justjdm · 6 years
Just a little update!
Working on a new chapter of ‘You Scared of Me Now, Babydoll?”, shouldn’t be too long before its posted. I still have my list of people who wanted to be tagged in it, please let me know if you’ve changed your username since asking to be tagged or if you’re a new reader and want to be tagged in future chapters. Hope you all are doing well! 😘
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justjdm · 7 years
You Scared of Me Now, Babydoll? (Part 10)
Pairing: Negan x Reader
Summary: Sherry’s secret comes crashing down and everyone is paying the price
Word Count: 1,978
Warning(s): Language, Violence
A/N: Holy shit I am SO sorry for the delay on this. I just finished the semester 😅 (Pulled all As though!) Masterlist here. Enjoy!
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You bit your cheek and followed Negan back into the compound. You could tell he was pissed. You were worried about Sherry and frankly, for your own life. If Negan found out that Sherry told you that she was leaving– you’d be in some deep shit.
And Dwight? He would never deserve what was coming to him. He was in the dark just as much as anyone else.
Negan flagged down a group of his men as he walked down the hallway. You followed them as quickly as you could in your tall heels, clacking loudly on the linoleum floors. You could feel your heart racing. Your stomach twisted into a tight knot, sending waves of nervous nausea over you. Something about this wasn’t right.
Negan approached Dwight’s door, knocking loudly with Lucille. He took a step back, Negan’s men at the ready. Before Dwight could even open the door, the men kicked the door in and practically pounced on Dwight, punching and kicking him to the ground. Negan just stood proudly, Lucille across his shoulder. The grin on his face almost frightened you. He took pleasure in this.
You could hardly managed to watch anymore, and you turned your head to the side.
You felt leathered fingers wrap around your jaw to tilt you back to watch the violence.
“You see, babydoll? This is what fucking happens when people cross me. This is what happens when people mess with what’s not theirs.”
“Why, is this supposed to be some kind of warning to me?” you spat.
Negan smiled, coming closer to you.
“You haven’t given me reason to. You really think I’m that much of a monster?”
You swallowed, saying nothing.
He chuckled, letting go of you and stepping into Dwight’s room. You watched helplessly from the doorway.
“Alright fellas, that’s enough.” 
Negan circled Dwight. He was curled up on the floor, bruises beginning to form on his cheek. His mouth and nose were filled with blood.
“Until I find out what happened to Sherry, let this serve as a warning to you, Dwighty boy. You can thank my wife for this later,” he growled. 
Negan turned around quickly, walking past you and back down the hallway.
“Shit, Dwight…are you alright?” You approached him quickly, kneeling down by his side.
He turned away from you and spit out a splatter of blood.
“Kind of a stupid question, don’t you think?”
You gently reached for his arm, urging him to sit up. He let out a groan, reaching for his side.
“Come on, let me help you clean up. Please.”
He nodded quietly and you helped him stand. You led him back to the infirmary, where you were surprised to find the doctor absent.
You helped Dwight onto a chair and went to the cabinet, beginning to dig out bandages, hydrogen peroxide, and anything you could get your hands on.
You came back to him quickly, observing the cuts across his face. You took a cotton ball and poured the peroxide over it.
“This will sting,” you warned, lightly dabbing the ball over the cut.
He winced, squinting his eyes.
“You didn’t deserve that back there,” you muttered.
“She was my wife, Y/N. Of course I’d be the first one he’d come to punish.”
You sighed, taking a butterfly stitch and applying to the wound.
“But you didn’t know anything…she could be anywhere right now.”
He opened his eyes, giving you an inquisitive glare.
“Wait, did she tell you she was leaving?”
You were quiet for a moment, taking a washcloth and dipping it in cold water. You instructed him to hold it over his forming bruise as you took another cloth to wipe the blood from his nose and lips.
“Please don’t say anything. She just told me she was leaving, not where she was going. She had made her mind up, there was nothing we could do to stop her-”
“Well if she had told me, maybe I could’ve,” he spat, wincing as the cloth went over his busted lip.
“I’m so sorry, Dwight. Maybe…she’s safe out there. Maybe she found somewhere better than here.”
“That’s all we can really hope for, isn’t it?” he muttered, glancing up to you.
You knew he was angry. At Negan. At Sherry. At you. But you could tell he was appreciative. He knew your intentions were good. Maybe Dwight wasn’t the hardass you always thought he was. If you didn’t know any better, you were sure a thank you was coming on. Now that would surprise you.
You finished cleaning his wounds in silence. He looked much better now that he wasn’t covered in blood and curled up in the fetal position.
“Thank you, Y/N,” Dwight finally muttered as you stood up, throwing the bloody bandages and washcloths in the garbage bin.
“Don’t mention it,” you smiled.
That evening, everyone was called to an emergency meeting in the main warehouse. You were slightly curious as to what this was about, even though you knew it had something to do with Sherry.
Maybe they had found her and they were going to kill her for running away.
Maybe they found her dead already.
Your mind was swimming with thoughts of punishment because you knew no one was leaving that meeting unscathed.
You followed the rest of the wives into the warehouse, but you kept close to the three wives that were staying with Eugene. Out of all the wives, other than Sherry, you felt that their intentions weren’t malicious.
Negan stood front in center, standing proudly. The incinerator roared with a bright flame. Dwight was heating something in the fire, and you knew someone was getting the iron tonight. You had never witnessed one, and frankly, you didn’t want to.
You guessed that you had missed some of the meeting, because there was an awkward silence hanging in the air. You assumed Dwight wasn’t getting the iron since he was heating it in the incinerator. But if he wasn’t getting it, then who was?
Negan paced for a moment before glancing up to Eugene up in the rafters.
“You are going to want to pay close attention to this,” he called, pointing Lucille up to him.
In another blink of an eye, Lucille came crashing onto the shoulder of Doctor Carson and he let out a cry of anguish as he fell to the ground.
You could hardly believe what you were seeing. There was no way. You practically told Dwight that you knew everything, but he still let you off the hook? Including himself? Doctor Carson had nothing to do with this. You felt your stomach drop.
Two men grabbed Carson by the arms and held him back up.
“No, no, no, I didn’t do anything,” he coughed, glancing up to Negan with fear in his eyes.
Negan held up a small piece of yellow paper with something scribbled on it.
“I found this little souvenir tucked away in your desk.”
“I-I don’t know what that is,” Carson stammered.
Negan sighed before hitting him against the torso with Lucille. Carson groaned again. You weren’t sure if the old man could take any more.
You could tell Negan was beginning to grow very impatient. He made his way over to you, holding Lucille out to you.
“If you could hold on to this for me, darlin’, I’d appreciate it very fuckin’ much,”
You nodded quietly, taking the heavy bat in your hands.
He circled around the room for a moment before making his way back to Doctor Carson.
“You left the door open and let my puppy out. You knew Sherry hated Daryl being here, so you let him out for he, be the hero, and then you could move in…That is some weasely shit right there.”
You thought you heart stopped cold in your chest. Daryl? Daryl was kept here and you had no idea about it? Negan knew Daryl was apart of your old group. A friend even. And he kept this from you? You could feel your cheeks grow red hot, your grip on Lucille tightening.
“I-I didn’t she’s the one who ran-”
“She ran? You know why she ran?!” Negan’s voice rang out throughout the warehouse, “Because she knew I would blame her. Which, I did. You see, Sherry told Dwighty boy the whole story right before she was torn apart. She even told another one of my goddamn wives she was leavin’.”
Negan turned around to you and gave you a wink. Your blood ran cold.
“That’s not true, Dwight?” Carson looked to Dwight for reassurance, but Dwight looked away coldly, “H-He’s lying…”
“Why, Why would he do that? Why would he intentionally try to hurt you? Sherry’s gone, and if he’s lyin’ and she’s out there, I will find her. And then I will burn the other side of his fuckin’ face off until he dies. So what is he going to get out of this?”
Negan looked to Dwight and smiled.
“No…see, I know my Dwighty boy. All he needed was one more night in the hole to get his head screwed on straight. Worked before, worked now. Ain’t that right, Dwight?”
Dwight continued to stare at the fire, unmoving.
“Oh, yeah.”
God, you wanted to go over there and punch him straight in the face. This man was going to die because Dwight wanted to lie. You knew Sherry wasn’t dead. He just wanted the search for her to end to save his own ass.
Dwight removed the iron from the fire. It glowed a dark amber red from the heat. Negan put on a pair of gloves and took the iron carefully, approaching Doctor Carson with a smile.
Doctor Carson begged not to be burned, crying softly.
Negan grabbed him by the lapels of his white coat and held the iron close to his face.
“Now you know I hate this shit. Just tell me you did it and that you’re fuckin’ sorry and I won’t have to do this.”
The tension in the room was growing mighty thick, and you were so nervous and angry that you thought you might puke right then and there.
“Yes, I did it. I’m so sorry,” Carson sobbed.
There was a long silence where Negan tortured Carson by not moving, the iron still inches away from his face. After what felt like a lifetime, Negan finally stepped back and dropped the iron at his side. He smiled.
“That’s all you had to say.”
Carson hunched his shoulders and let out a sigh of relief.
You would have too if Negan hadn’t lunged at Doctor Carson.
