fridayiminlcve · 1 year
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hiiii larkieeeee
first off- what timezone are you in. ik youre in australia but there are apparently multiple timezones there?? which makes sense actually; it is most of a continent... im in pst btw !! west coast canada wooo.. dhfjdjfkd
second: DRAGON !! theyre still unfinished, but this is one side of their face [:
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heres the other side, added here to show what they look like without all the vines and stuff:
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hehe. i have zero fuckin clue what im going to name them !!! shfjjdjf they look cool tho sooooo. yeee
Hihiiii!! I’m in AEST I think? Also I realises how different your timezone is to how I thought it was in my head like rn I thought it was midday for you-for some reason lmao
DRAGON!!! OMG OMG WIATTT THE FLOWERS ARE SO PRETTYY LIKE THE EYES AS WELL RAGHH they look so cooool woaahhh I have no name suggestions however I will try to think up some!!
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screampied · 2 months
Omggggg I'm sooooo happy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I met Namami at the expo today and I got this!!!!! Had to share this excellent cosplay and he was super-nice and friendly too 🥰🥰🥰
(plus he's way tall!! I'm 5'3 for reference lol)
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his cosplay is so cooool !!! aw i hope you had fun at the expo !!!! wow he does look tall, omg this is so cute :,))))
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critterlingz · 1 year
omg your style is sooooo cooool what kinda brushes do you use?
aw tyy! i use one brush called Bristles that i made myself for 90% of the stuff i do nowadays. you can get it below (this is gonna look like me plugging myself but its a free download lol)
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other than that, lately ive been into using a version of CSP's default "kneaded eraser" but with its blending mode set to "normal," which turns it into a brush you can draw with. i also like CSP's "mechanical pencil" brush. (images using bristles, kneaded, and then elements of the mechanical pencil pictured above)
i have some other slightly less-used brushes that ive made or tweaked in a google drive folder and id be happy to give you a link to it if you shoot me a dm about it. all of these are Clip Studio Paint brushes, though!
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ipegchangbin · 5 months
NEW FICCC COMING SOON⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
EVERYBODY CHEERRRRR‼️‼️‼️😻🙌🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥💯💯‼️🥳🤩
HAPPY NEW YEAR POOOOKIEEE WOOOKIE‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😍😍😍🥰🥰😘😘😝😋🎉🥳🎊💕💕🩷💙💛🩵🩷💜🩷❣️💖💛💞💓❤️❤️‍🔥💛❤️💕💕💕
YEASSSS POOKIE I HAVE SEEN STEP OUT 2024 (pretend that its the new years and i didnt answer this late)
ngl i was gonna bite the fuck outta that man fr. like sorry i dont mean to steal your hanji and his slutty lil waist. but he looks like a pretty anime protagonist with that outfit. thats something that nobody can resist !!! (but i have self control because my proofreader and twin flame is hans biggest whore)
I NEED TO EAT HIS KNEES LIKE THEYRE LIL CHICKEN WINGS ‼️‼️‼️‼️ and super valid to wanna fuck him BECAUSE GO BESTIE! GO POOKIE!!! THATS UR MAN!!! UR LIL POOKIEBEAR. he did this for u he did this to be EATEN
okay we are even 🤝 U CAN STEAL MY MAN FOR A QUICK SEC 😼 i dont mind because i believe that sharing is caring and i want my bf changbinnie to be the communal whore (as is with natural selection) so please dont hesitate to bite my pretty baby binnie bookie poodle doodle bear sweetie cakes with cherries on top. hes my fairy princess mermaid angel beauty from heaven itself. ahem. i love changbin
but i also love YOU pookie! i love ur asks i love seeing u around imwheowirhwjej HOPE U ENJOYED THE NEW FICS AND stick around for more 😁😁😁 enjoy your year pooks!
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nunesbytko · 2 years
Netflix- Dahmer -Monster - The Jeff Dahmer Story Episode 3, “Doin’ a Dahmer”
1959- When Jeff is still a baby bump,
  She's out pregnant, in the snow, the are going to see the doctor.
  26 pills a day for Joyce! Jesus!!!
They've been arguing since the day that child was conceived I think,
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------   1977- Father son bonding. Fishing.
  Lionel "Sooooo you dating any girls son?"
  "I don't really like any of them"
Lionel- "Riiiiight cooool yeah....."
  Sex talks are always cringe. But I'm guessing the did sex Ed in the late seventies. So Jeff knows about sex and protection and where babies come from? This so so hilarious and Jeff politely just shut this down. I mean, I'm sure a straight kid would do the same because It's so embarrassing to talk to your parents about hormones and crushes and stuff.
  Each Father son hobby takes him one more step over the edge.
  He's trying to be normal. He heeds his dad's words and he tries to get hard over women. He wants to. He wants to please his parents and "get his sexuality right" So many kids and teenagers go through that staged of thinking their sexuality can be changed. If they just look at society's preferred gender choice for them, then they will magically become straight.
  Shit. Joyce is running after UFO's!
  Wanking over guts- didn't expect that,
  Mimicking disabled people- classy Jeff!
  You're giving Jeff a mini pig to dissect, to take home! The teacher is nuts.
I think Lionel should have got full custody.
  The mother Joyce just takes David and dumps Jeff huh?
  Jeff - "I'll get to live with you right?!
"We'll....figure that out" Lionel, you aint shit, you know that right.......
  Lionel...sometimes both of his parents weren't shit honestly. He's seventeen he's still a teenager and he still needs parenting.
  The Joyce scene. I get she's venting, she's ill but there's some stuff you should never say to your kids. She could have at least ASKED if he wanted to come with. She's his mother and just doesn't give a shit. It's sad. Sooooo he's a teen in an empty house. No job, just school. His Dad's hooked up with Sherri god knows where and his mom hates his guts.
-------------------------------------------------------------------   He's enjoying that Jogger!
  Where is Jeff getting the money for food and beer????
Jeff waiting for that jogger with a bat???
  Oh my goooood!!!!
Okay so the jogger didn't come in, he ran, thank god.
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Joyce is a saving grace at this women's counselling place. Does Dottie know how she's treated her Teenage son? Lol. She's here for random strangers but dumped Jeff like a sack of shit though......
So Jeff clearly doesn't give damn about school???
Of course Jeff his going to stop for a shirtless hitchiker! This is Steven hicks, his first victim. Jeff invites him for drinks and weed. He's as happy as larry now.
  Lionel where are you???
  Steven is one of those encouraging touchy feely people and Jeff is lovin it! This is funny! He must have thought that he'd died and gone to heaven! Weight training is done and Steven wants to get to this concert.
  Jeff innocently kisses Steven and he freaks out. He demands to be taken to the concert.
  Is Jeff crying though?
  So they argue and a pissed Steven leaves, turns back. Pushes Jeff and calls him and Fuckng asshole Faggot" Jeff loses it and kills him with the dumbbell from the weights. He genuinely thinks that Steven is messing around. Loses it when he sees all the blood.
  He cuts the body up and plans to take Steven to the dump. He gets stopped by cops for drunk driving. Of course White Privilege, they let him go. But are police immune to the smell of blood? If it comes from a white guys car.
  Why can't they smell anything????
The cop - You're a white kid even though you could have killed someone drunk, I'm, not gonna ruin your precious life okay. Get out of here"
  Great scene as he throws Stevens remains up into the sky. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Ep,
  I wonder if all those pills Joyce were taking had an effort on him?
  Great scenes with Joyce and her son, what were Jeff's views on women anyway?
  I did feel sorry for him, when both of his parents left. That was a huge force in why he had those abandonment issues.
  Every time his family try to talk to Jeff about girls, I die laughing.
0 notes
elionwriter · 3 years
"I need your help, Mando" says Greef Karga in his holo-message one day. "I know how busy you are lately, I wouldn't ask if it wasn't so important and I didn't need someone I trust on this". When Din answers the call he learns the details of the mission: Greef had taken so much at heart the renovation and improvement of Nevarro that he had made contact and tried to help cells of patriots of other planets that wanted to attempt the same. One of said groups, on a backwashed planet of the Rim, was having some troubles with a Crime syndicate that thought their efforts would do bad for business. Din's mission was to meet these people and help them plan a strike against the criminal organisation.
Upon reaching the planet and looking around, Din sighs, thinking that it would take a miracle to rehabilitate the place. Everything and everyone is so dirty that he wonders how an epidemic hasn't broken out, the people looks like little, feral animals rather than sentients and he's pretty sure there are some commercial traffics going on that had been banned long before the Empire. Then again, he isn't really surprised, the laws and enforcements of the New Republic don't reach this part of the Galaxy, these planets don't even have representatives in the Senate to speak up for them. They're on their own.
It's as Din is waiting in a crowded square for his contact to arrive that he catches a set of eyes fixed on him. He had felt someone following him from the moment he had left his ship but they hadn't come out yet. He looks down at the creature staring at him with hudge magenta eyes, three of them, and quickly realises it's a child, a girl. She's of a species he has never seen before, with bright yellow skin and feathers covering her head (the yellow and fluff or her feathers is dampered by the grease and dirt), she has four feathery arms and bony legs. She smiles brightly at him and waves. "Need anything, kid?" He asks. "You're sooooo shiny and cool! Can I be your friend?" She asks, voice full of awe. There is no deception in that statement and Din chuckles at it. Patiently he tries to shoo away the child telling her that he is waiting for someone and that things are about to get dangerous.
She's completely undeterred by his words, smile still plastered on her face. So he follows a different line: "Shouldn't you go back to your parents?" " No." "Are they around here?" "No" "Aren't they worried you're out here on your own?" "No" He considers it a moment then asks "Do you...have parents?" "No" she answers with the same airly smile of before. "Anyone that takes care of you?" "No" "A home to go back to?" "No" "Friends...?" "Everyone is my friend. Do you also want to be my friend?" Din sighs, starting to loose patients, wondering what the hell is his contact waiting for to show up. Before he can say anything else the kid points at his blaster "Did you kill anyone with that?" "Yes, I did." "Cooool! Was it a really bad guy? Did a lot of blood come out?" As a last resort Din pulls out a handful of credits and proposes "If I buy you something to eat, will you leave?" She thinks it over a second and asks "can I have caramelled Meiloorun?" Din nods "Even the big one?" Din gets her the treat and watches her skip away happily. It's not long after that he is approached by the right hand man of the organisation he's supposed to aid.
