ozzgin · 2 months
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A collection of doodles, memes and comics featuring monsters!
Reverse octopus hybrid
Chubby Monsters
Zzy [Character Design]
Circus Merman [Character Design]
Octopus Hybrid [Character Design]
Lion!Hybrid and Tiger!Hybrid [Character Design]
Loan Shark x Blåhaj
Loan Shark flex [Rent-A-Monster]
Zzy Pole Dancing Animation
Hucow Husband
Demon Girl Doodle
Slime Girl Suggestive Doodle
Monster under your bed guide
Free Ice Cream
Monstermania RAW
Monster Fucker Awards
Guess the monster fucker
Shark Facts [Shark Loan Shark]
Bath Time [Shapeshifter]
Cooked Food [Shapeshifter]
Surprise encounter [Monster under your bed]
Stuffed toy jealousy [Monster Harem]
Horny repellent [Zzy]
Teddy Bear horror [Asylum Spider]
Reader Inserts
How to hold your human guide
You're not the father! [Monster harem]
Sleepover [Monster harem]
Breeding Kink [Monster Harem]
Crowned Spouse Reader
Reader chilling in a monstrous mouth
Handholding your monster boyfriend
How to lewd a skeleton boyfriend
House monster encounter [House Monster]
Reader with poor eyesight [House Monster]
Caught in the act [House Monster]
Room Service Reader [Monster Hotel Meme]
Monster Birthday Cake [Monster Author]
Monster Picnic [Forest Entity]
Reader with allergies [Forest Entity]
Gangbang Milestone [Monster Streaming]
Mating Habits [Octopus Hybrid]
Holiday Headpats [Shark Loan Shark]
Kindergarten Sign-up [Devil]
Mean Dog Reader [Monster Marriage]
Daos holding you [Werewolf]
Protecting the Asylum Spider
Smooching the Asylum Spider
Meeting the neighbors [Bull Hybrid]
Chameleon viewer [Monster Streaming]
Walking home [Rent-A-Monster]
Centaur Bellyriding
Monster Fudger Genealogy Tree
Monster fucking would work for me because...
Bruised cervix
A monster fucker's thirst
Hucow Barista Husband [Cow Hybrid]
Trying on clothes [Monster Streaming]
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I mean this in the best way, but long haired astarion with the open coat just reminds me of Ken in the barbie movie
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famia-of-87 · 4 months
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I am an artist.
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What does Shadow milk cookie think of mystic flour cookie? (they give me older sister and bratty brother energy)
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my-name-is-apollo · 1 year
The Apollomes dynamic is basically "the I can fix him" "I can make worse" meme lmao-
(oh god did I say something wrong)
It's also Apollo realising that he can't fix Hermes but Hermes can make him worse XD
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@kushanahime your tags are such a delight to read! ☺ I often think about how their relationship develops in the manga and the more I think about it the clearer it becomes that Kushana has a lot to learn from Nausicaa and this is why she is so interested in getting to know her. With Nausicaa on the other hand it's very unclear how she went from "tell that woman that she can fight her own people as much as she pleases!!🤬 " to "aww Kushana is a gentle bird with broad wings and a big heart😇". They barely interacted after volume 3 and Nausicaa didn't witness anything which redeems Kushana to the point she can be called almost a "perfect angel". The way Nausicaa's view of Kushana changes is the most interesting part of their relationship for me. I believe that it happens because of Nausicaa being exposed to war and the literal end of the world for the rest of the manga. This is when she slowly starts to realize how gray the world around her is and also begins to sympathize with other people more, even if they don't share her views and beliefs and can't be called fully good or fully bad. However Nausicaa most likely doesn't know anything about Kushana's actions in volume 4, especially the bug swarm scene, unless Kurotowa (as the only character who has been there and has time to talk) tells her, which also makes the transition harder to understand. Nausicaa is known for being able to easily understand other people but it feels like she simply didn't have enough time to understand Kushana enough to call her a gentle bird later.
Also the way Kushana was so submissive and did everything she could to prove Nausicaa that she wasn't the person Nausicaa thought she was when they first met too shows that Kushana cares about what Nausicaa thinks of her. This once again proves that Nausicaa is really important to Kushana. She doesn't want Nausicaa to think bad of her and she also doesn't want to hurt her, knowing that it'd break Nausicaa's heart if she's unable to help others in need, therefore Kushana reluctantly agrees to do something crazy for her every time she asks for it
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ravaging-angel · 2 years
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Another Don Flamenco drawing before finals kick up.
