#Yes Lucifer your luck is indeed that bad
soot-and-salt · 4 months
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The third part of my gothic horror/romance radioapple series, We Should've Been Enemies, is coming this weekend, I swear
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'The Tattle-Tale Heart'
"You should be dead." Lucifer advises, his tone bored and overall utterly unenthused about the whole situation. To be fair to his majesty, Lucifer was doing this under duress.
Said duress was a few feet away, eyes brimming with anxiety and worry as her father crouched over the pinned Overlord, clearly concerned for a number of reasons. The chief of which was the injured red prick, and a close second was likely the fact she'd had to use force against someone even for their own good.
A Princess of all that was dark and demonic, and yet, the little lives of sinners and their miserable woes seemed to wring her heart out. It was touching, and infuriating, in equal measure. Sometimes he can't help but wonder if she held more of Lillith or himself in that deceptively sweet humanoid form. Both had loved to help, in their own way... but only Lucifer had once agonised over enforcing his will on others.
Struggling against the bonds tethering the idiot to the floor, -and good luck with that you pompous fuck because those are divine bindings-, Alastor snarls at the King. Face so close they could just about kiss, though nothing would disgust him more, and he's pretty sure from what he's sussed out about the guy... Al here wouldn't be a big fan either.
Hah, maybe he should, just to get one over on the assho-... whoa, no, nope. That would cross a line. He blinks back to the situation at hand as Charlie touches his shoulder, a gentle query.
"Uh, Dad? Are you okay?"
"Er, yep, yup, yes totally my duckling! Just got lost in my head, you know how it is." Cemented into the current moment, Lucifer again rests his palm against the damaged flesh before him, the divine energy surging back at him was almost depleted through his earlier efforts but the wound looked pretty bad underneath.
"And you, you arrogant dick, should be dead."
"And you, your majesty, should have your eyes checked... it is merely an injury taking it's time to heal over. It's hardly the first time an angel has gotten too close... speaking of, would you care to remove your hands from me before I remove them for you?"
The warbling warning in the voice is easily batted aside by the royalty present, as the severity of the injury becomes clear as the light leaves it. Lucifer feels the divine surge of it in his palms as it joins his own half-divine, half-demonic form and writhes about for a bit.
An angelic essence tantrum, one could say, and knowing that it came from Adam of all the arrogant feathered fools above... Lucifer would have to say it was on-brand.
Charlie gasps, "Oh Al, you should have said something..."
Lucifer's gut clenches as he can actively see the way something sharp in Alastor's expression softens as he addresses Charlie.
"My dear, this is hardly the worst thing that has happened to me in Hell, it would have healed in time. What else do we have down here but time to make further mistakes? Hah-ha!
"No. I asked you to fight with me, and you took on the First Man to help defend my dream... so Im telling you, as your business partner and weird sort of managerial kid, that you should have said something to someone before it got this bad. And I am really, really angry with you, right now, because I hate seeing any of you hurt... and knowing that you didn't think you could come to ask for help was-... was-..." Charlie's expression dissolved into angry, desperate sobs that seemed to throw both the men into the room into disarray.
"Now, Charlotte-... "
"Char-Char, it's okay, Daddy's fixing it!"
"...indeed, 'Daddy' is trying, apparently." Alastor can't help but snipe, earning a tightening of the bindings until he snarled. He opens his mouth to deliver what might be a withering statement about Lucifer, when things go rather awry.
With a violent slam, the door opens, and Vaggie enters with the spear aimed point-first. "What's wrong, babe? What did he do?"
"Contrary to your opinion, Vagatha, it appears it may be what I did NOT do... that is cause for this kerfuffle." Alastor explains, and his ears flattened backward against his skull, clearly surprising Charlotte enough that she stopped crying.
"Wait, those are your EARS? Ohmygosh they look so fluffy, can I to-... no, wait, you don't like touch. I'm so sorry..."
"A negotiation for later, perhaps."
"Oh you sonovabitch, don't you dare try to make a deal with her-...!"
"I wouldn't dream of using such a paltry thing for-..."
"Actually, Sir, they already made a deal." Vaggie adds in, and the room goes dead silent. "Which yooooooooou clearly didn't know about, and I'm going to need you to take several deep breaths because we JUST rebuilt the hotel, your Majesty."
"Oh relax, she still has her soul... it was for a favour. It was the best way to ensure our reputations remained intac-..." the sentence broke into a sharp static scream as Lucifer's clawed hand slipped into the angry maw of the jagged wound. Blood, fever-hot, slipped down his arm as the King slipped under a frantically trembling set of lung to grasp-...
The confusion snapped him right out of the momentary malice, eyes flickering back to normal as horns and tail receeded. Only just noticing Charlotte and Vaggie's hands on him, trying to yank him back from a very dark place.
Anger surges back up, how dare this sinner make a deal with his Charlotte? And then dare to call out the King for being a terrible father?
And yet... the statistical anomaly doesn't line up here.
"You should be dead." Lucifer states in a monotonous voice, no inflection of the curiosity and bewilderment that races through him. He casts about again and feels Something that isn't right, beating away impossibly... and a trace of something familiar. "Where's-... where's your-..."
"Dad, STOP!"
Heeding the frantic cries, he allows the women to haul him back and away from the Overlord, his arm covered to the elbow in slick crimson blood. With some small amount of smug pride, Lucifer notes that the Radio Demon is ashen and panting, the frayed stitches about the wound were snapped from his attempts to pull away in his bindings. He sure hoped that the fucker would feel his hand there anytime he thought to try making a deal with Char-Char again.
An enraged Charlie fills his vision, horns on full display.
"Dad, what the seven rings was THAT?! You had NO RIGHT to hurt him like that, and I can-... I can make a deal if I want to. If you ever do that again I'll-..." She looked to be struggling to find a good enough threat.
"...sell your soul to the porn moth guy?" Vaggie grimaces.
"Yes! That!" Charlie points, eyes wild. "I'll let Valentino have my soul, and probably all my ho-..."
There's a loud screech of static and a demonic "NO!" at the same moment Lucifer cried, "SWEETIE NO!"
"You will never even jest about such a thing!" Alastor adds, his fixed smile twisting into a truly disgusted grimace. Charlie turns to him immediately, as if to reassure, but chooses instead to snap away the bindings.
"I'm sorry, I won't... he licked my arm that one time I went there and I accidentally set fire to his studio, so I'd rather fight ten Adams than try that again, so-..." she was rambling, her hands hovering as if she wanted to help but didn't know where to start.
Thankfully, Vaggie happened to have at least basic field medic training and some excellent common sense (hell edition) in her possession. She did wrinkle her nose at the strong scent of blood, exposed innards and some sort of infection that had yet to flush out as she knelt beside the overlord.
"Well, this is gross. No two ways about it. I think we'll need to clean this up first and then do some dressings... do we have any antibiotics floating around the hotel? Or was draining the angelic energy enough to get your regeneration to kick in? Not sure how it works for Overlords compared to regular sinners."
All business. In the moment and handling the crisis in front of her like Lucifer should have.
Chagrined, Lucifer snapped his fingers and removed the extraneous blood from everyone present. "Charlie, I'm sorry you had to see that, I just-... you can't go making deals. Not with sinners, or goetia, or hellhounds, or the Sins - especially not Uncle Mammon if I see one sexbot version of you I will exterminate him to ashes- or ANYONE ever again. You're the Princess of Hell, a favour can be twisted to topple the entire realm if used carefully..."
"Dad, I know that. But I made a choice, and you don't get to come along and torture people I care about because of that choice." Charlie shoots back, there's a pointed venom in the statement, and briefly Lucifer considers what it must have looked like for her, to see him go from healer to harm-inflicter without a momentary pause.
"You're right. I overreacted." Next time he would wait until Charlie wasn't there to enact violent revenge. "Now, if you want me to I will heal the deer as long as he uses your favour up to get that healing."
"What?!" Charlie is indignant. "No, no you don't get to make my decisions for me like that. If you make that the condition, I'll just... make another deal for-... for twenty favours! Including weird sexy stuff that would make Angel blush!"
"...please don't, on my account." Alastor drawls, looking vaguely ill at the notion. "And do not trouble yourself over it sire... I have no intention of using the favour, it was necessary to share the information across. You created the rules for this place after all. "
Lucifer could second that. "True." Damn, he hated giving ground to the daughter-bewitching demon.
"Would you like to make a deal about the favour, little majesty, to make you feel better?" Alastor grinned, strained at the seams and uncomfortable to look at for too long.
"Oh fuck off... how about this, I heal you and you tell me where the FUCK your heart is?" He offers instead.
"WHAT?" It's unclear who shouted that lounder, Vaggie or Charlie. Telltale footfalls on the lower staircases meant that this little exchange had not gone unnoticed by other staff and their solitary guest. The door locked itself with a little devilish insurance against sudden intruders.
Alastor tried to glare hatefully at the King, but the effect was rather ruined by his pale features, and the obvious strain of remaining functional given everything going on.
"Perhaps you do need to have your eyes checked, I am certain you just missed it due to your ineptitude with anatomy. Isn't that why your wife le-...mmph?!"
Vaggie had taken the initiative to slam her hand over his mouth in a brave and very desperate action to stop the King from incinerating the Overlord they begrudgingly cared about and worked with.
She made a shrug gesture and tried to laugh it off. "Uh, Sir, sometimes the bloodloss makes people a bit delusional... and conceited... and really fucking rude... so let's pretend he didn't say that, okay?"
Seething, tail lashing, the Devil hiimself had to count to fifty-eight in his head to calm down... but he managed it. He could be the bigger-... uh, the better demon here. Can't let the guy bait you again, he's just deflecting.
"Oh come now, Bambi... is that the best you got?" He grins, moving closer and enjoying (a tad too strongly) the way the other pulled back from his outstretched hand, only Charlie and Vaggie's presence trapped him in place. Subtly moving to pin his arms down. "We're going to overlook your bullshit bignoting for now, because I can see that Adam really fucked you up, and I suppose that you do kinda deserve a little bit of help for defending the hotel. I just need you to tell me where your heart is... and how in the seven rings you're still breathing."
Those ears remained flattened.
"Al, is it... something you CAN speak about?" Charlie asks, and the red eyes shoot open to stare at her, taken aback. "I... I saw the collar, a little while back. It was by accident, I swear!"
"I would rather you not have known, little majesty, it will draw attention... but I can. Speak about the situation. I guess."
"I really appreciate you trusting us with this." Charlie encouraged, genuinely proud of getting honesty from her friend, whose past, secrets and motivation were all a mystery at this point.
With a flat sigh, refusing to look at Lucifer, Alastor simply advised "Vox has it."
There's a beat of silence.
"Like, in a jar or-...?"
"You mean, metaphorically...?"
"Ugh, is this a cannibal dating thing?"
As their questions garbled together, Lucifer could see the way the Overlord immediately closed off to them, that fake smile brightening until a fake persona was firmly in place.
"Nevermind. If you have sated your curiosity...?"
"Hold on, if what I think you did happened, then it's not possible. So what I want to know, is how you managed to do it?" Lucifer says, shifting on his knees because the carpet wasn't as plush as he'd originally assumed, and tentatively putting his hand against the wound. The weirdest thing... was that he could FEEL a heartbeat.
With concentration, he sent healing throughout the injury, encouraging broken vessels and torn muscles to mend, binding flesh and viscera back into place, and sending a sharp flush of energy to root out the infection he could just about taste in the air at this point.
As his magic passes through the pulse-point centres, a picture begins to form in Lucifer's mind.
"You have a pulse... so something's doing the pumping." He murmurs. "There's a shadowy something there, like a fake heart... made of something imbued with three different types of magical signature... and I can't think of anyone who would have known how to do this, in this ring. But it's not...real? Like an echo, but it's working."
"As I said... this is not the first encounter with an angel, your majesty."
"Hey, you alive in there?" a voice calls, multiple fists bang on the door. "Say the word, we got weapons!"
"We're okay! Thank you, though!" Charlie calls back.
"Use ya safeword if ya need it! We'll come... heh... right in and start blastin!"
"Fortheloveof-... OKAY, THANKS!"
Lucifer snapped his fingers in front of Alastor's face.
"Hey, focus, I need to know how this happened, it doesn't make SENSE and reeks of something sinners shouldn't be able to do. I healed you, so spit it out already."
"...fine. During a disagreement several years ago, in the manner in which we often disagreed, neither Vox nor I realised the Extermination had begun until angels flooded the area. Enlarged forms making us the centre of attention until one managed to pierce Vox's heart and take him down."
Alastor clenched his teeth so hard that rivulets of crimson began to run down his chin. A faint outline about his throat glowed a familiar colour, and Lucifer was rather hoping that the digs at his eyesight might be true, because there's no way that-...
"When the exorcists assumed we were both deceased or dying, they left... and someone else arrived. Someone who we all know... who would not be pleased to have their name shared. Someone whose magical healing was more... creative than most, and would use that for the chance to collar at least one overlord to their cause."
"Don't you hate Vox though?" Vaggie asked.
"Not really, no. I dislike what he has chosen to become, and the disagreement was around the liberties that foul moth was taking... if you think having him lick your arm was bad, Charlotte, try having him attempt to jam his tongue in your mouth before formal intorductions were even made. I wanted him dead. Vox saw potential and growth there... we disagreed."
"So you were... friends?"
Alastor tilted his head with a crunching sound, positively beaming as he added, "Why no, dear... we were married."
Lucifer rubs his temples, feeling like the main character of a sitcom at this point. "Okay, so you like the television, got it... next part, tell me about the heart!"
"I already have. To clarify, Vox was almost gone and Someone knew a way to move a willing participant's organ to the body of another, until such time as the recipient's own has healed or the living donor is killed. The specifics of it all remain somewhat... blurred, due to the nature of the situation, but it also creates a facsimile that works in place and at the same rate as it's real counterpart outside the body. I suspect it was bound with a trace of Vox's magic, as well as my own... and that of Someone."
"Ho-ho-hokay, that is ridiculous, that kind of thing has never worked. I saw some weird humans trying that sort of nonsense in the Living World a few centuries back, but they also seemed to think drilling holes in your skkull could make headaches stop, so I didn't take any notice!" Lucifer rambled, digging through the disorganised mess in his head for some clarity on where, when and which peoples that information pertained to. Downside of being immortal... you remembered a lot, but you only had the one main train of thought to check all the stations.
"Oh, it worked, alright... as you could see. Or more aptly, could not." Alastor rebutted. "It worked, because there were elements that Someone needed to use, that a living world counterpart would have no ability to extract or utilise. Such as memories, feelings, concepts that were given form as part of whatever it was they did."
"Does... Vox know?"
"Wait, how does he not know? Did you just like, not tell him 'oh hey by the way you have my heart in a literal and a metaphorical way'?" Lucifer frowned.
"Part of what Someone did required the blood of an enemy, the loss of an innate right, and the memories of affection shared. Somehow this conveyed into lost freedom and Vox's memories of our relationship being erased entirely. He is, however, alive."
"That, uh, that sucks... dude." Vaggie tries to provide comfort, but is wildly out of her wheelhouse here. Charlie looks likewise flummoxed.
"Hah! Why yes, it does suck... but what is done is done. I have chosen to see it as mildly hilarious... after all, if the picture box does get his fondest wish and manages to kill me, he'll drop dead right alongside my corpse! Hahahahahaaaaaa!"
Charlie grimaced. "Oooh-kaaaaay, Al... you know I love and value you... so please don't take this the wrong way but... I'd like you to maybe try a few of the therapy sessions."
"My dear, I'd rather have your faher go fishing for my non-existent heart again..." there's a pause. "Hah, how poetic... the Devil seeking after the heart of a sinner, it feels like one of those telenovelas Niffty loves to watch. Oh, she will get a kick out of this when I tell her!"
"Whoa, I was trying to hurt you... don't make it weird!" Lucifer backtracks, eyes wide in alarm.
"Were you not elbow-deep inside m-...?"
"Nope! No! Not doing this, I get enough innuendo from the tall guy downstairs, thanks. From you, it's horrifying. Just... no." Lucifer flushes, angry and a little horrified about how this had all gone to (heh) Hell from the minute Charlie had decided to ask for his help.
'Dad I'm worried about Alastor, he's really hurt and won't tell me what's wrong.' She'd said. 'Please help me corner him and see what we can do, Vaggie said she feels angelic energy on the guy.'
And so he'd trundled along to play hero dad for Charlie, as always, and the red fucker had thrown such a hissy fit that normal restraints couldn't pin him down. So Lucifer had to break out some blessed ropes that he hadn't seen since Lillith left, and Char-Char had to whip up some royalty-grade divine bindings. He was very proud of her, but this was a mess of a situation.
Not to mention the fuss the big baby kicked off when Lucifer had snapped his shirt and coat aside to get at the bandages. Ugh.
And now here he was dealing with the only person in all hell he thought wouldn't thrown an innuendo his way, making weird insinuations while Charlie and Vaggie sat in stunned apprehension.
What was his life these days?
Ah, fuck it.
"Okay, so... what does this mean for the hotel? If the Someone is who I think you're alluding to, 'cause I'd know that magic anywhere, then clearly you're here for more than entertainment." Lucifer levels at Alastor, who was subtly wiggling his way free of the restraining girls.
"Nothing I can share. It would suffice to say that I was with Someone in a place a Cut Above the Rest for seven or s years... and then was tasked with ensuring that the others remain In Their Place without overtly damaging anything. If that makes sense?"
"...loud and clear."
"But why would... that person... want to see me fail?" Charlie asked, crestfallen, and Vaggie was instantly shuffling across the carpet at her for a hug. "I... I called so many times..."
"The ties that bind sometimes have knots in them, my dear... and as I am a man of my word, so are they."
"Who did... they... make a deal with?" Lucifer asked, curious and anxious all at once, feeling rather like a well-shaken can of soda.
"...one whom Niffty managed to tidy away. I do not know what that means."
"Okay, this is not great, but its more info than I had before all this started. So... is Someone coming here? What does it mean for you if they do? Does the whole..." Lucifer taps at his own chest, "stop working if you tell us anything, or something happens to them?
"I... don't know. The deal was made under circumstances of altered consciousness and bloodloss... but I would not be willing to test shattering or pressing against the boundaries just yet. I will not put that idiot video podcast in harm's way, even if he will never remember why."
"Understood." Fuck this fucker for starting to feel relatable. But if it was Lillith, or Charlie... he'd do whatever it takes to keep them safe.
"Okay, so we just... prepare for whatever happens, then, I guess. And if we have to do magical CPR on a television or something, we do it." Charlie says, right eye twitching as she makes some elaborate plans in her terrifyingly clever brain. "Vaggie, I'm going to need to break out my glitter glue for this... but I have a plan."
A flash of fear in that bright eye, before love replaces it. "Anything for you, babe."
"Do you require assistance, or would you prefer I return to regular duties instead? I understand that one of the rooms may have gained sentience and has attempted to eat Niffty twice today." Alastor says, buttoning his shirt closed, and using a small flick of his magic to remove both rumples and bloodstains from the fabric.
"Oho no, mister, you are taking it easy!" Charlie threatens, finger pointing and waggling sternly.
"Yeah, you don't look great... your body at least needs a chance to restock. Magical healing doesn't mean it didn't deplete your energy, just that a little boost tried to get stuff jumpstarted." Vaggie adds, matching the Radio Demon's glare.
The room starts to go dark, as distortion swims freely through the air; no longer constrained by blessed rope and able to use his powers again.
"Yeah, no... not dealing with this." Lucifer rolls his eyes, extends a hand to the sinner's forehead and intones, "Sleep." Expression impassive as the Overlord crumples forwards, almost directly into Lucifer, who is thankfully stronger than his diminuitive form suggests.
As he rises from the floor and hefts the other into his arms, the King can't help but notice the frantic tempo of the other's pulse, visibly beating against that pale throat. Lucifer frowns, sure he'd managed to purge the infection from the Demon, because right now his pulse should be languid in sleep...
...and then a small flicker of movement outside the window catches his eye. A flash of crimson sunlight accidentally alerting the three royals and royal-to-bes of an unexpected voyeur.
"...he's gonna kill us all when he wakes up." Vaggie groans.
Charlie snaps her fingers and the drone shatters, but it's already too late.
