#YAY omg thank u again for the tag
chaos-and-cookies · 1 year
Turns out u CAN in fact take a nap w.o feeling like u got hit by a truck waking up
U just need a new pricy mattress and even pricier pillows, but its possible!
#we spent a small fortune on our new mattress and pillows for the apartment#like more than all the other furniture combined#tbh probably as much as 1 months rent just on that#BUT#it was worth#we both felt GOOD after taking a nap on our new bed#and we deff are taking all these thingd with us to our next place(s)#and they all have warrantys so if we rly wanna once the warranty is about to end we can be like AY actually replace this#and they would cuz its a warranty#so if it starts dipping like my current mattress even tho its not that old i can go back and they'll give me a new one yay#and like i got this new pillow from target i rly like it was like $17 and tho i find it sooooo comfy#i wake up with so much neck pain the next day its not worth :( just like all these new foam mattresses theyre so cheap and sure they're#comfy at first but they rly just suck and are painful to ur body in the long run#these boujie pillows tho? if u can- and ik its hard to make an expense like this-but if u can pls do it for urself#one rly good pillow is like a world of difference it feels so good so much better and ur body will thank u#ur wallet maybe not but money always comes back so if u can invest in a rly good pillow pls do like omg#all my furniture is cheap amazon furniture but my bf was so right to say the mattress and pillows are most important to splurge on#for both of our health man im like rly happy about it#my credit card not so much but its ok moving is expensive and ill be working soon again to make better payments on it 🫡#ok this is enough tags lmaoooo bye if u got it this far 👋🏾
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ezra-trait · 5 months
thanks @madfeary, @agena87 & @vicciouxs for tagging me MWAH 😚🫶
3 ships: omg, umm... back in the day i was a sousuke/haru (free!) shipper and most recently i've been into wu/mako (tlok). ALSO gunthermunch ai's max/lucas o_O
last song: THIS ONE
last movie: i've been watching the lego movie 😁
last book: i recently tried again to read death dote: another note (i failed ofc 😞)
currently craving: a costco's chocolate muffin.......
favorite color: STILL THESE YAY
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relationship status: single. o_O i'm that one Damn Nobody Want U FR😭😭 meme guys.
last thing googled: this so... i was looking at costco chocolate muffin on google yea
current obsession: i've been thinking about cheetos puffs a lot lately, and monster high and my little guys (the streamers/youtubers i watch)
tag list: @void-imp / @alelelesimz / @roboobin / @buttertrait / @bibliosims / @pralinesims / feel free to ignore ofc 🫶
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OK. UM. first of all, hiiii! <3 ok lemme just gush a lil bit:
2. god, i don't even have the slightest idea of how tennis works, but this is just so????? like?????? you know. and i kinda get how the play goes?? YOU'RE AN AMAZING WRITER GOSH.
3. i actually remembered most of the characters?? considering there's a lot of em, this is practically a miracle. again, you're goddamn amazing. i dont know how. maybe the pace is great, but definitely THE CHARAS ALL HAVE PERSONALITY/DEPTH??? like, i actually even remembered the side charas!!! mike, thalia, diego, felix, that cool ass girl in that shooting game, etc. umh just perfecto.
4. THE TENNIS MATCHES ALL FEEL SO SATISFYING!!! <3333333 omg. i feel like WUOOOOOH u know. i feel so cool playing a cool talented mc omg im loving it (i play a i-win-everything type of mc becuz im a perfectionist with a fear of failure) the matches me on edge in my seat oh gosh <3 and when u win it somehow just go WOOOOOOOH again!!! AAAAAA<3
5. aw, and of course, my beloved rivals to lovers rayyan <3333 *sigh* the slowburn.... (hes actually my first & only one. i go: ohhh tension!?!? and make a run for it. um, if it's ok to ask, is there a lot of content in the romance area as of now or in the future? like, replayability in terms of romance? im sorry if this is rude, i didnt mean to, i suck at words & i wont ask that again.)
6. FOUND FAMILY YAY! FOUND FAMILY YAY! <33333 (we genuinely lack those in the if community pls.) soulmates w/ sam. ride or die diego. very reluctant ride or die G (imma be honest, his name is just so hard so my head for some reason just go Guacamole 😭). aww tobin u very big cinammon roll ill protect u. shenanigans. & others too many to name honestly.
7. help this is just so good i had to force myself to sleep at 3am for a 7am lecture and i sat in the front rows and i put my head on the table and the fricking professor called me out ohmygod- BUT IT WAS WORTH IT GODDAMN!! ILL DO IT AGAIN IF I HAVE TO! HA! i cant wait for the next update- i'm gonna have this fic in my head for the next week oh pls noooooo. (no pressure tho. u do u author! take ur time!!! ill be here to support u, whoo!)
8.ALL IN ALL, I LOVE IT I LOVE THIS I LOVE EVERYONE I LOVE YOU AUTHOR *runs over & hug you w/ consent* <333333333333
ok. um. that's not it but if i continue it's literally gonna be an essay so i'll stop.
author. i will die for this fic. ahaahahahah. if i may ask, what's ur fav IFs? (i really, really love this one so im kinda hoping maybe u have similar taste in IFs eheh. again, im sorry if this comes as rude or insensitive.) oh uh & if my long rambles bother u, i won't send it again sorry.
<333 okok. take care of urself, dont forget to eat healthy, drink water & good sleep. have a nice day :D
Wait. I think I might have missed replying to this I am so sorry!!! It gave me so so much joy. Maybe I subconsciously did not want it to leave my inbox haha.
1. And 2 -> THANK YOU!
3. Gosh this is such a great thing to hear. There are a looot of characters, and I definitely worry sometimes that it gets to be too much, but I think the IF is getting long enough for me to give enough-ish screentime to each character... though it takes me a while to cycle back to different side characters. I cant believe you remembered the cool ass girl in laser tag! :)
4. AWESOME to hear! 🥰
5. Yup, being a character driven IF, there will be a lot of romance (or friendship) beats / moments in the IF (which is already true now). The next couple of chapters will follow the same mix of sports, school and romance / hanging out, so you should already have a sense of how much romance there'll be (it'll just keep unfolding / developing for each of the RO routes!)
6. Hehe found family is my fave trope to insert in stories as well.
7. Hahaha aww oh no fictional college life is catching up to your real college life!!
8. HUG YOU BACK (with consent)!!🤗🤗
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inkykeiji · 30 days
IT WORKS NOW eeeee yay thank you so much!!!!! this made me so emotional (in a good way!)!! i just cannot tell you how honoured i am that you did this for one of my stories like.....i genuinely don’t even have the words to describe how incredible that is and how lucky i am to have you here with me. thank you so much for sharing this with me, i will cherish it so very much ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
my thoughts on each song beneath the cut!!!
family tree - ethel cain
i totally see what you’re saying here!!! ugh god i love ethel cain so much, her music is just so perfect for so much of my work in terms of vibes and atmosphere yk what i mean??? so i was so glad to see that u included her here!!
demolition lovers - mcr
there’s a dozen reasons in this gun has got to be one of my favourite lyrics ever, wow!!! but also, i loved the whole last minute or so of this song!! i know that’s where the lyrics you selected are from, but i just feel like that entire final verse describes the trajectory of dabi and reader’s relationship??? from their first meeting to that last scene with keigo in the hospital.
i would die for you - in this moment
okay, YES. yes, i completely get what you mean LMAO. just that ravenous, all-consuming, downright obsessive love, us against the world type, those who continuously swallow each other whole just to spit them back out again and repeat the entire process. loved it so much <33 VERY dabi x reader!!!
voodoo doll - the funeral portrait
oof okay this song hit so hard it made me sob. as i’ve said before, tag you’re it is a very personal story to me, having grown up with and lived with (and been parented by) addicts for my entire life. because, honestly, addiction doesn’t just hurt the user, it hurts everyone who cares about the user, too. i’m not gonna go too deep into that but i loved everything you had to say about this song and i agree with you one million percent, you hit the nail right on the head!!!
life vest - the material
okay let me just take a moment to bask in the fact that the motel scenes are your favourite because i worked SO insanely hard on those scenes LMAO <3 two bodies with one beating heart oh i love love love this. but yeah!!! at that moment in the story especially, dabi is her life vest; for the majority of their time there (right up until the end) he discards his manipulation and casts off his selfishness and allows himself to just be with her, to be there for her, for completely selfless reasons, because he truly does love her. it is a crucial point in their relationship!
tears don’t fall - bullet for my valentine
ooooh yes okay!!! one of the lyrics that really stuck out to me in this song is there’s always something different going wrong / the path i walk’s in the wrong direction because it feels very keigo, especially since he was the golden boy who fell from grace, essentially. adding onto your selection of lyrics, the her conscience calls the guilty to come home also kind of reminded me of the guilt reader feels for leaving keigo, and how that guilt kind of repeatedly calls for her to come back to him, sometimes in the form of keigo himself.
everybody sells cocaine - motionless in white
holy fuck i LOVED this song!!! and you’re SO right, btw!!! dabi is constantly tempting keigo, taunting keigo, ‘testing’ keigo in the most twisted, unfair ways ever. i don’t even have anything to add, i just agree with you wholeheartedly.
