konniesreality · 9 months
I've a piece of advice for everyone who trying to shifting/void whatever just give your self 3 days
For the next 3 days spend your day reprogramming your mind look ik going to void /shifting is easy you don't need a whole ass method or whatevaa but as we have certain believes and perspective towards life so initially it's a bit hard to just accept something new for our subconscious it says (no that's not true)
But just imagine you are at a new place so obviously you don't know the routes right? But what if someone keep telling you again n again that this way goes to hotel, this way goes hotel after few time you'll be like ohhh fuckk ik can you plz stop
Same way we have to let our mind get familiar with this new route
But firstly you should believe that shifting/ void do exist don't be like ohh is it even real it seems unreal to you because you haven't heared it from your childhood but that's doesn't mean it does not exist, so first of all stop questing yourself about it's existence
Now what you have to do is select 3 days from your preference and keep it in your mind that on the third day you are going to shift another thing during these 3 days at the initial 2 days don't try to shift I'll explain you later why you should not.
Day 1- just take a piece of paper or your phone anything it's up to you there should be two columns first believes second disbelieve now what you gonna do is on the believes section write things which you actually believe such as water keeps us hydrated but along with these sentence put some shifting/ void sentence repeatedly such as I can shift, shifting is easy for me, regardless of everything I'll shift, and much more it should be in a way which seems natural to you that's why I said put basic things which you actually believe in between first line should be any basic thing which you believe then about shifting then something else then again shifting like that and on the disbelief side write down things which you don't believe keep it simple like ghosts, black magic, and so on once you done go through this list throughout the day and lock it down in your subconscious that yeah this is what I believe and this is what I don't okayy?
Day 2- so this day you have to show gratitude towards whatever you believe like God or may be universe or whatever your superpower your guardian angel it could be anything show gratitude that omg I'm so grateful I came to know about this concept I meant to fulfill my desires or I deserve to live my DR that's why out of millions of people only few people know about this and I'm one of them also you just have to stay excited of course not the whole day but whenever you can because one day has already pass you are on the second and finally tomorrow is the day when you entering your DR so stay happy cheer the moment, feel excited about it you get it right?
This entire day you have to think that everything every single thing whatever you are doing throughout the day is bringing you closer to your DR let's say you are drinking water you'll be like ysss this water helps in my shifting, omg I'm taking a nap this brings me closer to my DR and stuff like that also keep reminding yourself that today is the day every second every minute that passes bring you close to the time when you are going to shift and enter in your desired reality.
Now at night do whatever method you follow for shifting and just enter like yess ENTER IN YOUR DESIRED REALITY GOOO DO IT!!!
And a bonus point you can do vaunts, and listen to subliminal throughout these three days ( it's optional btw but it helps)
Let me know the success stories byy byyy🤍🤍
Thank you so much anon! Everyone do thisssss 💗💗💗💗💗💗
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crypticjackal13 · 1 year
I saw u did a Danny phantom one so I was wondering I could request a scenario similar. As in Wukong,Macaque, and Mk with a S/O who basically has Danny’s powers? Maybe similar situation as in the kinda dead part but also not quite some how. If not that’s ok as well ty for your time!
yess when I was a kid I always wanted Danny's powers! Enjoy!
Wukong, Macaque, and MK x GN!Danny Phantom!Reader (Romantic Headcanons)
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Wukong - loves when you show off your skills to him! I think he would like the flight power the most just so you two could mess around; him on his cloud and you in the air. If you use your overshadowing power on a demon y'all fight, he's gonna laugh his ass off if you make them do stupid stuff. He'll also find it really funny if you go through walls, ceilings, or floors to surprise him or prank others. If you happen to be half-undead like Danny is in the show, he will definitely be curious about what might've led to your almost demise. You don't have to tell him if you don't want to, but until then he'll throw around theories in his head.
Macaque - oh buddy he can relate. he most likely has a near heart attack the first time he sees you use your powers--after all, he totally thought you were just a human--but after you explain the situation, he understands. He might offer to train you or spar with you; not only to see what you can do, but to see if you want to develop those skills. I think that some of his shadow powers are similar to the ghost powers in Danny Phantom, so maybe he'd also learn something in the process. You two also engage in a lot of portal shenanigans--it's his favorite thing ever. Similar to Wukong, he won't force you to tell him your story. But he'll be more okay with sharing his story with you.
MK - thinks you're so cool!! definitely asks you to show him all your powers so he can see how strong you are! Calls you his "boo" because c'mon, it's hilarious! expect a lot of puns, actually. also takes you to cool abandoned places to see if there are any ghosts--Mei comes along too, and probably livestreams your ghost-hunting adventures. MK would encourage you to open up to him about your backstory, but obviously it's your choice. He'd be super proud of you if you told him, it probably took a lot of guts(ok ok i'm done--)
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maofenglokrp · 2 years
Day 11: Family
Mao listened with half an ear to Deekin’s tales, there wasn’t much else to do while on the caravan, other than watching the horizon lazily drift the other way. He enlightened her to kobold ways, under their master. Who seemed both cruel and benevolent seemingly on a whim. 
