#YOU Devs are CRUEL!!!!!
smapyy · 1 year
This is tumblr.illness so I'm going to go off about this bullshit
So I'm playing IWATE, doing my first playthrough dealing with the whole everything is going wrong, the other ship lands and treats us as terrorists, and I'm escaping into the forest. I'm about a stage away from finishing the game, I'm really close with Cal. I go out to explore and FINALLY MEET THE MYSTERIOUS ALIEN. I raise their relationship REAL quick because HEY THIS GUY IS REALLY COOL, Where have you BEEN?
Go in and finish raising my engineering and reasoning. Go back out to give my new alien friend human information. Back and forth between fixing broken robots and talking with my new bestie, Sym. Flirting with others now and then.
I go out exploring in the broken cliff areas for a bit, hang out with Sym. They're in troubke with Manticores. Obviously, I come in to help save him. His arm is hanging by strings when I finally drive them off, Theres an option to kiss him so I DO. the moment is so cute and it looks like a good opening to the romance route with Sym. THEN THE OTHER REMAINING MANTICORE COMES IN AND SYM SACRIFICES HIMSELF WHY??@
He THROWS HIMSELF OFF A CLIFF to save my character and I watch them both FALL OFF THE CLIFF, SYMS NECK SLASHED.
So Sym is dead, my character is in mourning, I'm in mourning.
My character falls into a depression, avoids exploring, goes to fill all their time fixing robots. Names a robot after my deceased alien crush. In the glow, I finally walk outside after eons of avoiding it. Follow the creatures, meet a faceless and accept the void leaving everyone else I love behind.
My character transcends as the first ending I get, I check out the "content warnings". It goes on to explain each major character death, including syms and.
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wrexwas · 8 months
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Jean-Baptiste Augustin in Baptiste Origin Story | Overwatch
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flecks-of-stardust · 9 months
wholeheartedly and with as much gentleness as possible, i truly think there needs to be more discussion about downpour in the community as it is now. for a variety of reasons.
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devaslounge · 19 days
drawing nate losing his shit is actually really satisfying for some reason. lotsa fangs
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hopefully i can pop out another doodle page (and the guy lineup) before school consumes me
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mycenaae · 2 years
anyway the goblin antagonist of hogwarts legacy is, yes, the ultimate antagonist, works with dark wizards to harvest (or steal previously harvested? unclear in the summary i read) magical energy from wizards including children — there's, allegedly, a scene where they explicitly discuss abducting a child. the antagonism is first framed as the goblin wanting to reclaim goblin-made artifacts and magic but is later revealed as an enterprise of personal greed for the goblin, who steals all the power for himself at the end of the game and turns into a dragon (you know, a giant lizard). this is the big plot of the game, is the goblin and his associated evil characters stealing an essence from children for their personal evil magical use, and then at the end of the game, the goblin turns into a big lizard. hogwarts legacy really is antisemitic tropes: the video game.
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hearts-hunger · 7 months
in honor of dev's march madness starting today
if there is one you'll vote for against red rocks i HAVE to know which one it is and why. i feel like i might be in the minority thinking red rocks is the best suit? but i'm so curious to see what you guys think :)
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faerociousbeast · 1 year
im actually crying ive cried over cocktail prince multiple times already and i really dont cry over media often as much as id like to. they care about each other and they hate each other and they were developing but.. its not there for anyone to actually see anymore
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potterpasta · 3 months
maybe im reading too far into it but smth sure feels gross about fo4 having a whole dlc where the Sole Survivor (SS) is supposed to oversee a labor camp (Vault 88) in which they knowingly perform cruel and inhumane experiments on unwitting refugees seeking shelter, the main test subject being a very clearly developmentally disabled man.
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nattvingen · 6 months
I hope whoever designed the rogue class hall mount quest (Hiding In Plain Sight) sleeps on a gentle bed of sharpened LEGOs every night.
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sodacowboy · 1 year
“there was no reason for the seal to die!!”
There literally was though and I’ve only been paying half attention?? The whole point was the fact that it was senseless, there was no reason and that’s why it had to happen. The game is about loss and grief and not being in control.
It’s about inaction/complicity and how that affects those you love. It’s about the violence and death that can come from it. It’s about coming face to face with the fact that the system you work for is responsible for it.