He grabbed him by the coat and ran him into the incinerator. His body was immediately engulfed by the flames and you could hear his screams quickly die down into the roar of the fire. The smell of burnt flesh slowly filled the room. Your hand quickly covered your mouth and a tear rolled down your cheek. This was the cruelest thing you had seen Negan do…and yet, you couldn’t really blame him because Negan didn’t even realize how cruel it was.
Because he didn’t even know it was one big lie.
One of the wives sobbed into the other’s chest while another stormed out of the room. You would have too if you hadn’t been holding Lucille.
Negan chuckled, approaching Dwight and patting him on the back.
“Good thing we got a spare Doctor Carson,” he said, nodding up to Eugene.
Eugene stared back blankly.
Negan gave Dwight another pat on the back before walking back to you. The room began filing out, but you stood there holding Lucille with both hands, barbed wire end pointed towards the ground. You held it close to you.
“We need to have a little talk, babydoll.”
You nodded quietly.
“Yes, Negan. We do.”
Taglist: @haley-the-human @certifiedtwdtrash @elinyaes @e-jupiter-s @finally-clean-in-wonderland @namelesslosers @frobert20 @miiraal @lilablauerhimmel @negans-network @littlemisscaptainfandom @girlmeetsbullshit @meanandshallow @ashleygryan @completelymarveltrash @jmackie1983 @trinswhimsys @gallifreyansass @morganpierce @kaitlinlexieporrini @me0wsarah @queen-leo-1999 @michaelslkitten @jaylaelizabethw @monicapernas @perksofbeingafangirl26 @anniebf @aestheticimagines @deepsouth @alli-barlow @toxic-ink @whizper @isayweallgetdrunk @jasoncrouse @mwesterfeld1985 @maddekat @negansmainwife @fullofnegativity @beccapi @queen0fants @maliadestiny @roslea @the-black-widow-always-wins @fullofnegativity @seriesmoviesstuff
Had trouble tagging: @subsmsvneeds, @artemisxeros
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justjdm · 8 years
You Scared of Me Now, Babydoll? (Part 7)
Pairing: Negan x Reader
Summary: You and Negan are mad at each other after your trip to Alexandria. You drive back to Sanctuary only to…resolve it.
Word Count: 1,826
Warning(s): Smut (finally!), unprotected sex (as will most sex scenes…I don’t think birth control is readily available in the apocalypse!), Language
A/N: Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day, lovelies! Finally there is some smut in this chapter! (Apologies if the smut isn’t that great. I’ve written smut before but I’m quite out of practice and I’ve never posted it online before…so I’m a little nervous!) Masterlist is here. Enjoy!
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“Day’s over, everyone pack the fuck up!”
You jumped, almost dropping the box you were loading onto the truck. Damn, he was mad. And frankly, you were mad at him too. Seeing how he treated these people made you sick. Not to mention- you had been apart of this group. It made you wonder that if you had never left Rick if you would have to be apart of this mess.
Negan stomped over to you and growled in your ear.
“Get the back in the goddamn truck. Now.”
You handed the box you were carrying to one of the workers and rolled your eyes, making your way to the truck you and Negan had arrived in.
“Don’t get me started on that fuckin’ eyeroll right now, darlin’. I saw that!” he yelled after you.
You climbed into the passenger seat and crossed your arms, much like an angry child. You didn’t get angry often, but when you did, it was dangerous for anyone standing nearby. Hell hath no fury.
You watched Negan through the passenger side rear view mirror as he barked a few more orders at his men.
He approached his side of the truck and swung open the door.
He didn’t say anything. You could just hear his heavy breaths through his flaring nostrils.
“What the hell is your problem?” You finally spat.
He started the engine and it hummed to life. He didn’t even wait for the other trucks to follow him as he drove out of the gates of Alexandria.
“My fuckin’ problem? Oh, that’s rich Y/N.”
“Excuse me?”
“We’ll fucking talk about this when we get back, alright?”
You were so mad that you just stayed quiet. You couldn’t even think of the words that expressed how you felt right now.
Between the ride to and from Sanctuary and your stay there, it was finally late afternoon and the sun was beginning to set. You would’ve made some stupid comment about how pretty the sunset looked, but you were so livid that the thought just simmered away in the back of your brain. You both rode back in an uncomfortable silence that was thick enough to cut with a knife. It was like a giant black cloud had rested over you two, and that storm kept brewing the entire way back to Sanctuary.
When you were back, the gates opened and Negan drove the truck back behind one of the warehouses. He cut off the engine and you both stepped out, slamming the doors behind you. You both met at the back end of the truck and before you could even start yelling, Negan’s hand gripped your arm and pulled you to follow him.
“Hey, what are you doing. Let me go!” you squirmed, trying to wriggle out of his firm grasp.
He glanced back at you and gave you a deep glare.
“We need to fucking talk.”
“And we couldn’t do that here?!”
“No,” he growled.
You tried to snake out of his grasp the entire way up to Negan’s room, where he pushed you in and slammed the door behind him.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” You rubbed your fingers across where Negan had grabbed you, wincing slightly.
“You want to tell me what the fuck happened between you and Rick?” He took a step towards you, a scowl across his face.
“Like I owe you a goddamn explanation.”
“As my wife, I’d like to think you fuckin’ do.”
You noticed his southern drawl seemed to come out more when he was angry. If you weren’t so angry, you might have thought it was kind of sexy.
“It’s not like you own me, Negan. What’s in the past is in the past.”
He took another step towards you, inches away from your face. His voice was low and rumbling.
“You agreed to do this, Y/N. So yes, I. Own. You. There’s no question about it, no negotiating. It’s the fuckin’ rules,” he looked down at you, seeing you unwavering and still unfearful of him. He stared at you before unclenching his jaw. He sucked his teeth.
“Did you fuck him?”
“Jesus, Negan,” you breathed, “Does it fucking matter? You have absolutely no right to ask me something like that. You fuck all those other wives like your at some sort of whorehouse. Why would it matter if I fucked him?”
“Just answer my fucking question, Y/N.”
You remained quiet, tapping your foot on the ground in impatience. He just continued to glare at you.
You threw your hands up, rolling your eyes up to look at the ceiling.
“Fine. Yes! I did. But it was a long time ago, I left them for a reason.”
The vein in his forehead was pronounced now, his nostrils flaring. He looked like he was going to rip you a new one, but you were far from done.
“Please, Negan cut the bullshit! You treat all of them like slaves. I was apart of their group! If I was still with them, would you treat me like that? Like I’m some sort of animal? You’ve broken them, Negan.” Your voice was almost pleading, as if you were begging him to stop treating them this way.
His eyes were boring into yours and you could’ve sworn you saw them soften.
“This is a kill or be killed kind of life now, Y/N. If you don’t fuckin’ stand up and take what belongs to you, it gets fuckin’ snatched right up from under you. The walkers aren’t the fucking enemy anymore. We need to protect ourselves before they kill us first.”
He did have a point, but it was one fucked up, twisted point.
“Negan, the only reason they’re trying to kill you is because you tried to kill them first. I know them, they’re not out for blood. You are.”
He was so close to you now that your bodies almost touched. His hand reached up to your face, running his hand across your cheek. His touch was soft and light. Your shoulders eased.
“Don’t tell me that bloodlust doesn’t turn you on just a little bit.”
You closed your eyes. God, it was futile trying to get across to that man.
“Maybe. If you weren’t such a cocky son of a bitch.”
He chuckled. “You know, it’s fuckin’ hot when you curse like that.”
You sighed, gazing up into his chocolate brown eyes. Even when you hated him, he still managed to make you melt.
His finger ran across your bottom lip and he gave you that cocky trademark smirk of his.
“You know I’m not giving in to you,” you breathed.
His face came closer to yours and he whispered close to your ear, giving you goosebumps in the best way possible.
“You sure about that?”
Him challenging you was enough to make you snap. In that moment, your walls of resistance broke down and all you wanted was him.
“Fuck it.”
Your hands flew around him and you pulled his lips to yours, crashing against them. His lips were surprisingly soft. He tasted amazing.
Negan dropped Lucille to the floor, the bat landing with a soft ‘thud’ on the rug.
“Fuckin’ finally,” he mumbled.
His hands slinked around your waist.
You felt his teeth tentatively tug on your bottom lip, his tongue begging entrance. You complied, letting out a soft moan.
You could feel your heart in your chest beating rapidly. You couldn’t believe this was happening. Why did you want the man that practically pissed you off on a daily basis? He had put you through so much bullshit.
But that’s not what you wanted to think about at that moment.
You both kissed until your lips were swollen red. You reached for the lapels of his leather jacket and slipped it off of his shoulders. While he pulled off his shirt and reached the buckle on his jeans, you lifted your shirt above your head and let the fabric fall to the floor, your bra coming off not long afterwards.
Once he was in just his boxers, he pushed you back towards his bed. You felt the edge of the bed at the back of your knees and you fell back onto the grey sheets.
Negan gazed down at you, a carnal smile across his face.
“You are so goddamn beautiful, Y/N.”
“Oh, shut up,” you breathed, your hands clasping the back of his neck.
