#Xiaolin Chronicles was not a good show
docgold13 · 1 year
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Profiles in Villainy
Jack Spicer
The nefarious nitwit called Jack Spicer is a self-proclaimed super villain who, despite his foolishness and neuroses, is a rather brilliant inventor.  The lad comes from a wealthy family and has been terribly neglected by his parents, resulting in recurrent panic attacks and a grossly diminished sense self esteem. He has attempted to cope with these difficulties by turning to villainy and hoping to show his worth by becoming the world’s greatest evil genius.   
Utilizing a bevy of remarkable self-made devices (including such items as helicopter backpacks, ray guns, and dozens of mechanical minions) Jack has sought out to obtain the powerful Shen Gong Wu, mystical weapons crafted by the legendary Grand Master Dashi.  He released the spirit of the evil witch, Wuya, and has aided her in battle against the noble Xiaolin Warriors.  
While most frequently a villain, there have been instances where Jack Spicer has shown honor and pooled resources with the heroes so to achieve the superordinate goal of preventing disaster.  The good-hearted Omi has seen that Jack is capable of turning away from villainy and has tried to convince him to do so... thus far to no avail.
The young villain is voiced by actor Danny Cooksey in the initial Xiaolin Showdown series and by actor Eric Bauza in the subsequent Xiaolin Chronicles. Jack first appeared in the debut episode of the Xiaolin Showdown animated series, airing on November 1st, 2003.  
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Do you think there were in universe signs for Jack being a Xiaolin dragon?
I always thought he was meant to be one. And when Chronicles came out with Ping Pong, I was even more hoping he would eventually get to be good.
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Vlad is a most welcome addition to our team... but he is the last one, right? I mean, just how many dragons-in-training can there be?
The way this line is written and delivered definitely implies that, even though Vlad was clearly not a permanent addition, there are other dragons-in-training that were supposed to join the team that Omi didn't know about, just like he didn't know about the other three in the first place.
There were little hints here and there that there were theoretically more dragons-in-training, but it was never seriously followed up on.
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As for Jack, there were multiple instances that hints that he's not as firmly evil as he likes to posture himself as.
Hannibal himself reads Jack as "a single generation from good," every season finale has Jack team up with the monks to fight against the current villain, Jack's been invited to the temple multiple times and he turns them down for flippant reasons like the "bathrobes" instead of being deeply opposed to it. In the alternate timeline, he lives with the monks already.
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Good Jack shows that there is a part of Jack that always believes that good prevails no matter what evil does, which even builds into Jack's motivation for being evil at all. It also shows there's a part of Jack that really likes Dojo and the monks.
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"The Apprentice" opened up a whole can of worms where Jack genuinely tried, and only stopped because he didn't think anyone was genuinely trying to accept him there. He's shocked and doesn't know what to say when he unequivocally learns that Omi really did believe in him and truly wants Jack there with them no matter what the other monks think about it.
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And there are small implications that Jack might cosmically belong at the temple, in the grand scheme of things. When the timelines are coming back together, that's where Jack's deposited.
Sadly, in season 3, basically all character development and character arcs were dropped and regressed to make the leadership competition work. So it definitely wasn't about to continue anything the earlier seasons started with Jack.
But I'd say you could argue there were possible signs, yeah.
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diverging-tides · 3 months
Tiger’s Eye
Heylin’s Fall
Part 1
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I’m back bitches-sorry for the long wait! I’ve worked through most of the art block to bring you “Heylin’s Fall”-an episode of Tigers Eye featuring Jack and Hunter getting wrapped up in a good ol’ Showdown!
