#Yandere hades
yandere-daydreams · 10 months
Title: Sacrifical Bride.
Commissioned by the very lovely @yanmaresu.
Pairing: Yandere!Hades x Reader (Record of Ragnarök).
Word Count: 3.0k.
TW: Fem!Reader, Non/Con, Forced Marriage, Unbalanced Power Dynamics, Emotional Manipulation, Rough Sex, Unprotected Sex, and Mentions of Kidnapping/Prolonged Captivity. Not Canon Complacent. I Have Never Met Canon But I Hear She's Very Nice.
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The wedding was a solemn affair.
Not dull, because nothing that had your heart beating so violently could ever be considered ‘dull’, and not dreary, because despite the many, many things you could say about your kidnapper-turned-husband, he wasn’t one for bland affairs. No, your dress was of the finest and most vibrant silks, your veil lined with pearls and rubies and the gown’s train long enough to swell and ebb behind you as you walked down the seemingly never-ending aisle, unaccompanied by any escort. Wreaths of shining ivory lilies and blooming chrysanthemums encircled marble pillars, low-burning lanterns casting the chapel in long, wavering shadows. The pews were empty. The only guests were his ghastly servants, and they’d never once said a word to you.
There was no officiant. Hades waited for you at the brimstone altar alone, a gentle simper playing over his lips as he watched you drag your feet and fight the urge to bolt, to run, to do the very thing that’d left you trapped in his arm in the first place. It was tempting, albeit pointless. You’d always been swift footed, but there was nowhere to escape to in Helheim. At best, you’d spend a few days hiding and struggling to survive in the empty plains that surrounded his looming fortress of a home. At worst, you’d find yourself without direction and beyond the reach of his control, hopelessly lost and stumbling through fields of fading dead and gnarled beasts and things that would make the man in front of you look hospitable, in comparison. You tried to remind yourself of that as your body begged you to flee.
As you reached the altar, his smile grew into something that could’ve been convincingly genuine, had it been able to reach the pits of lifeless ice that were his eyes. Rather, the gesture only seemed to add to the coil of dread growing tighter in the pit of your stomach as you stepped beside him, clutching your bouquet to your chest in a white-knuckled grip. He’d let you pick that out yourself, at least, and you’d taken a truly irrational amount of joy in picking wildflowers and trimming roses and breaking every rule of decorum your mother had ever taught you. Now, though, the shadows of his hall seemed to dull your vision-searing colors, and it was difficult to take joy in such a simple pleasure knowing the man in front of you sought to ensure you’d never braid daisies or sleep beneath open skies again, when he was staring you down like yet another precious gem he planned to add to his ever-growing collection. It was a cruel comparison, but not quite as hyperbolic as you would’ve liked.
There was a shallow sigh, a hand brought to the edge of your veil. He toyed with the fabric for a long moment before taking the hem in both hands and pulling it away from your face. If he recognized the terror stitched into your expression, he only deemed it worth a slight shake of his head. “Oh, beloved.” His hand fell to your cheek. “You’re as radiant as the day we met.”
The day he plucked you from your mortal life and dragged you into the depths of the earth, the day he’d forced the awful seeds of that terrible fruit down your throat and promised you would never see another living soul again. You swallowed back your nerves. “Please, don’t draw this out.”
You were lucky you’d fallen into the hands of such a mild-tempered captor. He let out an airy chuckle, turning back to the altar. It was decorated sparsely; an overflowing cornucopia posed in one corner, a standing thurible slowly releasing nauseatingly sweet incense into the stagnant air sitting in the other. Between them was only a bottle of dark wine and two twin chalices, crafted of only the finest bronze and polished until they shined in the low lighting. He filled both to the brim before looking towards you, a glint in his remaining eye as he took a chalice in either hand.
You’d been wrong when you assumed they were identical. Where one had a line of aimless, curling thorns following the rim and plunging down the length of the handle, the other was embellished with roses, abstract and nearly shapeless, forming neat columns across the body of the cup. He extended the latter to you, its contents threatening to spill as you took it in your trembling hands. You’d managed to talk him out of the more elaborate ceremonies he’d suggested, but it was difficult to remember that this was a preferable alternative now that could feel the chill of his wine seeping into your palms.
You brought it to your lips, held it there for a moment, then pulled back at the hint of a more familiar scent than that of his dizzying incense. “Pomegranates?”
“I thought it would be a nice touch.” For him, maybe. He’d always struggled to see things from your perspective. “Forgive my sentimentality.”
You wouldn’t, but you were smart enough to keep that to yourself. When he raised his chalice, you did the same, mirroring him when your own will failed you. “To us, darling.”
You nodded. “To us.”
He took a long sip from his chalice, seeming to savor the rich wine, while you drained yours in a single breath. Try as you might to enjoy it, you could only seem to taste ash.
A few vows were exchanged, a kiss pressed into the back of your hand when you flinched away from his attempt to communicate his affection more directly. Finally, he took your arm and guided you back to your shared chambers, lingering in the doorway while you collapsed onto his bed – your marital bed, now, you supposed. You buried your face in the silken sheets, letting out a soft groan. There would be a celebration later on, a feast with all of his many gloating brothers and prying sisters in attendance, but the worst of it was over. You were bound to him, for better or for worse. All you could do was weather the consequences.
You’d hoped he would be kind enough to leave you alone while you consoled yourself, while you took all that you knew and all that you didn’t and recontextualized it with yourself as the mortal bride to the God of Death, but a hand on your shoulder dispelled that fleeting fantasy. With no small amount of reluctance, you pushed yourself upward and turned your attention back to Hades. This time, without the pretense of custom, he didn’t settle for your hand. His mouth found its way to the dip of your shoulder, then the crook of your neck, his teeth scraping against your skin as he pressed wet, open-mouthed kisses into his chosen targets.
When he started to move towards the curve of your throat, you moved on instinct – your hands finding their way to his hair as you dragged him away from you before he could do anything you wouldn’t be able to forget as soon as he left the room. “Please,” you said, not for the first time that day. “I… I’d rather be alone, right now. If it’s all the same to you.”
His smile didn’t waver. “You know that, if it were up to me, I would bend to your every whim,” he spaced the words out generously, as if worried your feeble human mind might not be able to understand. “But we aren’t done.”
Your expression fell. “I’ve done everything you’ve asked of me. I wore the dress, and—and I took your vows, and—”
“My love,” he cut you off swiftly, bringing his hand up to cup your cheek. “Our union will have to be consummated, eventually.”
You felt your throat begin to swell shut.
“I know that, but—” You laid your hand over his, trying to call upon whatever pale imitation of sympathy might’ve existed in his heart. “—does it have to be consummated now?”
You watched as his gaze softened, as his head lulled to the side in that endeared-yet-condescending manner he seemed so fond of. Slowly, with a painstaking gentleness, he brought you closer to him, ghosting over the top of your head and lingering there, even as he started to speak. “I think,” he started, his voice muffled by proximity. “that it would be in your best interest not to keep me waiting any longer.”
It wasn’t a threat, but it was posed like one, dredged up from somewhere deep in his chest and accompanied by his hand on your waist, nimble fingers slipping underneath the sash binding your gown together. When you jerked back, reflexively trying to escape his advances, he was quick to chase you, to let his softened smile spread into an amused grin as an arm wrapped around your midriff and dragged you, willingly or otherwise, into his lap. “I don’t want to hurt you.” And yet, your safety didn’t seem to cross his mind as his blunt nails bit into your waist, as he dragged you close enough to feel his chest press into yours, to become uncomfortably aware of the stiff outline against the loose fabric of his pants. “If I rely on my own self-restraint for another day—” Another kiss, this one to the tender patch of skin above your jugular vein. “I’m afraid I might end up doing something we both regret, when the time comes.”
“Less than a day,” you pleaded as he buried his face in your neck. There was a blur of movement, the ghost of his touch along the curve of your spine, and your bodice fell away in tatters, the ruined fabric collapsing to your waist. When you moved to cover yourself, Hades clicked his tongue and you froze, letting your arms fall back to your sides. Begging him to change his mind was one thing. Going against him so transparently would only make things more difficult. “Half a day. An hour. I just— Hades, I can’t do this right now—”
“My love.” Swift, blunt, merciless. You’d been a fool to ever think he was one of the kinder gods. “I think I’ve waited long enough to claim what belongs to me.”
Any protest you might’ve had died in your throat.
You’d been a fool to ever think he was anything less than the cruelest of his kin.
You wanted to scream. If you couldn’t run, then you would yell, raise your voice and tell him that he already had you, that he’d gotten everything he could’ve possibly wanted, but anything you might’ve said was torn away and ripped to shreds as his head dipped low, his teeth latching onto the vulnerable skin of you collar bone and sinking in. He didn’t draw blood, but he didn’t have to. A bolt of pure, stinging agony shot from your chest to your core, only dulling as he pulled away with a low groan. “Have I ever told you how much I adore the sound of my name on your tongue?” You felt his hand on your hip, then your thigh, the remains of your dress cut through and disposed of with little fanfare. He gave your bridal lingerie (pure white and so obnoxiously lacy, you’d had to wonder if this was all some sadistic joke as you slipped it on) more attention, his thumb running along the delicate trim before his fingers slipped underneath it, tracing the length of your slit before doing away with the barrier altogether.
Dread and panic dulled your reactions, but it would’ve been a lie to say the feeling of his mouth on your skin had left you completely unaffected. He chuckled as he gathered your slick on his fingertips, two of which were soon pressed into your clit with a brutal sort of precision. “And you tried to play coy.” He teased the sensitive bundle of nerves mercilessly, the patterns he traced into your clit too slow and too fleeting all at once. You wished he wouldn’t touch you at all, but if he was going to, it was the least he could’ve done not to draw it out. “That must’ve been why you seemed so rushed during our ceremony. If you’d asked me to make love to you on that altar, I happily would have.”
Hot, humiliated tears welled up in the corners of your eyes. You attempted to deny it, but a cracked moan slipped past your lips instead as two of his fingers were forced into your cunt and spread, splitting you apart. Your hands shot to his shoulders, trying to stabilize yourself, but he only saw your desperation as an invitation – bowing his head and pumping his fingers into you at the kind of languid pace that left you fighting not to rock against him, not to make up for the urgency immortal creatures so often lacked. “You’re a vice,” he muttered, his breath ghosting over the shell of your ear, his tone low and lecherous. You wondered, briefly, if words that fell from the lips of a god could be considered sinful. “To think my own wife would’ve had me neglect her so severely for so long.”
You shook your head. You were married to him, sure, bound to him. But you couldn’t afford to think of yourself as his wife. You couldn’t afford to think of yourself as something so limited, something so purely an extension of him. “I’m not—”
“Don’t try to spare my feelings. I can see that I underestimated just how much attention my little mortal would need.” His wrist quirked, another digit pushing past your entrance and stuffing your pussy full as his fingers curled and ground inside of you. Against your will, you felt a tight heat begin to twist and writhe in the pit of your stomach, pangs of burning pleasure coursing from your cunt to your core. Now, you cried unabashedly, embarrassment and shame burning in your cheeks and fueling the unsteady stream of tears that Hades was so agonizingly quick to coo over, to kiss away as your hips bucked unsteadily against his hand. “What a sensitive wife I have.” That word – that awful word – was enough to earn a ragged sob, but if he recognized the connection, he didn’t deem it worth his concern. “I promise, you’ll never feel so unloved in my care again.”
You would’ve given anything to be able to pull away from him, to be able to shove at his chest and swear to all the gods you’d once worshiped that there was no part of you that could ever feel loved with him, but in the end, he was the one to let you go, to throw you onto the center of his great bed and leave you whining involuntarily at the sudden loss of stimulation. He’d never been one to deprive you, though; in a moment, he was in between your open legs, one hand wrapped loosely around your thigh while the other pulled feverishly at his own clothes. His coat fell away first, then his shirt. You heard fabric shift and metal clink and, in a daze, saw him wrap his fist around something he could not have possibly planned to fit inside of you. Half out of terror and half out of instinct, your gaze flickered from his cock to his face – to the wide, fanged grin he’d been wearing for as long as you could remember.
He moved to kiss you, and you drove your heel into his stomach.
The blow would’ve been weak by human standards, but it caught him off-guard. Out of reflex, he reeled back, and you took the opportunity to scramble off his bed and towards the door, to any part of this forsaken place where Hades wasn’t. You made it a step, maybe two before something caught your shoulder, before your body buckled under a weight greater than your own. You were dragged onto your knees before you could so much as think to slip away from him, your cheek forced against the cool marble of the floor before you could hope to make your descent more dignified. You felt his broad chest press into your back, his snarling lips against the curve of your throat. You wondered if the insult would be great enough to warrant taking your life, but the thought was dismissed quickly.
