#Yarder Love
calaisreno · 4 months
865 words / Prompt: Imperfect
“We’re not—” John begins, but realises the futility of saying it again. 
“You’re a lucky man.” Hopkins winks at him. “I’d make a play for him myself, but he’s obviously taken.”
He watches her walk away while he stands at the bar, waiting for another pint. She’s just the kind of woman he once would have hit on. A fun flirtation. 
Now he doesn’t have the energy. And he’s wondering when that happened.
Sherlock is watching him. 
He should be used to it by now. People always assume they’re a couple, and really, he doesn’t mind so much. He’s stopped saying he’s not gay because it’s misleading, and he would rather be honest. But it’s nobody’s fucking business who he is.
Sherlock must know. God, they’ve known each other for years, lived together for months now, since he and Rosie moved back. They’re practically co-parenting, and often exchange the same weary look that only the parents of a toddler can wear. 
But Sherlock looks sad, he thinks. If John is honest with himself, he’s a bit worried that Sherlock is tired of the John-and-Rosie show, the trail of destruction Rosie leaves everywhere she toddles. The cases always used to bring them together, and now, even if they have a babysitter, John’s often too exhausted to go out with him. 
Even this, a night out with the Yarders, Rosie at home with Mrs Hudson, is less fun than John had hoped. Sherlock doesn’t care for pub nights, but he tags along because John presses him to be more social. 
He moves towards Sherlock, who’s sitting on the periphery of the noisy group. People don’t socialise with him much. Even the women who look at him with appreciation give up after a brief exchange. Sherlock can manage social occasions when necessary, but he’s clearly wishing he were somewhere else.
He slides into the seat opposite. “I’m glad you came.” 
“Why?” Sherlock gives him a sharp look. “So I could watch Lestrade’s team get pissed?”
“No, I’m glad because… I like being with you.”
Sherlock’s eyebrows rise. He gives an amused huff. “You live with me.”
“Yeah, I do. But at home there’s always some mess to clean up or Rosie to deal with. I’m sorry, I know this isn’t your favourite thing.”
“I don’t mind.” His mouth curves into a smile. “I like being with you, too.” 
John nods, takes a swallow of beer. “Stella was just making the usual assumption. We look like a couple. And I was wondering, are we?”
“Are we a couple?” Sherlock’s face does something complicated: surprise, discomfort, and then careful indifference. “People are idiots.”
“I don’t care about people. I care about you. Does it bother you?”
“Why would it bother me?”
“Because you don’t… I know you care about me and Rosie, but you don’t do…” The word is on the tip of John’s tongue, but he’s looking into Sherlock’s eyes, feeling completely obvious.
“Romance,” Sherlock says. “It’s a medieval construct, John, an idealisation of a reality that is often messy and contentious. People fall in love and marry; they run headlong into disappointment and divorce. I abhor the idea that we must put on blinders and pretend everything is perfect. It’s not, and never has been.”
John feels his heart sink a bit. “Yeah, you’re right.” He touches the side of his pint glass, watches the condensation run down. 
He’s thinking about his own failed marriage. He’d loved the idea of Mary, an escape from the past, the possibility of a future with a person who loved him. He’d built an idealised life in his head, and it hadn’t taken long for him to realise how mistaken he’d been. The night Mary died, he’d planned to talk with her, tell her what he’d realised about himself. He didn’t know where that would take them, but it had to be said. He’d only delayed because of Sherlock’s text.
“Love,” Sherlock continues, “has nothing to do with romance. It’s not perfect. It’s a decision, one we keep making because it’s important.”
Their eyes meet. John is looking up into Sherlock’s face, remembering when he said, we might all just be human. “Important. To you?”
The group is suddenly louder, laughing and jeering at some remark. No one is looking at him and Sherlock. 
Those grey eyes are still gazing at him.
“Love is important, John. I know I don’t often express sentiment, but I do feel it. I do love you.”
At the look on John’s face, Sherlock’s smile turns to something sadder. 
“I adore you and Rosie, and I love the messiness of living with you. I don’t want a perfect life. I want you. I want us.”
“So, you’re saying… you want us... to be a couple?”
“We already are, John. What that means is up to us. Do you want more than what we have?”
“God, yes.” The words are out of his mouth before he thinks them. “I do. Want you. If you…?”
“Yes.” Sherlock is smiling now, a full, bright smile that practically lights up the room. 
John leans closer. “I love you too, Sherlock.” 
The kiss is messy and imperfect. And glorious. Nobody’s watching.
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julienbakerstreet · 2 months
Gender, Marriage, and Queer Subtext in My Dearly Beloved Detective
Me? Sapphic-truthing a Soviet Sherlock Holmes adaptation? Yes obviously and you will be too at the end of this.
First of all, I love this movie. It's absurd and silly but I love the way it deals with gender politics. The premise (that the literary character Sherlock Holmes became so popular that an unspecified group decided to form a detective agency at 221B to help everyone who came asking for Sherlock Holmes, and then hired two women to fill the roles because their last names were already Holmes and Watson) requires you to suspend your disbelief (did Shirley Holmes take up violin to be more like her literary counterpart? Why did they insist upon hiring people with the correct last names but not the correct genders? Why do they turn 221B's sitting room into a museum that implies Sherlock Holmes is a real man before introducing clients to Shirley?) but it's so worth watching.
The plot of the movie revolves around sexism. From the opening scene, we see a client doubt Holmes’s skills. "Do you really think I will entrust my case to you? Sorry, Miss, this is not as easy as cooking porridge," he says. To him, a woman's domain is restricted to domestic tasks. In response, Holmes lets loose a string of deductions, including one that a male detective could not have made. "Only a woman can sense a light scent of French perfume in burned coal," she says. One of the reasons I'm very passionate about adapting/reading Holmes as a member of marginalized groups is because people in marginalized communities have knowledge that outsiders aren't necessarily aware of that would be a boon to Holmes's detective work. Elementary had episodes where Sherlock's past as an addict or Joan's experiences as a Chinese woman were crucial to solving the case. Queer interpretations of Holmes often give him insight into a criminalized queer Victorian underworld that aids his work. MDBD shows how Holmes's gender (or, more accurately, the way she is treated because of her gender) hinders her, but it also demonstrates how it can be an advantage in her work. ACD Holmes says that his irregulars are valuable because they can go places and hear things that he never could, and the same is true of women, who were/are often overlooked.
