#Xbcx spoilers
semi-imaginary-place · 7 months
xenoblade chronicles x liveblogging and notes
im still not sure if this game connects to the others some are saying yes and others no so i guess i'll just go in release order.
why are the alien fights always happening near humans, either this is literally happening everywhere in the galaxy and earth is unlucky to get blown up or the alien fights have something to do with humans in particular. Yeah the xenomorphs attacked the white whale so humans arent just collateral but being actively targeted. Wonder what the deal ks with that, the other alien force too.
I still dint get what blade does but player character is getting pretty railroaded into it, what if they wanted to be a farmer? This really is like an mmo
how convenient the aliens speak english.
Ok that percent on the big tower went from 60% to 55%. What happens when it reaches 0?
oh no the sexy woman alien. not the bare ass shot!
Oh hey we're a robot. That what a minesome(?) is? One of the sidequests brought it up. She wanted to get pregnant or something so i assumed it was a lab grown human situation but nah just a robit. Ok so everyone in new la is a mineosome and the fleshy bodies are in the lifehold? But wait I thought player character was from a piece of the lifehold or maybe I'm remembering wrong. What about linly 2 years is a long time for a teenager has she just not been aging i wonder how they're counting age. Either way child soldier. So we have flesh bodies in the lifehold. Some in mineosomes as crew on the ship and more mineosomes in reserve? And all the mineosomes are being controlled from the lifehold. Man their wifi must be really good surprised there havent been more problems where mineosomes disconnect. Oofies lifehold battery at 41% makes sense that if the mineosome wifi is up they can have this reading but i wonder if so much communication is possible why isn't there like gps on the lifehold so it can rely it's position.
Why is elma slumming it with us? She's experienced, had a command position (colonel?) Shouldnt she be like super important and also part of command)
Why are so many culture crash landing here. Humans, ganglions, uh what L is, the little blue dudes with the snouts.
So the lifehold was carrying 2 bodies for each person the flesh one and the mineosome that sounds like a lot. If the lifehold had the body of every person shouldn't it be huge? Why haven't ariel images shown it yet.
So everyone speaking the same language is some weird phenomena specific to the planet??
Several side characters have died. So assuming elma's story us true which sus. Then they might not be permanently dead either with their real bodies in the lifehold or through another robot body. Elma says that consciousnesses and personalities are being livestreamed from the lifehold but they arent stored in the mims.
The ganglions attacked nla to get that skell that was surrounded by tainted. Wonder what it is, something to do with that great one (sound like a cult) the grandmster boss dude was talking about. Why the hell is pc even here. Elma's the main character. Hoho? Elma thinks lao's traitor?
14% well clocks a ticking. I am very curious about the lifehold there's been so much narrative buildup and weight around that countdown. Lao's given into despair. Set us up to be killed but wanted to spare linly? Yuup.
Why is one of our party members just evil.
hmmm so lao has convinced himself that the equality of death is better than perpetuating an unjust system. that's so smt. would be interesting if he actually believed it, but he's just using this as an excuse to lash out in grief and despair because some rich's dude's family was chosen instead of his. Been wondering about elma for a while. originally thought the white hair and colors were the usual jrpg character design but no one else has while hair and now lao said something like elma wouldn't understand humans so now im wondering if she's like an designed human or something. elma is so main character coded fr.
Wait so the jewelry shop guy was considered essential or was rich enough to buy their way ont the white whale?
Whats his name is out here as a test model to mass produce people with implanted memories and personality
Why is L coming on the top importance military mission for the lifehold core. He's a scholar.