Hades had never been the kind of god capable of showing such mercy.
“I would’ve made love to you like a queen,” he spat, his tone all manic venom and overdue obsession. “But, if you’d rather be fucked on the ground like a whore, I’m more than happy to oblige.”
You weren’t allowed the luxury of bracing yourself, this time. In one brutal movement, he thrust into you, splitting you open on his cock with the kind of harsh, unforgiving force better suited to a wild animal.  There was no time to adjust, no time to sob, only Hades groaning against your neck as he bucked against you, never daring to pull out completely. Whatever agony his fingers had sparked was now ten-fold. Your legs shook, your body threatening to collapse entirely, but Hades kept your ass raised and your thighs spread, his focus entirely on bucking into you as deeply and as roughly as he could.
It almost surprised you when one of his hands shot to your head, his fingers tangling themselves in your hair as he forced his mouth against yours. You tried not to cooperate, but two fingers pressed into your clit and your mouth fell open in a guttural cry, providing an opening he seemed content to take advantage of. It was a deep, lingering, messything – all tongue and teeth – but his cock ground against something soft and vulnerable and you failed to suppress the wave of pure heat that flooded through your battered body as you clenched around him, as you came undone around the cock of your kidnapper, your captor, your husband. Hades wasn’t far behind, his composure shattering no more than a second after the walls of your cunt clenched down around him. You could only choke on your misery-tinged pleasure as his hips pressed into your ass and he came inside of you – his awful warmth soon tainting every fiber of your being.
You tried to tell yourself that, at the very least, it was over - that he’d had his fill of you and now, you’d be free to console yourself elsewhere, but your hopes were once again dashed when Hades failed to release you, failed to pull out of you, failed to do anything but press himself into your back and trail his lips idly down to the nape of your neck. “Once is a pitiful amount for a king. Don’t you agree?”
You felt his hips move back, then rock against you just as quickly.
“You can forgive me when we’re done, love.”
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yandere-sins · 2 months
I don't know if you write something like this, but what about reader being Hades lover instead of Persephone like it's supposed to be? I imagine reader is some normal human on our world learning about Greeks Gods but suddenly got isekai'd into the Mythology haha. Imagine the confusion and flabbergasted reader felt by all of this.
Reader try to find a way back to human world but ended up in the forest where all of this started. Trying to avoid Persephone fate of being Hades's lover that eating the underworld food, but of course, Hades wants the reader to eat the food. After all Hades got all the time and reader is starving.
I would love the tension, back and forth of Hades temptation and reader insistent. Thanks!
Okay but what if I take your idea, and I give it a tiny plot twist? Make it just a little bit more horrifying? Okay, okay hear me out, look...
»»———————— ♡ ————————««
Being a human had never been so frustrating.
It was one thing to manage the daily challenges of adulthood, of living on your own and taking care of yourself. Things got tough, and they got fun again; sunrises made you smile, and losing a beloved restaurant to a global issue made your heart somber. For the longest time, you believed having a shitty day at work and then having to go home in the rain because you forgot your umbrella was the worst your life would ever get.
But you were wrong. Very wrong.
Because where there was no life, that's where things became messed up.
"One bite," he pleaded. With the pomegranate juices running down his spindly fingers, the red was almost disturbingly blood-like against the faded color of his skin. "Please. I know you are so hungry."
Pouting your lips, you shook your head, turning and marching onwards through the dark forest of lush yet colorless greenery. It was just a park, Hades had explained, but every time you thought you'd break through the thicket, it expanded further, endlessly like a maze of trees and bushes.
You two had kept up this dance of rejection and chase for a while now, days to be exact. And you were unsure if he knew, but you were hanging on to the last threads of sanity. You felt your knees buckle with resistance every time you rejected yet another offer of fresh food and sweet nectar, your stomach screaming in aghast horror as you kept denying freshly picked fruits and beautifully arranged plates that could sate your hunger. And your head had become so dizzy from the stress and anxiety that you began feeling as if your life was being drained right out of you to feed this place instead.  
The Underworld. Resting place of souls.
Occasionally, you had heard about occult stuff like fairy rings or portals to another world. You never thought that accidentally falling into a river would end with you being transported right into the realm of the afterlife! You had cursed at your feet for being so clumsy and easily losing their balance, but at this point, you had no strength left other than to be thankful they still carried you around. You weren't dead yet, but you didn't think you were very much alive either.
"I need to find a way out..." you mumbled to yourself, your mouth feeling dry and your head buzzing with incoherent thoughts. Only determination had gotten you up after passing out so many times. Only knowing you came here somehow, so you must have been able to get back somehow, kept you going. Things were tough, but you were tougher, right?
"There is none," the god of the Underworld mumbled, a tinge of regret breaking through his voice. "You've been here too long. There is no way back from here."
You breathed out, coming to a halt, as did his ghostly appearance behind you. It was colder in his proximity, yet he stayed close as if to comfort you. His body was cloaked in black swivels, yet his face was almost too handsome to look at directly. His hands were visibly gnarly like those of skeletons, yet you knew his touch was soft and his palms big and reliable, able to catch you before you hit your head on the floor from fainting. His hair fell in waves of ebony beauty, and his crown was so intricately woven into it that it made him look humble and whimsical rather than fearsome and ruthless like the stories made him out to be.
There was nothing about him to hate or make you truly distrustful of him. Yet, you still wished he would leave you, just like in the beginning, when he could only stay for a limited time to watch you struggle before returning to his duties. But his time by your side had gradually increased, and perhaps that was the feeling of dread you've been experiencing for a while now.
"Don't you have anywhere else to be?" you asked, too exhausted to sound snarky.
"I cannot leave you like this. It's not your time yet."
"Then let me go! Lead me out of here!"
In a spurt of a moment, you regained enough strength to spin around, yelling at him angrily. You regretted raising your voice as you looked into the flash of hurt crossing his features before the beautiful grimace turned serious again.
"I can't," he said firmly, holding out the pomegranate again. Its fragrance enticed your nose, saliva collecting in your mouth as it promised to be an especially juicy one. "There is nowhere I could lead you but back to the palace. But you wouldn't make the journey unless you eat and drink. You're just human, after all."
It must have been easy for a god to point out your biggest flaw of them all: you were just human.
"Can I go home if I go back to the palace?" you asked, eyeing the pomegranate with disdain even though your teeth demanded to sink into its flesh, chew apart the seeds, and satiate your hunger.
"No," Hades shook his head. "But you could find peace there. Stop the endless roaming of the gardens for an exit that doesn't exist at this point in time."
"You're lying," you concluded finally. "You want me to eat the pomegranate so you can claim my soul for the Underworld. You're telling me there is no exit, but there is, you just don't want me to find it."
Your accusations left a mark on Hades, the brilliance of his eyes dulling as he heaved a deep sigh, letting his head hang before shaking it slowly. "I'm not lying. I'd never lie to you. I have enough souls waiting for me to give them a place here. I don't need to kidnap humans that Thanatos doesn't have on his list. It was an accident. A fatal one at that, but your stubbornness made it irreversible."
"So it's my fault, eh?" you tried to argue, but there was no bite left in your voice. Raising your hand, you dug your finger into the soft flesh of the pomegranate, felt the fruit yielding to your touch without resistance. Hades closed in, eager for you to finally accept his offering.
"You know what they say about Persephone and the pomegranate. How you trapped her, how you forced her to stay here. Tales of you don't make you look so good."
Without looking up, you could only imagine the anger or frustration that must have played on Hades' expression, but he surprised you when he picked up your hand, raised it to his lips, and slipped your pomegranate-stained finger into his mouth. You watched in horrifying fascination as the god licked off the stain on your skin with relish, the brilliance returning to his eyes as you met his gaze, confident, unwavering.
"People have long made up stories about us, but my wife has never been unhappy with me. And my pomegranates are truly delicious, I only wish for you to taste it. I wouldn't lie to you about these things. I promise I will never lie to you. It's not my nature to begin with, and I'm trying to make things better for you, not harder."
You felt the tears well up in your eyes at the sincere words of such an otherworldly creature—one you only believed to be a story that people believed in religiously. You never thought the gods could be real, much less kind and compassionate. But when you popped the first pomegranate seed into your mouth, your whole body collapsing and Hades catching you with one arm, lifting you up to his height with ease, you realized he had been truthful.
The fruit tasted tart but was absolutely delectable. It had a different kind of sweetness than the ones you had eaten on earth, and tears streamed down your face as you scooped a handful of it, greedily stuffing it into your mouth with no regard for its juices. Hades didn't seem to mind either, holding you seated on one arm, with the fruit halves in his other, the pomegranate bigger than what you were used to, yet still small in his hands even when cut open.
You cried and ate, your body rejuvenating yet also releasing all the tension and fear you had clung to. Your vision was blurry with tears, your nose stuffed, and your head so pleased with the taste of pomegranate on your tongue that it didn't think of anything else. You didn't even register that Hades turned around, strutting back towards the dark, looming palace behind the forest that was the gardens stretching out before it. He was in no hurry, yet it took him barely the blink of an eye to return to where you had first woken up.
By the time he reached the palace doors, you were fast asleep with a belly full of pomegranate, and your thoughts turned into pleasant dreams. The shadows of his body were licking at you, caressing you gently and touching you much more comfortingly than his cold hands could. Even so, he never let go of you, content with you on his arm, resting against his shoulder as if he had taken any worries from you, just like he wished to.
"I see you have received my gift."
"My Queen? You are back early."
"I have not returned yet from my duties; I merely wanted to visit my husband and bring him a gift."
Stepping down a few steps to meet Hades on his way to the palace, Persephone smiled at him warmly, cupping his cheek, which he couldn't help but melt into. She ran her thumb across his cheekbone lovingly a few times before her hand slipped from him to your head, brushing back your hair gently and revealing your face to her.
"The gods above are stirring with excitement for their special humans. Apollo has just collected an extraordinary one for himself. I know you care so little for these trends, but knowing you wait down here for me, alone and so lost in your work, you don't see the seasons pass until I return—it breaks my heart. I thought it would cheer you up to have something so precious to pass the time. You can do as you please with them, treat them as you like. They are yours to own."
"You shouldn't have. They are human, Persephone. Being in the Underworld will cause them nothing but suffering."
"Well," she huffed, agitated by her husband's chiding. They have an eternity to get used to it, just like I did. They will be fine. You can teach them to like it and show them how beautiful this realm can be if they behave themselves. Besides, the pomegranate tree bloomed the moment they came here; it must have been a sign."
Passing by her husband on the way out, she winked at him, and he knew fully well that it had not been a coincidence. Neither that you fell into the Underworld years too early, nor that the tree sprouted fruits the second you arrived. Looking down at you, he watched you furrow your brows as Persephone's warm touch vanished, and you nuzzled your head further into his shadows, trying to find just a bit of the same comfort with him that she could give you.
You truly were lovely. So small, so impossibly perfect. Precious, she called you, but of course you were since his wife knew him well. The moment Hades laid eyes on you, he knew he couldn't bear letting you go and wait until you'd inevitably return to his side as the course of life took its sweet time to reunite you two. And thanks to Persephone, he never even had to lie to you to make you eat the pomegranate on your own and so wholly, he would never have to part ways with you again.
"It is a wonderful gift, thank you," Hades admitted. Persephone smiled, laughing heartily as she made her way back to the surface, passing through the park that stretched out in front of her with ease as it let her pass towards the exit. It was her garden, after all. But even as the two separated temporarily, Hades could hear her say, "I can't wait to get to know them when I return, too."
And he couldn't wait to introduce the now two most beloved parts of his existence, either.
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aphroditelovesu · 8 months
Hi I have concept questions rate the yandere Greek gods, and who is most likely out of them with sexually assault or rape reader any gender I don’t know it came in my mind after I found out that Ares has never raped a women or man in my opinion that is a really shocking thing coming from the god of war I mean when comes to gods it’s a pretty good standard because I have read about so many sexual assaults in Greek mythology. for example obviously, Zeus is most likely going to force himself on reader he has done it many times and then the other one is Poseidon he did it with medusa if I remember correctly, so he is most likely to do it, and he has done it with other people and then Eros I don’t know why I just think he would do it and Apollo would do it and I actually thought Ares would would also sexually assault reader, but after finding out that he never did with anyone I don’t he would force himself on reader since he has never done it in Cannon fun fact, one of the sons of Poseidon raped his daughter and when Ares found out, he was furious and killed Poseidon son. Hades, this is another god I think he would not force himself on reader. But I’m not sure about Dionysus maybe he would and Hephaestus is another god who would force himself because he did it with Athena if I remember correctly. Aphrodite, maybe you would do it too. Hermes is another god I think he would do it too. What do you think can you Frank them from? Who is most likely to do it to who is least likely to do it and never do it at all.
tw: talk about rape/sexual harassment.