He is brought back to their headquarters and they discuss matters out. Din is surprised to find that they are a group of very level minded and shrewd kids with very good projects for the future and feels more prompted to help them out. They study a plan to strike against the criminal organisation and call it a night. Din is welcomed to stay at their place. As he steps out of the run down building to catch a breather and take a look around he finds the same kid from before waiting for him outside. He asks how long she has been standing there and finds she had been standing there for almost the entirety of his stay. "Hadn't we agreed that you would leave?" He asks "I did leave. Then I came back!" Din sighs. She asks for his name but luckily doesn't really wait for an answer before giving her own. "My name is Ky'lla. Are we friends now?" Din tries very hard to mentally create an interference over the name. Learning her name is definitely not wise and he wonders why she is so stubborn on the idea of befriending him of all people. But as he notices the way she studies with shiny eyes his armour he thinks he starts to understand. "Are you following me because you like my armour?" "Yes! I like shiny things and this is the shiniest thing I've ever seen! Also, you're big and buff and you're really nice too! You bought me candy! Nobody ever buys me candy!" She says excitedly. Din known he shouldn't ask but the question is out before he can stop himself. "Where do you come from? What happened to your family?" She thinks it over a moment then points her finger towards the sky "My homeworld is in that direction. I came here with mom, but mom died a long time ago'. It's sad but I have a lot of friends now." Something tells Din that all the "friends" she talks about are just a bunch of random strangers and passer bye; that befriending everyone she meets is the kid's subconscious response to her loss. "Don't you remember the name of your planet? Or of any planet nearby?" "No. But I am pretty sure it's in that direction" she says pointing in a different position of the sky altogether. "And...were the people of your planet all of your same species?" "Yes, they were." Great, Din thinks, there's really nothing he can do for Ky'l..THE KID considering he has no idea where "there" in space is and has never seen anyone of her likes before. He sees her yawning. Well, there is one thing he can do. "Do you have anywhere to sleep?" "There's the back alley a few streets over with comphy sacks..." She answers and Din pushes her inside the building "tonight you're sleeping in here" he says directing her towards the room meant for him. She flops over on the bed and asks "can you tell me a story?" "Go to sleep" "But if you killed people you must know stories of battles and duels! Can you tell me the most scary one you know?" Din sighs but for some reason finds himself flopping on the floor, near the bed and telling her what they told him, the first nights he was brought into the covert, of the Mythosaurs and how the Mandalorians learned to tame and fly them. He falls asleep as the words and memories cling to him, as he envisions the pendant with the Mythosaur skull he had given Grogu. The pain for loss of him spreads through his tired body like a fresh wound. Ky'lla falls asleep whispering with awe the word "Mandalorian".
In the morning, he wakes her up, gives her a few ration packs and tells her that she really must stop following him now. For the first time she looks actually sad, but doesn't protest as she goes.
Din catches up with the rest of the group and together they prepare the assault to the criminal syndacate's main objective. At first everything goes as planned but quickly things get messy. Din realizes he has to expose himself more than he intended. Firing up the jetpack, he flies up to the targeted power generator and places a frag mine over it. He fires at will at all the enemies that try to approach but one expecially sneaky killer works his way behind him and, preparing his sniper rifle, aims at a junction in between Din's armour. Din notices him a moment too late as the trigger snaps. He braces for an impact that doesn't come. He looks at the man with surprise and finds terror and bewildermente on the other's face as well as he tries to fire over and over. The rifle is insistently empty. Din takes the moment and turns it to his advantage firing his own blaster which knocks the assassin down cold. "I was the one to steal the rifle's charges. Was I good or what!?" Chirpes in a familiar voice. Din is only partially surprised to find Ky'lla popping out of nowhere, proudly waving the rifle's cartridge around. He wants to thank her, ask her how in kriffin hell she managed that and scold her for putting herself in danger's way for him but his pragmatic mind refrained from that. He quickly pulls the child in his arms and flies them both away from there moments before the charge on the power generator goes off in a hudge explosion. "Whoaaa" Ky'lla exclaimes over his shoulder as flames and electric shocks destroy the surrounding space. The patriots cheer happily below as the last standing members of the criminal syndacate run away.
Din is celebrated like a hero but he pays the compliments no mind. One of the young women of the group cuts off a ringed finger from one of their victims and tosses it to Din "there's a hudge bounty on this one! You should collect it, it's the least we can do to thank you." Din accepts the prize and parts ways with the group, Ky'lla following him around like a shadow. When he reaches his new ship and opens the ramp to it Ky'lla takes a shy step backwards and says "I guess it's goodbye, then. It was nice being your friend..." Din smirks at her from behind the helmet and says "Do you really think I don't know you're just going to sneak into the ship somehow? Let's save time and come in." Ky'lla looks at him in disbelief "you really mean it?!" Din signals her to follow and with a high pitched squeel she goes to hug his legs. "I've got some friends, I'm sure one of them will accept to take care of you" he says, even as part of him already knows that the kid will stick to his side.
Din prepares the launch sequence and soon they are travelling in hyper space. He sends Ky'lla to immediately take a shower in the 'fresher and in the meantime he sends a message to Karga to report on the end of the mission and to prepare the money for the bounty he collected.
Ky'lla comes back to the cockpit looking ten times brighter and fluffier than she did before. "Since I'm staying with you for a while, can you teach me to fight like you do?!" Asks the child. "I could be very good! With four arms I could grab the bad guys from the scruff and tickle them to death!" She says stating her case. "Do you really want that? It's a difficult and intense training..." "Sure! And can I have an armour like yours too?!" "You must become a Mandalorian and earn each piece of it to have one." He says carefully testing the ground. "Then that's what I want to be: a Mandalorian! Can I?" "Well, technically everyone can become a Mandalorian..." "THAT'S AWESOME! Till yesterday I was no one and now I'm gonna become a Mandalorian!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" The child starts running around bursting at the seams with happiness. Din laughs. "I want to learn everything there is to know about Mandalorians!" She exclaims and Din sighs out a "Yeah, so do I" "Why, don't you know everything about them already? You are one" He explains that there are very few Mandalorians left, that a lot of their history and culture has been wiped out and that he had very limited access to what was left growing up.
Eventually, the kid tires out and falls asleep in her seat. Din looks back at her and replays all the recent events in his mind, trying to figure out just how he found himself with a new kid under his responsibility. This had been a wrong move. The last time he did so broke his heart and even if it was the right thing to do, he doesn't know if he can get over that same loss again. His latest adventure however lights up a sudden and inspired idea in his mind. He reaches for the console and sends out two holo messages. One to Luke Skywalker and the other to Bo-katan Kryze asking her where to meet up and stating with confidence that he has a proposition for her.
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I.AM live - Ice Academy Montreal training session
Maybe I’m in the minority here but I loved it loved it loved it. It was just amazing to see skating - ice dance - live after such a long time. Yeah, maybe they all pushed the idea “we are one family” too much but who careeeees.  (This will be a mix of notes from the time I was watching it and some newer thoughts). The majority of the skaters showed their RD and as kind of expected the majority decided to keep their RD from the last season. Some were doing some minor or bigger changes to it. In the order of appearance 1) Sasha Fear/George Waddell - RD Singing in the rain (it will be their first sr. season). That’s all I noted down. Little did I know that I’d absolutely fall in love with their dances a few weeks later.  2) Smart/Diaz - wisely keeping their crowd-pleasing Grease RD, they were doing a new lift and it will be so cooool
3) Rikako Fukase/Oliver Zhang - new RD My funny valentine
4) Fear/Gibson - keeping the Blue brothers RD because who wouldn’t want to see it again.
5) Komatsubara/Koleto currently in Japan, showing their FD to Un histoire d'amour from 2018/2019 season. If there’s a song in Italian or French you can be sure that I’ll be a fan immediately. 
6) Hannah Lim/Ye Quan - new Canadian team, CATS RD. Sooooo cooooooolll
7) Lauriault/Le Gac - NEW RD Chicago!!!!! I'm so exited, their last season's programs were a bit too calm and this is amazing, so hot. Now I just hope we’ll have a chance to see the program somewhere.
8) Fournier-Beaudry/Sorensen (kissing live) and keeping their Bonnie and Clyde RD with the great twizzles.
9) Chen Hong/Zhuoming Sun training now in Beijing and they managed to get a new FD - I will wait for you. 
10) Hawayek/Baker - keeping their RD. They looked as the most prepared team at the moment. 
11) Chock/Bates - didn't skate, they were just returning on the ice after an injury. The whole interview didn’t reveal anything. They will have “a new program” but no more information.
12) Tina Garabedian/Simon Proulx-Senecal - keeping their Mama mia RD with the goal to qualify for the Olympics as the first Armenian ID team ever 
13) Holly Harris/Jason Chan (Australia) - keeping their A chorus line RD. I loved it.
14) Hubbell/Donohue NEW RD.  Burlesque (Shevchenko/Eremenko skated to it last season) It will great for them. It was new, so they didn't perform it that much. (And now we already know how great it is)
15) Wang/Liu - training in Beijing. Keeping their Chaplin RD. Oh yess.
16) Papadakis/Cizeron will have a new RD and FD. Thank god. And the FD will be TANGO. I'm so excited. They showed just a small bit, still working on it, but it will be great. Well, now I wonder if they’ll keep working on a new RD or toss it away, because no Skate Canada, no French masters, no Internationaux de France, maybe Europeans... and maybe Worlds. If it wouldn’t be a bit safer for them to go with the “old” RD if they’ll have a new FD on top of that... 