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a-namjoon-a-day · 11 months
We need to stop saying this is an “Army” problem. Just because someone listen to BTS or an individual member doesn’t mean they are Army even if they call themselves that (in my opinion). Real Army (that are OT7) aren’t as huge as people seem to think they are. Real ones are doing it (but also remember that not all Army have the finances to buy things). A lot of the members break more records and sell more not because of Army. It’s because of Army, their solos, and the GP. Other members especially the maknae line have TONS of solos and these solos happen to be rich and in charge of tons of groups with the means to bulk buy in crazy amounts. Same reason why BTS as a whole is so big and sells a lot because it’s not just Army, it’s also the GP, and the tons of solos who have to buy things with all members just to be able to have access to their favorite.
And I get how you feel. Joonie is my bias and it makes me sad that he’s acknowledged the least while having more of the work, more of the pressure, and more of the liability. No matter what happens it’s always him that’s attacked even when everyone else does the same. It’s incredibly (pardon my language) fūcked up! We see it daily where others mess up so much and yet he makes a little mistake or even just him living his life with no bad intentions and people twist that and attack him it’s crazy!! I’m sure he sees (and gets told to his face) the numbers, statistics, news, rumors, etc. How he handles this so well I can’t imagine that would be too much of a burden to handle for me. I would of lost my mind. If he decided to not come back to the group I wouldn’t be surprised or mad because I would get it (I’d be sad though 😔) but I would understand. I get why now he says he cries a lot of feels more because it seems it’s all catching back up to him. One pro of this though that I can see he has a closer fanbase who really are there for him and his artistry. They’re smaller but they put their whole heart into all the things he does and I notice they are more respectful of him and open to the things he does. As in they aren’t all up in his business and I feel like he may have more freedom to be himself because of them.
Long story short we can’t generalize and say this is Army’s fault because the REAL ones are getting things done as much as they can. Too many who call themselves Army use it loosely. They just say they are and use it as clout to shove in peoples faces they really don’t care and along with the superficial Army’s who are only here for their looks and not the music they never pay for anything or listen to anything.
I just hope RM is finding peace and enjoying all his travels, being with his friends/family, and actually getting to be a human right now instead of an “idol” puppet. I just really want to give him a hug and tell him that he’s doing so well and that I am (and many many others are) proud of who he has become because with all that pressure and fame he could have turned out to be completely different we see how others in the industry have turned out.
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stingslikeabee · 6 months
"If I manage to barricade the clock tower, would you fancy a picnic?" By barricade, he meant his men warding off any that wanted to climb it. There was a lovely view of Midgar in the distance, nestled amongst the skyline of fading light.
unscripted asks . always accepting
Birds singing outside was not a sound that Melissa had been used to waking up to - there were not many animals that had resisted the harsh environment of Midgar, particularly the one created below plate and which was challenging enough to humans. Perhaps the presence of nature was one of the things that fascinated the madame the most about Kalm, more than seeing the sky for once (rather than just metal).
But the absence of troopers everywhere and the lack of checkpoints did provide more chances for the occasional surprise attack - no wonder the Turks were always close by, monitoring the pair from a certain distance but within reach. Despite Rufus not advertising his presence in town (which led to a surprising number of people ignoring him), he was still the individual with recognizable features, even with sunglasses... And there were those who still resented Shinra following the end of the war with Junon.
The last attempt barely qualified as one - it was clumsy executed and subdued before it could create any scandal, but the assailant did injure Melissa in the process (arguably by accident). Her hand had been properly bandaged and the best doctor in town called over - and the woman was the first one to say it had been nothing, unlikely to scar and not something worth of returning to Midgar.
It was clear that she wanted to stay - the caged bird she had been longed for the fresh air and the picturesque landscapes; a minor scratch was a non-issue.
Melissa was indulged after a compromise - the Turks would discreetly investigate to ensure nothing else would blindside them if the madame agreed to stay in her suite while they worked. All that time, however, was spent by the window - looking at the feathery friends outside who chirped happily across the branches of a tree at window level. The distraction was so powerful that Melissa failed to notice Rufus' presence until he was close to her, having entered her room at some point.
His offer caught the inn owner by surprise - it was... Very thoughtful of him. They hadn't yet been to the tower, given the increased chances of his identity being exposed and the large number of fans that would likely swarm him, and the madame had assumed nothing of the sort was on the table anymore given the recent events. That he was suggesting one of the things she wanted to do the most - as any other tourist did - and ensuring safety measures to make it happen was...
...Generous, surely. Kind, maybe? At any rate, his attitude once again contrasted heavily to the prior bias and it stunned the brunette into silence, enough for a light smile to appear on the president's features. Shaking her head and regaining movement, Melissa's own lips curved upwards in an appreciative gesture, emphasized by a determined nod of her head.
