#Yandere tmnt 2012
oleander-nin · 10 months
TMNT 2012 Yandere Headcanons
A/N, not important: Feel free to add or disagree with any of these. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Dark themes, yandere behaviors, drugging(Donnie's), stalking, possessive and obsessive behavior, non-consensual touching(Non-NSFW ie: hugging), kidnapping, abuse, delusional behavior.
Words: 2249
Summary: My take on TMNT 2012 as yanderes.
He’s a hero, he wants to be your savior. Leo wants you to be safe by his side and to feel like you can depend on him for everything, even if he knows he’s taking it a bit too far. He’s willing to do anything for you, as long as you stay with him and love him.
Despite being aware of his faults, he’s still possessive and stubborn. Leo’s priority is your safety, which can cause problems in the small time before he kidnaps you. He’s constantly checking up on you, bringing you gifts, and trying to convince you to come stay at the lair on your own.
Is the first to kidnap you. Being the leader, he can’t drop his team to go get you at a moment's notice like his brothers can. He wants you safe, and in his mind, the safest place for you is the lair, or by his side. It’ll take a week from the first time you turn down staying with them for him to move you in forcefully.
Leo’s strict with his rules. He likes order and discipline, which makes him have a firmer hand when it comes to following his rules. While he tries to remain patient with you, he’s quick to punish any misbehavior to kill it out as quick as he can.
His punishment’s mostly include being tied or loss of food/entertainment instead of harsher ones like having your bones broken. He doesn’t want to hurt you badly unless he needs to. He sees you as something he was destined to care for, so if he feels the need to hurt you, you likely really outraged him(although if he hurts you on accident and feels you deserved it, he won’t apologize much).
When mad, he rarely goes into a fit or has an outburst. He’ll stew for a bit and leave you locked in the room before returning later to deal out whatever punishment he came up with in the time gone.
Feels slightly bad if you cry during a punishment, even if he knows it’s one that doesn’t hurt much. It doesn’t get him to lessen or cut the punishment short however. He’ll just pay more attention to you once it’s over to ‘make up for it’.
He’ll drop little judgements about your friends and family as he’s near you, trying to sow discourse so you’re more likely to be near him. He’s constantly vying for your attention, so separating you from your loved ones makes it much easier.
He likes to do things for you alone. If you escape, he won’t tell his family and will just go off to find you by himself. He also likes to keep you in his room or by his side at all times. He likes having you to himself, his own little darling to take care of.
He wants to make you proud of him and to enjoy being by his side, so he’ll shower you in little gifts or trinkets as a way to buy your affection.
He’s more quiet, so he likes to force you to be next to him instead of talking. He finds you relaxing and is comforted by your presence, even if you despise him. He’ll often pick you up and bring you to watch his shows as a way to hang out, holding you close and not letting you leave.
He’s very controlling and tends to nitpick everything you do, loudly telling you’re doing something wrong if he notices it. He thinks his way is the best way, and will shut down any arguments you have about your treatment or captivity. You’re his, and he knows best.
He’s the last to jump to kidnapping, mostly because he wants everything to be perfect for you before he does. He pines hard, constantly trying to get your attention and keep it. He’ll make so many plans surrounding you, it’s insane. He sets up cameras around and in your apartment to make sure he’ll always have an eye on you in case something happens to you. You’re his world, and he has to have you. Everything about you is perfect in his eyes. He just wants to bring you home with him and preserve that perfectivity forever.
He watches you for months, and will usually have a small square in the corner of his laptop that’s a camera of you whenever he’s working. He catalogs everything about you, admiring your every move.
He’ll go off on his own to visit you a lot, trying to impress you with his ninjitsu or smarts. He gets upset when you blow him off, his mood instantly turning sour and he tries to convince you to stay with him or refuses to leave. He’s overbearing and puts down your friends, making snarky remarks about whomever is taking up your time. Whenever he finally does leave, he makes a note of the friend and tries to think of ways to get rid of their part in your life.
Once you’re kidnapped, he keeps you drugged for a while, not risking the expected erratic behavior. He doesn’t want you to have any chances to try anything drastic. He’ll research everything about the drug he’s giving you, taking note of all possible side effects and making sure you have no allergies to the medication. He doesn’t want you to suffer while under his care, but the only way he knows how to protect you when you’re in such a delicate state is by keeping you doped up and oblivious.
When he starts to wean you off the pills, he can get annoyed with your attitude fairly quickly. He wants instant gratification, and gets frustrated knowing you’re not in love with him like he is you. He’ll put rules in place and snap at you when you mess up. He takes his punishments slowly, laying out all the consequences for each action when you first get there. He plans to adhere to them, not wanting to screw up his own rules or bend any for you when he knows you can be perfect.
Donnie can easily start to steam if you push his buttons, whether by constantly arguing or by fighting something he deems necessary for you. He’ll yell at you and throw things around, but he won’t hurt you in these moments if he can help it. He’ll usually just steam off after tying you up or drugging you silly, not wanting to deal with you when you’re being ‘pushy’.
He’s not the neediest when it comes to affection, usually only touching you to try and comfort you instead of himself. However, when he gets sleepy or just finished a big project he’s proud of, he’ll pull you close and force you to sit with him for a while. Sometimes he’ll have you sit in his lap while he’s working on something non-dangerous just to bond, but he’s usually too focused to want you so near in those moments.
He uses you like a drug, in a sense. Raph’s known for his bad temper and explosive personality, but before he had you, he took it out on petty thieves and Kraang. But once he found you, he realized he felt calmer just by being near you. He always wants to be by your side, milking off your personality in all the worst ways. Once he realizes you’re a fix to his temper, he’ll kidnap you.
You’re like his own precious gemstone, a one in a million find. He truly believes you’re his soulmate and you’re both meant for each other, and will get into a huge argument with you if you try to disagree.
Bulldozes over everything you say, and is really pushy when he wants to be near you. While his temper is more quelled near you, it’s not too hard to ignite it again, and denying him his ‘rightful time with you’ is a really quick way to enrage him. He’s more likely to go after your friends if you cite plans with them than to fight with you, but he’ll still be sour for a while afterwards.
Raph hates knowing how exposed you are in the world. You, the one thing able to calm him down, could be hurt at any moment by anything in the world. It boils his blood to know you might be in danger, and he acts like a protective wall when near you. He makes himself your own personal bodyguard, not even backing down when it starts to get suffocating. If he’s on a mission with his brothers and suspects you’re upset or hurt, he’ll drop everything to come to your side. He will absolutely go ballistic if he finds anyone hurt you.