The seal had to die.
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imperator-titus · 3 months
Favorite Party Banter [Gale Edition]
[Astarion (Ascended)] [Halsin/Jaheira] [Gale] [Karlach] [Lae'zel] [Minsc] [Minthara] [Shadowheart] [Wyll]
I often miss party banter because of party comp (and sometimes just straight up can't hear??) so here's a collection of my favorite bants while going through dialogue files. I know the wiki has the banter (most? all?) but I added the file names and dev notes.
Either Gale is the main speaker/subject or I think his reaction is good shit.
Not in any particular order.
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Gale: So, Lae’zel - have you ever been tempted to use psionics in your, erm, romantic endeavors? {Devnote: Curiosity winning out over awkwardness}
Lae’zel: Only once. Did you know, in low-gravity settings, githyanki can maintain aerial suspension for hours at a time? {Devnote: cheekily}
Gale: Fascinating - I think the archmage Tasha described a spell with similar effect. I really must look that up… {Devnote: latter part almost to self}
Gale: If you’re feeling faint after your bout with Cazador, Astarion, I don’t mind donating some blood. {Devnote: Sincere/Genuinely trying to help}
Astarion: When you’re still full of that Netherese bile? I’ll pass, thank you.
Astarion: Besides, I have someone else to nibble on. And they are delicious.
Gale: Look at this place. Such horrors defy descriptions…{Devnote: In very bleak/grim surroundings}
Shadowheart: Silence can be best. Give it a try sometime. {Devnote: A little cheeky, though they’re in a grim place}
Gale: I must tell you, Shadowheart, the bathing waters here leave much to be desired. {Devnote: a bit know it all}
Gale: The ablutions offered at the Temple of Beauty in Waterdeep are far superior. And they have the most excellent soaps. 
Shadowheart: Hmm. I was wondering why you always smelled like a wealthy dowager. {Devnote: teasing}
Gale: I’ve heard that in Baldur’s Gate, ‘wizard’ is also a term used for one who eschews their more, ahem, carnal desires. Is that true, Wyll? {Devnote: Fishing for info, a bit annoyed about what he’s heard.}
Wyll: Where are we going with this, Gale?
Gale: Oh, nowhere. I just think it a rather cruel misnomer. Not at all reflective of the glamour wizarding life affords. {Devnote: A bit sulky/sensitive about it}
Gale: I fear I've been rather hasty to judge you, Astarion. {Devnote: sincere/sympathetic}
Gale: One heartbreak was quite enough for me, but to experience it as many times as you have must change a person.
Astarion: Thank you, Gale. Let us both hope that broken hearts are a thing of the past.
Karlach: Man, it's good to be home. First round on who?
Gale: She who thirsts buys drink the first. {Devnote: Like it's a well-known saying}
Karlach: You won't pin me down with a rhyme, wizard! {Devnote: jockeying with Gale}
Gale: She who declines gets the worst of the wines.
Lae'zel: Gale, I've heard you talking in your sleep. Your mate needs better rest for our journey.
Gale: And deprive them of the pleasure of hearing my nocturnal postulations? I'd never be so cruel.
Gale: The mind absorbs much while we believe ourselves dormant. To lie beside Gale of Waterdeep is positively educational.
Gale: Karlach... a hypothetical question for you.
Gale: If someone - not me, of course - detected a hint of romantic interest in them from another, unnamed individual, what might that someone do about it?
Karlach: Whoever it is, just talk to them, Gale. And leave out the hypotheticals.
Gale: Talking. Right. I'm good at that.
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wonderfull-star · 1 month
Peri and Irep are both complete opposites but not really in a good and evil way.
If you delve deeper into the Wiki and the cartoon series, you can see that they BOTH share both good and bad traits. For example, Foop is one of those antagonists who try to seem pure evil, but of course he is not exactly like that. From this, you can conclude that Peri also has bad traits(since they are opposites), which is confirmed in the Wiki.
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Poof/Peri likes violence?? So it turns out that Foop/Irep, on the contrary, does NOT like violence???(that means Anti Cosmo doesn't like it either? Like father, like son. Both fails as the pure evil XD) I think that this can be explained from Foop’s point of view. I think that he deep inside possibly does not like violence and tries to hide it by showing the opposite. On the contrary, Peri likes it but tries to prove the opposite and in adulthood tries to adhere to the rules while hiding it. Thus, they both have their own little quirks. In fact, they both thereby adhere to moral gray as a hero(Peri) and as a villain(Irep).Well that’s make scene.
