that they needed to recover from.
Hunted charged a powerful charged attack at Velkhana, however he misread the ice wyvern’s attack, taking a blow from her ice tipped tail.
“Dude, don’t get too aggressive with your attacks.” Kenpo firmly reminded him, before shouting. “That thing is in the air! Is it going to attack?”
Hunted didn’t make the same mistake twice. He successfully blocked Velkhana’s aerial attack.
He glanced at Kenpo, who gave a reassuring nod. Meanwhile a stalagmite fell on Velkhana, who gave off a painful roar. Siren turned to him, holding up her slinger arm. Hunted smiled, sending a thumbs up back at her.
“Take this you annoying ice dragon!” Kenpo shouted, charging up an attack while Velkhana was recovering from Siren’s stalagmite. It landed right on her head, which was refreshing and satisfying. He wanted to do another, but Velkhana seemed to be interested in something behind them.
Another monster was standing on a platform. This one had sharp tusks, fluffy fur, and serrated spikes on its wings.
“Is that… a frostfang barioth?”
Velkhana had complexly abandoned them to engage with the frostfang barioth. The dragons attacked each other, before Velkhana hit it with a frost breath and straight up left, flying away into the sky above.
“Well I guess we don’t have to fight it anymore.” Kenpo said, proud of himself.
Yet they were left with another problem…
Frostfang Barioth was now in front of them. Their one way out of this place was blocked by a completely different monster.
“We must be in its territory. We have to fight it.” Hunted added, raising his weapon in the air. Kenpo complained, before joining the others in for their second encounter of the day.
Frostfang Barioth was a completely different monster to Velkhana. Obviously. It attacked more in the air, sending breath attacks one after the another. Hunted and Kenpo spent a lot of time blocking than attacking.
However the other two were having a much better luck with the fight.
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Storm unleashed a charged attack against Frostfang Barioth, knocking out its tusks and leaving it lying on the ground in front of his brothers. The monster swung back its tail, ready to strike.
Yet Siren was waiting for the moment, having a charged attack prepared for herself.
The second Frostfang Barioth swung its tail, Siren let out her charged attack, completely slicing its tail in half and sending it flying out of the cavern.
“Now THAT’s what I call satisfying!” She yelled, sending a slinger shot above. It hit another stalagmite that just managed to hit Frostfang Barioth, stunning it and giving enough time for the last few fatal blows.
The crimson armor hunter who was talking with their leader arrived, placing down a trap. It captured Frostfang Barioth, who collapsed right in front of them.
No one spoke for a solid ten seconds.
“We… took down a monster?” Kenpo muttered, putting down his long sword. “We… actually lived? That was the best moment of my life!”
”Says the person who said they didn’t want to fight a monster.” Siren added, as the leading hunter began searching for a way out of the cavern. They eventually found a thin wall of ice and placed down a barrel bomb which Siren happily detonated with her slinger.
And so the group walked through the path they had made back to Seliana. It was nothing chaotic, a relaxing walk through the snow covered world.
“So, does anyone want to chill at the canteen afterwards?” Storm asked once they arrived back at the gates.
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myrablurple · 9 months
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INFO DUMP TIME. So for the BLOSC robots, I'm going for a more magical knight/kinda stone golem type of deal instead of robots but in a fantasy setting. So XR I went with a TOTK/BOTW route where he has a magical crystal core that allows him to still stretch his body. Whereas Nos, who has legs because trying to imagine him floating in this AU looks hella silly in my head, is an illegal magic knight because there's strict rules on making magic knights. But essentially, magic knights have runes written inside of their armor that allow suits of armor to walk around freely. Pls forgive me how Nos looks. I need to fix his head.
As for the pit...I did explain it in a fake screenshot with Zurg and Aurora but I'll go into further detail whenever I get to fully creating a concept sheet for it.
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feralwaff1e · 3 years
Marriage AU Part 2
So we flash forward after Moon Of Doom!
Warp becomes Agent Z still, but his arm prosthetic is different from the OG one in the show. It's still a metal arm, but now it looks more like his other arm, and the joints glow purple.
Buzz willingly takes on new partners! This is because he doesn't have the trauma from losing Warp. So he gladly takes on Booster and Mira and later on XR!
Booster, Mira, and XR had no idea Buzz was married like the rest of star command….. That is until Warp crashes through the side of their ship.
He needs some medical attention because he had been ambushed. Luckily it wasn't something that required surgery. Just some heavy pain killers and a few stitches. Buzz hangs out in the medbay to 'observe' him and makes sure Darkmatter doesn't escape.
Buzz is sitting next to him and rubbing Warp's shoulder. Warp complete higher than a kite goes, "Yo, my husband won't like you touching me like this"
Buzz only laughs, "Honey, I am your husband."
XR heard that through the door, bc he most certainly Not Eavesdropping.
Of course he runs to Mira and Booster. Because what are they supposed to do now!? This makes Buzz liable, and oh gosh is a traitor to star command?! A mole?!
Of course this is when Buzz walks in, and everyone kinda just freezes??? Like no one knows what to do.
Then, Buzz  is like "Y'all wanna sit down and we can talk about this like adults?"
They do, and the story is surprisingly very domestic to them. Even Booster thinks it’s sweet and romantic. Even Mira agree’s, like it gives her a bit of hope for her and Romac, maybe they could even reconnect.
Of course it’s XR who’s like, “But doesn’t it interfere with work?”
They weren’t expecting the shit eating grin and Buzz going , “Of course not, I’ve arrested him how many times? It’s amazing payback when he’s being an ass.”
So after all this, all their fears are settled. They all collectively agree they don’t need to tell on Buzz. After all, if it doesn’t interfere with work, why should they tell star command, Buzz’s personal business? Besides this, them seeing him sitting with Warp is the happiest they’ve seen him.
Of course, no one thought to tell Warp when he got down from his high. So when he gets down from his high, he totally expects then to arrest him. So he's sneaking around the ship to an escape pod, until Booster spots him and goes-
"Mr. Darkmatter?! You're up! Don't tell me, you are already planning on leaving! Buzz will be upset you didn't say bye! :(!"
Que a confused but pleasantly surprised Warp eating with Buzz and his crew!
Also I've never mentioned this before? But in the marriage AU both Buzz and Warp legal last names are Lightmatter! Both are too hard headed to take the others name lmfaooo. The only reason Buzz is still called Lightyear is because he forgot to change it on his forms.