Across town, with his eyes wide in horrified awe, Vox finds himself putting a clawed hand atop his thundering heart.
And wasn't that just the understatement of the day?
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icharchivist · 2 years
Hmm *stares at Lucifer* so I reread scene when he kills Lucilius and when fights with Baha
Lucifer: You intend to continue creating these monstrosities, any one of which could destroy the world, merely to satisfy your rebellious heart?
And then when Baha says "I have no answer"
Lucifer: You must have some idea
And idk, it just feels like he is... Idk... I think he is getting tired and fed up with others bullshit, but still has enough self control to not show it. Just Belial would be kind of fucked up, if he would kept Lucifer as that perfect, innocent and unable of deliberately harming others with words. During fight it's completely different matter.
Maybe it's just my own experience of trying to appear perfect and not being openly aggressive with people unless having them absolutely enough, that I get such vibe? from Lucifer.
Also, funni lil thing: we saw Lucifer killing Faa due to time space distortions around Canaan. And just, why and how there are distortions and even Four Primarchs had problems getting to Canaan, but Lucifer didn't seemed to have any problems with leaving this place when needed??
Oh, also when starting talking to Faa about rebellion
Lucifer: You mean to say those suspicions ring false?
When knowing already that Faa is responsible, so it's not like lie is beneath him when necessary to interrogate. Tbf, I often get a feeling that Lucifer's morality is... How to say it... He couldn't lie for no reason, but if it would be necessary, yeah, why not, it's useful tool in certain scenarios and may work better or more efficient that other method.
Belial behaves horny to make people uncomfortable and I think after Lucifer learned about certain double meaning of words, he still wouldn't react, because well, lust is just one of the many emotions you can feel, what's wrong with that? Which would drive Belial insane. Guess here comes thingy that pride and shame are two sides of the same coins and Lucifer don't seem to show none too highly. He neither does act pridefully, but also when apologizing to Sandalphon, he isn't stopped by subordinates or other people watching him, like, he hurt Sandalphon and isn't stopped by shame from apologizing. So good luck Belial, your tactic works thanks to shame and your opponent seems to have none. Also I guess that Lucifer is really fast learner, so... Good luck buddy, you will need it
Also from granblues, it seems that Lucifer understands economy ("No, bad Cosmos, printing more money won't help") which I think means something, like, idk, his ability to understand weird mortals thingies. It just that he not always catches emotional stuff if it isn't said straight into his face (Sandy), but from what I know, it's possible to learn these things, so... GOOD FUCKING LUCK BELIAL
Yeah, I am projecting like fuck, but fuck it, I am right because I am right, not taking critics, but new ideas are welcome or something like that
But seriously tho, why the hell Canaan had these time space distortions around? Logia, do you know something about it? It's suspicious as hell 🧐
That's a very cool observation in regard of how Lucifer is going through the motions. I kinda agree, i do feel like he progressively gets more and more fed up with things (evolution level: fuck this shit)
I also agree on the vibe from Lucifer of trying to not be openly aggressive and try to deal with things by talking it out while also growing more and more frustrated because the people facing you basically refuse to do that.
As for the time distortion, this is. a really good question. And really worrisome.
For the reading of Lucifer and Belial i don't really have much to add, i see it as well yeah, it fits them.
and helpppp. Good luck Belial indeed omg.
And yes you ARE right actually, no comment on the rest but it's totally working with those ideas in so, very good.
But yeah back to Canaan this is so suspicious. Maybe Logia is aware of something? After all Light!Arulumaya's FE (kinda retcon Sandy's murders) end up saying that because of visions given to her directly by Orologia, Arulumaya was able to forsee the cataclysms and was able to issue orders to evacuate the islands Sandalphon was about to throw to the bottom of the skies.
I don't really like the idea of removing the crimes and murders from Sandalphon's bloody hands but, this retcon does still imply that Logia specifically made sure to ease the cataclysms. Perhaps that, indeed, he saw that the best course of action was to let Sandalphon lashes out, while also trying to limit just how many people would be hurt by this.
So, it does mean that Logia had an eye on everything that happened on wmtsb. Maybe the time distortion was a way for them to help their child once more…. Even without them seeing that they're here……. suspicious though sobs.
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books-and-catears · 3 years
I had another horrible idea, when I thought abt MC liking Solomon’s cooking and hating Barbatos’s. I was thinking what if “barbatos and Solomon cooking was swapped”. Barbatos is going to kill me with these headcannons.
Oh dear Lord we really about to do them like this? Okay then, this ought to be fun. 😹😹😹😹 Yes Barbatos will indeed come after you so you better run while I distract him.
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Lucifer: We're going to Diavolo's castle for a three day stay and I need you all to behave.
Satan: Like that's going to happen.
Belphie: Good luck controlling this bunch.
Levi: Hey! Why are you both acting like you're not part of 'this bunch'?
Asmo: Nobody better make noise at night and ruin my beauty sleep. I think I should share a room with MC to make sure I sleep good.
Mammon: OI! Don't go deciding that all alone!
MC: Sure Asmo. Let me borrow some of that lavender oil won't you?
Mammon: MC! Don't just agree with him!? GRRR.. fine I'll sleep there to keep guard too!
Beel: *looking terrified*
MC: Beel what's wrong?!
Beel: Three days of... Barbatos's cooking...
Brothers: ....
MC: What's wrong with Barbatos's cooking? I've never tasted but he makes good tea atleast.
Satan: Pray that you never have to know why.
Lucifer: Well about that, Simeon and I planned something. Barbatos will only be cooking on one day. The angels will cook on the first day and the humans on the second.
MC: Cool, I'll be looking forward to it!
Barb: Hope you enjoy your meal, everyone!
MC: Uh... Barbatos...?
Barb: Yes MC? Would you prefer some more seasoning with that?
MC: No...it's just that... My food is floating and wiggling. Is it supposed to do that?
Barb: Ah the demon sea squid legs are famous for that. Don't worry just grab and bite into it.
MC: *bites into it*
Lucifer: Diavolo perhaps the human can be given food easier to handle-
Mammon: Ah Frick, the Wigglies are the worst.
Levi: Just swallow with minimal chewing somehow!
Satan: We may have a bad situation on hand here-
Solomon: *frozen in place with the tail hanging limp in his mouth*
Luke and MC: *about to faint*
Simeon: *politely chewing with a pained smile* This is more of a rare delicacy than a staple food right-
Asmo: *with a pained face* Yes yes indeed! We could have gone for more staple instead no, Barb?
Belphie: Beel? Beel are you okay?!
Levi: Beel is malfunctioning! He hasn't chewed all this time!
Mammon: Oi MC and Luke fainted! Someone help me carry these two upstairs!
Diavolo: *dramatic panic and secretly thankful for the situation* We must take care of them immediately! Sorry Barbatos, maybe another time!
Barb: Hmm understood Young Master. Maybe I need to add more spices and remove the curse. It might be easier for humans and angels to intake.
Solomon: I'm sorry did you just say this food is actually cursed-
Solomon: MC and I are excited to present-
MC: Our favorite human world cuisines!
Diavolo: How wonderful! The whole room smells splendid!
Lucifer: Your cooking styles are vastly different but they're both well done.
MC: We decided to go with a theme actually! It was Solomon's idea and it's amazing!
Satan: A theme you say? Please do elaborate.
Solomon: Now as you know I've been around for quite a few centuries. So I made old timey sweet delicacies while MC made the more savory and recent ones.
Asmo: Beel! Stop stealing food off my plate! I'm trying to click a damn picture!
Levi: Damnit Beel you took mine too?! Give it back right now!
Beel: *burping and smiling* Sorry too late. This is so delicious.
Luke: Solomon, did you make this custard dessert?
Solomon: Why yes I did. Do you like it Luke?
Luke: Yes and I would...um.. I want the recipe and for you to...watch as I do it!
Simeon: *laughing* He means he wants you to teach him.
Belphie: Ah my mouth tastes like sweet dreams...
Diavolo: Ah I wish I could feast on this everyday! Remarkable both of you!
Barbatos: Do you like these that much Young Master? Then I shall learn from their dishes and make you the ultimate human world food tomorrow. MC and Solomon please tell me all the ingredients.
Diavolo: Oh no Barbatos you don't have to-
Solomon: Ah sure! *Lists all ingredients*
Barbatos: Now you MC.
MC: Ah yes so *starts listing and then stops* Barbatos, you're writing on the same page won't that make the recipes confusing to read?
Barbatos: Not really. I shall be combining your dishes so it's more practical.
MC: But Solomon made custards and tarts. And I made curries-
Barbatos: Yes a perfect combo of sweet and savoury.
Solomon: ....
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theinariakuma · 4 years
First One to Know
Rated: SFW (Rated T for language, mentions of mensural cycle, and Pregnancy symptoms)
Obey Me!
Polyship! Female MC
Includes: Datables, Diavolo, and Simeon
This is based off the idea of how Female MC would tell each boy she was pregnant. They’re all the ”first to know” concept. 
For precaution. All under the cut. 
She sat in the bath, huffing a bit before she sank her chin under the water. How does one tell Lucifer they're pregnant. 
Lucifer was this... All powerful, all important person. While, yes, she could just tell him. It felt like she needed to do something else.
She had plans for everyone but him and Belphegor. They were the two more difficult brothers. 
Part of her wanted to bring Diavolo into the planning to tell him, but she knew it would likely end up as a few things. A party, a big thing... And she didn't want anyone but Lucifer to know first.
"One of your daddies is going to drive me crazy." She spoke in a quiet time, fingers brushing over her stomach, it was far too early for anything beyond knowing there was a baby, but talking to them comforted her. "He's impossible to surprise."
With her luck, he'd know before her anyways. 
So, she kept planning. Each idea fell flat in her mind. She'd been more focused on how to surprise Lucifer that she only half paid attention at RAD. 
"Long day?" Lucifer often walked her home, just like cooking was Beel's time and Naps were Belphie's. The walk home belonged to Lucifer. He'd made a claim to it early in the start of the relationship. 
"Mm something like that." She moved her arms around his neck, giving him a slow, happy kiss. 
His hands drifted to her hips, gently holding her as he returned the kiss. The affection she showered him and his brothers with often caused them to relax. Years of pent up tension lovingly eased away by her. 
It wasn't until half way home she noticed how his hand would occasionally drift up to her belly. She'd found herself unconsciously doing the same since she found out. 
"You know!" She turned to look at him. Eyes narrowed as she pointed in his face.
The smirk on his face and the light joy in his gaze said everything. 
"You knew! And I was going crazy trying to think of how to tell you!" She glared at him, but Lucifer just laughed. 
"You didn't hide the test as well as you thought. Asmo saw the box." 
Her cheeks went red and she began walking faster. Despite her annoyance, hearing his laughter made her smile. He was happy about the news. 
She sat on the edge of her bed, fingers pulling and smoothing her skirt down. 
"Alright, what's on ya mind? You keep doing that..." His hands began moving in a ringing motion, the way she was abusing the fabric of her skirt. 
"I'm trying to think of how to tell you. You're... Well. I wanted you to know first. You were my first man after all..." The soft memory made a smile appear on her face. 
Mammon quickly shut up as his cheeks began glowing red at the words. "Y-You bet your ass I am..." He muttered, eyes looking away. 
"I... Well." She bit into her lower lip. "I'm pregnant."
Out of everything Mammon expected, that was the last thing he could have thought of. It did make sense. She was being shared by seven powerful demons. It wasn't too surprising that her birth control failed... 
Mammon was hesitant, his fingers as gentle as possible, cupping her cheeks. "Say that again..." He was terrified. He was greedy and selfish, but oh how he wanted this. Wanted to be a dad, even if he didn't feel like he deserved to be one. 
"I'm pregnant... You and the others are gonna be dads... And you're the first to kno--oh!" Mammon kissed her deeply, his fingers cradling her face as he cut her off, kissing her slowly, deeply. She couldn't see them yet, but the man was crying, he was so happy. She made him so happy and made him feel so loved.
Fingers stroked the back of the girl laying against him. Her face tucked into his neck as she quietly dozed off. She'd lost interest in the anime about two episodes ago. Not that Levi blamed her, it was boring, but he was always one to finish a series... Well at least the season, no matter how dull or trash it was. 
It was nice just being able to hold her.
His attention kept drifting to her, the woman was half curled up in his lap, her arms loosely wrapped around him, her breathing soft against his neck. 
"Oi, Levi. You got more shit from Akuzon." Mammon didn't even bother knocking as he brought in the package. 
"I didn't order anything." Levi's brow furrowed as he held his hand out. Mammon almost scoffed, but he wouldn't make him move. The dozing girl against him looked so peaceful. 
"What is it then?" Mammon, being the jealousy boy he was, did not leave, much to Levi's annoyance. Today was his day with her.
Levi began opening the box, only to pause at the items. A box that held a smaller version of his game controller, some other miniatures, and a plastic sealed shirt. The invoice settled in the package told him that it indeed was not his order, but the girl in his arms. 
"Why do you need a tiny controller?" Mammon asked, confused as he saw Levi looking at the box. There were more miniature size items inside the box that only furthered his confusion.
The soft giggles against his neck made Levi arch a brow. "I see you're awake. Want to explain?" 
"Look at the shirt." She smiled and nuzzled into him after waving to Mammon. 
Pulling up the white shirt wrapped in plastic, he saw the logo clear as day. 
Black clouded his vision, the last thing he remembered was hearing the two cry out at him.
"Oh my god, Levi!"
"The fuck, man!"
The woman held her hands over her mouth, not expecting that reaction.
"He fainted." Her voice turned to soft giggles, "Only you Levi." She moved to gently lift his head, pulling him to lean into her, stroking his hair. Her poor nervous Otaku couldn’t handle the news.
Mammon got a glimpse at the shirt before shaking his head. "Course Levi would pass out over news like this." Part of him was both annoyed and amused. “I’m gonna tell everyone.” The grin appeared on his face as he snapped a picture to send to the group chat. 
"Yeah. He would. He's so nervous like that." She chuckled, watching Mammon hold up the "Baby download in progress" shirt she bought to send a picture to it to the rest of the guys. 
"I'm glad. Ya know, to be here. Even though ya probably meant to do it alone with him." Her cheek leaned into Mammon's touch, the Avatar of Greed moved to stroke her cheek as he crouched down next to her, staying with her as she stroked Levi's hair, waiting on him to wake up from his unconscious state.
Satan felt his temple pulse as he was growing steadily more annoyed and angry. 
Three times today alone she's avoided him. He was growing to detest sharing her with his siblings if this was how she was going to act. 
He loved the woman, she was his kitten, sweet and loving. Yet the past week or so she'd been acting off. That off act had soon turned to her avoiding him and he wanted to fucking know why. 
His eyes narrowed a bit as he glimpsed her and Lucifer talking. 
Somehow, some way. This was Lucifer's fault. 
He'd rather blame Lucifer then believe that she was willingly avoiding him. So he waited until she left off to who knows where again to go to Lucifer's study.
"What did you say to her that is making her avoid me?" The dark aura coming off the blond was dense, his wrath was dense and when Lucifer looked up from his desk he was surprised that the blond wasn't in his demon form with that much anger. 
"I haven't said anything, Satan." His eyes narrowed. Their little human and he had been working on a contract for her to allow her to stay as a contracted ambassador for Diavolo for the Human world... So she could stay. 
The past week she'd been insistent about getting this done as soon as possible. 
"You're lying!" That was all it took before his tail whipped out, lashing at the desk separating them once his demon form came out. Breathing heavy as the desk and all of its paperwork went everywhere. 
"She won't even look at me! She avoids me! And you're the only one who would tell her anything!"
The crash had startled her, she'd gone to grab some tea for her and Lucifer. 
A while ago she'd noticed she'd missed her period. For her it wasn't too unusual for it to be a little late, however when one week turned to three. She began worrying. 
Earlier in the week, she'd taken a pregnancy test and well... It came back positive. All of them did, actually. 
Anxiety had filled her to the point she started avoiding Satan because he could read her like an open book... And well, she was scared. What if he wasn't happy? What if the others weren't happy?
She wanted Satan to be the first to know out of the brothers. He'd quickly become someone she could always rely on and he was almost as patient as Asmo and Mammon with her--despite their quirks.
However, her stress began raising as she realized she was two months off from the end of the exchange program. She wanted everything to be settled for her to stay... She didn't want to stress any of them out more than what the first bit of news would do. 
The last thing she wanted was someone yelling at Diavolo And putting Lucifer in a bad place stuck between her, his brothers, and his loyalty to Diavolo. 
"Satan, stop!" She saw him pinning Lucifer up to the bookshelf, hissing low as his tail whipped around. 
She didn't dare go further in. Satan would never intentionally harm her, but she didn't want to risk it accidentally. 
"Why should I?" Blonde hair and vivid green eyes turned to her, pain and fury in his gaze. "Since you'd rather abandon me for him anyways! You've done nothing but avoid me! Something is wrong with you and you refuse to tell me!"
"Satan, you need to calm--"
"Oh, shut up, Lucifer!" His anger diverted back towards his elder brother. Surprisingly, Lucifer was not fighting back against his assault.
"Because I'm pregnant!"
Both demons were looking at her now, Satan's hands slipping from where they were once clenched in Lucifer's shirt. 
"What?" The breathless tone. Neither demon suddenly knowing what to do.
"I found out earlier this week. I wasn't avoiding you because I was upset at you. I was avoiding you because I was scared because I knew you'd ask what's wrong. I knew I never could... Never would  want to lie to you or the others... I needed to figure things out."
"That's why you've been so insistent about getting this contract done quickly." Lucifer's voice was just as awed and breathless. 
All seven of the brothers shared her. And a baby... Her getting pregnant was really the last thing any of them thought of. 
"I was going to finish this... Then tell you."
Satan's demon form almost melted away, hesitating as he went to her, fingers moving to cradle her face. "Tell me?"
"I was going to tell you first... Then the others... But I needed to be sure I could stay first. That... Diavolo wouldn't have to send me home. That you guys wouldn't put Lucifer in a bad spot... That he wouldn't be stuck in a bad spot, between his duty to Diavolo and me and you guys..." Tears were rolling down her cheeks. 
"You silly, amazing, foolish, stubborn human." His forehead pressed to hers, his shoulders beginning to tremble as a sob left him. 
Satan hadn't expected that. He didn't expect her to try and take on so much to give him such peace of mine. 
Lucifer didn't approach yet, he'd talk to her...let his own emotions out later. Right now, this was between her and Satan. 
"I'm going to be a dad." 
"You all are." She closed her eyes. "You all are fathers. And the first time I hear any of you arguing over who's the blood father of the baby, I'm going to be mad."
Arms pulled her close, awe was still flooding him, unsure of what to say or what to do... Just knowing that he loved her so much. 
"I'm sorry, Lucifer." His voice was low and it was only then that he approached the two. 
"It's alright, Satan. I understand why... Our little human tends to drive us all a bit crazy and quick to act without thinking." Lucifer moved to press a kiss to her knuckles, not pulling either out of their embrace. "You need your rest now. You can tell the others later, but right now, you need your rest. When I sort out..." Lucifer sighed as he looked to the destroyed desk, "That. I'll bring the paperwork to you and I'll contact Diavolo. We're not letting you leave.. I refuse to let you go as much as Satan and the others will."
Satan began gently ushering her out the door, energy zapped after such a cold splash of reality diffusing his anger. They'd both get some rest... He wasn't going to let her leave his arms for a while.
Asmodeus was nothing if not perceptive. While he did not always show it, he did make sure to always pay attention. So when his little darling was a bit easier to excite than usual, he noticed. 
Eyes softened as he saw her. Out of all the brothers, Asmo was the softest with her. He liked the soft touches, forehead kisses and hair stroking, things that were intimate but not so much sexual. 
He loved sex, he would never deny that, but him offing intimate affection outside of sex was both something he did for just anyone. 
"What's in the bag? Did you go shopping without me?" Lips moved into a pout at his darling as she just laughed and gave him a soft kiss. 
"I promise you'll like this gift and be less annoyed and pouty after you see it."
"I don't like when you shop without me." He huffed a bit, pulling her into the bed with him. She just laughed and snuggled back against him, letting him fuss with the sealed gift bag for a moment. 
Despite his general nature of liking to surprise people, Asmodeus hated surprises. 