I would say the same ones you mentioned above.
Zeus and this one doesn't even need explanations. Poseidon, depending on the version, is said to have raped Medusa, but this is the Roman version and not the Greek, so it depends on which myth you prefer, but I think he would be able to force himself on the Reader.
Apollo would do it if he was rejected by his beloved, and he wouldn't even think he was doing anything wrong. Eros would also force himself on his darling if he was rejected in a very cruel way, then he would force them to be his.
Although there are no records of Ares forcing himself on anyone, as we are doing a headcanon and I don't work with canon but with the voices in my head, I would say that he could force himself on the Reader. And he wouldn't even need much for that, it can easily be motivated by jealousy, pure lust or just because he wants to mark the Reader as his.
Hephaestus... It's complicated, the reason he tried to abuse Athena is because of Poseidon, in a way. Poseidon became jealous of the closeness of Athena and Hephaestus and incited the god of forging to make unwanted advances on the goddess of wisdom, thinking that she liked him. He never actually raped her, it was more like harassment, but he came on her thighs and a child was born from that. Bizarre? Yes. Would he abuse his S/O? Look, it depends. I think that if Hephaestus was really consumed by obsession, by jealousy, he could force himself on his darling.
Hades would never force himself sexually on his darling. He can kidnap them (and he will), he can lock them up but he will never do anything against their will, sexually speaking. He doesn't want to be like his brothers and loathes it, so he would never touch the Reader without their consent.
Dionysus would do it too. He is delusional enough and the reason he would abuse his darling could be motivated by how delusional he is. The god would be so delusional that he wouldn't even realize that the Reader doesn't want to sleep with them.
Hermes would only do so if he wanted to dismantle power over his S/O. Like, he did that to them because he can, because they are his and that means he can take them wherever he wants and whenever he wants. A form of control and psychological torture, in a way.
I think Aphrodite would be the only one of the goddesses to abuse her darling, but for her, she would not be committing abuse but rather showing how much she loves them. And for her, the goddess of love, also the patron saint of prostitutes, what better way than to have sex with her darling? Even if it's not consensual.
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
How do you think pregnancy with reader and hercules rolls? I have a feeling grandma hera would always try to sneak out of Olympus so she could visit your little home with that bastard Hercules and force feed you oranges or smth. Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon in tow sometimes, perhaps?
Definitely. I mean, Hera would obviously prefer of Hercules would not be there or in existence at all, but if she can't make him leave, she's not going to waste time with him when she can spend it with you🥰
Ofc, preggo reader makes everyone more protective and possessive of her. Hercules is not letting you out of his sight for even a second and when you have the very few visitors he's allowed you to have (one's he can't stop from coming), he's right there by your side, probably with a hand on your swollen stomach to stake his claim on you and the unborn child, all while he's smiling and pretending to be unaware of how this is all looking.
Hera definitely still swats his hands away from you as often as she could, but she's more concerned with your well being atm. There will be countless naps that Hercules makes you take, while he and Hera continue to massage your feet. Hera will also swat him away when he tries feeding you fruits, taking the snacks from him and feeding you herself.
Hades and Persephone often visit you to bless your pregnancy and they always come bearing gifts like rare jewels and tiaras for you and your unborn. Persephone may or may not also be threatening Hercules to take care of you while Hades distracts you as you coos about how absolutely adorable you look.
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Competition | Yandere Hades
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Yandere Pantheon College AU (1/7) | Master List
Providing guidance to the up-and-coming youth was a privilege not awarded to many and for that Pantheon College put a substantial amount of its budget toward its counselors. Allowing said counselors to manage the health of the students and staff at their discretion. 
Since the grand split of the social classes, unofficial titles were given to the counselors. Dubbed the Average counselor and the Elite counselor staff and students divided themselves in turn. This wouldn’t have been a problem if the Principal didn’t find this funny enough to make a game of it.
“Hohoho whoever gets the most votes from students will get the lion’s share of the budget! Hohoho!”
Forcing the students and staff to submit their votes in a poll on a specific day would decide where the money would go and thus began your many bouts with the Elite counselor: Hades. 
“Feel like giving up yet, (Y/n)?”
With his winnings from last year, he’d assembled an impressive display. A nationally acknowledged catering buffet in the courtyard. Separated by quality, the more upscale side needed identification as an elite student to even get a plate. It was downright degrading.
“Never in a million lifetimes.”
You were always rushing around busy trying to fundraise or stretch the tiny budget you did to help the average students plus they guaranteed their votes. The only problem was that the elite students were well aware of the predicament of the guidance counselors they did their best work to stunt the polls.
“(Y/n), you look so much more cross today what seems to be the matter?” 
The smile on his face told you everything you needed to know. 
“Another one of your students has been bullying mine out of voting.”
“Oh really I’ll have to look into it.”
His stupid smile was still on his face as he twirled the glass of wine in his hand. He always looked so unbothered it reminded you of the things that did get under his skin. 
So you tilted your head pretending to rifle through files before faking a disappointed face, “I wish I could stop pitying you though.” 
He stopped twirling his glass to pointedly stare at you, his single eyeglass catching the light. You continued, “It’s a little more demeaning that you can only win through sabotage. But I don’t have to live with your pride, right?”
He seemed like he wanted to argue but you ducked into your office, filing the manila folders away. Keeping your gaze fixed on your desk and the various items on it, pretending you don’t see the counselor waiting for you to acknowledge him.
“For your information, I am completely faultless for what my students do besides it’s just regular teasing–” 
A student being held by a peeved security guard continued to head out of the office. The student looked up at the man outside of your office, letting a smile spread on their face.
“Hey, Mr. Hades! Make sure your votes stay up there, just like we talked about, even if I am getting suspended!”
“That’s enough out of you brat, out the door!”
It couldn’t have happened more perfectly than that, you looked at the counselor who was hiding his expression behind his gloved hands. Stifling your giggles you twirled in your chair over the small triumph. 
“I wished I’d taken bets on how likely it was that you did convince your students to compete with the majority on a contest that doesn’t concern them.”
Letting his hand fall as he looked exasperated at you, “Why don’t you share the exact predicament with the students? It would certainly keep you in the running.”
“Because there’s already enough animosity between the groups and this is more about finding activities and events that benefit all students.”
He walked deeper into your office, languidly stepping closer to the edge of your desk.
“But the professors know, doesn’t that go against your….morale?” 
He let the word on the end drag. Allowing that prideful smile of his to spread across his face as he leaned over the trinkets on your desk.
“Professors aren’t my main priority, it’s the students that I really need to worry about. It’s helpful that they know but I didn’t tell them. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if you included your professors in the same briefing that your students did.”
Hades quirked his eyebrows, in neither confirmation nor denial. Instead letting his grey-iris eyes glaze over as he stared at the different memorabilia on your desk picking up. Landing on a picture of your child he picked it up, dodging your grasp that tried to put the frame back in place.
You only could watch as you watched his eyes roam over the small picture as he walked around your office, casually taking in the art and graduation photos from various graduates. The smallest bloom of envy built in his chest when he saw the picture of a graduate hugging you. Thinking about his own office the sterile look was meant to maintain professionalism for his people. The only exceptions were the picture he had with his brothers and the single photo he had of his first day—the only picture he actively had with you. 
“If you’re done looking, I’d like my picture back. I have an appointment in fifteen.”
At your voice, Hades turned from your wall still clutching your picture while he went behind your desk. Leaning on your side of the desk he came in close, still wearing that prideful smile.
“How do you say we have lunch together?”
You scoffed,” I doubt I could afford wherever you want to go.”
“No worries. I’ll pay.” 
“And be in debt to you? No thanks.” 
You took the frown on his face as a chance to swipe your frame back looking pridefully at the family photo before putting it in its proper place.
“Besides I’ve decided I’ll be working through lunch so it’d just be a waste of time.”
“Working through lunch? Our office hours are required to be closed then.”
“They will be and it’s a budgeting meeting. So yeah.” You took advantage of the shamed roll of his eyes while you turned your attention forward, looking down the hall and waiting for your appointment to walk through the door.
“Then how about dinner?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, “Hades–”
“I’ll pick a kid-friendly place it’ll be a private thing.”
“Do you even know what it’s like to have a toddler in a fine-dining atmosphere it’ll be a mess!”
“I’ll get us a booth tucked away, let the owner know in advance. It would be fine.”
“That sounds like an awesome dinner plan, (Y/n)!”
Walking in was one of the art professors: Apollo waving off the enamored office workers and secretaries to enter your office. He casually sat in your chair across your desk spinning it as he waved at Hades. You let your head rub against your forehead, mildly aware of the annoyed gaze Hades was sending.
“Apollo, you booking an appointment under a student’s name is an issue. This time is for students who need to talk to me.”
“But (Y/n)! I do need to talk to you!”
“If it’s anything about what you offered before I want no part of it.”
“Come on (Y/n), you’re supposed to be open to making the staff and students happy!”
“Going to a party with you to take psychedelics is not research to make anyone happy.”
“It’d make me happy! Plus you’d get yourself a bunch of new votes!”
“No Appollo.”
Hades watched with growing disinterest as you went back and forth. It occurred to him that as the Elite using whatever methods to reach their goal was natural. He was aware of this when he told a select group of students and staff. He wasn’t aware that attempts would be made for you directly not that that’s what Apollo was doing. Not among the few he told, he must’ve been told by one of his ‘friends’ who gave him the courage to take advantage of your situation.  Hades really hated that.
“--If you want to do it privately we can—”
All he had to do was step beside him and put his gloved hands on the professor’s shoulder. The sight of Apollo was the Elite guidance counselor looking down at him, his single eyeglass glinting with his usual smile. For whatever reason it was darker than usual, letting a healthy set of chills run down his back.
“How about you try again another time, Apollo? (Y/n) and I were talking.”
The question wasn’t that. Just as abruptly as he entered Apollo was waving goodbye to you both before skipping out of your office quickly. 
Vaguely aware of the veiled threat, you turned your attention to the smiling counselor. 
“So, about that dinner.”
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dollycxre · 5 months
req: Hi I really liked your fic with Athena and I would like the same fic with Hades if you don't mind. Thanks in advance!
yandere PJO! Hades x demigod! darling 💀🐺👑 - general hcs
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I would like to start off by establishing that I truly and firmly believe that Hades would NEVER hurt you or torture you like some of the other gods and goddesses *agressive coughing* Athena, Ares and Hera *more aggresive coughing*
Well and truly he is too in love with you to even THINK about that
I mean have you seen how he reacted to Persephone hating him at the start of their relationship???