He legit went in to change it and forgot. So like three years later that'll just be confusing for everyone, so he keeps the Lightyear name purely on Work forms.
Darkmatter keeps his name so as to be associated with Buzz. He's scared if people figure it out, they'll go after Buzz to get to him.
He's such a SAP
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♡︎Safe Haven Pt. 2♡︎
Summary: Remus was recently diagnosed with ADHD and refuses to take his meds. He may need a friend and a bit of rational thinking to find out what’s really troubling him. 
 Warning: ADHD, blunt/ harsh Logan, talk of mental illness, intense moments/situations, crying, self deprecation, cursing, angst. 
 Characters: Remus (Kingsley) and Logan (Shepard) 
 Word Count: 839
 Ship/ Pairing: Remus x Logan (Intrulogical) (Platonic) 
 AU: Human
This is a continuation of my one shot Safe Haven! It’ll probably be like a mini series of my Human AU of Sanders Sides!  I hope you enjoy!!! *ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭♡*゚ --- I really wish I would have told him then.... But I don’t think I could have...
“Take them.” Logan said to the boy slouched over a prescription bottle that sat  on the lonesome table of two.
“I don’t think I even really need them, Lo.” Remus laughed through his words. His thumb brushed against the label which read, Focalin XR 20 mg. Logan pinched the bridge of his nose, adjusting his glasses accordingly. “I would advise you to listen to your psychiatrist. You were prescribed this particular stimulant for a reason. There is no argument that you could provide that could convince me otherwise.” He had been at this conversation for far too long for his patience to still be intact. Logan knew Remus was struggling, this was as apparent as the fact that he was also sleep deprived; it could be read just by looking at him.
Remus sighed, his brows furrowing as he went over the things he could say to him. He was searching for something, anything to get him out of this situation. He balled his hands into a fist as his mind began to race. “You are ill, Remus. This will help you.” 
“But what if it won’t!? Have you ever tried considering that!?” He stood up, slamming his palms on Patton’s wooden table. “Have you ever considered....that I’m just too broken...? Or that---I don’t fucking know, Logan!!! Maybe try seeing it from my point of view!? Maybe I don’t want these faulty drugs! Maybe I just want to be how I am without someone reminding me that there’s something wrong with me!” He was shrieking now. Remus’ voice echoed in the walls that surrounded them. There was a heavy silence and an aching feeling it Remus’ chest that could only be described as devastation.
Logan sat, motionless. “Why do we go to the doctors?”
“What?” Remus asked, studying the neutral expression on his friend’s face. “Why do we go to the doctors, Remus?” He emphasized his words.
“I don’t know!” He tried to avoid Logan’s piercing stare. “Yes you do.” Remus let out a groan. “Because---people get hurt...”
“And?” Logan raised an eyebrow. Remus glared at him. “And....people need help.”
“In this case, your psychiatrist, is the doctor in question who studies and practices medicine focused diagnoses of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders which also includes substance use disorders. Do you, or do you not, have a mental diagnosis?” 
“I---I do...” Remus began to sit down slowly, his temper lowering. “Knowing this, isn’t it fair to say that you need help?” Logan asked, his eyes following Remus’ movements. He looked into Logan’s cold eyes. They held no emotion.
“....yes..” Remus mumbled. “Louder.” Logan commanded. 
This son of a bitch--- Remus bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from speaking what he thought. “Yes.” He repeated, louder this time. He felt tense, like he could explode more than he already had at any second. “This,” Logan picked up the bottle of pills and held it up to Remus. “This, is your help.”
“Now if you can’t do this for yourself....do it for Patton.” Remus’ eyes widened at the very mention of the sun kissed boy. He looked down at his shaking hands. “You and I both now how you feel about him. So if you were to need any form of motivation, look around you.” 
Remus lifted his head up slowly, fighting the tears that threatened to form and he looked around him. He looked at all of the pictures of his beloved smiling, the art, the knowing that he loved Patton far more than he did himself. For him...he thought.
Remus looked back at Logan who still had the prescription in his hand. “Fine.” He reached out and grabbed it gently from Logan. “Read the side effects, become familiar with Focalin XR, take it the same time every day, and for the love of all things good in this world, don’t fuck up.” Logan stood up and pushed the chair in. He watched as the boy with glasses walked to the door and stopped before it. He turned and looked at Remus. “He’ll be home soon.”
Without another word, he opened the door and disappeared within the night. The candles in the room flickered around him. Twisting open the bottle he tipped a capsule into his hand and stared at it intently. 
Patton’s face appeared in his mind, the field behind the house, the sweetness of his voice....how close their lips were. He smiled at the idea of Patton so close to him. How being around Patton was like there was no such thing as mental illness or insomnia, or the intrusive thoughts that haunt the part of Remus’ brain that would forever remain locked away from the rest of the world. Patton was the light that existed in Remus’ life....he was the sun.
“For him.” Remus told himself aloud and with all the strength he could muster, he swallowed the pill.
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pixieminutes · 5 years
Unsuspecting | HJS
genre: mafia!AU, fluff
members: reader x han jisung, bang chan, seo changbin x lee felix, kim seungmin, lee minho
warnings: swearing, guns, sexual references
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“morning lix,” you yawned, trudging your way downstairs and pushing the door open.
“shoes, y/n,” felix chuckled, pointing to your feet, where your teddy bear slippers still were.
you shrugged, “i bought these yesterday and this is my uniform now, you’ll see me in these everyday.”
felix smiled fakely, punching your arm lightly, “that’s the attitude!”
“hey,” you giggled, pointing at him, “this is my coffee shop, not yours.”
felix surrendered, walking into the back room and getting out the bag of coffee beans, pouring them into the machine slowly as you rearranged the cakes that felix had put on display (the wrong way).
“who do you think we’ll have today?” felix asked, stopping for a moment before starting his pouring again, “a chatty old lady? a stressed university student? a teenage girl and her iphone xr camera?”
you chuckled, knowing all of those types of people to come into your shop on the daily.
“hmm, maybe a tattoo artist! and he’ll come in here after rescuing a cat from a tree outside and when you make eye contact he’ll go ‘y/n’ and you’ll say his name because you just knew! and it turns out you two are soulmates!” felix exclaimed, gasping over-dramatically over and over again.
you giggled, shoving your friend away, “shut up, lix, you know i’m not interested.”
“no, you are interested,” felix said, “in minho?”
“what?! no!” you exclaimed, “felix, he’s like my brother!”
“who you have the hots for,” felix said, finishing your sentence.