We’ll meet our antagonists next part-and don’t worry if you don’t know what Xiaolin Showdown is, I’m going to try my level best to keep this as true to form as possible without being confusing for those in my audience who have no idea who Jack Spicer even IS-let alone Xiaolin Showdown (the show he’s from)
For those who DO know Xiaolin Showdown- no, Chronicles is NOT cannon to Diverging Tides, so don’t worry about that
For now, I’ll leave you with the fun fact that Hunter calls Jack “Rat Bastard” when he’s being annoying on purpose
Oh, and I finally figured out how to draw Jack in a way that’s both recognizable AND fits with my artstyle-super proud of that
Until next time!
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man-tittiesmwah · 1 year
Xiaolin chronicles is trash. Here's why:
First of all, it acts as if it is a sequel/continuation of showdown. The only clue we get of that fact is the monks ranks, the fact that it is clear that they already know each other and the conversation about a new monk joining in. But then there is the scene of Jack freeing Wuya(why did they change the means of her imprisonment? Actually, why was she a ghost at all? When they show the possibly future monks the hologram of Wuya's imprisonment, there is no mention of the monks capturing her again. And if they did, wouldn't they keep her somewhere safe? Didn't they learn from the last time?). I am sure there are more plotholes, but I I only watched this in 2017(that's when it aired in my country).
Another thing that bothered me is the lack of originality for the characters personalities. Let's be honest, in essence, xiaolin showdown wasn't all that original, there were the good guys fighting the bad guys who either wanna rule the world or rule and destroy it just because they are evil. But it did a great job handleling these characters, that's what makes the show special.
Firstly, Ping pong had no purpose beside being an incorporation of the element wood, an actual element in chinese mythology. That's it. My guy is so unimportant that he doesn't even have his own desing or personality, he is just omi #2 but nice.
Oh, and Omi..... He's my second favorite character in showdown, but I just can't stand him in chronicles. He used to be cute and his moments of saltyness were pretty funny. Here he is just insuferable, he is rude, extremely jealous for no apparent reason, his ego has its own gravitational orbit and I think worst of all, he treats dojo terribly, even tho he is shown to really care about him in showdown ( also, treating him as a maid is uncharacteristic for omi out of all people, he is very serious about chores and is shown to don't like it when people do his work for him).
Jack just became a punching bag, it's not funny anymore.
Master Fung is useless, he dips when the monks need him the most. Dojo crying for him got old really quickly.
That's kind of this show's entire problem. It took things that used to be funny in showdown and overused it until it became annoying.
Chase became just a stereotypical bad guy. I was on the verge of tears when i saw the new desing of his lair. His relationship with Shadow or whatever that was supposed to be was weird af. He overall became the wrong kind of creepy. He used to be the mysterious guy who killed thousands of people, incinerates towns because he cans and wants to, tried to eat dojo and has cannibalistic tendencies kind of creepy. Now he is the "nice guy" you don't want to meet when you're alone at night kind of creepy (that's the best i could come up with).
Where tf is Hannibal?
Why can't i remember one sentence from the secondary antagonists (tubbimura, katnappe)? (not counting that weird episode when jack becomes good and they cheer for him)
Why did they waste Shadow? She actually had potential. I'd much rather see her become her own character than watch whatever tf was going on betwen her and Chase.
Why does the episode "Chase lays an egg" exist?
Why did they whitewash Wuya in her human form?
Tigress woo or whatever is boring, don't even make me get started.
Where tf is Master Monk Guan?
Why wasn't Jermaine the fifth monk?
Why give Chase a new backstory that makes him look even weirder? ( bassically, he bacame evil because a girl didn't want to date him) His original backstory was perfect to show how similar him and omi are, they both seek to be something grand, but want to achieve it by walking on different paths.
Ok, i think this is all, if i remember anything else i'll make another post. Good night🫶
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noccolibroccoli · 2 months
I'm like three days late, but I'm in a "choose violence" mood so for the choose violence ask game, Xiaolin Showdown: 8, 11, 14, 21, and 25
Fuck yes it's never too late to choose violence
8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
I know we all love to hate on chronicles but it honestly had the bones of a good show buried deep under the weird shit and the bad translation and I'll always hold a special place for it in my heart. also it gave us shadow and sal so, net positive really.