Even if you’re usually able to keep him more mellow, his anger can quickly flare up when you start to act up. Whether it's refusing to hang out with him or fighting him after he kidnaps you, he’s quick to try and correct your behavior with threats and intimidation. He’ll accidentally elevate to more physical violence on accident, his anger taking over when you refuse to listen to his reason. 
His quick fuse can get you hurt, and he’ll just try and justify it with a quick apology and the excuse that you weren’t able to calm him down. He blames it on you every time, citing your own failures when it comes to his anger.
He’s almost always touching you when he’s near you. A hand on your shoulder or waist, or tight around your wrist, he’s always holding on. He likes the security you give him, and you tend to just make him more tender in the first place. He likes running his hands through your hair or just slumping over you and pinning you down loosely with his weight. He gets huffy if you try to get away, tightening his grip and holding you firm.
If you try to escape and fail, he’ll rub it in your face. He’ll brag about how good he is at keeping you safe after he brings you back and punishes you however he sees fit for the transgression. He wants you to feel weak so you won’t try again.
Mikey is manipulative to a fault. With his big eyes and unassuming nature, he’ll just slowly pretend everything is fine as he goes on. He uses the fact he’s never had many human friends to his advantage, weaponizing his supposed ignorance to make you feel guilty for pushing him away when he gets too much.
He’s quick to fall into his own head when he’s with you, just clingy bliss as he fully believes you’re just as infatuated with him as he is. He ignores most of your protests or brushes them off, making small jokes about the situation instead of listening.
Most patient of his brothers for most things, but will get upset if you don't listen to him. He’s a hypocrite in this sense, and always demands your full attention. He wants to be heard by you, and gets upset if you push back the way he does to you. He’ll start to whine before getting angry and storming off, leaving you alone for hours or days depending on his mood.
Is able to predict almost everything you do despite being completely unpredictable himself. He tries to convince his uncanny way of knowing what you’re doing or planning as a sign you’re both meant for each other.
Is constantly on you, whether he’s draped in your lap or or over your shoulder, or just fully laying on you. He finds you comfortable and gets upset when you try to push him away. He loves you so much, can’t you just let him hold you for a while?
Mikey’s also the most likely to have you out of his room, letting you follow him around the entire time he’s home with you. If he’s training in the dojo, he’ll make you sit in there so you can watch him. He wants to be praised and loved by you, so by showing off while he spars his brothers or practices his nunchaku, he feels it gives you more opportunities to compliment him.
Showers you in compliments and praise, to the point where it’s more than annoying. Every couple of minutes he’s loudly exclaiming how much he loves you, not letting you get a word in and trampling over any protests you may have.
He’ll likely hurt you in an accident, usually right before he storms off after you make him mad. He doesn’t use as many physical punishments for the sole reason he doesn’t want to be near you when he’s upset with you, but he may throw you off him before he leaves. Mikey will ignore the injuries he gives you, usually pointing out new bruises on your skin and being surprised he caused them. His main way to ‘fix’ it is by jokingly apologizing and kissing them and with a smile on his face, refusing to acknowledge any wrongdoing. He pretends the small gesture blows everything over, and gets upset when you try to push back still.
Often ignores his brothers for you. He’ll sneak away and just disappear with you for hours, only to be in his room trapping you with him as he avoids responsibility. He has you now, and as far as he’s concerned, you’re the only part of New York that would need to be saved.
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
Could you make Yandere Platonic Splinter Vs Yandere Platonic Shredder (TMNT 2012)?
I can try, sure :) Did most of the personality from memory so this is like an overview with how they'd act.
Here's your two dads, lol.
Yandere! Platonic! Splinter vs Yandere! Platonic! Shredder
(TMNT 2012)
Pairing: Platonic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Violence, Attempted murder, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Forced (Shredder)/Dubious (Splinter) companionship.
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Honestly, these two having a rivalry doesn't surprise me.
For example, they fought for the same girl romantically.
Then later on they fight over Karai as a daughter.
I am not surprised if they both fought over you.
Maybe you're a ninja in training and manage to catch the eye of the two.
They may just see themselves as your teachers, but they could also see themselves as a fatherly figure in your life.
Although, they are very different in their approach.
Splinter already has a family so he's already very welcoming.
He treats you similarly to April in terms of training you alongside the turtles.
In fact you'd be lucky if you met him first.
The way you could meet Shredder is most likely through... kidnapping.
It would make more sense if he kidnapped you to get info on Splinter and the turtles.
Although it could've just been the wrong place, wrong time.
Either way, when you're there you manage to intrigue Shredder into sparing you.
Only to be taken back by Splinter and the turtles.
This could serve as your first meeting with Splinter too if you want, where you get involved with the family due to having nowhere else to go.
Both of them would want to train you if they felt an attachment with you.
Splinter is adamant on training you for self-defense.
While Shredder may do it to make you another pawn or weapon at first.
I can see their rivalry being... brutal.
It always has been brutal, even before you came into the picture.
Shredder already wants to kill Splinter.
Meanwhile Splinter has concerned himself with protecting his family.
When the two realize they both have a similar goal, it just gets worse.
Shredder wants to make you fully loyal to the Foot Clan so he can break Splinter.
Splinter focuses on having the turtles (and maybe April + Casey) protect you.
Splinter is much more caring, often showing affection and providing you shelter when you need it.
He just seems like a caring dad or mentor who wants to protect you.
Later on he seems to want to isolate you from your actual family... but right now he has Shredder to deal with.
Meanwhile Shredder is more cruel and intense.
He isn't really affectionate, just ask Karai.
Although he does care for you enough to show distress when others take you out of his sight.
Splinter would not usually kill to keep you in his care, not unless he was cornered.
Shredder on the other hand... would probably kill the entirety of New York if it meant you'd be his loyal apprentice.
As you can see... They are vastly different.
We've even seen them fight countless times in the shows, even times where Shredder brutally wounds Splinter.
Blood will be shed between them countless times before there is any conclusion.
The moment those two come together to fight, you can only hope whatever the outcome is will benefit you.
You no doubt are aware of the tension caused by your presence.
Yet even if you put yourself in isolation, one of them is going to find you.
I can see them both sending others to check in with you.
Shredder has countless soldiers and mutants.
Meanwhile Splinter has the turtles, April, and Casey.
I can also see you being thrown into a loop of constant kidnapping and rescuing... no matter who it is.
