#Xu Shou Ting
shookethdev · 2 years
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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eyenaku · 2 years
Ji ji fu ji ji
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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save-the-data · 2 years
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about youth | s01e07
Taiwanese Drama - 2022, 8 episodes  
EP 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
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clairificusrex · 2 years
More Taiwanese BL
This is one of the ones announced earlier this year @absolutebl !
Taiwan's #AboutYouth #默默的我不默默的我們 was unveiled at the Cannes Film Market and reportedly coming out soon.
Starring Chen Jyun, Andy Huang, Li Zhen Hao, and Xu Shou Ting. It is under the direction of Mi Chieh Tsai, who directed #HIStory2: Crossing The Line.
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倫桑/張曉涵【字正腔圓】Zih Jheng Ciang Yuan 看萬山紅遍 跟著我念字正腔圓【動態歌詞 Lyrics】
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YouTube : 想念音樂頻道
【動態歌詞 Lyrics】
倫桑/張曉涵 - 字正腔圓 作詞:蘇珂 作曲:呂宏斌 編曲:塞米七 和聲:金天/雨蕁/倫桑 古箏:丁雪兒
看萬山紅遍 跟著我念字正腔圓 平上入去 譜意氣少年 秦漢唐宋元 朗朗書聲灑在窗前 誰家的詩篇傳頌了千年 Yo 你為什麼站在一旁吞吐 剛剛開場 不要著急道謝結束 說話要說清楚 像我說的一樣清楚 跟著我來反复 清晰 流暢還帶一點口才 舉手 投足謙卑努力成才 別讓發音奇怪 別人都太難猜 聽你說完還要問你what where why 仰天長嘯壯懷激烈 蕭瑟秋風換了人間 昨日三十功名塵與土 男兒須讀五車書 關關雎鳩在河之洲 雁字回時月滿西樓 這 剪不斷的理還亂的是離愁 別 是一般滋味在心頭 看萬山紅遍 跟著我念字正腔圓 平上入去 譜意氣少年 秦漢唐宋元 朗朗書聲灑在窗前 誰家的詩篇傳頌了千年 小海豚 小海疼 普通話要標準 花蝴蝶 發福蝶 聽得我快頭昏 大你魚越龍門 小腦斧會咬人 先生戒尺飛流直下讓我掌心發疼 大奶留 為什麼沒有guo 大機居 到底有幾隻jio 長江是長江 黃河不是黃ho 先生怎麼又在發火別再打我 仰天長嘯壯懷激烈 蕭瑟秋風換了人間 昨日三十功名塵與土 男兒須讀五車書 關關雎鳩在河之洲 雁字回時月滿西樓 這 剪不斷的理還亂的是離愁 別 是一般滋味在心頭 看萬山紅遍 跟著我念字正腔圓 平上入去 譜意氣少年 秦漢唐宋元 朗朗書聲灑在窗前 誰家的詩篇傳頌了千年 雁字回時月滿西樓 為情生者可以死 死可以生 不知所起一往而深 看萬山紅遍 跟著我念字正腔圓 平上入去 譜意氣少年 秦漢唐宋元 朗朗書聲灑在窗前 誰家的詩篇傳頌了千年 看萬山紅遍 跟著我念字正腔圓 平上入去 譜意氣少年 秦漢唐宋元 朗朗書聲灑在窗前 誰家的詩篇傳頌了千年
【Pinyin lyrics】
Lun Sang/Jhang Siao Han【Zih Jheng Ciang Yuan】
Kan Wan Shan Hong Bian Gen Zhe Wo Nian Zi Zheng Qiang Yuan Ping Shang Ru Qu Pu Yi Qi Shao Nian Qin Han Tang Song Yuan Lang Lang Shu Sheng Sa Zai Chuang Qian Shei Jia De Shi Pian Chuan Song Liao Qian Nian Yo Ni Wei Shen Me Zhan Zai Yi Pang Tun Tu Gang Gang Kai Chang Bu Yao Zhao Ji Dao Xie Jie Shu Shuo Hua Yao Shuo Qing Chu Xiang Wo Shuo De Yi Yang Qing Chu Gen Zhe Wo Lai Fan Fu Qing Xi Liu Chang Hai Dai Yi Dian Kou Cai Ju Shou Tou Zu Qian Bei Nu Li Cheng Cai Bie Rang Fa Yin Qi Guai Bie Ren Dou Tai Nan Cai Ting Ni Shuo Wan Hai Yao Wen Ni What Where Why Yang Tian Chang Xiao Zhuang Huai Ji Lie Xiao Se Qiu Feng Huan Le Ren Jian Zuo Ri San Shi Gong Ming Chen Yu Tu Nan Er Xu Du Wu Che Shu Guan Guan Ju Jiu Zai He Zhi Zhou Yan Zi Hui Shi Yue Man Xi Lou Zhe Jian Bu Duan De Li Hai Luan De Shi Li Chou Bie Shi Yi Ban Zi Wei Zai Xin Tou Kan Wan Shan Hong Bian Gen Zhe Wo Nian Zi Zheng Qiang Yuan Ping Shang Ru Qu Pu Yi Qi Shao Nian Qin Han Tang Song Yuan Lang Lang Shu Sheng Sa Zai Chuang Qian Shei Jia De Shi Pian Chuan Song Liao Qian Nian Xiao Hai Tun Xiao Hai Teng Pu Tong Hua Yao Biao Zhun Hua Hu Die Fa Fu Die Ting De Wo Kuai Tou Hun Da Ni Yu Yue Long Men Xiao Nao Fu Hui Yao Ren Xian Sheng Jie Chi Fei Liu Zhi Xia Rang Wo Zhang Xin Fa Teng Da Nai Liu Wei Shen Me Mei You Guo Da Ji Ju Dao Di You Ji Zhi Jio Chang Jiang Shi Chang Jiang Huang He Bu Shi Huang Ho Xian Sheng Zen Me You Zai Fa Huo Bie Zai Da Wo Yang Tian Chang Xiao Zhuang Huai Ji Lie Xiao Se Qiu Feng Huan Le Ren Jian Zuo Ri San Shi Gong Ming Chen Yu Tu Nan Er Xu Du Wu Che Shu Guan Guan Ju Jiu Zai He Zhi Zhou Yan Zi Hui Shi Yue Man Xi Lou Zhe Jian Bu Duan De Li Hai Luan De Shi Li Chou Bie Shi Yi Ban Zi Wei Zai Xin Tou Kan Wan Shan Hong Bian Gen Zhe Wo Nian Zi Zheng Qiang Yuan Ping Shang Ru Qu Pu Yi Qi Shao Nian Qin Han Tang Song Yuan Lang Lang Shu Sheng Sa Zai Chuang Qian Shei Jia De Shi Pian Chuan Song Liao Qian Nian Yan Zi Hui Shi Yue Man Xi Lou Wei Qing Sheng Zhe Ke Yi Si Si Ke Yi Sheng Bu Zhi Suo Qi Yi Wang Er Shen Kan Wan Shan Hong Bian Gen Zhe Wo Nian Zi Zheng Qiang Yuan Ping Shang Ru Qu Pu Yi Qi Shao Nian Qin Han Tang Song Yuan Lang Lang Shu Sheng Sa Zai Chuang Qian Shei Jia De Shi Pian Chuan Song Liao Qian Nian Kan Wan Shan Hong Bian Gen Zhe Wo Nian Zi Zheng Qiang Yuan Ping Shang Ru Qu Pu Yi Qi Shao Nian Qin Han Tang Song Yuan Lang Lang Shu Sheng Sa Zai Chuang Qian Shei Jia De Shi Pian Chuan Song Liao Qian Nian
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singmusic · 4 years
田一龙 - 用心爱你你不懂 Tian yi long - Yong xin ai ni ni bu dong
也许你该用心去体会我对你的安排; ye xu ni gai yong xin qu ti hui wo dui ni de an pai ; 用了多少心; yong liao duo shao xin ; 你怎么不明白; ni zen me bu ming bai ; 谁能躲的过上天对爱的安排; shui neng duo de guo shang tian dui ai de an pai ; 用了太多心才被责怪; yong liao tai duo xin cai bei ze guai ; 失去这段爱也不要太过悲哀; shi qu zhe duan ai ye bu yao tai guo bei ai ; 感情不是美丽的游戏; gan qing bu shi mei li de you xi ; 爱的太认真就别怕被伤害; ai de tai ren zhen jiu bie pa bei shang hai ; 别回忆那些缠绵的对白; bie hui yi na xie chan mian de dui bai ; 越用心爱你用心疼你你却偏要走; yue yong xin ai ni yong xin teng ni ni que pian yao zou ; 非要等到撕心裂肺了才懂; fei yao deng dao si xin lie fei liao cai dong ; 感情的世界不是真心就能够拥有; gan qing de shi jie bu shi zhen xin jiu neng gou yong you ; 给你的在多你永远都不懂; gei ni de zai duo ni yong yuan du bu dong ; 越用心爱你用心疼你你却偏放手; yue yong xin ai ni yong xin teng ni ni que pian fang shou ; 相爱了几年的人各奔天涯; xiang ai liao ji nian de ren ge ben tian ya ; 爱情终究是一程美丽寂寞的旅途; ai qing zhong jiu shi yi cheng mei li ji mo de lv tu ; 走到了终点不能在停留; zou dao liao zhong dian bu neng zai ting liu ; 失去这段爱也不要太过悲哀; shi qu zhe duan ai ye bu yao tai guo bei ai ; 感情不是美丽的游戏; gan qing bu shi mei li de you xi ; 爱的太认真就别怕被伤害; ai de tai ren zhen jiu bie pa bei shang hai ; 别回忆那些缠绵的对白; bie hui yi na xie chan mian de dui bai ; 越用心爱你用心疼你你却偏要走; yue yong xin ai ni yong xin teng ni ni que pian yao zou ; 非要等到撕心裂肺了才懂; fei yao deng dao si xin lie fei liao cai dong ; 感情的世界不是真心就能够拥有; gan qing de shi jie bu shi zhen xin jiu neng gou yong you ; 给你的在多你永远都不懂; gei ni de zai duo ni yong yuan du bu dong ; 越用心爱你用心疼你你却偏放手; yue yong xin ai ni yong xin teng ni ni que pian fang shou ; 相爱了几年的人各奔天涯; xiang ai liao ji nian de ren ge ben tian ya ; 爱情终究是一程美丽寂寞的旅途; ai qing zhong jiu shi yi cheng mei li ji mo de lv tu ; 走到了终点不能在停留; zou dao liao zhong dian bu neng zai ting liu ; 走到了终点不能在停留; zou dao liao zhong dian bu neng zai ting liu ;
