#Yandere tokyo ghoul
animeyanderelover · 20 hours
@lucyrose9820 asked: The yanderes receive a massage from her lover since she has seen them stressed (Sanemi, Tomioka, Reiner, Erwin, Kaneki, Tomura, Pain, chae yul).
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive, behavior, obsession, clinginess, delusional behavior
Tags: @shumidehiro @swagenemyartisan @chxxz @flaming-vulpix @leveyani @iloveeyanderes @nightmaresprophet
Receiving a massage from their s/o
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🌧️​Pain is a unique case because all the bodies he uses are corpses and his real body is always hidden away, even you get to see Nagato rarely. Physical affection is due to this fact in a sense almost pointless as you essentially only have the puppets he uses. Giving one of his bodies a massage wouldn't even resolve his stress yet he wouldn't deny you if you were to ask if you could do this for one of his bodies, most likely the one of Yahiko if we consider that this is the body he keeps around the most. There is going to be a potentially tense atmosphere though which is mainly derived from the lack of reaction from Pain's side as you massage the cold skin of one of his bodies. It is Yahiko's real body who would be in a more urgent need of a massage yet he'd be very adament on not letting you touch him. His body is in a terrible condition, wrecked beyond repair and you'd need a good portion of his trust for him to let you that close for that long to him, that is if you can even handle the sight of his destroyed and sick body. He'd be so tense the entire time though as you somehow have to work your way around the black rods embedded in his skin, purple eyes constantly looking at you slightly uncomfortable.
Erwin Smith
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🎖️​Erwin is a man loaded with ambitions, responsibility and duties as the Commander of the Survey Corps and with that position comes a good portion of stress and problems at times. Normally he'd do his best to hide potential stress he is feeling from you but you eventually learn to read the subtle signs that something is plaguing his mind. Whether he actually accepts your offer or not is actually something that depends on what it is exactly that weighs on his mind as he is the type to keep such things to himself. He'd give in with a subtle sigh when he caves in and accepts your offer before he removes his shirt and lays down on your shared bed. He'd be quiet for the first half of it all until he starts slowly loosening up and starts talking with you. It'll mainly be about small and unimportant things as he remains secretive about what it is that is currently the source of his stress though if you manage to really kneed the stress out of his back muscles well, he may vaguely talk about the predicament he finds himself currently in. He'll also guide you a bit by telling you which areas are stiff and need the help of your fingers kneeding all the tension out of them.
Reiner Braun
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🟤​Reiner's wellbeing, at least mentally, relies largely on you as the years pass and he receives trauma after trauma. This is no secret to you either as he panics and has meltdowns if he can't find you, extremely paranoid as well as terrified that you may end up leaving him too which would leave him utterly devastated and unable to deal with his life. His stress is very visible and he always reaches out to you first whenever it gets the better of him, which happens quite frequently. Any reassurance and affection is welcomed in such situations which is why he'd agree before you can even finish your question. He'll be a putty mess the entire time as your hands squeeze and massage his tense muscles, his breath hitching a couple of times when you find an especially tense knot and work your way through those spots until they loosen up. Instead of talking, he'd prefer to hear your voice throughout the massage as it is his favorite sound in the world. Talk about your day, your favorite memories or just whisper reassurances to him, you'll have him melting underneath you no matter what.
Tomura Shigaraki
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✋Shigaraki is an individual who is prying for your affection and depending on which version we're talking about, he'll be either very bratty about it or more secretive and mature. He's always been a malicious and twisted person but he hasn't always considered that this would influence your own feelings for him which is why he would be more surprised to hear such an offer from you after he's freed himself from the shackles of his past due to him being more understanding of your possibly conflicted feelings for him at this stage. Pre-Re-Destro Tomura would be surprisingly iffy at first though, wondering if you have any hidden intentions whilst post-Re-Destro Tomura would be better to assess your request as honest and innocent, his own heart fluttering for a moment when he realises that you do seem to care for him. Shigaraki isn't used to being touched much and his bratty version is going to make that obvious by constantly squirming around when your fingers dig into his muscles and constantly stealing glances at you with a growing blush on his face whilst a more mature version of himself-whilst facing the same sensitivity- would be able to hide it better whilst remaining still.
Ken Kaneki
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🔲​The biggest cause of Kaneki's stress is going to be his own insecurity in regards to you. Constantly fretting over your wellbeing and your safety whilst completely dismissing his own needs, you become the center of his world. He thinks of himself as despicable and a monster, thinks any hatred you feel for him is justified all whilst secretly craving for you to give him a slice of affection still. His heart nearly jumps out of his chest when he hears your question before he turns around with reddened cheeks, eyes blown wide open as he stutters and stammers. A-are you sure? Did he just hear that right? Easily manipulated to follow your every beckon and call as long as it doesn't require him to part ways with you, despite his low self-esteem he finds himself being guided to the futon where he lies down and removes his shirt. His heart is pounding and his face is burning the moment your fingers brush the skin on his back, his muscles tensing up due to how flustered and nervous he is feeling for a good while until he slowly starts relaxing. He gets embarrassed when he lets out a throaty grunt for the first time when your fingers dig into stiffened muscles until you reassure him that it's fine.
Tomioka Giyu
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🌊​Giyu is a person who tends to get stressed out not only by his status as a Hashira and his survivor guilt but also because the people around him stress him out. Though he wouldn't admit it openly as he's aware os his obsessive feelings, your presence is needed in order for him to have some semblance of peace in his life. Your question catches him by surprise as he stops what he is doing for a second before he turns around to look at you with his deep blue eyes. Seconds trickle by and the situation gets somewhat awkward until you swear that you can see a faint pink blush on his face. You'll have to pester him for a while as you realise that he's feeling a tad bit shy with the aspect of having you touch him that much. Stubbornness eventually leads you to where you wanted to have him as he rests on his stomach on the futon, his torso bare for you to work on. He's almost too silent though so you feel the need to ask him sometimes how it feels and if there are any stiff spots he'd like you to work through and his answers are as short and laconic as ever. It's only when you catch a sight of his face that you realise that the pink blush has spread on his face as he feels your hands touching him.