Yet, when he tugged the tissue out of the bag and pulled out what he thought was a T shirt, his heart stopped. 
A soft pink onesie. It was tiny, made for a newborn sized infant. On it was careful handwriting stating, 'Of course I'm cute, look at my Daddy.'
"You..." Words, for once, escaped him. 
A squeak left the woman as she found herself pinned under the Avatar of Lust, kisses peppering all over her face. 
"You beautiful, amazing woman... I can't.." he was choked up, unable to form proper sentences as he pressed soft kisses over every inch of her face, the final one ending at her lips, drawing her into a slow, lingering kiss.
He never knew such happiness before.
Beelzebub loved cooking for his little human. His two greatest joys next to spending time with his brothers. It was a routine between them. On their days to cooks, they spent time together. He may have had to share her, but he would claim these moments happily and selfishly. 
However, recently he noticed how her face would go pale and she'd rush off. The smell of his cooking bad been making her sick. 
"I'm okay, I promise." Her words were soft, but he knew she wasn't feeling the best after getting sick. 
When it became a consistent issue, he began truly worrying. Not only was his sweet human sick but his cooking caused it. Had his his cooking gotten as bad as Solomon's?
"Are you sick? Do I need to get a doctor? Let me get Lucifer!"
"Beel, baby. I'm okay."
"You can't keep food down... Is my cooking bad?"
"Oh Beel, baby... No." Her hands reached up to touch his cheeks, he leaned down so she could touch him easier.  "This isn't your fault. I suspected it, but I didn't know until this morning." 
His eyes were lit up with confusion. Didn’t know what?
"I'm having a baby, Beel. You guys are going to be dads."
The awe on his face before he swept her up into his arms, laughing and nuzzling into her Affectionately making her laugh. He was both relieved and excited.
Belphegor was currently snuggled up to his precious human. Despite being probably the laziest of the brothers, he was also one of the smartest. It was why he got along with Satan so much and why he also clashed with Lucifer... Well that and several reasons. 
He'd noticed it very quickly, probably before she did. She was usually full of life and energy. However the past couple of weeks she'd been exhausted, not quite to his level of sleep, but enough that people were worried. 
However, pressed into her for their naps, he noticed several things, her temperature was not up, so no fever. And areas of her body were more sensitive. 
"Come on. It's dinner time."  He nudged her after Beel texted him. "We can come back upstairs after eating. I know you're tired."
She almost whined in protest, "I'm not really hungry. My stomach has been pretty upset when I eat." She thought maybe it was just her period about to start. 
Belphie sat up and gazed at her, "Are you pregnant?"
Her lips parted before shutting again. A thoughtful look on her face. "What day is it today?" 
Arching a brow, "The tenth." 
He watched her face for a few more moments before looking at him, "I... Maybe?" She hesitated. She hadn't even thought about it. "I am late this month. I thought maybe it was stress? It wouldn’t have been the first time I was late because I was stressed out." 
Belphie sighed and drew her up into his arms, causing her to snuggle into him more. 
"Can we... Go after dinner to pick up a test? I don't wanna say anything to the others until we're sure." She snuggled against him, her mind warming with exhaustion again. She just wanted to stay here and go back to sleep.
"Yeah, of course." He dropped a kiss to her brow. "Any idea who the father would be?"
The question earned a smack to his chest. 
"What?" He saw her annoyed glare. 
"All of you. And if you ask that again, I'm going to yank your tail next time." Despite her annoyance, it made him smile to see her so protective of everyone, calling them all the fathers.
"Alright. You're right." He sighed and moved to get up, pulling her along. "Food then the run to the shop.... If it is, can we tell Lucifer last?" 
She rolled her eyes, taking the lead as she tugged him by his hand. 
Later that evening, when the three little tests all came back positive, she just gave Belphegor a look. "How the fuck--"
"You're exhausted, constantly. And sensitive. But you're not squirming like when you’re on your period,” She was almost always uncomfortable, and always wanted to munch on something. Not that he or Beel minded, “or running a fever.... And you haven't been really wanting to eat."
"I can't tell who's more observant, you or Lucifer at this point." Lucifer magically knew what they were doing so often she'd tease him about spying, yet it seemed Belphie was just as observant if not more so. 
"It's kinda funny. You knew before even I noticed." She laughed a bit, earning a smile from him.
Diavolo was a special sort of person, and to say she was surprised he was willing to share her, was massively down playing it. 
The Prince had truly been a man with a golden heart and a fist of steel if pushed enough. 
"Barbados did mention I had a little bird in my office." His laugh was low, the large man moving to look at the girl who was currently leaning against his desk. "Lucifer was nearly panicking when someone mentioned you weren't home."
She blinked in surprise before pulling out her D.D.D. "Woops. I forgot to turn the sound back on." She was gonna get a lecture about that later, she just knew it. 
"Now, Princess, why are you waiting on me and not letting Lucifer know?" A large hand stroked her cheek, causing her to lean into his touch. 
"Cause he'd ask why and I wanted you to know first?" Bright, soft eyes gazing up at him as her hands moved to gently hold his hand. After a moment she moved his hand from her face to her abdomen. 
There was a moment, a pause before it clicked. Golden eyes seemed to grow brighter. "Are you sure?"
The way her smile grew only caused a massive one to spread across his face. Politics be damned, he was too happy about this.
He moved to pull the smaller woman into his arms, holding her close. 
Being an Angel meant a few things, even if Simeon knew he was on a path of damnation like Lucifer and his siblings had.
He loved the woman currently snuggled in his bed, his fingers ran through her hair as his gaze softened. 
A new life was blossoming. 
A new life that belonged to them. He didn't care about the lineage, it was still his child within her, whether he sired them or not. 
Fingers carefully caressed along her body, the touch was intimate and soft, just admiring her. Tonight she was with him in Purgatory Hall before she'd go back to the House of Lamentation. 
"Mmm... Morning, Simeon." Her voice was groggy and soft. "Did you sleep okay?"
"Very well, my feather." He whispered as he leaned down. "I love you." He nuzzled into her soft hair, earning a soft, happy noise. 
"You're so lovey this morning. Did I miss something?" She ran her fingers through his hair. 
"You're pregnant, love." His words were soft in her ear and just the honesty of it stole her breath. "It's a very new life, but I noticed this morning."
Fear flooded her first but then joy did. Because even if she was scared, even if she was nervous, she had Simeon and the others. "Are you happy? I”m a little scared...  but happy." 
"I am happy. Because this is ours... Yours, mine, and the others. And have no doubts they'll be as excited as I am. Even if they are a bit scared."
Simeon was as terrified as she was, he was an Angel that broke all the rules, teetering the edge of falling from grace. Lucifer was one that had already fallen and was now a demon... A powerful one. 
But he knew, no matter their fears, hers or theirs, they'd love her and their child. No matter what. And nothing would ever harm them.
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haloshornsinkstains · 3 years
Devildom Easter Egg Hunt
A little late, but the idea came to me at like 11pm last night and I'm old and suck at staying up late these days.
Anyway, Easter in the Devildom. With my MC Kore, because I missed writing about her.
Warnings: Female MC, Not a reader insert, polyamory, way too much description of baskets of chocolate, that's it.
“What the hell are ya wearing Kore?”
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“Everyone come to the council room after classes, it’s important.” That’s what the text had said. The one sent from your phone to all of the brothers, and all three residents of Purgatory Hall. It was more than a little suspicious, for one Kore never wanted to stay longer at RAD than she really had to, and secondly she was usually much more polite when requesting a favour. But to use the council room she must have gained Diavolo’s permission so it couldn’t be anything too bad right? At least, that’s how they reassured themselves before turning up. Whatever scenarios they had planned out, none of them came close to what greeted them in the council room.
She looked down for a moment, before grinning back at Mammon. “You don’t recognise it?”
“I believe what Mammon means is why are you wearing that?” Lucifer sighed, shaking his head at the younger demon who had been momentarily rendered speechless.
“Well…” She started, still smiling happily at them all, “it’s Easter in the human realm, and since I already had the bunny costume on hand from that serving job we did, I thought I could share some of the festivities with you all. Technically I’m a bit late, Easter was yesterday, but I wanted Dia, um, Lord Diavolo to be able to join in and he wasn’t back until last night.”
The Prince in question was standing behind her beaming happily, nodding along with everything Kore said. “Now now Lucifer, no need to look so grumpy. I think it’s wonderful Kore wanted to bring something from the human realm to all of us!”
“But, that doesn’t explain why yer wearing that!” Mammon huffed. “Anyone could see ya like that!”
“Mammon… everyone already has seen me in this? And you’re all here anyway.” She shrugged. “In the human realm there’s an easter tradition where a rabbit brings chocolate eggs to kids. I know you’re not kids, but it seemed like fun. I organised an egg hunt and everything!”
“Did you say chocolate?”
“Yes Beel, chocolate eggs. The ones for the egg hunt aren’t, because it would give you an unfair advantage, but the prizes are chocolate eggs.” She laughed, pointing to the small pile of baskets behind her. “No touching until we’re done.”
Beel pouted a little, but stared determinedly at the baskets. Levi frowned beside him.
“So, this is a game? Are there clues?” His eyes flashed with interest, games he could do.
“Not really, I can give you some if you’re stuck though!” Kore laughed. “So, I hid 60 eggs, with Barbatos’ help so he’s going to stay here and keep me company guarding the prize baskets. He isn’t allowed to tell anyone where they are, including you Dia, and you agreed to not ask him.” Diavolo nodded. “So, the rules are; no magic,” she nodded towards Solomon and Lucifer, “no stealing from other people, if they found the egg it’s theirs,” a few sideways glances towards Mammon, “and no fighting. Everyone got that?”
There were assorted nods and murmurs of acceptance from the gathered Demons and Angels.
“Don’t look so pouty Luci, you don’t have to join in if you don’t want to. You can still have a basket of chocolates.”
Lucifer huffed. “Of course I’m taking part. But you neglected to tell us where the eggs had been hidden, unless you mean for us to search the whole Devildom?”
Kore blushed and shook her head. “Sorry! They’re in RAD, the Castle and their grounds. I would have hidden them in the House of Lamentation and Purgatory Hall but I didn’t get time between classes and Barb had duties to fulfill.”
“Then can we begin?”
She nodded at Lucifer. “The inaugural Devildom Easter Egg Hunt is go! Good Luck!”
Kore leaned back against the table, watching with amusement as the group scattered, most heading for the door to scour the school. Simeon and Luke stayed back, opting to look around the council room first instead. Simeon glanced down at Luke, standing on his tiptoes to try and peer over one of the taller plinths and sighed.
She glanced over at the angel. “What is it Simeon?”
“Would it be permissible to work in teams for this game?” He nodded towards Luke, expression fond as ever.
“Of course Simeon! It’s not really as serious as all that, I only put the rules in place so no one spoiled the fun by magicking all the eggs to them or getting into a fight. It’s just for fun.” She giggled, patting one of the prize baskets. “Besides, I’d put money on Beel and Belphie already teaming up. Even if it’s just from Belphie’s laziness.”
As if on queue a shout echoed through the room from the corridor. “Oi! Ya not allowed to work together like that!”
“Kore never said working together was against the rules!”
“Mammon, let them be. Belphie isn’t likely to be much help when Beel is carrying him.”
Kore burst into laughter, shaking her head at their antics. “Well, I would wish you luck again Simeon, but I don’t think you’re in the most need of it.”
He chuckled in response, heading over to the younger angel to guide him out of the room. “Indeed, come on Luke. See you later Kore.”
She nodded, in response, leaning back and listening to the echoing voices through the halls as Barbatos came to sit beside her, letting her lean her shoulder against his.
That was how they found them two hours later, when all of the eggs had been collected and the hunters returned to the room, Kore tucked against Barbatos’ side giggling at something he’d told her while his arm rested around her waist.
“Ah, I’m glad to see you weren’t too bored while we were searching for eggs!” Diavolo boomed, chuckling at the sight before them.
Kore flushed bright pink, head shooting up to stare at the gathered group with wide eyes. Her gaze shifted quickly over Mammon and Levi, smiling softly at them to try and ease the tension from them. There would likely be time for a discussion later, but she was pleased to see neither jumped to chase Barbatos away from her, polyamory was hardest for the two of them but they were growing, learning.
“You should know already that Barbatos is excellent company.” She chuckled, shaking her head. “Go on then, how many eggs have you all collected?”
They handed over their eggs, letting Kore note down how many each had carefully before the next person handed theirs over. She paused half way through, looking at the ones Beel and Belphie handed over with a small frown.
“Um, Beel, why is this one half of an egg?” She asked, holding the slightly mangled object in her palm.
Beel rubbed the back of his neck, refusing to meet her gaze. “I, um, forgot you said they weren’t chocolate and I got hungry.”
“It was lucky he didn’t swallow it whole.” Belphie grumbled.
Kore giggled and nodding, noting down their score.
Once all the eggs were counted Kore jumped from the table ready to announce the scores.
“Alright gentlemen, the scores for the inaugural Devildom Easter Egg hunt are in! I’ll be going in ascending order of score, last place to first okay?” There were a few nods. “Okay, last place with two eggs is Asmo,”
“I knew I shouldn’t have stopped to fix my hair.”
“6th place is Solomon with three eggs, not bad, joint 5th place are Satan and the team of Simeon and Luke with five eggs each,”
“Well done Luke, you found most of those for us! I’d have been last without your help.”
“Damn, if Lucifer hadn’t beaten me up that tree using his stupid wings…”
Kore paused. “Wait, you climbed a tree Satan?!”
“Don’t worry Kore, I have it all on video. I may not have found many eggs, but I did capture most of the best moments on camera. Satan was very cat-like.”
“Thank you Solomon, I’ll be getting all of those from you later.” She grinned, looking back to the list. Okay, so 4th place is Lucifer with seven eggs. Then in joint 3rd place we have Mammon and Diavolo with eight eggs each, congratulations both of you,”
“I guess third place ain’t too bad. At least I beat Lucifer.”
“Oh excellent! I think that was very good for my first Easter Egg Hunt, don’t you?”
“Yes Dia, that’s a very respectable score. In 2nd place with ten eggs is Levi,”
“Damn, I guess it’s not bad for a game that involved physical activity…”
“Which means in 1st place is the team of Beel and Belphie with twelve eggs. Congratulations you two.”
“It was pretty much all Beel.” Belphie yawned. “As soon as he knew there was food on the line I mostly just napped.”
“Honestly I’d have been very impressed if anyone beat Beel in a competition that involved winning something edible.” Solomon chuckled.
“Alright, so Beel, Belphie, you get first choice of the Easter baskets.” Kore smiled, gesturing towards the table behind her.
“Are they not all the same then?”
“No Luke, they’re all the same value but the contents differ slightly. Different shops and types of chocolate. Some just have big eggs, there’s a couple with lots of small things, some are a mix of everything… you know? Also Barbatos baked a couple of treats, so there’s one in each basket too.”
“You put a lot of thought into this.” Diavolo hummed. “It’s very impressive Kore.”
She rubbed the back of her neck, looking down at the floor. “Well, Barb helped a lot, and… um, I just wanted to make sure it was fun?”
“You did an excellent job on your own, I merely offered a helping hand.” Barbatos sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Do not sell yourself short Kore.”
“Ah… Thank you. Okay guys, pick your baskets.”
Beel, to the surprise of no one, picked a basket full of large eggs, Belphie went for one with small sheep shaped chocolates. Levi picked a basket with a mix, including some small pink flower shaped chocolates that looked just like ones from an episode of the anime he watched the week before. Mammon’s basket also had a mix, mostly white chocolates dusted with golden sheen. Diavolo picked a basket of large eggs, dark, white and milk with intricate decorations across their surface. Lucifer’s basket of choice was filled with the darkest chocolate, more bitter than sweet and perfect with coffee. Simeon and Luke picked matching baskets, large and small chocolates in marbled milk and white. Satan’s basket was small chocolates, full of unique flavours and combinations. The final two baskets were fairly similar, a mix of sizes and types, though Asmo’s leant more towards fruity flavours than Solomon’s. With all the baskets collected Kore grinned at them.
“Happy Easter everyone!” She paused, glancing over at Barbatos. “Oh, Barb, your basket should be in your room.”
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sparklingichigo · 3 years
Human World Adventures
Part 9
Their days in the human world have yet again passed. Just them doing the everyday things until news reached them.
Haruka: Devildom is back to normal?
Diavolo: Yes, it turns out that most of Devildom is protected with a barrier, so the only damage is done is just around the battlefield. We do need to fix some of them, but it's all good now^^
Ichigo: So....our vacation....is done?
Barbatos: It is not a vacation per se since the three of us still need to work on some things, but Yes, the break is done, right, M'lord?
Diavolo: It was unfortunate, but at least we can go home!
Asmo: Oh, but it's so much fun here!
Satan: We need to go home nonetheless. Those torture rooms are left unguarded even though the little D's can shapeshift into us or other beings, but it's not that easy for them either...
Asmo: Oh...that's true...
Simeon: Then I suppose it's time for Luke and me to go back to the celestial realm^^
Haruka: So soon?
Simeon: Well, Luke's period in RAD is finished, and Father is calling us to return soon
Luke: That's right, we need to return soon!
Haruka: Oh...
Simeon: Don't worry, we'll visit. Plus, Luke needs to come to Devildom for his cooking lessons with Barbatos and Ichigo^^.
Haruka: Oh, that's great then!
But when the portal opens, everyone can't seem to find Haruka. Sure they are packing since they have to bring some stuff from the human world, but this girl is gone!
Lucifer: [facepalms] not again...
Michael: Have some patience, twin brother. I think she's just taking her time with the packing^^
Lucifer: [glares at Michael] Don't remember talking to you :)
Michael: And I'm just giving information just in case :))
Rosaria sighs at this. When are these twins going to get along... Anyways, Simeon goes to Haruka's room and asks about her condition.
Simeon: Hey, Haruka, you ready to go?
Haruka:...I don't know, Simeon...
Simeon: What's wrong? [goes inside the room and sits beside her]
Haruka: I actually prefer to stay here. It's a lot of fun, sure there are conflicts here and there, but we're all together, so going back to devildom...means...
Simeon: Oh.... well, I always visit even though my place is in the celestial realm.
Haruka: That's why! I can't be with you!
Simeon: I think I have an idea for that^^
Haruka: ??
Simeon: You'll stay with me up there! We're about to get married anyways. You're this close to turning into an angel, so I don't see a reason why you shouldn't live with me!
Haruka: Is Michael okay with that?
Simeon: Why don't we ask him?
Haruka: [nods]
Finally, Haruka exits the door to meet the others. Everyone sigh in relief as soon as they see her luggage. But she tells them that she's not going to Devildom. Instead, she asks permission from Michael and Rosaria to stay in the Celestial realm.
Michael: Of course! You can always stay with us. You're already Simeon's fiance, after all.
Rosaria: Besides, once you're married, you have two choices. Transform into an angel or stay as a human.
Haruka: I see, so that means I get to stay in the Celestial realm?
Michael: Yes. We give you permission, and I'm sure the other angels provide you with approval as well.
As soon as Michael gave her permission, the door of heaven opened on top of them. The angels and Haruka ascend to the sky above, leaving the mansion with Ichigo, Solomon, demon brothers, Diavolo, and Barbatos.
Ichigo: So going back to Devildom, it is. We're facing more chaos, are we?
Solomon: It seems to be so...
The two of them enter the portal leading them to the Demon Lord's castle.
Solomon: Nothing feels like home like the Demon Lord's castle
Ichigo: Indeed
Solomon: By the way, can I stay with you guys?
Ichigo: Not in my room, at least.
Asmo: My room is wide enough for that [winks at Solomon]
Solomon: If anything, we won't be sleeping-
Asmo: Exactly~
Lucifer: [sigh] At least if you do, keep it down-
Asmo: I always do =3=
Despite returning home, Ichigo can see her fiance look sad, so she worriedly asks his reason. The orange-haired man just chuckles and explains that it's because he misses the human world food.
Ichigo: O-oh...I can make some for you!
Beel: Really? What about the ingredients?
Ichigo: I think there's a human world grocery shop, right?
Beel: I think so-
Mammon: But that store is expensive! Are ya sure?
Aight then, so Mammon ends up joining their conversation as well...
