#sorry i know my answer makes me sound like a real jackass but it was worded very rude
genuinely not trying to dunk on molly but when ppl say will and molly were so compatible they loved dogs i just think of molly feeding them canned food from china and not even knowing it could harm the dogs, i feel like this is significant because this was what led to dolarhyde being undetected and her attack which led to her estrangement from will, even her common values w will she did not actually share at all there's a meta here
ngl this is pretty clearly dunking on molly. But let’s refute. I personally haven’t seen many metas/posts about the compatibility between will and molly, so I can’t really contest what they say. However, will and her were as compatible as will led her to believe, as much as he would let. He lied to her about his past, which made it so she couldn’t know all of him and couldn’t connect to parts she couldn’t see. Not a fault of molly’s at all
Having looked back on the script for that episode, no credible veterinarian would ever say “was it canned food from china”. It’s unprofessional and xenophobic. Also, a vet in an emergency situation isn’t going to use scare tactics. They just need to know what went in so they can take care of it. Yes, molly was feeding the dogs canned food because will was out of town so he couldn’t make them food. and I can guarantee will is rational enough to say “hey, these brands are okay” and molly isn’t stupid. And they are very well off, so they would need to buy “cheap dog food from china”. If we want to talk about the dialogue in that scene, we have to admit to ourselves fuller is a misogynist who can’t write women, so ofc he made her say “is it bad to be made in china”. It also neglects how SOME but not ALL food has shown problems, but dog food made in the US has also had toxicity issues! And (I can’t remember if this was in show or just in script) the vet says “pet food safety isn't regulated the same way as human food” which is just false. There is high regulation in pet food, and pet food is made to be human grade and safe for human consumption (and has been for decades). Dogs are more likely to be poisoned by xylitol or chocolate from your candy or get pancreatitis from your table scraps than die from “dog food from china”.
But let’s humor for a second it was the cheap dog food molly bought. The concern and toxic component is melamine, which is added to food to fraudulently increase the protein content. it’s nontoxic (ish) by itself and only becomes a problem when combined with cyanuric acid that forms a crystal and leads to renal toxicosis and failure. Some gi biomes have bacteria that can convert melamine to cyanuric acid, but not all, making it more toxic for these patients. It also wasn’t solely a dog food thing, it happened in human children, too. All that aside, most melamine toxicosis cases are chronic, aka molly would have had to feed the dogs for a while, building up these crystals, and slowly killing the kidneys. This wouldn’t happen suddenly to all the dogs at once. Early signs of toxicosis are very detectable symptoms (vomiting, polyuria, polydipsia, lethargy) and these are signs molly would have noticed and done something about. ALSO if it was melamine the veterinarian was worried about, she wouldn’t use activated charcoal as her treatment (as she states in script, again, don’t remember if this was said in the show). Activated charcoal only works for something currently in the stomach, and that isn’t the pathophysiology for melamine. To treat melamine toxicity, you need iv fluids and supportive care. So what we can take from the veterinarian interaction is 1) fuller doesn’t know how medical professional talk to clients and 2) he doesn’t even understand the toxin he mentioned so it feels xenophobic as fuck to even bring that up.
And no, her canon (fuck you fuller) ignorance to the danger of canned dog food isn’t the cause of dolarhyde being undetected and attacking her. Even if she was feeding them dog food with melamine, Will literally figures out and says that dolarhyde poisons the dogs in the family to get rid of the “alarm system”, so he can attack and not have the family alerted. It didn’t matter what dog food molly fed them, dolarhyde intentionally poisoned them. Even if she fed them food will handmade, dolarhyde would have still poisoned them. And she was a good owner who brought all 7 (probably) puking dogs to the vet as soon as she could. molly had nothing to do with dolarhyde attacking her. dolarhyde had something to do with dolarhyde attacking her (and hannibal ofc). At least give her some credit for, you know, surviving
And no, her getting attacked was not the cause of will estranging himself from her. He never really loved her and used her as a fill in for a man he outright rejected. He was having an emotional affair with Hannibal and not giving a shit about molly. That was nothing molly could control.
And we really can’t thoroughly discuss her values because we barely see her onscreen. Her screentime is a plot motivator, we aren’t privy to who she is as a person. She loves her son, lost her first husband, and loves will. That’s kind of it. Oh, yeah, she also takes her son fishing without Fisherman Husband because he chose to estrange himself.
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 4 months
A Hard Day
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Rosa Diaz x autistic!fem!reader Warnings: autism struggles, overstimulation (the autism kind not the sex kind), explicit language, soft Rosa <3 (if I've missed anything please let me know!) Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Rosa leaves work in the middle of the day to help you after you get overstimulated. She starts to realize that she really, really cares about you.
“I gotta go,” Rosa said, standing abruptly mid-text.
“Wow, skipping out on the job, Diaz?” Jake joked, spinning around in his chair. “It’s only 3:00.”
Rosa didn’t answer, pulling on her coat and rummaging in her bag for her keys.
“What, you can’t wait until the end of the work day to make out with your new girlfriend?”Jake waggled his eyebrows.
She glared at him. “Not that it’s any of your fucking business,” Rosa growled, “but she’s having a hard day.”
Jake puckered his lips, an exaggerated expression of sadness. “Aw,” he cooed in a baby voice. “Y/N needs her little girlfriend to kiss it better?”
Rosa’s arm shot out to grab Jake’s collar, so quickly and forcefully that he yelped. “She’s autistic, jackass. Her bad days aren’t like ours.”
Jake looked uncomfortable as Rosa let him go, shoving him back into his seat so hard he rolled away a bit.
“Sorry,” he muttered. “Tell her, uh… good luck with the autism?”
Rosa rolled her eyes and stared at him. “You’re an idiot. Tell anyone about this and I’ll shove my boot so far down your throat the heel comes out your ass.”
He grimaced. “You’re a real poet, Rosa.”
But she was already gone, already on her motorcycle, already racing to your apartment at speeds she might have pulled someone over for.
She was quiet when she got to your apartment, quiet as she let herself in, quiet as she took off her leather jacket and set her bag by the door. Noise was one of your biggest triggers, so Rosa was careful not to add any. She found you in the corner of your bedroom–lights off, curtains closed, oversized hoodie pulled over your head, swinging your body back and forth, back and forth.
You looked adorable. She felt a little bad for finding you so pretty like this. She knew it had been a hard day for you, that this was your brain and body’s way of regulating itself. But, god, did she love your tiny, swinging arms. The way you soaked in so much of the world that she worked so hard to keep out. It was one of her favorite things about you, that you felt everything, experienced everything, so deeply. Rosa had a hard time letting herself experience or feel anything fully. Except you.
She knocked lightly on the door to let you know she was there. You swung a little wider, twisting your neck so you could see that it was her. You waved your hand at her briefly, then continued swinging. Rosa grinned at you. She'd never admit it, but her stomach did little somersaults whenever you saw her and smiled. It was so particular to you, a smile combined with stims. You’d squeeze your eyes together and lift your shoulder to touch your ear, grinning so big your eyes would disappear.
“Hi, Rosa,” you said quietly as she approached you. 
“Hi, baby.” She took your hand and squeezed. If you had looked at her, if you had made eye contact, you would have seen something not many people saw in Rosa’s eyes–softness, care, deep-seated concern. You would have seen a face that was open, that read loud and clear, I would do anything for you. “You feeling any better?”
You shook your head.
“Want me to hold you?”
You nodded, and Rosa gently pulled on your arm, leading you to the bed. She got herself situated, then pulled you onto her lap. You buried your face beneath her neck, pressing into her, seeking out deep pressure, the steady sound of her heartbeat, the smell of her perfume on her neck–citrusy and spicy. She held you hard, her strong arms wrapped around you, her body tensed to give you the most pressure she could.
The first time you’d let her see you overstimulated, she’d tried to play with your hair and hold you gently, and you’d said, “That’s too light. Press hard.” So she’d pulled you into a loose hug. “Harder, Rosa.” So she’d squeezed you, resting her face next to yours. “More, Rosa,” you’d insisted. “I’m not gonna break.” She’d been afraid she was hurting you, but there was no denying the results. When she held you like that–so tightly she worried you’d burst–your breathing slowed, your muscles relaxed, you melted into her like all the stress of the world couldn’t touch you. And she genuinely hoped that when you were in her arms, it couldn’t.
You let out a relieved sigh as Rosa rested her chin on your hooded head, snaking her hand inside to gently scratch her fingers along your scalp and through your hair as she rocked you back and forth.
“I shouldn’t have gone,” you whispered into her chest.
“To the work thing?”
You nodded.
“I did so good until the end.” Your voice cracked, and Rosa pressed her lips to your head. “I hate being like this.”
“Hey, now,” Rosa said, her voice vibrating against you. “Don’t talk about my girlfriend like that.”
“But it’s true,” you insisted. “It makes everything harder. It makes it harder for you, too.”
Rosa sighed. She wanted to look into your eyes, but she knew that’d be hard for you right now, so she settled for pressing her cheek to yours instead.
“Y/N,” she said, her breath warm in your ear. “There is nothing hard about being with you.”
“I don’t believe you."
“I know that being autistic is hard for you sometimes,” Rosa continued. “But it’s really beautiful, too. I love your stims. I think they’re adorable. I think you’re funny without trying to be. You make me laugh. And smile. And ask anyone I know, I never smile. That’s just for you. You just… you see things and experience things in a way that’s just yours. And that’s badass.”
You giggled and sniffed. “You think autism’s badass?”
“I do,” she confirmed, grinning as you emerged from your hoodie, finally meeting her eyes. “I think it’s hot, too.”
You laughed and traced Rosa’s eyebrows with your finger, making your way down the bridge of her nose, then across the place where her face dimpled when she smiled, all the way to the bottom of her lips. She bent toward you and kissed your pointer finger, then took your hands and kissed your nose, smiling as you scrunched and stimmed.
“Grey’s Anatomy?” she asked. “I can make us mac ‘n cheese later, too.”
Your face lit up, and you leaped out of bed, your hoodie swallowing you. “Spongebob shapes?” She nodded. You grabbed Rosa’s hand and pulled her to her feet, kissing her quickly on the mouth.
“Wait, wait, not so fast,” she protested, as you bounced on the balls of your feet, trying to zoom off to the living room. She held the bottom of your face in both her hands and pulled your head toward her, kissing you deeply. She smiled into the kiss as you shook your hands next to your face.
“I love you,” you chirped, as you pulled away, thinking nothing of it and bounding into the living room. But Rosa’s breath caught in her throat. You all hadn’t said I love you yet. You hadn’t had the moment. But maybe there didn’t need to be a moment. Rosa’s heart surged as she watched you get the TV set up, covering yourself in a blanket so that only your head popped up.
“Come on, Rosa!” you called. “I want to snuggle!”
Rosa joined you on the couch, laying down so that her head was on your chest, her body pressing into yours, knowing that you’d find the pressure comforting. She’d never admit it–not to anyone but you–but she found it comforting, too, like this. She liked to be held. She would murder anyone who ever found out, but she loved your hands through her hair, loved being able to hear your heartbeat, loved the way your arms around her seemed to grow heavier when you fell asleep.
“I love you, too,” she mumbled into you, surprised by how easy it was to say.
“What?” you said, tilting your head toward her, your eyes still trained on the TV.
She smiled. “I said I love you, you nerd.”
“Oh. Yeah,” you confirmed, as if it was the easiest, most natural thing in the world to love Rosa. And, for you, it was. “Yeah, me too.”
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experimentfae · 10 months
Actor Au Wally Darling x GN PA Human! Reader
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You were just finished getting the directors and producers lunch “ok now that’s done, gotta print these scripts.” You were gonna head to the printing room until you noticed Wally seemed stressed.
“Mr.Darling are you ok?” You questioned he harshly tune his head to you until he noticed it was you “(y/n) finally someone that’s knows what they’re doing, Janet completely messed up my coffee order.” He groaned obviously frustrated “she always messing my stuff up.” He practically yelled.
“No worry Mr.Darling I’ll get someone to get you new Frappuccino.” “Thank you but…just mostly need to be alone with you (y/n).” He whispered to make sure nobody heard. This made you blush a little “yeah, let’s-
“Hey (y/n) should I chase Eddie like this?” “What w-Hey!” Eddie started to try to get away from Barnaby, Barnaby was on two fee “or on four?” He then went on a dog pose and begin to continue to chase Eddie.
“Fours is good, gives more of a comedy effect.” You answered “can you stop now, they said four!” Shouted Eddie “right sorry Eddie thanks (y/n).” Barnaby seemed to back to his script while Eddie let out some huffs “you sure *huff* can run *Huff* Barnaby.” This made you and Wally laugh.
“He sure can I need to take Wally for a touch up excuse us.” You lied while Wally followed behind “alright see you guys later.” Eddie replied “see you guys soon.” Barnaby spoke.
When Wally and you made it to his dressing room, “oh honey it’s been so much going on… I didn’t tell you but…” wally spoke hesitating to fully answer, you then grabbed in chin for him to look up at you “but what my blueberry?”
“It’s just I have been having so much stress making sure the workers treat my friends like equals, having to act like a jackass for them to respect me and… and ITS TO MUCH!” He shouted. “Oh my love please don’t stress yourself, you mental health always comes first.” You assured hugging him close to you.
