#Yahya Abdul Mateen ii x you
megamindsecretlair · 4 months
Runaway Lover, Part 1
Pairing: Big Stunna x Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. SMUT. ANGST. PWP, cursing, PIV, oral (female and male receiving) teasing/mocking, cum play/swallowing, size kink, dirty talk, praise kink, referring to female anatomy as she, all consensual. Use of n-word. Mentions of God, Christian leaning. Sorry if I missed some, I'm rushing, just let me know.
Summary: On a girl's trip with your friends to Punta Cana, getting some much needed rest before spring semester, you bump into Stunna and a whirlwind romance rocks you to your core.
Word Count: 9,326k
Part 2 | Part 3
A/N: This is a wonderful ask from @melaninpov. I'm sorry if this wasn't what you had in mind, I've been watching romance movies all day and this turned sweet unexpectedly. Happy Valentine's Day, my loves. Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Taglist: @planetblaque @blackerthings @browngirldominion @we-outsiiiide @thecookiebratz @iv0rysoap @notapradagurl7 @sevikasblackgf @miyuhpapayuh @xo-goldengirl @kindofaintrovert @flydotty @judymfmoody @slippinninque @soufcakmistress @henneseyhoe @westside-rot @melaninpov @twocentuar @blackpinup22 @babybratzmaraj @theyscreamsannii @kiabialia
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“Are you sure this isn’t too short?” You asked your friends. You stood in the bathroom of your hotel suite. The bright, fluorescent lighting in the bathroom highlighted everything. Everything. You wore a simple gold dress with intricate bronze and burnished orange swirls. It was a tad too short and showed a tad too much.
You weren’t a prude but you were also unused to showing…so much. You tugged at the short sleeves, the low neckline, and pinched the areas around your sides. You weren’t sure why you packed the damn thing, but you were drinking while packing. Something you vowed to never do again.
“You look so hot!” Your friend, Stella, said and moved closer to you and faced the mirror. She wore a violet dress with sparkling beads woven in to make it look like she wore a dress made of stars. It fit her deep ebony skin perfectly and brought out the subtle jewel tones in her skin.
You bit your lip, tasting the sweet lipgloss you dabbed on your lips. Abusing your lips was your worst sin and you avoided putting anything on them but tonight, you were all about new experiences. Hopefully. 
“I should change,” you said. You pushed past Stella’s calls out for you to stop and that there was no need. 
Angela appeared in the doorway and trapped you in the bathroom. “Damn girl!” You said. Stella’s sister was gorgeous in a marigold bodycon dress that hugged all of her curves and showed off her perfectly round ass. Truly, an apple bottom that she claimed was her best feature. 
Angela preened under the praise but did not lower her hands from the door frame. “You’re not changing. None of us are changing. We only have two days left before it’s back to fucking school and we’re going out with a bang. They better be throwing us out before the trip is over,” she said. 
She pushed you back into the bathroom. Thank goodness the space was big enough for all three of you. There were wide tile squares on the floor, a discarded hotel towel on the floor to keep you all from slipping, and two large mirrors over a double sink. 
Angela and Stella finished up their makeup and demanded that you applied more gloss. Stella handed you a clutch to match your dress and told you to take the gloss with you. 
You accepted it with a roll of your eyes. You’d likely go through the entire tube before the night was over. You were constantly at battle with your anxiety. Ya’ll really didn’t fuck with each other but it was like a toxic ex that didn’t know how to leave you alone. You could block, skip, and hop away from it but it was always lurking around the corner.
“Alright! Let’s go!” Stella yelled, getting you two pumped for the night’s activities. You all put on your matching heels or sandals, grabbed purses and clutches, and tucked in last minute items you may need, and headed out of the door.
Punta Cana was a balmy destination spot with plenty of resorts. The trip there had been uneventful but you and your friends had stayed glued to the windows, snapping pictures of the local plantlife, hills, and palm trees. 
At the resort, you couldn’t help looking around in wide-eyed wonder, taking in the people and accommodations. You had been here for a few days enjoying the beach and accompanying swimming pool at the resort. 
Everyone was friendly and open and a staff member was always around waiting to answer your questions. The goal of the trip was rest, rest, and more fucking rest. You were approaching your final year of school. After this spring semester, you were officially a senior and would have to enter the dreaded world of adults.
Stella and Angela kept up a steady stream of chatter on the ride down the elevator about what they were most excited for. The adults only resort was a breath of fresh air. No kids running around and no harried parents running after them. 
Tonight, you were going to the club in the resort. So far, your activities have kept you from that venue. You rode ATVs and did a snorkeling tour off the shore of the beach. You also climbed into a boat to watch the local marine life. That part was your favorite.
Angela had to remind you that you were in fact young and it was okay to enjoy yourself. Half the time, you didn’t know where your anxiety came from. You could be having the time of your life and then boom! Your anxiety was snatching your breath away and warning you of an invisible threat. No matter how many times you asked for proof or begged to know what the threat was, your anxiety only shook its head and repeated the warning tone: danger, danger!
You shoved your anxiety in the recesses of your mind. You were not in danger. There was no threat. You were only here to have a good time. 
On the main floor of the resort, the wide open arches and large windows let in enough of the view that you saw the moon ascending the sky. Sunset was losing its grip on this part of the world. Swirling colors of lilac, tangerine, and amber dotted the sky as night approached. The ambient lighting outside began to turn on one by one.
Stella looped her arms through yours and Angela’s arms and pulled you toward the entrance to the club. The music reached you first. Hotel guests were spilling in and out of the place so it must be a popular spot. 
You swallowed around the huge lump in your throat as you pushed inside, flashing your wristbands that confirmed your age and the amenities you paid for. The staff member waved you in with a polite smile and soon you were entrenched in the booming club.
The space itself was huge with plenty of dancefloor area. The upbeat, fast paced music got everybody dancing and shaking their hips. There were pillars stationed around the room holding up the ceiling but other than that, it was pretty much open. There was a bar area on a raised platform filled with tables and chairs. 
Most were all occupied as people looked over the railing at the brave people down below getting it on in various states of fancy clothing. Dresses flew through the space. Heels clacked on the floor. Hands were in the air in an undulating wave like the waters that crashed on the shore. 
There was a heavy smell of liquor and sweat and some type of sweet perfume in the air that tried to combat it. There was no way to combat the funk so it ended up smelling like sweet sweat. But that was to be expected with so many people in one room shaking what the Lord gave them. 
You and your friends made a beeline to the bar, immediately ordering sugary drinks that would go straight to your head. Alcohol was never a proper solution to anxiety. However, you’d take anything for a release from its shackles for the night. 
As you waited for your drink, you bounced your shoulders trying to get your body to catch up to your mind. “Naw, show us what you got, girl!” Stella said. She whistled and encouraged you to dance a little more, shake a little more.
Fuck it. You couldn’t let your anxiety win this time around. You started getting into it, shaking your booty faster and then backing away from the bar. You felt the rhythm of the song, waving your hands and getting your whole body into it.
You backed up one more step and tripped, your body flying to the right. You shrieked, hands reaching out to catch your fall. However, you didn’t fall. Strong arms encircled you. It took a few moments for your mind to catch up to the fact that you weren’t kissing the nasty club floor. 
Your heart roared in your chest, causing stops and starts that made you shake all over. The strong arms pulled you back to standing, righting yourself on your wedges. “Thank you,” you said.
You looked up into the most gorgeous pair of brown eyes you had ever seen. Those eyes were framed by a long face, wide nose, and a trimmed dark beard. He had a big smile with perfect, symmetrical teeth encased in hollow grills.
The man had rich, deep golden brown skin that he showed off with a collared navy shirt and black jeans. His upper arms were bulging with muscles, straining against the short sleeves of his shirt. 
He was in a word: devastating. 
“Are you okay?” Sound finally filtered past your racing heartbeat. The way he looked at you gave you the indication that he had asked it more than once. You bit your lip and nodded. You forgot how words worked. 
“Are you sure you didn’t twist anything?” He asked. His voice felt like what hot chocolate on a cold evening tasted like. It warmed you up from the inside out, awakening places that didn’t usually awaken for anything other than your favorite celebrity and brownies.
Your mind was slow, fuzzy around the edges, as it dawned on you that he was pointing to your feet. You moved each leg, leaning on him while you lifted your legs and moved them in a tiny circle. 
You looked back into his eyes and nodded again. “Good,” you chirped. 
He smiled slowly. Fuck, you could watch him smile for the rest of your days and never get sick of it. He was so damn cute. And hot. A dangerous combination that had you acting like Helen Keller. ‘Cept you could plainly see how divinely sexy he was. 
“Can I buy you a drink to apologize for ruining your dance?” He asked.
You smiled and ducked your head, cheeks warming up from the embarrassment of dancing in front of him. You looked down at his hands secured around your arms, at your hands on his. 
You started to move them but he held on a little tighter, unwilling to let you go. “I…kind of already ordered one,” you said around the thick lump in your throat. Come on! Get it together! What the hell was wrong with you? 
“Oh, are you here with someone?” He asked. He still didn’t let you go. 
You licked your lips, the sweet taste of manufactured strawberries coating your tongue and snapping some sense back into you. You nodded and looked towards your friends. They were openly gawking at you. 
“My friends,” you finally said. 
“But no guy?” He asked. 
You giggled and shook your head. “No girl?” You asked.
He smiled and shook his head. “I’m Stunna,” he said. 
You told him your name. He said a few times, rolling the syllables around his tongue like one did to a lollipop. You focused on his mouth and the way he said your name. As if he had been saying it his whole life and never wanted to stop. 
“If I can’t buy you a drink, can I get your number? You from the States?” He asked. 
Anxiety reared its huge, ugly, monstrous head. You were nervous to just…abandon your friends. Let alone your drink. With your luck, you lived on complete opposite sides of the country. You nodded, to give him an answer about the States. But were too nervous to tell him where. To even hint at the possibility that you could occupy the same city and there wasn’t a national alert about it. 
You were sure that he caused a storm of women wherever he went. You would have noticed if he lived around the Bay. You knew that you’d feel him in your blood, taste him in your veins if you lived in the same area. Certain that you would have bumped into each other already. Seen each other somewhere. 
“I should probably get back to my friends. I’m sure your friends are missing you as well,” you said. You reluctantly withdrew your hold on him. Your small claim for the time being. Relinquishing that hold hurt. 
He nodded. As you turned to leave, he swiftly caught your hand. He brought it to his lips and kissed your fingers. “Save a dance for me? I wanna see more of them moves.” 
A nervous giggle pushed against your rib cage, threatening to spill over. You swallowed it back down and bit your lip. You didn’t want to keep turning him down but your stomach twisted and turned. Danger! Threat! 
There was nothing threatening about the man so you figured that you needed away. You needed space to breathe and think. Time spent away from his spicy cologne that tickled your nose. 
You nodded once more. What were the odds that he’d find you again in this club? If your friends weren’t at the bar, you wouldn’t know the first place to look for them. 
Stunna let go of your hand and backed away, giving you a small wink before turning back to his friends. He was surrounded by a group of guys, all hot in some way or another? Damn. You checked out his back side as you walked back to your friends. 
“The hell you doing back here?” Stella asked.
“What’s happening? Why aren’t you sitting in that man’s lap?” Angela asked. 
“What are you talking about?” You asked. You grabbed your drink, the glass sweating from sitting so long. How long had you been talking to Stunna? And why did you feel like you wanted to run right back into his arms?
You took deep gulps of the fruity concoction, letting the alcohol seep through your system and chase away your anxiety. The cold from the drink burned away the lump in your throat. Being away from him helped. It helped in a way that was foreign to you to name or identify. 
People didn’t have physical reactions to others right? Like that was a thing made up by romance movies to get people’s heads in the clouds and sell more candy in stores, right? 
Your friends hounded you for answers to their questions, wondering what you spoke about and why you weren’t still talking to him.
“I didn’t want to abandon you for some guy. This is a girl’s trip. A relaxing trip,” you said.
“You better relax on that man’s dick! Like you saw him right? Like you saw the way he looked at you? Girl, please tell me she’s not that oblivious,” Stella said, leaning her head on her sister’s shoulder.
Angela tossed her hands up as if she were preaching to a congregation. “Father God, grant your child the gift of sight because she’s clearly blind,” Angela said. 
You laughed, rubbing your forehead at their embarrassing shenanigans. “I’m not oblivious!” 
“I pray that I’ll never do some dumb shit like her, Lord. Smite her and send the nigga my way, because damn,” Stella said. She looked behind you and you panicked, standing in her way to not bring attention to the fact that you were discussing Stunna. You risked a glance over your shoulder.
Stunna was sitting down at a table, faced in your direction. He lifted his glass to you and you smiled, turning around and immediately dropping it. The drink wasn’t helping. Butterflies flapped tiny wings in your stomach. He was killing you. 
“What happened to new experiences?” Angela asked.
“Not that damn new,” you muttered, sipping more of your drink. At this rate, you’d need ten drinks to calm the wings in your stomach. 
Stella groaned dramatically, throwing her arms across your shoulders. “As sweet as it is to worry about us, you see us every damn day. How often do you run across someone that damn fine in real life? In real life? He belongs in a magazine or on TV or some shit,” she said. 
That was the fucking truth. “He probably lives on the East Coast or something,” you said, waving Stella off of you. You were too hot. There were too many people here. Too many clusters of hot breath, sweat, and body heat raising the temperature in the room to dangerous levels. 
You sipped more of your drink. You tapped your foot against the hard floor, vibrating with energy that had nowhere to go. Nothing to do but zip up and down your body and twist your insides. 
“So? You ain’t trynna marry the nigga. Just get down,” Angela said and bent low, shaking her hips. Stella joined her, sticking their tongues out. Stella turned around and bounced her booty against Angela. Angela mimed hitting Stella’s ass and you laughed, waving them away.
“You two are a hot fucking mess!” You screamed. They continued to dance and giggle, shaking their ass and proceeding to make you wish the floor swallowed you whole. 
“Since our girl is romantically deficient, let’s get on the floor,” Stella said. You finished your drink and followed your friends to the dance floor. 
You started out stiff, not wanting to bump up against anyone. You didn’t need a repeat from earlier. Your friends noticed your reluctance and each took one of your hands. They began to swing you around. 
You smiled, falling for their obvious charm. You loosened up and relaxed. The drink finally did the trick and you surrendered to the music. You closed your eyes and felt the thumping beats, the instruments, and sultry crooning of the singer. 
You danced and laughed with your friends, relishing the feeling of being young and carefree. This was what you had been chasing this entire trip. This feeling of being present and in the moment. 
You began to twerk as the music changed, popping your ass to the beat of the song. Your friends cheered you on. You placed your hands on your knees and got lower. Someone sidled up behind you, not one of your friends you were sure. 
You shrugged your shoulders and kept dancing. Now was the time to keep living in the moment. You could dance with someone that wasn’t in your immediate comfort circle. You couldn’t always hang onto your friends like a barnacle. 
Large hands circled your waist and you leaned back into a lean but strong frame. The stranger felt like a man and a good dancer on top of it. Able to match your changing moves. The stranger grabbed your hands and spun you around to face him.
Stunna grinned at the surprise on your face. “I thought I told you to save me a dance,” he yelled to be heard over the music. 
“What took you so long?” You asked. 
“Like that?” He asked, exaggerating his words. You nodded. He matched your nod and then spun you back around. You giggled, breathless at being spun around like a doll. He pulled you around the dancefloor dancing to the fast-paced music with ease. Now it was you that was having trouble keeping up with him.
You faced him now and your hands were in each other’s, dancing with complicated turns and twirling limbs that made you feel like you were on Dancing With the Stars. The song finished and you waved your heads. “I need a break!” 
Stunna grinned, flashing those damn grills. You stared at them, wondering if he took them out during sex. Was he the type to go down on a woman? Stunna winked as he if sensed the direction of your thoughts.
He placed his hand on your lower back and led you back to the bar. You ordered some water and he made you order a drink. “Since you don’t wanna give a nigga your phone number,” he said with a show-stopping smile. 
You rolled your eyes. “Why do you want my number?” You asked. You drank the water bottle at his nudging.
“So I can hear that sexy ass voice in my ear,” he said. 
You rolled your eyes playfully and played with the paper around the water bottle. “You’re so bad,” you said. 
He shrugged his shoulders, calling your name like he was savoring the taste of it. “I’m still right though. I want to keep talking to you,” he said.
You could practically feel your friends on your shoulders like little devils pushing you to give him your number. What harm could it do? You held out your hand for his phone. He dug it out of his pocket and handed it to you.
His total focus on you while you entered your number was unnerving. You couldn’t help giggling as you put in your number. He reached out and trailed a finger down your arm, raising goosebumps in its wake. You messed up on a number and giggled in his direction.
“You’re distracting me,” you said. 
“Yeah? Good. But make sure that number right,” he said. He peeked across the screen as you backspaced and entered your number correctly. 
He smelled like his cologne, sweat, and whatever drink he had throughout the night. You handed his phone back to him. You fanned yourself with your clutch while he looked at his phone. 
He smiled and tapped a few times. “There, now you have my number,” he said. 
The butterflies returned to your stomach the longer you spent in his presence. He liked that he could fluster you so easily and tried his damndest to keep doing so. Your cheeks ached from all the smiling you did. 
You talked more about yourself and your friends and why you came to the D.R. He told you that he was out here celebrating for his friend’s wedding. The wedding had already passed, cheaper during the week, so they were spending the weekend celebrating with friends.
“It’s nice of you all to come out here and celebrate with them,” you said. Stunna turned his head to the side, he didn’t hear you. The music seemed to get louder and even though you yelled, he couldn’t hear you.
Stunna scooted closer to you and yelled in your ear. “Wanna go outside?” 
You looked at him and nodded. You couldn’t hear shit, but you were pretty sure you could hear your friends whooping for joy as Stunna took your hand and led you outside of the club.
Your ears popped as you reached the quiet interior of the lobby. There was a stark contrast between the two rooms and your ears rung. You shook your head, trying to clear the ringing. Stunna did the same, shaking his shoulders too for good measure.
Being out in the lobby, the base temperature felt like frost at the top of a mountain. You shivered as it highlighted buckets of sweat rolling down your spine and between your breasts. 
A drop of sweat rolled down Stunna’s arm and you followed the movement as it trailed down a prominent vein. Stunna still held your hand and you walked out of the resort, past the open pool that shimmered with light from nearby lamps. 
You walked along the concrete pathways heading down to the beach. Before you stepped onto the sand, you leaned down and took off your wedges. Stunna took off his boots, and rolled up his pants legs. 
“Looks like I was smart to wear a dress,” you said and giggled at him. 
“Damn smart. I’m glad you did. Your body in that dress, hmm,’ he said and rolled his bottom lip between his teeth. 
“Stop,” you chuckled and shook your head. He was incorrigible. 
“Naw, I can’t. Your ass looks amazing. Thighs I just wanna squeeze. Lips I wanna kiss,” he said. He stood up to his full height and you stared at him.
Soft moonlight fell over his features on one side of his face. The lamps gave a warm glow on the other side. He was light, soaking it all up and reflecting it back out to seem like he had an inner glow. 