He placed kisses along your jaw, trailing and suckling slowly down your neck and to your breasts. You moaned, running your hands in his soft dark hair. The feeling of his salt and pepper scruff against your skin felt so heavenly.
Feeling all this stimulation at once (that you hadn’t experienced in a rather long time) was enough to make you come on your own.
“Negan,” you pleaded. He glanced up to you, his look smoldering.
The urgent tone in your voice was enough to get your point across.
He slipped your pants off, along with your panties and pulled down his boxers.
You felt as if you gawked for a moment.
‘Holy shit, that man is going to break me,’ you thought to yourself as you stared as his impressive erection.
Before you could really think or say anything else, he was inside of you will one fell swoop of passion.
You gasped at the sudden sensation and dug your nails into his back.
“You’re so fucking tight, Y/N,” he growled, beginning to thrust into you.
The stinging sensation of you spreading to fit him began to subside into pure pleasure. You were never really a vocal lover, but the sounds you were making sounded feral. You almost hoped the wives downstairs could hear you. You wanted to make them jealous.
You felt his hand approach your entrance, a finger rubbing over your swollen clit.
The motion elicited a pleasurable whimper from you. God only knew what his tongue could do.
His thrusts became faster and more rhythmic and you could hear the bed creak below you. The sounds and feeling of your bodies moving together turned you on even more.
He thrusted into you. Harder. Faster. Deeper. You brain felt like it was going to explode from white hot pleasure.
He was so strong. You could feel every tough muscle on his arms. You could feel your nails digging into the flesh of his arm as you mewled in ecstasy.
The swirling sensation of his finger, his kisses on your neck, and him pumping into you was enough to send you over the edge. You crumbled around him, muttering obscenities as you orgasmed.
He wasn’t long after you, grunting and groaning a few times before coming inside of you. You could feel his warm release trickle down your leg.
He pulled out of you and rolled over beside you, letting out a deep sigh.
“Well shit. Maybe we should fuckin’ fight more often.”
Taglist @haley-the-human @certifiedtwdtrash @elinyaes @e-jupiter-s @finally-clean-in-wonderland @namelesslosers @frobert20 @miiraal @lilablauerhimmel @negans-network @littlemisscaptainfandom @girlmeetsbullshit @meanandshallow @ashleygryan @completelymarveltrash @jmackie1983 @trinswhimsys @gallifreyansass @morganpierce @kaitlinlexieporrini @me0wsarah @queen-leo-1999 @michaelslkitten @jaylaelizabethw @monicapernas @perksofbeingafangirl26 @anniebf @aestheticimagines @deepsouth @alli-barlow @toxic-ink
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justjdm · 7 years
Sorry for the lack of activity on this account. I'm slowly approaching the end of the semester and I'm trying my best to pass my chemistry course lol. I'll be reblogging things every once in awhile, but YSOMNB is on a little mini hiatus until some time in May when I can have the time to write again. I hope you guys understand! ❤
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justjdm · 8 years
You Scared of Me Now, Babydoll? (Part 6)
Pairing: Negan x Reader
Summary: Negan has a surprise for you, but things don’t go the way you planned
Word Count: 2,791
Warning(s): Language A/N: Finally a lengthy chapter to thank you all for waiting patiently! I wanted to have a little mentions to the reader’s past in this chapter so it just ended up kinda long. There is also quotes from the show in this chapter, but I didn’t quite make it go the exact way it happened in the show, so I apologize for continuity errors! Masterlist is here. Enjoy!
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Three loud knocks rapped on your door.
You sat up, incredibly confused because there was no light streaming through your window. No one normally came to wake you up this early and you began to wonder if something was wrong.
You sat up quickly and approached the door cautiously. You took a deep breath and held it before opening it.
“Hope I didn’t catch you in the middle of a wet dream, darlin’.”
You let out a sigh of relief.
“Jesus, Negan. The sun’s not even up yet!”
He smirked, leaning on your doorframe.
“So this is what you wear to bed...gotta admit, I was kind of fuckin’ hoping it was nothing.” He looked over you in your tanktop and underwear. You suddenly felt self-conscious.
“What do you want?” Your tone was growing impatient. It was way too early for this.
“Get dressed and meet me outside by the gates, but don’t take too fuckin’ long.”
He gave you a final wink and left you standing at your door, still reeling in bewilderment.
The air outside was close to freezing and the thin jacket you were wearing wasn’t really cutting it. You started to wonder if Negan’s ‘surprise’ was really worth getting up this early.
When you reached the front gates, you saw Negan talking to a group of men standing in front of several vans that looked packed and ready to go. His eyes quickly darted to you when he saw you approaching.
“Well, well, there’s my girl! You ready to head out?”
“Where are we going?” you frowned.
“Seeing if you can fuckin’ handle a run. Now, come on.”
Negan whistled at his men to disperse and waved you over. They all climbed into the trucks and you followed Negan to one. 
Your heart began racing. Finally you were getting a taste of the outside world again. He trusted you enough to come with him, or rather he was seeing if he could trust you. He was finally giving you a chance.
You climbed into the passenger seat, almost grinning from ear to ear. Negan entered on the driver’s side and glanced over to you as he buckled himself in.
“Well shit, if I had known this would make you this happy I would’ve done this a long time ago.”
“I didn’t think pleasing people was your strong suit.”
“Darlin’ you wish you could see the pleasing I can do.”
You leaned back into your seat, quickly turning to the window so he couldn't see your blushing cheeks.
You heard him chuckle to himself and start the engine, the truck roaring to life. You watched as several vans pulled out of Sanctuary and your van followed them past the gates and down the road. You drove down the dirt path for a few minutes and you watched as it slowly began to get lighter outside. It was nice to see the sunrise again and it had been several months since you had taken a ride in a vehicle.
“You're sure fuckin’ quiet. You nervous or something?”
Negan finally broke the silence, taking his eyes off the road to glance over to you.
“No, I'm fine. Just glad to get out that's all.”
“Well I'm sorry to keep you cooped up like some caged bird or something. It's just that I've had a lot of runs go wrong with a lot of different people, so I'm a little fuckin’ cautious about who I send out.”
You nodded quickly. “No, I totally understand...I really do appreciate this Negan.”
“It's nothin’ darlin’. Just don't fuck it up, that's all.”
You both drove in silence until the sun had fully risen and you wondered how much longer it would take. You stared out the window, watching the trees roll by. Despite more than half of the entire population being dead, you were surprised how beautiful nature still was. The leaves and flowers still bloomed, the birds still sang, and the sun kept on shining. It was just the humanity that had died. Along with civilization itself. 
Just when you had about nodded off, you felt the truck come to a stop.
“You ready, babydoll’?” Negan smiled, opening his door and jumping down from the truck. You followed, quickly unstrapping your seatbelt.
Negan swung Lucille over his shoulder and you followed him to a set of large gates. A group of men followed you, including another rather scary looking woman with dark curly hair, tied up and dyed blonde at the ends.
Negan approached the entrance and ran Lucille along the iron gating, much like a child running a stick along a fence.
“Little pigs, little pigs! Let. Me. In!” he called.
You all stood for a few minutes with no response.
“Not a way to treat your guests, now is it?”
After what seemed like forever, the gates shrieked loudly as they opened. A tall man with brown hair and stubble stood at the gates, practically glaring at Negan.
“Um, who are you?”
Negan took a dangerous step closer to him and gripped Lucille tighter. An amused smile curled his lips.
“Oh, you have got to be jokin’. I’m Negan, this is Lucille.” He gestured to the barbed bat on his shoulder. “I know I had to make a strong first impression.”
The man frowned, sighed, and stepped aside to let you all in. You followed Negan and were immediately in awe of the large neighborhood. It almost looked untouched from the apocalypse and it reminded you of what suburban life was like before everything went to shit.
“What is this place?” you whispered.
“Alexandria. I’m actually really thankful I ran into these sorry shits. This place is fucking great. And not to mention, they’re fucking terrified of me. They provide for us.”
You nodded, following Negan to the center cul-de-sac that served as the center of the camp.
“Alright, you guys go check out houses and see if they’ve brought us any more supplies. Don’t be afraid to bust the fuckin’ doors down if they don’t answer,” Negan directed. “Y/N and Arat, you two come with me.”
You and the girl with curly hair stepped forward and followed him.
You were really surprised how well whoever ran this camp kept up the place. The security was impressive, and you hadn’t even heard walkers outside the giant metal walls. Staring at the way the rays sunlight splayed across the vinyl sidings of all of the houses...you could see yourself living here. Or at least living here before the End of Days.
You came to a house with a large set of stairs and another set leading down into a basement.
“Ladies, if you could go down and check out the inventory.”
You and Arat nodded, heading down the steps into the basement.
A larger woman with glasses and dark hair was already inside, checking off things from a blue notebook. She jumped when you two entered.
“C-Can I help you?” The woman had a sweet voice and seemed rather panicky.
“Yeah, by giving me the damn clipboard and letting me do my job,” Arat spat, approaching her and taking the book from her hands.
You frowned. That was completely unnecessary. You hadn’t even known Arat for more than two seconds and you already thought she was a rude bitch.
The woman retreated to the other corner of the room, watching you both intently.
