rereading every marriage is a blessing like
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holocene-sims · 7 months
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friendship with my semi-hiatus ended, now this sim i made is my best friend 🤝
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paimonial-rage · 8 months
hi i'm that anon that asked about tighnari and fixing. since you said that he's someone with no fatal flaws, how open is he getting into a relationship?
[Character Analysis Ask Meme]
How open is Tighnari to a relationship?
To most members of the Forest Watchers, imagining their chief officer in a relationship is near impossible. It isn't that he'd be terrible in a relationship. No, actually, they think that he'd be an amazing partner. Though he can be strict, he's caring and reliable, observant and level-headed. Really, he's the complete package! It's just... Nobody has ever seen him show interest in anyone. And the few that showed interest in him and tried to flirt were swiftly shut down without mercy. Most agree that love seems to be the last thing on his mind.
What many are not aware of, however, is that as much as he isn't looking for a relationship, he isn't exactly not looking for a relationship either. Really, Tighnari isn't against falling in love. He sees its merits. He knows the comfort and satisfaction it brings. But it isn't something he exactly needs. Simply put, he's satisfied with what he has. He enjoys his life. He doesn't need more. Still, while he doesn't see the need to be in a relationship, should it come his way, he really wouldn't be all that against it if they're a good match. But there's no need to rush. It'll happen when the time comes.
That being said, should he become interested in someone, don't expect much fanfare or bombastic displays of affection. Don't expect him to play any games either. Though he will invite you on outings to learn more about you, when he is clear about his feelings, he will be clear with you as well. You will not be left second-guessing his intentions for long.
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just got a call for an interview and answered the phone with The worst voicecrack of my life, im Wheezing
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mewkwota · 9 months
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Do you think since the castle at this time was formed through Maxim's will, that Death may have taken form similarly? Well you can call me a wanted outlaw because I sure am reaching for the sky like I always do with these random comics. ( J` O`)J
This was what I was thinking while doodling Death in his various designs. Not to mention, when I see a ribbon, I may accentuate them.
This was also an excuse to touch-up how I draw Juste, as I made the dumb decision of forgetting the little bow on his outfit-- I did not add that onto Death's cloak by the way.
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oh my fUCKING god we fucking knew it didnt we HARD swing the other way hey i just met you and this is crazy heres my entire life story come fly away in my phone box with me
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gregoftom · 1 year
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i’m speechless
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mysicksecrets · 1 month
sometimes i think about my professor that used to like lowkey have a crush on me (he was at least 55.) last semester and every time i tell my friends about the stuff he did towards me i realize how u incredibly not normal that was
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lotus-pear · 2 years
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childhood comfort anime about plastic spinning tops from 2016 out here curing my art block🫶🏼
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moeblob · 1 year
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I am... so tired after work today. Have a very lazy bust up of an OC while I try to recover energy.
#my characters#hello this is my son vikram and hes a brat and i love him#the scarring is a gift from his sister when she tried to hug him but like as a dragon#cause his dear sister can turn into a dragon#and hes just like so in love with this fact and he researches and learns all about dragons#hes like a walking encyclopedia of dragon facts and he will tell you at the most bizarre times#did you know that bog witches are often not only in charge of the bog health but ALSO THEY#TAKE CARE OF DRAGON EGGS AND THATS ACTUALLY WHERE A LOT OF DRAGONS LIKE TO LAY EGGS#IN BOGS BECAUSE THE WITCHES OFFER PROTECTION#and his friend adlyn is like buddy how do you even know this#and he learned it from his sister who learned it as a dragon when she went flying around on a whim#so he just shrugs and is like oh you know...... just..... heard it from a reliable source#and then he and adlyn are traveling with a guy who is a very famous dragon slayer#and vik doesnt really get along with him much because hes super wary of what the guy would do to his sister#and so hes a brat to the guy v often#and also vik is fireproof as a gift from the witch that turned his sister into a dragon due to a misunderstanding#anyway i took more time typing these tags than drawing the picture but whatever shh#his sister falls in love with the dragon slayer though and she doesnt travel with them but she does appear a bit#cause she can fly around and yeah#the dragon slayer does get really fond of her as well as a human and then he just kinda#sees vik talking to her dragon form one night and is like what are you doing#and vik blurts out talking to the family messenger dragon - kinda like a messenger pigeon but bigger#and the guy just sighs and walks off because vik is .... v weird and this is not worth the energy
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billygaysanguine · 1 month
does anyone ever think about how scapegraces speech patterns changed drastically after book 4 or just me
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lailuhhh · 14 days
Have you ever thought about Mac and Jack coming home and experiencing fireworks for the first time?? The sounds is so triggering and they both have to stay grounded. Maybe it’s harder for one of them, maybe it’s hard for both of them.