jupiter - flower face
omg yes this is VERY dabi x reader during their budding relationship in part one especially. also, these silly games we play / stupid ways to make you stay / my heart’s split open on display / i can’t wait another day pretty much encompasses them fully <33 also also, rly loved the lyric it must be holy to feel something so pure makes me think of dabi as he initially starts to truly fall in love with her—real, pure, sincere! okay i just got to the end of the song and tbh, i think there’s even an argument to be made here for part two as well, and the way their relationship progresses, the concept of home, etc.
luna - wisp
feeling u hardcore on the chest aching with this song. it’s just the melody, you know??? it feels so infused with raw emotion. this one also kind of reminds me of the sex scene in part one AHAHAHA but that’s more due to how hazy and fragmented reader is <3
bottles - the material
oh yeah, for sure! alcoholism is still substance abuse, and it is still addiction. oof this is another one that made me like, super emotional. just rly struck a chord!! i love everything you’ve pointed out here, and i also love how the chorus (in particular the lyrics those bottles are everywhere / and i can’t be everywhere / to keep them from you) reminds me so much of how reader feels towards keigo’s addiction for the majority of the series; she so desperately wishes to save him from himself, she so desperately wants to help, to be useful, but she truly cannot be everywhere cataloging all of his actions all of the time
aaaah WOW sleepy!!!! incredible playlist, thank you again for sharing it with me and the rest of us here on inkykeiji!!! your selection of songs and the order in which you curated them was just genius, i am so blessed to be able to experience this <333
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ok its me again hi AAAHHHH this is so nice i feel so warm im lying on my bed kickin my lil legs i cant believe this thank you for being nice omgggg now im on a roll im gonna say things about julian hkdhjgdgjf
only one song really that i scanned the whole tag looking for to see if anyone said it before and i was so surprised that i didnt find it and i went to check the official playlists on spotify cause maybe its on there already and thERE ISNT ONE WHAT???? i had the muriel one liked on here and id never checked any other ones out lmao but like i swear there had to be one?? like maybe they made it first and its somewhere separately??? julian is like the most popular one how the hell does he not get a spotify list is that how this tag was created?? *gasp* am i discovering the ~fandom lore~
(just gonna say you dont actually need to answer any of that in detail dont waste your time gksgkydgjf im just screaming into the void cause i was so flabbergasted after those 3 whole minutes of research i put into this)
ANYWAY the actual song would be House of Wolves by our lord and saviour MCR! its so good for him with his whole Woe is Me drama king vibe lol and the plaguey thematicssss mmmm delicious TELL ME im a BAD BAD BAD BAAD MAAAAN aight you lil masochist i see u and the "you better run like the devil cause they never gonna leave you alone" you get it caUSE HES A FUGITIVE DO YOU GET THE DEEP UNRAVELABLE METAPHORS DO YOU GET IT DO YOU G aight shut up hkhfjtdy anyway
ok i lied jystfhte heres another one i just remembered i really wanted to put here its not new but just in case somebody hasnt seen it yet lmao its such a masterpiece ill do anything to give it its due here ya go
and the other thing im really glad to have seen people mention here is musical songs cause thats one of the things i love about him the most like yass we love a thespian king slay grl so then anytime im binging a musical there always come the intrusive thoughts of "aw hed love this one" and "oh hed be great for this role" like i went to see f-ing swan lake with my f-ing grandpa and one of the major takeaways i got from the experience was (UH IM GONNA PUT A SPOILER WARNING HERE? I GUESS? IN CASE ANYONE CARES HELLO JULIAN BAD ENDING SPOILERS AHEAD DO MOVE ALONG NOW IF YOU DONT LIKE THAT AVERT YOUR GAZE CITIZENS LMAO LIKE YOU HAVENT SEEN FANARTS N ADS ALREADY ALRIGHT ALRIGHT) "omg jules would be so perfect as that bird guy villain IN HIS BIRD GUY SHAPE TOO OMG WITH THE WINGS ON STAGE THIS IS AWESOME WHY CANT I DRAW GOOD GODDA-"
anyway hed love hadestown (hed at least try to cast muriel as hades cause hes perfectly intimidating for it but theres way too many lines which okay Maybe but AND he has to sing???? nah hes out bkgdhkdt) i dont know what hed think of pierre natasha & the great comet cause its maybe a little eccentric i suppose but i think hed appreciate the cultural roots of the vibe with him being fantasy ruso-slav-ukrainian-whatnot heritage i reckon and hed definitely have a blast at a live performance and hed ABsolutely join in with the actors in between the rows at some point and theyd ABSOlutely let him cause hes that good and game recognize game cmon hes gonna show you amateurs what a real kazotski looks like
i can also see him enjoying sweeney todd, for its delightful edgyness, maybe even some themes relatable for him, and his sappy ass would SO memorise Pretty women to whip it out at an opportune serenading moment khgdturshc im so cringe and loving it
well i cant think of any more shows to throw him together with so thus ends my soliloquy wow i cant believe thats how you spell that anyway i hope anybody who knew what the hell im talking about enjoyed all that jgfztits see you in another 20 minutes when i come back like "AND ANOTHER thing-
Yay, it's the character song essays anon!! :D
I'm glad to see you back, and I will once again be re-linking the song you shared below and adding your suggestions to the tag ^.^
And frankly, I'm 76% certain that one of Julian's love languages is theatre, especially musical theatre. That could be tickets, that could memorizing the lines from one of this favorite scenes and reciting it back to him, it could be showing up to every single performance he's involved in :)
I'm glad to see you back in my inbox, friend, feel free to message me if you ever want to obsess over the characters together! Cheers -
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markpakin · 2 months
nine people i'd like to get to know better 🐳
i was tagged by rowan @sollucets, thank you sm <3
three ships
oh this is so hard bc there are so many good recent ones ! but i think i'll go with jom and yai from ifylita (because of the absolute devastation they caused me), gao shi de and zhou shu yi from we best love (bc come on, how can i not choose them?) & my all time favourites tang yi and meng shao fei from history: trapped because they were so rin coded, it was bonkers insane and crazy.
first ship
i think i remember telling u what my first ship was before and i'm sure it was daphne and thorn from the hex girls from scooby doo skjfhks they were my first ever pairing that i obsessed over when i was a kid.
last song
on spotify, it was evening glow by wave to earth
currently reading
i'm not reading any books rn, because i just got done with the song of achilles for the sixth time and i'm having feelings about it again so: paint smears on sunny days by snowshadowao3 which is teacher wei wuxian and single dad lan wangji, which is actually my kryptonite. i'm dead serious this is my favourite fic of all time. i read it all the time, and i'm in the middle of reading it again right now. it's tooth achingly sweet, and it feels like a warm hug in a fic. to sleep, perchance to dream by hyacinthssoul which is dean and pharm from until we meet again, but it's just so. so. good i can't describe it. it's not very long but it's a little fic that lingers in my mind when i read it and i would read 300k words from this author of dean being sweet on pharm like. i really truly would. you know i dreamed about you (before i saw you) by beelove which is a cute little magical au about yusuf and nicolo from the old guard! which is a fandom i was in for a long time and still hold dear to my heart. i decided to dive back into tog fics and found this gem in my bookmarks! i highly recommend, it's so cute.
last movie
i just watched mamma mia: here we go again! with my little sister and it was kind of good but i couldn't get into it for some reason dkfks i think bc it isn't lord of the rings </3
currently craving
oh um, i crave the ability to watch just one episode of a drama right now but my anxiety isn't letting me so instead i'm listening to music and experiencing dread for some reason skjfhs
i'm tagging @poonmitpakdee, @ongsasuns, @ueasking and anyone else who would like to do it omg i'm just shy about tagging people
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grvntld · 2 years
ang dami ko need gawin para sa aking peace of mind aka my kaartihan bc im truly maarti and im not gonna deny it and there is nothing wrong with it because they all matter to me thank you very much
💁‍♀️~fix~ mah feed hehe ngl i like a cohesive slash coordinated feed and yep i hv a planner for my feed okie because how else will i know if my photos go together hmm izz nawt that what i hv on my planner doesnt go together but right now it's not making me feel like 😌🤠🥳🥰 so yas i hv to maybe move some of the photos around or maybe present a few photos differently awOw
💁‍♀️sit the fuck down with my clothes and shoes and bags again and just declutter the heck out of it—we hv turned our second room slash guest room slash bebi portus' room into our full blown walk-in closet since our clothes are all there anyway and one of these days i just rlly hv to sit on it and deal with it so that i'll be feeling like ☺🧚‍♀️👸
💁‍♀️take more than just a glimpse of my monmon bc lately ive just been 💸💸💸 left and right and i know once upon a time i dreamt of not having to look at a price tag when purchasing something but my golly wow wow even i am going 👁👄👁 at myself after 🛍 like how the fudge—
💁‍♀️line up some books to read since im done with missing molly already hehe gosh waht a ride that one is my gosh so yeah i hv to check out some books that i wanna read plus plus plus get back on the list of books that hv been recommended to me by my friends and moots a while back yay
💁‍♀️get back to journaling—look for maybe prompts or just write about my day oh and find cute notebooks to fill too hihi
💁‍♀️re-read the cgm method again so i could grow out my curls again bc i miss them hehe ngl i havent been doing it, but yep, im using cgm friendly products still hmm i just havent had the energy to do the technique itself hehu so i hv to re-learn errthang abt it again and check out the other things i no longer hv with me hihi exciting omg more shopping lol
💁‍♀️going back to my feed kaartihan, re-edit prolly all the photos to achieve the feel that i genuinely want bc mismam im creative and i know i could do it come on aina ganda dyosa winner donchu settle for pwede na yan u got diz
okie i couldnt think of anything else anymurrrr other than werq so dazz what imma do bYE MWAPS
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cv01doodle · 1 year
vocaloid tag game!!!!
