harunayuuka2060 · 3 days
WHB Series #1 (Cont.)
Gabriel: God has allowed me to be close to them. While it brings me happiness, I can't help but wonder what led them to give me a second chance.
Gabriel: ...
Gabriel: God, do I have permission to speak?
MC: Sure.
Gabriel: ...
Gabriel: I've noticed you've been distancing yourself from Michael. Has he done something to bother you?
MC: ...
MC: I suppose I should tell you.
MC: It's not unusual for angels to be devoted to me, but Michael, on the other hand, has confessed his love for me as a descendant of Solomon.
Gabriel: ...
MC: It seems that Michael is seeking a "different" kind of relationship.
Gabriel: ...
MC: *could tell that he was seething with anger*
MC: Gabriel, come here closer.
Gabriel: ...
Gabriel: *leans close*
MC: ...
MC: *plants a soft kiss on his cheek*
Gabriel: !!!
MC: Look at you—one kiss was all it took to make you happy.
Gabriel: *blushing like crazy*
MC: Ah, but I'm sure Michael's happiness can't compare to yours.
MC: After all, he touched me.
Gabriel: ...
Gabriel: MICHAEL!!!!!!!!!
Michael: Hm?
Gabriel: *storms up to him*
Michael: What's the matter?
Gabriel: You've committed the gravest sin of all—trying to covet god while viewing them as just another person!
Michael: ...
Michael: Heh. They're a descendant of Solomon, a human. I've fallen in love with that human, not with their image as god.
Michael: If I do say so myself, I have every right to claim what’s been given to me by god.
Gabriel: NONSENSE! *draws out his weapon*
Michael: *is prepared to fight as well*
Raphael: That's enough! *has arrived to stop them*
Gabriel: Don't stop me, Raphael!
Raphael: You are in the presence of younger angels, and you're not setting a good example.
Raphael: What will god say if they learn about this?
Michael and Gabriel: ...
Gabriel: *glares at Michael then leaves*
Michael: ...
Michael: *about to take his leave as well when Raphael stopped him*
Michael: What is it you want?
Raphael: Banish every impure thought you have about god.
Michael: *smiles*
Michael: Don't worry. Mine only lies with the descendant of Solomon.
Raphael: ...
Raphael and Gabriel: What?
MC: *has announced that they will be away to visit a friend from the human world*
Raphael: ...
Raphael: God, that won't be possible.
MC: Hm? Why not?
Gabriel: No human has ever seen god. Your friend will die if you meet him.
MC: That's true; however, I'm in the body of a mortal. *smiles* And I have a separate identity.
Raphael and Gabriel: ...
Raphael: But still, what will we do while you're gone?
Gabriel: Can't we go with you?
MC: It seems you two don't trust that I'll return.
Raphael and Gabriel: ...
MC: I’ll definitely return. In the meantime, I need you to ensure everything stays in order here. Do you understand?
Raphael and Gabriel: Yes, god.
Minhyeok: *missing and worried sick about MC*
Minhyeok: Ppyong has stopped coming by.
Minhyeok: Does that mean something happened to them?
MC: Are you having sadboi hours?
Minhyeok: !!!
Minhyeok: MC?
MC: Who else?
Minhyeok: ...
Minhyeok: You're not Ppyong pretending to be them, are you?
MC: *rolls their eyes*
Minhyeok: ...
Minhyeok: *his eyes start to water* MC...
MC: Nuh-uh. *turns around and approaches the door* I didn't come back for this.
Minhyeok: Wait! *stood up immediately and runs to hug them*
MC: *not amused when he started crying on their shoulder*
MC: Dude, I'm not dead.
Minhyeok: Yes... And I'm glad that you aren't...
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iridiss · 20 hours
just noticed a plot hole in my mcd rewrite fic, cycles of love
gonna have to go back through all the chapters to rewrite whatever snippets have it
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 days
So if you all are unaware, yesterday it was revealed that Georgia apparently wants to not only hand count their ballots but MAGA is trying to make Nebraska do a “winner take all” process.
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My thoughts on this? I say let them. Let’s not forget they tried this same nonsense back in 2020 when Trump was in power but now he’s just a candidate. And if anyone is feeling discouraged I HIGHLY recommend THIS:
They tried this fuckery four years and failed and will fail again.