They try to convince you who is better, you end up tuning it out.
Frankly, you just want to go home... your REAL home.
While Splinter is more caring, he has his own issues with you being around others.
Shredder is straight up just volatile and cruel to those around you, yet strangely caring with you.
Even the best option here probably isn't healthy either.
You can only hope that some miracle saves you from this conflict.
The two have had tension for years between one another... one just waiting for the other to make a move...
With you thrown into the conflict, it's only a matter of time until things boil over and you're forced to see the fate that awaits you all.
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theangelcatalogue · 7 months
Gender-neutral !☆
Romantic !☆
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★ -> He feel for you when him and his brothers fought with you and P/N (That's mean Partner name,you can see it romantic or friendship)
☆ -> And after you two fight and you tease him a little,he is in love,oh god....
★ -> He is delusional,he thinks you are a good person,that you being forced to do everything you do and that you are asking for help while fighting
☆ -> He blames it on P/N,he thinks P/N is using you,manipulating and forcing you to act like that and doing everything you do,so he always will try to convince you manipulate and guilty trip you(he says to himself that is for your own good) to be on his and his brothers side
" I know that P/N is forcing you Y/N! You don't need to work for/with him anymore! "
" Come on! I hurt you and your brothers and you think i am a good person? "
" I know you are asking for help,i can help! "
" Gosh, you are kinda delusional, uh? "
★ -> He won't would say delusional, he knows you are a good person nop you are just a villain lol
☆ -> He is obsessive, he knows everything about you
★ -> Fight style? Yup! Favorite food? Yup! Favorite color? Yup! What do you said to him in their second fight? Yup! How? Maybe he already stalked you and heard your reunions with P/N...
☆ -> In the middle of your two fights, he would say things to make you join his side, resume?
★ -> Manipulation and Guilty trip!
" Look, you can join us! I know P/N is forcing you! But i- I mean, we can't help you! Set you free! "
" Pls Y/N i know you are a good person...! "
★ -> And when he sees P/N he focus more on him than you, like if he wanted to destroy him
☆ -> And he wants! He is the motive you are like that! When P/N be gone, you will be free
★ -> Because everything he is doing, is for you
☆ -> He already said about for his brothers, April and Splinter, did they understand him? No.
★ -> But he does not care! One day will you be in his side
☆ -> On the lair, on the good side, where you belong.
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NOTES || ★
✮ Tbh i dind't watch Hazbin Hotel,but Lute and Adam's designs are ✮
✮ and a person said that i could use these two in this hc,so here we are ✮
✮ Leo could be more delusional and obssesive than Donnie,omg(?) ✮
✮ Idk just remember of drink water and take care of yourself ✮
✮ Thanks for reading! ✮
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pianocat939 · 1 year
hi! could you write something for ‘12!donnie with a mc/reader that really likes his tech and stuff? could be a full oneshot, just a blurb, headcanons, idc that much ^^
— 🦋 anon
Doing 2 posts to make up for not posting anything last week so-
Tw: mentions of stalking, obsession, tracking MC
You just made bro more obsessed than he already is. Like he was already stalking you, and writing down everything about you before- but now that you've taken interest in his work, he's just smitten.
He's more motivated then ever to improve or make inventions. Your phone? Oh- he's installed fucking 6G wifi on it so you have faster network than ever! And he totally hasn't installed a tracker on the side too-
Be careful. If you give him to much attention, he might get even more unhinged.
"This new update will be perfect for my sweet little chinchilla~..."
- Celina
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helpfandom · 4 months
I saw the yandere! Plat! Kraang post and I LOVE it!! It’s so well written! Could you do a continuation if you haven’t? Have a good night/day!!
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@yanderefangirl @devilgirl101 @ladydoe8 <--- Sorry about Kevin.
952 words.
Continuing off of the scenario, seeing as it's part headcanons and scenario.
Something feels... wrong. Although the kraang monsters have turned off the lights and, this is new, given you a blanket and soft place to sleep, the ability to sleep is nigh impossible with the feeling of eyes crawling on you. Barely opening your eyes to flip to the other side of your body, the bot that's your current watcher stomps over to you.
"That which is known as 'sleeping' is commenced during that which is known as 'bedtime' or 'night time', an expanse of time in darkness." Groaning, and covering your head, "y'know, you don't need to use so many words just to say 'go back to sleep'." The droid steps back, "I give what is known as apologies." You wave it away. "s'fine. Stop watching me sleep though." He steps away methodically and sits in the corner, his eyes aren't on you anymore, but the feeling is still there. Fully opening your eyes now, you can see several kraang outside of the cell door with something that looks like a camera from your dimension clicking almost constantly.
Quickly flipping back over so you can't face them, clicking still playing outside and inside of your mind. Your stomach turning. They've been watching you, taking pictures and god knows what else. How many months have they been doing this?
Suddenly, a thought pops into your head. How long have you been in the kraang dimension earth time, how long is kraang time? It had been 200 kraang days, but how long is a kraang day? Is it equal to a normal earth day, or is it shorter? You can't trust your biological clock because of the stuff they put into at first, so you can't use that...
Hours go by, or is it really hours? go by trying to equate kraang time and earth time, and the lights within your cell flicker to life. The kraang droid uncrouches from his position, if he were human it would be considered 'springing up from his position', but he's not human. How did you ever once consider this human?
"Human. That which is-" "breakfast is the part of the routine happening now. I GET IT!" You yell the last part of what you said at him, leading to a step back from him being a little shocked at the fact that you yelled. You hadn't done that before. Something happens and the droid twitches and electricity comes out before dropping to the floor, the actual kraang brain coming out and rushing out the door.
You sit down on the floor, knees curling up and resting against your chest. Trying to calm down is an almost fruitless endeavor, but it for some reason works on your breathing. Taking slow, deep breaths and you calm yourself from your anger. A differing droid shows up and it's one of the human looking ones, like Kevin. Kevin was one of the better ones. He would give you extra food and tell you jokes he heard while pretending to be human. "Human. You have upset kraang. This hurts our feelings and as such, no food for the first meal." You glare at him, although nothing changes with his face, facial features wise. A couple of moments and then the droid changes position, putting it's arms behind his back. "But, Kraang sub-prime has informed us that humans don't like being confined, and although those that are-" It seems to struggle to speak, although it is using less words- "autistic do enjoy rigid schedules, it appears as we were informed by Kraang sub-prime, that ours is too rigid for humans. As such, we apologize and shall give more freedom. That shall be tomorrow, however, as you still upset Kraang."
