buddyhollyscurls · 1 year
dabs: sings "la pew ta"
me: teehee
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ynfg-review · 1 month
Yume Nikki Fangame Reviews: Answered Prayers
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Answered Prayers was first released in 2010 by Klaufir, and features a girl called Fluorette who explores the spirit world from a forest shrine. As of August 2024, the game has no endings implemented, but Klaufir has indicated that it is in active development and has been working on an update.
Atmosphere: Combining folklore and calm natural environments with neon lights and glitchy cyberscapes, Answered Prayers is an extremely atmospheric game.  There’s a sense of peace and beauty to many of the worlds, but their mysterious emptiness makes you wonder whether you’re really wanted there. The music and sound design does a lot of work to take the feel of Answered Prayers to the next level, working very closely with the graphics to create fully realized environments. It probably has my favourite soundtrack of any YNFG.
Exploration: Answered Prayers is a fairly small and unfinished game, but this sort of works to its advantage. The fact that there aren’t many worlds several layers removed from the nexus means that it’s not nearly so annoying to retrace your steps if you hit a dead end as it is in some fangames. Although not every area is well connected, there are some cool routes to take and connections to unlock. I feel that the game is so beautiful that it’s worth playing just to soak up the atmosphere of the worlds, even if there’s not loads to explore.  
Art: This game has really beautiful graphics, and is extremely good at expressing the feeling of the environments it represents – the snowy world feels cold and crunchy, the nexus feels sunny and peaceful, and the weirder environments have an evocative simplicity to them. Every area in the game is interesting to look at and has its own unique aesthetic.
Storytelling: Although unfinished, Answered Prayers hints at a developed narrative. There are repeating visual motifs throughout the worlds which give a really mysterious feel to the environments, and there’s a small amount of dialogue. The game doesn’t have many events, but there’s some information on the YNFG wiki which suggests that the dev has a complex backstory and setting planned out.
Horror and CWs: Answered Prayers has very little gore or body horror, but there are a few areas which have a creepy or threatening feel. There is a hell-maze like world with aggressive and bloody chasers, but they’re peaceful everywhere else in the game. The most significant content warning I can think of is the number of brightly flashing areas, and a spider that functions as a teleport.
Best thing about it: Wandering around almost any of the worlds and taking in the graphics and soundtrack. It’s a lovely game to just be in, rather than focusing on hunting for connections and effects.
If you like… Collective Unconscious, Touhou Project, Studio Ghibli (gives me Laputa vibes especially).
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“The love was there. It didn't change anything. It didn’t save anyone. There were just too many forces against it. But it still matters that the love was there.”
"Turn my eyes, I see you stare 'Cross the room and right at me Now you're smiling like you've got Like you've got something on your mind"
― Mehro, "chance with you"
"When you think no one's watching I'm watching only you When you feel no one's listening I hear through the noise to hear you"
― Shannon Saunders, "Atlas"
"Feeling the way you breath down my side I'll never escape you, I can never try Seeing the way you look in my eyes I'm lost in illusion, my world set aside"
― The Irrepressibles, "To Be"
"I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care
But it's so cold and I don't know where"
― Tom Odell, "Another Love"
“You're trying not to tell him you love him, and you're trying to choke down the feeling, and you're trembling, but he reaches over and he touches you, like a prayer for which no words exist, and you feel your heart taking root in your body, like you've discovered something you don't even have a name for.” ― Richard Siken, Crush
“Tell me how all this, and love too, will ruin us.
These, our bodies, possessed by light.
Tell me we'll never get used to it.”
― Richard Siken, Crush
“We can't hold hands― Someone might see. Won't you please Hold toes with me?” ― Shel Silverstein, Every Thing on It
"Does it seem too hard? Does it seem alright To keep in touch?"
― Mehro, "hideous"
"How was the world before the big melt happened? How was the sun when it could touch your skin? How was it all before the city died?"
― Black Casino and the Ghost, "How Was the World"
"Can't you look at me? Am I that hideous to you? Can't you talk to me? Do I really mean nothing to you?"
― Mehro, "hideous"
"So this is the subterranean life. If it can't be conjugated onto us, what good is it?" ― John Ashbery, A Wave
“Sorry about that. Sorry about the bony elbows, sorry we lived here, sorry about the scene at the bottom of the stairwell and how I ruined everything by saying it out loud. Especially that, but I should have known."
― Richard Siken, Crush
“With this bullet lodged in my chest, covered with your name, I will turn myself into a gun, because it’s all I have, because I’m hungry and hollow and just want something to call my own. I’ll be your slaughterhouse, your killing floor, your morgue and final resting, walking around with this bullet inside me ‘cause I couldn’t make you love me and I’m tired of pulling your teeth.” ― Richard Siken, Crush
“If you love me, Henry, you don’t love me in a way I understand.” ― Richard Siken, Crush
"How we got there, how we flew up Heaven's doors are miles away 'Cause you're stuck to the ground You have to stay"
― Panchiko, "Laputa"
“There are no happy endings. Endings are the saddest part, So just give me a happy middle And a very happy start.” ― Shel Silverstein, Every Thing on It
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laputian · 2 years
( previous ) 
weddings — bright and colorful! weddings are a time of joy, where the couple will exchange crystals much like exchanging wedding bands. except it’s deeper, because the crystal is the soul. laputians do not marry unless they are certain the person they are marrying is someone they want to give their literal soul over to. laputians dress in pastels for weddings and other jewelry is mostly silver with some gold. common colors are light blues, greens, or pinks, the occasional lavender. it is also common to see laputians getting married who have flowers woven into their hair. all couples will travel to the grand garden to receive the blessing of the great tree within a week after the wedding, if not on the day of it.
after a wedding, there is a HUGE FEAST, big party. like it’s hard to miss a laputian wedding, they really are into the whole unity and harmony thing. there is a lot of music and dancing and basically everyone is allowed to celebrate so that’s sure a thing. 
burials — laputians are known to cut their hair in mourning. i should’ve started this with saying that laputians of any gender (or lack thereof) usually have long hair, with the exception of children, since you can’t expect kids to maintain long hair when they’re causing chaos. so, upon the death of a family member (parents, siblings, etc), spouse, child, or close friend, laputians in mourning will cut their hair with an aetherium dagger which is meant exclusively for this purpose. the deceased are buried with their crystals, although if the deceased person leaves behind a spouse, they will be buried with the spouse’s crystal (imagine having your soul being buried while your body is still alive, this species is really a lot to unpack). the bodies of adults are dressed in white and silver robes for burial, children are wrapped in dark blue and gold cloth in addition to the white and silver robes. laputians in mourning often wear muted colors or dark earth tones.
which brings us to the fact that yes, laputians can die. it's hard to kill them, they're functionally immortal with few weaknesses, but only true gods exist forever, and even then? arguably gods survive on the worship of others? laputians can die. many did die and that's not even counting the fall of the kingdom. death exists even among immortal beings thanks for coming to my tedtalk on that front- 
muska kept his hair short for 700 years and was always seen in earth tones, which is very telling. but, only another laputian or someone aware of laputian culture would know what that meant … and they’d also have to know muska was a laputian but you get the point. he exists in a state of mourning and that is very very sad.  
economy and trade — not only is the treasury of laputa MASSIVE, the kingdom had many trade routes open with kingdoms of the earth. due to living in the sky, large livestock couldn’t be raised, so most meats were imported from other kingdoms. additionally, certain herbs that couldn’t grow in the gardens or the climate in general. laputa often traded precious stones for fine silks and furs. notably, they also had extensive trade with the kingdom of ur. 