“Y/N,” Arat started, not even looking up from the notebook, “you’re originally from the armory right? Get to checking these guns and see if they’re all here.”
You approached the first rack, calling out the names and makes of each weapon out to Arat. She placed a check next to each item that was in inventory. After you told her the last rifle on the rack, you heard her hiss quietly. She quickly turned to the woman in the corner.
“Really, lady? Was it that hard to do your fucking job?”
“What are you talking about?” the woman stuttered.
“Well then, you can tell the boss why you’re so incompetent.”
Arat walked over and grabbed the woman roughly by the arm and dragged her towards the stairs.
“Jesus, Arat!” you called after her, following them both back outside.
Arat pushed Olivia towards Negan when she reached the top of the stairs. The woman stuttered ‘please no, I don’t know’.
Negan gave a stern look to Arat.
“Arat, we don’t do that unless they do something to deserve it.”
“Yeah,” she shrugged. “We went through the inventory. The guns in the armory, the guns that are out on the walls...they’re short. A glock 9 and a 32 bobcat.”
She handed the notebook to Negan and the woman watched him nervously as he flipped through the pages.
“Is that right?”
“Yes,” the woman swallowed nervously, “The inventory is correct.”
“Good...but not so good, too.” Negan took a step closer. “You see, what’s in here...isn’t in there. You’re two handguns short. Do you know where they are?”
The woman shook her head quickly.
“That’s disappointing. This shows that someone’s not on board and I can’t fucking have that.”
He glowered down at her. She continued to cower in fear.
“I don’t enjoy killing women. Men, I can fucking waste all the live long, but the end of the day, Olivia my dear, this was your responsibility.”
“Jesus Negan, just stop it!” you finally piped up, surprised at the tone of your own voice.
Negan stopped and turned to you, a glare in his eyes.
“Do not tell me what to do right now, Y/N. This shit’s life and death around here.”
Olivia gave a quick look to you and back to Negan, who was still incredibly close to her.
You swallowed, taking a step forward.
“I know, but there has to be another way. Please don’t kill her, we will find those guns.”
Negan sighed, regaining his composure and leaning back from Olivia, “I’ll let this one slide. For now, only because I’m in a good mood today. Be thankful that my wife must fuckin’ like you, Olivia.”
Olivia nodded quickly, looking over to you with a thankful look in her eyes.
“Now what do you suppose we do about finding those guns, Y/N?”
In all honesty, you didn’t know. You didn’t know these people at all. For all you knew, someone could have stolen them or went on a run and took them with them. All you knew was that you had to think of something quickly.
“What the hell is going on here?”
A voice broke your concentration and thankfully the situation you were in. You all turned around to a man quickly approaching you.
“Rick, my fuckin’ man! ‘Bout time you got out here.”
Your heart almost stopped beating in your chest. You were surprised you didn’t become a walker right then and there.
“Rick?” you breathed, your voice barely an audible whisper.
Rick stopped cold in his tracks and stared at you.
“Woah, am I fucking missing something here?” Negan stepped forward and stood beside you.
An awkward silence hung in the air because neither you or Rick knew what to say. What was there to say?
“Do y’all fucking know each other?”
More silence filled the air as Arat, Olivia, and anyone else passing by stopped and watched you three intently.
Rick finally nodded, his eyes still wide in shock.
“May I ask how?”
You looked down to the ground, thousands of memories flooding back to you.
“I um, used to be part of their group.”
Negan leaned back, a dumbfounded expression spreading across his face.
“No fuckin’ shit! You’re telling me that out of all the people left in the goddamn world, you know this motherfucker?”
Negan gave a hearty laugh, even slapping his knee a few times for comical effect.
“That is really rich! I can’t believe you used to be apart of these sorry shits. Boy, you’ve changed, Y/N!”
Rick finally took a step forward. Even he looked terrified in front of Negan. Rick was one of the strongest people you knew.
“Negan, can I please speak to Y/N in private?”
Negan calmed down from his laugh, wiping a tear from his eye.
“And why do you think you can speak to my wife in private?”
You could see Rick flinch at the word from the corner of your eye.
“Negan, please. It’s okay.” you reached out and touched his arm gently, giving him a pleading stare.
He looked down at you, sighed, and waved you away.
“Fuck, darlin’. I’m not happy about it, but if you really want to...bring Arat with you. And make it fuckin’ quick, we’ve still got shit to do.”
You wanted to roll your eyes at the thought of Arat listening to your conversation but you nodded. You and Arat followed Rick down the street while Negan and a group of men headed towards another group of houses.
You approached a large house and followed Rick up the porch. Arat stood at the front of the stairs facing the street.
You were both quiet, staring at eachother. He almost looked the exact same as you had seen him last. His beard was kept trim and his brown curls ended just below his ears. But God, he just looked so tired. As if he had seen so much more loss. More than he already had.
You wanted to say something. Anything.
“How’s Judith? And Carl?” You started, the only thing you could muster up saying.
He nodded, barely skipping a beat.
“They’re fine.”
That uncomfortable silence hung over you both again before Rick finally stepped towards you.
“Y/N, how could you be with him? Do you know what he’s done to us?” his voice was low, his southern drawl rolling out like crumpled velvet.
“Honestly, Rick, no. I haven’t heard a thing until we came here today. I didn’t even know you were here. I mean, this place Rick! This is so much better than the prison.”
“I know, we’ve done pretty well since you left.”
You closed your eyes, feeling the pain you had put behind you so long ago.
“Rick, I had to leave. You know that.”
“But you didn’t just leave us, Y/N....you left me.”
You sighed, and you could feel tears begin to well up in your eyes. Rick could’ve been dead this entire time for all you knew. You never thought you would be standing in front of him again.
“I can’t do this right now.” You turned to leave but Rick reached for your arm.
“I thought you were dead, Y/N. And now you’re, what, married to the son of a bitch who did this to us? The reason we’re all living in fear? As if it wasn’t enough for us to be running for our lives from walkers...now we have to be afraid of him?”
You spun around, staring into his gorgeous blue eyes.
“I’m not married to him...it’s complicated. This whole thing is complicated, okay? I was doing fine on my own until I was sort of kidnapped into this. The Saviors don’t mess around when it comes to letting people join them. It’s either join or die, you know that Rick.”
He softened his grip on you, looking down to the ground. You felt that he understood what you meant. You knew Rick was a leader. You just wondered how Negan had broken him.
“You look good, Y/N. I’m just glad you’re alive.”
“You too Rick.”
He closed his eyes, and you could see the pain across his face. You wondered if being dead would’ve caused him this much pain, and if this pain you were causing him right now was any better.
“Well, um. I probably should go. I’m so sorry, Rick.”
You muttered quickly, not even turning to look at him again. You walked down the stairs, past Arat, and all the way past Negan, who was waiting at the cul-de-sac. You approached a group of men who were lifting boxes into the truck and began to help them load up. You didn’t even look over to Negan.
~  ~  ~
Arat approached Negan, her attitude growing as she was impatient and ready to leave. 
“Well what the fuck was that all about? What happened?”
Arat shrugged, crossing her arms.
“Sounded like they used to be a thing or something. It sounded pretty pathetic, to be honest.”
Arat had never seen Negan’s face turn into a scowl so fast. She was sure a vein was going to pop out of his temple. He clenched his fists, swinging Lucille over his shoulder.
“Days over, everyone pack the fuck up!!” he bellowed.
Taglist: @haley-the-human @certifiedtwdtrash @elinyaes @e-jupiter-s @finally-clean-in-wonderland @namelesslosers @frobert20 @miiraal @lilablauerhimmel @negans-network @littlemisscaptainfandom @girlmeetsbullshit @meanandshallow @ashleygryan @completelymarveltrash @jmackie1983 @trinswhimsys @gallifreyansass @morganpierce @kaitlinlexieporrini @me0wsarah @queen-leo-1999 @michaelslkitten @jaylaelizabethw
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justjdm · 8 years
You Scared of Me Now, Babydoll? Masterlist
Here is the masterlist of what has been written so far! Feel free to like or reblog to stay updated. Enjoy, and as always– thanks for reading! 
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Video Trailer | AO3 Link
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
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justjdm · 8 years
You Scared of Me Now, Babydoll? (Part 5)
Pairing: Negan x Reader
Summary: Your hard work is rewarded by Negan
Word Count: 1,610
Warning(s): Language
A/N: Finally a little more tension! I also hope to write a chapter or two soon on the reader’s background, because I inserted a little quote from the show in today’s chapter. Maybe you can catch a hint about her past… ;) Masterlist here. Enjoy!
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The last walker fell to the ground with a thud. You wiped your forehead with the back of your hand, tossing the pipe to the ground. You were covered in dirt, sweat, and walker guts.
You were exhausted. Your hands were cut and calloused from the pipe and you winced at the blisters beginning to form on your feet from your heels. It was early afternoon now, and you couldn’t believe how long it had taken to take down the entire herd.
“Well, I’ll be damned. I never thought I’d see you like this.”
Your turned around to see Simon, hands in his pockets and snickering at the sight of you.
“Yeah, you and Negan both,” you rolled your eyes.
“This is what you’ve been doing out here all day? By yourself?”
His eyes suddenly widened when he noticed the pile of walkers on the other side of the fence.
