#Yann Hnautra
wsc-fmp-tomo · 4 months
parkour research
"The sport originally which has been termed Art du Deplacement,  Parkour or Freerunning, was founded in France in the 1980s.  The origin of the sport is widely attributed to a group of 9 who named themselves ‘Yamakasi’ – David Belle, Yann Hnautra, Chau Belle, Laurent Piemontesi, Sebastien Foucan, Guylain N’Guba Boyeke, Charles Perriere, Malik Diouf and Williams Belle – as well as their network of friends and training partners."
What is Parkour? - Parkour UK
i like the idea of parkour because it allows the player to move around difficult to traverse terrain.
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helicopterandcroc2 · 2 years
What is Parkour?
parkour is done but people known as free runners there called this because they go were ever they want no matter what were or the laws they can get away with it cus they can climb and jump places were police cant so is hard to catch them parkour is basically climbing buildings jumping to building to building
"The sport originally which has been termed Art du Deplacement,  Parkour or Freerunning, was founded in France in the 1980s.  The origin of the sport is widely attributed to a group of 9 who named themselves ‘Yamakasi’ – David Belle, Yann Hnautra, Chau Belle, Laurent Piemontesi, Sebastien Foucan, Guylain N’Guba Boyeke, Charles Perriere, Malik Diouf and Williams Belle – as well as their network of friends and training partners."
parkour is also used in most famous films like rush hour and Johnny english
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picturissio-blog · 5 years
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LADD, larte del movimento nellambiente urbano e naturale, stata creata dai fondatori Yamakasi Yann Hnautra, Laurent Piemontesi, Chau Belle e Williams Belle
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Pour Robin des bois avec M.Pokora coaching avec Yann Hnautra des Yamakasi !!! 
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2ws-blog · 12 years
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stage Esprit Yamak de Laurent Piemontesi avec Yann Hnautra  Le 7/8/9 décembre 51€ les trois jours ! RDV le 7/12 à 19H00 à l'agora pour un dîner ensemble puis départ Cathédrale à 20H00 pour les inscriptions ! le 8/12 à 10H00 à la cathédrale pour découvrir ou re découvrir tous les spots mythique d'entrainement Yamak ! Venez profitez nombreux de cette opportunité rare !!!!
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teyytb-blog · 13 years
Full The Great Challenge Film High Quality
The Great Challenge movie download
Yann Hnautra Charles Perrière Châu Belle Dinh Williams Belle Malik Diouf Laurent Piemontesi Guylain N'Guba-Boyeke
Download The Great Challenge
Crankworx 2011 - The Great Garbanzo DH Dig Out. Monday, 20 June 2011 - ateamworldwideadventure;s nameFrom the moment we jumped in the car we knew even the simplest drive would prove to be a great challenge, because when you are driving on the other side of the car and road everything is so wrong and feels backwards,. The great movie aspect challenge Selfish Man;s Conscience 2.0The great movie aspect challenge. Comments Leave a Comment; Categories singapore naturalist; Author otterman. Free Online Movies | Watch The Great Challenge (2004) hollywood. Before the Code ordained what American stories were to be presented and how,. TheGreatChallenge2004 Watch The Great Challenge (2004) hollywood movie online. . The Great Solar Storm of 2012? | Lubi ElectronicsThe Great Solar Storm of 2012? The 2009 blockbuster movie 2012 about a global cataclysm combined Hollywood special effects with supposed predictions by Nostradamus; a Mayan calendar that ends on December 21, 2012; and a very rare. Writer Alex Garland is well known for the horror film, 28 Days Later, and more recently. 18 Jul. Dredd is set to be a really different style to what Travis has worked on before, so it will be interesting to see him take on the challenge. THE GREAT ENTERTAINERS MEDIA ARCHIVE: REMEMBERING: GINGER ROGERS. Crankworx 2011 - The Great Garbanzo DH Dig Out - Mountain Bike. Kennedy Maize is executive editor of MANAGING POWER and a. Singapore Happenings The Great Gatsby Video Challenge- Singapore
film Kings of Pastry Blade: Trinity online
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dennisasp · 5 years
Terminologi i parkour
New Post has been published on https://dennisasp.dk/terminologi-i-parkour/
Terminologi i parkour
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Bail – Kontrolleret styrt af mindre alvorlighed end et crash.