“Boss? Does you have family too? Deekin no thinks dwarfs and orc be related, though he doesn’t want to assume.”
Mao looked over at him, and thought before answering. “I did, I don’t know if they are still alive.” Deekin shuffled forward on his seat, paying his full attention and pulling the big old puppy dog eyes Mao couldn’t help but give in to. “My parents and grandfather. They ran a bakery back in Rashamen. My Grandfather used to be a soldier but he disliked speaking about it to anyone…except to me.” 
“Did he not like being a soldier? He not brave?” The Kobold had grabbed his book and stuffed some new pages into it to begin writing, making Mao smile. 
“No he was very brave. He wanted to be a soldier when he was younger. He just preferred the life he had after he left. He was funny, and kind but he’d stand up to a storm giant if he thought it was upsetting folk.” She watched the idea worm it’s way into Deekin’s brain and could almost physically see it pop into his mind’s eye. 
“Like Boss!” 
She was not expecting that. “What makes you say that?”
“Boss stood ups to dragon for hurting old dwarf, and to ghosts, and gnolls, and sorceress lady.” Deekin scribbled some more notes. “Now we’s going to stand up..noo noo confront yess, confront sorceress lady’s boss who started it all yes?”
Mao chuckled. “I guess you’re right.”
“What abouts Boss’s parents?” Deekin looked up again, missing his inkwell a few times before dunking his quill into it and splattering the small table. 
“What do you want to know specifically?”
“Well How did they treat Boss as yearling? And as an egg? And as big boss?” 
She recalled a few stories for him of her youth, learning to bake in a tiny oven her father made for her when she was small, and going with her mother to pick berries to make pie fillings, and nuts to grind to add to the flour. She spoke of learning to honour the spirits that roamed the land. Up until nightfall and deekin had curled up on his chair, asleep on his book. The cool night air for a moment felt like home and rattled the hollow place in her chest where she doubted she could return. 
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zooone · 2 years
after Wilburs last lore stream i have rounded out my character fully and completed her story as well (ps , i don't write romance . i write HEAVY ANGST and this is only a snippet of my oc's full story , btw my oc is fairly young shes somewhat apart of the crimeboys duo..... you'll see what i mean~)
laughing and chattering consumed the air whilst birds chirped in the background.
"WILBUR!!!!!" Tommy yelled enthusiastically
"YESS??!" Wilbur returned , full of his shit whilst breaking concrete.
"yES! i understand ittt!" Tommy simply returned not a care in the world
" okay,,what do we say when we encounter a police officer ?"wilbur questioned with a playful smile .
" when we see a police officer we sayy....."
" A CRAB!!" both //Name// and tommy said in unison
while wilbur started quietly giggling to himself ....
" ACAB !" Wilbur corrected
"ohh" //Name// said in realization
"Acab?..thats ehhh" tommy tailed off
"Yes! yes ! thats it " wilburr said in a cheerful tone
"Wilbur your like my big big big brother wilbur I'll follow /jesus// you! ill follow look!" Tommy said
"yes yes i know" Wilbur said picking up the concrete
" and im just here" said //name// in a singsong voice trying to dry her long hair in the sun
"unfortunately I've gathered that look- by the way tommy I've been thinking.."
"MMMMMHHH OOHOHO me too about girls big girls-"
"Oh ive been thinking about our hotdog business."
"Is it.. hey hey come with me , should we rename it to the hot woman business , and we got lots of women !//no//and we get them //no// and we put the in a van! //TOMMY!//"
"I just really like the idea you said earlier !"
"Oh the blaze rod shitting one?! where we shit out blaze rods!!"
"okay i liked ..look tommy!TOMMY TOMMY!"
" i liked the idea, but its was more about naming this place , and making it into a country!'
"Wait! REALLY?" //name// said enthusiastically
"oh the l'manburg one?"
"yeah! the L'mangburg one, jt has a really good ring to it man!"
"do you really think so i? i thought it might of been a little bit weird"
"i liked it it sounds nice!"
"no i ..yeah.. i think we go ahead with it"
"this isn't a silly river tale to me anymore it's got a name its got a story!.. it's.. it's L'mangburg and to me it's you two "
"do you really mean that?"
"aye wills gone soft!"//pffttt-//
"Mhm" willbur starred down at //name// in mock disappointment
"Hey NO ONE, no one! i will not let anyone ruin this even if it kills me"
"i swear to God if i let it get ruined ill die on purpose even if i could stop it."
