#Yes I did change my URL specifically for this
seymour---krelborn · 6 months
Hope everyone in the path of the eclipse is/was having fun!! I myself happened to come across this Strange And Interesting Plant, so that's pretty neat!!
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
ori/ons/belts -> anotherpapercut
unfortunately I had to change my url. I will be tagging new posts with 'formerly ori/ons/belts' (but I'm bad at remembering so sorry if I forget sometimes!) so that hopefully you shouldn't be able to find me as easily by searching the old url but you can still see that I've changed what it was. the posts in my queue will not have this tag added for a few weeks but this message will be pinned for anyone who missed it
EDIT: no longer consistently tagging bc I'm lazy. but it will still happen when you least expect it
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aquarianlights · 10 months
[Blog Name Change]
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candysweetposts · 5 months
Have you found a way to get the assets from new gen? I'm kinda lost rn
!!!Warning! Long-ass post incoming!!!
Yes, I did manage to get some and there's how and why I can't get it all.
First, some words before we proceed. The reason I can't download all of the clothes is because some are made from 2 pieces. I don't know if you remember whenever the site came out and there was a section where you can see previews of clothes from the game.
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There were front and back pieces. And I believe clothes have that too and I think that's why I can't save them.
But let's see how I found out.
So, you go to the closet where are the clothes are and then press F12 or right-click, and then inspect element. Now, go to sources and look for "assets,mycandylove-newgen.com". Here you can find other subcategories but what interests us is "cloth/hanger/hd".
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Here you can see all the clothes from the closet but in this format. But that's ok. Like in the last game, we have to change some parts from the URL of the specific clothes. Now, Let's say you want this top from the image. You right-click on it and open it in a new tab.
Look in the URL for this part "hanger":
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And swap what's between the lines with "full":
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And then voilà:
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Now you can save it.
You'll say "so, I can do that to anything that I find, no?" No. Like I said, the ones that are made from 2 pieces won't work.
For example:
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This. I tried doing it with this as well but it won't work because, if you look closely, there is a small piece at the back that won't show on the avatar if you use a dress or something that goes over that part:
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And what I have in the "hanger" version is the full piece, not the pieces separately which are in the actual game. I hope you understand what I mean. So, things that seem made from 2 pieces won't work.
I feel like the accessories might work because it's composed mostly of one piece.
What about eyes, hair, mouth?
I could only save mostly short hairs like these ones:
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I did manage to find the base. If you go to "item order" in the game and then look at the sources at "skin/full/md" you will find the skin there:
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You can open that in a new tab and, in the URL you can change "md" with "hd" (those are image sizes) and of course "hanger" with "full". It doesn't have a nose, eye, or mouth, but... yeah.
But again, I'm no expert. I only found out about it because the goose outfit had this in the URL:
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Plus, this word was used before in the other games. But if I find another way I will reblog this post with my findings.
If you want the avatar parts that were taken from the preview candy before launching there's this post that has a link with all the things you need.
I hope this helps!
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Just now saw ur url changed. Did you use a specific item to evolve? Or is it more like a fae whim? /lh
Hi hi! yes; I used an Eagle Up, actually.
more seriously: it was time to let go of my reddit username. actually my reddit username was an iteration on this because i lost the login to my account twice but still
The connection to reddit was not actually the problem, though. I made my reddit account when I first got into queer communities: I wanted to talk to other ace people!
But in hindsight, while I still think there’s something to this demisexuality for me… I also think a big part of it was repression from being the wrong gender. And so the “ace” now had to go!
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CFWC Writer of the Month: Jamespotterthefirst
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers, and this month’s writer of the month is @jamespotterthefirst! We hope you will enjoy learning more about her and her work below! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
Quick Links:
Tumblr Blog: Jamespotterthefirst Blog Masterlist
1- When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? 
I started playing back in 2018. I kept seeing this thing called “playchoices” trending as number 1 on Tumblr (lol remember those days?). This would happen, without fail, almost every week! When I clicked on it, the posts were all about the finale of a royal story (The Royal Romance!). People made the most hilarious posts, complete with memes. I had no idea what it was, but I gathered it was an app. I downloaded it, and the rest is history. 
The first book I played was Desire and Decorum. It was absolute torture because it wasn’t completed yet. So I binged the available chapters. Yes, I spent real money on keys and diamonds, telling myself at least I wasn't spending that money on drugs. It was so much fun waiting for a new chapter every week, even if I’m an impatient mess. 
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined the fandom almost immediately after downloading the app. 
As I sat in my living room, tapping my foot and waiting for the new D&D chapter to drop, I went back into the playchoices tag for content. It felt good to find other people who loved the story as much as I did. There were other users out there who were also waiting impatiently for the new chapter, writing fics and discussing theories in the meantime. There were also some of the funniest memes I have ever seen in my life. At first, I would quietly read and reblog. Then, I slowly started posting my own thoughts and theories (which were not very good lol but hey, this is tumblr after all).