Anyways, I believe that the way you would meet is if you were a mother figure to Nico
Nico was immediately drawn to you, an older camper who had stayed back to help Chiron as a counsellor
You weren't afraid of him like most other councellors, rather, like Percy and Annabeth, you saw him as more of what he was; a child who just needed love and affection, a neglected and abandoned child who had to grow up too soon
He's rightfully suspicious and offstanding to you at first but if you act the correct way around him, he definitely takes to you
He starts opening up to you about different things, how he felt about his sister's death, how he felt about Jason's death and how he was struggling to see the point in anything
Comforting him at any time late in the night because he's anxious and depressed and being the one to introduce him to Will also helps :)
I think after he starts dating Will is when he takes you to introduce you to his dad because he finally feels like he has a mother
And that is when you, unfortunately, catch the attention of the Lord of the Dead himself
It's very very hard to gain Nico's trust, considering what he's been through, Hades knew you must have a heart of gold or atleast cared about Nico to have one around him
He finds you intriguing, the way you stand tall to him and only give him a stiff bow, how you roam about and talk to his ghoul servants with ease and of course, how well you're able to take care of and calm down Nico
So his inner stalker starts acting up and he starts sending his servants to spy on you, following you around in the darkness, watching you in the shadows, showing up in your dreams, resulting in them melting into nightmares
Waking up trembling and sweating because of the horrifying creatures and distant memories tormenting you :(
Hades hates tormenting (traumatizing) you but he can't really help it since he needs to know your routine to kidnap you
Actually, I don't know why I censored that, he does kidnap you
He basically sets his furies on your ass which sucks for you but he had no choice
Like imagine just having a quiet, comfortable time in your cabin, all alone with just a nice book and your favourite drink
And then screeching she-demons descend on you and literally drag you all the way to the underworld
Of course, you were having absolutely NONE of that, kicking and screaming
But he gets you eventually
As soon as they deposited you in your bedroom, the man himself comes to see you
Hades confesses to you immediately and tells you he loves you
You immediately remember the story of Persephone and shove him away in horror
From then on, it's just a never ending cycle of him trying to win you over with his wealth and confessions of undying love
Visiting your bedroom everyday with flowers from Persephone's garden
They're beautiful of course but that doesn't mean you'll forgive him
Chucking things from your incredibly expensive bedroom at him while he just stands there and stares at you sadly before leaving
Yelling at him and begging for him to take you back home but he just shakes his head no and apologizes to you over and over
This could go either of two ways, depending on the kind of person you are
1. You keep fighting against him until you finally give in, accepting your situation and deciding to make the most of it
2. You accept his love, thinking that it's better to have undying love than mortal love
He'll be delighted when you finally storm out of your room and go to his throne room, calmly informing him that you accept his proposal
He's very clingy and he wants you in the throne room with him at all times
He's the kind of person to stare at you for hours and get completely distracted from his job
Like most of the times, you're gonna have to be the one to interview the souls who come to meet him because he's too busy gazing at you
He loves being romantic and will wake you up every day with flowers
He isn't very touchy-feely, he's more of a gift giver kind of person
I mean, he's the god of wealth for god's sake
He will literally get you ANYTHING you want
Even if it's sold out EVERYWHERE, he will personally commission Hephaestus to make it for you
Literally dream of anything, anything that you could possibly want and boom, the next morning, you wake up with it on your bedside table
All he wants in return is a little kiss every day and you telling him you love him
He's one of the gods who will let you roam the above world
He knows that he treats you so well, you'll come back to him anyways
He loves taking you on romantic dates to literally any place you want
Renting out the Eiffel tower just for the two of you is quite the common occurrence, it's his favourite place for a date <3
Complete gentleman, notices everything about you and will literally just chuck money at people, gods, ghosts and monsters alike to make whatever you want happen
Even the slightest show of affection from you is enough to make this poor god pass OUT
Like imagine picking a pretty flower from the above world for him and presenting it to him in the throne room??
He almost fainted of happiness and immediately ordered it to be planted in the royal garden so he could go and gaze at it for eternity
He's in the seventh heaven when you tell him you love him
For everyone wondering what's going on on the Persephone aspect of things, I think she'd be pretty damn pissed at first
Not only because he kidnapped ANOTHER girl
But also because that's her husband??
But unlike Minthe, he actually defends you and refuses to let her hurt you or turn you into a plant and crush you
Eventually, depending on your behaviour and attitude towards her, Persephone will either hate you but not do anything about it, learn to tolerate you OR she'll love you <3
Maybe a little too much....
I mean, you caught her husband's eye....so surely there's something about you that intrigues her too....
But that's a good thing!.....right?
Good luck to you if she ends up turning yandere for you because she is definitely not as soft-hearted and non-violent as Hades
Either way, living in the underworld turns out not to be so bad, especially when you can wander around in your choice of clothes all day, throw money around on things you want, living in a gigantic palace decorated to your design and basically do whatever you like in return for loving an actually really sweet god
Y'know, even if it IS completely filled with spirits and zombies
But that's just minor details in exchange for literally anything in the world....right?
Also, Cerberus ADORES you
Even if you have dog allergies, since he isn't technically a real dog, his 'fur' doesn't affect you
Will follow you around everywhere, begging for pets with all 6 of those cute puppy eyes
Also loves playing fetch :3
Once Nico found out that his father kidnapped you, his reaction was something along the lines of silent, shocked staring
"Nico...I can expla-"
"What. The. Fu-"
He gets used to it pretty fast, he's used to his father's weird, obsessive antics by now
And besides, it just means he gets to spend more time with you <3
I have this irrelevant hc that he likes dragging you with him to his father's throne room and giving him a forceful makeover, just to embarrass him
Hades puts up with it, mostly because he's a softie
In terms of punishments and such, the only time he'd really get pissed is if you tried cheating on him
Like he is so whipped for you that he is willing to let anything slide...except for disloyalty
Even then, the most he'll do is isolate you
He really can't keep himself away from you either
Mostly, he'll just send his minions to guard you a lot more
Which is just more inconvenient and annoying than anything mentally damaging
Overall, he's one of the tamest yanderes in terms of Greek gods
He really doesn't want to hurt you, he just wants you to stay with him forever
He's just clingy :)
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mellowwillowy · 2 years
You can't possibly just come here just for fun and leave everyone be once you're bored right?
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Credit 🥂 (Ares, Loki, Hades by Starlxxd)
[ GN Reader but stuck with them instead of the the mystics ]
Hades = Gaslighting
The underworld may be damp but with your pressence alone, the underworld seems to be the best place Hades could ever find
Sure, 'Mistress/Lover of Olympians', but how about changing it into 'Mistress/Master of the Underworld' now?
See? Cerberus will be upset if you leave the underworld for well, the Mystics, Mortals or just play around with the other Olympians
Don't worry, Hades has made sure that Cerberus will always be there to block the way out either by having them roll around begging for your attention or just, making you ride them (hey, you have always enjoyed riding them at full speed)
"It's fun riding them right? Faster, boys!"
And you being the dense, naive one will not realize Hades' true intentions at all
You'll be sat on a throne just like him, well, except of sitting on each other's respective throne, Hades will sit on the floor with his head resting on your lap
You are his sunshine in this damp world, you are his fresh air in this damp world, you are his sweet flower in this damp world
Now now, where are you going to? Hm? Leave? You are going to leave the underworld to see Zeus again? How about a game with Cerberus and him?
Surely that King of the Gods is not worth your time so better spend it wisely on the King of the Underworld instead, hm?
"Mmh, how about a trip in the Underworld?"
"But I've explored all the places here?"
"Nuh uh, there's still more love~ come on"
Yeah he definitely did not just create something for this
If the pom is effective, he'll trick you into eating it when you are drunk from the alcohol he made you drink
If not then he'll just have to find another way to trap you here
Koei : God, if Yang Jian is the one who's gon escort you back then he'll 100% go feral once you leave lmaoo
Honestly idk much about him but he'll just be a persistent one
Will do few tricks to trick you into staying
Ah, you've seen that one? Fine how about this one? And this one?
Mmh, have you ever seen this? It's one of his many weapons. Ah, you have? How about this? And this?
"Let's play this game, shall we?"
"But we've been playing this for the whole week, Loki"
"Ah... how about this game then, here's how.."
He'll do whatever it takes to make you stay with him
Angy baby who'll bite everyone if you tell him you are going to leave
He just turns into a ticking bomb, someone greeted him and they'll have to hear him curses non stop
What do you mean by you are bored? Is he not enough as a companion for you to kill your boredom?
The mystics? Phah! Screw them, you are coming with him to this banquet
You just nod along while tailing him behind, completely oblivious with his attempts in not letting you leave
How about you join him to this one war? It'll be a nice change of scenery for you no? You won't be bored watching him fight, he promises
"Ares, I just wanna go see Hundun and have a tea with him-"
"Hmph, that ugly arrogant four-handed monster? If you want a companion for your tea party then you can just have me!"
If he won then he'll puff himself with pride and boast non stop on your face, making you sing praises to him while tending him
If he lost then you'll also still sing praises for him, just gotta make sure your wordings won't hurt him. Also since you'll give him extra special treatment whenever he lost, he won't sulk that long
You? And Aphrodite? He'll choose you over her silly
Remember how easily flustered he is when you just approached him without warning? Yeah he's still the same
"Let's ride together into the battlefield hm? Just... don't leave"
Well, it's really rare for him to be this soft considering how he just started another war to distract you
Zeus will have to give him a few words again after this
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lilys0evil0twin · 24 days
Part 2 of RoR characters reacting to their darling meeting their old crush.
Oh absolutely, I've been itching to make more yanderes in my series... Or well
Some guys don't really need it...
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You're surely NOT smiling so widely while talking to someone that NOT him
He doesn't know what you are doing, but he doesn't like it
At all
He's sure to stand right behind you, leaning on his walking stick and we'll over your form towards the individual
Studying even the smallest details, the smallest imperfections on their face, skin, clothing, whatever excuse to feel justified for his disgust
He also voices them, just random input to the conversation that doesn't even concern him
"Your eyes are slightly uneven", "I don't like your style", "Your hair looks unhealthy"
"I don't know why my s/o even likes you"
The encounter left a bitter taste in your mouth, his as well, liking someone so imperfect even if it was in the past
You'll be the death of him once, surely... Maybe, that's not so bad after all
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Loki was... Confused is probably a good word
He doesn't understand why you got so bubbly all of the sudden, he hasn't said any joke has he?
Oh you ran off
And he after you naturally, only to see you jump around someone
So, obviously, he had to go join in on the fun
He introduced, making sure to state your relationship loud and clear, then proceeded to question the individual
Treating each and every answer as a competition and he simply had to win
Everything was followed with a snarky response, downcast or a mockery
All to make this what's-their-name worthless, and himself to stand in better light in your eyes
Was he jealous? Yes
Was it obvious? Yes
Were you uncomfortable? Yes, along with the other individual of course
The encounter had to end with you pulling Loki away, thank whatever god you'd like that he was floating, making it easier for you
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Hades simply does not care
He doesn't know who you're talking to and he doesn't want to
Your expressions and lovely words mean nothing, sure he's a little hurt they're not directed to him but... As long as you're happy he suppose
But the longer the talk lasts, the more uncomfortable he gets
He's never felt something quite like this, it's like he's about to vomit
No doesn't like this feeling at all
Good thing you're all sitting, at least he can pull you to his lap
He'd never admit he's jealous and will deny it as if his life depended on it if you ever asked
He'll let you be and finish your talk, just holding you as if you wanted to leave
Surely you'd never want to, and if you did he'll just feed you one of his pomegranates and everything will be as lovely as before
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nastyavolk-cp · 8 months
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Author's note: To begin with, yeah I rewrote the story? Why? Because I hated the initial version, I can publish later the old version if you still like it! I think I will divide it in two parts + an extra! Warnings: This series contain yandere themes, obsessive and unhealthy coping mechanins and behavior, I do not condone with attitudes like this in real life. Main 'Relationship': Yandere!Platonic!Nico di Angelo x Daughter of Hades!Original Female Character; Minor Relationships: Yandere!Platonic!Will Solace x Daughter of Hades!Original Female Character, Yandere!Platonic!Hades x Daughter!Original Female Character, Yandere!Platonic!Persephone x Daughter!Original Female Character. Re-Tagging: @the-broken-truth; @aphroditelovesu Divider by @cafekitsune 🖤 You are currently reading part one of Angel of Hades, part two coming soon...
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She didn’t know for how long she was there, but she miserably knew that she had nowhere to go, wherever she would go, they would find her shortly after, in the Underworld she found herself a prisoner inside of the majestic walls of the palace, her very own golden cage, where she was kept like a treasure guarded by a dragon.
A daughter of the dead, the precious angel of Lord Hades and the Ghost King. Beatriz Alves dos Santos, The Underworld’s Princess.
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“Beatriz, you are a demigod.” She wished that it was a joke, a very funny one to say the least, but she saw how serious the satyr in front of her was, she knew that deep down he wasn’t really joking at all. After all, if he is a satyr, and he is right there in front of her very own eyes, then it makes sense that demigods also exist.
Beatriz knew she wasn’t ‘normal’, she was the ‘odd’ one by the labels of society, being autistic and diagnosed with ADHD did not help her case, but her life wasn’t really that bad. She had a very affectionate and hardworking single mother, working as a badass lawyer, she also had her maternal grandparents around to help her mother to raise her and had very good friends that she made from kindergarten that even after high school they were still glued together. So in the end, she wasn’t really alone and was loved dearly by her family, even with her father out of picture.
But she knew that something else wasn’t right, her mother said that she was medium cause she could see ghosts quite frequently, as a kid that really scared her but now, being a seventeen year old teenager, it didn’t bother her like it used to before, however if she is a ‘demigod’, that would explain why she can see spirits in the first place.
“A demigod?” She asked, blinking a couple of times when her train of thoughts were interrupted by the satyr’s awkward cough, Beatriz stood in silence in the armchair processing the information before her attention was brought again.