“no! ew! felix, that is entirely gross and wrong,” you sighed.
“okay, what about... seungmin? doesn’t your heart flutter when you see him play the piano with those veiny hands? and his honey voice? doesn’t it make you melt?!” felix exclaimed.
you rolled your eyes, “stop it felix. i’m not interested.”
felix sighed, “fine, fine. be boring like that.”
“what? unlike you?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“you’d be surprised,” felix smirked, “i’m pretty good at getting them in.”
“what? your heart or your pants?” you asked, chuckling slightly as you crossed your arms.
“both,” felix winked, “the boy i had the other day had the biggest coc—”
“good morning!” you exclaimed, watching the first customer of the day walk in as you turned and widened your eyes at felix, “you’re early this morning, minnie!”
“yeah, dance practise starts at 7 today instead of 8,” minho sighed, “we’ve got a festival coming up. you’ll probably have the whole of the vocal team in here in a minute ordering their honey and lemon teas.”
you giggled, walking up to the counter and activating the till, “what can i get for you today?”
“a black coffee, as strong as you can make it,” minho sighed, “and a vanilla and chocolate twist please.”
you nodded, tapping on the till, “coming right up.”
you turned to felix, who nodded once, walking up the coffee machine as you got minho’s vanilla and chocolate twist out of the case and put it in a small paper bag, handing it to him, “that’ll be 100 won.”
minho nodded, handing you the money from his wallet. you smiled, taking it and giving him his receipt in exchange.
“ah, here they come,” minho said, taking a bite from his twist.
“morning y/n,” seungmin smiled, walking in the coffee shop, “smells good!”
“it’s a coffee shop bro, it always smells like this,” minho said, rolling his eyes.
felix snorted, handing minho his coffee, “thanks min. good luck with the dance.”
“yeah, i’m the one who has the hots for minho,” you chuckled, turning round to make seungmin’s tea.
“i gave him his coffee!” felix exclaimed.
“yeah, yeah,” you smirked.
“we work in a coffee shop!” felix exclaimed, before groaning and serving the next costumer.
“thank you! see you again!” you smiled, bowing slightly as the costumer walked out the door.
felix grumbled, tugging his apron off, “i ordered coconut milk. is this vegan? i want it organic. you don’t have soya? oh just fuck off!”
“i’m sorry, i can go if you would like,” a voice said.
felix looked up with panicked eyes, “no! sorr– oh, changbin? hi! what are you– what are you doing here?”
“coffee,” changbin chuckled, “what are you doing here?”
felix looked at you panicked, motioning you out the way as he went and stood behind the till, sighing, “work.”
changbin chuckled, “well then, can i get an iced americano please?”
felix smiled, tapping on the screen, “of course! anything else?”
“do you have bubble tea? my friend hasn’t shut up about it all day,” changbin said, rolling his eyes.
“we do actually! but we only have one type,” felix said cautiously.
changbin shrugged as his friends piled into the shop behind him, “he can deal with it.”
changbin wasn’t a tall man, neither were the friends of his that piled in behind him, but that didn’t stop any of them from looking absolutely terrifying. they were all dressed head to toe in black, changbin in a big, fluffy coat, skinny jeans, and dm shoes. the boy stood next to him was studying the shop, he was wearing a leather jacket and a nirvana t-shirt, skinny jeans and dm shoes. the third boy had come in and sat straight down, he was wearing a long coat that looked like it hid a lot of things, and again, skinny jeans and dm shoes.
“bubble tea?” the boy in the leather jacket asked hopefully, glancing at changbin.
changbin sighed, “yes, jisung, they have your fucking bubble tea.”
felix giggled, turning round and scooping the bubbles into the cup.
as felix giggled, you could see changbin looking at him, his eyes practically in the shape of hearts.
“hey, chan! do you want anything?” jisung called, turning to the boy who had sat down.
he just shook his head, staring at a laptop screen intently.
“hey,” jisung said, turning to you, “do you– woah.”
as your eyes met, you felt as though your heart stopped. it felt like a movie scene. like everyone else in the room had disappeared.
“do we...” you trailed off, smiling slightly.
jisung shook his head, regathering his thoughts, “do you have any cookies?”
you giggled, these men had come in here looking so intimidating and all they wanted was bubble tea and cookies, “yeah. homemade too.”
jisung smiled, “can i have one of those as well please?”
you nodded, realising that the two of you hadn’t broken eye contact yet, and although you wanted to give jisung what he wanted, you didn’t want to break it.
“it’s chocolate chip. do you want dark, milk or white?” felix asked.
“white,” jisung said almost instantly, not breaking the contact.
felix chuckled, “okay.”
you could hear the rustling and you wanted to say something to jisung, anything at all, but no sound came out.
“there you go, that’ll be 220 won,” felix said.
jisung broke the eye contact with you, and a slight feeling of disappointment filled you.
“thanks,” changbin said, taking everything, jisung taking his cookie, “come on chan, let’s go.”
chan sighed, “has he got his bubble tea?”
“finally,” changbin chuckled.
jisung moaned, the coffee shop bell ringing above him as he opened the door, “oh that’s so good.”
and with that, they were gone.
“changbin! here again?” felix chuckled, his voice only slightly flirty.
“of course. we fed a demon his bubble tea and now he hasn’t shut up about your bubble tea, and your cookies, for the entire 24 hours we’ve been gone,” changbin said, sighing.
“so bubble tea and a white chocolate cookie?” felix giggled.
“this is the guy!” jisung exclaimed, clapping his hands and pointing at felix.
felix laughed, “what can i say? but it’s missy over here who makes the bubbles and the cookies.”
“and the tea,” you added, going back to making minho’s coffee.
“so she’s the love of my life,” jisung shrugged, making your face burn as you turned away before he could see.
felix chuckled, “of course. anything else?”
“the strongest coffee you have,” chan groaned, “or the strongest you can make.”
felix nodded, tapping on the screen, “changbin?”
changbin hummed, “i’ll get whatever you recommend.”
felix smiled, only slightly blushing as he thought for a moment before completing changbin’s order, “300 won.”
changbin smiled, giving him the money and turning to face jisung and chan, the three of them beginning to talk in hushed voices.
“what’s their deal?” you muttered to felix, turning to minho and handing him his coffee, “have a good day babe!”
minho chuckled, ignoring jisung’s glare, “you too, angel.”
“what do you mean?” felix asked.
“long black coats and jeans in the middle of summer, always talking quietly, what are they, the mafia?”