3- How did you pick your url name? 
My life is one hyperfixation after another… The one before Choices was Harry Potter. More specifically, the Marauders era. I used to write for the pairing called “Jily”, composed of Harry Potter’s (dead) parents. Kelsey (@takeharryandgo) is a witness of just how much I love James Potter, Harry’s (dead) dad. In fact, our shared love for the pairing and character is one of the things that brought us together. 
In short, this URL is a reference to James Potter the first, Harry’s (dead) dad. Not James Sirius Potter the second, Harry Potter’s (living?) son. 
I saved it as a sideblog, meant only for writing resources for me to use at a later time. One day, I decided I didn’t want the followers on my main page to see all the Choices spam I was posting, so I resurrected the JP blog. 
4- Go back to your archive and tell us about the first post on your Choices blog. 
My first Choices post was a shitty theory about Desire & Decorum: 
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
I’ve been writing fanfiction since I was a literal child. I used to write in a notebook and my friends would read during recess. It was awful but they were into it. One day, I used up the whole notebook and my friend was desperate for the next part of the story. I told her I needed to wait until my mom took me to the store (literal child) to get a new one. My friend got me a new one by the end of the day lol.
TL;DR that puts me at about 20+ years of writing. 
6- What is your favorite Choices book to write about?
Without a doubt, Open Heart! 
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it?
Oh god, the first fanfic I wrote was Lily Evans and James Potter from the Harry Potter universe. I forgot the exact title, but it was named after an Avril Lavigne lyric. Again, I was a child, don’t judge me lol. It’s handwritten in a notebook I still have somewhere, but I will never open it again lest I die of cringe. 
My first Choices fic, on the other hand, was a Desire and Decorum fic called “A Wedding Gift” that only like 5 people read at the time. 
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Oof. This answer changes depending on the day you ask me. I always overthink it and end up saying picking a favorite fic is like picking a favorite child. To avoid being here all day, however, I’m going to say: Fake Husband, She Walks in Beauty, and Lovely.
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be but could use a little more love?
Definitely, the fic I didn’t expect to do well at all if my first Open Heart fic: Lovely. 
I was so naive back then, knowing nothing about the Open Heart writing fandom. I had no idea what format or tags to use when posting. I was afraid there would be no readers out there who wanted to read a silly little story about my MC posting a thirst trap. All I knew was that the latest chapter of Open Heart Year 2 inspired an idea that wouldn’t leave me alone until I wrote it. 
I posted it and I was so incredibly lucky to receive so much support. Words cannot explain how special that was. To this day, I cannot verbalize how grateful I am for that. 
There isn’t really a fic I can think of that could use more love. It always amazes me that anyone gives my fics their time. So any feedback my fics get will always be valued and treasured by me. 
10- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Oh no. 
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If forced to choose, I’d say fluff. 
11- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Absolutely! While I try to make every MC different, I often pull from experience when I write. My Open Heart MC and I have a lot of things in common (heritage, hometown, astrological sign, etc.) But I also wanted her to be her own character with life choices that are different from mine. Since I'm very boring, it definitely makes for better fiction that way. 
12- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
It depends on the day. Some days I struggle the most with dialogue. Others, my biggest struggle is descriptions. It's rare when I feel confident in both when I write. 
13- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
*laughs nervously in unfinished series*
There are a few series I have yet to finish. Once again, I apologize for leaving them untouched for so long! I plan to get my shit together soon! 
14- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? 
I don't think I could look anyone in the eye if they read some of the stuff I've written, especially for Choices. 
15 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing?
I strongly believe that one of the best ways to learn as a writer is reading. As such, I believe I've learned from most pieces I've read, particularly published rom com novels. In the fanfiction world, I admire my lovely friend @takeharryandgo. I've had the absolute joy of following her writing for over a decade. And with every work, I am still amazed by her masterful way with words! And her characterization is always spot-on. I simply love to read her spellbinding work and learn from the master! 
Other writers/creators I admire are:
@heauxplesslydevoted- one of the first OH writers I've ever read! Her smut is top-tier!
@jerzwriter - her stories, dialogue, and characterization are a delight to read. Her angst is painful. Her smut is sizzling hot! 
@liaromancewriter - a true master at romance! Her writing style is magical and synonymous with the best of rom-coms! 
@genevievemd - I bow down because the amount of love and care she puts into every piece truly makes her work special! 
 @lucy-268 - I have always respected the amount of research she puts into every piece. She pours so much care into it so that the narrative flows seamlessly! 
@a-crepusculo - her writing is so vivid and immersive. Reading her work is like listening to the most beautiful of symphonies!