Ichigo: Positive. It'll be okay^^
Beel: But I don't want to burden you...
Ichigo: But you're not a burden! You don't think I miss a bit of human food?
Beel: Well, true...
Ichigo: Come on, stop frowning like that [pokes his forehead].
Beel smiles a little, making the pink-haired girl happy. Suddenly Lucifer taps her shoulder and brings her away to talk with her privately. It turns out that he's planning on teaching her how to finally shift to her demon form.
Ichigo: Oh no...more training-
Lucifer: Too bad, you have to practice how to finally shift into your demon form.
Ichigo: Is my magic not enough?
Lucifer: Well, sure, it's enough, but you need to shift to it anytime soon.
Ichigo: Well, that's true...
Lucifer: Plus, won't it be easier for you?
Ichigo: Well, I hope I have wings for my demon form so I can fly around!
Lucifer: Flying itself won't be that easy, but we'll see^^
Beel: It's not that hard, though-
Lucifer: You've been practicing for years. Of course, it's easy for you =_=
Beel: :]
Belphie: It's easier for you not to have wings. Because you can have someone to carry you around. Flying around sounds like a hassle!
Lucifer: ==" [getting ticked off] and why are you two here, anyway?
The twins: Why not?
Lucifer: [rolls his eyes] Anyways, for now, we'll be staying here since there are still some things to fix in our house.
Ichigo: Really?
Lucifer: Yes, Diavolo informed me himself.
Ichigo: That's great! Plus, It'd be easier for me to go to work!
Lucifer: Barbatos has given us the keys, here's yours^^
Ichigo: Oh, I'm getting my own room?
Lucifer: Don't be silly. You'll be staying with these two :)
Ichigo: Eh?
Belphie: For real?
Beel: Really?
Lucifer: Don't make me change my mind.
Beel: Okay!
Levi: Huh? Are you sure that's wise? The last time they shared a roo- [gets his mouth closed by Asmo]
Asmo: Shush, we don't talk about that! That's a splendid idea!
Lucifer: Of course, because you will be rooming with Satan^^
Asmo: What?!
Satan: Hah?!
Asmo: Not with Solomon?
Lucifer: Why should I room you with him? He'll be rooming with Mammon and Levi instead. :))
Asmo: What?!
Solomon: ???
Mammon: pfft-
Levi: [trying so hard not to laugh]
Satan: I'm okay with whoever, honestly...
Asmo: Then switch with Solomon! Please!!!
Satan: ....?
Solomon: [shrugs] I don't mind :D but it'd be cool if Satan switches with me :D
Satan: Hmmm No :)
Solomon: :(
Asmo: :(
Ichigo: It's just for a few days, you'll be okay :D
Asmo: But sleeping with Satan? Ewww!!
Satan: You think I wanna be in a room with you?!
Asmo: Then switch up with Solomon! Is that so hard to do?!
Solomon: here [gives Ichigo popcorns]
Ichigo: Thanks-
The two exchange students end up eating their popcorns as more chaos erupts right in front of them.
Ichigo: I knew it
Solomon: Indeed :))
Beel: Hey, can I have some?
Solomon: take Ichigo's
Ichigo: Here, you can have some^^
Beel: Thanks, Sugar^^
Back to these two, yes, it's unusual for the two closest brothers to fight and argue, but here we are. Finally, Satan gives up and lets Solomon and Asmo room, also to piss Lucifer off.
Asmo: Yay! Thanks a lot, Satan!!
Satan: Yeah, yeah, whatever-
Solomon: Oh? So I'm rooming with Asmo?
Ichigo: Yep, good luck sleeping.
Solomon: You too...
Ichigo: Wait....? Why?
Solomon: [points at Beel]
Ichigo: Wha- No! Of course not!
Solomon: You sure?
Ichigo: Belphie is also rooming with me, remember?
Solomon: Right....good luck sleeping part 2
Ichigo: Monsolo, I swear to-
Lucifer: And why are you two still arguing for?
Ichigo: Nothing...?
Barbatos: You can settle in anytime^^ I've set the rooms
Solomon: Oh, thanks a lot, Barb!
Meanwhile, in the celestial realm, Haruka is settling in Simeon's house. Since the celestial realm is more strict, so they have to be in separate rooms. After settling in, Michael and Simeon both tell Haruka some rules in the Celestial realm.
Haruka: ....that looks like a lot of rules...
Michael: It is^^ It's the Celestial realm, after all
Haruka: So we can't just go wherever we want?
Michael: Only with a permit since there are many intruders and many double agents among us.
Haruka: Wow... so I can't visit Devildom....?
Michael: about that... [laughs nervously] well, technically you can, just with lots and lots of gates to pass.
Haruka: What?!
Michael: Well, first off, you need to exit the gates of the virtue section, then you'll find the archangel gate. Finally, you see the actual exit. By then, you can go to Devildom or the human world.
Haruka: What? That's a lot of gates...
Simeon: I can help you if you want to ^^
Haruka: Please do;-; that's a lot.
Because of hearing such rules, Haruka turns to Rosaria and tells her everything, The general just sighs and shakes her head at how strict her husband is.
Rosaria: [sigh] Michael and his rules... Actually, it isn't that complicated, considering you're a guest here.
Haruka: Well, true...but regarding the choices you gave me...I think I'll just stay as a human.
Rosaria: Oh? Why so?
Haruka: Because actually, I'm a princess....so... if I turn into an angel, that means I have to leave my kingdom...
Rosaria: I see... that's okay, but there's a risk regarding your child. An Angel and a human will produce a new species. A Nephilim.
Haruka: A Nephilim?
Rosaria: Yes, a halving. Perhaps like Ichigo since she's half-demon and half-human.
Haruka: I see... but they'll be fine, right?
Rosaria: Well, there will be consequences towards their existence since they will need to choose a path if they want to follow Simeon as an angel or to be a human just like you^^
Haruka: I see... In a sec^^
Haruka turns around and calls upon the chatroom. She asks the two others what she should do.
Haruka: Heeeelp!! Heeelp!!
Solomon: What?!
Ichigo: Yes?
Haruka: Help, like Rosaria, told me about the risk of having a child with an angel. They're gonna be a halfling if I don't turn into an angel. She also tells me the chance that the child has to choose which path they choose. Is it an angel, like Simeon, or a human, like me?
Solomon: That's an excellent question-
Ichigo: Hmmm.... whichever you're comfortable with?
Haruka: I'm honestly more comfortable as a human...
Solomon: Then do so. Plus, being an angel means you should leave your whole kingdom. Nah, I ain't risking that!
Haruka: So am I! What would my parents say?! What about my people?!
Solomon: Exactly!
Ichigo: ...Honestly, this is more of something that you should talk about with Simeon since it's your child...and you're marrying him...
Haruka: Oh yeah, you're right! Okay, thanks a lot, you two!
Haruka ends the telepathic chatroom and turns back to Rosaria, who's waiting for her.
Rosaria: You really like the view, don't you?
Haruka: I do! Yes, it's beautiful! By the way....have you seen Simeon, Ma'am?
Rosaria: He's probably with the other archangels. Probably on a meeting.
Haruka: At this time?
Rosaria: Yes, even Michael as well.
Haruka: What about Luke?
Rosaria: Oh, he's in the kitchen, actually. He's busy creating more recipes as always^^
Haruka internally: Maybe I can help him with my magic.....
Haruka: I see. Thanks a lot, ma'am! [goes to the kitchen to see Luke]
Rosaria: You're welcome....?
As soon as she's there, she opens the door unannounced, shocking the mini angel.
Luke: aaaaaa! Who's there?!
Haruka: It's me! Haruka!
Luke:;-; Why would you do that?! I almost spill my eggs!
Haruka: I know, I know, I'm sorry
Luke: What's up? Why are you in such a hurry?
Haruka: Since Simeon is at work....can I help you with your cooking?
Luke: I don't mind...but using a dress like that....? Are you sure?
Haruka: I'll be fine^^
Luke: Okay...here, use this apron! [gives Haruka an apron]
Haruka: Thank you^^
After a few minutes, Luke and Haruka are finally done with their cooking! Luke ends up teaching her a lot of celestial realm recipes! As the two of them are plating, they hear the doorbell signaling Michael and Simeon, who is home.
The two archangels step into the house, and they smell food from across the room. Might they say, it smells delicious!
Simeon: I see Luke is cooking again ^^
Michael: As always^^
The two of them walk into the dining room, and they see Haruka and Luke putting the plates in the dining room. Sure it smells good thanks to the food, but Simeon's eyes focus on Haruka with the apron already looking like a wife. This tan angel ends up blanking up for a bit because of how smitten he is.
Michael: Simeon?
Luke: Simeon?
Haruka: Simeon....? [waves her hand in front of his face worriedly]
Simeon: Y-yes?
Haruka: Are you okay?
Simeon: Y-yeah, I'm fine^^
Haruka: Alright then, you can wash up first if you want :D You too, Michael!
Michael: Yes, yes, will do :)
Luke: Haruka, don't forget the drinks! It's still in the fridge!
Haruka: Okay!
Haruka goes back to the kitchen and gets a bottle of cold water and a bottle of holy wine. She also comes back to get the glass for the drinks, four glasses in total since four adults are in the room.
Haruka: Hey, Luke, does Michael like his drink cold?
Luke: I think so...?
Rosaria: He does^^ He prefers his drinks cold
Luke: aaaaa!! ;-; don't scare me like that!
Haruka: Oh, he does? Alright then-
Rosaria: Let me^^ [goes in to help]
Haruka: Are you sure?
Rosaria: Of course, you are a guest^^. I should be the one helping in the kitchen!
Haruka: It's okay. I'm glad to help^^
Rosaria: You're such a sweetheart^^
Finally, the two angels are done with their bath and return to find the dining room, all set up with four glasses of wine and one glass of cold water for Luke. The five of them enjoyed the meal until they all finished eating. Haruka suddenly holds Simeon's hand.
Simeon: What's wrong?
Haruka: Come with me, for a sec!
Simeon: But- uh...okay! See you soon!
Rosaria: Have fun~
Michael: [stares at his wife confusedly]
Rosaria: What? They're engaged!
Luke: ???
Michael: What do you mean, have fun?
Rosaria: What do you want it to be? :)
Luke: [sips his water confusedly]
Somewhere, Simeon and Haruka finally arrived in Haruka's room.
Simeon: What is it?
Haruka: Let's sit down. This is going to take a while.
Simeon: [sits down confusedly]
Haruka: I...don't want to be an angel...
Simeon: Oh? So sudden? Wait, wait, wait, what brings this on? Who's telling you to be an angel? [worry af]
Haruka: ...Rosaria...well not directly, but she told me about the risk about our offsprings if I'm still a human and you're an angel.... our child would be a Nephilim, and it'd be really complicated! But if I turn into an angel, I must leave my kingdom and my family! I can't do that!
Simeon: wait, wait, wait. Breath, calm down. Calm down, slowly.
Haruka: [sniffles]
Simeon: So she's telling you to the risk of being with me and about our offsprings? [saying this as he calms her down]
Haruka nods, but she's clearly about to cry. Simeon can only rub her shoulder, trying to calm her down.
Simeon: Nephilims... they're a pretty rare species, and they're extremely powerful since they have angelic powers yet human qualities.
Haruka: So....what do you think we should do?
Simeon: I don't want to make you uncomfortable in this relationship, especially about the future. Sure it is pretty risky to have a Nephilim as our child, but I don't want them to force you to be an angel as well, especially with such a risk.
Haruka: Then?
Simeon: I think we'll just figure it out as we go. I'm sure Father will give us a way^^
Haruka: Alright then...
Haruka: By the way....can you...by chance....stay for tonight?
Simeon: Are you sure?
Haruka: Yes, plus we even get to sleep together.... even...uh....even.... >////<
Simeon: Even? ^^
Haruka: You don't remember anything?!
Simeon: I do!
Haruka: Then I don't need to specify!
Simeon: pfft-
Haruka: What?!
Simeon: It's nothing, it's nothing [hugging her] calm down, okay^^ [pats her]
Haruka: [purring out of reflex] o////o
Simeon: You can purr?
Haruka: Y-yea o///o it's just how my body works
Simeon grins and does the same thing again, earning another purr from her.
Haruka: Stop that >////<
Simeon: But I like that purr! It's adorable!
Haruka: P-please don't >///< [pushing him away until he falls]
Simeon: Okay, Okay, I'll stop^^
Haruka: I...I need the toilet... [runs towards the bathroom]
Haruka internally: Oh my God...heart, please calm down;-; aaaaaaaaaa;-;
Simeon: ....? Is she okay? I hope she's okay... [going to knock on the bathroom door]
Simeon: [knocking] Haruka, are you alright?
Haruka: Yeah, I'm fine! I'm just using the toilet!
Simeon: oooh, okay then! Take your time!
Once Simeon has stopped knocking, Haruka unlocks the door to find Simeon still in front of the door.
Simeon: Are you...really okay? Your face is really red...
Haruka: I'm okay...I'll be off now! [runs off downstairs]
Simeon: Wait, Ha-
Before he can even finish, Haruka is out of the door and running down the stairs. Once she's there, she holds onto the wall panting.
Haruka: Heart...why are you like this...
Simeon eventually follows her and confusedly stares at Haruka, who's trying to stabilize herself. He's now sure his fiance is definitely not okay!
Simeon: Are you sure you're not sick? You can't even walk stably...
Haruka, without realizing: yes...I'm love-sick...
Simeon: What?
Haruka: What? Did I say that out loud?
Simeon: You did...
Haruka: Oh damn...
Simeon: language, you're not in devildom!
Haruka: Whatever! We're at home anyways!
Haruka: Uh...Simeon...can you please get me water....the cold ones...
Simeon: Of course, let me take you to the sofa first....so you can sit down...
Haruka: Thank you...
As Simeon takes Haruka's water, let's go to the underworld! Where Grimreaper lives. He's currently working on Reika's new body.
Grim Reaper: And done! What do you think?
Reika: [looking at the mirror] Why is my hair brown? =_=
Grim Reaper: [sigh and dyes her hair silver] There, now you look like a grandma :)
Reika: Hey! >:(
Grim Reaper: Nah, Nah, I'm joking. You look great!
Reika: Right? [poses around] I like it!
Grim Reaper: Glad you do :)
Reika: By the way, you've been wearing a mask your whole life.... why haven't you reveal yourself?
Grim Reaper: Well... There are rules about my job... I can't just reveal my face to anyone...but I guess I can show one to you since I can trust you, I think...
Reika: Really? Please do!
Grim Reaper: Don't mind me then. [removes his hoodie and mask]
Reika is shocked by the grim Reaper's appearance. It turns out that this man is really handsome! Wow!
Reika: This is the real you?
Grim Reaper: Yes
Reika: o///o I-I see... uh...well damn-
Grim Reaper: What?
Reika: Nothing! Anyways, are you single?
Grim Reaper: Never been married my entire life. Nor do I even have lovers.
Reika: Oh....you must be really lonely...
Grim Reaper: Nah, I'm fine. Talking to unstable souls is fun :) like you, for example
Reika: Excuse me?!
Grim Reaper: What?
Reika: =_= Stupid!
Grim Reaper: [rolls his eyes] Here, your clothes.
Reika: T-thanks...
Grim Reaper: [muttering to himself] what an odd girl... [walking away]
Reika just glares at the Grim Reaper as he walks away. Anyways, back to the celestial realm! Simeon finally gives Haruka her water and sits beside her.
Simeon: Here you go^^ [gives it to her]
Haruka: Thank you:")
Simeon: So, what happened? Love-sick, isn't it? ^^
Haruka: No, no, no, no, that isn't the case!
Simeon: Then?
Haruka: Uh....hold on a sec!
Haruka ends up calling Reika instead of the other two.
Haruka: I'm here, I'm here! What do you want?!
Reika: Tha Grim Repear! He looks like frickin Lee Dong Wook!!! YOU HAVE TO SEE IT FOR YOURSELF!!
Haruka: Why are you shouting?!
Haruka: But that's not the reason why I'm here- Calm down, okay-
Reika: Then why? =="
Haruka: How do you calm your heart?
Reika: Why? Wait....you're with Simeon, aren't you?
Haruka: Yea...he's beside me.... then he keeps asking what's wrong with me...
Reika: Then explain???
Haruka: Then?!
Reika: Just frickin get in here- =="
Haruka: ...Fine-
In real life, Haruka stands up, confusing Simeon because why is his fiance walking away and ignoring him. Then she just...disappears!
Simeon: What just happened... MICHAEEELLL!!! HELP!! [runs out the house, probably flying to Michael's house]
Once he's there, Michael and Rosaria are drinking wine watching TV. The newlyweds stare at Simeon confusedly.
Michael: ???
Simeon: Ne-nevermind- [closing the door]
Michael: wait here...
Rosaria: Okay^^
Michael exits his house to see Simeon panic as ever.
Michael: What's wrong, Simeon?
Simeon: ...Haruka disappeared!
Michael: What?!
Rosaria: Eh?!
Simeon: She just walked past me...then she disappeared!
Michael: ???? Are you sure? Do you have any clue?
Simeon: I'm honest with you! I saw it with my own eyes!
Michael: ... Devildom perhaps?
Simeon: Devildom? Why wouldn't she tell me?
Michael: I'm not sure... search parties are closed...
Simeon: Then...should I look for her myself?
Michael: At this time? Are you sure that's wise?
Simeon: What if she's in trouble?!
Michael: ....she can summon her pacts, can't she? And her Gods?
Simeon: But-
Michael: Just rest, Simeon. I'm sure she's okay... I believe in her^^
Simeon: Alright then...:")
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irageneveart · 5 years
Hi I love your blog so I wanted to ask if you could write a Hannibal (silence of the lambs) x reader (or me hehe) where the reader gets stuck in his cell and they actually hate each other but then something changes (you can decide what and if you want to make it more personal for me then I have light brown hair and grey-blue eyes, the only place where I M a bit curvy are my thighs) have a nice day and I hope I don't annoy you Haha :)
helloo there :D no sweet person will ever annoy me, thank you for your kind words 🧡
now some disclaimers, it’s my first time writing for Hannibal and I absolutely love his character (I rewatched all the movies thanks to you), so in order to keep him as in character as I can, I twisted your request a little: the reader is a female, she doesn’t get stuck in his cell (because no one can freely enter his cell, per movies) and I gave her a name because using the person’s name is a very important thing in Hannibal’s way of manipulating and getting into a person’s mind, which i love hhhhh. so i actually turned this into a Hannibal and OC story (but I kept your grey eyes hehehe). I hope that’s fine with you, please enjoy!
Pomegranate Seeds
Characters: Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Silence Of The Lambs), Alice Watkins (Original), Mike “Metal Fang” Gurch (Original), Dr. Chilton (Silence Of The Lambs)
Warnings: mentions of abuse and murder
Word Count: 2018
Mike “Metal Fang” Gurch. What an ugly man, she thought, and she was not talking about his appearance. Metal Fang had a terrifying glare indeed, his features twisting as seconds passed, but no matter how she’d word her questions, all he would do was grin his metal teeth and laugh, that was what drove her mad. After the moment he would start laughing there was no point in going on. The laughter would continue even after she exited the secured hall, they told her, even as she was climbing up the building’s stairs and leaving the building. Metal Fang would only laugh.
On top of getting no answers from him, 10 ft away was another inmate that made her stomach turn. Hannibal “The Cannibal” Lecter. One of the top ten most dangerous killers in the world, Doctor Hannibal Lecter was a force on his own: apparently kind, ruthless, intelligent, manipulative, well mannered and rude. He was a walking paradox, a force many call the pure evil. Some sources call him Lucifer himself, the Lord of Hell and the God’s favorite angel at the same time. Every time she was assigned to come and try to get Metal Fang to talk, to find the bodies he hid, trying to find something, anything - every time she was welcomed by Hannibal Lecter.
“Good evening, Alice.” he would say the moment she stepped into the hall, with no real explanation of how he knows it was her or why does he know her name. She tried to change her walk, her pace, only getting a short grin from the old inmate as a result. A grin she never dared to see in person. At first she would ignore him, trying her best to get the answers from Metal Fang, ignoring Hannibal’s quirky remarks. “You changed your perfume today, Alice.”, “You made him laugh 5 seconds faster, Alice, should that get a praise?” She ignored him, tried her best to, and never walked in front of the glass to see the man speaking. She was an agent so the feeling brewing in her chest wasn’t fear, she refused to believe it was. It’s not about fear, I’m just not wasting my time with him.
