walnutcookie · 6 months
i know that canonically theres a variety of different food/drinks on planet xylitol (ex xylitol jellies, artificial sugar jellies, xylitol shakes, xylitol juice) but i like to headcanon that its all just the same shit
the xylitol jelly vs artificial sugar jelly thing in specific bothers me a little becsuse what do you MEAAAN isnt xylitol a type of artifical sugar. are the artifivcial sugar jellies made of a different type of sugar. what makes them less healthy. but thats just me nitpicking i dont care GXJFMF in my head theyre the same thing
as for the xylitol shakes(or smoothies? cant remember what theyre called in canon too lazy to check) and juice theyre. Guess what. also xylitol jellies! They just have one food and they put it in differenr shapes and arrangements and give it different textures and consistencies HGDFKH its all the same taste. there are no other flavors. it tastes like shit too to earthbread cookies but its all the xylitols ever eat or drink
besides water but as ive said before i hc that water makes them drunk so thats reserved as a Fun Drink that they dont need nor does it actually provide any health benefits
poor astronaut was going insane when she was staying on the planet/ship Like at least they had water but DEAR GOD the one thing she never thought to ready herself for was space food. or at least she didnt think shed have to prepare herself for a lack of flavor and eating the same shitty meal for weeks GDJFJFL i dont know if it makes sense but like it clicks in my head because shes neopolitan like. she is a variety of flavors (+ some fanmade lore that i have for her that ties into it a little bit but ill save that for another post). all of the xylitols watch in amazement and slight horror as she smushes together a bunch of stuff she found on other planets that she hopes is edible with their bland ass xylitol jellies because she just wants some FLAVOR goddammit
anyways i think xylitol nova should eat a burger and have his mind exploded. and start choking because his taste buds are overwhelmed
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chewyjellycable · 6 months
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I'm so sorry about the amount of notes on the reference image oh my god there's too many.
ANYWAYS XYLITOL GALLIUM (or just Gallium for short) <333 A combination of Xylitol and NeoAzullian who's existence is constant suffering. But Xylitol Nova is too attached to this thing to let it die, so it will continue to suffer. </3
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quibbs126 · 9 months
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So a new Ovenbreak video came out (I forgot Xylitol Nova was coming in a few days tbh), about the Sugar Nova Odyssey, and this one says each planet were going to visit is ruled by a Nova Cookie, whom I imagine were going to get in each space update
I mean…I kind of thought that Xylitol Nova was going to be the only one, and that he was Legendary just to commemorate the start of the storyline. But no, it seems like we’re gonna get at least 3 more based on the video. *sigh*
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paeinovis · 1 year
Ough wearing retainers after like....... Seven years of Not. They're not the same retainers cause my teef have moved (ESPECIALLY bottom teef) but I uh. Don't have dental insurance n can't afford $3000 invisalign atm jdnsjdn so these r just to keep em from getting Worse before I can fix em again. Anyway they're real fucking uncomfortable jdnbsdbh
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nightmyst14-blog · 5 months
Just going to throw this out here. Excuse me mutuals, going on a rant.
The people who keep saying "Oh why are we just getting female legendaries, why don't have any male legendaries-"
We have 18 legendaries.
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15 in Ovenbreak
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And 3 in Kingdom (sea fairy and Moonlight don't count bc theyre from Ovenbreak)
6 female, 4 males, and the rest all ENBY
I will not tolerate NB slander on my dash either, my acc is a safe space for everyone.
you have PLENTY to choose from to get silly about. If you don't like one, go to another that you like
Stormbringer is COOL. Cool design, cool weapon, cool elemental typing, like cmon guys,
Also those who say "But yeah, but DEVSIS wont give use the ones we want.
They obviously have something planned from based on the sherbet story when he came out. A story like this takes time, jeez y'all.
When y'all mentioning the male legendaries, WHY ARE YALL ONLY MENTIONING THESE THREE??
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Yall keep acting like he doesnt exist. He's a male legendary with just as much importance as the others. I will not tolerate such disrespect to my fav space boi.
I don't care what y'all got to say. If you got something rude to say to me about this, I don't care.
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brittle-doughie · 4 days
Going to outright admit it, this is my first time doing a request, but here goes:
This request is based on an April fools event in a game called Nikke: Goddess of Victory.