“Don’t be so surprised,” you retorted.
“No not that, it’s just that Negan usually doesn’t make the wives do this sort of work. I was right though, right? He did ask you to be a wife?”
“Yeah, I was going to ask you the other day how you knew that.”
He shrugged.
“I just call it like I see it. I’m surprised you took him up for it honestly.”
You kicked off your heels, finally fed up with the pain your feet were in. You picked up the stilettos and walked passed Simon, calling after him.
“You gotta do what you gotta do in this world, Simon. Fortunately, he seems pretty understanding over my conditions.”
“Conditions?” he jogged to catch up with you.
“Yeah, I gave him an ultimatum. Either he meets me half-way or I walk.”
Simon thought for a moment, stroking his mustache.
“Y/N, Negan doesn’t do ultimatums. It’s his way or the highway, you do know that right?”
“I do, but so far so good. I haven’t outwardly been objectified yet, I got an actual job today, and I haven’t slept with him. Only thing I’m not too happy about is the outfit,” you sighed.
“Y/N, you need to be careful. I’ve known Negan for a long time and I know how he is. Yeah, it’s a little unusual he offered you those terms but you need to keep your guard up. I’m just trying to offer you a little bit of friendly advice.”
“And I appreciate it, Simon. But I’ve handled people like Negan before.”
“They’re dead.”
You both stared at each other silently for a moment before a voice from behind you made you jump.
“Simon, I don’t pay you to stand around and flirt with my fuckin’ wife, get back to work!” Negan approached you both with Lucille propped up against his shoulder.
“You don’t pay me at all…” Simon muttered, before turning around and heading back towards the courtyard.
You turned to Negan, crossing your arms.
“Just to clarify, he was not flirting with me.”
“Fuck, I know darlin’. Simon’s smarter than that, he’d know better than to fuckin’ cross me. That’s what I like about him.”
Negan looked down to your bare feet and gave you a puzzled look.
“You took care of those things?” he motioned to the fence.
You nodded.
He whistled, walking over to the fence to inspect the dead corpses piled on the other side.
“I’m impressed, Y/N! I knew you had it in you. My girl can work!”
“Well your girl is tired and covered in blood, so if you’ll excuse me,” you responded, a little more curtly than you wanted to. You began to walk past him, but stopped when his hand lightly gripped your arm.
“Woah, hold up darlin’. Work like this deserves to be rewarded! Come on, follow me.”
He motioned his leather gloved hand to you, and you complied. You wondered what this ‘reward’ entailed.
He led you past the courtyard and back into the main building. When you walked up the stairs and past the floor with the wives rooms, you knew you were headed back into his bedroom.
“Negan, I told you I’m not sleeping with you.”
“Y/N, would you have a little fuckin’ faith? That’s not what I’m all about, believe it or not.”
He opened the door to his bedroom and you followed him to the center of the room.
“There’s a shower that still works in that bathroom. You’re welcome to use it. I know you’d probably like one after today.”
You uncrossed your arms, finally letting them drop to your side. The man in front of you could be a total dick, but he gave credit when credit was due. And you thought that was really good of him.
“I’d really appreciate that, thank you,” you smiled.
“And you know, if you wanted me to join you–”
“All right, all right, shit,” he chuckled. “Enjoy. I’ll have someone bring you back some clothes.”
You nodded and stepped into the bathroom, locking the door behind you. There was a large framed shower, a toilet, and a large marble counter with a sink. A folded towel sat on the counter that looked completely clean, almost brand new.
You looked up into the mirror and stared at your reflection. It had been a few months since you had seen your reflection in an actual mirror, and it felt weird. Your hair was messy against your shoulders and there was dirt and grime on your cheeks. You wondered how Negan could even flirt with you while you looked like this.
You sighed, unzipping your dirty dress and letting it pool at your feet. You stepped into the shower. It took you a few minutes to figure out the controls, but once the water began flowing, you let out a deep sigh. You watched the water at your feet turn a copper hue from the blood and dirt being washed from your body.
There were a few community showers in Sanctuary, but the water was normally freezing and it was in front of a bunch of other people.
It felt amazing having the warm steady stream trickle over you in your own privacy.
After you were all clean, you stepped out of the shower, dried yourself with the towel, and wrapped it around your body. The bathroom had actually fogged up, and you smiled to yourself, trying to remember the last time you had taken such a steamy shower. It really was the small things in the apocalypse.
You unlocked the door and stepped into Negan’s room, where he was waiting patiently on his couch.
“Enjoy yourself?”
You nodded meekly.
“I’m fuckin’ glad. Here, Simon sent up some clothes from your room,” he stood, approaching you and handing you the pile.
You held out your hand to take it from him, and almost gasped when his hands gripped your wrist.
“Shit, babydoll. Is this from today?”
He examined the broken blisters and cuts on the palms of your hands.
You winced and nodded quietly.
“That’s gotta fuckin’ hurt, why didn’t you say anything?”
His tone had completely changed. He sounded as if he was honestly concerned.
He motioned for you to sit on the bed and he turned around, heading to another dresser and rummaged through its drawers.
He came back to you with a medical kit. He set it on the bed and opened it, pulling out some rubbing alcohol and gauze. He knelt down, taking your hand in his.
“This might sting a bit, hun,” he warned before pouring the alcohol over you hand.
You winced, quickly biting your lip. He took the gauze and dabbed it over your wounds. You tried your best not to flinch back from him.
“You know, you’re a lot fucking stronger than you think you are.”
“It’s just a little cut, I’ve had worse,” You whispered back, watching him as he then dabbed some sort ointment on your wound.
He finished the one hand by wrapping it in gauze.
He motioned for you to hold out your other hand.
“That’s not what I mean, Y/N.” His voice was low and rumbling.
“Then what?”
You winced again as the cold alcohol ran over your skin.
“You’re one tough fucking cookie. You do exactly what I tell you to, without a fuckin’ complaint. You knew the job I gave you today was bullshit, but you hardly said a thing. You could say I was testing you, but I’ve got to admit, I was fuckin’ shocked.”
He finished wrapping your hand, holding it in his for a moment. His dark mahogany eyes looked into yours and in that moment, part of you just wanted to reach forward and kiss his curved lips. You wanted to feel his salt and pepper scruff on your checks, your neck, your breasts, your navel, your thighs…
But instead, you sat quietly, one bandaged hand clenched against the towel on your wet body.
“You need to have more goddamn confidence in yourself, Y/N. Stop being so humble. I don’t say stuff like this often, but you really are somethin’ else.”
Part of you wondered if he was saying all of this just to get into your pants, or lack thereof at the moment. But you decided to go with that thought that he was just on a good streak today, and that he was just giving you a kind compliment.
“Thank you, Negan. That means alot coming from you.”
He smirked, looking you over. You could’ve sworn you saw him lick his lips.
“Now, head back to your room and get a good night’s sleep, I’ve got a little fuckin’ surprise for you tomorrow morning.”
Taglist: @haley-the-human @certifiedtwdtrash @elinyaes @e-jupiter-s @finally-clean-in-wonderland @namelesslosers @frobert20 @miiraal @lilablauerhimmel @negans-network
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justjdm · 8 years
You Scared of Me Now, Babydoll? Fanfic Trailer
So I made a trailer for my fanfic! (Which you can read here if you haven’t done so already) I hope you guys like it!
Also tagging my tagged list so far so you guys can see it too ;)
@haley-the-human, @certifiedtwdtrash, @elinyaes, @e-jupiter-s, @finally-clean-in-wonderland, @namelesslosers, @frobert20, @miiraal, @lilablauerhimmel, @negans-network, @littlemisscaptainfandom, @girlmeetsbullshit, @meanandshallow
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justjdm · 8 years
You Scared of Me Now, Babydoll? (Part 4)
Pairing: Negan x Reader
Summary: You’re assigned to an actual job by Negan. But is it really what you want?
Word Count: 1,337
Warning(s): Language, some graphic Walker killing
A/N: I apologize for this chapter being on the shorter side! Trust me, smut is in the future! I just have to build plot and tension ;) Masterlist is here. Enjoy!
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You had trouble sleeping that night. Mainly because even though Negan was a whole floor above you, you could still hear him in his bedroom with one of his other wives. You thought if they were any louder, the bed might as well fall down through the ceiling.
You found yourself wondering why you were even attracted to him. The thought of him screwing these other women disgusted you. But why was he so taken by you? Why make you a wife when you told him you weren’t going to sleep with him? Why were you so special?
All of these thoughts danced around in your head the entire night.
The next morning after tossing and turning for hours, a knock at your door made you groan.
“Rise and shine, Y/N! Time to start the day,” Dwight called.
You crawled out of bed and to your dresser, taking out the black dress you had tucked underneath your other clothes. You held it up to your body, already knowing you were going to regret this decision.
Part of you wanted to not wear it again, thinking that maybe Negan would sexily growl at you, maybe pin you up against the wall…
But then again, you had been warned enough to not get onto his bad side. Not to mention, he may not be as forgiving the second time around.
You rolled your eyes in the freedom of your privacy and changed into the dress. You were surprised to find it really did fit you perfectly. It hugged perfectly against your curves and surprisingly didn’t show too much cleavage. It was still short though. You blushed at the thought of Negan picking out a dress, just knowing it would be the right fit on you.