@writer-ish - she is such a master at the craft! Her characterization is so vivid that the reader will fall in love no matter the format. Her text edits are legendary! 
@bex-la-get - such a talented and dedicated writer! She also pours hours of research into her work, ensuring every detail makes sense! 
@potionsprefect - she's such a creative and talented writer. She develops writing ideas like no one else I've ever seen! 
@headoverheelsforramsey- I love her storytelling and characterization! She's created a beautiful, inspiring, and intelligent MC for all of us to adore!
@gryffindordaughterofathena - her writing style is one of the most original I've ever seen. Reading her work feels like reading the loveliest of poetry! 
@coffeeheartaddict2- the dedication she puts into her work blows me away! She's daring when exploring themes in her writing, and she's not afraid to pull from personal experience. 
@lsvdw-blog - the person I'm sending my therapy bill to. Just kidding! Her writing is beautiful, even when it's the most painful angst. 
@trappedinfanfiction - she is such a lovely writer. The amount of detail she's given both of her MC's back stories has my absolute respect! 
@quixoticdreamer16 - I adore her MC and the wholesome, beautiful background she's given her! 
@mysticalgalaxysstuff - Another MC that has stolen my heart. I am so happy she started writing this past year because she's a real talent! 
@peonierose - love her beautiful MC and the beautiful love story she built for her with Bryce! 
@cariantha - a brilliant writer with talent for days! 
16- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
I would love to see She Walks in Beauty along with its series (1800s AU) in live action. Imagine Ana de Armas and David Gandy in period costumes? That alone would be worth it! 
17- Do you write original stories? 
I've crafted and outlined original stories before but I've never actually written them. One of my biggest goals for the new year is to finally start. Wish me luck! 
18 -  What other hobbies do you have?
I love reading, hiking, and dancing! 
Yes, I picked the most “impressive” of my hobbies to seem cool. On most days, you'll catch me cuddling with my dog or bf watching YouTube/TikTok/Hell's Kitchen reruns lol. 
19 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
I used the orange 🧡 and purple 💜 hearts a lot because they're my favorite colors!
20: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
For the record, I am also contractually obligated to read anything Kelsey writes 😘 
Thank you so much to every single reader who has given my work a chance these past three years!
Thank you to the wonderful mods of CFWC for all you do to support writers in the Fandom! 
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tag game
tagged by @jgyapologism
1. why did you choose your url?
it was something different but i made a fan account on twt and then decided to also be found here? or maybe it was specifically when twitter started going to shit and we thought it would shut down the first times that i made this account an extension of that one? (it wasnt much before). and now i dont even use twt so lol
2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
no because i dont understand how they work
3. how long have you been on tumblr?.
9 years? i think i joined in 2015?
4. do you have a queue tag?
no cause i queue randomly and often. (i like getting to surprise myself with posts i like at a random later date)
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i wanted to follow accounts that talked about my interests!! also i felt too cringe for the other sites and this webbed site has a loser reputation
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
uhhhhh it was my twt one last or maybe two pride months ago and i stuck with it. (it used to be bokuto in season 4 looking at hinata with his eyebrows iykyk)
7. why did you choose your header?
the power of volleyball yuri!!! i chose it to celebrate vnl but now that vnl is over ig i can change it... but i love melissa vargas so much i want her there
8. what is your post with the most notes?
"they should invent joints that dont hurt" <- banger i know and it has like 16,000 notes last i saw
9. how many mutuals do you have?
uhhhh idk how to even tell that
10. how many followers do you have?
11. how many people do you follow?
96 which is a lot but not all of them are active anymore :(
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
see my most popular
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
like 2-3 times, more if im bed bound.. is this chronically online of me? probably
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
not on this website i dont think...
15. how do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts?
i immidiately scroll past any "you need to __" make me want to not look at it
16. do you like tag games?
yes! but sometimes they make me nervous for no reason!
17. do you like ask games?
yes but i feel bad sending the asks cause what if i do the thinks ive been asked to wrong
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
in terms of certain tags/fandoms maybe but overall tumblr famous then no
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
no <3
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i was tagged by @kanonavi! i appreciate the tag <3
why did you choose your URL?
my current one is just my online name (tempest) + bards (venti) + birds (xiao). i know that fandom URLs can seem a bit cringe or whatever but idk. i like it!
2. any sideblogs? if so, name them and why you have them.
nope! i toyed with the idea of making one but i like keeping things in one place, so sorry to my irls who don't follow me for genshin. thanks for not leaving lmao
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
my archive goes back to april 2022 so just over two years now. it feels longer but oh well
4. do you have a queue tag?
the only thing i use the queue for is scheduling posts for specific days so no.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
a couple of my irl friends said that they were on tumblr and i thought i might as well join and see if there was anything to do with miraculous on here (spoiler alert: there was.)