Even though I’m VERY angry at how the “party of values, law and order 🙄 “ are partaking in tactics they’re supposedly against, I’m relieved to see people are angry and not throwing in the towel.
Why? Because let’s channel that frustration into ENERGY and use it to vote out these jokers and FINALLY be done with the nine year nightmare known as Donald Trump!! Did we let this stop us four years ago? No! So let’s get even more energized and fight back!!
And I’ve seen lots of early voting posts which makes me even more confident!
Remember, we’re close to the finish line now let’s ride it out ‘til the end!!
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asterlark · 7 months
the thing that gets me so much about the storytelling in knives out is that it's a story within a story within a story- or i guess more accurately, it's a story about multiple stories being told and acted in and against each other. ransom/hugh/supreme scumbag wrote the story of harlan's murder and of pinning the crime on marta; meanwhile, harlan wrote the story of what marla would do in the aftermath of his death and the ensuing investigation.
problem for mr. hugh is, marta is not a flat character or a pawn in his game he can manipulate to his will to ensure he gets away scot free (and, to a lesser extent, despite harlan's insistence and marta's best efforts, marta cannot carry out his lie for long during the high-pressure investigation. even when it's in her own best interest to lie, marta cannot and will not be manipulated into telling a false story). marta is a smart and caring human being who has agency in her narrative- and since she is the heroine, the narrative wants her to win, so she has allies like blanc on her side. blanc mostly doesn't interfere with the stories being told, he observes them and then, as he says, strolls leisurely along the real story- the truth's- axis and eventually comes to its inevitable conclusion. this is when he will step in and act upon the narrative, but only to reveal the truth and to ensure the hero gets the rewards they deserve.
on top of all that, it really gets me how there's a very meta framing device of the primary murder victim in this mystery being a famous murder mystery author, and much of the plot revolving around his efforts to author what his loved ones' lives will be like after his death... and the way hugh's murder plot is like something right out of a harlan mystery novel (to the point that harlan, before he realizes he's about to die, makes a point to write down the method of murder as an ingenious way to kill someone)....... and all that isn't even considering all the stories the family members tell themselves and others about their relationship to harlan, how they view the family legacy, etc.
marta is the heroine precisely because she is not trying to tell a false story for her own gain (as the family accuses her of doing after the reading of the will)- she is simply concerned with carrying out her late friend's wishes and doing right by him. she is probably the only person who really knew harlan, the full truth of him, and was his friend without any selfish agenda. she is a good person, a person who would never try to claim another's story as her own, which is exactly why harlan trusted her with his life, his home, and his legacy. he couldn't have known what would happen, but he knew she would do her best to honor his memory after he was gone. ultimately though, no matter who else tried to write or edit it (including harlan), this is marta's story and hers alone to live and change and discover.
this has been a long post already so i'll end it here but suffice it to say that over four years post-release, i'm still so fascinated by the ways these characters actively try to either rewrite the story playing out in front of them, or reveal the truth at the heart of things (as blanc would say, the hole inside of the donut's hole). this movie just makes my storytelling and puzzle-loving nerd heart go BRRRRR
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thelassoway · 4 months
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Social Conditioned ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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zeb-z · 11 months
talking entirely character wise. do you think today was a bit of a wake up call for bad. do you think he heard red screaming out of their minds begging for toxic gas and thought about how they’ve lost their minds just a little bit. do you think that when he was given an immediate no when he asked where the red egg was to help them defend he understood how deep of a rift he created. do you think as he sat there silent while the rest of red cheered at killing the egg statue, he wondered if he could have pushed them a little too far. do you think that maybe, just maybe, with the red sun beating down on him in that desert, the gas mask team cheering and dancing, he felt for a single moment the consequences of his actions? that maybe, if he hadn’t started out so hostile with extreme tactics, if he hadn’t been so bloodthirsty and ruthless, if he had had just a little bit of hesitation, that his own attempts at diplomacy would have gone over better? that the rest of the teams would have listened? that red would have trusted his judgement on the egg statues, or at the very least respected him enough to honor an agreement? do you think he realizes that burning his bridges may have fucked him over?