Barnaby’s POV:
“I been noticing that Wally been stressing himself out, especially making sure the human coworkers treated us like equal’s… I’m worried about him” I admitted to Howdy “I know, he puts so much on himself especially when he’s the star of the show.” Howdy agreed
“Exactly.” I was feeling relieved I wasn’t the only one feeling like this “well maybe you should find him and tell him how you feel Barnaby, you’re his best friend after all.” Howdy advised I liked the idea he’s right “Yeah,I’ll go find him and try to see what I can do to help.”
My poor little pal he must be stressed to the bone at least (y/n) is with them so maybe they’re calming down a little.
I saw that there was a crack, maybe I should peek to see if he’s calm and collected now. I looked to see Wally and (y/n) hugging each other, wow I didn’t know there such good fri-
“Oh my blueberry.” Then I saw (y/n) kiss his beauty mark that made my eyes widen and Wally blushed “you and me should do something fun this weekend sounds good?” (Y/n) asked “blueberry is an interesting nickname, I have other colors you know.” Wally chuckled out this made (y/n) laugh in return “ok but about tomorrow are you free?” They questioned again “yeah I’m free and THIS is a real kiss.”
Wally then got on their chair and then grabbed (y/n) face and… KISSED THEM ON THE LIPS! (Y/n) was now beet red while my eyes practically went out of my skull and my mouth now agape.
What felt like forever they finally their lips parted “(y/n) you always know how to calm me down.” Wally spoke lovingly. “WOW!” I yelled in shock not realizing I said it out loud this immediately made their head’s turn to me.
(Y/n) POV:
We both looked to see Barnaby, oh no he must have seen the whole thing! Wally then grabbed him bringing him into the room and this time actually closing the door “how much did you see?!” Wally questioned “all of it.” Barnaby admitted “All of it!” You shouted in shock.
“Yeah I wanted to check on Wally but I came at the wrong time it seems, but why have you guys been hiding you’re relationship, we love (y/n) they are awesome.”
“Thanks Barnaby but that’s besides the point we are just not ready to tell everyone, we wanna take it slow.” You answered with Wally nodding agreement “oh well that’s explains why, but I’m glad to be the first one to know, I’ll keep it a secret I swear. Assured Barnaby.
“Thank you Barnaby.” Replied Wally “I should probably get back to work I have to print these scripts for next season.” You stated “alright honey I’ll see you after work.” Replied Wally “you too blueberry and see ya later Barnaby.” “Yeah see ya later kiddo.”
You three walked out of Wally dressing room and you left without a word.
Wally’s POV:
“You and (y/n) are cute together.” Said barnaby making Wally blush “don’t say that out loud so casually.” I Growled “alright, alright I’ll be more careful.”
We walked towards the stage area to see howdy practicing one of his lines until he saw us “Wally, Barnaby how are two.” “We are good.” I answered “you sure Wally you have been stress these days.” Replied howdy. “No worry (y/n) made him feel better.” Said Barnaby making me shove him on his side just making him laugh.
Howdy raised an eyebrow “alright well back to my lines.” Thank heavens he didn’t question it “alright bud I’ll see you on set.” Barnaby went back to his acting as well.
“See ya on set.” I walked away feeling at ease knowing it was my wonderful partner that me feel that way.
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autism-alley · 6 months
alright sorry to be a bitch about casting, but i’m gonna bc i do think it’s important to illustrating the feel of a character (if you come to me to bitch and whine about black annabeth get the fuck off my lawn). myself and others have already talked at length about the writing of the series, so if you’re looking for more weighty criticism, just scroll thru the pjo crit tag, now is my time to be a stickler for details, and this is a live action show, a visual medium, the casting is important for reasons beyond an actor’s ability to deliver lines. embodying the character purely in an actor’s personality isn’t enough—they need to physically feel like they could be this person to really sell it (there’s also something to be said abt not having to cast someone who supposedly feels like the character they’re playing just as themself—it’s called acting for a reason, but i digress).
just. take in the official viria pjo art of sally jackson.
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look at this woman. look at her!! that is MOTHER. that is the woman who worked herself to the bone to single handedly raise perseus jackson, flaws and all. that is the woman who rocked up to the battle of manhattan with a shotgun and A WILL. that is the woman poseidon himself called a queen amongst women and offered a palace to. with warm lighting only outshone by her reassuring smile and the candle of percy’s blue birthday cupcake—that’s sally jackson. the composition of it, her pose and welcoming smile, makes the viewer feel like we are percy jackson, and it’s our birthday we’re being beckoned to join in the celebration of, a special moment between mother and child.
now look at this woman.
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i feel like i’ve had this english teacher before, asking me why my autistic ass was tweaking out in the middle of her lesson on iambic peranimeter. i’m sure she’s a nice lady in real life, it’s nothing against her as a person or her skills as an actress, to me she just lacks the warmth and gentleness crucial to sally jackson’s feel as a character. that is my own subjective take. she doesn’t make my shoulders relax at the sight of her. her smile doesn’t make the tightness in my chest go away. looking at this sally jackson, i feel everything her character ISN’T meant to embody. i start feeling stressed out. like everything is somehow a lesson and she has grand expectations of my answer. and the script does NOT do her any favors with lines like “you decide how ugly this gets” at VERY MINOR “outbursts” of percy’s. paired together, the script and the casting, we get what feels more like all the chastising teachers in percy’s life rather than his loving and patient MOTHER. and i don’t wanna hear another one of y’all defend this depiction as more accurate to parents of ND children or i’m gonna lose it.
now finally, look at this woman.
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we can bash the pjo movies for all their inaccuracies and adaptation flaws, but if there’s one thing they nailed, it’s sally jackson. the kind eyes. the welcoming and reassuring gaze. a tired yet inherently trustworthy face. she’s so open. she feels so special, so giving, even if she herself has little. i can see myself laughing in her kitchen, making seven-layer dip or blue cookies. i can see her handing me an extra few jelly beans after a long shift at the candy store. i can see myself as percy jackson, able to put aside another school expulsion because that’s my mother and she’ll never let me doubt she loves me. i can see why poseidon, god of the sea, would fall in love with her in a way he hadn’t in thousands of years. i can see him offering her the world.
i don’t know if this casting impacted the official art, it did come first, maybe that’s a well-known fact and i just sound like a jackass—nor is official art is the end all be all (looking the og official pjo art dead in the eyes)—but this woman just deeply strikes me as the same sally jackson as the one in viria’s art and the pjo books. she’s sally jackson in ways show sally vehemently just… is not.
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I just had a really weird experience with a dating app and I don't know what's real anymore.
I matched with a cute girl earlier today, and we spent a couple hours talking about our shared interests in podcasts and history and weird niche topics nobody else cares about. It was nice, and I asked her if she wanted to get lunch sometime this week. She said she'd like that, but then immediately changed the subject to talk about her job instead of scheduling the date. I mean, that's not TOO weird, I figure she must have wanted to say no but didn't want to hurt my feelings. Whatever. No big deal. We keep talking.
She mentioned that she works as a medical scribe at a doctor's office, and I said that that sounds like a wizard's apprentice. She said that medicine is the intersection between science and magic. I replied with a throwaway joke that chemistry is just alchemy with a little flair, and then shit went off the rails because she sent me a link to a pornhub video titled "We came at the same Time - Sensual Side Fuck" and said "me when someone tells me they're an alchemist."
A cute girl sends me a literal porn link after dodging the question of whether she wanted to go on a date, so I'm confused as hell. I don't know if this is her way of flirting or what, so I replied "I'd be down to practice some alchemy if you're not busy." I regretted saying it immediately because I never talk to anyone like that, I was just blind sided by the porn and thought maybe she would think it was funny. Well, after a few minutes she says "did you just ask to fuck me?"
Okay, I'm going down in flames, I crossed a line, that alchemy "joke" was inappropriate and creepy and she's clearly not into it and she's probably gonna unmatch me and block me and report me or something. I'm still confused over the direction the conversation is going, but I decide it'd be better if I apologize and go on the defensive instead of doubling down like a jackass. I tell her "no, not really," I'm not soliciting a stranger for sex, I was just yes-anding. She sent a porn link. What was I supposed to say? How was I supposed to respond?
Another few minutes pass. I was 100% sure that when I reopened the app she would be gone, but no, she finally replied "I was hoping you were..."
What kind of mind game is this? Is she just looking for a hookup? Her profile specifically says she's not! I have no idea what's going on.
"Did you just ask to fuck me?" My honest answer would have been "yes, isn't that what you wanted?" but the thought of saying that to somebody makes me feel like a douchebag. Her tone with that question didn't sound flirty, it sounded accusatory, like she was outraged I had the audacity to ask for sex so soon. My social anxiety is going through the roof. Whoops, turns out she actually WAS flirting and DID want to have sex, and I've managed to waffle it and sound like an asshole no matter what I say. Damned if I do, damned if I don't.
From my perspective:
Her: *posts meme about sex* (it's just a meme, nothing more. Don't read into it)
Me: *flirty memey response* (could go either way; I'm not outright saying I want to have sex with her, I'm just matching her energy. She memes about sex, I reply in kind because I thought it would be weirder go ignore it)
Her: oh my god, did you really just say that? Did you really think I wanted to have sex with you?
Me: I'm sorry, I overstepped
Her: mind games, dumbass! You don't know what I want, motherfucker!"
From her perspective:
Her: our conversation is going well, let me drop a big hint that I want to hook up
Me: picks up on the hint
Her: really?
Me: NO!
Her: oh... okay... nevermind...
So then I take a step back and try to see if there's any way whatsoever to salvage this dumpster fire of a conversation. I admit that I'm confused and ask her point blank if she wanted to have sex. I legitimately don't know if she was making a move or not, and I need her to know that I'm not the kind of guy who asks for sex as an opening move but I'm not opposed to it if she's the one bringing it up. There's no way to fix this. I failed at this interaction. I need to cut my losses, but somehow we keep talking.
She says, quote "I like making art and love. Sometimes at the same time, ya know?"
I say "do you want to make love?"
She says "we probably should."
I ask her if she'd like to get something to eat first, as was my initial date plan before the porn thing. Her response confused me even more. "I can't right now. I'm exhausted from traveling all weekend. I haven't eaten and feel like I'm gonna pass out." That reply doesn't make sense. It's Wednesday and she says she's too hungry to get dinner. That's when I noticed that her previous message ended with a period.
"We probably should," period. I scrolled back up through our conversation and realized that EVERY message she sent me ended with a period. Every single one! Oh, and some of them weren't even direct responses to anything I said, so now I'm 1000% convinced that she's a bot. I got tricked into talking for three hours with a bot, and I derailed the scam by rolling a nat 1 critical fail when it tried to sext me.
I ask "her" point blank when she wants to meet up, and it said "I need to eat first. Make food, not war, lol. Where are your top places to grab food?"
Bot. Almost certainly a bot.
My final reply, in the extraordinarily small off chance that she's not a bot, was to say it depends on my mood, before losting three or four of my go-to places.
"She" didn't unmatch, but she ghosted me. No reply.
Bot. Absolutely a bot. No doubt about it.
TLDR, I got catfished by a bot!
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simlit · 1 year
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Chosen of the Sun | | forest // sixteen
| @maladi777 | @rollingsim | @catamano | @poisonedsimmer-gone
POLL RESULTS| A 53% majority votes to give the banner up willingly.
4TH TRIAL | FOREST | SCOREBOARD 01 Tayuin // Taiyo - 2  02 Åse // Eve - 2 03 Aster // Eira - 0 04 Sarayn // Therion - 2 05 Indryr // Talila - 1
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ASTER: Sorry, Smile. If it’s between you and the point, I’d rather miss it. Take the banner and leave us be. SARAYN: A wise decision. I know those are hard for you to come by. ASTER: Hey now, I’m being cooperative. No need for unsolicited reminders. THERION: Well… good luck to you. ASTER: Mm. Maybe after you’ve had your spot of fun, do a little bit of self-reflecting, eh? Or don’t, I don’t care. THERION: We wouldn’t have killed her. ASTER: Yeah, piss off. EIRA: Bastards. ASTER: World’s full of them. Come on, sit here and rest. Let me have a look at those injuries. EIRA: snorts You? ASTER: Yeah, yeah, I know I’m no Eve, but I’ve had to do my fair share of bandaging up on the road. ASTER: Well, it’s not deep. At least, you should hold up okay till we can get you back to a real healer. But let’s not be in a rush, you look right exhausted. EIRA: I’m fine. ASTER: Of course you are. Bout as fine as I am, which is about as fine as two very not fine things. EIRA: laughs At least you finally admitted it. ASTER: I suppose I have to respect a woman willing to die just to make a statement. Besides, you did your best. I owe you that much. EIRA: Who knew the jackass could use magic? ASTER: He is an elf, after all. EIRA: So are you. ASTER: So people keep saying. Extraordinary. It’s as if having a bit of point to your ears makes you special. I can assure you, that is not the case. In fact, it’s made me rather unspecial over the course of my life. EIRA: Yeah? ASTER: Oh yes. But surely you know all about being outcast. EIRA: You can only be cast out if you belonged in the first place. ASTER: Huh. How profound. I could write a song about that. Or at least, I might have. EIRA: What? The trials so obnoxious they’ve forced you into early retirement? ASTER: Not exactly. But not not exactly. EIRA: Do you ever give straight answers? ASTER: Personally, I prefer zigzags. But… it’s complicated. Or not so complicated. Just stings a bit. I don’t have a problem admitting I’ve fucked up— hell, my entire life is somebody’s fuck up. It's just the reality that maybe it was a bridge too far. Rather a hard truth to swallow. EIRA: So, what was it? ASTER: Eh, you know, robbed an ancient cave. Pilfered a cursed golden skull, the usual. EIRA: Yeah, sounds like something you’d do. ASTER: You’re not wrong. Suppose I thought it might have just been a wee curse. I could handle a bit of poor luck. I’ve broken a lot of mirrors, you see. What was the worst that could happen? Turns out, that black magic can take just about everything from you. At least anything worth a damn. And I’ve only got two things. EIRA: Your voice. ASTER: And my music. Spent a lot of time trying to remember a thing I haven’t forgotten. The notes are right in front of me and I can’t play them. How does that work? Well, I’ll tell you: it doesn’t. Now what do I do? Am I supposed to just find some new purpose in life? That’s a lot of work. And maybe not worth the time. People like you when you’ve got something to offer them, even if for a minute or two. If I’ve got nothing, I’ve really got nothing, you know? EIRA: You weren’t kidding. You’re really not yourself. ASTER: Mm. Last time I told this many truths I was sloppy drunk in a dwarven whorehouse. But maybe I’m just exhausted. I don’t like thinking too much, and I’ve been doing an awful lot of it these past few days. EIRA: I don’t care for it much either. ASTER: Hm? EIRA: Thinking too hard. But I’m not like you. I don’t have distractions. I can’t get out of my head. ASTER: Well, that does sound terrible. EIRA: Then again, maybe you try too hard to get out of yours. ASTER: You’re not wrong there, either. EIRA: If you came by the tavern, no one would turn you away. Music or not. ASTER: I don’t know about “no one”. EIRA: You don’t need everyone. You just need a few good someones. But you’re set in your ways and can’t see what’s right in front of you. I was there, too. You ought to spend time with the Valkyrie. ASTER: Oh? EIRA: She’s good at breaking doors. And arms. ASTER: laughs You know, Witcher. You’re not so bad. EIRA: Yeah. You neither.