Shinazugawa Sanemi
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🌪️​As someone who has a rather short temper and thinks of himself at times surrounded by idiots, Sanemi finds himself on more than one occasion in a bad mood. Luckily you manage to cool his scorching temper efficiently by now as you have been more or less forced to adapt after all. It is your experience in how to handle him when he comes storming back to the house with a scowl on his face that leads you to ask him if he'd like you to give him a massage. He does stop for a moment to process your words before he agrees and drags you to the bedroom. He quickly undresses before flopping down on the futon, his scarred and muscular back facing you, flexing his muscles on purpose. If he notices that your gaze lingers on his scars and muscles, he's going to give you a cocky grin before reminding you to not forget to use your hands in between admiring his body so much. He'll remain surprisingly silent as soon as you start working on his back though, only the occasional grunt leaving his lips when you find a especially tense spot. He enjoys it a lot, in fact so much that he kind of demands you to do this more often from him whenever he has to deal with another bunch of idiots again.
Chae Yul
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💜​Chae Yul is openly trying to coax any affectionate response out of you whilst busily smothering you in his own. He's touch-starved and deprived of any love and affection and acts like it to the point where he disturbs other people with his burning jealousy and possessive clinginess. Any affection you give him is something he will pounce on like a starved dog. His face immediately bursts into a red blush when you ask him if he'd be fine with you giving him a massage as he has been stressed out lately due to some of your friends trying to convince you that he is a bad influence for you. He agrees with a giddy grin on his face, his shirt tossed carelessly to the ground as he turns around to give you access. The blush only deepens as soon as your fingers dig into his flesh, his hands tightening their hold on the material beneath him as he starts to whimper whenever you find an especially good spot and press into his tense muscles. It honestly sounds like you're doing more than just giving him a massage, the red blush on his face not helping the image but he is much more shameless as he has fully embraced how depraved your love has made him.
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yanderes who will literally worship the ground you walk on.
yanderes who believes you’re a princess/goddess/prince/god/royalty/deity
yanderes who will sacrifice people to you and leave you notes describing their sacrifice
yanderes who are literally so sweet but can flip in an instant
yanderes who will cuddle you and give you everything you will ever want
yanderes who will love you no matter what you do, who you are, what you look like, etc
yanderes who are delusional and think that you smiling at them means that you’re in love
yanderes who would kill you and then themselves so no one could have you
yamaguchi tadashi, sugawara koshi, asahi azumane, daichi sawamura, kuroo tetsuro, bokuto kotaro, nishinoya yu, tanaka ryunnosuke, hinata shoyo, yachi hitoka, midoriya izuku, kaminari denki, momo yaoyorozu, kirishima eijiro, gon freecs, takemichi hanagaki, chifuyu matsuno, shinichiro sano, akashi senju, kazutora hanemiya, sanzu haruchiyo, hinata hyuga, tanjiro kamado, zenitsu agatsuma, giyu tomioka, shinobu kocho, mutsuri kanroji, tengen uzui, rengoku kyojuro, mutsuki tooru, shirazu ginshi, juzo suzuya, hideyoshi nagachika,
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ruyaas-world · 5 months
hi! saw u wanted requests! maybe can you do a yandere uta with a female reader who also has piercings/tats? (headcanons)
idk if u do nsfw too but both would be appreciated 💜💜
Hi anon! Sorry for taking so long to respond, I hope you are well. This was kind of short but I'm open for writing a fic or two of putting some of these head canons into action. (also this image is not mine)
Word count: 322
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• Uta would be very interested in the meaning or reason behind your tattoos and piercings. He may or may not use this information to manipulate you later on in the relationship. Though if or when he does he will word it in a very condescending or patronizing way.
• He would also share stories of his tattoos and piercings too! He likes to think this brings you closer to him, and in a way it does.
• He has a habit of mindlessly tracing your tattoos weather you are cuddling up together or just holding hands. He will find any excuse to kiss over your tats and if you have a tongue piercing then you can expect some very heated kisses.
• Uta would start to bring up the idea of tattooing his name on you. I can see him bringing it up more and more over time, or just as a way or marking his claim over you.
• During sex Uta loves to bite over your tattoos he's very into body worship and in some aspects he views you as a god or an angel.
• When he's feeling more dominant he would make you suck him off. He loves the way your tongue piercing feels sliding up and down his cock.
•Uta has a very strong fixation on oral and has a tongue piercing of his own! He likes to put it to use by eating you out for hours. Overstimulation your pussy is his favorite thing to do. He gets so drunk off of you he cant help but come back for more.
• Uta loves buy/make you clothing that revealing. Often he will shamelessly stare at you no matter what you're wearing. His fixation on you worsens if you give in and wear what he makes / buys.
• He would definitely buy you more jewelry! Maybe even matching ones between you both. He thinks its cute and likes the domestic feeling of it.
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shini--chan · 10 months
May I request headcanons about Yandere Kaneki please?
Of course, here, have a character sheet. I got a bit carried away, since it has been so long since I wrote somthing for Tokyo Ghoul.
Yandere Character Sheet
Ken Kanaki 
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Trigger warnings: implied/references murder, humans are eaten, imprisonment, emotional/psychological manipulation, delusional behaviour, references to depression and suicidal ideation
Attributes - What sort of Yandere is he/she?
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One of the cornerstones of Ken's yandere tendencies would be his protective urges. Few people aside from him know how dangerous and wicked the world can be. A person doesn't have to be a particularly sadistic ghoul to revel in bloodshed after all. There are so many ways you could hurt yourself. 
In the beginning, he would be haunted by scenarios of all the ways harm could befall you. He would wake up from nightmares of you dying and feel his heart clench at the thought of you being wronged. Thought of how you could be harmed drives him half-insane with worry.
After his time with Agoiri Tree, these tendencies would only skyrocket. You are his Elysium, an island in a stormy sea, an oasis in the scorching desert. Do you really think he could let anything happen to you? What had once been an unbearable anxiety, uncomfortable like centipedes crawling under his skin, would morph into outright bloodlust. The harmful element would wind up as a blood splatter on the ground.
Of course, part of these protective urges would be based on how strong you are. If you're just a fragile doll, then Ken would want nothing more than to wrap you up in the finest silk and hide you away forever. If you have your own back bone of steel, then he would be relaxed enough to allow you more leeway and time outside. However, even if you are strong, even more powerful than him, then he would still feel protective over you. After all, even the most talented and effective people have weaknesses and openings, even they sometimes make stupid mistakes.
Aside from that, Ken is sweet and often very considerate. He takes note of your wishes and desires, even taking the effort to remember the little things - a book that you offhandedly mentioned that you wanted to read, how you like your coffee, the route you take to work in the morning. If you do, he doesn't even take physical notes, rather dedicating it all painstakingly to memory. That way, you would take a long time to catch onto the red flags, to how he seems a bit too dedicated, too desperate for it to be healthy. 
