ughgoaway · 8 months
"Sweetheart, you can't blame her! girls always tell their mums these kind of things first"
Mum? MUM??? DID SHE SAYS MUM??????
MUM?!?!?! 😭😭😭😭
- 🎭
teacher girlie just IS her mum!!! like that is it!!!
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steelthroat · 7 months
Can you write a funny little TFA MegOP thing where they're already together. Lets say cuddling in their berth, and suddenly Optimus has a thought.
"How did we even get together?"
"No, I'm being serious. How did it happen? You are.. were? A war criminal. I put you in jail. How are we together right now?"
LIKE. IDK IT WAS FUNNIER IN MY HEAD. SO EITHER 1. Some otherworldly being (a fanfic writer) manipulated them and the world around them. Making them be together. But now the writer is gone after giving them their happily ever after.. But the characters revert back to how they were in cannon. Vaigely knowing what allowed them to get to this point, but not really understanding anymore how or why?
Or 2. Optimus forgot and wants Megatron's pov on how they got together. Either way, I know that even if you write little for this, it will still be hella entertaining :3
Ooooooh that's such a nice and cool idea tho! sadly, I'm not taking requests since I'm an INCREDIBLY slow writer, and life is also getting in the way ahahahah
Believe me, I would have done in other circumstances, and this idea has a LOT of potential! I am a sucker for the "how did we even end up here???" trope too, but you would either have to wait a long(immense) amount of time ahahah.
Hey if you want to write it yourself I could give you a couple ideas or advice if you'd like :3, otherwise I'd say see if there are other writers who take requests or commissions, I could redirect you to a couple of them :)
For now I can at best give you this little drabble for the second idea since it's really cute:
"It just happened"
"Wake up" Megatron felt someone flicking at his nose and then shaking him when the action gave no response.
"Wake up!" This time that someone went for the helm, the bang of the collision rang in the otherwise quiet room.
"What?" Megatron opened one optic and glared at his disturber, Optimus Prime.
"How did we end up together?" He asked with an almost accusing expression
"Huh?" What did he even mean by that
"You heard me" Optimus scoffed
"What like... you don't remember?" He started going back with his own memory banks and backups, He would have been more worried about Optimus apparent amnesia if he weren't struggling to find an answer to that absurd question.
"Do you?" Optimus crossed his arms
Megatron stayed silent for a while... he couldn't pinpoint the exact moment they had become a thing. Centuries, no, millennia of circling around one another after signing the peace treaty, spending more and more time together, fighting, bantering, provoking each other, speaking about personal topics, binding while annoying each other to death had, at some point, led them to fall in berth together.
They had kept falling into each other's berth since then... and now they were here.
So there wasn't really an answer to that question, not a typical one at least.
Megatron cleared his vocalizer "I... I guess it just happened" he answered at last.
Optimus seemed to reflect on this answer before humming "are you happy with this?"
Megatron though about it, he really was, sure there were invisible limits they never actually crossed but at this point they lived like a conjunx couple, minus the status and the spark merging... but Meagtron found the though of Sharing his spark with Optimus not to be as dreaded as he anticipated... he almost- longed for it.
"Yeah..." he said smiling softly and bringing the smaller mech closer to him "a lot" and his servos started shifting over his lover's frame delicately almost in worship.
"Do you want more?" The question could be interpreted in two different ways and Megatron wanted to answer yes to both.
"When it comes to you I always want more" he answered looking at Optimus, his lover's gaze was so bright and full of love he felt like it would melt the metal of his frame.
"I... also want more. Everything." he whispered with his lips ghosting over Megatron's.
Megatron closed the distance between them and kissed him. "And you will receive it"
I hope you like it, it's incredibly short :)
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