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exo-gr · 4 years
[200914] LAY - BOOM (R3HAB remix)
Stream / Buy: FLO, melOn, genie, Naver Music, Spotify, Youtube Music, iTunes
DL: m4a
I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you Rare gold did I just find treasure The way you move I swear it's hard for me to measure Right left can't nobody do it better I can teach you baby don't fold under pressure Bu guan zai na li wo dou neng Follow Kai shi xin de huo yan I'm spark it for ya Wo men yi qi wu dong yao bai Salsa Now we dancin' in euphoria To the right to the left Ni zhi dao it's not a problem for me All night all day I love it when you go I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom Drop low can you do it on the floor girl Take control girl I know you see the goal yeah Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you Bu xu yao zhun bei jiu neng gan shou re lie Roll the dice now don't second guess it Gei wo zhe ge ye wan ni bu neng wang que Bu yao ting xie Get it get it get it To the right to the left Ni zhi dao it's not a problem for me All night all day I love it when you go I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom Drop low can you do it on the floor girl Take control girl I know you see the goal yeah Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you
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baosam1399 · 6 years
「有太多人-高進 」
Đây là một bài hát mình cực kì thích vì nhạc và cả vì ý nghĩa của lời bài hát mà nó mang đến...
Những ai vẫn luôn cảm thấy bản thân bế tắc trong cuộc sống hoặc đang chán đời, hoặc buồn phiền vì bạn luôn phải để ý đến ánh mắt của người khác hoặc chỉ vì hôm nay bạn mất phương hướng thì hãy nghe thử nhé!
「Có lẽ hôm nay sẽ không thực hiện được ước mơ, ngày mai cũng không được. Nhưng được cái là mình vẫn luôn nhiệt tình với cuộc sống này, được cái là mình vẫn luôn nỗ lực. Mình biết, tương lai nhất định nhất định sẽ có rất nhiều điều có thể hơn. Mình muốn nói với bạn rằng, chạy mệt rồi thì dừng lại nghỉ ngơi, áp lực quá lớn, thì khóc một trận thật đã để giải toả ưu tư. Gần đây nếu vất vả quá thì cứ tự khao mình một bữa sau đó đứng lên, tiếp tục chạy về phía trước.... Những ngã rẽ của cuộc đời luôn luôn bắt đầu từ những đoạn đường khó khăn nhất, cuộc sống sau này của bạn sẽ ra sao? Quyền lựa chọn nằm trong tay bạn.」
{Trích 一个人听-蕊希}
Không chết được thì phải sống, đã sống thì phải sống cho ra hồn người!
Hôm nay bạn đọc sách, ngày sau sẽ đếm tiền.
Ye xu ni hen zai ku
Có lẽ bạn rất để ý
Bie ren yan zhong de zi yi
Bản thân mình trong mắt người khác
Jiu suan pin le ming
Dù có phải liều mạng
Zhi wei le de dao yi ci ken ding
Cũng mong một lần có được sự khẳng định
Tai nan guo de shi hou
Có những lúc quá đau lòng
Jiu ku bu chu sheng yin
Liền khóc không thành tiếng
Ca gan lei wu suo wei
Lau khô nước mắt, không hề gì
Shen me gong ping bu gong ping
Cái gì mà công bằng với không công bằng
Zheng chao mei you yi yi
Tranh cãi có ý nghĩa gì
Mei ren zai hu ni diu le shen me dong xi
Chẳng có ai quan tâm bạn đánh mất thứ gì đâu
Jiang le yi da dui ren sheng da dao li
Giảng giải một đống đạo lý đời người
Ke shen bian de nian qing ren ting bu jin qu
Nhưng mấy người trẻ ở bên cạnh nghe không vào
Ke neng ni hen jie yi
Có lẽ bạn rất để ý
Bie ren jiang chu de hua yu
Lời nói của kẻ khác
Sheng sheng ba
Tỉnh lại đi
Mei you ren neng you lao jie ni de pi yi
Không ai có thể hiểu được tính cách của bạn đâu
You tai duo ren wei jing ku hong le yan jing
Có rất nhiều người vì tình yêu mà khóc đỏ cả mắt
You tai duo ren bu gan zhe ping fan de ren shen
Có rất nhiều người không cam tâm sống một cuộc sống bình thường
Yi ge ren zou zai lu shang que hai zai xian mu be ren
Một mình đi trên đường mà vẫn hâm mộ người khác
Que bu zhi duo shao ren mei you ni de ceng jing
Mà không biết rằng nhiều người còn không được như bạn
You tai duo ren zi ming bu fan diu le peng you
Có rất nhiều người đánh giá quá cao bản thân mình mà mất đi bạn bè
You tai duo ren bu ken fang shou ju jue zhuan shen
Có rất nhiều người không chịu buông tay cự tuyệt
Ke ming yun zong shi wu chang
Nhưng vận mệnh vô thường
Cuo guo jiu bu zai hui lai
Bỏ lỡ rồi sẽ không thể quay lại
Qing zhen xi shen bian mei yi ge yong bao he yan sheng
Xin hãy trân trọng từng cái ôm và ánh mắt của người ở bên cạnh
Ye xu ni hen zai yi shi fou zai bie ren de xin li
Có lẽ bạn rất để ý đến việc người khác nghĩ gì trong lòng
Wo jiu suan pin le ming
Còn tôi bán mạng của mình
Zhi wei le huan de yi dian lian min
Chỉ để đổi lấy một tấm lòng thương xót
Tai xiang nian de shi hou due mei you le biao qing
Có lúc quá nhớ một ai tôi thường không bộc lộ xúc cảm
Gai wei qu gai dan ding
Nên tủi thân hay nên bình tĩnh
Gai gei shen me yang de fan ying?
