sapphiresoftware · 10 months
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msicc · 1 year
Prepare your Mac to be a Xamarin/.NET MAUI build host without VS4MAC
I just blogged: Prepare your Mac to be a Xamarin/.NET MAUI build host without VS4MAC #VisualStudio #VS4Mac #Xamarin #XamarinForms #dotNET #dotNETMAUI #MAUI #macOS #iOS #iOSDev #IDE #Build #host
Overview You can connect to a Mac Build host from your Windows machine without Visual Studio for Mac installed. All you need is to install the right packages, which are (luckily and for the time being), available to be downloaded separately. You just need to select the right versions that match your Visual Studio installation on Windows. Install .NET Of course, the first step is to install the…
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App android + Sistema para Karaoke en Xamarin Forms (2021)
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Requirements - Conocimientos básicos de programación Description En este proyecto aprenderas a crear una Aplicacion movil para Karaokes y un Sistema de gestion del mismo. - La aplicacion movil esta desarrollado Xamarin forms usando el lenguaje C# y patron de software MVVM - El sistema de gestion esta desarrollado en C# y base de datos SQLServer Los Temas a ver en la aplicacion movil son: - Modulo de pedidos - Modulo de introduccion - Animacion de degradados - Diseños con degradados - Listview personalizados - Ventanas emergentes personalizados - Conexion a SQLServer - Creacion de Apk - Publicacion de la aplicacion en PlayStore - Patron de software MVVM - Lector de codigos QR - Escaneo de codigo QR para la conexion - Pedidos de canciones extras Los temas a ver en sistema de gestion son: - Modulo de canciones - Modulo de pedidos - Modulo de mesas - Modulo de codigos QR - Asistente de instalacion automatizada - Creacion de ejecutables portables con base de datos Incluido - Diseño de interfaces por codigo - Arquitectura de software en 3 capas - Conexiones encryptadas a SQLServer - Escaneo de codigo QR para la conexion En el 2021 xamarin esta siendo utilizado para aplicaciones robustas y funcionales. Con este proyecto lograras obtener conocimientos para construir cualquier tipo de App a un alto nivel de calidad. Read the full article
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ahmedhasanmotiwala · 4 years
Xam Login UI - Xamarin Forms 4.7
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sourceinfotech · 4 years
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The upcoming release of Xamarin.Forms 5.0 includes new features and controls like CarouselView, SwipeView, Drag-and-Drop Gestures, Control Templates, Brushes, Shapes, and Paths.
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Application mobile: Sauvegarder les recettes de grand-mère avec Xamarin.Forms - Smashing Magazine
Application mobile: Sauvegarder les recettes de grand-mère avec Xamarin.Forms – Smashing Magazine
A propos de l’auteur
Matthew Soucoup est un avocat principal des développeurs de cloud chez Microsoft, propageant l’amour de l’intégration d’Azure avec Xamarin. Matt est aussi un auteur de Pluralsight, un… Plus à propos Matthieu Soucoup …
Lors de la création d’applications mobiles, vous devez créer et gérer séparément l’interface utilisateur et la logique d’application pour iOS et Android:…
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ambassadorlance · 5 years
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OMG it came out soooo much better than I expected. I only need 3 more RGB LEDs (arriving tomorrow) and it's done. #rasperrypi #windowsiot #signalr #iot #aspnet #xamarin #xamarinforms #3Dprinting #uwp (at Boston, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8FQM_ThSRC/?igshid=1kq8jcqi7dz3r
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For the better way growth and the brand buildup of any particular business, the images added on its web app portal are plays a great role as besides the content and the product/services description the images are the single thing in the entire web app of any business that has the power to attract the multiple global users at a single glance.
Get more Information: https://bit.ly/2oJxPeM
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hmoo3ton · 7 years
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It’s look good on the iPad #xamarinforms
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ferleyva117 · 7 years
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Universal Windows Platform (uwp) for Xamarin forms #youtube #youtubers #youtubechannel #visualstudio #2017 #xamarin #xamarinforms #uwp #windows
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msicc · 1 year
How to lock orientation at runtime on iOS 16 with .NET MAUI and Xamarin.Forms
I just blogged: How to lock orientation at runtime on iOS 16 with .NET MAUI and Xamarin.Forms #iOS #iOS16 #iOSDev #dotNET #dotNETMAUI #XamarinForms #XamariniOS
The old way Before iOS 16, it was pretty easy to lock a Page into a certain orientation. It was basically just one line of code (if you don’t count the DependencyService boilerplate code in): UIDevice.CurrentDevice.SetValueForKey(new NSNumber((int)UIInterfaceOrientation.Portrait), new NSString("orientation")); By calling this method whenever the size of a page was allocated, we were able to…
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kemalserkan · 7 years
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@peacecwz #xamarin #xamarinforms (at Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi)
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mobilistlabs · 8 years
Konumuzun dördüncü bölümü olarak daha önceki uygulamamıza bir ekran daha ekleyerek bu ekran üzerinde bir liste göstereceğiz. Daha sonrada bu listeye tıklama eventi ekleyeceğiz.