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hikarry · 2 months
Even if you may not see it you ARE a good person. You write wonderful fics, and I've never seen you be mean to anyone here. I promise that it gets easier eventually. I hated my body for a long time too, and I still sometimes feel i'm not deserving of love. But you have to remember that your body is not you, its just something you live inside of. You don't have to always feel positive about how you look. There will be days when its all too much, but you'll make it through those days too.
Please remember that the people that love you, love you voluntarily. they chose you, and they think and they know you deserve the love and kindness they give you.
Agh, I'm sorry. I'm awkward as shit and never know how to answer to these type of messages
Thank you?
That feels too...little? But I honestly don't know what to say.
I know you're right. It's the logical thought process. But it's...hard to rewire your brain to make it think differently to what it was programmed to do
23 years hearing the same shit over and over again and being bullied and whatnot. It get's to you, you know? Of course you do, you're not dumb. It's just a lot to process
I read your words and I know they are kind and perhaps true, but my brain goes instantly into "bullshit mode". It's poison, really
About me being a good person: thank you, again?
It's hard to believe other people actually...perceive me, you see? Like. If I'm just vibing and not actively thinking about it, it's hard to believe that there are actually people over there in the other side of the screen seeing whatever shit I am doing over here and knowing I exist and that I'm a person that is...ya know, alive
And that they, well, not dislike me enough to interact with me?
God, this sounds like a pity party to grab some love or whatever, but it honestly isn't. I'm just letting my brain barf without a filter atm
Anyway, thank you
Love is a strong word
Too strong, perhaps
I know my grandparents love me. I have no doubt there
But, ngk
Other people? Perhaps love isn't the right word. Too strong of a feeling, I would say. At least for me it is
But, alas. Thank you. For the fourth time or smt
I swear I appreciate your message, for real. I'm just. A jackass and don't know how to act towards kindness
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dalt20 · 7 months
Tooning In 12. Greg Bailey part 3 of 10
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DL:So it says on your IMDb that you directed 52 episodes of a cartoon from CiNAR called We Are the Dogs in 1985. What was that?
GB:I have no idea! I started working at Cinar in Feb. 1992. I never heard of that dog show.
DL:Oh ok. Somebody musta vandalized your account. Moving on, Starcom the U.S. Space Force for DiC and Coca Cola
GB:I remember Space Force at DIC but never heard of Coca Cola
DL:They were the syndicator of the show.
GB:I didn't know that!
DL:They had a television department called Coca Cola Telecommunications. They had a relationship with DiC during The Real Ghostbusters until the film Ishmel flopped at the box office. Causing DiC to leave the partnership.
GB:Was DIC working on Ishmel? I don't know anything about that. I am not really aware of the property. Why did they leave the work relationship over the film or did Coca Cola close up their department? Sorry I guess I have more questions than useful answers.
DL:No, DiC wasn’t working on Ishmel but yes they left their work relationship over the film.And also I'm glad you ask for answers on my knowledge.
GB:Do you know why they left over the film? It was a live action film wasn't it. I was in Japan in those years so there are a lot of things that I seem to have a lack of knowledge about what was happening on this side of the world in those years. Especially in entertainment. It took me years to see films like Robocop after hearing everyone in the US talk about them all the time.
DL:It was because their deal was soured because Coca Cola was losing money from the film, a big loss. And they sold the film distributor Columbia Pictures to current owner Sony. Plus it was thought that DiC was eying a merger with Coca Cola.
GB:OK, I sort of understand now. I will have to ask around about it to see if anyone knows about it other than the executives. I believe this flop happened around 1987 if I see it correctly on Google in my quick look. DIC really went through a big upheaval at that time so it may be related. Jean Charlopin split up with Andy Heyward about that time. DIC Tokyo went with Charlopin and part of the split said that some work would be sent to DIC Tokyo for a season or 2 before DIC LA went off and did their work elsewhere. There was a lot of activity at the executive level and that ended my gig in Tokyo as well. The whole art department in LA also broke up and people went their own ways.
DL:Yep, that is correct.The ALF cartoons for Alien productions and NBC?
GB:I don't think I saw any Alf shows after they left DIC or did they end at DIC. Also Saban was part of the 3 way ownership at DIC. He bought out the music rights that DIC had and moved his company back to France. DIC really had no library to fall back on and soon had no more shows. Heyward had a lot of debt. 80 million seems to stick in my head right now and it doesn't sound like much now but with no library did it really have any value. Heyward promoted his golfing buddy Mike Moliani from director to an executive position. Mike over the years that I was there directed some pretty bad shows that were also very disorganized and had a lazy kind of pre production work done in LA. That's what I was saying last time that I would jump to do shows by Raynis because his shows were so great even if they were more challenging. The Mike Moliani directed shows were not interesting to work on as an artist and animator. It was ironic, jumping ahead 20 years later, the company I worked at Cookie Jar Toronto also bought out DIC and spent a lot of money for a company that still had no library. But I get ahead of myself.
DL:yeah. Saban bought the foreign rights to the shows only to sell them to C&D, the company of Jean Chalopin. Some jackass move.
GB:I don't know that it is a bad thing to have the rights. That's how animation companies make money. It was just questionable what Andy Heyward had after buying DiC without any rights to the music or any of the shows they made. Anyway, I am not the expert on all the executive dealings at DIC and I'm sure a lot of people have more insight than I do about that. So if Saban bought and sold the film distribution rights just to hold onto the music rights it sounds like he might have made a good financial deal pretty quickly. Sort of like flipping some real estate in a hot market.That must be how Charlopin had the rights to Gadget when they made the live action movie a decade ago.
DL:Yeah. And DiC brought Saban to court fighting with them about selling them to their former shareholder where they duke it out until it was settled in 1991 with Saban owning the rights to the pre 1990 DiC library.Revoking it from Jean Chalopin.
GB:That's funny. I believe Charlopin and Saban were old business partners at DIC France pre-LA days. I never heard that there was any bad blood between them. So I guess Saban just licensed the rights to Charlopin to make the live-action Gadget. I think they made a new animated series as well about that time. I didn't see the movie. One day I was listening to a culture critic talking about movie sequels. He said the worst movies are live-action movies based on animated tv shows. He said the Gadget movie was the worst one of those. So I guess he didn't like the movie much. I remember Bruno Bianchi's and Charlopin's names on the poster. Maybe Saban's name was there too but I didn't pay attention. I never met Saban but I had met Charlopin a few times in Tokyo just to be introduced basically.
DL:Actually they were as Saban would compose the soundtrack to Ulysses 31 and Mysterious Cities of Gold.Saban was not a producer on the film, but Chalopin and Heyward were.So how was the founder of DiC?
GB:What do you mean? "How was the founder"?
DL:Jean Chalopin,like how he was.
GB:Like I say I was only introduced to him briefly. He was kind of a nice-looking and amiable person from my brief meeting. He looked like someone very comfortable in his skin and well-suited to the jet-set lifestyle he was living. He was still quite young then. I would guess in his late 30's/ maybe 40 so he was an early boomer. I saw him last around the time the company was breaking up and he had come to Tokyo I guess to meet with Katayama and Bruno and discuss what the plan was.
DL:C.O.P.S. for Hasbro?How was working on that show?
GB:I think everyone in DIC must have worked on that series. It was another syndicated series of 65 shows so as usual they went through the studio at breakneck speed and the quality of syndicated shows was much lower than network Saturday morning shows. I didn't love the show much because it was kind of macho adolescent stuff with not much story value and no humor. I guess if you like that kind of thing it was fine but I never really liked the natural human-looking animated characters. It just looks like bad life drawing or something and makes me remember my early days animating at Hanna Barbera. I just read a byline when I searched on Google to refresh my memory. "Cops in 2020". So I guess it was a future cop show inspired by Robocop. Part of the pre-production work was done in Canada. In Ottawa I believe, because DIC had started doing some pre-prod work in Canada by that point.
DL:Yes, it was inspired by Robocop.As Andy would try to copy trends at the time.
GB:There was some kind of immoral feeling working on shows that were glorified commercials for toys. It did weigh on you and destroyed your belief that animation should be a good thing for kids, not just something to exploit them or make them bug their parents for more terrible cheap toys.A salesman always proposes a show that was a success last year by someone else. It is counter to shows created in a more creative environment where copying something already done would be at the bottom of your list of what to do. Does that make sense? In later years working in development I would see a lot of ideas or suggestions from the sales team about making a show just like Spongebob, or just like whatever was a success last year. It is really anti-creative. But syndication was just selling toys that Hasbro was making. I guess I helped to sell a lot of toys at DIC.
DL:So how did you feel when you left DiC Entertainment in 1988?
GB:I thought my career would end because it would be hard to replace the job with something as high-paced and rewarding. It was also a matter of leaving a very financially rewarding position because we got paid well. I was going to have to leave Tokyo, which I liked a lot. Although in another way it was time for me to leave because I had put my family through 4 years of living out of a suitcase. It was time for things like school for my daughter and living somewhere that my wife could work and get on with her career. Living in Tokyo was definitely making that impossible. I didn't think I would find another job as interesting as DIC but I had learned a lot of useful skills and information about how to control a production and get more input into the show in a professional manner. A lot of skills that were not known in Canada at the time.
DL:So you worked on The Raccoons,your first Canadian production you worked on.
GB:Yes, the first after coming back from Tokyo. I was living in Ottawa for the first time and Hinton Studios was doing Raccoons. I never became much of an expert on it because my time there was short-lived before I went to Cinegroupe in Montreal. I did some Raccoons and I just started on Ren and Stimpy for a week or 2. I also did part of a storyboard on Where's Waldo in that period I believe. I don't remember how I found that job though.
DL:So at Hinton Studios, were they drawing dirty pictures of the Raccoons characters according to rumors?
GB:What?! Animators never do that.
DL:Well TV tropes said so and i just want to know to clear up rumors,that's all.
GB:I always thought those noses on the bad guys Cedric and Cyril looked kind of obscene all the time. It would be difficult to make them do anything too dirty with those flaccid noses. Come to think of it they all had droopy noses even the Raccoon characters except the females. Must have been from all those dirty scenes they were involved in that never made it onto TV that left their noses limp.
DL:Ah. so you work on the Ren and Stimpy pilot, Big House Blues. Were you working with Bob Jacques?
GB:I think I was supposed to but I only did about 2 weeks and then had to leave.
DL:How was the experience and did you like the program?
GB:Too brief to get much out of it. I was pretty excited about the design and method they were using to work. I loved the show of course and often wished I had had more time on it. The model sheets were really great and the show felt really fresh at the time.
DL:So when did you get to go to Cinegroupe in Montreal?
GB:I left to go there right after I did Ren and Stimpy for a few weeks. I was probably working the next week in Montreal and commuting back and forth to Ottawa on weekends. I had worked at Cinergroupe before going to Tokyo for a few months on Ovid and the Gang as an animator. Anyway, when I left Hinton Studios for Cinegroupe it must have been 1988 or 1989.
DL:So what was Ovide and the Gang?
GB:Ovid was a co-production with Belgium. It was an original series based on a comic book style of characters. I can't even remember what the point of the series was or the relationships between the characters. They were very cute-looking characters though and the studio was animating the whole series with about 5 animators and 5 assistants. When I went there after Hinton they were doing a few series. L'Aventure de L'ecriture a show about French grammar and a series Little Flying Bears which is just exactly as the name implies. Everything was little something or other in those years. The bears had dragonfly wings. These flying bears were saving the environment. But I guess they didn't succeed because it's still a mess. But saving the environment was big in animation in those days.
DL:So by the way, did you have cable in the late 90s early 90s? Because these shows were broadcast on The Family Channel.