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wengvy210615 · 5 years
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8/10/19 2219
*Weng & Vy Love Story 1*
Ying gai chong shen me shi hou shuo qi ne? Wo he wo de laopo 2015 nian 3 yue duo de shi hou ren shi de. Hen kuai de wm jiu zai yi qi le. Wm shi zai ktv ren shi de. Wo di yi yan kan dao wo laopo de shi hou, bu zhi dao wsm, jiu yi jing you yi zhong shuo bu chu de gan jue. Shi xi huan? Shi “yi jin zhong qing” (di yi yan jiu ai shang na zhong) ? You le di yi ci de zuo tai guo hou, wo jiu kai shi yi zi qu zhao ta le, xie ta de zhong, zai ktv li mian wm de hui yi zhen de ye shi man duo de. Kai shi de shi hou, yw man man jiu hen ai le, suo yi hui kai sho chi chu ah, mummy bu gei wo xie ta ah, zai ta zuo gong fang gong nong dao mei you jing shen qu zuo gong le ah, hen xiang ta ting gong ah, agent ah, hen duo hen duo de wen ti; zhong jian hai man2 de laopo gen wo tan bai le ta yq de dx. Ah roi ah, ah meng ah, ta de di 1 ge ai ren (🐕), 1 night stand...... ke shi shuo ye qi guai, wo ke yi bu jie yi zhe xie guo qu, shui ran xing hen tong, ke shi xz xiang qi lai zhen de jue de qi guai , ru guo shi yi ge zheng chang de nan zi, ting dao zhe xie guo hou yg hui jie yi de, nan dao na shi hou wo yj jiang ai ta le? (Xz wo hui zhe yang shuo, yw you ji hui de hua, wo hui man man xie guan yu 4 nian ban hou de xz fa sheng de dx)
Uh dui le, zai ren shi bu jiu de shi hou, wm hai mei you zhen zhen de zai yi qi, ke shi you yi tian, bei wo fa xian ta gei ren booking chu qu le, qi shi na shi hou wo you da suan jiu zhe yang fang qi liao de, wo send le msg gei ta, wo dao xz hai ji de wo xie shen me, “ta gs wo ta bu neng ji xu xie wo de zhong le, yao qu py jia ji xu he jiu he wan” “qi shi wo yj dong fa sheng shen me shi le, yw Amy bao gao gei wo ting, ni de hao npy yao booking chu qu le” wo gs le laopo wo zhi dao shen me shi le, ta hen jing zhang, gs wo jiao wo deng ming tian zhao shang, ta gen wo jie shi. Na yi wan de gj zhen de hen bu hao shou, wo dao xz dou hai ji de qing qing chu chu, yi xiang dao ta he bie de nan zi yi qi lam tinh, wo zhen wan de xin tong dao........ ke shi di er tian da gai 10 dian duo zhao shang, ta jiu msg wo le, wen wo zai gm zhe xie na xie, ran hou ta jiao wo xiang xin ta, yi zhen wan ta mei you he na ge nan zi fa sheng shen me, yw ta zuo xi dao hong. Wo xiang xin le ta........ guo hou 11 yie duo, ta kai shi ting gong le! Wo nu li le 1 ge duo yue cai cheng gong quan ta ting gong, wei le wei lai de wm.
Gang kai shi zai yi qi de shi hou, wm mei tian dou yao nian zai yi qi; ru guo you yi tian wo shuo zai kl mei you hui lai furong zai ta fang gong, ta jiu hui bu gao xing le, sha po. You shi hou hai hui huai yi wo zai 61 qu wan hahaha. Na shi hou de ta zhen de hen ai wo de, xiao xiao shi ta jiu hui chi chu, sheng qi le. Hen xiang nian na shi hou de ta ah. Zhen de hen xiang nian...wm mei tian yao tou, wo deng ta fang gong. Ta zuo gong jiu hao xiang wo ye zuo gong na yang. Zui zhao dao ktv de shi wo, you shi hou zui ci zhou de ye shi wo. Hui jia wo men mei tian dou lam tinh, bao zhe jing jing yi qi shui. Na shi hou wo tian2 zai KL lai hui seremban, ni wen wo lei ma? “Lei” zhen de lei. Ke shi na shi hou , wo jue de fei chang kai xin. Qi shi wo xiang shuo de shi, dao xz wo hai shi yi yang de xin, qi shi laopo mei you fa xian, wo zhen de mei you zen yang bian guo, zen yang shuo ne? Qi shi wo hui lai jia li zuo gong yi hou, wo mei tian dou jia hen duo, hen yuan de che, you shi hou. Hao xiang jin tian wo qu le 3 ge di fang, dou shi bu jin de di fang, jin tian yj jia le cha bu duo 150km le. Ke shi qi shi you shi wo zhen de lei, ke shi laopo shuo yao qu Penang ah, KL pao pao ah, shui ran lei, he you xiang yao xiu xi, ke shi zui hou wo hai shi you pei laopo he er zi qu wan de. Penang 4 ge duo zhong, yi ge ren jia wan, zhen de shi you lei de ah 😅 ke neng laopo yi hou zi ji hui jia che le jiu hui mb. Wo xiang shuo de shi, qi shi 4 nian ban li, wo de xin dui laopo zen yang, wo zhen de dong de. Wan shang fang gong hui lai, wo bu shi bu xiang bang laopo song huo, shi zhen de you lei; wan shang hui lai, wo bu shi bu gen laopo shuo hua, qu nian 2018 nian laopo sheng le bany shi 2017 nian 9 yue. Na zhen nian 2018 nian li mian fa sheng le hen duo dx. Zhe ge yao zai guo hou de story ji xu. Hao la, wengvy story jin tian dao zhe bian. -2319-
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waterspirit6x8 · 7 years
The MALineage Project Site
The Martial Arts Lineage Project website had attempted to collect lineage history and details of any martial art or person; unfortunately it is not always accessible; it partially appears on its Facebook site.
Martial Arts Lineage Project-1 http://www.malineage.com/styles/Liuhebafaquan http://www.malineage.com/node/16502/edit
Philosophy Submitted by: dr_k_conor
There exists four 'documents', each carrying traits of history and philosophy principles that are generally presented to explain and teach LiuHe BaFa and boxing. The First I will call the 'Cave Codex' alledgedly from found within a Mt. Hua Yo Shan 華嶽山 grotto 洞. Note that the Taoist Canon is divided into three dong 洞, "caves", "grottoes". The Second is usually called the 'Five Word' verses or 'songs' 拳學 五字 歌訣; these are generally refered to as: quan2 xue2, 拳學, boxing knowledge in verse format, wu3 zi4 五字 5-character-word in length, and ge1 jue2 歌訣 'secret' verses of farewell.[this is often mistranslated as 'song']  The 'said' author is given as Li, 'East-wind' 李東風 Li Dong-feng whose name does not appear in any archaic Song Dynasty document. However, some LHBF student place great value in them. The Third 'document' the actual exercise names, for the Nanjing 66-form series of Wu Yi-hui 六十六 起式 easily can be seen as differing and each form naming demonstrates the academic proficiency of Wu as a man of the arts. Some of the 66-lines of 5-characters each also includes Chinese idioms and references to history, art, and music. http://www.silkqin.com http://waterspirit6x8.tripod.com/id11.html
The Fourth 'document' collective are the commentaries written from various teachers to explain via verses; there are either simple two-word idioms, or longer 5 or seven word explanations.
The Six Combinations [also called 'harmonies' as unified concordances], LiuHe 六 合  are as follows: >1. bodys' structure harmonizes with the minds' awareness, >2. minds' awareness harmonizes with innate 'intent', >3. intent harmonizes with the chi (energy-flow), >4. chi harmonize with the 'spirit', >5. spirit harmonizes with 'motion', >6. motion harmonizes with the 'everywhere', [ Note: that there are actually seven factors, Ti, Xin, Yi, Qi, Shen, Tung, Kung. ]
The Eight Methods [also called 'laws' or regulations], BaFa 八法 are as follows: >1. Qi-Fa =Flow: Move the chi and concentrate the spirit >2. Ku-Fa =Bone: Genuine-structural energy when bones are correct >3. Hsing-Fa =Form: Shapes exchange freely, follow a model, pantomime >4. Sui-Fa =Following: Flexible, adaptable, and coordinated in union >5. Ti-Fa =Lifting: Lift the head upward as if suspended from space >6. Huan-Fa =Reversal: The interchange of motions reverses and reciprocates >7. Le-Fa =Limit: Restraint is needed to harness the dynamic forces >8. Fu-Fa =Hidden: The intrinsic force arises from natural obscurity without method. http://waterspirit6x8.tripod.com/id11.html http://waterspirit6x8.tripod.com/id55.html
One of the often addended 'Fourth Document' ideas, is not from LiuHe BaFa at all, they are from late 1800's to 1900's codification of bodily anatomy often used in the zhan zhuang 站樁 'standing post' of Yi quan 意 拳  from Wang Xiang-zhai who was 'friendly' and respectful to Wu and also from some teachers of Ba-kua-palming. These are often unnecessary and may also be misleading. http://waterspirit6x8.tripod.com/id12.html A more relevant added teaching is from Huang Shou Ting, 黃手庭 of the Shanghai Wu Shu Association, who studied with Song Guang-yu 宋关羽 in Xu Shou; he discusses 8-physical aspects differently : > Qi-Luo: 起 : 落 rising + falling > Dong-Jing: 動 : 靜 moving + stillness > Jin-Tui: 進 : 退 advance + retreat > Kai-He: 開 : 合 open + close > Yin-Yang: 陰 : 陽 in+out, soft+hard > Xu-Shi: 虛 : 实 empty + full > Wa-Qiao: 跃 : 远 jumping + bridging > Liu-He: 六 : 合 internal six-pairs in harmony http://waterspirit6x8.tripod.com/id11.html
Waterspirit6x8 Teachings; http://waterspirit6x8.tripod.com/id11.html Liuhebafachuan; http://www.liuhebafachuan.com/ Liuhebafa verses; http://trinity.psnw.com/~dlmurray/6h8m1.html
Martial Arts Lineage Project-2 http://www.malineage.com/styles/Liuhebafaquan http://www.malineage.com/node/16502/edit
LiuHe BaFa quan Submitted by: dr_k_conor LiuHeBaFa, LiuHe BaFa, Lok Hop Pat Fat, Six-harmony, Eight-methods Boxing Exercise http://waterspirit6x8.tripod.com/id37.html LiuHe BaFa 六合八法 is a collective of martial concepts and boxing exercises. http://waterspirit6x8.tripod.com/id21.html LiuHe BaFa 六合八法 is also a collective of verse of concepts, the Six Harmonies 六合, obtainable by an understanding the utilization of Eight Methods 八法; each aspect is derived from archaic Chinese exercises and pugalisms. The LiuHe BaFa boxing is not directly derived from the modern versions of Tai-chi-, Xing-yi-, or Ba-kua-palm boxing. http://waterspirit6x8.tripod.com/id11.html The verse name is often abbreviated in non-Chinese as LHBF or LHPF. The core concepts and methods of the LiuHe BaFa are known to be derived from the 1900's manchurian Wu Yi-hui 吴翼翚 (1887-1958) who learned them from three differing teachers; Wu first taught them in Shanghai and later at the Nanjing National College of Martial Arts founded in 1928 and later became the Dean of Studies in 1936 [closed 1948].