You nod, swallowing thick saliva. "Alright. I understand." He, the droid, nods and then walks out of the room, although positioned right outside of the window to the room. You pout, and then grab the blanket and lay back down. It's been around 3 months that you've been here. Why haven't the turtles come back?
Falling back asleep now that there is no feeling of eyes crawling on your skin, you wake up to the darkness of the room, and the droid still outside the window. Swallowing your spit, your mouth is dry and tastes weird. Going up to the window and knocking on it, he turns around and sees you, then going to the door and entering inside the room.
"The lights are off because it is night time in Kraang world. We did not force you to wake when it was day time." You nod. "Yeah. I noticed." It nods and then waits. "Is there something that Kraang may get you, food or water? You are no longer permitted outside the room for the remainder of the week as punishment." You nod again, makes sense to you, although completely unfair. "Was that a nod of understanding or that you needed something?" You blink forcefully and can hear your eyelids make contact with the other and then answer.
"Water, please." You pause between water and please as you tacked the last word on, only remembering to be more polite as it may get the week over with faster.
He leaves, leaving you alone in the room, and someone else takes his place, a purple mechanical droid in place of a humanoid one. Looking closer, the way that the droid moved was more fluid, more human, so to speak. Kind of like Kevin. The droid looks around and then walks inside, a smile then breaking on the kraang brain's face. He steps closer and the voice that speaks is too similar to simply be a coincidence, too familiar to not be a friend.
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temmtamm · 2 years
Hello! Could you do Yandere 2012 leonardo hcs? If you need something a bit more specific, maybe with a plus size gn reader? Thankyou and have a good day! :)
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Oh lord--
Do you even know the death grip you have on this man??
If his brief puppy love crush on Karai was any hint towards the loyalty he had towards a partner, just imagine what's going on in his heart when he is full on simping for you.
It's not like the usual, "I love you despite you being fat" type of thing. When he says he loves every part of you, he means every part.
He isn't a chubby chaser, nor did he really think that he had a special liking for chub, but one look at you and he is rethinking it all--Or at least the last part.
Cubby (Y/N) supremacy--He is staring soo respectfully if your shirt raises up just slightly when stretching.
He is a simp, big time. He is not above flustered stuttering episodes or stealing glances at you when he thinks you're not looking.
His obsession almost makes Donnie's obsession for April look like a small and innocent crush in comparison
Of course, your body isn't the only thing he adores about you--He isn't that shallow.
He also adores your personality, how you stuck by him and his brothers despite their risky lifestyle, and how you try your best to stick it out with them no matter what.
He has a bad habit of telling the others he's going out on solo patrol missions when in actuality he is spending hours on hours by your window, just admiring you in your most intimate and personal moments.
If he even gets the slightest word from anyone in your life about your insecurities, he'll be quick to take action.
He doesn't immediately jump to violence, as part of him is still the calm and collected leader he is striving to become.
That doesn't mean that he is above leaving some notes at their doors though, or even breaking into their homes just to rearrange things and make them paranoid.
When you two actually become an item, you will be the first person he goes to after a long and stressful day.
He loves to rest his head on either your thighs or stomach--Of course, only with your permission. He isn't going to put his comfort over his darlings.
If you get a word from his actions and confront him, he'd immediately try to explain his side, hoping that if you saw his side of things, you'd understand.
If you don't, he'd immediately start backtracking and claiming to stop the behavior, to change himself, anything. He just doesn't want you to leave, so he'll easily mold himself into what you need.
He might even guilt-trip you as a last ditch effort, claiming he was just upholding your honor and that he was only doing what he thought was best and couldn't stand to see them judging you.
If you still keep your stance after all that or even breathe a word about breaking up, he might snap.
It's not his proudest moment by far, but he needed you. He doesn't think he could live without you in his life...so, he kidnapped you. Surely you'll understand, right?? It's not like you'll be stuck in with him in the lair forever--Just until he knows you won't leave him.
Besides, isn't this better for you?? Unlike your 'friends' or 'family', he would never judge you--No, no. He could never. Why??
Cause he worships you.
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Thanks for reading ♥︎
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yanyanderes · 2 years
yan!2012 turtles falling for (y/n) while they’re at april’s farm house.
(y/n) is probably april’s childhood friend, having met each other while she was at her farmhouse for vacation. they live on their own farm and keep april’s house and farm in good shape while she’s gone.
after the kraang invasion, when april, casey, and the turtles go to the farmhouse for shelter, (y/n) gets excited seeing april drive over, but doesn’t greet her immediately. instead, they gather the best, freshest food they have and show up for a surprise visit!
and end up seeing april with a stranger with a hockey mask and four joann turtles, all with various degrees of injuries.
obviously, (y/n)’s freaking out, like, who are these guys? what are these guys?? until april calms them down and introduces the strangers to each other. (y/n)’s still in shock at april’s strange friends, but since april likes them, they decide to get to know them a bit more. they show them the ropes of taking care of the farm, all the do’s and don’t’s, and they start getting closer and warm up to each other.
they help leo with his recovery. they remind him to take it easy and that it’s ok to rely on others for help. they help him get around while his leg heals, and even with his injuries, they help him stay active with exercises like sit-ups that won’t make his condition worse.
they help raph vent his frustrations. they let him rant and yell, they’re able to calm him down if he starts going too far, and they occasionally spar with him to help him blow off some steam. sure, they don’t have much battle knowledge, but they’re strong and can stand their ground.
they show genuine interest in donnie’s inventions. they’re fascinated with how much this teenager can do with such limited materials, and is always asking questions, wanting to understand more about his machinery, and occasionally points out a few things donnie would have never noticed without someone else pointing them out.
they have fun with mikey. they come up with all sorts of activities that don’t make too much of a mess and doesn’t get him scolded by his brothers, but if he’s feeling extra chaotic, they let him crash at their farmhouse.
they all start getting closer, and soon, the obsession starts kicking in. the turtles start doing things to impress (y/n) and/or earn more time with them. mikey starts dragging them with him all day everyday, raph does a lot of heavy lifting for them, donnie is always making something new to impress them, and though leo hates his injured leg, he has to admit having (y/n) dote on him for it is quite nice.
not to mention, when they train together, they’re a lot rougher. it’s most notable with raph, but it’s present in all the turtles.
time flies, and suddenly, it’s time for the group to return to new york. (y/n) starts saying goodbye, when leo asks them to join them, explaining that they’ll need all the help they can get. the turtles had been subtly manipulating april and casey into thinking the same thing for the past few days, so the turtles, casey, and april combined is enough to peer pressure (y/n) into coming with them.
despite that, they rarely gets a chance to shine, since they’re always with one of the turtle, who always tell (y/n) to play it safe. when the invasion is over and done with, and they say they should start heading home, the turtles insist they stay. they should take it easy and rest! it’s been a rough few days!
who knows? maybe they can convince (y/n) to stay. if they can’t? well, they certainly have other ways of making sure they won’t leave.