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
7. why did you choose your header?
it's just a gif that i made of the one piece of canon xiaoven content that we had pre-endless suffering. it's there and i don't really see a reason to change it soooo yeah!
8. what's your post with the most notes?
this miraculous gifset that i posted july 2022 that has 3,180 notes as of writing this (it hasn't gotten any in A While so i think i'm safe for now)
9. how many mutuals do you have?
including irls it's 14 but excluding irls it's 11! i love you all
10. how many followers do you have?
308 but i think a significant portion of them are inactive now. love you guys too tho btw
11. how many people do you follow?
250 exactly
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
depends on what you consider to be a shitpost i guess. if you would class stuff like the rhodeia post i made last week as shitposting then sure.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
probably anywhere between half an hour and two hours depending on how active my dash is and just how much i'm rotting in general.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
not that i can remember?
15. how do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
no. absolutely not.
16. do you like tag games?
yes but a lot of the time i don't do them because i never have any idea if my mutuals are comfortable with them or not and deciding on who to tag always gives me far more stress than it probably should because i am chronically afraid of Annoying People.
17. do you like ask games?
yeah! people aren't obligated to send me asks for them though i don't wanna seem attention seeking either aha
18. which of your mutuals is tumblr famous?
i don't know if any of them are tbh i don't pay that much attention to stuff like that (if any of you do consider yourselves to be tumblr famous though please tell me)
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
platonically sure, but. uh. *gestures to pfp*
20. tags:
@girlboy-frankensteins-monster @dopefrickingjelysquid
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cloudycleric · 8 months
I have 3 questions, sorry if you've been asked any of these before
1 Did you come up with the name Cloudycleric because of stranger things? Specifically the "Cleric" part
2 do you believe in lettergate/pocketgate idk which one it is but the one theory that Mike has a letter for Will which ends with "Love, Mike."
3 what are your thoughts on the theory (is it even a theory???) That the three headed dragon from Will's painting will actually become real maybe as an antagonist or not? (there's little to no proof whatsoever that this is even a possibility for season 5 but I entertain the idea because I love dragons and think that we really need more good movies/series with dragons in them)
yes! the first part comes from my favorite band tally hall, my fav song from them is "spring & a storm" so that's where the cloudy comes from haha. the original url/the url that this tumblr account is technically under is cloudyhall, bc rhyme & song & reference or whatever. when i made this blog i just made the hall into cleric because alliteration, branding i guess lol, it just sounded right to me, & i never changed it.
yes ofc. i believe that mike never intentionally meant to write "from, mike" on his letters to el, it was very much a subconscious thing, but if mike wrote letters to will & 100% agree that at least ONE of those letters ends with a "love, mike"
that's an interesting one i haven't heard before!!! i think if that was going to happen, that the mindflayer would parallel the dragon instead of it being an entirely separate entity we haven't seen in the show yet, but that would be fucking awesome as hell
thank you for your ask!!! have a great day:)
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ontargetmadders · 7 months
Was tagged by @lovesomehate - Thanks! (And yes I did change my url. I need to let go of harry haha)
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like)
The line: "It was quite the night and they had been at it for a fair while, as the time was now heading towards midnight."
- From my amourshipping fanfic, more specifically the smut chapter lol. (It's a good thing this said last sentence otherwise it could have been a lot smuttier haha)
I’m tagging anyone who writes! I don't know many who do
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sundrop-writes · 5 months
Sundrop's FAQ
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Frequently Asked Questions!
Can I be tagged in your fics?
Yes! I do that now. You can read more about rules for my taglist and about being tagged here.
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What happened to Careful (your Dad!Spencer fic)? I can't find it!
I deleted the fic from Tumblr. I gave more of an explanation about that here. You can still find it on AO3, because I didn't want to delete the fic from an archive, but my AO3 is archive locked, so you will need an account to view it.
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Are you going to continue Lessons For A Genius?
I labelled Lessons For A Genius as a 'capsule series' on my masterlist because I intended it to be a series of oneshots with no clear overarching story, and therefore - no clear need for an 'ending'. I intended each of the fics to be able to be read as a oneshot satisfyingly without missing out on some of the story. Right now, the series is over, and if I write anything more for it, it will be bonus smutty content, not some greater story.
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I can't find you on AO3! When I click the link to your AO3, there's an error :(
My AO3 is archive locked, so you need an account to view anything that I post there.
I do have a note about this in my pinned post, but I will keep reminding people about it. It's definitely not my favourite thing because I know it makes my writing less accessible, but the purpose is to protect my writing against spam comments from bots and to protect against potential AI scraping that would steal my writing without my permission.
A lot of the fics on my different masterlists use AO3 links because that is the only place those fics are posted on the internet right now. I am sorry if that means you can't read them, but I would highly, highly recommend getting an AO3 account. Once you put your email address on the wait-list for one, you will eventually get an email in order to get an account.