The above link may seem 18+, it’s not lol, it’s April fools and thus it’s simply chaos happening due to a harem of jealous women. (Although yanderes DO butter my toast very nicely.)
Basically my request goes:
Y/n pranking legendaries by sending letters to said legendary figures. Beasts, ancients, dragons, you can add whoever you want, just pls add Elder Farrie I am STARVING for content of this faerie fella, Y/N is terrified by the sheer amount of powerful cookies busting through their door, ceiling, etc etc, but also goes “welp, I’ve come this far, if I die, I’ll die with a bang” and pranks the godlike cookies because ✨CHAOS✨
Apologies if I seem too formal, too vague or just plain weird by the layout or wording of this request, it’s my first time and due to a change of events in my life, I’m currently very giddy and wish for chaotic joy by sending a request to my favorite reader x cookie run writer, thank you brittle!
I saw you mentioned two characters specifically, so I’ll focus on them.
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Elder Faerie would’ve shook his head at your attempt of a prank. You know how risky it is to send a message like that to the entire Legend Chat, cookies with not so pure intentions could’ve gotten to you first and had done unspeakable things.
You were lucky he was quick to prepare his attire and weapon as well as making it here on time. If you had simply wanted some time with someone, you should’ve just brought the matter to him only and he would’ve came over.
Why he was in the Legend Chat when he’s a Super Epic was beyond you.
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Xylitol Nova Cookie would show similar concerns when it came to just messaging something that outrageous in the board. Having to be alone with cookies Like Timekeeper or even one of the dragons would’ve been bad, you’d have to be decontaminated from head to toe!
It just so happens that he had been working on a security system that will ensure that nothing short of a Beast will be able to break through the made defenses. Of course, he’d have the clearance to enter the room unopposed if you ever messaged seriously about being lonely again.
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genuinely not trying to dunk on molly but when ppl say will and molly were so compatible they loved dogs i just think of molly feeding them canned food from china and not even knowing it could harm the dogs, i feel like this is significant because this was what led to dolarhyde being undetected and her attack which led to her estrangement from will, even her common values w will she did not actually share at all there's a meta here
ngl this is pretty clearly dunking on molly. But let’s refute. I personally haven’t seen many metas/posts about the compatibility between will and molly, so I can’t really contest what they say. However, will and her were as compatible as will led her to believe, as much as he would let. He lied to her about his past, which made it so she couldn’t know all of him and couldn’t connect to parts she couldn’t see. Not a fault of molly’s at all
Having looked back on the script for that episode, no credible veterinarian would ever say “was it canned food from china”. It’s unprofessional and xenophobic. Also, a vet in an emergency situation isn’t going to use scare tactics. They just need to know what went in so they can take care of it. Yes, molly was feeding the dogs canned food because will was out of town so he couldn’t make them food. and I can guarantee will is rational enough to say “hey, these brands are okay” and molly isn’t stupid. And they are very well off, so they would need to buy “cheap dog food from china”. If we want to talk about the dialogue in that scene, we have to admit to ourselves fuller is a misogynist who can’t write women, so ofc he made her say “is it bad to be made in china”. It also neglects how SOME but not ALL food has shown problems, but dog food made in the US has also had toxicity issues! And (I can’t remember if this was in show or just in script) the vet says “pet food safety isn't regulated the same way as human food” which is just false. There is high regulation in pet food, and pet food is made to be human grade and safe for human consumption (and has been for decades). Dogs are more likely to be poisoned by xylitol or chocolate from your candy or get pancreatitis from your table scraps than die from “dog food from china”.