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star122234 · 2 years
Hi could I please request Yandere platonic HCs on the Disaster twins (Leo and Donnie ) with a chaotic / motherly friend please ? Also just wanna say I love your blog , your really creative / talented ! 💗
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(Hi thanks for your compliments I really appreciate it ❤️❤️)
Donnie x reader x leo
SUMMARY: You are donnie and leo's motherly and chaotic friend
💙💜 Well you literally drive these two crazy
💜💙 The fact that you're motherly is a wonder for these two turtles that beg for attention
💙💜You're always exactly where Donnie and Leo want you to be, whether you're watching Donnie work or reading comics next to Leo
💜💙 constant fights for your attention and very recurring since they became your friends their fights have increased a lot and no one can separate these two when they are fighting just you
💙💜 But now the fact that you are chaotic is already a problem
💜💙because you are chaotic you get into a lot of trouble that really worries your turtle friends
💙💜 you are constantly watched by either leo or donnie you have no choice one of the two has to be with you
💜💙I'm sorry but donnie and leo can't trust you to be alone and if you complain they both talk about all the times you got in trouble and all the times they had to save you
💙💜 but if you keep insisting on wanting to be independent well the two will have no choice but to join forces and kidnap you so they will make sure you will never get hurt or abandon them
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trashlama · 1 year
I feel like Raph would call his darling Mona /Mona Lisa since to him his darling is the most beautiful thing in the world 🥺 
Which can be sweetest thing in the world or the most scariest thing ever if he goes to yandere route ~ 
What are your thoughts on this ? 💗
(also hi I was wondering are we allowed to send in request? If you do are we allowed to send in LMK request/theories)
hope your doing ok and drinking plenty of water 💗
Brah, my dude your radical. You've been sending in some pretty fire ideas for me to brainstorm~. Also I love LMK, it's one of my favorite shows a part of the Mokey King fandom. So fuck yeah if ya' wanna send in some LMK req/theories l would love to write/draw/theorize for that fandom! Actually I already have some sketches/doodles for Monkey King.
Though one of them got messed up recently because of my clumsy ass....
I'm always open for all sorts of requests! It just takes me a sec to get through them since I got daily obligations I must attend to. Also I just want to let you guys know I never delete any reqs that are in my inbox unless they're straight up rude or don't follow the Tumblr guidelines. I like to try my best to full fill all the asks that in my inbox despite how challenging I might find some commissions however I like to believe trying my hand at them helps me develop as a writer/artist.
Also I just want to thank everyone for their support and kind words. They really help me get through some days. Thank you! I really appreciate all of you guys!
Sorry for all the rabblin' ! On with the show!
Raph calling his darling by an endearing name? I got'cha~
Since in the TMNT universe in general there is already a canonical Mona Lisa chick(who I might add actually hooks up with Raph acouple times in a couple verses~😏). Sooooo- I don't know about Raphael tryin'na pickin' you up/or addressing you with that pet name.
Thooouuugh a couple weeks ago I finally had enough cash to go see the Super Mario movie and I could TOTALLY see 2k12 and Rise Raph being like Bowser in his approach to his love interest.
Non-Yandere Route
In a normal situation this could be applied to 2k12 as well. While I wouldn't really call Rise Raph a Tsundere; 2k12 is most definitely a Tsundere.
Like Bowser 2k12 Raphael would be all imposing up front to all his comrades though when alone/or with Spike/or Chomp (Kamek in this scenario) is all love struck for Peaches(s/o). I could see Rise Raph doing this too except he probably gush about his crush on his s/o with Buddy.
In both situations like Bowser, both Raphael's would refer to you by a nickname. May you be allies or fighting as enemies Raph would be the only one to call you by the nickname he had given you(much to 2k12 Dr. Name-stein's(Mikey's) jargon).
Normal route wise? It would probably just play out as an average slow burn story. 2k12 Raph being a Tsundere who eventually has to confess due to circumstances(like one of his brothers "accidentally" outing him).
Meanwhile Rise Raph just tries to play it cool kinda like Bowser in the fluffy moments in the film when he was acting out scenarios. Except in Rise Raph's case this soft boi would definitely perform these acts of adoration for real-zeez. Flowers? Check. Flustered pick up lines? Check. Though the love song might be a stretch. Idk if either version of Raphael would go as far as writing a whole song for his crush.
Yandere Route
Yandere route wise both 2k12 and Rise Raph would react in a similar ways when denied/rejected by their s/o.
Bowser to me in the Super Mario movie is a literal yandere for Princess Peach. Dude destroyed a kingdom, took the whole Donkey Kong Army/any infidels captive, AND to top it off tried to sacrifice all his prisoners in Peaches honor for their wedding. Which by the way he cohersed out of the monarch by choking the fuck out of her companion while threatening to destroy her whole Kingdom. Only to be shocked when Peaches doesn't just give in and retaliates against their union. Which of course pisses off Bowser especially when he sees Mario and Peaches holding hands all close and such~ Anyways—
Both Rise and 2k12 Raphael would definitely fly into a rage like Bowser during the wedding scene after Peach froze him and reunited with Mario. Between 2k12 Raph with his hair wire triggered anger and Rise Raph's sensitivity this is not gonna end well. Maybe you're really a villain and reveal you were just playing with him for kicks/or ulterior motives. Perhaps you're an ally who's just not interested or has a crush on one of his brothers/or comrades. Either way he's losing his shit. Hopefully whatever is holding the mutant back restrains him long enough for either version of Raphael to calm down cause if the red color coded Hamato breaks free it is a matter of how fast his brothers and comrades can calm him down before the turtle does something extreme...
Btw here's some sketches I did for another request that I'm working on that @ladydoe8 had asked for. It's a writing req but I always find brain storming designs by drawing them makes it easier to describe them.
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Thank you everyone for looking and I hope you guys have a great week! Thank you guys again for the support!