laputa’s ability to trade with many kingdoms of the earth contributed to it’s excellent economy (the workforce structure helped as well). laputa was not just a central city, there were many outer cities, as seen here,
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laputa’s trade cities were exceptionally rich, almost as much so as the central city. each of the cities also had their own unique things that were traded within the kingdom, so really everyone helped each other out. ‘money’ wasn’t really a concern for a species that existed basically because of the will of the universe making a bunch of gods out of the earth, but trade kept things going and sustained the people and kept a nice balance with the kingdoms of the earth. 
workforce — boy, i wish things where i live worked like they did in laputa. one of the reason that laputa was so successful as a society in general was about how the workforce was structured. much like any other beings, laputians have varying skills and a person was able to do what they excelled at, or what they loved most. there were no shortages of jobs, because the laputians always wanted to add more things, and the had the means to. by far the most popular job in the central city was tending to the holy garden. when times got hard, the reigning king created automatons to tend to the garden and allow people time to rest. 
military force — due to having many advanced weapons, laputa relied mostly on its superior technology to defend against attacks. the only civilization that ever attacked laputa successfully was atlantis, striking down one of the outer cities. laputa retaliated by firing its greatest weapon, sinking atlantis beneath the waves. some of the automatons that worked in the gardens were also capable of being warriors. eventually, automatons were made that were exclusively meant to be guardians of laputa, rather than endanger the people. the automatons are made of adamantium, the metal form of aetherium. their circuitry resembles a person’s nervous system. 
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Sometimes Shoto pretends to be asleep while they're watching a movie, because he wants Izuku to carry him to their bedroom and to baby him a bit (he will never admit it)
I love this concept so much! We all know the truth XD
In Shoto's defence, he really is tired.
The two of them are spread out across their sofa, rewatching Laputa: Castle in the Sky, and while he loves the film, the music never fails to make his eyelids flutter shut against his will. That, in combination with Izuku relaxing on top of him, nuzzling against his chest? Shoto can't help but drift in and out of consciousness.
When he's next aware of his surroundings, his partner's warm presence is gone and Shoto opens one eye, inquisitively. The room is bathed in darkness, the tv now off; he hears Izuku finish up in the kitchen and flick that light off too. He must've been washing up their pots from earlier.
As his partner approaches, Shoto shuts his eye again and feigns sleep, evening out his breathing. A gentle hand strokes his cheek and he instinctively leans into it.
'Shouchan, you awake?'
He says nothing, enjoying the way crooked fingers move to run through his hair.
After a moment of silence, Izuku sighs affectionately, then he's moving. Strong arms wrap around Shoto and he's lifted into a bridal carry. He remains limp, but rests his head against his partner's chest as they move towards the bedroom.
Shoto loves moments like these. Izuku's touch has always been so kind and when he's being held like this, he's in his sanctuary. He's safe; protected. He can hear the rhythmic beating of that big heart that's just so full of love, he's enveloped in the smell of apples and cinnamon, he feels the way that toned body moves with each step.
Shoto smiles despite himself. Izuku always knows how to take care of him.
A small whine escapes him when he's eventually placed on their bed, eliciting a quiet laugh from Izuku. Whether he's figured Shoto out or not, he doesn't say, but all the same, he quickly gets under the covers with him and takes him in his arms, cradling the back of his head and pressìng a kiss to his forehead.
Those lips travel all over his face, chaste and gentle. Shoto reaches out in response, latching onto his partner further as calloused fingertips massage his scalp. He knows he's being needy but he doesn't care. He wants to be held, to be kissed and showered with love, and Izuku's always so willing to give it to him.
Shoto squeezes a little tighter at the thought, humming as Izuku's fingers knead his temple, while his perfect mouth moves to rub against the shell of his ear.
His broad chest then rumbles as he speaks. 'You're a terrible liar, my love.'
'Hmmm.' Shoto smiles and opens his eyes to meet Izuku's own, before leaning in for a languid kiss. He sighs happily, cupping his partner's cheek as he's consumed by everything Izuku.
When they reluctantly pull away for air, Shoto whispers against his lips, 'Didn't lie, just withheld the truth.'
'That's what gave you away.' Izuku chuckles. 'You usually talk in your sleep.'
'Really?' Shoto bites, amused. 'And what do I usually say?'
Izuku grins at that.
'Mmm, I love you.'
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k-p-p-d · 7 years
DPR LIVE - Laputa (ft. CRUSH(크러쉬))
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oldtypenewtype · 4 years
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7 years ago I had this article professionally translated. 1986 is considered to be one of if not THE defining years of the medium. In this article Newtype intervies 21 anime industry leaders to discuss what’s wrong with the industry, ways it can be fixed or just their gripes with with it all. A true snapshot of some of our anime heroes while they were younger.
*reposting article altogether in one post.*
21 Prophets of Anime アニメ大予言'86 Grand prophecy of Anime ‘86 今、アニメ界に求められているのは、こんな企画だ!私はこんな企画を出す!1986年のアニメ界をリードする21人が業界の問題点と自らの解決策を語る。これを読めばアニメの未来が見える。 This is the project needed by Anime world now! I propose this project! 21 leading personnel in Anime world in 1986 talk about problems in the industry and their solutions. You can see the future of Anime by reading this.
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1985 was a flat year in the animation world.  Let’s ask the hit makers who hit the home runs on how to put an end to this situation.
HAYAO MIYAZAKI (writer and director of “Laputa: Castle in the Sky”)
What are the animated works that the young ones, the ten year olds to fifteen year olds want to watch? Doors will surely open if you keep them in mind.
It’s unthinkable that new hope can come out of TV when one episode from a TV series needs 3500 cells to be drawn. On the other hand, in movie theaters as well, there are no films that will mobilize moviegoers other than anime fans. I think that filmmakers have forgotten the basics of selling movies.  Collaboration films intended for overseas markets are all the rage,  and even though I want the fans who are in Japan to see these films, they can’t and all I’m left with is frustration.  Only deterioration can come out of this situation.  Actually, there isn’t even one anime today that is aimed at older kids in elementary school to kids in middle-school - the very kids who should be watching anime.  (The anime available now) is aimed at younger kids at elementary school and then jumps straight into anime for college kid anime maniacs. It’s a tough time for fifteen year olds who are put aside by society.  Twelve year olds to fifteen year olds are the kids who need the most comfort and yet the situation now is that they get their comfort from handheld video games.  Those who produce animation are losing sight of their targeted audience.  The remaining anime fans are making anime that they want to watch, and this is a symptom (of the present situation) that is beyond redemption. This is why video animation is still backward in terms of its production, and only its format is new.
If one has an earnest approach, children will definitely react.  This is a real example - in a run-down middle school, in his morning greeting, a new principal said, “I don’t determine a person’s value by his or her grades or appearance”.  Miraculously, all misbehavior was gone from that day’s afternoon onwards.  What children want has always had just one theme - an adventure that saves the mind and heart.
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The hero “Pazu” and heroine “Sheeta” from “Laputa: Castle in the Sky”.  Mr. Miyasaki comments that “For a young lad, living at all times in itself is an adventure.  The reason why Japanese adventure novels are boring is that the hero (in these novels) makes a living out of going on an adventure.”
SUGII GISABURO (executive director of “Touch”)
What people want nowadays can’t be found in data.  What is the secret of the hits “Night on the Galactic Railroad” and “Touch”?
Honestly speaking, if anything, I genuinely make animation to match my desires, not thinking that today’s animation is trending towards this way, or future animation should be this way.  In other words, I think a great deal about my daily life, figuring out what is lacking and coming up with desires felt by everyone else.  I just happen to be a person who creates, so I vent out those accumulated desires and discontent and let them combust in my work.  