But let’s humor for a second it was the cheap dog food molly bought. The concern and toxic component is melamine, which is added to food to fraudulently increase the protein content. it’s nontoxic (ish) by itself and only becomes a problem when combined with cyanuric acid that forms a crystal and leads to renal toxicosis and failure. Some gi biomes have bacteria that can convert melamine to cyanuric acid, but not all, making it more toxic for these patients. It also wasn’t solely a dog food thing, it happened in human children, too. All that aside, most melamine toxicosis cases are chronic, aka molly would have had to feed the dogs for a while, building up these crystals, and slowly killing the kidneys. This wouldn’t happen suddenly to all the dogs at once. Early signs of toxicosis are very detectable symptoms (vomiting, polyuria, polydipsia, lethargy) and these are signs molly would have noticed and done something about. ALSO if it was melamine the veterinarian was worried about, she wouldn’t use activated charcoal as her treatment (as she states in script, again, don’t remember if this was said in the show). Activated charcoal only works for something currently in the stomach, and that isn’t the pathophysiology for melamine. To treat melamine toxicity, you need iv fluids and supportive care. So what we can take from the veterinarian interaction is 1) fuller doesn’t know how medical professional talk to clients and 2) he doesn’t even understand the toxin he mentioned so it feels xenophobic as fuck to even bring that up.
And no, her canon (fuck you fuller) ignorance to the danger of canned dog food isn’t the cause of dolarhyde being undetected and attacking her. Even if she was feeding them dog food with melamine, Will literally figures out and says that dolarhyde poisons the dogs in the family to get rid of the “alarm system”, so he can attack and not have the family alerted. It didn’t matter what dog food molly fed them, dolarhyde intentionally poisoned them. Even if she fed them food will handmade, dolarhyde would have still poisoned them. And she was a good owner who brought all 7 (probably) puking dogs to the vet as soon as she could. molly had nothing to do with dolarhyde attacking her. dolarhyde had something to do with dolarhyde attacking her (and hannibal ofc). At least give her some credit for, you know, surviving
And no, her getting attacked was not the cause of will estranging himself from her. He never really loved her and used her as a fill in for a man he outright rejected. He was having an emotional affair with Hannibal and not giving a shit about molly. That was nothing molly could control.
And we really can’t thoroughly discuss her values because we barely see her onscreen. Her screentime is a plot motivator, we aren’t privy to who she is as a person. She loves her son, lost her first husband, and loves will. That’s kind of it. Oh, yeah, she also takes her son fishing without Fisherman Husband because he chose to estrange himself.
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jmdbjk · 11 months
Bangtan Weekly Report
Been a while. How are ya? We got a lot of shit going on and it has not been easy keeping up. I'll be glad when they are back together in 2025 so we can rest. Lol. Just kidding... I guess.
In a few hours we get Golden. I am excited to hear what Jungkook's chosen for his first album. I am excited to hear him explore these genres of songs. I am sure he's learned a lot during this process just as all the others have. He did a pre-release "press conference" and here is Dispatch's video of it: Watch Kookie's interview here.
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He was very poised and articulate... dare I say "mature"? He is doing well. I'm very proud of Jungkook. He and his dance team are very excited to show us what they've created. I'm sure it will be amazing.
He mentioned a future Korean song as a gift? Don't tell me he means his gift to us before he leaves for MS...
Taemin with Jimin special appearance on Suchwita. Finally watched. The dynamic between Jimin and Taemin and Jimin and Yoongi was fascinating.
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I don't know a lot about Taemin. Of course I've seen he and Jimin's performance from a while back. Taemin is a great performer. He seems like a very sincere person.
Jimin's Dior campaign.
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So lovely that we finally get to see him in motion. Ever since Hobi's LV campaign with the bags, I've been wanting to see Dior or Tiffany take advantage of Jimin's fluid motion and FINALLY they woke up and showed him moving. Not a fan of the oversized knit vests but those suits are wonderful.
Namjoon... Mr. Black Void for an IG pfp... showing us some images from his trip to London.
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Fun fact: That Kodak Portra 400 35mm film is anywhere from $15-$25 per roll of film... then you have to pay to have it developed.
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His hair is dark in the image... not taken while he was in London... but when? Japan? That sand looks black. Ibusuki Beach? Except for that ship out there... hmmm.
His documentary will be coming down the line at some point, it will be jam-packed with his meanderings from these past two years. Maybe we'll find out where he's been.
The BTS documentary will be out in December. Our Christmas present. I'm looking forward to it. There will be new footage in it.
Tae channeling him some Elvis for Celine is interesting. I suppose this is from an upcoming campaign or magazine spread.
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And this was shared with us.
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Jung Hoseok achieving his Corporal promotion ahead of time which I think means he would have three bars on his shirt pocket instead of the two as in this photo from his IG.
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Less than a year left until Hobi's discharged and 7.5 months left before Jin is discharged.