You sighed, staring at this work of art before you. You wanted to pinch yourself. You stepped closer but Stunna only smiled, grabbed your hand, and you took off down the beach. You spent time walking up and down, warm sand digging between your toes. 
You talked more, learning about him and how much he loved to read. You shared that passion and spoke about books you’ve read and favorite authors. He took your recommendations seriously, pulling out his phone to add books to a list on his phone. 
“Come back to my room,” he said.
You shook your head. “Won’t your friends be looking for you?” 
“Naw. I got my own room. I ain’t sharing shit with them nasty niggas,” he said.
You laughed, moving away from him as the sand made you trip up. Stunna pulled you back to his side. “See, yo clumsy ass need somewhere to sit. Come sit in my room,” he said. 
You were back in the same position from earlier when he rescued you from falling. He gripped your elbows, standing close enough to lick, and your hands were on his arms. He was too close, surrounding you with him. You couldn’t think past him. When you looked up, all you saw was him. 
You waited to feel panicked and shaky. To warn you to step away and flee from him. It never came. “If I go back to your room, I doubt we’ll just be sitting,” you said.
“I never said that. That’s yo nasty mind,” he said. He licked his lips. “But I like the way you think. You wanna come sit in my lap?” 
There were no reservations. No warning bells in your head. No screeches of noise or racing thoughts to prevent you from biting your lip and nodding. From grabbing his hand and watching each other as you left the beach and headed inside. 
You didn’t talk as you leaned against one another in the elevator. He placed a kiss to your head and you melted even further into him. The elevator softly dinged and the doors opened to his floor. He stayed in the building next to your room. You were sort of relieved. Had he stayed in the same building or even on the same floor, it would have been too perfect. Too obviously a set up by God or whoever was out there listening. 
Stunna swiped his keycard once he got to his room and opened the door. You walked inside the cool room and turned on lights. 
He had a suitcase on the couch of his suite, open to reveal some clothes he packed. He had shoes strewn about but for the most part, he was a clean guest. He closed the door and you turned to look at him. 
You placed your shoes on the ground next to his, marveling at the contrast between your sizes. It looked oddly perfect sitting side by side. You ignored that runaway thought as you quickly texted your friends that you would be late to the room. It was a good chance to not wait up for you at all if this night went how you were expecting.
Stunna watched you place your clutch on the TV stand. He moved about the room, cleaning up but it wasn’t necessary. Just bags and bottles of water that were on the nightstand. 
“I’ll wash off this sand,” you told him. 
“I’ll go after you. Take your time,” he said.
Take your time, yeah right. If you took long enough, you would summon your anxiety like an ancient deity out for your blood. You quickly went to the bathroom and freshened up a little, running the bath to clean off your feet. You didn’t even look at yourself in the mirror. If you did, you would chicken out. 
You didn’t want to chicken out. You wanted a wild story. A story to tuck in your heart and bring out as the years passed and you lived your life. A story that you held on to when you got older and your partying days was nearing its end. 
When you left the bathroom, Stunna had lowered the lights to make it more intimate and softer. He opened the curtains revealing a balcony that overlooked the ocean. He stood outside, twisting caps off of water bottles. He also had a bottle of Hennesy on the small table outside. 
You approached and he smiled when you did. “I’ll be right back,” he said.
He went to the bathroom to clean off the sand. You stepped out fully and enjoyed the breeze kissing your skin. You sipped some of the Hennessy, enjoying that sweet burn. The ocean waves crashed against the shore but from this height, you saw further than you did in your room. 
Few stars were able to wink in and out behind dark clouds in the sky. The half moon shone down onto the beach and over the resort. Stunna returned and wrapped his hands around your waist, leaning against you. 
He grabbed the cup from your hands and finished the rest. He kissed his way along your exposed neck, sending shivers down your spine. You sighed and relaxed into him. He made no move to do anything else, no roaming hands or nasty words. 
“You are so gorgeous,” he said.
You turned in his arms and faced him. “I’m done talking. Kiss me,” you said.
He grinned, flashing those damn golds that have been driving you crazy all night. “You sure?”
You wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled him closer before you lost your nerve. You finally tasted him, tasted the bite of Hennessy on his lips. His lips were warm and wet and his tongue dived into your mouth. You moaned as he explored, running his tongue along yours and along your teeth. 
Stunna’s hands gripped your arms and moved lower, cupping your ass and squeezing tight. You growled from how good it felt. How wonderful it felt to be in his arms. Stunna hissed in between his kisses, like you were both on fire but he was willing to risk kissing you through the flames.
Your back was against the railing and he pushed into you, rubbing his erection against your tummy. You moaned. 
“Keep moaning like that and I won’t be able to control myself,” he said against your lips. You opened your eyes to look at him. 
“Don’t control yourself,” you said. 
He laughed and licked his lips. He sat down in the closest chair and pulled you into his lap. You straddled him, wobbling a bit since his stance was so wide. Your legs draped on the outside of his and he spread his legs so that he could spread you wider. 
His hands searched under your dress so that he could cup your ass directly. Dig those skillful fingers into the meat of your ass. He spanked one cheek and you jerked in his lap, your pussy rubbing against the fabric of his jeans. 
He growled, fingers seeking your wet heat. When he found your clit, he had no mercy. He began to run his thumb around the sensitive nub. You scooted higher on his lap, needing the friction of his jeans to help speed your arousal along. Not that you really needed it. You were already dripping for him. 
“Mm, so wet. You always sit your pretty ass on strangers and let them finger your pussy?” He asked around kissing you. 
“N-No,” you moaned. 
He suckled on your bottom lip and your pussy throbbed. He was working some type of magic between your legs. Some type of spell that threatened to rip you into pieces. 
“No? You telling me that this is all for me?” He asked. “I get to be the one to play with you?” 
“Yess,” you sighed against his lips. 
“Then I should feel special that you’re soaking my fingers already and I’ve yet to feel you?” 
“Shit,” you sighed. Your arms were wrapped completely around his neck, holding onto him and keeping him close. 
He kissed your neck, licking it, while his fingers finally dipped into your entrance. You shook with a long moan, throwing your head back as pleasure rolled through you in cascading waves. 
“Nasty little girl, aren’t you?” He asked. 
“N-No,” you whined. 
He chuckled. “You letting me play with your pussy. And it feels so good gripping my fingers. Bad little girl,” he growled against your throat. 
His other hand snaked up your body until he gripped your throat. Your eyes rolled to the back as he squeezed with force. He brought your head closer so that your foreheads were touching. 
His fingers increased in pressure and he drove them into you. Effectively fucking you with his fingers. “Say you’re a bad girl,” he said. 
Your breathing was heavy and slow, not pumping enough oxygen into your brain. Or perhaps it was him. Perhaps he was some type of demon, stealing the oxygen from your lungs as your orgasm swam to the surface. 
You couldn’t make your words work. The words stuck to the roof of your mouth like peanut butter. Your mouth moved, working double time as he stuck two fingers inside and rolled your clit with his thumb.
“Say it if you wanna cum,” he said.
“I wanna,” you whined. 
“You wanna what?” He asked. “Shit, you’re so fucking wet. Can’t wait to taste you. Do you taste as sweet as you look?” 
You whined and gyrated your hips. Why couldn’t you say anything? Why couldn’t your mouth work to speak? 
“I wanna cum,” you finally choked out. You leaned your head back. He allowed you to do so and he kissed your neck around his fingers, dipping low to kiss your chest and just above your breasts. 
“Say you’re a bad girl if you wanna cum,” he demanded. 
You were close. Incredibly close. “Don’t stop, don’t stop,” you moaned.
“I’m waiting,” he whispered against your skin. Blowing air across your chest, around the pools of saliva he left on your skin. 
“I’m bad. I’m a bad girl,” you moaned.
“So bad,” he agreed.
“So bad. You make me feel so good,” you moaned. 
His fingers never stopped pumping into you. Your legs squeezed his and your eyes shut as you cried with your orgasm. Stunna continued to pump his fingers as you came, cooing against your skin. 
“So pretty when you cum,” he said. When you were done and slumped against him, he withdrew his fingers. Shivers still wracked your body. He moaned while he suckled on his fingers, licking up your essence.
You watched him as he closed his eyes and savored your taste. You licked your lips watching him. He cleaned his fingers and gave you a wink. “You okay?” He asked.
You shook your head. “I wanna taste you too,” you said. 
He grinned. “Get on your knees,” he said. You slid off of his lap with a lopsided smile. The balcony floor wasn’t entirely comfortable, but you were too focused on him unzipping his pants. He released himself from his pants and briefs. 
Your eyes widened. You couldn’t possibly fit the whole thing in your mouth?! 
Stunna chuckled and moved to put his dick away but you gripped his thighs. “I said, I want to taste you too.” You glanced at him as you took him into your mouth. He gave you an impressed smirk, licking his lips at the look of you taking him deep within your mouth.
You couldn’t fit all of him like you thought. But you got enough of him down. You hoped that your inexperience didn’t show. You’ve sucked dicks before but he was probably used to throat goats. Used to women taking him down to the base, fondling his balls, or knowing what the fuck to do.
You only knew that you wanted to keep going. Wanted to please him. You drooled on him and released him to get some air. Using both hands, you twisted his long shaft and then suckled the head of his dick back into your mouth.
His eyes opened and closed, back bowing off of the chair, as he groaned. His hand palmed your head and pushed you down on his dick, pushing you past your limit until you choked. He eased up, but you took him how he wanted. Your saliva helped your hands twist around his dick and coat his tip.
“Gahh damn. Fuckin’ nasty,” he groaned. You made a pleased sound in the back of your throat and continued to take him deeper and faster. Your sloppy, wet suckling was loud in the quiet air. 
You slurped him, drops of precum hitting your tongue. You suckled him all down, glancing at him periodically to see the ecstasy on his face. The pleasure you were bringing him. 
“Gonna bust,” he groaned.
“Wanna taste,” you said around his dick. 
His breathing turned choppy before he tensed. You felt his orgasm travel up his shaft before he moaned, releasing his cum in your mouth. You continued to milk him for every drop you could. You swallowed him all down. 
He pushed at your shoulders to stop, sounds escaping him that you never heard from a man. “Too good,” he panted.
You grinned. You wiped at the corners of your mouth. “You’re dangerous,” he said.
You blinked up innocently at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said. 
His eyebrows raised and he chuckled, wiping the sweat from his brow. “Remember you said that,” he said. 
He scooted the chair back and stood up, helping you to your feet. He pushed you into the room and closed the balcony door, leaving behind a tiny crack to still let in the breeze from the ocean. 
He unzipped your dress and dropped it to the floor, sighing at the look of your body. You never felt so cherished during sex. You weren’t expecting love and all that crap whenever you took someone to bed. It was more like an overwhelming itch that needed to be scratched.
After the deed, your anxiety returned with a vengeance and you were the first out of the door. No one wanted to deal with an anxious mess after getting off. 
With Stunna, there was none of that usual nervousness or shyness holding you back. You just wanted him. 
Your soaked panties went next. He knelt down, doing all the work of removing it. He kissed along your spine and back, the globes of your ass, and the back of your thighs. You shivered at the attention. The care with which he removed your panties.
He stood back up and unhooked your bra, freeing your breasts. He eagerly grabbed them from behind and rolled your nipples between his fingers. He pulled you until you leaned back against him.
“Can’t wait to get these in my mouth. I wanna be a gentleman, but fuck. I just want to break you,” he said.
A vicious tingle spread around your thighs. “I never asked you to be a gentleman,” you said.
He chuckled. “Fair, but I don’t wanna scare you away,” he said. 
“I’m a big girl. I can use my words when I need to,” you said.
“Yeah? Get on the bed then. Hands and knees, bad girl,” he said. He smacked your ass, hard and you did as instructed. You climbed into his bed and got on your hands and knees. 
You were too far away however. He grabbed your hips roughly and pulled you to the edge of the bed. He gripped himself and shoved into your inviting pussy with one savage thrust. His grip on your hip prevented you from escaping. You tried to lean forward, but he held you in place.
He pressed on your back until your chest was against the bed. Your ass was high in the air, giving him total access to you. He smacked your ass. 
“You been talkin’ mad shit all night,” he said. He began to stroke, delivering hard and long thrusts that immediately found your G-spot.
“Oh shit!” You cried out. 
“That’s my shit.” You heard the pleased grin in his tone. How did he find it so fast? 
He continued to stroke, hitting your sweet spot over and over with military precision. He smacked your ass with one hand while the other kept a firm grip. “You ain’t so bold now. A little dick shuts you up?” He asked. 
You couldn’t speak. He was slamming into you so hard, just the way you always dreamt of. It brought tears to your eyes. Most guys were afraid to be rough. Afraid of catching a case once you asked them to go a little deeper or stroke a little harder. 
Not Stunna. He drove into you, seeking something you couldn’t name. It didn’t take long before you were convulsing, shaking on his dick. 
“Talk to me, then. Say somethin’ else,” he said.
“Achgg,” you moaned, eyes rolling. 
Stunna continued to work himself inside of you. His dick speared you. Nearly split you in half. You bounced back on his dick, giving as much as you got. 
“Fuck,” he moaned. “Don’t let me stand in your way. You take what you need from me,” he said. 
Wet, smacking noises filled the room. The sound of your combined fucking pushed another orgasm to the surface. Your ass clapped on his thighs. Your screams were sure to draw the attention of his neighbors. 
He leaned forward and wrapped his hands around your throat. “Fuuh,” you moaned.
Both of you matched each other’s intensity. He pulled you by your throat to swallow every long inch of him. Your desperate thrusts sounded like thunder against his skin. 
“Goh, goh, fuh,” you chanted in rapid succession. 
“So good, so good. Pussy feel so good. You were made to take this dick, weren’t you? You were made for it,” he groaned. 
Your hands feebly held onto the bed in front of you but there was no use. This was so intense and passionate that your orgasm crushed you into a tiny ball and flung you into a tornado. You screamed until you were hoarse. Drool leaked out of your mouth with your whiny cries. 
Stunna continued to hold your throat and pound, chasing his own climax. “Greedy ass. Fuck, you take me so well,” he groaned. 
You were shaking as you rode out your orgasm. As soon as you ended, he began. He flooded your pussy with his cum, roaring like an animal as he climaxed. Your body twitched and spasmed on his dick. His dick hit something deep inside, too deep to know what. But it hit a natural reset. 
Stunna let go of your throat and held onto your hips to keep from falling on top of you. You both panted, harsh breaths filling the room. You sniffled as you recovered, brain quiet for once. 
Stunna slipped out of you and he leaned back to watch his cum slip out. He panted and his breaths fell across your ass and pussy. 
“Fuck,” he said. 
You agreed. You never felt something like that before. Possessed. Owned. It was a feeling you would spend your entire life trying to find again. Would you be able to? 
Both of you were too wobbly to move. As if with your dual climaxes, you had entered a new plane of existence. Being back in the real world sucked. It seemed foreign. You were changed by the experience so why hadn’t the world changed? 
Stunna left to go to the bathroom and returned with a warm washcloth. You cried at the sensation. “Shh, shh, I got you,” he said.
The rough fucking was everything you needed but you were fucking sore. You ached. It felt too damn good for you to complain though. He gently cleaned you up, wiping you down and wiping off some of the sweat. 
You curled up into a ball, trying to will yourself to move. To get dressed and make your escape. You felt like the sex police would descend from the ceiling and arrest you for upsetting the natural law of the universe. 
You couldn’t move. You felt too raw, too exposed. You focused on your breathing, on drawing air in and then out. Stunna returned from the bathroom and you cringed at the picture you must make.
“I’ll leave just as soon as my legs work,” you mumbled. 
Stunna chuckled. “Can you stay?” He sat on the bed in front of you. You were too afraid to look in his eyes. You didn’t know if you were over exaggerating the moment. You wouldn’t be able to bear it if you felt like your world tilted on its axis while it was just Friday night to him. 
Stunna laid down on the bed and lifted your chin with his fingers. “Please, stay,” he whispered.
His eyes swirled with emotion. As if the moment you left, this would all disappear from memory. Until he wasn’t sure if he dreamt this or it was real. It only mirrored what you were feeling so you nodded and he grinned. “What you need?” 
For your skin to feel like it wasn't going to slough off the moment you unfurled. You looked at him with wide eyes. He nodded as if he understood the turmoil inside of you. He stood up and then came around to lay behind you. His hands came around your arms and knees, pulling you into the heat of his body.
You sighed. Exactly what you needed. He pulled the covers over you, wrapping you in a tiny cocoon of heat. You drifted off to the sound of his quiet breathing. The last thing you felt was a tiny kiss behind your ear. 
In the morning, you yawned and stretched. Stunna was asleep next to you. Somehow, you were laying properly in the bed, head on a pillow and his hand draped across your tummy. You watched him in the early morning light. 
This was dangerous. Ludicrous. It was crazy to feel this type of connection with someone else. Someone so obviously built for you yet it couldn’t last. Tomorrow you were flying back home. On Monday, it was back to classes. 
After taking a peek at the edge of the universe, how did you go back to normal? How did you carry on and keep this in your memory bank? 
You had to get out. You lifted his hand to scoot away from him. Away from the oppressive heat that made sweat pool behind your knees. 
Stunna groaned and sniffed, pulling you back against his side. “Where you think you going?” He asked. 
You giggled. “Back to my suite,” you said. 
“You was gonna sneak out? That’s cold,” he said. His deep voice was rough from sleep and it made your pussy flutter. Really? After all that last night, she was still ready to go?!
“Sneak is such an ugly word.” You sighed as he finally cracked one eye open and looked at you.
“At least let me get you breakfast. You can get changed and meet me right back here,” he said.
You laughed. “What if I have plans?” You asked.
“You do. With me,” he said. 
You shook your head. “You’re crazy.” 
He grabbed your hand and linked your fingers together. Your hands were perfect against each other, skin tones perfectly aligned. 
“Please? Text your friends and tell them you’re safe. When do you leave?” He asked.
“Tomorrow,” you said.
“See? Give me one last day until we can figure out when we’ll see each other again.” 
You sighed. You couldn’t say no to that face. Those eyes. You bit your lip and nodded. He grinned, peppering you with kisses all over your face. 
He ordered room service and ate you out before it came up. He moaned and suckled while he did so, grinding his hips into the bed like he wanted to bury his face into your pussy forever. 
When the food arrived, you talked and ate and laughed, sharing more details about yourself but not personal information like the fact that you were in school or where he was working. You talked through safe subjects but all the information you gathered about him, you held it close to your heart. 
Each passing moment spent with him carved out a section of your heart and replaced it with a gorgeous, sexy man named Stunna. You did make it back to your room where your friends gushed over your night. You still had no words but you squealed while you showered and begged their forgiveness while you planned to spend the day with Stunna. 
They encouraged you, admitting that in a move that surprised no one, they found their way to their own flavor of the day. They agreed to come back to the room at a decent hour to pack away their shit and figure out their flight. 
You spent the rest of the day with Stunna, outside of his suite, walking around the resort. It had a small gambling area where he tried to show you how to play poker. He was a very sweet teacher, but you couldn’t make heads nor tails of the rules. You were more of a spades player, but good luck finding that shit here. 
You shared desserts and walked along the beach, sitting in the sand in between his legs and talking some more. Stunna stole kisses throughout the day, unwilling to leave your lips for the second it took to breathe and join back together. 