But the main plot of the movie isn't about men underestimating Holmes and Watson. It's about men being intimidated, emasculated, and jealous of them. Scotland Yard is humiliated that a woman is showing them up at every turn and getting the credit in the papers. Early in canon, the police are frequently dismissive and envious of Holmes, and I love how MDBD imagines how the tone of these interactions would change if Holmes was a woman. The police view Holmes's success as a slippery slope to female equality: "If a woman detective can make a joke out of Scotland Yard, anything can happen in England." "This will end with a minister in a skirt," one says- a meta-reference to Margaret Thatcher being England's PM when MDBD came out.
Scotland Yard officials dig into Shirley's past to try and get dirt on her. Before she was a detective, she worked in a law office and had once been a brilliant student. The only black mark on her record that they can find is that she's never been married. "As a professional she's perfect, but as a woman..." a Yarder says, making it clear that to be a professional and a woman are two separate things. This is echoed in the line "She's not a woman, she's a rival." It's clear that the professional respect they have for her can only exist if they desexualize her. "A woman, charming, beautiful, powerful, wealthy. And despite all that, she's unmarried... it's extremely suspicious." Both of the men in this scene are also unmarried, but they only find it inherently suspicious for Shirley.
Later on in the film, the chief inspector tells his assistant that they should comfort Shirley and Jane after they shut down their agency. “Perhaps I should marry her… And you can marry Watson,” he says. He’s envisioning a future in which he publicly humiliates Shirley and then marries her to comfort her. In his mind, marriage- even to the man who schemed to embarrass her in front of the press and end her detective career- is automatically something Shirley would want and be comforted by. It’s beyond the realm of imagination to him that she’s unmarried by choice.
It's unclear how old Shirley is supposed to be, but the actress who played Holmes, Yekaterina Sergeyevna Vasilyeva, was 40 when the movie was released. The characters don't view her as too old to be desirable, they only comment on the fact that she's so incredible and has gone this long without getting married. In fact, a subplot of the movie involves a former client of Shirley's traveling to England from Spain because he's in love with her. Shirley doesn't reciprocate, going so far as to learn Spanish to tell him to leave her alone more effectively. "If there is one man who truly thrills me, it's Sherlock Holmes and no one else," Shirley says. Because Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character in this universe, she's saying that her career as a detective is what drives her. It's refreshing to see a middle-aged woman who the narrative treats as desirable without making it central to her plot or personality. I appreciate how the movie doesn’t soften Shirley’s personality from ACD Holmes’s- she can be just as abrasive, impatient, and cold while maintaining ACD Holmes’s capacity for emotion.
The Scotland Yard officials decide to set up a fake crime, get Shirley to investigate, let her believe that she's solved it, and publically humiliate her by revealing the hoax and saying "That's what happens when women become detectives." This scheme is an admission that they know that Holmes is more skilled than they are and they know they can't beat her fairly. The way they attempt to humiliate her indicates that they do respect her, even as they resent her for it. I've always loved that ACD Holmes critiques how self-interested the police and the justice system can be, and MDBD picks up on that theme. The men at Scotland Yard resent Shirley so much that they're willing to compromise their ability to solve crime and help people just so a woman isn't seen as more competent than they are.
Another detail I love is that throughout the movie, Jane is shown as a full partner to Shirley. Shirley trusts her to make deductions and investigate crime scenes. When Shirley is practicing her marksmanship or her martial arts, so is Jane. Jane is a little younger and implied to be less experienced, but she's not a Watson who's just along for the ride. Their partnership is very important to both of them, and Shirley reacts with distress when her Watson announces her engagement, similar to how Holmes reacts to Watson's engagement in The Sign of the Four. Unlike ACD Holmes, she criticizes Jane's choice, convincing her to call it off.
Shirley and Jane spend a full 10 minutes of the movie in drag. They wear men's evening wear and mustaches, disguising themselves to go undercover in a gentleman's club. While in drag, Shirley flirts with a flower seller outside of the club. Jane, following her lead, quickly flirts with another flower seller. They aren't being observed, and this has no relation to the investigation. Shirley expresses no interest in men throughout the movie, but she uses male dress to flirt with women.
Inside the club, the men sing a song about how "there's no one more stupid than a married man," "no one is smarter than an old bachelor," and "our hearts are closed to girls." These men get to be proud to be bachelors, a stark contrast to how view Shirley's lack of a husband is viewed as a suspicious defect. The men even bemoan how "for years the world was groaning and suffering under women's oppression." Shirley and Jane have been facing sexist treatment the entire movie, yet these men are so convinced that women are the ones oppressing them.
After Holmes and Watson leave the club, Watson cries because she was scared of being found out, and Holmes coldly tells her that she needs to practice acting as a man "so the lowest sailor would take us for his mates." Evidently, they frequently need to present as male for their investigations, because men aren't always willing to be open with two ladies. She tells Watson (the more feminine of the pair) that her skin and hands are too soft and they need to stop using cosmetics. She even encourages Jane to use sandpaper to make her hands rougher. Jane balks at this and Shirley asks if she wants to be a good detective. "Let me be a bad one, but I will remain a woman," Jane says, still wearing a mustache and suit. "I'm a woman and I will stay one!" She chastises Holmes for attempting to control her personal life and derogatorily calls her "Mister Holmes." Shirley's gender non-conformity is part of her, and she can't fathom why Jane doesn't want to live like she does. Jane is comfortable defying gender norms by working as a detective, but Shirley's devotion to her work at the expense of her femininity is too much for Jane to accept. Despite being Holmes's partner, Jane projects the same gendered disapproval that Scotland Yard does. Whatever else Shirley is, she's a failed woman first in their eyes. In anger, Jane calls up her ex-fiance and declares that she will marry him to spite Shirley, even as Shirley tells her to stop. Marriage is, for Jane, a repudiation of her partnership with Shirley and the noncomformist lifestyle they lived together.
Towards the end, Shirley and Jane talk to a woman (going by the alias "Rosita") who is part of the plot by Scotland Yard to embarrass Shirley. The Yard used her incarcerated husband to coerce her. Shirley sees through this and appeals to her "woman to woman.” "Love to your husband is a great feeling, but love to the truth is greater," she says. Rosita asks if Holmes and Watson have ever been married, implying that they cannot understand her reasoning because they're single. It’s that understanding and alteration of priorities that is assumed to come with marriage for a woman that Jane is leaving Shirley for.