Also, just a general note - make sure you are logged into your account before and after you click AO3 fic links because that might be part of your problem. And make sure that you are not using an AO3 app, because there is no official apps, and I don't know what archive locking does in terms of an app - but I do not give consent for my work to be read on fake AO3 apps. Just use the mobile browser.
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Will you write about (x specific topic) in fics?
Most likely, yes.
You can read my full list of rules here - where I mention topics I won't write for, including safeword use, miscarriages, choking/asphyxiation kink, and a virgin reader character (or a very innocent reader character).
But generally, the list of topics that I will write for is way longer than the things I won't write for. So feel free to ask me if I am okay writing for specific 'taboo' things, because most likely, I am okay with it.
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Did you used to be pinkchubbiebunnie/imaginethesedorks on Tumblr?
My complete list of old urls includes: ravenclawsnerd, imaginethesedorks, thesoundofpurple, and pinkchubbiebunnie.
And I used to be tenpintsofsundrop before I took up residency on my official main blog @tenpintsof-sundrop - but hopefully this will be my last url change ever lmao.
And as a throwback for the girlies, I used to be ravenclawprideforever on Quizilla. (I will be seriously impressed if anybody from that website remembers me from that username and somehow finds me here. I will literally freak out and fangirl so hard if that is the case.)
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Did you used to write kpop fanfiction?
Sometimes I consider posting more of my old kpop fanfics on AO3, but I'm not sure there's enough interest for that. Also on my old kpop blog, the first fandom I ever actually posted fic for there was 5 Seconds of Summer - just as a lil fun factoid.
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Will you ever write a sequel to (insert fic title here)?
Most likely, no.
For the most part, if I write a oneshot (or even a multi-part fic), then I intend for it to be a stand alone story with a satisfying beginning, middle, and (hopefully) a satisfying ending. There are very few fics of mine that I write with the intention of continuing them or someday writing a sequel.
If there is a fic of mine that you particularly love and you really want to see a sequel to, you can ask me about it politely and you could even provide me with some potential ideas of where you'd like to see the sequel go, but for the most part, I write oneshots as singular stand alone fics that will never be continued while I move on to other ideas.
Here is a short list of a few fics that I have considered continuing in case you are curious:
(This list is actually not as short as I thought, but all of these are fics currently posted that I have sequels/follow ups to working in my drafts. So if you like these fics and you want to see more of them, then know that I have been thinking of continuing them too - and sometimes actively working on the continuation in some instances.)
These are listed from most likely to be completed to least likely to be completely based on length and creative struggles.
Emergency Contact - DC Titans, Jason Todd x GN!Powered!Reader. This is a sequel that has been in my drafts for a long time, and I am actually trying to finish it before the end of this month. I think I have about 8k more to finish on it (it's currently about 80% done) before it goes into the editing process. So look out for the sequel soon!
My Bleeding Heart - Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy x Pureblood!Fem!Reader. This prequel is more than half finished in my drafts, and I actually posted a preview of it, but due to lack of engagement and general interest with that preview, I lost interest in writing the fic at the time. I am really proud of what I have written and I hope to get a random burst of energy to finish it because I think it is going to be one of my best emotional fics.
Hold Me Tight Or Don't - The Walking Dead, Glenn Rhee x Fem!Reader x Maggie Greene. This is something I mentioned in another post - but this is a fic that should not even be qualified for a sequel because the main character dies, but this is literally the power of reader/writer interaction and comments. The sequel is going to be an AU where the reader character lives and is immune to the bite. The sequel is fully drafted out and ready to be written - something I am really excited about and hope to do soon.
Missing You - DC Titans, Gar Logan x Fem!Reader x Jason Todd. This is another one that has been in my drafts for a long time, and it's actually half-finished, but I just need that random burst of inspiration and energy to finish it.
Sweet Revenge - The Last Of Us, Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader. This sequel is fully drafted out and I did start writing it, but it was something I lost steam on. I think it would be an amazing fic to compliment the existing one and I really do want to finish it when I get the proper burst of motivation to do so.
Sugar, We're Goin' Down - Stranger Things, Steve Harrington x Fem!Thick!Reader x Eddie Munson. The sequel is drafted out in my docs, and I would like to write it sometime in the future.
Free Use Day - DC Titans, Poly!OG!Titans x Fem!Reader aka Fem!Reader x Hank Hall, Donna Troy, Dick Grayson, Dawn Granger, and Garth. This sequel is something I have drafted out that I am really excited about, but writing a fic that is almost pure smut and making sure that it's good smut is really difficult. So I wanna be in the right mindset when I write this fic. But I promise when this fic comes out, it will be amazing.