Yes, he would be desperate and dependent. At night, he tries to tell himself that he would be happy just by watching you from afar, by ensuring your safety while remaining just another face in the crowd. He is too broken to be with you after all. But it is exactly because he is broken that he can't stay away from you. You put him at ease - your mere presence is balm to his fractured psyche and thus he would only grow more dependent on you the longer he would be a ghoul. 
There would be days when he would practically be attached to you by the hip, for once ignoring all your protests and trying to drink in your presence as much as possible, as if you are some healing draught. Lie down with him, card your fingers through his hair and sooth over all his rough edges and your wish would be his command (of course, as long as it would be within reason). This is also one of the reasons why it would never be able to let you go - you’re his source of strength, the reason he clings to life instead of falling to his suicidal ideation. In a way, you’re what Rize (the figment of his imagination, that is)  is to him and everything that she can’t be - supportive, yet not as harsh and biting, present and not in his head. You are something more than just a representation of one of his facets.  
Though, there are still times when he is fractured, when even you aren't able to consolidate the parts of him. Then, he is rash and paranoid and so very restrictive. In some ways, he projects his mental state onto the outside world - when he is particularly fragile and conflicted, then he would see his world as endangered. When he is plagued with doubts, he second guesses your words and reads between the non-existent lines, constantly fearful that you are just putting up an act. 
Entwined with that, is the way he flips between delusional and lucid. Thanks to his rather mild temper and selfless nature, he probably will have developed a somewhat normal relationship with you before his yandere tendencies would really emerge. At times he recognises that what he is doing is unhealthy and even toxic and that all the hurtful words you hurtle at him are warranted. Then there are other times when he isn’t sure of his own identity, or how the world really works. As a coping mechanism, he turns to you and ignores any misgiving you have about your relationship. 
Kaneki is also very much obsessed with you. At night, he dreams about you and during the day he sees you in his inner eye. You come to mind when he imagines what true beauty is supposed to look like. Whenever his mind dares to wander, it wanders to you. His thoughts revolve around you to the point where he finds it difficult to think clearly, unless he is in a fight or you are close by. And having you in his arms is by far the more preferable option. 
Cornering - How would they get you?
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Ken doesn’t kidnap you. Not unless he would see that as the only option to keeping you safe. Instead, he tries to approach as he would a friend. With some luck on his side, he is his co-worker or a classmate; that way, it is expected that the two of you interact with each other as it is. Even with his character development over the course of canon, he is still clunky and shy when it comes to you. Well, if things start out as a professional relationship where he is mature and kind and helpful. However, as soon as matters would get more personal, then he would find himself floundering. 
Perhaps you find his clumsiness when it comes to his emotions for you adorable, perhaps you first have to warm up to him (which he would manage to his helpfulness and persistence) but in the end, when you are together, he couldn’t be happier. It doesn’t have to be an official relationship either, it can just be you growing closer and closer, you not even being fully cognisant of the extent of your feelings, or of his for that matter. 
Either way, Ken Kaneki does his best to wrap you up in a normal relationship before the going gets rough. It isn’t really his intention when the nature of your relationship starts to change; it just happens. There is this constant itch under his skin, these constructs in his mind mocking him that he’ll end up losing you. Thus, he pulls you closer and closer, drawing up all the more rules that you have to follow. 
It would start with him being more prying than usual on where you are going and being all the more inquisitive on how your day went. Then it would transition to a tracker in your clothes or one your phone and locked doors at night. And it would end with you only being let out of the house with him as a chaperone or with a person that he particularly trusts.  
Expectations - What do they expect of you?
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Ken doesn’t have that many expectations of you, since he has a rather wide pallet of people that would check his boxes. Nevertheless, there are a few things that he looks for in a person and a few things that are absolute no-gos for him. One of those things is a strong sense of justice. He wouldn’t be able to bear a person that is psychopathic and sees other people as cattle or ants to be trod upon. After experiencing so much suffering, as well as seeing so much suffering being inflicted upon others, he requires somebody that can look at the world with kind eyes and not want to hurt others out of some sense of twisted glee. If you are an idealist that somehow wants to turn the world into a better place, then he would be all the more interested in you. 
Tying into that, you better not be hedonistic. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to indulge in the few joys life has to offer, there is something off putting to him about a person that makes their life revolve around chasing pleasure and drowning in it. There is much more to life than a set of actions or experiences that make your brain release endorphins, and you not acknowledging that would just seem cowardly to him. He wouldn’t have anything against you being naive and sheltered - to him there is a difference to being that and willfully blind, or even sadistic. 
Be sweet with him. He doesn’t mind a tsundere, but having to deal with a cynic (even if he is one at times) would just wear him down. At times, he just wants to put his head in your lap and have you card your hands through his hair. Surprise him with preparing coffee for when he gets home, and even if he can’t really eat the cake you bake for him, he would appreciate the sentiment. Aside from that, I can see him falling for somebody working in medicine and if you know that he is a ghoul and maybe go out of your way to smuggle out a bag of blood for him, he would be over the moon. 
Besides that, he has a huge competence kink. There is just something about you being very good at something significant that warms him with pride and adoration. If you write, then he wants to read everything that you bring to paper, and lose himself in descriptions of other worlds. Good at singing and/or dancing? He has countless videos and audios on his phone. Should you dance with him, then you’ll have the privilege of seeing his cheeks flush deep red as you guide him through the motions. If you have a particular talent for something else that isn’t tied to entertainment, then he could spend hours listening to you talk about your field of expertise. He doesn’t even have to understand it to be enraptured, your passion and competence is more than enough to entice him. 
Faded - Would they let go of you in any way?
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You could scream and shout your throat raw at him, he would just nod along and prepare some warm milk with honey for when you’re finished with your tirade. He does his best to act unaffected, though your words are the equivalent of rubbing powdered glass over his skin. If you would continue for long or hit particularly sensitive nerves he would break down and cry. But still he would never let you go, as he would tell you. Because don’t you see, none of this is for him, it is all for you! 
So no matter what you do, no matter how much what you say amplifies his self-hatred, he would keep you by his side. That being said, there are still two circumstances where he would let you go. 
The first is if he comes to the conclusion that you are safer away from him rather than by his side. This would be due to you being endangered by proxy to him. The last thing he would want would be for you to die in the crossfire in a fight with the CCG or another ghoul faction, or, heavens forbid, be targeted as a means to hurt him. 
The second would be him forgetting you. When Ken Kaneki becomes Haise Sasaki, he forgets you, at least when it comes to conscious memory. Though watch out! As soon as he would smell you or see you again, he would find himself drawn to you again. 
Punishment - How would they proceed if you do something they disapprove of?
