#YES i am having SOOO much fun developing them šŸ˜­
wexhappyxfew Ā· 4 months
kennedy (mentally) as sheā€™s talking to john ā€˜buckyā€™ egan after interrogation:
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kennedy AFTER the silver bullets crew asks her why she was talking to john ā€˜buckyā€™ egan:
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atlasofthestaars Ā· 1 year
Hi I just wanna say that ur mk fic is amazing! Iā€™m soooo glad people are finally making mk storyā€™s that arenā€™t just one shots ( even tho I love them!) but yeah overall itā€™s sooo good I love bi Han sm sometimes I just wanna squeeze himšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but I love jealous bi han even more! I love readers powers and I reallyyy like ur writing style! I have 2 questions first of all do you have a writing schedule ? Also would u ever add reiko as a love interest?
Thank you so much! Yeah, haha, I've been wanting to make a story like this ever since I got into Mortal Kombat 9, but then there was the complication of time skips, a bunch of characters dying, etc. In that story I planned a bunch of canon divergence as well, but I eventually dropped the project due to not knowing exactly where to take the plot.
Now, Mk1 I feel like gives me a LOT of material to work with while allowing me to develop a plot of it's own!
Bi-Han is such an interesting character to me! I had hoped he was more morally gray in the story than straight up evil, so you'll see what may change and happen to him throughout the course of the story. And yes, I agree jealous Bi-Han is fun! And fun to write, haha.
Thank you for appreciating the reader's powers, I hope to integrate it in an interesting way later down the line during kombat!
For your questions:
1) I do NOT have a writing schedule. I just kinda write when inspiration strikes/when I'm available haha. I am planning to try and release a chapter a week if my motivation runs dry, but if I am motivated enough I'll release chapters quickly like I have been recently. I basically write when I feel like it, and start and end chapters when I hit the checkpoints of the plot I want to.
2) Reiko is interesting because I haven't thought much to write for him, but if people want him I'll make it work! I'll probably put in a poll next chapter to test engagement. I will say it'll probably be another case of changing a lot of canon to make it work especially since (sadly) his whole gimmick in mk1 is being loyal to Shao Khan a lot of the time, so I'd have to find a way to make him his own person to work!
Thank you for your interest in New Era so far!
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vespertin-y Ā· 2 years
more liveblogging YIPPEE!! this time itā€™s the first half of ch1ā€²s daily life.
-ā€monokuma will never directly commit a murderā€ bro donā€™t you threaten to kill all of them like two days from now??
-himikoā€™s vibrating sprite šŸ˜­ she is my spirit animal truly
-oh, shuichi and rantaroā€™s dynamic is GREAT. shuichi pulls kaede aside to ask if she thinks an ultimate talent is ā€œreally something you can forgetā€ and iirc rantaro says he thinks shuichi is the most suspicious person in his FTEs - they both clearly suspect the other of being the ringleader and itā€™s fantastic. especially since their shared fondness for kaede makes them interact more than theyā€™d probably like.
-we meet again, manhole gonta cg, we meet again. you have not gotten any prettier.
-kokichiā€™s first instinct when faced with a big hollow place is to yodel, and honestly same. echos r fun okay!!
-rantaro gets so much snarkier upon rewatch - you realize how much of his dialogue is just taking the piss. him saying ā€œoh, how considerateā€ when they find the exit sign still makes me giggle.
-kaito thinking kaede is the COOLEST WOMAN ON EARTH and kaede thinking heā€™s sooo lame is such an underrated dynamic. ā€œgimme a hug!ā€ ā€œno šŸ’–ā€ lives in my head rent free.
-kokichiā€™s speech after the death road of despair is what made me sit up and take interest in him and in kaede as characters and it still holds up so good hpsuhag,,,,i donā€™t have a ton of bigbrain thoughts about it but please know i am thinking about high empathy/low compassion kokichi and low empathy/high compassion kaede every single day. autistic queens.