“get down!”
your eyes widened at chan’s words, not able to register anything before you heard the gun shot.
“what the fuck?!” you shouted, jisung basically tackling you, both of you falling to the floor as jisung pulled a table to cover you from the window.
“shut up unless you want to be killed,” jisung hissed, taking his jacket off.
you thought he was going to give it to you, help with your shaking body. but instead he just laid it out, getting out several knives, all shiny and very, very sharp. when you looked across, you could see changbin doing the same, but with guns.
“i’m so sorry y/n,” jisung whispered, “i knew this would happen but i didn’t think it would be this fast.”
“what would happen? jisung what’s happening?!” you exclaimed.
“did you not hear what i said?!” jisung whisper-yelled, “do you want to be killed?!”
“jisung, i’m a gen z, so technically, yeah,” you shrugged.
jisung bit back a smile as he took a few knives out, “i like you a lot y/n.”
you smiled, not able to take your eyes off of the fascinating boy in front of you. he had a thin figure but his cheeks were chubby, and now his coat was off you could see that his arms were defined and his chest was big with muscle. you felt safe with him, even with all his knives laid out in front of him.
he peeked over the table before nodding at changbin and throwing the knife in the direction of the gun shots.
“jisung, you weren’t even looking!” you hissed.
“relax babe, i know what i’m doing,” jisung shrugged, “besides, pretending it’s that guy who called you angel earlier makes it easier.”
you blushed, but coughed as you tried to regain confidence, “well you called me the love of your life, so i think you win.”
jisung smiled, but hurriedly covered your body as he heard more gunshots, but it turned out to just be changbin.
“i really am sorry, y/n,” jisung sighed, “the truth is, we’re members of a mafia group.”
“right, i don’t care if you wanna die, i don’t!” jisung whisper-yelled, “yes, i know, it’s shocking. we’re called jyp, but we’re a sub-unit called 3racha.”
“why 3racha?” you whispered, furrowing your eyebrows.
“it’s um– it uh– hot sauce, anyway,” jisung coughed, “they told us we could go against a couple people in our rival group, yg, but that went to shit and now a stronger group under yg, ikon, are attacking us.”
“ikon? these are shit names,” you whispered.
“y/n, it’s the mafia, no one needs your judgement,” jisung whisper-yelled.
you shrugged, “just saying.”
“they’re gone,” chan announced, “but stay down for a while just in case.”
jisung sighed, relaxing as he sat on the floor.
“so... why here? why didn’t they wait for you to go back to your lair or whatever,” you asked, folding your arms.
jisung chuckled, “dorm, but sure.”
“shut up and answer my question,” you smiled.
jisung shrugged, looking bashful, “i guess it’s because of you.”
jisung nodded, “y/n, i like you. it’s quite easy to tell, changbin and chan can, and so i’m sure ikon could.”
“stop saying that.”
you laughed, “i’ll stop, i’ll stop.”
“y/n i just confessed to you and you’re...”
“what?” you asked, confused at the boy’s sudden silence.
he pulled a face, “what are those?”
you whipped your head round, “what are what?”
“no. those. on your feet,” jisung said, the same disgusted look still on his face.
“oh, these? my bear slippers,” you said, turning back round and kicking your feet slightly, “why? you’re the one who likes me, you should like my bear slippers too!”
jisung blushed, “well... they’re cute.”
you smiled, “so are you.”
“no,” jisung sighed, “i don’t care if you like me back or not, you can’t. y/n, i didn’t finish, they—“
“they came because you like me and so their plan is to take me instead of you because that’ll hurt you more,” you finished, “and you don’t want to be in a relationship with me because it’ll only happen more.”
jisung looked at you stunned, nodding, “basically.”
you smiled, putting a hand on his face, “i like you jisung, i mean, i don’t know you very well, but if we went on a few dates, i’m sure i’ll still like you just as much as i do right now.”
“but yg—”
“i don’t care about yg, jisung,” you chuckled, “besides, it means i have more excitement in my life and trust me, i don’t have much.”
“thank you y/n,” jisung smiled, “but if they already came for you after only two days of us meeting, what will happen when we actually... you know... become a couple.”
you chuckled, looking past jisung to felix and changbin, who were currently distracted from anything else as they moaned against each other’s lips, “i appreciate the concern, but i feel like they weren’t here for me.”
jisung furrowed his eyebrows, turning round to see his best friend making out with yours and groaned, turning back to you, “of course.”
“oh my god!” you exclaimed, “felix! is he the one with the—”
felix pulled away, looking at you with one raised eyebrow and a smug grin, “yep. huge.”
