judasisgayriot · 2 years
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i know a thing about contrition, because i got a lot to spare
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riverthebooknerd · 5 months
i feel like all the mcu fans who haven't watched the daredevil show seem to think that he's just. a fucking mentally stable dude? a badass vigilante who is definitely not fucked up in the head? and i cannot stress how incorrect that is /aff
you. yes, you, the mcu fanfic writer who thinks that matthew micheal murdock has his shit together. i am grabbing you by the shoulders. you see that smile of his? that cocky little lawyer smirk that says, "i am so put together and sexy and my life is great"?
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this one? it's a fucking lie (minus the sexy part)
underneath that suit he has 12 fractured ribs 7 punctured lungs 18 ruptured spleens, he's mentally straining under the weight of his enormous catholic guilt, he's ghosting 15 nurses who genuinely just don't want him to fucking die, he's in love with his best friend, he has 9 court cases the next day, he hasn't slept in 378 hours, he's running on 26 solid cups of coffee and cheap chinese takeout, he's hallucinating his dead dad, and he's probably debating murder and/or sewerslide.
this man may be an absolute slut, manboss manwhore murdock if you will, but do NOT mistake him for someone with his shit together. please, for the love of god. if he has his shit together in the new daredevil show coming out this year, i will genuinely be shocked.
this post has been brought to you by Dear God, Give My Favorite Blorbo His Fucking Horrors
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literalite · 1 year
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sunny (he/him gay trans man)
do i even need to introduce him. he's the yellow among us tictac
28 when canon starts
flirty and silly and stupid a hardened criminal, haunted by guilt, a war criminal, a child soldier, a slut. has killed children would again. character assassinated by the narrative at birth basically. but above all sexy as fuck
highest bodycount of these three guys. yes i do mean in both ways
yall know him i didnt shut up about him like all last year
vinny (he/him ssssomething? mlm cis man)
if you've been around for any amount of time you know. you know. protagonist of meet me in the woods, caleb vatore's husband. dead dilf dom. i won't him find as he'll
ages like fine fucking wine
devout catholic, as a result pretty tormented generally. blood on his hands but the only blood that has ever mattered to him was that of his younger brother who died, in his eyes, due to his own negligence. passionate despite it all and tries to be a good man. would move heaven and earth and strike down immortals for those he loves. also he's 6'9. i don't believe in heaven but he does so i hope he made it there but i also keep digging up his body to slut him out so uh. sorry vin
nayef (he/him ssssomething? queer? trans man)
newest blorbo of the roster, coprotagonist of the project violent affairs that me and @lucidicer are doing. he like speedclimbed the ranks in my mind on sheer cunt alone. rotates him in my head like a chicken
a perfectionist above all else. love is a thing to be worked for and earned rather than sometime to be given freely, and he doesn't trust it or even acknowledge it when it is. a romantic! one of my few ocs without a hint of parent issues. basically a michelin star level chef but he got all his experience by just trekking around europe, north africa and west asia for like a decade and working wherever he could
oh yeah he eats people. did i mention that he eats people
statement from olli:
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Can you do Patton for the character bingo? I've seen a lot of different takes so I'm curious to see what you think.
Hi flower anon! I'm a little nervous about this one ngl but I will do it for you.
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Circle sizes represent how confident I was marking a box. Not a lot of confidence on this one bc I'm still conflicted. I think further resolution of his arc might solidify how I feel about him, or change it completely.
I don't really like Patton Sanders and that's my toxic trait, but HEAR ME OUT. I don't want to convince anyone not to like him, in fact I'd love to convince people of all the reasons they COULD possibly like him! Just like bc of my real life personal experiences, I'm not very fond of him. He is not my blorbo 😔 I don't hate him, but I do mildly dislike him. (As a character I think he's great, his conflict presents a fascinating narrative that I enjoy quite a lot.)
"But Ace," I hear you saying, "you said you don't like him and yet you still think he's being done dirty by fans?" To which I say "Yes, absolutely, there are people out there liking and disliking him for the wrong reasons!" (In my humble opinion.)
Patton is NOT an innocent little baby who needs to be protected, NOR is he a manipulative asshole. He's just a guy trying his best who messes up sometimes. He should be treated like an adult with agency and be given some grace for when he stumbles.
He does care about his famILY and he tries so hard to show it, but he's always felt like he has to know the correct answers and that they're depending on him. And tbh with how much c!Thomas defers to Morality, I get it. When someone is constantly looking to you for answers and it's your job to have them, saying 'I don't know' is scary! But he and everyone else should really try to be brave and say 'let's figure it out together' rather than confidently giving an answer that has a good chance of being wrong. But again, I do understand the crushing weight of these expectations.
I think it's really clever that Morality got paired with Emotions, bc emotions are what drives morality. Different people have different emotions that more strongly affect their morals, with Patton, we see compassion as a primary motivator, but also fear. The fear of slipping into the category known as 'bad person' and the fear of that categorization being permanent. And then bottles that fear up out of shame. Very catholic guilt of him.
I do feel bad for Patton where we left him bc he's finally going to get the help he needs, but somewhat at the cost of the love and respect of his famILY. Roman feels betrayed, Virgil hates Janus, and Logan... Well he's got a lot going on right now anyway.