Now You See Me - DC Titans, Gar Logan x Masc!Powered!Reader. I have this sequel drafted out, and I really want to explore more of the reader's backstory and his relationship with his father (which, in case you didn't get the implication in the original fic, is Mr. Freeze) - especially because the characters end up in Gotham in Season 3, I think it would be so amazing to show the character coming back to the place of his trauma with a supportive boyfriend by his side. But I know it's gonna take me a long time to write it - and again, time and energy type thing.
Snow In Flordia - DC Titans, Donna Troy x Fem!Powered!Reader. This is another one where I drafted it all out and I started writing it, but I realized that it would be a massive, multi-chaptered undertaking, and I got really exhausted. It is something I want to finish and post, but I have no fucking clue when I will get the time and energy to do so.
A theoretical final act in The Auror!Ron Series, turning it into a perfect trilogy. That is in my drafts, but I haven't touched it much yet because it would be a massive multi-chaptered undertaking with a love triangle, lots of plot points, lot of smut scenes, and it would be generally long for me to satisfyingly finish the series to my liking. (I do hope to finish it someday, though).
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 4 months
numbers that are 1 less than a prime number
1. who is/are your comfort character(s)?
not sure about characters exactly, but when it's late at night and I need some immediate wholesome comfort and cuddling my gf doesn't seem like an option I will reread that one Heartcatch! Precure Tsubomi/Erika fic that Pike wrote in 2019 (same applies to a couple bookmarked fanfics but this one is always the first that comes to mind)
2. lighter or matches?
I shall follow the train my gf created and say that matches smell better but convenience often has priority
4. which cryptyd being do you believe in?
6. why did you do that?
so Lilly doesn't dump me >.> (JK at this point the sea serpent lore is dear to my heart for its own sake as well)
10. would you slaughter the rich?
if they try to defend their privilege with violence as they have always done in history then there will eventually be no way around it; I will be unlikely to participate directly though, I'm not cut out for that
12. what kind of day is it?
already answered^^ (cozy and rainy)
16. can you drive?
18. what hair products do you use?
already answered too^^ (cheap storebrand)
22. what type of person are you?
there are enough 'types' the human experience can be classified into to fill a small library, how is anybody supposed to answer this question without it being more specific?
28. do you wear a mask?
already answered three^^ (I try)
30. is there dishes in your room?
already answered four^^ (yes)
36. how many times have you changed your url?
already answered five^^ (once)
40. did you have any snacks today?
not yet but I need to remember to grab one or two more Kinder Pingui before I leave, gf has gotten some of the real good stuff cheaply ^_^
42. an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
already answered six^^ (mihon.app, followers and mutuals feel free to DM me for set-up help)
also fun math situation, apparently there is a significant overlap between prime numbers -1 and multiples of six apparently, very interesting 🤔
46. favorite holiday film?
The Last Unicorn (1982) counts as a christmas film according to my brother's gf, so probably that; if that doesn't count or sthg then probably that one My Little Pony episode where Starlight learns about the meaning of Hearthswarming Eve via popular old charles dickens copying technique
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Progress Update #5
Not that much has happened since the last update, but I still managed to hit some major milestones.
First of all, I got *almost* all of the preliminary sprites done.  I actually forgot to make sprites for the markers, though this is because the markers themselves were not part of the original plan.  Other than that, I did all the sprites for Sasha, the firewalls, the servers, and the buttons.  That being said, I’m going to have to redo them.  I will explain why pretty soon.
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Besides the sprites, I also made some sound effects.  I made them with the help of a website called jsfxr, where you can generate various sound effects for video games.  For most of the sounds, I just fiddled around with jsfxr and then downloaded them when I was satisfied with them.  However, I did a bit more editing for the sounds that play when you take down a server and run into a firewall.  For those, I made two different sounds in jsfxr and then blended them together in Adobe Audition.  I am mostly satisfied with the end results, but I ran into an issue with the firewall sound effect.
Now, remember how in the last post, I mentioned that I was going to do a playtesting session?  Well, I wanted to get all the sprites and sound effects into the game so that the students who would be playing it wouldn’t have to just look at squares; even if the sprites weren’t perfect, they would still be a step up from what I had in the first build.  So, the day before the session was spent importing all the sprites and sound effects into the game.  This is when I found some issues. 
First of all, Sasha’s sprite is super small compared to the play area (see the picture below - this is before I put in the other sprites; fortunately, their sizes were fine).  Her sprites’ current resolution is 22x22, so I’m thinking I’ll have to increase it to make it easier to see her.  Besides that, the firewall sound effect sounded different when I put it in GameMaker.  Specifically, it sounds less like an electric shock (which is what it’s supposed to be) and more like a really loud and annoying grinder.  I don’t know why the sound changed, especially since the others didn’t.  Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to fix those issues, so I just had to leave them as is in for the playtesting session.