yay thank u @hopealop3 for tagging me :D
name 10 of ur fave vocalsynths and songs to go along with em 💃🕺 3 songs max
(tagging people in tag games and stuff make me anxious SORRY LOL you don't need to do this if you don't want to btw. also if i didn't tag you SORRY AS WELL...) @marchimoon @potetopancakes :3
Hatsune Miku: dude. there are so much but. umi no searchlight by cowshi is sooo catchy it's in the SNOWMIKU 2022 album and the MV is so funny lol.
also scheveningen by pinocchioP it's really old but it's stuck in my head again LOL
behind the mask, there are dry eyes by koko wa, wonderland it's very good and it's on the miku channel for 39culture... idk what to say it's really very good
Sato Sasara: dokusou by YASUHIRO!!! it's my first sasara song but it's still my fave lol... i swear i know more... LMAO
Chis-A: this one's gonna be long i love chisei sorryyyy
revanche by aira!!!!! aira is a producer more popular on nico so i don't really expect much people to know them ;-; but they make some of my fave chisei stuff dude he's so good. this is their colorless festival song but they've made two other good songs for vocacolle as well PLEASE CHECK EM OUT
nounai kousenchuu by lesotax!!! this one is literally sooo small but literally SO GOOD good guitar good chisei vocals and funny lyrics plz listen if u got the chance
kamaboko ka mahoro ka makoto ka by mashima yuro... the lyrics are catchy and the animation is soooo cute i love chisei
Kagamine Rin: niibiro dolore by tsumiki… it’s been my favorite for a while i’m pretty sure it’s altered my brain chemistry as well LOL
pikapika candy loveism by kashii moimi (BANGER) (THIS SONG IS SO SLAY)
flower: apple and pomegranate by kuriyama yuri... this is less about flower and more about kuriyama yuri and the boys (van de shop) this song is soooooo good. like omg. it's been like 3 days
also shounin by iroharingo... classic raspy flower song with the noises and weird piano. also una is there its very good imo
#PARASITES by kanna tateisu... not much to say its a cool song LOL i love kanna tateisu's songs
MEIKO: TYQOON by sohbana! her tuning is SOOOO CUTE this was for vocacolle fall 2022 and i still love it SO MUCH
Hanakuma Chifuyu: actress by iyowa because i always become obsessed with one of iyowa's songs once in a while lol......
Kaai Yuki: okay hold on this one will also be long. sorry she's just so funny.
kyoufuu all back by yukopi like this is so funny. this wasn't even apart of vocacolle and it's still dominating the charts. it has millions on youtube. and all she sings about is the wind hitting her face and funny recorder plays in the back....... its like peak VOCALOID...
watashi wa saitei by NIMONO cuz it's vibes and also the art is really pretty
amber fever by toiki is literally too catchy. toiki makes some catchy songs
Gekiyaku: black moon rising by yoshihisa hirata is really cool like thats all i have to say it's so good. made me change my favorite UTAU lmao
Otomachi Una: precious syndrome by WADATAKEAKI!!!! nothing much to say i just love WADATAKEAKI lol and also YM works on the MV with sora and i love both of their artworks so much <3
also loved smoothie by 1202isana is SO CUTE it's the same producer who made menhera janai mon... it's been like 2 years that's crazy
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cythoughtsnmemories · 8 months
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Thank God last Thu & Fri I was on course at SMU. So glad course mates jio me lunch tgt. Had bagel on 2nd day lunch. Went back office to exercise n dinner w colleague. Met up w friend for dinner on Fri after course.
Sat hubby n I went to my SSC gathering at Clara's hse. We had lunch at her hse n chat for hrs. Claragave us some souvenirs from TW, while I gave out d foodiefrom Jap...soon its dinner time and we had dinner tgt too lol~ Seorea bbq at Nex. Their service is bad. A staff spilled d sauce on the table, then she ask my friend to clean it up w tissue. Wts?! We both looked at each other cos we shock by the staff response. I asked d staff to clean it up w wet cloth, while my friend asked for more tissue. The staff still said there's tissue on d table. Erm...then I clean up then the tissue will used up also right. Not like it's a lot.
Sunday~ I went home to meal prep for Mon and ate the leftover for lunch w sis. While sis cooked korean cold noodles to share. Home is still best. At least, I can be comfortable and do things freely.
This wk was hectic but I'm glad I survived!
Went office everyday except Tue and Thu. No fam dinner w sis cos she's coming over on Mon n I've got gym. Anw, MIL also don't mind I can't join. Tue, my only day wfh at hubby's hse. Lunch was ard 1+ and I gave up waiting for MIL to return from market w helper. They went out ard 11am and not sure where they went to get cheap fish. Isn't usual lunchtime at 12 or 1? Was thinking 1 they not home then I'll cook my own lunch. Pfft! Why no fixed lunchtime? When they are back, MIL ask if I still want steam fish. Of cos! There's no meat leh. Luckily work wasn't busy, just long meeting.
Thu, I just brought some clothes and laptop home to wfh. Tabao lunch for my mum and took d train. So glad to be home. And yay~ mum has cleared covid too. Managed to meet hubby to have dinner date at suntec. Food was cheap but not nice.
Fri, I went office but went hubby's hse for dinner. I reached home, I quickly showered and do my laundry. As usual hubby want to collect d laundry water. Whatever~ it's 7.30 and dinner still not ready. Haizzz...finally 7.40 ready for dinner. MIL asked hubby to eat w me first. They join us not long after. I asked why there isn't any meat. MIL said oh I just cook whatever is in d fridge. Erm, but u have to plan n know what u r cooking and should realise there isn't meat right? I'm fine w eating vegetarian. Just regret I had oats for breakfast and vegetarian for lunch. Didn't expect dinner to be meatless lol. Oh, and period is here.
Sat, I woke up and get ready. Then I stood outside waiting for hubby. Dk y MIL suddenly so random and ask if i'm taking pills. I was confused. I tot she saying I crazy...nvr take meds lol. Then she ask again...contraceptive pills. Wah 🙄 how rude is this. I'm on my period leh. Okay she dk but y she thinks I'll do that and y can't I take those pills. Hubby was praying so he didn't say anything. I told hubby I'm going downstairs to wait for him and didn't reply my mil silly qn.
Went bukit timah for hike w colleagues and I asked hubby to tag along. We went to d summit and d yellow trail (difficult). It's Pris 1st time and she can't take another round. Heng ah~ as we were almost down at the base, it started pouring heavily. Pris drove us for a good soba which SFDJ intro. We then went separate way home. I wanted to try the mochi ice cream at 313, so hubby n I bought 1 each before heading home.
So tired...I just want to rest. I showered and went to keep my laundry. MIL took my pillow, bolster and blanket to put outside the window area. Omg!!! It's just 1 more day before I can go back home, y she wanna touch my stuff. 😭 I qn MIL, she still told me, it will smell good (from d sun). Erm, I know sun can kill germs but d area she place it is so dirty leh...birds can land there, rain, dust, lizard also can brush thru d area. Then she just said next time won't touch. In d first place u should ask first what. Why do I feel like mil always want to trigger me.
Maybe I'm tired, I went to pack my stuff for tmr going back home. MIL came in and ask why I'm packing. Hubby helped to say that I only have few set of clothes, so need bring back. Lol thanks babe! Lucky, I just kept quiet. Have lot of clothes also kena nag waste money. 🙄 I'm a sinner in this hse.
Saw a plastic bag, I took it to hubby to ask if I can throw cos it's already collected a layer of dust...thick de hor! Kena nag, not to touch his stuff. Just dk y hubby cannot spent some time to clear his room. Throwing stuff away seems like a sin in his hse...even though they don't use it anymore. Its so cluttered, dusty and messy. K lo, ur hse. I don't care.