I prefer Patton when I'm looking at him through the lens of his relationships to the others. He really does his best for them, he's a sweet guy. He tries to be encouraging and he clearly knows the other three very well. And with Janus I think the strongest negative emotion he feels is occasional annoyance, you know, like when he was impersonated. He seems to actually kind of like him otherwise. Not the biggest fan of Remus, which is an understandable side effect of him not yet having sorted himself out. He's trying now, so I'm sure that will come with time.
Also his froggy traits are sick as hell and I hope we see more, I want to see more, make him a frog please, I beg. That's like, the high point of his character to me, I actually had to come back and edit this after I scheduled it to include that bc holy crap Patton's a frog and I love that for him, but I also love that for ME.
So why don't I like him? I have intrusive thoughts and moral ocd and personal trauma I'm not going to get in to so like... He's just so unbelievably frustrating to me as he currently is. Also it just irks me that he's clearly not as naive as he pretends to be and it just boils my blood when people play willfully ignorant. He's doing it bc he's scared, but isn't that why everyone does it? It's still bad, and it causes a lot of damage. I'm of the opinion that if something scares you, you should learn everything you can about it. Logan said something like that once and he was right.
He just makes me feel the need to tell people they don't have to be a moral paragon to be good or do good things or be deserving of happiness, health, safety, and love. I get it's his job and all, I just really can't separate a character like that from all the stuff I had to learn and unlearn for my personal health and safety. And maybe I actually just want to say that to him. Maybe the problem is that we're too similar in all of our worst traits and seeing a grim reflection where once stood a cheery mural is upsetting. Maybe it's Maybelline.
Idk, I might actually like him. I'm very wishy washy on this subject. I think I can manage liking him while also disliking him. I'm very talented. I would love for everyone to tell me all the reasons they love Patton! I think he's neat and I'd love to like him.
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lafcadiosadventures · 7 months
Madame Putiphar Groupread. Book Two, Chapter XXXI
“We must howl with the wolves, he who bleats among them shall be their prey!”
(tr. here  by @sainteverge )
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Gustave Doré's Les loups et les brebis.
Sit yourself with a nice cup/glass of something and let’s ponder urban/rural, intra/extra european tensions in the 19th c european novel together. nerdface emoji.
(I love you Borel but this chapter has tested my patience. Why do you make the blorboes move at a glaciar pace in times of crisis)
After Deborah’s announcement and Patrick’s declaration of ideal paternity and family life, the couple dines together. Patrick asks Deborah if she likes Paris specifically before letting her know that they must LEAVE the city FAST. That gives Borel the chance to explore through Deborah yet another central theme of the Romantic novel, or the 19th c novel as a whole, Rural vs Urban life tensions. Borel as always, adds his own personal twist to it. Taking into account how essentialist 19th c French-surely not exclusively- literature is, how Romantic movements are about going back to some kind of National essence, how you cannot leaf through one of these books without reading about so called spanish/italian personality traits, occasionally reaching ad absurdum levels like in Dumas when he has Dantès claim that southern europeans are more vulnerable to poison than northern europeans, Balzac and his ambitious meridionals (in his defense, he at least IS a meridional himself), his stabby-because-catholic corsicans, and don’t get me started on Gautier’s Voyage en Espagne. Positive or negative, there is in this literary word, no escaping regional stereotyping.  
What Borel does when addressing the question, does Deborah miss Ireland, she states that she doesn’t, not Ireland specifically. What she misses is the countryside, what she loathes is city life. And, she affirms, she would loathe it as much in Dublin as in Paris. Modern Urban life is to her a sickness that seems to afflict all of Europe equally. This definitely stands out from other portrayals of Paris as a modern Babylon we’ve seen from other authors... Balzac would never. Paris is hell, but to him it is also Paris. as Diderot would say, in a fit of excessive nationalistic intoxication Paris is the brain of France, and France is the Brain of the World. yes. that was something he said unironically) But Borel does not care about what makes Paris specific here... Paris is part of something bigger, and not actually something good. He once again seems to anticipate much later philosophical ideas like Marc Augé’s non-places. Read this and tell me it doesn’t make you think of our post modern present, with our increasingly minuscule flats, the impossibility of looking out and not seeing more flats in some of the biggest metropolis in the world, etc:
 “Living in cities is narrowing; these boxes, these cages where as prisoners we wither away, compress and cinch the soul like a corset: our spirit confines itself to two ceilings and four walls; our gaze, which cannot break through, hits the surface and falls back on us; we take the habit of indulging ourselves, of being satisfied with ourselves, we diminish, we shrivel away. The perpetual sight of men’s work renders us petty and bourgeois like them: we forget the grand spectacles of nature, we forget the universe, we forget humanity, we forget everything, aside from ourselves, and whatever tastes we seek to quench: all creation comes down to a few pieces of furniture, a few chairs, a few tables, a few beds, a few pieces of fabric or silk, which we grow enamoured with, which we’re attached to like the oyster to its stone, over which we vegetate and crawl like lichen”
(translation by sainteverge)
I’d like to link here an excerpt of Champavert: The Werewolf as well. This earlier text seeks to be specifically Parisian, and more encompassing  than Debby’s experience. (noted passages in a similar vein: Balzac's Galleries of the Palais-Royale descriptionin Lost Illusions (the city-as-spectacle, everything and everyone for sale) and his snapshots of social inequality in Père Goriot)
“Le monde, c’est un théâtre: des affiches à grosses lettres, à titres emphatiques, hameçonnent la foule qui se lève aussitôt, se lave, peigne ses favoris, met son jabot et son habit dominical, fait ses frisures, endosse sa robe d’indienne, et, parapluie à la main, la voilà qui part; leste, joyeuse, désireuse, elle arrive, elle paie, car la foule paie toujours, chacun se loge à sa guise, ou plutôt suivant le cens qu’il a payé, dans le vaste amphithéâtre, l’aristocratie se verrouille dans ses cabanons grillés, la canaille reste à la merci. La toile est levée, les oreilles sont ouvertes et les cous tendus, la foule écoute, car la foule écoute toujours; l’illusion pour elle est complète, c’est de la réalité; elle est identifiée, elle rit, elle pleure, elle prend en haine, en amour, hurle, siffle, applaudit; en vain, quelquefois, sent-elle qu’on l’abuse et s’arme-t-elle de sa lorgnette, elle est myope, rien ne peut détruire son illusion et sa foi qu’exploite si galamment les comédiens”
Both of these passages share a grim diagnosis. Capitalist Modernity seems to be here a degenerative illness. Deborah’s focuses more on the domestic, most of her life means staying locked in,  completely lonely, but she has observed how the city tends to isolate, to make people focus only on their selves and their whims, which can only be satisfied by buying furniture, clothes, a thirst for possessions that transforms Humans into Oysters....
This to me is the highlight of the chapter.
After this speech our friends agree they must flee, and quick. Patrick and Deborah are ready to be open to each other. They tell each other what the reader already knows, they are now both equally aware of their danger, and of the wrongs they have both endured at the hands of their aristocratic tormentors.
Noteworthy word choice: Patrick compares himself at the hands of Putiphar to a virtuous maiden (we have joked in the groupchat about Debby and Patrick being lesbians before... Butch Lesbian Patrick confirmed)
Another thing i found startlingly contemporary sounding, in our days of lawfare and soft coups, Patrick, talkig of how Putiphar can use his theft and murder accusatio to give her illegal persecution a virtuous veneer: “she’ll be able, not that she cares about it, to mask her revenge behind an honest mask (...)”(tr, by cam)
Theres an absurdly ooc Deborah moment when she weeps and declares herself a burden. His beauty could have been the key to a brilliant social assent. Patrick corrects her, slightly offended because he is not about that #arriviste #boytoy life (Debby already knows that!???!) But Debby is only saying all of this because she fears this Fredegund’s retaliation........
Since God is apparently devoid of his divine wrath, and the powerful villains go unpunished, they must leave Paris in search of a new Promissed Land (slightly Candide-ish, right?) where if men are not less evil, (Patrick moves away from Rousseau... at least for a second) at the very least they can hope for a less asymmetrical distribution of power. Patrick has his naif hopes set on one of those ignored places European society calls savage, which he assumes will be more fit to give them “their share of sun, land and fraternity” (this is also a common theme in french novels of the day... Patrick at least still hopes to find Fraternity in these unspecified so called third world lands, instead of lording over the savages like Thénarider or Goriot era Vautrin...-Splendeurs era Vautrin hopes for an American Forest to die alone in after having eaten his own tongue. Progress. Growth.)
The only way of living in the European City is howling with the wolves, and since they’re not willing to do so, because they are lambs, they must leave. And Fast. So first to Marseille, Geneva or Livorne, and then to whatever earthly “virgin” rousseau/bougainville paradise they choose to set their paths to.
So Patrick (finally!!! sorry) leaves to buy some tickets in the first available carriage, Deborah will pack their things to avoid boredom/stress. Patrick wants a kiss, she refuses bc the farewell will then feel too final (...) Patrick claims that iron cannot harm a limb that has been kissed by a woman’s lips, so she passionately kisses him over his heart... but as soon as he sets foot on the streets Deborah hears him cry out for help. He is taken away by the kings men (illegally, in the night, shielded by the darkness) Patrick warns her not to come (she has to think of their baby) and says farewell forever. She throws out a flaming curtain for visibility. she sees as she descends, how Patrick is taken away in a palace carriage. She faints. Is taken away by Palace guardsmen herself. Book Two is over. Lasciate ogni speranza?