As night fell, you ate dinner with him and found your way back to his room where you slowly peeled each other’s clothes off. Where you feasted your eyes on his skin. Gasped as he entered you once more and you gave each other untold amounts of pleasure.
Where he held you like he loved you but fucked you like you stole something from him. You came, looking into his molten brown eyes, nuzzling your cheek against the stubble on his chin. He came with your legs pinned to the mattress and his dick threatening to fuck you into the mattress, the floor, and the next floor down. 
You kissed and cuddled while you talked about talking to him every day. He entered you again while you were stubborn, saying you might be busy. 
“Naw, this shit belong to me now,” he said while he thrusted into you for the…third time that night? Fourth? Who kept count while his delicious dick was inside you and you felt whole again? Complete. 
“It belongs to me,” you said.
He grinned and bit your nipple, then licked away the sting. He continued to nibble across delicate skin, moaning when he found your other nipple and tugged with his teeth. You hissed and your back curved, giving him all the access he wanted. 
“Do we have a problem?” He asked.
“Do we?” You countered.
He grinned and then slipped out of you, only to hike one of your legs up in the air. He reentered you from the side, slamming into you until you were crying and shaking on his dick, screaming out his name. 
“Stay talkin’ shit,” he groaned as he filled you up once more.
Saying goodbye to him was the hardest shit you ever had to do. It was like you both knew that even with talking every day, it wasn’t the same. It wasn’t the same as lying next to him and feeling him take up space in the room, in your heart, in your pussy. 
He kept tugging you back for one more kiss, asking if he could walk you to your room. You were blinking back tears. You didn’t want to leave him. But you couldn’t stay either. Both of you had places to be, lives to get back to. 
He leaned in the doorframe, holding your hand and not letting you leave. You smiled. “Stunna, you have to let go.” 
“I’on want to,” he said.
“It’s not forever,” you said, trying to sound hopeful. Your words only sounded sad. He sighed and rubbed his head on his arm. 
“I know. I know.” 
He pulled you close to him, capturing your lips with a devastating kiss. You licked his lips, committing the taste and smell of him to memory. “Not forever,” he said.
“Not forever.” 
You turned and snatched your hand. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have the strength to leave. A cold numbness seeped into your bones as you made the trek to your suite. Stella and Angela commented on how melancholy you seemed.
How could you explain it? That you possibly found your soulmate in Punta Cana and had to leave him here? To be happy with texts and phone calls? Poor substitutes to hugging him, cuddling him, kissing him, fucking him? 
You told them that you were all fucked out to explain it now. Ask you in a week. When your heart wasn’t broken and the pain was less intense. Less potent. 
They left you alone to wallow while you all packed up your things and souvenirs. The ride back home was uneventful. You weren’t up to the usual plane shenanigans of talking and comparing in-flight meals. You didn’t feel like eating at all. 
You texted Stunna that you arrived safely and even spoke to him on the phone. But it only hurt worse. “C’mon, we said not forever,” he said. 
The bastard was right though. Hearing his voice in your ear helped but it wasn’t the same.
“Not forever. I just want you here,” you said.
“I know. We did a few things backward, but when we’re comfortable, we’ll arrange something,” he said. 
You talked until you absolutely had to go to sleep to get ready for class. Luckily, your first class of the day was in the afternoon. You had a chance to recover from the plane ride and time difference.
Everything was dull. The California sun was dull. The campus was boring. Students felt like aliens to you, playing and existing in a world that ended for you back in Punta Cana in Stunna’s arms. 
You sighed, not for the hundredth time, as you dragged your carcass across campus and to your class. Settling into your literature class, you didn’t share this with Stella and Angela. You were left to look out of the window, mind far, far away.
Your pen tapped on the desk, picturing that accidental bump into Stunna over and over again. Act of fate? Accident? How could you meet the love of your life only for you to be ripped away from him and planted back into your normal life like nothing was wrong? 
The door opened and you assumed your teacher came through. Whatever.
“Sorry, I’m late. Not used to the campus yet.”
Your head whipped around and there he was. Stunna stood at the front of the class wearing a deep brown sweater over chocolate colored pants. The sleeves were rolled up revealing his smooth forearms. 
He wrote his name on the whiteboard and your heart seized in your chest. Panic made your heart pound against your rib cage, practically screaming to be let out. You sunk in your seat. Ohgodohgodohgodohgod.
Stunna turned around and smiled at the class. When his eyes found yours, his jaw dropped and he stared. He stared and stared and you didn’t know what he was thinking or what he was going to do.
He cleared his throat and smiled at the class, introducing his real name. Not that you thought Stunna was his real name, but it was the name he usually went by. His eyes kept returning to yours.
You…slept with your college professor. Your life was over. Ruined. How the hell could you fall in love with your professor? And what the hell were you going to do now?
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The Secret Big Stunna Files | Part 2 | Part 3
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berberriescorner · 2 years
Just because one can never have too much Yahya 😋: “The Way You Move” (Song Series) - Yahya Abdul-Mateen II x Black Reader.
He's so damn fine it's almost disrespectful 😩.
Here you go lovely💓.
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“Babe I’ll be right back. Need to change into some more comfortable workout gear. This tee and shorts ain’t cutting it.”
Your husband’s eyes slowly trailed your body from head to toe. Seductively biting his lip he gave you a head nod as you made eye contact.
“I don’t know, those shorts look perfect to me,” he rasped, now licking his lips.
Yeah, baby boy. Go ahead and get all hot and bothered. This is going to be much more fun than anticipated.
“I am not about to shake my ass in these small ass shorts. You’ll have us both distracted.”
“Nothing wrong with a little distraction, mama.”
“Boy calm down. I’ll be right back.”
Realizing you were going to change anyway, Yahya kissed his teeth.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me,” you shouted from the hallway.
How does she always know when I do that?
“Ain’t nobody rolling their eyes at you woman.”
He kissed his teeth once more and went back to lifting weights. It was only a short amount of time before you came sauntering back into the room. You walked past Yahya without acknowledging him. Acting as if you had no clue what effect your change of attire was having on him.
“You change out of those small ass shorts, just to put on those skin-tight leggings? Trade your t-shirt for a crop top. I know I’m about to see all kinds of under titty. You’re not low, love. I know what you’re doing.”
His voice was deeper and his eyes were dark with lust. He crossed his arms and gave you the look. The one that could have you on your knees in a split second. Not today though. Still feeling petty and slightly irritated, you pushed forward with your plan. Brushing off the stare, you cleared your voice, not wanting to sound shaky. If Yahya had known how he was affecting you, he’d have you on your back in no time. 
“Let’s get this workout over with.”
His eyebrows knitted together in confusion. He wasn’t used to you ignoring his advances. Trying to save face, Yahya responded.
“Right the workout. Let’s get this out the way. You still mad at me for dragging you in here with me,” he teased.
“No, baby, not at all.”
He should’ve sensed that something was up. Your response sounded a little too sweet.
Men stay clueless.
“Since you talked me into this ish, I’m going to do some old Aliyah Janell choreography. You wanted me to come dance, so I control the music,” you smirked.
I’m smiling mischievously in this man’s face, and he still doesn't see it.
“Baby, choose the music and get started,” he chuckled. “You're doing everything but dancing,” he teased.
“You in my business, papa. Mind yours.”
See, he keeps antagonizing me. That’s okay I got something for that ass.
You connected your phone to the room's sound system. Placing your phone on top of a small table in the corner. Walking over to the area you danced in you took a few moments to admire your husband's beautiful body as he did sit-ups.
Bitch, relax. Stick to the damn plan. You can slob him down later.
Eyes still locked on Yahya, you called out to Siri. You told her to play music. As soon as the song started, Yahya stopped halfway through a sit-up.
“No! I can’t, you know this song is going to irritate the shit out of me.”
Smiling at him, you ignored his protest as you launched into the choreography of the song.
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Let me know what ya think😍. Thank you for the ask🥰!
If anybody would like to choose a title for a snippet refer to this post.
Credit for the Yahya pic (used in mood board) to the owner. I'm having a hard time remembering where I got it.
Divider credit: @firefly-graphics
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itsbackwoodsbby · 6 months
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Yahya Abdul Mateen II x Black Fem Reader
A/N: I say this is a sequel to ICU. Soooo if you haven't read ICU...go read it, mamas.
Warning: Smut! Public Sex (Balcony Sex)! Oral Sex! Unprotected Sex!
Summary: As soon as you knew Yahya was done with the gym, you texted him that you needed that dick. He gets ready and gives you exactly what you want.
Inspo: O M W by Tonio Hall
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As soon as Yahya walks out of the gym, his phone rings. He knows it’s you because you have a special ringtone. He looks at his phone and sees your explicit messages. Your smooth bare body, laying in the bed touching your body, lowering down to your pussy. He chuckles and replies, “So, you miss me?” He teases you. Your replies send him as you beg him to come over to your house and fuck you senselessly and how you need his dick badly. He puts his stuff in his car and gets in. He replies, “Okay, let me shower. I’ll be there.”
He starts driving. Though he doesn’t need the hype to fuck, he puts his sex playlist on. The first song that comes on is O M W by Tonio Hall. It gets caught in his head, so he puts it on repeat. His mind is filled with how wet your pussy is now as you impatiently way for him, the many dirty things he wants to do to you, and how he was going to break that pretty little pussy of yours.
He gets out of his car and goes inside his house. He put his gym bag in his gym room. He smiles as that special ringtone goes off again. He looks at your messages, rushing him to come to your house, telling him how impatient you are. He texts you and tells you he’s getting the shower. He spends a few minutes in the shower, thinking about all the surfaces to fuck you on. The couches, the counter, against the wall, and on your balcony so the city can see how crazy you are for this man’s dick. 
“Coming, running to you whenever you say.”
He sings along as he wraps the towel around his waist. He dries off and gets dressed in something light. He puts a hoodie on and some basketball shorts. He places his beanie on and puts his hood on as well. He walks out and his phone chimes that same ringtone, “Yahya where are you?” He texts back, “I am on my way, mamas. I just got in the car.”
He starts driving to your house. The red lights are pissing him off. It is hard not to break the law and keep going. As he waits for the red light to turn green, he thinks about eating your pussy, letting your juices drip down his beard. Then picking you up, laying you down on the counter, placing your legs on his shoulders, and fucking you senselessly like you asked him to do. A car honks the horn bringing Yahya out of his thoughts. The light is green and now Yahya is only a few blocks away from your place. 
As he parks in the parking garage, the phone chimes again and it’s you. “Baby, hurry up. I can’t wait any more.” He smiles and replies, “I am here. I am getting in the elevator now.” He gets in the elevator and leans on the wall. The door opens and he walks to your door being semi-already opened. 
He comes in and sees you lying on the couch, naked. He closes the door behind him, takes his hoodie off, and starts kissing your neck, making you even wetter. He kisses you down your body and he starts kissing and sucking on your thighs. You grip his head as he sucks on your clit. His left hand creeps up on your body to your neck and he squeezes it a bit. With his other hand, he’s fingering your pussy. You cry out as the pleasure is too much already as he pumps two fingers in and out at a fast speed still flicking his tongue on your clit. Yahya looks at you. He rubs your clit as he starts talking you through your climax.
“Come on, mamas. Let that pussy come for me.” He rubs your clit faster. “Yahya, Yahya…” You call his name out in whine. His eyes fill with more lust as your lower half jerks up. “I am coming, baby. I am coming!” You shout out. He smiles at you as you release, moaning a sweet tune. He takes you to your balcony. You look at him eagerly. “Yahya, are you forreal?” You squeal. Balcony sex has always been on your list and you get to do it with the person you love. “Yes, let’s do it.” He gives you a cheeky smirk.
He lowers his basketball shorts and you get on your knees. He holds your hair as you start bobbing your head down his shaft. He grunts as your hand starts to massage his balls. Your other hand strokes his dick as you suck him. You look up at him with a sultry look. He bites his lips in return and grabs the back of your head tightly. Suddenly, he is fucking your throat. Your eyes water up and he wipes your tears and smiles at you. His dick begins to throb and twitch in your mouth. You smile and go faster. He holds your head close to his stomach and he cums in your mouth. You swallow his cum and he holds you there until he can get the feeling back in his body. You are a little winded, but you stand up and look at him. Just in a matter of seconds, he regains his energy. 
He bends you over the rail and rubs his tip against your clit before he fills your pussy up with his dick. You sharply inhale and exhale slowly. He automatically starts pounding inside you. You try not to be loud since you’re outside, so you close your mouth to reduce sound. Yahya grips a handful of your hair, pulls you back, and lowly whispers in your ear, “Let the city hear you, baby girl.” He lets your hair go and you fall back on the rails. “Yahya, fuck, fuck! Don’t stop please baby don’t stop.” You cry out. Hot tears running down your face. Yahya’s hands travel up to your boobs and he fondles with them. The city lights begin to blur as he starts hitting your spot. You whine and grab his stomach, but he pins your arm behind you, “You said senselessly. Imma give you what you asked for.” He buries his dick deeper inside you.
Your body is filled with so much ecstasy. You are shouting at the top of your lungs about how Yahya’s dick is the best and how good he feels fucking you. “That’s right. Tell them how you love this dick.” He grunts. “I love this dick, baby. Fuck I love this dick.” You moan out as you clench tightly around his dick. “You going come on this dick?’ Yahya asks you in a husky voice. Yes, yes!” You shout. “I am going to come on your dick.” You start trembling and your body jerks up as you release on his dick. He slows down for a bit for you to slowly relax your body and hang on the rail. He doesn’t give you much time as he resumes pounding deeper inside you. 
You feel him in your stomach and you feel your body start feeling like jelly. Your legs start to buckle and you grip tighter to the rail. He holds your hip and picks his pace. Your bottom lip starts to quiver and you keep blinking your eyes, trying to say conscious. Yahya starts twitching inside you. “Where you want this nut, mamas?” He asks you. You don’t answer, so he slams into you in between words. “I said, Where… Do… You.. Want… This Nut… Mamas? Inside you?” Your lips quiver more as you moan, “Yes, yes Daddy. Fill me up.” His last slam, he comes inside you. His dick twitches into you for a bit before he stumbles back. You fall to the ground and try to gain consciousness and your breath. Yahya leans on the wall and it takes a while to regain his energy back. 
You tell Yahya you’re done, but he shrugs. What did that mean for you? You were getting fucked into the morning. Yahya made his dirty thoughts into a reality. He fucks you on the counter. He fucks you against the wall. He fucks you in the shower. He fucks you on all surfaces in your apartment. After you got pounded into the headboard, you finally collapsed and you are out for the count. He smiles and smacks your ass, proud that he accomplished his mission.
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supersizemeplz · 1 year
Loaded Teas & Introductions
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II x Black PlusSized Reader
A #supersizedfic mini. I heard this mashup on TikTok and fell in love. But the initial one shot is inspired by a comment I seen if hearing it and seeing the love of your life. So here’s the mashup and I hope you enjoy. Excuse any typos.
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Its this one thing that caught me slippin..
It’s this one thing, I want to admit it..
It’s this one thing and I was so wit it…
The soles of the regularly worn sneakers met the pavement in rhythm to the instrumental of the mix that played. Yahya smirked at the smooth blend of the two songs. Greeting the few people he passed, he made his way to his favorite spot for loaded teas. The headphones on his head made him feel as if he stood inside the song. The words floated around him as he moved his shoulders softly whilst nodding. 
Pushing the glass door open, he was hit with a rush of cool air and the aroma of faint sweetness. Light bounced off the tiled floor to add to the brightness of the room. Soft tones danced on the walls and matched the relaxed decor of the establishment. He pushed back a headphone from his ear and softened his music. A smile graced his lips. 
“Sup, Ya. How’s it going man?” The asian barista greeted him with a smile. His dark hair was pulled into a bun atop his head as he stood behind the counter. The soft blue uniform hugged his body comfortably, showing off his toned figure. Short sleeves hid the top of the colorful artwork that adorned his left arm. “The usual or would you like to try our new flavor?” He raised an arched brow for added affect. 
“A new flavor?” Ya smirked. “You know I’m down for whatever magic you make, brother. Let’s w switch it up.” Xen smiled, clapping his hands together before getting to work. 
Ya turned to lean against the counter as he waited for his order. Catching up with his old colleague like usual. He laughed at a joke that Xen said as he looked to the door that notified the entry of another customer. His eye caught her hips hugged by the sundress she wore. But when he caught that smile..
“Whoa..” He breathed the words just loud enough for Xen to hear. “She’s beautiful.”
“Who?” The barista raised an eyebrow and followed his line of sight. A smile caught his lips and he sat the finished drink on the counter. “Ohhh, beautiful she is. Why don’t I introduce you to her?” He lifted a hand to the smiling woman that had bent down to coo at the toddler of a customer close to the door. 
Once she stood, her eyes found them both at the counter. She smiled bigger as she approached. Ya couldn’t help but return the expression. As she got closer, he noticed the light catch the glint from her septum ring. “Xen. How is the world treating you today, brother?” Her full lips were glossed and he took in every word she spoke. 
“I’m doing amazing, actually. I got a workout in before my shift, I have a date tonight, and my good friend came to see me.” Xen gave a gentle tap to Yahya’s shoulder. “Yahya, meet Yana. She’s good friend of Samaria. She was a bridesmaid at our wedding.”
Yana held out a hand, meeting his eyes for the first time. Ya felt his heart skip a beat as he accepted her soft touch, losing himself in a trance. The song he was listening to earlier was hushed and on repeat. He felt like this was a scene in a movie. Her lips moved but he didn’t hear the words leaving them. 
“It’s nice to meet you too, Yahya.” Her words finally broke through with a giggle. Ya snapped from his admiring with a nervous chuckle, rubbing his neck once he freed her hand. Mumbling a ‘Sorry’. 
“Uh, you can just call me Ya. If you’d like?” He grinned, standing up straight. Xen coughed to cover his laugher, getting a quick side eye from Ya. Sending him off to fix her usual order with a smirk. Yana had amusement in her eyes as he nodded, repeating the nickname. 
“Ok, Ya. I like that name. It rolls off the tongue..” She looked up at him through her lashes. “How long have you known Xen?”
“We were good friends in college. Shared an apartment together the last two years of college.” He explained. “He’s the reason I got through Calculus II.”
“He is a wizard with numbers.” She added in. Getting a theatrical bow from Xen. They all laughed as he placed her drink on the counter by Ya’s. She thanked him with an excited squeal as she paid. After declining Xen’s offer for it be on the house.  “I always look forward to my drink for the day.”
“Me too. I hate I can’t get over here more often.” Ya took a sip of his. Giving a hum of approval. “But i make sure to find time out the week to come over and visit.”
After a few minutes of conversation, the bell dinged to introduce a group of customers. Moving both Ya and Yana off to the side by themselves. She looked off for a moment and he got a glimpse of her close up. Her features were soft and he wondered if her skin felt as soft as he imagined. The scent of her perfume was soft and similar to strawberries. He loved it. 
“Sorry, if I’m being to forward but..” He cleared his throat before straightening up. Mentally encouraging himself. “Would you allow me treat you to dinner sometime? Just a night of me proving myself to you.”
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henneseyhoe · 2 years
Interrupted Quickie
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Yahya Abdul Mateen II x BLACK!FEM!reader.