Today was nothing special, the same routine, the same shameless smile from Dr. Chilton she brushed off, the same chair in front of Metal Fang. Only one thing was different: Hannibal didn’t greet her, and she didn’t know what to make of it. She didn’t care.
She sat down in front of the iron bars, but no sign of Mike Gurch. He hadn’t eaten yet, the steak with fries still on the floor where he put it himself. The dim lights of the hall didn’t help her to see in his cell, despite Mike being a massive man for his late forties.
“Mike Gurch, hi. Are you- are you feeling fine?” she tried to make out the slight movement in the cell. He spoke in court, a smart man he seemed, but from the moment he got a life sentence he changed. Her bosses told her to brush it off, just a manipulative tactic to get mercy from them. You have to make him speak. Do it for the families, alright, agent Watkins? You don’t want to disappoint them after your big success. If only it was so easy. The big pile of papers on her lap were not really helping either, but she had to do everything by the rules, even more now when…
The plate on the floor was being dragged slowly into the darkness, only to get a french fry thrown at her seconds later. She was not amused.
“Mike, come out if you please, let’s ta-” the sentence ended in a yelp when the 240 lbs man shoved himself against the cell bars from utter darkness. She pushed herself off the chair so suddenly it fell, dropping all the papers on the floor and running straight to the end of the hall, far away from Mike and his frantic arms through the bars. The sounds he was making were hell sent. Her heart was beating in her throat. Mike was laughing and groaning and yelling, gagging on the food he had in hands. Her chest was racing and her mind was going through all the protocols she knew, all being silenced the moment she heard a familiar voice.
“Good evening, Alice.”
She turned her head towards the cell, the only one with glass instead of bars. In the middle of it stood Hannibal, his back straight and his face showing a protocolar smile. She imagined him shorter, and with more white hair. Or with none at all. His icy blue eyes were stuck on her grey ones, heavy, piercing, staring.
“Watkins. I’m Agent Watkins.” she said between fast breathes, furrowing her eyebrows.
“So you’d like to say, Alice, but here you are. Shaking. Is that what an agent does, Agent Watkins?”
She stood up and looked towards Mike’s cell, and then back to Hannibal, his eyes never leaving hers.
“F-Fear has nothing to do with being cautious. Plus, the guards will be here soon,” she said, “I don’t need to deal with it myself.”
Something in her answer made his eyes shine, not answering her for a few moments. The hall’s door didn’t open, and the guards didn’t come.
“The guards are taking their sweet time, aren’t they? Could it be that you denied Dr. Chilton’s enormous ego? Did you, Alice?”
She didn’t answer, just looking towards the exit and back to Hannibal with concern in her eyes. He was lying. He must be, even as selfish as Dr. Chilton was, he wouldn’t do this.
Hannibal grinned. “Good. Now tell me, Alice, how long will you read other people’s words to the poor Mike?”
“What- what do you mean?” she was taken back. “I’m just following the protocols and questionnaires.” she said confused, the shaking in her body was gone. Mike kept on laughing, but his tone changed slightly, something she never heard before.
“Exactly. You can do more than that, Alice. Come on, give it a try.”
“I don’t have time for that, Doctor Lecter. I-” she stopped for a second, listening. Not laughing anymore, Mike did a weird mix of weeping and laughing, echoing through the hall. Hannibal smiled.
“Oh, but I do. Now tell me, ‘Young Agent caught the serial killer Metal Fang when her more experienced colleagues failed’,” he said the entire newspaper title without blinking an eye, “how did a young agent like yourself catch Mike?”
She was a bit put off by the question. “It was the entire team who did it.” she stopped, but Hannibal’s stare persisted, his silence making her swallow hard. He raised his eyebrows, waiting for her to continue. She clenched her jaw and exhaled loudly. “My colleagues were searching a house, meanwhile, after talking to people around the area, I discovered another one. It was pure luck that mine was the right lead.” she answered, her eyes focusing on the corner of Hannibal’s room. They told her not to get involved anymore because they got it, but they were wrong and while she was right, she still felt wrong. Bad. Selfish.
“So humble, Alice. How many colleagues of yours are hating you right now?”
“What? No, that’s not how it-”
“Oh Alice, Alice who worked on the case and Alice who lead us off so she can have the fame. What is a woman even doing in this place.” his tone was full of mockery, but his stare unchanged. “Do you feel their eyes on you, Alice? How they’re looking down on you and expect
you to act in a way you don’t?”
Her mouth turned into a line, her grey eyes more vibrant than ever. His eyes squinted for a split second, so subtly it could very well be her imagination. He was still staring at her. Into her.
“You caught him, Alice. Not them, not the papers.”
Was…was Hannibal Lecter complimenting her? Everything was starting to get very heavy and it was getting hard to breathe. She needed to get away.
“GUARDS!!” she screamed but to no avail, and Mike’s arms were still almost all out through the steel bars, crying and weeping.
Wait a minute. Crying.
“He’s crying.”
“Mmhm. He always did after you left, even after your cheap hand cream scent left the room, he kept on crying. And crying. And weeping. And sobbing.”
“He- he was crying and not laughing all this time?”
“Yes. Go on.”
“That’s a form of manipulation, he is manipulative and smart. He only tries to get pity on himself, to manipulate us.”
“Tsk tsk tsk. You did it again, Alice. The words written on a paper, with someone else’s hand, with someone else’s mind. Think, Alice.”
“Only if…,” she murmured to herself, Hannibal’s grin growing larger. “Only if he isn’t mocking. He was showing off, knowing, remembering. He remembers everything, at once, and fuels him. He knows what he did.”
“Good, good, Alice, very good.”
“He needs visual stimulant to explain in detail what he did, not just questions. And he’s crying because he- he…” she was once again lost between thoughts.
“Why did he bite his victims, Alice?”
She raised her eyes again to meet Hannibal’s. Mike “Metal Fang” bit his victims on every inch of their skin, different bite shapes to different victims. “To mark them, a sign of power and…ownership. He used different tee-. ” Then it clicked. “Each set of teeth had different imprints, the fangs altering from feline to canine to reptile. His urges to control, to own, he was like an animal. He thought he was an animal, different animals for different victims?”
“What is delicious for the lion might be tasteless to the wolf.”
“The different reactions he had towards women, he manifested them through animalistic instincts of hunter and prey.”
“And he was wild, and free, and powerful. Then, you happened, Alice.”
“Caged. He’s crying because he’s caged, he acts like a wild animal in a cage. Not eating, aggressive with people but submissive in solitude.” she was violently ventilating at her discovery, needing to tell her boss. They might get him to talk if they could move him, they might find where Mike hid the other victims. But…
“Why? Why do you help me, doctor?” she inhaled slowly.
“Am I, Alice? You said it all yourself, I’m merely un auditiour.”
“You knew all this time I was wrong. You also know where he hid the bodies, don’t you, doctor?”
He came closer to the glass, and she could swear he didn’t blink all this time. “Now that would be a help you’d like to get, wouldn’t you, Alice? Good things come to those who wait.”
“Watkins. My name is Watkins.”
“No, no, no. That is your daddy and your mommy’s name, and their mommies and daddies before them. I’m not talking to them, Alice, I’m speaking to you.” they were meters away, with a thick glass in between, but she couldn’t help holding her breath. His stare was heavy on her, his voice with a terrifying depth echoed in her mind, nothing else around them but her, him and his stare.
“It’s time for you to leave, Alice.” the words brought her back to reality few seconds before the hall door opened, guards rushing by her side. Dr. Chilton looked all affected, apologizing and cursing the guards in a dramatic way, but her eyes were still fixated on Hannibal. Words wouldn’t come out, ignoring everything and everyone as she climbed the stairs and left the building. All she could see in front of her was Hannibal Lecter as she left surrounded by guards. He was smiling at her, waving goodbye. Her mind was too clouded and blaffed to understand why did he help or what happened, and she needed to write down everything she discovered about Mike. But there was only one thing in her mind at that moment, the words Doctor Hannibal Lecter mouthed as she was taken away.
See you soon.
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douxreviews · 5 years
Lucifer - ‘All About Eve’ Review
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"You never forget your first."
Yes, it's another plot device intended to keep Lucifer and Chloe apart. (Gee, like that's never happened on television before.)
That major gripe aside, I think Inbar Lavi was good casting. When you have an already established, talented ensemble cast of well-defined characters, it's difficult to bring in another major character that works, much less a love interest for the lead, much less someone who had a starring role in the Bible. But Eve indeed has the look of someone who lived in a garden her whole life without access to hair salons, and she was definitely rocking that "girls just wanna have fun" vibe.
But what's really going on with her? It's an awfully huge coincidence that Lucifer's ex showed up right the heck now, while his relationship with Chloe is at the point of either advancing into love affair territory or collapsing entirely. And how come no one has even mentioned yet that Lucifer just killed Cain? If I remember my Bible correctly, Cain was Eve's son. You'd think Lucifer would have mentioned something that huge.
Maybe Eve is what she appears to be: crazy for Lucifer, bored with Heaven, desperate for fun. But I doubt it. I also thought it was really interesting that Lucifer asked Eve what she truly desired, and she lied to him. Lucifer's mojo doesn't work on Eve. Must be important.
At least it's refreshing to see a woman so hot for Lucifer, because who wouldn't be? We're used to Chloe keeping Lucifer at arm's length and resisting his exceptional good looks and charm. And okay, maybe not so charming in a bathrobe with bedhead surrounded by empty takeout containers, but Eve's arrival seems to have jolted him out of that.
Who saw the ending coming a mile away? Chloe was ready to tell Lucifer that she missed him and wanted him in her life, and of course she walked in on him with Eve. At least they weren't in bed together. And at least Lucifer didn't see Chloe come in. I'm a little sad that Eve was the one to kiss Lucifer in devilface. It should have been Chloe.
As usual, I don't have a lot to say about the Case of the Week. Even though Lucifer and Chloe ended their partnership, they of course ended up solving the same crime from different angles. Who else knew right away that the killer was Toby, the business partner? The fun parallel was that Toby was like Chloe, the reasonable, hardworking partner, while Pablo the victim was the crazy creative partner, like Lucifer. Hopefully this isn't foreshadowing.
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Meanwhile, Linda's pregnancy seems to have created the world's strangest ménage à trois. An angel, a demon and a psychiatrist walk into a doctor's office – it's like a joke that writes itself. And I absolutely loved Chloe and Linda having "the talk," mostly because Chloe ended up listening instead of talking as Linda exploded with angst and confusion about her angel baby. The bubble wrap babyproofing was also hilarious.
I have no idea where this plotline is going: happy? tragic? But it's a lot of fun. At least so far.
— Title musings: All About Eve is a famous old movie about established actress Bette Davis threatened by ambitious ingenue Anne Baxter.
— Eve has been in Heaven longer than anyone. I remember Abel being in Hell the longest, too.
— Fun bar fight. I don't usually love the bar fights. And honestly, I don't usually find constant sex jokes all that funny, but Lucifer always makes me laugh. Check out that absolutely perfect devilish smirk.
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— When Eve kissed Lucifer in devilface, who was thinking of Buffy kissing Angel in vampface? Yeah, everything makes me think of Buffy. I admit it.
— Auntie Maze. Was that a deliberate reference to Auntie Mame? Or am I just showing my age?
— During the auction, Lucifer and Chloe were again wearing similar clothes. As I said in my previous review, that's often a visual cue that two characters are simpatico.
Ella: "He was decapitated?" Maybe a huge conclusion to jump to, but to be fair, Ella does see a lot of awful things in her job.
Lucifer: "It hurts, not being accepted for who you are… I would imagine."
Doctor: "Do you see that little protrusion right there? You're having a boy." Amenadiel: "A boy?" Maze: "Better luck next time."
Eve: "You know, the garden, the snake, the apple." Lucifer: "The metaphors were a bit off." Eve: "That's true. The forbidden fruit was less of an apple and more like a banana. A very large banana." Lucifer: "It's true." Eve: "You never forget your first."
Amenadiel: "My very own mini Amenadiel. No, no, wait, wait. A mini-diel."
Linda: "There's a good chance it could come out with wings. Wings! Is that even safe for a human to deliver? Should I have a C-section? Will insurance cover any of this?"
Linda: (to Chloe) "With all the bad comes a lot of good. I got a best friend out of this. And the most fascinating patient in the world. And this baby. Who saw that coming?"
I am really enjoying this season. Three out of four lengths of bubble wrap.
Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.
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hekate1308 · 6 years
Shared Joy, Double Joy
Drowley AU - Crowley is a demon who happens to possess a mechanic called Dean Winchester. Enjoy!
Dear God, pathetic doesn’t even begin to cover it –
Dean blinked. Or rather, he tried to blink, found that he had no control over his body, and stayed rather remarkably calm once he realized.
He’d never felt like anything like this before. He was most definitely moving, but he hadn’t decided to do so; furthermore, the street he was walking down was nowhere near his home –
What the hell, is this Vegas? he exclaimed without actually saying the words. He’d have to figure out later how this was possible.
Or not.
Because a strange kind of silence followed the sentence in his mind, almost as if he were talking to someone and they were studying him...
You should definitely not be awake, the same voice he had heard a moment ago declared. For some reason, even though “hearing” was an exaggeration, considering it was more like they were... thinking in Dean’s head without permission, he knew they had a British accent. And didn’t that make everything even more confusing.
What do you mean? I am awake!
Yes, and you shouldn’t be. Don’t make me repeat myself, it’s particularly annoying.
It’s particularly annoying, he mocked them before demanding, What is going on?
What then followed would probably have best been described as a struggle, if he had been able to move his limbs and he had actually been fighting anyone. At the end of his, he was panting... in his mind. And the silence that ensued felt more... intrigued than anything else.
I have to admit I am surprised, the voice then told him.
He snorted. Great. Now, what’s going on?
They sighed. Since I can’t seem to put you under – and really, that is quite interesting, I have to say – I’m a demon and am currently possessing you.
Demon. Me. Possessing. You.
If he could have rolled his eyes, he would have. Demons don’t –
He didn’t finish the thought because, if he hadn’t spontaneously gone insane (and this certainly didn’t sound like any kind of crazy he’d ever heard of) he was possessed.
Knew you weren’t half as mentally deficient as you believe yourself to be.
Fine, okay, so you’re a demon. But why would a demon possess me? Dean always thought demons were supposed to tempt people, and he certainly didn’t need any help in the immorality or vice department.
Had to lie low for a while.
Oh? What gives?
He figured he might as well get the whole story since there wasn’t much he could do. He was still pretty calm about this whole thing. Maybe he was hooked up on some kind of demon juice?
Demon juice? Now they sounded indignant. What do you take me for?
How about you tell me?
They sighed. Fine. If you have to know –
It’s my body, figure I’ve got the right –
Do you want to hear this or not?
Dean was silent.
I’m a crossroads demon. The best in the business.
Wow, aren’t we humble.
Just telling the truth, darling.
Fine. But if you’re that good at your job, why are you here... in me, then? Shouldn’t you be haunting some crossroads forcing some poor smug to make a deal?
I never force anyone to make a deal with me. And I had to leave Hell for a while. There were... complications.
Like union-strike complications or slept-with-your-bosses-wife complications?
I... angered Lucifer.
Wait, you upset the literal devil?
I didn’t set out to do so. But the fact is, we disagree on a lot of things. And so I decided to lay low for a few weeks at least. And just my luck, I happen to possess the down-on-his-luck mechanic with as many mummy and daddy issues to sort through as the day is long.
Hey –
If it makes you feel better, my mother was a witch.
Why would you want to make me feel better?
Excellent question. They sounded almost... puzzled.
Any chance I can get you to get out of my noggin?
None. Like I said, I have to lie low.
Then what are we doing in Vegas?
Excellent spot for making deals.
That’s not exactly lying low though, is it? He pointed out smugly.
I just wanted a bit of money to live as I am used to –
Again, lying low? This ain’t it, buddy.
A pause. Then – Name’s Crowley.
Dean Winchester. But I figure you already know that.
Indeed I do.
Any chance you haven’t been all over my brain finding out every last thing you can about me? Another pause. That’s a no then.
You should be honoured. Humans normally don’t interest me.
And what makes me special?
Crowley didn’t answer. He – for some reason, Dean was convinced that he was talking to a guy – instead suddenly declared rather dramatically, I suppose we will have to return to your rat-infested apartment then.
That was two years ago, and I handled it.
You could afford better, but you don’t. Why?
Dean mind-shrugged. What’s the point? I mostly use it for sleeping, anyway.
Because you’ve been doing so much of that lately. I can tell you’re exhausted, and this isn’t even my body.
Exactly! How about you don’t go “Look at your life, look at your choices” while you are out here possessing people? Wait, what time is it? I gotta go to work.
If you think I am actually going to that dingy little shop to placate your whining idiot of a boss by working on the cars of douche bags who don’t even recognize what talent is being thrown away at –
Sorry to tell you, but I am still here, still awake, and I can and will annoy you. I need that job to pay for my rent.
He let that thought fester until Crowley asked, What are you suggesting?
I thought the best crossroads demon out there would recognize an offer when he heard one, Dean answered, wondering where he got that idea from. Then again, he was already possessed, what else was he supposed to do?
Eventually Crowley said, You have my attention.
The deal they struck went as follows: Dean wouldn’t try to throw Crowley out – he wasn’t quite sure how he would have gone about that, but it seemed like the safest option to agree – and he’d allow the demon to stay in his place and act as Dean Winchester half of the time, while he’d be able to control his body for the other half. After some more bickering, Crowley had reluctantly agreed that half the time meant half the time that Dean was awake, for he soon found that he could still sleep when he wanted. Of course he could have gone under while Crowley was in control, but he didn’t trust the demon that far.
He turned out to be a surprisingly easy house guest. Hell, he even did the dishes.
You like my burgers, don’t you, Dean told him one day.
They do taste better than those greased-loaded heart attacks waiting to happen you like to devour at least once a day, Crowley shot back. After a pause he added, You would make a good chef.
Ha bloody ha. Dean usually tried to imitate his accent when he annoyed him.
I mean it. Although don’t think I haven’t noticed what really interests you.
If he had actually been holding the plate Crowley was cleaning, he would have dropped it. We agreed. No snooping around in my subconscious.
I got all of that before you were ever aware I was here, darling.
Of course he had.
It was just a silly little day dream, is all.
I wouldn’t call a nursing degree silly.
It was nothing. Drop it.
Miraculously, Crowley did.
After a while, Dean didn’t consider it absolutely necessary to watch over every little thing Crowley said or did when he was in control, and he now and then dived back into his mind to listen to the music, read the books or watch the movies he’d memorized.
He realized that had been a mistake when he resurfaced one day just to check up on how things were going. Really, part of him had been relieved that their family lunch fell into Crowley’s time slot. Once upon a time, he had been glad to see Mom; but since he had realized that that she hardly listened to what he had to say, as opposed to Sam’s monologues about his job, he’d grown rather disenchanted with it all.
Plus, this time they were being introduced to Sam’s new girlfriend, and they usually only heard “mechanic”, assumed the worst and barely talked to him, so there was that.
And then he got back from watching The Untouchables and the first thing he heard coming out of his own mouth was –
“Slaughter-House Five is superior to Cat’s Cradle, but I still think the later is very fascinating –“
“Oh yes” the new girl, Sarah he remembered, replied enthusiastically, “The depiction of bokononism –“
I was fed up with being lectured or ignored. Also, your brother’s and mother’s expressions have been utterly hilarious. Plus, don’t pretend that’s not your opinion.
It is but –
“I didn’t know you liked to read” Mom said, looking puzzled.
“I’m a man of mystery.”
Sarah giggled. “I really have to congratulate you, Sammy.”
Only I get to call him that, Dean told him, even though he was trying his best not to laugh.
Crowley had been right about their expressions.
He supposed one little slip up couldn’t hurt.
And then Crowley got bored.
It had only been a matter of time, Dean supposed. Lucifer could apparently hold a grudge – no surprise there – and demons were not made to live quietly.
He was still somewhat surprised at how Crowley decided to occupy himself.