11. Number of fandom-related words you've filtered
Related to xs specifically? Just one.
(it's ch/ack)
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
People love to not only make jack albino but act like it's some kind of serious medical condition lmfaoooo (personally I think he's just pale from living in a basement all the time and the white skin he has in the show is a stylistic choice like omi being bright yellow)
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
mmmmm tough one tbh. Honestly? the mime. The mime is...fine. he exists. He showed up in One episode. I get why people like him but like, he's a one note joke character.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Idk if this is as common nowadays as it was like 12 years ago but jack Spicer is not a poor innocent woobie being bullied by the big mean monks. he's a little shit who gives as good as he gets! also if you're looking for complicated Grey morality from a 2003 children's show you might be in the wrong place.
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davekat-sucks · 6 months
Have you ever been in a fandom that had a bad, mediocre or disappointing reboot?
For it was Bionicle G2. The sets were great (Especially the first wave of Toa and Umarak the hunter) but the story was so uninteresting. They made it to simplicity for its own good. Like I wasn't expecting it being as complex than G1, but G2 was way to far into the opposite direction.
I was not part in the fandoms itself. Had watched the shows, but not really engaged in it like others. And shows that claim to be 'bad' are often just backlash from others who had not given it a chance. For example: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I actually loved it, but other TMNT fanbase hate it, not knowing the worse has yet to come in the future. But series that I still feel pain for others for having to go through it would be for those who had to deal with Ben 10 (2016), Teen Titans Go!, and Xiaolin Chronicles.
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mysterybooks-world · 7 months
fan fiction & fan art always decided on Jack Spicer's story
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But what about Jack himself?
Doesn't he have the right to decide?
I mean what is Jack's personal opinion or feeling on this matter of his life
I'm with Jack Tell him and Show him about this
He became mad at these people and their thoughts about him.
Here's what Jack says
Jack: Are you kidding me? What is your problem people?
Firstly: I didn't dye my hair This is my natural color is red.
secondly: For your information (Some people naturally have white teeth and others have slightly yellow or beige teeth) that is Real information
so my teeth are normal color.
thirdly: My skin color is white so Why are some of your drawings about me with a different skin tone? huh
Fourthly: Why do your stories about me make me more miserable? tragic unhappy. wretched. afflicted. agonized. hurting. I am Murderous, crazy, or I kill myself
Or make me The good side.
I know I'm lonely but this is too much.
Fifthly:I'm not Transgender I am him or he
a boy & male.
Don't forget that.
Sixthly: The thing that's really crazy about me is the ships
Why are you making me love Chase Young this way?
okay, it might seem that way but Chase Young is just my hero in evil
You know like when you meet your idol, actor or singer.
I mean do you know his age?
he is over 1,500 years old.
I am with Wuya Are you crazy?
She's like my teacher or my grandmother And her age
A 1500-year-old Heylin witch.
Katnappé aka Ashley hates me and I hate her So it's impossible for us to be together.
I did speak to Le Mime Only twice Season: 1 Episode: 2 (Like a Rock!) Season: 3 Episode 13(Time After Time: Part 2)
I don't even know anything about him, just a mime from France who had magical abilities.
As for Vlad A thousand no
Gigi Only sees me as his servant or his pet.
Shadow (Xiaolin Chronicles)
She literally part of Chase Young, this is very strange.
the wors is another part with the Monks.
Omi Just a kid
somewhere between the ages of 8-10 (Season 1 start) and somewhere between 10-12 (Season 3 end).
I'm like his big brother figure
Raimundo and Clay are nothing for me
as for Kimiko Yes, she is cute but She has anger problems And I'm not her type.
And the another ships From different dimensions
Blossom Utonium (Powerpuff Girls)cartoon.
Princess Morbucks (Powerpuff Girls)cartoon.