{ @sainteverge @counterwiddershins }
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twixitativi · 9 months
Rest of the author's notes from today's chapter below!
mary ann my beloved. mary ann save me. mary ann. more like MARRY ann because—HSDFKJGHDSKFJHGKJFDSHG
I guess mary ann is my blorbo now. Well shit. Yall got so much info about her. help
am I basing fyodor’s experiences at church slightly off my own (back when I used to go)? yes LMAO my mom literally jokes all the time about how at church they’d preach about ‘love thy neighbor and treat each other well etc etc’ and then in the parking lot afterwards everyone’s trying to hit each other with their car to get out. SO
for anyone confused about the whole boat thing Fyodor is talking about when he prays, he’s referencing the story about the guy who’s stuck in the ocean drowning and these boats keep coming to offer him help and he kept going ‘oh im waiting for my god to save me’ every time, and ends up drowning and then goes ‘god why didn’t you save me’ and god’s like ‘my guy I sent you SO MANY FUCKING BOATS’
also it’s a teeny tiny lifeboat reference if you squint
me: wait a sec. what was fyodor’s faith. FUCK he wasn’t catholic
it’s not the fact that he’s not catholic ftr it’s the fact that *i* was catholic and so my experiences are not COMPLETELY accurate to his, which is orthodox christian. FOR EXAMPLE I grew up saying ‘in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit’ at the beginning of prayer and they DIDN’T AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
regarding my present religious identity? Fuck if I know
note: I did not enjoy reading the catcher in the rye and I don’t like the protagonist, but I DID feel it was very fitting to have nikolai reading it
I made an assumption about what the captain’s steak is because I could find ZERO answers. If im wrong then so be it :’)
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quietbluejay · 5 months
Know No Fear 3
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rob. bro. YOU KEEP DOING THIS and you get bodied EVERY SINGLE TIME. he seems like he's the calm rational one but he's…really not
vs fulgrim he did the exact same thing even going "i know it's a trap" and he would have died except the ultramarines ended up sacrificing themselves to get him out vs mortarion he did it like TWICE and only dad intervening got him out of that i don't actually remember what happens to him here but he does get stabbed
oh here's the part that made me like Lorgar
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"it's called treachery, Roboute. It works very well." it sure does lol
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lorgar talks a bit about Horus rising (heh) and Guilliman asks if he's on drugs
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brother, singular the only one down so far is Ferrus, rip Lorgar once again, really wishing the only people who thought "hey the emperor is wrong and awful, maybe" didn't drink the chaos kool aid
Hot take : the imperium and chaos represent the false dichotomy presented by the modern right left political divide
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and then things get…fun
it's also, incidentally, really interesting that Lorgar is like "we're here to kill you and take the Ultramarines out of the game" and meanwhile Kor Phaeron tries to corrupt him to chaos i do wonder what would have happened if they'd ended up on the same side well i mean, wouldn't be the first time two people with grudges ended up on same side (Magnus and Mortarion) but it's gotten reallllly personal here
actually wait no i forgot about how he got sent into the vacuum of space and then just managed to survive because he was so angry so like, that really should have worked but no one expected the plot armour guillirage
you know i think he might be the most plot armoured of all local accountant who evades taxes somehow the main character of the universe (yes he does canonically evade taxes) (i found out) (so my record of tax evading blorbos holds steady) (i think the only one who doesn't is maybe Windblade) okay spooky time and i really loved this bit for fully bringing the story out of the regular war/disaster and right into the twilight zone as well
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oh THATS how he ends up in space
my original hc (re Lorgar and daemon) was that they switched out at the end and the daemon climbing out of lorgar's skin was a metaphysical metaphor made literal over the comm link idk if that's actually possible though
and now back to our Catholic representation, Old Person Oll Persson he's having a nice morning but some dude just showed up i remember when i read this i was like ???????? didn't he just die or something??
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honestly i found this whole thing very confusing but apparently it's a meta plot in the Horus Heresy wrong word myth arc? also wrong plot thread that shows up across multiple books
ohhh time to get a look at the future
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there's like 50 books or more that were written between this one and this actual scene happening and somehow i have zero memory of reading this??? i think i was still going ??? at the secret group of immortals eyy time to put together a team that's just made up of random people who happened to survive
including a catatonic teenage girl and another unskilled labourer honestly this would work better in another series or if this were about them
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man you know it's funny how in every way the word bearers are the precursor to the imperium aw lorgar is making special copies of his book for all his brothers
star wars: we blew up one planet to smithereens kor phaeron: you are like little baby, watch this
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oh yeah here we goooo the bit that made me lol (for context, he's talking about seeing corpses with bits eaten)
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i was like "i didn't think you people HAD the concept of a war crime" okay, mr ventanus, how do you justify monarchia, by any of these codes and precepts by any legality by the moral code of mankind in the end it was just "the emperor ordered you to do it, and he is the highest authority, so, you did it" like i do realize the two aren't equivalent and the sheer level of destruction that was done to Calth isn't anywhere in the same league not to mention the corpse desecration and offscreen torture etc but regardless Monarchia is also not justified by these things also, this is a very fun chase scene aw yeah Tawren and Arook meet up with Ventanus and Selachon
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oh hello stab me in the heart again why don't you
ooooh horror movie on Maccrage's Honour ultramarine feels fear rip Gage, his hand gets bit off by daemon AND NOW FOR MY FAVOURITE SCENE IN THIS BOOK (well tied for favourite with the lorgar one)
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"today started in a different place" UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR today started in an entirely different genre
i am platonically kissing thiel on the mouth hahaha and now we find out WHY thiel was censured
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lmaooo incredible
this whole bit still cracks me up the first time i read this i thought for sure he was getting lured by a lorelei to his death
well actually i hit another bit that cracks me up the two army dudes, in all the chaos met the young dudes wife by the river except well
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and then they get caught by word bearer auxiliaries sacrificing people and i thought for sure they were going to die there and then Old Person saves the day and the ritual knife on this rando cultist turns out to apparently be a big deal like universe altering e_e okay maybe im misremembering maybe it's a different knife okay i am misremembering
okay we got a date for Monarchia! 44 years ago
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soundwavereporting · 1 year
Tell me 3 or 5 things about what you love about each Soundwave:
Earthspark (this may be bare bones doe)
War For Cybertron (game)
If it's too much then just do three of the Soundwaves 👀👄👀
TFP/War for Cybertron
-He is simply blorbo to me. The Soundwave chapters in WFC are my favorite.