No mood at all. Can't wait to go home tmr!! 😭
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bokeboke · 4 years
AH i’ve never done one of these before thank u sm for the tag @haikyuuprettysettersquad !!! <3 <3 <3
fav color blue last song Wasteland, Baby! - Hozier last movie Pride & Prejudice last show Bungo Stray Dogs (just finished season 3 it was rly good) coffee, tea or bubbly water
appearance i’m over 5’5” // i wear glasses or contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes  // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear makeup // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backward
hobbies and talents i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
relationships i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long-distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
aesthetic i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
misc i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs // i have a cat
i tag all my lovely moots & anyone else who wants to! (too lazy to actually tag but @ me and i will absolutely read them!!) (if u don’t want to that’s fine too lol)
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moonraccoon-exe · 5 years
(Ch. 32) Ignis and the Beast
IT’S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But seriously, I hope you enjoy!! <3
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bloom-bloom-pow · 3 years
maybe like enhypen reactions of finding twreets about them even though you're dating already?
OMFG this is so cute :(( thank you anon!
you would constantly tweet about the love of your life, before and during dating, and one day he finds the account...
would 10/10 go ¿qué?  🤨
someone's tweeting about him ???
he scrolls more to see that it started years ago
kinda blushes and everyones like oooehh whats heeseung doing in the corner 😳
and he's like ...reading thirst tweets
AYO HUH??? 🤠
he realizes that doesn't sound right either 😐
very impatient to tell you about this hilarious account he found
he meets up with you at lunch and hands you his phone, full of love tweets
ur like yeah babe that's my acc 😃
and he would go fake emo like "..oh."
"WDYM OH ????"
was scrolling through twitter one day
almost choked on his spit when he found a certain account 😍
you're like ?? ayo u okay ??
and he's like ..yeah yeah.. 😗😏
and he's like wait it sounds like you
he scrolls and makes SURE that he's gonna roast you properly
as he should 😣
and soon he makes you "listen to a poem that he wrote" 😯😯
"jay park is my soulmate. just look at his pretty eyes, i literally melt when he wears black jeans. they make his-"
you turn red and your mind goes absolutely blank
"for what it's worth, i think you have gorgeous eyes too 😉"
highkey flustered (but when is he not)
once he found that he would be all ‼️‼️
he's like oh my god do they know i'm taken :((
sends screenshots to the boys' gc and realizes it's not the boys 🤨🤨
he fr fr thought sunghoon was making a fan account 😳
he finally goes to you, promising he didn't kiss someone else's cheeks, almost in tears 
ur like omg thats my acc.. my bad 😬
he would be SO relieved (yay!)
10/10 gives you a reassurance hug 
"awhh baby, i'm right here! i'm yours and you're mine 🥰"
when he found it he was lowkey not surprised 
he finds it and immediately knows it's you but keeps it to himself 
because he needs assurance sometimes ykyk 😭😭
nothing like tweeting how perfect your bf is to confirm thAt.. 
he would nonchalantly catch you off guard one day and be like 
"omg look at these tweets lmao"
u would go from ❓❓to ‼️‼️ SO FAST
the panic in your eyes would make him giggle 🥺
ur like oh god he'S LAUGHING AT ME 💔💔
he shows you one of the notes on his phone and it's just all the reasons why he loves you 😎
"aww mr. sunghoon park is in love with me 😆"
"..mmhm.. more than you'll ever know..."
all he's thinking is uh oh uh oh uh oh 
he doesn't really talk and he just goes through his day like 😐😐
u tell him he's killing ur vibe after many "what's wrong bubs?" and "ah, i'm just tired.." 
you confront him soon after and go all 😠😠 
he just gives you a quick nod and shows you all the tweets
you're like 😮😮 bubs look at the dates !!! 
and he's like 🤨🤯 they always posted on the days i took you on dates !!! do you think we have a stalker..? 
(everyone facepalm right now)
u show him your phone, which was logged into the account
at first he's confused but when it clicks he gives you one of those big bear hugs
"thank you for loving me.. i'm thankful to have you in my life ☺️"
he was honestly looking for these accounts if you ask me,,
he's unpredictable n spicy what can i say ??
didn't know what to do for once in his life
decided to think outside the box and be forward when he knew you would be on your phone
man is just smart like that ykyk
don't tell anyone but he read it ALL and went 🥺
would dm and write comments which would result in you saying "wonnie why are you on my page? let me simp for you in peace 😔😔"
and he's like omg aHAHA SIMP 😶😶
ur like ..wait i just exposed myself 🤠"
"you sure did, sweetheart! but don't worry, my ‘fantabulous squishy out of this world hugs’ are coming right up 😉" 
didn't even want the drama in the first place
mans was tagged so he couldn't ignore
so he read it and started tearing up 
awooga thats our baby boy 😣😣
he was like i hope this doesn't cause drama ahh
decides to call you and rant 
tbh YOURE the one who's going oh no- what have i done i gotta hiDE 🙈
internally you're shaking and know you're DONE FOR if he finds out it's you 😓 #learnedhowtoroastbyjay
..he never did find out that it was your acc..
"see!! they posted about me again what do i doooooo 😩😩"
"hmm.. you love me still right?" 
"more than anything, angel 🥺"
thank you for requesting! <3
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saintobio · 2 years
Yn's death scene broke my heart. I'm ngl, I didn't cry bc I'm already used to saint level angst but the fact that she just wanted rin to believe her and the way rin was screaming ugh, it's just so tragic that he finally had a wife who he truly loves and it ends this way 💔 for my peace of mind, I'm imagining them living their best life in heaven and having the happy family that they weren't able to start 😭
And rin was so smart for choosing to torture hera and c'ian instead of killing them, he definitely knew how much it would affect them to witness his death. Also, on that note of c'ian and hera being kept in the dungeon, what has happened to demie? Is she staying with the empress or being looked after by someone else?
Also, when 'samu and the knights kneeled in respect for rin and yn, it's kinda sad that she was finally shown some sort of respect by the people of Faren and she wasn't even alive to witness it. I feel like if she didn't eat the berries and rin saved her, everyone would've been able to see that she's not who they thought she was and would definitely have some respect/love for her 😭
This play was so beautifully written Saint. I really do appreciate you taking the time to write this masterpiece bc I can imagine that writing in that language and in a format that doesn't allow for a lot of description, is difficult. Thank you saint, you broke my heart once again and I love you for it. 😂💘
this is just a 6 on saint level angst sdjsjs and yeah there’s no other way to put it — suna knows that his death would be traumatizing to hera and ci’an. the answer to demie is on a previous ask :)
thank u for reading tho 🥺 it was definitely hard since i’m so used to descriptive writing but i’m happy to know that you liked it <3
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Anonymous said
what’s totally crazy about the ending is that if the MC had only held out for like 5 minutes, she and rin could’ve been alive together ☹️. i am happy that they get to be together in the afterlife tho. i think it’s kind of a morbidly funny trend in tragedies that if they had just a tiny bit more streets smarts, most of their problems could’ve been solved in like a week. anywho this was a great story, and i think you deserve all the flowers for writing in such a difficult style, and still being able to convey such intense emotions. you truly are amazing at what you do, and i’m very grateful to be a reader!
omg yea ik what u mean !! HAHA when i read r+j for the first time, i got sooo upset like why can’t they wait just a few more mins dammit 😭 and thank u very much for ur sweet words anon <33 i appreciate it sm :’)
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Anonymous said
It’s so sad it had to end that way but i can’t say that i did not like it bc it’s so amazing yet tragic 😭
Anonymous said
oh my god saint that was so good?? it would be wonderful if it was an actual play! you should really make some of your stories actual books people would love them
WAAAAH thank u!! that makes me happy :’) i’m actually glad i turned this old play of mine into a fanfic. i didn’t think anyone would appreciate but yay <33 when i submitted this for my class before, my professor said we can’t have it on stage bc it was too dark gahahaj
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Anonymous said
“Keep this image with you forever as I reunite with my true love, far away from the spiteful ladies of this household.”
i read the tags for olal but i thought it was just gonna be yn unaliving herself, but when i came to that line i was shook
was rin able to reunite with yn in the afterlife at least where they’re both finally at peace together
Anonymous said
I was hoping for Hera and c'ian to die but I guess it was too good to be true 😭 but at least now rin and mc can be happy and free in the afterlife
@andreavasquezz said
Romeo and Juliet moment😝😭😰😭😭😭 that was so sad but I know that they will be reincarnated and reunite and live happily ever after.
@evcrgardn said
i hope rin, yn, and their baby are happily together in the afterlife :((
Anonymous said
Me hoping for Suna and yn getting reincarnated in modern world and finally getting the happy ending they deserve😭
AFTERLIFE IT IS :P but u guys,,,, doesnt this remind u of a certain someone from a zombie apocalyptic world *coughs* maybe they’ll reincarnate again since it’s a common manhwa trope 😹
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@sunareign said
… why you gotta do that to me ? i thought zunarin was enough? WHY YOU GOTTA BREAK MY HEART A SECOND TIME?
shut up u love angst u know that :p and i never said ur mans won’t die the second time bsjsjds he never gets a happy ending from me 😹
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mrsalwayswrite · 3 years
To Call Forth Love- Chapter 4
So I planned for this chapter and the next to originally be one but as I started writing it, the words kept flowing and oops....now its really long. So I decided to split it. This means that I’m pretty much done with the next chapter so I’ll be able to get it out in a few days! Yay!