CW :SMUT, profanities, unprotected s3x, quickie, slight daddy kink.
(It’s something slight for my first fic here lmao)
Summary: Yahya and Y/N have a quickie in her childhood bedroom meanwhile her family is downstairs. Before they can finish, a unpleasant surprise makes them stop.
"Shit" I whimpered and arched my back in pain as it came in contact with my vanity, a few of the objects that sat neatly on the surface falling to the floor. Sitting me on top of the wooden stand, Yahya made a 'yikes' face, reaching his hands under my arms and quickly massaging my waist to soothe the pain. "my bad" He whispered as he quickly unbluckled his pants with one of his hands, his other hand moving down and pushing up my skirt.
"Whatever. Hopefully you don't moan too loud" I teased, pulling him closer to me and biting my bottom lip. he smirked "me? I can mask my noise, you on the other hand are a screamer, remember that" he argued as he forcefully pushed himself inside of me with one easy stroke, my walls almost immediately clenching around him in reaction to his movement.
"Oh- fuck!" a long, weak moan left my mouth as Yahya started out with quick thrusts, my back arching. "But I'm the one that gotta keep it down?" He made fun of me, my reaction stroking his ego just how he liked.
Yeah, maybe it is kinda fucked up to get my shit beat up in my childhood room, surrounded by purple butterfly wallpaper, dollies, family pictures, and boyband posters. but shit, it's not my fault cause I didn't pick the damn spot.
"S-slow down" I whispered to him, my hands gripping and scratching at his broad shoulders. If it wasn't for the long sleeve he was wearing, my nails would have most definitely broke skin.
Not only were the dollies and other toys on my old, white shelf falling one by one with each thrust, but the more I moaned out, the faster he went, and the faster he went, the more the mirror would bang against the wall, making an obvious knocking sound.
He covered my mouth with one of his hands, the golden rings that complemented his brown skin perfectly pressing up against my cheek, his palm muffling the sounds I made, but obviously it wasn't gonna help the sound of the mirror that was crashing into the wall over and over again. He slowed his thrust but continued to stroke deep inside of me, making me scratch down his arms and arch my back.
My toes curled and my eyes rolled back, my hands now reaching for the ledge of the surface that held me, gripping it tightly. The feeling of pressure had began to rise inside of my stomach, indicating that I was closer to my orgasm than I had thought.
"Fuck, baby. I’m right there” my head fell back against the mirror, his dick repeatedly hitting just where I wanted it. “Cum in this pussy, daddy. It’s yours” He groans and leans in, kissing down my neck. With all the mixing going on, I could barely hear the footsteps creeping towards the door, an unpleasant surprise being on the other side, cracking the barrier between the room and the hallway open.
"EWWWWW!" Yahya hears from behind him mid-stroke, the man catching a glimpse in the mirror of pure shock on three faces. he pulls out immediately and rushes to pull his dress pants up, dropping to the floor and rolling besides the bed to hide from embarrassment. "SHIT!" I closed my legs and hopped down from the vanity, fixing my skirt properly. "GET THE HELL OUT?!" I screamed at them and ran to close the door, the three adults running down the hall.
I slammed the door shut and locked it, realization of what just happened settling in, embarrassment following directly after.
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" I panicked and paced around the room, my hands gripping my freshly picked afro. "babe...I am so sorry" I glared in the man's direction, making him stop talking.
Yahya got up from besides the bed, fully clothed, holding in his laugh by biting his bottom lip.
"SO YOU AINT THINK TO LOCK THE DAMN DOOR?" I fell to my knees and plopped my head on my bed "MY BAD-"
"This like senior year all over again, am I right?" He spoke, a small laugh almost slipping out of his mouth. "Yahya...shut the fuck up, please"
Everyone sat at the table, enjoying their meal and catching up on news or drama, conversation making its way around the table until it got to me and my cousins.
Yahya cleared his throat after sipping his wine, looking around for any expressions from the elders that made it clear that they knew what had just happened. one of my cousins; Tre smirked to himself, ready to tell an inappropriate joke that I would end up smacking him for. serious eye contact was made around the table until I decided to pull my phone out from under my thigh, typing frantically.
So...who snitched?
I looked back up from my phone, my cousins glaring at theirs as soon as the text sent. "Y'all chern is quiet as mice over there" my aunt said, chewing her food. "Right, what's wrong with y'all? Why y'all not eating all this good food? Is it bad or something?" my grandmother formed a small frown as we shook our heads. "I'm not hungry" I responded in a mumble, tapping my nails on the table "this wine filled me up" Yahya said, rubbing the back of his neck.
girl ain't nobody snitched on yo horny ass.
I don't believe you.
Damn you'd doubt us like that? You know we know how to keep a secret girl.
Girl bye. Did y'all tell or not?
You didn't hear her the first time? No nigga.
You already know yahya would be headless if they did know. Yo daddy would hate to know he "deflowered" you. 😂
He should know. She touching 30 already! 😮‍💨
Y/N been deflowered, he'd be a lil late. Seven years late to be exact.
Yall think yall so funny, ANYWAY. I was just checking to make sure
That's cool and all but we not keeping yo dirty little secret for free
Exactly, run us a ten or something cuzo.
What they said chile.
Hustling your own cousin like this is insane, actually
Rent due, kid 🤣
I just like money 🤷🏿‍♀️
Broke! All of you. But y'all got a deal, just don't say shit.
We gotchu.
I looked up from my phone and tuned into the current conversation at the table "mmm, chile pass me some sausage" my mom spoke, pointing her fork at the brown meat on a plate across from her "girl, just have the whole thing, damn!" my aunt said, passing her the plate "girl, you know I love me some of these sausages. They real juicy too!" the whole table cringed, Yahya covering his face with both his hands.
"aight, I'm finna head out" Lulu got up, tossing her napkin to the side "me too chile" I got up from my seat, making Yahya rise with me, my cousins following until everyone separated in the living room.
"I swear I'm never getting hard again" Yahya crosses his arms, sitting next to me on the couch. "should have locked the doors, dumbass" I mumbled, hitting him with a pillow
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youngsamanda · 3 months
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not to be a silly goose but i have the itch to write and below are a bunch of things i'd love to write ! i am open to writing on tumblr or jcink but heavily prefer discord ! please be eighteen or over if you are giving this post a like or messaging me ! if you have any questions please let a girl know i love to yap about headcanons , characters , and swap pinterest boards i will be annoying abt it ! but yea give this a like or dm me if interested !
plots : slasher multimuse / messy 2000s socialites / yellowjackets style where we play older and younger versions of plane crash survivors / mermaid x pirate romance / not actually the characters but the vibes of red white and royal blue gay royals and all that / just want random period pieces like characters in the 70s or something / rich girl x country boy / proper enemies to lovers / the bitches from the mummy / mob lackey and mob boss daughter / something based on beth x rip from yellowstone / literally just a drama college friend group bc it’s fun / gimme real old gay vampires that are just messy and awful for each other but keep falling back together / literally on my knees begging for any kind of beauty and the beast plot / gay cowboys / next gen marvel or dc / scooby doo style friend group and ships / 70s rockers / literally anything where we can cast older and younger versions and do next gen stuff eventually bc that's so fun / co-stars on a fantasy television show
wanted opposite : nick robinson / archie renaux / emilio sakraya / jena malone / ryan graves / adrian kempe / sza / lily gladstone / yahya abdul mateen ii / alperen duymaz / drew starkey / fka twigs / aubrey plaza / peter gadiot / renee rapp / paul mescal / havana liu rose / milo manheim / taylor zakhar perez / riley keogh / anna diop / melissa barrera / ben barnes / ayo edibiri / fabien frankel / dev patel / oliver jackson cohen / danny ramirez / aubin wise / cillian murphy / amber midthunder / daniel sharman / auli'l cravalho / logan lerman / phoebe tonkin / rege jean page / winona ryder / dua lipa / elodie yung / joseph quinn / simone ashley / camila mendes / jensen ackles / henry golding / blu hunt / aaron taylor johnson / calum hood / gabriel luna / savannah lee smith / may calamawy / ruby cruz / chay suede / brady skjei / zazie beetz / donald glover / emilio sakraya / evan peters / lola tung / anyone really
ships : wanda x vision (recasting required) / (recasted prefered) sam x bucky / bucky x steve / natasha x bucky / gale x dewey / buffy x spike / buffy x angel / keyleth x vax / older annabeth x percy / anakin x padme / tom blythe x rachel zegler / mason gooding x jenna ortega / peter x gwen but not tom holland peter / bloom x sky from winx club / danielle galligan x calahan skogman / nesta x cassian / taylor zakhar perez x madelyn cline / mickey x ian from shameless but recasted / rhaenyra x harwin / taylor zakhar perez x amita suman / haley x nathan from oth / haymitch x effie from the hunger games / anna diop x brenton thwaites / lydia x stiles (recasted) / scott x allison (recasted) / older sean x emma from degrassi (recasted) / rosalie x emmett from twilight (recasted) / odessa a'zion x drew starkey / courtney eaton x sophie thatcher / lorna dane x marcos diaz (lorna recasted) / kaz x inej / nina x mattias / jason todd x rose wilson (not titans tv version) / clark kent x lois lane / hal jordan x barry allen / klaus x caroline (recasted caroline at least) / hayley x klaus / mackenzie davis x gugu mbatha-raw
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cinema-tv-etc · 2 years
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How Do These Celebs SIZE Up?
Do you ever wonder which celebrities have the biggest and smallest penises in Hollywood? Well today you’re in luck! Here at Mr. Man we love penises of all shapes and sizes, and we’re celebrating the delish diversity of dongage with the 20 biggest celebrity growers and showers! Only A-listers actors made the cut (or uncut!) and the results have been verified by our dedicated team of guy-ientists. Those are guy scientists for you non-academics. Hit the list below to check out the sexy celebrities with the biggest and smallest penises in Hollywood!
Watchmen star Yahya Abdul-Mateen II is one of the most well-endowed men in Hollywood, according to a list compiled by Mr. Man, a database for male celebrity nude scenes.  The Emmy-award winning actor who can also be seen in the Netflix historical legal drama The Trial of the Chicago 7, is included in “Hollywood Showers” list. “During this award season, we thought it would be fun to recognize the actors who dare to bare all,” says Phil Henricks, an executive at Mr. Man.  “We didn’t feel the need to hand out trophies as these men have already been gifted with the best prizes of all.”
The experts at Mr. Man were satisfied as well. , they chose him among their 10 “Showers” in Tinseltown.  Viggo Mortensen, Ben Affleck, Colin Farrell, and Ewan McGregor also make the well-hung club.
Michael Fassbender, best known for his starring role in the X-Men films, appears on the list for his full-frontal scene in the 2011 film, Shame.  “The German race car driver turned actor is probably not as well known in America as the other men on our list,” reflects Henricks. “But judging from the impression that he made on our team, he should be.”
Among the Growers list are Tom Cruise who appeared nude in 1983’s All the Right Moves, Jude Law from 1999’s The Talented Mr. Ripley, Leonardo DiCaprio in 1995’s Total Eclipse and Tom Hardy who bared all in 2008’s Bronson.  “We applaud the Growers, too,” says Henricks.  “At Mr. Man, we appreciate all shapes and sizes.”
#1: Ben Affleck
It’s no secret that Ben Affleck is one of the sexiest men in the biz we call show. But did you know that the real-life DILF has the biggest penis in Hollywood? It’s true. He surpasses even the legendary Michael Fassbender (who seemingly fluffed for his Shame role). For a look at what Ben is packing, check out his massive member in Gone Girl. Ben there, hung that!
#2: Michael Fassbender
Michael Fassbender’s legendary cock has received ample time in front of the camera thanks to his brazen full-frontal performances. Michael really put other actors to shame in, well, Shame, when he flaunted his huge swinging penis. Raise your hand if you want more Fassbender dick!
#3: Yahya Abdul-Mateen II
The talented and sexy actor Yahya Abdul-Mateen II em-bawdy-ies Watchmen’s Dr. Manhattan like no other man can. He lends his perfect, thick penis to the role of the famously naked Dr. Manhattan in multiple mouthwatering scenes. Do we like seeing him naked? Um, Ya...hya.
#4: Liam Neeson
We’re Taken… by Liam Neeson’s cock! Now we know where the horse-hung Irish actor gets his swagger from. Liam Neeson’s full frontal scene goes down in Under Suspicion, when he makes a mad dash across a lawn with his thigh-slapper on full display. Just… wow.
#5: Ewan McGregor
Ewan McGregor is one of the nudest actors in Hollywood, with over a half dozen frontal performances under his rarely-there belt. And with his impressive package in Young Adam, this sexpot is an example of quality and quantity! When it comes to Ewan, we all win.
#6: Omar Epps
Omar God! Omar Epps is definitely an actor who we want to see more nudity from. But at least he blessed us with a great frontal nude scene in Conviction. We’re convinced that he’s one of the most well-endowed actors in Hollywood!
#7: Viggo Mortensen
Viggo Mortensen has delivered decades of dudity, first showing off his thick penis in 1991’s The Indian Runner, and most recently in 2016’s Captain Fantastic. That cock? Fantastic!
#8: Antonio Banderas
Many fans might not know that Zorro himself is packing an impressive sword. Antonio was just a twink when he showed off his genuinely thick sausage in 1982’s False Eyelash! And don’t get us started on that sexy au naturel bush. Just don’t okay.
#9: Colin Farrell
A man with a dashingly handsome face, dreamy eyes, perfectly toned bod, and an extra long dong might seem too good to be true. But that’s exactly what you get with Colin Farrell! Porn fans can check out his sizable soapy cock in Triage.
#10: Justin Theroux
My man’s lingerie? Grey sweatpants. Justin Theroux made headlines for his bobbing bulge in The Leftovers, but to see what he’s actually packing, check out Justin’s impressive frontal shot in Eight Inches Under. We mean, Six Feet Under!
#11: Robert De Niro
The legendary actor Robert De Niro was about as studly as they came when he was a young Hollywood hotshot. We think that his sexy cock, as seen in the Bernardo Bertolucci movie 1900, might contribute to his confidence.
#12: Harvey Keitel
This accomplished actor made a name for himself with his brazen nude performances. You can peep Harvey's hog in unforgettable scenes in Bad Lieutenant, The Piano, Ulysses’ Gaze, and more!
#13: Alexander Skarsgård
Arguably the hottest member of the Skarsgård dy-nasty isn’t afraid to serve up his Swedish sausage. Alexander shocked audiences by delivering full frontal nudity in a True Blood scene that’s straight fire.
#14: Daniel Craig
If you look up “daddy" in the dictionary, you won’t find a picture of Daniel Craig. That’s not how dictionaries work. But if you check him out in Love is the Devil, you will see one of the hottest daddy cocks in Hollywood when he lets it all hang out in the tub!
#15: Richard Gere
Richard Gere proves that it’s not the size that matters, it’s how you use it. The retro heartthrob bravely bared his bits in the aptly named movie American Gigolo. Now that’s what we call kicking things into high Gere!
#16: Tom Hardy
This British babe loves showing off his pint-sized package to anyone and everyone. Shia LaBeouf even claimed that he and Tom once wrestled fully naked! Tom Hardy boldly bares it all in some of the most memorable nude titles here at Mr. Man, like Colditz and Bronson. Hardy will leave you hard!
#17: Tom Cruise
Now we know why things didn’t work out with Katie! Throughout his career Tom Cruise tried his best to hide his package from the camera, but in 1983’s All the Right Moves, he briefly slipped audiences his Cruise missile. Tom’s nudity has us jumping (on the couch) for joy!
#18: Jude Law
Jude Law was every gay boy’s crush in the ’90s, but many people don’t know that he showed off his goods on screen. Jude Law’s best penis shot can be found in the homoerotic The Talented Mr. Ripley. With a face like that, does penis size matter… like at all?
#19: Leonardo DiCaprio
Back when he was a mere twink, industry favorite Leonardo DiCaprio delivered a surprising frontal scene in Total Eclipse. He was only twenty-years-old when he showed his fun-size cock and balls while standing on a roof fully naked! See, you can be a ladies man, even without the gland.
#20: Terrence Howard
We’re certain that he’s simply a grower and not a show-er, but that didn’t stop audiences from commenting on the shocking size of Terrence Howard's penis as seen in Get Rich or Die Tryin’. Maybe in Terryology (Howard’s unproven math theory) three inches equals a foot!
Mr. Man is an adult entertainment website and database of male nude and sexually explicit scenes from mainstream movies and TV.  It launched in 2013, 14 years after its parent site, Mr. Skin.  Its collection includes more than 8,000 stars, 90,000 photos and video clips and a vast selection of curated films and TV shows in full HD video.
You can watch every scene now with a FREE Mr. Man account!
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avnj0gia · 1 year
I asked you a question on your other blog before it was taken down but I'm unsure if you got to see it.
If you were to make two lists of your top black men crushes and top mixed race- black men crushes who would they be? The only condition is that the list must be ranked with #1 being the top choice. I'll leave it up to you to determine the amount of people (EX:TOP 5, 10, etc)
I do remember answering this…It’s gone forever now like tears in the rain so I’ll do it again though. This time it’s gonna be two lists of 5 instead of 10 so I can fit it all in one post…Anyway,
List A:
1. Lil Nas X
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2. Jordan Calloway
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3. Yahya Abdul-Mateen II
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4. Trevante Rhodes
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5. Kid Cudi
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And list B:
1. Mason Gooding
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2. Jordan Fisher
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3. Jacob Anderson
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4. Michael Evans Behling
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5. Daniel Croix
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whatsonmedia · 2 years
Film Friday: 5 movie selections of the week!