-kokichi literally just says they need to find another way out and rantaroā€™s immediately like ā€œmurder?? you want to do a murder, you little gremlin????ā€ then tenko freaks out, kokichi tells her to chill, and she threatens to smash his head into the ground!? it seems to me that the writers had a set dynamic between kokichi and the rest of the group, but forgot that by this point in the story they havenā€™t written anything to justify it - even with rantaroā€™s paranoia and tenkoā€™s anger issues, this is excessive. HILARIOUSLY, this makes the scene read as his fucking jonker origin story. tenko, you fool, you shouldā€™ve taken the bubblegum...! look what youā€™ve gotten us all into...!
-the dorm rooms are INSANELY swanky. iā€™d want to live there, if not for the...everything else......
-them having tons of copies of the same outfit is so funny. tsumugi put her heart and soul into those costumes and you WILL wear them.
-thatā€™s the end of day one! iā€™ll be keeping track of them, just so you all can understand how RIDICULOUS v3ā€²s timeline is.
-i once saw someone point out that there was zero reason for maki not to take the first blood perk, and now that HAUNTS me. she would only be responsible for one death since thereā€™s no class trial, and we know that ever after five chapters of āœØbondingāœØ sheā€™s still willing to murder all her ā€œfriendsā€ in a petty revenge plot, and sheā€™s supposed to be willing to do ANYTHING to keep her orphanage from going under. completely irrelevantly, did you know maki being an assassin was actually added later in development than kaede being the first killer?
-despite him definitely knowing that monokuma isnā€™t really dead, kokichi insists wholeheartedly that the killing game is ā€œcancelledā€ - itā€™s one of his more obvious ploys imo. even if it can only delay deaths for a day or so, heā€™s willing to throw all his acting chops behind it.
-you know that meme that goes ā€œgod made me mentally ill to nerf meā€? thatā€™s shuichi. heā€™s a side character that becomes the protagonist. he has a plan to catch the mastermind in CHAPTER ONE. he is breaking the danganronpa formula so bad. tsumugi had to pump him full of depression or else he would have crushed her show like a nut on day one. the detective. he destroyed his narrative. yes. YES. the detective is out.
-KAEDE TOLD MIU TO SHUT THE HELL UP...u know itā€™s serious when u get *kaede* to curse omg
-ā€hey,do you think this door is connected to monokuma somehow?ā€ ā€œi think it might.ā€ and here we get our first reminder that v3 was translated by character, not by scene. the translators mostly stuck to their individual characterā€™s dialogue without much communication, and it leaves lots of little blips like this.
-and so day two ends!
-the way they just...take the wind right out of monokumaā€™s sails is so funny. heā€™s so excited for this yokai gimmick!! and then miu tells him to get hit by a second car, tsumugi complains that his outfit is bad, and korekiyo starts explaining the difference between ghosts and yokai in excruciating detail. monokumaā€™s one weakness: pretentious teenage nerds...!
-the additional time-limit motive doesnā€™t make sense to me when itā€™s been ONE DAY since he introduced the first one!? it feels like a last resort, something to be used after they refused to take the bait. fits much better with a more stretched-out timeline, where they were in the school for a month or so with no murder before monokuma snapped and told them to kill or else.
-rantaro questions if he can even trust himself because of his missing memories. of course WE know heā€™s not gonna get hajimeā€™d, but itā€™s a reasonable fear!
-ā€thatā€™s why i didnā€™t want to talk about this in front of everyone...if we told them now, they might all try to find the mastermind, and be led to murder. thatā€™s why...i could only tell you, kaede.ā€ oh, shuichi......(ā”¬ā”¬ļ¹ā”¬ā”¬) kaede just goes dead silent after this too, before changing the subject. she doesnā€™t have a murder plan yet - she canā€™t have one, not before theyā€™ve gone to the warehouse - but sheā€™s certainly Considering Options.