The plot's resolution was a little disappointing. Shirley's Spanish suitor holds the chief inspector hostage until he agrees to... have all of Scotland Yard perform an elaborate and choreographed apology song to Shirley? It's weird. She's unimpressed and looks uncomfortable with the whole display. For all the ways this movie highlights Holmes's intelligence and capability, it's odd that the resolution to the police wanting to embarrass Holmes for being a competent woman is the man who harassed Holmes the entire movie and ignored her when she told him to leave her alone forcing the men of Scotland Yard to play nice with Shirley and Jane. I would have preferred to watch Holmes and Watson teach them a lesson on their own terms, which would have thematically been more in line with the rest of the movie.
Later, the chief tells Shirley he's ashamed of how he behaved and wants to end the rivalry and be friends, but even this apology is halfhearted. There never was a rivalry between them- he was just resentful of her success, even though it helped him.
The movie ends with Jane, freshly married, running into Shirley. She kisses Shirley on the cheek and gives her half of her wedding bouquet before Shirley kisses her (rather deeply and for longer than I'd consider strictly friendly) on the mouth. Shirley twirls in delight before walking off, but Jane runs after her and they say goodbye one more time. Jane goes back to her husband and embraces him before looking back at Shirley. Shirley walks away, caressing the cheek Jane kissed and wiping away her tears, still holding half of her partner's wedding bouquet.
To me, this movie ultimately reads like a bittersweet love story between Shirley and Jane. Jane is a good detective, but she can't bring herself to betray social convention to the degree required to be great. Holmes doesn’t understand why Watson’s femininity and social position as a lady is important to her. ACD Holmes being upset at losing his partner when Watson gets married has been explored so many times through both queer and straight lenses, but marriage for a man and a woman in Victorian England was very different. A married man had much more agency and separate identity than a married woman, and Shirley is very aware of how marriage would affect Jane's freedom to do their work. I like to think that they continue their partnership and eventually get together (possibly when Jane realizes that Shirley was right to advise her against marrying a gambler) because they have a very sweet and domestic relationship.
As always, all my love to @spiritcc for making this and other Russian adaptations accessible to English speakers!
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inevitably-johnlocked · 2 months
Hey Steph! Hope you're doing well. Your existence is an act of social service💋❤️
I was wondering if you could give me a few fics where Sherlock regularly goes on and on to the Scotland Yard about his long distance husband or boyfriend and none of the Yarders actually believe he even has one, they think he made his partner up because who would even wanna be with Sherlock Holmes romantically, he doesn't have feelings and all that, until John shows up at a crime scene and everyone's shook asf lmao
Hi Lovely!!
I only know of two fics:
The Internet Is Not Just For Porn by cyerus (G, 1,911 w., 1 Ch. || Different First Meeting, Humour, Fluff, Crack) – John is Sherlock's internet boyfriend - from CANADA. No one thinks he's real.
5687 (Approximately) by prettysailorsoldier (T, 6,771 w., 1 Ch. || Est. Rel., Alternate Canon, Christmas, Pining, Fluff, Soldier John) – When John's leave request for Christmas is denied, Sherlock is nothing short of devastated, not that he's letting it show. The holiday season now something he's just waiting to end, Sherlock doesn't think anything can possibly make it worse. That is, until he realizes no one in his life believes his army "boyfriend" is even real, but, luckily, everyone is in for a surprise. Part 13 of 25 Days of Johnlock
And there MIGHT be more on these lists:
Secret Boyfriends
Lestrade / The Yard Finds Out
Lestrade / The Yard Finds Out Pt 2
If anyone has any others for Nonny, please do add them below!! I'd love more!
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lisbeth-kk · 10 months
December moments
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Prompts used in this chapter: eggnog - food and drink - do you see what I see - once a year
It’s the annual Christmas party at the Yard, and for once Sherlock looks forward to the event. Why is that you ask? The answer should be obvious…
December 10
Upon their arrival at the Yard, John hands the wrapped gifts to a female officer who’s in charge of the piñata. Why Greg had thought it to be safe leaving the gift shopping to John, Sherlock couldn’t fathom. It must be that John was perceived as a nice guy; therefore, he would most likely buy equally nice gifts. What Greg should’ve taken into consideration, is John’s possessiveness and loyalty towards Sherlock. John hates when Sally and Philip call him freak and still question his ideas and deductions along with several other Yarders. 
“Why do you look so smug?” John asks him sotto voce.
Sherlock just shrugs, squeezes John’s hand, and goes to get them some eggnog. 
“Do you see what I see?” a voice says behind John. 
John turns to face Greg and cocks a quizzical eyebrow at him. Greg gestures in Sherlock’s direction and John chuckles. 
“I hope not,” he retorts with a knowing look which makes Greg roll his eyes. 
“Not to worry, John. You can have him to yourself. I simply meant how he’s changed after you two got your shit together. He would never have volunteered to get you a drink back then,” Greg states. 
“Perhaps not,” John ponders. “We were both idiots, weren’t we?”
“You were!” Greg says with emphasis, greets Sherlock when he returns with the drinks and moves on to welcome Sally who’s just arrived. 
“What did he want?” Sherlock asks with narrowed eyes. 
“Oh, you know, just complimenting you for fetching us drinks. It doesn’t take much to impress him,” John says. 
Sherlock huffs dissatisfied but doesn’t pursue the matter. Instead, he scans the room and murmurs his deductions about hideous Christmas jumpers and ongoing affairs between colleagues to John’s amusement. 
John gets them a plate of finger food, while Sherlock gets them more eggnog. He’s starting to get slightly inebriated, which John truly appreciates. The Yard’s finest think that Sherlock only gets tipsy once a year, but nowadays it happens more frequently. Taking the great detective to bed in such a state, is a pleasure John finds to be quite addictive. All pliant and passionate, showering John with endearments he normally keeps under lock and key. 
When the piñata disaster is over, even Greg had sent John a rather vexed look, it’s time to head home to Baker Street. Sherlock doesn’t need any persuasion whatsoever, and the cabby must be quite loud to get the two lovebirds’ attention once they arrive at their address. 
“Sorry,” John mutters and tips the driver generously.  
“Enjoy the rest of your evening,” he shouts after them.
He shakes his head in amusement when he studies the two men for a few more seconds. They’re utterly absorbed in each other and don’t give a damn about any onlookers. Despite his lack of height, the blonde man is able to pin his tall and slender partner to the black door and devour his lips with such reverence, the cabby almost gets a bit emotional. Even to him, who’s a self-declared non-romantical man, thank you very much, it’s as clear as day, that his previous passengers are madly in love with each other. 
“Happy Christmas, guys,” he murmurs before he drives off. 