Also, Ivar is pretty manipulative in this chapter. Someone made a comment in the last chapter that I want to acknowledge. Going forward this is kind of a theme but I just want to put that warning statement- if this is triggering for you, please read with caution. There is nothing explicit or graphic but its still manipulation. 
Warnings: swearing, manipulation
Tag List: @youbloodymadgenius​
Series Masterlist
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Sitting in the office at work, Kari sipped on her smoothie as she plugged in numbers for an inventory order. She had just finished teaching one of her morning classes and was now doing some paperwork for Lydia while on her "lunch break". 
 She jumped when her phone suddenly buzzed- a text alert. Surprised and curious as to who would be texting her at this time, she unlocked her phone to see the text from an unknown number. 
 Unknown: hey u busy 2nite?
 Kari: who is this?
 Unknown: u fav person
 Kari: OMG! Ed Sheeran?!
 She giggled quietly to herself, returning back to the laptop screen. Normally she ignored any calls or texts from unknown numbers, but it had been a good morning and she was feeling playful. When there was no return text, she shrugged the conversation off and returned to the order. Apparently, the unknown number did not get the reaction they were hoping for or realized they text the wrong person. Either way, she did not care. 
 A couple minutes later, her phone started to vibrate repeatedly. Looking down, she saw she was getting a call from the unknown number. She hesitated to answer, but by the third ring her curiosity got the better of her and she answered it. 
 She sat there stunned. "Ivar?"
 "Of course, it's me. Who the fuck were you expecting?" He asked, angrily. 
 "How did you get my number?"
 He ignored her question, his voice suddenly sounding muffled. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be a second…. damn it. I know!"
 "Who is that?" 
 "My brother.” He scoffed, muttering something unintelligible under his breath, before speaking to her again. “I have to head back into a meeting now."
 "Oh, ok?"
 "You didn't answer my question."
 Her mind was still reeling from the fact that Ivar Lothbrok had her number and was calling her out of the blue. "What question?"
 He huffed, exasperation evident in his tone. "Are you busy tonight?"
 "I want to take you out."
 "Ivar," she sighed, pressing a hand to her forehead, "I told you, I can't."
 "Yeah and I don't believe you, so…."
 "No. I'm sorry but the answer is still no."
 "Fine. I have to go." He snapped then abruptly ended the call.  
 Slowly, she pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at it. What just happened? Before she forgot, she added his number to her contacts since she had the distinct feeling this would not be the last time he contacted her. Once done, she set her phone down and dropped her head into her hands. 
 It had been two days since he drove her home and she said they could be friends. In those two days, this was the first contact they had. She had hoped he grew bored with her since she was not playing his game, that she refused to go out with him. Maybe he finally decided she was not worth his time and moved on? Which was for the best. She could never fit into his world, there was no space for her there. Nor did she want to. She was happy, content with her life. 
 It was better for her to not allow Ivar into her life. That's what she repeated to herself as she tried to focus on the inventory order. 
 "Just put the bags right there, thank you." Kari said, placing the grocery bags, one in each hand, onto the tiled floor. The kitchen in her townhouse was small, two people could barely move around in it without bumping into one another. Thankfully, she did not spend much time in the kitchen. Cooking had never been her forte. 
 "Do you need anything else? I don't mind staying to help." The dirty-blond haired man asked, setting the two bags he carried down onto the floor. He started to shuffle forward but seemed to think better of it and leaned against the half-wall separating the kitchen from the short hallway. 
 "Erik, it's fine. If anything, I owe you. You never let me pay for gas money."
 He shrugged, and tucked his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. "It's not a big deal. I needed to shop too."
 "Still, it's not fair to you." She turned around from placing the milk in the fridge to look at him. 
 "If I think of something you can do to repay me, I'll let you know. Deal?"
 "Do you still want a ride to work tomorrow?"
 She shut the door and jokingly waved a hand at him. "See! You're too nice."
 "I'd be ‘too nice’ if I also showed up with coffee for you."
 She laughed, moving some frozen fruit into the freezer. "You're too perfect to not have a girlfriend." 
 He rubbed the back of his neck, a flush growing on his cheeks and drawing out a boyish smile. "I don't know if I'd say that. I'll let you get to it. I'll meet you outside at nine?"
 "Thank you, Erik."
 "Of course." He popped his head around the wall to look into the living room. "See you, Alana!"
 "Bye, Erik!" The response came from the living room. 
 Kari continued to put her groceries away as she heard the front door click shut behind him. Somehow, she needed to figure out a way to pay him back. 
 Erik lived in the townhouse next door alone. When he learned that Kari did not own a car, he offered to give her rides whenever it worked out for both of their schedules. At first, she had been hesitant, still not having lived in the townhouse for long but eventually gave in because he always acted like such a gentleman. Every time he saw her, he made sure to greet her and ask about her day. He always held the door open for her and anybody else close by. A negative word never passed his lips, rather choosing to focus on the positive in life. A routine soon started to form and every two weeks they would meet up outside of their townhouses and go grocery shopping together. When she did not have to work early, he would occasionally give her rides to work since the bank he worked at was only a couple blocks away. That was the extent of their interactions though. She wondered about inviting him over for dinner as to thank him but she always chickened out in asking him. Perhaps that was what she needed to do after all.  
 Once all her groceries were put away, she headed into the living room, seeing her roommate and friend sitting on the couch with the TV on to the Great British Bake-off but looking down at her phone. 
 The brunette asked, dropping onto the second couch. "How was work?"
 "Good. You?" Alana looked up, her make-up flawless like usual on her delicate features. 
 "Nothing too exciting."
 "You know, if you'd waited two hours I could have taken you to the store."
 Kari nodded, fiddling with her diamond stud earring. "I know, but you're so busy with work and school. I know you like relaxing when you come home and Erik said he was free today."
 "Did he now?" Alana asked with a smug look.
 Kari tossed a throw pillow at her. "Don't start this again."
 The blonde caught the pillow, still grinning like the Cheshire cat. "You know he likes you. He's just too shy to ask you out."
 "He's a friend, it's been like seven months, I think if he was going to ask me out, he would have done it by now."
 "He. Is. Shy." Alana enunciated, as if talking to a child. She rolled her blue eyes, leaning back against the couch. "Shit, he only started to actually talk to me this summer."
 "Cause you are intimidating."
 Alana threw the pillow back at Kari. "Bitch, it's cause I radiate sexiness and he can't handle it."
 "That is most definitely it." 
 "Well the guy I hooked up with last weekend said I radiated sexiness."
 Kari wrinkled her nose, looking over at her roommate. "I don't want to hear that. It's bad enough when you bring them here."
 "You know, it wouldn't be the worst thing for you to actually go out with Erik. He's…. sweet." She quietly stated, eyes back on the TV. 
 "I'm fairly sure he'd treat you better than that fucker of ex."
 Kari picked invisible lint off her black leggings, apprehensive about where the topic was going. Her love life, and lack of it, was something Alana liked to remind her of frequently as of late. "Honestly, I'm even sure anymore he should count as an ex."
 "Well you were supposed to be exclusive, right? And then you find out he's been fucking other girls the whole time. That counts as a shitty ex."
 She winced at the reminder of her one attempt at dating. "I don't…. I don't think I'm ready."
 The blonde pointed a finger at her roommate without turning her eyes away from the TV. "Well don't wait around forever, you'll miss out."
 "Says the woman who hooks up with a different guy almost every other weekend."
 "And I'm not missing out!"
 Kari laughed. Feeling her phone vibrate, she pulled it out of her pocket and checked it to see a new text from Ivar. 
 Ivar: hell no, if we r gng 2 see the Northern Lights thn we're gng 2 Iceland or Norway.
 She smiled at the text, quickly typing in a reply. 
 Kari: fine, we'll add that to the list. Can I please put South Africa back on the list?
 She fiddled with her diamond stud earrings, looking back at their conversation throughout the day. Just looking at all the texts, she bit her lip to try and contain the smile. 
 Ivar had texted her in the late morning, asking her out again. To which she just texted back a one-word answer- "no". Apparently undeterred, he ignored her 'no', saying how he wanted to take her to this popular restaurant. Somehow the conversation spiraled into creating overly outrageous "dates" he would take her on, each one more fantastic than the last, with her encouraging and creating her own ideas. Their texting had lasted all day, and she found herself actually looking forward to his responses. Something she never would have expected, especially after how rudely he hung up on her the prior day. 
 So far her favorite "date" involved him renting out the entire Roman Colosseum in Rome and having a candlelight dinner in the middle of the arena. The most amusing one was when she suggested they go skydiving. He shut down that idea saying they would have to be strapped to instructors and the only man she should ever be strapped to was him. 
 Her phone vibrated in her hand, alerting her to his response. 
 Ivar: u r not swimming w/ sharks 
 She giggled, trying to imagine his facial expression. She actually had no desire to do half of the stuff she suggested but it was funny to get a rise out of him. 
 Kari: African safari?
 "What are you giggling at?" Alana questioned, giving her the side-eye. 
 The smile dropped from her face. "Nothing."
 "That doesn't sound like nothing."
 "Just a funny meme." She deflected, getting to her feet. There was no way she could tell Alana she had been texting Ivar all day. "I'm going to shower."