-thereā€™s part one of daily life! like and subscribe, iā€™ll be posting the second half momentarily :]
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safyresky Ā· 2 years
Ello! :)
Re: Writer (& Artist) Ask Game
What are some of your OCs biggest fears?Ā 
What are your favourite relationships between your OCs? (romantic or platonic!)
OC you most struggled to make?
Describe the setting of one or more of your wipsĀ 
What are some tropes and character dynamics found in your wips?
Whatā€™s your favourite genre to write? Is it also your favourite genre to read?Ā 
What was your first fandom you were in? Did you make any art/fanfic for it?Ā 
I have had a BUSY FEW DAYS but am FINALLY SITTING TO ANSWER THIS! Thanks for the ask K!
writer and artist ask game
What are some of your OCs biggest fears?Ā 
Funnily enough I actually have an ask from AGES AGO detailing the fears of ALL the Legates! It is right here :)
But some new ones for you: Spring fears that she is not enough and will never live up to Mother Nature or her sisters. She thinks that any one of them would've made a better Legate to Mother Nature than her!
Blossom Bunny fears NOTHING. Literally. Nothing scares her. the thought of just, nothing?!?!?!?! She does NOT vibe with that, Night and Day are like "ah yes. our void." and Blossom is like "well you can fuck RIGHT OFF with that fatass krispy kreme bullshit" and then Spring beats up Jacqueline for teaching blossom swears a la this meme šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ (casually gonna add that to my to doodle list)
What are your favourite relationships between your OCs? (romantic or platonic!)
Diteline and Blinter have my whole ass entire soul and heart šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. I love them I love them I LOVE THEM! Blinter's whole EVERYTHING is MY everything, and Diteline's story is AMAZING (one day I will write it), and they're such fun little pairs and I just. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (dies)
I am also very vibing Jack's relationships with the Twins. We've explored him and Fino and how they bond over stuff, and I am EXCITED for a scene in Chapter 29 of CS that explores the Fiera/Jack side of things! I also cannot stop THINKING of the Twin Princes. My god. If Pyros ever smartened up their relationship would be HILARIOUS. In the unlikely event this happens, here are some spoilers: it's a frenemy relationship and they bond by committing patricide >:)
ALSO! I don't talk much about it but Myles and Xander are biffers. My god. those two can go on about ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. ESPECIALLY magic tech! Their interests merge very nicely, when they work together? My GOD. These two fuckos accomplish a LOT.
OC you most struggled to make?
Myles and Olivia, funnily enough! It was sooo hard to figure out these two it was unREAL. My friend Kade had made a lil TF Legate AGES ago and Myles kinda was inspired by that as a fun fact! And then Olivia also appeared and I was like quoi??? And she was like Myles is the most nervous lil guy so I also Legate with him BUT he will be Next TF (intense AC stare) she is going to make SURE OF IT because SHE has PLANS! Head Healer has her NAME ON IT >:)
The other Legates came fairly easily! The one with the MOST development who is the MOST different from their original concept is Dite, 100% šŸ˜³šŸ˜³
Describe the setting of one or more of your wips.
The Blinter Thing that started as vent art and is now uh. a something??? Takes place in Crystal Springs, ~100 or so years AFTER the Millennia War/Civil War/War of Succession! It's a new baby city, just breaking out of the confines of a monarchist regime that nobody seemed to really realize had such a tight fist over customs and traditions and laws and stuff until they got rid of those hoes and created the democracy-esque thing that Crystal Springs is known as today!
What are some tropes and character dynamics found in your wips?
Evil Uncles, for some odd reason. I have 3 Uncles and they aren't really evil? One sucks and is the WORST, the other one is like. Very right wing and innapropro in terms of jokes and just. Awkward, and the third one was an amazing guy but has since passed! so, yeah, not sure where the evil Uncles thing comes from but it is prevalent.
Redemption Arcs. Love me a good Redemption Arc. I blame ATLA 100%
And good parents! That's a character dynamic, right? Lol. But yeah, My parents suck, and I am TIRED of sucky parents, so I am going to write ALL THE GOOD PARENT DYNAMICS! HECK!