After getting dressed, you headed back downstairs to the parlour where most of the wives were already waiting. You found Sherry in the same corner as before and approached her. Dwight entered not long after, barking orders at the rest of the wives. He sent a handful down to kitchen duty and another to laundry. By the time he was finished, the last two people standing in the room were you and Sherry.
“Ladies,” he approached you both cautiously.
“Dwight,” Sherry responded coolly. This was the first time you had seen Dwight soften a bit and you wondered if they knew each other.
“Uh, so Negan assigned you to me today,” he looked at Sherry. “And Y/N, Negan requested your work for the day.”
You nodded looking from Sherry to Dwight. They were having some sort of moment, staring into each other’s eyes rather awkwardly.
“You sure you’re okay here, Sherry?” you asked.
She nodded.
You just shrugged, trusting her judgement and made your way back out of the parlour and out into the courtyard. The sun was shining and it was a fairly nice day compared to the rather chilly early spring weather you’d been experiencing the past few weeks. You kicked the heels you were wearing against the dirt, scuffing the tip of your shoe. Seriously, what the hell was with this uniform? So impractical.
You could feel eyes on you as men walked by, all eyeballing your figure. A few whistled and made whispering comments. You closed your eyes, wondering for the millionth time why you were doing this. You had told Negan your deal breakers, and this was definitely one of them. You tried your best to drone them out, trying to focus on the sounds of the birds chirping nearby.
“Good morning, beautiful,” a voice hummed from behind you.
“Alright, that’s fucking it,” you snapped, spinning around and being extremely close to slapping whoever was behind you.
A leathered hand caught yours.
“Shit, babydoll! Someone’s feisty this morning.”
“Negan?! Jesus, don’t sneak up on me like that,” you breathed, happy you didn’t go through with hitting him. “I thought you were another one of those catcalling pigs.”
His flirtatious smile faded, his brows quickly furrowing.
“There’s people catcalling you? Tell me who was, and I’ll fucking teach them a lesson–”
“Negan, no.” You reached out to stop him, grabbing his arm. God, he was so muscular. You had never touched him before. “I can handle myself.”
He softened a bit, letting Lucille down by his side.
“I know you can, it’s those fuckin’ animals I don’t trust.”
He paused, looking back over to you. His eyes darkened at the sight of you.
“I on the other hand, am allowed to oogle,” he smirked, leaning back. That lean backwards he always did when he was cocky was somehow extremely hot.
You sighed.
“So you wanted me to work for you today?”
He licked his lips, muttering a ‘you’re no fun, babydoll,’ before turning around and motioning you to follow.
He led you to the front gate of Sanctuary where a herd of walkers were trying to claw their way through the chainlink fence. 
“Are you trying to kick me out?” you frowned.
He managed a chuckle.
“You’re a little comedian, you know that? No. This is your job for the day. You said you wanted some real fuckin’ work, so here.”
He walked over to the side of one of the buildings and picked up a large piece of pipe. He held it out to you.
“Have at it.”
You gawked at him and then to the pipe.
“This is a blunt piece of metal, you expect me to–”
“I expect you to work hard, like you always do. This shit needs to be cleaned up. Now kill some of those fuckin’ things before they take down my fence.”
You sighed, biting back a smartass remark as you took the pipe from his hands. He stepped back and crossed his arms, watching you intently.
You shook your head. Why was he making you do this? There was nothing wrong with a little work; you had always been a hard worker. But killing walkers by yourself with a blunt lead pipe in a pair of stilettos was fucking ridiculous.
You reluctantly approached the fence, watching as the dead tried to reach out to you. You couldn’t believe those things were once human. Now they were just decaying, rotting corpses with goo for brains. You lifted the pipe above your head, driving the blunt end through the fence and into a walker’s skull. It groaned one final time before slumping to the ground.
The herd continued to moan and groan, trying their best to break down the fence.
You lunged for another one but you couldn’t get the pipe back out. It stuck through its eye socket with a sickening squash sound.
You grunted as you tried to pull the metal from its skull. The walker went limp on you. You dug your heels into the dirt and pulled as hard as you could. The pipe finally dislodged and you almost went flying back from the force. You caught yourself as your foot slipped out of your heel, your bare foot touching the dirt.
“Is this getting you off or something?” you breathed, brushing a piece of hair from your face and turning back to look at Negan.
“It sure as fuck is, darlin’. I gotta go do rounds so you keep this up. Hopefully you’ll be done by this afternoon,” he winked, heading back towards the courtyard.
“Fucking asshole,” you muttered, taking the heel out of the ground and slipping it back on.
You turned back to the walkers, killing a few more. You felt stupid killing them in such a short revealing dress. For a brief, fleeting moment, you wondered if walkers somehow had a functioning part of their brain that could care that you were this exposed.
The pipe you were using was heavy and inconveniently long, making it awkward to stab through the fence. Your hands felt calloused from the pipe’s rusting exterior and you looked down to see a patch of skin bleeding.
You muttered to yourself, wiping your brow and getting back to work.
Taglist: @haley-the-human  @certifiedtwdtrash @elinyaes @e-jupiter-s @finally-clean-in-wonderland @namelesslosers @frobert20 @miiraal @lilablauerhimmel
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justjdm · 8 years
You Scared of Me Now, Babydoll? (Part 3)
Pairing: Negan x Reader
Summary: Your first day as Negan’s wife is an eventful one Word Count: 1,623
Warning(s): Language A/N: Masterlist is here. I appreciate feedback, hope you all enjoy!
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The next morning, you slowly opened your eyes, adjusting to the light streaming through your window.
You just woke up from the best sleep you’ve had in an extremely long time. You were sleeping on your very own bed- one on an actual bed frame! You thought the day would never come again.
You smiled to yourself, rolling away from the wall and over to face the room. The room Negan had moved you into was larger, contained actual furniture, and a window. You were slowly coming to terms with your decision to become a wife, realizing the pros were outweighing the cons.
You now were a resident in the same building as Negan, as well as the rest of his wives. You still weren't keen on the thought of parading around with those ladies, but you tried your best to bite your tongue before you made any final decisions.
A knock on your door made you jump.
“Y/N? It's Dwight.”
You sat up and lifted a hand to your face, trying your best to wipe the groggy look off your face.
“Come in.”
Dwight slowly popped his head in, almost afraid he would catch you indecent.
You had never really spoken to Dwight much, especially since Simon was in charge of the unit you had been working in. He seemed like a nice enough guy, but he always seemed to keep to himself, unlike the loud and boisterous Simon. You wondered if he'd be taking his place as your supervisor.
You managed a smile.
“I imagine you're walking me through my new duties today?”
He nodded.
“Alright. Just let me get dressed and I'll meet you outside.”
He's didn’t say a word, but instead stepped further into your room and held out a folded article of black fabric.
“What's this?” you inquired, taking the bundle and eyeballing it curiously.
“Negan told me to bring it to you. It's your new uniform.”
You unfolded the fabric and held it away from you, staring at the black dress in your hands. It looked tight, low cut, and was short enough to hike up your thighs.
“Are you kidding me?”
He shrugged. “It's what all the wives wear.”
You scoffed, throwing the dress to the bed.
“Well he can forget it. I'm not wearing that thing.”
“Suit yourself. You can explain to him why. I'll be outside, meet me in the parlour downstairs in five minutes.” Without another word, be turned around and left you alone in your room.
You turned back to the dress. You thought for a minute, deciding if you should just suck it up and wear it. You felt that skimpy dress just mocking you. Like you knew this was what you were in for when you signed up for this.
You quickly shook your head. No. You told him you weren't here to be objectified.
You walked to your new dresser and threw on an old v-neck, a pair of jeans, and combat boots– your usual work attire.
You made your way out of your room and down the stairs where Dwight was waiting rather impatiently in the hallway.
“I thought you said the parlour?” You asked, crossing your arms.
“I did. I just wanted to see if you were really going through with not changing,” he chuckled. You had never seen the man laugh before, and it kind of made you mad. Especially since it was at your expense.
“Whatever. Just tell me what I need to do.”
“Well,” he started, motioning for you to follow him down the hall and to the door leading to the parlour, “this is pretty much your job.”
He opened the double doors, showcasing you to a room full of seven beautiful women, all in black dresses.
Some were sitting around chatting, others were standing near the fireplace, drinking something from martini glasses.
“Oh for the love of…” you started, looking back from the women to Dwight.
He shrugged.
“Sometimes you'll do laundry duty. Sometimes you work kitchen duty. But most of the time you girls hang out here staying out of trouble. And most importantly, don't come bother me and we’ll be straight. Have fun, ladies.”
He nodded, lightly pushing you into the room and closing the door behind you.
The room grew quiet. All the wives turned to stare at you. You could feel them all judging you.
“Um, hi there. I'm Y/N...I’m a new wife.”
You felt yourself struggling to get out that last word.
It was quiet for another moment before a wife with long blonde hair spoke up.
“Then why are you dressed like that?” she sneered, “Does Negan even know you're here? Or are you lost?”
You heard a giggle around the room.
You felt your face flush red.