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The movies coming out this week span a variety of genres, including comic crime, action, and romantic drama. Therefore the movie lovers! Get ready to enjoy yourself with your friends and family this weekend. Returning with a list of films you may add to your Friday night pleasure, the What'sOn editorial team. According to Tama Sarker 1 . Purple Hearts The most recent Netflix blockbuster film is the romance drama "Purple Hearts," which some people claim to have seen numerous times while others are reacting negatively on social media. The movie, which is based on the 2017 Tess Wakefield book of the same name, stars Sofia Carson as Cassie, a struggling singer-songwriter and Type 1 diabetic who swears she'll never date a military man but ends up getting married to a Marine named Luke (Nicholas Galitzine) in a marriage of convenience. The film was released on 29th July. The movie received a respectable 71% audience score from Rotten Tomatoes and more than 150 million viewing hours in its first 10 days, according to Netflix. https://youtu.be/WTLgg8oRSBE 2. Ambulance American heist action thriller movie Ambulance is directed by Michael Bay and It casted stars are Jake Gyllenhaal, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, and Eiza González. It is a joint effort of New Republic Pictures, Project X Entertainment, and Bay Films, and it is based on the Laurits Munch-Petersen and Lars Andreas Pedersen film of the same name from 2005. The plot of the movie is that decorated veteran Will Sharp asks his adoptive brother Danny for assistance because he needs money to pay his wife's medical bills. Instead, Danny, a charming career criminal, offers him a reward: the largest bank heist in Los Angeles history. The movie had its world premiere on March 20, 2022, in Paris, France, and on April 8, 2022, Universal Pictures released it in theaters nationwide. https://youtu.be/tFWOyZNHjX8 3. Good Luck to You, Leo Grande All the best to you, Leo Grande is a 2022 British sex comedy-drama movie that was written and directed by Sophie Hyde. Daryl McCormack and Emma Thompson both appear in the movie. An adventure, a human connection, and some sex—good sex—are what both newly arrived Daryl McCormack (Peaky Blinders) and retired teacher Nancy Stokes exemplify the charm and generosity of sex worker Leo Grande. Leo uses his charm and abilities to support Nancy as she experiences a post-marriage sexual awakening, and the two of them discover an unexpected human connection. All the best to you, Leo Grande had its international premiere on January 22, 2022, at the Sundance Film Festival. On June 17, 2022, Lionsgate released the movie in theaters in the UK, and Searchlight Pictures distributed it digitally in the US as a Hulu original. The movie opens in Australian theaters on August 18, 2022. https://youtu.be/TJcbZoJFLTU 4. The Kashmir Files The Kashmir Files in Hindi is an Indian drama film of 2022, Vivek Agnihotri is the author and director. The migration of Kashmiri Hindus from Indian-run Kashmir in the 1990s is the subject of the movie's fictional narrative.  Krishna, a young college student, embarks on a quest to find the truth after reading a heartbreaking story that depicts the anguish, suffering, and struggle of the Kashmiri Pandit community in 1990. It presents the expulsion and the circumstances leading up to it as genocidal, which is unanimously believed to be untrue by experts. The movie claimed that there was a covert plot to conceal these facts. Release of the movie on March 11, 2022 (United States). https://youtu.be/A179apttY58 5. Liger In 2022, Puri Jagannadh will write and direct the Indian sports action movie Liger. The movie, which was simultaneously filmed in Hindi and Telugu, is made by Dharma Productions and Puri Connects. Along with Ananya Panday, Ramya Krishna, and Ronit Roy playing crucial roles, Vijay Deverakonda plays the movie's MMA fighter boxer. American boxer Mike Tyson makes his acting debut in Indian cinema with a lengthy appearance. The release day for the film was August 25, 2022. A narrative of star-crossed lovers, dreams, and martial arts is told in the movie. Liger, an MMA fighter, puts a lot of effort into climbing the rankings so he can fight like his idol, the renowned Mark Anderson, and grab his attention. https://youtu.be/TgcruVx0dNM Read the full article
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megamindsecretlair · 4 months
What You Deserve, Part 1
Pairing: Big Stunna x Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Toxic filth. Infidelity. PWP, cursing, PIV, oral (female receiving) teasing/mocking, cum play, dirty talk, praise kink, Daddy kink, all consensual.
Summary: While out running errands for your family, sweet and handsome Stunna helps put the groceries in your car. A naughty, run-away thought leads you to invite him back to your house to thank him properly.
Word Count: 6,984k
Part 2 | Part 3
A/N: The brainrot is REAL. This is a hot ask from @planetblaque Everybody say thank you for this toxic hot fic! Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Taglist: @blackerthings @browngirldominion @we-outsiiiide @thecookiebratz @iv0rysoap @notapradagurl7 @sevikasblackgf @miyuhpapayuh @xo-goldengirl @kindofaintrovert @flydotty @judymfmoody @slippinninque @soufcakmistress @henneseyhoe @westside-rot @melaninpov @twocentuar @blackpinup22 @babybratzmaraj @theyscreamsannii @kiabialia
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You walked down the grocery store aisle and the squeaky wheel on the cart was driving you nuts. You managed to get a lot on the list but you were still looking around for rice. You sighed. You hated when the store rearranged shit for no reason. How hard was it to keep things in the same place? 
You turned down the rice aisle and noticed a tall man wearing a black and white flannel shirt, dark jeans, and boots. Damn, he looked really good standing there picking out taco packets. You looked down at your wedding ring and curled your lip in disgust. 
Your husband would never be caught dead in the grocery store. And if he did, he’d only call you every two seconds because he didn’t pay attention to shit. He was a big picture man, staring ahead years into the future and what he needed to do to provide for the family.
Provide. That’s all he knew how to do. Your husband wasn’t a bad man…he was oblivious in a way that should have been a warning bell before you got married. As such, you were five years into the marriage with perfect five year old twins. When they weren’t being little demons.
You looked back towards the man and he was looking between two items, looking at the ingredients. You got a nice look at the length of his neck, his beard, and a cute little mumble he did while he debated. 
You shouldn’t be checking out another man but well, you weren’t dead. You saw something pretty, you were going to look at it. And in this case, the man was too pretty for words. Or maybe it was your libido talking. After the kids, your husband paid less attention to that aspect of the marriage, forcing you into a life of celibacy. 
Every blue moon, he’d look at you with something that could be called interest and then he’d get you just wet enough to get inside you. He’d get off, ask if you did, and then pass out in front of the TV. You started lying that you did just to get him out of the room. Who the hell wanted to be with someone that made sex feel like a chore? 
You picked up a small packet of rice and then thought about it. The bigger packet was more expensive but it’d last longer. And with the way your son, Noah, ate he’d eat you out of house and home by the time he’s a teenager. You picked up the bigger packet and scooted off down the aisle. 
You passed by the man. He looked up and gave you a double take, smiling as you passed showing off grills. You may have swayed your hips a little too hard as you turned the corner. Though, who were you fooling? 
While the kids were at school and your husband was at work, you barely put any effort into how you looked. You were a married stay at home mom and that meant lounge pants and a T-shirt were your best friend. Sometimes you even matched. You had joined the invisible legion of women whose world stopped as you took care of your family. You were happy to do so, but it was times like these that made you feel like you lost that spark. That sense of identity outside of your family. 
As you went down other aisles, somehow you managed to end up in the same ones with Mr. Sexy. It got to the point where’d notice first and smile at you. You smiled shyly back but avoided getting too close. He didn’t need any encouragement from you. If you were single though…
You sighed and made your way to the checkout lane. It was still early and there weren't a lot of people in the store. You checked out and pushed the cart to your truck, popping the trunk and starting to lift the bags inside.
“Excuse me! Miss!” A deep voice made you turn to the sound and there was Mr. Sexy waving over to you. 
“Yes?” You asked.
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to help with your bags,” he said when he got closer to your truck. 
“Oh, that’s sweet but not necessary,” you said. 
“Please. My mama would turn in her grave if she knew I didn’t help a beautiful woman like you,” he said. 
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help a small smile. “Thank you, that’s very kind of you.” 
The small act of help touched you in ways that you weren’t expecting. As he lifted bags out of the cart, your eyes grew a little teary. When was the last time your own husband helped with groceries? 
“You look like you feeding an army here,” the man said.
You giggled. Well, he was bound to find out. “Ah, yeah. My husband and kids can eat a lot,” you said.
You watched his face to see what the news would do to him. Whether he was sad or disappointed that you were off the market. He only nodded. “Must be some slammin’ food if they eatin’ it like that,” he said. 
“I can throw down in the kitchen,” you bragged, preening a bit that you could do so. 
“Oh yeah? What you be makin’? And just know I’m already judging,” he said. He heaved bag after bag into your trunk and it made you a little sad thinking of bringing all that shit in the house by yourself. 
“Meatloaf, roast beef stew, enchiladas. In fact, I’m making that tonight,” you said. 
“Oh word? I be cookin’ sometimes too,” he said and then grinned like he was remembering a funny joke. “Enchiladas sound good as hell right now, too.” 
A naughty thought entered your mind. It was too brief and quick and you instantly kicked it to the back, hiding it in a tiny box and stepping on it. “You making anything special for your girl?” You asked.
He finished with the bags and then closed the trunk for you. “Naw, ain’t got a girl,” he said. He grinned at you. That smile could melt ice. You felt your pussy throb and your eyes widened. You about thought the damn thing was broken. 
“It’s just you?” You asked.
“Just me, unfortunately. But that’s alright. For now, I get to make whatever the hell I want and enjoy it,” he said. 
“Must be nice. My family loves my shit, but it’s not like they have an alternative,” you said and giggled. 
“Shame. I bet it’s delicious,” he said. Was he…flirting with you? Even knowing you had a family? 
“Thanks. I should probably get this home and start cooking. Thank you for helping me,” you said. 
He reached out his hand and you looked at it. Somehow, even shaking his hand felt naughty. Like he was going to see all the nasty things running through your mind. Thoughts of riding his thigh until you got off. Soaking his dick while he slammed inside of you. The thoughts were so vivid to you, you were worried that he’d read it all over your face. 
Another advantage to getting the house to yourself in the daytime was that you had plenty of toys to get the job done in peace. One thought about his face and you were sure you’d beat your personal record. 
You shook his hand so you weren’t rude and he held on. “I’m Stunna,” he said. He brought your hand to his lips and pressed a soft kiss there. The back of your hand tingled and it moved all throughout your body until you were throbbing once more. Twice in a short amount of time? Calm down, girl. It wasn’t like you could do something with this man. 
You told him your name. “Would you mind if I gave you my number? If you’re out shopping, I can help you again,” he said.
You giggled. “You would come all the way to the store just to help me load groceries into my car?” 
“I’d unload them too if you let me,” he said. He was serious, not an ounce of humor on his face.
“You know I’m married, right? Like I didn’t bury that anywhere,” you said.
He laughed. “I heard that part, but I also don’t see the mu’fucka. Anyone letting you out of his sight must be ten kinds of stupid,” he said. He looked you over, making a show of turning his head one way and then another.
You laughed but didn’t let go of his hand. Found that you didn’t want to. Found that you were touch starved as hell and it was damn nice touching someone that looked as good as he did. “What, my husband supposed to have me on a leash?” You asked.
“Sheit, I would,” he said. “Yo sexy ass wouldn’t be able to breathe without me.”
“You better stop!” You said. Oh god, your cheeks were burning like hell and the whole thing was cute and weird and embarrassing. You did not get giggly because one man paid you a compliment. 
He wasn’t the first one to do so. Even though your husband was buried with work, he still called you beautiful. Raggedy men still tried to holler at you while you pumped gas and ran errands. None were so bold as Stunna though. There was something about that level of confidence that had you squeezing your thighs together. 
“Do you really want me to stop?” Stunna asked. 
No. Not even a little bit. But you couldn’t say that. “You probably should. Gonna get us both in trouble,” you said. 
“I don’t mind a little trouble. You never answered me about giving you my number. I was serious,” he said. “I don’t want anything in return, if that’s what you’re worried about. I’d just like to see you again. Your husband don’t let you have friends?” He asked. 
You rolled your eyes playfully and finally dropped his hand. You were holding onto it entirely too long. “I can have friends,” you said. But you knew that he’d be anything but friendly. And why did that turn you on? 
“See, that’s that nigga’s first mistake. I wouldn’t let you have no friends neither,” he said. 
You laughed loudly and shook your head. “Life with you sounds restrictive as hell! What if I want alone time?” You asked.
“You could have all the alone time you want. At home,” he said. 
You couldn’t help laughing again, leaning against your truck as you pictured life with him. Life where he was clingy and wrapped entirely with you and never chose you over his work. The type of life you always dreamed about when you were younger and thought love meant candy hearts, roses, and bubbly champagne. 
“You have issues, sir,” you said. 
“That’s aight. You just look too damn good to go to the store by yourself or run errands. These belong on a honey-do list,” he said. 
You smiled. Your husband would break out in hives if you gave him a honey-do list that involved the grocery store or runs to the clothing store for your twins. Your kids were active in every sense of the word. You made it a point that they stay off screens as much as possible and get out into the big backyard your husband paid for. 
They found every mud patch, mudslide, and dusty hill to play on. When they came back in, they looked like swamp monsters. Your husband in the store trying to find good, cute outfits? Yeah right. 
“You are crazy. But I want to thank you. How does enchiladas sound?” You asked.
“Word? I get to try some?” He asked.
“If you’re serious about helping me unpack these groceries, then yeah. I think that’s worth a meal being cooked for you for once,” you said. Intrusive thoughts won for the day. You liked talking to him and you were worried that if you gave him your number, you’d chicken out. You’d reason and logic this away until you were even more depressed about the state of your marriage. 
It’d be nice to cook for someone who’d genuinely appreciate it. Rather than eating to live. Stunna seemed like the type that lived to eat and it was nice to find a kindred spirit. 
He grinned wider, showing up a neat row of white teeth and those grills. “I’d love to try your food,” he said. 
“Alright, follow me,” you said.
He walked you to the driver side of your car and held the door open for you while you climbed in. “See you soon,” he said and closed the door when you were safely inside. You put on your seatbelt and watched him return the cart to the proper place.
Your heart thundered in your chest as he made it to his own car. You started yours up and pulled out of the parking spot. A moment later, he was pulling up behind you. You drove home, heart in your throat. What the hell were you doing? 
Stunna was a stranger and you were just letting this man follow you home. You watched his car in your rear view mirror and wondered what he was like. So far, he had been nothing but cordial but a tad forward. You knew he valued his mom and was a gentleman, even though he had silly ideas about how he’d treat his woman. 
You remembered your single days. Grabbing enough food for yourself and eating lonely meal after lonely meal. Stunna didn’t seem like he was hurting for female company. It seemed like he was interested in yours and well, what the hell? You were grown, you could protect yourself. 
Besides, you just really, really wanted to keep talking to him. 
You pulled into your driveway and Stunna parked on the street. You were in the quiet suburbs where Black folks were just trying to get by. They had nice houses and decent jobs, but people were more interested in faking the funk than admitting that they were struggling. 
Your husband was smart with money so you weren’t hurting. But buying two of everything was expensive. It seemed like Noah was always playing right out of the shoes you bought him and Naomi just had to have the latest baby doll. 
Stunna joined you at your car and you unlocked it for him. He grabbed a handful in each hand and you were sorry he was wearing long-sleeves. You wanted to see his muscles work. You wanted to see his shirt off. 
For now, you would settle with just watching him be considerate. You let him into your home and he whistled. “Nice ass house,” he said.
“Thank you,” you said. You had it decorated to your specifications so it wasn’t stuffy and stiff. As if you lifted it from a magazine. Naw. Your house was lived in and full of love. 
You walked to the kitchen and showed him where to drop off the bags. “Naw, I wanna earn my meal. Point to where they go and I’ll do it,” he said. 
“You don’t have to do that,” you said. 
“I know. Let me help. Sit yo pretty ass down and get some water,” he said. 
“Fine,” you said with a grin. He grabbed the rest of the groceries from the car and closed your front door. You asked him to lock it. You may live in a nice neighborhood but that didn’t mean shit. Thieves would use any advantage to steal. Stunna could be a thief but he didn’t have to wait till he got here. Sure, he could steal the shit in your house but it was all insured. He’d have been better off stealing your wallet at the store. 
You told him which ingredients to leave out for the enchiladas while you grabbed two water bottles from the fridge. You downed at least half of it. Stunna made you feel like you were standing on top of a hot vent. 
He accepted his bottle and sat down at the bar stool, looking at you while you dug out pots and pans, cooking utensils, and your cutting board. 
You talked about light subjects like your family, friends, and what he does for a living. He was a bit cagey about that part, so you assumed it was something bad. You weren’t trying to be judgemental but you could not see his sexy ass saying, “Yes, Sir. No, Sir”, at an office job like your husband. 
You put the chicken on to boil and started prepping the veggies for the salad on the cutting board. Yes, he judged the hell out of how you sliced them. 
“I’m trying to make you a nice lunch,” you said.
“I know! I’m just saying, you could slice them faster and more evenly,” he said.
“You’re not supposed to help me with the meal too!” 
He chuckled. “I don’t mind. Can I show you?” He asked.
You gave him a playful look to know that you were mad at him but with no real heat. “Fine, since you know everything,” you said.
He got up from the stool and came around the kitchen island. He washed his hands in the sink and then took the knife from you. “Aight, so if you hold it like this and the tomato like this, boom,” he said. He focused on the task, blowing through the tomato like butter. 
“Wait, how’d you do that?” You asked. He chuckled and grabbed another one, going slower and showing you how to do what he did. He grabbed the last one and let you do it. You made one slice and he made a noise like a game buzzer.
“May I?” He asked. 
You really shouldn’t. But your head was nodding anyway. He stood behind you and you closed your eyes briefly. He was so strong and solid behind you. He leaned down so he could bring his hands on top of yours. He showed you how to hold the knife and tomato and how to make the same cuts he did. 
He helped you with the first few slices and then left you to make the next ones by yourself. He didn’t move from behind you as you moved through cutting it, chopping it up like a professional chef.
“I did it!” You said. You giggled and danced, shaking your ass on his crotch until you realized what you did and stopped.
“I am so sorry!” You said. You flipped around in his arms and he titled his head at you.
“I’m not,” he said with a slow grin. 
“Stunna, now you know…” 
“I know that you seem a little lonely. Forgive my bluntness, but shit, this whole house to yourself every day and all you do is cook and clean?”
“I take care of my family,” you said defensively. 
“I know. But who take care of you? Shit on the outside, it look like yo husband forgot what a baddie he got for a wife,” he said. “I wouldn’t ever forget.” 
He used his fingers to lift your chin up and forced you to look at him. “Stunna, I’m married,” you said. You said it like it was a piece of armor you drew around yourself. Those two words would stop even the most persistent of men. 
“Mhm, yet you here with me,” he said. 
“I got kids,” you said. 
“They little asses still in school, ain’t they? I’m great with kids,” he said. 
You giggled. “You are so bad.” 
He grinned, flashing you the grills. He was dangerous. Likely some type of criminal. A veritable hood rat that chased skirts and smoked all day. The complete opposite of your straight-laced husband who got pissy if his tie didn't match his shirt. 
“I can be worse,” he said. He put his hands on the countertop on either side of you. He placed a kiss against your neck, breathing in your scent. You wore your favorite lotion and were glad you did. 
“Let me be bad and take care of you for once,” he whispered against your skin. “Don’t you deserve it? Don’t you deserve to feel good?” He moved his lips to the other side of your neck. You leaned your head back, letting out a soft moan. 
If he kissed you, you’d cum on the spot. That’s how needy you were. How desperate and starved for affection. 
“Stunna, are you serious?” You asked.
“Hell yeah. See, the why I see it? This ain’t you, mama. You need some relief. I can be that,” he said.
“Even though…”
“Hear me when I say that I don’t give a flying fuck about your husband. I don’t give a shit that you’re a mom. I see a fine ass woman with a banging body that I wanna put on this table and taste her. Eat her for lunch,” he whispered in your ear. The force of his words were like tiny arrows shooting you with desire. 
You leaned back so that you could look him in the eyes. “Do it. I want that,” you said. 
Stunna turned and lowered the heat on the chicken. Then, he grabbed your hand and led you to the dining table. He intuitively moved to the head of the table. You went to loosen the tie at your waist, but he slapped your hand away.
He brought his lips to yours and you let him. You let him kiss you and opened your mouth to run your tongue against his. He moaned and kissed you deeper, rougher. He knew without you having to say what you needed. 
He pulled the tie at your waist, letting your lounge pants slip off of your hips and down to the floor. Shit! 
You pulled away from him and tried to hide your hideous granny panties. He pulled your hands away. “Think this scare me away?” He asked.