Whatā€™s your favourite genre to write? Is it also your favourite genre to read?Ā 
Uhhhhh that's a good? Question? Is general a genre? I like writing general things tbh, love continuations of things and just Really Good Stories! Fantasy and romance are FUN, and I quite like reading Fantasy! Romance hasn't hit the way it used to but I still quite enjoy reading a good romance :) Bonus if miscommunication ISN'T a major plot device, and BONUS BONUS if they're pals first! I like seeing development in relationships before hopping to the romance bits. Slow burn? sign me the FUCK UP
So yes, they are my faves to read as well as write! The more fantastical the better. Please, bury me in your magical lore in your fantasy lands! I will DIE HAPPY
What was your first fandom you were in? Did you make any art/fanfic for it?Ā 
The first fandom I actively took PART in was the Mentalist! I wrote a couple of things for it, and they are up on my ff.net page. I liked Jane and Lisbon a lot! I feel like if I were to rewatch it, tho, I'd not ship them as much šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”
Danny Phantom was deffs the OG OG OG phandom! My very first OC was a self-insert halfa named ghostliy princess (yes, spelt incorrectly) and that was my internet name ALL OVER THE PLACE up until MCR released Danger Days, and I decided my killjoy name would be Sapphire Sky and started changing it on ff.net. Only to find it was taken. So I went FULL WHITE LADY and spelt it in a way that nobody would EVER think was pronounced sapphire, and BOOM! SafyreSky Industries was born!
Nowadays if I had a Killjoy-sona, she'd be named Rainbow Vomit or Pastel Punk Puke šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
BUT ANYWAY I did do some stuff for Danny Phantom! There was one Phanniemay that I was v active in and wrote a couple of oneshots for! I had plans for every prompt for the month, but then found it hard to balance my first full time job with art so it fell by the wayside.
Here are a couple of Danny Phantom things I wrote! I dare not reread them or the urge to rewrite will consume me, and I really need to focus on Crystal Springs lmao. I wanna crosspost ASAP but have been procrastinating/distracted bc of wedding planning šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…
The uh. Halfa self-insert OC has art, too. There is NOTHING that would get me to post it, I'm not even joking. She will never see the light of day (probably) and that's a rock fact! (or lie. idk man. I'll need a LOT of confidence to post those ones šŸ˜µ
Anywho! thanks again for the ask! And if anyone wants to send more in please go crazy, I should be at my desk tomorrow? We'll see. I went on a clean the house rampage today, and it took the entire day to do the downstairs and the bathroom upstairs still needs to be cleaned sooooooo WHO'S TO SAY!
But yeah busy week over here! Work was busy and then I was also EXHAUSTED post Quebec trip. I napped every day this week. And then yesterday Richard and I watched back-to-back Disney flicks and then I passed out, lmao. And then today was groceries then cleaning the house! Which was gr8 actually, it was getting dusty as FUCK up in here. And guys, don't even get me STARTED on the furnace nonsense bc that's been. Well. NONSENSE. hhhh.