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bikesteelborrow · 5 years
2020 TREK Powerfly FS 5 - Purple Phaze
Features: Treks Removable Integrated Battery-System (RIB) sieht gut aus und ist benutzerfreundlich: Der Akku ist komplett im Rahmen integriert und somit bestens geschützt, lässt sich ohne Werkzeuge aber ganz einfach entnehmen und bietet selbst an vollgefederten E-MTBs Platz für einen Flaschenhalter. Ein E-Mountainbike mit Full-Suspension-Setup ermöglicht dir, das Potenzial des Bosch Antriebsunterstützungssystems auch in unwegsamstem Terrain auszunutzen Dank des externen Ladeanschlusses kannst du den Akku einfach und bequem im Rahmen oder im ausgebauten Zustand aufladen Es fährt sich wie ein Mountainbike, weil es eins ist: Es basiert auf dem gleichen Rahmen und derselben Fahrwerkstechnologie, die wir seit Jahrzehnten ständig weiterentwickeln Der Purion-Controller verfügt über eine Walk Assist-Funktion und einen intelligenten eMTB-Modus, der in Abhängigkeit vom Terrain automatisch exakt die benötigte Power liefert
Frameset: FrameAlpha Platinum Aluminum, Removable Integrated Battery (RIB), tapered head tube, Knock Block, Control Freak internal routing, Motor Armor, magnesium rocker link, Mino Link, ABP, Boost148, 130mm travel ForkRockShox Recon RL, Solo Air spring, Motion Control damper, tapered steerer, 51mm offset, Boost110, 15mm Maxle, 130mm travel Front suspensionRockShox Recon RL, Solo Air spring, Motion Control damper, tapered steerer, 51mm offset, Boost110, 15mm Maxle, 130mm travel Rear suspensionRockShox Deluxe RL, 205x50mm
Wheels: Front HubFormula DC-511, 6-bolt, Boost110, 15mm thru axle Rear HubBontrager alloy, sealed bearing, alloy axle, 6-bolt, Shimano 8/9/10 freehub, Boost148, 12mm thru axle RimsBontrager Kovee, double-wall, Tubeless Ready, 32-hole, 23mm width, presta valve TiresBontrager XR3 Comp, wire bead, 30 tpi, 27.5x2.35"
Drivetrain: ShiftersShimano Deore M6000, 10 speed Rear derailleurShimano Deore M6000, mid cage, 42T max cog CrankFSA 310, 15T w/chain guard CassetteShimano HG500, 11-42, 10 speed ChainKMC X10, 10 speed PedalsVP-536 nylon platform
Components: SaddleBontrager Arvada, steel rails SeatpostTranzX JD-YSP18, internal routing, 31.6mm HandlebarBontrager alloy, 31.8mm, 15mm rise StemBontrager Rhythm Comp, 31.8mm, Knock Block, 0 degree GripsBontrager XR Trail Comp, nylon lock-on HeadsetKnock Block Integrated, cartridge bearing, 1-1/8" top, 1.5" bottom BrakesetShimano MT200 hydraulic disc
Accessories: BatteryBosch PowerTube, vertical, 500wh ControllerBosch Purion MotorBosch Performance CX, 250Watt, 75Nm, 25km/h max assist
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tak4hir0 · 5 years
シェア 3 ツイート 0 はてブ 0 株式会社パルコは、2019年11月22日(金)に「渋谷PARCO」をグランドオープンすることを発表した。渋谷PARCOは、世界へ発信する唯一無二の「次世代型商業施設」の実現に向けてニーズを満たすのではなく、ニーズを創造し、新しい消費体験・価値観を提供していく。PARCOの営業時間は物販・サービスが10時〜21時まで。飲食店が11時〜23時30分まで。店舗数は192店舗となる。 1.オフラインとオンラインが融合した売り場を提案 リアルな売場を持つ商業施設としての、今後の方向性を提案していく売場として、「PARCO CUBE(パルコ キューブ)」を5Fで展開。店頭の実在庫は戦略商品に絞り込み、その他の商品はパルコEC(PARCO ONLINE STORE)で販売する。 出店する11店舗は従来20坪相当の売場を半分の面積で展開(ショップの内装はパルコが独自開発) 利用者は、エスカレーターサイドに配置された大型サイネージや、ショップ内のサイネージ・タブレット端末からEC在庫をストレスなく検索することができる。 共用部大型サイネージ 縦型75インチモニター×4台 大型サイネージやショップ内のサイネージ・タブレットで気に入った商品が見つかった場合は、サイネージのQRコードを利用者がスマートフォンで読み込んでWEBサイトを開き、商品の「カートへ入れる」をタップすることで、カートに商品が転送され、PARCO ONLINE STOREで購入することができる。 ECサイト「PARCO ONLINE STORE」 イメージ 2.オープン時から9種の電子マネーを利用可能 渋谷PARCOでは、オープンより複数のキャシュレス決済(クレジットカード・コード決済・電子マネー決済等)を利用することができる。コード決済で利用できるのは、「Alipay」「WeChat Pay」「Origami Pay」「PayPay」「LINE Pay」「メルペイ」「楽天ペイ(アプリ決済)」「au PAY」「d払い」の10種類。なお「d払い」は12月に導入予定。導入はコード決済ゲートウェイサービスを活用し、ショップでは一つのアプリですべてのコードを読取り、ゲートウェイ側で決済ブランドを判別することでオペレーションを簡素化する。 また、ハウスカードであるPARCOカードの新規申込み時には、スマートフォンアプリ「POCKET PARCO」のPARCOポイントマイページ内で、QRコード決済「ポケパル払い」が申込みした当日から利用できる。利用金額・ランクに応じて、PARCOポイントが貯まっていく仕組みだ。(一部には利用できないショップもある) 3.「POCKET PARCO」ユーザー向けに電子レシートサービスを展開 一部のショップでは、パルコ公式アプリ「POCKET PARCO」ユーザー向けに「電子レシート」サービスの提供を開始する。「POCKET PARCO」ユーザーは、バーコードをレジでスキャンするだけで、アプリ内でお買い物をしたレシートを確認でき、集計を行うこともできる。 東芝テックの「スマートレシートサービス」を活用 また今後は、アプリの利用データやお買い物履歴、電子レシートによる商品データをAIが分析・学習を行うことで、ユーザー個々の志向を把握し、傾向を推定。「POCKET PARCO」ユーザーに対して、来店前・来店中・来店後の最適なタイミングで、マッチするショップや商品・サービス・コンテンツ等の情報を配信し、最適な出会いを提供する仕組みを開発・リリースしていく予定。 4.「temi」を試験導入 12月には実証実験も実施 hapi-robo st(ハピロボ)が11月1日から国内発売する、パーソナルアシスタントロボット「temi(テミ)」の利用者の案内を目的とした試験導入が予定されている。temiはスマートスピーカーと同様の「対話型・音声操作」に対応したAIアシスタント機能を実装したロボット。遠隔操作機能により、自らがあたかもそこにいるように自宅や職場を自由に移動したり、そこにいる人との会話を行うことができる。 まず「temi」は、国内外メーカーのデジタル機器や家電などの試作品を展示する、AIショールーミングストア「BOOSTER STUDIO by CAMPFIRE」で取り扱う。同ストアは、パルコと国内クラウドファンディング最大手のキャンプファイヤーが共同運営する。 その後、館内を回遊する「temi」が利用者の問い合わせに対応するサービスの実証実験を12月より実施する予定。問い合わせは、離れた場所で操作しているインフォメーションスタッフが対応する。これによりユーザーは、インフォメーションカウンターまで行かなくても疑問を解消でき、インフォメーションスタッフは他の業務と並行してニーズがある時だけ接客する事ができる。上記音声インフォメーションシステムと共に接客ロスを減らし、快適な商環境の構築を目指す。 関連記事 H.I.Sハピロボが瞬間移動ロボット「temi」を29万8千円で発売へ!