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On average, Ken isn't big on punishments. He sees himself as your protector and guardian, and what sort of protector would he be if he can't protect you from himself? Perhaps as the Centipede he would more deliberately punish you. Else, in his mind he only takes measures to protect you, and if they are harsh, then so be it. It is clear that you are too reckless and naive and optimistic so you need a minder that isn't reluctant to make tough choices. 
If you are too carefree and prone to venturing around, he'll imprison you in your shared apartment. Hanging out with people he doesn't approve of? Suddenly you are hearing stories of how they are terrible, good for nothing people. He'll lock away all the knives and anything you can hurt yourself with if you try to fight, and baby you if you self-harm. After trying to escape, he'll forbid you from watching TV or reading books, citing that your overactive imagination caused you to do something so foolhardy. 
Protest will seem to fall on deaf ears. Sometimes they will but other times they'll be carefully filed away so that he can lose sleep due to them. You are always on his mind, after all, the good as well as the bad. 
Reaction - How would they react to you escaping?
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Panic, full blown panic. That is what he'll experience at first and the younger he is, the longer the panic attack will last. He'll dash around your shared living space, just hoping his panic is unwarrented and you just hid yourself away in one of your tantrums. His searching becomes more frantic and destructive the longer you remain undiscovered.
Eventually, he'll force himself to make a cup of coffee and sit down. Kaneki will do his best to piece together the various variables: When did you leave? What did you take with you? Which places are you most likely to run to? Are there any people from your past life that you still place a lot of trust in? 
He will try his best to put himself in your shoes in order to anticipate your past, current and future choices and thus successfully track you down. Depending on which phase of his life he is currently in, there will be differences.
The shy Ken Kaneki that he is in the beginning of canon handles it like a teenage boy looking for his crush or friend. Checking social media, asking around, quietly loitering around places where he thinks you'll pop up. The Centipede is far more violent and far more desperate to get you in his grasp again, therefore the police and the CCG will find a lot of corpses, courtesy of his quest to find you again. As Haise Sasaki, he has far more resources and is calmer. In that case, he can cook up an excuse to have you very officially hunted down and dragged before him. 
The end is always the same - him fussing over you like a mother hen, obsessively checking you for injuries and chiding you. After that incident, he’ll vow to keep a closer eye on you. You’ll be kept on an even shorter leash, with him being far stricter about rules and such in comparison to before your escape attempt. In his eyes, it came to you running away because he was far too lax with rules and vague about his intentions. 
Turnabout - Scenario: You have the upper hand? What would be different from their usual MO? 
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Actually, not much world change, on the surface at least. In some ways, he wouldn’t mind you taking the steering wheel and allowing you to play the dominant partner in the relationship. If anything, being taken care of and having to relinquish control to you would be a new yet not unwelcome experience for him. At first, he would be worried and nagging, wanting to wriggle his way into being the one that takes care of you, the one that makes sacrifices yet he would slowly learn to enjoy taking the back seat. That is, of course, if the two of you would stick to being in a romantic relationship. However, don’t think he’ll allow you to get away. If anything, he might become so used to being taken care of, that he’ll not allow you to get rid of him. 
On the other hand, if you become his captor and he your captee, he would have a lot of mixed feelings. In many ways, he would understand your urges to harm him and restrict his movements. After all, he had wronged you and in retrospect, he would realise that he might have been too harsh and condescending. That would make him vow to learn from his mistakes and treat you with more dignity, should he manage to turn the tables again. Because even if you would harm him, he would still continuously forgive you, because you forgive the people that you hold dear, or not?
Vengeance - What would they do in the face of competition?
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Ken is insecure as it is and having a rival would only make this worse. Though it wouldn't have the intended effect of making him back off, rather it would make him all the more determined. Though, depending on which stage he is currently in, there are vast differences on how he deals with rivals. 
As Ken Kaneki, the original, shy and timid Ken Kaneki, who has just become a ghoul or will soon become one, he’ll be much more shy. There is something all too tragic about the way he pines after you, in the manner a mediaeval knight would have pined after a lady of noble standing, a love that could never be mutual and fulfilled. Though, at times the depth of his passion will even spur him to action! It is surprising to everybody, even him and therefore he has a lot of plausible deniability in the case law enforcement comes knocking. It would sicken him to the core what he does to have you, and all the while he carries the heavy regrets in his heart, but it is all worth it as long as you are safe. Though, that is just when his emotions get the better of him, an absolute last resort. Else, he will try to convince you with shy words and texts in the middle of the night that your current paramour just isn’t compatible with you and that you deserve better. 
As The Centipede, he is far more ruthless. After all, he does know what is best for you at the end of the day. So when he determines that the man that is currently in a relationship with you, or is bringing you flowers and chocolates every other day in an attempt to woo you, is bad for you, then the unlucky fellow must go. If he is feeling particularly frustrated and just must get the point over to you, then he waits to kill the offender right in front of you. Of course, that is if he can’t talk to you about his issues with you. Else he expects you to know that his arms are the safest to be it, and for you to reject any advances. It just might be that the one or the other is particularly pesky and persistent and needs to be taken out. 
As Haise Sasaki, his plans are more complex. He has a reputation and a hell lot of resources to fall back on. As such, he tries the easy route first and foremost - talking to you. Of course, you might very well not be convinced by his word alone and then he’ll do some digging to drag the skeletons that certain person has in their closet forth. Maybe he’ll get other people to talk to you, to offhandedly mention and discuss the various flaws of his opponent with you. As much as he might want to kill his rival, he can’t make it too obvious. Perhaps that person will then be sandwiched between two warring parties and wind up as collateral damage, or be the victim of a violent crime in a far away city, or are found dead by a suicide hotspot. It takes much to get Haise to take his rival into a back alley or out into the country in order to make short work of them. 
In all scenarios he feels a twinge of guilt, but does his best to stamp it out with thoughts about you - your safety, your love, your happiness, you, you, you. 
Art is not mine: from Irina Vinnik and other artists
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Hope you are doing well. May I request Yandere! Uta hc? 😘
Oh yeah. I hope u are doing well too
Yandere Uta headcanon (remake)
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Uta would be a possessive, slightly sadistic and obsessive yandere.
Someone once said that you have to suffer for the sake of art.
And you are indeed suffering because of Uta's art.
Uta would fall in love with you instantly.
There was just something about you.
Uta really can't explain it.
But just looking at you gives him immense inspiration to create art.
And of course Uta wants you for himself.
Maybe you talk a couple of times before the kidnapping.
Uta is really possessive and she doesn't want to share.
If you were free some other Ghoul could eat you.