My works are quite heavy in terms of cycle and tempo, whether it be “Night on the Galactic Railroad” or “Touch”.  I sometimes think if this kind of heaviness is ok or not.  But that is because I have a desire for this heaviness, and also because I have this easy pleasure within me.  Instead of work that is borne out of being hung up just on data, I think work that is borne out of my inner natural desires is more acceptable to people.  In the meantime, “Touch” will be shown as an hour and a half movie in the spring so please look forward it.
ISAO TAKAHATA (producer of “Laputa”)
Movies that make the mind and body come alive are what’s important.  As for me, I am trying my hand at my first live action film.  I am shooting a documentary.
I think nowadays, the thing that a lot of people working in anime has forgotten is the excitement they felt watching adventure movies when they were kids, the kind of excitement that even your body moved spontaneously.  In that sense, I think that works such as Hayao Miyazaki’s films should be brought out to the rest of the world and after (producing his) “Nausicaa”, I am still producing.  When kids’ minds are liberated, there’s no reason to think that they won’t spontaneously move.  In this day and age dominated by computer games, a lot of kids’ play involve just using the brain and nerves so I’d like them to experience things that energizes the blood and makes the body dance. The difficulty is, I think it’s a difficult time now to have a situation in place wherein you let them experience adventure.  If you can’t make people believe in the world portrayed onscreen, you can’t pull viewers into the adventure onscreen.
It’s not that I’m not doing my real job as a producer.  I am now producing a live action documentary movie set in Yanagawa in Kyushu.  It is about how our Japanese ancestors developed towns which utilized waterways.  There is also a part in the movie that has graphic illustrations using anime.  It’s less than 2 hours and is slated to be shown after the summer.
MAMORU OSHII (scriptwriter and director of “Angel’s Egg”)
This is a warning!! Please reduce the number of collaboration animes before Japanese animation is annihilated.
If I’m going to be severe about it, I’d say that I want all collaboration animes gone.
Those who work in big studios and places with systems in place may not feel a sense of crisis yet.  But in the case of freelance animators like us who work together and put together a workplace and disperse once our anime is done, a part of our actual work is outsourced.   Recently however, the small video studios and finishing studios that we outsource to are loaded with collaboration work.  Japanese animes can’t compete with collaboration animes in terms of profit so when that happens, we just have to rely on the goodwill of the studio bosses, or make them feel the same way we do with regards to the contents of our work, or by chance see an opening and aim for that, or appease them or plead with them.  We can’t work in just that kind of a situation.  That’s why it’s almost impossible to make highly compact and solid animes in Japan now.  Even without going that far, it’s almost impossible to make even decent animes in the country today.  In fact, anime TV series are almost all in shambles, and I can’t even be optimistic about the video quality of the anime we have now.  In this kind of situation, I can’t help but seriously think if next year, our ideas can be made into anime.
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A girl from Mamoru Oshii’s original video anime “Angel’s Egg” (drawn by Seikou Nakura).  Mr. Oshii revealed that he is having a hard time because there aren’t enough animators to make even just one anime video.
YOSHIKAZU YASUHIKO (director and screen director of “Arion”)
I haven’t decided yet on what I will make after “Arion”.  I will not take part in the new Gundam series.
I am very busy now with screen work for the anime “Arion” which will be shown in theaters on March 8th.  But as far as I’m concerned, I’m conscious  of the fact that this is my anime for 1985.  Therefore, I haven’t decided yet on what my anime will be for 1986.  I feel like I want to take a break for a year.
“Arion” is quite restrained for an anime to be shown in movie theaters.  I’m happy that this movie is being touted as “the” main animation movie this spring but conversely, it’s a shame that there aren’t a lot of big anime movies for theaters.  It’s already been decided that “Arion” is going to be shown in top-class movie theaters throughout Japan.  It just shows how much anime has received recognition.  I’d like to wait for animes that will pick up on this trend.
With regards to anime TV series, I was in charge of character design for “Z Gundam” this past year but I’ve decided not to be involved at all in the sequel’s new series.  I think it’s better to relegate “Gundam” to the younger animators, starting with Hiroyuki Kitazume, who have grown so much in their craft.  Now I sincerely think, if only someone as good as Kitazume were around eight years ago to help with “Gundam”, I would’ve been saved…
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The heroine “Lesfina” from “Arion”, which was produced, character designed and screen directed by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko.  This is the drawing touched-up by Mr. Yasuhiko.  As we have discussed in a series of character designers in last month’s issue, he breathes life into his anime characters, showing genius capabilities.
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If there were animes like this I’d watch it!
MASAMI YUUKI (manga artist)
As a rule, the three things I’d like to see are: “something that isn’t originally from manga”; “robot animation that isn’t dark”; and “in one year, a collaborative anime by Osamu Dezaki and Akio Sugino for release in Japan”.  I can watch TV anime while casually lying around but I’d like anime that I wouldn’t be able to take my eyes off of the screen, something that is both easy to watch and amusing.  And as written in other magazines before, I’d like to see Mr. Hayao Miyazaki’s version of “Atragon”! (Translator’s note: “Undersea Warship” in Japan)
YUUKI KUDOU (actress and singer)
I’d definitely watch anime that’s fun to watch, anime that will make me happy.  At any rate, I’d like a hero on the side of justice who will beat the hell out of the bad guys and put them in a bind.
RYOKO YAMAGISHI (manga artist)
If there were an anime like Disney’s “Fantasia”, I’d watch it!
Pages 48 & 49
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Major producers from each of the anime/production companies talk about their hits for 1986 and foresee what their companies will be producing
KENJI YOKOYAMA (Toei Animation Co.)
The new hit TV show Gegege no Kitaro from the fall of 1985 which received top ratings reflects modern times.
This is what I’ve been thinking with the third conversion of Gegege no Kitaro into animation.  One is the change in children’s thinking with regards to ghosts/monsters.  Of course “Ghostbusters” and “E.T.” have influenced this change, and now kids consider ghosts almost as pets.  So in this way I think that if you match the present mood and go in the direction of lighter anime, you’ll be able to create different things from before.  Children’s lives are too managed now, so they’d want an outlet to vent too. And in a society that has too many things and where, if you have the money, you can buy anything, things like the Toyoda Company fraud scandal and shady investment journals can also be construed as monstrosities. This anime has this overall theme: In the ideal world of Kitaro, monsters, people, animals, grass and trees should all co-exist so I thought I’d have various new approaches within the anime.
As a new endeavor, our company is going into video anime.  It’s called “Amon Saga” and we’re not just going to sell it in video format, (I’m also hoping) we can show it in any movie theater even for just one week otherwise it’ll just be too sad.   Especially with regards to original works with names that aren’t well known, I think it’s dangerous to rely on just one production studio. After “Konpora Kid” ends, beginning February, we’re planning on animating “Kinka”, a serialized manga in the weekly magazine Shonen Jump.
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A figure from the very popular “Kitaro”.  They can’t keep up with the demand for a ghost eraser that they’ve produced and now it is a hit product.  It’s also been decided that there will be new movie releases for this anime in the New Year and in the spring.
EIJI YAMAURA (Nihon Sunrise Co.)
Find common ground with your viewers and defeat this lethargic mood!
Sunrise has now expanded into six studios and at any given point in time, we plan to work simultaneously on two to three anime TV series, video anime, anime for movie theaters and collaboration anime.  Overall, anime today is manga magazine-driven, so our question is how far can we go in staying on an original anime track. Robot animes have vastly decreased in number, so conversely, I think this is a chance for us to come out with epoch-making anime.  I’d like to make anime that will allow us to seriously converse with our child viewers.