GB:I do remember them on TV but don't know if it was Family Channel or CBC. I probably only had basic cable at home. I'm not sure when the series finished. Oddly it was a co-production with Yugoslavia. Unfortunately, a few years into production the Yugoslavian war began and that turned into a bloodbath. I remember before the war everyone was talking about what a fantastic place it was over there with all those people living in harmony. The breakup of the country and the massacres just went on for what seemed like more than a decade. Anyway, the show kept getting held up because the co-producing company was telling us about the tanks sitting out in front of the company and it just got impossible eventually. It's weird how all this bad stuff is going on behind the scenes in these innocent cartoons on TV.
DL:Oh yeah. Well can’t believe that the Yugoslavian war was tied to the production trouble of Little Flying Bears.Also before I go, one more question. How was it when you went to work for CiNAR and Young Robin Hood for Hanna Barbera and France Animation.
GB:I heard once that the producer over there wanted to have Cinegroupe's production money payment sent to him in a location in a neighboring country. But that didn't sit well with Cinegroupe. I don't know if they suspected he would run for it with the money and get the heck out of the way of that approaching war. It seemed like the country was unfolding in slo mo at that point. This was before the war in Kosovo and Serbia. The co-producer was in Zagreb. It was a pretty city that held the international animation festival every second year alternating with Ottawa.
GB:Robin Hood was fine. The first job there was on White Fang. I was an animation posing supervisor. Then I did timing direction on Robin Hood. Robin Hood went by pretty smoothly and it was nice working in a familiar US production method. I was able to bring in some of those timing skills from Tokyo into the job.And then I directed a few specials on Munch. Murmel Murmel and Boy in the drawer.I think that is the correct order of work at Cinar. It was called Crayon Animation in those days but it was owned by Cinar.
DL:Wait CiNAR was called Crayon animation?Also before then CiNAR was a dubbing studio before it started to produce its own productions in 1988.
GB:Yes, the animation part of the company was called Crayon Animation. Cinar existed at a different location downtown. They did the post-prod mixing and sound work and recording at Cinar. And the executive offices of Ron and Micheline were downtown at Cinar. The animation studio Crayon was in an old industrial warehouse space in St Henri in the mid-19th century industrial part of Montreal. If you've seen the movie or read the book The Tin Flute that is where it was. Lots of rail yards and on the old Lachine canal.Yes they did the dubbing and all sound work at Cinar headquarters downtown. They owned the building there, which was originally an old convent. Later on we moved out of the Crayon building and moved to a new office tower around the corner from the Cinar headquarters and sound studio.Ron Weinberg would often talk about how he started Cinar by driving around the US with a trunk full of videotapes of the movie Wicker Man and he would sell this tape everywhere. I don't know how he did that but that was the story. I don't know if I ever saw Wicker Man but at Burning they used to burn wicker furniture in memory of that movie.
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riritheworld · 2 years
Beep Beep, Riri Sent You a Letter!
When I was in high school, there was a very popular rom-com movie on Netflix called ‘To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before’. In that movie, the main character, Lara Jean wrote letters to every boys she ever had a crush on. But Lara Jean never sent it to any of them. I used to think that was so stupid. 
I mean, why did you write a decent letters to every boys you ever had a crush on without sending it to them? It’s useless.
But the more I get older, I finally realize that’s very make sense. You don’t have to tell your feeling to someone you love. Maybe, fall in love is silence is the sweetest thing you’ve ever felt in your life. It can be the reason why you smile and enthusiast while doing anything, even though it’s something that usually bother you. But when he is there, suddenly you want to do it. And without you realize, you enjoy it. Simply because he is there.
That sounds stupid. But it’s real. 
I always clueless at love. I never be in the serious relationship with anyone. Simply because I don’t confess my feelings to someone I ever had a crush on, or I never fall in love with someone who tries to get close to me. 
I ever confessed my feelings to my classmate in JHS, but it turned out horribly. After that, I don’t want to confess my feelings to anyone anymore. That was my very first and last. It was dumb, I feel like I want to puke every time I remember it. 
Let’s call him Mr. Humorous. He is the only man I’ve ever had crush on for more than a year. I fell in love with him for like... two years? I was very young that time. I didn’t know what love is, and I didn’t know HOW to fall in love properly.
In my memory, he was smart but also weird in a unique way. He was very friendly to everyone. It was really easy for me to get close to him as a friend. And I can confirm, he is one of the nicest guy in my JHS when the most of them are jackass. His unique personality made me fell in love easily. Without I realize, the more I fell in love to him, the more I got selfish toward my feelings. The more I tried to get closer to him, the more he ran away from me. I used to hate him for that. But now I realize, feelings can’t be forced. I was too selfish. And he was right.
I never heard anything about him anymore. But dear Mr. Humorous, I’m sorry for everything I did to you. Now I’ve learn my lesson. I regret it.  I hope you are doing fine in your life and find someone you love out there. It was really easy to fall in love with you but it was also easy to get over you. The more I get older, the more I realize my feelings toward Mr. Humorous was unserious. It was cringey and not sweet at all. It’s all because I fell in love for him too much, and I was expecting to much on him . I fell first, but he didn’t fell harder. And I fell into the blackhole. 
Senior High School is a place where most of people have a very unforgettable memories with someone they love. And I agree. It was easy to get over Mr. Humorous. But it was hard to get over this man. Let’s call him Mr. Bad Genius.
I call him Mr. Bad Genius because he is genius in a scheming way. He was in the same class with me for three years. I used to hate him because he was really annoying. He was the most caper person I’ve ever met in my whole life. He usually texted me to get my homework answer and I didn’t like it. He acted very cocky to me at class, but he was always begging to get my homework answer almost every day. Sometimes he miss-called me every time I ignored his message. I hated him a lot.
But during senior year, I got used to it. And like a rom-com movie, he had a character development that made me suddenly didn’t hate him anymore. All my hates toward him were gone. And it turned out to be the feelings that I didn’t want to admit. I liked him. 
I had an unexpected-stupid-little-crush to him. And it was all too sudden. During 17 Agustus-an match, I joined a paku botol competition for a joke but it turned out to be the moment I realized that I liked him. He supported me, gave me a high five, and laughed at me. And that is the most unforgettable things I’ve ever experienced in senior high school. 
But I let those feeling drowned into the deepest of my heart. I hid it from every one and enjoy my senior year with this secret feelings. He was the reason why i spent a lot of time playing with my classmate and had fun with them. And because of him, I enjoy my senior year and I regret nothing. 
I had 0 expectation toward him. Since the very beginning, I knew that we would never be together in the end. We were a polar opposite and came from two different worlds. I knew that we would never work. And that’s true. In the end, there is nothing between him and me.
This Enemy-to-(not)Lover trope was unexpected to me. And it was really hard to get over him. Even after I got into college, I need more than a year to get over him. We are accepted in the same university but in different faculty. Three years ago, I accidentally met him, Very accidental. I waved at him. He replied back and laughed. And that was the very last time I met him.
Dear Mr. Bad Genius, thank you for saving my senior year in high school. From Mr. Bad Genius, I learned that a secret-stupid-little crush could be the sweetest unforgettable memory in my life without a perfect happy ending together. That memory will always stuck in my head forever until today. Even though my feelings to him are gone. Bye, Mr. Bad Genius. 
In college year, I’m busy doing things I hate. Such as attending class, doing laboratory practice, finishing every task and lab report. Those things are the reason why I finally can get over Mr. Bad Genius. And suddenly I forgot how to fall in love. 
Until I met this man. He is Mr. Perfectly Fine.
He is popular, smart, nice, polite, cool, and everything. For me, he is untouchable and unapproachable. I didn’t know much about him. I rarely see him because we are in different class. I started to know him since we were in the same organization. We talked to each other only for organization matters, not less or more. 
I’m a 90% introvert person. I joined those organization for filling my empty CV. That’s all. I hate doing every projects I’ve done. Not until I saw him in every agenda. He was my motivation to come to those organization agenda that usually held in weekends. I sacrificed my precious weekends only to see him. 
He came to my dream at nigh thrice. Literally thrice. And the wildest one was I was about to get married with him but he ran away in our wedding day. That one was very cringey and wild. The other two was just a random daily things, so nothing special about that.
After a few months, I finally realize that I had a crush on him. I late to realize it because I forgot how does it feel to fall in love with someone. And I cursed my self for having a crush on someone that I don’t know much because it’s stupid, right? 
A few months after I realized those stupid feelings, I rarely saw him and never talked to him anymore. I thought that “Oh, it was just a sudden-little crush” because I didn’t think about him anymore. Until one afternoon, I met him and he said “Semangat, Ri.” Those silly little words really made me can’t sleep at night.
If I can give him a song, maybe I’ll give him ‘the 1′ by Taylor Swift on 1:00-1:22 and the whole song of ‘Jatuh Hati’ by Raisa.
I don’t know, it was a sudden to fall in love with him. But it was also a sudden to get over him. Suddenly he is gone from my thoughts. Learning from Mr. Bad Genius, I never hope anything from him. The more I see him on those organization agenda, the more I know about him (even though not everything). Mr. Perfectly Fine is not perfectly fine. 
And finally, the feelings are gone. We had a lunch together (also with my other two friends) and I can assure my self I finally get over him. It’s either I really fell in love with him, or am I fell in love with my own expectation about him.
I have nothing to say to him. Just a goodbye, I guess. Bye, Mr. Perfectly Fine. 
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flowerslut · 6 days
i just saw an update by someone on ao3 saying they hated when ppl asked for an update or said stuff like where’s the update and it made them lose their passion for writing the fic and i literally do that to u all the time and have probs done it consistently for three years and i am so sorry LOL i never considered it could be annoying
LMFAOOOOO no don't worry at all!!! I don't mind it!!! plus, I feel like it all depends on how people are asking for updates and on the specific author, too. I know that a LOT of fanfiction writers get stressed out when people leave comments asking for updates, (or even comments that aren't 100% complimentary, tbh) because it makes them anxious and rubs them the wrong way. I am absolutely not one of those authors lmfao. I, for one, only get annoyed at people asking for updates if they phrase it in a real asshole-ish way, like:
"please continue this story" <- this would could be fine, but there's no sense of whimsy or joy in this demand. at least add an exclamation mark, ya fool
"another great story left unfinished" <- yeah! and it'll stay that way too unless you want to give me Unlimited Writing Money 🖕
"well, it has almost been 4 years, when are you going to post a new chapter?" <- ah yes another entitled bratty asshole who will ensure for everyone else that I never want to post a new chapter again
"I guess [story name] is dead. it is always sad to when someone dies without closure" <- literally what are you on????? hello? there are REAL people dying out there, kim
these are real comments left on some of my old WIPs btw^^ 💀 usually as long as people are nice and don't sound like entitled dickheads I have no problem with people asking for updates, or asking when I'll update a WIP!!!! a simple "I love this story I hope you update soon!" is so sweet! I love getting messages like that!! it shows that they like it and they want to see where the story goes! which is such a universally relatable experience for any fic reader out there!! more real-life examples of ways people can ask for updates and not sound like bratty jackasses (also from old WIPs of mine):
"This is great! Will you continue this?" <- short, sweet, to the point
"Any chance that you will come back to this story?" <- great! I love some curiosity with that little nudge where they're clearly hoping your answer will be 'yes!'
"Thank you for taking the time to write this, I wish you would continue it." <- the compliment combined with this encouragement is soooo sweet and I adore messages like this even though they make me feel a little bad LOL
"Please consider picking this up again. Even if just for a few chapters, to wrap it up. It’s so, so good, it’s be a shame to leave it without a continuation. Also, this chapter was phenomenal." <- this was one of my most recent reviews to a fic on an 'indefinite hiatus', and it made me actually go back and re-read the fic (a dangerous thing for me to do, because then I always want to keep writing, even if I don't have the time/energy/ideas/inspo) and long story short I sure did put it back on the bottom of the 'to finish' list 😅 i'll go back to my naruto fics one day. but not yet
anyways this got long but just know this: I am an author whose feelings you cannot hurt. nothing you could comment would make me anxious. enthusiastically asking for updates does not bother me. no amount of rude comments/reviews ever affect me outside of 1) great amusement or 2) mild-to-moderate annoyance that won't survive a full day. and don't worry. when it comes to people who are rude assholes I have no problem telling readers to go fuck themselves. lmfao ANYWAYSSS love u bestie gonna post a bonus roots chapter this week just for funsies now. you've invigorated me.
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ruralbi · 11 months
Ok so lots happened. I've been breaking up with my boy best friend. I told him we ain't having sex no more, gave in twice (asked him to sleep in my bed) and he rejected me twice. Great life. I do choose to believe that he's just respecting my wishes in rejecting me, and not just bein like nah don't feel like it.
It's been a hell of a rollercoaster. But that's just attempt number 1834749 of trying to not fuck him.
What, do u ask, really prompted this post.
This bitch is out there partying with his bros. All good. He texts me "yo wassup" EXACT QUOTE.
I call him all what u want. He says don't call me unless it's an emergency. BITCH YOU TEXTED ME.
Clearly all his douchebag friends got on his case abt him picking up the phone to answer to his house faggot cause a bit later he texted me "can me and my best bro come sleep at yours" and I'm like sure :) CAUSE IM A FUCKIN IDIOT. And I say something like I'll even take a break from my puzzle to come say hi! (Bc I'm secretly the biggest dork)
And he's like oh my best bro (name redacted) wants more than just a break!
And I'm like that sounds kinda sketchy but I'm sure im just being paranoid. So I say whatever come over if u want. He's like send a message to convince him to come over. And i say sorry sir, if he doesn't wanna come over u shouldnt pressure him! Leave the poor man alone to sleep at his house rather than drag him all over the county to drink!