Betty Barrett from (Atomic Betty) cartoon.
Tom Lucitor from (Star vs. the Forces of Evil) cartoon.
Hunter from (The Owl House) cartoon.
Red Son from (Monkey kid) cartoon.
I don't know these people
And did anyone ask me if I was gay or Bisexual.
I may be asexual.
What about you guys.
me with The reader or me with your oc Character and I don't know whether I should feel happy that I am famous or uncomfortable They interfere with my privacy.
Jack: <Especially if your story have +18 0r s##>
Me say toJack: Welcome to the tumblr sexyman club While you are there Can you Send my regards to sans, bendy, freddy,huggy wuggy, wally darling And to the new member tadc jax from (the amazing digital circus)
Jack looked at me with an insanely angry look
I want a lawyer To stop this stupidity.
I'm tired of you all
I will go on long vacation with myster and Ye
Good day Wait a minute, I mean Bad day
Jack got sick of you all and comes out of the rooms.
Me: I don't blame Jack
I mean, I like drawings of Jack, but It better be original and Classic
I mean let Jack be Jack
True, we make him an amazing Jack, or his story is a sad Jack, or he becomes a good Jack
Ye: What did I miss? I didn't pay attention to the conversation I was enjoying ice cream Taste.
Me: Pack your bags We're going on vacation with Jack.
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mefiman · 8 months
My Accidental Parents AU family tree!
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I redesigned Shadow from my previous XS post. Was itching to draw her brothers, Boris and Orchid so here they are!
If you guys can guess, they are redesigned characters from Chronicles! I hated the show ngl but in my AU, I get to redo their appearances and personalities yay!
Shadow: Born from a pearl inside an oyster made from a broken ribcage of Chase and Omi's healing magic. Feral lizard instincts, creepy manners that aren't too bad and a passionate female warrior. Has a soft spot for women (Had a crush on Kimiko before growing out of it and found someone else.). Aspires to be a skilled Heylin warrior like her dad, Chase. She's tsundere with a soft side for Papa Omi even if she tries to deny it when she's older.
Boris: Born from a peach shared by Chase and Omi when they took a bite of the fruit. The fruit came from Barkley Le Bois, an ancient French Xiaolin warrior turned into an enchanted peach tree by Gigi before the Heylin Seed was sealed. A good boi, clumsy, reluctant martial artist, doesn't want to fight, prefers to study botany and cooking. Still has the element of wood, only difference he ACTUALLY USES IT unlike canon XC. Taught by his grandpa Barkley whom he's very close with. Papa Omi's baby boy.
Orchid: Hatched from an egg laid by Chase in his beast form when he unknowingly ingested a certain potion dropped into his Lao Meng Long soup by Shadow and Boris when they were kind of tricked by Jack Spicer to search something in their dad's lair. Named after the serum responsible for his conception. Orchid is Chase in appearance and Jack in personality minus the cowardice. Has certain parts of XC Chase's personality with none of the creepy incest. Flamboyant and has a knack of inventing like his revered mentor, Jack much to his father, Chase's displeasure.
1.) Chase and Omi had their firstborn, Shadow when Omi got into his 20's.
2.) All three kids were born accidentally through either both Xiaolin and/or Heylin magic, not MPreg.
Xiaolin Showdown, Chronicles and the characters belong to Christy Hui and Warner Kids.
Boris/Ping Pong and Orchid's designs along with this AU are mine.
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bellamer · 2 years
Deadass instead of Xiaolin Chronicles having Chase being horny over his technical daughter, Chase Lays an Egg should've been episode one and it would have had Chase and Jack fighting over custody of their child that hatched from the egg and the child rapidly ages week by week cuz of Chase's genes on some Samurai Jack Daughters of Aku shit and eventually when their kid is a teen, they say "y'know what. I don't wanna be a heylin. I'm gonna join the monks" much to everyone's shock.