17) Lajoie/Lagha - keeping their Westside story RD, sigh...  working on new harder lifts...
That’s a looooot of ice dance teams and they even didn't show Emmy/Aissa. And in spring Reed/Ambrulevicius announced their move to Montreal too, but due to travel restrictions they couldn’t go there at all. I wonder if they cancelled it, or if they train at their old place but remotely with Montreal coaches or how does it work. 
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lennon-foster · 4 years
light on
levi & lennon january 7th
Levi knows that Lennon is feeling down about not having Abe for the weekend, so he goes over to her place with Mia to surprise her in hopes that they'll cheer her up. He knocks on the door and presses his finger to his lips to remind Mia to be quiet before hiding her behind him. 
Abe had just been picked up by his grandma and she always felt like a bit of her was missing when he left. She was starting some dough to make cookies to take her mind off of it before hearing the knock on her door. Lennon raises her eyebrows and wipes her hands on a kitchen towel before going to the door. She opens it and raises her eyebrows at him with a smile, “Hey! What are you doing here?” 
"We wanted to surprise you," he smiles widely. Mia jumps out from behind him and grins, "Suwpwise! I here too!" 
Lennon grins widely at the two of them and laughs before leaning forward to kiss him quickly. She kneels down and opens her arms to Mia. 
Mia grins and jumps into Lennon's arms, "Miss Lemon!" 
She laughs and hugs her before standing up with her, “You guys came a great time. I was just starting to make some cookies.” 
Mia gasps and grins, “Cookies!?” Levi chuckles and pecks Lennon’s lips again, “We did come at a great time.” 
Lennon returns the quick kiss with a smile, “You definitely did. Do you want to help, Miss Mia?” 
She grins and nods, “Yesss!” 
She grins with a nod, “Okay first lets wash your hands.” 
Levi smiles at her, "How can I help?" 
Lennon hums and nods to her pantry, “Can you get me some stuff out as I help her?” 
Levi nods and smiles, “You got it.” 
Lennon goes over to the sink to help Mia wash her hands as she calls out some ingredients to Levi. 
He goes into her cupboards and fridge, getting everything she asks for. 
Lennon finishes up with Mia, “Can you grab one of my dining chairs? She can stand on it next to us.” 
Levi nods and smiles, "You got it." He goes and gets a chair before bringing it over and setting it right at the counter. 
She smiles and puts Mia on the chair, “Okay, Miss Mia so I’m gonna measure out the sugar, I need you to count three of my scoops I put in.” 
Mia nods her head and smiles, "Otay!" Levi grins and takes out his phone to record them. 
Lennon looks over at Levi and grins before putting in one scoop of sugar into the mixing bowl. 
Levi laughs and keeps filming them. "One!" Mia exclaims with a grin, clapping her hands. 
Lennon nods with a smile as she does the next scoop and waits for her before scooping another. 
Mia jumps up and down a little, “Two!” 
She giggles and shakes her head, “Be careful on the chair.” Lennon scoops the last one in. 
Levi makes sure Mia is stable and she squeals, “Three!” 
Lennon grins and holds her hand up for a high five, “Good job!” 
Mia grins widely and high fives her, “Tank you!” 
Lennon smiles and nods her head, “Okay, I’m gonna finish mixing everything then we’ll bake them then decorate!” She turns on the mixer and tickles Mia’s stomach. 
Mia squeals and giggles before holding her arms up to Levi. He laughs and picks her up. 
Lennon grins as she watches them before finishing mixing the dough, “Okay I think I need two helpers...” 
Levi grins, “Two helpers!? That’s us!” 
Lennon nods with a grin, “First...I need some kisses.” She points to her cheek. 
Levi grins and kisses her cheek and Mia kisses the other. 
She giggles and nods, “Perfect. Now, let’s roll the dough into balls, okay?” Lennon grabs the baking sheet and then scoops some dough into her hands, rolling it into a ball. 
Mia watches her and tries to copy. He grins, “You got it, Mi.” 
Lennon nods with a grin, “Now put it on the baking sheet.” She puts her ball down. 
Mia looks at the baking sheet but then goes to eat the cookie dough. Levi quickly stops her, “Ah ah ah. No eating until they’re cookies or you’ll get sick.” Mia pouts and puts hers down. 
She grins with a nod, “He’s right. Plus they will taste much better with sprinkles!” 
Mia grins widely, “Sprinkles!?” Levi laughs and puts his dough ball down. 
Lennon nods with a grin as she scoops more dough to put into Mia’s hands. 
Mia giggles happily and rolls it up. 
She grins and looks over at Levi, winking at him. 
Levi leans over Mia and kisses Lennon’s cheek. 
Lennon grins wider as she turns her head to kiss him quickly. 
He grins widely and returns the quick kiss. 
She pulls back and rolls up more dough balls, giving Mia some dough as well. 
He laughs as he helps her roll the dough and Mia does a couple before it’s all done. 
Lennon grins, “Good job, Miss Mia!” She goes to put the cookies in the oven, “Let’s wash our hands again.” 
Mia nods and holds her arms out for Lennon. 
Mia picks her up and takes her over to the sink to wash their hands. 
Levi grins as he watches them. 
She finishes up washing their hands and grins at her, “Wanna play while we wait?” 
Mia nods and smiles widely, "Yeah!!!" 
Lennon puts her down on the ground and nods, “Let’s go see what Abe left out.” She leads them to the living room. 
Levi smiles as he follows and he sits down on the floor next to the toys with Mia. 
She sits down next to Levi and smiles as she grabs an Elmo toy. 
Mia gasps and grins, "Ewmo!" 
Lennon grins and hands it to her, “It’s also Abe’s favorite right now.” 
She grins and hugs the Elmo to her body. 
Lennon smiles from Mia to Levi, “She’s just so cute. How do you handle it?” 
Levi laughs, “It’s impossible.” 
Lennon grins and squeezes the toy’s hand for him to talk. 
Mia gasps, “Whoa!” Levi laughs, “the one at home doesn’t do that.” 
She laughs and points to the hand, “Squeeze it, he’ll say something else.” 
Mia squeezes his hand and gasps and giggles loudly at the Elmo. Levi chuckles and grins, “So cute.” 
Lennon laughs as she watches her, “Do you love Elmo?” 
Mia grins widely and nods her head. 
Lennon giggles and shifts to lean into Levi’s side. 
Levi grins and puts his arm around her, kissing her head as Mia plays with the Elmo. 
She smiles at his kiss as she looks up at him, “Thank you for coming over.” 
He smiles at her, "I'm glad we could be here with you." 
Her hand moves to his knee, squeezing it gently with a smile, “Definitely makes everything better.” 
Levi smiles and he kisses her softly on the lips. 
Lennon returns the soft kiss before pulling back and leaning her forehead against his. 
He rubs her back as he looks into her eyes, "You're amazing." 
She smiles and shakes her head, “No. You are, honestly.” 
Levi pecks her lips, "I just wanna be here for you." 
Her hand moves to stroke his jaw with her thumb as she smiles, “I know. I appreciate it more than cookies will ever show.” 
He smiles and nudges his nose against hers, "You show me in other ways too." 
Lennon nods with a small smile, “I try.” 
Levi nods and smiles, "You succeed." 
She kisses him softly before glancing over at the little girl with a smile. 
Mia is still singing to herself and playing with Elmo. Levi smiles, "The best part about this age is that they know how to entertain themselves." 
Lennon grins at Mia then back at Levi, “Yeah, she’s so sweet and quiet too.” 
Levi nods and smiles, "I'm lucky. She's perfect." 
She nods with a grin, “She is. I’m happy you brought her too. She really is the best.” 
He smiles widely, "Well, she loves Miss Lemon." 
Lennon giggles and leans her head against his shoulder, “I wonder if she’ll always call me that.” 
Levi laughs softly, "I'm sure it'll last a couple of more years.. 
She grins and curls into his side more, “I’m okay with that.” 
He smiles and rubs her back, "Good. I think she'll be sad when realizes your name is actually Lennon." 
Lennon laughs and nods her head, “True unless we teach her the importance of John Lennon before then. Then she will think I’m sooooo cooool.” 
Levi laughs, "She'll always think you're sooooooo coool." 
She grins and nods her head, “Yeah but not as cool as her dad.” 
He jokingly scoffs, "No will ever be as cool as her dad." 
Lennon giggles before hearing the timer go off for the cookies, “Let me go take them out to cool.” She shifts to stand up. 
Mia grins widely, "Cookie time!?" 
Lennon shakes her head, “Not yet. They need to cool so our frosting stays!” She smiles at her before going into the kitchen to take them out. 
Mia runs into the kitchen to follow her anyways and Levi chases after, picking her up and putting her on his shoulders. 
She grins as she watches them, “Careful, Mia. They could burn you if you go too fast!” 
"Why?" She asks confused. Levi looks up at her, "The cookies would be sooo hot they could give you an ouchie on your fingers." 
She nods in agreement as she carefully puts the cookies on the cooling rack. 
Mia sighs and nods, "Otaay." 
Lennon smiles and raises her eyebrows, “We can pick out the colors to decorate with though!” 
She smiles, “Pink!” 
Lennon grins and nods her head, “And what else?” 
Mia taps her chin with her finger, “Pupple!” Levi laughs, “Purple.” 
She laughs as she pulls out the frosting she made already, “Okay let me split into different bowls then do you wanna put the color in?” 
Levi sets Mia back on the chair and she smiles, “Yeeaaahhh!” 
Lennon grins and starts to split the frosting into three bowls, “We’ll keep one so your dad can pick a color too.” 
Levi grins, “Green please.” 
She nods as she pulls out the food coloring, “Okay Mia, time to put in three drops.” 
Mia grins and holds her hand out. 
Lennon puts the food coloring in her hand then puts her hand around hers, “We’ll do it together.” 
She smiles widely and nods, “Okay!” 