He says nah he wants to come over he just needs motivation. So I, like the absolute clown that I am, send something along the lines of well we got wine and vodka and a fireplace if you boys wanna light it.
Looking back I wanna brain myself. He really says jump I say how high. And he has the gall to text back "yeah but can we sleep with you?"
Bitch YOU'RE not even supposed to sleep in my bed anymore, what makes u think I suddenly a) wanna suck your dick again b) suck your mangy friends' dick on top of it
I can't believe after 4 years of being treated like an absolute sex toy he's finally thought you know what maybe I should share this with the boys.
I'm over here crying my lost love bc I finally accepted that our relationship isn't healthy. Hes not in love with me, I am, we have to stop having sex all the time so I can move on. But i thought well it's not a crime to not b in love with me. He don't deserve to lose his house and living over it. We'll just keep living together all normal, as two friends, the way we should've from the start. It hurts to see him but it ain't his fault and I need to tough it up.
AND HE GOES AND JOKES WITH HIS PALS ABOUT SHARING ME. Bc it's not even like oh I was joking calm down. When I immediately stop answering, first he texted "plz" !!!!!!! AND THEN
"sorry I'm friends with assholes" like oh the good ole trick sorry my friends took my phone !!? So I said oh yeah real easy to blame your friends!!! Stay at your best friend's flat three more days while ur at it. By then I'm livid.
Like okay so for four years ya didn't want to admit ur fucking me publicly but when ur bro wants my ass suddenly you're teaming up???? What an absolute jackass. And then he says "sorry I let myself be influenced"
Meaning he was getting egged on by all his disgusting bros and sharing the messages and making a public mockery of me. Like oh we heard that was an easy peace of ass think he'll take both you and me? He's surely been begging for ur dick for long enough. :( I can just see it I'm crying my eyes out I'm so humiliated.
He swears it's not what happened and he'll explain tomorrow but I don't really care. He's taken me for a joke long enough. I may b a joke but hes officially off the comedy roster. I'll ask him to move the fuck out and not show his goddamn face for a long while. Fuck this dude
0 notes
titanicfreija · 1 year
Rise-26 has concerns
"So you're just answering questions."
"From. The. Not 'a', but The mother fucking Empress. Caiatl. Leader of the Cabal Empire, which spans multiple solar systems; possessor of tech that fucks with Darkness and Light alike; who staged a fucking coup with fucking Ghaul--who shut down the Traveler and kicked our collective ass-- to overthrow Calus, fucked as he was, the guy that psychically linked himself to magic fungus and spread himself over the galaxy. You're taking questions like some kind of celebrity from the most powerful non-god we deal with?"
"Would it make you feel better to know it feels more like being interrogated? I get that you're upset about it, but she isn't Ghaul or Calus, and she's not interested in finding an excuse to kill us."
"She doesn't need one!"
"Actually, yeah. So me giving her one would be meaningless."
"The fuck can you tell an empress, anyway! What doesn't she know that you do?!"
"The difference between being suffocated by crushing or airway blockage."
"...Did she really ask you about that?"
"Nah. She did ask if I get scared when I die, though."
"Auuuggghhh! Of course that's what she would ask, and you are the worst one to answer."
"I've mentioned how much you hate being shot twice. Which reminds me, I think that's my shields. Your armor is thin but the shields can be modified with--"
"Focus, meathead, I'm trying to make sure your fat New Light mouth doesn't start an intergalactic war."
"Oh for-- It's not a hundred percent safe, but Sunny can mute my comms whenever she wants. All three of us, actually. They've been making little rules for the interviews since Neomuna--"
"Hang on, what?"
"I told you what happened. Sunny didn't remember anything and I couldn't talk about it for a while so she went to ask Caiatl and Nimbus. Caiatl mentioned not knowing anything about Ghosts, and Sunny, being the guiding sunbeam she is, wanted to help and offered to answer any questions. I can't tell you how their conversations evolved, but Sunny started it while I was meditating, they'd go talk for a bit. Then she started hanging out with her while I was sleeping and she was in range, and now they're talking via comms when we're in range. I don't know if they've been doing that without my knowing or if the first time she did it included me on accident or intentionally-- but yeah."
".... Guiding Sunbeam who is trying to upset all the politics."
"The world is ending, no one has time to get petty."
"This is precisely the time to get petty."
"You do sound jealous, though. That's not why you're getting in on this, is it?"
"I was jealous, but hearing what they talk about is helping. Why are old people so weird?"
"What, talking about the nature of existence and shit?"
"Nature of your being, is what she said. Talking about being a Guardian, the resurrection stuff and what it means to not die like that. Asking about fear of death and if it hurts, like I said. If I could have shot someone else's Ghost instead of Sunny."
"Oh, shit, okay I see. Questions she really can't ask anyone else. Are you okay?"
"I said I didn't want to be that kind of person, but I am and I could but I'd feel bad. And then I went on for a while about why I'd feel bad. Cos you know how much I love Sunny, but even Three with Ghost and Thomas with Rex, and I can't.... It's a fucked up question, it was a fucked up order, and she's still learning exactly how bad because she's getting to ask some jackass real personal, prying, triggering questions, instead of trying to guess by sideways remarks from Zavala, bad explanations from Sunny, or me crying in front of her because she reminded me too sharp when she said sorry."
"And giving her a grand view of a weak spot isn't a bad idea to you?"
"She knows the Ghosts are our weak spots."
"This just screams bad idea."
"She likes Sunny. And I'm really some jackass. And she doesn't have to posture at me. And she likes this."
"... She has been shot before, why would she need to ask you?"
"I didn't survive. It's a little weird, I've never really thought about any of it, but I'm usually too busy thinking of an answer to worry about how she's gonna feel about it."
"Like what? What's weird?"
"What would you do if you met someone that killed their own Ghost?"
"... Yeah I can't... What... Can this person.... What?"
"Yeah, that's what I said. Couldn't even imagine a person that could do it, what they'd act like. Said they'd spook me. But then I said something like, I'd be more freaked out by someone who was okay with killing their own Ghost. And said that killing Ghosts in front of their Guardians is fucked up."
"It is."
"She didn't know that!"
"... Oh."
"I mean, she's not stupid, she probably knew it wasn't okay, but she didn't realize-- we all feel like that, and didn't realize we would feel each other's pain regarding our relationships and stuff, like us flinching when talking about Sagira and Brya and Rex."
".... Huh."
"Yeah, normal common knowledge to us, stuff we think is obvious-- she thought they were just chatty conduits, tools, not friends, let alone tied like we actually are, ways keeping even Rex and Thomas together."
"So Sunny helped?"
"It's been progressing for a while. She doesn't really talk to me about it, said it's rude, I'm pretty sure she just doesn't wanna tell me how much shit she talks. Can tell some shit, though. Set her off digging into history books and shit, questions she couldn't answer or got inspired to ask."
"Like what?"
"... Awoken Politics, for one."
"What's the real story there?"
"Awoken Politics is what I feel is safe to tell you. Shithead doesn't know when to let a question stay unanswered. That shit was the potential war."
"And. She's been answering questions. Like what?"
"I don't know. She won't tell me. A shitload of, "what the fuck are they doing" followed by "Why", with a bunch of just, "why" because she can tell what we're doing."
"... Fair enough. Seriously, though, why? Why does she care?"
"She's working pretty tight with us and we're unpredictable idiots and she wants half a clue? Fun? Curiosity? She seems to want to know more about the classes, our early days, the connection with the Ghosts and each other, and piddling other shit. Oh, she asked what my first memory was."
"That's another weird one."
"Sunny said she was probably testing my awareness on waking up."
Hard Questions
New Angle
Radio Chat
Scripted Questions
More like Interrogation <-
Ghost Affection
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“...In One Grave.”
Skin. Blue as the sky skin. Cayde had a list of things he knew would likely never happen: Zavala getting that stick out of his ass, War Beasts learning to fly, and him getting flesh back. Of course, none of these things had come true, even the last one. As real as that skin felt, it wasn’t really his skin. The other presence in his head, who was understandably panicked at suddenly being shoved out of the driver’s seat, indicated as much.  “Hey man, I know this is a new and horrifying experience for you, but freaking out isn’t going to help.” “Oh I’m sorry, I forgot it was common courtesy to remain completely calm while my body gets stolen. My bad.” “Hey come on, that’s not fair, I didn’t steal your body...on purpose...I think.” Well it was true. One moment, he was lying near death on the floor of that prison, the next he, was here, in the body of the man who fucking killed him-. No no no. That wouldn’t do. This...this wasn’t Uldren. Had his face, but it wasn’t him. Having said that, he would fault him for not getting rid of that emo fringe but he’d worry about that later. For now though... “Crow...are you alright?” And that would be the kid’s Ghost. “You’ve been sitting there for a while.”  “I’m fine Sundan-Err I mean.” Cayde started, but caught himself. No you idiot, it’s not Sundance. This is Crow’s Ghost, and Sundance was in thousands of pieces because he was a damned idiot who thought he was invincible.  “Glint. His name is Glint. Just thought you should know.” “Oh, well, thanks.” “I’m fine Glint...just...tired that’s all.” Glint gave him a look that said he wasn’t fully convinced, but the lil’ guy seemed content to let it go for now.  “Alright...who are you...and why are you stealing my body?” Well...crap. Had to throw him that curveball, did he? Well, he sure wasn’t gonna say “Oh I’m the guy your previous incarnation killed.” Luckily Cayde was always...alright at lying or bluffing his way out of these situations at the very least. “Love’d to tell you buddy, but spoiler alerts you know. And only a real jerk spoils something for someone else.”  “I’m not getting an answer from you am I?” “Not telling you who I am, but I’ll give you my name. It’s Cayde by the way.” “Brilliant. Well nice to meet you Cayde. Could you at least give me my body back? Please tell me you can do that?” “I think I can do that. Just need to, relax. I’m good at that. But you gotta promise me one thing. Get rid of that stupid emo haircut.” Crow sighed. “Of course, not only do I get possessed, it’s by an insufferable jackass. Can’t ever catch a break, can I?” “Relax, I’m joking with ya. Anyways, I’ll try to make it up to you bird brain. How does some ramen sound?”  “Sounds nice, I suppose. Just, don’t call me bird brain again, alright.” Yep, this sure was gonna be something. ______ Shoutout to @echosong971. Love her “Cayde haunts Crow” thing and decided to try my hand at it.
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lokisprettygirl · 3 years
Hit me Baby, One more Time (Wrestler Loki x Female Reader)
Read Chapter 26 here
Chapter 27
Summary : You learn more about loki and you can't help but want to know more about those skeletons in his closet.
Warning : 18+ Some dirty situations, daddy kink, Child abuse, traumatic childhood incident, Animal abuse
Note : As a pet owner who recently got sick, this was hard to write but I had this in my mind since the beginning so I didn't want to discard it (and it has happened to someone I know really well ) There are people like Odin who legit exist and it breaks my heart for everyone who have to live with such abusers.
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"Because I can't become a father, got sterilized when I was 21" 
You looked at him shocked as he revealed yet another thing about himself, something you were not expecting from him.
"You did what?" You asked him like a moron even though you understood him very well and he tilted his head "Vasectomy, heard of it?" He asked you, his tone a little on the harsher side "Yesss I ..I " you mumbled and he pulled himself away from you. He didn't know what kind of reaction he expected from you, but your hesitation bothered him. He wanted to go back to his shell and never come out of there.
"Why did you do that?" You asked him and he grabbed his jacket from the bed to put it on "None of your business" . You teared up as you heard his voice devoid of any feelings. 
"Sorrry, I'm sorry" you muttered mindlessly, you didn't know what you did to offend him. But he seemed upset.
If he was going to leave again, you promised yourself that you won't stop him or see him ever again.
When he heard your broken voice he looked at you, you were looking down and his heart clenched. This is what he'd always do, he'd hurt you and then walk out and come back to hurt you again, just like Odin. He had a decision to make right now, he could leave right now and never bother you again or he could stay and wipe your tears, and make you feel better and not do this again. You did nothing wrong, you must be curious to know more, this is what you two decided to do right? Learn more about each other?
He walked closer to you and he cupped your cheeks, then he wiped your tears from both of his thumbs "Why are you crying?" He asked you and you looked at him.
"I thought you were going to leave" he sighed as he heard you, he did think about it "I am not leaving okay? Stop crying, don't let me hurt you, I'm an asshole you know that" he mumbled as he kissed your forehead "Only sometimes" you mumbled and he smiled at the adorable sound of your voice.
"Do you know how fucked up my kid would turn out to be?" You looked at him as he asked you or told you that "That's what you think" he smiled and you pulled him closer by grabbing his jacket "Does it bother you that I could never be a real daddy?" He asked you and you thought about it.
Whatever is happening between you two is definitely not normal and is definitely toxic to say the least, but at the same time you don't want to stop, a part of you is always inclined to trust him for some reason. Now you see what he meant when he said he won't be able to give you everything in future. But the future is not here yet, he's here and he's in your arms.
"It's your life, your body, you can do whatever you want, why would it bother me? I was just curious to know your reason for doing it so young" You told him and he was a little surprised by your answer, 
 "Well kids are overrated, bringing another life and all that shit isn't a miracle, it's just evolution, just a pointless need to leave a fragment  behind when you're gone" you nodded your head and he picked you up then he sat you down on the dresser. That's what he thought about relationships too but you changed it. He was scared about you changing him more.