It was the anniversary of The Astronaut this week. Can't believe this year just flew by. The reluctance to wish time to fly by but at the same time wanting it to slow down in order to live in the moment...we were so worried this time last year. We are making it through this ya'll. We are getting there.
Samsung campaign giving us Yoongi in tan pants. Doing god's work if you ask me:
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Xylitol also keeping the Bangtan flame lit ...
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How come Jimin and Jungkook are the only ones with their left hands in their pockets? Jikook always jikooking. You are me I am you is strong with them.
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thetwistedrope · 1 year
Hey, I have a question about natron. You rinse your with it diluted in water before a ritual right? How much is it used of natron and water? My teeth suffer from enamel erosion and I'm uncertain about using natron. Sodium bicarbonate causes enamel erosion. I learned the hard way. Anyway. Thanks in advance.
so my understanding is that they had the concept of "pellets" or "grains" of natron, and that you'd plop a certain number of these grains/pellets into the water and that's how you'd figure out how much. when i've made my own natron, it did naturally break apart into little bits that might constitute as grains/pellets, and you could potentially measure yours that way, too.
so when i'd do it, i would probably stick one little grains worth in (maybe about the equivalent of a grain of rice or so) and call it a day.
however, i hate the taste of natron, and i'm not a huge fan of shoving it in my mouth. as you mentioned, sodium bicarbonate isn't good for your teeth, and i've spent way too much time trying to fix my teeth to subject them to stuff that's not good for them.
so it'd be my suggestion to just rinse your mouth out with water and call it a day. if you want something that's beneficial for the mouth, you could eat a spry/xylitol mint or something, to cleanse the mouth both figuratively and literally (xylitol sugar breaks down a lot of the bacteria that cause cavities in the mouth).
adhering to historical practice is fun and all, but from my perspective, the point was to cleanse your mouth, the thing you use to create the heka/words in the ritual. and so using clean water would work just as well. some may disagree, but, i've yet to see anyone get into trouble for opting for water (or nothing) instead of natron.
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localhypnofruit · 8 months
favourite common cookie
favourite rare cookie
favourite epic cookie
favourite super epic cookie
favourite legendary cookie
favourite ancient cookie
favourite special cookie
doesn't matter what game or continuity. I just want ur thoughts
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Common: OUGHHHH for Ovenbreak I'd say Skater. For Kingdom is it BEET how DARE she get demoted that badly </3 Rare: For Ovenbreak it's a very tough decision, but I'm a big fan of Soda. :] For Kingdom NO DOUBT CLOVER. I LOVE CLOVER. If not for how he is in canon than the absolutely fucked up interpretation I have of him. Epic: THERE'S SO MANY I AM GOING TO PICK TWO FROM EACH GAME. Prune Juice and Candy Diver for Kingdom, FIG and Cyborg for Ovenbreak. There's so many more in Ovenbreak Super Epic: Sherbet, I guess?? Or Stardust. I've been thinking a little about Stardust recently but Sherbet holds a special place in my heart. Legendary: LISTEN. LISTEN. THIS IS SO DIFFICULT. I'm gonna cheat a little and say Wind Archer for Kingdom even though he's not released there yet, and Abyss Monarch for Ovenbreak. Xylitol is also up there but. ABYSS... Abyss' lore intrigues me so much. Ancient: Healer Pure Vanilla. Basic answer, but he's here solely for the fact I wish for him to suffer every day of his life. /pos Special: Cookiedroid for Ovenbreak, Tails for Kingdom. I don't care about the specials that much but Cookiedroid at least gives me some thoughts and Tails is. Tails. One of my favorite Sonic characters.
Shoutouts to all the cookies I can't mention in the Epic Rank because there's way too many to choose just one </3
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New Account, New Fandom to be addicted to :D
I'll be posting some of my favorite ships here and make some hc's, fanfiction and other stuff(with other cookies also from Cookie Run Kingdom)
I'll also be posting my OC's here and there backstory and bonds with the other Cookies and if you guys have any question about them then go ahead and ask them!
Don't be shy
And I'm actually feeling a little adventurous here so uh...
I'll be taking Requests and no this is not an "x Reader(Romantic)" blog it's all platonic because I have my own ships here so uh...yeah
My Oc Master list(If interested):
Request: Open!