“Yes, a child of a god or goddess, I have a gut feeling that you came from the Greek Pantheon.” The satyr, called Greg, replied thoughtfully, rubbing his hairy chin with his thin fingers. She couldn’t stop looking deeply at him, contemplating his words. This easily was her most awkward conversation that she ever had, she even took a sip of her bitter mate tea then pressed her lips, painted with her favorite bloody red lipstick, against each other.
Her mother was watching them by afar, she was quiet all the time but attentive, like a hawk observing their prey, Beatriz knew how protective her mother can be at times, she was the very definition of a ‘Momma Bear’, Greg briefly looked at Isabel, whom glared him back intensely, and stared at Beatriz once again when she didn’t respond.
“You may find out if you accept to go to Camp Half-Blood, your mother is made aware of that, but it’s up to you to make this decision, it’s in another country and you will stay there for approximately three months. Like a summer camp, but with quests and other activities.” He frankly continued, this drew her attention and she nervously sank on the armchair, holding her cup of tea rather tightly, the idea of going to another country, staying for months away from home and being involved in quests with monsters? Hell nah, this didn’t sound like a good idea.
“Could you tell me more about this Camp?” It didn’t hurt to ask, even if she wasn’t very comfortable with that idea. Greg nodded, feeling pleased for her curiosity to know more.
“Surely, Beatriz. Like I said, it’s a summer camp, but dedicated to half-divine beings, just like you, it’s meant to protect and train them to eventually one day become heroes of their own, go to divine quests in the name of the Gods and patron parent, this one is for demigods offsprings of the Greek pantheon, like━”
“Zeus? Hera? Poseidon? Hades-” She got interrupted by another cough from Greg, then she quickly apologized for interrupting him. Still he smiled at her, seeing that she was rather familiar with that pantheon.
“You got that right. I see that you are a bit familiar with this.” He said scrubbing his chin, she gave an awkward smile that came with an unexpected response.
“… Hm… I watched a few gameplays of God of War a few months ago.” She admitted, surprising the satyr, he didn’t expect that a girl, with such a feminine and delicate look, liked this type of violent game. Her mother gave a sheepy smile, finding Greg’s facial response, eyes widened in surprise, amusing when her daughter admitted enjoying God of War.
“I see, well, do you have a decision in mind? Would you like to go to Camp Half-Blood?” Finally Greg dropped the bomb, he wasn’t sure if she would say yes, Isabel was hesitant but if Beatriz expressed her desire to go she would eventually let this happen, but Beatriz didn’t seem pleased with that question.
“Uh… I am not sure. I have other plans that might not work if I go.” Beatriz replied, Greg tilted his head to the left side, goat eyes staring at her with a curious glean.
“What kind of plans do you refer to, if you don’t mind if I ask?” He asks with genuine interest, he wasn’t surprised with her hesitance, it is a normal feeling after all, however he had a gut feeling that maybe she wouldn’t accept to go, of course she isn’t forced to but it’s a very dangerous decision that might cost her life if monsters find her, which is a miracle that she is still alive after all those years.
“I wanna go to college.” Beatriz replied shortly, playing with her silver rings on her fingers, she tried to make eye contact but was overwhelmed enough to not do so, she felt she was acting rude and there was a intense struggle from her part trying to formulate interactions or understanding social cues, self-awareness sucked at those moments at well.
“I see, education is indeed very important. I believe that here in Brazil, days off in University are completely different from the US. You might talk to Chiron, the Camp’s counselor, and resolve this matter so you may go without any issue. Do you think it’s better now, you want to give it a chance? If you feel that it’s not your place you can come back here anytime.” Greg said, he genuinely wanted her to go, but if she’s firm in her choice to not to, then he was unable to do anything. Beatriz looked at her mother, who glared back with a soft smile.
For a second, she felt safe, this decision weighed a lot and it was scary but she was more than ready to make this decision for herself. She could finally look eyes with the satyr, making a brief eye contact before breaking it along with her response.
“Well… then I accept it!” She said sighing, Greg smiled satisfied, also glad that she accepted, one less demigod to be killed by monsters. Isabel went towards her child and gave a tight hug, Beatriz could even smell the scent of fresh coffee impregnated in her mother’s fancy clothes.
“Tomorrow I will come pick you up in the morning, you have enough time to pack some of your belongings. When you are ready I will take us to Camp Half-Blood. Till tomorrow.” Greg shook Isabel’s hand and shortly left the house. Mother and daughter were now alone, Isabel was worried about her daughter, she had always been like that, in constant vigilance for her child but she knew that Beatriz was old enough to make her own decisions and handle everything as a responsible young adult she is turning into.
“Baby, are you sure? He said that you can always come back home if you feel that this camp isn’t your place!” Isabel asked, she wanted to hear from Beatriz herself if she was sure, her heart was beating in discomfort, she sure will miss her baby girl during the course of three months, they were really close and had a deep bond as expected of a mother and daughter.
Beatriz felt her mother’s insecurity, she approached her and gave an awkward hug, they stood there in a few seconds, hugging each other, and as they parted ways, Beatriz found herself thinking what kind of adventures she will be inserted into at this Camp, will she be able to finally meet people just like her and perhaps make a friend or two?
She was hopeful that everything will be alright.
After that, she spent the rest of the evening packing her stuff, Beatriz tried her hardest to pack only the necessary things like practical clothing, underwear, hygienic products and multifunctional makeup, although she really doubted that she would really need the latter she wanted to be ready for anything, besides makeup never hurt.
“I hope they have a laundry space..” Bia thought when she finally finished folding everything in a gym bag, big enough for traveling, and left some free space for other things. She paused of what she could put, she doubted that she would have free time to do other ‘not-so-fun’ activities like reading, she loved reading books with her mother even if sometimes she would struggle with her attention spans, she had lots of books about witches and pagan religions and was a Wiccan herself.
After a few minutes sitting down on the bed staring blankly at the bag, she decided to just take one book, even if she wasn’t sure if she’s gonna read it, she will take it anyway. She leaves the bed towards her bookshelf, most of her books were from a single publisher, Darkside. After thinking a lot, she decided to bring a classic horror one, Dracula, and it was the most recent book she and her mother brought home.
Now she could feel satisfied, everything was ready and in order, she looked around her own bedroom, everyone says that if Halloween was a bedroom, it would be hers. With black and white walls, bat themed sheets, Halloween decorations everywhere like fake skulls, some bats in the wall, every single furniture was painted in black and of course, her Monster High collection. She could remember how much fun she and her mother had decorating this room, it has been like this ever since she was 14, for three years she never got tired of it. She will miss being in her little comfort zone, that is her bedroom.
“Is everything okay, sweetie?” Then there was a knock on the door followed by Isabel's worried voice, Beatriz stared at the entrance and nodded towards her mother, she knew that deep down her mother was the anxious one in the room.
“Yeah, I just finished packing.” She responded in a quiet tone, her mother seemed relieved but still, she was insecure about letting her daughter in a Camp and worse, being in another country. Beatriz won’t lie but she was also scared, she considered letting go and staying with her mother, however she knew that her mother wouldn’t want that even if she was in distress.
“Sweetie, are you really sure you want to go? I mean, I will support you no matter what you decide but…” Isabel bit her own lip in hesitance, she didn’t want to admit that she was dead worried, Beatriz can’t blame her though, but she wanted her mother reassured that she will manage fine in the camp.
“Mama, it’s okay, I will be alright.” Beatriz said and her mother quickly opened her arms and hugged her precious daughter. She wished that she could be stronger for her baby daughter.
If she only knew that perhaps it would be the last time she would see her mother.
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At the silence of the palace, Beatriz found herself wandering the dark and empty halls, she felt like she was the only resident of this immense place, but she knew she wasn’t by herself, her heart anxiously beaten in a way she could feel the lump in her throat as she silently walked barefoot on the cold floor.
She wanted to find a way out, she truly wanted to, however she knew that her father would notice her absence but she had an excuse in her mind, ‘Oh, silly me, I am just exploring my new home, Father!’ she made a funny face imagining herself saying that bullcrap.
Beatriz wondered what would have happened if she refused to go? Maybe she would be safer? That’s something she questioned herself about, oh perhaps if she didn’t meet him she would be perfectly fine.
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“Please be careful.” Isabel pleaded with a smile as she saw her daughter leaving with Greg, who was holding two shining pearls in his right hand. Beatriz turned around and gave one more hug to her mother, who gave her a last kiss on her daughter’s freckled cheeks.
“I will Mama, I love you.” She said and they let go, Beatriz turned around to go towards the satyr that was staring at them the whole time with a tiny smile.
“Are you ready to go?” He asked, hesitantly she nodded and in her hand there was the tiny pearl that was once in his hand. Greg asks her to close her eyes, hold his hand and follow his instructions, she does as he told, closing her eyes and waiting for his next step.
“Allow me to guide us to Camp Half-Blood, please relax your body, Beatriz.” Greg requested and she did exactly what he asked her to do, relaxing her tense body and her bones. “In the count of three, we will throw these pearls right here to take us to our destination. Are you ready?”
Well, she nodded and held it rather tightly, it was the size of a cherry. Without wasting any time, they made the countdown and the pearls hit the ground at the moment they reached zero.
Beatriz felt like she was on a roller coaster, she didn’t dare to open her eyes even if she was really curious, she held Greg’s hand tightly afraid to let go and get lost somehow. After a few moments that felt like minutes, she suddenly felt they were in a different location, she could feel her body warm and could hear sounds of birds chiming and leaves falling down the floor.
“Beatriz, you can open your eyes now.” The satyr said in a gentle tone, her hazel eyes opened up, blinking for a few seconds to adjust to the brightness of the ambience, it was a bright sunny day and they were right in front of the entrance of the Camp Half-Blood.
“Wow…” She let out a surprised gasp, looking around like a kid in the middle of an amusement park, she finally let go of the satyr’s hand and walked a bit, stepping in the fresh green grass, hearing the sound of it was satisfactory.
“Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, Beatriz. Chiron will be here by any moment.” Greg walked towards her with a smile, he was glad that she accepted going to Camp, hoping that she would enjoy her time there.
“Looks like we have another camper, hello Beatriz, welcome.” The sound of horse steps drew her attention, right in front of her eyes there was Chiron, the wise centaur, the counselor of the Camp. He greeted her in a friendly and warm way, the girl just nodded with a tiny awkward smile.
“Thank you…” She replied back, playing with her silver rings, the centaur gestured to her to follow him. As they took a walk, he began to explain to her how the Camp worked, every function, every activities, the quests, everything that she should know as a first time camper and demigod, she observed everything with precaution, her chest a bit heavier with the new responsibilities.
“We come to an end, Beatriz. Do you have any questions?” With this phrase, she was taken back to reality and struggling to make visual contact, she nodded in response. Chiron let out a hum in response, paying attention to whatever question she reserved to ask.
“Actually… I really want to attend college in my home country, but during June and August I will have classes, the only month I can stay here is July. Is it possible that I can only attend Camp for a single month?” This took Chiron by surprise, he thought for a few seconds, it can be dangerous for her to only attend the camp for a month, having little time to prepare herself to fight monsters or go to quests, however he felt how her education meant for her and he couldn’t forbid a demigod to accomplish their studies and academic needs.
“It won’t be easy for you since you will have little time to practice your abilities, but perhaps we can figure this out together, it will depend heavily on your dedication and performance during the activities.” He replied in a comforting tone, his response wasn’t a yes or a no, but it was enough for her, the possibility made her content and she promised herself that she will work extra hard to accomplish it and have time for her future college studies.
However, their tour over the camp wasn’t precisely over, she needed to settle herself in a cabin and obviously she ended up in the most crowded one, the Hermes Cabin. She was briefly introduced to her cabin mates, Beatriz felt terrible and ashamed that she was surrounded with younger kids, who were between ten to fourteen years old. She left her things in the cabin and since she was left alone by Chiron, who needed to attend some divine business.
Walking around the Cabin Area, she felt a bit lost, not knowing where she should go next, they made a complete tour over the Camp area so she knew that she won’t lose herself easily, but she was awkward and timid to approach someone and get acquaintances, until she was spotted by a small crowd, that came towards her.
“Sup, you are a newbie, right?” The muscular girl asked, crossing her arms with a tiny smirk.
“Uh… yeah.” Beatriz replied, still timid. The three guys that were with the muscular girl stared at each other with a big smile.
“Fresh Meat. I’m Chris, son of Hermes, this is my girlfriend, Clarisse, daughter of Ares and these two Connor and Travis, also sons of Hermes.” The Hispanic guy said, introducing himself as Chris, then the muscular girl and a pair of dudes that looked like twins.