"Let me order that coffee" you mumbled as you tried to step down but he didn't allow you "Did you want it? With him? With Jackass" He asked you and you sighed. You did want it all, a year ago you were sure that you'd end up marrying Jack and have his kids, a family "It doesn't matter if I did, it's all gone now" you told him honestly and you couldn't read the expression on his face.
The thought of you being Mrs Hudson, and bearing little jackasses in your womb filled him with intense jealousy, he knew he was fucked for you, but as soon as things got a little emotion heavy he wanted to take a step back, but moments like this, where the fear of losing you forever hit him out of nowhere, all he wanted to do was hold you and never let anyone else even look at you. He was being unfair he knew that, but he didn't want to stop. A guy like Jack would only bring you pain, nothing else, he would bind you into a marriage and burden you with kids, then as soon as he steps out in the real world, he would act like a free man, act as if the world's most beautiful woman isn't waiting for him at home.
"Good because you deserve better" Not that he was any better. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck and you kissed him like that, your legs wrapped around his waist Instinctively. As soon as he felt your lips on his, he lost all his thoughts and worries "Would you stay the night? Cuddle me please" you mumbled and he looked at you
"Mmm okay, but I need something from you" you smirked, waiting for a filthy sexual request but he surprised you again with something thoughtful.
"If you clear this round, which you will, I want to move you somewhere safer, is that okay?" He asked you and you sighed. You'd like to get out of this dingy hotel too but you can't "I can't afford it Loki, I don't have a job here yet, i'm living off my savings" you told him honestly and he kissed your forehead.
"Move into my mama's house? She'd get a company and you won't have to worry about spending your savings on accomodation, besides she has taken a liking to you" he whispered in your ear as he kissed your temple and you thought about it. His mom likes you, the thought made you blush. It's so strange that he has met your parents and you met his mom too, and it's not even a relationship. But That would be too weird right? It would be like moving in with him "But you'd be there? And we are not there yet " You asked him and he smirked
"I can find another place if that makes you uncomfortable'' What is this enigma of a man? You really don't understand him sometimes.
"I don't want to separate you from your mother Loki, how long are you going to be here?" You asked him and he tilted his head.
"I'm contractually obligated to fight for WWE, at least one fight per week so 6 days here and one day in NY, You must not know this but thor challenged me to win the battle of the year, it's the MMA's most prestigious tournament" he told you and you pretended as if you didn't know anything about it. You heard it all.
"Oh that sounds rough, just so you know I'm on your side" you smiled and he did the same "You better be, I do need to talk to you about the journey he took with you" he mumbled and you gulped nervously "Not now though" you took a deep breath at that.
You kissed him again and then you took a shower, while you were in the bathroom, he called Frigga to let her know that he won't come home tonight.
"I'm with Birdy, mama" he told her and she gasped "He's with birdy" she whispered to Martha and Martha's eyes widened "Did you share your concerns with her?" She asked him and he responded in yes.
"What did she say?" She asked again curiously and he smiled "She understood, thank you for the help" he chuckled and he hung up soon after.
When you came out, you were wearing just a skimpy tank top along with shorts, didn't really leave much to imagination, he knew you were trying to torture him. You heard the knock on the door, must be the room service with your tea, since you both were about to sleep you ordered tea to relax.
"Stay there, I'll take it" he told you as he looked at your indecent attire and you smirked. Once he took it, he made the tea, all English style and that made you think of something "Are you from England?" You asked him and he stared at you, you were applying body lotion on your bare legs, he was trying to control the urge to pound you until you pass out. So It took him a while to answer "No" He didn't want to lie to you but you were not ready for the truth either.
"Why the accent then?" You asked him as you remembered frigga had the same English accent and so did Thor "It sounds cool" he told you and you shrugged, not wanting to press further. 
He passed you the cup and you put it on the dresser. He stood behind you, his eyes focused on you in the mirror so he got on his knees and pushed your hair aside, placing a kiss on the nape of your neck, the touch made you shudder. No this was supposed to be your game, you were supposed to entice him with erotic lotioning.
"Squirt" he whispered in your ear and you felt your face heating up "Whatt?" You asked him and he smirked "The lotion, dirty girl" he placed his palm in front of you in a supine position so you squirted a dollop of lotion on it "More" he whispered again so you did it again. 
Then he rubbed his palms together and placed it on your bare shoulder, then he slid his hands downwards, excruciatingly slow, you tried to stifle the moan but you failed. So easy.
"Drink your tea babygirl" he whispered in your ear and then he sucked on your neck, you picked your cup off the dresser and he could notice your hands shaking. He nudged the cup towards your lips and you took a sip, he took the bottle of the lotion and squirted some more of it on his palms then he rubbed them over your clavicles. The ball, officially out of your field zone.
His long thick fingers trailed dangerously close to your breasts, but every time you thought he'd put his hands inside and cup your breasts, he would pull them back, his thumb rubbing against your back in a circular motion.
Then he brought his hands downwards on your thighs, and massaged the lotion on your upper thighs, again his hands teased you as his thumbs ran over the insides of your thigh. You hate him so much.
Then all of a sudden his one hand cupped your mound and the other one wrapped around your throat in a choking position. And that's when you dropped the cup, the warm liquid spilled all over the floor. Fuck 
"You think you can play me silly girl? You're trembling just from me touching your bare skin innocuously" you put your head down on his shoulder as you moaned "I'm sorrrry Daddy" you whined as you mumbled, he couldn't believe how easily you slipped into the submissive position without even realising it
He pressed his palm over your clothed heat and the pressure of his other hand tightened on your neck, his hands so big that his fingers almost met with his thumb on the nape of your neck.
He kissed your cheek on the right side, he wanted to destroy you, he wanted to take you all night long and he knew you wouldn't be opposed to it if he coaxed you just a little more. But he didn't want to do that to you, not when you clearly mentioned that you won't let him fuck you before you clear the next round.
"Don't be sorry babygirl, it's okay, daddy loves it when you are being so desperate for him, look at yourself" he asked you to look at yourself in the mirror, you felt ashamed. You truly looked pathetic as you sat there breathing heavily and zoned out but you'd be lying if you said you didn't enjoy every second of it.
"Property damage, you're such a bad little thing" he pulled his arms away from you, leaving you all weak in your knees and then he picked up the broken shards up from floor, he didn't want you to hurt yourself at night. You just sat there looking at him mindlessly as he cleaned the floor. Once he discarded the shards in the trash bin he picked you up from the dressing chair and he laid you down on the bed. 
Then he took his jacket off, the athletic top followed, and his jeans too. He was only left in his black briefs, you could see the outline of his cock "Calvin Klein?" You giggled and he raised his eyebrows as he laid down next to you "What? I endorse them " he chuckled, slightly amused by your fits of giggles. You're adorable.
You wrapped your arms around his waist and he pulled you closer, he let out a contented sigh as he felt your warmth. 
"Birdy?" You hummed as you heard him, you didn't realize how exhausted you felt until you laid down on the bed, in his comfortable embrace "Thank you" 
"For what?" You asked him and you placed a soft kiss on his neck "For seeing me today, for listening to me, for trusting me" he mumbled and you looked at him, he leaned down to kiss you and you smiled between the kisses.
Next morning he woke you up and you both showered ,Separately, then you had breakfast together. He didn't try to seduce you again and you were thankful for that. You had to go to the studio and he had to go to the gym, so he decided to drop you. He had to go home to change his clothes anyway.
 When you reached the studio, Nina greeted you and then she left. Mack was still not there and Loki didn't want to leave you all alone, so he stayed with you.
"if you're getting late you can leave, he's on his way" you told him as he kept looking at his watch. He walked over to you and he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer "See me later?" He asked you and you nodded your head. Then you got on your tippy toes and he smiled "Trying to kiss me?" He chuckled as he watched you struggling to reach him 
"You said you wanted me to kiss you before you leave me" he cupped your cheeks and he leaned his head down so he could kiss you. Truth to be told, He didn't want to leave you, he craved your company, he wanted to keep you with him all the time, What have you done with him?
"Y/n?" You heard mack's voice and pulled away from Loki, he turned around and smiled at Mack, Mack was giving you a look and then he walked towards loki in an angry manner and loki seemed amused "You kissed my girlfriend" he raised his voice and your eyes widened so you shook your head and made a cut it out gesture with your hand so he relaxed. 
It wasn't not humiliating for Mack to say the least "When can I pick you up?" Loki asked you and you told him to see you in a few hours. He leaned down and kissed you again before he left.
"You're dating the hottie now? Could have told me, I made a fool of myself" he said to you and you winced, you'd be embarrassed too if it was you
"I'm sorry and we are not dating, I told you it's complicated" he huffed and you hugged him to calm him down "Are you looking for places for us to stay if we get in" you asked him. For now he was staying with a few frat boys he knew and that's why you couldn't stay with him.
"No I don't want to jinx it" he shrugged and you sighed. You thought about the offer Loki gave you last night. A very generous offer. But you couldn't help and wonder if it would complicate things? Besides living in a mansion? What would you tell your parents?
Once you got done with the rehearsals, Mack had to leave to do something personal. He doesn't tell you everything which is okay, you don't either, but he's your only friend and you don't want to lose him in the glittery limelight of LA. Just 5 more days and your fate will be decided
 You couldn't stop wondering what would happen to this Thing with Loki if you had to go back. Wow you felt stressed all of a sudden.
When Loki picked you up, you didn't fail to notice the bruises on his cheeks. His pretty face seemed busted. "What happened ?" You asked him as you caressed him with your fingers and he shrugged "Boxing" 
He unbuckled himself and leaned down to kiss you as if he was longing for it from ages, well it has been a few hours. He left you all breathless and craving for more as he pulled away "How did the rehearsals go? Did you hurt yourself somewhere again?" He asked you and you nodded your head 
"Actually yes" you rotate your arms and show him a bruise starting to develop on the back of your arms.
He shook his head as he buckled your seatbelt "Be careful tomorrow or I'll have to punish you for being a careless little birdy" he winked at you and you didn't know if you wanted to be careful or more careless.
"Can I ask you something?" You asked him as he drove and he nodded "Your mom told me she used to take you for dance classes, did you like dancing?" He looked at you intently and then he looked ahead "Yeah" he sighed.
"What happened to birdy?" You asked him again and he smiled "I gagged her because she couldn't stop asking questions" you looked at him confused for a second then you shook your head. Then his smile diminished and his demeanor changed.
"Odin left her out in the yard one day" he said after few seconds and you looked at him
"Why did he do that?" You questioned him again and he shrugged .
"He liked punishing me whenever I did something wrong" 
"What did you do to warrant such a cruel punishment?" 
"I lost my first fight" 
"Against who?" 
"How old were you then?"
"I was 9"   
"That's-" you were going to say something again but he cut you off "Enough birdy" 
You looked to the side as he said that, you knew Odin was an abusive husband and the shit he pulled with Loki and Darcy, and now this made you believe that loki wasn't spared from his abuse either. The thought broke your heart.
"By the way she didn't fly away, he fed her to our neighbor's doberman"
You looked at him shocked and your eyes teared up as you heard that, when he reached your hotel, he unbuckled your seat belt and pulled you closer on top of him "Did you see him do that?" You asked him as you sniffed and he kissed your forehead softly "He made sure that I would" 
"I'm so sorry" you wrapped your arms around his neck tightly and he teared up, he swore to himself that he'd never cry over birdy again, but right now the way you tried to comfort him, he couldn't help but feel that pain again.
"Its okay y/n, I'm okay" he told you and you looked at him. He was hiding so much pain inside him, the more he revealed about his past, you could see why he became so emotionless and why he wasn't able to feel anything for anyone for a long time.
"Did your mom know about this?" You asked him as you caressed his cheeks and he shook his head "She thinks birdy flew away, and that's what I want her to think" 
You didn't say anything after that, you just kissed him until you could see the pain in his eyes fading and it got replaced with lust instead.
"If you don't want me to fuck you senseless, you shouldn't tempt me like this" he whispered and you opened the door of the driver's side and got out as you smirked. He followed you quickly after that.
You thought about all the kissing and touching you'd do once you reach your room. And you did.
After a heavy makeout session you decided to cuddle and sleep. But something kept bothering you, the bruises on his cheeks healing quickly. You have never seen anything like that. You didn't know how it was even possible but you didn't want to question him more. At Least not today.
Next morning he had to see a few people for the upcoming photo shoot so he dropped you at the studio and you didn't see him for the rest of the day. 
However when you got back to your hotel, you had someone waiting to see you. But it wasn't Loki.
Taglist : @colifower @karuna11 @vbecker10 @the-wounded-healer05 @hayden429 @lokismfbitch @limiworld @12-pm-510 @daddylokisqueen @lokislovingvalkyrie @3ddiebrock @chaotics17 @rat-p1ss @wheredafandomat @notmesimpingforanothabritishlad @salinawhite07 @sluttybitchs-world @dren-whalen @catalina712 @bouffantofdoom @lokistoejam @multifandom-world8 @loving-barnes @apine7 @midgardianminx @rainybananaturtletaco @marions-wither88 @phantombaby @snigdha-14 @disneyismyworldforever @xpixiedevilx @sarcastically-defensive17 @julian0800
@christineblood @vllowe
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jaycewrites-192000 · 3 years
You're Grounded Pt. 2
Summery: Smiley and Angry's little sister is still grounded, only this time...things go differently.
Part One Here
Rating: SFW
Pairing(s): Platonic!Nahoya Kawata x Platonic!Little Sister Reader x Platonic!Souya Kawata
(Still no incest my dudes)
Also spoilers for episode 20-21!!