Making anime that will be understood by the whole world!  The robot anime boom is shifting from transformation-type robots to robots that merge into one.
Speaking of Japanese products in the international market today, mechanical products come to mind.  This is also true in the animation world since Japanese robot animes are extremely in vogue.  Especially in the American market, they already have transformation-type robot animes, so animes that have robots that merge into one are new to them.  We’ve already exported “Beast King GoLion”, following that, (we’re going to export) “Dancouga Super Beast Machine God”.
We at Artmic plan to make animation that can be exported to foreign markets and we also are also keeping in mind to configure these anime with universal values.  The video anime “Gall Force” is the first step in that direction.
NOBUO INADA (Tokyo Movie Shinsha Co.)
Our track remains the same - making collaboration animes for foreign countries but we also have new anime.
I can’t necessarily say that the present state of anime is good.  But the passion for anime during the anime boom of “Gundam” and the like was an anomaly so I feel that the state of anime now is the real one.
As you may know, not only do we make anime for Japan but we also produce anime for foreign countries.  It’s a difficult situation for us now to concentrate on anime just for Japan because of production costs.  It can be said that Japanese anime should be improved from the very basic level.
In 1986, we plan to have “Little Nemo” and in the fall, an anime for movie theater release by the duo Desaki and Sugino.  At any rate, we’re doing our best.
JUNZOU NAKAJIMA (Nihon Animation Co.)
We’re aiming for improving the quality of our masterpieces and we’re also trying our hand at new anime!
As you may know, our company has mainly been making masterpiece animes for more than fifteen years but I think we’ve made a habit of making similar anime.  But we’ve been able to improve on our animes’ degree of perfection precisely because of the buildup of our experience in animation.  We’re also working hard on our technology, and on the authenticity of our masterpieces.  At any rate, we’re trying to make anime that is still interesting to watch even after five or six years have passed.  Next year, we plan on making “Pollyanna” after “A Little Princess Sara” ends, and a new SF series called “Space Sagittarius”.  We’re also going to have one TV special around May.
HIROMICHI MOGAKI (Tsuchida Production Co.)
Just like what we did in “Tsubasa” and “Kimengumi”, we’re adding our original flavor to animation adapted from manga!
Even with regards to animating manga, the time when you aren’t creative when adapting something is over - just like our approach to our anime “High School! Kimen”.  In manga, the fun is enclosed in a comic cell.  Differing from that, we were able to bring out fun that moves freely (in the anime format).  (Our decision to) put two episodes in one anime has also been well-received.  We are also planning to have an anime TV series next year but all will depend on how long “Captain Tsubasa” will last.  Captain Tsubasa’s storyline is that the finals will end in March, and the European leg will begin.  This will catch up with the manga version’s storyline so I’m thinking of making a new one or taking a temporary break.
Please watch the cooking scenes in the manga  “Oishinbo” animated in a live-action format.
The anime “Sazae-san” is going to be seventeen years old.  I think that the things that last for a long time are not manga for boys or manga for girls but manga for adults such as “Sazae-san” that has a family theme.  But there aren’t many of this kind of anime today.
There has been a lot of SF space anime but nowadays it’s quite possible for kids to go to space someday.  But the world of “Sazae-san” where the grandma, the grandpa, the old maid and the troubles they encounter while living together is farther than space in today’s world of nuclear families.  Conversely, this makes Sazae-san’s storyline fresh.
For next year’s anime, we are developing our plans to animate Mr. Shinji Wada’s manga “Pigmalio”.  We’d also like to do SF action animes, and a totally new genre -  animating Big Comic Spirit’s serialized manga “Oishinbo”.  Following a ten-year cycle, monster animes might come out next year but we’d like to try out new genres.
HIROSHI KATO (Ashi Production Co.)
We are developing original videos for the anime “Dancouga”
Our company has concentrated mainly on original anime and we are continuing with this direction in 1986 and beyond.  Even though our animes are popular, I don’t know why we are edited a lot.  Even “Dancouga” which originally had fifty-two episodes was reduced to thirty-eight and the final story was changed.  We are going to sell a one and a half hour video in March and we’d like to include the real final story in it.  Seventy percent of animators in Japan today are working on collaboration anime. The pay (for collaboration anime) is more than double, so we have to do something about it.  
TOSHIHIRO NAGAO (Kaname Production Co.)
I’d like to see different kinds of SF anime.  “Windaria (Once Upon a Time)” is the first step in that direction.
Generally speaking, I’d like to go with polar opposites - simplistic anime that has funny gags and anime that explores heavy themes.  I think our company would like to take a short break after “Windaria” ends and then we’re going to do a lighter anime.  We’ve also talked little by little about producing an anime TV series, but can we really do it with the present situation?  Companies we outsource to are doing a lot of collaboration anime and we don’t have the confidence that we will win the price war and if we dabble in (anime TV series) incorrectly, it will be a death blow.  With this situation, it seems like we will be concentrating on video anime for now.  With regards to the direction of our anime, we’d like to consider doing SF anime with our own touch and foray into different parts, for example, making modern anime like “Radio City Fantasy (Machikado no Marchen)” that merges footage and music.
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“Mujigen Hunter Fandora”, one of the original video anime from Kaname Production Co..It is said that the second part will be released in March.
YUUJI NUNOKAWA (Studio Pierrot)
“Magical Emi, the Magic Star” will end in February.  We’re working on the anime that will follow this.
Ever since our “Dallos” anime, anime in the video anime genre have increased, and it’s becoming more and more difficult to foresee what’s ahead.  But I feel our viewer base will return to children after the continuous increase in anime fans.
In our animes’ genres, it seems that we foray into unprincipled things but through trial and error, we are at that stage where we are aiming for our own style.  In 1986, we plan to stop producing transformation-style anime after “Emi” and we are now working on an anime with a witch theme, with a nod to our very first anime.  We have also decided that we will make a sequel to “Rumic World”.
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If there were animes like this I’d watch it!
MIKI TORI (manga artist)
And yet there are only a few animes wherein you can feel each anime’s distinct character.  I understand that anime is a group effort, but like manga, the director’s tastes dominate.   If the time comes when the writer can say “that is good but this is also good”, I think that anime will become more vibrant.
AKIO YOSHIDA (manga artist)
If I’m going to watch, I might change the channel if they’d revive anime like the long adventure animes of Toei.  It would feel just like watching the movie “Mothra”.
YUKI SAITO (actress and singer)
I was in a manga research group when I was in high school so all I watched were anime from Sunrise.  I like “Gundam” and “Ideon”.  If there were anime in that vein, I think I’d be obsessed again.
Pages 50 & 51
A Glance at the Anime World: The Hit men and their Predictions
It’s important to have interesting anime that will be universally accepted!
I haven’t really watched TV anime these past two years.  Once you get rid of a habit, it’s not good.  Once you distance yourself from anime, you won’t even be able tell which anime is good and which is bad.  It’s scary to think that I’ve been watching anime by force of habit.
I also haven’t watched that many video animes to be fussy about it but I feel that video animes have become closer in form to manga.   I can’t say though that it’s already at the serialized manga level, but it’s just a matter of time.  But if you’re going to make video anime and you don’t make it differently from TV anime, it will be a waste.  Probably change the design a bit…just like what Mr. Oshii is doing.  Once your attempts go beyond the realm of attempting things and once you’ve achieved something basic, I think we’d probably be able to see the direction of video anime for the first time.  If I were to create video anime, I’d like to make a short sixty minute one, something that is highly concentrated and can’t be fully “digested” in a TV anime format.  Sixty minutes is too short for a movie and too long for TV, and I think it is a length that is untapped and put aside.