She grins at her, “Okay...one.” Lennon lightly squeezes Mia’s hand. 
Mia grins, “Whooaaa! One!!!” 
Lennon grins at her then at Levi before squeezing her hand again. 
She squeals and laughs loudly, “Two!” 
Lennon laughs and nods her head, “Okay one more for pink.” She squeezes her hand one last time. 
Mia grins, “Free!” Levi laughs, “Good job you two!” 
Lennon grins and kisses her cheek quickly, “Okay now lets do the others.” 
Levi smiles, "Mia, why don't you let Lennon show you how to do the rest. The faster she does it, the faster you'll be able to eat your cookies." Mia grins, "Okay!" 
Lennon smiles with a nod, “Levi, do you wanna mix the color in after I add in the drops?” 
He grins at her, “I’d love to.” 
She hands him the bowl with a spatula to stir. 
Levi smiles and starts to stir the frosting. 
Lennon drops the purple coloring into the next bowl before doing the same for green. 
He has Mia help him stir before they finish and he grins, “All done.” 
She nods and hands them the purple bowl before stirring the green herself. 
They take the purple one and finish that, “Good job, Mi.” Mia giggles, “Fanks!” 
Lennon grins at them, “You’re doing great. Both of you.” She hands Levi piping bags, “Start putting this in there. Follow me.” She starts to put the green one in the bag. 
Levi smiles and starts to put the purple one in a piping bag. 
Lennon finishes the green and starts to fill the pink. 
He pipes a little onto Mia's finger to let her have a taste. 
She grins as she watches them. 
Mia giggles as she eats the frosting. 
Lennon smiles and finishes the bag, “Okay it’s time!” 
Mia gasps and claps happily. 
She grins at her before grabbing a plate and putting some cookies for her to decorate, “Okay what color first?” 
Mia grins and points to pink. 
“I could’ve guessed that.” She grins and hands her the pink bag, “I’ll help you hold it.” 
She smiles and starts to squeeze the bag over the cookie. 
Lennon puts her hands over hers to stop her, “Whoa! Don’t use it all on one.” 
Mia giggles, "Whoopsie daisies!" 
Lennon laughs and hums softly before putting another cookie on top of it, “We’ve made a cookie sandwich now!” 
"Mmm!" She grins. Levi laughs, "Maybe we'll just have her tell us what designs she wants." 
She nods her head, “Yeah, we’ll leave the sprinkles to her.” 
Levi chuckles and nods, "Yeah." 
Lennon smiles at Mia, “Okay what design do you want?” 
Mia grins, "Fower!" 
She nods with a smile as she starts to make a rose with the pink. 
Levi picks up Mia so she can see better. 
Lennon glances at them then back to finish the rose. 
Mia grins, "Woooow, pwetty!" 
She grins with a nod, “Okay now what? Maybe a smiley face?” 
Levi grins and nods, "Do that." 
Lennon nods as she grabs the green frosting and drawing a cute smiley. 
Mia giggles. “Smile!” 
She laughs and nods her head, “Very cute huh?” 
Mia nods with a big grin. 
Lennon grins and tickles her stomach, “Just like you!” 
She giggles loudly and grins at her. 
Lennon grins as she picks up the purple does another quick flower on one. 
Levi grins, “Beautiful.” 
She smiles at the cookie and then up at them, “Wanna start the sprinkles?” 
Mia grins and nods, holding her hand out. 
Lennon nods to the pantry, “There’s a bunch of different ones in there, wanna grab them for her?” 
Levi nods and smiles, "Sure." He sets Mia back down on the chair before going into the pantry. 
Lennon grins at Mia before doing a zigzag of purple and then pink. 
Mia grins widely, "I try?" 
Lennon hums and nods her head, “Together only. And gentle.” She takes Mia’s hands and puts it on the frosting tube. 
She nods her head, "Weaaaddy!" 
She smiles and holds it over the cookie before gently squeezing Mia’s hands and drawing a heart. 
Mia grins widely, "Wooow!" 
Lennon laughs and fills the heart in. 
She laughs and looks up at Lennon. Levi comes back with the sprinkles, "Got them." 
Lennon grins at her before taking the frosting back, “Sprinkles time!” 
"Spwinkies!" Mia grins excitedly. 
She laughs and nods her head, “You guys pick some out.” 
Mia points to the dinosaur ones, "That one!" Levi grins, "Good pick." 
Lennon continues to frost some more of the cookies as she laughs, “Very cute.” 
Levi smiles, "Which cookies should get these?" He asks and she starts to point. 
She finishes frosting most of them, leaving some without any. 
He helps her add different types of sprinkles to some of the cookies, "Len, any more we should add?" 
Lennon looks over and hums softly, “Maybe the pink sparkles to the heart?” 
Levi smiles and nods, and helps Mia. 
Lennon grins as she nods her head, “I think they look beautiful.” 
Levi grins, "Should you take a picture?" 
She nods and goes to grab her phone to take a close up then of the two of them with the cookies, “Smile!” 
Levi grins and Mia smiles widely, “Cheeeeese!” 
Lennon smiles and takes the picture of them. 
He smiles at her, “Take a selfie with us.” 
Lennon nods and moves over to hold the camera up to take a selfie of the three of them. 
Levi grins for the first selfie and then kisses Lennon’s cheek. 
She smiles wider as he kisses her cheek and takes another photo, “So cute.” 
He grins at her, “Yes you are.” 
Lennon grins and nudges her nose against his. 
Levi grins and sets Mia down and she looks up at Lennon, “Cookie time!?” 
Lennon nods her head, “Sure is! Which one do you want to eat?” 
Mia grins and points to the one with the rose Lennon made. 
She smiles back at her and puts it on a plate before nodding to Levi, “And for you?” 
Levi smiles at her, “the cookie sandwich.” 
Lennon laughs and nods, “Better you than me.” She grabs the smiley face one. “Should we go sit on the couch?” 
He laughs, “That’s exactly why I asked for it. Yeah, let’s go sit.” 
Lennon grabs some napkins and takes the plate over to the couch. 
Levi holds Mia’s hand as they walk and he sits down before lifting her up onto his lap. 
She sits down next to them and takes hers off the plate then holds it out for Levi. 
He takes his and then hands Mia her cookie. 
Lennon grins at them and nods, “We did great on these.” 
"Agreed," he grins and Mia takes a big bite of hers. 
She watches Mia before smiling and taking her own bite. 
Levi smiles and takes a bite of his cookie and nods with a smile, "Delicious." 
Lennon grins at them before reaching over to tickle Mia’s tummy, “Do you like it?” 
Mia giggles loudly and squirms, nodding her head. 
She grins wider and continues to eat her cookie. 
Levi smiles and puts his arm around Lennon's shoulder, "Thank you for the cookies." 
She leans into his side and smiles at him, “You’re welcome. I’m glad you two could enjoy them with me.” 
"Thank you for letting us surprise you," he smiles and kisses her head. 
Lennon closes her eyes as she leans her head against his shoulder, “I should be thanking you.” 
Levi smiles and kisses her head a bunch of times. 
She grins and lifts her head to presses her lips to his quickly. 
He returns the quick kiss and smiles, rubbing her shoulder. 
Lennon smiles and finishes her cookie, “Should limit to just one tonight?” 
Levi looks at Mia and nods his head, "Ohh yeah." 
She grins down at her, “She’s adorable though but probably doesn’t need to be hyper.” 
He laughs and nods his head, "Got that right." Mia rubs her belly when she finishes, "'Ummy!" 
Lennon smiles and rubs her own belly, “It’s very yummy.” 
She giggles and looks up at Levi, "Daddy, I pway?" He nods and sets her down, "Go ahead, sweetie." Mia grins and runs over to Abe's toys. 
Lennon smiles as she goes to the toys and leans more back into the couch. 
Levi smiles and rubs her shoulder, "How are you feeling?" 
She smiles at him and shrugs, “Definitely better. Always missing Abe but..I know it’s important for him to be with his dad and grandma.” 
He nods and kisses her cheek, "It must be tough though." 
Lennon nods and leans into his side, “It is. You would think it would get easier but..it doesn’t.” 
Levi nods his head, "You're so good for giving them that time with him though." 
She shrugs one shoulder and smiles at him, “Just want what’s best for him.” 
He leans in and kisses her sweetly. 
Lennon smiles and returns the kiss, putting her hand on his leg. 
Levi pulls back after a moment, "You're an amazing mom." 
She squeezes his leg and shrugs one shoulder, “I try to. Just like you.” 
He holds her close to him and smiles, "I'm glad to be here for you." 
Lennon curls into his side more and smiles, “How do you do it? You’re so supportive and nice and just perfect.” 
Levi smiles, "I just think about how much you mean to me and I just wanna make you smile." 
Lennon leans her forehead against his with a smile, “I just didn’t know people like you exist.” 
He smiles at her, "Len.." 
She presses her lips to his gently with a smile. 
Levi smiles and returns the gentle kiss. 
Her hand goes to his cheek as she holds him there for a moment longer. 
He sighs contently against her lips and he rubs her shoulder. 
Lennon pulls back and strokes his cheek with a smile. 
Levi smiles at her, "Wanna spend the night with us?" 
She nods her head with a smile, “Yeah, I’d love to.” 
He smiles at her, "Good, cause we'd love to have you." 
She nudges her nose against his as she drops her hand, “I can pack an overnight bag and we can go soon, if you want.” 
Levi looks over at Mia who is rubbing her eyes tiredly, "Yeah, that sounds perfect." 
Lennon looks at her and nods her head, “Give me a couple minutes.” She stands up before heading into her bedroom. 
He goes over to get Mia and picks her up, rubbing her back as she gets tired in his arms. 
She grabs a bag and starts to pack some clothes. 
Levi walks around the living room with Mia who leans her head on his shoulder. 
Lennon finishes up and goes into the bathroom to grab a couple more things before coming out, “I’m all set. Let me put the cookies away and bring them for you guys.” 