“I’m Beatriz…” She introduced herself awkwardly, the two guys smiled and they stepped closer, they looked almost precisely the same to her.
“It’s been a while that we don’t get pretty girls here, right Connor?” Travis purred jokingly, with his arm around her shoulders, bringing her close to him, her face flushed in embarrassment.
“Perhaps you must be a daughter of Aphrodite then.” Connor replied to his brother, getting on Beatriz’s side and giving a peck on her right cheek. She yelped covering her cheeks as the two laughed with her ‘cute’ reaction. Clarisse buffed, making a negative head shake and Chris looked at the two identical brothers with a slight disapproving look.
“Alright you two, that’s enough, leave the poor girl alone.” Chris asked, the two boys made a sad noise and let her go, they stepped away from her but they still made ‘flirting’ faces like blowing kisses and winking at her as they walked away with no explanations. Clarisse gave a short laugh at the situation.
“You are here only for a day and you already have admirers, if you end up being the daughter of Aphrodite I won’t be surprised. Anyway, you got something to do now?” Clarisse asked, walking towards her, with her boyfriend close behind. Beatriz shook her head, she was basically free of any activities for now. “Good, Chris is going to deliver something to the Infirmary that I don’t remember what and I don’t care to know, wanna go with us?”
“Uh… sure.” Beatriz said and in a blink of an eye the couple started to walk, hurriedly she matched their speed and started to walk right behind them. They took only a few minutes to get to the Infirmary grounds, they entered and she was already familiar with the place, but didn’t know anyone there.
“Solace, get your ass over here, we got your stuff.” Clarice called someone, the Brazilian girl stood in silence as someone walked towards them, it was a blond dude, with piercing blue eyes and tanned skin, it seemed like he was glowing like the sun for some reason.
“Thanks, Chris and Clarisse.” The ‘Solace’ guy replied as Chris handed him something that Beatriz couldn’t tell what it was, but suddenly the pair of blue eyes caught the glimpse of her, far away from them, she was resting against the wall. “Oh, hey there! You are new here, right?”
“Y-Yeah. I’m Beatriz…” She replied, he smiled in response and walked towards her, with a sunny smile on his face. When he stood right in front of her, his smile fell a bit when he looked closely at her, this change made Beatriz anxious. “Hey, have we met before? You look a bit familiar to me.”
His question took her by surprise, she got confused, she pretty sure never met him before, he was a complete stranger to her. Beatriz shook her head, after all she didn’t understand why he was asking her this.
“I don’t think so… what’s your name?” She asked and this must shake the Solace guy for a second, since he was distracted looking at her, something in her made him think she was really familiar but he wasn’t sure why.
“My name is Will Solace, I am the son of Apollo.” Will replied awkwardly scratching his golden blond hair, they stood like that in silence for a few seconds. “So… are you liking the Camp?”
“It’s… good.” She said awkwardly, but they were interrupted by someone coughing. They looked back at Clarisse and Chris, who understood the awkwardness and decided to cut it right away.
“So, new girl, we will have Capture the Flag tonight, you are on my team. You better be good at running.” Clarisse smirked, crossing her arms. She really wanted to see how the new girl would perform, knowing that this little game of Camp wasn’t a tame pacific one for a newbie like her. Beatriz only nodded, she was already in a team but she grew anxious since she wasn’t good enough at sports, she was lower than a decent teammate.
But perhaps, that was her chance to make new… ‘friends’? She wasn’t completely sure about this, she had a weird gut feeling but she had to brush it off, having acquaintances would be enough for her.
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‘Traitor.’ Beatriz thought in a bitter rage, that son of Apollo was going to pay dearly for cooperating with her kidnapping. He was just as sick like the people that are keeping her in the Underworld, far away from her mother and her real home. She fought against the tears that were forming in her eyes, she wondered why the person she considered a friend collaborated with the people that are hurting her? Did he hate her?
Obviously in the end, it didn’t matter, but the betrayal still hurt her, being a bruise that still hurt, it felt like a stab in her back. She wondered if someone even suspected anything, what lies her kidnappers were telling to the people from Camp? Did someone even miss her?
Now this time the tears couldn’t be held back anymore, her pale cheeks were now wet with the fresh tears coming out of her eyes, she stared at the void with her lips trembling and trying to contain the sobs.
“Bia?” That voice. Beatriz froze up, her watery hazel eyes looking up to see that person, the reason why she was stuck in the Underworld in the first place.
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Nico was tired, he just finished some tasks his father asked him to complete in the Underworld, as he got used to it the tasks became easier every time and with that he got quick on finishing them. Today wasn’t different, but for the fact that he used a lot of shadow traveling he was rightfully tired and wanted to lay down, bonus if Will was cuddling with him.
He wasn’t a big fan of people touching him, but his boyfriend was one of the few people that the son of Hades permitted touching. Nico closed his eyes as he felt the shadows circle him while traveling to the Infirmary, where he knew his boyfriend would be. After a matter of seconds, he recognized the ambience that now he was inserted into, it was Infirmary.
But a short scream made him open his eyes in shock, he looked around, getting used to the brightness as he quickly scanned over the room, when his dark eyes froze up when he stared at a specific someone.
Bianca…? But it couldn’t be. His big sister was dead for years, that girl that was staring at him with minor horror wasn’t his sister, but she looked like her. Had the same features, with pale skin with a freckled face, long dark hair and eyes, they were slightly different but the aura, the sensation, was nearly the same!
“Oh, it’s just Nico. Beatriz, this is Nico di Angelo, he’s my boyfriend and he’s son of━”
“Hades. Son of Hades.” Nico cut Will, finishing his introduction. He looked like he saw a freaking ghost, not ironically, the only thing is that ‘Beatriz’ looked older than him, probably having the same biological age if Bianca was alive.
“Uh… hello. I’m Beatriz Alves dos Santos.” The girl said, introducing herself in an awkward manner, Nico’s intense stare was making her uncomfortable but she kept quiet after that.
“Okay, now you guys know each other. Come on, newbie, we have to test your abilities before Capture the Flag. Later Solace and di Angelo.” Clarisse said as she and Chris decided to leave the Infirmary, sensing the weird ambience and they dragged Beatriz along with them, not giving space for her to either protest.
Will and Nico were the only ones in the room, they stared at each as Nico looked like he saw something worse than a monster.
“Neeks, are you alright?” The blond demigod asked with a bit of worry for his boyfriend, Nico’s eyes turned to stare at him.
“Who the fuck is she? Is that a fucking joke?” This question made Will speechless, for one second he didn’t get what he meant, but then he started to connect the dots and then he realized what Nico meant.
Beatriz looked like Bianca, almost like a Doppelganger if there weren't minor differences that could tell them apart. But still, so similar to the point of even Nico thinking that it was his deceased sister.
“How crazy, she… she is your sister’s lookalike.” The son of Apollo hesitated saying this, fearing that it might trigger his boyfriend, but instead Nico kept frozen, staring right at the spot that Beatriz was standing a few minutes ago.
Nico decided to not talk about it, he was on the edge of having a breakdown but he contained himself, his curiosity wanted to make him follow Beatriz and know anything he could about her. He doesn’t know if he was actually going mad or that it was a fever dream, but he will discover what was her deal.
He spent the entire evening watching her, obviously using the shadows to mask his presence from her and everyone else, he observed her like a hawk watching its prey, maybe it could be a monster in disguise, but during all this time, she didn’t presented herself like a threat to anyone, she maintained small, like she was unable to hurt a single fly.
On one hand, he pitied her to be overwhelmed by lot of information about her new life being a demigod, although it remained a mystery who’s her godly parent, even so, he couldn’t let his guard down, he needs to discover who she truly was and why she was testing his sanity by looking like his deceased sister.
When the time of Capture the Flag began, he didn’t participate in it, but watched Beatriz running towards the forest, she was instructed by Clarisse to search for the flag while the others fought to distract the opposing team. She didn’t really want to search by herself but she had no room to argue, it was either this or be scolded.
She didn’t know that, while walking inside the dark forest, she wasn’t entirely by herself, because the son of Hades quietly followed her, watching every step she made. Beatriz was tired and scared but kept walking nonetheless. Nico had no idea for how long he was following her, he got a bit bored doing so however, they both heard some cheering from afar, Beatriz stared at the direction of the cheers, she was lost and confused, not knowing who won.
As she decided to go back, suddenly she heard a loud noise close to her, her heart pounded painfully in panic, Nico got ready to fight and in a blink of an eye, came from the shadows a huge hellhound. Beatriz fell on the floor, whimpering in fear as the creature approached her, stalking her with a hungry stare.
Nico decided to intervene, he couldn’t risk something happening to Beatriz, before he could question his thought he left the shadows he used as a hiding spot and advanced towards the wild hellhound, he had his Stygian Iron sword in his hand. He made a loud noise to distract the hellhound and give the opportunity for Beatriz to escape, however before Nico could make a blow, the creature nudged the attack and quickly threw the son of Hades away with strength, making the latter release his sword that fell on the floor.
Irritated, the hellhound advanced towards Nico, ready to attack. The son of Hades recovered from the blow he received and using the shadows he teleported a bit away, he had no time to get his sword back, and unfortunately for Nico, the hellhound was quicker than usual, he started to invoke the skeleton soldiers to buy him some time to retrieve his sword, but it got harder and harder as the hellhound advanced towards him every time, but never catching him thanks to the shadow travel.
Seeing this, Beatriz had an idea, considering that the hellhound was busy enough trying to catch Nico, she decided to make the favor to catch his sword, she got up and clumsy ran towards the Stygian Iron weapon, as she touched it, she immediately felt an overwhelming sensation, she glowed with a sinister purple aura, coming from the pure black sword.
Nico was getting drained out and the hellhound was ridiculously fast, he was trying to find a way to get his sword back and end this, however as he decided to use his last resort, the hellhound let out a shriek of pain, shocked the son of Hades looked to the beast’s side and his dark eyes bulged at the vision.
Beatriz used the sword to stab the side of the Hellhound, she was glowing just like his sword with purple mist mixed with her dark aura in one. She was using his sword, a fucking Stygian Iron, she was no random demigod. When she withdrew the blade from the beast’s flesh, Nico could see that while she got dirty with its blood, the Hellhound’s soul got sucked out of its body and went directly towards her body, not to his sword.
She captured its soul and she was carrying the stygian iron sword. Beatriz was like in a trance, her eyes dark like shadows, but at the second she blinked it returned to the usual hazel shade. The first thing she saw was the corpse of the beast she just slayed and then Nico, that was staring at her in pure shock, she regained awareness when she noticed she as holding his sword, then in a second she felt a light over her head, it glowed purple and she couldn’t see what it was but Nico could.
It was bident, one of his father’s symbols and it made him open his lips in disbelief, it couldn’t be, it should be a joke but it was the truth.
Beatriz is the daughter of Hades.
Just like him, which made them half-siblings but nonetheless siblings.
Before Nico could speak, Beatriz blacked out, her limp body falling in the grass and she released the sword, thankfully not getting close to her skin. Nico ran towards her, he retrieved his bloodied sword and with the strength he got he held her body, picking her up in bridal style in his arms and walking away, he was still tired but had energy left to walk towards the Camp.
When he arrived there, he was met with curious and fearful glances from the campers, Chiron approached them with a worried glance.
“Nico, what happened-"
“She’s a daughter of Hades… like me.” Nico briefly explained, there wasn’t much to say, it was actually surprising how quickly their father claimed her, did he notice how similar she was to Bianca?
It was a question worthy of asking him later. And it was after this day Beatriz’s life became Hell.
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“What are you doing awake?” Nico asked with a serious expression, Beatriz contained herself from rolling her eyes. It was funny that he took his ‘duty’ as her caretaker seriously, like she needed one to begin with.
“I couldn’t sleep.” She replied nonchalantly, it was partially true, she couldn’t properly rest, she desperately wanted to search for a way that she can leave the Underworld.
“Hm…” She heard him grunt, he is suspicious of nature, so he really doubted her intentions. It wasn’t the first time she tried to run away or even rebel against them, take for example her hair, she cut it short as an act of defiance, it hurt him that she acted like a stubborn child towards him, their father and Persephone, who took a liking to her. “Let me take you back to your room.” He said and held her hand, she knew that she had no room to argue.
After a few minutes, they were back at her room, Nico opened the door and guided her inside. Beatriz got back on her bed with Nico at her side, he watched every single movement and when she accommodated herself, he decided to ask.