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One week had passed, and ever since you were stuck in your room, only allowed to come out to go to school, to eat, and bathroom breaks. Other than that, no luck getting out from your little prison. And you were warned to not sneak out again, or another week would be added. You didn't bother trying, as much as you hate to admit it, your brothers were smarter than they looked. They knew every move you would make and would do everything in their power to stop you.
However, you were allowed to have your phone back. They were s confident that if you were to try and call for backup, they would stop it from happening. You made the best of it though, at least you had someone to talk to now. Emma wanted an explanation as to where you had disappeared to lately and you told her you were grounded, well, double grounded now. When she asked why, you hesitated to tell her. But you did, after she promised not to tell Smiley and Angry of course. She did say that you should tell them why you started that fight in the first place, but...it was a bit more complicated than that.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
So, here you were, in your room looking blankly at your door. Every now and then Smiley or Angry, or both of them, would come and check to see if you were still there. Speaking of, your door opened, Angry walked in this time. "Right on time, big brother." You mutter, not bothering to look at him. "Smiley had to run out somewhere real quick. So, I'm gonna stay here until he gets back." He leans against the door after he shut it.
"Whatever." You rolled your eyes. The silence between you two was heavy with tension and awkwardness.
"...Sorry about before. But you really shouldn't have tricked us like that." You didn't respond. "Come on. You're acting childish."
"I am a child dummy. And so are you, so stop acting like your our mother." You glared at him. "Oh, and you wanna talk being childish? You two get into fights every fucking day, and you two rarely ever get punished for it! So how come I get double grounded!?"
"You get double grounded for sneaking out. And you shouldn't be getting into fights at all. As for us, it's different." Angry explained as calmly as he could. "That's bullshit and you know it!" You snapped. "You wouldn't be saying any of this if I were in the same gang as you two!"
"You won't be joining any gangs of any kind!" Angry finally snapped back. It was rare that he would ever raise his voice at you, so you were at a loss for words. Once he saw your shocked face he toned it down. "Just...don't do it again. Please Y/n, you shouldn't be fighting."
And then came more silence. You and Angry never liked whenever there would be a fight between all three of you. But tension had build up ever since you got into that stupid fight. And honestly, you knew that it didn't need to happen but after what happened...after what those jackasses said...What choice did you have?
"Why did you do it anyway?" Angry asks, making you look up from your bed. You opened your mouth to answer, but shut it before looking away again. "Does it really matter?" You asked. "It's done. Nothing I can do about it now."
Before Angry could respond, Smiley walked in. "Heeey, she try to get out again?" He asked. "No..." Angry shook his head. "But she's hiding something." You shot him a glare. "Oh, so we're telling lies now?"
"I don't know, are we?" Angry turned to his brother. "When has Y/n ever started a fight? She rarely gets into fights, and normally she isn't the one to start some shit." Smiley nods his head at his brother's words. "That's a good point. So, wanna talk to us like a big girl?"
"No. Get out." You tell them sternly. "Too bad!" Smiley hopped on your bed and sat beside you. "Better start talking sis."
"Or what?" You challenged. Smiley's grin deepened. "Or else your double grounding will turn into a triple grounding." He tells you. "What!? How's that fair!?" Smiley shrugs. "Just is. Now spill." You resisted the urge to slug your annoying peach hair older brother in the jaw before sighing heavily. "You really wanna know? Fine. I started that fight because some asshole was talking shit about you two! Happy?"
Smiley and Angry looked at each other before turning back to you. "You started a fight because of that?" Angry asks. You furrow your brow in frustration. "It's more than that...they called you guys a smiling freak and a whinny crybaby. They also talked shit about Toman. And when I confronted them about it...they said I couldn't do a thing without my brothers there to protect me...that I was just a weak little girl who needed to stay out of other's way...So, I punched their lights out." You didn't notice you were crying until the end of it.
"I wouldn't have hit them if they would have just apologized and kept their mouths shut." You say with a sniffle. It was quiet until Smiley started laughing. "Man! You went and defended ours and Toman's honor? You really are the best little sister." He pets your head. "Huh?" You look up at him confused. "That was nice of you Y/n, but you didn't need to get hurt over us." Angry made his way over to you.
"W-well they were hurt way more than me." You told him. "I handled it didn't I?"
"Yes but, still. You're safety matters to us way more than a few insults thrown at us. Next time that happens, tell us."
"Yeah! We'll beat the fuck out of them so you don't get in trouble like you did." Smiley added. "Don't be like your dumbass older brothers Y/n. You're going places you know? Don't waste it on fighting like a gangster."
"But you guys are in a gang..." You mutter. "Don't get any ideas Y/n." Said Smiley, despite his smile, he was serious. "We wouldn't know what to do if you were hurt or worse. Just be our tough little sis outside of a gang ok?" You pout slightly but nod anyway. You did consider joining Toman, somehow. Your brothers inspired you in more than one way, and being in a gang was one of them. Not just any gang, a real gang. "The new age of delinquents" as Mikey put it.
It sounded so cool when you heard about it, and you wanted so desperately to be by your brothers side when it finally happens. But it wasn't always cool and badass, after Darken nearly dying and Baji's death, it dawned on you just how dangerous joining a gang could be. And Smiley and Angry be damned if they let their little sister be murdered and they couldn't prevent it.
You didn't know Draken and Baji on a personal level like everyone else in Touman did, but they were so kind to you whenever you were around. Baji even joked that you were like Toman's little sister. His death left a hole in the hearts of Toman, including yours...
"I won't get into anymore fights, but you guys have to promise me something too." Smiley and Angry waited for your word. "Promise me...that you'll be careful and promise me, you guys won't leave us like Baji did..."
The next thing you knew, your brothers were enveloping you in their embrace. "And leave you all alone? No way in hell." Smiley said softly. "We're not going anywhere." Said Angry. You sniffled but managed to smile. "Good. I might say I don't want you around, but you guys are all I got. So ignore me whenever I might say it again, ok?"
"Sure thing." Smiley chuckled. "Oh by the way, you're ungrounded."
You perk up. "Double ungrounded?"
"Yep. Double ungrounded. But you better not go start shit with anyone again, got it?"
"Got it." You giggle.
"Good. Now let's get out of here. I bet you're bored right?" Smiley asked as the three of you left your room. "Bored as fuck."
"There's a new arcade that just opened up. Should we go there?" Angry asked. " Hell yeah!" You and Smiley say in unison.
You still have no idea how you got so lucky as to get ungrounded like you did, but you had a feeling your brothers were never going to punish you as harshly as they did before.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(So I was thinking of making like a little kawata sister series? Idk how well that would play out or how it will be done/written but yeah, stay tuned if that interests you)
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Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; oral, fucking, stalking, hacking, threats, implied violence.
This is dark!Jake Jensen x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You find your pictures on someone else’s Insta but that’s not the only thing he’s stolen.
Note: Yay, another Jensen fic at last. I’m probably gonna try to work in more one shots between my series. I’m looking at Andy Barber, Ransom Drysdale, or Lee Bodecker right now for next week but we’ll see.
Thanks to everyone for sticking around and putting up with me and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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The chirp of the chat pierced your eardrum once more as you ignored it for the spreadsheet of dates on your other monitor. Working from home could be both peaceful and distracting but the third bing had you muting and pushing your headset to your neck with a grumble. You switched windows as the chat box blinked.
‘So why didn’t u tell me u had a bf?’ Zia’s bubble blipped up followed by impatient emojis.
“Wat r u talking bout?’ you typed back and clicked back to the spreadsheet to update the status of each course. That noise came again and you flipped back.
‘I’m not stupid! Come on. He’s far away but he’s cute.’
You frowned and tapped the space bar lightly. You were utterly confused. The only activity in your daily life were the general notifications from Tindr. You repeated the question and she sent an emoji rolling its eyes.
‘I’m serious.’ you replied.
She sent a link and then a laughing GIF attached to another bubbled response, ‘I’m not buyin it.’
You clicked on the hyperlink and a new tab opened. You scrolled down on the Insta as the air was knocked out of you at the sight of your own face. Not only were their pics taken from your public profile but several you’d never even posted. Your skin crawled and the bing sounded again.
‘So… an online thing huh.’ Zia pressed on.
‘I gotta work.’ you closed out of the window entirely but stayed on the Insta.
You scrolled through about a dozen or so selfies of you, each labeled as ‘missing my lady’ or ‘she’s so sweet, sending me pics to keep me company’. Your stomached roiled with mortification and the unsettling sensation of intrusion. It was easy enough to guess you’d been hacked but to think this was what the creep did with it was even more startling.
You changed the password on your Insta and went through the process of doing so with all of your accounts and ran a scan on your PC. You would likely have to file a ticket for a proper inspection with a specialist. You couldn’t help but shake as you went back to the profile after checking your bank account and PayPal to make sure it wasn’t worse than just pics.
You went back to the profile and found photos of the culprit. His spiky blond hair and glasses were unsurprising and his comic book tee shirt was even less. Your disgust was quickly replaced with anger as you hit the chat icon above his info.
‘Hey, jackass, care to tell me how you have my photos on your profile?!’
The read icon appeared almost and you saw him typing. It stopped and then started again.
‘You’re so beautiful, I wanted to share it with everyone.’
You scoffed at the message and cringed at the screen. ‘Are you nuts? Like actually. You stole my photos! You hacked me. Creep.’
You blocked him immediately after hitting send and logged out. You opened Excel again and tried to focus on the coloured cells. You could hardly process what you were doing as your phone began to vibe on the corner of your desk. It didn’t let up and you couldn’t focus past the incessant buzzing.
You snatched it up and several messages covered the screen as you unlocked it. ‘You really think that’s gonna work’; ‘You can’t block me’... several in a similar vein that you deleted before blocking the number. You silenced your phone and turned back to your monitor.
Suddenly the screen went black and you blinked. You hit the keyboard and clicked, assuming it fell asleep. It lit up again but all you saw was yourself staring back. Your mouth fell open and you ripped the clip-on cam from atop your monitor. You disconnected it as the notepad opened and typing flicked up across the white space.
‘I didn’t want it to be like this.’
You could move the mouse or backspace. All control was lost and you sat there helplessly watching the scrawl.
‘I think we’d be really good together if you only gave me a chance. Can’t you see I worship you?’
Your phone began to shake constantly and a private number flashed. You picked it up and hollered into the speaker, “leave me alone”. You hung up but it kept on and your screen turned to black once more. Your PC was still on but there was no reaction from the machine.
Fuck, you sat back and looked at your phone. You couldn’t even call work to tell them because the damn thing wouldn’t stop ringing. You put your head in your hands and grunted in frustration. How the fuck did all this happen?
After your initial panic died down, you disconnected your tower and shut off your phone. You left your cell behind as it was just as useless. You hauled the PC down to IT at your work and filled out the ticket without giving intricate details on everything the weirdo had taken.
You left with a borrowed laptop. You wouldn’t sign into your personal accounts and stick to the company portal. You were embarrassed but happy to have a temporary solution. You got home and set up the new computer and reconfigured your wi-fi. You finished the last of the day’s work and ended the day with a glass of wine.
When you dared to turn your phone on again the next morning, it was filled with notifications from all platforms but each one you clicked on errored and prompted you to sign-in. All your new passwords were wrong and you knew it was him. 
You checked the Insta and found a screenshot on his profile from the day before, your mouth agape in horror that could easily mistaken for surprise.
‘Her face when you pop the question on the call’. The caption made your stomach curdle and you nearly flung the phone away. You couldn’t comment without logging in or message. So you created a shell account with a throwaway email you used on Reddit.
‘Why won’t you stop?’ you sent the message through as you waited for your coffee to brew.
‘Stop what?’ he added a winky face with his reply and you growled.
‘You know who this is! Why are you doing this?’
‘Hmmm…’ he let the message hang there and you sat down with your mug and listened to the birds outside. ‘Imagine what someone else would do with everything I have.’
‘Look at what you’re doing. You’re ruining my life.’
‘Ruining? Sweetie, I’m watching over you. Protecting you.’
Your nostrils flared and you burnt your tongue on the coffee and planted it on the table so it sloshed over the sides.
‘Love you, sweetie. See ya soon.’
The chat box turned grey as you realised he blocked you. That pissed you off more than anything and you lobbed your phone away with a shout of anguish. This guy was fucked!  
You were shaking so much you couldn’t even drink your coffee. You got up and paced until you could think straight. You dialed into work and told them you were taking the day off for a personal emergency and shut down your phone. You were too afraid he would find a way onto your work laptop and you didn’t want to have to explain that to IT too.
Zia showed up on Saturday and she wasn’t happy. She buzzed up and banged on your door impatiently. You let her in and she crossed her arms over the strap of her purse as she crooked her hip.
“I know I shouldn’t have snooped but if you’re mad at me, you should’ve just said so. I would’ve backed off,” she scowled.
“I’m not mad,” you said as you backed into the front room and dragged your feet over the rug.
“Sure, you’re just ignoring all my messages by accident,” she stayed at the other side of the room.
“Not exactly, no,” you shrugged, “it’s a long story.”
“And you couldn’t shoot me a message to say that at least?”
“Look, I’m stressed the fuck out. I’m sorry but the only reason I didn’t answer you is because I can’t.” 
“You can’t?”
“I can’t even turn my phone on anymore.”
“Just--” you touched your temples, “I don’t even know how to explain--”
“Jesus, are you okay?” her anger slaked away as her voice softened.