He nods and smiles, "Thank you, babe." 
She nods with a smile as she goes to put the cookies in a container, putting it on top of her bag, “Ready?” 
"Ready," he smiles and holds his freehand out to her. 
Lennon takes his hand and squeezes it before leading them to the door. 
He follows her as he carries Mia and once they're down at ground level, he walks them over to his car. He lets go of Lennon's hand to open the door for her before opening the back door to get Mia in her carseat. 
She smiles as he opens the door and slides in, reaching to put the bag in the backseat next to Mia. 
After he gets her buckled, he gets into the driver's seat and starts to drive them back to his place, his hand outstretched for Lennon's. 
She laces her fingers with his as she glances back at Mia, “She’ll be asleep any minute I’m sure.” 
Levi chuckles and nods, "Oh yeah, a car ride is the easiest way for her to get to sleep." 
Lennon smiles and squeezes his hand, “I used to just take Abe on the train so much that I think that sound works better than white noise.” 
He nods and smiles, "That's cute." 
She nods with a smile, “We have some pretty good babies though.” 
Levi grins and nods, "The best." 
Lennon looks back at Mia with a smile, “Yep. She’s asleep.” 
He laughs softly, "She needed it anyways, she didn't nap today." 
She smiles back at her before looking ahead again, “Will she sleep the rest of the night now?” 
Levi nods and smiles, "Oh yeah, especially after eating the cookie." 
Lennon grins and nods in agreement, “Is Sarah home? She should try some.” 
He shakes his head, "Well, not at my place." 
She nods with a smile, “Right. Well you’ll have to give her some.” 
"I'll hide a special stash just for her," he smiles. He parks at the townhouse and gets out of the car before opening Lennon's door for her before getting Mia out of her carseat and into his arms. 
Lennon nods with a grin before they peck and she gets out. She goes over to the other side, pulling out her bag. 
Levi smiles as he waits for Lennon. 
She goes over to him, putting her hand on his arm, “All set?” 
"All set," he smiles and leads her inside and upstairs. 
Lennon follows behind him, setting down her bag once they get inside. 
"I'm gonna get her changed and tucked in," he smiles at her. 
She nods and smiles, “I’ll get comfy on the couch and wait for you.” 
"Okay," he nods and smiles before pecking her lips. He brings Mia into her room before changing her into PJs then tucking her into bed. 
Lennon puts her bag into his room before taking the cookies in the kitchen. 
Once he finishes he comes out to the living room, stretching his arms over his head. 
Lennon grins over at him as she walks over to him. 
Levi smiles and wraps his arms around her, "Hi, beautiful." 
She moves her arms around him with a wider smile, “Hey, handsome.” 
He grins and leans in, kissing her softly. 
Lennon smiles and leans up to return the kiss slowly. 
Levi rubs her back as he slowly deepens the kiss. 
Her hands rub the back of his neck as she returns the deep kiss with a hum. 
He holds her closer to him and starts to walk them back to the couch as they kiss. 
She smiles against his lips as they move towards the couch. 
Levi picks her up and lays her down, keeping their lips attached as he lays down on top of her. 
Lennon lays back and tangles her legs with his as she kisses him deeply. 
He kisses her just as deeply, humming into the kiss. 
Her nails run over his back as she smiles against his lips. 
Levi smiles as he feels her smile and he parts her lips with his. 
Lennon hums softly and opens her lips for him. 
His tongue brushes over hers as he deepens the kiss more. 
She makes a soft sound as he moves her tongue with his and slips her hand under his shirt to rub his back. 
He massages her tongue with his own and curves his body over hers. 
Lennon kisses him harder as she moves her other hand to his cheek. 
Levi leans into her touch as they kiss. 
She slides her nails over his back as she hums against his lips. 
He makes a small noise and grins into the kiss. 
Lennon smiles when she feels his grin and pulls back slightly to catch her breath. 
Levi smiles and nudges his nose against hers. 
She grins back at him and strokes her fingers over the back of his head. 
He shifts them so they're on their sides on the couch and he holds her close to him. 
Lennon smiles and leans her forehead against his, “You make me feel so..giddy.” 
Levi grins widely, "Yeah? You make me feel that way too." 
She laughs and presses her lips to his again softly. 
He smiles and returns the kiss sweetly. 
Lennon runs her fingers along his neck and smiles into the kiss. 
Levi rubs her back as they kiss. 
Lennon kisses him slowly as she presses herself against him. 
He holds her against him and follows her lead into the kiss. 
She deepens the kiss slightly as she gently brushes her thumb against his jaw. 
Levi kisses her just as deeply and sighs happily into the kiss. 
Lennon smiles into the kiss and slides her hand down to his shoulder before pulling back slightly. 
Levi smiles and tucks her hair behind her ear. 
She grins at his gesture and hums softly, “Can we move to your bed?” 
He nods and smiles, "Of course." He gets up and scoops her up in his arms before carrying her into his room bridal style. 
Lennon grins against his lips as she helps him take off her sweats before reaching to push his down. 
Levi gets his off and he moves his hand between her legs before rubbing her over her panties slowly. 
She whimpers softly against his lips and moves her hips up to his touch. 
He tilts his head into the kiss and moves his fingers harder. 
She moans into the kiss as she gently grips his shoulders. 
Levi keeps his lips pressed to hers as he tugs down her panties. 
She helps him kick them off as she kisses him deeper. 
He kisses her just as deeply and moves his hand to tease her center. 
Lennon moans softly into the kiss as she slides her nails over his back. 
Levi makes a small noise and keeps rubbing her clit with his fingers. 
She moves her hips to his touch and whimpers before breaking the kiss. 
He kisses down her neck as he continues to rub her. 
Lennon bites her lower lip as she moans softly. 
He sucks on her skin and rolls them over so he’s hovering over her. 
She gasps softly before wrapping her legs around him, “Levi...” 
“Yes?” He pecks her lips and teases her entrance with his fingers. 
Lennon leans her head back as she moans softly, “That feels good..” 
Levi grins and kisses down to her chest as he slips his fingers into her. 
She closes her eyes and arches her back slightly towards his lips. 
He gently sucks on one of her breasts as he thrusts his fingers slowly. 
Her fingers slide over his shoulder as she moans softly. 
Levi kisses his way over to her other breast and teases her clit with his thumb as he thrusts his fingers. 
Lennon bites her lip to soften her sounds as she rocks her hips towards him. 
He sucks on the peak of her breast as his fingers move faster. 
She lets out soft sounds as she feels her hips writhe and her body tighten. 
Levi groans from her sounds and pulls back, thrusting his fingers harder. 
Lennon grips the pillow next to her as she moans his name and hits her climax quickly. 
He makes a small noise and he kisses her neck. 
She whimpers softly as she drops her hands to his shoulders. 
Levi slowly withdraws his fingers and he presses a few more kisses to her skin. 
Her fingers run over the back of his head as she opens her eyes with a smile. 
He grins and nudges his nose against hers. 
She laughs softly and brushes her thumb against his jaw, “That was amazing.” 
Levi grins, “Good..” he smiles and kisses her. 
Lennon smiles and returns the kiss, moving her hands to brush over his abdomen. 
His stomach contracts slightly under her touch and he deepens the kiss. 
Lennon kisses him harder as she runs her nails over the edge of his pants before starting to push them down. 
Levi helps her get his pants down and he kicks them off his feet. 
She rolls her hips up to his as she kisses him deeply. 
He groans and kisses her just as deeply. 
Lennon whimpers into the kiss as she runs her fingers over his back. 
He pulls his boxers down and kisses her harder. 
She wraps her leg around him slightly as she rocks up to his hips. 
Levi groans and mumbles into the kiss, "Do you want me to wear a condom?" 
Lennon shakes her head as she speaks against his lips, “No I’m on the pill.” 
He nods and kisses her deeply again as he presses his hips against hers with a whimper. 
Lennon moans softly into the kiss and runs her nails over his back. 
Levi makes a small noise as he moves his hips against hers slightly. 
She breaks the kiss as she drops her head back with a whimper, “Levi..” 
He draws his hips back to tease her entrance with his tip and he kisses her cheek. 
Lennon whimpers as she brushes her fingers over his cheek. 
Levi slowly pushes into her with a whimper. 
She moans before biting her lip and wrapping her leg around him. 
He stills his hips and speaks breathlessly, "This okay?" 
Lennon nods her head and whimpers softly as her nails run up his back. 
Levi pushes into her more and groans softly. 
She rocks her hips up to meet his as she moans his name softly. 
He moans and kisses her neck, rocking his hips into hers. 
Her nails gently dig into the back of his shoulders as she tilts her head to the side. 
Levi groans softly and slides his hand along her side, his hips moving into hers. 
Lennon moans louder before pressing her lips to his and moving her hips with his. 
He kisses her deeply, moaning into it as he squeezes her thigh, pushing into her a little harder. 
Lennon moans into the kiss as she wraps her leg tighter around him. 
Levi kisses her passionately, groaning against her lips as he picks up his pace slightly. 
She feels her stomach tense up as she breaks the kiss, “Levi...I’m close...” 
His abdomen tightens and thrusts his hips more eagerly and he groans deeply, "Me too, fuck.. you feel so good.." 
Lennon drags her nails along his back as she moans his name before dropping her head to his shoulder to cry out and hit her climax. 
Levi lets out a deep grunt as he feels her tighten around him and he thrusts into her hard as he climaxes, releasing inside of her. 
She whimpers against his skin and relaxes against the bed. 
Levi kisses along her neck as he tries to catch his breath. 
Lennon runs her nails along his back as she smiles at his kiss. 
He kisses up to her lips and slowly pulls out of her with a groan. 
She returns the kiss as she whimpers softly into it. 
Levi pulls back slightly and nudges his nose against hers, "Wow.." 
Lennon smiles and moves her hand to his cheek, “Wow back at you.” 
He grins and leans into her touch, "You're amazing." 