I wanted a burger and a beer.
Too bad, it’s my turn, and a salad and mineral water it is.
Not only was he making him eat rabbit food, he had also chosen a somewhat nicer diner than Dean would have for his lunch break.
But –
No buts, don’t you humans know how to take care of yourselves?
Dean decided it wasn’t worth the fight.
Crowley, when I said I needed to go clothes shopping –
Have you ever even looked in a mirror? And you waste those good looks on denim and flannel.
Dean stared at the shirts Crowley was going through. Are you flirting with me?
Told you you were not mentally deficient.
Yes, he decided, it was definitely better to concentrate on the shirts.
Why are we watching a few dozen idiots giving each other brain damage again?
Because, as you would say, it’s my turn and the Chiefs are playing. Be a good boy and you get to watch cricket when it’s yours.
You should know by now that I am far better at being naughty than nice.
Their conversations had taken on a decidedly flirty tone ever since that shopping trip, but Dean did his best not to notice.
He failed most of the time.
“There’s something different about you, lately” Benny suddenly announced.
Dean looked at him. “What do you mean?”
“Well, that shirt, for one. Looks good on you.”
“And I thought you were happily married –“
“Ha ha. But seriously, brother – you look good. Healthier, even.”
He shrugged. “Changed my diet up a bit.” Crowley would have nagged him forever if he hadn’t now and then eaten a salad voluntarily, now.
Benny frowned. “That’s not all though. But hey, whatever’s working for you – I’m just glad it does.”
Dean could hardly tell him that he had a demonic life coach.
I resent that description.
Sorry, your Highness, would you prefer live-in partner?
For once, Crowley shut up.
After a particularly gruelling day at the shop, Dean sank down in front of his laptop, biting his lip.
Go on. You know you want to.
I am just thinking about it.
Yes. You have been for weeks. Now for God’s sake do something about that!!!
He could have sworn Crowley actually sounded sincere.
And so he tiped Nursing School into the search bar.
“You are going to do what?” Sam asked, blinking.
“I am going to get a nursing certificate. The University of Miami offered me a scholarship. Doesn’t cover everything, but I should get by.”
Sarah was smiling brightly. “That’s wonderful, Dean!”
“I wanted it for a while” he admitted.
“Dean...” Sam hesitated. “If that’s truly what you want, then I’m glad too.”
Ugh. Heartfelt family conversations. How do you humans deal with that?
Mostly by not grunting when they happen.
How mind-numbingly dull.
Crowley –
Fine, fine, I’ll let you have your moment.
Dean was one year into the program, by this time having all but forgotten that sharing his mind with someone wasn’t exactly normal. He now and then had to catch himself, lest he answer to Crowley loudly and freak out someone, but other than that, he was pretty content.
So of course things had to go south.
Crowley had been strangely silent while he did his course work. Not that he didn’t let him do it; but he normally had more to say.
Then –
I have been checking out Hell while you were asleep.
Oh? The devil still on the war path?
No. I think I can return now.
Dean looked up from his papers, not for the first time wishing that he and Crowley could see eye-to-eye. What?
Face it, darling, I’ve done more than my due here, and don’t forget I am the king of the –
Crossroads, yeah, got it, Dean replied, a sinking feeling in his stomach making itself know. Crowley was leaving. Thanks for everything, I guess.
Yes, I – well, I guess that’s it. Bye.
And Crowley was gone.
Dean’s new apartment suddenly felt way too empty.
Five years later
“Ah, Dean.”
“Doctor Mills” he greeted her.
“How’s my favourite nurse?”
“Feeling like I can’t get out of this penguin suit quickly enough” he told her. Give him scrubs any day.
She laughed. “Sorry, you first have to smooch up to the donors. Come on.”
Benefit dinners were not exactly Dean’s idea of a good time, but he could gladly spent a few hours with some rich dude if it meant they got enough money out of it. He loved his job; he was certainly not going to look for a new one if he could help it.
The man Jody had told him was their biggest donor yet was talking to one of their neurosurgeons, but turned around as they approached.
Dean was taken aback. He had never seen the man before in his life, and yet there was something familiar about him, something he couldn’t quite place.
“May I introduce you to our best nurse, Mr. Crowley?” Doctor Mills asked and Dean swallowed, his throat suddenly dry.
It couldn’t be.
He had missed the demon, more than he was ready to admit; for a time, his head had felt so empty and silent, until he had slowly remembered that this was how it was supposed to be; and yet now and then he had wished – he wouldn’t even been able to say what for.
Crowley – stop that, it can’t be him – reached out to shake his hand. “Mr. Winchester.”
That voice. He would have recognized it anywhere. He cleared his throat and reciprocated. “Mr. Crowley.”
“I am very glad to meet you. Doctor Mills has been waxing poetry about you.”
“I am sure she over exaggerated my talents.”
“On the contrary” he said, his eyes sparkling.
When Doctor Mills left them, shooting Dean a glance that clearly indicated she’d picked up on the... tension between them, Crowley said, “Told you. Not mentally deficient at all.”
Good God. “Crowley, what are you doing here?”
“Donating to a hospital. Thought I would try to even things out a bit, you know, karma and all that.”
Dean snorted. “Right. And who’s that poor smug you’re possessing?”
“It’s a John Doe, and he was long gone; only the machines were keeping him alive. It’s just me in here.”
Dean felt strangely relieved, almost as if he had been jealous at the thought of Crowley possessing and constantly talking to someone else. “Not that I’m not glad to see you, but why are you here?”
Crowley grinned, somewhat unsettlingly – although Dean couldn’t deny that it looked attractive, too – “I just wanted to check up on an old investment of mine.”
“An investment, mh?”
“Oh yes. Spent quite a bit of time on that project a few years back, right after my priorities shifted.”
“Oh they did?”
“Yes. And so I decided to leave Hell and build up a worldly fortune for a bit.”
“And what do you think of your old... project?”
“I think it has been doing quite well in my absence.”
“So what now? Another check-in in five years?”
“I was actually thinking about staying here for a while.”
Dean grinned. “You’ll need someone to show you all the places worth seeing around here.”
“You think so?”
There was only one answer to give.
Half an hour later, Dean turned them around so it was Crowley being pressed against the wall of an empty hospital corridor for a change. “By the way” he asked in-between kisses, “How did you find such an attractive meat suit?”
“I’ve been inside of you darling, remember? I knew what to look for.”
Dean threw his head back and laughed, the sound echoing down the hallway.  
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nicolabarth · 7 years
Read it on AO3
Square Filled: Mobster!AU
Ship: Sam Winchester/Lucifer, Dean Winchester/Michael
Rating: Mature
Tags: Mafia AU, Cop!Sam, Mobster!Lucifer, Murder, Minor Charakter Death
Summary: Sam can't forget the one night he spent with Lucifer. When Lucifer shows up at Sam's precinct months later, he finds himself with a difficult decision. To understand this story it’s helpful to read Uncovered first, but not strictly necessary.
Word Count: 3890
Written for @spnaubingo
Thanks to my wonderful beta reader @coplins
Sam trudges through the hallways of the precinct, clutching his cup of coffee in a sour mood. He should be lying on a beach by now. Dean had gifted him a trip to Hawaii for his birthday a month earlier and he had looked forward to it. But yesterday there had been a riot at Ellis street and every police officer available had been called in. He’d missed his flight by far, and since he wasn’t going to go anywhere anyway, he had let Chief Henriksen know that he’d come to work the next day. Save his free days for a better opportunity.
But he could be lying on a beach by now. Or enjoy watching an actual volcano in action, which would’ve been fascinating indeed. Instead he’ll probably be busy with paperwork.
He doesn’t look up, when two police officers pass him, a guy in handcuffs between them. Something catches his attention anyway. It’s a movement that looks somehow familiar maybe. Or icy blue irises he spots out of the corner of his eye. Sam turns – and for a moment he freezes.
The two officers have their back to him, but the man they caught has turned his head and looks straight at Sam. He’s grown a beard and his hair is longer and quite shaggy, but Sam would recognize those eyes anywhere. They’re closely linked to the best night of his life.
“Lucifer?” He doesn’t actually say it, just wraps his lips around the name. Lucifer, one of the archangels, second in command of the largest criminal organisation in at least five states. And, incidentally, the brother of the boyfriend of Sam’s brother. Lucifer winks at Sam, then turns away as the officers drag him along.
For a moment Sam just stares after them. When they’re almost around the next corner, he hurries after them. “Wait!”
His two colleagues stop and turn. “Is there a problem?” one of them asks.
“Yes,” Sam says, eyes on Lucifer, who lifts his bound hands to put a finger over his lips. It looks pretty innocent, but Sam understands. They don’t know who they caught there, do they? Not many people know what the archangels actually look like. “No …” Sam corrects himself, trying to come up with a lie fast. “It’s just … get this, I thought I saw this guy yesterday. Did you arrest him because of the riots?”
The other police officer furrows his brows. “No, just for being drunk and disorderly today.”
That doesn’t sound like Lucifer at all. Of course, Sam reminds himself, all he had was a night with the guy during an undercover mission, but Lucifer is probably the most dangerous person in the whole precinct right now, and people like him don’t get arrested for making a ruckus while being drunk. Also, right now he doesn’t look drunk at all. Something is up. Something bad.
“Uhm … I’m almost sure I saw him. Mind if I ask him a few questions?”
Sam’s colleague shrugs. “Knock yourself out. We were going to put him in one of the drunk cells until he sobers up. Do you want him in an interrogation room instead?”
Hurriedly Sam shakes his head. A cell means no one listening in. “The cell will do. Won’t take long.”
There’s the hint of a smile on Lucifer’s face, but as soon as the officers turn him around and start walking him towards the cells again, he gets that far away expression Sam knows from people that are seriously hammered, and he starts to stumble a little, bumping into the officers here and there. He had been standing perfectly steady just a minutes ago. Sam feels a cold ball of worry growing in his guts. Something is definitely up.
“What are you doing here?” Sam hisses as soon as the cell door falls shut behind him.
There’s no smile on Lucifer’s face now. He sits on the narrow bed that’s basically the only furniture in the room, looking up at Sam with a concerned look. “I could ask you the same question. Aren’t you supposed to be on Hawaii?”
“How do you –” Sam starts, then he feels stupid for not catching it earlier. “Dean knows about this?” Great, now he’ll never be able to accept a gift from his brother again without getting suspicious.
“Well, it concerns him in a way, so he knows parts of it.”
Fucking hell! What kind of trouble has Dean gotten himself into? Well, apart from having the boss of a criminal organization as his boyfriend, which is enough trouble in its own.
“Sam …” Lucifer’s voice drops into something soothing. “Walk out of here, go buy yourself a donut … or a salad, if I remember your food preferences right … and don’t come back for today. Tell them something came up. I don’t care. I’ll be done here by tonight.”
“So you did get yourself arrested on purpose!”
Lucifer grins, tongue tracing his upper lip. “Of course.”
The last time Sam has seen that grin was right before getting a stellar blowjob, and just thinking about that makes arousal coil in his belly. He shoves the feeling down, concentrating on the mess he’s stumbled into. “I can’t just …” he starts to protest. “The people here, they are colleagues and friends, Lucifer.”
Lucifer gives an exasperated sigh. “Relax, Sam. I’m not planning on hurting any cops.” He pauses, tilts his head in thought. “Well, I might end up hurting some of them, if they get in my way, but they’ll most likely survive.”
No! No, this can’t happen! On the other hand, Dean is somehow involved in this. And Lucifer, of course, which shouldn’t be important, but is. “So, who are you planning to hurt?”, Sam asks.
“None of your business, detective.” Lucifer puts slight emphasis on the last word.
No, this is not how they’re playing. Sam has to know, if he can live with walking away from this. If he even wants to walk away from this. Last time they had met had still led to three arrests and helped free a bunch of kids from an abusive guardian. He had been able to live with that even though it had bugged him not to do his job right. But this time seems different. “I need a good reason to not tell them who you are.” Aparts from the fact that the thought of ratting out Lucifer makes his stomach turn.
Lucifer lifts an eyebrow, but shrugs. “There is a guy in preventive custody in here right now who knows about your brother and is about to spill everything. Is that good enough for you?”
Sam lets out a string of curses, while Lucifer watches him in amusement. “I don’t remember you that foul mouthed, Sammy.”
“And you think you can just walk in here, kill a guy and walk out again?” Sam asks angrily. Why do his brother and his boyfriend and that boyfriend’s handsome brother always have to show up and ruin things for him? Yes, he gets frustrated with being a police officer now and then. Sometimes the law is more in the way of helping people than actually helping people. And someone who betrays the archangels probably deserves all the bad luck coming their direction. But Sam has something good here, he’s doing good, and he really doesn’t need having to look the other way in a murder case! He’ll never be able to look into the mirror again and call himself a cop after something like that!
Lucifer leans back with a grin, legs splaying, looking as if he owns the cell. “I can.”
“And of course you’re proud of that!”
With a sigh Lucifer gets up. He steps into Sam’s personal space, pushing him backwards, and it’s probably a testament to either how busy with being angry Sam is or to how much Sam doesn’t see Lucifer as a threat to him personally, that he doesn’t even try to stop him. Instead his back hits the wall, and Lucifer plasters himself against Sam, cupping his face with his hands. “Sam. Relax. You can walk away from this and I promise I won’t hurt any of your friends, and this won’t shine a bad light on you. I’m sorry our plan of getting you away from this as far as possible didn’t work out.”
Part of Sam hates that he actually relaxes at Lucifer’s touch. He takes a few deep breaths, breathes in Lucifer’s scent that triggers more memories from the night they spent together. His hands come up by themselves, resting at the other man’s hips. But he’ll be damned, if he’ll just let go of all of his anger like this. He turns them around and puts his hands at both sides of Lucifer against the wall, boxing him in. “You and Dean and probably your brother too are making my life so much more complicated,” he says.
“Mhm.” Lucifer pushes his knee between Sam’s legs. “How can I make that up to you?”
Oh, fuck it. Sam leans down for a kiss. It starts angry, him sinking his teeth into Lucifer’s lower lip, but he hadn’t known how much he’d missed this until now. After a while all of Sam’s anger melts away and gets replaced by longing. It’s been months since that one night, and he wants more of this, needs more of this.
After a moment he pushes himself away, panting. “I’ll help you. What’s the plan?”
Lucifer looks at him in surprise. “Are you sure?”
Sam nods. “Looking the other way won’t change anything about the outcome, it’ll just make it riskier for you and it’ll make me feel like a coward. There’s a threat to Dean’s safety, so I’ll help you remove it.”
Lucifer throws him an impressed look. “Just when I thought I couldn’t like you any more ... If you can pick me up here at around 2200 tonight, I’ll tell you the rest then.”
Dean looks up from his work, when his cell phone buzzes. It’s a welcome break, because he hates doing the books for his bar. The only thing that makes it better is his boyfriend sitting on the couch on the other side of the office with his laptop, working on something that Dean isn’t even sure if he wants to know details about.
On Dean’s phone there’s a message from Sam. He reads it. “Oh.”
On the sofa Michael looks up. “Trouble?”
Sometimes it scares Dean a little bit how his boyfriends asks this question, because it might sound harmless, but saying yes might end in someone dying, if Michael deems that the appropriate response. “Apparently Sam didn’t go to Hawaii.”
“Oh.” Michael says, lifting an eyebrow to inquire for more details at the same time.
“He just sent me a message saying: ‘Next time just tell me what’s up instead of sending me on vacation. (That didn’t work out anyway.) And by the way, thanks for making my life so much more complicated, jerk. You owe me.’”
Michael’s lips twitch into the beginning of a smile. “Ah, brotherly love.”
“We probably do owe him, if he didn’t rat Lucifer out,” Dean says.
“He just has to point at whoever he wants to put a stop to this time. Raphael or Gabriel will be happy about something to do.”
Dean puts his phone aside, shaking his head and grinning.
“What?” Michael asks.
“You’re going full godfather again.”
Michael smiles a bit self-consciously. “Tell me you don’t like it.”
“I like it alright.” Dean gets up and walks around his desk towards the couch. “But at this rate we won’t get much work done. Unless you want to work while we see how long it takes me to break your concentration?”
This time, Michael grins, and that’s rare. “That sounds like a challenge I could enjoy.”
The upside of staying at work until 10 pm is that Sam gets a lot of stuff done that should’ve been done ages ago. The downside is that he has a lot of time to fret. What if something goes wrong?
At least he’s gotten a text from Dean that confirms he knows about what Lucifer is doing and approves of it. That somehow makes it better. Sam is pretty sure his brother wouldn’t condone the death of some random guy.
He also got a second message, saying: “Mike says to say hello, and if you want to, you can have the same deal as last time.”
Nice to know they can talk about even more people dying via random vaguely nice sounding texts now. His family is definitely messed up.
Finally 10 o’ clock arrives, and Sam clocks out, then makes his way towards the cells. He hears some muffled sounds, when he pushes the door open that leads to the corridor with the drunk cells, and then he’s greeted with the sight of two unconscious guards and Lucifer leaning against the wall looking mighty pleased with himself. How he got out of the cell is a mystery to Sam.
“I could’ve just told them that someone bailed you out,” Sam tells him.
Lucifer shrugs. “The less people actually see you with me, the better. You’d do me a huge favor escorting me to where I want to go, though. That’d spare me all the sneaking around I’d have to do otherwise.”
“Fine. Let’s make it look convincing.” Sam takes a pair of handcuffs from where they’re hanging from his belt.
Lucifer steps closer, extending his arms. “I get the keys,” he says.
“No trust,” Sam teases him, smile on his lips, while he secures the cuffs around Lucifer’s wrists.
“I can get out of them faster that way.” Lucifer sound almost defensive, and isn’t that interesting. As if it’s actually important to him that Sam knows that he trusts him to a degree. And as if Lucifer caught himself saying something he shouldn’t, he adds: “Didn’t think you had a trust kink, Sammy. Well, maybe you do, but I think it’d go more the other way around.”
Sam huffs and hands the small key to Lucifer, then he grabs his arm. “No flirting now.” With that they step out into the next corridor. It’s empty.
“I was about to ask you, if you got plans for tonight,” Lucifer says in a low voice.
“For now I haven’t thought further than you telling me where we have to go.” Sam had tried to find information about anyone in preventive custody, but apparently that was on a strict need to know basis and he hadn’t been able to access any files that had looked promising. But there’s only one other corridor with cells in the precinct, so Sam heads that way.
Apparently, Lucifer or some hacker he employs hadn’t run into similar problems as Sam, because he gives a cell number without hesitating. While they walk down the corridors, Sam’s heart hammers like mad, afraid someone might stop him and ask where he’s heading with his prisoner. No one does, even though a few people pass by them.
“There’ll be guards again,” Sam whispers.
Lucifer nods. “You stay outside, so none of them sees you. Make sure no one can surprise me.” They walk in silence for a moment. “Unless you want to talk to the guy, before I end him. Make sure he really knows what I told you he knows.”
It’s a nice offer and pretty unexpected. Sam eyes Lucifer from the side, but can’t see anything but honesty in his face. “Dean already confirmed the whole thing,” he says after a while.
“No trust,” Lucifer teases him with a grin.
Sam snorts.
They round a corner, and there it happens. Suddenly, Henriksen is standing right in front of them. “Winchester?” he asks in confusion. “What are you still doing here?”
Then his gaze lands on Lucifer. He narrows his eyes, and Sam’s heart drops. Apart from him, Henriksen is the one most familiar with the archangel case. “Isn’t that –” he starts.
And Sam’s thinking stops. All his doubts and moral considerations stop. All he can think of is Dean and family and how, when things had been bad and dad had abandoned them for a while again, they had promised each other to be there for each other always.
And after a moment there’s a new thought, too. Lucifer. Henriksen can not be allowed to lay hand on Lucifer. Henriksen cannot be allowed to identify him. But he will, if he’s allowed to live.
So Sam draws his gun and shoots.
The shot rings earshatteringly loud in the narrow corridor, and Sam just stares at the chief of police, while he drops. Sam had liked the man. He’d been a good boss. Now there’s a red spot blooming on his uniform right where his heart is, and he hits the floor like a broken doll.
It takes Sam a while to realize that someone is calling his name. It’s Lucifer. He looks into icy blue eyes, and that brings him back. Lucifer is here, because Dean is in danger. They have to make sure Dean won’t get arrested.