"I would. I imagine the tower is better suited than a heliport for a meal with a scenery - no need to chase after food being blown away," the madame commented with humor, the rooftop of Shinra Building being the only other place that had comparable qualities... But would never be good grounds for a picnic. Following that, Melissa took a step closer to Rufus, extending a hand as if a deal was to be sealed.
It didn't occur to her that it was the one with the white bandages - not until he accepted the handshake but allowed a thumb to brush over the rough tissue keeping Melissa protected. Once more, she blinked - and then turned their linked hands into something less professional and more personal by covering the president's one with her unscathed palm, the arrangement resembling more of a promise between a couple.
"But I have one condition - could we please get the food ourselves from the market? Assuming Tseng allows us to do it, of course," the addition came automatically - the Turks were practically the woman's shadow too as long as that collaboration endured, "They are famous for cherries and they are your favorites, after all. I would love to handpick them myself."
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ghcstrule-archive · 9 months
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It is always painfully obvious how much the stress has built up on Rafael Barba, regardless of how hard he tries to maintain his composure. Rafael is usually clean shaven, but will opt to ignore shaving under these circumstances. His diet consists of almost nothing but coffee, and he tends to talk much faster. The hardened lawyer persona is picked up and drilled into place until whatever the stressor, usually a difficult case (such as with Carl Rudnick and Catholic Church), passes.
Due to him compartmentalizing, Rafael is also much more difficult to deal with during these times. He is stubborn, and will put even more pressure on whoever he needs to to see that a job is done.
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eunchancorner · 2 years
Fuck NC I’m moving out of this shithole state I’mma move to Maryland
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ugh-yoongi · 1 year
that little bit of skin where the tattoo ends and his armpit starts 🤤
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gamoraswonder · 2 years
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rosymiel · 1 year
she reminds me of seraphine from LoL ♥
honestly i haven't ever seen it before but with that hair she looks so much like the prestige ocean song seraphine skin!!
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amporella · 2 years
(I never get involved in discourse but I feel angry enough that I need to say this 😭)
What I don’t understand is why the people who ran the Ky//man zine feel that they have the ability and credibility to run a Kyle zine. They did apologize, yeah, but the fact that it happened in the first place is inexcusable. When you’re handling a ship that has roots in antisemitism, you better be aware of the history of antisemitism - they clearly were not. After what happened, the fact that they see themselves as ‘the right people’ to run a Kyle zine is sad, really. Maybe it would be better if they had taken a step back and learned from their mistakes, but the fact that the Kyle zine is titled “Jewish, Jersey, and Ginger” shows that they didn’t learn anything. It seems disrespectful to Kyle’s character to give him a zine, only to title it something rooted in Cartman’s bigoted behavior toward him. It shows that they cannot separate Ky//man from Kyle, and that’s telling on its own. They clearly don’t have the credibility to appropriately handle a Jewish character, so it’s completely inappropriate for them to run a Kyle zine after all that happened and now.
100% AGREED!!!! You said it as well as I could; those are exactly the reasons why it's so deeply inappropriate for them to be running the Kyle zine after the Ky/man Zine was such a disaster. They still hold the exact same views that caused them to make such a horrific mistake the first time, and I have no reason to believe they won't do it again. Even if they HADN'T included that horrible piece in the Ky/man Zine, connecting a Zine that's so specifically separated from ships to a character the organizers ship with Kyle is utterly ridiculous; what happened before just makes it even more laughable.
I totally understand; I'm absolutely infuriated too, especially as the release date creeps closer. It's so important that people are aware of this because I would HATE for the organizers to think they have any right to make another one after this based on the Kyle Zine's potential success.
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 years
I hate and reject the discourse around the top/bottom positions m. On the other hand, I think it would be an interesting dynamic to explore in fic where Louis' internalized homophobia, repressing and need to appear in control like a strong man™ play into his sexual dynamics with Lestat. It would have to be set at the beginning of their relationship, around ep2-3 (he's the one who gets the bj and doesn't bother to reciprocate). Some men with internalized homophobia are not comfortable to be penetrated until they work on their issues. I don't think it would be a point of contention from Lestat's pov cause he'll be happy to simply be with Louis, but it could be interesting to portray the conflicting desire to try to bottom (Lestat seems to like it after all!) with his personal hang ups
Oh yes, definitely. And... errr... on that. 333 words on that.
I do think that Louis would be willing to try out things behind closed doors though, internalized homophobia or not. Because he is bound to (have to) try out new things with his new status. It's why I also set that fic early episode 2. :) Because yes, it's... a hurdle. And I don't think Lestat would mind too much at first, but it's Lestat, of COURSE would he want to experience everything Louis (and he) has to offer. Of course :)))))) And of course acceptance is another beast, and modern Louis confirms that it took time - however I do not think it would reflect fully on their sex life then.
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