We can also conclude that the kinder fairy is, the more evil their anti-version is, and vice versa, the more evil fairy is, the kinder their anti-versions are (Peri and Irep are something in the middle).
And who do Peri and Irep end up with? Peri- A positive, beloved fairy who has become a hero in the eyes of many, but inside he has something cruel and chaotic (which he tries so hard to hide?). While Irep is an inveterate pessimist, unnoticed by many and unlucky, pretending to be pure evil, but inside he has softer sides that he tries to hide(his’s typically cartoon villain. I love it 👍). And you know what? Now I understand why at the end Dev preferred Irep as his godparent over Peri. After my analysis, they surprisingly had some similarities. Interesting..
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petpetpinixy · 7 months
i find it unfathomably funny that marina, the dev of the memverse, called one of her floors "cruel" and "sisyphean". babygirl you did not have to make it like that
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rpgchoices · 1 year
tw for abuse
So I tried to break up with Wyll and refuse his romantic dance and ask him about the tadpole, but why is the game SO CRUEL WITH ASTARION?
Like, if you want him to use the astral tadpole he straight up says no, So you can have a wisdom or intimidation check (if you fail them he is going to break up with you and be so mad).
But basically the wisdom check is trying to use one of his old memories (the worst possible memory) against him to remind him he is too weak, and he needs power if he wants to stay safe.
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The intimidation is literally using his self hatred against him. If you play with the vampire lord ending you can break up with him and tell him you preferred him as he was, and he is shocked because he was "pathetic"
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The thing is, to soften him/get the good ending (chosen by him without persuation checks) I think you need him to accept that he is who he is, and he is okay as he is. Coincidentially, trying to talk him out of the Cazador ritual is so insightful, both here in the video (this is before you get attacked by the other spawns) and later (after you get attacked) you have some options/dialogues about how he is so different now, he is not like "them"/his old pathetic self anymore.
This is the other post-attack dialogue:
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When I played friendship Astarion, the most interesting part post ritual was the dev literally spells it out:
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In the crypt you also find a book about Cazador's master and the rules he made for Cazador, and the abuse Cazador suffered before killing his master in revenge.
And of course:
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stupidlovergirl · 8 months
Kiss Me, Beneath the Milky Twilight Dev Notes: I'm trying to write more for February, but I don't know if I'll succeed. The title comes the lyrics from the song Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer
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Lucifer’s kisses taste faintly like apples a lot, but primarily like coffee and tea. It’s a fresh but bitter taste, but coming from him, it tastes sweeter than usual. His lips are pretty soft, not really chapped much. They’re very nice, as he likes to keep a healthy appearance
“What are you doing today?” he asks, pouring the tea into the pretty porcelain. He sets it down and looks up at you as he hands you the cup.
“I promised Beel to go with him to this new cafe, and then in the afternoon I’m going with Simeon and Luke to look at the farmer’s market” You make the tea, adding everything you wanted.
“Ah, busy day then?” He says as he takes a drink, looking up over his cup.
“Yeah, it seems to be” You laugh softly, leaning back into the couch, taking a drink of your own tea. After idly chatting and filling each others’ days. After you finish your drink and stand, Lucifer follows quickly after, walking with you to the door. 
“I’ll see you later, my love” Lucifer says, and leans in, softly kissing you. Easily you respond, happily receiving it. The taste faintly of the tea he drank, and underneath it the coffee and poison apple he had earlier. A taste so uniquely Lucifer, that it is even more pleasant. As the two of you part, you smile softly up at him.
“Another?” you ask, but he was already leaning in.
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Mammon’s kisses are as unique as him. He always starts off hesitant at the first, but easily falls into it, putting all of himself into it as he kisses you like it’s the last, and when you pull away he always tries to follow, reluctant to stop. He tastes sweet and spicy, a vanilla and cinnamon combo of his lip balm, smearing across your own. He can never have just one, having to have at least three to be happy with it all.