Read it on AO3
@totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @calaisreno @a-victorian-girl @phoenix27884 @safedistancefrombeingsmart @sabsi221b @gregorovitchworld @topsyturvy-turtely @peanitbear @helloliriels @raina-at
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amypihcs · 8 months
Hello! More news from our dear Watson! Let's see!
Watson is QUITE surprised by Holmes' deduction being right
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But he still suspects some trick! Well, knowing Holmes' theatrics Watson does well in being suspiscious but this time there's no trick at all!
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Watson is still curious enough to ask aaaaand Holmes slips the mask back on JUST IN TIME!
Watson will learn in time that it doesn't do interrupting Holmes when he's thinking, but for now Holmes is willing to explain and well!
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Watson might be young, this might be his work, but he's always himself. Watson, that verb next to that EXCLAMATION is making it very difficult for me to be mature about this all stuff.
MEANWHILE Holmes is quite enthusiastic about having something to do and asks Watson to read a letter aloud for the very first time!! The letter is from Gregson asking Holmes to help
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Holmes truuuuly has a high opinion of the yarders, eh! In this passage it's so clear that they're so young, That comment about having fun looking at the two cats fighting each other is one i could EASILY make when i'm out with my friends and chatting about uni or something else!
Holmes seemed quite enthusiastic of the case but he's not very sure of taking it. After all there will be no merit at all for HIM, he's ready to bed the yarders will take all the credit for themselves!
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And i'm ready to bet it's not the first time this happens. Well, he takes it and invites his new friend to come along.
And Holmes being Holmes he's happy and spends the cap ride infodumping!
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And of course he starts instructing Watson about deduction. No theories before the data! But meanwhile have i told you about *VIOLINS*??
They arrive and Holmes... wait, what is Holmes even DOING?
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AH. OOOOkey?
Ah, so this is Gregson!
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And here what Holmes was doing! looking for footprints. He's furious enough to insult Gregson in a QUITE transparent way. Gregson AND Lestrade. Apparently Holmes loves the herd of buffalo metaphor. And i guess it's appropriate.
Now while scemo & più scemo are trying to give THE OTHER all the fault, the kid of the situation decides to enter and... WELL, THERE'S A CORPS.
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Someone hug this man. Watson has sure seen many dead people in his service and in his study as a doctor, but this is truly horrifying him
Hugs for our Watsons and see you with the next letter!
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thetimemoves · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @raina-at @discordantwords and @totallysilvergirl, thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
57, 682. Not a lot for 20 works, but 10 of them are 221b ficlets. I only have one fic over 10k (it's just over 11.3k).
3. What fandoms do you write for?
BBC Sherlock
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Never Trust to General Impressions
Feel My Heart Banging Like a Gun
Out of Every Nowhere
Forth They Went Together
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, I do. I'm so thrilled to get them and appreciate it when someone takes the time to leave a comment. It makes me giddy, it does!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I like to end on a happy, or at least hopeful, note but occasionally angst comes out on top. I think it's probably a tie between these two: Paperweight, which is Sherlock's POV when Molly gives him John's letter at the end of TST; and With Regrets, which is John's POV as he says goodbye to Sherlock in the hospital after the beating in TLD.
Both are 221b ficlets, so at least it's a sharp punch of angst and not an extended bout? Not kidding about that punch, though (sorry not sorry).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is a tough one, but I think these are probably the happiest:
bitter, sweet
Feel My Heart Banging Like a Gun
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, thankfully. Hopefully that continues.
9. Do you write smut?
I love me some good smut, but I don't write it (yet). Certain bits in Feel My Heart Banging Like a Gun and Steady as They Go are the closest I've come so far, but they're not smutty.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No. I don't. One of my WIPs is a Stand By Me/The Body (Stephen King) fusion, but I'm not interested in writing any crossovers right now.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, which amazes me! Two have been translated into Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
@splix71 and I began to plot out a Sherlock bounty hunter AU I had initially come up with back in 2019. We had so much fun coming up with names and theories and plot points, so much fun. Unfortunately, she had to step back due to health reasons (FUCK CANCER) and afterwards I couldn't bring myself to go back to it. I doubt I ever will, as clever as I think some of the things we came up with were. I don't know that there is a place anymore for Baker Street Bonds, Yarders Bail Service, or Reichenbach Bail, but I will always treasure the time we spent on it together (that she, a most amazing writer, wanted to write something with me, still blows my mind).
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Mulder/Scully and Sherlock/John.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Sherlock/John hunt the Bogeyman fic I've been poking at for YEARS. I love a lot of what I've written, but I wrote myself into a corner and haven't quite figured out how to get out. At this point I despair of ever finishing it, but never say never.
16. What are your writing strengths?
221b ficlets. I think I've done well with these in conveying lots of emotion in little moments.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Clever case fic and complicated plots. I can also get a bit wordy in my beginnings sometimes (ironic, considering my ability to write a strong 221b ficlet) and need a gentle nudge to cut to the action.
Also, if I'm going to be brutally honest, I tend to walk away too quickly when I get stuck and don't make myself work out the problem right then. Hence my many languishing WIPs.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've not done it yet and don't see it happening down the road either.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
For published fic, BBC Sherlock. There might be some self-insert stories with River Phoenix in my very distant past.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Ooof, this is a hard one because every finished fic is a victory for me. That said, I'll always have a soft spot for Abditory. I had been in love with Sherlock since 2011 and devoured fic at an unholy rate, but was never dared write my own until 2017, after the last series. Better late than never, right? I also really loved writing Never Trust to General Impressions, with its slice-of-life looks at Sherlock and John's evolving relationship in relation to canon (with a not-so-canon twist on TRF). Funnily enough, both are 5+1 fics.
This was fun! I have loved reading all of these from everyone too. I'm going to be That Person and tag everyone who wants to do this but hasn't been tagged yet. Please do share!