 As she headed upstairs to her room, her phone vibrated again. 
 Ivar: do u jus luv danger?
 Kari: I'm talking to you, aren't I? 
 She headed to her bathroom, turning the shower on and checking the temperature. In a spur of the moment decision, she tossed in a eucalyptus shower bomb. 
 Just before she jumped in, she looked at her phone one last time to find his response.  
 Ivar: touche, kitten, touche 😘
 The soothing soundtrack of nature played over the speakers in the yoga studio room. A few women were already in the studio with their yoga mats out, either stretching or quietly conversing as they waited. Depending on the day, the ten am morning class could be busy but typically it averaged about fifteen to twenty women.
 Kari bent over, touching her palms to the floor. Even though she would not be continuously doing the routine along with those in her class, she still liked to be limber and have her muscles warmed up. This was a beginner class, where she spent a good portion of the time either correcting people's forms or showing how to do a certain pose. A few of her coworkers complained about teaching beginner classes since when the participants walked through the door, you never really knew what level they were at. 
 Checking the clock hanging over the door, she saw she had five minutes before her class started. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, enjoying the pull of her muscles. The door to the studio room opened but Kari continued to stretch, shifting to a downward facing dog pose, holding it. She could hear some people moving around but she focused on her breathing.  
 "Mmm, I could get used to seeing this."
 The familiar voice behind her, caused Kari to try and whip around in startled surprise, only to end up crashing onto her ass. 
 Above her stood Ivar with a devilish smile. "Hello, kitten." He softly said with smolder that instantly made her flush and a tendril of warmth curl in her belly. Standing there in his jeans and red shirt with his hair pulled back in a man bun, it was unfair how striking he looked. Even the braces over his legs did nothing to deter from his attractiveness. 
 She rose quickly to her feet, wiping her hands over her leggings and peeking at the others in the room. Most were curiously watching their interaction but remained where they were. 
 "What are you doing here?" She hissed, turning her gaze back up to meet his. "How did you find me?"
 He rolled his eyes. "You were wearing a Whole Wellness Yoga Studio shirt when I drove you home last week. Plus, hearing from Gyda that you work here…. You're not that hard to find."
 That made sense, even if she disliked the logic. "Ok, fine. Why are you here though?"
 "I want to take you out tonight."
 "Oh gods." She could not believe what she was hearing. The prior day they had spent most of the day texting and sure it was fun, but her answer had not changed. When he had not text her this morning, she assumed that was the last she had heard from him. Apparently, he decided to ask her out in person instead of over the phone like the past two times. "Ivar… No."
 "Why? You keep saying you can't but never why."
 "It's just…. look, I don't want to date."
 He took a step closer, face inches above hers. His voice dropped low, an underlying current of anger in his tone. Those piercing blue eyes challenged her. "You say that but I don't think that's the real reason. So, until you tell me the truth, your 'no' means fucking nothing. Friends tell each other things, right?"
 "You know, I don't think we should be friends anymore."
 He chuckled, still standing too close for a normal conversation. "Too late. I like you."
 "I'm still not going out with you." She placed her hands on her hips, trying to appear confident, hoping desperately he did not hear the wavering in her voice. 'This was for the best, it was best for both of them' she repeated in her mind. 
 "Fine. I'll wait for you to change your mind." He winked and stepped back. To her horror, she watched as he walked over to the side of the room where she kept her water bottle and light jacket. He grabbed a nearby chair and dragged it over before dropping down with his legs in a manspread, that stupid smirk still on his face. 
 She stomped over to him, whisper-shouting at him. "What are you doing?"
 "I'm waiting."
 "I'm not leaving until you agree to go on a date with me."
 "You can't...no…. Ivar." She whined. 
 "I walked all the way here to see you, even though my legs are quite painful today…. you wouldn't kick a cripple out when they just need to rest, would you?" He asked, eyes widened in mock innocence. One of his hands rubbed at his knee in exaggerated fashion as if to prove the discomfort he was in. 
 She groaned. "I hate you."
 "No, you don't." He gloated, then nodded towards the clock. "It's ten o'clock, it's time to start your class, I believe."
 Without another word, she moved to the front of the room. She refused to play this game. Her answer was 'no' and no matter what he said or did, her answer would not change. The whole time she could feel his rakish gaze on her, reminding her how tight her leggings and purple tank top were. She tried to focus on her class, smiling at the women she recognized and the ones that she assumed was new. "Let's begin. Everyone start in mountain pose. Take deep breaths, let's center ourselves."
 She looked over at the older woman, Ingrid, who called out. The woman was easily one of Kari's favorites, doting upon those who worked at the yoga studio, and becoming the unofficial grandmother of them. Ingrid had been coming to the yoga studio for years but was forced to only take beginner level classes after a bad fall the prior year. She loudly complained about her doctor being an idiot and how she felt fine, but Lydia refused to let her attend any other class than beginner classes until otherwise said by her doctor. 
 Ingrid's hazel eyes twinkled with mischief from the front row where she stood. "You planning on introducing that handsome young man you've got over there?"
 "No, we are going to ignore his presence. He's going to be leaving soon." Kari flatly stated with a polite smile.
 "Hi! I'm Ivar!" He announced with a charming smile, his bright blue eyes alluring under the dim lights. Giving a little wave with his fingers, he continued, "I hope my presence doesn't bother all you lovely women, I just came to see my girlfriend and ask her on a date tonight."
 A chorus of "awwwws" filled the room. 
 Kari wanted nothing more than to bang her head against a wall. Or preferably, Ivar's head. She could not believe the audacity of him.
 "Where are you taking her?" One of the newer women asked in a flirty tone, pulling her shoulders back to emphasize her ample chest. 
 Ivar barely glanced at her, keeping his focus on Kari. "It's a surprise. I wanted to do something special."
 "Young man, if I were a few years younger, I would fight Kari here so you could take me on a date." Ingrid said with a laugh. 
 "I would be honored to take a lovely woman like you on a date." He sent a playful wink to Ingrid. 
 "Alright, let's get back to yoga." Kari tried to redirect the attention. Annoyed and upset did not even begin to describe how she felt. 
 "Well it was lovely to meet you, young man. Kari should have told us her boyfriend was so handsome. We might have convinced her to bring you in sooner for some eye candy." Ingrid teased. 
 "He's not my boyfriend." Kari retorted, shooting a glare at the smug raven-haired man. 
 "And that is why I'm trying to take her on a date." He placed a hand dramatically over his heart, eyes staring at her beseechingly. "Just for her to give me a chance."
 "Get her some tulips. Those are her favorite flowers." Karina called out from the back of the room. 
 "Can't go wrong with chocolate!"
 "Oh! Read her a sonnet and dance under the stars together!"
 "This is so romantic…. like something out of a movie." Someone loudly whispered, making a few others laugh. 
 Kari dropped her chin to her chest. Tears welled in her eyes. She knew those in the class meant well, that they were really just trying to help. But they were helping the wrong person. Why would Ivar not leave her alone? She told him 'no' multiple times, that should have been enough. Her tolerance for his behavior was waning rapidly and honesty she was not sure if she would fight back…. or surrender. 
 The chair scratched faintly on the floor followed by his footsteps landing audibly as he crossed the room to reach her. She refused to lift her head, her eyes squeezed shut. Not just to pretend she could not feel him standing so close to her, but to try and hide the single tear that rolled down her cheek. 
 "Kari." He whispered, the sound a caress of her name. 
 Still she did not move. 
 Gently, he tipped her chin up, forcing her to look at him. His thumb wiped away the evidence of her tear. It was those captivating eyes, the ones that could both scorch everything in view but also send flames of desire dancing across her skin, that met hers. To her surprise, there was a softness in his gaze, a vulnerability, that was reminiscent of the few times they were alone. As if with just her, for a brief moment, he let his guard down and she could glimpse the real Ivar. 
 "Go out with me." He murmured faintly, stroking her cheek with his thumb. Standing in front of her, his broad back to the class gave them a semblance of privacy. "Please."
 "Why can't you let this go?" She begged quietly, staring up at him. 
 "I told you, I'm persistent." He smiled, almost shyly. 
 In his words, it felt like there was such a depth to them she was unaware of. That he was confessing something to her in which she did not have the key to fully understand. 
 She sighed softly, closing her eyes for a moment before looking at him again. "Fine. I'll go…. But it's only as friends, ok? This isn't…. Romantic. Just…. Just friends."
 "Sure, just friends." He leaned forward and pressed a quick, chaste kiss to her cheek. "I'll pick you up at seven."
 She nodded, feeling torn apart inside. 
 After a lingering look that breathed a flame into her belly, he spun on his heel to face the women. "She said yes!"
 A few cheers and clapping reverberated in the small yoga studio room. 
 "I graciously thank you all for your sound advice and encouragement with helping me to woo the beautiful Kari. Wish me luck as I plan to thoroughly spoil her tonight." Ivar dramatically bowed, shooting a quick wink at Kari as she watched him. 
 She desperately tried to fight the small smile off her lips. No one could say that Ivar was not charming or charismatic when it suited him. 