The monks think it's a trap
Chase and Jack blame each other for their kid turning out this way
The show is still cursed but in a good, wholesome way
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heylinhenchman · 1 year
Selective Low Activity Jack Spicer RP + Ask Blog
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First and Forepost-- Rules and Introduction.
Rule 1. Asks are welcome! If I don’t like it, I won’t answer it! Personal blogs can sends asks, and even interact in a limited manner with Jack if they would like, but I won’t making any threads with non-character entities. Rule 2. Jack is canon divergent, which means part of the Xiaolin Showdown and Chronicles series have been reimagined or re-contextualized. Respect that Jack is not ‘cowardly, (physically) weak or ineffectual’. Jack is a wildcard, easily swayed by whims and increasingly disturbed by unfolding events in his life (and like, is a teenager, for a large part of XS). Just approach him like any other character, unless you are from his series, then we can chat character dynamics. Rule 3. I love shipping. But from every dynamic (platonic; romantic; mentorship--). Jack isn’t used to people liking him further than they can use him. He’s quick to excite but slow to embrace the responsibilities of commitment of any kind (scared of rejection from friends and significant others; scared of failure from mentors and friends; etc). Rule 4. I’m an adult, and sure Jack is an adult in all post-canon content... But there’s little interest for explicit threads. Asks, art, interactions can be steamy, but fade to black will be the default for amorous threads. Rule 5. Though on the note of threads at all... this blog is taking it easy. I would appreciate many asks and I will do my best to send plenty myself. But my main intention with this blog is reaching back out to friends blogs and generally having Fun with Jack. Fun including but not limited to: Oh Ships?; Henchperson Dynamics (him serving or leading); Jack Making Friends Trials n Tribulations; Exploring Jacks vast inventory of inventions & canon divergent settings. Maybe talk about AUs. Infodumping, the good stuff. Rule 6. I have ADHD and Autism, if you want to plot instead of sending a meme (you can send any meme, whenever you want, no introduction!), you need to come into my IMs with some substance, or you will not catch nor retain my attention. We are not business partners this is not a transaction, please come into my IMs with the brunt of your personality (whether you are chipper or blunt, just be yourself). No 'hi, hello, want to rp?'. I need: INTENTION ('I like this character / this show / how you write / I saw you rp with a friend and was interested / CAN I GETA GOTH GF?') Then hopefully you can follow it up with some CONTEXT INVESTMENT (can you tell me a lil about how your character and Jack would be able to connect? do you need information from me? are you interested in shipping, adventures, casual encounters, specific genres, just wanna send memes and go with the flow?). And of course, we both need to understand the potential of me not being interested (I prioritize fandoms I recognize (not necessarily invested in) and significantly fleshed out OCs). I know it's formulaic and you don't gotta send me a paragraph off the bat. Jump in to talk bout your rp style or how you feel bout this rule first, whatever works. 
Rule x. Uh Oh Ah I’ll Follow from Heylinfanclub if we gucci to RP.
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Murmur; They/He; 20+ y/o Pisces; 15 years o’ roleplay experience; Neurodivergent Nightmare.  Original blog: @jxckspxcer​  & the main blog @heylinfanclub​ Reason for Current Blog: Too tired to switch between blogs; too busy to commit as much time to Jack as I used to. BUT I MISS HIM. SO I’M HERE.
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Jack Spicer; He/Him; 15-18 (XS) & 21-22 (Post Canon) Aries; Evil Genius. Main Verse: Post-XS (19) FC: Dylan Wang / Wang He Di Current Reason for Villainy: Spite
Jack Spicer - file. heylin genius Good Jack - file. sweet smarts Shadow Young - file. slim shady Chase Young - file. cold blooded Monks - file. Xiaolin Losers Tech - Projects. Aesthetics - Aes. Headcanons - hc.