You could stand up to Negan. You could kill a walker. But something about catty women slightly terrified you.
“Leave her alone, Lacey,” A girl with auburn hair who had been standing in the corner stepped forward.
Lacey rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to her group.
The girl that had defended you motioned for you to follow. You complied.
“Sorry about her. Lacey’s a bitch. The rest of us are okay for the most part,” she smiled. “Sorry, you said your name was?”
“Nice to meet you, I'm Sherry.”
You nodded, staying quiet. You wanted to get out of this room as soon as possible.
“I'm curious though, why no outfit? Negan’s going to be pissed.”
You looked down at your clothes.
“A dress in the apocalypse just didn't seem like the right wardrobe change.”
She laughed, taking a sip of her drink.
“You're funny, Y/N! But I hate to break it to you, you'll change your mind real quick. Negan’s a stickler when it comes to wanting things his way. He's like a man child.”
You smiled, finally realizing Sherry at least wasn't so bad.
“Speaking of Negan, is he stopping by anytime soon? I really need to speak with him.”
She nodded.
“He should be, he normally stops by after his morning rounds.”
And Goddamn speak of the devil, Negan strolled through the double doors dramatically. It felt like a scene from a dramatic soap opera when the villain enters.
“Good fuckin’ morning ladies! How are my favorite wives?”
The wives smiled, winked, and you were pretty sure one said “hey daddy”.
You wanted to roll your eyes into the back of your skull but tried your best not to. You looked over to Sherry, who wasn't having one bit of it either.
Negan strolled around the room, speaking flirtatiously to the different groups of wives while you waited rather impatiently for him to make his way over to you and Sherry.
You were starting to regret this wife thing. You felt like he had treated you so special that night at the party, and now you were just another statistic of the concubine.
Negan finally approached you both, giving that trademark cocky smile.
“Y/N and Sherry, making friends I see?”
Sherry pursed her lips.
“Yeah, she seems like the only other one here that won't take your shit.”
Negan smirked and glanced over to you.
“Is that so?”
You didn't respond.
He looked you up and down, frowning.
“I see you aren't wearing the outfit I sent you. A little fucking disrespectful, Y/N.”
“Negan, can I please talk to you? Privately?”
His fingers wiggled around Lucille’s handle, the bat propped up against his shoulders.
“Honey, as a wife you'll have a specific day for private time-”
“Not that, Negan,” you hissed. You were beginning to grow impatient.
He bit his cheek, sighing.
“Fine. But make it fuckin’ quick, I've got a lot of shit to do today.”
You followed him out of the room and down the hall, standing in front of the fire exit.
Negan motioned for the men following him to disperse.
You crossed your arms, ready to let him have it.
“What kind of girl to you take me for, Negan?”
He looked annoyed. Probably because you were wasting his time.
“I told you. You're a hard worker, not to mention, not bad to look at-”
“I'm a ‘hard worker’. So why is my ‘promotion’ sitting around with a bunch of lazy women who do nothing other than look pretty? How do you think that makes me feel?”
He took a step closer to you, inches away from your face. He looked furious. He held his gloved hand to your cheeks, holding them between his fingers. The leather felt cold against your skin.
“Do not disrespect me. First you show up without wearing what I told you to, and now you think you can just tell me what I’m doing is wrong? You’re the one who agreed to this, darlin’. Don't go saying things before you even give them a chance. I was considering giving you another job, but I'm not sure sure anymore,” he took a breath, his dark brown eyes boring into yours, “You belong to me now, do you understand me?”
You felt a chill down your spine. How could he be so terrifying and still manage to turn you on?
“Do you fuckin’ understand me, Y/N?”
You nodded.
He let go of your face and lightly stroked his hand against your cheek.
“Good. Now go change, get back in there, and play nice.”
“Yes, sir,” you rolled your eyes.
He leaned close to you again, whispering in your ear.
“And the next time you roll your eyes at me, I won't hesitate to fuckin’ take you over my knee and teach you a lesson.”
Fuck. You were in for a load of trouble with this man.
Taglist: @haley-the-human @certifiedtwdtrash @elinyaes @e-jupiter-s
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justjdm · 8 years
You Scared of Me Now, Babydoll? (Part 2)
Pairing: Negan x Reader
Summary: Negan surprises you with an offer you can’t refuse
Word Count: 1,519
Warning(s): Language, Brief alcohol consumption
A/N: Masterlist is here! I appreciate feedback, hope you all enjoy!
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Negan placed his hand over the small of your back, leading you out of the kitchen and back into the party. The rest of the party continued, Saviors drinking, laughing, and enjoying the evening. 
You noticed Simon had made his way back, sitting in the corner with a beer in his hand.
You both made your way over to him. Negan smiled.
“I see you’ve got a drink, Simon. Y/N, is there anything I can get you, babydoll?”
As much as you were loving the sudden attention from Negan, you weren’t quite so sure how you felt about the nicknames yet.
“A beer might be nice,” you smiled.
“Shit, a girl after my own heart! I’ll be right back.”
Negan winked and spun on his heels to the direction of the kitchen.
You walked to Simon and leaned on the wall next to him. You both enjoyed the silence for a moment, watching the crowd.
“So what was that all about?” Simon finally spoke.
You sighed, not even knowing the answer to that yourself. “Hell if I know, honestly. Maybe you know, he’s your boss after all.”
“Darlin’, he’s yours too. If I knew any better, he’s going to promote you.”
You frowned.
“To what exactly? Armory supervisor?”
Simon took a sip of his beer before turning to you and looking you straight in the eye.
“No. A wife.”
Before you could even respond, Negan was back in front of both holding a beer. “For the lovely lady,” he offered with a charming smile.
You nodded a thank you, twisting open the cap and raising the amber bottle to your lips. The beer was surprisingly cold. You honestly couldn’t remember the last time you had a beer this good.
You could feel Negan’s eyes on you and your skin instantly flushed. Hopefully he couldn’t tell under the dim lighting.
“So Simon, I hate to talk business right now but I’m dying to know how the rest of the rounds went tonight. Everyone fuckin’ do the shit they’re supposed to?” Simon nodded, taking another sip of beer.
“For the most part. Dwight had to yell at some kid on that run down to Alexandria. Said the kid tried to get in a fight with one of them.”
Negan stroked his beard and sighed, tightening his grip on Lucille.
“Same kid that got almost got Trevor killed?”
Simon thought for a moment before nodding.
“Do me a favor for next time, Simon, and make sure that kid earns his fuckin’ lesson, whatever means necessary. And start by taking him off scavenge duty.”
Simon nodded. “Yes, sir.”
Negan sighed, turning back over to you. His chocolate brown eyes looked a little tired, but instantly seemed to perk up when he looked at you.
“What do you say, Y/N? Would you like to blow this fuckin’ popsicle stand? I’d like to continue our conversation back up in my room if that’s okay.”
You took a final sip of your beer before setting it down and crossing your arms. “Still being forward, huh?”
He licked his lips.
“Just for a little conversation, that’s all. But otherwise, you know my policy on this right? I don’t make anyone do anything with me they don’t want to,” he took a step towards you, his lips barely brushing against your ear. “But I’ve never had anyone turn me down before.”
You could feel something pooling deep down inside you. The way he spoke to you so darkly made you melt like butter.
“Alright, fine,” you finally managed. You could see Simon roll his eyes from behind Negan. God, he would pick on you for days about this.
You followed Negan out of the party and back to the building where Negan stayed.
Simon’s words kept spinning around in your head. A wife? You knew Negan was notorious for the polygamy thing, and you honestly didn’t really understand it. Let alone approve of it.
You silently prayed that this was something he wasn’t going to consider asking you. 
Negan led you up the stairs and into a room on the far end of a long hallway. When he opened the door, your jaw just about dropped to the floor.
Everything was in almost pristine condition. It looked like the apocalypse hadn’t even touched the entire room. A couch and two chairs sat on one side of the room and a giant four post bed on the other.
“You like what you see?” Negan stepped in front of you and headed to the bar cart on the far left wall.
You nodded, at a loss for words.
It was hard to believe Negan slept like this every night while everyone else slept on a dingy mattress on the floor. He truly lived like a king.
He poured two glasses of a tawny liquid, handing you one of the crystal glasses. 
“T-Thank you.”
Something in you slightly ached. You missed the world before it went to shit. Just being in this room and getting to drink out of something other than plastic or a paper cup felt luxurious. 
“So straight to business, babydoll,” he started, setting Lucille on the entry table and making his way over to the couch. He motioned for you to follow. You sat next to him.
“I’d like to offer you a promotion of sorts. For all your fuckin’ hard work around here.”
You felt your heart begin to race. You just knew the question was coming, but you tried your best to play dumb. 
“Thank you, Negan! Being in charge of the armory would be such an honor and-”
He placed a hand over yours, chuckling.
“No, no, sweetheart! A pretty fucking thing like yourself doesn’t deserve to sit in that place all day,” he took a long pause, taking a sip of scotch. “How would you feel being one of my wives?”
Whoop, there it is.
“A wife??”
“I don’t offer this to just anyone, Y/N. I trust you. I’m attracted to you, and I’d like to say you feel the same way.”
You blushed. He wasn’t wrong.