That wouldn't be a good thing, would it?
Uta thinks all your feelings are beautiful.
So don't be surprised if he just starts sketching something when you're angry or crying.
Yes, he also thinks your pain is beautiful.
Uta is a little sadist.
Don't get into trouble with him.
It's always at least a broken bone.
If Uta let you out with him in public he would be really possessive.
Always have a hand on you and you would have some his clothes.
But Uta won't let you out.
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iloveyanderes · 1 year
Guys I am in need of help.
My Friend and I had made a post about unhinged white haired characters that have a braid and how there hot and better then everyone else.
We have decided to make a bunch of honorary mentions.
The main mentions must be, white haired, have a braid, and be unhinged.
Honorary mentions must be unhinged and white haired.
I need help finding ever single unhinged white haired character. Pls help me.
Give me the names of the character and I'm adding it to the post I made about unhinged white haired characters.
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sinfulseashell · 2 years
Masterlist Updated: 01/01
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Tokyo Revengers
Meet Your Yandere: PT.1
Meet Your Yandere: PT.2
Meet Your Yandere: PT.3
Meet Your Yandere: PT.4
Meet Your Yandere:r PT.5
Meet Your Yandere: PT.6
MYY Ask:
Izana Kurokawa:
1 // 2 // 3 // 4
Souya Kawata:
1 // 2
Nahoya Kawata:
1 // 2
Ran Haitani:
1 // 2 // 3 // 4
Haruchiyo Sanzu:
1 // 2 // 3 // 4
Kakucho Hitto:
1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7
Rindou Haitani:
1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5
Chifuyu Matsuno:
1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8
Imaushi Wakasa:
1 // 2 // 3
Taiju Shiba:
1 // 2
Mitsuya Takashi:
Manjiro Sano:
Sea's Chaos & Thots Hours: Tokyo Revengers
Tetta Kisaki
Shiba Taiju
Easy On Me
I Love You For Infinity Series: (I.L.Y.F.I)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Fire Force
Sea’s Chaos & Thots Hours: Fire Force
Benimaru Shinmon
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miyuuuki · 1 year
Craving me some Yandere x Narcissist! Reader rn. Imagine a Yandere being so obsessed with you, so inlove with how you know how precious and absolutely gorgeous you are. Them showering praises on you and you sucking it up but responding with a simple “I know.”
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
Kinktober Day 31.5 - Yandere!Ghoul!Jaehyun + Blood & Possession
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Anonymous Said: So I remember you mentioning that you’re a fan of Tokyo Ghoul, so would you be okay with a ghoul in that context? Perhaps a yandere too? With Jaehyun and the kinks blood/possession?
A/n: Boy, would I ever!! This is more than okay, anon! I’ve been waiting to end off kinktober with some more halloween-esque prompts, and these last two were more than perfect!! Thanks for sending this in!
Word Count: 2,670
Kinktober 2022 Mini Masterlist
Jaehyun was different. Even before the two of you got together, you knew. You noticed how he would never really ingest human food, eating as little as possible when the opportunity did arise where he had to eat. Not only that, but coffee was his absolute favourite beverage. You should know, you’ve made it for him far more times than you can count.
Only, you were never scared of him. You figured out what he was shortly after he asked you out, but it didn’t deter your decision to stay with him. The longer the two of you were together, the more obvious it became, until you couldn’t take it any more. 
Why wasn’t he telling you? It’s not like he owed you an explanation or anything, but you thought he would trust you enough, given that you’re now a year into your relationship. He’s proven time and time again how much you mean to him, and you know he knows what he means to you. So then, why?
Which is exactly why when he left for a few days to go visit family, you made a plan.
It was simple, and you were sure it was going to work. You’d prepared a special meal for the both of you for when he got back, even if he always tells you not to worry about cooking for him. You want him to know that he can trust you with this. You love him, and he loves you, and that’s all that matters.
Arriving home that night, Jaehyun enters your shared apartment to a smell unlike any other. A scent that makes his mouth water as he hears you cooking away in the kitchen.
“Baby, is that you?” Your head peeks out from the kitchen as he walks past, and the smile he sees light up your face sets his heart racing in his chest. “I made dinner.”
“Hello, Darling,” Jaehyun greets, stepping in beside you to wrap an arm around your waist, placing a gentle kiss onto your cheek. “I really appreciate it, but I’m not hungry.”
Your eyes narrow at him in response playfully, but there’s a knowing gleam hidden within that has him freezing in his spot.
“I think you’ll want to taste this,” you say, turning off the stove and grabbing a bowl. “I made this meal specifically for you.”
Jaehyun blinks, swallowing the building saliva in his mouth. He can smell the scent of food drifting from the open pot and to his nose, and for once, it doesn’t smell bad. In fact, as he watches you fill the bowl, he can feel that all too familiar hunger building within him. A hunger he usually only feels when he’s craving you. Yet, he doesn’t understand why.
He swallows his pride. After all, he would do anything for you, especially if it meant making you happy. Besides, he just got back from taking care of two rogue ghouls that caught your scent the other week, and had plans to track you down and hurt you. Like hell he would let anything harm his precious Darling.
“What kind of soup is it?” He asks, feigning curiosity. “It smells delicious.”
Slowly, you guide him to the table, a hand placed on the small of his back as you hold the steaming bowl of soup with the other. Once he sits, you gingerly place the meal in front of him. Then, you’re quick to sit on the opposite side of the table, staring at him expectantly.
Jaehyun takes it all in. The candles placed in the centre of the table. The wine glass filled with a dark red liquid he knows will probably taste like bitter vinegar on his tongue. The bowl of food now placed right in front of him, the steaming soup practically glaring at him as he looks down at the place setting before him.
Grabbing the spoon, he clutches onto it for dear life, preparing himself for what he’s about to do. “What’s the occasion?”
“Am I not allowed to take care of the man I love?” You counter, a slight quirk to your brow.
He cannot deny the way his heart positively flutters inside his chest at your words. Jaehyun always knew you would be perfect for him, even all those months ago when he first saw you. As soon as he caught a whiff of your scent, your beautiful, intoxicating aroma, he was hooked. He had to have you, to love and cherish you in a way only he could, and he would do anything to prove it.
A smile tugs at the corner of his lips as he meets your eager gaze, your words meaning more to him than you will ever know. Then, glancing back down at the soup, he slowly drags his spoon through the bowl. Taking a slow breath in, he brings the liquid to his lips.
Of all the flavours he could have predicted to grace his tongue, he never once expected this.
“Is it good?” Your eyes are shining, hopeful and wide.