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anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
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focus is bad today so for some reason that means More Cally O'Pia AU Stuff!! today we go back to How Is Psychonauts 1 Different because this was rattling around in my brain for a while
the biggest change is that Sheegor and Crispin's roles-slash-physical positions are swapped, which is a deliberate choice by "Loboto", who's putting everyone in positions where they can slow down the project and/or increase the chances that the Psychonauts can bust in and shut things down if and when they catch on to what's happening. Sheegor's basically Only guarding the elevator for fear of Mr. Pokeylope's safety (note: Pokeylope is perfectly safe and chill up in the tea room with Lilli; Cal just has to put up some kind of false threat so Sheegor doesn't just up and run, cause he doesn't want Oleander replacing her with someone more competent), and when she sees Raz genuinely helping the inmates - and assembling the Loboto disguise for good measure - she's very willing to let him slip by and hopefully stop the "doctor" and Oleander.
Once Raz does start his ascent up the tower, "Loboto" actually takes the place of Sheegor in the original game, and unlike her, he's actually trying to make sure Raz makes it upstairs rather than force him to turn back - by that point Oleander's brought in the brainless Sasha and Milla, so Cal knows Raz is basically his last chance to get things shut down. Much like Sheegor, he kind of lurks around in the shadows and never makes direct contact with Raz; unlike Sheegor, "Loboto" clears rubble to create or point out paths if/when Raz gets stuck instead of One Million Rats Explode Forever. (Once Raz gets to the top, he also Gets The Hell Out of Dodge and escapes to the Rhombus of Ruin - maybe he shuttles the inmates back to the mainland and/or helps Augustus get to Thorney Towers before he does; maybe he just literally peaces out. I haven't decided. Either way, he basically exits the story at that point.)
Last but not least, Crispin's now the guy actually working up in the lab, and serves as kind of a combination of Loboto and Sheegor in terms of the last obstacle Raz has to overcome (with Mr. Pokeylope's help, of course). Once again, "Loboto" put him in this position very deliberately - he's enough of a suck-up and flatterer that it helps keep Oleander from noticing that "Loboto" is very deliberately sabotaging things, but he's also a non-scientist with terrible cataracts, which is slowing down brain-tank production significantly. Raz basically just sneaks by him and sends him flying the same way he does Loboto in canon, and from there all's pretty much as normal with Oleander and his whole confrontation.
[Full image ID/transcript under cut!]
A black-and-white, digital ink drawing featuring Psychonauts characters from Puzz's "Cally O'Pia AU". On the top left border of the page is a text box reading "Thorney Towers / The Lab of Dr. Loboto". Along the bottom left edge are drawings of four characters all standing in fairly neutral poses, facing the viewer: Sheegor, the AU version of "Doctor Loboto" (differentiated by round glasses instead of magnifier lenses, no scars on his head, and having both natural arms wearing gloves instead of a prosthetic right arm), Crispin (holding a brain in a jar), and Oleander. In the top right corner, there is a drawing of Raz in the dilapidated portion of Thorney Towers, looking over his shoulder at a silhouetted Loboto in the far background. Each character as well as the top right drawing has a caption, indicated by an arrow pointing from the text to the drawing.
Sheegor: Guarding the elevator & watching the inmates. Lets Raz up after he proves he's there to help & assembles a disguise for Crispin.
"Doctor Loboto": Actually Cally O'Pia, keeps up the Loboto persona with everyone but Oleander. Deliberately stationed Sheegor & Crispin to maximize chances of Psychonauts shutting this down.
Crispin: Assisting in the lab, takes this very seriously. Doesn't suspect Loboto is an undercover agent.
Oleander: Same as he ever was. Functionally blackmailing "Loboto" into helping, but isn't present enough to notice his subtle sabotage.
Instead of Sheegor following Raz through the tower and trying to stop him from getting to the lab, "Loboto" follows to keep an eye on his progress and occasionally create or reveal a path.
End ID.
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the sole and devastating problem with monkey man is that it will literally never be able to push past the people who think the concept of the film disrespects hanuman ji to be exposed in an environment where people see it for more than its name.
