chinno-tenko · 1 year
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
my problem is that i wanna keep adding muses but i have so many already and the muses i wanna add rn are characters that most people :' ) won't be familiar with :' ) which makes figuring out interactions for them a lil harder BUT i love them...... i love them
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w2writesstuff · 6 months
What W2 Wrote in 2023
Considering that I'm prrrrrobably not going to manage to put out anything else this year, yeah, let's do a roundup now while I've got a moment. (Note: Only includes fun stuff; no professional shit here.)
I can't even remember January. Nothing happens in Januaries.
to the beat of your heart, ch. 3 (MDZS) The ongoing adventures of a self-indulgent happy-ending everybody-lives-and-also-bones WangXian canon-divergent AU; a joint project between my wife and me.
It’s Hard to Say “I Do” When You Don’t (@shousetsubangbang) Original story about a guy whose long-time crush asks him to pretend to be his boyfriend at a family wedding. Fake dating ensues.
Kintsukuroi (DMBJ) This heihua piece may be the best thing I've written all year? Look, I'm just very proud of how I made it exactly what I wanted it to be.
Head (@shousetsubangbang) This was a last-minute fill because the story I wanted to write failed to make itself writeable. Oh well! Still a funny and cute blowjob.
to the beat of your heart, ch. 4 (MDZS)
I want to be where all the stupid shit I say sounds so romantic and true (Guardian, WeiLan) Someday I will write a longer and more complicated series of Guardian sex pollen shenanigans, but until then, enjoy this one.
The Rightful Ruler (The Blood of Youth, Lei Wujie/Xiao Se) Still the only English-language story on AO3 for this pairing! Includes maybe the funniest line I wrote all year? You make the call!
The Doctor is In (Psych-Hunter) I know nobody watched Psych-Hunter, and with good reason, but I did, and I think Jiang Shuo should get to spy on the sexy gay doctor if he wants to.
A Single Explosion (DMBJ, Pangxi + Xiao Ge) For PingPang Week, with @pangzi in mind. Here's the missing part of Ultimate Note, where Pangzi takes care of Xiao Ge in the hospital.
Dog (The Disguiser, Ah Cheng/Ming Lou) This was actually written before I saw the post going around about how the sexiest thing one guy can be is another's dog. But it's true!
And I am green, and you are wood (DMBJ/Mystic Nine) Another exchange fic, where Liang Wan gets a chance to meet all of Zhang Rishan's old (boy)friends, especially Ba Ye.
Reverse Cowgirl (Not Gay as in Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, Queer as in Dude Ranch) (@shousetsubangbang) Is this the hottest thing I've ever written for SSBB? Might just be. Lesbian ranch hands recruit a city girl.
Stay (Beyond Evil, Oh Jihwa/Yu Jaeyi) Because you know what that show needed? Small town lesbians.
Little Spear (The Blood of Youth, Sikong Qianluo/Xiao Se) This show has some cute het, but how it would work in bed is another matter entirely; or, two gay people try to have straight sex.
动须相应 (live-action Hikaru no Go, Yu Liang/Shi Guang) It's hard to get much gayer than the actual show without adding explicit sex, so ... here you go! Post-series boyfriends.
One Quiet Night (Kingdom, Seobi + Lee Chang/Yeongshin) This is the other thing I'm really proud of, because it too came out pretty much exactly the way I envisioned it. A nurse, a prince, and a scrappy piece of shit more or less all fall in love.
Hooks in My Sides (Beyond Evil, JWDS) This certainly was the most popular thing I've written all year. It's unfortunately easy to write poor Juwon having a gay meltdown.
A World Made Up of Silver and Copper (@shousetsubangbang) A prince-and-pauper scenario, this time focusing on the prince's adventures in being mistaken for himself. (Hint: they are sexy.)
...Funny how the first months of each semester are usually a complete wash for me creatively, huh?
to the beat of your heart, ch. 5 (MDZS)
Over My Dead Body (@shousetsubangbang) Nothing like the romance of possessing a corpse only to find he's not actually dead. (Note to DMBJ fans: This should taste like heihua.)
A fair amount of November was spent writing something that I just couldn't finish for December's SSBB, once I realized how long it'd have to be and how little free time I had. Maybe next year!
Antivenin (@shousetsubangbang) A mean bisexual and an even meaner lesbian team up to distract their gay boss from his terrible crush.
And that's it! It always feels kind of weird to see it all gathered in one place, like ... wow, that's not nearly as much as I thought it was. But at the same time, it involves a couple of pieces I feel very good about, so overall I'm going to take the win.
The most fun I had was doing my Small Fandom Summer thing, where I wrote fic for fandoms that had <1000 English-language works on AO3. Maybe I'll do that again next year!
Anyway, if you do wind up reading something, especially the original stuff, thanks. A lot of this can be a very lonely process, especially when there's not much of a built-in audience. Saying you liked something makes me feel a little less like I'm screaming into the void.
Onward to 2024!
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welcometothejianghu · 11 months
Small Fandom Summer Update
I felt like running the numbers on Small Fandom Summer, the thing where I'm trying to write a fic every 1-2 weeks, schedule permitting, for a fandom that has fewer than 1000 English-language works in it on AO3. Bonus points for rarepairs!