Here's some memes I came across while at work.
Sorry this is long↓ I don't own these memes. I've never claimed to do so. I just come across them on Pinterest when I'm on break at work and think they're funny so I like to share them. If I mistakenly put one on here that I shouldn't have please let me know! I like to respect people's wishes. And if you could add the creator names too that would be great so the same mistake isn't made twice. Sorry for the inconvenience that my sharing may cause. I hope you have a good day.
The one in the top right is from TigerFrog's fan made comic Mutant Ninja Turtle Gaiden (MNTG). I was re-reading it online since it's been a couple years when I came across this beauty. There were more but, this is my favorite line. I really recommend it! It's a fantastic comic, pretty dark, I love the plot! More people need to read it. I would love to write some scenarios/fics for it for you guys.
Donatello bro. Donatello. That dude in MNTG is— just— Brrrraaaaaaahhhh!!!!!! The same thing goes for the rest of the brothers. I just can't emphasize how much I recommend you guys to read this it's soooo good. I wish there was more fanart/works for this series!
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gingerdraw-blog · 1 year
It took me by surprise x yandere TMNT IT WILL BE THE BEST COMBINATION
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oleander-nin · 11 months
Horrotober Day 13- Pills(Yandere 2012 Donnie x Reader)
A/N, not important: Another short one. Yay... Sorry if this one seems wonky, I tried. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Forced drugging, kidnapping, manipulation, dark themes, yandere themes
Words: 786
Summary: Donnie keeps you drugged and happy so his brothers are none the wiser
Donnie gasps your cheeks gently, maroon eyes staring into your own. He has the dreaded pills and water in his grasp, his voice coming out softly. “You have to take the pills, Dove. You know the rules.”
Donnie sighs as more tears run down your cheeks, your arms pushing weakly at his chest. Fighting was futile, and he needed to do this. Raph was already getting suspicious of him, pointing out how odd you were the days he lessened your dosage. Donnie couldn’t risk it, not when he was this close to keeping you here forever. His room was already set up for you, as you’d been staying there for weeks already, but his brothers still weren’t used to you. All he needed to do was figure out how to keep your mouth shut, and he was golden.
He had allowed you to try and exist on your own for a while, only giving you a small amount of the drug, or even sometimes none at all, but you were unable to act accordingly. You flinched when he came near, cried when he spoke, and broke down when Leo tried to help calm you down. He couldn’t trust you anymore, not without the drug he stole just for you. He was willing to have you loopy and practically drunk if it meant you wouldn’t run your mouth. In his mind, it was a small price to pay for your obedience.
“I’ll be good, I promise.” You sob, your voice muffled from the way he squished your cheeks in his hand. Donnie sighs, setting the pills and water down on the table beside you. He runs the now free hand through your hair, cooing softly as he waits for you to calm down. He’d wait forever if needed, but he’d prefer to get this over with. He was tired, and Leo would be coming to get him for patrol any minute. He needed you drugged, and fast.
“Don’t make me force you sunshine,” He coos, wiping a fallen tear with his thumb. He smiles softly as you sniffle. Despite the pain in his heart, it was nice to see you cry. No matter how ugly you insisted you were when the dams broke, he found it endearing. Your eyes puffed and lip set in a pout, with you clear eyes watering and shimmering as you sob. It was a beautiful sight, akin to butterfly trapped in a spiders web. He would never get tired of your tears.
You sob harder at his words, making him take in a deep breath. It was ten minutes until patrol, and the drug took at least fifteen to set in. He was running out of time. Frustrated, Donnie pries your mouth open with his thumb, dumping the first pill in. He watches you gag as your body fights it, but he holds your mouth closed until you swallow. He does the same with the next pill, watching in satisfaction as you take them both. 
He hands you the water and lets you drink it, knowing what he had just done was probably hard on your throat. It had taken weeks to get you to swallow the first pill on your own, but he much preferred you figuring it out to him shoving it down your throat as if you were a cat at the vet. The pills he gave you couldn’t be crushed, so swallowing was the only way for intake. He watches you down the whole drink in satisfaction, his mind more at ease. This pill would always be worth it.
Now that you have taken your pills, he moves to put the bottle back into his locked drawers. He had nightmares of you finding them and overdosing, so he made sure to go through every precaution. You were such a delicate but impulsive thing. It was entertaining, but would cause him to gray early if he had hair.
He returns to your side, watching your head loll forward with a smile as your eyes start to glaze over. He could tell you were fighting it, but it was futile. The drugs always won. He carefully picks you up, draping your arms over his shoulders as your legs wrap instinctively around your waist. He walks you over to his room, tucking you into his bed. The pill always made you drowsy at first, which was why he started having you take it before he left. You couldn’t do much to run if you were out cold while he was gone. He steps back as you snuggle into the bed, too doped out to be worried or confused. He walks out when you finally drift off, just in time for patrol.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Yandere Platonic Splinter(2012) with his obsession, during a mission, just accidentally became a mutant.
Of course! I'll see what I can do for this :) Concept as not specified.
Yandere! Platonic! 2012! Splinter with Accidental Mutant! Darling
Short Concept/Reaction
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective parent, Isolation, Manipulation, Dubious family dynamic, Restraints, Paranoia.
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You are most likely a friend of the Turtles who has just enough combat knowledge to go on missions with them.
Splinter cares for you like a child of his because you're always around.
Mutation is a risk that's considered when you help the turtles at times.
Mutagen Ooze is a dangerous weapon that some of he enemies of the Turtles use.
Accidental mutation was a factor that would come up at some point.
Of course, it's a devastating development.
Your mutation affects not only you, but everyone you care about.
The Turtles blame themselves when it happens.
One little slip up and you've been dunked into the glowing ooze.
The Turtles struggle with telling Splinter what happened.
Splinter has become attached to you and treated you as family, despite you being a human.
When the Turtles come back, without you by their side...
Splinter begins demanding answers.
Here's the story;
After you mutated you had run away.
Many people who become accidental mutants tend to be overwhelmed and run.
Before the Turtles could calm your overwhelmed state, you had fled.
An Accidental Mutant! Darling could go one of two ways.
You could keep your sentience and just be horrified at what you've become or you could be a feral mutant.
This merely changes how you act when they find you.
Splinter would immediately make it a goal to find you.
You must be so scared and confused.
You're all alone in a body you don't understand.
Recovering you is top priority before someone like Shredder weaponizes you.