-He is such a creepy guy! I hope the creepiness continues to influence the portrayal of Soundwave for years to come.
-The og man. I love him and his stupid eavesdropping stethoscope. I know he's portrayed as the one with the brain cell, but I don't believe it. I don't think any of them have a brain cell.
-He has such a good voice! No one can do it like Frank Welker
-Poor little meow meow. My unfortunately Catholic blorbo.
- I love #43 (don't we all) but Soundwave's characterization between the Dark Cybertron prelude and the Dark Cybertron arc itself is my Favorite and it's what I tend to refer back to when I'm looking for his 'voice' in fic. I feel like he was a fully realized character, but he was still very rough around the edges when trying to interact with anyone who wasn't a cassette, especially as he took up the leadership mantle within the Decepticons and it showed!
I love that he presumably looked at the Constructicons' absence and went 'I'm not dealing with that", then doesn't tell any of the other Decepticons where they'd gone. He can't get anyone to listen to him, so he wanders off with his cassettes to try and kill Shockwave. When the time comes to work with the Autobots he IMMEDIATELY puts himself in a supporting role and spends most of his time on-panel hanging around Prowl/petting Ravage/pining for Megatron (none of which are at all conducive to leading the Decepticons). After Dark Cybertron he's so upset he spent a lot of time getting drunk at Blurr's? I'm obsessed with him. I need to reread this series.
-10 minutes was not nearly enough for an episode but the writers crammed so much characterization into Soundwave with what little time they had.
-I love that Cyberverse continued the IDW 'Soundwave and Shockwave actually hate each other' compared to like, G1 or TFP. (I get the feeling ES wavewave dynamic is going to be more like the latter than the former, but it's just the vibe so far.)
-"The Perfect Decepticon" yes he is!!!
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I'm Enrico Pucci's fan(atic) as long as I can breathe, but I must know, how many times has my boy Claude Frollo been submitted?
And I mean the REAL Claude Frollo!!! NOT the twisted caricature of Disney's greedy hands. How many submissions of the làd?
(TYSM for running this poll, by the way. I love this concept.)
So Frollo(all versions) is in there 6 times (and Claudine Frollo is in there once). 1 person has specifically noted they're talking about book Frollo and another person is requesting the original musical Frollo.
Propaganda 1:
I love him so much. More seriously Book Frollo is much more ambivalent than Disney Movie Frollo which makes sense because we're talking about Victor Hugo VS a children's movie. He didn't kill Quasimodo's mom, he took him in (when himself was only nineteen and already in charge of his own baby brother since their parents had died not long before) when he was left on the church's doorstep. I mean, he does quite a few reprehensible and slightly evil stuff afterwards but he had a good start, you know ? He taught Quasi to communicate by signs when he became deaf because of the bells. He was also very much into alchemy which was pretty cool. His behavior towards Esmeralda was still very much not okay but I'd like to point out that Phoebus is also a jerk in this one. And Quasi's quite a bit amoral because no intelligent enough to understand some stuff
Propaganda 2:
I actually haven't gotten very far through the book yet but from the musical (not the disney one the other one it's SO GOOD) I can confirm he sucks at being catholic. literally tells a child over and over that he's ugly and unlovable until he fully believes it and won't let the kid go outside. https://genius.com/Alan-menken-out-there-lyrics (lyrics to the song in which frollo convinces quasimodo he's unlovable. ableist as hell and shitty in every way you can possibly imagine and it breaks my heart every time. feel free to listen to the actual track but it doesn’t get good until about 40 seconds in) frollo keeps saying it's good and right to punish sinners himself, and it's not right that the wicked go unpunished. there's a really satisfying moment in the musical where quasimodo sees him for what he is and repeats his words back to him (7:45 - 8:54, frollo is the one with the insanely deep voice) and it gives me goosebumps every time to hear that "yes you do" link to that video: https://youtu.be/HL7WZcTIgus
However, no one has specifically requested the Disney version? This is what I've gotten:
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Would Frollo people get mad at me if I combined all these and entered Book/Musical Frollo? I feel like an adult version is more interesting and even if most people only know the Disney version, they're at least familiar with a version of Frollo, and those who do know the real Frollo will like it more.
And of course!! I'm having a lot of fun! There's a fun balance of "yeah this cat is catholic seems legit" and "this blorbo is so traumatized look at how they willingly give their sweat and love to do God's work"
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lohstandfound · 1 year
jason mcconnell blorbo bingo
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I can fix him but in the way as like older sibling mentor type. He did things that probably were not good but he needs so much support.