Although many exercises and concepts are claimed to be from the real-life Song Dynasty Court Taoist Chen Tuan [ Bo ] 陳摶 , aka Chen Xi-yi 陳希夷 [d. 990] who was associated with the military General whose abilities made him the First Emperor of Song, Tai-zu, there exists no official or other records to support the common claim that the LiuHeBaFa- or its principle 'water' flowing or its' verse principles factually originated from the Court Taoist Chen Bo nor from his said mountain residence at Mt. Hua Yu 山 華嶽 in Shenxi Province. http://waterspirit6x8.tripod.com/id9.html
Popular naming has resulted in addending the syles' name to include this mythology: as the Chen Xi-yi Men 'sect' 華嶽希夷門 Hua Yue Xi-yi with LiuHeBaFa Boxing principles becoming: 華嶽 希門 (+) 六合八法拳.
The bonefide utility of the core LHBF verses, is that they are succinct and are applicable to all of other Chinese Internal martial arts. Although form and principle aspects of these internal martial arts [Tai-chi-, Xing-yi-, and Ba-gua-] are evident in the LHBF, there is a popular trend to classifiy the LHBF exercise as a 'fourth' art which it is not; the Chinese Martial Arts Association classifies it as a sub-style of Tai-chi-boxing. Perhaps in keeping with this method of distinction, some teachers have named their styling as a Hua-Yu Tai Chi-boxing exercise. http://waterspirit6x8.tripod.com/id58.html
There also now exists absorption of Yi-chuan, 'intuition' boxing fundamentals as set forth by founder Wang Xiang-zhai 王薌齋, (1886-1963), and his students in the LHBF system; this again results in further name changes and ,mixings with the applications of LiuHeBaFa-. http://waterspirit6x8.tripod.com/id5.html Wang Xiang-zhai is known to have interacted and cross traded to other system styles while he was a teacher at the Nanking Martial Academy [Shao-lin, tai-chi, xing-yi, etc].
To further complicate understanding, Wu Yi-hui, from his earliest martial studies, learned a shaolin-related boxing called Lu Hong Ba Shih 呂紅八勢 sometimes also called Lu Hong boxing 呂紅拳. A careful study of Wu's 66-form version made during his time in Nanjing, does shows evidence of being embedded. The LHBF core exercises are called zhu zi 築基. http://waterspirit6x8.tripod.com/id52.html
LiuHeBaFaQuan;  http://waterspirit6x8.tripod.com/ Liuhebafachuan;  http://www.liuhebafachuan.com/ Lu Gui-yao, Chin Wo Athletic Assoc, Foshan PRC;  http://www.liuhebafa-lgy.com/ Wu Ying-hua, S. China Institute Huainan, Anhui PRC;  http://lhbflm.com/index.asp Kam Tung, LHBF Academy,Hong Kong; http://www.liuhebafa.com.hk/ Liu Xiang-ling, Takoma PK, MD, USA; http://wudanglongmen.com/form.html
Martial Arts Lineage Project-3 http://www.malineage.com/node/16502/edit
Informational Links
Google Search https://www.google.co.th/search?q=Liuhebafaquan&gws_rd=cr&ei=t8wAWOrkFcjovgTHw4-ICA 六合八法拳 六合八法拳 pdf 六合八法拳技 六合八法拳 金童 六合八法拳 金彤
Related Books Related Videos
Related People Style: Liuhebafaquan;  http://www.malineage.com/styles/Liuhebafaquan Martial Artist: Wang Xiangzhai; http://www.malineage.com/martial-artists/Wang-Xiangzhai Style: Yao's Modern Yiquan; http://www.malineage.com/styles/Yaos-Modern-Yiquan Links; http://www.malineage.com/styles/Liu-He-Ba-Fa-Chuan-nid26156 Teacher; http://www.malineage.com/martial-artists/Wu-Yi-Hui http://www.malineage.com/martial-artists/Li-Dao-Li http://www.malineage.com/martial-artists/Liang-Qi-Zhong http://www.malineage.com/martial-artists/Liang-Zipeng http://www.malineage.com/martial-artists/Moy-Lin-Shin http://www.malineage.com/martial-artists/Li-Chung http://www.malineage.com/martial-artists/Huang-Wei-Lun > https://www.google.co.th/?gws_rd=ssl#q=Huang+Wei+Lun > http://slantedflying.com/master-wei-lun-huang-passes-away/
http://www.malineage.com/styles/Liuhebafaquan?section=schools http://www.malineage.com/styles/Liuhebafaquan?section=videos http://www.malineage.com/styles/Liuhebafaquan?section=photos http://www.malineage.com/styles/Liuhebafaquan?section=history http://www.malineage.com/styles/Liu-He-Ba-Fa-Chuan
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bookofjin · 7 years
To give an idea of the amount ancient writings now lost, below is a list of dynastic histories taken from the Biographical Treatise in the Book Sui, which basically lists the works available in the imperial library at the beginning of Tang (and also some books that had been lost).
Works that have been transmitted in a more or less complete form down to the present in bold.
For some of the other works we have fragments surviving as quotations in other works.
There were other types of histories written than the standard dynastic biographical histories. The preservation of these are much worse.
Historical Annals, 130 scrolls. Catalogue, 1 scroll. Compiled by Han's Prefect of the Palace Writers, Sima Qian.
Historical Annals, 80 scrolls. Annotations by Song's Palace Gentleman of the South and Adjutant of Outside Troops, Pei Yin.
Historical Annals, Pronunciation and Meaning, 12 scrolls. Compiled by Song's Palace Ordinary Grandee, Xu Yemin.
Historical Annals, Pronunciation, 3 scrolls. Compiled by Liang's Light Vehicle Affairs Recorder Adjutant, Zou Dansheng.
Examinations of Ancient Annals, 25 scrolls. Compiled by Jin's Marquis of Yiyang village, Qiao Zhou.
Book of Han, 115 scrolls. Compiled by Han's Army-Protector Ban Gu. Collected explanations by the Grand Warden of Taishan. Ying Shao.
Book of Han, Collected Explanations, Pronunciation and Meaning, 24 scrolls. Compiled by Ying Shao.
Book of Han, Pronunciation and Instructions, 1 scroll. Compiled by Fu Qian.
Book of Han, Pronunciation and Meaning, 7 scrolls. Compiled by Wei Zhao.
Book of Han, Pronunciation, 2 scrolls. Compiled by Liang's Grand Warden of Xunyang, Liu Xian.
Book of Han, Pronunciation, 2 scrolls. Compiled by Xiahou Yong.
Book of Han, Pronunciation and Meaning, 12 scrolls. Compiled by the Broad Scholar of the Sons of State, Xiao Gai.
Book of Han, Pronunciation, 12 scrolls. On the Deposed Heir-Apparent, Yong's instructions, compiled by Bao Kai and others.
Book of Han, Collected Annotations, 13 scrolls. Compiled by Jin Zhuo.
Book of Han, Annotations, 1 scroll. Compiled by Qi's Gold and Purple Brilliantly Blessed Grandee Lu Cheng.