“I don’t understand,” he licks his lips, voice a mere whisper as he places another spoonful onto his tongue. The same indescribable flavour greets him, and he has to prevent a moan from escaping his lips as he closes his eyes.
“Try the wine.” You don’t ask, rather, you almost command it of him.
Wordlessly, he obeys, heart racing as he brings the glass to his lips.
Taking a sip, he nearly downs the entire glass in one go, the addicting flavour exploding onto his tongue. Then, as he attempts to control his breathing and prevent his eyes from shifting, he realizes something. The wine has the exact same taste as the soup, only it’s not as watered down. As if whatever you made the soup from is directly derived from whatever the wine is, too.
That’s when he notices. You didn’t set a place for yourself.
His face pales, and he has to keep his hand from shaking as he places the wine glass back onto the table.
It’s been bothering him. Ever since that first taste of the soup on his tongue, he couldn’t help but wonder why the flavour was so familiar, yet not at the same time. This was something a little sweeter, something that made him crave more. It tugged at the back of his mind, his thoughts clouded by the scent of you which permeates the apartment.
Now, he understand why.
He swallows the sudden dryness in his throat. “How long?”
You quirk a brow, fingers interlocking on the table before you. “How long have I known you’re a ghoul?” Jaehyun practically flinches as you shamelessly call him what he is. “Shortly over a year.”
Jaehyun swears his heart stops in his chest, a sense of dread washing over him. “Then why?”
Why keep this from him? Why not confront him earlier about what he is?
“Because I love you, and I know you would never hurt me.” Comes your reply, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “I’m just sorry you didn’t get to tell me on your own terms. I was getting tired of waiting.”
“Aren’t you scared of me?” His one biggest fear, other than you leaving him.
“If I was scared of you, I wouldn’t be sitting where I am right now.” You counter. “You have never given me a reason to fear you, nor will you ever. I love you, Jaehyun, and you being a ghoul isn’t going to change that fact. It doesn’t change who you are, or what you mean to me. Besides, I wouldn’t go through all this trouble,” you motion to the table before you with a jerk of your chin, “if I didn’t.”
A warmth floods his veins, indescribable happiness and love filling his very being. Nothing could make Jaehyun care for you any more than he already does in this moment, right here, right now. To hear you say these things, things he’s always known to be true about his own self regarding you - well, there is no greater feeling.
“You made this for me.” A breathless statement, his eyes blinking in awe as he meets your own. “How?”
“Everything I am, everything I own, belongs to you.” You say, and Jaehyun cannot deny the way a pleased rumble builds in his chest at your admission.
“And I, you.” He replies immediately, mouth parting as he attempts to control his breathing for the time being. This is everything he’s ever wanted to hear from your lips, and so much more.
You smile. 
“Of course I would want to take care of the one I love.” You raise your one arm, rolling up the sleeve of your shirt to reveal a bandage wrapped around your forearm. “What’s mine is yours.”
Jaehyun freezes, his breath catching in his throat at what this means. He swear his heart has stopped completely before beating erratically in his chest, eyes bleeding to reveal his kakugan in an instant as his gaze zeroes in on your arm.
No wonder the meal tasted so familiar, yet not at the same time. It was your blood.
The significance of this moment hits him like a truck. You bled for him. You fed him. You gave him a part of yourself that he has only ever dreamed of tasting before, and all without an ounce of hesitation or fear.
“I would do anything for you, Jaehyun.” You say, meeting his intense gaze from across the table. Your own eyes flash. “Anything.”
Just as he would do for you: anything.
“Anything?” Finally, he smirks, a slight quirk to his one brow. You nod. “Then get on the table.”
Now, it’s your turn to look mild shocked. “Why?”
“Because I think I’m ready for my dessert.”
The way he’s looking at you, with dark eyes ready to devour you whole, you cannot deny the way heat rushes straight to your core. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him look at you like this, but all you do know is that you want more. Anything and everything he is willing to offer you, you will take.
Little do you know how his thoughts are echoing your own right now.
You stand, pushing the chair far back so you have plenty of room to hop onto the table. Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice Jaehyun down the rest of your blood in his glass in one shot. As soon as he meets your gaze once more, his kakugan are on full display, no longer hiding them as he crosses the short distance between you to stand in between your legs.
It takes no time at all for his lips to be on yours, his hands settling on your thighs as he pulls you in close. 
The sound of tearing fabric reaches your ears as he rips your shirt apart, revealing yourself to him in an instant. He growls in approval, eyes drinking in every inch of your bare skin exposed to him. “Mine.”
“All yours,” you echo with a pleased hum, fingers coming up to thread through his hair as he dives in to begin nipping and sucking on your neck. “And you’re mine.”
The growl that tears from his throat is nothing short of possessive as he pulls you impossibly closer. “Yours.”
You chuckle, pulling his head back by his hair so you can look into his eyes. “I have one more surprise for you.”
The only response you get is a furrow of his brows.
“Look in the fridge.”
Taking a reluctant step back, Jaehyun releases his hold on you in order to trek the short distance to the fridge. He can feel your eyes on him, watching his every move as he reaches a hand out to tug the door open. What he sees staring back at him nearly sends him to his knees, a moan tumbling shamelessly from his mouth.
Five vials of your own blood greet his gaze, lined up perfectly in his sight as he licks his lips. He wastes no time reaching in and grabbing one, allowing the door of the fridge to fall shut as he makes his way back to you with a devious look in his eyes.
“You’re spoiling me today,” he groans, noticing how you’ve taken off your bra in the time it took for him to grab the vial from the fridge.
“I simply want to take care of my love,” you reply, fingers back to tangling in his hair as he comes to stand between your legs once more.
He growls in approval. “Then let me take care of mine.”
In an instant, his lips are back on you, one arm sliding around your back as his fingers splay over your skin. You shiver from his touch, pulling him closer into you until you feel him begin to push you down, guiding you onto your back on top of the table.
For a brief moment, Jaehyun pulls away to admire the sight of you before him. A pleased rumble builds in his chest as he licks his lips, the vial still clutched in his one hand.
Slowly, he uncaps the vial, bringing it up to his nose and inhaling deeply as if he were scenting the finest wine he’s ever had the pleasure of consuming. He moans, red eyes flashing open to stare down at you with that devious smirk painted on his lips.
Carefully, and with practiced precision, he holds the vial above your bare chest, tilting it so that your blood drips onto your skin.
As soon as the first drop hits your body, you shiver. The cold liquid has goosebumps rising on your skin, only accentuated by the way his tongue laves over your chest in the next second, trailing over the same paths as your blood as he licks you clean.