Also I 100% project onto the McConnell twins. Is there a deep seated reason? Yes absolutely. Does it have anything to do with my Catholic upbringing? Yes absolutely
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thirstyforred · 2 years
For the ask meme I wanna go with Hubert purely because I'm curious which unhinged squares you'll tick for him. But also Adda and. Yknow what. Dettlaff. Not the most unhinged as far as villains go but very goth.
ty bestie, you know my blorbos <3
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i think that hubert is the funniest mf and it's a real fucking shame that the fandom is SLEEPING on him. catholic serial killer vampire?!? and btches don't love it??? I'm frotting at the mouth. and that's before we even go into all the alvin stuff I'm throwing at him
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i feel like she's my blorbo by proxy, but that proxy is rod de wett living rent free in my head 😔
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i liked him in the game, but then fandom made me annoyed, and now I'm ig jealous of the attention he's getting bc there are other vamps to mess with in canon ugh. i think his story is very well written and he's a sympathetic figure, but people sometimes paint him as syanna's poor little victim. like, yes, she lied to him, manipulated him, hurt and abused his trust, but at the end of the day, he isn't human. he's gods' stupidest killing machine, an adult of his own race, capable of making poor decisions on his own, and half of the bad shit in blood & wine is still his fallout lol
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cobbbvanth · 6 months
for the fandom ask: U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
thanks for asking!!
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
guillermo de la cruz (wwdits) - he's my best friend baby girl blorbo beloved light of my life. he's just that bitch, okay? he's a vampire killer who wants to fuck a vampire so bad it makes him look stupid. he's the most beautiful boy in the world. he has killed so many people
mac mcdonald (iasip) - he's just sooo loser boy pathetic little meow meow. he's terrible. he's gay. he's catholic. he's silly. he's committed so many crimes. he's in love with his best friend. he doesn't believe in evolution. he's so gender to me. he's named after the hamburger clown <3
sue sylvester (glee) - did she once try to fire a student out of a canon for a cheerleading routine? well yes. and so many more counts of student terrorism. but she's also the funniest character ever written in the history of television. WATCH GLEE FOLKS
send me a fandom ask!
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allsassnoclass · 1 year
hiii hazel it's been a while i hope you're good! for the asks i'm picking these emojis 💜💚💙 and i'm also asking for your top 5 narnia characters and also top 5 songs at the moment -monse <3
@lukemichaelcalumashton hi monse <3 hope all is well with you!!!
💜 - What Label(s) Have You Identified With for the Longest? asexual! that's my longest label and my main one. the one that feels like home. if i ever shift and realize that i don't fit the technical definition for whatever reason it'd make me incredibly sad to leave behind so i probably won't leave it anyway and i'll just still call myself ace lol
💚 - How many queer people do you know irl? well! my entire high school friend group is queer. i have a picture from my 9th grade birthday party and literally everyone except for 1 person in it later came out as queer in some form. however, i don't talk to most of them anymore because we naturally drifted away, and a lot of my college friends were cishet. however, i do work in theater, so i know a lot of queer people! many many!
💙 - When you first learned about the Queer community, did you immediately realize ‘That’s me!’ Or did you consider yourself a ‘really good ally’ for some time? nope! i didn't realize, and i didn't really consider myself an ally for a long time either (raised catholic, and catholics as a whole have not been as nice towards queer people as we are called to be). it wasn't until i found the label of asexual that i had a lightbulb moment, and it took a while after that before i realized i like girls
Top 5 Narnia Characters
Prince Caspian-is this just because I loved the movie as a kid and he's so so so so cool and also i now associate him with a very close family friend who i love dearly? quite possibly! but that doesn't mean i'm wrong!
Lucy Pevensie-my projection character <3 as the youngest sibling in a group of 4 who looked a lot like georgie henley when lion witch and wardrobe movie first came out, she's always been my character
Reepicheep-he's so cool. he's a mouse with a sword! what more could you want in a character
Jill Pole-yeah this is because silver chair is really the only book that i've technically read (we listened to the focus on the family radio program versions when i was little, but i don't have clear memories of it). i liked her!!! shout out to her!!!
Edmund-character development <3
Top 5 Songs at the Moment
"Curses" by the Crane Wives-bro there's a clarinet. there's harmonies. "ashes to ashes, dust to dust/the devil's after both of us" and the way that it switches to "ashes to ashes, dust to dust/tell me i am good enough" for the last verse???? yes! there's so much character to this song and i love it
"Grudges" by Caroline Kole-I like songs about women getting revenge and this song is perfect for my current blorbo nie huaisang like the lyrics are extremely accurate plus he would definitely exclusively listen to girl pop if he was a modern character
"Sinner" by Andy Grammer-should this song actually be on the list? idk i'm just vibing right now but i like when songs sound slightly western. this song sounds like one that the band train would make
"The Weather" by Lawrence-i remembered recently that this song exists. i love it. it makes me feel things, it's beautiful in it's simplicity, and i just really like lawrence as a band in general
"Sugar Cloud" from Ride the Cyclone-my favorite song from this musical <3 in a show about teenagers who violently died competing to be brought back to life, to have a song so unashamedly joyful and celebrating a completely ordinary life is wonderful, especially taken in context following Constance's monologue
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Happy Blorbo Blursday, Morri! I feel like I don't know much about Captain Blackthorne aside from the basics. so, i guess i'd love to see you give the spotlight to him! hoping you have a great day ahead! :3 - 🔮⛈ (@enchanted-lightning-aes)
Hi Enchant! Thanks for the ask!! <3
So, Captain Blackthorne is, as expected, Fallon's Captain of the Guard. He used to be one of her mother's personal guards, until she was murdered. He's roughly 47 years old (ages are hard), and he's known Fallon since she was born.