 As he finally made his way to the door, he turned around just before pushing it open. "Wear something nice." He said, pointing a finger at Kari and then walked out like a dream where one cannot decide if it was a nightmare or not. 
 The brunette ran a hand down her face before shoving aside her emotions and plastering a customer smile on. "I'm so sorry about all of this. Let's get back to it. I promise it won't happen again, ladies."
 "Kari, dear, you have fun with that boy tonight." Ingrid spoke up, eyes darting to the now closed door and back to the yoga instructor. "And if you don't want him, let me know. I'd still jump on him in a heartbeat. That boy has the prettiest eyes, I swear."
 A few sounds of agreement echoed in the room. 
 Kari could not stop her smile from turning genuine at Ingrid. No matter the situation, the feisty, older woman always knew how to make her laugh. "I promise I'll let you know. Now, back to mountain pose please."
 Silently, she hoped tonight was not a mistake.
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nanabbi · 4 years
Hello! I love zisashi angst and I have at least 70 fics to rec! ... Would you like me to recommend them? 👀 I've been colecting them for over a year now
So, this person did DM me the recs but they didn’t want to be mentioned by name, so I’ll just thank them a lot for sharing their suggestions. They had also placed sweet little notes for all of them, I’ll include them, but I hold no authority of them. I’ll add some of my own insight if I have any.
Here is the list for me and all of you to check them out:
don't scream until the earth crumbles by rise_beyond_the_graveyard (serenlyall)
3K/Oneshot-  [Their Note:  Angst for Hizashi and Shouta. Mentions of torture, be careful with the tags]
If At First You Don't Succeed... by MarziPanda95
26K/Completed- !!! It Is completed! Yay, I’ll definitely read it at first chance. It is a Groundhog Day fic. [Their Note:  A personal favorite that was completed very recently. Mentions of torture (mental and corporal) the tension in this fic is amazing! And its really well written]
Without You I Can't Breathe by morbidcorvids
2K/Oneshot- Major Character Death. Hizashi basically dies in Aizawa’s arms from what I saw.  [Their Note: This one is... So good but omg it made me so sad ;;;; a great piece of angst!! Mind the tags before breaking your heart].
Hindsight Is 20/20 by Nartothelar
2K/Oneshot- Wait there’s fics of this AU!? Omg! I was wondering where I could get more insight about it and this fic is part of a series. Now tho 👀 [Their Note:  Part of nartothelar's awesome mafia au! I love the angst in this one, and even comes with art! 💕💞💖💓 love it so much]
Resignation by OnAir
28K/Completed- [Their Note:  THIS IS OMG SJDVBDD MY FAVE, I'VE READ IT LIKE 8383737721 TIMES, its a must! Read! Of! Hizashi! Angst! Pleaaaase! Do yourself a favor and read this masterpiece]
[More under Read More, because our provider was very generous with their suggestions]
Patchwork Family by bravobeavo
3K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  This one is so cute! Hizashi angst with erasermic family fluff to warm your heart! Shinsou and Eri are so worried for their dad in this one 💕]
Consumption of the Heart and Lungs by YamiHeart
4K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  I think you will like this one... Its a hanahaki!!!! And in japan with ninjas and samurais 💕💞💖 and an omg very good amazingly written hanahaki. It is part of a series though! So if you fall in love with it you can read the next one!]
White Chrysanthemums by LipstickVenom
9K/Oneshot- I see Major Character Death warning and Hurt no Comfort. I’ll approach with caution [Their Note: Ok hear me out, this one hurts! A lot, but its oh so amazing💕 fully recommend it!]
Paper Hearts by Xen_The_Protogen
2K/Oneshot- Major Character Death Warning [ Their Note: Super fun timeline to follow! Well... Not fun, this fic made me cry, but I loved how the story was told! Please, its a must read!]
Soul Bound by Ibelieveinahappilyeverafter
7K/Oneshot- It is written by Andy. I trust it. [Their Note:  One of the best soulmate fanfiction out there, its not fully angst, but it is there in some parts! (USJ I see ya) this one is more like Hizashi and Shouta angst though].
you are my sunshine by chimera (emptyheadspace)
5K/Completed- Ha. Ha. I see the title and the MCD Warning... Someone here is not afraid of that warning [Their Note:  I mean, the title already tells you that this sadder than mufasa's death. 5+1 type of fic (I love the format so I loved this one even more!)]
I'm Sorry, I'm Not Sorry by Tabs
1K/Oneshot- It does say happy ending tho [Their Note: And yis.... Short and sad, read it!]
Shout & Mute by ill go with that then (Linelenagain)
9K/Oneshot- Body swap, you have my curiosity and attention [Their Note:  Ok this one is not angst angst, but is more like Aizawa finally realizing the hardships that Hizashi must have (and is going through) because of his quirk thanks to a bodyswap! :D (love this one aye)]
A Gift of Sunshine by Ibelieveinahappilyeverafter
35K/Completed- It’s Andy again! Hi sir, I’m a fan. The concept seems interesting [Their Note: Ok so... In this fic Hizashi is a sword and Aizawa attends UA with him (it? Lol) well, he is more like a soul in a sword, not the swor- meh, just read it. It has some heave angst in some chapters! And its not that long! Reallyyyy good fic]
More Than Just a Smile by ravyn_sinclair
7K/Oneshot- -heavy breathing- I see BAMF Hizashi in the tags. BAMF HIZASHI! [Their Note:This is a fic of Hizashi being underestimated and showing everyone that he has some brains/ knows how to be a hero. There is angst by the end of the fic~ this piece of writing is just- a masterpiece. Kudos to the writer!]
Improbable Botany 101 by Tierfal 
46K/Complete- [Their Note: OKAY! A HANAHAKI THAT IS JUST 💕💞💖 its longish? Not that much, you'll finish it in an hour or so, but is just sooooo gooooooood! Amazing hanahaki angst! I love how they show us the feelings and thoughts of the characters].
6:15 by dadzawa_of_1a
3K/Oneshot- [Their Note: So great! I loved this one! And its very well written! Its a quick read so please just go go go go!].
I thought we'd last forever by orphan_account
1K/Oneshot- MCD Warning [Their Note: Great fic my dear! And very sad... Mind the tags :'"c]
Ice It by Say_Jay
3K/Oneshot- Oh! I’ve read this one! It’s so cute. I was looking for it when I was doing the Hizashi whump list, but I hadn’t bookmarked it! Now I have! Gosh I hate losing fics, thanks for bringing it over [Their Note:  Its more like... Comfort after getting hurt? But meh, angst anyway sbdbjdbd However, I think that everyone in the erasermic fandom is familiar with this short masterpiece].
Dust in the Wind by d_lynx
Sleep and Sweet Tea by d_lynx
2K/Series-  [Their Note: Ok this one is just pure angst. A very short concentrated bomb of angst. It does have a happy continuation though! So you can go and check that].
Guillotine by existentialrat
4K/Ongoing- !!! 👀 Do I have anything to do with the origin of this fic? I see the author’s note there. I’ll wait~ [Their Note: Hizashi is with hanahaki! Ohnooo! Dnjdbdj well well, this one is not finished, but there is one chapter left so... You can choose to either wait or just start reading it. Oboro lives in this one though!]
Honest with You by astrange_one
8K/Completed- [Their Note:  Hizashi gets insecure after having an encounter with his past foster parents :c babyyyyy. He suffers so much mentally speaking in this one]
Needle-thin Tightrope by Dramaticdragon
2K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Another insecure Hizashi! This one is short but ohhh amazing!]
Lost and Found by TheWiseMansFear
16K/Ongoing- Last Update: April 2020 [Their Note: Hizashi is tortured but refuses to tell why! Its not finished! And the updates are slow, but is very good, read under your own risk].
Day 3: Unexpected/Revelation by presentedmic
2K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Great fic! Shouta tells Shinsou about the time he almost lost Hizashi! Cutecutecute and angsty!]
Desolate by maplebee
<1K/Oneshot- MCD [Their Note:  A short very angsty fic... Almost made me cry, this one did].
With You by maplebee
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Short and sad as well, this author is great with making you feel stuff in less than 1k].
Accidentally Forever by Arkham_Cat
1K/Oneshot- I skimmed through it, it seems mild with no Mature content [Their Note: Short Omegaverse, shows how Shouta accidentally marked Hizashi. Its angst? But not very heavy angst, soft angst? Dunno. And is short as well! So I would recommend it if u want a quick read!].
Sunshine Boy by MarziPanda95
40K/Completed-  MarziPanda again! Hmmm 👀 [Their Note: We all know that Marzipanda95 is a goddess of Hizashi Angst, and this fic is one of her greatest masterpieces! Please! This is a must read!!! Recently completed].
Even As I'm Busted And Broken by Tippytap
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Ok... Short but sad, Hizashi is finally overwhelmed. Mind the tags please]
(Don't Ever) Stop Talking by WritingStarsIntoConstellations
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Aizawa messes up by using his quirk on Hizashi! They are teens in this one~]
Kintsugi (Broken & Fixed) by DarklingMoon
12K/Completed- [Their Note: Another 5+1 cause god knows I love them so much! Its a great fic filled with angssttttttt... Read it lol]
Lemon Boy by modernmint
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Short! Focuses on the phobia that Hizashi has with bugs and the relationship of the boys! They are teens in here].