Compared to video, TV’s strong point is that you can make serialized anime on TV.  Nicely put, TV is a medium wherein if you don’t have “ordinariness” (badly put, “mass appeal”) you won’t succeed so in this sense TV is a more demanding form of media than video.  I also don’t like the trend wherein anime that don’t appeal to the masses are turned into video anime.  I think that video anime should also have universal appeal.
For 1986, if there are proposals that come my way, I’ll do them.  I still don’t know exactly what I’m going to do.
With regards to video anime, I have “The Super Girl” and I’d like to try my hand at a new kind of animal anime.
Anime is said to be on a low note right now but I think that the number of anime being produced now is just right because there was a time when the anime that was being produced went over the production capabilities of those in the anime world.  I even think that the number should be reduced by just a little bit more, but only if the quality is improved.  It seems that 30 animes will be released in 1986, but I think that in terms of quality, (those that aren’t good) will be culled.
I don’t have any children yet but as a housewife I don’t think that anime has a bad influence on children.  Since I was little, I myself grew up watching anime.  Even now, from the standpoint of someone making anime, I don’t want to forget about the children.  But on the other hand, I also think that mothers who just park their kids in front of the TV to watch anime isn’t good either.
The anime following “Hai Step Jun” will be “Maple Town”, an animal anime but I don’t want it to be anime with just “good” characters in it.  I want to try making anime for young girls, which will be a new thing for me.
There must be anime that only young animators can do!
I think that mass media has a very strong influence on children.  I want people to be more conscious of that.  I feel that anime that is being made today just to make money is overly increasing - animators don’t question things, or assert themselves.  An extreme example is the Lolita complex boom of late.  If a person is being shown something like (a Lolita anime) from way back (from childhood), that person’s imagination takes precedence instead of the ability to adapt to another human being, and stress builds up as a result.  I think we should oppose this current reality, and as for myself, I plan to try different things.  I wonder what I’d be able to do before I turn thirty-five, and I also think that you can learn from failure.
The computer is absolutely infiltrating the anime world.
It’s possible to think that in the future, the possibilities of computer graphics will first be used in the industrial fields.   For example, the depth maps of the Japan Coast Guard just have numbers on them now but if you input these numbers into a computer, you’ll be able to see valleys (under the sea) that continue for miles as video images.  And if this (technology) presses forward, for example, there is an (American) masterpiece special effects movie called “Fantastic Voyage” wherein they (physically) made the sets and then shot the film but in the future, you can make the movie set by inputting data in a computer.
Speaking of another side (of this technology), take the example of video images shown on large screens that have been demonstrated at an expo.  Just like what was shown in the expo, video images and 3D images shown on dome-like screens can only be made using a computer.
In this way, the spotlight is now aimed at anime as a means to (showcase technology).  Animation’s possibilities will also become limitless as it will need to respond to the diversification of people’s demands.
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This is Cindy, a young girl from a biker gang in the anime “Megazone 23 Part 2”.  Mr. Yasuomi Umetsu’s character design is original, as personified in this drawing.  This anime has a different kind of appeal compared to Part 1.
KEISUKE FUJIKAWA (scriptwriter of the anime “Once Upon a Time” or “Legend of Fabulous Battle Windaria”)
I researched and compared the recent trends, the trend in fans’ consciousness about anime and anime programs and from around last year, it seems like the age of wanting “salvation” has come.  I think that in so many ways, we are being stifled and we are seeking breakthroughs.  I think that how anime as a medium is going to lift this issue up is going to be important.   Even “Once Upon a Time”, which we will show in 1986, takes up issues of the present times.  I’m putting emphasis on what I will say to the youth of today through SF that has stories of people in it instead of just hardcore SF.  For this year and the next, I’d like to dig into aspects of the youth in different ways.  I’d like to make anime that makes viewers think that there is something out there that matches their present selves perfectly.
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This is Anasu, the heroine of “Windaria”.  Illustrated by Ms. Mutsumi Inomata, this character personifies the pure themes of Mr. Fujikawa’s anime.
I’d like to make a video anime that will be a preview of a movie theater anime
With regards to “Odin: Photon Sailor Starlight”, I didn’t make excuses and I haven’t commented on it but there are clear reasons why that movie ended in failure.  That anime was originally a one-hour program, twelve episode TV anime - in other words, it was an anime made to be aired for twelve hours.  I think there was a big mistake in the producers’ thinking that they could digest this into a two and a half hour movie.
I used to say that after 1955, there wouldn’t be a hit anime made for movie theaters.   The same thing is about to happen in the video anime world.  If the overproduction of low-quality anime continues, there will definitely be a backlash.  It seems that the most basic idea during planning anime has been forgotten.  And this basic idea is this: things expressed through anime must rouse people’s imaginations.
We’re planning on releasing an anime for movie theaters on July 9, 1986 based on “Desler”*.  But before that we’re planning on selling a promotion video about the movie in April.  In making this video, budgetary issues, which have always been a concern in video animes, have been set aside so I’m planning on making it in the same high-quality as the movie.  I’m also thinking of releasing a trailer of the movie at the same time.
*Translator’s note: Desler is a character in the anime “Space Battleship Yamato”.
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If there were animes like this I’d watch them!
FUJIHIKO HOSONO (manga artist)
I like the works of Mr. Hayao Miyazaki.  I heard that he said that he wanted to make an anime about the Period of Warring States (in Japanese history) so if that anime is made, I’d definitely want to watch it.  Personally, I’d also like Mr. Miyazaki to make ninja anime.  With regards to other animators, I like Mr. Mamoru Oshii, the one who made “Beautiful Dreamer.
SHOJOTAI (a singer/actress trio)
Reiko: Among animated characters, I like Peter Rabbit.  I’d like Peter to guide me into a dreamy nature scene.
Miho: I really like Phillips. I’d like to plunge into a world adventure with a kitty cat.
Tomo: More than anything, I like Snoopy.  I’d watch any number of animes with Snoopy in it.  I’d like to watch happy animes.
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sewdesune · 5 years
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My free Ghibli pattern list keeps growing! A plush Jiji is finally in the collection! https://cholyknight.com/2019/12/13/jiji-plush/ This plush has the classic round head and sleek body of Kiki's cat from Kiki's Delivery Service 🧙‍♀️ The body is sewn using a gusset in the front, so there's a y-seam to contend with but it's not too bad. It includes applique templates for the face as well as embroidery files to fit 4" x 4" hoops -- your fabric just needs to be diagonal to fit. So sorry to those who thought the teaser was Teto! I had no idea there were so many Nausicaa (and Laputa) fans out there! Nausicaa is actually my all time favorite so you can bet I'm going to make time for a fox squirrel next year 😍 And also sorry about the link issue during original launch! If you tried to download as soon as it went up, it should be fixed now so feel free to give it another try ♥ Like all of my other free patterns, this one is available to everyone for all time! You're also welcome to sell items you've sewn with the pattern -- though a credit back to me is much appreciated ^_^ I hope you all like it! 🌟
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dirtyhancls · 5 years
thoughts on weathering with you -
disclaimer: i personally think this movie is better if you haven’t watched your name before, and i’ll mostly be talking about why i think so if you don’t wanna hear criticism of your favorite movie, don’t read. i think i’d give the movie like a 6.5 or 7/10
other people have spoken about the weird environmental message the movie sends better than i probably can so i’ll leave that bit out
this is, undoubtedly, a makoto shinkai movie. i can see it through his visual style obviously, but also through his storytelling and the tricks he likes to use. (also, if i’m not mistake i think there are some of the exact same shots? not sure on this but i do think it would be interesting to watch and compare the 2 movies side by side visually).