遠隔対話、追従、自動マッピング、自律移動、Alexa連携、店舗案内など可能性は無限大 5.インバウンドにはAIを活用したシステムを導入 インバウンドには、日本語・英語・中国語(繁体字・簡体字)・韓国語・タイ語に対応した、音声とディスプレイによる店頭インフォメーションシステムを導入する。システムはAIを活用して音声を認識・翻訳し、問い合わせに対する回答をディスプレイに表示。探しているものが明確な場合、例えば「ATMはどこですか?」「パスタが食べたい!」と話しかければ、該当店舗・施設等を表示・案内してくれる。「5階には何があるんだろう?」「レディスのファッションはどんなショップがあるのかな?」等目的が漠然としている場合は、画面をタッチして探すことが可能。 画面デザインは現在、開発中 訪日外国人の利用者が有人のインフォメーションカウンターまで移動する手間を省き、言葉の障壁で不便を感じることが無いよう、館内7カ所に設置される。 外国人の利用者は決済に、クレジットカードでの多通貨決済(DCC)と、免税自動化アプリ「スマートデタックス」を利用することができる。DCCは海外のお客がクレジットカードで決済される際、日本円ではなく自国通貨での決済が可能となるシステム。日本円決済の場合、カード会社から明細が届くまで自国通貨での請求金額が分からないが、多通貨決済の場合、会計時に自国通貨での請求金額が分かるので、安心して買い物することができる。 多通貨決済(DCC)のイメージ NTTデータから引用 「スマートデタックス」は、スマートフォンもしくはタブレット端末のアプリで、お客のパスポートを読み取るだけで、免税書類を自動作成してくれるシステム。従来の手書きや専用システムによる書類作成に比べ、処理時間やレジ周りのスペースを大幅に省力化でき、お客とショップスタッフの手続きによるストレスを軽減できる。その他、渋谷PARCOでは様々なデジタルソリューションを駆使して、訪日外国人のユーザーに快適な買い物を楽しんでもらえるよう努めていく。 6.省CO2先導型として国土交通省より採択 渋谷PARCOは「屋上広場・立体街路など魅力的な屋外空間の創出」、「ガスコージェネレーションシステムを中心とした高効率エネルギーシステムの導入」、「デジタルコミュニケーションによるエネルギーの効率的利用促進」等の取組みが評価され「サステナブル建築物等先導事業(省CO2先導型)」として国土交通省より採択されている。その取組みの一環として、「外部環境の快適度」や、「ビルのエネルギー利用状況」を見える化した、渋谷PARCOの「今」がわかるコンテンツをデジタルサイネージで発信する事により、地上1階から屋上広場までつながる立体街路(SPIRAL WALK)や屋外広場の活性化と、ビル全体のエネルギーの効率的な運用を促進する。 画像はイメージ 7.XRテクノロジーによる仮想空間演出 ARを活用したデジタルアートによる環境演出をはじめ、ART/CULTURE/FASHIONを立体映像として発信する体験型メディア装置としてXRを活用する。コンピューターで制作した3Dクリエイティブコンテンツを、スマートフォンやAR対応グラスを通して、あたかもその場に存在するかのように展示するバーチャルショーケースを展開。 「SHIBUYA XR SHOWCASE」 展示作品「World’s end supernova / Discont」 イメージ(5階に展示予定) 現在、世界的にAR端末の開発が加速度的に進んでおり、近い将来AR端末は静止画・動画に代わる3次元映像を閲覧するためのメディアツールとして、一般に広く普及されることが予想されている。この技術活用の第1歩として、渋谷PARCOでは3Dクリエイティブコンテンツの鑑賞サービスを常設展開する。 8.テナントショップの運営をサポート マッチングサービス「MESHWell」を導入 テナント向けサービスとして株式会社メッシュウェルとパートナーを組み、同社が運営するファッション販売員マッチングサービス「MESHWell」を導入する。「MESHWell」は、スキマ時間で効率的に働きたい元販売員と、繁忙時間に接客力を高めたい、或いは人材不足に悩む店舗を手軽にマッチングする新しいサービス。販売力を強化したいテナントニーズを充足する販売���援メニューとして提供する。 MESHWell イメージ 公式サイトから引用 渋谷PARCOは11月22日(金)にグランドオープン。営業時間は物販・サービスが10時〜21時。飲食店が11時〜23時30分まで。店舗数は192店舗となる。 関連記事 H.I.Sハピロボが瞬間移動ロボット「temi」を29万8千円で発売へ!遠隔対話、追従、自動マッピング、自律移動、Alexa連携、店舗案内など可能性は無限大 関連サイト 渋谷パルコ
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Strategies For Alleviating Your Back Discomfort
Methods For You To Stop Experiencing Back Discomfort
Back discomfort strikes countless individuals and might vary from a mild discomfort to a seriously disabling condition. For many, it is due to a continuing stress put on your back through things such as heavy lifting or moving while for other individuals it might result from simply doing nothing for much too long.
Put heat on any back spasms. your health Produce a warm compress or get a heating pad and merely relax. It can soothe the muscles and relax you. Stress can be quite a large component of back discomfort, so just laying down and looking to unwind can find yourself doing wonders for you.
Always take your back problems seriously. Many people refuse to pay attention to the painful warnings their health send them. They try to walk it well, or ignore it. Trying to get through your pain will undoubtedly make it worse. You will need to reduce your activity until your pain lessens.
Don’t forget about the pain. Once you learn a certain activity will almost certainly exacerbate your pain, then don’t do that activity. Ignoring it will not make it go away completely faster. In reality, pushing throughout the pain will likely cause further injury, making the anguish last even longer.
Be sure Tallahassee you’re maintaining a proper weight. If you’re overweight, specifically if that weight is your torso, you’ll be putting much more pressure lying on your back and spine. Keeping an optimum weight, you’ll make certain you’re not putting a lot of stress face up and spine.
Stopping back discomfort may be accomplished through healthy posture at the beginning in your life. Sitting up straight inside your computer chair might help greatly should you spend lots of time in it. If you’re always slouching, it is possible to develop back discomfort later in your lifetime and thus it’s better to have a healthy posture in early stages.
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width=”300″ height=”168″ />
Should you suffer from difficulties with the cartilage inside your spine, it is possible to avoid pain by avoiding sitting for too long intervals. Sitting compresses the disks with your spine, because it causes your abdomen to press backwards. Try reclining, or using a lumbar cushion in the event you must sit, and take frequent breaks to stand up.
To help lessen swelling and alleviate back discomfort as a result of muscle strain, try compressing the back muscles. To compress the injured muscles, think about using an elastic bandage or maybe a back support. The act of compressing the muscles helps reduce the inflammation from the muscles. This, subsequently, brings about an easing in back discomfort.