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shanie · 7 months
WWE/Wizard101 AU Crossover Ideas
Sami Zayn
Sami Zayn is the life-iest LIfe Wizard in the spiral. Like, his primary focus is "nobody is dying on my watch EVER" and his secondary focus is "I'm gonna smack you with a Forest Lord buffed so hard your head will spin". He's not the biggest dog in any fight, nor is he the strongest, but he tends to get underestimated a in duels by the damage schools who automatically assume the red haired life wizard who is still wearing Wizard City school-emblem garb can't hurt them... only to be quickly wrecked with a centaur that somehow does 5000+ damage. But his true passion is healing. He loves with his whole heart (but often not wisely) and has been known to use his spells to save the lives of opponents who he has bested in the hopes that they will find a better path in life, rather than simply let them die. He's a graduate of Ravenwood, but started out as a transfer student. His parents, unable to afford Ravenwood's tuition, tried to send him to Pigswick. However, when he mastered the Pigsie spell within two months of being there, and put on a stellar showing at the Spiral Cup despite having poor spell knowledge at his disposal, he was granted a scholarship to Ravenwood where he breezed through his studies, both in Wizard City and abroad, and graduated two days after his 18th birthday. However, that was over 20 years ago and since then he's spent his free time when he isn't working as a full time healer (he has an office on the outskirts of Wizard City where he sees patients) traveling the spiral, championing causes for justice, and dueling in competitive tournaments for fun. (Sometimes he even wins!)
Sami was one of the healers that Sylvia Drake was sent to when she got sick. Sami tried his hardest to save her and, when she passed away, Sami took it personally. He fell into a deep depression, something that was only made worse when Malistaire turned evil in the wake of Sylvia's death. It caused Sami to grow disillusioned with the spiral and it was only by meeting a hotheaded storm wizard named Jey Uso (whose raging, angry exterior Sami could tell masked the kindest of hearts) that he realized there were still reasons to continue fighting through life.
Sami DESPISES the Marleybonians and will speak out against them on a regular basis. Beyond that, on the few trips he's taken to Marleybone, he's been known to offer his services to the local cats and rats to try and heal their wounds from when the Yarders have unfairly targeted them just for being different. (He *really* hates cops.) He also isn't too fond of what Merle Ambrose has been up to lately, sending kids to fight battles that should be handled by adults, and actually ended his association with Ravenwood after 20 years in protest. He now lives in a quiet villa in Wysteria where he tends to his vast garden and spends most of his time with his beloved (if constantly angry) necromancer, Kevin Owens.
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amyreadsandstresses · 2 years
And we're back, baby!
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*Signs of Life - DefNotForWork
39k, 17/17, Johnlock, Mystrade, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Humor, BAMF Sherlock, BAMF John, A little bit of everything really
The Yarders have a pretty well developed view of Sherlock Holmes. Cold, cruel, dispassionate and robotic. He simply doesn't register as human. As Sherlock and John fall farther and farther in love with one another, however, the proud men and women from NSY find themselves facing irrefutable evidence as to the true existence of a heart in Sherlock Holmes. These are a couple random drabbles in which the Yarders see some pretty damning signs of life.
*To Come Home - Anon
9K, 6/6, Sherlock Holmes & John Watson, Mary Morstan, Family Feels, No Slash, Nice Mycroft, SO MUCH FLUFF
After the Reichenbach Fall, Sherlock is de-aged to his four year old self with his current brain.
He's adopted by John Watson.
*Under The Veil - frozen_delight
4k, 1/1, Johnlock, Asexual Sherlock, Straight John, Post Reich
After another successfully solved case, it’s snowing outside 221B. Inside, Sherlock’s thinking about poisonous poinsettias, while John contemplates the snow, composes a new blog entry in his head - and reminisces.
*Fragile - Tor_Raptor
9 works, 205k, Johnlock-ish, ANGST, Cancer, Leukemia, Trigger Warnings for Medical Trauma and Graphic Prodecdures, Soft Mycroft, Good Friend Greg Lestrade, Lovely Mrs. Hudson, Awesome Molly, Found Family, HAPPY ENDING, Sickfic
Sherlock gets sick, not 'he'll recover in a few days' sick, but hospitalised for a long time sick. His friends are all there to help him, but he is Sherlock, he doesn't want or need their help.
*For Love - lurikko
13k, 1/1, Johnlock, Marriage and Weddings, No Mary, FLUFF, STUNNING FIC, Nice Lestrade
Sherlock asks John to marry him. It's for a case. Probably.
*Damage - lifeonmars
2 works, 49k, Delightful and Heartbreaking, Johnlock, Warstan, Character Death, Marriage Proposal, Grief, Slow Burn, TW, Eventual Happy Ending
No damage could ever be truly repaired. John would not be the same.
Or, what happened after the tarmac.
*Awkward - sherlockislovely
5 works, 8k, Johnlock, Fluff and Humor and Smut
Awkward sex. Awkward encounters. Awkward conversations. Sherlock and John navigate their new relationship, but they have to get through some uncomfortable situations along the way.
*Horse and Carriage - flawedamythyst
60k, 14 works, Johnlock, Asexuality, Mystrade, Lovely
Sherlock proposes. John thinks the whole idea is ludicrous.
*The Unintentional Crafts of Sherlock Holmes - KarlyAnne
13k, 3 works, Johnlock, Smut, Leangire
“Why do you suppose he was doing that?”
“Why do I suppose who was doing what?”
“The room. The lace. The secrecy. He was playing with fire in everything he did, and didn’t care one bit. But he had a secret chamber, carefully concealed, solely for the purpose of making lace lingerie. Obviously for personal use. Why?"
*All The Flavour, Cherry and More - cwb
6k, 1/1, Johnlock, Smut, Lip Gloss
Sherlock feels a blush rising to touch his cheeks, more sensual than uncomfortable now that he knows John isn't disgusted by him. No, John is responding exactly the way he had hoped.
*The Road Trip Series - stupid_drawings
5 works, 15k, John Watson & Sherlock Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Sally Donovan, Cows, Road Trips, Humor
Sherlock, John, and Lestrade on a road trip together, stuck in the same car for hours. The numbers are how long they have been on the road.
*The Beats In Between - theinvader5
2 works, 6k, Johnlock, Post Reich, PTSD, Reunion, Angst
Sherlock thought he could spend two years away without any personal repercussions. As it turns out, he's not as infallible as he thought.
*Nearer, My God, To Thee - Pargoletta
20k, 8/8, John Watson, Sherlock Holmes, Sarah Sawyer, Mrs Hudson, Case Fic, Med Fic, INCREDIBLE, Homophobia and other forms of bigotry
London is hit with a deadly flu epidemic, but John slowly begins to suspect that there is a more human agency at work. He, Sherlock, and Sarah must work together in order to identify and track down a ruthless killer.
*Tick Tock, Tick Tock - lotherington
1k, 1/1, Gorgeous, Magical Realism, Johnlock, Mycroft Holmes, Hearts
Sherlock is ten years old when he decides that hearts are ugly. He is sixteen years old when he decides that hearts are useless.
Sherlock's heart is made of clockwork.