If 0.2% battery is 1000s or 15min (16.67 actually). Then 1000*500 to get 100% battery capacity or 500,000s. 500000/(60*60*24) = 5.79 days hmm doesn't seem right. Writers probably just came up with numbers. Or the battery isn't draining linearly with the ganglions attacking the shields.
i was wondering why every species had mechs like what are the chances so many different cultures made the same thing. and not only that but all the technology is compatible i can barely get an iphone to connect to a windows computer. so the ganglions see humans as an existential threat but also a violation of the sacred. oh the vita was that one mech that was super important. slugman says it can only be piloted by the great one. and then there's the question of how humans are connected to the Founders. one of them also said humans have technology that they shouldn't like that's part of another faction.
this is terrible design. on a spaceship space management is critical, all this empty space is a waste. yeah yeah shady organization lied. uh isn't bringing the back up power online more important than talking right now. like either could have talked on the walk and elevator ride up or talked after
elma is so main character special!
lore time. so founders=sammarans and humans are their descendants. idk what this means
yeah xbc1 was pretty transhuman but now we're really getting into it. idk about in... when was its game released? 2013? but i think it's pretty common knowledge that long distance space travel isn't very feasible with a lot of human bodies it'd be with like frozen zygotes or a text file for dna. btw you can already get your genome sequenced and get a big txt file. but a body isn't just the genetic code there's mitochondrial dna and all the cellular machinery that is inherited from one body to the next. this twist makes a lot of sense. uh elma im assuming you got the power up before giving this giant explanation and demonstration? also why wouldn't back up power automatically connect that sounds poorly designed.
where do you draw the line. yeah lao brought it up too that that even if he dies a new lao might be created without his consent (or possibly memories). what doug brings up is a common question if the new created person is the continuation of the original or a new person. "the ethical issues" yeah gurl you just pressed a button and made a cat people are right to be concerned.
probably should have made sure luxxar was dead before you started monologuing. who let lao out of his jail cell. oh yeah the ganglions made rock and then it's never brought up again that the ganglions are genetically engineering weapons. also what is celica? why do i feel like tatsu's hom hom line is important like the camera paused on him and everything. uh isn't it bad that luxxar is contaminating the the stuff that's suppose to remake all life on earth
damn. vulvahead. jsut how many final final bosses are there.
hmm not as gnostic as as xbc1 but yeah i can see it in the discussions about creation. the sumaarians created the ganglions and their descendants humans recreated themselves first as robots and then plan to synthesize earth life including themselves from scratch.
ah. human bodies have the kill switch trigger for ganglions as well as all the other species the samaarians synthesized.
also. anCient ALiens
i mean the copy of lao in the lifehold isn't quite the one that fused with luxxar. i don't know when that copy was backed up to but it couldn't have been later than losing contact with the lifehold when the white whale crash landed onto mira. that lao is still drowning in grief and never had the character arc of this game's events.
elma as special as a shounen protag. this has been way longer than 15 minutes. why would you need a unique biometric id to initiate backup power. that's such a fragile system. bad design. well unless there's some sort of renewable power system in the core it still needs to be hooked up to a permanent power source.
literally everything is elma. warned earth to prepare to get caught up in a war. which now that im thinking about it the ganglions were trying to win a battle AND destroy earth 2 goals in that battle. all the technology that looks suspiciously like other species? elma. robo bodies. elma. the mechs every other species has. elma
also ethics of space colonization and replacing native species with earth ones. re: red mars for world without any native life unlike mira which is full of it.
huh so the game ends with linly reflecting on a dream of searching for and returning to earth. or is that metaphorical about connecting with the other human ships. or is this about the samaarian homeworld?
this ended up happier than i thought. back at the halfway point a while back i was speculating that the lifehold would get destroyed and new la would be forced to continue on as it is. the lifehold is a sort of guarantee that the past is not lost, that humans can reclaim what they once had. it's a guarantee that they can be reborn endlessly. and if that was all lost then that would be a clean break between the past on earth and the future on mira. there would be no return to the past and no choice but to go forward into a new life on mira.
ost for this game is really good. it's like just off center of my tastes but i appreciate it. end song's a banger.