It is very important figure out how to lift safely to avoid back problems and injury. Once you lift safely, you apply the large muscles in your legs to spare your back. Bend in the knees, suck your stomach in and keep the product near to your body when you lift.
Back surgery could be recommended from your doctor in an effort to relieve your pain. Surgery is generally restricted to hard cases that don’t reply to any other treatment. Moreover, sometimes surgical procedures are your best option when certain injuries occur and for certain conditions that result in lower back pain.
Your Wellbeing
Each of the 8508880888MBA exercise that you can do in order to alleviate your lower back pain is obviously a wise decision for your 32308 health. Only one can not possible deny the exquisitely comforting and relaxing approach to a good old fashioned back rub. When you can hire a company willing to provide one, which is.
To reduce your back discomfort, buy a LCD monitor. LCD monitors have far less glare and reflections than their CRT cousins. That glare is the reason for plenty of bad posture habits while people hunch up to read their computer screens. It could be costly to acquire an LCD monitor, however it is definitely worth it for your health!
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Back Discomfort
When your back discomfort actually gets to be too debilitating, consider seeking specialized help. If you have insurance, you will find a pretty good possibility it may possibly cover a few sessions. Trained physiotherapists can give you helpful advice and assist you to develop a fitness regimen that will work to strengthen your back.
Google Page
Use good posture, even when your back hurts. Slouching down or leaning to the side might appear to relieve the pain for the short term, but it will make things worse after a while. Using good posture if you are symptom-free can obviously also prevent back pain 2066 Thomasville Rd from occurring to start with.
Back pains try replacing your shoes. When your footwear is worn out, too big 8508880888 or too small, do not have padding or arch support that may be your condition. Footwear affects your spinal placement making you have back pain lower back pain. Replacing your old footwear will save you from having back discomfort.
Finding the cause of your back problems is a great way to start working on a solution to stop it. In most cases, finding proper back support will greatly ease the situation and result in a much more comfortable life. If possible, the greatest results can come when the pain is spotted in its infancy and prevented from advancing.
from Tyler Baumgart Rosettastonediscount4u http://rosettastonediscount4u.com/strategies-for-alleviating-your-back-discomfort/
0 notes
kettish · 8 years
AU where Steve gets a cat 😍😍😍
0 notes
solemn-siren · 6 months
XR walk au part 2/3
Part 2: Seliana walk, queen of the tundra
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Waiting outside the gates out of Seliana once all four were geared up was a hunter holding a bow with a gold dragon design on it.
“I’m from the fourth fleet by the way.” The hunter said as she pulled up the lever that opened the gate. The wooden gate rose, snow that had piled up on it falling to the ground. “Follow the scoutflies and you should be good to go.”
The scoutflies were the green light up bugs that were used by the research commission, according to Siren. They could track monsters and highlight important objects, and even she had some minor experience using it. Although in her case she would only use it to find monster tracks and then identify the monster before getting out of there.
“And what if we do find one of those elder dragon things out there?” Kenpo asked for the seventh time since leaving the cabin. He had asked about twice while they trained with the injured Hunter, three times while gearing up, and twice including now as they left into the wilds.
“Then consider yourself lucky, they aren’t that common.” Siren answered, taking the lead just behind their leading hunter. “They are still rare and few between, but for a good reason. The world would be dead if they were as common as say…”
The hunter had stopped them there. In front of them was a massive furred animal with two wooden like tusks. “There’s a popo blocking the way.” She explained, looking up at the massive beast. “We can’t get past it. We’ll have to shoot it with our slingers-“
“Wait we’re shooting it? We’re killing it?” Hunted suddenly interrupted. Siren physically screamed her mental pain out, turning to face him.
“Slingers can’t kill.” She firmly reminded him, holding up her left hand. A crossbow like contraption was attached to her left hand, and the brothers had their own slingers as well. “Was I the only one who was actually listening to the injured hunter? The slinger is for exploration more than actual combat. You know what-“
She aimed the slinger at the popo, sending a single sharp knife straight into its body. Nothing happened.
“Try shooting it at its head-“ the hunter began to explain but Siren only heard half of it before she shifted her aim to the popo’s head and sent another knife flying.
This time it landed right into its eye. The popo reared up and roared, taking a fallen tree nearby with it and opening up a path for the team to go through.
The brothers stared at Siren. “You’re the only one with experience working with hunters. You know their stuff.” Storm said, shaking his head as they continued on through, moving into a cave while Kenpo picked up every plant and ore he could grab. They stepped onto an elevator and went higher up into the mountains.
“Hey this is my first time actually being a hunter and working with research commission tools!” Siren added, walking across a narrow path on the side of a massive mountain once the elevator came to a stop. In front of them was the snowy scenery of mountains and pine trees.
“Is that-“ the leading hunter began, stopping everyone in their tracks
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Flying above the landscape was a massive dragon with icy blue scales and crystal like horns. It flew over the mountains, rounding around to disappear behind the mountain they were literally on.
“That body type… that has to be an elder dragon.” Siren muttered, taking a notebook out of her bag provided by the guild and noting something down quickly. “Same slim build as Kushala Daora, we might be in for a treat.”
The brothers immediately glared at her. Seeing a world ending powerful dragon was not a treat. It was torture and upcoming suffering.
After Siren, once again because no one else remembered how to use a slinger, shot down a branch to reveal a set of vines they could use to climb up the cliff, the group continued on their way. The scoutflies found tracks of a massive dragon and crystal like scales once they cleared the top, which Siren immediately guessed was Velkhana scales.
“Do we have to fight Velkhana?” Kenpo whimpered, holding onto the crystal scale he had picked up. Hunted and Storm wanted to deny all the odds of having to fight an elder dragon. Siren wanted to say the opposite. Both attempts were stopped by the sound of something flying in the sky.
It was a spiraling arc of smoke that came from deep within the closest mountain. Not from a monster, but from some camp hidden in the mountains, separated from them by a massive chasm.
“That’s a signal from the missing team members… they’re close by.” The leading hunter explained, looking up at the mountain where it came from. “Look, there’s a wedge beetle we can use to get over there.”
“Oh it’s slinger time again.” Hunted complained, and by the time he looked up Siren had already whizzed across the chasm with her slinger, standing beside the entrance to a cave.
The one time they had to use a slinger.
The cave, once they had all crossed the chasm, was big with the only way to the other side being a bridge of ice. The leading hunter stepped inside, calling out for anyone in there. An answer followed. They were close.