If you've still retained your mental state, bringing you back is easily.
Once the Turtles locate you and bring you back, you feel ashamed to see Splinter.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
I can't imagine Splinter blames you for your mutation.
He wishes you never went on that mission but he doesn't scold you too much.
In fact, he embraces you.
Splinter missed you, he was so worried for you.
After this event he's probably hesitant on letting you outside again.
Until you're more accustomed to your new body, he'll take care of you.
He's like a father to you, after all.
You most likely don't want to go outside after the event for awhile anyways, so you most likely won't notice the yandere behavior of Splinter for a bit.
Then there's if you're a more feral mutant at first.
Taking you back to the sewers is harder.
It also requires restraints.
Seeing you in such a state is devastating to Splinter.
You used to be so lively, now that good nature of yours is just replaced with animalistic desires.
You most likely have to be chained and muzzled.
Until you regain your mind, if you ever, you're kept restrained in a part of the sewers.
That or maybe Donnie's lab while he finds a way to fix you.
Splinter still treats you like his child, even if you have the mind of an animal.
You're kept fed and given comfort, but it's all through a cage.
You want freedom, yet you also cage carnage.
Splinter tells himself that this is the best for you.
If he released you now, you could be taken advantage of.
Staying in this cage, growling and sputtering at him and his sons, is the best situation.
He hopes there's good news in the future.
He hopes you either find your mind or are found a cure.
Until then... he'll take care of you like he always has...
Even if it is through a cage against your will.
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theangelcatalogue · 6 months
Part two of this! -> ❔
Gender neutral reader!
Team up!
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☆ -> Sooo, what if the other turtles(and April and Casey!) also fall for you? That's what happens!
★ -> Oh Lord.
☆ -> Well, i don't know how, but the you got more yanderes!
★ -> With this 6 team up!(Raphael, Mikey, Donnie, Leo, April and Casey), you have to expect some things like: Possible stalking, trackers, and EXTREME violence towards P/N
☆ -> Sometimes they ignore you to fight with P/N, what makes have to help him after the fight, in most of them he is bleeding and many bruises
★ -> Raphael made sure he would feel pain, never take something that is not yours
☆ -> The turtles always finds yours and P/N location, it started ask yourself how? Just how?
★ -> Ask Donnie and his genius mind! He made sure the trackers wouldn't be noticed! He is happy that works
☆ -> To be honest they never understand what you saw in P/N and your both relationship, he calls you the worst things ever! And the way he treats you! He say the worst things for you and after that acts like nothing happend!
" Sir i think they have some type of protection! "
★ -> They would never do that!
☆ -> Ah and the masters of manipulation! Leo and Mikey! They told you so many things to try to convince you to give up and go to the lair with them!
" If you come back with us! You would love! "
" Come on Y/N! I know you are better than this! "
★ -> Can't forget April and Casey! Casey flirting a little with you and April always worried if you are ok!
" Y/N! Are you ok? " (A)
*Asking yourself why that fuck she cares about you*
" Looking good! Changed of super villain uniform? " (C) (To y/n)
*Confused as fuck* (P/N and Y/N)
★ -> P/N and you are just confused at the situation, like what is wrong with them?
☆ -> And you are so tired of hearing the: " Come with us to the lair! " ; " You are better than this! " ; " You can be a good person " ;
★ -> Also you need to be careful with P/N since they won't go easy on them
" Time to end with this- "
*Notices P/N in danger while fight with one of the turtles*
" P/N!!! "
☆ -> You can't let your partner die! And the group just want to end with this and bring you to the lair! Just that! It's too much to ask!?
★ -> But everyone except Leo and maybe Mikey(?) knows that you aren't a really good person, but hey this dont't stop them
☆ -> They focus more on capture you with some type of trap that hurt you, and P/N already noticed that, and is really worried with you
★ -> Like they have the violent one(?), the manipulator one, the genius one, the over protective one and the almost normal ones, ALMOST, but how we know they are not
☆ -> They noticed that P/N is more with you and really closer! Jealous
★ -> They need a plan to bring you with them now.
☆ -> And take care of P/N.
Songs! -> 💌 ❔ 🐢
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✮ That's so bad wth, i am going to remake that and part one gosh✮
✮ Anyways i am going to write more about this cause yeah ✮
✮ P/N means Partner's name! You can see as romantic or platonic! ✮
✮ Please take care of yourself! <3 ✮
✮ Some memes: ✮
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pianocat939 · 1 year
I have a blurb for the 2012 boys if that is alright, if not you can do rise, but the Yan! Boys reacting to their darling drawing them, or just being an artist
another time to give some rare 2012 turtle content- and yay I actually thought of funky names this time!
Tw: snooping through the sketchbook, Donnie taking an obsessive amount of copies of artwork
Liver Sucker:
I think Leo would find your drawings cool- and definitely begs you to draw Captain Ryan one too many fucking times. If you draw traditionally or at the very least have a sketchbook bro will snoop through it when you're away. When you show him your drawings it makes him feel like you trust him, which gives him the happiez.
Rotisserie Iguana:
He'll subtly compliment your drawings because he doesn't want to expose his feelings too much in front of others. But if you guys are alone he'll be all about it. I think Raph would not know whatever the fuck the principles of art are but still try to compliment you. If you ever draw him istg he will treasure that thing like a pet anybody who touches it will be fought immediately.
Disorderly Weed Dolphin:
There have been multiple points in the show where he shows he has a high artistic ability so he'll definitely appreciate your art in a more technical matter. If you draw him he will make it the background of every device he has. Any artwork (digital or traditional) he will copy and store into files for him to obsess over. He also loves to watch you do your work- but he's intense about it.
Mushroom Sniffer:
He definitely loves to draw like silly doodles in his free time. He gets so excited when you show him your artwork- and he loves to make imaginations out of your art. If you're creating he'll be beside you doodling too. He'll ask if you want to do art trades with him since he just loves doodling. Also, he gets kinda pissy if you draw someone else- especially if it's one of his brothers.
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helpfandom · 6 months
If you have time,🥀2 and 🥀3 for 2012 Raph! (Referring to the yan prompts from lonelydweller)
"What's the matter, did I get the wrong person?" "They were bothering you weren't they? I got rid of the issue!"