“Nooo” Mammon whines, clinging to your waist as you attempt to get up. “I can’t believe yer leavin’ the Great Mammon” 
“I’m just getting a drink!” You complain, trying to pull his arms off, but being quite unsuccessful. After a few moments, you sit back down with a huff, and Mammon easily slides his upper half into your lap, flashing the grin he uses during modeling up at you. Glaring down at him, you grab a pillow off to the side and quickly push it into his face, causing him to splutter as he fights it off. After escaping your cruel attempts to suffocate him, he grabs one next to him and hits you with it, which leads to the all out pillow war between the two of you, laughing loudly as you hit each other with the pillows. After you both settle down, you smile at him, leaning and placing your head against his chest. 
“Love you” you mumble softly, smiling and breathing heavily, 
“As you should! Everyone loves the Great- Hey!” He yelps as you pinch him lightly, glaring, but the smile on your face and amusement in your eyes show there is no real anger. 
He grins, looking down, before placing a kiss on your lips. You smile, and easily push yourself up to capture his lips more. You pull away, his mouth trying to follow as you adjust to a more comfortable position, before kissing him again. You hum softly, pulling away again, and put your forehead against his, as his pretty blue eyes flutter open, staring into yours.
“I love ya’ too” He mumbles, before chasing your lips again, searing another kiss on your lips.
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Leviathan’s are on a spectrum, sometimes there needy, trying to make sure you know how much he loves you. Other times, they’re shy, barely able to connect without flustering and trying to run away. He tries his best, though. He always kinda tastes a little acrid, taurine is embedded into his DNA at this point. His lips are chapped, and he bites and pulls on the skin so sometimes the skin cracks and sometimes splits, so you have to be careful.
“Leviiii” You call out, swinging his door open and entering, smiling widely. Levi looks up, clicking the spacebar on his keyboard before swiveling to look at you. 
“What are you watching?” 
With a few steps, you stand before him, holding out a bufo milk tea to him as you peer at the screen.
“Oh! It’s this anime about this party that’s in a dungeon and-” with a swiftness only Levi can manage he spills the plot of the anime he’s watching as you settle yourself down in his room, dragging a chair to him.
“And they fought these-” and with a smile, you kiss him, soft and quick, before pulling away. 
“And they fought what?” You ask, teasing slightly as Levi looks, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. 
“YOU CAN’T JUST DO THAT!” he screeches, covering his face as furious red covers his face. A laugh escapes you, giddy and delighted at his reaction. Grabbing his hands and smiling as you pull his hands away from his face. 
“Fine, fine” you say, giggling softly. “Can I kiss you?” 
“...mrphh, yes…please?” he asks softly, eyes casted off to the side. With ease, you lean in again, kissing him again. It’s slightly acrid, as usual, the taste of D Energy lingers on his lips, but the sweetness of the tea quickly follows. His chapped lips are rough, but it is so uniquely him. As you pull away, he hides away in your neck as you hum, rubbing his back, humming in delight.
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Satan's kisses are quite plain, maybe having the lingering smell of vaseline, as he isn’t particularly fond of flavored lip balms. He always starts gentle, very romantic and traditional, but after a few, it’s like he’s hungry, never wanting to part, slightly nipping at your lips. He just can’t help himself, it’s an instinct to him. He likes the way it feels you look soft and wide-eyed. 
You rest, snuggled up together underneath the blanket. A detective show hums on in the background, adding to the ambiance of the rainy day, creating a melody of warmth between the percussion of the rain and the woodwinds of Satan’s breathing. A soft sigh escapes your lips as you push yourself deeper into his arms. Closing your eyes as you listen to his heartbeat. 
“Are you sleepy, darling?” He says, rubbing your arm softly. “No, just comfy” your eyes crack open with a slowness, and first you see the soft grin on Satan’s face, and then the fondness in his eyes. His hands move to hold your face in between them, as he leans down to kiss you softly, so sweet. Easily, your own go to his shoulders, finding a grounding point between the soft passion. 
“You’re so pretty” he says as he pulls away, eyes filling with an intensity. Then he leans in again, more intense, pouring more love into it as he kisses you with a steady recklessness. It goes on, slowly increasing till his teeth bite into your bottom lip, not hard, but enough that there will be a slight indent. As he pulls away, soft breaths pull into his lungs as he does, eyes flutter open, he grins. 
“Have I told you that you’re perfect?”