oh. I'd already assumed local storage because that's what made the most sense to me. so the higher up weren't lying as much as I thought. the lie was that consciousness was being wifi transmitted from real bodies in the lifehold to remote control the mimeosomes. when the truth (as they knew it) was that all that consciousness wasn't in a flesh body but a big computer. see the part i got wrong was i thought the core thing was life a usb or solid state drive, inert until accessed, just data. but in hind sight i ignored the narrative cues that the core is actually a computer running several thousand programs at once to simulate everyone's minds and that's what's wifi controlling the mims i mean why else would the core be using power, a usb or book doesn't use power to maintain storage the core must be doing something if the battery is draining. but then the stinger reveals that i just jumped a step ahead and there was in truth in truth no remote control and no live streaming consciouses. the game got me good! i thought i was proven wrong on my ending prediction.
and then lao washes up on a beach with a figure finding him.
story was good though I liked 1 better. x had 2 twists at the end where 1 was like being punched the entire time. the end was really good about payoff for all the tension that had been building up the entire game with the countdown, all the little things were brought together really well. satisfying conclusion. The beginning and middle of the game were meh for me. part of that is baked into the game design as basically a single player mmo. but xbcx has none of the best parts of an mmo which is running around goofing off with other people and all the worst parts of an mmo being tedious and repetitive with nothing much going anywhere or changing anything, just building up meters at base.
A good half of the party members seemed to just be there to fill space. Like Elma and Linly are the only critical ones. Then Tatsu, doug and the other nla humans are somewhat involved. But like Celica or L are completely irrelevant and I'd rather just have them as side quest characters then just stand around in cutscenes. the heart to hearts help but they like either go all in or dont bother at all. also the player character was totally unnecessary just let me play as elma.
im just ignoring all the skimpy clothes for women and fanservice.
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taptroupe · 5 years
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i’ve wanted to make this post for years. lazily made but the point works i hope
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lao-huangs-bitch · 6 years
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Experimented w a painted style
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possessedscholar · 6 years
Wait... How do we know Mira isn't one of the alternate universes The Conduit links to? How do we know that, somehow, Klaus's experiment didn't cause a multiversal shifting of matter that transcended all boundaries and screwed with other universes at parallel points in their timeline? For all we know, Mira could be the metaphysical dumping ground of sorts. Where detritus concepts and objects that travel boundaries with no intended destination end up. Would explain why leaving is impossible, any attempt at multiversal travel without a complex enough destination solution (one that can pinpoint an exact dot the equivalent size of, say, a single electron in an infinitely sized metaversal sea, i.e. Something that can successfully subtract 1 from Infinity and get a non-infinite number) is doomed to fail when your destination is essentially outside that infinite sea.
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formthethird · 2 years
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danntsco · 8 years
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Short-haired Rina ft. @stuck-inthe-madness ‘s Saika, @shiro-hunter ‘s Schwarzer, and @flametorchic‘s Flame.
After tragic events, (that I’m coming up with ideas for to write a fic about) Rina decides to become a better person. To do that, she strengthened her resolve to never let something like that happen again. And the symbolise this, she cut her hair short.
Thankfully I haven’t completed all the missions on Rina’s file so I can get some good screenshots of her short hair!
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heroicmeep · 7 years
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caught in the stream
available as a print:  https://www.redbubble.com/people/thesnazz/works/30490455-elma?asc=u
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This is basically Klaus and Zanza.
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namonakis-hamhams · 7 years
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Ohohohoh, you picked all the aliens... Seems we have very similar character interests. :3c
I made the nopon really tiny hams this time cuz I thought it would be cute!
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tisorridalamor · 7 years
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Real body Elma also wears heels.
alien body = heightened senses
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taptroupe · 7 years
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zanthe · 8 years
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silvan-noctilum · 8 years
Here’s the Crelma proposal fic. This is quite possibly the gayest thing I’ve ever written and I regret nothing. I’ve also never written a proposal before, like, ever.
This contains spoilers for the end of the game just saying
I sat up on one of the higher platforms in NLA. My legs hung over the edge and my feet kicked in empty air. Oddly enough, my distance from the ground didn’t bother me. I just sat and observed the city below. In a way, it resembled the night sky. The darkened streets were speckled with points of light like stars. Whether the illumination came from shops or streetlights didn’t matter. People were rushing about their business as usual. A cool breeze swept over me, and I smiled.
 ‘This is truly my home.’ I thought to myself.