She leans her forehead against his, “So are you. That was...incredible.” 
Levi grins and nods, "It was." 
Lennon smiles and strokes his cheek again before pressing her lips to his. 
He smiles and returns the kiss, he rolls them onto their sides and hugs her close. 
She tangles her legs with his as she kisses him happily. 
Levi grins against his lips and rubs her back. 
Lennon pulls back slightly with a smile before curling into him. 
He smiles and holds her close, "Len.." 
She smiles and kisses his shoulder, “Hm?” 
Levi smiles and kisses her jaw, "You're so beautiful.." 
Lennon feels her cheek flush slightly as she smiles, “Levi...” 
"What?" He grins and strokes her cheek. 
She leans into his touch, “You’re so sweet.” 
Levi smiles at her, "You mean so much to me.." 
Lennon smiles softly back at him, “You mean so much to me. I’m really, truly am happy I met you.” 
He nods and smiles, "Me too, I never thought that I'd feel anything like this again." 
She shakes her head and runs her index finger over his shoulder, “Me neither. I thought I had closed myself off but...everything has felt so natural and comfortable with you.” 
Levi nods his head understandingly and smiles at her, "This feels right." 
Lennon smiles back at him with a nod, “It does. It really, really does.” 
He grins and kisses her sweetly. 
She returns the sweet kiss and strokes his cheek with her thumb. 
Levi smiles against her lips and rubs her back. 
Lennon hums softly against his lips and pulls back slightly with a smile. 
He smiles at her, "Tonight really happened, right?" 
She laughs softly and nods her head, “It did unless we had the same dream.” 
Levi laughs, "That would be spooky." 
She giggles and shakes her head, “Have you told Mia anything about us? I know she’s so little but..” 
He hums softly, "I've mentioned it, but the only thing she really grasps is the word kiss." 
Lennon laughs and tilts her head to the side, “Does that mean she probably blabs to everyone at school about her dad and Miss Lemon?” 
Levi shakes his head and laughs, "No, no. And if she did, I think you'd be the one to hear it." 
She shrugs a little with a smile, “It’s okay, she wouldn’t be wrong.” 
He laughs, "I guess, but I told her to keep it between the three of us." 
Lennon smiles and nods as she kisses him gently, “She’s a sweetie.” 
Levi grins and nods, "She is." 
Lennon nudges her nose against his with a smile. 
He smiles and pecks her lips. 
She returns the kiss and leans her forehead against his with a smile. 
Levi smiles and plays with her hair. 
Lennon smiles and sighs happily, “I could stay here forever.” 
"Stay as long as you want," he smiles, "Stay all weekend." 
She raises her eyebrows with a smile, “Really?” 
Levi grins at her, "Of course." 
Lennon smiles wider and nudges her nose against his, “I would love that.” 
He grins and holds her tight, kissing her forehead, "I would too." 
She smiles and lays her head against his shoulder, “We should do something fun with Mia tomorrow then.” 
Levi smiles and nods, "That sounds nice." 
Lennon kisses his neck gently, “Something inside. It’s getting too cold.” 
He nods and laughs, "It is." 
Lennon cuddles into him more with a smile. 
Levi smiles, "I'm trying to think of what's something fun and indoors." 
She hums softly before looking up at him, “There’s the aquarium? Has she ever been?” 
He shakes his head, “she hasn’t. That sounds fun.” 
Lennon smiles and nudges her nose against his, “Aquarium it is.” 
Levi grins and pecks her lips a few times. 
She returns each peck with a small laugh. 
He smiles and rubs her back, "I'm so happy you're here." 
Lennon smiles and leans her forehead against his, “I love being here. Your place is so cozy.” 
Levi smiles and pecks her lips, "It's even cozier with you here." 
She rubs the back of his neck with a grin, “Yeah?” 
He grins and nods, “Absolutely.” 
Lennon smiles and nudges her nose against his gently. 
He holds her close and smiles, “I can’t wait to wake up to you two days in a row.” 
She smiles and nods her head, “I’m so excited.” Her lips press gently to his with a hum. 
Levi smiles widely against his lips as he returns the kiss. 
She runs her nails down his back as she smiles against his lips. 
He smiles widely as he feels her smile and he rubs her back. 
Lennon hums softly as she kisses him sweetly before pulling back slightly. 
Levi grins and kisses the tip of her nose. 
She giggles softly and wrinkles her nose. 
He smiles and squeezes her close to him. 
Lennon peppers kisses along his jaw down to his neck with a smile. 
Levi grins and tilts his head to the side. 
She hums softly and brushes her nails down his back, kissing his neck a few more times. 
He smiles widely and rubs her lower back. 
Lennon lays her head down against his shoulder and sighs happily. 
Levi smiles and kisses her temple. 
Lennon hums softly with a smile, “Should we try to sleep?” 
Levi nods his head, “Definitely.” 
She smiles with a nod as she lifts her head, “Let me put my pjs back on. You’ll keep me warm but..I get so cold.” 
He nods and gets out of bed with her, “Probably need to anyways in case Mia tries to get in here in the morning. 
Lennon nods as she gets out and changes back into her sweats and T-shirt 
He puts his shirt and sweats back on. 
She smiles at him as she gets back into the bed and pats it for him. 
Levi laughs and laughs and gets into bed with her, pulling her into his arms. 
Lennon curls into his side and hugs him close. 
He holds her tight and kisses her head. 
Lennon smiles and lays her head against his chest. 
Levi smiles and rubs her back. 
Lennon yawns a little as she holds him close. 
He smiles and kisses her head, “sleep tight, Len..” 
Lennon smiles and rubs his back, “Night, Levi.” She closes her eyes. 
Levi shuts his eyes and rubs her back as he gets sleepy. 
She starts to fall asleep quickly, curled into him. 
He holds her close before falling asleep with her. 
Lennon keeps her head against his chest and  falls asleep with him. 
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franklyshipping · 7 years
Default Required ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
Kay so I have a girlfriend and Bingiplier is her fave and I also feel like this precious skater boi doesn't have enough content EVEN THOUGH HE DESERVES IT sooooo prep for a hint of angst buuut it's all gonna be lovely and nice and COOOOL DUDE!!!
Bing held an amazing position. He was a browser for mankind, he could access any kind of information required for any situation; if you typed it, he'd find it. However.....he was a browser....not THE browser. Phones and tablets and products with the aspect of portability didn't even resort to him anymore, only PC's would suggest him to a user. Even then.....he'd be shunned. Pushed aside, replaced. By Google. Now don't get him wrong, despite what you might have seen Bing actually gets on with Google. They are practically the same, even though Google could perhaps be a tad arrogant, they were by definition.....friends. They each had quirks, with Google's slightly unnerving secondary objective and Bing's incessant determination for skateboard stunts they contrasted quite well. But sometimes.....Bing couldn't help but let his mind wander. Like now for instance.
Behind his heavily tinted sunglasses Bing's burnt, orange eyes were closed as he rested them.....he was slightly drained as a result of his gentle melancholy. What was the point of being the default if people only used you to literally search for Google? Bing sighed. It was light, but it reflected his exhaustion. He was lounging on a comfy couch, it was so comfy in fact that he was trying to resist the urge to slip into snooze for a few hours.....he actually was about to, until someone entered the room. Google himself. He bore a light, thin smile as he observed Bing's position and stepped forward with his hands at his sides.
'Ah Bing, unproductive as usual.'
Bing felt himself sigh, he seriously couldn't be bothered with Google's comments on his functionality; however in-sincere they may be, Bing just didn't want to hear him.
Google's sensors were active and buzzing, he analysed Bing intently; why was he so uncommunicative? Google may find it slightly bothersome on rare occasions, but Bing's vivacious talkativeness defined him.....why had it diminished? Google stepped forward, his form wavering a little as his eyes shone with a gentle turquoise glow as he looked over Bing's form. Bing was always relaxed, it was true, but to be slouched so unceremoniously and.....dejectedly. There was something not right here.
'Your diversion from standard vocabulary suggests that your demeanour is not as it should be, have you developed a fault?'
He may have been abrupt, but do not mistake that for lack of emotion; Google was sincerely concerned. Bing however just leant his head onto his hand, tilting it away from Google a little as he let out a derisive huff of air.
'Let's face it, I'm a walking ''fault'' dude.....'
Google was truly concerned now, Bing's tone of voice was significantly lower than usual.....and his choice of words clearly reflected that Bing was not feeling himself. Google paced forward a little more, before deciding to descend and sit on the couch with a ramrod posture; Bing flicked his eyes to him momentarily as he spoke.
'.....why do you think this? In my opinion, you are perfect for your function. You do not have any real faults to speak of.'
Bing felt a few little warm shivers pass through his system, Google's words were having a positive effect as Bing felt himself un-tense fractionally. Google picked up on this change and examined Bing as said man turned his head a little.
'Don't I?.....then why am I always disregarded?'
Ah. Google understood fully now. He had wondered about whether Bing had ever felt this way.....Google felt a slight twinge of guilt, but he couldn't help it if he was the primary choice. Google didn't really understand why though, they both performed the same task and in a way....Bing had certain better attributes. It seemed that others didn't see them like Google did though.
'Because humanity doesn't understand you. They don't understand what you're capable of and why you're important because they're too busy trying to use you, they use but do not appreciate. Your safe search offers safety for the well fare of their children, your desktop sounds and images calm and relax those who need it. You are more.'
......well **** man. Bing blinked a little, Google's words processing slowly.....but that's because Bing wanted to understand them. To hear them to the full. Bing straightened up a little, but maintained his classic relaxed state as he looked to Google fully.
'Google man.....you.....you really see me like that?'
Google tilted his head, the corners of his lips twitching as he perceived Bing's growing happiness and joy.....he was glad that he'd brought that about.
'Of course, there is no other way to see you.....apart from when you are consistently bothersome with no regard for personal space.'
Bing felt himself grin widely, his loose and happy demeanour taking centre stage as he let out a light laugh.