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Asmodeus tastes super sweet. A sugary cherry that lingers long after, underlined with nutmeg. Sticky, most of the time, from lip glosses and lipsticks. Always leaving a mark wherever his lips trace over. He always giggles and looks adoringly at the marks, smiling. He also looks just as pretty, with the soft smear of the color on his lips, slowly fading with each time he leans in, placing them with smug smiles and soft giggles, murmurs about how his color is just right on you.
“Darling, what about this one?” Asmo calls from where he sits at his vanity, turning to look at where you lay on his bed, starfished out. With a soft laugh, he stands up and comes to hover over you, looking down. 
“It looks pretty, compliments your hair,” You gaze up at where he hovers above you, the pink lipstick shimmers bright on his lips, “The glitter matches you as well” 
Compliments come naturally at this point, because it’s true, Asmo is pretty, and everything looks good on him. He hums, pushing a lock behind his ear, before leaning down, pressing a kiss onto your lips. It’s good, unnaturally good. Good in a way that only Asmodeus could be good. So sweet that it’s addicting, and you know you never want it to stop. Unfortunately, he breaks away, looking down at you again. He hums, before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on your forehead, then kisses your cheek. You can feel where it’s transfering onto your own skin, soft and slightly sticky.
“Hmm…” he hums softly, before returning to your lips, even more intense this time, stealing your breath away. He pulls away, despite the soft huff you release as he does so, and he looks down at you again, eyes alight. 
“Yup! This is the one!” He says, humming as he walks back to his vanity.
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Beel’s kisses are slightly sloppy, and tends to have a unique taste due to all the food he eats. Sometimes they are super sweet, the taste of frosting and fruit making it pleasant, to some unique tastes like the experimental fusion food he just tried. It always leaves you guessing, but for the most part you’ve gotten used to it, because you rather give Beel a kiss than see the sad look on his face whenever you deny him because of his eating habits. He does carry around those tiny one use toothbrushes whenever it gets too much for you. He is VERY soft and gentle, he doesn’t want to hurt you. Very cute about it all
You swing your hand, linked with Beel’s much larger one as you walk down mainstreet, looking through windows of the shops, pointing at the different items and talking about them, while Beel munches on whatever food he’s acquired. You squeeze his hand softly as you look up at him, grinning as he eats the crepe in his hand, full of whipped cream and fruit.
“Is it good?” you ask, after he swallows his bite, grinning at the whipped cream on his upper lip.
“Mhm, the fruits are fresh,” he squeezes back, looking at you. “Do you want a taste?” 
With the question, he slightly tilts his head, and you are reminded of a puppy, which makes your smile widen even more. 
“Sure” you say, but before he can lift it up to your lips, you grasp his shirt, pulling him closer. He complies, confused, before you kiss him, which he accepts with ease, a small grin on his lips. It was a quick kiss, gentle and soft despite all his strength. As you pull away, you lick your top lip, tasting the whipped cream that smeared there.
“Pretty good there, love”
“Mm, not as sweet as you”
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Belphie has a unique way of kissing. Very slow and lazy, but it’s still pretty cute cause he subconsciously makes soft noises. Just low hums and a few purrs as he kisses you. He really REALLY likes being able to kiss you awake, and when you do it to him. He likes the trust you put in him to allow him to do it. I think he personally has surprisingly really nice lips. He uses a honey chapstick to avoid the nuisance of cracked lips. He is can be really annoying and pretend he’s going to kiss you but pull away and won’t give in till you beg, shameless king
A soft kiss placed on the tip of your nose, which makes it scrunch up. You groan softly, going to bury your head into the pillows. Though, that’s quickly thwarted when hands move your face, and a soft, unhurried kiss is placed on your lips. You reciprocate with the same unhurriedness, and when they disappear, you finally open your eyes. There Belphie was, his eyes drooped to show he hasn’t been up much longer than you.
“Hey” he rasps out, smiling, hands rubbing your side with a soft smile. You groan, moving to shove your face into his chest. A soft rumbling sounds from his throat, making you smile as you inhale the smell of his detergent. He kisses you again, the soft purring making it even more warm. You laugh as you separate again. As you go to kiss him again, he moves his head away. 