“Do you want me to sleep with you?” This question wasn’t surprising, they used to nap together, with Nico snuggling against her body and since he was taller, he would cuddle her in her sleep like she was a big sized teddy bear. Beatriz wanted to deny the request, but she thought a little better, if she started to act like she was accepting her new life, perhaps she could have higher chances to flee!
“….ok.” She said with a nod, she could actually see his eyes shining a bit with acceptance, ever since she got in the Underworld she had been denying him those moments of cuddling, he respected it, thinking she was just struggling to adapt herself in her new home, but he missed it and craved for her love and her affection, why can’t she accept that her little brother just wanted what was the best for her?
Nico tried to hide the smile he made, since it was a queen sized bed, it accommodated them very easily, he laid down on her side, respecting her personal space but was close enough.
“Buona notte, Bia.” He murmured and Beatriz just gave a nod and tried to sleep, she knew he was only waiting for her to sleep, she didn’t really want to but eventually, she felt her eyes getting heavier and she just gave up, finally getting a deep sleep.
Her brother would be there to comfort her if she end up having a nightmare, he just want her to accept him, consider him as his real little brother, deep down he knew she wasn’t Bianca, he knows that his big sister is long gone, but having Beatriz around, he learned to love her for who she is, looking like his deceased sister just perhaps added a bonus to his obsession if not the main center of it.
She is safer in the Underworld and he will prove it to her.
To be continue…
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xjulixred45x · 5 months
OKAY, I know I should work on the requests but I recently discovered the story of the game HADES and as a Greek mythology nerd that I am, I became obsessed, so I ask you to imagine this scenario that unfortunately I have not seen anywhere:
Platonic Yandere Zagreus+ Reader x son! reader
let me explain myself.
Imagine that we are between Hades 1 and Hades 2, where everything seems to be going well for Zagreus and his partner, both living in the Underworld and occasionally visiting the surface, but paying attention to their duties in general.
then they have a son! reader. Their pride and joy.
Zagreus probably thought that it would be difficult to have children without any kind of divine intervention, so seeing that his son was born alive by himself was a great relief and even pride, because it meant that he probably wouldn't have the same problem as his father, he would be freer than him.
son!reader ends up being a child who is super spoiled by his parents thanks to this, filled with affection not only from them, but from the vast majority of the beings in the Underworld, Achilles being a kind of Fun Uncle, Meg a cool teacher, Thanatos and Hypnos second father figures, etc.
even HADES loved this child.
the only problem that son! reader has is that, like his father and mother, he was very curious and stubborn. which led to the incident before he reached puberty.
It was an occasion where Zagreus and Reader were away due to a hasty visit to the surface, so son! Reader, like every child, did what he was told not to do:
get off the safe path.
From then on son! reader can die however you prefer, perhaps by the Hydra, by one of the enemies on the upper levels, by the river Styx, but my favorite excuse is that he found where the titans were and fell from the shock, dying instantly ( drawing a parallel with mythological Zagreus).
And when Zagreus and his partner find out? God, to say that they are devastated would be an understatement for their pain.
Everyone is hurt and sad about what happened, everything feels so silent now, heavy, empty...
to the point that the prayers of the beings of the Underworld reach the ears of Zeus, who in a certain way feels sorry for his brother for having lost a grandson and Zagreus for his son, who decides to apply Dionysus's typenof move, that is, leave the heart of the child in the womb of a human woman.
Zagreus is difficult to convince, he wants Zeus to do this directly with the reader, but if this is the only alternative, he will accept it. More when the mental health of both has also been seriously affected by this(Zagreus having mutilation and Self harm tendencies bc of grief and incapility of die? yep, although he'll probably be very worried if reader starts to seem like them too.)
And so the agonizing wait begins, the weeks go by, the months go by, and Zagreus and the reader are increasingly anxious and impatient. more distressed with a new day of silence at home, with each day of inactivity, with each hour that their child's room is empty...
But the wait pays off, when Zeus gives them the news that the time has finally come for them to go look for their son.
Zagreus takes off at full speed, with various bonuses given by people like Thanatos, Charon, some Olympians, hell, even his father goes easy on him.
and he begins to search quickly with the little time he has on the surface for his son, being guided by Zeus to where his son was.
When Zagreus was beginning to weaken and felt that he had come in vain, he heard it. a laugh, a small voice that he hadn't heard in a long time.
His son...alive again...
Here things are separated a little. two different scenarios.
This case is the fluffiest of all and definitely the least yandere.
when son!reader sees Zagreus he's running out to meet him, melting the godling's heart, relieved that his son is not only back in body, but in spirit.
They both return to the Underworld and receive them all with great joy, they ruffle the child's hair, give him gifts, Dionysius may even throw a party in honor of his return.
but it doesn't mean there isn't Yandere stuff.
Zagreus becomes incredibly overprotective of son! reader, to a disturbing degree, now practically does not leave him alone. the same with reader. If he is not with one, he is with another.
they make son! reader accompanies them everywhere and can only play with their supervision, only them, not anyone else. because the previous one was very effective last time.
I think the reader would use the death of son! reader like an auk to keep him fearful and thus avoid another incident. in general both being very obsessive with this new opportunity to have their son back.
Although it's not so bad, Zagreus and the reader continue to bombard him with love and affection, bringing him gifts, reading to him or telling him legends, even now they take him to the surface with them! It is within the scope of a happy ending, they could overcome their unhealthy tendencies over time...I hope.
The only way in this scenario for both of them to become yandere as is is if some person on the surface is "badly influencing" son! reader to be more independent or worse, go to the battlefield.
There Zagreus will directly get rid of said influence with the help of Thanatos.
Now, the most intense and interesting scenario.
Imagine that you are an apparently normal child with some strange characteristics (like maybe red feet or heterochromia), living peacefully with your parents that you have known all your life as a mortal... and FROM NOWHERE the fucking GOD OF THE UNDERWORLD comes to tell you who you are HIS child and not of your PARENTS....
practically this reader.
Zagreus would believe that after having spent so much time among mortals his son has forgotten his true lineage and even finds his innocence cute with the whole thing, but they must return to their TRUE home as soon as possible.
Since he is a god, A SON OF HADES, even if the reader's parents love him, they cannot fight for him, so they give him to Zagreus.
Zagreus is overjoyed with this, reader is so confused.
because after all he does NOT know these people, he does not know this supposed father who ripped him away from his birth family, he does not know his supposed mother who greets him with tears in her eyes when they arrive at the damn Underworld.
He doesn't know any of the gods who welcome him warmly, who ruffle his hair, who call him cute nicknames, who seem to have known him all his life when they don't.
reader is feeling like some kind of glorified pet. an empty replacement. This is not his house, his HOME.
while Zagreus and reader think that their son must be feeling very shocked by all the information and come home that they simply shower him with more love. much to the child's displeasure.
If the reader continues to insist that he doesn't really remember them, Zagreus will probably dismiss it as something temporary, which is simply the adjustment after an event as traumatic as dying (he gets it, seriously! he dies every now and then, but he doesn't want to think about on what it must have been like for his son).
while reader will try with Thanatos to make him remember things from the past, show him family photos and portraits that they made before the tragedy, his room, his old toys and stories behind them. all with so much love that the reader feels uncomfortable, as if he were usurping the place of their true son.
I think the reader would be especially uncomfortable if mom!reader were also a goddess, he feels VERY intimidated by both of them, but when they show this very...vulnerable and loving side...he doesn't know what to think.
In this scenario, both Zagreus and reader are more overtly manipulative and yandere. Zagreus can use his thousands of failed attempts to try to get out of the underworld on his own so that reader doesn't even think about doing so, while reader uses the reader's death as a way to guilt trip him so he doesn't leave them.
The reader feels bad for them and their son, but is very afraid of them. More after seeing Zagreus angry.
At first they would see Reader's attempts to escape as something "cute" thinking that he was "imitating young Zagreus" and was not serious. Of course, if he ran into a shade, Zagreus would appear and take him home. simply a game.
But when they were lost for long periods of time, they had a panic attack thinking that the accident had happened again. and when Zagreus found the reader, on a higher level and with scratches, he was furious, almost killing all the beings on that level.
It was enough to solidify the reader's decision to want to leave. This man was not only terrifying, he was dangerous.
I think that in this case there would be characters like Meg, Patroclus, Odysseus, even Thanatos himself who realize the reader's discomfort around his "parents" and even become his only allies in his escape attempts.
but because they isolate him so much, so much to the point that he can only leave the house of Hades if it is with them, no one else, and they see the desire to RUN in his face. They feel compassion for him.
This is how a new story in Hades begins. As a reader you will have to face many powerful deities, shadows, and more to escape not only from the Underworld, but from your delirious new family.
but Zagreus would not be himself if he were not stubborn and persistent . I wouldn't let him run and escape easily. not this time.
Could reader do it? let the game begin.
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Shares, reglogs and comments are very welcome!
What can i Say? I'm obsessed over games i will NEVER get to play :,) but at least i'll try to see gameplays.
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xztloux · 1 month
I have literally just gotten into the Percy Jackson series a few hours ago after pulling an all nighter for a project, I had it playing while I work bro the second I saw Hades I was frothing at the mouth..I am very sleep deprived rn Lmao
If it’s good with you, can we get some Yan/Dark Hades stalking his lovely mortal who works at a museum (or is a college student there on a trip), they are quite the quiet person (perhaps they get picked on for that quietness) but gets a bit bold as they defend Hades after hearing some people talk badly of him? Hades falls hard for the mortal and follows them around, being a bit dulu?
I did read over your rules and If I had somehow missed one and wrote it into my request I’m incredibly sorry!
Take your time and thank you very much! Have fun and change anything if you want :>
We twinin’ with the dyslexia wooo
↳˗ˏˋ Dark Hades ˊˎ˗ ↴
▸ content warnings: none? I don’t think
▸ summary: Your trip at the museum turns into something much more life changing
▸ A/N: my Greek mythology is really rusty so I’m sorry if I got stuff wrong. also added my own opinion on a certain god. (Zeus hate club right here). Sorry if it’s really bad and short it’s literally 5am for me 😭❣️ I LOVED WRITING THIS SM SO THANK YOU. literally love this person
Your Professor had booked a day out, to help you class with the upcoming test. Your major was Greek mythology, you loved it, ever part of it. The hero’s, the gods (most of them anyway). Of course you didn’t know the gods actually existed. There were a couple of people in the class who loved it as much as you, sadly most were there cause they thought it would be an easy pass. You had this stern looking tour guide that was to accompany your class throughout the day.
Eventually everyone stopped in front of one of the statues, Hades. One of your personal favourites. The stern looking tour guide eventually asked the question. :
“Does anyone know who the most ‘hated’ God was?”
He of course asked this to see if anybody would go with the obvious answer. He pointed his pen at one of the blonde haired girls.
“Um Hades right? He’s like..the god of the underworld and stuff..” She replied shrugging slightly. Hades himself was actually there, from time to time he’d slip into his mortal form and visit the museums to see how blissfully unaware humans were. Of course he heard what the blonde bimbo had said and honestly? He was use to it. You then watched as your professor leaned in and whispered something to the tour guide.
The stern looking tour guide nodded quickly before pointing his pen at you. “You. Tell me what you think.” His expression seemed to never damn change. See your professor was the ‘tough love’ type. He knew you knew the material but he wanted you to be proud about it and not afraid to show off that you know the answer.
“Um…most think hades but..um he was actually one of the best. He hardly cheated on his wife, he doesn’t really care for Olympus. He’s happy with his wife and the underworld. In my personal opinion.. I’d say the most hated would be Zeus..” As you spoke about your own opinion, you caught the attention of hades. Now..he hadn’t expected to hear that answer. He’d be a liar if he said your voice wasn’t the prettiest he’d ever heard.
Hell, he even found himself following your group around just so he could hear your voice more, and your opinions more. This god fell for you, and he fell hard.
It’s been a couple weeks since the museum visit and he’d been stalking you to put it bluntly. Of course he couldn’t always be in his mortal form so, from time to time, he’d check up on you from the underworld. Gods he was obsessed with you.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Ok but imagine Yan Orpheus falling for Yan Platonic Hades and Persephone’s child. I would love to see how Hades and Persephone would react to this.
Yandere Orpheus is simply a sweetheart, competing heavily with a yandere Eros (the one who wasn't rejected) and even Aphrodite herself.
As I already mentioned, Orpheus is devoted to his beloved with his whole being, he loves the reader with everything in him. He would do anything for them, even kill himself if that was their wish. He is very selfless and willing to take his own life for the reader to be happy.