1. Öncelikle yeni bir sayfa yaratarak uygulamamıza başlayalım:
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Yeni sayfamızın adı MyListViewPage olsun.
2. Bu sırada artık detaylanmaya başlamış olan uygulamamıza klasörler ekleyerek düzenleyelim. Ben bir adet “Views” klasörü oluşturarak tüm sayfaları oraya ekledim. Ayrıca yaratacağımız sınıflar içinde bir “Models” klasörü ekledim.
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3. MyListViewPage.cs sayfasına gidip içerisine bir ListView ve listede gösterilmek üzere bir dizi ekleyelim. Ardından da listemizi ekrana ekleyelim. using System;using Xamarin.Forms; using System.Collections.ObjectModel;namespace XamarinForms {    public class MyListViewPage : ContentPage    {        public MyListViewPage ()        {            //Dizi oluştur            string[] dizi = new string[] {                “Ufuk ARSLAN“,                “Ekin MİRAL“,                “Burak Güner“,                “Gökçe Sarsılmaz“,                “Oğuzhan Gedik“,                “Ömer Köksür“            }; 4. Yeni oluşturduğumuz MyListViewPage sayfasını ekranımıza ekleyelim. Bunun için bir önceki yazımızdaki MyTabbedPage.cs içerisine bir Tab daha ekliyoruz. using System;using Xamarin.Forms;namespace XamarinForms {    public class MyTabbedPage : TabbedPage    {        public MyTabbedPage ()        {            var firstPage = new NavigationPage(new MyFirstPage());            firstPage.Title = “İlk Sayfa“;            firstPage.Icon = “visitPlan.png“; 5. Kodumuzu çalıştırdığımız zaman yeni ekranlarımız şu şekilde görünmekte.            ListView list = new ListView ();            list.ItemsSource = dizi;            Content = list;        }    } }            secondPage.Title = “İkinci Sayfa“;            secondPage.Icon = “visitCalendar.png“;            var listPage = new NavigationPage(new MyListViewPage ());            listPage.Title = “Liste“;            Children.Add (secondPage);            Children.Add (listPage); //Tab ekle        }    } }
           // Liste oluştur.
           //Listeyi sayfaya ekle.
           var secondPage = new MySecondPage ();
           //Liste sayfası
           Children.Add (firstPage);
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MyListViewPage.cs içerisine list için bir ItemTapped eventi ekleyelim. Bu event her tıklamada seçilen isimi yeni bir sayfada göstersin.
using System;
using Xamarin.Forms; using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
namespace XamarinForms {    public class MyListViewPage : ContentPage    {        public MyListViewPage ()        {            //Dizi oluştur            string[] dizi = new string[] {                “Ufuk ARSLAN“,                “Ekin MİRAL“,                “Burak Güner“,                “Gökçe Sarsılmaz“,                “Oğuzhan Gedik“,                “Ömer Köksür“            };
           // Liste oluştur.            ListView list = new ListView ();            list.ItemsSource = dizi;
           list.ItemTapped += (object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e) => {
               string item = (string)e.Item; //Seçili öğeyi al
               //Yeni ekran push et.                Navigation.PushAsync (new ContentPage() {                    Content = new StackLayout {                        Children = {                            new Label {                                Text = item,                                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,                                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand                            }                        }                    }                });
               list.SelectedItem = null; //Listenin seçili kalmasını engelle            };
           //Listeyi sayfaya ekle.            Content = list;        }    } }
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iamprogrammerz · 5 years
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4 Awesome Things In Xamarin.Forms 4.0 ☞ http://blog.thegeeknews.net/5a74f3e562 #Xamarin #xamarinforms #MobileApps
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iamcodegeek · 5 years
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4 Awesome Things In Xamarin.Forms 4.0 ☞ http://blog.thegeeknews.net/5a74f3e562 #Xamarin #xamarinforms #MobileApps
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iamaprogrammerz · 5 years
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4 Awesome Things In Xamarin.Forms 4.0 ☞ http://blog.thegeeknews.net/5a74f3e562 #Xamarin #xamarinforms #MobileApps
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