*Scent of a Watson - Enterthetadpole, WritingOutLoud
4k, 1/1, Johnlock, Irene Adler, Questioning, Asexuality, Self Discovery
Sherlock never understood people's fascination with scents. Beyond the various case-related smells, he'd never taken much away from the scents others loved so much. Until he met John Watson.
*Skin Deep - thegingerintheback (CdnGingerGirl)
3k, 1/1, Johnlock, Self Care, Humor
Did you really think Sherlock just naturally looked good?
*With Time - annabagnell
8k, 2 works, Johnlock, A/B/O, Mpred, Absolutely Breathtaking
Heats weren’t what they used to be. Anymore it was like a low-grade itch, sometimes one that Sherlock didn’t even know needed scratched until John happened across it. Sometimes it was nothing more than a few moody days where Sherlock was a tetchy sonofabitch, being extra snappish and fussy until John looked at the calendar and said ‘ah’ and took Sherlock to bed. Sometimes, he’d be the one to catch on first. When that happened, it was more like it used to be. More seduction. More ‘come-take-me-to-bed.’ A spark, sometimes. A spark.
*A Beautiful Specimen - KittieHill
20k, 7/7, Johnlock, Smut, Demisexual Sherlock, Happy and Smutty and Parentlock-y near the end
The Holmes family are forced to give sperm samples every ten years to find out if they're still fertile as instructed in their grandmother's will.
Sherlock struggles with his ability to feel sexual arousal and give a sample, putting his parents at risk.
He needs a firm, supportive hand - one which happens to be connected to his devilishly handsome flatmate.
*What Makes Us Rich - flawedamythyst
31k, 2 works, Johnlock, Asexuality
Sherlock attempts an experiment and John gives something up.
*An Approximation to Perfection - TooSel
22k, 1/1, Smut, Insecure Sherlock, Johnlock, Body Worship, Experimentation, Fluff, Porn with feelings
Sherlock realises just how good the sex John had with his last girlfriend was. The solution is simple: he's going to do everything in his power to ensure that their own sex life stays interesting.
Only that it's never quite that easy.
*Let's Get Drinks - scribblesecure
4 works, 5k, Johnlock, Lestrade, Molly Hooper, Coming Out
Molly narrowed her eyes. “Is this something to do with John?”
“No,” he said quickly.
“You sure?”
*No Romo - shnuffeluv
9 works, 5k, Sherlock Holmes & John Watson, Queer Platonic Relationship, Aromantic Sherlock, Straight John
Sherlock comes out to John... and, believe it or not, neither man is gay.
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its-all-ineffable · 1 year
Pfft oops, you can ignore that last ask as it is similar to the one you just put up, how about then ummm...
Sherlock and Rosie? Any headcanons or little ideas you wanted to yell about?
And I answered it anyway! Cause I'll take any excuse to talk about Sherlock & Molly!!
Oh. Oh so many. Get ready!
Sherlock delights in playing with Rosie. When she's a toddler, he lies on the floor and builds blocks with her, plays with cuddly toys and plastic ones, is up for anything. As she gets older, and plays with new and different things, he happily indulges her - he'll do LITERALLY ANYTHING with her as long as it makes her happy.
Going on from that, he often sits her in his lap if he's at the microscope and lets her 'have a turn'. As she gets older, and becomes more engaged and able to understand what he's doing, she continues on. It's such a habit that even a teenage Rosie goes to sit on Uncle Sherlock's knee to see what he's doing (no that's not weird, I still sit on my grandparents/mum's laps as an adult so fuck off).
When Rosie tries things/does things in her teens/late twenties, she goes to Sherlock. I'm talking her first experience being tipsy sort of things. She loves her dad and he's very understanding, but he still judges, and lectures. Sherlock doesn't. Sherlock makes her lay out why what she did was perhaps not good, or what she learned from it, but he never, ever judges.
As Rosie grows up it's clear her hair curls naturally (think series 4 Mary's hair), but not as much as Sherlock's. During a particular period of time, she insists on having her hair curled and cut short so she can look like her Uncle Sherlock. This comes back with a vengeance in rebellious late teen years where she cuts off her hair, curls it and dyes it black. She thinks John will go ballistic, instead he laughs his ass off, while Sherlock is stunned.
When Rosie begins asking about her mother, John is very reluctant to talk about her - does he tell her the truth about Mary now, later, never? And it still hurts him to think about Mary cause he loved her so much. So, in the beginning, when Rosie asks, she asks Sherlock (this has been agreed upon by Sherlock and John beforehand). Sherlock delights in telling Rosie about her mother, how amazing, how brilliant and how brave she was. (Fight me Mary antis)
When John agrees to go on their first case after The Final Problem, he can't get a sitter for Rosie. This leads to having to bring Rosie along with them to a thankfully not gory crime scene. What is strange is that Sherlock insists on carrying Rosie the entire time, and even when looking for clues he keeps her balanced on his hip. He talks to her as well as John the entire time. The Yarders can't quite believe it. Lestrade thinks it's hilarious.
Sherlock calls her "Watson" and yes, it's because I keep reading fics where he does this but he does it and that's that.
One of Sherlock and Rosie's favourite past-times is teasing/bullying Mycroft. The elder homes stops by more often after TFP, and the brother's have a slightly easier relationship, but Mycroft is still Mycroft. So of course, the moment he steps through the door on his first visit Sherlock passes him Rosie, sits back and watches the carnage.
That's all I've got for you for now, but there are so many more I could come up with/list. I love Sherlock and Rosie, and he's so soft for children - we deserved more of them.
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bearterritory · 1 year
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Cal rolls past North Texas 58-21 a day after getting word of switch to ACC from Pac-12
DENTON, Texas -- — California coach Justin Wilcox says he and his players spent “about seven seconds” talking about the school's impending move to the Atlantic Coast Conference before the season opener.
There's still a season to be played in the Pac-12, and it started nicely for the Golden Bears.
Jaydn Ott rushed for 188 yards and two touchdowns, Isaiah Ifanse scored three times and Cal beat North Texas 58-21 on Saturday, a day after the Golden Bears agreed to join the ACC.
Cal (1-0) was playing about 40 miles from SMU, another ACC newcomer along with longtime Bay Area and Pac-12 rival Stanford.
“It’s significant,” Wilcox said. “We pay attention to it, but the team, we don’t have a lot of control over any of that. What we can control is practice and performing. When the news broke about the ACC, it was good news, but we talked about it for about seven seconds.”
On the day the ACC invitations became official Friday, the Golden Bears were at the headquarters of the Dallas Cowboys making final preparations for their first opener at a so-called Group of Five opponent since Air Force in 2004.