the ones that stand out the most to me are the use of montage/the fake anime opening thing with the songs, and also ending. it feels like the movie is trying to hit a lot of the same beats that your name does and don’t get me wrong! i think its okay to reuse storytelling techniques especially if that’s your style and your signature! but i just don’t think it works as well in this movie as it does in your name
regarding the montage scenes where the music starts playing-- the reason why i think it works in your name is because it fits the need of the movie. we need to somehow switch between mizuha and taki’s POV to understand their body switching and how they’re communicating to each other and the montage is the perfect way to do so, cutting quickly between moments in each of their body switching. the second time it works because something about the montage has been flipped-- where previously it’s them in the wrong bodies, the second montage is them in the right bodies dealing with what the other person did. it’s a nice way to juxtapose these two parts of the movie. but the quick montages in weathering with you don’t really serve a purpose in the movie, beyond just giving us a basic understanding that time is passing and hodaka is like, doing chores. there isn’t anything wrong with this since that is the point of montages (passing of time) but it feels empty? compared to your name’s use of the montages. maybe empty’s the wrong word, but it’s less successful to me because I know what makoto shinkai’s done before. if you watched this movie without any knowledge of your name, i think it would stand on its own and be a perfectly valid storytelling device. but in comparison, it feels like makoto shinkai is just trying to pull the same trick, only it’s not working as well this time.
my other big problem is the reunion ending. it’s clearly contrived, there’s no real reason why they couldn’t have talked to each other besides “makoto shinkai clearly wants to do this dramatic 3 year reunion again.” which, is again, a thing from your name but in your name it works that they randomly run into each other because they don’t remember each other. in this movie, all i can think is why is hodaka like this, why wouldn’t hina reach out, etc. and because of that i’m not as invested in this reunion. it feels like makoto shinkai saw that it worked in your name and wanted to try and replicate that, but the circumstances are different
on the other hand, i do think the movie asks an interesting question and gives a really interesting answer. just listen to the lyrics of the theme song lmao. is love enough and is one person worth the whole world? it’s a question that pops up all the time in fiction and media but very rarely are people willing to say yes and damn the consequences. most of the time the answer is yes, but we can also save the world somehow! i think it’s really interesting that makoto shinkai says yes but also fuck tokyo although he does try to kinda give an excuse for why its okay (and this is where all the weird unfortunate environmental implications crop up)
anyways, other small things of note: rlly thought the terrorism would come back, that was kinda interesting, but guess not. hina’s brother is MVP of the whole movie. also love the ghibli references, from spirited away to laputa. also still wondering why hodaka had to run away
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waffles-and-puffins · 5 years
I think my favorite thing about ghibli films is that all the lovely protagonists and characters we admire also had their hard times. Having a hard time coping with adulthood? Chihiro couldn’t do chores at the bathhouse when she started.  Don’t love your body? Sophie started as a beautiful young woman and thought the same. Feel like the world is against you in your fight for what you love most? Pazu was ridiculed by the town for believing in his father’s sighting of Laputa. We love these characters in their triumphs and tribulations, so we could love ourselves in the same way
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couturecannibal · 6 years
Castle in the sky, porco rosso, the cat returns, howls moving castle (or the reverse of the question, whatever you feel like!!), the tale of princess kaguya, & studio ghibli!!!
Castle in the Sky: If you could live in any fictional place what would it be? (laputa, atlantis, narnia etc.)
mmmmm probably middle earth. somewhere at the edge of Hobbiton probably, close to both the countryside and the forests
Porco Rosso: If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
a bear definitely!!!!!! or a lion
The Cat Returns: What is the coolest adventure you’ve ever been on?
so my freshman (i think) year of high school my German class went on a field trip up to the Lost River Gorge in NH and it was PEAK autumn/october like the trees were the most gorgeous they would be and the temperature was perfect. we hiked along the trails and went up the lifts to the top of the cliffs. my best friend at the time was with me and we took so many stupid photos of us hiding in bushes and shit. we also crawled through the boulder caves/tunnels that went under the river,, one of them is called the Lemon Squeeze and despite being chubby i fit and it was the coolest thing ever I felt like Link crawling through those tiny spaces in dungeons because you literally had to drag yourself through on ur belly and a tiny part of me was terrified that the tunnels would collapse but man. it was something. there was one tunnel where it went under the river but if you stood in Just the right stop it was completely silent and if you moved even an inch another way you could hear the river gurgles pick up again and i remember it was so dark save for one lantern and i just stayed there and felt my whole body shiver bc wow. also theres a rock formation there called Fenrir and really awesome whirlpool remnants in the cliffsides and god. i cant find any of the photos which is a fucking shame but boyyyyyyy it was one of the best days ever and i miss being that happy
Howl’s Moving Castle: Which movie adaption do you prefer to the book?
mmmmm i cant really think of any so im gonna go with a tv show instead.....nbc hannibal lol
The Tale of Princess Kaguya: What folktale/wives tale from your childhood stuck with you your whole life?
im not really sure :/ i have a shit memory when it comes to my childhood
Studio Ghibli: Top three Studio Ghibli movies?
SPIRITED AWAY, TOTORO, AND PRINCESS MONONOKE !!!!!!!!!!!! spirited away and totoro are my absolute comfort movies, i watch them At Least every other month if not EVERY month. and princess mononoke is just amazing overall like UGH theyre all so good. but SA and T have v special places in my heart
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laputian · 2 years
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what does your character like in other people?
does muska like people ... jk no im kidding, he does like some people. muska values learning and growth, he enjoys the company of other scholars or those who care for the earth. he finds their presence soothing and familiar. he gets along well with historians and inventors and is always up for a conversation with an astronomer. he also respects artists, although he’s often sad that especially for paintings, he cannot see the work, but creativity is a gift and art is a form of expression! he likes individuals who are honest and hard-working and open minded. as in, the laputians were like this, too, he likes reminders of home.
what does your character dislike in other people?
for certain, greed and ignorance. muska literally dropped the military forces out of the sky because the first thing they did upon reaching laputa was to raid his treasury and try to take the gold plating from the pillars??? like that superficial shit just really ... yikes. he has no tolerance for that. he hates those who aren’t open to change, or those who refuse the truth. he also really hates liars, even though he’s had to lie for like 700 years to survive among humans. but those who lie simply to lie, not for survival or to protect? yeah he hates that. 
in the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
as king, muska always listened to his people. he did his best to adapt to their needs; the greatest feat of this being his creation of the automaton forces so that the laputians who worked in the garden could have some time to relax. however, if someone is just being a jerk and not actually saying anything that’s valid as criticism, he often ignores that. why give the time of day? if someone comes at him about something and offers a method of improvement, he likes to talk about changes so he can know where they’re coming from. some criticism is born of misunderstandings, and sometimes change made of misunderstandings can be more harmful than good, so he does his best to prevent that. otherwise, he does like to improve, and criticism is not what makes him dislike himself. in general, muska is rarely defensive regardless of the situation.  
what does your character believe will happen to them after they die? does this belief scare them?
well uh. muska is immortal. the issue is he can’t die. or, he could, but it’s hard to kill him— as in you’ve gotta kill him with aetherium. when the laputians fell, the others were stripped of their divinity due to the death of their cities cores. when the laputians made mortal died, their bodies turned back into well, primordial mud. they’re a species of enkidus. their consciousness returned to the greater flow of universal energy. so, muska assumes the same would become of him if he died. his corpse would turn into mud and his soul would become energy for the universe to use. to him, this is natural and nothing to fear. laputians were made from the earth and to the earth they will return. what scares him is the fact he will likely face this alone, as it seems he’ll live until the planet dies, or somehow the core of his city ends up destroyed, but since it’s protected by the divine tree’s roots, that doesn’t seem likely... and he’s not going to ask someone to stab him with an aetherium sword or something, so yeah he’s just lonely
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qahwa-chai-coffee · 3 years
girl your body be like laputa, laputa
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briarfox13 · 7 years
Asks Meme
Tagged by @keeperscompanionsdai thank you =D 
What’s your favourite song(s) to sing/hum? I don’t have a favourite to hum but ever since I saw Laputa: Castle in the Sky, the end song/tune has been stuck in my heads. It reappears every so often which can be nice and annoying!  