His first name is Xavier, and he has a kind face, dark hair that's going grey, and smile lines. I love him to death. Also, he loves dogs and kids. He would make the best dad ever, if he had had children. He sees Fallon as his daughter though, so that makes up for things, right??
He's very protective of her, partly because he sees her as his daughter, and partly because of his guilt surrounding Rosalynn's death. (More on that under the cut.)
A longer backstory under the cut, because I love this man, and have a lot of thoughts about him. TW for murder / death mention !!
Captain Blackthorne has been a member of the Royal Guard since he was 18-ish? His family has always served the royal family, so he decided to continue the tradition. He’s a very skilled swordsman, as well as clever and organized. These facts, combined with his unwavering loyalty to the Crown and his near-constant good temper made him an excellent choice for Captain. Everyone assumed he would be succeed the current Captain of the Guard when he retired.
He was already a member of the Royal Guard when Fallon was born, so he’s literally known her for her entire life. When he was in his 20’s, Rosalynn (Fallon’s mother, the Queen at the time), selected him to be a member of her personal guard. He remained in this position for years, eventually becoming Her Majesty’s personal guard and frankly, her best friend.
On this night of Rosalynn’s death, he woke to find the alarm had been raised for an intruder in the Palace. He rushed to Her Majesty’s rooms to find her dead. She had been a friend to him as well as a Queen, and the fact that she died when she was supposed to be under his protection nearly broke him.
Heartbroken, he planned to retire from the Guard, but chose to stay when Fallon offered him the position of Captain of the Guard, to replace the previous who had been killed on the night of Rosalynn’s murder. Xavier felt he owed it to Rosalynn to protect Fallon in any way possible, so he agreed to stay.
He partially blames himself for Rosalynn’s death, even though the rational part of his brain knows better. (If spies were easy to catch, they wouldn’t be spies. If assassins couldn’t do their job, they’d be dead.) But he still feels a little guilty, and that’s part of the reason he is so very protective of Fallon.
Though he’d never admit it, his worst fear is failing to protect Fallon (and thus failing Rosalynn), and he sometimes dreams about the night of Rosalynn’s death, but it’s Fallon there instead. :’(
BONUS FACTS: - He never married or had children, instead dedicating his time to the Guard, but he would absolutley be the best grandpa/dad ever. - He has a heart of gold and it takes a lot to make him angry. - He has been accidentally called Dad by young recruits on no less than 6 occasions. (They all get really embarassed, but Blackthorne thinks it’s cute.) - He low-key views Fallon as his daughter. - He also loves dogs and will absolutely lose his shit over any kind of puppy.
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liketheinferno2 · 3 years
blorbo questionaire(?):
preface: i have not watched any of these/played them besides Nier Automata and Replicant
kristoph g-something, (maybe gavin?): the inside of his head is an oil fire he is continuously pouring water on and fanning with his hands, he has this weird complex about Wanting the Black Haired Dude and also being disgusted by him. he is losing 4D chess that he's playing with himself. Also has anxiety tics
estinein: oh my god he's this like. white haired elven Guy who is in an abusive relationship with his telepathic(?) eye and i think he is also wearing the blood of the guy whos eye he just... took? questionable eye acquisition... he is coated in blood but he wouldnt smell bad because i think patch'ii cat cleans him or something, if so i think patch'ii should get a free toothbrush. i think a lot of the fandom seems to misinterpret him from what ive read of your posts and my god i can relate bc my favs also always get their nuance sucked out through their one personality trait people assign him
harchufaunt: HARCHUFAUNT
Nier (protagonist): im in act 2 after the whole tentacle ship in my first run and my grasp of nier is: cant swim, is the baby girl to kaines bad boy, he is very tunnel vision and just... Cognitive dissonances his way through the day while taking down more and more shades and tunes out any other options because otherwise nothing would be worth it. Half the time i almost forget yonhas the prerogative because niers so determined to be taking as many detours as possible and keep putting off the inevitable reality. Good boy!