“Sam, are you with me?”
Sam nods.
“Good.” Lucifer presses a quick kiss to his lips, breath hot on Sam’s face. “You did good. Can’t tell you how much I love you right now. Now let me cover for you. Can you act the hostage?”
Another nod. Of course he can. Being a hostage is pretty easy.
Lucifer takes the gun out of Sam’s hands, and then he’s behind Sam, pushing him forward, gun at his back. “Listen, this is our story: I escaped from my cell when you just happened to pass. I took you hostage, forced you to bring me here acting as if I were your prisoner. I shot your chief, because he saw through the ruse. And now we’ll have to take care of my target, before we have the whole precinct on our asses. Open that door.”
There’s a door in front of Sam, so he does as he’s told. Two guards wait at the other side, weapons already drawn. Lucifer is still faster. Two gunshots and they both drop. No flower of blood blooming over the heart, though. Lucifer had aimed not to kill, still keeping his promise.
Sam gets the keys for the cell, running on autopilot now. Lucifer tells him something about Gabriel taking care of any security camera footage, but there’s still mostly only one thought that runs through Sam’s head: Dean. There’s a threat to Dean that has to go.
He opens the cell, finding a man sitting on his bed, eyes wide in alarm. Lucifer steps past Sam. “Hi Barthamus.” He raises the gun. “Bye Barthamus.”
When Barthamus slowly falls backwards there’s a hole right in the middle of his forehead.
“Now,” Lucifer says, “run.”
They get to the underground garage, before anyone can stop them, they take Sam’s car. They drive it into a river after a while, stealing a new one. Sam doesn’t care much. Slowly it sinks in that he’s shot Henriksen.
“He deserved better,” he tells Lucifer at some point.
“He was at the wrong place at the wrong time,” Lucifer says. “Not your fault.”
When Sam finally finds his way completely back into reality, they’re at the side of some road in the middle of nowhere. Lucifer is carding fingers through Sam’s hair, making him look at him. “Remember our story?”
“You escaped from your cell, while I happened to pass by. You took me hostage and you forced me to escort you through the precinct acting like you were my prisoner. You shot Henriksen.”
Sam gets another kiss for that, and he chases Lucifer lips, when he pulls back, longing for more reassuring touch.
“You have no idea, who I am.”
Sam nods. “I thought I’d recognized you from the riots earlier, but now I’m not sure anymore. You denied being there.”
Lucifer smiles. “Oh look, he starts thinking again.”
“I just shot my boss,” Sam says. Yes, he can somewhat think again, but that doesn’t silence the loop that’s going around and around in his head. He’d liked Henriksen. He had shot him.
“No, you didn’t. I did. Try to believe that.”
Sam tries. He knows it’s not true, but he thinks he can lie convincingly enough about it.
Another quick kiss, then Lucifer pulls back. “I’ll leave you here. You have your phone. Call for someone to pick you up. I’ll send Dean to check on you. We’ll see each other soon.”
Then he’s gone.
It takes a while until Sam stops seeing Henriksen falling, blood on his uniform. It takes a while until he accepts that if he had to make the same choice again, he would act exactly the same. Because of Dean. And because of Lucifer.
Dean and Lucifer who are both checking on him regularly now, Dean more openly than Lucifer. Lucifer is head over heels for Sam now, though. Apparently shooting a man in his defense (in a way) had been a surefire way to win his heart.
Everybody believes their story. Lucifer can’t be found.
And Sam quits his job. As he tells Dean: “I don’t think dirty cop is the right career path for me.”
Dean has the decency to look somewhat guilty. He also offers Sam a job at the bar. So Sam moves back to Denver, and that’s how he finds himself in Michael’s office in the end, because waiting tables isn’t exactly what he had imagined doing for the rest of his life either.
All the archangels are there. Lucifer standing right next to Sam. Gabriel leaning against the edge of Michael’s desk, eating a candy bar. Raphael standing behind Michael’s chair staring at Sam in an unnerving way.
“I sure have use of people with your skills,” Michael says. “But the fact that you have morals narrows it down a little. What do you want to do, Sam?”
“Your stripping routine was pretty good, Samwise.” Gabriel grins. “I’m sure there’s –”
“Gabe,” Lucifer says warningly.
“Come on, don’t tell me you wouldn’t want to see that again.”
“Who says I can’t?” Sam can practically hear Lucifer grinning, and elbows him in the ribs with force.
“Cut it,” he says.
“Oh that’s new.” Raphael looks at Lucifer in mock curiosity. “You actually shut up, when your boyfriend tells you to?”
“Fuck you in particular, sis.”
Sam shares a look with Michael, who pulls a long suffering face. “I can send them out, if you want to,” the oldest Shurley offers.
“It’s alright,” Sam says. “I already know what I want to do. You sometimes have to bring competition down, don’t you?”
All for of them nod.
“Well, I think I’m good at that.” It’s always a good thing bringing down criminal organizations, no matter from which side of the law you work, isn’t it?
Michael smiles. “You like undercover jobs, don’t you? Collecting information?”
That doesn’t sound bad at all. “I do.”
“Well, I think we can do something about that.”
Lucifer scoots closer and leans his chin on Sam’s shoulder. “Welcome to the family,” he whispers in Sam’s ear. And Sam thinks maybe having people that have your back is the most important thing after all. Even if you sometimes have to shoot your boss in their defense.
Tagging: @askatosch @brieflymaximumprincess @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @humongouscandycoffee @spn-you-idjits @samwise-the-true-hero @i-bleed-salt@hooker-legs@consultingmooseintimeandspace@ravestablook@shebahda@savagearchangelforthewin2-0 @me-fangirl@hardcorefangirlgroupie@thisisnotsteva@wearemykingdom@coffee-queen448 @talkmagically @secretlydaydreaminglifeaway  @cat-n-claw @oleszka123 @aldehydean
33 notes · View notes
grapefruitguan-blog · 6 years
Hellevator (SCB)
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There were many things that you had been looking forward to this week. For starters, you were going to watch the new movie that just came out with your friends later tonight. You had a whole season of TV shows to binge watch. You even had plans to go on a date with Kim Jisung, a cute boy in one of your classes.
So yes, you had many obligations this week, but getting hit by a car wasn’t one of them.
You swore it wasn’t your fault. After all, the pedestrian sign was on, and that meant you were allowed to walk across the busy street. The red light flashed, signalling for all cars to halt. Besides; you weren’t expecting a drunk driver to slam into you out of nowhere.
It came out of nowhere. The impact was blunt, and as you collapsed on the crosswalk, people shrieked at the sight of blood pooling around your body.  
“She’s going to bleed to death!” a woman cried out in hysterics.
“Somebody call 911! This girl’s about to die!”
You laid on the ground, slowly losing conscious as the ambulance sirens and the loud noises all around you slowly mixed together into one haze.
Was this really the end of your life? Already?
With that last thought, you lost all consciousness, officially pronounced as dead.
You definitely didn’t see the “light” that’s always described in movies and books. In fact, you were disappointed when you woke up, and found yourself in an extremely crowded line. Though you were confused at first, context clues helped you realize that you were inside of a hotel.
Dark bronze gilded every corner of the room, and chandeliers hung from every ceiling. Candles were lit all across the room, emitting an orange glow throughout the building. The glass doors were spotless as bell hoppers and maids scrambled to get them cleaned. With a blood red carpet at your feet and the sparkling of the lights all around you, it was hard not to be convinced that you were in a first-class hotel. Taking in your surroundings, you noticed the front desk managers bustling back and forth, and workers trying to negotiate with customers.
“I don’t belong here!” you heard a man insist, “I went to church every Sunday!”
“Sir,” you saw the lady sigh, “we apologize. After a church got caught on fire, Heaven has been overbooked, and it’s at its maximum capacity right now. We just ask of you to wait here a little longer until they reopen their gates.”
“Are you kidding?” another retorted, “I don’t deserve to go to Hell!”
“Sir, we apologize for the inconvenience, but all souls must wait here until they are sent up to Heaven due to an overbooking.”
“And how long will that be?”
“We don’t know.”
It finally clicked to you that only people who have seen the “light” went to Heaven.
You were currently in Hell.
More complaints and groans now broke out among the people around you, the chaos escalating by the second. You finally make it to the front of the line, meeting with a disgruntled worker about your age.
“Hello,” she sighed, “and welcome.”
Her once-perfect bun was now out of place, bags prominent under her eyes, and her face scrunched up with the stress from previous customers. Like all the other workers, she wore a white long sleeved button down with a dark red vest and black slacks.
“Hey there,” you started, “first, I’m not really concerned about the whole overbooking thing.”
The girl leaned back in her chair, sighing with relief.
“Thank God! If that’s the case, what can I do for you today?”
“I’m not really familiar with how this whole death process works..could you maybe help a poor soul out?”
“Oh, right!” the girl exclaimed, now rapidly typing on her computer. “Would you mind telling me your first and last name?”
“(Y/N) (L/N).”
“Okay,” the girl nodded.
“Yikes, a car crash? You’re one of the lucky ones, at least you kept all your limbs.”
The girl printed out a few sheets of paper, sliding them to you as she explained your situation.
“So, contrary to the popular belief, Hell isn’t for people who committed real crimes. Though those people do come here, we’re technically the gatekeepers of the afterlife,” she said, pointing at your name. “Everyone, good or bad, has to go through the Hotel. People come here and when we look up your name, it’ll tell us if you’re to be sent to Heaven or to stay in Hell. Usually, this process is super quick, but as you heard, we have a huge overbooking.”
“But, your case is kind of weird,” she said, scrunching her nose, “there’s a box for where it’s written on where you’re to be sent, but yours was left blank.”
“I know,” she frowned, “if you don’t mind, I’m going to call my manager over. It looks like a weird computer glitch. Give me a moment, okay?”
A moment later, she came back with an man, wearing a uniform identical to hers.
“(Y/N), right?” he asked, scanning the computer.
“That’s me.”
“We’re going to have to send you to the higher officials, because this seems to be a special case. I really am sorry,” he apologized, “This never really happens.”
“No, it’s fine,” you laughed, “it’s not your fault.”
Thankful that you weren’t like the previous customers who complained, the man asked you to follow him into one of the back rooms, weaving through multiple hallways. Through all the identical doors, he finally stopped, and knocked.
“Hello, this is Woojin. The customer’s here.”
“Come in.”
As the doors opened, there was a middle-aged man lounging in his black leather chair, and sat straight when he saw you walk into the room.
“So, this is the girl?”
He motioned for you to take a seat, as Woojin from earlier continued to stand, and slid your papers over to him.
“As you can see, there was no place for her that was pre-arranged.”
“We haven’t had someone like that for a while,” he hummed, “Quite peculiar, if you ask me.”
“Sorry, I hate to be rude, but who are you exactly?” you asked, “I’m still new to this whole ‘Hell is a Hotel’ sort of thing.”
The man chuckled before stretching out a hand to you. “That’s my fault, so no need to worry. Hello, (Y/N), my name is Jinyoung, but all the staff calls me JYP.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“JYP is the owner of the Hotel, and is in charge of any interesting cases like yours,” explained Woojin, “He’s the current ruler of Hell. You probably knew him as Satan if you ever read the Bible.”
Nodding, familiar with the story, JYP groaned.
“Woojin, son, we’ve been over this. I didn’t really turn into a snake, and Eve actually didn’t eat my apples.”
“Sorry, sir.”
“Anyways (Y/N),” JYP continued, “Based off of your papers, I can verify that you weren’t given a place to go, because your death wasn’t planned. In fact, it was out of the ordinary. And checking your current report,” he said, scanning through, “You aren’t half bad. It seems like you could still live a little before returning.”
“So, I’m going to give you an option. Do you want to live still?”
“Yes,” you answered without any hesitation.
“Then, I’ll grant you that.”
He walked over to the bookshelf, motioning for you to get up. As you followed him, he pulled one of the books downwards, and the shelf fell forward. Behind it led an entrance to a hallway.
“You can do anything down here,” he said, laughing at your priceless reaction, “come along.”
He led you down another staircase, and you felt the temperature drastically turn cold, and the air turned damp. Staring up, you realized how far down you now were, and the Hotel felt as if it was just a dream.
It got even darker as you continued down, and JYP, who was walking in front of you the whole time, finally came to a halt.
“(Y/N), you’ve made it this far without backing out, so before I proceed, are you sure you want to continue?”
He smiled approvingly. “Good.”
“Changbin, you can come out now.”
“I’ve been here.”
The new voice took you by surprise as a teen walked out of the darkness. With pale, fair skin, and hair the color of ink, he wore ripped black jeans and a plain white tee shirt. His sunken eyes stared back at you, almost peculiar of what you were doing here.
“Who’s this?”
“Changbin, (Y/N), shake hands,” JYP grinned, “I’ve given (Y/N) the chance to go back to living, and I decided that you’re going along with her.”
“Seo Changbin.”
You two exchanged a firm handshake, and JYP continued on.
“(Y/N), have you ever heard of Lucifer from the Bible?”
You nodded. Lucifer used to be one of God’s angels, but later fell to Hell with others, becoming the first demons.
“Well, the Bible was wrong,” JYP chuckled, “Changbin here was actually Lucifer. John the Baptist just didn’t like his name, so he changed it instead.”
“Wait, isn’t Lucifer supposed to be Satan? That’s what the Bible said.”
Changbin rolled his eyes. “That’s also where the priest guy messed up. We aren’t the same person, JYP’s my dad.”
“He got confused,” explained JYP, “so when his soul was sent to the lobby, Changbin definitely made sure he knew who was who.”
“Anyways, enough introductions!” JYP said, clapping his hands, “because (Y/N) said that she indeed does want to live, I’ve decided that you should go along with her, Changbin. You might as well see what the outside world is like.”
“And to do so, you two will have to go through the Hellevator.”
“After negotiating with my old buddy Gabriel in Heaven, we have both agreed to allow some hotel visitors go back to living if we deem them as applicable. The Hellevator is a simple process: you’ll be put in a virtual hotel and you need to get to the top floor together in order to go back to living.”
“And if we don’t?”
“Well..you’ll see.”
He led the two of you towards another door, revealing a portal.
“Once you step inside, you’ll be in the Hellevator. When you’ve reached the top floor, ring the bell.”
“So, (Y/N),” JYP spun around, “Are you still up for it?”
Changbin looked at you curiously, not knowing what you’d answer with.
“Yes,” you firmly answered.
“Very well.”
As the two of you walked through the door, you heard it shut, with JYP’s last words.
“The best of luck to you two, and welcome to the Hellevator.”
It has officially been two days since you and Changbin have been stuck inside of the Hellevator, and nothing seems to be working.
You realized that the Hellevator was essentially another replica of the Hotel, but there was nobody else inside, and there were no exits. Right after JYP left you and Changbin to defend for yourselves, you realize three things.
First, the only way to get out was to make it to the top floor. Second, there weren’t even any staircase exits. The only transportation you had was an elevator, but as of now, you could only click the button to go to “Floor One,” and that didn’t help you at all. There were key holes that showed that if you found the keys, you’d be able to activate buttons for the other floors. Third, there had to be clues somewhere that could help you get out of here.
"The Hellevator is not something to be taken lightly, (Y/N)," Changbin said, pacing.
"What do you mean? We just have to beat his stupid puzzles, keep clicking buttons, and get out of here."
"My dad wouldn't let us go alive, unless it was impossible to do so."
"So you're saying I'm stuck with you until we somehow reach the 13th floor?"
"Something like that."
The two of you managed to continue searching the floor for clues. The walls were bare, and there were no ornaments or decorations in sight. Frustrated, Changbin walked around as he let out an open thought.
“Why the hell would he set us in a place with nothing to be found?”
He kicked the wall, leaving a small hole as he let out a curse of string words.
“Wait, I think I now have an idea.”
He turned around to see you now rapidly pulling at the carpet.
“(Y/N), what the hell are you doing?”
“You asked why he’d set us in a place with nothing to be found, right?” you said, finally managing to rip off pieces of the carpet, “that got me thinking; maybe we were just not looking for it in the right places.”
As Changbin helped you lift the carpet off, you spotted a gleam of gold peeking out from underneath one of the floorboards.
You picked up the mini key, sprinting over to the elevator, and set the key into its rightful place. Whirring, it disappeared, leaving you with a button labeled “Floor Two.”
“Hell yeah.”
Changbin pressed the button, and the elevator doors closed, leaving you two to jet up into the unknown, while listening to some jazz elevator music.
This floor was different. As soon as you stepped out of the elevator, you almost gagged.
“What’s that smell?” you asked.
“I swear, even the Medieval Times smelled better than this,” said Changbin, pinching his nose.
There was nothing that could describe what you were inhaling; it was as if JYP decided to mix moldy socks, rotten eggs, curdled milk, and old meat all together. Needless to say, it was rancid. You would never understand his reasoning for this, and figured it was just a prank.
“Anyways, let’s just try to find the key,” you said, almost choking as the smell intensified.
“Do you think he’d put the key wherever it smelled the worst?”
“Knowing my dad, that’d be way too easy.”
The two of you continued searching the floor, not gaining any success, until Changbin found a small note underneath one of the floor tiles.
“I swear!” he yelled, “The old man go jump off a cliff.”
“What’d he do?”
Furious, Changbin thrusted the note into your hands.
“Changbinnie, now you know how I feel whenever you didn’t clean your room,” you read.
“Changbinnie? For a boy that’s always trying to act so badass, that’s a cute nickname.”
“Go to hell.”
“I already did, remember?”
You continued to keep looking for any hints, until Changbin finally sat down.
“This is so useless,” he groaned, “and of course, he has to use that stupid nickname.”
“Why’d he even start calling you that?”
“When I was little, I got stuck in a bin, and I started crying because I thought I’d never be able to get out,” he said, rolling his eyes, “I mean, come on, Changbin-”
He stopped himself midway.
“Hello, Changbin? You good?” you waved your hands in front of his face.
“No, I’m fine,” he said, shaking his head, “call me crazy, but I think his note was the legitimate clue.”
He got up, turning a corner and hollered as he came running back with a trash bin.
“Changbinnie,” he said, once over again, “my dad meant the trash can.”
“Genius. Now, let’s get out of here.”
Palming the key in his hands, the two of you didn’t hesitate to run inside of the elevator, and click the new “Floor 3” button.
[FLOOR 13]
After long trials of discovering JYP’s sudoku, riddles, and even running away from a pig, you finally have made it to the top floor.
But; you aren’t alone.
You and Changbin walked out of the elevator, holding hands.
After the 6th floor, you and Changbin were waiting in the elevator to move up to the 7th. Out of nowhere, Changbin hits you out of the blue with a confession.
“I like you.”
Not paying attention, you nodded half-asleep, until registering what he just said.
“Wait, what?!”
Changbin turned tomato red and a blubbering mess.
“N-No stop you didn’t hear anything, go back to sleep.”
“Seo Changbin, my ears tell me you said you liked me, so don’t take it back if you’re scared that I don’t like you back, loser.”
You kissed him on the cheek, soon having blush blossom all over your face.
“I thought you were cute since your dad introduced you to me.”
“We’re finally here,” breathed Changbin, squeezing your hand, “you did it.”
“No, Binnie, WE made it.”
“(Y/N), please never call me that again.”
“But who’s the one who figured out how to play the checkers game on floor 9?”
“...shut up.”
Now a routine, the two of you went to start searching for clues, but found yourself interrupted by someone clapping their hands.
“Well, if it isn’t (Y/N),” the voice said, bitterly. Instantly recognizing the speaker, you whipped around.
It was the kid from your class; the one who had a date scheduled with until you died. He was standing in front of you, the same way he was when he asked you to go to karaoke that night.
“So, it seems like you actually aren’t dead,” he mused.
“Jisung, what are you doing here? This is a virtual reality. And isn’t this only for the dead?”
He chuckled. “Oh, (Y/N). You’re so innocent, sweet, and stupid. Did you think I really wanted to be with you?”
“Hey (Y/N), I think I found some-” Changbin said, walking in and stopping. “You.”
“Hello, Changbin,” smiled Jisung, “it’s been a while.”
Within seconds, the boys had eachother by their shirts, and the tension could have been cut by a knife.
“(Y/N), how do you know Beelzebub?”