XS verse  - v. prodigious villainy Post XS verse (main) - v. addicted to the wicked ( ^ includes immediately after XS up to XC-ish older years) Emperor Verse (post-TAT Dark Verse) - v. in the valley of the shadow of death Xiaolin Jack - v. ivory and steel Opts Out AU - v. capitalism is its own reward I WILL DEFAULT TO MAIN VERSE UNLESS SPECIFIED | REQUESTED. (main verse adjacent) Timeline / Universe Hopping .
This is my All-In-One Information Page. Cause this blog is supposed to be easy on me.
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sheepinthebigcity · 1 year
rating every cartoon i’ve watched stoned based on how good a stoner show it is
as told by ginger: pretty solid. what starts off as a yuri plot turns into a straight soap opera, which isn’t as good. the appendix scene high is a fucking trip tho 7/10
king of the hill: seasons 1-7 are REALLY good for weed. seasons 8 and onward, not so much, but you can get a bit out of them. makes you understand what those tvtropes guys were on about. 9/10
inanimate insanity invitational: this show was made to be watched while high. it’s not a good show, but every single joke feels hilarious that’s what really matters. 10/10
kim possible: don’t watch kim possible when you’re high the show gets so much worse. you can notice the weird animation a lot easier and you realize how much of the dialogue is proto-marvel. 2/10
penn zero part time hero: i don’t remember anything. 4/10
higglytown heroes: this show while high feels like a guided meditation among b-list celebrities being lead by a five year old. 9/10
teamo supremo: feels like nails are scratching at your brain for some reason. 0/10
hamtaro: kind of annoying. you start to get an inkling that laura’s dad Knows about the ham-hams. 5/10
elena of avalor: it’s good high but it’s also just as good sober. points off for me having to go through the immortality song while high. 8/10
futurama: you’d think this would be a good pick but really the entire time i was coding what voice actor was doing what impressions and who among them could have had gender dysphoria. 6/10
rugrats (2021): one of the babies was racist, grandpa lou was a bisexual man who did shrooms but he’s straight and straightedge now, and stu stepped in chuckie’s piss. 0/10
bluey: if you perceive bluey as a show intended for grown ups disguised as a kid show, you’ll get nothing out of it. if you perceive it as a show for babies and act as though bandit is the prime antagonistic force in bluey’s life, it’ll be fun. 7/10
robot and monster: was a fine weed show until i got to the episode where robot’s brother started abusing him physically and financially. then i felt miserable for days after. 3/10
motorcity: like elena of avalor, it’s already fun sober, but it’s cool to notice how each burner feels like a character from a different show. 8/10
the rocketeer (2019): like king of the hill, very subdued, which means it’s PERFECT for stoners to notice the minute details and act like the characters are stronger than they are. 10/10
xiaolin chronicles: DON’T. -10/10
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writerkatsblog · 2 years
I just got into Xiaolin like last week and while Chronicles is a painful fever dream, I kinda like some of the stuff they did with Jack. Like, him moving out and being more independent from his family seems like it could have some potential for his character. Also I love how he went full Mad Science and moved into a warehouse factory thingie. Other than that the show is awful and I'm hatewatching.
Good for Chronicles Jack. He's making steps in the right direction.
Might do a hatewatch myself sometime. Seems very hateable for it.
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chase-ships · 7 hours
*Dashi introducing Chase to everyone*
Dashi: Okay fellas this is our next guy who’s going to join us for the rest of the year his name is Chase young
Chase: Finally good to meet you all
Eon: Welcome to the crew Chase
Dojo: Damn Eon you find him attractive do you?
Eon: No?