"okay! let's make official , next time i see dream im gonna go hard on him im gonna demand independence!im gonna fuck him up!
what do you say?"
"You know what i say wilbur ! i say L'manburg for ever !"
"L'mangburg for ever!"
"an extension of you! " "an extension of my big willy" "PFFTTT-"
"OH MY GOD- pffttt- im in as long as you don't forget about me "
//names// young voice fading into the distance..
" hello Tommy //SHUT UP//, what are you doing out here its freezing?" //ghost!names// ghostly form moved closer to tommy but kept distance still.
"oh im waiting for Wilbur , he's uh talking with phill"
" i see."
as if on cue the door opened , after some bickering and confusioned expressions //g!name// knew how to read on the spot they left after apologizing to technoblade. . .
" why is he apologizing phill?"
"he wants too , make up for what he's done as far as he told me , he's apologizing to everyone here that he's hurt"
"i see"... the red painted smile on they're ghostly porcelain face as a substitute for a mouth to give some expression to apathetic appearance done by they're more angered counterpart, driped a single drop , which if the painting was resent would not be odd , except it wasn't.
" guess they forgot about me."
revival . . .
such a rush after 50 years in limbo.
the butterflies that act apon me as second eyes and whisper theories and facts about the lives others tell me about alot I've missed,
the ghostly version of myself is permanently gone .
just as i was revived during dreams escape my limbo was collapsing into eternal nothingness...melting away and it took them with it
I've been planning , really more day dreaming .. about killing said dream.
it would be easy if im being honest , the only thing thats been keeping me down is empathy , now thats been long removed from me .
i plan to kill him the same way he killed me , ane i plan on doing it as slowly as possible.
i don't care if he comes back or not . all i need is a life for a life.
after all you take and then give right?
as for will
i already knew he forgot about me. same with tom.
he said he wanted to apologize to everyone .... but he completely and utterly forgot me ..
thats okay . im used to it .
it's happened more times than you realize
name off anyone from this godforsaken server and I'll tell ya7
i always tried to make them happy, to make them scream in joy !
but nothing was enough
so why not make them scream in agony.
and if they say its not fair.
i simply thank them for being the best teachers !
and I'll give them something to remember.
how did i do this idk its 2 in the morning.
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anysathyrah · 2 years
220804 all the bright places
I am on a trip back to memory lane. haha not really, what I mean by that is that, I am rewatching netflix movies that I have watched before. the reason for this well... 1) it's almost exam week - like always, procastinating anis... 2) I've watched purple hearts, which to me, it wasn't exactly.... good? but I don't know? it does not live up to my expectations. so from there, I started to retrace back the netflix movies that I watched before, BECAUSE I did not remember the last time I felt good about movies. (does my taste has gone too high?)
anyways, I re-download some movies and one of them was this: all the bright places. ahhh this one. this movie left me with lingering feelings.
All The Bright Places was a novel adaption.. I think.... and I watched it during the MCO period last two years (2020), perhaps a few days after it got released. I remember watching it in the dark, alone, with colas and ghost pepper ramen skskksks~ I'm not sure if I cried because of the ramen or the story, for the most part of the movie, but the peak got me crying like hell.
what do I want to say about this movie.... that it deserved a post from me?
well.. let me think over a meal
*goes and cook ramen*
*comesk back with two packets of Mi Sedap*
ahhhh where were we???? ohh yess all the bright places!
I'm not eloquent like before, so I'm not sure how to describe this, but it's like what I imagined, and the character's struggles I like em so much! Violet and Finch, their names. I found their stories very intriguing and somehow related. I mean, not the sensitive matters of course. suicide and stuff. I mean, I understand Violet's frustration and possibly gulit, when Finch helped her a lot in her despair but she couldn't seem to return the favour because Finch doesn't allow. I wish they could save each other... honestly.
I don't know! I might come back to reiterate my interpretation but that netflix movie really moved me. (and they don't do such movies like that anymore) or maybe wait, you can't really say netflix movie, no? it's an adaption, right?
I did say I want to rewatch it, but I havent's reach the 10-min mark yet hahha.
*changing topic*
another note, I've been thinking about this tumblr. I had this blog(?) for the purpose of rewriting my feelings, which I also do on a journal (I had my writing journals too) but I kept switching from one platform to another and the stories of my life (blerghhh) has been scattered around. I also have been writing future letters on the internet so it reached my email at certain time, like a year or 5 years later. (I WRITE ON SO MANY PLATFORMS) so.... I've been thinking to stick to one platform.
but you know, writing and typing has different feel to it, yknow~ I liked my blog. it has traces of my high school days.
hmmm.... I don't know la~ I'll see to it later~
that's all for today!!! see ya soon (hopefully)
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