Banlieue 13 – Originaltitlen på en spillefilm også kendt som District B13. Filmen er meget berømt for sin åbningsscene, og har bl.a. David Belle og Cyril Raffaelli i hovedrollerne. Filmen er genindspillet på engelsk med bl.a. Paul Walker under titlen Brick Mansion.
Bøf – Vabel eller hård hud i hænderne.
Cat – Kort for cat leap (move).
Cork – Kort for corkscrew, et tricking move med afsæt fra et ben og halvanden vandret skrue.
Crane – En landing der typisk bruges når man forsøger at lave precision. Der landes med en fod på det ønskede sted, mens det andet ben er ned langs forhindringen og støtter.
Crash – Et ukontrolleret styrt.
David Belle – Anses for at være grundlæggeren af parkour.
Demitour – Fransk for turn vault.
District B13 – Se Banlieue 13.
Flip – Saltomortale.
Gap – Mellemrum mellem to objekter f.eks. to mure.
George Hébert – Grundlæggeren af Hëbertismen, filosofien hvorfra David Belle udviklede parkour.
Hébertisme – Fitnesstilgang udviklet af George Hebert. Hans træningsfilosofi var inspireret af både hans eget aktive liv som bl.a. gymnast og militærbrandmand, samt flere oplevelser i søværnet. Filosofiens motto var ”Vær stærk for at være nyttig” (Ëtre fort pour ëtre utile).
J-step – Tilløb eller setup typsik til corkscrew eller reverse gainer. Tilløbet er J-formet hvor man vender 180 grader inden afsættet, lidt i stil med tilløbet til højdespring.
JiYo – Navnet på performancegruppen Team JiYo. JiYo er sammensat af ordene Ji (selv) og Yo (at bruge).
Kong – Kort for king kong vault.
L’art Du Deplacement – Fransk for bevægelsens kunst.
Laché – Fransk for at give slip. Også navnet på et move (også kaldet swing).
Parcours du combattant – Militær forhindringsbane eller forhindringskursus.
Passe du barriére – Same as passement. En vault.
Passe Muraille – Wall run.
Passement – Vault.
Pres – Kort for precision.
Quilibre – Balance
Rail – Gelænder eller lignende rør.
Raymond Belle – David Belles far.
Reverse – Kort for reverse vault.
Roulade – Parkour roll/rullefald.
Saut de precision – Precision jump.
Saut Du Bras – Cat leap.
Saut Du Chat – Monkey, kong eller kash vault.
Saut Du Fond – Drop
Setup – Tilløb.
Spot – En lokation at træne på.
Streetmovement – Navnet på den professionelle parkourvirksomhed Streetmovement
Suk fod – Når ankelleddet bøjes til en grad hvor det er smertefuldt på oversiden af foden, f.eks. i forbindelse med precisions med stor hastighed.
Traceuse – Kvindelig parkourudøver
Tracuer – Parkourudøver
Tricking – En akrobatisk disciplin der blander elementer fra gymnastik og kampsport. Se mere i afsnittet Hvad er tricking? under Hvad er parkour?
Twist – En skrue f.eks. full twist eller double (full) twist.
Urban Tricking – Et andet navn for freerunning.
Vault – Passage af en forhindring med brug af armene.
Yamakasi – 1) en spillefilm af samme navn. 2) Den oprindelige lille gruppe af parkourudøvere fra Lisses, Frankrig. Gruppen bestod af: David Belle, Sébastien Foucan, Laurent Piemontesi, Yann Hnautra, Charles Perriére, Malik Diouf, Guylain N’Guba-Boyeke, Châu Belle-Dinh (fætter) og Williams Belle (fætter).
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2ws-blog · 12 years
YANN HNAUTRA Yamakasi co-founder of 2WS World wild Soul a true Wild Soul 
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2ws-blog · 12 years
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ADD academy with Guylain Boyeke and Yann Hnautra !
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