Anyway! Cheers and such! :)
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seokgyuu Ā· 1 year
My commentary on: Here comes the Sun after catching up >.< Part Dos
Chapter 7: I cannot with the 98s groupchat, please ā€œstrangers to lovers auā€šŸ’€ seungkwan and chan casually talking about yns tweet has me dying, but I love seungkwan and Vernonā€™s different approaches to getting chan to ask YN out 慠慠 NOT HIM CALLING HER A GOOD GIRL BYEšŸ˜­ I love how the 96s are just going in on YN over her texts with chan but I knew Woozi felt some type of way and I know wonwoo texted him and thatā€™s on context cluesšŸ•µšŸ½
Chapter 8: I KNEW WONWOO JAD A FUCKING CRUSH ON HER TOO I KNEW IT but heā€™s so tragic like thatā€™s noble of you to give up your crush for your friend but dang thatā€™s angsty. She slapped cheol and struck fear into him we love that lol also her and Soonyoung bonding is so cute and fun
Chapter 9: DINOO YOU ARE BOLDšŸ’€ also Soonyoung stop please my sanity canā€™t EITH your jokes Iā€™m smiling hysterically at my screen-.- theyā€™re going on a date ahhh. Also YN is such a dumbass ā€œtake me outā€ in what context would be the other wayšŸ˜­ but Jihoon coping with his crush by being passive aggressive šŸ’”šŸ˜­
Chapter 10: Joshua please stop and let your true self show for once for Jeonghanā€™s sanityšŸ¤” I love how invested the oldies are in yns business to the point where theyā€™re dropping what theyā€™re doing to go get the tea straight from her on her dinner with Soonyoung. Such a ride or die friend groupšŸ˜­
Chapter 11: of course we start the chapter with JiHan bickering lol and cheol has to mediate between themšŸ˜­but Wonwoo is such a good friend to Woozi consoling him about his crush crushing on another man and going on a date with him. Idk I like how their crush on tan made them bond itā€™s kind of touching like you can tell wonwoo really cares and wants Woozi to be happy :(
Chapter 12: I love how the plot just TAKES A TURN lmaaoošŸ˜­šŸ’€ it was so refreshing to see the 97s again after only appearing at the beginning of the story!! As a fellow caffeine drinker I feel personally victimized by wonwoo help but I still love him though heā€™s just being caring šŸ˜­ also Mingyu developing a crush on Yn is so juicy and chaotic especially when chan is also his friend?!
HELLO i am sorry i fell asleep last night before I could answer šŸ„¹. but letā€™s dive right into it!!!
the 98sā€¦ a different bunch fr, and the good girl ā€¦ just spot on chan, likeā€¦ damn. you are such a good detective i swear youā€™re gonna fade through this predicting all the twists and turns šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
wonwoo is in fact a tragic little man. he is very selfless i guess, or is he? ig that will show with time šŸ’ƒšŸ¼. he does have his reasons and jihoon doesnā€™t know them so he is just like ??? dude tf. soonyoung and her friendship is so cute, but tbf all her friendships with the 96s boys are special in their own little way šŸ„¹.
the take me out was SOOO šŸ‘ŽšŸ¼ like obv he wonā€˜t k word you, yn šŸ˜­ get a grip!!! but at least she is going on a date with him you know, like thatā€™s her DREAM. only took her absolutely embarrassing herself for that to happen šŸ¤”.
gonna be honest, joshua had a good start and now the 95 presence is getting weak i need to give them some more screentime JFJD if only to have joshua swear or smth and have everyone shook. omg the insta posts that day were so fun but also a pain in the ass i wonā€™t even lie šŸ˜­ so much work, but it was worth it šŸ’ž lmao jfjd.
cheol is indeed jihans mediator i think without him there would be blood. and yes as mentioned before wonwoo is a selfless dude and he just wants jihoon to be happy :( too bad jihoon is veeeery sure yn would never look at him that way šŸ’”.
AAAAND weā€˜ve gotten to the thickening of the plot šŸ‘€. ah yes the appearance of one handsome kim mingyu, what a moment. and yo i am also a coffee or well caffeine addict i has three cups of coffee and two cans of energy drink last night the fact i fell asleep and did not have a heartattack instead js actually a miracle and should be medically investigated fr. and yes mingyu liking yn and chan liking ynā€¦ yn such a popular girly without even knowing it (yet).
thank you again for this amazing commentary, this makes the start of my day perfect šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·
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gingrrfrog Ā· 2 years
First of all, how are you? I hope you and your family are doing well.
I want to express my gratitude for your hard work and dedication. I always admire your talent and your love for your work. You inspire me to not give up on my drafts and continue to write, even just a bit in one day.
FINALLY, after like 100 years I can have a little bit of solitude and read Noir in peace.