I could see this in two parts. 1) it’s 4th of July and they are expecting the fireworks or 2) it’s a random weekend and they aren’t expecting the fireworks to go off but then they do
Oh ho ho you bet I have
Like the idea for it being during 4th July, they know there’s gonna be fireworks and they know that they might trigger an episode. First year the hunker down at Mac’s just because it’s the normal thing to do, but his neighborhood is alive and well so everyone’s out in the streets setting them off earliest they can do the day Does Not Start Well, but also they started at midnight the previous night so it had sounded like they were back in the sandbox
But then the mortars start going off and the piccolo petes and the crackles and they’re just so loud that it makes them think they’re under fire at base and no one has a good time after
The year after that, they opt to go to Jack because while there’s still gonna be bangs and crackles, they won’t be practically right outside the front door, so it’s more manageable
I also like to think that Jack has more practice in knowing when he’s slipping into an episode and he knows how to handle it and talk himself through so he doesn’t get completely lost. So on the first time back, he can convince himself that he safe, he’s with Mac and Bozer in their house and it’s just colorful lights outside that make a lot of noise, and while it is uncomfortable, he can keep from fully having an episode
Mac’s not so lucky though. He thought having nightmares were the closest thing he could get to explaining and understanding an episode, but when he hears all the booms, his mind immediately goes to bomb, because he understands IEDs and fireworks and know they’re basically made from the same components. He knows logically that he’s safe and nothing going to happen, but he can only hear bombs going off and the emotional factor of that overrules the logic
Bozer definitely got a sign saying veterans lived there after that
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katyahina · 11 months
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Have been sketching misc things today and decided to color one of the sketches 🔒🩸
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Bro I was reenacting the "Just So" clip while I was putting away the dishes and when Frank yelled at Barnaby I was gonna say "oi fuck you" y'know because I was being silly but what came out was an almost PERFECT imitation of Barnaby's voice- I couldn't even finish the "fuck you" because I broke down laughing
Btw the reason this is so funny is because I'm a 5'2" Latino AFAB with NO experience in voice acting whatsoever yet for some reason the spirit of Giant Blues Clues decided my vocal chords were the PERFECT place to set up real estate
Anyway peace and love
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munamania · 3 months
i won’t screenshot the dms bc i don’t feel like opening the latest message but EYE posted on my story abt the tiktok pictured below basically about how i got horny thinking abt someone working through a difficult math problem lol don’t worry abt that anyway sam slides up bc i cut part of it out so as to avoid insta censors and my slight embarrassment lol and was like does that say c*m and i was like well yes and then he was like haha what you’re into math… girl u have to walk w the thought process 😑 which i know you’re incapable of anyway so i vaguely responded like ah yeah what being away from stem for so long will do to u and he responds with like ten messages. including. ‘you gotta do it yourself’ that’s not the point 🙄 ‘you know how i’m terrible at talking to women’ wow really ‘so i realized i can calculate the speed of cum’ ‘bc i have some data’ DID I ASK?????!???!?!!!?!!!!! hello there’s oversharing and then there’s this… does the girl you’re having sex with know you share to this extent. and then he said how he accidentally brought this up to someone irl to be like haha awk whoops and i was like yeah well there r times where perhaps we need to self censor. and then i also get a message that’s like ‘hang on im doing the math’ IM NEVER EVER EVER GONNA BE ATTRACTED TO U I HOPE U KNOW THAT SCREAAMMMMM (and u need to know bc he’s genderfluid. im only using one set of pronouns for clarity on here ok i promise im not a dick. but he thinks he’s like. an exception for lesbians basically… like he doesn’t Count…. and like look im no essentialist im all for like freaky gender sex but also at so many other turns you do take advantage of being seen as a white male so. i don’t. yeah.) he’s kind of like the creepy dude at the edge of the friend group in high school named matt who would constantly harass me and my ex but like tried to be so lowk abt it. and it’s so bad basically. ‘17mph is crazy’ i hope you fall in an intersection sorry i can’t do this anymore 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 so pissed i have to see him tmrw i should be able to watch mmxxl w scully in peace
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orowyrm · 8 months
i think what baffles me the most about astarions popularity is that there’s a decently sized subset of straight women who want him and are like making gifsets of him and their female pc making out or whatever and it baffles me. like maam i’m sorry but that is a whole entire faggot. you are clearly shopping in the wrong aisle
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