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As for the session itself, it went rather well.  A lot of the kids had fun playing it.  They also provided a lot of good feedback for the game.  While they provided some suggestions that I do not think I can do (such as adding more levels), they also had some that I will try to do this month.  They include:
Polishing the graphics
Recoloring either the servers or firewalls so they look more distinct (most likely, I’ll make the firewalls yellow instead of orange)
Adding a working tutorial (fun fact: the old tutorial still used the squares, and I didn’t have time to add the new sprites in it, so I completely removed it from the build the students played.  As a workaround, I did demonstrate the game in front of the class.  Regardless, I want to get the tutorial done since I obviously can’t do that for all the people who play it).
Try to implement numbers into the grid (to make it easier to see where the coordinates are)
Fixing the firewall sound effect
This is quite a lot to get done.  I am a little nervous about redoing the graphics; I'm not 100% sure if my skill is up to par to make something better than what I have now.  Still, I’m going to try my best.
Also, here’s the link to the game; you can now try it out with the new graphics: https://aliyah-burruso.itch.io/capstone-sneaker-first-build.  (Yes, the url says “first build.”  No, this is not an April Fools’ prank.  I just didn’t want to change the url and confuse the teacher who let me playtest with her class.  I’ll definitely change it later).
That’s all I have for this update.  For the next couple of weeks, I’ll focus on revising the sprites.  Once I’m done with that, I’ll do the tutorial and add some more things I’ve been wanting to do for the game.  Let’s see how things go.
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vaspider · 2 years
Hi Spider, I'm not sure if this is relevant or not, but if it was me I'd wanna know- I saw that you'd reblogged a post that went something like "yes we should encourage boys to wear whatever they like but they should also be taught to be gentle and kind" and I saw it and was like, yeah, that sounds about right, I'll reblog that. But after I added it to my queue I noticed that OP's URL had the word "crypto' in it so it kind of? made me uneasy?
So I went on their blog. Nothing particularly anti-trans, but nothing pro-trans either. Searches for the words trans, transgender, and queer came up with nothing. There was one post on there about how hormones don't change your sexuality, because "people who go on HRT" don't change their sexuality when they take hormones, but otherwise.. nada.
So I look some more. There's makeup-critical posts, woman empowerment posts, woman centered body positivity.. which are all good things? But somehow it made me more and more uneasy.
In the end I don't find any blatant TERF content but I did find a few reblogged posts that were to the tune of "male violence" and "men do xyz, women do xyz" and kink-critical stuff like "when did we as a society get so afraid of offending people with fetishes' and "liberal feminism is fucked up because it justifies any belief, desire and behaviour as long as it's in the context of sex".
I don't know, I was raised as a woman, am perceived as a woman in my daily life, and most of the most important people in my life are women. I care deeply about woman-specific issues, so it's always a bitter blow to me that every time I see someone post a lot about "women's issues" I always gotta take a second thought and wonder if that person would degrade / misgender / dismiss / vote against my rights if they had the chance.
Yeah, the username in context of what they're posting is pretty fucked. Thanks, taking that shit down.
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dandeliicnsarchiived · 8 months
send me a 🚩 and i'll share my unpopular rpc opinions and hot takes. bonus points if you include a specific topic to talk about, like follower count, softblocking, graphics, etc. // accepting
Aesthetic vs Writing: I don't see this a lot but I think it needs to be addressed. And I wanna say this is NOT directed at anyone this is simply based off of OLD rpc days that sometimes hit me from time to time. I really hated when writers would be ignored for not having the prettiest of graphics, themes, icons or even url names. I've met some amazing writers who have had bare bones of everything, didn't do formatting and they were often ignored because they weren't aesthetic enough. Just because someone doesn't wanna spend hours trying to make things pretty does not mean that they're bad writers. It's the biggest example of don't judge a book by its cover - actually take the time to get them, learn about their characters and then make a decision if you feel their characters are right for you. Yes aesthetics are attractive but I hate it when it's a deal breaker.
Taking things too seriously: I've been made aware and experienced writers that took things too seriously when it came to writing. Yes, do the research, explain the lore, but understand that you don't own concepts unless youre building from the ground up. Example; I do not own the ideas and concepts of the abilities that my characters have. I often credit where I got the base from and make the necessary changes that fit my lore. If someone had similar concepts you won't see me throwing a rage a fit because someone decided to have their oc have similar abilities as mine. I do not own electricity and fire manipulation. I do not own witch craft AND I SURE AS HELL DON’T OWN WEREWOLF/VAMPIRE HYBRIDS; therefore, I will never been upset if someone has the same things as me. What I'd most likely be upset about is if someone took headcanons that are 95% based off my life experiences/journey through life and applied it to their characters. Example being; my "living with depression" headcanon - the system that Rosalie has to keep herself grounded is the same system I have in order to deal with my adjustment disorder that amplifies my depression. How Rosalie doesn't want to burden people with her depressive episodes is so how I personally act with my loved ones so im not a burden to them. What I do NOT own is the mental illness of depression. It looks different on EVERYONE who has it. We all have our systems to keep us alive. Now, if someone was to come to me and say "hey your headcanon about depression really hit home for me; I'd like to use that as a base for my character because I haven't really thought in detail about how they deal with" THATS COMPLETELY FINE because yknow maybe im not the first person to come up with that system! I encourage people to come to me if people feel like my writing resonates with them and inspires them to think a little deeper. I at most want the respect of asking me or letting me know what their thought process is so I don't assume and get annoyed for no reason. This is a big world but small all the same, we can share, we can inspire but we can't do is take ownership of a concept that has more than enough resources that everyone can use to manipulate in their own way. Also give credit where credit is due- but don't work yourself up over it too much.