Book of Han, Continued Instructions, 3 scrolls. Compiled by Liang's Consultant Adjutant Pacifying the North, Wei Leng.
Book of Han, Instructions Compiled, 30 scrolls. Compiled by Chen's Master of Writing of the Personnel Section, Yao Cha.
Book of Han, Collected Explanations, 1 scroll. Compiled by Yao Cha.
Discussing the Affairs of Former Han, 1 scroll. Compiled by Shu's Imperial Chancellor, Zhuge Liang.
Book of Han, Retorts and Consultations, 2 scrolls. Compiled by Jin's General who Calms the North, Liu Bao.
Settling the Book of Han's Questions, 2 scrolls. Complied by Yao Cha.
Book of Han, Arranged Transmittals, 5 scrolls. Compiled by Xiang Dai.
Han Notes, 4 scrolls.
Liang had the Book of Han Meng Kang's pronunciations in 9 scrolls, Liu Xiaobiao's annotations to the Book of Han in 140 scrolls, Lu Cheng's annotations to the Book of Han in 102 scrolls, Liang's Emperor Yuan's annotations to the Book of Han in 115 scrolls. All are lost.
Eastern Watchtower's Annals of Han, 143 scrolls, starting with the Annals of Guangwu and ending with Emperor Ling. Compiled by the Chief Commandant of the Chang River, Liu Zhen, and others.
Book of Later Han, 130 scrolls, no Annals of emperors. Compiled by Wu's Grand Warden of Wuling, Xie Cheng.
Annals of Later Han, 65 scrolls, originally 100 scrolls. Liang had it, now defective. Compiled by Jin's Cavalier in Regular Attendance, Xue Ying.
Continued Book of Han, 83 scrolls. Compiled by Jin's Overseer of the Private Writers, Sima Biao. [Only the treatises extant]
Book of Later Han, 17 scrolls, originally 97 scrolls, now defective. Compiled by Jin's Junior Office Minister Hua Jiao.
Book of Later Han, 85 scrolls, originally 122 scrolls. Compiled by Jin's Gentleman of the Shrine Section, Xie Chen.
Southern Annals of Later Han, 45 scrolls, originally 55 scrolls, now defective. Compiled by Jin's Adjutant of Jiang Province, Zhang Ying.
Book of Later Han, 95 scrolls, originally 100 scrolls. Compiled by Jin's Overseer of the Private Writers, Yuan Shansong.
Book of Later Han, 97 scrolls. Compiled by Song's Supervisor of the Household to the Heir-Apparent, Fan Ye.
Book of Later Han, 125 scrolls, originally by Fan Ye. Annotations by Liang's Prefect of Yan, Liu Zhao.
Book of Later Han, Pronunciation, 1 scroll. Compiled by Later Wei's Grand Master of Ceremonies, Liu Fang.
Fan's [Book of] Han, Pronunciation and Instructions, 3 scrolls. Compiled by Chen's Zong Daoxian and Sheng Xianjing [?].
Fan's [Book of] Han, Pronunciation, 3 scrolls. Compiled by Xiao Gai.
Book of Later Han, Assisting Essays, 4 scrolls. Compiled by Fan Ye.
Continuations of the Book of Han, 18 scrolls, compiled by Fan Ye.
Liang had Xiao Zixian's Book of Later Han in 100 scrolls, Wang Shao's Forest of Later Han in 200 scrolls, Wei Chan's Later Han Pronunciation in 2 scrolls. Lost.
Book of Wei, 48 scrolls. Compiled by Jin's Minister of Works, Wang Chen.
Book of Wu, 25 scrolls. Compiled by Wei Zhao. Originally 55 scrolls, Liang had them, now defective.
Annals of Wu, 9 scrolls. Compiled by Jin's Broad Scholar of the Grand School, Huan Ji.
Jin had Zhang Bo's Records of Wu in 30 scrolls. Lost
Treatises on the Three States, 65 scrolls, arranged records 1 scroll. Compiled by Jin's Palace Retainer of the Heir-Apparent, Chen Shou. Annotations by Song's Grand Palace Grandee, Pei Songzhi.
Treatises of Wei, Pronunciation and Meaning, 1 scroll. Compiled by Lu Zongdao.
Discussing the Treatises of the Three States, 9 scrolls. Compiled by He Changshi.
Treatises of the Three States, Evaluations, 3 scrolls. Compiled by Xu Zhong.
Liang had Treatises of the Three States, Arranged Evaluations, 3 scrolls, compiled by Jin's Left Gentleman Drafter, Wang Shou. Lost.
Book of Jin, 86 scrolls, originally 93 scrolls, now defective. Compiled Jin's Gentleman Drafter Wang Yin.
Book of Jin, 26 scrolls, originally 44 scrolls, concludes with Emperor Ming. Now defective. Compiled by Jin's Cavalier in Regular Attendance Yu Yu.
Book of Jin, 10 scrolls, not complete. Originally 14 scrolls, now defective. Compiled by Jin's Gentleman of the Palace Writers, Zhu Feng. Concludes with Emperor Yuan.
Book of Jin Restored, 78 scrolls. Starts with Eastern Jin. Compiled by Song's Grand Warden of Xiangdong, He Fasheng.
Book of Jin, 36 scrolls. Compiled by Song's Interior Clerk of Linchuan, Xie Lingyun.
Book of Jin, 110 scrolls. Compiled by Qi's Master of Accounts of Xu province, Zang Rongxu.
Book of Jin, 11 scrolls, originally 102 scrolls. Liang had it, now defective. Compiled by Xiao Ziyun.
Draft of History of Jin, 30 scrolls. Compiled by Liang's Xiao Zixian.
Liang had Zheng Zhong's Book of Jin in 7 scrolls, Shen Yue's Book of Jin in 111 scrolls, Yu Xian's New Book of Eastern Jin in 7 scrolls. Lost.
Book of Song, 65 scrolls. Compiled by Song's Palace Ordinary Grandee, Xu Yuan.
Book of Song, 65 scrolls. Compiled by Qi's Adjutant Recorder of Affairs of the Best of the Army, Sun Yan.
Book of Song, 100 scrolls. Compiled by Liang's Supervisor of the Masters of Writing, Shen Yue.
Liang had the Book of Song compiled in the middle of Song's Daming [era, 457 – 464], 61 scrolls. Lost.
Book of Qi, 60 scrolls. Compiled by Liang's Master of Writing of the Personnel Section Xiao Zixian.
Annals of Qi, 10 scrolls. Compiled by Liu Zhi.
Annals of Qi, 20 scrolls. Compiled by Shen Yue.
Liang had Jiang Yan's History of Qi, 13 scrolls. Lost.
Book of Liang, 49 scrolls. Compiled by Liang's Gentleman of the Palace Writers, Xie Wu. Originally 100 scrolls.
History of Liang, 53 scrolls. Compiled by Chen's Leading the Army and Great Gentleman Drafter, Xu Ting.
Book of Liang, Annals of Emperors, 7 scrolls. Compiled by Yao Cha.
Comprehensive History, 480 scrolls. Compiled by Emperor Wu of Liang. Starts with the Three August, concludes with Liang.
Book of Later Wei, 130 scrolls. Compiled by Northern Qi's Supervisor Wei Shou.
Book of Later Wei, 100 scrolls. Compiled by Gentleman Drafter Wei Yanshen.
Book of Chen, 42 scrolls concluding with Emperor Xuan. Compiled by Chen's Master of Writing of the Personnel Section, Lu Qiong.
History of Zhou, 18 scrolls, not complete. Compiled by Master of Writing of the Personnel Section, Niu Hong.
In sum 67 Works, 3083 Scrolls.
Adding the lost books 80 Works, 4030 Scrolls.
[Currently extant 8 Works, 800ish Scrolls.]
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save-the-data · 2 years
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About Youth | S01E03
Taiwanese Drama - 2022, 8 episodes  
EP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
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parurushi · 7 years
SNH48 stage units masterpost
Here you can find all units from SNH48, BEJ48, GNZ48, SHY48 and CKG48. All videos are from the opening day performance, unless marked by a (*), in which case, the date the video is from should be in the video title. Feel free to send me a message if any of the links is dead or if you spot any mistakes. Enjoy! (Last update: July 2018 - added HII5, B3, J2, NIII3, Z3, and links to all revivals)
SNH48 Team SII
6th Stage “Xin de Lvcheng” (心的旅程) [2016.05.20] This stage was revived as BEJ48 Team B 2nd Stage*, GNZ48 Team G 2nd Stage*, SHY48 Team SIII 1st Stage.