You nodded but you couldn’t look him in the eye. How the hell were you supposed to be sexy while wearing these atrocities? To be fair, you weren’t expecting sex today. Your husband was on a project that sucked up all of his time and attention. 
“Naw. Just makes you sexier to me. Move them hands,” he said.
You bit your lip and shook your head. There was no way you could continue after looking so gross.
Stunna leaned down and kissed your ear. “If I gotta move ‘em, you ain’t gon’ like it,” he said. 
Shit, that only turned you on. You lowered your hands and finally looked at him. “That’s right. Be a damn good girl for me and take them sexy panties off,” he said. 
Your fingers shook as you lowered your panties. Cool air brushed along your skin but did little to cool you off. There was a roaring fire of desire burning through your veins and you hadn’t even done anything. Hadn’t done more than kiss and take off your clothes. 
“Shirt too,” he said. He grabbed you by the waist and picked you up, sitting you down on the table. You yelped from the cold surface, making him grin. 
You plucked off the T-shirt. Your bra was just as plain and ratty. All the cute bra and panty sets in your drawer and this was what you wore when you finally got some. The situation would be funny if it weren’t so embarrassing. Stunna truly didn’t seem to mind as you took off your bra.
His eyes lit up as he looked at your titties. He sat down in your husband’s seat and palmed your breasts, running his fingers over your sensitive nipples. You moaned, arching your back so that he could get a better angle. 
He leaned forward and brought his lips to your left nipple, flicking his tongue over it. He latched on, suckling it into his mouth and you cried out from the pressure and bite of pain. Endorphins rushed through your system, making you squirm on the table. You were so wet. 
He massaged your titties as he suckled. He moved on to your right nipple, suckling on it and moaning as if he were getting pleasure from this too. It wasn’t a chore. He wanted to touch you, taste you. 
“Shit,” you moaned.
As he switched sides once more, he brought his hand down to cup your pussy. You jerked off of the table and he cooed. “Hmm, nice and creamy already. Love me a creamy girl. You got some more for me?” 
He slowly worked his fingers past your pussy lips. He gathered up your essence at your entrance and used it to circle and tease your clit. You brought one of your hands up to his shoulder to push at him. 
“What I tell you about them hands, gorgeous?” He asked.
He bit your nipple and you cried out from the sting. “Uh-uh, do what Daddy tell you to.” 
Fuck. You came on his fingers already, thighs twitching and brain tingling. You moaned throughout it, that sweet relief everything you needed. Relief that didn’t come from your own two fingers or a sex toy was somehow more intense. More visceral. 
You bit your lip and looked at him. He watched you with a predatory gleam in his eyes. “Needed that shit, didn’t you?” He asked.
You didn’t trust your voice. You nodded shyly. Ugh! You hated this! You did not land your husband being this timid woman who was too afraid to even moan during sex. You enjoyed the hell out of it. You enjoyed the hell out of it with your husband. But once you got pregnant, he knew he needed to step up. Grinding for you became more important than grinding in you. 
A pang of shame hit you. You allowed another man to touch you. You swiftly kicked that bit of shame to the back of your mind. This wasn’t about emotions or starting anything. This was something nasty to get out of your system. The last hurrah you never got because you were pregnant when your husband proposed. You never got a wild bachelorette party with strippers and dick straws. 
“Spread them legs,” he commanded. 
You grinned slowly. You opened your legs and gave him a sultry look. The look of surprise on his face was priceless. You were just a little rusty. You knew how to throw down. 
“You so fuckin’ sexy. Spread open for me,” he said. He licked his fingers, licking away your arousal. He moaned and closed his eyes, savoring your taste. “Sweet, just like you.”
He grabbed your thighs and opened them wider. He rubbed his big nose in between your folds. His tongue lapped at your entrance. His moans got higher as he tasted you in earnest. 
“Oh shit! Oh fuck! Shit!” You moaned. His tongue felt like exactly how you pictured heaven. Eternal spring, warm sun, soft grass to sink your toes into. Your thighs pushed in ready to trap his face but his warm hands pushed them out. Pushed them away. Kept your legs open for him to lick and suck and tease your clit. 
He made out with your pussy. Licking you and then following behind by his lips to lap up whatever you leaked out. Your thighs quivered at the attention and care. At the total devotion to getting you off. You cried and whined until you were plunging head first into another orgasm. One that rocked you down to your core.
“Oue, shit,” you moaned. You looked down and he was still lapping at your juices. You glitched every time his tongue swiped your sensitive clit. He stopped and retreated from your pussy, a long spit chain still connecting you both. His beard was glistening with your arousal and you moaned, loving the picture before you. 
He licked his lips, breaking the chain. “Damn girl. Creamy as fuckin’ hell,” he said. 
You licked your own lips. Needing a double dose of him. You leaned forward and reached for his pants. He stopped you. “Use your words,” he said.
“I need you. I wanna taste you, too,” you said. 
He gripped your chin and brought you closer. And he wanted to kiss you after eating you out?! 
His lips were puckered and wet. His beard tickled your chin as he kissed you. This wasn’t just a kiss. It was like he wanted to share your essence with you. Like he wanted you to taste yourself on his tongue and get a glimpse of what he did when he was between your thighs. 
You did taste yourself and it was so damn hot. You smelled yourself all over him. His tongue explored your mouth. Your kisses were loud and sloppy. Lazy and slow, so at odds with how intense this man had been so far. 
Your hands pulled at his shirt, trying to unbutton his shirt or slip it over his head. You needed him naked too. You needed to see all of him. “There’s that little nasty freak. I knew she was in there,” he said against your lips.
“Pants. Off. Now,” you said. 
He chuckled. “Yes, ma’am,” he said. He made quick work of his pants dropping them down just enough to expose his long, thick dick. Veins stood out against the shaft and drool threatened to spill out of your mouth. 
You wanted to see more. You pulled at his shirt and he laughed again. “Do I need to tie those hands up? ‘Cause you don’t know how to listen,” he said. 
“I wanna see all of you,” you said.
“Naw, today’s about you,” he said. He tilted his head and grabbed his dick, stroking a few times as he looked at your dripping pussy. 
“‘Bout you getting what you so obviously deserve.” He slapped his dick against your pussy. Your eyes rolled back. You lost track of how many orgasms he handed out. You should be tired. You should be too wrung out to do anything more. 
But you were hungry for him. Desperate for that long dick to deliver the strokes you sorely miss. Need. 
“Today’s about getting you back to normal. To remind you that you’re fuckin’ gorgeous. That you shouldn’t go a day without getting filled up and fucked,” he said. 
“Oh god. Fuck,” you moaned. 
He slowly worked his way into your pussy. You moaned, crying out at just how big he was. How deep he was already and he hadn’t bottomed out yet. 
“Ouue, shit. Hear this pussy talkin’?” He asked.
“Unf, yesss,” you moaned. 
“You hear it? You should be hearing that every night,” he said. He wet his dick with your arousal and your toes curled as he finally settled himself in your wet heat. 
“Fuck. Flip over ‘cause you don’t know how to behave,” he said. 
“I can behave,” you said and poked your bottom lip out. 
He grinned, those golds transforming him from hot to smoldering. He kissed you with a loud smack. “You can’t even listen when Daddy tell you do something. Flip that ass over,” he said. 
You whined playfully as he slipped out. You let your wobbly legs down onto the floor and then turned around. He moved your hips until he lined you up where he wanted you. He lifted your left leg to hug the table and pressed down on your back until you were flush against the surface. 
He smacked your ass. The loud sound and pain made you cry out. “Show me how you got them kids,” he said.
“Fuuuck,” you moaned. 
He rammed his dick back inside you and you gasped. He stayed there, buried inside you while you adjusted to his girth and length. “Oue, shit. Fuuuck, you’re so big Daddy,” you moaned. You shook your ass on his dick. 
He placed his hands on your hips but made no further movements. You began to move, rocking back on his dick, showing him exactly how you got your kids. You slammed down on him how you liked. Rough. Hard. It wasn’t difficult to do since his dick was so big. You had so much to work with. 
“Ohhh, you like this dick,” he said.
“Yes, Daddy, I like it,” you said. Hell, you had no room to lie. Even working yourself desperately on his dick like this, you were having the time of your fucking life. 
He chuckled and then started stroking. “Oh shit,” you said, a hint of panic creeping into your voice. You thought you were doing a little something. Arching your back and bouncing your ass on his dick.
But Stunna? Stunna was a different breed. He gave it to you exactly how you needed. He rutted inside of you, slamming you back on his dick with enough force to rob you of air. Rob you of thought. You were able to turn your brain off and enjoy getting filled up.
“You still like that shit?” He asked.
“Ahm,” you moaned. You couldn’t answer him. Couldn’t do anything but accept this deep, rough fucking. He moved his hands to your lower back and switched up his strokes. He moved deeper, his strokes longer. His thighs slapped against your ass loud enough to be mistaken for fireworks or a gunshot. 
You laid your cheek against the table and let your body take over for you. Your body knew exactly what to do. Your pussy gripped him and he moaned low in his throat. 
“I need that last one, mama. Gimme that last one,” he said.
“I…can’t…” You said.
“Sure you can. Gripping me so pretty. You almost there. You almost there, I can feel it. I can feel how much you need it. Let it go, mama. Let it go,” he said. His voice grew quieter as he talked. 
The pressure in your lower belly was unbearable. You whined, knowing you were on the edge. You didn’t know what you needed but you were too far gone to name it. Claim it. To let him know.
Stunna’s hands roamed up your back until one of his hands was gripping the back of your neck. He squeezed and you gasped at the new angle. He got deeper, the tip of him kissing the very heart of you.
You exploded with a loud shriek, squeezing him and cumming with the power of a thousand suns. You shook and twitched on the table, flopping around. You were too lost to consider how crazy you looked.
“Gahh damn,” he moaned. He moved his hips rougher and faster until he slammed into you and shouted, unloaded a huge load into you.
“Sheeeeit,” you moaned. His cum painted your insides. Some of him slipped out around his dick and dropped down to your clit and likely landed on the table. 
“Fuck, mama. That was fuckin’ sexy,” he said. He slowly pulled out and you felt the rush of his cum leak out. Good fucking thing you were still on birth control. The last thing, the absolute last thing you needed was to turn up pregnant with another man’s baby. Good luck explaining that to your husband. 
You were still glitching on the table. So thoroughly fucked out that you couldn’t move yet. Didn’t want to move. 
Stunna rubbed your back and then your booty. He gave you a booty massage while he watched his cum spill out of you. 
The smell of chicken finally invaded your senses. “Food,” you said. 
“Don’t worry, mama. You focus on getting your strength back,” he said. He zipped himself back up and then washed his hands. He turned off the stove and then heated up the pan. You listened and saw his back as he moved around your kitchen, cooking food for your family.
He fried up the shells, dipped it in the sauce and then rolled it on the pan with chicken and cheese. Done, he put some seasoning on top followed by more cheese. He put it in the oven and set a timer.
This. This was what you thought married life would be like. Getting your guts rearranged and cooking food together. Laughing together. Playing together. 
Stunna came back around to check on you. He grinned and leaned on the table to kiss you. You were still in the same position he left you in. Fucked out and blissed out. 
“Why don’t you go shower and I’ll watch the food. Should be done by the time you get out,” he said.
“How are you…” 
“I see somethin’ I want, I want it. Let a real nigga show you how to appreciate the mother to his kids,” he said. He kissed you again and rubbed on your booty. “Now get your sexy ass upstairs before you’re late picking up your kids,” he said.
He helped you to your feet, proud of himself. Bastard. You picked up your clothes but Stunna stopped you from putting them on. 
“I wanna see that ass jiggle up the stairs,” he said. 
“I can’t stand you!” You said and giggled, wiggling your ass for him. You swayed your hips. A new energy suffusing you as you did so. You walked up to your room and showered, feeling nasty and like a woman again. Like you were more than a glorified maid and cook. 
Done with your shower, you came downstairs. Stunna was on his phone, sitting at the table like he didn’t fuck you senseless thirty minutes ago. When you came back in with cuter panties this time, black leggings, and a red T-shirt, Stunna whistled like you were walking around in lingerie. 
“Sexy ass. Getting fucked look good on you,” he said.
“Shut up!” You giggled. The enchiladas were cooling on the counter top. It smelled divine. You grabbed a plate and handed it to him, sitting down next to him. “Not really mines since you ended up finishing it,” you said. 
“You not gon’ have none?” He asked. 
You shook your head. “I’ll have some later. My schedule kinda lines up with the twins. I eat when they do,” you said. 
Stunna pushed the plate towards you, holding out the fork. “Eat,” he said.
“I’m fine,” you said.
“Do I need to feed you?” He asked. 
You rolled your eyes and took the fork from him. Nasty ass. If he fed you, you’d be late to pick up your kids. You ate a bite and moaned at the taste. His style was similar to yours but food made by other people tasted so much better. 
You ate half and pushed the other half to him. He chuckled. “Aight, but next time you’re eating all of it. Gotta take care of yourself too,” he said.
“Oh, next time? That’s bold,” you said.
He ate and shrugged his shoulders. “You ain’t telling me no,” he said.
You rolled your eyes again. You laughed and giggled your way during his meal. He finished and you washed the plate. Dishes were your least favorite chore so you made sure to do it as soon as possible. To avoid it getting gross. And yes, a little bit of you wanted no reminder of him here. 
Stunna came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He dropped his head to your shoulder. “Give me your number. I won’t cause a scene. I just wanna be in your life,” he said.
“Stunna, we can’t. This was fun,” you said.
“More than fun.” He lifted your chin with his fingers and looked in your eyes. “You feel something here. We work well together. However you’ll have me,” he said. 
You bit your lip. You wrestled with the decision. He already knew where you lived. What was your number on top of that? 
Your alarm went off. Your first reminder that you needed to get going to arrive at pick up early. You jerked away from Stunna, grabbing your phone off of the counter and silencing it. Stunna watched you as you thought through your options. 
“Giving you my number is like…agreeing to keep doing this,” you said.
“I ain’t gon’ pressure you for nothin’ you don’t wanna give. This can be whatever you want. But I saw your face when I was in that pussy. And it’s obvious your husband been neglecting you. Use me,” he said. 
He slowly walked over to you. He took the phone from your hands and started tapping away. “Use me whenever your hands don’t do nearly as good a job as me,” he said. 
You sighed and grinned. “Nasty ass,” you said. 
“I’ma dip. But use that number.” He gave you a last, scorching kiss and then let himself out of your house. 
You stared at the door, long after he was gone until your second alarm went off. You silenced it and made sure the stove was off. You left the house to pick up Noah and Naomi, listened to their excited chatter about school and what they learned.
You descended into “mom mode” as you fell into your normal routine. Get them home, homework done, washed up, and ready for dinner. Your husband made a rare appearance for once kissing you on the cheek and the kids on the head. 
“Did you try something different?” 
“Huh?” You asked, looking up from your dinner. 
“Did you try something different with the enchiladas? It tastes different, but delicious like always, babe,” he said. 
You stared at the table, picturing all the nasty shit you did there. How Stunna not only handled you, he also handled dinner. You sipped your water since your mouth went dry. The flashbacks were vicious. 
“Saw something online that I wanted to try. You like it?” You asked.
“Mhm,” your husband said. 
You hid your smile by eating more of the food and wondered when you could get Stunna back over. 
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The Secret Big Stunna Files...in case you needed a little more in your life.
Part 2 | Part 3
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berberriescorner · 1 year
Nobody's Gonna Know
(Part One)
Characters: Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as himself x Black!reader (woc!reader), Michael B. Jordan as himself (appearance), and Kiana Ledé as “Jerrika” (appearance).
Summary: What happens when you realize what you’ve always wanted was right in front of your face the entire time?
Warnings: Profanity, daddy kink (you’re not surprised), smut, mentions of violence, drinking, and did I mention smut already😈?
Word Count: (Part One) 4,100+/9,000+. Sorry, lovelies, I couldn’t stop😆.
A/N: Yes, it’s lengthy, but the idea snowballed into something unexpected. I hope you all enjoy it!
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Inspired By:
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Lounging lazily on your king-size bed, you laid on your back comfortably in an oversized t-shirt. You silently scrolled through Instagram. Your breath hitched at the feel of fingertips gently stroking your calves. Still staring at the phone screen, a wicked little idea popped into your head. You smirked, tapping the add a new post button. Using your free hand, you positioned it atop the head that rested on your pelvis and between your thighs. Not wanting to give him reason to stir, you gently stroked his head, and he relaxed into your touch. The movement of your hand paused long enough to snap the picture. He was none the wiser as he continued to search for something to watch on HBO Max. Eyes still searching the screen, he turned his head slightly and placed a gentle kiss on the inside of your thigh.
“Soft ass thighs.”
A soft moan fell from your lips. You made sure Yahya’s face wasn’t in the shot. Your digits glided across the keyboard, adding a Nicki Minaj lyric as the caption, “My man full, he just ate💦😘.” You tapped the post button and laid your phone on the nightstand.
Yahya had just licked you to tears. No one knew about the two of you. That you started as best friends turned into a sneaky link. The both of you have secretly been trying to figure out what this was morphing into. Unsure of where things were going, you decided to keep things quiet. You both enjoyed teasing the people in your inner circle on IG (they were all extremely nosey). Thus the reason for posting said pic—that it would sometimes get a rise out of the other person was a bonus.
Yahya received a notification that you had posted. Still lying between your legs, he teased, “What thirst trap are you posting now?” He froze, seeing a picture of his current position. He huffed, “You for real?”
Yahya rolled over, still lying on top of your stomach. His hand rained down on your thigh.
“I thought this was supposed to be on the low? You damn near ripped my head off for telling my bro I was over here in the middle of the night. I guess the rules only apply to me,” Yahya grumbled. His face changed from frustration to a sly grin.
“Boy, calm down. Nobody’s going to know that’s you. That’s what makes it so exciting, you teased. “And why do you have that stupid grin on your face?”
“I just noticed the caption, so I’m your man now?”
“Don’t do too much. They’re just lyrics. Relax, my guy.”
“Yeah, right. When are we going to stop playing this game?”
“What game, Yah'?”
“Stop acting like this isn’t more than just a sneaky link now. I’ve been blowing your back out for over four months.”
“And I greatly appreciate it. Why do we have to get into specifics? We have amazing sex. No need to make it more complicated.”
“Are you dating anyone else? I know you better not be fucking anybody other than me, Y/N.”
“I’d hardly call a few dinner dates that haven’t gone past friends, dating. It’s been nothing but innocent, Yah'.”
His jaw ticked at the revelation of you being in the presence of another man’s company.
“For the record, I don’t make a habit of having more than one sexual partner. That’s your thing, not mine.”
“You refuse to let that shit go, huh? I slept with her one time! We had just started whatever this was at the time. I cut her off once I knew this wasn't a one-and-done situation. Who exactly did you go on a date with, sweetheart?”
The question and term of endearment dripped with jealousy. You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for more confrontation. There was no doubt in your mind that the answer would upset him.
“Michael. I know you don’t like him. We just went on two dates. Nothing happened, Yah'.”
He pulled into a seated position on the mattress.
“Out of all these thirsty ass dudes that beg for your attention. He had to be the one you said yes to. How many times have I told you that’s a waste of your time? How do I get you to understand that he just wants to knock you down?”