Cal was a 56-14 winner in that game in Colorado, and outgained UNT 669 yards to 225 while scoring the final 31 points in this one. The Golden Bears held the Mean Green to 9 yards after halftime in their highest-scoring game since 2015.
Stone Earle had three TD passes but was intercepted twice in the debut of North Texas coach Eric Morris and the first game for the Mean Green (0-1) as members of the American Athletic Conference, the league SMU will be leaving. UNT just left Conference USA.
Ott ran 41 yards on Cal's first play to set up Sam Jackson V's 23-yard scoring pass to Jeremiah Hunter. The sophomore ran 66 yards for a 27-14 lead in the second quarter after a 4-yard TD run late in the first.
Ifanse broke several tackles and kept churning in a pile inside the 5 on a 26-yard scoring run before an 8-yard score for a 33-21 lead 7 seconds before halftime.
Jackson started in his Cal debut after transferring from TCU, another Dallas-Fort Worth school, but was injured in the first half and replaced by Ben Finley, who threw for 279 yards and a TD. Wilcox didn't offer any details other than saying Jackson had an upper-body injury.
Two of Earle's TDs tosses were to Ja'Mori Maclin, who set up the first UNT score with a 58-yard catch before scoring on a 59-yarder. Maclin averaged 30.5 yards per catch (122 yards, four receptions) after finishing second in the country last year at 24.7.
“We've got to eliminate the explosive passes,” Wilcox said. “We've been talking about that a long time. It's simple in concept. Not easy to do. The other team schemes. They have good players, too.”
Cal defensive tackle Brett Johnson started but didn’t record a tackle in his first game in almost three years. The junior missed the past two seasons with injuries.
Wilcox noted Johnson caused a holding penalty that stalled UNT's first possession, and the Golden Bears scored after the punt. Cal never trailed.
“In warmups, I love seeing No. 90 out there,” Wilcox said. “And when we take the field on defense, I love watching No. 90 jog out there, as does everybody else on our team. You better believe it, we're all kind of, internal fist pump.”
Auburn makes its first trip to Berkeley next Saturday. It's the first visit from an SEC team since Mississippi in 2017.
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dathen · 2 years
“I wouldn’t have the Scotland Yarders know it for the world,” he cried, dropping into his chair; “I have chaffed them so much that they would never have let me hear the end of it. I can afford to laugh, because I know that I will be even with them in the long run.”
“What is it then?” I asked.
“Oh, I don’t mind telling a story against myself.”
I love that last line. Holmes got tricked, and HATES the idea of the police finding out (he roasts them too much, you see), but without hesitation tells Watson all about it when he asks. He doesn’t mind telling a story about his own failures, and is willing to share a laugh with his Good Friend about them 🥰
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hearty-an0n · 13 days
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sptxx4 · 1 month
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The sun might have gone, but @HallamFC1860 kept up their bright start to the season against Parkgate. As at the weekend it took them a while to get going, but that was down to Parkgate starting off well organised and giving as good as they got. Gradually though Hallam got a bit of control. One lovely team move ended with Peterson side-footing against the bar from 18 yards with the keeper nowhere. If it wasn't exactly constant pressure then it seemed fair enough that Hallam went in 1-0 up after Allan did well to win a 40:60 and the ball broke across for Howarth to stroke home.
Second half Hallam kept up their control of the game and were barely threatened by Parkgate. Again it wasn't exactly constant pressure but as chances went begging - Goodwin fashioning a number of them, with one ruled out rightly for offside - there was always a chnce that something could go wrong. Until Bradbury, who'd battled well all night, ran across midfield from the halfway line before hitting a 20 yarder that the keeper got a decent hand to but couldn't keep out. that calmed any nerves and it was just left to sub Callum Ward to finish off a post-corner scamble with a great overhead kick into the top corner. 3-0 a very good result again.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 6 months
Five Fics Friday: April 5/24
Happy Friday everyone! I hope everyone is looking as forward to the weekend as I am, and I hope that you'll enjoy the fics I chose for you this week! And be sure to check out the Boosted fic this week if you're going to be joining the Johnlock Fic Club reading of Sherlock Holmes Live! Love y'all!
Sherlock Holmes Live by emilycare (E, 488,496 w., 73 Ch. || Theatre AU || Immersive Theatre, Romance, Slow Burn, Fake / Pretend Relationship, Fluff, Bisexual John, Demisexual Gay Sherlock, Alternating POV, Falling in Love, Eventual Case Fic, Soft Sherlock, Panic Attacks, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with Happy Ending, Pining John) – Down on his luck John Watson answers an advert for a paid role in an experimental play. Enter William Scott with a most unusual proposition: help him test run a two person immersive experience, oh and by the way there is sex and romance involved.
Hungry by LipstickDaddy (G, 3,996+ w., 4/7 Ch. || WiP || Jealous John, POV John, Lestrade Friendship, Miscommunication, Love Confessions, Mutual Pining, Requited Love, Happy Ending) –Sherlock doesn't eat when he's on a case. John knows this. He's known it for years. So when Sherlock accepts a dinner invitation from the handsome, bright-eyed Yarder assigned to this particular case (and then coffee, and then another dinner) John gets confused – and then he gets worried.
How Do You Know? by LaurieRoar (E, 8,697 w., 1 Ch, || Loss of Virginity, Bottom Sherlock, PWP, Size Kink, Fluff) – John asks Sherlock how he knows he doesn't like sex if he's never tried it. ... I think we all know where this is going. 18 pages of ridiculously detailed, graphic, long smut.
Spiders and Flies by cheshirecat101 (M, 11,986 w., 1 Ch. || Dark Characters AU || Johnlock & Johniarty, Serial Killers, Aftermath of Torture, Minor Violence, Psychological Trauma, Nightmares, John's PTSD, Kidnaping, Depression, Developing Relationship, Angst, Hurt/Comfort) – Jim Moriarty is a serial killer, and John is the victim that got away. Seventeen years later, and all signs point to Jim being back, on the hunt for John once again.
Wood and Wicker by HardlyFair (M, 14,114+ w., 3/8 Ch. || WW2 Historical AU / Hot Fuzz AU || BAMF John, Case Fic, Secret Societies, Secrets, Romance, Humour, Action, Writer John, Murder Mystery) – 1946. Sandford, England. Following the second World War, Sherlock Holmes accepts an unwanted case far in the English countryside to investigate a string of grisly deaths. Problems arise when it becomes clear that no one thinks anyone has been murdered at all, that nothing outside a series of unfortunate accidents has transpired, and that nothing untoward is afoot in Sandford -- no one, save for a small-time columnist from the local newspaper.