'Ahhhhhh ya know ya love it!'
Google narrowed his eyes minimally as he spoke confidently.
'I most certainly do not.'
Bing grinned wider as he leant back, his expression was the epitome of satisfaction.
'Yeaaaaah ya do ya soft old fart!'
Google raised his eyebrows at the....'nickname' whilst Bing's grin accommodated a slightly cheeky undertone, the former leant towards him fractionally as his eyes seemed to shine a little brighter.
'I am no such thing, and it would be smart of you to recognise that.....'
Bing felt a small chill pass through his nervous system, since Google's tone had deepened fractionally....and Bing swore he could detect a small threat in his words. And yet....well, if Google saw him as bothersome then who was he to act against that? Bing maintained his grin as his words became laced with boyish cheekiness....cheekiness that he was going to regret.
'But Google.....there is no other way to see you!'
Not only....had he copied Google's words, but he had also imitated Google's exact tone of voice. The man himself had gone rigid....Google was aghast.....and angered. Now let me highlight here, that he wasn't genuinely angry, he was more annoyed and surprised that Bing seemed to be getting amusement from teasing him. Google narrowed his eyes.....he wanted nothing more than to wipe that satisfaction from his face.
'.....then I must enlighten you.'
Bing's eyes widened as Google suddenly sat up straight and shifted at speed, Google's eyes were locked onto Bing in an almost predatory fashion as he launched himself at him; unfortunately for Bing, Google was determined and strong. Bing let out a light yelp when Google sat on his legs and grasped his wrists firmly, his smile was thin and yet the ferality was unmistakeable. Within seconds Bing's hands were pinned beneath Google's knees.....you had to admire his efficiency; Bing didn't though.
'G-Google wh-what the hell man?! L-let me up!!'
Bing grunted and tugged as his nerves built up within him, Google meanwhile cocked his head at him as he fiddled and stretched his fingers in preparation....oh poor Bing.
'I think not Bing. If I am to be honest, I think a change of attitude has been long overdue for you.....'
Bing gulped and shivered as he eyed Google's metatarsals worriedly, the owner of which had decided to descend them and rest them lightly over Bing's vest; specifically over his ribcage area. They began to gently curl and uncurl.....and thus Bing knew what was in store. Oh boy.
'Nonononono w-wahait wait G-Gohoogle not this man p-plehease!!'
Bing squirmed nervously as a small smile blossomed on his lips, his eyes were wide behind his shades and he could feel giggles beginning to build in his chest; he knew he was f***** because of how he was too damn ticklish for sanity. Everyone knew this, but more pressingly, Google knew this.
'Not what? Bing you really must work on your specificity.....'
Google's tone was playfully teasing, and his eyes glimmered as his curling turned to in-depth, precise scratching over Bing's ribcage. He left no bone untouched, no space un-tickled....and boy did Bing feel it.
'Ahahahaha yohohou knohohow whahahahat!! Plehehehehease!!'
Bing's giggles were haphazard in tone and volume as he scrunched up his face, lips grinning widely as he squirmed and tossed his head about. Google's precision was so damn evil.....and he had no way to escape the deviousness that Google planned to unleash. Said man snickered, still working on top of the vest since it offered Bing literally no protection. Google's fingers suddenly started massaging the ribcage before them as Google continued his cheeky nonchalance.
'I'm sorry but I have no results coming up, perhaps you could give me a clue?'
Bing was squealing and cackling at Google's increased intensity, he thrashed side to side as he rejuvenated his attempts to free himself.....it didn't work though.
Google let out a light chuckle at the plethora of buzzes that echoed from Bing's lips.....ahhh the beauties of his safety features. Google cocked his head as he examined Bing's demeanour, his flush was a light orange and his smile was wide....a lot different to what it was before. Google felt that it was his duty to maintain this....even though his primary objective had been to put Bing in his place. Google smirked widely as he moved his hands down so he could squeeze at Bing's sides harshly.
'Was that an attempt at an insult? Dear oh dear, this is going to be harder than I thought.....'
Bing's eyes widened before he laughed loudly and bucked a little, he was conscious of the flush on his cheeks and was also in embarrassed awe at the fact that Google.....was damn effective at teasing. Bolts of ticklishness seemed to surge through his whole body as Google's fingers deftly scribbled and dug into the synthetic flesh with methodical maliciousness.
Google hummed disbelievingly as he lightened his touch, smiling with taunting amusement as he decided to lift up Bing's vest so he could caress and trace over his sides and belly; he relished in the little whimpers an giggles he drew out.
'Oh I don't doubt it, but I'm not quite finished with you yet.....I want to draw out every embarrassing little noise and giggle and laugh that I possibly can.....and even then.....'
Google grinned widely as he whispered.
'I still might not relent.'
Bing's giggles were squeaky and incredibly gentle as the feeling of Google's fingertips made him shiver and squirm....in a rather adorable fashion actually.
'Th-thihihis ihisn't fahahaaaair.....plehehehease nohoho mohohoooore.....'
Bing whined slightly childishly which made Google chuckle airily, he had to admit that seeing Bing in this giggly ad happy state made him happy too. However, eve through that wave of emotional inlet, Google still noticed a few things.....and came to a realisation. Things don't always have to end in hysteria. Google continued his tracing as he leant over Bing fractionally.
'Mmmm, I could stop.....'
Bing looked to Google hopefully....but internally, he felt.....something strange. Okay so yes, he was at Google's complete and utter mercy which was immensely terrifying and embarrassing ESPECIALLY with what Google was actually doing to him....but amongst all that.....he was so happy. Bing hadn't been this giggly....ever, and internally he actually felt overjoyed that this situation had happened. Bing may have been thinking all of this internally.....but you must remember, Google and Bing are essentially the same. So Google could see it plain as day on the outside....so he figured he'd make sure Bing was aware of that. Just for the sake of courtesy.
'.....but that would be extremely illogical due to how we are both currently enjoying ourselves.'
Bing felt his breath catch in his throat.....DID HE SAY BOTH?! WAIT WAIT WAIT WHAT?!
'Wh-whahat do yohou mehean bohoth? I-Ihi'm nahat h-havihing fuhun!!'
A multitude of clicks and jitters plagued Bing's voice, which only made Google smile wider at the fact that no matter how much he denied it.....the truth would always be obvious. 
'Oh aren't you? Allow me to evaluate why that statement of yours is a gargantuan lie....'
Bing's cheeks got hotter at how matter-of-fact Google was being, as well as due to how he'd realised....no matter how much he denied what Google said, they'd both know the truth. Bing wondered whether their inert connection was a good thing or not.....perhaps he'd never know. Those profound thoughts were to be thrust aside however, in favour of giddy nerves as Google's fingertips remained animated on his belly.....they were gentle, and yet so evil and teasing.
'Ohoho gohohod nohohoho d-dohohon't dohoho thihihis!!'
Google grinned lightly, chuckling as Bing's words welcomed forth the first point of his argument.
'Ah yes, my first point. On thing I perceived was that at the beginning of this little situation, you said the exact same thing. When I prompted you to elaborate.....you didn't.....'
Bing gulped amidst his giggles as Google fixed him with a curious and amused stare.....was it the room or were Bing's cheeks getting even warmer? Bing could only giggle as Google's fingertip swept over his waistline, making him buck fractionally.
'It was almost as if you couldn't bring yourself to say that I was tickling you.'
Google spoke plainly as Bing's face now started to resemble an actual tangerine....HE SAID THE WORD. DAMMIT. Bing's entire form just seemed to tingle as little shocks and jitters passed through his system, which meant he was becoming more and more incoherent as a result.
'I-Ihi....th-thahat's n-nahahat t-truhuhue.....'
Google smiled simply. One point to him. He splayed his fingertips over Bing's sides as he continued with his point-making, he had quite a few but there were two rather specific ones that Google knew would get a reaction from his vic-friend. Friend. Google smiled wider as his words came forth.
'Yes it is. Furthermore, the fact that you've been stammering rather a lot is interesting....it indicates that you are nervous for some reason? But why on earth could that be?'
Google gasped and hummed with exaggerated thought which only made Bing giggle more as he squirmed and grinned, Google's eyes lit up as he pretended to have an idea.
'Aha! Of course....it must be because of your intense embarrassment at this situation, and how they very thought of tickling and how you enjoy it, flusters you to no end.'
Google's fingers had begun to slow down, but even a that occurred Bing kept squeaking and giggling residually.....wow, Google made a mental note of that. For no particular reason.....Bing meanwhile was still trying to process what on earth was happening, as well as trying to figure out where this might be possibly leading to. His blush was deep and his form was shivery as a permanent smile remained etched on his face, Bing tried to stammer a little as a bid to regain a glimmer of control.
Bing sighed lightly, and Google noticed this. So he hurried to finish what he'd started, and as he did so he made sure that his smile was relaxed and kindly; which was what Bing deserved. 
'And last but not least....the fact that aside from the beginning, you've barely struggled. So I must concur.....that this makes you happy. And I must also inform you that this is an amazing trait to have, and I have very much enjoyed being able to administer something that has given you so much joy.'
......Bing was frozen, and no that wasn't a mental pun for once. Bing could feel a warmth rising in his core as he processed Google's words....once, twice, thrice....whatever the word for ''four times'' is. Did....did Google just say that he liked tickling him? He....he didn't find it annoying or bothersome? Bing cleared his throat, looking up at Google with apprehension who was in fact looking at him with the same expression.
'D-do you mean that? Like....do you really really mean it?'
Google smiled, nodding his head gently as his chest started to hum and buzz at a more consistent and settled rate; and there was no glitching to his voice either.
'Yes, I do.'