Five Times Present Mic Apologized (And One Time He Didn't Have To) by BurningTheSapphires (MyStShSh)
5K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Features villain present mic! Is not mostly angst but it has...] Good ending? I hope.
Sixty Seven by AcroArdent 
1K/Oneshot- MCD [Their Note: This is just short erasermic angst. Featuring villain aizawa!]
Waiting For You to Call My Name by Purplemerald
2K/Oneshot-  [Their Note: I mean, you tell me "Hizashi angst" and I think of this fic, short, painful, a must read].
Snapshot by LipstickVenom
5K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Insecure of his body image Hizashi :c ]
Five Stages of Grief by NeitherDeadnorAlive
3K/Ongoing- I saw no MCD warning. [Their Note:  Hizashi is trapped with some civilians under loads of rubble! Rescate mission ensues! And huh... Its not finished, but its some great angst thooo]
Musical Vibrations by Rose_Cat
1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Hizashi gets deafened :c ]
Letting Go by Zombieisms
<1K/Oneshot- MCD [Their Note: Hizashi is comatose].
Dangerous by AutisticWriter
1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Little kid shinsou and hizashi bonding over their time at the orphanage].
One Last Time by CoolPandr
<1K/Oneshot- MCD [Their Note: Aizawa Mourning our sunshine boy :c short and painful]
You're Late! by AnotherWeirdoHere
<1K/Oneshot- MCD. I didn’t even read it but the title and the summary alone pained enough of a picture to make me choke. These concepts hit me for some reason [Their Note: Short angst! Super cute ending].
Too Loud and Too Much by doctornemesis
2K/Oneshot-  [Their Note:  Insecure teen hizashi :c someone give this boy a hug].
Just a Push by Say_Jay
5K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Aizawa injures Hizashi while training!]
Everything I Wanted by toshiwoshi
4K/Oneshot-  [Their Note: Hizashi gets misuranderstood and gets his heart broken :c happy ending tho]
Memories by My_Furnace_Has_Wings
2K/Oneshot- MCD Omg... [Their Note: Ok this is erasermic family angst... Suuuuper sad, this author is great.]
Actions Speak Louder than Words by My_Furnace_Has_Wings
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Teen erasermic confession with angst! Really good ^^]
Mr loverman by popweezle
1K/Oneshot- Angst with a freaking Happy Ending tag. Finally I am getting super depressed with these scenarios I am reading here. Good God. [Their Note: Another comatose Hizashi~]
first love / late spring by pgsaihara
1K/Oneshot-  [Their Note: Erasermic angst, insecure Aizawa makes Hizashi upset :c ]
Needle-thin Tightrope by Dramaticdragon
2K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Another insecure about his volume hizashi :c poor baby but I kinda get him].
Small Hiding places by IsTheMedia
2K/Oneshot- Part of Villain!Mic [Their Note:  Part of villain Hizashi series! But can be read alone... Implied child abuse, mind the tags].
(dis)trust by Cat_Tac
4K/Oneshot- TW: Sexual assault (doesn’t get far, but it is the basis of the plot). Mentioned this one in previous ask, but let’s put it in this huge pile too [Their Note:  MIND THE TAGS PLEASE, this can be triggering. Hizashi is assaulted at work and feels guilty].
Be grateful, hero by SaltywithSarcasm
2K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Hizashi is kidnapped and tortured]
Tenacity by tiniest_hands_in_all_the_land
23K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Ok so... This is more Aizawa centric? But there is some amazing hizashi angst at the end! (Another 5+1 fic!)]
Déjà vu by douchegrayson
9K/Completed- Mentioned this one before too. I really love its concept so much [Their Note: Everyone forgets hizashi thanks to a quirk! Our poor boy is desolated :c ]
Stay With Me by MintIceTea
2K/Completed- [Their Note:  Erasermic angst and fluff!]
Engagement by fecklessphilanderer
8K/Completed- [Their Note:  Hizashi falls off a building, fluffy ending!]
Note: In all of these, make sure to read the tags please, in case there are any themes you’re uncomfortable with. I have not yet read most of these, so once more you’re gonna have to look out for yourselves. 🙏
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bluewinnerangel · 3 years
Omg, thank u 💙 I loooooved your kiwi analysis 💙 and I loved how detail oriented you are 💙 now and then I start to speculate what this song is about and I can never be really sure, so I love collecting new ideas ab it 💙
I’d love to hear your insight about this, I don’t have many friends keen on discussing the meaning of HS (and LT) lyrics haha, and I’m always interested on getting new povs. The author says their analysis of hs1 comes from a literary angle telling a circular story. I like their review of hs1 in general, but the kiwi one is one of the most unusual takes I’ve come around.
Elloo!!! Thank you <3
Just when I think I put in enough interpretations there's just more and more isn't there. First again for the devoted all the interpretations should be under my "kiwi" tag plus there's some good stuff in peoples tag rambles on the main post!
Ok cut because block of text:
Link you provided. I'm not really one to trash other peoples interpretations of things (unless it's a real dumbdumb like it being about miss taytay unironically or some shit asdahskdj), but I don't see how that checks out really. I think when a song is about something a bit more specific, like marriage as that analysis says, he's gonna leave hints in there that it is. I don't see a hint of that in Kiwi to be honest, but you've read my analysis so you know I'm not one to go with one interpretation and not be open to the rest lol, so I don't wanna say no, just, I didn't pick up on that and I picked that fruit apart as far as I could. I don't see any theme of uh.... commitment, pride, joy, forming a bond, starting a life together, whatever you think of when you think of that. And in general yeah I do think shit's deep, but not that deep that there's some double flipflop happening where he thought it would be fun to have the first layer be a coherent concept of just a girl on the street / in a club yet also insinuating it's about babygate but WAIT actually it's beyond that and it was all a joke. They say the lyrics don't really hold up as being about babygate, but they totally check out as being about babygate for me (I made a bigass wholeass analysis so I don't think I need to explain) so I'm not sure what they see not checking out.
I just think that if he wanted to have a song that included their commitment to eachother like that it would be a positive full of energy song, like he would have gone fuck the situation we're in I'm just gonna sing about the positives and ignore all that other bullshit of us being pulled apart because bish we're in this together WE'RE TOGETHER WE MADE IT YAY and not this whole big big ass trickery of a song with a very very loud and heavy main message of someone having someone elses baby and it being someone elses business. (what a sentence aksdakj) Look at Golden for instance. There is a struggle in there, he did leave a negative undertone, yet the main message is YOU'RE SO GOLDEN YOU'RE SO GOLDEN YOU ARE SO SO SO GOLDEN. Or Adore You. Or Sunflower. Or Canyon Moon. or Sweet Creature. I don't know if it's clear what I'm trying to say but like, he could've chosen many many many ways to yell "fuck you we're committed to each other no matter what you throw at us" I just don't see why he would choose to disguise that in a babygate joke.
It works better the other way around: "I'm having your baby it's none of your business" -> "I'm taking your loved one away from you" (which is the opposite of what the linked analysis is saying oop), as in there's ~waves trying to break them~ you know. I don't think I mentioned that one in the analysis hmm.
Indeed the flightless bird thing holds up pretty well so it's nice to see they went there too.
Then for the text in that post:
And then there’s the fact that this seems to be Harry’s favorite song, the one he can never sing enough (three times at his final concert!), the one he belts out with great joy and exuberance, dancing all over the stage like a maniac. It’s hard to imagine that this is how he really feels about Louis’ most demoralizing stunt.
You just have to have met one petty mfer in your life, especially british polite people who show their frustrations in very small subtle ways you can just ~easily not pick up on at all~ to know that's passive aggressiveness/anger/a release of frustration/a way to deal with those bottled up feelings. The way it's sung, the energy in it, it's negative to me. I think maniac is key here. He's trying very hard to turn it into something positive, and I'd say releasing a song that people love / can identify with / can have any effect on them in any way that makes them feel alive equals something positive so that's a success no matter how you view it really. But it's still coming from a place of being driven insane. In other words, it's not hard to imagine for me whatsoever this is how he really feels about Louis' most demoralizing stunt. It's like him yelling WOMAN LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU LA LA LA LA he's just being an aggressive shit that wants to scream and yell and this is the best he can do, he's screaming it all at us. Would there be another way for him to say how he really feels without saying it? I don't think there would. There really doesn't need to be a sneakily positive story behind this song in order to make it make sense.
I've read the paragraph about the "when she's alone she goes home to a cactus in a black dress she's such an actress" many times and I'm missing the logic there. I don't even know how to begin commenting on that one I just don't get it. Anyway this wasn't meant to trash that OP or analysis, and if they're still around and somehow see this just thank you for putting your interpretations out there and all are valid (except for people making it about kendall/taylor those can go somewhere else lol) and none of us really know and were all just screaming idiots on the internet and blablabla.
(about kiwi analysis)
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