I can only accept Request at Monday-Friday Philippines Times Zone
I will NOT accept any requests at Saturday-Sunday
Any Gender!
What I will accept:
"x Reader's" ONLY
If it's a minor it's automatically Platonic
ALL COOKIES(Cookie Run Kingdom and ovenbreak only!)
Dark Themes
Headcannons/One shots/etc
NSFW but not too revealing/hard
I will accept to write for 1 up to 6 Cookies
What I will NOT Accept:
Dead threats towards A/N or Any Anons(I will deleted you)
Hate for any Ships I mention(Just leave the blog if you don't like it)
Kinks of any kind
Bullying any of the Anons
My Ship Cookie's that I will also write for!(I'll add more in the near Future):
Pure Vanilla Cookie x White Lily Cookie
(Bro's a simp)
Hollyberry Cookie x Dark Cacao Cookie
(Single Parents relationship, Dude needs happy energy from Holly rn-)
Dark Enchantress Cookie x Tea Knight Cookie(FIGHT ME-)(jk)
(The Smart Villain Leader x The Secretly Softy Good Leader-)
Pomegranate Cookie x Twizzly Gummy Cookie
(The Serious x The Insane)
Dark Choco Cookie x Milk Cookie
(Boy depressed? Have Milk Cookie)
Licorice Cookie x Clover Cookie
(The Pathetic- I mean the Villain who tries to be x The Support but ends up making villain give up and be good in the end, Kind of-)
Affogato Cookie x Cream Unicorn Cookie
(The Cold Hearted Cookie x The Cookie that is WAY too innocent for there own good-)
Gingerbrave x Wizard Cookie
(The Idiot x The Smart one)
Strawberry Cookie x GingerBright Cookie
(introvert x Extrovert)
Princess Cookie x Knight Cookie
(The Princess(Knight-) and their Knight and shining armour(Princess-) obvs)
Espresso Cookie x Fig Cookie
(Overworked x The one who make them touch grass)
Moonlight Cookie x Mercurial Cookie
(Forbidden Love- 🙊)
Sherbet Cookie x Silverbell Cookie
(The Happy, Goofy and Softies-)
Herb Cookie x Crème Brûlée Cookie
(Both are Oblivious- Danggit Herb and Crème!-)
(Edit 1)
Avocado Cookie x Wildberry Cookie
(The Pun x The I don't get it but it did made me chuckle a little once I did get it-)
Crunchy Chip Cookie x Tiger Lily Cookie
(The Wild Couple)
Werewolf Cookie x Kumiho Cookie
(The Cookies who wants to be an ordinary Cookie)
(Edit 2: Oc's)
Shadow Milk Cookie x Strawberry Jam Cookie
(The Joker x The one who always laughs at there jokes and acts)
Silent Salt Cookie x Peanut Butter Cookie
(Introvert x Extrovert)
Elder Faerie Cookie x Sour Cream Cookie
(Old Love 💕😘)
Longan Cookie x Apple Cherry Cookie
(The Emotionless x The Kind and Childish)
Pitaya Cookie x Cherry Apple Cookie
(Get into fights x There personal nurse)
(Not OC's)
Vampire Cookie x Frilled Jellyfish Cookie
(Arrogant/Prankster x Goofy/Bubbly)
Latte Cookie x Caramel Arrow Cookie
(Magic User x Weapon User)
Devil Cookie x Angel Cookie
(It's in the name- and Enemies to Lovers 😍)
(Edit 3)
Xylitol Nova Cookie x Sea Fairy Cookie
(I can fix her x I might make him worse...)
(Edit 4/Oc)
Red Velvet Cookie x Royal Margarine Cookie x Rainbow Gingerbread Cookie
(Dog Lover x Dragon Lover x Animal/Insect Lover)
(Edit 5/Oc):
Ananas Dragon Cookie x Mango Slices Cookie
(Prideful x Shameful)
(Edit 6/Oc)
Butter Roll Cookie x Flower petal Cookie
(Scientist/Researcher x Plant Researcher)
(Edit 7)
Madeleine Cookie x Kouign-Amann Cookie
(The Drama King x The Sassy Queen)
(Edit 8)
Captain Ice Cookie x Abalone Cookie
(Girl Boss x The Goof)
The (Only) Daycare/School Of SugarCreamBites Kingdom
That's all!