That's how much he loves you.
Orpheus met the precious child of Hades and Persephone after going to the underworld, he was about to beg to bring Eurydice back, but he didn't, not when he saw you for the first time beside the King and Queen of the Underworld. Sitting on a throne made especially for you. Orpheus, for the first time in his life, was speechless as he admired the underworld beauty.
Eurydice has been forgotten, as if all the feelings he once had for her have faded and focused on you, but the strongest and most distorted feelings. You looked so ethereal, even surrounded by darkness, he was captivated by you. You looked so beautiful and lush on that throne, next to your parents, kindness shone in your eyes and sympathy for the musician. In Orpheus's perception, he fell in love with you at that moment.
He soon began shamelessly courting you in front of your parents, leaving the two gods astonished. He was in love with you, deeply, and he wanted nothing more than for you to know that love and accept it. If he could he would be looking at you with heart eyes, like this 😍.
To say that Hades was pissed off about this isn't enough. He was livid, how did this pathetic musician have the nerve, the audacity to come into his kingdom and hit on his daughter/son in front of him? Either he was very brave or he had a strong death wish.
Hades got very angry and threatened Orpheus to get him out of the underworld while he still could. Hades is too attached to his child to let them get involved with anyone. You belonged with him, in the Underworld. You were his little girl/boy and he wouldn't let anyone take you away from him.
Persephone reacted in a more calm and compassionate way to her husband, she was always calmer than he was. She wasn't happy with de Orpheus's advances on her child, but she didn't react in as irritated a way as her husband. She looked calm, normal even and that was dangerous.
The problem with Persephone is that she is patient and she would be more than willing to let Orpheus languish day after day for you, yearning for a love that would never be returned, in her mind. She will let you get involved with the musician if that's what you wants, she just wants to see you happy, but she won't tolerate losing you. Persephone would definitely try to poison your mind against Orpheus, knocking down any and all chances of you falling in love with him.
Perhaps, after all, Persephone really is like Demeter.
The only possibility for Hades and Persephone, against their will and with a lot of persuasion, to accept Orpheus getting involved with their baby would be if you remained in the Underworld. That is, Orpheus would have to move there. They would be watching Orpheus's every moment, waiting for any mistake he made to find a plausible excuse to expel him from your life.
Having yandere parents isn't easy, but Orpheus will make sure they know how much he loves you. Hades and Persephone don't have to worry about you getting your heart broken, because Orpheus would never do anything to hurt you. He would die before then, you are everything to him and he will make your parents see that.
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(Orpheus staring at the reader)
~ Lady L
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
just Imagine that Hades cuddles us because were such so good girls
Hades would cuddle reader either way because he just thinks you're absolutely adorable. It doesn't matter if you have tears of frustration running down your face as you struggle to break free from his arms, Hades is just nuzzling your cheeks as he pets your hair and calls out to Persephone to show her how cute you are. And now that Persephone is here, of course she'll join her husband and start showering you in affection, her sharp nails just barely embedding into your arms as she just threatens you to stay still and not do or say anything to spoil this moment.
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Pletonic yandere with Disney Hades
Will be nice to have a sassy dad
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Yandere Father Hades 
“Come on Megara, all you got to say is that I’m going to some siren soiree you know. I just know he’s going to ask you before anything and it’ll give me enough time to–”
“Fat chance, Spitfire. You’re daddy’s going to sniff you out faster than Cereberus and we all know how that ended last time.”
You sucked your teeth as you know her words are true. While the embarrassment that came with your father crashing every Olympian party you so much as thought about attending. But you had to go this time, you just had to.
“But Meg…Perseus will be there…”
She groaned bookmarking a page in her book and closing it to look at you earnestly. Recognizing that longing look in your eyes, she painfully sighs as she grasps your hands.
“(Y/n) the thing about love is that it's…not guaranteed and wouldn’t you want to save your freedom for something that will promise your happiness.”
You knew what she was getting at and you had nothing to protest. Perseus may have invited you but you doubted he actually remembered you. Let alone would really notice you’re intentions towards him. Sinking your head and pulling from Meg’s hands you slowly stood.
“I-I guess you’re right.” You turned away mopily leaning on the exit of the room, “I’ll see you around Meg.”
She could only worriedly sigh as she watched you drag yourself out the room. Her look of sincerity and sorrow morphed; scrunching into a disatistied frown she turned the side of her cheek to the darkest corner behind her.
From the darkness a blue fire ignited resting atop the head of none other than Hades. With a spikey toothed smile the deity of death emerged from the shadows with spirits high.
“You know what? I am! Ta think all it took to get them to behave was a brokenhearted–”
“Yeah. Yeah, well maybe if you let them live a little they wouldn’t treat you like the plague itself.” 
“Meg, meg, meg! I’m sure you can’t tell but I’m their parent and what experience do you have raising a little bundle on your own?”
“Come on! Come on!”
“NONE! That’s right! Zilch, Nada!”
“Whatever just don’t go blowing up the underworld when they explode at you.”
“Yeah? And how much do you want to be-”
Suddenly the distant calls from Panic and Pain rang throughout the hall, before they stumbled in. 
“Sir! S-sir!”
“M-master! (Y/n) took the chariot–”
“-and t-they released Cerberus as well!” 
Exactly as they expected an angry beam of red hot fire shot off his head as his face contorted to one of pure rage. Meg stepped away from him letting her lips stretch into a knowing smirk as she crossed her arms.
“T-they i-interrupted our cleaning it–”
“Yeah sayin’ something about not living forever?”
Meg snickered. “What’d I tell ya?” 
He shot a glare towards her before grasping the heads and horns of Pain and Panic. Veins popping from his forehead and heat permeating from his hands, he let out a pent up scream. Shriveling in response the imps bore the pain of his raging flames.
Meg rolled her eyes holding her hands over her ears, waiting until his eventual cool down. In a puff of air he released his servants and ran a hand through his azure flamed hair.
“Alright Im cool, I’m cool again. We just need to know where they're going.”
“We don’t know Master!”
“M-m-maybe they went to a park or something?”
“I’m thinking our dearest Nutmeg knows the answer to that!”
She groaned as Hades squeezed her shoulders and mockingly nuzzled his cheek into hers. Pulling away she looked behind her to see a dark look on the lord of death’s face. She fought her desire to shakily sigh before spilling what she knew–she hoped you were doing what you needed to do.
Arriving on the chariot of death to a Solcist party was the coolest entrance you could have had. And as much as you wished you could dally you needed to find Perseus–to tell him how you felt. Pushing past the other party-goers still guffawing at your arrival you made your way into the heat of the gathering already feeling the tightness of bodies dancing next to one another. 
You could smell the power of your cousin Eros wafting through the air. It gave you a sense of urgency as you searched for the one you were looking for. 
Perfect timing. You turned to the hero, expecting to see him as handsome as the day you met him only to stagger at the sight.
On his arm was Andromeda, the ethiopian princess he’d recently saved. In turn he was leaning into her, a visual intimacy between the two that really made them stand out. 
“H-hey Perseus, Andromeda.”
“So happy you could make it, we’ve heard great things about you-”
He kept talking and all you could do was blindly nod your head and wave off his compliments. Watching painfully as they disappeared into the crowd, seemingly sneaking off to make out in a corner somewhere.
It hurt. 
It hurt a lot.
But you didn’t want to leave. In fact you wanted to party. Party so hard you’d see no end in sight. To forget about that pain, to replace it with something sweeter for the time being. You’d deal with the pain later but for the time being…
“I think its a good time to call those…flower lovers…what are they? The lotus eaters?”
When Hades finally arrived to the right party spot, he’d fully expected its attendees to run in terror. After all he arrived on the back of a drooling and searching Cerberous but the only reaction was the distant coos of some few who seemed to notice them. 
“Aww what a cute puppy!”
“Here give ‘em a flower!”
“Give them three.”
Hades scrunched his nose, practically suffocating by the sent of intoxication and the lotus’ influence. Slipping offf Cereberus’ back he walked past the intoxicated guests. He didn’t mind the way the giant dog(s) accepted the flowers offered to them as well as the humans feeding them as snacks. 
“Saves me a cow or two.” 
Entering the andron, he shoved past the different intoxicated humans and demi-humans in search of a familiar head. Even as he pulled at familiar looking partiers and stomped through different rooms he found no sign of his little flame. Feeling close enough to burn the property to the ground he quieted as he recognized your silhouette in the moonlight. 
Sitting idly on a bench you were too occupied removing the seeds of your pomegranate to properly acknowledge your fatherl.
“Hey, you! You look like your having the time of your life too bad I’m here to cut it short! Eh?!”
He put his hands out as he finished his punchline to which you sent a single look his way. Deflated Hades plops himself next to you looking into your lap and then at your face. 
“Sooo is this what you’re like with lotus in your system? A total buzzkill?”
He frowned deeper when you all but sighed as you continued to pick out the seeds of your fruit. 
“I already had two of the lotus flowers…but that was a while ago.”
“Than what in my name are you doing here?”
He watched your eyes look to the side towards a couple that were drunkenly clinging to one another; that was all he needed.
“Uhh no reason.”
He didn’t seem convinced. But when you gave him that adorable pout he figured he could wait before exacting their comeuppance for putting Hades baby in a state of unease. Kirking his mouth into a smile as he pulled you into him.
“C’mon kid what’d do ya say we blow this popsicle stand? Eternity’s still young and the dead won’t stop coming anyway!”
You chuckled, “What’d we even do?”
“Well I’ve been hearing rumors of Thebes having a new hero, figured we send a hydra or two over for a…welcoming gift.”
“That sounds cruel….I’m in!”
“Yes! Now where’s the chariot?”
“Right, about that that’s a f-funny story–”
“Kid you’re killin’ me here!”
The day had come and Meg couldn’t help but smirk at the sight. Sleeping soundly in your room surrounded by the armor of the now fallen hero. Not to mention the other various artifacts you clutching onto in your sleep.
“All tuckered out. I’d say you weren’t half as bad as a dog but I know you too well for that.”
“Think what you may the title of #1 Daddyio belongs to me. Speaking of I have a job for you Meg.”
He handed her a device, it looked strange but he snatched it out of her hands to shove on her face; clouding her vision.
“Ah what are these things?”
“The cool kids are callin’ them: sunglasses! Anyway, there’s this guy with a gorgon’s head and I need him dead.”
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josnhoes · 4 months
literally kicking and squealing, the gods are all 😇 innocently smiling at god reader with warmth and fondness in their eyes and the moment reader is away every flaming pit and death and bloodspill snd war fought and method of torture and and and is just glinting in their eyes while they look at whatever mortal or shade garnered their attention, the poor things don't stand a chance, heavens forbid god reader found out about it but OOOHHHHH it's so good, I love your writing so much
I'm kicking my legs and smiling like a school girl because you love my work. You have no idea how much hearing that means to me.
Cw mentions of yandere behavior, murder, and torture.
If the reader ever found out what the gods did, they would all be terrified. You were the kind God who had worked hard to befriend said mortals and shade. They don't fear a physical retaliation no they fear your rejection and disappointment more. As Gods they all have a pretty good resistance to pain, plus pain is temporary ot heals. But no one thinks they could heal from you looking upon them poorly.
So clearly they do their absolute best that reader never ever finds out. And considering reader rarely left the house or Olympus depending on who has reader at the time it is very unlikely reader ever will. Unlikely but the chances are never 0%.
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siswritesyanderes · 7 months
hello darling🌿
i was just wondering if you have seen the new pjo show? if you have then what do you think of it?
I binged the whole thing last night and i just can't help thinking all day about manipulative yandere Hades and simp yandere Poseidon 😩😭
Hello, love! Of course I've seen the show! I loved it, I've made one YouTube video about it already, and I have another one on the way, lol.
Ooooh, those are some good ones. Maybe the reader is in danger and Hades offers sanctuary in his home, and just gradually begins to take liberties- that they ignore at first, because he's saved them. Or maybe reader is already dead and destined for the Fields of Asphodel, but he keeps them in his palace and promises not to send them to the Fields, as long as they accept his affection.
As for Poseidon, a submissive ocean is a wild concept! Just a wild amount of disproportionate retribution that can be visited on those who displease you. Ideally, Reader is someone who would be actively, vocally against such a thing, lol. But maybe little treasures wash into the sand at Reader's feet, whenever they stand by the sea. They meet a man on the beach who seems to intuitively know so much about them (because he's been watching for a while). And a sea current feels gentle when you're going with it; it only feels inescapable when you try to go against it.
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