 Now that the Ganglion had scattered, NLA was prospering. We no longer had to fear being assaulted in unfamiliar territories. That doesn’t mean we were completely off the hook, though. Every now and again we’d be accosted by a particularly rowdy indigen, but it was nothing we couldn’t handle. So much of the planet had opened up to us in a short amount of time. The very thought of it all out there waiting made my heart race. To me, it’s what made being a Prospector so exciting. We may not be like the Harriers or Interceptors, but we still got to travel and discover new things for the betterment of the city!
For a moment, my mind flashed back to one of my earlier missions. Elma and Lin hadn’t been accompanying me that time. Instead, I had gone out with a team of other Prospectors and a few Curators. We were supposed to explore a cavern in Primordia and bring back any potentially usable resources. I had been the one to discover a pocket of a strange crystal. It jutted out from the walls in odd formations and gave off an eerie rosy light in the darkness of the cave. Small chunks of it littered the ground at my feet. I pocketed a piece and quickly went back to my team to notify them of my discovery. I had ended up keeping the piece with me at all times. It sort of became a good-luck charm. It wasn’t particularly interesting at first glance. It closely resembled amethyst, in fact. However, when exposed to different sources of light, it would change color. I held it up so it would catch the moonlight, and it turned a pale, almost translucent silver. This odd quality is what had made it so special to me.
 ‘And that’s why it’s perfect.’
 I heard the noise of a Skell behind me and looked over my shoulder. When I saw Elma exiting it, all my anxiety came rushing back. She looked beautiful as always. Her smile was as radiant to me as ever as she made her way over to me and sat down. She made my heart race for an entirely different reason. I quickly stuffed the crystal back into my pocket so she wouldn’t see it.
 “Hello, Rook. You wanted to see me?” She asked.
I steeled myself before talking. “I, er… Yes! Yes, I did.”
“What are you so nervous for?” She chuckled, making my heart flutter.
‘Oh, if only you knew.’ I thought. “It’s just that… I wanted to tell you something. The time I’ve spent here has really opened my eyes. To a lot of things.”
 My skin prickled under her gaze. Thankfully, she stayed silent, allowing me to continue.
 “Because of you, I know who I am, what I want to be. I’ve found my home and the people I want to protect with every fiber of my being. You, Lin, everyone in NLA. You truly did find me that night in Starfall Basin.” Somehow, I had managed to keep my voice from shaking. “And even though it’s been hard at times, I want you to know that you’ve brought me so much happiness. A-And…” Oh, there were the tears.
 How ridiculous am I? I’m the one crying at a time like this.
 “Rook? Are you okay?” She wiped a tear from my cheek, looking mildly concerned.
I wiped my eyes and smiled. “L-Let me continue.” I took a deep breath to steady my voice. “And I want to share some of that happiness with you. Now, close your eyes.”
 She did as I asked. Slowly, I reached down, pulled the crystal from my pocket, and pressed it into her hands. She opened her eyes and gasped softly.
 “Rook, isn’t this…?” She trailed off.
“It’s the piece of crystal from one of my first official missions as a Prospector, yes. I… I thought it would be perfect for this occasion.” I gulped nervously. “I-I want us to stay together! I want to make you as happy as you make me!” I shouted the last part.
 She was silent for what felt like an eternity.
 ‘Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god I messed up I messed up so bad aaaaaahhhhhhhhh-‘ Every cell in my body was screaming in unison.
 Her shoulders shook, and it took me a bit to realize she was crying. It suddenly occurred to me that I’d never actually seen her cry.
 “W-Wait, why are you crying? I mean, I realize I probably just screwed up tremendously and you probably never want to talk to me again, which I totally understand by the way-“
She smiled through her tears and wiped her eyes. “It’s okay, Rook. These are happy tears.”
“Huh?” I didn’t understand. If she was happy, why was she crying?
“It’s just that… I never thought a day like this would come.”
My jaw dropped open. “What? Why not? You’re incredible!”
She gave me a half smile. “But I’m not human.”