“They have to be across the bridge and a breeze from there.” The leading hunter began as they began to cross the bridge, but a shrieking call echoed in the cavern.
Spiraling into the cave was the very dragon they had seen on the way: Velkhana. It landed in front of them, and for the first time they realized what exactly they were dealing with.
“Velkhana?! Why did it have to appear now of all times?!” The lead hunter yelled, pulling her bow out and nocking an arrow onto the string.
The elder dragon roared, its voice echoing within the cavern. However, ringing out ever so slightly under the ice wyvern’s cry was the sound of fragile ice cracking apart.
Siren looked around to try and see where it was coming from, before Storm pointed her in the right direction.
“Over there!”
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The very ice bridge they were standing on was breaking apart from Velkhana’s roar.
That was the first taste of an elder dragon’s power for the brothers as Storm felt the ground beneath him fall, and the group plummeted down into the abyss, while Velkhana flew away from them.
0 notes
solemn-siren · 6 months
Monster Hunter world: iceborne XR walk au
Part 1: The watcher, the brothers, and danger
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A/N: is this a bit out of the blue? Yes.
Recently I got the opportunity to go to Universal studios Japan, which is where my love for monster hunter began. I went there with one goal in mind and that was to experience the iceborne XR walk. Imagine monster hunter in VR but you actually have to walk around. That’s XR walk.
I decided to use my skills in both art and writing to recap the events of the XR story for the world to see since it’s a Japan only experience. I have no idea where the Skelly bros came into this, my brain just went to me and said it was a good idea. So here I am.
Anyways enjoy the first, probably the most chill part 1/3 of the XR au.
…pun unintended
Storm did not expect to see someone unexpected in Seliana.
He and his younger brothers, Skelly and Kenpo, came to Seliana to help out with the expeditions and research of the unexplored, unidentified land. He thought it was just him, his brothers, and a bunch of unknown people.
Yet the sound of the cabin door opening with the cold winds of the iceborn world around them entering the warm interior, he naturally turned around to the door to see a familiar face, covered by a hood from her short hoodie.
“Siren?” he asked, abruptly standing up from his bench in surprise.
“Oh so the handler also invited you here?” Siren said, pulling down her hood. Storm’s brothers had also stood up from their seats to see what exactly was going on.
”Wait a second, you know the handler?” Skelly asked, shoving his older brother to the side.
“Of course I do, I don’t go elder dragon watching for fun. It’s literally my job.” Siren answered, and even though all the brothers were aware of her dangerous job as an elder dragon observer, they were quite surprised to see her here, let alone be invited to help.
“Huh, so the handler invited you here to… find elder dragons? What if you find one that’s never been seen before?” Kenpo, the youngest of the three brothers, said as Siren dusted off the snow from the journey.
He had a point. That was literally why the four of them were here.
Siren seemed like she was about to answer, but the handler entered the room and the four of them turned to face their… boss.
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”From all of us here at the research commission, we welcome you all to Seliana!” The handler, a young woman with a woolly hat and in pale blue clothing began what seemed to be a welcome speech. The group listened to her, being their first time in this part of the new world after all.
“Seliana was made as a headquarters by the research commission for us to investigate this unexplored land.” The handler continued to explain. “With your contribution, we are sure the research commission will make a discovery that will benefit future hunters-“
a blast of cold wind interrupted the warm welcome speech.
Siren and Skelly screamed from the sudden drop of temperature and the gust of wind. Storm shielded his eyes from the wind, his eyes darting around to try and figure out what was happening. Kenpo hid behind his brothers.
The handler was surprised for a second, before this expression was pushed away to a calm and steady look. “Please stay calm, there has to be a reason for this-“ she said, looking around the blue lit room.
Her words meant nothing when a hunter in crimson red armor burst through the doors, holding one of her arms in pain. Most notably on her left hand was a small crossbow like contraption.
“The others are still stranded in the wilds” the hunter began, closing the door behind her, or she tried to. “I have to go back and-“
The hunter stopped, clutching her arm in pain.
“Are you alright? What happened?” The handler asked, approaching the hunter.
“We set off on a quest to set up a campsite in Hoadfrost reach.” The hunter explained, moving around the cabin in dramatic strides. “We went further and further into the locale, but then-“
“-we were ambushed by a monster. We don’t know what monster it was, but I got out of there. The others are still stranded somewhere and I need to go back to rescue them-“
The hunter stopped again, wincing from pain.
“Rest assured. The hunter’s guild will send an experienced hunter to search for your missing team.” The handler began, and Kenpo was surprised that she was staying calm in such an urgent situation.
The hunter however, didn’t seem satisfied. “But I need to go as well!” She shouted, but the Handler’s expression showed no sign of letting the injured hunter go out of her sight.
She mumbled something in defeat, but her eyes lay down on the group staring at the situation confused. Or worried, it was hard to tell. Having worked with hunters before, Siren was familiar with this situation.
“You people there! You seem to be strong enough to handle this.” The hunter said, standing up to her full height. “I bet you could bring my team back to Seliana safe and-“
“But they only just arrived!” The handler was quick to interrupt the hunter. “They don’t even know how to use a weapon-“
“Oh with a bit of training they could take on any quest!” The hunter shouted, turning to face the group again. “So! You guys think you can go out into the wild, find my teammates, and bring them back safely? Eh? Think you can do that for me?! Ignore the handler she doesn’t understand.”
The group turned to each other. “Can we do this?” Kenpo asked, looking at the one person who seemed knowledgeable with monsters; Siren.
“It could be any monster, but if an experienced hunter is needed…” Siren muttered, turning to the others. “It could be an elder dragon level threat. But it might just be a deviant or sub species…”
“I say we could do this.”
“Well if she says so then I’m in.” Storm added. Hunted nodded, and having heard all this the hunter cheered, her cry echoing in the wooden cabin.
“See I know a potential hunter when I see one!” She told the handler, who seemed worried but she seemed to trust the hunter. The hunter walked over to a small box where she brought out a small knife. “Usually used to carve off monster parts from a slain target, but it’s good enough for swinging around in here…”
“Wait wait, when you say it’s an elder dragon level threat…” Storm whispered to Siren to not alert his brothers, the handler, and the hunter. “…how certain are you about it?”
Siren thought about it for a few seconds. “About 80%.” She answered. “Because Deviant species are as powerful as elder dragons…”
All conversations were stopped when the hunter began to shout.
“Alright! Attacking is the same for all weapons! You raise your weapon above your head and you bring it down!”
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