What’s your favourite flower/tree/plant? Ooh hard one, I absolutely adore Oak and Silver Birches. And for flowers, I love Poppies and Snapdragons
Favourite colours? Greens, browns and coppers
What do you always doodle? Anything that springs to mind, if I’m on the phone its patterns or shapes other times its random people, animals and plants
how do you take your coffee/tea? First off, coffee is an abomination, it’s disgusting! =P But for tea, it depends on what kind I'm having. If it’s Earl Grey I’ll have Almond or Oat milk if it’s something else, like Rose tea it’ll be black
Favourite candle scent?  I don’t really do candles, but I love the smell of Sandalwood
Sunrise or sunset?  Either, they’re both beautiful 
What perfume do you wear? I don’t tend to wear perfume, but I like earthy smells
What’s your go-to dance move when you’re alone? Probably some shuffle or wiggle, I’m self-conscious about dancing
Favourite quote? “A home without books is a body without a soul”-Marcus Tullius Cicero 
Favourite self care routine(s)? Putting on my favourite PJ’s, getting a cup of tea and watching some Youtuber play something or play something myself. Preferably getting a cuddle from the cat at the same time
Fuzzy socks or house slippers? Slippers, I love slippers, especially fuzzy ones! 
What colour are your eyes? Some grey, blue and green combination
What’s your favourite eye colour on others? Green
Favourite season? why? Winter and Autumn. I love the bleakness and quiet of Winter, and I prefer cold weather over warm. And Autumn because of the leaves and colours. 
Cheek, neck, or nose kisses? I love nose kisses, they are so cute and delicate <3 But neck and cheek kisses are nice too! 
What does your happy place look like? Home with my mum
favourite breed of dog? I love all dogs!! But I do have a soft spot for Bedlington Terriers, Rough Collies and Old English Sheepdogs  
Do you ever want to be married? if so, what colours would you pick for your wedding theme? I would quite like to get married one day...and for colours, probably Greens, browns with some golds and coppers thrown in there
Cursive or print? Cursive, it’s pretty much what my handwriting is...but highly untidy
Favourite weather? Cold winter days with snow/frost and mist, or crisp autumn days with a little bit of wind to whip up the leaves
I shall tag: @occorner @illusivesoul @slothssassin @antivancorvo
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i) scents: familiar skin and unfamiliar skin, bedsheets left to hang in the sun, sunlight, warm light, the earth after a storm, the different perfumes of a night sky in every season, in every city and mountaintop, pine-sol, the soft, tender space of a small child’s head, the scent of the ocean that stays with you days after you’ve visited the shorelines (hidden in pockets and the soles of your shoes and in the little hollow of your belly button), passing by christmas trees with my eyes closed at seven in the morning ii) sounds: street musicians, cellists playing on subway platforms, snow falling on more snow, the silence of the world coated in that snow — your footsteps like avalanches out your front door, the hush, hush, sigh, of slippered feet in the morning. a weekend morning, waking up because of sunlight licking your limbs, and hearing the coffee brewing in the kitchen. coltrane’s ‘in a sentimental mood.’ hearing ‘i love you’ as an alarm clock. august’s crickets. sparse guitar music. voices that sound like water falling over rocks. the sound of a smile over a phone call. iii) things to touch: skin to skin, the hair out of someone’s eyes, a warm mug of fresh tea, people who wear textures like it’s a lifestyle. grass under bare feet, pulling at them like bedsheets with your fingers. wet stone. the skin of another person’s hand. drawing lines across a lover’s face. pen to paper. every surface of the world — wooden floors, moss floors, the floor of your palms. iv) colors: wine in clear glasses. the eerie black of a guinness. the pink of flushed cheeks. the paler parts of a boy’s body. a peachy sunset. deep wooden floors. red lips. a colored pencil the color of tree lines. the clarity of water pulling towards the shore. a pale, pale, moon in the daylight. v) books: the english patient (michael ondaatje). in search of lost time (mostly vols. v and vi). fugitive pieces (anne michaels). a convergence of birds (edited by jonathon safran foer). bluets (maggie nelson). just kids (patti smith). beloved (toni morrison). as i lay dying (faulkner). the collector (john fowles). perfume: the story of a murderer (patrick suskind). bel canto (ann patchett). the book thief (markus zusak). the history of love (nicole krauss). the people of paper (salvador plascencia). vi) movies: the fall, amélie, princess mononoke, almost famous, ferris bueller’s day off, cruel intentions, donnie darko, the bfg, anastasia, inglorious basterds, moon, garden state, perfume: the story of a murderer, delicatessen, a very long engagement, lord of the rings, spirited away, edward scissorhands, eternal sunshine of a spotless mind, all dogs go to heaven, wristcutters: a love story, the diving bell and the butterfly, pan’s labyrinth, chocolat, howl’s moving castle, the pianist, it’s a wonderful life, the truman show, trainspotting, big fish, laputa: castle in the sky, the science of sleep, blood diamond vii) kisses: the ‘kiss me like you won’t see me in three weeks’ kiss viii) touches: the one that says ‘promise me you’ll stay’ ix) words: kitten, kaleidoscope, kitten, melodious, soliloquy, kitten, pamplemousse (this wasn’t an actual list of words i don’t have the time for that) x) voices: my father’s preacher voice. patrick watson. joni mitchell — her voice like water, her voice like rain. the voice of someone who trusts you. the three in the morning voice. the soft voice of a boy who will always love you.
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Top 10 Songs of 2017...so far
Hello, Mansaebebes! 2017 has been an amazing year so far musically, with many new and diverse releases from both rookie and veteran artists. To celebrate what is shaping out to be an amazing year, Mansae Entertainment is proud to share a list of the top K-Pop 10 songs of 2017 so far. Before getting to the list, I would like to stress that this list is only for songs that were released between January and June of 2017. This is also a personal review and, in no way, reflects the opinions of Mansae Entertainment as a whole, but the sole opinions of a single author and his musical tastes.
10. “Laputa (feat. Crush)” - DPR Live
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If you do not listen to DPR Live while you read this, I need you to expose yourself to this talented musician. DPR Live has a type of flow and delivery that, while powerful and impactful, has a form of melancholic calm to it, especially in the work on his debut album “Coming To You Live.” I will admit that I am always reluctant to start listening to Korean hip-hop artists because they often try too hard and appropriate culture to no end, but DPR Live’s music and lyricism drew me in almost instantly. Namely his two tracks, “Laputa” and “Right Here Right Now,” both featuring some of Korean hip-hop's biggest names. “Laputa” appears to get its name from the mythical flying island in “Gulliver’s Travels.” The track’s main hook includes DPR Live comparing his lover's body to a perfectly circular island to explain how perfect her body is, but he continues to explain how here beauty is astronomical, as astronomy is a key point of interest for the island's inhabitants. When Crush delivers his part in the latter half of the songs, his voice truly gives the song an ethereal sense of mystery and dynamics.