#raj shitposting#my mother ACTUALLY asked me why the film took hanuman ji as the monkey god to drive the plot when there are monkey gods everywhere.#i was so shocked because wtf all those monkey gods are literally based on hanuman ji besides this is a film about an indian man.#she still thought that it was just disrespecting hinduism so i didn't let her watch past the scene with lucky in the tavern.#like i don't think indians have the tolerance or the right etiquettes to watch this film at all.#which is why i am starting to feel glad it was never released here. indians saale hain hi adipurush ke layak mcbc.#inn logo ko bhakti do to uski batti banakar filmmaker ki hi gaand mein ghusedna chayenge.#inhe violence do to kahenge humare bhagwaan aese nahi the tum log humare bhagwan ka mazak uda rahe ho.#saala chahate kya ho?#tum log behenchod adipurush dekho aur har acchi cheez ko ban hone do.#people view religion as blind devotion rather than something that allows you to connect yourself to your gods.#they don't believe their gods could make mistakes. and they sure don't believe for a goddamn second that their god could be wrong.#i am not saying monkey man is about proving god wrong because it FUCKING ISN'T.#it's about a boy who clung to a story his mother told him as a child in hopes of finding her in the ugly face of the world.#something that would allow him to keep going because that's what hanuman ji would've done. that what his mother would've wanted.#like stop this absolute crap nonsense guys this film does not call the kid hanuman it literally invokes his image to inspire the kid.#HANUMAN JI IS WHAT IS HELPING THE KID FIGHT THIS WAR WITH HIMSELF AND THE WORLD.#he's literally like the krishna to the kid's arjun. he's a guide who talks through the kid's past through his mother's voice.#tum log bajrangi bhaijaan hi dekhlo bhai tumhare andar yeh picture hazam karna ka guda nahi hai.#monkey man#dev patel
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lucienarcheron · 6 months
There are actually so many takes people have in this fandom be it through headcanons/fanart/general thoughts that make me wanna fist fight sometimes but you know what is best to do? Block/disengage/mute/ignore - whatever it is that I need to do to never see it again and I take responsibility for what I consume. Even though sometimes it's people who are my mutuals and friends that I generally enjoy connecting with. Sometimes we don't see eye to eye and that is perfectly okay!
But also...it would be super nice to be able to click on a tag/fanart/whatever and not see fighting or negativity or general asshole behavior. It would be SUPER nice if passive-aggressive tags weren't added to everything. Because I can disagree with your interpretation of something and not like it without it meaning I'm being a jerk. Without it meaning I'm being vague about someone or something. I'm not obligated to engage with things I don't agree with or like. But people can have different thoughts and that is okay. It stops being okay when you tell me that my thoughts are wrong and you're right and because you're "right" I should go fuck myself. Canon is canon, fanon is fanon and everything else outside of what is actually in the books is speculation. Everyone is guessing and whenever the next fucken book comes out, you'll know if you're "right" even though at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter because being right isn't the point, it's about actually enjoying the stupid books.
When people who have been in this fandom for years tell you they're burnt out, you can't wonder why when general fan behavior is crusty as hell. These characters aren't going to come out of the book and fuck you. Go eat some grass, touching it isn't enough.
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outlying-hyppocrate · 5 months
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lunar-years · 1 year
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emile-hides · 7 months
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I was looking directly at a reference while drawing these and I still somehow convinced myself he had long hair. Whatever, he's pretty.
A-Z Isekai'd Cress deign by @acfan120 really got me in some kinda way and I couldn't help wanting to draw him. I also have thoughts on story for him but I'm not gonna be annoying with that rn. Maybe someday.
Bonus my warmup doodle:
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idiosyncraticrednebula · 11 months
Almost all of the "criticism" (i.e., hatred, bashing) thrown at Disney Princesses comes directly from a fundamental misunderstanding, misinterpretation and misreading of the core message of their stories and their respective characters and journeys.