I'm not kidding. I have to be in full focus to read Noir since this masterpiece of yours reminds me of Sidney Sheldon and Agatha Christie's novels. Especially Sidney Sheldon's. I like to examine and analyze stories. I'm a sucker for this kind of genre, with all the complex psychological aspects. (Have you, probably, considered writing a novel? Like, a book? You're very talented)
And maaan...as if the previous chapter is not hard enough, the new one is waaaaay darker and rougher and more intense. Good choice of title, it fits very well.
And it hits harder because I accidentally read it with Backstreet Boys' Inconsolable playing in my playlist on repeat. (Don't ask me how. It just happened. I realized it when I was already halfway through the story. Somehow the song fits.)
To be honest, I had a suspicion that the culprits must be within the innermost circle, the closest ones to Jaehyun, people who work and live close with him all the time (of course, I think you know who they are).
Holy smoke, nowhere is perfectly safe for Jaehyun since he's also on the target list. It must be very personal. And one hell of an inside job. You have sooo many mysteries to explain, Author Jenosjupi.
(And using Sungchan as bait to lure his brother in? Wow.)
What I feel from the last 2 chapters: So much anger. So much hate. So much sadness and pain.
You're doing amazing with Noir and the related stories. I still hope that you're not done yet with the trio Jeno-Yejin-Jaemin. And Jungwoo ā¤ā¤ā¤ And perhaps with Jaehyun-Sungchan, too. All this time, we still see from Sungchan's eyes. I want to know more from Jaehyun's eyes. About his life, Sungchan and his relationship with his brothers (and Jeno too, since he and Jaemin are like a pair).
Yes, Jaehyun's complex psyche is intriguing to me. This man suffered a lot for like 90% of his whole life and he has to get up and clean up the mess. I want the same spirit.
It's so scary when Jaehyun unleashed his anger on Irene like that. I hope he will not resort to violence. (But I envy his charisma, just the good side, and NOT THE VIOLENCE šŸ˜­)
Enough of my meaningless chatter. Congratulations on the new chapter and may you always be blessed with good health and success and joy.
Thank you and lots of ā¤ for you.
wow i...
i have no words. thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing me such a beautiful message, knowing full well you didn't have to. to be honest, i was touched to see that you keep my writing in such a high regard, even so much as to compare it to two great novelists i could never compare to, but even yet, i am still so grateful that you did
you and everyone who reads noir are the reason why i take so much time out of my day to write, to do research on writing, and to read as much as i can, whenever i can, to improve on my writing for you all to enjoy it and to hear that ive inspired you to do the same is touching all the same so thank you, genuinely thank you
im happy that you find my characters relatable and even though they're loosely related to the figures in real life, i've done what i can to make these characters mostly mine, in the sense of their personality and development as people in a way that makes them three dimensional--which includes jaehyun's upbringing, what he's been through as a child and what he goes through now as an adult, as a husband and as a father
i hope you continue to love them as characters through their faults and flaws as human beings, as they stumble and stutter in their own lives the way we often do when presented stressful situations--it's part if the fun, to be able to tear your hair out
i hope to keep your favor as noir is beginning its end and as we inch closer to noir, it really is a lot of fun to write, and it's fun to watch, we're a dysfunctional little group of people who like to read, but it's that much more fun when there's a community
again thank you and i hope health and luck finds you too!!
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shi-daisy Ā· 3 years
Is it Aizen thirsting hours? šŸ‘€ I just find it fun when you gush about him.
I'm glad you enjoy my gushing, but you might not after this because I am about to unleash all of the reasons why I absolutely love this man into one ask!
Okay so my first impression of Aizen wasn't much. He is exactly my type in terms of looks and personality (Brunette, Brown eyes, glasses, soft spoken, shy, nerdy, gentle) I thought he was an absolute cutie and liked him a lot as a Captain.
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Look at this beautiful face! I want to cover it in kisses! šŸ˜ I loved how he immediately shot down Byakuya's bullshit and how he was polite yet firm. It's a nice mix.