I'll edit this if I came up with some more things to put in
Enjoy Asking/Requesting!
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walnutcookie · 6 months
May. May I ask about ur headcanons for xylotial nova cookie or however u spell faer name. Heh.
CRACKS KNUCKLES . MORE OF THEM HERE WE GOOO i dont know if im repeating myself or not because im too lazy to check my last hc post so sorry if ive already shared these !!
- water is like alcohol to him/other xylitols. it makes him drunk GXHNFKFJ they dont need to drink water to survive but they do have it as a Fun drink sometimes which is why astronaut was still able to stay hydrated (they were very confused when she drank tons of water and was Just fine)
- xylitols also require light to live!!!!! when in darkness they have a faint glow (think glow in the dark toys. not very bright but still There) :] when they are without light for too long they become very sick, weak and drowsy and lose their glow. this is why planet xylitol is so brightly lit!! they NEVER have their lamps off so its always super bright (yes astronaut struggled to sleep)
- relating to above, xylitol nova glows just a little bit brighter than other xylitols + features like his eyes, wings, and the lines on his face glow!!
- also relating to above he is NOT used to being in the dark so when he went to earthbread and experienced an actual day/night cycle he was TERRIFIED he could not see anything </3 peepaw is like a moth if its dark and theres a little bit of light he will cling to it
- despite being a technological genius hes so advanced that earthbread technology is confusing to him. how do you turn on the computer?? do you not turn it on with your mind??? /silly He has to be taught how to use a lot of more Basic technology. especially things like light switches and sinks since [gestures to above] they dont really exist
- xylitols body temperatures are naturally very cold :] i dont rlly have a specific temp but theyre a lot colder than earthbread cookies so the planet is very cold! its constantly kept in regulation so the whole planet is kept at the perfect, cool temp. which not only benefits the xylitols but their tech too since its not at risk of overheating 👍 they also dont have anything such as blankets and fans since. why would you want to be any hotter or cooler? the planet is kept at a perfect temp all the time!! (poor astronaut.)
- relating to above AGAIN XN was not having fun his first time on earthbread. So warm in certain places and during certain seasons </3 both him and his cybernetic parts were overheating since he never had any reason to install cooling fans or any sort of temperature regulation. get this old man in a freezer NOW!!!!
also i see in your ask you called xylitol faer if thats a pronoun headcanon thats so real /pos
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chewyjellycable · 6 months
You should talk about the remnant parasite au more you really should i am wiggling my magic fingers at you and casting a spell at you that makes you talk about your interests and ideas forever💥💥💥💥💥
WAHHH it took me a hot minute to get to this ask but I am smiling big and wide and am ready to ramble about this AU. I may repeat some information from previous posts and some info might be different since I ACTUALLY THOUGHT ABOUT IT more. This will mainly be about Xylitol Nova's fall to the parasite and is somewhat of a preamble to the Cyborg stuff.
WARNINGS: Talk of Parasites, Terminal Illness
Xylitol Nova is infected with a parasite caused by his Xyl-Suit breaking during his search for XyL-Q. He seems alright for the first week or so on the ship that the Xylitol population is stuck with living in. After which, Nova begins to show small signs of infection. They're minor things. Mouth pain, eye aches while waking up, anxiety... And appearing a bit out of it now and then.
The leader "goes missing" for recovery, which essentially is him going into hiding (none of the other residents aside from Xylitol Researcher know) in one of many residential rooms on the ship while Researcher gives him the usual check-up.
Give it another week, and the symptoms have not gone away. If anything, they have gotten worse. Not to mention Nova being alone in his containment, as comfortable as it is, does not help his mental state. Thoughts of violence and destruction that once cropped up very rarely appear in his mind more often, scaring Nova much more than it should.
Researcher arrives to give Nova another check-in, getting some... odd results from the scans that they run. They run it again, and... It's shown to them that the infection that their leader has is sourced from the very thing that destroyed Planet Xylitol. The parasite is attached to Nova's heart.
Researcher emplores Nova to make an announcement for recovery, because despite all this, he doesn't want his citizens to worry about anything. Especially not after the whole disaster they've endured. Nova reluctantly agrees.