Dojo: Just saying
Eon: Dude whatever
Dashi: Okay so if anyone is interested to show Chase the art skills and showing him the temple around
XC Chase: I will show him
Dashi: Okay Chase so Chase chronicles will show you around the place
Chase: Okay
Dashi: Welcome to the xiaolin crew
Chase: Thanks
*Chase chronicles showing XS Chase around the temple*
XC Chase: How you like it
Chase: I like everything and everything seems so easy for me to handle
XC Chase: I’m glad you did like everything
Chase: Yeah! And your brother Eon is also nice
XC Chase: Yeah Eon is super nice and a very good guy but we do fight a lot for stupidities
Chase: Hahaha that’s so colothical
XC Dashi: Hey Dojo where did you put my shirt at I can’t find it
Dojo: I put it outside grand master because it was wet maybe you were doing something with Eon and you get wet
XC Dashi: Oh okay thanks dojo I will find something else
Dashi: Hey Chase how you find everything?
Chase: Everything is fine and the weather is nice and calmed
Dashi: Glad you like it kid, so after the training we will have something nice to contribuir with you since you are one of us
Chase: Damn I haven’t had something like this before
Dojo: You will have it then
Chase: I know ow that the training and the welcoming will be amazing with all of you guys
Eon: That will make a difference
Chase: What difference what are you talking about?
Eon: It will make a difference in our relationship having you here in talking about be part of the xiaolin family
Chase: Got it
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rendellstreet · 3 years
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I am once again thinking specifically about Clay Bailey from Xiaolin Chronicles
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man-tittiesmwah · 1 year
I had this idea about quite a while and I would like to share it with you. ^^
What if XS Omi who after years of the final episode of Xiaolin Showdown, grew up to be much humble, mature young man somehow got into another universe due to a mishap either from magic or Jack's machine? He woke up to find himself in Chronicles' universe, meeting the monks especially the universe's version of himself.
After helping the young monks in a Showdown, introducing himself and finding out Master Fung had left them to pursue some journey, he decided to stay with the monks for the time being, helping, training, guiding and offering wisdom to them while searching for a way to return back to his universe.
During his stay with the monks, XS Omi would be more than just very disappointed with XC Omi treating his own teammates terribly, being self centred, rude, selfish, arrogant, sexist and prideful. He remembered being in that similar stage when he was his age and tried to instill humility and respect while disciplining the other him. He is like a good big brother to the monks who does his best to nurture them and their elemental skills while at times, reprimanding them for being jerks to one another and others, particularly towards Dojo and Jack Spicer. He would be very gentle to Ping Pong and help him train and use his Wood element. The XC monks would call him Wudai Omi/Master Wudai/Brother Wudai.
When XS Omi and XC Chase meet and fight for the first time during a fight:
XS Omi: You are different from the Chase I know. Even though we were enemies, we respected each other, he kept his word honorably like I do, we taught each other different moves and... I love him.
The other monks + XC Omi: WHAT?!
XC Chase: (Speechless on the spot)
Shadow: (No idea what to think about this.)
XC Chase would find this version of Omi powerful, tolerable, fascinating and somewhat good -looking than the egoistical tyke he shares this universe with.
XS Omi is wary of XC Chase looking rather obsessive at him after their fight. The XC monks don't like that and become protective of their mentor/older brother figure/alternate version of Omi.
XS Chase ain't having none of what his alternate self is doing to his Omi, one thing's for certain.
I have the mental image of XC Chase cornering XS Omi like a stereotypical persistent stalker creep, XS Omi trying to repel him and XS Chase appearing from magic/XS Jack's invention kicking XC Chase away from his Omi.
What do you think?
An interaction betwen those versions would endeed be interesting. I feel like xs Omi would relate to ping pong the most, as they are pretty alike.
I can really see Chase acting like that towards his xc self, especially since we can already see in showdown that one of Chase's ways to show affection is through protection/ defeating Omi's enemies(even tho that doesn't actually happen very often since Omi doesn't want anyone, not even his enemies, to be hurt). Lizard man really wants to be able to brutalize people for Omi lmao
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dinfern0 · 2 years
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you stay soft, get eaten Only natural to harden up
past chase, from a fanfic me and my friend are writing, just a mile away from breaking down
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