It's been going pretty well! Here's what I got so far:
The Rightful Ruler (少年歌行 | The Blood of Youth - 106 total works, 50 English) - Lei Wujie/Xiao Se (25 total, 4 English - and of those four, this is the only one that actually contains content for this pairing)
The Doctor is In (心宅猎人 | Psych-Hunter - 25 total works, all in English) - I tagged it as Jiang Shuo/Qin Yiheng (22 total), but it's really just Qin Yiheng/Original Male Character (the only one!) with extra Jiang Shuo voyeurism
A Single Explosion (终极笔记 | Ultimate Note - 652 total works, 509 English) - Pangzi & Xiao Ge (64 total) or Pangzi/Xiao Ge (68 total), depending on how you read it
Dog (伪装者 | The Disguiser - 1,382 total works; 128 English) - Ah Cheng/Ming Lou (517 total, 39 English)
And I am green, and you are wood (沙海 | Tomb of the Sea - 1,303 total works, 519 English; 老九门 | Old Nine Gates - 650 total works, 270 English) - Qi Tie Zui/Zhang Rishan (167 total, 98 English), Liang Wan/Zhang Rishan (44 total, 38 English), Liang Wan/Qi Tie Zui/Zhang Rishan (4 total, all English)
Stay (괴물 | Beyond Evil - 1,165 total works, 877 English) - Oh Jihwa/Yu Jaeyi (8 total, 6 English, and so far as I can tell, mine's the only one where they bone)
Little Spear (少年歌行 | The Blood of Youth) - Sikong Qianluo/Xiao Se (11 total, all English, and mine's the only one rated above Teen)
动须相应 (棋魂 | Hikaru no Go - 653 total works, 129 English) - Shi Guang/Yu Liang (233 total, 77 English)
One Quiet Night (킹덤 | Kingdom - 218 total works, 191 English) - Lee Chang/Yeongshin (105 total, 89 English) and Lee Chang/Seobi/Yeongshin (6 total, all English)
Not that I usually play around in huge fandoms or anything, but it's been kind of startling to get in there and realize just how much of a ghost town some of these places are.
Then again, this has been good for me, in a way. I hate the sensation of feeling like I'm screaming into the void, so it's been a worthwhile lesson in accepting from the start that I'm basically going to be screaming into the void, and then doing it anyway. Like, maybe someday, some weary future traveler will stumble upon these leavings and be grateful that there are twenty-five total stories for them to read instead of twenty-four. But for right now, if I want validation, man, I should not be expecting to find it here.
Anyway, we'll see what else I can get up to. Besides repeats of the above, fandoms that might get swept up in this project, depending on my mood, include 七爷 | Qi Ye (408 total works, 308 English), 손 The Guest (230 total works, 132 English), 君子盟 | A League of Nobleman (84 total works, 35 English), 风起陇西 | The Wind Blows from Longxi (26 total works, and if you exclude crossovers, it brings the number down to 8 total, none of which are in English).
Here's to making someone, somewhere out there obscurely happy.
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eatsbop · 1 year
Ah why he needs to be a lil younger middle school Dojunie and adult Hyeonwoo was the same actor lolol but I can't think of anyone just Yeongshin very funny when he licherally served his friends zombie meat for dinner lmao heart emoji uwu
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korkisobsessions · 2 years
All I need is...Kingdom season 3
I beg you!
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sweetchaosyk · 3 years
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I made some lockscreens of my favs from Kingdom bc I couldn’t find any I liked
Feel free to use them, just please don’t repost them anywhere ~!
Keep in mind: these are made specifically for iPhone 11, so idk how they’ll look on other phones/models!
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dramafics · 3 years
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the inevitability of loss | 如丧 by ming_1999 (trans. @ficklefackle
Drama: Kingdom
Summary: My name is Yeongshin. That is to say, if you shout those two words, I would pause to think for a moment before asking you what is the matter. I respond to this name but it isn't truly mine.
Rating: General Audiences
Pairing: Prince Lee Chang/Yeong-shin
Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Post Canon, Translation, Character Study
Notes: Have I ever felt such singular feelings about a work of fanfiction before? Every so often, I will read something that feels like a privilege, and to know it's a translated work (and thus inaccessible without the kindness of a stranger on the internet) is equally haunting. Whilst reading, I felt such deep regret at having paused my Mandarin studies because the language of the translation is so superb and the emotions so exquisite. The fic is brief but I felt transported for most of the day. Brava.
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storja-historja · 4 years
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...I think they’re neat.
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ficklefackle · 4 years
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“Who are you?”
@kingdomweekly‘s fanwork challenge + ‘secrets’
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andaniellight · 3 years
Chapters: 4/4 (Completed - with Happy Ending) Fandom: 킹덤 | Kingdom (TV 2019) Rating: Mature Warnings:  Blood and Violence, Light Angst Relationships: Prince Lee Chang/Yeong-shin, Prince Lee Chang & Seo-bi, Seo-bi & Yeong-shin (Kingdom) Characters: Prince Lee Chang, Yeong-shin, Seo-bi, Min Chi-rok Additional Tags: Mild Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Attempt at Humor, Slow Burn, Character Study, Pining, Not Beta Read, Pre-Slash, Slice of life - ish
Lee Chang has to learn to trust the people on his side now, for he is about to face much greater obstacle that awaits in the future. And along the way, he slowly realizes what it feels like to be loved and cherished.
(Or in other word, "Redemption Arc" that took place 2 years after the catastrophic event in the kingdom.)
(Sharing / Promoting this 29k fic in honor of Kingdom: Ashin of The North premiere on July 23th 2021)
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spelons · 4 years
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kingdom (2019, 2020)
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cinnamonkaye · 4 years
The Worm
Upon the end of Kingdom S2, we see the worm still alive in the young king. If the virus can live for such a long time, then wouldn’t it be the same for chang, yeongshin and beom-pal? 😱😱😱
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street-of-mercy · 4 years
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xraiyax · 4 years
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Changshin being scolded by Seo-bi because they keep each other up too long x,D
Inspired by that meme xD
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yeong-shins · 4 years
don’t think abt how patient, gentle and loving yeong-shin would be w his child bc u will cry!
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