Blocking/Softblocking: now I wanna put out there that I RESPECT everyone's rules and understand that they don't owe ANYONE an explanation as to why they choose to block someone/soft block someone. However, HOWEVER; That isn't for me. As someone who has made mistakes in the past and is TERRFIED of doing them again, I'd at least like a heads up and in return I'd so the same to someone else if they upset me in anyway. I don't need the nitty gritty but at least let me know what I did wrong to upset you. The Army taught me to take constructive criticism and that PERCEPTION IS THE REALITY. You perceive that I am disrespecting you, that is YOUR reality, I have no right in telling you that you're wrong. You are ENTITLED to your emotions, and I respect that. On the other hand, I am not a perfect person- I can word things wrong, I can misinterpret conversations and social cues. I want to be educated on how to be BETTER. I can take a grilling, I can take being raked against the coals. You got the evidence? Shiiitt, if it looks wrong, sounds wrong, ITS WRONG. Please give me the opportunity to learn from it; maybe I forced a ship too hard bc I was too excited for the potential dynamic(friendships included in this). Maybe I forgot to tag something that I didn't seem that was triggering and for you it was! I won't ever beg someone to give me another chance, but I will ask on ways to improve so I don't screw over the next person. The last thing I want is to ruin an experience for someone, I did it once and I'll try like hell to not do it again. I won't beg for someone to stay around, you are entitled to your safety and mental wellbeing online. I just personally like to learn from the experience because maybe others like you feel the same way and you could be speaking for them. As much as I say I don't take things too seriously, I take these writing shenanigans as a hobby and have fun; I do take mental health and emotional health very seriously to every writer behind the screen. I don't know what you're going through, I am not you. The very least i can do is listen to understand and fix whatever mistakes I've made and make sure they don't happen again. Also to anyone who has rp'd with me in the recent years, and I've done something to wrong you, I deeply apologize and I hope I didn't ruin an experience for you.
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cerastes · 2 years
Hit me with Hazama from Blazblue.
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So, several years ago, I Was Positively Obsessed With This Guy. I couldn't even play him well back then, but as you may know, I've always been Huge into Blazblue's fucking macaroni and cheese with kerosene of a lore, and my favorite character is Hazama, that's not changed, that won't likely change. Something you can ask long-time followers and friends here for confirmation is: Did Dreamer use to flip balisong/butterfly knives all day?
The answer is yes. Ever since before I even knew what a Blaz was and why it was Blue, I used to do balisong tricks. So if we were in a Skype (WOAH!) call, other people would usually hear a clink clank, and that was my knife (sometimes, knives, plural), and if it wasn't balisong, it was a little chain I kept on me, just spinning it around, all of this because I didn't know what fidget spinners were back then and lord howdy my ADHD is weapons-grade. Likewise, see you my URL? "Cerastes". That's the scientific name of a family of snakes, and specifically, I'm making a reference to the Crotalus Cerastes, aka the Sidewinder Rattlesnake, my favorite snake. My love for snakes comes from when I was a wee lad, when I used to play with my aunt's Ball Python. Moreover, mayhaps you've noticed I have a predilection to take a few swings at the hornet's nest here and there, but more commonly, I just like to play pranks or fuck with my friends, I like to stir the pot, so long as it's funny. Always been like that.
So imagine my surprise when I boot up this fighting game I bought on a whim, get to the end boss of the Arcade run, and find myself face to face with a conglomeration of all of my interests, from fashion to choice of motif to demeanor, all shoved into one single character. And then that character catches me pressing buttons and sends me to Andromeda with a Jayoku Houtenjin.
I was fucking STOKED. I didn't know what a kin was back then but if I did, Hazama would've been my one and only. I identified so much with this guy because, well, how the fuck could I not. That was the closest I ever got to making a tinfoil hat and believing conspiracy theorists because Hazama as a whole feels to me like he was made specifically by someone to tell me they can see me and know everything about me.
So this mother fucker stays dear to me forever.
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