9. “Complex” - Zion.T
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I feel like no one really knew what would happen after Zion.T signed with The Black Label, and I feel like everyone approached the “OO” album with an equal sense of hope and apprehension. However, Zion.T showed us that there was definitely nothing to worry about. Not only did he infuse his signature Zion.T “flavor” into all the songs, but he also managed to collaborate with one of K-Pop’s biggest stars, seen when G-Dragon featured on “Complex.” Easily the most anticipated song on the album, "Complex” brought together two of the best lyricists in K-Pop and allowed them to have a back and forth over what it means to have fame and be a musician. Zion.T’s voice drips with melancholy as he croons about his own shortcomings and throws shade at what he views as idol fame before G-Dragon brags back with a rap about the success he has enjoyed while being an idol. Twinkling piano keys, solid snaps, and light drum beats give this amazing piece of lyrical genius its own distinct sound, and the two “Complex” artists delivery give it its life.
8. I’ll Be Yours-Girl’s Day
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I have never been a fan of Girl’s Day. I’d just never taken the time to listen to their music even though I had ample time during their year-long absence. I am admittedly still not a huge fan, but that doesn’t stop “I’ll be Yours” from being a bop. If I could use one word to describe this song it would “VOCALS.” From start to finish they hit us with powerful vocals that, backed by the amazing brassy production, allows them to reach amazing heights. The sassy delivery, the amazing big band feel, and the incredibly grown woman vibes that need to continue as a trend for the rest of 2017, all joined to make this track one of the best bangers of the first half of the year. I know that many felt let down by this comeback, especially after waiting for such a long time, but for me, the track was just what Girl’s Day needed to further solidify themselves as a force in the K-pop industry.
7. Archangels of the Sephiroth(세피로트의 나무)-Stellar
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So, are y’all really still sleeping on Stellar? Are y’all serious? Let me get off my soapbox and talk about this song. “Sting” was one of the best songs of 2016, in my opinion, and “Cry” was also exceptionally good, so I was extremely excited for Stellar to make a comeback, especially after hearing that they raised over 1000% of their Makestar goal. This comeback introduced the new member, Soyoung, in the best way possible. Not only was she given her own spotlight in the MV, but she also was given significant lines, in what was sonically a departure from all of Stellar’s previous works, and K-pop songs in general for that matter. With a name like “Archangels Of The Sephiroth,” I was expecting something different, and Stellar delivered the difference in the best way possible. With an instrumental, that sounds distinctly Middle Eastern, and a jarring almost shouted chorus, the song is a definite earworm. There was no vocal acrobatics, in the song and that was probably for the best, the song gets its distinction from it’s instrumental, and again, I applaud Stellar for taking a different route than most K-pop artists and doing it to great effect. Now, if you guys would stop viewing Stellar as only a “sex” group, and acknowledge their quality music and the countless comebacks that are less suggestive, then we could be cool.
6. Akmu-Reality (리얼리티)
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I loves me some AKMU, I really do, and when I found out that they were getting released from the YG dungeon again after less than a year's time since “Spring,” I was extremely excited. AKMU is one of the groups where, no matter how long they have between releases, they will always be fantastic. Their 2nd full-album “Winter” introduced a plethora of great tracks, but none more so than “Reality.” As a self-proclaimed Veteran K-pop stan, the idea of growing older scares me, especially because I turned 20 fairly recently, but leave it to AKMU to write an upbeat and almost childish song on the subject. With witty lyrics and a signature AKMU delivery, this song was a great way to start the year.
5. Don’t Wanna Cry(울고 싶지 않아)-Seventeen
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Seventeen is my ultimate bias boy group and being so I have come to expect a certain level of off-kilter energy and funk from their title tracks. With “Don’t Wanna Cry” they showed a different side of themselves not yet seen on a lead single. They showed vulnerability. While I am honestly getting tired of EDM songs in K-pop, Seventeen used the sound well and did not let the production overpower their emotions and the song's meaning. This title track is unique because it features the entire rap-line singing and two of the most underrated rappers in the group (Mingyu and Wonwoo) carry the song to its climax. This song is a great addition to Seventeen’s discography and the year in music as a whole, but please……no more EDM, Y'all.
4. 1+1=0(Feat. Dean)-Suran
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Another song about the difficulties of life, especially as a youth. “1+1=0” is the title track off of Suran’s debut solo mini-album and she proved herself a solo musical force. She easily has one of the most unique voices in K-pop, and when paired with Dean, a veteran of collaborating with female artists (see last years “Shut up and Groove” and “And July” by Heize), it was no surprise to me when this song turned out to be an amazing track. A play on words “일” or “il” represents the number one but also means work. The pun being that work and work doesn’t equal anything, and as a rising college junior with a lot on my plate, this song truly spoke to me. Backed by playful guitar strums, this song urges you to not be afraid of relaxing when burdened by work and “just chill.”il” represents the number one but also means work. The pun being that work and work doesn’t equal anything, and as a rising college junior with a lot on my plate, this song truly spoke to me. Backed by playful guitar strums, this song urges you to not be afraid of relaxing when burdened by work and “just chill.”
3. Baby Don’t Like It-NCT 127
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I was not a fan of NCT 127’s debut. "Firetruck" was a HUGE disappointment to me, and the subsequent mini-album was met with similar sentiments. With all that in mind, I was not expecting their sophomore mini-album to be full of certified hits. I have no shame when saying that, in my opinion, every song on this album could be singles. “Baby Don’t Like It” deserved so much more play than it was given. Y’all, Mark and Taeyong did that, and they didn’t just do it, they did it dirty. When Mark delivered the line “I like it when we get closer, when it gets risky,” it was a wrap for me. Taeyong and Mark are honestly some of the best young idol rappers in the industry, and no one was expecting SM to be able to pull off Hip-Hop concepts to the effect that NCT has done. This smooth piece of hip-hop and R&B gold proves that SM can tackle any genre and it is still a staple in my playlists to this day.
2. Signal-Twice
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Twice has truly earned the title of “Nation’s Girl Group.” They constantly deliver bop after bop after bop and “Signal” is no different. I’m not gonna lie, I was a little worried when I found out that Twice was not working with Black Eyed Pilseung for this title track but instead with Mr JYP himself. Granted Park Jinyoung is an amazing producer, but Twice has always seemed to work well without his help, and the JYP Entertainment releases that were not produced by him so far have been consistently good. He shut me up real quick with this Grade A smash. Twice is a girl group that benefits of the quirky factor, and that factor combined with the bounce clap-driven composition and the easy sing-along chorus was enough to launch this song up to the same level of unexpected greatness of Twice’s previous title tracks.
1. Night Rather Than Day(낮보다는 밤)-EXID
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EXID has always been a group with quality music. I’d been a listener of their music even before Hani’s viral fancam, but I didn’t consider myself a fan until LI.E. After that song, I was excited about the group's next release, and even after Solji’s unfortunate hiatus, they managed to cement my status as a Leggo. I am a huge fan of chill pop songs and I’m a huge fan of retro-esque pop songs and “Night Rather Than Day” delivers on both of these aspects. After EXID's skyrocket to popularity with “Up and Down,” I’d come to expect a certain bombastic sound from them, but they seemed to do a complete 180 with this release. The only word I can use to describe my feelings after hearing the song is ‘warm.’ This jam puts me in a good mood every time I hear it and I want to dance through life when the chorus hits. This song truly deserves the number one spot on my list for being a departure from not only earlier EXID songs, but from modern K-pop trends as a whole. Shinsadong Tiger, EXID’s long-time collaborator, really did his thing when he helped to compose this amazing title track. I cannot wait until Solji fully recovers so I can watch the girls do, what has become my favorite EXID song as a whole group.
As I said before, the first half of 2017 has been an amazing year so far with quality content dropping left and right. The rest of my associates at Mansae and I, cannot wait to see what the rest of the year has in store.
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