Of course, Jaehyun takes his time. He’s in absolutely no rush at all right now, simply revelling in this moment and all you have to offer him. Which is exactly why he deviates from the path of blood trailing down your skin to nip at the side of your breast, sucking a nipple into his mouth in the next moment. At the whine you offer him, he smirks.
“Mine,” he hums against you, tracing a path through your blood with his tongue to your other breast before giving it the same attention as the first.
“Yours,” you echo his response form earlier, only causing his already hardening cock to twitch once more in his pants.
However, before he continues, he finds enough strength through the lustful fog in his brain to pull away, hovering over you to stare deeply into your eyes. His own, which have faded back to his regular soft brown hue, reflect the undeniable desire and love he feels for you in this moment.
“If you want me to stop, or if I get too…” he searches for the right word as his eyes roam your features, “rough, let me know. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Jaehyun,” the way you sigh his name so lovingly, hand coming up to tenderly caress the side of his face has him leaning into your touch, eyes fluttering closed in bliss. “I trust you. I know you won’t ever hurt me.” Your voice is gentle, legs tightening around his waist as you pull him in closer to you. “Now, make me yours. I want you to claim me in all the ways you’ve only ever dreamed about.” His breathing deepens, arms shaking as he attempts to restrain himself for as long as possible. However, with your next words, he finds the hold on his sanity finally snapping. “Fucking devour me, baby.”
His eyes flash open, kakugan on full display as a snarl tears from his throat. You really have no idea of the beast you’ve just unleashed within him at those few choice words.
Jaehyun smirks, “with pleasure."
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strxwbloody · 1 year
Ghoul in the Box || J.HS teaser
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It will be released on April
Pairing: Ghoul SS+ Hoseok x Human Reader
Summary: Seoul has been invaded in recent years by ghouls, demons with humanoid features that feed on human flesh. The CCG has introduced a curfew for human citizens to avoid losing their skin. What happens when a girl finds herself in an underground pub in the wrong place at the wrong time?
Genre: Horror
Warnings: Gore, Ghoul eating human flesh, Massacre, Yandere Themes, Explicit stuff, Stalking, Smut (Dub-con?)
Do not read this fic if you are weak of stomach or easily impressionable.
This is a fic inspired by the Tokyo Ghoul anime.
I don’t own J-hope or BTS
Stream Jack in the box
If you want to be part of the taglist write in the comments so that I add
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animeyanderelover · 6 months
Kaneki, Haise, Shalnark, (both eras) Dazai, Yuuji, Sukuna and Gojo's reaction to getting a gift from their darling ?
Tags: @naeho @flaming-vulpix @jamayah @chxxz @leveyani @cynniical @shenryu-sama @shumidehiro @izanami78
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, toxic relationship, manipulation, stalking, isolation, abuse, abduction
S/o gives them a gift
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📱Much to his dismay he spoils the surprise for himself by actively spying on your online activities and for that witnesses how you buy something online. So when you hand him one day shyly a gift wrapped up in some pretty wrapping paper, he has already a very good idea of what is inside due to the short time that passed by between the delivery of the bought product and your gift. Nevertheless, he's still quite happy as he unwraps your gift with a happy smile on his face. It is a bit of a letdown that he has ruined himself the enjoyment of surprise due to his frequent stalking but he knows he'd never have it any other way but spying on you so intently. For your sake he pretends to be surprised though, he can't let you realize that he knows about your present already after all. You're wrapped up in muscular arms shortly after as he gives you a sweet and long kiss, thanking you for the surprise. After another quick peck on your nose he promises you with a bright grin on his face that he'll buy you something nice in return too.
Ken Kankeki
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🔲​Preparing a gift for Kaneki is going to be quite a challenge. Not only because you are essentially stuck all the time in his apartment but also because he is like your shadow, he's everywhere you are. You have to tell him that you wish to be left alone as you try to create a gift for him yourself and he takes it obviously the wrong way. He automatically assumes that you don't want to see him and amidst all his pain he just tells himself over and over again that obviously you wouldn't want to see a creep like him around. It's almost funny that the thought that you might just make something for him never crosses his mind, so low is his self-esteem. He actually sheds a few tears when you finally hand him your gift. Kaneki never thought you'd give him a present but he's delirious with joy that you wasted your precious time for him. Honestly, it almost weirds you out how stupidly happy he seems to be because your gift isn't that special but you've gotten somewhat used to his antics. He has to give you something back in return! Or else he'd feel absolutely useless.
Haise Sasaki
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🔳​Luckily despite Haise's occasional stalking and obsessive tendencies, you as his darling are still free to go around by yourself. So getting him a gift is easy in comparison to Kaneki. That doesn't change the fact that he seems quite puzzled upon receiving the gift at first. He just stares at you sort of baffled before he glances at the wrapped object in his hand before almost comedically confused asking you if this is for him. His heart flatters in his chest as soon as you nod and urge him to open it and he carefully unwraps the gift wrap paper, your anticipating eyes on him making him a tad bit nervous for some reason. Initially he just stares at your present in silence as soon as it is unwrapped and for a few seconds you fear that he doesn't like it. That is until a faint blush appears on his cheeks as he mumbles in a quieter voice that he loves it. He gives you a soft peck on your cheeks and you find it somewhat funny how he seems to be too bashful to even look you into your eyes. You're definitely getting a home-made meal from him later on.
PM! Dazai Osamu
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🤎​Trying to hide a gift from Dazai as a Port Mafia is about impossible because he never leaves you alone. Where he is, you have to be too so you have no choice but to confess to him that you want to get him a gift but find it impossible to do so with the way he isolates you and never leaves you without his presence close to you. He's strangely curious to why you'd want to gift him something even despite his obvious obsessive and possessive behavior and the abduction and your answer that you want to do something nice for him seems to entertain him. Miraculously he allows you some alone time to get him something as he's interested to see what you would gift a Port Mafia member like him. He's pleasantly surprised when he receives your present, chuckles when he notices your almost anxious look as you observe him eying your gift. You flinch when he grabs your neck and pulls you closer as bad memories flash inside your mind only to be met with a passionate kiss as he thanks you for your gift, his eyes sparkling happy as he looks at your gift again.