“Is that not what you’re doing with me?“
“Stop that shit. You know how I feel about you. Your ass doesn't want to hear it because you’re scared. We both know this could be so much more.”
“This is stupid. Why are we arguing? We’re not a couple. This is supposed to be easy and chill.”
“There you go deflecting as usual,” he sighed.
“Do you want me to delete the damn picture, Yahya? It’s the reason this conversation even took place.”
“No, no. Leave it up. You know what? You’re right, love. Lay back down. Let’s just enjoy each other’s company.”
Yahya was the least bit worried about your IG post. It was only for close friends, and he wanted them to wonder. Acting angry was just a means to an end. He had a reason to get his lick back. Now, he had an excuse for what he was planning.
Hearing you went on two dates with Michael sent jealousy coursing through his veins. He made a mental note to keep his enemies closer. Seeing that you were focused on the show, he went to Instagram. Yahya went to Michael’s page and added him to his close friends. 
He wanted to see how your friends were reacting to your photo. He pulled up your page and skimmed through the comments. Yahya chuckled at your best friend's comment. In bold letters, she said, “Okay, best friend! I see you! No clue who that is, but get that head in your comfortable bed! Yaaasss👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾. I expect full details and a face reveal when we link tomorrow. I’m tired of all this damn anonymity.” Yahya laughed, knowing that you weren’t giving up any information.
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Yahya waited two days before he put his plan in motion. He hit your line, inviting you for a movie night at his place. You were sure the night would end on your back with Yahya between your thighs. Anytime the two of you were alone, your hands always seemed to roam. Every time you two gave into temptation, it would go for rounds. Knowing this, you brought an overnight bag. He knew just how to put you to sleep.
Only twenty minutes into the movie, you were already at the edge of the mattress. Yahya placed you on all fours with your box braids wound tightly around his hand. He tugged at them, pulling you into the most perfect of arches. His free hand crept to the top of his nightstand. You were plunged deep into the throes of passion and hadn’t noticed him pick up his phone. The only light in the room came from the television. Pistoning in and out of your tight walls, he managed to open Instagram. Yahya needed it to be pitch black to pull off his scheme.
“Nobody watching this shit for real, baby. Alexa! Turn off the tv in the master bedroom,” he groaned.
The tv shut off as he pulled out and slammed back into your slick heat.
“Ye-yes. Fuck, baby,” you cried, arching your back deeper.
His face lit up at that. He continued giving slow, deep strokes as he recorded you both in the dark.
Yahya made sure this was for close friends only. With confirmation, he laid the phone on the mattress next to the two of you. He proceeded to put in work, going crazy in your walls. Your sweet, soft, and sensual moans were like music to his ears. You were used to Yahya laying some good pipe, but tonight he was on demon time. This man was trying to tear your walls down and ruin you for any other man.
“Feel me deep in your shit, baby?”
You moaned in response.
He thrust so deep that your hands instantly flew to his abdomen. You tried to push back against his stomach, wanting him to take it easy on you. He growled, binding your wrist with his free hand.
“Move your fuckin’ hands,” he half moaned, half growled. His hand let go of your hair and rained down, smacking and grabbing your left cheek. He slapped the right cheek before burying his digits in your braids again. “I thought you could take all of it, baby? That’s what you begged for. Right, love? Hmm? This ain’t what you wanted?”
You whimpered.
A faint “Please, Daddy” escaped your lips. 
“What is it, baby? Use your words.”
“I can-ah!”
“Yes, you can, baby. You gon’ be my good girl, and take it,” he whispered, trailing kisses down your back, fully sheathing himself inside you. His length tapped that spot deep within you.
 “Y-yes, baby, I’ll take it, g-give me that di-Yes, Yah'!”
Yahya tapped at your spot repetitively, sending you spiraling. You buried your face in the mattress, clawing at the bedding. Your release approached, barreling toward you like a freight train as you attempted to muffle your screams in the sheets.
“Good. Fucking. Girl. Each word was highlighted with another thrust. “Yeah, come just like that, mama.”
Satisfied with himself, Yahya ended the video and posted it to his stories. He hoped none of your closest friends would recognize your voice. There was only one person he needed to figure it out, Michael. Yahya knew you were going to throw a fit, but so long as nobody could see you. He felt he could get you to be cool with it. Leaning against you, he licked, nibbled, and kissed your shoulder. He was still plunged deep inside you and solid as a rock. Yahya’s lips trailed over to your ear. Releasing a deep groan, he rasped, “Hope you got one more in you, love. Daddy needs to come too. He pulled out until it was just the tip. About to respond, he plunged deep inside, forcing you to gasp. Yahya pulled two more orgasms from your body before spilling inside you.
He made quick work of getting a warm cloth to clean you up. You moaned at the sweet actions of his aftercare. Yahya smirked at how easily it was to turn you on. He swaggered into the bathroom and finished cleaning himself up. 
Collapsing into bed, he pulled you closer and pressed his lips against yours. Rolling onto your side, you pushed back against him, making yourself the little spoon. Yahya’s hand crept from your thigh and up the side of your body. His large palm found its destination as it gently cupped your breast. His lips left light kisses on your shoulder and neck.
“You’re always trying to cop a feel,” you sassed, sucking your teeth.
“You know this is my emotional support Titty.”
“Shut up, Yah',” you giggled.
Yahya bit his lip and smirked as he tweaked your nipple.
“Uhn-uh! If you’re going to be on my body like this, your ass needs to behave and sit still. I’m exhausted thanks to your big dick bandit ass,” you teased.
“You know you like that shit,” he responded, tugging at your nipple again.
He pressed his semi-hard erection against you. The action caused your breath to hitch.
“Tell me you don’t want me again, and I’ll let you sleep,” he whispered, nibbling your earlobe.
About to reply sarcastically, you lost your train of thought as he dipped his hand between your thighs.
“You were saying something, love?”
“Fuck, you don’t play fair,” you panted.
“Come here, mama. Want you to ride me.”
Sliding down his length, it became clear you wouldn’t be sleeping anytime soon.
“Yah', baby,” you whined.
“I know, baby. I know. I’m going to make you feel good. Ride me, mama,” he urged, guiding your hips.
Though he had fallen asleep satiated and peacefully, his morning was the opposite. Yahya jolted out of his sleep as he struggled to breathe. You had covered his face with a pillow while chastising him.
“I just know your big-headed ass didn’t record us fucking and post it to close friends! Please tell me my eyes are deceiving me.”
Yahya's hand tugged at the pillow over his face. He snatched the pillow, throwing it across the room. He overpowered you, flipping you onto your back as he smirked.
“What’s wrong? You don’t want your side hoes to find out about me?”
“The only side hoe I have is you.”
“Naw, sweetheart. I’m your main dude. You’re just too stubborn to admit it.”
“Whatever! You better hope nobody recognizes my voice, freaky ass,” you kissed your teeth.
“Oh, I hope they do,” he smiled. “You’re not even mad, for real. I know that shit lowkey turns you on. Listen to those pretty little moans, mama.”
You did your best to bite back a smile but lost. Yahya licked his lips, giving you a million-dollar smile.
“I know I sound good. You ain’t gotta sweat me or nothin’.”
“I should’ve left the lights on while I recorded that shit. Give them something to really talk about.”
“You want to tell people we fuck so bad,” you teased.
“It’s going to come out sooner or later. I’ma make you mine, shortie. You can continue to run from it but in the end. You’re going to be mine.”
Wanting to avoid such a touchy topic, you switched the subject.
“Boy, shut up and feed me. I’m hungry. What’s for breakfast, best friend?”
Yahya smiled devilishly, “This dick.”
“Nasty ass. I want food, Yah',” you whined.
“That’s a whole ass meal, fuck you mean?”
Eyes rolling and smacking your teeth, he laughed.
“I forgot how cranky you can be in the mornings. Let’s get the baby’s tummy full. What do you want to eat, baby girl,” he responded in his best baby voice.
“Can you make french toast and bacon? You make it better than I do,” you asked in a cute tone.
“You know I can’t say no to that voice and face. Come on, spoiled brat,” he teased as he slapped your thigh.
Yahya scooped you from the bed, dangling your body over his shoulder. His hand grabbed a handful of your behind, giving it a loud smack.
“Ouch, Yah'! That hurt,” you whined.
“I didn’t mean to smack it that hard. My bad,” he smirked, rubbing the pain away.
“Lying ass.”
Carting you off to the kitchen, he got you fed and full. Neither of you had anything planned. The two of you spent the remainder of your Sunday binging television and ordering takeout. 
When the time came for you to head out, Yahya felt his chest tighten. He was sad to see you leave. If only you two could figure out where to go from here. He’d have you sleeping in his bed every night. Little did you know, your best friend’s feelings for you had existed as long as the friendship had. He just never knew how to tell you. The chemistry and attraction lingered between the two of you. That is, until one drunken night, he did something about it. He fell back on his couch, missing you already, as his mind drifted back to that night.
You were spiraling down a black hole of heartbreak. Yahya came running to offer support and a listening ear to vent to. 
His fist balled up, jaw flexing as his memory replayed the image of you opening the door. 
Your eyes were bloodshot and glassy as you did your best to keep from crying again. Yahya’s heart sank seeing how distraught you were. He stepped closer to you, and in a low baritone, he said, “Hey, mama.” The sympathy in his soothing voice sent a fresh trail of tears rolling down your cheeks. He sighed as his arms snaked around your waist, pulling you as close as possible. Yahya’s chin rested on your head as you curled into his chest, body trembling as the tears flowed. “You’re going to be straight, mama. I promise I got you,” he soothed, rubbing his hands up and down your back. He gave you a minute or two to let it all out. Releasing you, he bent back, using the pads of his thumbs to wipe your tears. Yahya leaned forward, sweeping you up bridal style. “Let’s get you comfy on the couch. I’ll fix us some drinks and snacks. Then you can tell me everything, alright?” Giving him a faint nod, Yahya kicked the door closed. He made quick work of getting you situated on the couch. Yahya wrapped you in your comfort blanket. Gently kissing your forehead, he whispered, “Be right back, love.”
He called from the kitchen, “Are you in the mood for something light or heavy?”
“This calls for the hard shit. Bring the tequila. I don’t even need a damn chaser. Give me something that will make me forget the last twenty-four hours.”
Yahya strode back into the living room, alcohol in hand.
“What are you about to tell me, love?”
“Maybe you should take a couple of shots first.”
Yahya set the shot glasses and bottle on the coffee table. His hand ran down his face as he took a deep breath, “Am I going to have to beat his ass?”
You sat up straight, dropping the blanket around your waist. Pouring two shots, you answered, “Just promise me you won’t lose your temper.”
“Yah', please,” you begged, voice trembling.
“The desperation in your voice tells me that I’m going to regret this, but fine, I promise not to lose my temper. What happened?”
“Drink first.”
Shots were thrown back, and you grimaced, pouring out two more. After the second, you started to pour another round, but Yahya’s hand gently grasped your wrist, “No-.”
A small whimper fell from your lips as his eyes grew. Yahya’s eyes darted from your weary ones down to your wrist. His hands were like lightning as he slid your sleeve up a bit.
“No, fuck that, mama! Is this a bruise?” 
“You promised, Yah'.”
“Promises are meant to be broken. Where the fuck is his punk ass at?”
He sprang from the couch, searching his pockets for his keys.
“Where’s he at?”
“No, please, Yahya. You promised! I handled it.”
“Why are you protecting his bitch ass? Has he been putting his hands on you this whole time?”
“I’m not protecting him. I know he’ll press charges against you. It’s not worth it. This is the only time it’s happened, honestly!”
“Don’t lie for him. Tell. Me. Where. He. Is.”
“I’m not lying, Yah'. This is the first time. I handled it, I swear. You should see the side of his face. I smacked the shit out of him.”
“Did he hit you anywhere else,” he asked, checking your face and body for more bruises.
“No, I’m telling you the truth. We were arguing about him getting caught up in his lies and cheating. I told him I was done and that he needed to get the hell out of my house. This dude had the nerve to snatch my wrist, demanding I hear him out. I told him he was hurting me. His response was he didn’t give a fuck. That pissed me off, so I slapped him. He charged at me, and I kicked him in the nuts. How do you cheat on me with a bitch I called a friend and have the nerve to be mad that I no longer wish to be with you? The audacity!”
“I pray he tries to show up while I’m here.”
“He won’t. It’s over, and he understands that now.”
Yahya looked at you, not quite believing it.
“I told his ass if he tried contacting or coming near me again that you’d beat his ass. That or he was going to have a chat with Nina.”
“Thought you didn’t want me to put hands on him. You swear your ass is tough with that baby Glock. Who the fuck puts hot pink on the butt of their gun,” he retorted.
“I don’t want you to, smart-ass, but he knows you would. It was only said to get my point across that I was done with him. Not too much on my baby, Nina.”
Yahya sighed, frustrated that he’d have to keep his promise. He reclaimed his spot on the couch, crossing his arms irritated. You kissed your teeth, “I know you're not mad at me for keeping you out of trouble?”
“It’s whatever. He needs his ass beat, though,” he sulked.
“Just leave it alone, Yah'.”
“I heard you the first time.”
The room grew quiet. It stayed that way for a little while. That was until he heard you sniffling.
“I’m not mad at you, love. I just really want to rock his shit.”
“I know you’re not mad at me. It’s just.”
“What is it, mama?”
“Am I not good enough? Dudes do me dirty, and people I call friends turn out to be grimy. You’re the only person who has always been down for me. I’m so thankful for your years of loyalty and friendship,” you rambled, tears sliding down your face.
Yahya pushed his anger aside, taking a deep breath. His hands reached for your arm, pulling you into him. His palm cradled your head, guiding you to lie against his chest. He kissed your temple, speaking words of encouragement.
“That’s just god's way of making room for the real ones to come into your life, mama. You’re going to be alright, love. You’ll shake back from this. You’re strong, girl. The right man is out there. He’ll love you the way you deserve to be loved.”
As he held you, speaking enlightenment into you. Something shifted inside you. Not quite sure what the feeling was, you shook it off.
“More tequila,” you offered.
The pair of you went shot for shot. It only took a short time for you both to get drunk off your asses. In a drunken stupor, you both laughed as you recounted the numerous times you had to fake a climax with your ex. Yahya was in tears, holding his stomach, laughing uncontrollably.
“This man had to be talked through eating the box. Every. Single. Time. At what point do you finally get the gist of eating pussy? I can’t believe I stayed as long as I did.”
“Why did you stay?”
“The dick was big.”
A hand flew to your mouth, covering your lips, shocked at what you had just revealed.
“Sorry. That was probably too much information. I need to stop drinking,” you slurred, no longer able to look him in the eyes.
Yahya cupped your chin, forcing you to look at him.
“Not too much. That’s some pretty useful information,” he rasped.
Your breath hitched as you looked into his chocolate orbs.
“I don’t follow.”
“That’s what you like, mama?”
Yahya’s hand trailed to your neck. His fingers circled your throat, giving a light squeeze. You knew you should pull away, but your mind and body said two different things.
“Yahya,” you whispered.
“Answer me, mama. That’s what you like?”
You moaned, nodding your head yes. Yahya licked his lips at your response. 
“I want to hear you say it, love. Tell me what you like. I want to make sure you understand what I’m trying to say,” he groaned.
The liquor urged you to take it further. You leaned closer, his hand still squeezing your throat. Lips only inches apart, Yahya watched in awe as you answered, breath tickling his lips.
“I love a big, long, thick di-.”
Before you could finish the sentence, Yahya groaned and devoured your lips. Not giving it a second thought, he slid you on top of his lap as your tongues battled for dominance. Hand still placed around your neck, you ground against his lap, loving the groan he released. 
“I can see why that was useful information now,” you purred.
It was evident, even inside his jeans, you could feel that he was massively large. You pulled back, slipping your shirt off, dropping it to the floor. His eyes sparkled at the sight of your breast as he cupped them, kissing and suckling your neck.
“Are you sure this is what you want, mama?”
“Yes, I want you, Yah'. Fuck the pain away, please.”
Kissing your lips again, he held you close as he raised from the sofa. Arms wrapped around his neck. You tasted each other's lips as Yahya carried you to the bedroom. The following morning wasn’t even awkward. That’s probably because you woke up with Yahya’s head between your thighs. A serious discussion occurred over breakfast. Though you both decided it probably shouldn’t happen again, time would reveal that it was too late to turn back.
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I know I left it on yet another cliffhanger, but that's my specialty😆. I got my lovelies, though. The fic is complete, so slide on over to part two. Before you go, leave a comment and tap the love button. Reblogs are greatly appreciated🫶🏾!
Gif Credit: @abdulmateens, thanks again for allowing me to use it for my mood board💗.
Divider Credit: @firefly-graphics.
Tagging a few lovelies:
@sheabuttahwrites , @moebuttta , @darqchilddaydreamz
@alertyoulikeitsamber , @astoldbychae , @miyuhpapayuh
@sunshine-flower , @nightlywords7 , @4everbrookemarie
@delta7of96 , @novaniskye , @1andonlytashae
@shaolyninferno , @mcdesij , @willadean
@partygetsmewetter-x , @blackerthings , @peachbuttetfly
@theraieinfluence , @honestpreference , @queeniekiy
@tashawar , @skyesthebomb , @captainwithoutmakingitlove
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itsbackwoodsbby · 7 months
A/N: confession- pretty sure this was wrote the beginning of this year… like february/april. went through a lot. never forgot it though. revisited it a lot to read what i had. just never finished … here it is … nov. 22nd at 3am. removing the cobwebs and putting it for the world to see. hope you guys enjoy it. definitely not proofreading this, so excuse the errors.
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Yahya Abdul Mateen II x Black Fem Reader
Warning: Smut! Unprotected Sex! Dinking (Recreational)! Swearing!
Summary: Yahya and you used to be together, until you both realized that you were better off as friends. You start dating again and none of the guys are really for you. a lonely night in your apartment makes you realize that Yahya might be one.
Inspo: ICU by Coco Jones
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you come into your apartment and place your purse on the counter and take off your heels. you head to the kitchen and make yourself a very strong peach margarita on the rocks. after you make the drink, you trudge to your living room and sink deep into your couch, replaying the date in your head. he was an hour and thirty minutes late. he got loud with the waiter for getting his food wrong. the waiter was new and scared. so our waiter changed to a waitress and he starts flirting with her for the whole ass night. you groan and start face palming.
there’s no way you go out with yet another asshole. get it together y/n.