There was a small pause in the air, Google himself was feeling a little awkward but not in an uncomfortable sense; he just had no idea how to progress from here. There wasn't actually an available social protocol for what to do after you'd got your friend to admit they liked being tickled just before which you admitted you enjoyed tickling them, thus resulting in a calm state of mental comfort for both participants.....but where exactly did you go from there? Amidst Google's thought process Bing had started to recover, thus meaning his streak of cheekiness was getting ready to rear its head at the first opportunity....which ended up being when Google leant over him completely so he could release Bing's hands from under his knees.
'Woah bro, if you're gonna go for a kiss ya need to forewarn me!'
Google froze as an indignant sound came from his throat, but when he looked down at Bing to see him snickered he couldn't help but smile through his glare as he leant back up.
'Oh ha ha, you must think you're so amusing.....'
There was a light pause as Bing grinned happily and Google sighed....until he had to put forward his query.
'What exactly is it that we do now?'
Bing blinked a few times. That was a good question. He thought for a moment....before an idea came to mind. Could he ask though? Would his nerves permit him? Bing took a deep breath....f*** pride.
'We uh.....wecouldkeepgoing....'
Google's eyes widened....and after a few seconds so did his smile. He chuckled gently as Bing looked away from him, and at his words Google......for some reason, felt his fingertips begin to twitch.
'Bing.....that's the best idea you've ever had.'
Oh how he laughed. Oh how they both laughed and blushed and smiled, relishing in each other's happiness and how they knew....they KNEW that they were both.....happy.
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naruto-oc-critiques · 7 years
Okay but, Itama Senju had two different hair colors and it was just fine and canon. Heterochromia isn't a weird thing in our world or Narutos so I dont see why its so frowned upon. It does catch people's attention and its cool sooooo?
Hair colours and eye colours aren’t really the same thing, but I do love that little Oreo kid. He’s been my icon ever since he appeared in the manga,
There are technically a lot of canons with two coloured eyes in because they trade doujutu like they’re Pokemon cards.
We advise people not because of any canon proof, but because of the common associations with OCs. It’s cool but it’s very common in OCs, so it may catch attention, but probably not the attention you want.
If you have a good reason and it has meaning for your character and is part of their storyline? Sure. 
If you want to do it to have fun? Go for it.
But otherwise, we advise against it for meta reasons.
t’s more of a throwback to Mary-sues and ends up being kind of cringy because it is overused to absolute death.
If you’re going to give your character heterochromia, at least make it interesting, like give them Waardenburgh syndrome or Horner’s syndrome or something of the sort. Like, Heterochomia isn’t unusual, but it can be a sign of an underlying health issue.
On top of that, a lot of the people (like 2 but still) I know with heterochromia are extremity insecure about it. They think it makes their face look even more asymmetrical than it already is (spoiler: everyone's face is naturally asymmetrical to a degree that’s just how we are). One poor girl actually bought contacts to hide it. So this is considered a flaw, something they would probably hate about themselves.
So many oc creators are just like ‘its sooo cooool look at my bby she has one blue eye and one brown’ like first of all friendo that isn’t how heterochromia works. You’re more apt to have someone with one blue eye and one slightly more blue eye, or one brown eye and one hazel. Like, I realize this is Naruto we’re talking about, but at least try.
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sawson · 7 years
Spiritale chapter 29
1,170 words
                                Chapter 29: The Date, FINALLY!!!
…*Beep*….*Beep*…That sound again, you can’t see anything thought.
It’s the voice again, oh no is Chara worried about you. You better wake up…wait, why can’t you move?
“Frisk, come on Frisk!”
You trying to wake up, but something holding you back even when you feel yourself moving. Is this…is this a nightmare?! No no no, come on you have to wait before you see something horrible.
“Frisk wake up, WAKE UP FRISK! FRIISK!!!”
*LONG GASP*….!!!! *Pants*…*Pants*…That voice, you couldn’t tell who was talking. It was all echo like and kept changing tone. Not to mention the feel you had, was something holding you down? You don't know a thing, but you do know if you keep sleeping like this you’re going to have that nightmare again. Or what felt like a nightmare. No more sleeping until you get back home. You got back to your senses and check your surroundings,…you don't see or hear Chara. You look in the kitchen, no one’s there. Okay time to check up stairs, you see Papyrus standing by…Sans’s door? Hmmm…same place, different room styles? You’re going to check it out. You poke your head through the door to see…oh Chara and Sans playing with action figures. Neat, you bring your entire body into the room. Chara is wearing their winter clothes and Sans is in his…you’re not sure if that’s an outfit or his battle body. Walking over, Chara notices you. They give you a big smile and wave.
“Huh, is your imaginary friend here human?”, Sans asked looking at you.
“Yea, Frisk come here”, Chara said waving to you.
You are surprised, but you walk over to them and take a seat next to Chara. You have no time what to say. Chara is introducing you to him.
“Hi there imaginary Frisk”, Sans greeted kindly with a smile, “You may call me, The Magnificent Sans!”, he said standing up and poses trying to be cool.
You couldn’t help but facepalm and laugh, he sound just like your Papyrus.
“What do they think?”, Sans asked still posing with a grin.
“They say you’re really neat”, Chara responded.
“REALLY?!”, Sans asked excitedly with those ADORABLE starry eyes.
“OH MY GOSH, YOU HAVE THE MOST ADORABLE EYES!!!”, Chara shouted with serious glee.
Sans blushes, “You think my eyes are adorable?”, he asked in shock.
“I mean uuuh not just me, uuh Frisk thinks so too”, Chara said very nervously.
Sans and Chara look the other way blushing from the comment, the tension between these two is too adorable. You again laugh at the scene.
“Myeh, myeh heh heh!”, Sans laughs unexpectedly with their hands on their hip bone, “Don’t think you have bested me yet, The Magnificent Sans has never been beaten at dating and I never will!”, he shouts pointing at Chara.
Hhahaha, ooh man
“Iiin faaact…wait for me outside, I got something special planned”, Sans said walking to his dresser and looking through it.
Ooh you know what’s going to happen, you suggested Chara to go get the tutu, just the tutu. It’s too cold here to wear the slippers. They walked out the room and to the stairs, Papyrus isn’t here anymore. Oh well. Out the house through the town, and at the Inn where Chara checks the box. The tutu is so wore out it looks somewhat like a dress, oh they’re putting on the slippers too. Chara says they’re wearing two sets of sock, so why not wear them. niccce!  As they made their way back to the house the monster started complimenting their new outfit. Chara smiled and blushed on the way back, you told them they’ll look great. And now we wait.
“TADA!!!”, Sans shouted opening the door really fast, “Myeh heh heh, Isn’t my secret style the best?!”, he said doing a cool pose.
He is wearing a baseball cap sideways, has footballs for shoulder pads, a sleeveless shirt saying “Rad Dude”, shorts with zipped pockets, fingerless gloves, and soccer shoes with folded socks.
“Wooow”, Chara said quietly amazed.
“Wowzers, an authentic compliment!”, Sans said happily, “What does Frisk think?”
Chara looks at you. Hmmm…examine the looks and think…hmmmm. *Snap fingers* You got it, shades. He needs shades.
“Frisk says you need shades”
“*LOOOOOOOOONNNNNG GASP* OF COURSE!!!”, Sans shouted running back into the house mega fast.
“What do they think now?”, Sans asked with one hand on his hip bone and the other holding the shades.
He looks…sooooo cooool, you give it two thumbs up! Chara tells what Sans what you did.
“Awesome, now we can-…did you had those on before?”, Sans asked noticing Chara's new outfit.  
“I…put them on before yyyou…got outside”, Chara said looking away and rubbing their head.
“Does this mean…you were more prepared than me!”, hahaha Sans said hahaha.
You hahaha, need a moment hahaha. Chara giggles silently while Sans is freakin out. Oooh man you can’t take it ahahaa!          
“I…I won’t be defeated, listen hear human!”, Sans shouted pointing to Chara, “You may have good dating powers, but someone as magnificent as me can do BETTER! Follow me!”, he said ahead of Chara.
You and Chara followed Sans to wherever he’s walking to…this sure is a long way, all the way to the ice puzzle. Sans and Chara slip on to a part of the non-slippery puzzle.
“Hold on to my hand human”, Sans said lending his hand.
“Uuum okay, why?”, Chara said taking his face.
“Here we GO!”, Sans said OH MY GOSH!!!
HOLY COW, SANS JUST SLIP OFF THE ICE BRINGING CHARA WITH THEM!!!! ARE THEY MAD??!!! W-wait…isn’t there like a huge area of snow down there? Only one way to find out. *jumps*
Whooooa this feels like nothiiing!
“WATCH OUT BELOW!!!”, you shouted.
…..WHOA THAT FELT LIKE NOTHING!!! Wait you just said that.
“SO, wasn’t that AWEOSME human?!”, Sans asked jittery surrounded by a huge pile a of snow.
“That…WAS AWESOME!!!”, Chara shouted throwing their arms in the air fast.
“I KNOW RIGHT!!!”, Sans shouted doing the same as Chara.
“YEA!!!”, You shouted doing the same.
Chara tells Sans what you did, he smiles.
“So while were hear, wanna check out my COOL snowman?”, Sans asked winked.
“Hehehe yea”, Chara send getting up.
Yea this snowman is neat, reminds you of your Papyrus. You see Papyrus’s…creation, only this one was written with a yellow marker. Hm.
“Sans I have an idea!”, Chara said suddenly.
“Let’s make a snowman together!”
“*Gasp* YEA!!!”
Aaaww, you wish you could help…
“…Hey how can Frisk help?”, Chara asked pointing to you.
“Hmmm…”, Sans said with a thinking face, “I know, they can give us friendly comments and suggestions”, he said after snapping his finger.
That sounds like a great idea, yea! LET’S BUILD THE BEST SNOWMAN EVER!!!        
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skitsofanacts · 7 years
I'm not sure if it'll help but there are little pencils that look like cigarettes and seem pretty convincing but I'm not to sure what their called (p.s. I love all you guys cosplays their sooooo cooool❤️❤️)
Thanks for the tip! We'll keep it in mind and we have found a few alternatives of our own too. Thanks again!
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