I took her hands in mine and stared deep into her eyes. “You think I care about that?! I want to stay by your side, Elma. I don’t care what you are, human, alien, whatever! I promise you that we’ll face the future and whatever it has in store for us, hand in hand.” I scratched the back of my neck sheepishly. “I mean, if you want to. I know I’m not the best BLADE around, and I’m definitely not as kind as Hope is…”
 She clutched my crystal in one hand and used the other to pull me in for a kiss, effectively shutting me up. It felt like all the nerves in my body were on fire. The outside world faded away, leaving just us, sitting there above the city together.  At first my body was frozen, then a fire rose from my core and I returned the kiss with fervor. After what felt like another eternity, we broke apart. A light blue blush lit up Elma’s cheeks.
 “S-So, does this mean you… want to?” I breathed.
“Yes, Rook. I want to be with you.” Her violet eyes sparkled. “We will face our future together from here on out.”
 My heart began beating so fast I thought it was going to explode. A massive grin spread across my face, and I felt a yell building up in my chest. I quickly stood up and took a long, deep breath before opening my mouth and loudly proclaiming my joy for the whole city to hear. I heard Elma laugh behind me, and soon enough I couldn’t help but join in.
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gaignunkukai · 8 years
Nothing Like You
Or, as I was tempted to call it, ‘-pearl voice- WHAT WE REALLY ARE...WHAT WE REALLY ARE...’
Anyways, first part of some fic series thing where Soleil learns who she was before Mira. Spoilers for...let’s just say XBCX for this part, and possibly the entire Xeno series for the rest of the parts
Soleil took a deep breath as she approached the door to the BLADE Tower, wringing her hands together. This was it, this was possibly the day where she finally found out who she was on Earth...and every part of her was fearing the worst. Who was she before she woke up on Mira? Was she someone in the military who go onto the ship because of her skills? Was she someone who bought her spot? Was she--
She yelped and stumbled backward when the door opened, revealing Nagi. He raised his eyebrows, looking at Soleil with curious eyes.
“Good morning, Soleil. What do you need?” he asked.
“S-Secretary Nagi, sir!” Soleil squeaked. “I, uh...since we have the Lifehold Core back and all, I was wondering if I could request that...that it be looked into as to...”
“Are you alright?” Nagi interrupted, holding up a hand to stop Soleil.
Soleil shook her head. “I’m sorry, sir. I’m a little, ah...keyed up, I’m not sure what we’ll find.”
Nagi rested a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Soleil. We will look into the White Whale’s database to see who you are. Would it help if you were in the room while we looked?”
Soleil nodded. “Yes please, sir,” she answered.
Nagi stepped to the side, allowing Soleil to walk in. Vandham was holding a mug of coffee in his hands, yawning loudly.
“Feels too early to be up...morning, Sol,” he greeted, looking up as Soleil entered the room. “What do you need?”
“Morning, Vandham. Since we retrieved the Lifehold Core and most of the White Whale debris has been retrieved, I...I want to request that it be looked into as to why I was on the White Whale in the first place, please,” Soleil answered.
“Is that all? Well, we’ll look, but...there’s no guarantee what we’ll find,” Vandham pointed out. “And that’s assuming we’ll find anything in the first place.”
“I...I understand,” Soleil said, nodding. “Nagi said I could stay in the room while you look. If it’s okay, I mean.”
“Sure, shouldn’t be too long before we get something,” Vandham answered before turning his attention to the computer. Soleil pulled up a chair, looking up at the screen.
“Lessee, Soleil, Soleil...” Vandham mumbled. A few moments passed before he stopped, frowning. The screen said ‘No results found.’ “That can’t be right...c’mon, search for Soleil, she’s gotta be in the passenger list somehow!”
The screen simply displayed the ‘No results found’ message again, and Soleil gripped her arms. Nagi approached Vandham, one eyebrow raised. “What seems to be the issue?”
“She’s not showing up on the list of passengers! Maybe she was in the staff?” Vandham replied, gesturing to the screen.
“That might be a bit harder to pull up, are you sure you’re looking in the right place?” Nagi questioned.