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lisbeth-kk · 9 months
December moments
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Prompts used in this chapter: feast - miracle
It’s Christmas! For Sherlock that is, and we all know what that entails…
December 22
John feels like a new man the next morning. Sherlock’s massage the night before had been divine to say the least, and all his silly worries dissipated. When he was nothing more than a boneless mass, filled to the brim with serenity and love for his sweetheart, John had confessed. 
“I just had doubts about a gift, and I know it’s utterly idiotic to almost go into a depressive state, but…”
Sherlock put his finger to John’s lips and shook his head. 
“Let it be a surprise, and I promise I’ll try not to deduce it. I’m not particularly fond of seeing you out of sorts like this, and I’m glad it’s over,” Sherlock said seriously, which made John’s heart clench. 
Sherlock had really been worried about him, but hadn’t pestered him too much about it, but found his own way to let John come clean on his own. 
“My genius,” John murmured and kissed said genius thoroughly.
Just after noon, John and Sherlock found themselves deeply preoccupied with a double murder in a luxury suite at The Hand & Flower Hotel in Hammersmith. It’s a small Victorian boutique hotel with only eight rooms. The downstairs pub had been filled with cheerful patrons the night before, making the list of suspects to questioned quite extensive. Luckily Lestrade took care of that while Sherlock surveyed the crime scene. 
It was a horrible sight that met them, and both John and Sherlock had a grim look on their faces when they realised what had happened. In the middle of the king size bed, two naked men where embracing. If one didn’t look too closely it could seem that they were just sleeping, but the stiffness of their bodies and the foam around their mouths told another story. 
“Poisoning,” they murmured in unison. 
Before Sherlock got to work, he grabbed John’s hand and squeezed it hard. John looked at him, nodded and squeezed back equally hard. 
Friends and family of the victims weren’t aware that they were having a love affair. Both men were married. To women. Delicacy was required and Lestrade was reluctant to let Sherlock question the wives. 
“Well, if you don’t want to increase your solution rate, it’s hardly my problem,” Sherlock told Greg, and beckoned John to come with him to leave the Yarders alone. 
They had reached the kerb when the small and unexpected miracle occurred. John heard Sally quarrel with Greg, and to John’s astonishment she was the one who wanted Greg to call Sherlock back. 
“I’ll be damned,” John whispered to Sherlock who just smirked and winked at John. 
In the cab ride home, they decided to treat themselves to a feast of Chinese take-away. It didn’t take Sherlock’s remarkable brain to suspect that one or both wives were the culprits, but it was only he that was able to shatter their alibies to pieces. 
“Christmas came early for you this year, my love,” John whispered when their Chinese feast was devoured, and they were cuddled up on the sofa.
“A bit not good, John,” Sherlock murmured before he made an impressive love mark on John’s neck. 
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amypihcs · 11 months
Hello! Super late as usual, i'll blame university again. For this letter, the gayest paragraph in the history of literature! Let's see what our Watson writes for us!
For starters, Holmes is quite curious today. He'd liek a look at Mr Garrideb's collection
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Unfortunately he really CAN'T now! Tomorrow afternoon? Yes, that's a nice day! Holmes is planning something, i feel it in my bones!
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And now! He also likes architecture? He's planning something all right!
Now they go home and after dinner they get back on topic!
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Holmes is quite satisfied. Now he can snuggle on his Watson and explain. And Watson noticed the curious stuff too!
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And they agree on the deduction, Watson should give Holmes a lil kissy. Then they go to bed and Holmes does a thing he HATES, getting up early. But he's on a case, so not too bad!
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Damn. Holmes is worried. Worried for his Watson. And Watson is comforting him that it will all go okay. These two are so absurdly married. I love them.
Watson doesn't know who that is, anyway, so Holmes gets near him, gives him a handkiss and explains
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I LOVE that they're friends with Lestrade now! I also love Holmes calling the Yarders bureaucrats and in some way appreciating them!
Holmes tells his story and then they get ready to go out. Watson, darling, get your gun, please.
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SH: Sleep a bit before we go, my dear. You need to be safe and awake. JW: Yes, my Holmes. It will go alright. I promise. SH: Rest, dear.
Holmes is doing another little bit of an explanation
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Holmes you don't need to sound THAT admired! but yes, do explain your ideas! it will calm and ground both you and your Watson
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They get into the house, take a good look around and they prepare their ambush.
Here he comes!
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Sneaky, sneaky. Sneaky, sneaky, Ah they rolled badly on Stealth! The floorboards creaked! A true pity. Anyway, cough cough, Hands up, Killer Evans!
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The fuck are you doing shooting Watson? -searching him for weapons- Watson meanwhile is busy suffering and checking out his husband's coolness under fire. 8/10 Holmes, you could've fi-hey!
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Holmes scooped up Watson (wiry arms, uh? Guess you know those very well), put him down on a chair, almost teared up while begging Watson not to die, torn Watson's trousers apart, saw that Watson's reassurance wasn't just playing cool and HISSED at Killer Evans that he would only go out of that house FEET FIRST if HIS Watson had been hurt badly.
Watson meanwhile has signed down three more love confessions, winced a bit at the pain, begun mourning his favourite trousers and barely resisted the temptation to just kiss Holmes' tears away from his beautiful storm-grey eyes only because they're in front of a SUSPECT.
Anyway the pros that come with being shot on a case include being snarky while writing it down, of course.
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And of course Watson CAN'T let Holmes look around alone, he could be in danger. So an excuse to glue himself to his husband in public.
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Watson is keeping Holmes from biting at Evans' throat. And we know this. This american bastard shot WATSON!! Holmes SHOULD be allowed to eat him alive expecially since he's calling himself a soft hearted guy. And yet no, Holmes. Remember the law. Sure, my Watson. Could you call Lestrade, please. Well, CERTAINLY Watson can!
The case ends in the best way, then? EEEh, nop. Poor Mr Garrideb will never completely recover from the shock of seeing his 5 million Pounds disappear into thin air. Big F for him, he was a nice man. Watson got as a bonus to be carried upstairs by his Holmes (Holmes' insistence) once back home and i guess he exploited Holmes' presence for a bit as a help while he bandaged himself (he refused to let Holmes do the medication, even if it didn't need stitches)
And in the next story we'll hear of the disappearence of lady Frances Carfax! We'll see how it went!
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