Before any more notes can be made, Researcher is spooked by the whites of Nova's eyes being blackened. They're blood-shot, but rather than blood, it's some black bile produced by the parasite.
Other symptoms that Nova experiences over time: Blood being replaced by the black bile, lethargy, an increase of violent thoughts and an increasing desire to act on those, a lowered ability to take in nutrients, replacement of existing teeth with much sharper versions, various aches and pains ranging from mild to debilitating, other parasitic symptoms...
Rather than having only Researcher working on this task, Nova permits them to have a group of medical staff (hence where Cyborg comes in). Progress is slow, practically non-existent.
The leader becomes less and less peaceful and willing to participate in tests and scans. There's a moment where Nova nearly wails his staff on Researcher but stops himself just before. The horror between those two lingers and only becomes worse the more time passes.
And though Nova becomes more intent on destroying others, after a particularly bad scuffle with Researcher, he stops attacking them. Particularly them. Testing is resisted, but Researcher isn't harmed. It's odd- as if there isn't a point to that any longer.
Researcher has the idea of throwing Nova into space or just. Killing him outright. That way the infection doesn't get any worse- though that only means the parasite would spread through the rest of space. This thought scares the hell out of them and gets them to check themself for any form of infection. And, unfortunately, the readings come back positive for the black hole's remnant parasite.
Not only have they caught the parasite, not only is the leader unable to act like himself and needs to be actively restrained in due time, but... Testing the other medical staff almost all come back positive. With no progress on slowing or stopping this parasite, the ship may very well be doomed. It doesn't help that the infection's symptoms halt any progress between staff members.
Note the Almost. Cyborg, not being a Xylitol and being made of different components and bodily composition, is resistant to the parasite. They essentially become the last hope the more the parasite spreads and the more hosts it begins to inhabit.
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rerenikos-sweetheart · 5 months
💛🎂 for xylitol nova cookie!
thank you for the ask !!!! :3
🎂 - how has your f/o changed over the course of the relationship? how have you changed? do either of you miss past things about the other?
nova finally started to take breaks so that he'd not overwork himself. he also has more motivation to save another planets with other nova cookies on them , and the entirety of the universe in general - so that me and him could be together, forever. so that i could be his shining star during the starry nights , and he could be my guiding light during the darkest of days. I became more open ( at least to him . ) I became more emotional, and more...soft ? and all thanks to my leader <3
💛 - what is something most people consider a flaw of your f/o that you find endearing? why is it that you like that trait?
it is mentioned a few times throughout the event that he talks a lot about his planet. mainly because he is very proud of it, since he and his citizens put so many work into it.and why do i like it ? because i believe that talking about a thing he enjoys and is proud of makes him happy, therefore i am happy. : )
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vanillaaaaaa, i know you're off having fun, but like. do you have a full comprehensive list of foods you can't eat anywhere?? bc sidon gave flare an onion earlier. i have the common ones memorized, like chocolate and grapes and onions, but i know there's gotta be more
Oh, shoot... sorry you're dealing with all of this on your own, Tula. Really. I promise I'll be back soon...
Let me see... along with onions, no garlic or chives. Same family of foods. No macadamia nuts, specifically (the pale, roundish ones). Avocados and coffee are a no-go, and be sure to check ingredient lists for xylitol too.
I think that generally covers it, other than what you mentioned. There's others that tend to cause more sensitivity in hybrids, like dairy, but it's still not a no. Especially since we're still half-human.
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💐 once you receive this lovely bouquet of flowers you have to mention five things you love, publicly, and send it to 10 of your favorite followers if you want. SPREAD POSITIVITY! ⛅️
omg thank youuuuuu 🥺
skdkkffjfj i am always up for mentioning lovely things bc that's like gratitude journaling but easy mode of it JFJGKFKFKJD putting first things that come to my mind rn in no specific order
strawberry flavored xylitol pastilles - listen these r my favorite ones and sometimes i eat them like candy. which isn't really good to be fair but hey they're tasty. also mouth feels so much better if u eat these after meals
my book collection
the fluffy white sweater i bought some time ago
golden hour!!!! love these pretty sunsets
paperlike screen thing that has made drawing feel so good
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