“I’m sure! You try looking if you think I’m looking in the wrong spot!” Vandham said, scooting aside. Nagi simply typed away on the keyboard, and Soleil’s grip on her arms increased when no results showed up on the screen. Her breathing started to speed up, all sorts of thoughts racing through her head. Why was it so hard to find her on the database? Maybe they were just running into some issues, everything would probably be okay...
“...she’s not showing up on passengers. Maybe staff members?” Nagi wondered. Searching that took a bit longer, though like before...no results came up. Nagi ran a hand through his hair, grimacing deeply.
“W...What’s going on?” Soleil questioned, voice shaking. “Why can’t you find me in the database?”
“Maybe you were registered under someone else’s name? We could search the entire database...no, a facial scan would be quicker, perhaps. Soleil, would you mind allowing your face to be scanned?” Nagi asked, looking over at Soleil.
She nodded, stepping forward. In the blink of an eye, a display of her face was suddenly displayed on the screen, the computer searching through what seemed to be numerous photos passing by in a blur.
“This should get us somewhere, at least. If you were registered under a different name, this should grab your face from your records,” Vandham explained.
Soleil’s heart skipped a beat when the computer eventually displayed ‘4 results found.’ Vandham sighed, shoulders sagging.
“Well, that’s at least better than what we hoped for, but...four results? Damn,” he muttered.
“We’ll rule out the ones we know for sure aren’t you,” Nagi told Soleil. “And if possible, we will call down anyone whose mimeosome has not been destroyed to confirm they are not you.”
Soleil slowly nodded, stumbling back and falling into her chair. She stared down at the floor, unable to stop the worried thoughts running through her head. Maybe she was a criminal, or maybe she bought a spot and doomed someone else on Earth to death? Hell, what if she was the reason Lao’s family didn’t make off of Earth? Or maybe--
“Sol? Kid, you with us?” Vandham asked.
“N-No! I mean...I’m sorry, I just...!” Soleil stammered, shaking her head.
“...Soleil, maybe you should take it easy for now,” Nagi suggested. “You’re on edge, it wouldn’t do well for you to take on a mission when you’re like this.”
Soleil opened her mouth to protest, but quickly closed it and nodded. “...understood, sir.”
“Do you need one of us to walk you back to the barracks or something?” Vandham offered.
“No, no, I...I think I’ll be okay,” Soleil answered, slowly standing up. Her legs started to shake, and Nagi stepped forward. She shook her head, leaning against the wall to steady herself.
“Are you sure you’ll be alright?” Nagi asked. “Would you rather we call someone to escort you?”
“No, I’ll be fine!” Soleil insisted. “Honest!”
She staggered out of the room, slowly making her way back to the barracks. She didn’t stop until she had taken one step in, leaning against the wall and slowly sinking to the ground. Four results from her facial scan, and there was no telling which of them might be her face...
“Soleil? Are you okay?” Lin asked, slowly walking up to her.
Soleil shook her head. “I went to the BLADE Tower to see who I was, my name didn’t come up at all in the passengers’ list...they had to do a facial scan, four results came up...I’m worried that whoever I turn out to be, I won’t like who I was. What if I was a criminal, or just...someone who didn’t deserve to be on the White Whale?”
“You wouldn’t be the first,” Elma spoke, approaching Soleil and kneeling by her. “Soleil, I have my doubts you were really a criminal. Even if you were, look at all the good you’ve done: you saved Tatsu’s life, you brought several xeno species here to live with us, you’ve even negotiated peace with some of our former enemies. If you were a criminal, I’d say you’ve redeemed yourself several times over.”
Soleil was quiet, tears spilling out of her eyes. She couldn’t help but whimper, hugging Elma. “Th...Thank you, thank you...!”
“It’s alright, Soleil,” Elma murmured. “I know you’re scared, but whatever happens, we’re here for you. Even Tatsu.”
“That’s right!” Lin chimed in. “If you need someone to talk to...we’re here, okay? Don’t forget that!”
Soleil just nodded in response, resting her head against Elma.
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heroicmeep · 7 years
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elma doodle
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