Mashang Chufa* (馬上出發): Zenza Girls (Lv Yi, Zhao Hanqian, Pan Yanqi)
Haoyou Chuangketie (好友创可贴): Dai Meng, Li Yuqi, Xu Zixuan, Feng Xiaofei
Dipingxian (地平线): Wu Zhehan, Qian Beiting, Kong Xiaoyin, Shen Zhilin, Xu Jiaqi
Xiayizhan Shi Ni (下一站是你): Chen Guanhui, Chen Si
Xin Shijie (新世界): Mo Han, Yuan Danni, Yuan Yuzhen, Jiang Yun
Jiangluosan (降落伞): Xu Chenchen
7th Stage “Di 48 Qu” (第48区) [2017.06.30]
MAD WORLD: Xu Chenchen, Li Yuqi
GOOD TIME: Chen Guanhui, Qian Beiting, Yuan Danni, Yuan Yuzhen
Ai Weiyang (爱未央): Dai Meng, Xu Jiaqi
GO AWAY: Kong Xiaoyin, Chen Si, Sun Rui
Linghun Shizhe (灵魂使者): Zhang Yuge, Wu Zhehan, Xu Zixuan, Jiang Yun
Han Ye (寒夜) : Mo Han
7th Stage 2.0 “Meili 48 Qu” (美麗48区) [2018.05.01]
Tianshi de Quantao (天使的圈套): Xu Jiaqi, Sun Rui
High Light: Dai Meng Jiang Yun, Xu Zixuan
Wanmei Fanzui (完美犯罪): Li Yuqi, Yuan Yuzhen, Chen Guanhui, Yuan Danni
Ai Weiyang (爱未央): Mo Han, Kong Xiaoyin
Heiye Nvshen (黑夜女神): Chen Si, Xu Chenchen, Wu Zhehan, Qian Beiting
Guan bu Diao (关不掉): Zhang Yuge
8th Stage “Plan Salvation/Congsheng Jihua” (重生计划) [2018.??.??]
SNH48 Team NII
5th Stage “Zhuanshu Paidu” (专属派对) [2016.07.22] This stage was revived as BEJ48 Team J 1st Stage, GNZ48 Team Z 1st Stage.
Show Time*: Zenza Girls (Zhang Yameng, Xu Yi, Liu Juzi)
Women Bushi Tianshi (我们不是天使): Wan Lina, Zeng Yanfen, Yi Jiaai
Bairimeng (白日梦): Zhao Yue, Luo Lan, Chen Wenyan, Zhou Yi, Wang Xiaojia
Mu’ou (木偶): Li Yitong
Don’t Touch: Huang Tingting, Wan Lina, He Xiaoyu
Hei Tian’e (黑天鹅): Lu Ting, Feng Xinduo, Gong Shiqi, Chen Jiaying
6th Stage “Yi Ai zhi Ming” (以爱之名) [2017.10.07] An updated version of this stage with new team songs was presented a few days after the first performance: “Yi Ai zhi Ming 2.0″ ( 以爱之名 2.0) [2017.11.11]
Lie Meng (猎梦): Feng Xinduo, He Xiaoyu, Chen Wenyan
Fire Touch: Zhao Yue, Wan Lina, Jin Yingyue, Chen Jiaying
Wei Jie Laidian (未接来电): Lu Ting, Xu Yi
Chunxiaqiudong (春夏秋冬): Li Yitong, Wan Lina, Huang Tongyang, Jiang Zhenyi
Meng Zhong de Hunli (梦中的婚礼): Yi Jiaai, Zhang Yuxin
Feeling You: Huang Tingting (dancers: Liu Juzi, Jin Yingyue)
7th Stage “Shi zhi Juan” (时之卷) [2018.xx.xx]
SNH48 Team HII
4th Stage “Meili Shijie” (美丽世界) [2017.04.08] This stage was revived as SHY48 Team HIII 2nd Stage, CKG48 Team K 2nd Stage.
Wanmei Fanzui (完美犯罪): Yuan Hang, Yang Huiting, Zhang Xin
Guan bu Diao (关不掉): Xu Han
Huaxue Chao Nvzi (化学超女子):Sun Zhenni, Hao Wanqing, Li Qingyang, Wang Lujiao
Duizhi (对峙): Liu Jiongran, Shen Mengyao, Lin Nan
Tianshi de Quantao (天使的圈套): Xuyang Yuzhuo, Xie Ni
Beishuiyizhan (背水一战): Liu Peixin, Wu Yanwen, Xu Yiren
5th Stage “Touhao Xinwen” (头号新闻) [2018.05.18]
Super Logic: Xuyang Yuzhuo, Zhang Xin, Jiang Shuting, Wang Yi
CHACHACHA: Wan Lina, Lin Nan, Shen Mengyao
Lin Bing Dou Zhe Jie Zhenlie Zaiqian (临兵斗者皆阵列在前): Li Yitong, Xiong Qinxian, Wang Xiyuan
Wusheng de Tange (无声的探戈): Yang Huiting, Yuan Yiqi
BOOM BOOM BOOM: Fei Qinyuan, Xu Han, Li Xingfu
Huangjia Wen Zhang (皇家纹章): Jiang Shan
SNH48 Team X
3rd Stage “Mengxiang de Qizi” (梦想的旗帜) [2016.10.28] This stage was revived as SNH48 Team FT 1st Stage, SHY48 Team HIII 1st Stage, CKG48 Team C 2nd Stage.
Meng (梦): Song Xinran, Li Jing, Chen Lin
Shuishou Fu (水手服): Yang Yunyu, Wang Shu, Qi Jing, Zhang Jiayu
Wu Ke Tidai (无可替代): Shao Xuecong, Feng Xiaofei, Yang Bingyi
Monster: Wang Xiaojia, Sun Xinwen, Xie Tianyi, Wang Jialing
Renyu (人鱼): Li Zhao, Zhang Dansan
4th Stage “Mingyun de X Hao” (命运的“X”号) [2017.12.15]
Ice Queen: Song Xinran
Battle Cry: Yang Binyi, Sun Xinwen, Qi Jing
Zhanbu shi (占卜师): Wang Xiaojia, Xie Tianyi, Shao Xuecong
Shenhai zhi Sheng (深海之声): Zhang Dansan, Li Zhao, Chen Lin
Shuangsheng Hua (双生花): Feng Xiaofei, Yang Yunyu
Ziuhou de Shunguang (最后的曙光): Wang Shu, Li Jing, Wang JiaLing, Zhang Jiayu
SNH48 Team XII
2nd Stage “Daihao XII” (代號XII) [2016.12.23] This stage was revived as GNZ48 Team Z 2nd Stage.
Ta he Ta (她和她): Liu Zengyan, Chen Yin
Love Letter: Yan Jiaojun
Chuwen Lianxi Qu (初吻练习曲): Fei Qinyuan, Zou Jiajia, Yu Jiayi, Zhang Wenjing
Dou Bu Hui (都不会): Hong Peiyun, Li Jiaen, Song Yushan
Zi Yiwei (自以为): Zhang Yi, Jia Shuting, Chen Yunling, Jiang Shan, Lv Mengying, Pan Yingqi
2nd Stage “Daihao XII 2.0″ ( 代號XII 2.0) [2017.06.17] - new songs only
Wanmei Chaozai (完美超载): Zhang Yi, Lv Mengying, Jia Shuting
Renjiang Guize (人间规则): Hong Peiyun, Song Yushan, Li Jiaen
BEJ48 Team B
3rd Stage “B A FIGHTER” [2018.01.19]
Shengshi Fengdu (绅士风度): Hu Xiaohui, Shen Xiaoai, Xiong Sujun
Zidan Riji (子弹日记): Mao Qiyu, Xia Yue, Zhang Menghui
SHOW: Duan Yixuan, Qing Yuwen, Tian Shuli
Yi Tiantian Yi Diandian (一天天一点点): Hu Lizhi, Lin Xihe, Sun Siaoyan, Yan Mingyun, Zhou Jieyi
SPY: Chen Meijun Liu Shuxian
BEJ48 Team E
2nd Stage “Qihuan Jiamian Li” (奇幻加冕禮) [2016.12.24] This stage was revived as CKG48 Team K 1st Stage.
Gongzhu Hao (公主号): Li Yuanyuan, Xu Siyang, Lin Kun
Anye Jiaobu Sheng (暗夜脚步声): Li Zi, Zhang Xiaoying, Feng Sijia, Zheng Yifan
Yiqian Lin Yi Ye (一千零一夜): Li Xiang, Luo Xueli, Chen Jiaohe
Ai de Mofa (爱的魔法): Liu Shennan, Su Shanshan, Ma Yuling, Li Shiyan
Huiguniang de Boli Shouji (灰姑娘的玻璃手机): Chen Qiannan, Yi Yanqian
BEJ48 Team J
2nd Stage “HAKUNA MATATA” [2018.07.14]
My boy: Yang Ye, Wang Yuxuan
Sairen (塞壬): Huang Enru, Sun Yushan, Jin Luosai
Caihong Riji (彩虹日记): Liu Xian, Chen Yayu, Heyang Qingqing
Pay attention: Fang Lei, Wang Yuxuan, Ge Siqi
Siji de Ailian (四季的爱恋): Huang Enru
Feixing Re Qiqiu (飞行热气球): Yang Ye, Fang Lei, Sun Yushan
Fu Li Ge (赋离歌): Ren Xinyi, Ye Miaomiao
GNZ48 Team G
3rd Stage “Shuangmiang Ouxiang” (双面偶像) [2017.08.11] This stage was revived as SNH48 Team Ft 2nd Stage.