#disney princesses#disney#meta#disney meta#txt#thankfully dp hate isn't as common now thanks to the multiple defense essays that have been done about them there are still people who#spread nonsensical exaggerated and false narratives about them#don't even get me started on the disney princes#if the disney princesses are unfairly lambasted the disney princes are basically burned alive just because they are the love interest#and everything that is said about them is based primarily on the first two princes and even a bit of phillip#but ever since eric they've been pretty damn unique in their own way (except for john because i don't like him but i don't even think he#should count anyways considering the historical basis of his character. anyways that's another topic for another)#i feel like this specially applies to the first 6 who get the most hatred#specially in regards to cinderella and ariel who are undoubtedly the most misunderstood of all#and they also happen to be two of the most popular princesses#if you think all they have ever thought little girls is to be pretty and wait for somebody to “win” them as their trophy wife you are#pretty damn stupid. how the hell do y'all reach these types of conclusions?#the disney princess has always been defined for her HEART the physical beauty just ACCENTUATES their beautiful soul#they have different ways to show it some are tougher and some are softer but at the core they are all good people#if you don't get that about them ofc you are gonna f*cking hate them with every fiber of your very being#this also has to do with the bastardization of the princess archetype being painted as a spoiled brat as opposed to a kind-hearted selfless#and brave individual#also it's kind of funny that they complain about that when they constantly tell women that all they have to do is be pretty and don't have#to do a damn thing because their existance alone is enough and they don't have to do sh*t in the relationship#SO WHICH ONE F*CKING IS IT????????????? JESUS CHRIST#anyway. rant over
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Hrmm... put together a roommates quiz finally after years of thinking it would be an interesting idea lol.. Though obviously not meant to be taken super seriously, I just like thinking about this aspect of personality compatibility. Like yeah, maybe you could get along with someone just chatting with them, but living together is such a different thing. .. curiouse...
#Not that I think that many people would really care since I barely know anyone on tumblr in real life and would never live with random#internet strangers lol but... idk.. I made this to give to friends from time to time and thought... why not post it here too#just out of sheer curiosity if anyone takes it what the most common results would be and etc.#My initial assumption is that most people would probably fall into the 'maybe' category and that either extreme of 'best roomates'#and 'worst roomates' would be the least common#very long also since I like to be thorough I guess#THOUGH... upon second thought... tumblr is home of the like Weird Introverts Who Sit Inside All The Time.. so maybe it's more#likely to come across compatible poeple on here. given that many of the questions are about how meticulous#people are with their scehdules or how often they invite friends over or if they like to mostly stay inside etc.#(since personally I think having a roommate coming and going and bringing random people over all the time would be too chaotic#lol... I need a peaceful quiet household)#Also I kind of don't like the way uquiz seems to do results. I was hoping it would be a number tally? I used some sort of quiz making site#before where you weight the question responses with a number (so the 'Best' response is worth a 0#The worst is worth like 5 points. and all the in between are like 1 - 4 points or something). So then it is actually possible to have a#''perfect score'' category (someone who gets a literal 0 points). and also you could weight some EXTREMELY bad answers#to add like +10 to the score instead of just +5. And someone who got the MAX possible points would be the WORST compatibility. etc.#But uquiz seems to just be like ''which category did you score towards the MOST'. So someone can give some pretty bad answers#that are VERY non compatible. but as long as MOST of their answers landed in a 'compatible' category#then they would still be listed as compatible despite still actually having some dealbreakers in there. Which is also possible with the#'every answer is a number amount' ranking system too. but I feel like that one does allow for a little more customization#and accuracy (like making the dealbreakers add like...+40 to the score or something so that#there's basically NO way that someone could answer with one of those and still get a good score. Or the ability to have a literal#'perfect score' (getting a zero) etc.#BUt anyway lol... inchresting.. inchresting... curious to consider maybe making a uquiz#for the characters in the gameI'm making like.. which npc are you type quiz or something#now that I've made one and seen how it works.. hrmm hrmm....#(< game will not even be done for like another year but still thinking about nonsense like this lol)
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rainrayne · 9 months
Haha lmao what if the reason Felix acts the way he is (you know selfish, is because Mr. Huxley is just like that and that is the reason why Felix is the favorite/golden child because when parents pick favorites they choose the ones who are closer to them in personality/acts
+ Adding on to that that's also why Ted is scared to stand up for himself because since Felix is so familiar to Mr. Huxley, he basically sees his father resemblance in Felix
++ Adding on to THAT, it's also the reason why he sees Felix's wants as his father's wants and that's why if he wants to make his father proud he just needs to make Felix proud
+++ Adding more on to THAT, That's also why Ted wants what Felix wants because what Felix wants is also what his father wants so that's why Ted is so eager to prove himself to Felix so he could feel more loved from his fathe- AAAA MY BRAIN IS BURNING
Moral of the story: DONT PICK FAVORITES, ASSHOLES. YOU ARE RUINING BOTH SIDES. More on that point later I need to study
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nani-nonny · 8 months
I need to clone myself so I can write the unfinished chapters while I finish some review papers, k thx
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