“Belphie” you say, moving even closer, but he just flips around, facing his back to you. You gape, huffing softly as you crawl over him to reach his face, but he just yanks the blanket over his face, laughing as you try to tug it away.
“Belphie!” you say, exasperated, but a laugh bubbling underneath it, as he laughs also
“I think you forgot something” he say, lowering the blanket to show the top half of his face, eyes full of mischief’
“Can I have a kiss?” you ask, rolling your eyes as a smile crosses your face
“You can do better than that, little star” he says, eyes crinkling from his hidden smile
“Can I have a kiss, please?” You lean in, looking him right in the eyes. He laughs, lowering the blanket.
You lean in, kissing him, and the purring gets even deeper.
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grub-hut · 25 days
I don't use Tiktok, never will, In my opinion I think the app should shut down. [ But that will never happen... So I will cope.] But god are ya'll are insufferable on there. The fact you have this strong par asocial attachment to Sebastian and claim that Zerum is ""ruining the character"" is just blasphemy and shows you guys know nothing to zero about writing and do not play the game whats so ever. I've talked to Zerum; Ive talked to the devs and mods ; and all the false claims and misinformation that's being spread like a wildfire IS CRAZY. Everyone's so exhausted. It takes just a couple of minutes to prove it's false but that would actually require these people to literally sit down and fucking read. Zerum never banned anybody. Zerum doesn't handle the bans in the server. If you got banned or muted, it was most likely the automod in the server that they have implemented to avoid people saying anything weird or sexual... [ A friend of mine got muted because they sent a gif that had a weird name to it; nothing related to the gif, the gif was fine and they filed a ticket and got unmuted. Its just the bot doing its job.] and even then the mods probably banned you for something completely unrelated...
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and even then, can we STOP normalizing this??
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Like this GRINDS my gears, it fucking rusts, it makes me want to break down and combust into flames- Stop. Stop. YOU ARE THE ISSUE. Creators want to create. Either for ourselves or for others, whatever it maybe people enjoy letting their creativity flow because ITS FUN. IT SHOULD BE--- FUN!!! We are giving you literally something free and something to ENJOY because we enjoy it just as much! This stupid fucking mindset being so normalized makes me SO SICK. " whatever is put on the internet is free reign!" you guys have ZERO respect for any creator; even yourselves and its so BLATANTLY OBVIOUS. You guys preach about "respecting artists/creators" till it doesnt fit with your agenda, because we should just "expect" our works to be disrespected and used. Like our feelings never mattered. Are we going to ignore the discussion of AI art too? Or copyright, or literally anything of that sort here? Yes, its the internet, there WILL be people who are so drastically cruel and do something you will not like. I do agree its best to ignore those kinds of people but that does not mean we should just LET it happen. It does not mean we should suck it up and take the blows. This is how people stop creating, youre killing artists, youre shunning them away because "its the internet, lol, dont get mad if ppl -" Stop it, you're teaching younger generations that it does not matter if you have boundaries or not and that your voice doesnt mean anything. I mean fuck, you put your oc here I can use it however I want then! Because you shouldve expected the moment you click post for other people to use it! Who cares right?! its OUR oc now >:)!!! No matter what the character is from, by a indie game, a comic, a book, yadda yadda. If youre gonna be scum, you are gonna BE scum. Artists should be respected and be listened to. If Zerum ships her oc to her oc, so fucking what? She created him. YES. SHE CREATED HIM. Just because she is a """co-owner" You forget she wrote and designed him. You forget its STILL HER CHARACTER. WHICH BTW, HE WOULDNT EXIST IF IT WASNT FOR ZERUM!! ITS HER CHARACTER- Not yours, and if your first thing that comes to mind " oh but shes ruining her character" then so what, its not MADE for you. Hell, Sebastian is only like 1% of the whole entire game! ENJOY THE GAME, ENJOY THE ACTUAL LORE. MAKE YOUR OWN OCS, GO WACKY WOOHOO AND ENJOY IT WITH OTHERS. If you make headcanons for Sebastian or any other characters! Great! As long as you are respectful who literally cares. HAVE FUN! Stop harassing and bullying and literally spreading misinfo; I am so sick of people with this mindset! This is why the internet is such a shit place to begin with because we just let this stuff happen. Grow up! Like PAInter said.." YOURE NO FUN AT ALL!"
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