Mengxiang Kafeiting (梦想咖啡厅): Xie Leilei, Chen Yuqi, Huang Lirong
9 to 9: Luo Hanyue, Zhang Kaiqi
MC Queen: Gao Yuanjing
Meidusha de Wenrou (美杜莎的温柔): Zhang Qiongyu, Zhu Yixin, Liang Ke
I’m not your girl: Chen Ke, Li Qinjie, Zeng Aijia, Lin Jiapei, Chen Junhong
I wanna be your girl: Xie Leilei, Yang Qingying, Chen Jiaying
2nd Stage “Di 1 Rencheng” (第1人称) [2017.03.24] This stage was revived as CKG48 Team C 1st Stage.
Jingling (精灵): Lu Jing, Xiong Xinyao, Xiao Wenling, Hong Jingwen
Fenhong Ju Ji Shou (粉紅狙擊手): Zuo Jiaxin, Liu Qianqian, Zuo Jingyuan
Shangxia Zuoyou (上下左右): Zheng Danni, Chen Xinyu, Xian Shennan, Chen Huijing
Bao Zou Shaonv (暴走少女): Chen Nanxi, Liu Lifei, Feng Jiaxi, Sun Xin
Mario My Love: Tang Lijia
3rd Stage “Fiona.N” [2018.07.06]
One Life: Chen Huijing, Zuo Jingyuan, Hong Jinwen, Zuo Jiaxin
Huaji (花寄): Liu Lifei, Xie Ailin
Anzhong Guancha (暗中观察): Xiao Wenling, Zheng Danni, Xiong Xinyao, Xian Shennan, Chen Nanxi
+-: Chen Xinyu, Feng Jiaxi
Yong Wo de Shengyin (用我的声音): Lu Jing, Tang Lijia, Liu Qianqian
Putong Putong (噗通噗通): Liu Lifei, Zheng Danni
GNZ48 Team Z
3rd Stage “Sanjiao Hanshu” (三角函数) [2018.01.18]
Zhuanshu Weizhi (专属位置): Chen Ziying, Du Qiulin, Liang Wanlin, Yu Zhiyuan
Tongxing (同行): -
Jieban (结伴): He Mengyao, Long Yirui, Yang Kelu
Universe: Nong Yanping, Wang Zixin, Zhang Qiuyi
NaCl: Bi Ruishan, Wang Cuifei, Wang Jiongyi, Wang Siyue
Bu xiu Gang* (不秀钢): Wang Cuifei, He Mengyao, Lian Wanglin, Bi Ruishan
Jiu cha Yi Diandian (就差一点点): Chen Guijun, Yang Yuanyuan
3rd Stage “Idol.S” [2018.09.22]
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100frh · 7 years
Pinyin lyrics
Lesson one 五樓的我說的就是你 Wu lou de wo shuo de jiu shi ni 不管雞毛蒜皮什麼都參與 Bu guan ji mao suan pi shen me dou can yu Just believe 不發言對不起 Just believe Bu fa yan dui bu qi 大多數人跟的風向就公平 Da duo shu ren gen de feng xiang jiu gong ping 她公開直播哭著唱完小幸�� Ta gong kai zhi bo ku zhe chang wan xiao xing yun 說不想變明星好想要靜一靜 Shuo bu xiang bian ming xing hao xiang yao jing yi jing 娃娃音把產品推薦到徹底 Wa wa yin ba chan pin tui jian dao che di 廠商多滿意 Chang shang duo man yi 太多虛擬弄假想成真 幾個分身自答自問 Tai duo xu ni nong jia xiang cheng zhen Ji ge fen shen zi da zi wen 生活目的是禮物 按讚數或百萬鐵粉 Sheng huo mu di shi li eu An zan shu huo bai wan tie fen 若手機沒有電 誰能安慰你的孤獨 Ruo shou ji mei you dian Shui neng an wei ni de gu du 別認真才能得分 Bie ren zhen cai neng de fen Oh yeah 生活就是 砰砰砰 Oh yeah Sheng huo jiu shi Peng peng peng 誰的夢想那麼瘋狂 Shui de meng xiang na me feng kuang Oh yeah 算了萬人響應 Oh yeah Suan le wan ren xiang ying 永遠一人到場 自己來打這場硬仗 Yong yuan yi ren dao chang Zi ji lai da zhe chang ying zhang Oh yeah 成就解鎖之前 Oh yeah Cheng jiu jie suo zhi qian 不准上傳失望 身邊是群聚的狼 Bu zhun shang chuan shi wang Shen bian shi qun ju de lang Oh yeah 隱姓埋名不是辦法 Oh yeah Yin xing mai ming bu shi ban fa Forgive or forget 硬下去才會發光 Forgive or forget Ying xia qu cai hui fa guang Here we go now You know it 朝聖的心態 You know it Chao sheng de xin tai 湊熱鬧 坐等祭品發完 Cou re nao zuo deng ji pin fa wan 被她放閃我心 痛痛痛 Bei ta fang shan wo xin Tong tong tong 我脫魯了沒有 No no no Wo tuo lu le mei you No no no 轉一圈 空洞的實境秀 Zhuan yi quan Kong dong de shi jing xiu 看無人機飛天 拍到世界都在低頭 Kan wu ren ji fei tian Pai dao shi jie dou zai di tou 太多虛擬弄假想成真 幾個分身自答自問 Tai duo xu ni nong jia xiang cheng zhen Ji ge fen shen zi da zi wen 生活目的是禮物 按讚數或百萬鐵粉 Sheng huo mu di shi li wu An zan shu huo bai wan tie fen 若手機沒有電 誰能安慰你的孤獨 Ruo shou ji mei you dian Shui neng an wei ni de gu du 別認真才能得分 Bie ren zhen cai neng de fen Oh yeah 生活就是 砰砰砰 Oh yeah Sheng huo jiu shi Peng peng peng 誰的夢想那麼瘋狂 Shui de meng xiang na me feng kuang Oh yeah 算了萬人響應 Oh yeah Suan le wan ren xiang ying 永遠一人到場 自己來打這場硬仗 Yong yuan yi ren dao chang Zi ji lai da zhe chang ying zhang Oh yeah 成就解鎖之前 Oh yeah Cheng jiu jie suo zhi qian 不准上傳失望 身邊是群聚的狼 Bu zhun shang chuan shi wang Shen bian shi qun ju de lang Oh yeah 隱姓埋名不是辦法 Oh yeah Yin xing mai ming bu shi ban fa Forgive or forget 硬下去才會發光 Forgive or forget Ying xia qu cai hui fa guang 停止戰鬥 換個視角就溫柔 Ting zhi zhan dou Huan ge shi jiao jiu wen rou 從來沒有 Leave you alone Cong lai mei you Leave me alone 置頂的傷 Let them go 硬是振作 Zhi ding de shang Let them go ying shi zhen nuo Oh yeah 生活就是 砰砰砰 Oh yeah Sheng huo jiu shi Peng peng peng 誰的夢想那麼瘋狂 Shui de meng xiang na me feng kuang Oh yeah 算了萬人響應 Oh yeah Suan le wan ren xiang ying 永遠一人到場 自己來打這場硬仗 Yong yuan yi ren dao chang Zi ji lai da zhe chang ying zhang Oh yeah 成就解鎖之前 Oh yeah Cheng jiu jie suo zhi qian 不准上傳失望 身邊是群聚的狼 Bu zhun shang chuan shi wang Shen bian shi qun ju de lang Oh yeah 隱姓埋名不是辦法 Oh yeah Yin xing mai ming bu shi ban fa Forgive or forget 硬下去才會發光 Forgive or forget Ying xia qu cai hui fa guang Oh yeah Like a fighter Like a fighter Like a fighter Uh uh Oh yeah Like a fighter Like a fighter Like a fighter Yeah go Oh yeah 生活就是 砰砰砰 Oh yeah Sheng huo jiu shi Peng peng peng 誰的夢想那麼瘋狂 Shui de meng xiang na me feng kuang Oh yeah 算了萬人響應 Oh yeah Suan le wan ren xiang ying 永遠一人到場 自己來打這場硬仗 Yong yuan yi ren dao chang Zi ji lai da zhe chang ying zhang Oh yeah 成就解鎖之前 Oh yeah Cheng jiu jie suo zhi qian 不准上傳失望 身邊是群聚的狼 Bu zhun shang chuan shi wang Shen bian shi qun ju de lang Oh yeah 隱姓埋名不是辦法 Oh yeah Yin xing mai ming bu shi ban fa Forgive or forget 硬下去才會發光 Forgive or forget Ying xia qu cai hui fa guang
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exo-gr · 4 years
[200709] LAY -  蹦 (BOOM) single
Buy / Stream: FLO, MelOn, genie, Naver Music, Spotify, Youtube Music, iTunes
DL: m4a
I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you Rare gold did I just find treasure The way you move I swear it's hard for me to measure Right left can't nobody do it better I can teach you baby don't fold under pressure bu guan zai na li wo dou neng Follow kai shi xin de huo yan I'm spark it for ya wo men yi qi wu dong yao bai Salsa Now we dancin' in euphoria To the right to the left ni zhi dao it's not a problem for me All night all day I love it when you go I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you Drop low can you do it on the floor girl Take control girl I know you see the goal yeah Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you bu xu yao zhun bei jiu neng gan shou re lie Roll the dice now don't second guess it gei wo zhe ge ye wan ni bu neng wang que bu yao ting xie Get it get it get it To the right to the left ni zhi dao it's not a problem for me All night all day I love it when you go I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you Drop low can you do it on the floor girl Take control girl I know you see the goal yeah Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you Boom boom boom boom boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom I like it when you