But then...'he died' and I was soooo sad. I cried the first time I saw that scene and completely understood Momo when she snapped due to him dying. Girl, same! šŸ˜­
Once he came back and he was revealed to be the villian tho, I loved him even more! Okay tbh I hated what he did to Momo because she's baby and I love her too but it kinda makes sense from a writing standpoint.
Aizen knows she's only loyal to who he pretended to be, and it was only a matter of time before she turned against him should he take her with him as an ally. On the other hand she was so loyal that leaving her alive after this reveal was gonna drive her insane. So I think he might be thought it would be a mercy kill to get rid of her after the reveal. It's so twisted but it makes sense and oof the angst potential for it is awesome. Kubo why didn't you give us Aizen's pov damnit!!!
Anyway boy goes up to the shinigami chumps announces he's played them all like cheap kazoo bitches and leaves like a boss and that's when l knew he was going to be my favorite!
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šŸ‘ GIVEšŸ‘HIMšŸ‘THEšŸ‘ THRONE šŸ‘NOW! This man is a million times the king that crystal bish ever was!!! I wanted to see him win so fuckin bad.
While I'm one of the few peeps who loved the bount filler arc, I missed Aizen a lot. Once we got back to canon he was back and I was sooo happy!
The fake Karakura arc is a mess but just having Aizen back was enough for me to forgive it. Baby boy is back and I'm living! He is so smug and chill during the whole thing and almost killed the head captain which yessssss do ittttt!!! And then defeats everyone like it isn't even hard omg I was swooning so much. He's so freaking perfect!!!
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I wanna run my hands through that hair, and pull it too šŸ˜ That angry face does things to me!
I love his intelligence and how it was only a fuckin lucky plot contrivance that took him down. He's unstoppable, unyielding, he'll stop at nothing to dethrone the king and I just cried so loud when got sealed I think my fam thought I was dying (yes father I'm dying inside šŸ˜­)
Thankfully I got one last present before the arc ended and it a beautiful one
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Sub bondage Aizen is my fave thing in the world and I probably developed 10 diffrent kinks from this alone! Look at him. He's bound yet looks so in control and the way his pretty hands strapped to the chair just šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’– I wanna sit on his lap, I wanna kiss him, I wanna bite him and have him whipering while bound it's just sooo šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ Can't even describe how much I love this.
Also he totally sasses the judges and it was glorious! Yes babe, you tell em who's boss! Get rekt Central 46! I love this scene.
I'm not touching on the blood arc cuz I hate it and Aizen was done so dirty then, he should be the new soul king, and I'll go down saying that but he was hella hot just hypnotizing the bitch replacement villian and wrecking his plans. It's almost as if he knows nobody is gonna replace him as best villain. They just can't he's that goddamn good!
But all that thirsty joking aside, I love Aizen because he was right. He was absolutely right about everything. He was proven right by every canon arc, filler arc, ova and videogame that the Soul Society was a flawed, unfair, and useless organization that did more harm than good. Think about it, the poverty in Rukon that they never fixed, the absolute authority of the Central 46 which was the reason his initial plan went over everyone's head, the corrupt nobles families that get away with everything, the unethical nature of Squad 12 (started by Urahara mind you, who thought putting that disgusting Mayuri in charge was a good thing!), the horrid treatment of bounts, mod souls, fullbringers and Quincy which led to many villians swearing revenge on Soul Society, you look at all of this, at the fact that no one lifted a finger to fix this things except arguably Ichigo and then tell me Aizen wasn't right. That he wasn't right to want to take over and change all of this. He got proved right by the ending, that nothing was gonna change, that those who could try and change it had zero interest in doing so.
So if he wanted change he had to so it himself, and the only way to do so unopposed by the corrupt government, nobles and judicial system, was to tower over them as the king of all.
I love that about him, I love how he was right all along and quite honestly I would've loved to see him succeed in canon rather than having to write fic for that myself.
To summarize, Aizen is a gorgeous man, a genius, the only person that was willing to change the soul societies politics and deserved better than what he received. Hope you liked this lengthy answer, anon! It was fun to write.
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