ADA! Dazai Osamu
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🤎​Your frequent shopping trips haven't gone unnoticed as Dazai enjoys stalking you as often as he can. It's adorable to see you acting so carefree, unaware that he's always trailing behind you. He has to wonder why you have recently spent so much time entering store after store without buying anything though. You seem to search for something, what it is you're looking for you appear to not even know yourself. So it's a present for someone then? For him, perhaps? He really hopes that you're looking for something for him because he would be quite jealous if you were to pick a present for someone else. He decides to wait, stops stalking you as much for a while in case you really are buying a gift for him because he wants to be surprised. He's over the moon when his hopes are fulfilled and you gift him something a few days later. He's already unimaginably joyful, gushing and giving you lots of kisses before he has even opened your gift. He knows that you spent a lot of time picking a gift for him to make sure that you'd find the right present so he's all the more happy to know that you invested that much time and care for him.
Itadori Yuji
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🩷​Yuji has bought you so many small gifts already that you almost feel pressured to pay him back somehow. You want to do it all by yourself too so you don't even ask for Nobara's or Megumi's help as you start searching for something to gift your boyfriend. Your heart is pounding when you surprise him with the gift. At first he seems really flattered as he takes it from your hands with a grin on your face and gives you a few quick kisses. When he sees what's inside though, his eyes widen as he asks you how much money exactly you spent on this for him. You try to avoid his question but perhaps that's answer enough as Itadori starts freaking out a bit. Don't get him wrong, he's really happy that you gifted him something but he feels a bit guilty that you spent so much money on him. Obviously he doesn't accept your arguments that he's spent a lot of money on smaller presents for you because if he does it it's of course not that bad. He accepts it because you prepared it for him but he makes you promise him that you won't spend so much money the next time.
Ryomen Sukuna
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🗾​Sukuna isn't always with you because he has sometimes important stuff to do but is confident enough to know that you'd never escape. Even if you would, it's not like you could get very far away. It isn't uncommon for Uraume to watch over you if Sukuna isn't with you so you beg them to help you to get a gift for Sukuna. Somehow you manage to convince them as they even give you some advice on what you should get him which is why you try your talents in making a hand-made gift for Sukuna in his absence. Sukuna knows you're hiding something but decides to let it pass for now as he even realizes that Uraume seems be in on it and that makes him curious. He looks almost confused as you hand him your hand-made present, carelessly rips it open and twirls the object curiously around in his four hands. Eventually his eyes meet you but instead of thanking you, one of his four hands starts petting your head as he admits that you've done well which is about the highest praise you can get from someone like Sukuna.
Gojo Satoru
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🩵​You agonize over what to gift Satoru because he is so rich that you feel like whatever you buy won't be anything special as he could have just bought it himself. So you decide to try to make something hand-made for him too. Keeping this hidden from Satoru is a pain in the ass though as the man is too clingy for you to comfortably work. Worst of all seems to be that Gojo has a hunch that you try to keep something a secret from him and he doesn't appreciate this at all. So he bothers you about your secret as often as he can and as much as you're sometimes tempted to just yell it at him, you pull through somehow until you've finished what you had planned to prepare for him despite all the delays due to Satoru. He acts like an excited child when you hand it over to him as he quickly unwraps it. He's taking pictures of it, tells you excitedly that he'll share them with his students and co-workers before suffocating you in a hug and smothering you with kisses. He literally won't shut up about it for the next few days, whether he's with Yuju, Nobara and Megumi or Nanami.
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this was taken from my main!!!
yandere! stalker who didn’t start out as depraved as they are now. they just couldn’t stand all the people you were interacting with.
yandere! stalker who just wants to keep your innocence intact. there are bad people in this world and you’re too trusting !!
yandere! stalker who placed cameras in your home while you were out with one of those vile people you call ‘friends’.
yandere! stalker who watches as you cook dinner and clean the house. you’d make such a perfect house(wife/husband/spouse)!
yandere! stalker who (if you have female anatomy) can’t wait to have children with you!! your kids/ adopted kids would be so cute!!
yandere! stalker who is literally planning out your life together before you ever met them.
yandere! stalker who thinks that you love them already/ will love them either way/ doesn’t care if you love them.
yandere! stalker who steals your things to put in the safe room they arranged for you.
yandere! stalker who kidnaps you in the middle of the night and takes you home with them.
yandere! stalker who lives in a fantasy world and thinks you guys will make the perfect family someday.
yamaguchi tadashi, mikey sano, kokonoi hajime, ran haitani, kazutora hanemiya, sugawara koshi, shoyo hinata, oikawa tooru, kinda iwaizumi hajime, bokuto kotaro, akaashi keiji, ayato kirishima, shuu tsukiyama, kuroo tetsuro, tanjiro kamado, gyutaro, rengoku kyojuro, kai chisaki, midoriya izuku, todoroki shoto, zero kiriyu, shimizu kiyoko, mitsuya takashi, hakkai shiba
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ruyaas-world · 7 months
Please send me ask/scenario requests! Im open to writing for hunter x hunter, Tokyo ghoul, stranger things, slashers and if you have any other requests then im open for watching the anime / show they are from. I do write darker / yandere themes but im up for writing fluff too!
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shini--chan · 1 year
Ao3 Masterlist
Art doesn’t belong to me, nor do the characters
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The Monsters in us all (Dark! /Yandere! Hetalia x Reader)
" Oh dear, look what you have done. Stealing my heart and then acting like it is no big deal. Now you pay the price love. And the price is you!" (Dark Hetalia one shots)
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Corruption (Yandere! Various x Reader)
Obsessive, possessive, insane, lovestruck. They want you and will never let you go. Everything had a price and the price for being on the receiving end of their unrequited love is high.
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the devil in the details
A simple collection of yandere! character profiles. Yandere Various! x Reader
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Dregs and Driftwood (Yandere Levi x Reader)
In which, you get stranded on an island and have work together with the last person you want to deal with in order to survive. While he is competent and handsome, the problem is that he wants to own you
Disclaimer: The art doesn’t belong to me!
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Can I request some general headcanons for yandere Kaneki Ken?
Yandere Kaneki Ken headcanon (Re-make)
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Kaneki would be a really clingy, paranoid and self-conscious yandere.
He just wanted someone's love.
Even though Kaneki knows you can never truly love him.
However, Kaneki believes it's because he's a monster.
Not because he kidnapped you.
Kaneki would fall in love with you if you were kind to him.
He would cling to it really desperately.
Kaneki needs love.
He has a strong need to please other people.
Especially you.
Kaneki would first try to date you in "normal" ways at first.
But it doesn't really work.
Kaneki cannot be completely honest with you.
This thing bothers him.
Kaneki wants you to be happy together.
So kidnapping is the best option.
Kaneki won't punish you.
He doesn't think you're doing anything wrong.
The fault is always with him.
At worst, Kaneki would just lock you in a room.
He apologizes later.
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