“No, I’m not,” you sniffed, “I’ve been trapped in this apartment and I can’t think straight and I can’t even talk to anyone because my phone and my life is totally fucked.”
“How about we get a coffee and you can tell me once you’ve calmed down,” she said, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so worked up.”
“You don’t know how bad it is. I really fucked up,” you whined, “I don’t even know how it happened.”
“Is this about the boyfriend?”
You huffed and shook your head, “I told you, he’s not my boyfriend-- Let me get dressed.”
After you felt presentable enough to leave the apartment, the thought of getting away ushered you down the winding stairwell and onto the sidewalk. You and Zia walked down to the cafe on the corner where you always overspent on their specialty drink and caught up.
You ordered but when you tried to use your card, the machine beeped in rejection. You tried again but still no luck. Zia offered to pay and you promised you’d pay her back. Anxiety pitted deep in your stomach as you sat. You’d have to call the bank and figure out why eight dollars would bounce.
“So,” Zia said as she shaded her eyes against the sunlight streaming onto the open patio, “he’s not your boyfriend?”
“I don’t even know the dude,” you hissed as you almost overturned your cup, “Zee, those pictures, they were all on my phone. I never sent them to anyone. I don’t even know his real name and when I confronted him, he crashed my whole system and blew up my phone. I haven’t been able to log into anything because of him.”
“You’re shitting me,” she chuckled.
“Zee, I’m not fucking kidding,” you blinked, “don’t you think if I was dating some dude out in who knows where, you’d be the first to know? You think I’m wasting my time with the idiots on Tindr for fun?”
“No way,” she scoffed.
“Zia, look me in the eye,” you said as you gave her a stern look, “I’m freaking the fuck out.”
“Did you call the police?” she asked.
You sat back and closed your eyes. You were so swept up in the panic, you hadn’t even thought. You could report it to the police, just get a record of it even if they didn’t do anything else. You heard horror stories of hackers and how little could be done but you had to at least try.
“I guess I should go down to the station today,” you ran your fingertips along your chin, “I don’t know, I felt so alone, I thought--”
“And call your bank right now,” she slid her phone over, “figure out what’s going on with your accounts.”
You took her cell and dialed the number on the back of the card. You dragged your finger down the side of your cup as you listened to the automated message and hit the buttons to direct you to customer service. The hold song bubbled in your head and finally picked up as you finished the last of your mocha.
You explained the issue after giving your information as Zia sat patiently across from you. She watched the other patrons and looked out across the street as you waited on the representative on the other end.
“Looks like your account has been locked. Your savings and checking have been placed on hold citing possible fraud,” the woman explained.
“Well, can’t you unlock them? Why would they be flagged?”
“Hmm, well I see no suspicious spending so possibly… it could be due to an external lock, not us.”
“What does that mean?”
“I can’t speak to that. Have you received any communications from the Revenue service?”
“Revenue service? I don’t--no,” you gulped.
“I’m sorry, there’s nothing else I can tell you,” she said, “you should consider contacting federal services.”
You hung up and handed Zia her phone back. “Apparently, I’m under investigation for fraud? I don’t know.”
“Shit,” she took her cell, “are you sure?”
“It sounded like it but-- I gotta check my credit card,” you stood and grabbed your empty cup and your purse.
You stormed down the street to the ATM at the corner and inserted your card. LOCKED the machine made a hideous noise and you pulled out your card in irritation. You put your wallet and touched the sides of your neck as the heat swelled through you.
“I don’t understand--”
“Um, you should see this,” Zia said.
Zia turned her screen towards you and your heart dropped to your toes. There was a picture softened by a blush Insta filter and the caption read, ‘just got into town, surprising bae with flowers’. Over the cluster of petals at the bottom of the image were you and Zia sitting at the cafe patio.
You spun and searched around for any sign of the man and the bouquet. You could hardly breath as it felt like you were being squished between invisible walls. You clapped your hand against the wall and steadied yourself as Zia gently rubbed your arm.
“Let’s go to the station,” you croaked as tears welled in your eyes, “please.”
The police told you everything you expected. Even as you showed them the photos and explained how you never met that man in your life, they only offered you words on a piece of paper. They’d file the report and follow-up in case of any further escalation. It was a non-answer, a cold shrug.
Zia went home with you as she offered to stay the night. You gladly accepted and the two of you cozied up on your bed and spent the night watching early 00s rom coms. You found it hard to relax even with her there. You couldn’t stop thinking about how close he’d been without you even knowing.
You at last began to doze off as Reese Witherspoon triumphed and exhausted by the endless maelstrom of dread, you slipped into a deep but perilous sleep. You were locked in limbo between waking and slumber, almost as if you could hear everything around you but remained blind and unknowing all the same.
You woke with a start as you felt like you were falling. You sat up and reached to the other side of the bed. Zia was gone. She must have got up to get water or use the bathroom. You took a breath and turned your legs over the edge. You got up groggily and lumbered across the room, your mouth dry and head aching. Some tylenol and water would do you well.
You hesitated as you noticed the bloom of light just around the corner from your doorway. Zia must be having trouble sleeping, you guessed as you kept on. As you came in sight of the front room, you heard a whimper and you backed up against the wall as tall figure stood before the coffee table. The flowers laid across the wood, slightly crumpled from a struggle.
As Zia whined, he jabbed her with his foot and she grunted around the rag tied around her mouth. Her arms and legs were bound behind her as the man loomed over her. You recognized his blond hair and glasses, the menacing blue eyes as he raised his chin and crossed his arms.
“Been waiting on you,” he stepped over her, “I was disappointed when I realised it was her. Good friend though, hanging around…”
“Don’t hurt her, please. What do you want?”
“You can’t figure that out?” he taunted, “huh, I’m sure you can guess what it will take for me to leave her in one piece.”
Zia wiggled and received another boot. You pushed yourself forward and he stepped closer, predatory as he dropped his arms and clenched then unclenched his fists. He chuckled as you stopped short and gaped up at him.
“She’s cute,” he said, “she can join us if that makes it easier for you.”
“You’re disgusting,” you snarled and winced as he reached out to touch your cheek. You fought not to shove him away, your eyes on Zia’s bound figure.
“Play nice and I will,” he warned, “every time I hurt her, that’s on you. I wish I didn’t have to do this to show you how much I love you.”
You shook your head as your lip trembled. He pressed his palms to your cheek and ran his thumb along your lips. He leaned in and you cowered as you realised how big he was. You didn’t expect that looking at him from the other side of a screen.
“Do we put on a show for her or did you want a little privacy?”
“You won’t get away with this,” you hissed.
“Oh yeah? I locked you out of your social media, your pc, your bank… do you really want to see how far I can take this?”
He smothered your murmured answer with his mouth and kissed you gruffly. He pulled away and looked you in the eye. He bit his lip and hummed.
“So, do we do this here?”
“You’re sick,” you grabbed his hand and wrenched it away from your face. You yanked him and directed him to the bedroom, “you monster.”
“Now come on,” he twisted his wrist around and grabbed your elbow, “I could’ve killed her. Don’t think I won’t.”
You quivered as he forced you back into your bedroom, the street lights casting shadows between your curtains. He flung you ahead of him, as strong as his thick arms would suggest. You stumbled and caught yourself on the side of the bed. You turned as the door slammed and he prowled towards you like a wild cat.
“Well,” he threw his hands up and you caught a glint of light against the lens of his glasses, “you want me to undress you or you think you can handle that, sweetie?”
You puffed in repulsion and looked away from him. Even in the dark, you could feel his eyes on you. You jittered as you reached to the neck of your loose tee and slowly raised it over your head. You dropped it to crumple on the floor and you touched the top of your shorts. You heard him moving around and shied away as he flipped the switch and light shone across the room.
You pushed down your shorts as you heard a thump from the next room. His jaw twitched as his eyes lingered on you and he reluctantly glanced away. He swung the door open and stormed out into the front room. You went to the door and heard his snarl.
“Stop fucking moving,” he rasped, “every time I have to tell you, I’ll pop another out.”
Zia gave a muffled sob as you heard a sickly crack and you hurried to look around the wall into the room. He blocked your sight with his broad chest and pointed you back to the room.
“I didn’t say you could leave the room,” he spun you and slapped your bare ass, “fast, fast, fast… before I lose my patience.”
Your skin stung from the strike and you tripped through the doorway as he followed quickly. Another slam and he poked you further into the room with his knuckle. You stepped away from him and tried to cover yourself as you faced him in horror.
He quickly swooped his shirt over his head and revealed a buff chest thick with blond hair. He kicked off his shoes and fumbled to undo his fly. He tilted his head as he looked you over and groped himself through his jeans.
“You know what to do,” he said, “I’ve seen the way you touch yourself… cyber security 101, cover your webcam.”
You shuddered as he beckoned you closer. He stopped you and put your hands on the waist of his jeans. He leaned in and nuzzled your temple as his hot breath seeped into your goosebumped skin.
“My turn,” he pushed on your hands until you pulled down the denim on your own strength.
He stepped out of his jeans and snapped the elastic of his boxers. You stood and latched onto those shakily. He ran his fingers along your arms as you pulled them past his erection and they fell to the floor with a whisper. You didn’t look down, instead staring past him as his hand swept up to cup your tits.
His fingers crawled up your chest and his hands wrapped around your neck. He squeezed and turned you so that your back was to the bed. He marched you backwards as you felt his dick bobbing between your bodies. You gasped as he pushed you down onto your mattress, your legs dangling over the edge as he came up to straddle you.
“Such a good girl,” he taunted, “look at you… I bet you’re wet already.”
He pulled a hand away and stroked his length as he raised himself on his knees. He clung to your neck as he leaned over you and planted his hand on the bed above you. He hovered his dick over your head and you closed your eyes.
“Put it in your mouth,” he ordered, “now, or I’m putting it in your ass.”
You reached up blindly and angled his tip against your lips. He dipped his hips down and you choked as he prodded at your throat. Your legs twitched as he forced his cock past your gag reflex and your whole body tensed at the intrusion.
He balanced on the hand above your head and the one on your neck. He thrust harder and harder as sloppy sucking reverberated around the room between his dark groans.
“That’s it,” he purred, “look at you taking my cock. I can only imagine how tight that cunt of yours is.”
Your eyes welled and you flicked your lashes as you tried to bat them away. You kept your hand at the base of his dick as you tried to ease his motion. He ignored your reluctance and only delved deeper as he brought himself to his limit, your lips touching the fuzz along his pelvis.
When you couldn’t breath, you slapped his hard stomach and he reared out of you abruptly. You coughed up spit as he sat back on his heels and released you. He huffed as he looked down at his glistening dick and climbed off of you.
“Stand up, turn around,” he snarled as his eyes flashed. 
His glasses were low on his nose and he slipped them off entirely and folded them up on your night table. He squinted as he watched you stand and turn stiffly. He smacked his hand in the middle of your back and pushed you over impatiently. He stepped closer and tapped his tip against your cunt as you were exposed to him.
He bent his legs and poked along your slick folds. You were wet enough for him to glide in and fill you up completely. He was so big it was painful and you arched your back as you tried to take it. He pulled back and slammed into you harshly. You let out a garble and he repeated the motion, taking you off your feet.
He leaned over you and grabbed your knees, lifting them on the bed as he urged you forward. His hand brushed up over your ass and he pressed between your shoulder blades until your face was flush to the mattress, your arms bent around you like a broken doll.
He thrust again and the loud slap made you wince. He jerked his hips roughly until he found his motion, rutting into you with hissy breaths as his other hand groped your ass. He hummed as your body shook before him, ruled by his touch as your walls clenched him.
He pushed his thumb down between your cheeks and circled your asshole. You strained and lifted your head in alarm. His other hand quickly stretched over your crown and pinned your face to the bed. He felt along your cunt and slickened his thumb before trailing back to your puckered ring.
He pushed lightly at first and as he broke through you gasped and whined. You gripped the blankets as he moved his thumb in and out of you, his hips still rocking steadily into you. He slid his thumb out entirely and prodded with two fingers instead. Before you could react, he forced them inside and you cried out in surprise and pain.
“I know you want it, sweetheart,” he groaned, “I can feel…” he kept fucking you, “I can fucking hear it.”
Your holes tightened around you as he carried the pace. A new pressure began to bloom inside of you, unlike anything you’d felt before. The burning in your ass and the stretching of your cunt mingled to an agonized bliss. You sobbed into the blankets as you came uncontrollably around him, shamed by the unwanted release.
“Fuck,” he drew out the word as both his hand and his hips sped up, “look at you cumming for me. Cumming for this creep.”
You moaned and curled your fingers around the duvet tighter. You felt the same knotting deep inside and you came again as he reached a tantamount. This time, you gushed around his cock and felt the deluge down your thighs as the noise grew wetter and louder.
“Look at you, sweetheart, you can’t handle it, can you?” He snorted as he sucked in a breath suddenly and his hips staggered.
He pushed his fingers deeper and kept them there as he fucked you as hard as he could. He slammed into your cunt over and over. Your hips throbbed with each tilt of his pelvis and you smothered your cries as you felt him coat your walls in his release. 
He stopped just as suddenly and dragged his fingers out of your ass. He leaned against you until your legs collapsed and fell onto you with a sigh. He covered your body with his as his shallow breaths hazed around you. 
Your own heart raced as you stretched your arms out stiffly and quivered. You tried to pull yourself from beneath him. He kept you pinned under his weight and jolted you with a cruel thrust.
“Oh, we’re not done, sweetheart,” he muttered along the shell of your ear, “not even close.”
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