Adam: woman, but no, but yes and a mother, had a stab wound baby he didnt want by deadbeat dad 2b and popularly dubbed incel 9s (i think this is the dumbest and funniest interpretation of his character and how it is held by more than one person i do not know)
9s: decidedly small and also he has half the arm of his dead not gf attached to him because he is small gender
GOD THANK YOU FOR THIS TREMENDOUS READ THIS IS ALL VERY ATTENTIVE AND GOOD. BUT I'M REALLY DELIGHTED THAT YOU SOMEHOW GOT THE CONCEPT OF PATCHAH'LI CLEANING ESTINIEN SOMEWHERE IN HERE. Because he doesn't but I definitely have him as cleaning younger characters like a cat. You can't lick Estinien's hair he wouldn't allow it. But you CAN take a bath together in an onsen:
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I also want to show you Estinien's Special Guy:
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This is why the eye's like a big sticky bowling ball. Big man is BIG. He's just also sentient through the eye and can talk with it, just to Estinien though. The eye was taken a thousand years ago and held as a treasure by the Blatantly Just The Catholic Church until Estinien stole it and started running around with it to draw Big Man away from the people in city and towards him, because he's a dragoon knight, a knight that kills dragons. He's like "I will be a delicious hunk of meat this guy wants to tear to pieces. What could POSSIBLY go wrong there?" When they meet in person he takes the OTHER eye out of his head and this leads to 1. covered in blood, 2. my favourite Estinien image of all time
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I keep that MF THANG ON ME!!! I've ended up so attached to Esti for a great many reasons but part of it that I'm playing as another dragoon knight and that nets you a bunch of extra scenes and context for him. And he likes you best. This isn't just ANYONE'S blorbo, he's mine lmfao.
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Also people struggle with Estinien I think largely because he's characterised as a very socially stunted person so where another character would tell you their tragic backstory and try to explain what they're doing, Estinien just kinda... doesn't? You have to hear it from his dad, and that's optional. So they present you with a guy who is going through some extremely heavy shit but it's mostly private, you're never getting the whole story of this nebulously terrible relationship he's in; he thinks he's got more power in it than he has and the player's inclined to believe him. The curtain comes off about exactly how bad it all is pretty late in the game and even then it's not of his own will and he's resistant to being saved from this situation too. He's a Difficult Bitch. But then you do bleed and cry and help him and seeing the emotional recovery afterwards is really fantastic. Slow burn character.
Also Haurchefant? That's pronounced as "Orshufon." I know.
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cariseca · 2 years
Tintin and Haddock for the character opinion thing
A little long to my tastes, heres a readmore
Tintin! tried to give him eyeballs but gave up bc he looked like an illumation entretainment background character lol
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He looks. Terrible. I havent drawn him years
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wasted potential: I just think if hergé hadnt been a weirdo catholic on a mission, tintin would've been more interesting and have more emotional depth even if it is clear he has some underlying personal issues it is never actually Seen bc he's suppossed to be the paragon of virtue and strenght and all that. I havent read the comics in years so i may be wrong but that was my impression then and thats my impression now
not as deep as they seem: honestly! i can see where everyones coming from bc obviously a kid going around and doing whats correct on impulse or trying to decipher mysteries etc is bound to have some trauma but he rlly isnt all that in canon. He's just a Good and Strong and Pure Catholic Boy :))))) (rage)
nothing i like about them is technically canon: yes and no. I will admit theres some aspects of canon tintin that make him likeable like hurrying to help or being pretty reckless, but it's more about the implications i can come up with??
why do they look like that: im joking i know why they look like that but still. He looks so bland in comparison to the rest of the cast....
they work better as part of a dynamic: HONESTLY you can make him interact with any character in the series and there will be a fun back and forth, even with snowy it's funny/sweet how they interact with each other. Tintin rlly needs the other characters to actually shine bc to me he's kinda bland, like theres a wall and theres nothing that bounces back against him if his family or friends arent there
they got too much screentime: im joking BUT this isnt even exclusive to the story hes in i mean like theres too much of him around and i find him kinda overhyped and overrated sdsfsdsdsfsf no offense to ppl who like him im just like "i want that kid obliterated"
i actively dislike them sorry: SORRY sdfsdfdf it's so bland to say but i think im just soured about the work itself and its transformative works featuring him! nothing against the fans whenever i see his face im like "him? again?"
Free Space: the tibet adventure could easily be an adventure/romance movie like just thinking of the implications of dreaming of someone u havent seen in a long while and going by your gut that they are in danger... IT EATS ME how dedicated tintin is to his friendships in general but i will always think him and chang would develope something more.... (sighs) young love (cries)
Haddock! I just drew him from memory too
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Now I didnt score but heres a little explanation to each space:
they are soooo cool looking: I just really like how hes so scruffy looking and has that blue/black color scheme is very simple but effective :) i also just like sea themed characters in general and middle aged characters with Issues:tm:
everyone but me is wrong about them <3: NOT really true im just thinking of common mischaracterizations i used to see or seen in bad fanfiction bc otherwise i think theres a lot of ppl that really "get" haddock's essence
if they were real i would be afraid of them: half true, i would be more irritated by him than afraid of him. Like shut your mouth old man! type of way
they are like a blorbo to me: for a long time haddock was a blorbo to me, im not tht attached to the character anymore but i do think of him fondly
not as deep as they seem: i had to repeat this to myself bc even if he is plenty fleshed out in the actual works i think as fans we see More than there actually is.
free space: pretty sure ive said this before but i will always see haddock's personal journey as healing from the abusive rship he had with Alan Thompson (which was a catalyst to substance abuse) and seeing value in himself bc the people around him value him (his cat, tintin, prof calculus) basically that found family goodness lol
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