“alexa, play icu by coco jones.” you blow out, very upset with yourself.
she follows your command and the music plays.
you close your eyes. the cadence of coco’s beautifully crafted voice fills the room. you get up and look at the night sky and admire the stars. they looked so delicate in the sky. then, you were startled by a pair of hands wrap around your waist as you felt lips on the nape of your neck. you know who it was without turning around. it was him. but you don’t fully know if it’s him. you turn around to face this man and you were right.
yahya… the one that got away. you guys met through mutual friends who were trying to hook you guys up. a few weeks later, you two started dating. he was amazing. he called you every day to check on you, random flowers, occasional dates. sweetest guy ever. then, he got busy with work and you got busy with work, the two of you barely saw each other. slowly, texting each everyday went to no text for many many weeks. so you two decided with your busy schedules to just be friends.
as you two were facing each other, you don’t speak. just admire each other. you start to think how the hell you went this long without this man. his warm embrace and his touches were the best thing ever in this world. you two dance together to the song. your head resting easily on his chest his arms. you haven’t been this relaxed in a while.
as soon as the song goes off, yahya disappears. you open your eyes and realize you were only daydreaming about him in your lonely apartment. the condensation of the glass now soaking the couch. you shake it off by finishing the rest of your drink and heading to the bathroom to shower. you start playing your shower playlist and get inside. when you turn on the water, you let a sigh out and let the water rain down on your body and lean on the wall.
your thoughts travel to the first time you shower with yahya. you close your eyes again and he’s back in the shower with you. he hold you tightly and you reciprocate the same tight embrace. you look up at him and kisses his chest. he smiles at you and kisses your forehead. then somehow, you pinned against the shower getting dicked down by him. you’re grabbing onto to the shower curtain, screaming, because the pleasure is so unbelievably amazing. he just chokes you and plants his soft lips onto yours to quiet you down. you’re on the verge of coming. he goes deeper and hits your spot until you’re creaming all on his dick.
then… he’s gone again.
y/n … don’t do it. fight it. you don’t miss him. it’s just the alcohol and that horrible ass date.
you try to repeat it to yourself in the shower as you wash your body. you get out the shower, get dressed into this, and do your nighttime routine. when you get done, you go into your room and decide to write out the things you have to do tomorrow. trying to be productive and organize. afterwards, you scroll on instagram and the first post yahya. at a dinner party with your two mutual friend, leilani. they were cuddled up together… and not in a friendly way. your emotion start to show and you’re jealous. you sighs and lay in bed and try to go to sleep. but no matter what, you started feeling him cuffing him, making you miss him more than you think you actually think you do. you sit up in bed and look at the time. 1:30am. finally breaking and deciding you need to talk to him, you grab your phone and a cardigan to wear. heading to the living room, you grab your keys and glasses. you’re heading to the door and you open it and see yahya was about to knock on your door.
“uh… hey y/n.” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “i know it’s late and all but i just really need to talk to you.” you touch his chest and tap him. just to see if he’s real. he chuckles, “are you okay?” you sigh out, “yeah.” you giggle, kind of embarrassed. “this night has been crazy.” you say. “come in. make yourself comfortable.” you say moving out of his way so he could come in.
he comes in and you two sit on the couch staring at each other. “so. how have you been?” he starts off. “i’ve been good. started back writing.” you say. “and yourself?” you add. “that’s good. i’m amazing. finishing up filming with leilani. it’s been really fun.” he smiles really hard. “that’s good.” you say, trying to cover your jealousy. you don’t think he catches on to it but he chuckles, “what’s up?” he asks and you give him a confused look. “what do you mean?” he shrugs a bit, “you just said it dryly like you’re jealous or something.”
you laugh it off but he was spot on. he could always tell your emotions. and you didn’t know if you hated it or loved it but now… you definitely hated it.
“anyways yahya. what are you here for?” you asks him, trying to avoid the question. he breaths in, “y/n … i miss you.” you look at him and you’re super speechless. “what do you mean?” you stumble out somehow. “look… i understand we didn’t have time for each other at one point of time. but i really like you. hell i love you. i can’t even get you out my head.” he says. “you love me? what about leilani?” you ask him and look down. “what about her?” he looks at you confused. “aren’t you two together?” he chuckles and it turns into a laugh. “no, we’re not. it’s just for the movie.” you look down kind of embarrassed. “oh okay.” you smile at him and giggle. “i miss you so much yahya. with everything that’s being going on… it showed me how much i miss you. how much i need you. us breaking up was a mistake. i love you too.” you say, as it feels like 100 bricks has been lifted off your shoulders.
you both admire each other again. eventually, you shy away and look down because you both have been staring too long at each other. he lifts your chin up and caresses your warm cheek with his thumb.
“don’t break contact.” he says, looking into your eyes, more like your soul.
you just nod your head and look at him. eventually, the two of your lips collide with each others. this feeling right here is what you missed. after the kiss, you two catch up with each other some more. with a bottle of wine and some music, the conversation starts to get a little sensual.
“yahya… when is the last time you had sex?” you ask him boldly out of nowhere. he laughs, “well uh, i haven’t had sex since we broke up.” he places his glass down and eyes you down. “did you give my pussy away to someone else?” you astounded at the way he reworded the question, “wow, uh way to throw me off guard.” you giggle. “nope, i didn’t give your pussy away.” he smiles at you, “good girl.” making you bite your bottom lip. “mm … let me put this wine up. it’s a little warm.” you say and head towards the kitchen.
you open the refrigerator and place the wine in there. you close it and before you can turn around you feel those muscular arms wrap around your waist. you smile. his hand begins to fumble with the trim of your romper and his finger starts brushing against your clit. you remove your body from the romper and turn around to face him. he licks his bottom lip, letting you know, it’s about to go down.
꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷ (resume spot)
the time was now 2:30am. the room was filled with skin clapping and moans and groans. you looked back at him. it’s crazy how you were just scared to make eye contact with him a few minutes ago, but now you’re looking back at him with the most sluttiest, lustful eyes. making him know, you want more and he gave your more. a little too much more. you grab his chest and slowly trailed down to his stomach to slow him down a bit. however, he just grabbed both your arms and pinned them to your back.
“fuck! yahya, please it’s too much!” you cry out as he smirks at you. “baby girl, i know you can take this dick.” he grunts out. you sigh and bury your face in the pillow and moan into it. he smacks your ass, “i want to hear you, y/n.” you jump up a bit and bury your face into the pillow again. he shakes his head, “well, you put this one on yourself.”
he pull you up from the pillow by your hair. your back is now on his stomach as he digs deeper inside your pussy. your moan resume filling up the room as you relax your head on his shoulder. he kisses your neck and pulls your waist closer to his, making sure you don’t run from this dick. you grip his muscular arms and dig your nails through them.
“oh! oh! fuck! baby, i’m about to cum.” you squeal out. “cum on this dick, baby. he kisses your neck as you clench tighter and tighter around his dick.
you wet his waist down with your orgasm. you fall back on the the bed and try to relax as he was still fucking you. it wasn’t as aggressive. your throbbing pussy was bringing yahya closer his nut as he hovers over you, planting wet kisses down your back and giving you slow deep strokes. a few seconds later, he pulls out and cums on your back.
“shit, i really needed that y/n.” he says as he smacks your well bruised hand printed ass. “lemme go get you a towel.”
he goes to your bathroom, runs some warm water on two rags, and comes back and cleans his mess off your back. you arch your ass up to stretch like a cat. yahya spreads them cheeks to clean your pussy up from the wet mess you have, but gets distracted by your glistening pussy. he smirk. you look at him.
“oh, no. you’re not eating my pussy again.” you say, but you wiggle your ass at him. he touches your clit and rubs it slowly with his thumb. “oouu, shit, baby. i just said no.” you saying, but both of you already knew you wanted him to eat it again.
he starts having a full blown make out session with your clit. you couldn’t do anything but hang your mouth low and push his head closer to your pussy. he grips your cheeks and spread farther apart from each other and licks up and down. you close your eyes and bite your lip.
“mhm, baby. just like that.” you nod your head and start grinding your lower half into his face.
he grabs your waist and pull you even more closer to him, burying his face in your pussy and starts shaking his head in between your cheeks, getting his nose wet in the process. you couldn’t understand how you just fed this man your pussy almost an hour ago and he’s still eating this motherfucker like he’s hungry. your clit starts to pulsate, meaning it was time to cum again. you sigh as you cum in his mouth this time. you flip on your back and watch as he gets the semi-cold rag. he barely puts it on you, yet you still jump up.
“too cold. too cold.” you hiss out and he laughs. “you want me to just lick the mess up?” he jokingly says. “yeah.” you say laughing.
you didn’t think he would take it serious since you laugh, but he did. you let out a moan and he chuckles and comes up to your face and kisses you sloppily while let you taste yourself on his lips and in his saliva.
“see how good you taste, mamas?” he says after the kiss. “yes.” you smile, giggling at him. you two cuddle for the rest of night and watch the sunrise in the morning and making up for the time lost. then eventually, you both go to sleep.
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Title: Arranged {1}
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Yahya Abdul Mateen II x OFC Nyorie Kane
Warning: Plot
Words: 1.4k
Summary: Yahya is thirty-three, and his friends and family all seem to believe that it is long overdue for him to have a wife. He’s been set up more times than he can count and with his busy schedule and rising Hollywood star, it is becoming even more difficult to meet people, well people who aren’t looking for a come up. In the beginning, he said he didn’t want anything serious; his motto was “I’m was here for a good time not a long time.” Then it became he didn’t want anything that would distract him from where he wanted to go and what he wanted to accomplish. Now that his fame is rising and he’s approaching a sweet spot in his career he decides what the hell the time might be right.
In comes “A Match”, an exclusive matchmaking company run by his best friend Ramel’s wife Tamika. He gives Tamika and Ramel free rein and all his trust to find him, someone, he’d mesh well with. Instead of going through her clientele Tamika has just the right woman in mind, her best friend, Nyorie. Things are done a little unorthodox at “A Match” though. This unconventional route is credited for a near-perfect success rate.
Note: I’ve only tagged those who have expressed to be on a forever tag list. 
****Also, please keep an open mind.
**Loosely Proofread/Edited**
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 Chapter One
  “Man, you not getting any younger. Plus we all know how important family is to you the rate you’re going you not even gonna have one till you fifty,” Ramel said as he came back into the living room with his hands full of food. Ramel stopped in front of the U-shaped sectional and handed out bags to their owners. He stood up and took the cream-colored plastic bag Ramel held out for him.
 “I don’t know how many times you’re going to keep saying this.”
 “As many times as need be. I mean really, is uncle Ya good enough bruh?”
 He pulled out the containers of food and thought about Ramel’s words for a few moments. He loved being uncle Ya, loved picking his niece Havea and nephew Rami up for their biweekly ice-cream and bowling night. He loved showing up to their school functions and trips to Disney and tagging along to kid movie premiers. He wouldn’t change anything about it.
“Look man, I know you love my kids. What’s not to love? I also know you want kids of your own. You can’t have that continuing on the way you are,” Ramel drilled home.
 He knew it. Truthfully, he’d been mulling the pros and cons over for months. Ramel wasn’t the only one in his life badgering him like this. His mother, sisters, and brother were all on his case too. His mother liked to pile on the guilt asking him when she’d get a grandchild and when she’d get to see him walk down the aisle and made it no secret she was praying for it before she died. What the hell was he to say to that?
 “Not everybody wanna be married Mel, you got half the squad on that ball and chain shit leave him alone,” Rashawn blurted out. The four of them laughed loudly. Normally they’d be keeping it down because of the kids but they were at a sleepover, so they were free to be as loud as they wanted.
 “Man, shut up. He the last one. Your ass bout to be on that ball and chain shit too. One-week fool,” Ramel added.
 “You don’t have to remind me. Torri has the house filled with everything wedding related. Man, this week needs to hurry up so we can get back to real life.”
 He leaned back and focused on his food. He was the last one in the group still single. The last one of the four musketeers, the lone wolf. It didn’t bother him before; it was just the way it was. Now—he wouldn’t focus on it, not now.
 They continued to watch the basketball game and talk like they always did when they got together. They’d been friends for a long time, and he valued their friendship and advice. He trusted them with everything and would always have their backs as he knew the same was true for them.
 Rashawn desperately stayed away from all and any talk about his wedding to Torri. He acted like he’d been caroused into the wedding when everyone knew damn well he was stupid in love and cried through the proposal. Ramel assumed the role of loudmouth big brother pretending like he knew everything; it was a role he’d played for most of their friendship. Tyrell didn’t pretend to not be the hopelessly devoted husband he was to Dacia; he was the one who was always caught texting her and secretly face-timing her during guys night out. When they got together, a lot of fun and a lot of shit-talking always happened and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
 By the time the game ended, the food finished, and Tamika came home it was close to two in the morning. Ramel wasted no time kicking everyone out when he saw how inebriated Tamika was.
 “Y’all don’t have to go home, but you got to get the hell up outta here. My woman is drunk, we got no kids for the night, some freaky shit bout to go down!”
 They all rolled their eyes and quickly began gathering their things.
 “How freaky?” He looked back to see Tamika crook her pointer and wiggle it to Ramel who smiled but pushed her hand down trying to hide her finger. He knew they were into some freaky shit and he did not need the details or the visuals.
 “Imma head out. I have an early day later anyway. Stay up man,” he said and went around the group giving each of them their handshake.
 “Think about what I said burh. We here for you,” Ramel finished. He nodded and walked over to Tamika and gave her a kiss on the cheek before he walked out the door to his car in the rounded driveway.
 The drive back to his house was a quick and quiet one. When he got home he showered and used the rest of his awake time to prep for the coming day. He knew it would be a long one.
  -The Next Day-
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 Just as expected the day stretched on and on. He got maybe two hours of sleep before he was out of the house and on a set for a photoshoot. That shoot went on for eight hours, then he was off to a string of interviews then two meetings and yet another photoshoot.
 It was now close to one in the morning and they were just getting their last shots. He was exhausted. he knew this came with the territory. If he wanted to act he had to be okay with photoshoots, interviews, paparazzi, and everything else that came with fame. Some days it was a tough pill to swallow and he wondered what it would have been to continue on in architecture, and others he took it in stride and piled more onto his plate. Today was a mix of both.
 “All right Yahya, thank you that’s a wrap,” the photographer called out. He nodded and went around shaking hands with everyone who worked the shoot. A woman with dirty blond hair approached him with a wide smile.
 “I am such a fan, Yahya. I loved you in Aquaman.” He graciously smiled and thanked her. She bit her bottom lip and gave him a look he knew wasn’t strictly friendly. “Can I have a picture?”
 “Sure. No problem,” he cautiously responded as he stepped beside her and waited for her to angle her phone just right.
 “Say Black Manta.” He smiled at her request and held up his peace fingers. Once the photo was taken she turned to him again and thanked him.
 “Look, I know this is forward and normally I wouldn’t do this but it’s 2020, I’m gonna shoot my shot.” She held out a piece of paper to him and he could see a phone number scribbled across it.
 “This is my number. No pressure to use it, just—if you want to use it, I’d answer, and we could hang out.”
 She was attractive, he wasn’t going to deny that. Her skin reminded him of smooth chestnut. Coupled with the color of her hair she was a beautiful woman. He was just leery of her motives. Ninety percent of the women he’d met since his breakout roles all had ulterior motives.  Most just wanted to be seen out with him so the rumor mill could start circulating and give them their fifteen minutes. He wasn’t with that. That was the one thing about his newfound fame. He never knew what anyone wanted from him anymore.
 “Uh--.” He was speechless. He didn’t want to embarrass her by rejecting her, so he took the paper and nodded. “Thank—you.”
 She smiled and again bite her bottom lip. “Okay, great. See you around.” She walked off leaving him to look down at the paper with her name and number. “Thalia-954-389-3048.” She’d dotted her I with a star. It bothered him and he didn’t know why. He stuffed the paper in his pocket resolved in his decision not to take it there.  He didn’t have the time or energy to sift through the sea of clout chasers.
 He quickly finished up, got his things and left. He’d missed his workout for the day and needed to get one in. every little bit helped especially with him trying to get into Matrix shape.
 Luckily his trainer was up and was able to meet him at the gym to train. A few reps on the treadmill, another couple sets of weights, then some time on the bar and finally a brutal boxing session rounded out the hour and fifteen-minute rotation. By the end of it, he was dripping sweat and ready to just drop in bed which is just what he did. 
***If you want to be tagged please SEND AN ASK SO IT WILL BE EASIER FOR ME TO KEEP TRACK OF. Thank you for reading!!!
@chrisgalore @thatrandomhetaliachick @missdeerstalker15 @queenbetter @jesseswartzwelder @briellableu @titty-teetee  @zaddysqueen7 @melaninhawtie  @simplyyamberr @airis-paris14 @ashanti-notthesinger @afraiddreamingandloving @ajspencer1892 @wakanda-inspired @chillavesss @drsunshine97 @cleothegoldfish @builtalongthewayside @theunsweetenedtruth @geeksareunique @aykanna @hanasamara @profilia @ollieveracity @autumn242 @missyperle @sup3rn0va13 @chaneajoyyy @forbeautyandlife @kreolemami @designerwriterchic  @laketaj24
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essaysbyciara · 4 years
putting this into the atmosphere...
“Hennessy D*ck” is a story that must be written by somebody on this here web application. 
This card-carrying member of #YahyaHive would appreciate it. 
Please and thank you. 
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youngsamanda · 8 months
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i know tumblr is dead a lot of the time but i am desperate for some plots ! my brain is rotting all i want to do is write ! below is a bunch of plots and wanted opposites i have ! please keep in mind i only write with people eighteen plus and on discord ! if you are interested dm me or like this post !
wanted opposites : taylor zahkar perez , paul mescal , aubrey plaza , fabien frankel , ruby cruz , yahya abdul mateen ii , brady skjei , sabrina carpenter , havana rose liu , may calamawy , devon aoki , kieron moore , drew starkey , mason gooding , samara weaving , alperen duymaz , riley keogh , gabriel luna , jacob elordi , adrian kempe , rachel zegler , calahan skogman , chay suede , jessie mei li , zazie beetz , david harbour , emma d'arcy , kiowa gordon , roman reigns , olivia cooke , joseph quinn , anna diop , amita suman , freddie carter , danielle galligan , mia goth , henry golding etc
ships : taylor zakhar perez x nicholas galitzine , emma d'arcy x olivia cooke , emma d'arcy x ryan corr , drew starkey x odessa a'zion , courtney eaton x sophie thatcher , mason gooding x jenna ortega , joe keery x natalia dyer , anna diop x brenton thwaites , sean teale x adelaide kane , brett dalton x chloe bennet , hilarie burton x jeffrey dean morgan , deborah ann woll x jon bernthal , / finnick x annie from the hunger games , bella x edward from twilight , rosalie x emmett from twilight , leon x ada from resident evil , dick x starfire from dc , adult richie x eddie from it , van x taissa from yellowjackets , yennefer x geralt from the witcher , lorna x alex from xmen , scott x emma from xmen , steve x bucky from marvel , spike x buffy from btvs , haley x nathan from one tree hill , kate x anthony from bridgerton , eli x claire from degrassi , seam x emma from degrassi , rhys x feyre from acotar , nesta x cassian from acotar
plots : yellowjackets multimuse but oc , slasher/scream inspired mumu , sons of anarchy style bikers , you thought i died but actually i'm a vampire and we haven't seen each other in a hundred years , queen charlotte oc plot , gay witches or gay pirates or cowboys , 13 going on 30 plot , literally the plot of ez and emily from mayans mc where he goes to prison and tries to dump her turns out she's pregnant but they meet eight years later and mess ensue , messy girl and sexy priest , frat boy x friends little sister plot , messy rich gossip girl shit , arranged marriage , angsty historical people
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chaneajoyyy · 4 years
If y’all want a Yahya series to read, go check out Be Careful What You Wish For series by @deliciousstreetkidcroissant. It’s perfect for spooky szn
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