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@yanderefangirl and @lonleydweller [since it's your plots] @nonsleeper106
1.2k words
Sitting at the couch in the Turtle's home that often felt like your home, you sighed. Leo was watching 'Space Heroes', and looked up at you, only to then, in his mind, shrug you off. Mikey was bothering Donnie before switching to arcade games and then back to bothering Donnie. Donnie was trying not to snap at Mikey, and attempting to work on science. Raph was beating up the dummy with his sai, and training.
Well, if anyone would be the best to listen to your frustrations, it would be Raph. Mikey would bother you with questions, Donnie is already irate from Mikey and would like not appreciate you talking to him, Leo is too busy watching 'Space Heroes' to pay attention, so naturally Raph is the best choice.
Tilting your head over the couch to look at Raph, you watch him train and beat out his feelings on the dummy. A couple minutes go by before he stops and looks at you with a questioning glance. "What'cha doing starin'?" You stare at him before blurting out the question you practiced in your head, "Mind if I talk to you in your room?" Raph grunts, shrugs and replies. "Fine." You get up from the couch and Leo's eyes flicker to you before deducing where you're going and immediately going back to Captain Ryan.
Raph slams open the door and holds it there for you. "Thank you." You say, sitting down on the foot of his bed. "What was it you wanted to talk about?" He says, laying his sai on his desk, taking the opportunity to close the notebook full of sketches on his desk. He puts the notebook away in a drawer. He grabs one of the six shuriken on his desk and throws it into the air, catching it when it falls. "Oh um, there's this guy bothering me-" Raph continues throwing the shuriken before throwing it into the wall behind you. The mark on the middle of the shuriken starring the mark of the foot clan. "Um, hold on." You take the shuriken and inspect the middle of it. "Raph, what the shell is this?" He shrugs.
"I took some from the foot bots we beat up, y'know, to get used to them. We don't have an endless supply of this stuff." You tilt your head in agreeance, and then cede your thought. "Sorry, I just got nervous. How much of these you got?" "'Bout three. 'Bot didn't have much on him." He sits on the bed, laying on it, taking the shuriken back in order to fidget with it. You shake your head, and then continue talking about your classmate that refused to do their part of the work, asking you to 'show them how to do it' which then led to you doing that section...
Letting you talk, Raph laid down near your lap, happy to listen to you vent. He continues his fidgeting with the shuriken, seeming proficient in it. When you finally finish, he turns to you with a smile, a soft one, but a smile nevertheless. "Don't worry, it'll be okay in the end." "Thanks Raph. For the reassuring words, and for listening to me." He waves the thought away. "s'no problem. I want you to come to me with your problems."
That thought brings a smile to your face, and you chuckle a bit. "I know, but I still feel silly." Leo knocks on the door before entering, "I just wanted to let you know that you usually leave around this time to go home." You check the time via T-Phone that Donnie gifted you in case of emergency [although you use it for more than just an emergency], and it displays 6:32. Typically you leave earlier, but you got caught up talking to Raph and forgot to check the time when you were ranting.
"Oh sh-oot. Thank you Leo!" You scramble to grab your stuff, you're definitely going to be home a little later than usually. "Bye guys!" You yell out into their home, recieved with an excited 'Bye!' from Mikey and a tired 'Bye' from Donnie. "Do you want me to come with you? It'll be scary by yourself." You chuckle, "No, I'm fine Raph. Thank you though." You give him a slight smile and rush out of the sewers. As you get out, your phone [non T-Phone] buzzes. It's your classmate. You read the text: "Hey, sorry I haven't been doing much, my mother died. Do you mind coming over and telling me what I need to do?" They send another text, "I think it'll take my mind off of it. Oh, and here's my adress." With a sigh, you text back, "Sure, sorry you're going through some stuff."
Your classmates promptly sends a heart emoji, and you begin your walk to his dwelling. Thankfully, he didn't live too far away from the sewer opening you crawled out of.
As you walk, you can feel something watching you, a feeling of eyes crawling upon you. Maybe the Kraang or the Foot? Shivering, you start walking faster. You can hear metal clanking like with Foot Bots or Kraang droids. You reach your destination quickly, and knock on the door.
He opens it rather promptly, as if waiting for you, and opens his mouth to ask you a question before a shuriken gets lodged into their skull.
He falls onto the floor, his brain and body dead.
Snapping out of your stupor, you look at the symbol. The symbol of the Foot Clan. They missed and killed him. Running back, almost tripping over the doorstep as you escape, fearing the sounds and steps behind you.
A thud behind you as somebody drops from the roof to the street. As you near the sewer grate you just got out of, you tripped making a corner turn, and the T-Phone falls from your pocket. Crawling, you make it to your T-Phone and hit the button to transmit the distress signal. You open the sewer grate in time for the creature to have rounded the corner.
Running down the sewer to the home you know, you run, breathes staggered and burning, tripping but crawling on all fours before you stand back up.
Heart beating in your eyes, you make it back safely, you make it home. The turtles are gone, having left due to the distress you emitted. You run into the closest room you thought of, Raph's, and sprint there.
You sit, knees tucked to your chest and back to the wall, attempting to control your breathing, you begin to look at all of the stuff inside of his room. 10 messy items, 9 leaves, 8 sai, 7 pencils, 6 rocks, 5 shuriken, 4- 5? There were six last time.
Legs shaking, you walk over to his desk. There was one missing. You fall back, legs not working anymore. 'There's no way Raphael would have done that, right?'
The very same ninja turtle you were thinking of walked into the room. "Hey, the signal went off, are you okay?" Barely, Shakily breathing, you ask, "Where's your other shuriken?" He reaches behind him and pulls out a shuriken, the shuriken. With blood on it.
Gasping for breath, you crawl back, hitting the wall in a panic, there's pain in your head, but that's not what you can focus on.
He notices the blood and hides it, but it's too late. He shrugs, "What's the matter, did I get the wrong person?"
He crouches down to your level, "They were bothering you, weren't they?" He smiles, "I got rid of the issue!"
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tmnt-l0v3rrr · 1 month
Small little 2012 yan! Donnie drabble XP
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Donatello definitely treats you like glass, calling you his "Gem" or "Precious". Donnie will constantly be brushing his thick digits through your hair, humming to you and even sniffing you when he thinks you don't notice.
He'll have you sit on his lap well he works. Keeping his head rested on your shoulder, simultaneously rubbing your back when he doesn't need two hands.
Donatello will brush your hair softly, making sure not to snag on anything, cooing at the sight of you so dashing, sitting below him, letting him brush you beautiful hair (sorry for my bald readers😢) Dear Galileo you look so good.
Also, he definitely sniffs your clothes :3
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