“You’d have special privileges,” he continued, “your workload would be hell of a lot lighter. No points system, better living quarters…It’s something people would kill to have at this compound. You’re not obligated to of course, this is your choice. Nor would you be obligated to have to have sex with me- I’m not a fuckin’ monster. Although, you totally could if you wanted to.”
You thought quietly for a moment. You had worked your ass off the entire time you had been in Sanctuary. It felt nice to finally be recognized for your efforts. But was it worth being some sex slave? Especially in this sexist manner? I mean, this sure as hell wasn’t 1950. You were all up for hard work, but not like this.
“Negan, I’m not some trophy wife,” you finally spat.
He scoffed, raising an eyebrow. “Y/N! I’m surprised you have some spark in you! You’ve been playing this fuckin’ little lamb act for too long, I’m glad to see some true colors!”
“It’s not an act, Negan. I’m flattered by the offer, but I’m not so sure I want to wait on your hand and foot like some handmaid.”
His eyes instantly glazed over, quickly looking you up and down. 
“Seeing you in a French maid costume now sounds like a good idea,” he purred.
“You’re disgusting.”
His expression instantly fell and he leaned close to you. You could see his expression roll into a scowl. He looked incredibly dangerous.
He stared at you like this for a few moments before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. It was scary to see how close he was to losing his temper.
“Y/N, what can I do to make you change your mind? I’d really like you to fucking reconsider.”
You thought for a moment, mentally having an argument in your head on whether to take his offer. He stared at you intently, waiting for a response.
“Three conditions.”
He shrugged. “Can’t guarantee, but I’m listening.”
You turned to face him. “One, I want to be treated like a human being and not some piece of meat you and your men can gawk at.”
He nodded. “Understandable.”
“Two, I can periodically take that kid’s spot you just kicked off from the scavenge team to go on runs.”
“Not 100% sure on that one, kid. I haven’t seen you go on a run yet.”
You bit your cheek. “Three, I’m not sleeping with you.”
He grinned, coming close to you again. God, maybe you spoke too soon on that last one.
“We’ll see about that one, babydoll. Not many can make it that long without getting a little curious.”
You rolled your eyes. We’d see about that.
“Do we have ourselves a fuckin’ deal?” He held out his hand.
Without thinking much further, you took his hand quickly and shook it.
“Pleasure doing business with you, darlin’,” he grinned.
You took a large sip of scotch, not quite sure what you were getting yourself into.
Taglist: @haley-the-human
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justjdm · 8 years
Next chapter of YSOMNB should be up sometime this week! Sorry for such a long delay, but I'm finally on spring break so I'm finally getting a chance to write! Thank you for your patience 💖
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justjdm · 8 years
You Scared of Me Now, Babydoll?
Pairing: Negan x Reader
Summary: Imagine you find out Negan has a crush on you
(Requested by @spn-cw123)
Word Count: 1,027
Warning(s): Language, a little sexual tension I guess??
A/N: My first imagine ever, I hope you guys like this! (UPDATE) This is now a full fic! Masterlist so far is here. Please let me know what you think and if you’d like to see more of these in the future :) 
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You sat in the armory, hands busy cleaning and reloading firearm after firearm. You were tired, and the week had just seemed to drag on. Negan had been bossing everyone around lately, but you had just bit your cheek and sucked it up. You knew not to get on his bad side. You had seen a glimpse of it a few months ago on the night you were forced into Sanctuary, and it sure as hell had scared you into submission. Negan was not a man to be messed with, and you learned that quickly.
You sighed, cleaning your last gun before taking a dirty rag and wiping across your forehead. You glanced up, noticing a few people still working at their stations. You didn’t hate your job. You were much more of an errands running kind of girl, but once again, you didn’t questions Negan’s methods. Before you could even think of packing up for the night, the door swung open. You jumped, but immediately breathed a sigh of relief when you noticed it was just Simon.
“Jesus, Simon. Dramatic entrance much?”
“If you wanted dramatic, I would’ve entered with some theme music.”
You chuckled and rolled your eyes. You and Simon had that type of friendship where you could playfully pick on each other. He had been the man to show you the ropes when you first came to Sanctuary. Your friendship was strictly work related, and you didn’t spend much time together outside of your work duties.
“Are you here for a final check? I just have to clean up my station,” you started, wiping the gunpowder from your hands onto your rag.
“Don’t worry about it Y/N, you’re good to go. I’m actually here to tell you Negan wanted to speak with you.”
Your eyes quickly darted back to his and you swallowed hard.
“Is everything alright? Did I do something wrong-“
“No, he didn’t seem mad or anything. He just specifically requested you. He’s in the rec hall.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion. What could he possibly want? You hadn’t spoke more than two words to the man, and those words were ‘Yes, sir’.
You regained your composure before nodding quickly.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll head there now. Thanks, Simon.”
You quickly left the armory and walked across Sanctuary to the rec hall, half expecting to see a crowd of people waiting to see Negan take a iron to your face as punishment, or worse, Lucille.
You took a deep breath, opened the double doors, and stepped inside. You weren’t wrong about the crowd, they just were all busy in talking and drinking in their own secluded groups. It looked like some kind of party.
You instantly felt uncomfortable and that you didn’t belong here. All these people looked like Negan’s higher ups and right hand men. You glanced around the room wearily, half considering just leaving before you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N, just the gal I wanted to see!”
You’d know that suave smooth voice anywhere. You turned around to see Negan smiling down at you, Lucille smugly propped against his shoulders.
“You uh, wanted to see me, sir?”
“Sir? Shit, doll, I appreciate the formalities, but you can cut that shit out when you’re here. It’s Negan.”
You nodded quickly, “Yes, sir- I mean, Negan.”
Your eyes darted quickly from him, to Lucille. You had seen what that vampire bat could do, and you were not keen on the thought of you being on the receiving end.
He licked his lips and looked looked you over, studying you.
“You’re a jumpy little thing aren’t you? Looking all scared and shit, are you afraid of me or somethin’?
You quickly shook your head. “No, I’m just a little confused why you requested me, that’s all.”
He smiled and motioned for you to follow, which you did reluctantly. You still felt incredibly uneasy about him and his intentions.
He led you back towards the empty kitchen of the rec room. The mumbles of the party were muffled behind the swinging double doors.
You were uneasy before, but you were really uneasy now.
“I see you didn’t even clean up after work, I’m a little hurt, Y/N,” he motioned to your dirty clothes and tied up hair.
“Excuse me?”
“Simon didn’t tell you, did he?”
You crossed your arms, feeling slightly insecure about your appearance now.
“Tell me what?”
He smirked, biting his cheek. You hadn’t really ever noticed how attractive Negan was until now.
“I invited you to this little shindig tonight, doll.”
You felt confused beyond belief. Negan was known to throw a little party or celebration here and there, but they were only reserved for Saviors with enough points or his right hand men. So why were you here?
“I don’t understand…I mean, you barely know me. Why would you want me here?”
He sighed, picking up Lucille and setting it on the counter behind him. He honestly looked a little naked not holding the thing. He looked over you again, stroking a hand across his salt and pepper beard.
“Because I do know you, Y/N. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you. Kinda fucking hard not to. You’re one goddamn hard worker, you know that? The best fuckin’ worker in that armory, that’s for sure.”
You could slowly feel your shoulders start to ease, finally knowing Negan wasn’t here to hurt you. It was actually really comforting for you to hear him compliment you like that.
“Thank you, Negan. I appreciate that.”
“I just thought you needed to be rewarded for all your hard work…”
He took a step closer to you, his nose inches away from yours. He was giving you the most intense bedroom eyes you had ever seen, and honestly, you felt like putty in his hands already. You could tell this sudden infatuation wasn’t going to end very well for you.
“And not to mention, you’ve got to be the most beautiful woman…”
“Forward aren’t we?” You breathed, glancing up at him.
“I just call it like I fuckin’ see it, doll,” he rumbled, “almost makes me feel like some fuckin’ schoolboy with a crush or something.”
You felt a blush creep across your face. You definitely hadn’t expected this outcome at all.
You both stood in close quarters for a few moments, making intense unwavering eye contact. After those things you heard him tell you, just looking at him made you feel more confident now.
“You scared of me now, babydoll?”
“Good. Then let’s get back to the fucking party, shall we?”
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justjdm · 7 years
Sorry I haven’t posted anything in awhile! Yes, I plan on writing more chapters of YSOMNB very soon. The writer’s block on my actual novel I’ve been working on FINALLY subsided, so that’s been the priority lately. But the writing for the fanfic will continue!
In other news, I’m going to my first comic con thing where I live and I’m going dressed as our babe, Negan ;)  I hope to maybe take some pictures to post!
Hope you all are doing well, and that you’re having a good summer if you’re having this time off (I start nursing school in August, so I’m terrified 🙃) x
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justjdm · 7 years
Hey, I found a trailer for a negan fanfic on youtube and the link only leads to your profile and I don't know how long it's been since you wrote it. Is there maybe a hashtag with which I'm able to find it?
It’s under the tag YSOMNBLet me know if you still have trouble finding it!
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justjdm · 7 years
Hi! Can you add me in the YSOMNB Taglist please? c:
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