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我赌上一切 而喝下了你 Wo du shang yi qie er he xia le ni I wagered everything and drank you down
时间倒转也无法收回 Shi jian dao zhuan ye wu fa shou hui Even if time turned back there’s no way to take it back
[Chen] 就算冒着上瘾的危险 Jiu suan mao zhe shang yin de wei xian Even taking the risk of addiction
So bad, no one can stop her
[All] Her love her love
[Lay] 我想要她的一切 wo xiang yao ta de yi qie I want her everything
她的爱 就是唯一的定律 Ta de ai jiu shi wei yi de ding lu Her love is the only law
[Chen] 她的唇一吻致命 Ta de chun yi wen zhi ming One kiss from her lips is lethal
越恍惚 就越无法自拔 Yue huang hu jiu yue wu fa zi ba The more unmindful the more you’ll be unable to get yourself out
[Luhan] Oh she wants me, oh she’s got me
[Chen] Oh she hurts me
我是如此渴望想得到你 Wo shi ru ci ke wang xiang de dao ni I am like this, eager to get you
[All] Someone call the doctor
快绑住我 对我说 kuai bang zhu wo dui wo shuo tie me up and tell me
[Lay] 爱情这病 上瘾 overdose Ai qing zhe bing shang yin overdose This sickness called love is addictive overdose
[All] 思念的时间太久 恐慌就开始折磨 Si nian de shi jian tai jiu kong huang jiu kai shi zhe mo The time spent missing you is too long panic turns into torture
[Chen] 慢慢越被你深深迷惑 eh oh Man man yue bei ni shen shen mi huo eh oh I’m slowly more deeply bewitched by you eh oh
[Luhan] Too much 是你 your love Too much shi ni your love Too much it’s you your love
[All] 这是 overdose Zhe shi overdose This is an overdose
[Luhan] Too much 是你 your love Too much shi ni your love Too much it’s you your love
[All] 这是 overdose Zhe shi overdose This is an overdose
[Chen] 你轻轻地挑逗我的肩 Ni qing qing di tiao dou wo de jian You lightly tease my shoulder
每一次触碰都像是触电 Mei yi ci chu peng dou xiang shi chu dian Every time you touch me it’s like you’re electrifying me
[Lay] 心跳快到极限 窒息的瞬间 Xin tiao kuai dao ji xian zhi xi de shun jian My heartbeat is almost at its limit at the moment of suffocation
战栗, 叹了一口气 Zhan li, tan le yi kou qi It tremors, and I sigh
[All] Her love her love
[Xiumin] 就是唯一的解药 jiu shi wei yi de jie yao is the only medicine
就像无法解脱的 destiny Jiu xiang wu fa jie tuo de destiny It’s like an unavoidable destiny
[Luhan] 全身动脉沸腾着 yeah Quan shen dong mai fei teng zhe yeah The blood in my entire body is boiling yeah
终于能驾驭这感觉 Zhong yu neng jia yu zhe gan jue I can finally control this feeling
[Chen] Oh she wants me, oh she’s got me
[Luhan] Oh she hurts me
继续 追逐这你 想得到你 Ji xu zhui zhu zhe ni xiang de dao ni I continue to chase you I want to get you
[All] Someone call the doctor
快绑住我 对我说 kuai bang zhu wo dui wo shuo tie me up and tell me
[Lay] 爱情这病 上瘾 overdose Ai qing zhe bing shang yin overdose This sickness called love is addictive overdose
[All] 思念的时间太久 恐慌就开始折磨 Si nian de shi jian tai jiu kong huang jiu kai shi zhe mo The time spent missing you is too long panic turns into torture
[Chen] 慢慢越被你深深迷惑 eh oh Man man yue bei ni shen shen mi huo eh oh I’m slowly more deeply bewitched by you eh oh
[Luhan] Too much 是你 your love Too much shi ni your love Too much it’s you your love
[All] 这是 overdose Zhe shi overdose This is an overdose
[Luhan] Too much 是你 your love Too much shi ni your love Too much it’s you your love
[All] 这是 overdose Zhe shi overdose This is an overdose
[Lay] 所有人都在问着我 Suo you ren dou zai wen zhe wo Everyone is asking me
[Luhan] 怎么我变了很多 Zen me wo bian le hen duo Why did I change so much
[Lay] 从内心深处 感染你一切 Cong nei xin shen chu gan ran ni yi qie From deep within my heart I’m infected by you
[Chen] 你就是唯一的世界 Ni jiu shi wei yi de shi jie You are my only world
[Luhan] 再也无法倒退 你填满的空间 Zai ye wu fa dao tui ni tian man de kong jian There’s no way to go back, the space that you fill
[Chen] 在这一瞬间 you’re in my heart Zai zhe yi shun jian you’re in my heart At this moment you’re in my heart
[Xiumin] E-X-O
[Kris] 我想要把你灌满我的喉 Wo xiang yao ba ni guan man wo de hou I want to fill my throat with you
全身都在颤抖 Quan shen dou zai chan dou My entire body is trembling
就算喝得再多永远都不够 jiu suan he de zai duo yong yuan dou bu gou but no matter how much more I drink it will never be enough
毒性已经蔓延从头到脚 Du xing yi jing man yan cong tou dao jiao The poison has already spread from my head to my toes
但我不去招架 dan wo bu qu zhao jia but I don’t try to fight it
享受着这种刺激 Xiang shou zhe zhe zhong ci ji Enjoy this kind of stimulation
那么痛快 I can’t stop na me tong kuai I can’t stop so happy I can’t stop
[Xiumin] Hey doctor
这种感觉就挺好的 huh Zhe zhong gan jue jiu ting hao de huh This kind of feeling is pretty nice huh
抗拒不了你给的引力 Kang ju bu liao ni gei de yin li I can’t resist the force of your attraction
让我慢慢被你融化 rang wo man man bei ni rong hua you’re slowly making me melt
[Tao] 宁愿长睡不醒如果 Ning yuan chang shui bu xing ru guo I would rather sleep forever and not wake
这种感觉不存在 zhe zhong gan jue bu cun zai if this kind of feeling doesn’t exist
中你甜蜜的毒 Zhong ni tian mi de du Taking your sweet poison
变成我活不下去的期待 bian cheng wo huo bu xia qu de qi dai becomes my looking forward to not being able to go on
[~] Someone call the doctor
[All] 她的爱才能救我 Ta de ai cai neng jiu wo only her love can save me
失去她一天都不能活 Shi qu ta yi tian dou bu neng huo If I lose her then I am unable to survive for even a day
我不想离开 你的爱像天堂的诱惑 Wo bu xiang li kai ni de ai xiang tian tang de you huo I don’t want to leave, your love is like the temptation of heaven
致命的美丽 震撼着我 eh oh Zhi ming de mei li zhen han zhe wo eh oh Your fatal beauty startles me eh oh
Too much 是你 your love Too much shi ni your love Too much it’s you you love
这是 overdose Zhe shi overdose This is an overdose
Too much 是你 your love Too much shi ni your love Too much it’s you you love
这是 overdose Zhe shi overdose This is an overdose
Credits: colorcodedlyrics.com
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