“...You mean Jisung? We had a date that day I died.”
“Yeah, (Y/N), I was that driver who hit you,” Jisung shrugged, “my bad.��
“Fuck you,” growled Changbin, “why do you always feel like you can do whatever you want with peoples’ lives?”
“Because I can, Changbin,” retorted Jisung, shoving him aside, “Now, (Y/N), would you like to continue where we started off?
“No? What do you me-”
He was cut off when you smacked him across the face, his eyes turning blood red as he clutched his cheek.
“You little bitch, you’re going to pay for this.”
He grabbed you by the neck, barely giving you enough room to breathe. As soon as you almost saw stars, you felt his hold on you loosen. Seeing this as an opportunity to fight back, you bit his hand. Jisung yelps in pain as you scramble away from him, desperate for some weapons.
“You think you’re getting away with that? This time, I’m really going to kill you.”
“I don’t think so, fucker.”
Changbin came out of nowhere, and knocked Jisung out from above, kicking him square in the head. Jisung fell forward and unconscious, and didn’t get up afterwards.
Changbin helped you drag his body towards the elevator, pressing for “Floor One,” and removing any other floor buttons. That way, he would be stuck in the Hellevator forever.
“So, how’d you know that prick?”
“For some reason, I thought he was cute.”
“How can you think someone like that is cute? Are you kidding, (Y/N)? God, Beelzebub is just-”
You cut him off with a kiss, taking him by surprise. You’ve kissed each other on the cheek here and there, but this was the first time you actually kissed him.
“What was that for?”
“Sometimes you need to shut up, but actions speak louder than words.”
Changbin then tilted his head, pressing his lips against yours.
“I’ll take that as an answer.”
A bell suddenly appeared in front of you two, which you both eagerly rung together. As soon as the bell rang and echoed throughout all 13 floors, you found the portal that you first walked in on the first floor reopening.
“Congratulations, (Y/N)!” beamed JYP, who was waiting at the other end, “I knew you had it in you.”
Eyeing the two of you holding hands, he smirked. “I knew you two were going to be a thing. Gabriel owes me ten dollars now.”
“Dad, did you really bet on us?”
“How can I not? Binnie, you’re growing up so fast! And good job with kicking Beelzebub in there, the kid was annoying and I didn’t know how to fire him.”
“Dad, please stop.”
You laughed as you saw the two men bicker, now getting the attention towards you.
“So, (Y/N),” JYP stated, “Because you’ve cleared the Hellevator, I’m writing you off as alive on your papers. After all, you have a life to continue living.”
Another portal reopened, in which he motions for you to step through.
“Once you step through this, you will be alive again. Anything regarding the car accident won’t have happened, and hey,” he smiled, “you can still go watch that movie with your friends.”
You saw Changbin looking at the floor and not facing you.
He was quiet, knowing that if you went through that portal, you were no longer going to remember him, or have any recollection of what happened until you died once again, but this time; naturally.
“Wait for me, okay?” he whispered, cupping your face, “I won’t ever forget you.”
“Me neither.”
You took one last look at him as you stepped through the portal, him and JYP giving you one last wave.
“Goodbye, daughter-in-law! See you soon.”
The next time you woke up, you found yourself in bed. The birds were singing the same way they were the day you died, your alarm beeped the same way it always did. You were no longer the “girl who died,” but you stayed as “the girl who’s still living.”
Things were back to normal.
You sat around your house, trying to find things to do to make time pass until you were to meet your friends in six hours. As you were watching the TV, you were interrupted by the doorbell ringing.
“Hold on, I’ll be right there!”
As you opened the door, you burst out into tears, jumping on the person outside.
It was Seo Changbin, Lucifer, the son of Satan, in all of his glory. He was back to his ripped black jeans and white shirt, the same way he was when you had first fallen in love with him.
“Hey, I thought you forgot about me,” he laughed, “or weren’t you supposed to?”
“Stupid, how could I have forgotten you?”
“Well, I was all ready to try to woo you or something,” he sighed, pulling something from behind his back, “See? I even brought these roses!”
“Changbin, you do know that nobody says ‘woo’ anymore, right?”
“Shut up and just enjoy the flowers.”
You two went to your couch, where you ordered Chinese takeout while watching movies from the 1990s, and you suddenly spoke up.
“I know you and I hate cheesy things, but I really now really say that I love you. And I mean it. It’s not something to throw around, but I feel like I can say it to you and mean it.”
He tore his eyes off the screen.
“To the moon and back, (Y/N),” Changbin grinned, stealing another kiss.
“And from Hell and back.”
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athyrabunlord · 7 years
(((o(*°▽°*)o))) @argnatien has written another lovely long review, for LLSHP AU ch15! As usual, everything is under the cut!
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Definitely don’t apologize, I really appreciate any feedback let alone such a wonderfully long and thorough one :’D I remember how stressful exam weeks were like, so thanks for still taking your time to write this! (and yes all those back to back LL related news and then SIF new cards and everything aaaah it’s been a wonderful week so far) I’m pleased I’m somewhat able to keep to my upload schedule though (new chapter every 2-3 weeks, I can only mostly write on weekends)
Yoshiko is the main narrator, main character of this story so I’ll always fret over how she’s portrayed ahaha XD;;; If someone just reads ch15, they’ll probably think why Yoshiko is not herself. Alas, this arc3, so everything’s continuously built up until this point so yup, glad to hear her characterization is fine!
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My intention for the interludes are additions to the main story, a side-story for characters whose story couldn’t really be shown through the narrator’s POV, but also so that these subplots would not affect to the main story. The main story should be complete on its own without a reader having to read the Interludes but, of course, it’s preferred that the readers would! Glad you like the flow, it makes me feel like I’ve succeeded in my delivery. I still slightly regret posting the Interlude in the middle of Arc2, rather than after the end of Arc1, since I’m particular when it comes to consistency and this throws the format out the window XDDDD Minor issue ofc, just a personal pet peeve(?).
Yes, theoretical Yoshiko has always been able to call upon Lucifer, except of course back then she wasn’t aware of such situation. But this was also how she was able to find the bat back then, subconsciously attracted to the creature marked by their shared soul. And yes, that’s where those blank states of mind came from – Yohane’s presence was in the Forbidden Forest and the Shack at those instances. I’ll digress from commenting further, and yes some of these questions were sort of answered in ch16 😊
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Indeed, why is Maru able to approach Yoshiko in that ‘berserk’ state? Maru is also able to sense Yoshiko somehow in ch16, so... more of that to come later on. The coelacanth and Yoshiko’s Patronus are definitely key points in this story. After all, this whole story was built from that tidbit about her Patronus saving Maru long ago, on the concept art :D
I’m unable to comment more on this for now though. As for the Selkie Chieftainess, she remarked the soul was split almost evenly but again that was the merpeople’s guess, based on what they could sense from witnessing Yoshiko’s Patronus.
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Yoshiko and Yohane’s connection is definitely imperfect and not fully controllable. Emotions are a vital part of this bond. Your thoughts on Hanamaru’s part between the two are interesting and you’re astute on certain points (* ^ ω ^) more of that to come of course. This is Arc3, there will be resolutions.
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\jimoai/ I’ve kept it subtle but there are always minor jimoai moments within their group scenes. The most obvious one would be the Xmas banquet. The guilty trash in me had them dance together XD Not gonna lie - Yoshiko probably had a minor crush on You since the beginning, at least she’s physically attracted to the charming Seeker. Alas, Yoshiko’s thoughts have always revolved around Hanamaru more. Crush or not though, Yoshiko has always been closer to You out of the Gryffindor trio. You has always encouraged her, is accepting of her and is playful with her.
Through the Selkie Chieftainess, Yoshiko learned more about the Fallen. The group did have major breakthroughs within this story’s timeline, and yes I do confirm this group didn’t just form recently, they have existed long before Yohane joining. Again, can’t comment on this much but you’re perceptive~
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Just as Yoshiko can try to talk to Yohane, it’s the same the other way around as well. While I didn’t put a specific date, ch15 took place in early March, while the majority of Ch12-14 took place in the end of January. There was a huge hole in one of Yohane’s wings when the coelacanth Patronus first struck her, and there was another clash before Yoshiko lost consciousness back in ch14. So yes, to put it simply, neither Yohane nor Yoshiko’s HP bar is replenished yet.
Aha 8D I worry if I stress it too many times that Yohane’s using the sakura wand, but yay you noticed. Yes, since Yohane’s first on-screen appearance, she’s only been using Riko’s wand. Can’t answer your questions yet but it’s definitely there for a reason.
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In the original HP verse, a Patronus’ strength is based on the caster’s soul/magic, thus some wizards/witches can’t even use it, let alone Dark ones like the Death Eaters. But it’s notable that evil b*tches like Umbridge can use the Patronus Charm, just sayin’. And yes, a Patronus is fueled by the caster’s happy/positive memory. Why could Yoshiko cast it and Yohane couldn’t?
OTL I feel bad, you bring up so many wonderful points but there are only a few I can comment/reply on XD;;;
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If there’s no ‘Yohane’ and nothing happened to their group of 9, Yoshiko would’ve definitely found the feathered wings cool af and her belief in datenshi would’ve become even stronger. Alas, it is what it is, and having such ‘loose’ soul fragments is definitely not good, especially in the long run...
All very insightful points, definitely something to keep in mind as we slowly approach the climax of Arc3 (and the whole story).
You’re exactly right with Riko - you definitely don’t bounce back from repeated Crucios and only be a bit disorientated when you wake up. I tried to be as realistic as possible in ch16. In the original HP, we saw what happened to Neville’s parents. I’ll be frank - that’s what would have happened to Riko if she hadn’t worn the carbonado necklace.
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Secrets definitely don’t stay secrets forever. The group has yet to tackle their biggest trial just yet.
Thank you again for your lovely review! I eat up every word like popcorn during a movie (*ノ∀`*) I definitely have to respond somehow, at least parts that I could answer! You bring up so many good points that I feel would be good for other readers.
Good luck on your schoolwork but definitely don’t over stress! Resting is very, very, very important says the person who goes to work with 2 hour sleep due to all the livestreams and other stuff
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shirtlesssammy · 7 years
The Future: How’s Everyone Doing? Did Everyone Survive? Recap
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To reiterate: Worried husband is worried. Also, Dagon, blah, blah, blah.
Kelly appears to be in far less posh accommodations than last we saw her. Dirty and chained to an old cot in the basement of an undisclosed location, she at least is getting round the clock care from Nurse Ratchet Dagon. Dagon reminds Kelly that she can do what she wants but the nephilim will destroy her, and the world. Before Dagon leaves Kelly alone again, she suggests Kelly “take a bath.” So, um, Kelly does. And she brings along a nice straight-edge. 1) that was kind of a weird voice-over, and B) that’s a lot of blood for someone we know isn’t going to die.
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These 25 seconds are my Sam Jam. Dean finds his savant brother in the war room with a clearer picture about nephilim and how much time they have before they need to find Kelly. “I think she’ll be giving birth around May 18th.” All the Lolz and eye rollz. How Very Convenient that’s the same day as the season finale.
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Yes, Dean, tell us more about how you’re pissed at your “friend” for disappearing for a couple months. Please, you’re pretty angry and we all believe you. Agggghhhh, Cas heard Dean’s “messages”. Like, his actual phone messages? Or his “it’s 2 am and I can’t sleep so I’m gonna pray to you messages?” Well, Dean is too pissed to even talk, so he storms off to his bedroom.
In his bedroom, he’s busy running some crazy tracking programs on his computer, when there’s a knock on his door. I swear I’ve read this fanfic before. Oh wait,
I did.
It’s Cas. He just stopped by to return a mix tape Dean had made him. A. MIX. TAPE. When I was 13, a boy made me a mix tape. I couldn’t give myself hope that it meant anything more than friendship. 20 years later, I confirmed that my 13 year old self was stupid. CAS, YOU ARE BEING STUPID. 
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DEAN MADE CAS A MIX TAPE. Like, how is that not romantic? Like, I’m not a dude, but is that something dudes do for each other in the digital age? (And think about it, Cas doesn’t trust computers. Dean thought of that and went through the effort of making an analog gift.)
Anyway, I could go on all day and all summer hiatus about this.
Dean decides to at least open up a little to Cas. He can barely talk, but he makes it clear to Cas that he can’t just disappear like he did. “We were worried. That’s not ok.” Cas apologizes but confesses that he feels like he’s always failing. He failed to find them when they were in prison. He failed to find Kelly. Dean counters that they’re all in the same boat. They also had a chance at Kelly and lost her. Sam is determined to find a way to save Kelly before the baby is born. Cas wonders, if they can’t find her in time, if they can kill an innocent. “We will find a better way,” Dean insists. Team Free Will! Dean leaves his room before they kiss and make up. Hmmm.
Meanwhile, Dagon goes to check on Kelly, and finds a tub of blood ---and a perfectly healthy Kelly. It seems the nephilim wants to live.
Later in the library, Sam asks Dean about tracking the nephilim. That question leads Sam to wonder about extracting the angel grace from the nephilim, thus leaving it a perfectly normal baby. Kelly and her baby could both live. “Hot damn.” They have a plan. Dean runs to get Cas!
Dean knocks on Cas’s door, but no one answers. In fact, the room is empty. Cas is gone. 1) Cas has a room, confirmed. B) Oh, Dean Bean.
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Dagon and Kelly are having a heart to heart about Kelly’s miraculous non-death. Kelly seems to have renewed faith in her demon spawn.
Cas did indeed ditch the Brothers Winchester. He also stole the Colt. He meets Kelvin and hands over the Colt. 
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They’ve got 2 bullets and a give-em-hell attitude for killing Dagon and Kelly. Dean calls, but Cas doesn’t answer. Castiel. Smh. Cas makes it perfectly clear to Kelvin that he’s not working for the angels. “I’m doing this for the Winchesters. I stole the Colt to keep them out of this mission and to keep them safe from Dagon. And I will kill this girl so Sam and Dean don’t have to.” Can’t say that he didn’t pick up anything from Dean over the past 9 years. He’ll do anything to protect his family. Even when it’s the wrong way.
Dagon is busy watching her game shows when the angels sneak into the house. Dagon kind of has the jump on them --in the sense that she was totally ready and completely kicks their butts. Cas kinda wastes a bullet, but in his defense, I don’t think he’s ever used a gun before. (Natasha: he used a shotgun during the apocalypse.) Kelvin tells Cas to go find Kelly while he battles Dagon. Welp, I liked you Kelvin.
Cas finds Kelly in the basement.
Dean is back to silent treatment with Cas so he makes Sam call him, but Sam has no luck. Sam wonders how Cas grabbed the Colt from the safe in the first place. It seems that Dean was keeping it under his pillow.
Dean: I say we find him and we kick his feathered ass.
Sam: Cas wouldn’t have taken the Colt if he wasn’t going up against something big.
Dean: Ok, I say we find him, figure out what’s going on, then we kick his feathered ass.
Man Dean, you’re really focusing on Cas’s feathered ass.
Cas is currently on the run. He couldn’t complete his mission of killing Kelly, so he absconded with her instead. Kelly thanks Cas for not killing her, but he doesn’t want her thanks. He, once again, thinks that he failed at a mission. CAAASSS. Stop. You fight your humanity, but it’s a good thing.
Dagon has a little mental meeting with Lucifer. Luci isn’t too happy that Castiel has his child-to-be. And the end of their convo reveals that Dagon has Kelvin hostage.
Cas and Kelly meanwhile are still on the run. Cas tells Kelly that he’s getting orders from Joshua in heaven.  He couldn’t kill her before, but he can now bring her to heaven. Her life, and her baby’s life, will end as soon as they pass through the portal. (Me: squirrels away information for later.) Kelly refuses. Cas pleads with her that this is the only way to stop this very powerful human-archangel hybrid. Kelly seems to have faith in this all powerful being - nothing is born evil. (Dude, it will kill you no matter what else it does with the universe….ain’t no good coming for you in this scenario.) Cas’s very bad day continues when his truck won’t start.
Dagon tortures Kelvin for information on Cas's location. “WWCD,” she whispers. “What would Castiel do?”
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Cas ushers Kelly into the hotel room while he googles “how to fix a truck.” (Cas, you adorable sunflower.) Kelly admits that she tried to kill herself – she died – and then her child saved her. Cas is astonished. That explains the pulse of power they felt in Heaven. Kelly promises that her child is good because he saved her. “It was a miracle,” she said, ecstatic. “Maybe it's part of some plan.”
Cas immediately protests. “I used to believe in a plan. But everyone is just winging it.” There's no grand blueprint. (Trust him, he met God. Not impressed.) “You were just there,” he tells her about how she came to be impregnated by Lucifer. And I have to pause here because all season Kelly has been sort of blah oatmeal, referred to by all parties as a container and having very little agency of her own. It's been hard to argue with that which was super gross given parallels between Kelly-as-container and political narratives which argue that a woman's body IS ultimately just a container. It's such a relief to get some personality in this episode – even if it is highly suspect given the nature of her child and resurrection. In any other context I'd be unimpressed, but the fact that she's arguing back is Such. A. Relief.
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Cas sighs. Kelly still maintains that her child will be good for the world. Cas argues that she's going to die anyway. I'm going to imagine this next section as a song. Hum along with me, kids:
Cas: Who will care for him when you're gone?
Chorus: Cas-ti-el, Cas-ti-el!
Cas: Who is strong enough to protect him?
Chorus: Cas-ti-el, Cas-ti-el!
Cas: Who can keep him on the righteous path?
Chorus: Castiel can!
Cas feels the baby kicking and smiles. Kelly's eyes turn yellow and she has a vision of the playground to Heaven, Cas threatening somebody in order to protect her.
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There's a knock on the door. It's the Winchesters! “Yeah, that's mine,” Dean says looking at Cas - I mean, the Colt in Cas's hand. Heh. This is immediately followed by Dean slamming Cas into a wall so.... brb just going to be sitting over here giggling.
Anyway, Dean and Cas have a heart to heart. And by “heart to heart” I mean they don't talk about anything at all because interrupting!Sam asks about Kelly.
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Turns out the Winchesters have trust issues and Sam lojacked Cas's phone while he was flirting for the Colt in Dean's bedroom. Cas explains that he tried to use the Colt to kill Dagon and failed (cue Charlie Brown frown) and he's hiding out in a hotel because his truck broke down. He explains that he just tried to keep the Winchesters safe. Bullshit, they counter. They explain their grace extraction theory as an alternative to death by sandbox. (A sentence I never thought I’d type.) Kelly absolutely refuses to consider grace extraction – his powers are what make her baby special. Hmmm, oh dear. They all agree to get in the Impala and head to a hideout.
The car is locked (for the first time ever?) (Boris: Cas should have just shattered the window like Henry did) and Dean chucks Cas the keys while Sam and Dean hold their usual to-the-side conversation about the episode's plot. Kelly climbs into the driver's seat and takes off like a bat outta Hell, squealing tires and everything. She's headed for the sandbox, if Cas would be so kind as to tell her where it is. She tells Cas that her baby chose him and told her to go along with his plan and he would be born.
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“I am not someone that you should put your faith in,” Cas protests. (Me: hugs Cas so TIGHT.)
Oh yeah? Kelly counters. Well, “before this I was a cut rate political flak in an embarrassingly unprofessional relationship with my boss. I don't know why it's me or you. But I know we're destined for something great.”
Back at the hotel, I don't know what's pissing off Dean more. Cas and Kelly going AWOL again or that he's got to fix Cas's truck. Dean speculates that Cas is so desperate for a win he can't see straight. And, I mean, he's not wrong.
Cas and Kelly arrive at the sandbox, Cas the one who's hesitating. The portal lights up and Joshua appears. Just when we're protesting that Joshua is now played by a white dude he explodes. So...I see what you did there, show.
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Dagon waves away Joshua dust and taunts Cas and Kelly. Cas steps in front of her. Who's ready to rumble? Dagon immediately starts kicking Cas's ass which is when the Winchesters arrive. Sam unloads a clip in Dagon which only serves to piss her off and she smacks Sam across the playground. Dean pulls out the one-bullet superweapon and Dagon smokes out then wrenches the gun from Dean's hand. “Time to take this off the board,” she says.
NOOOOO, yell Dean and fans of the Colt everywhere.
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Cas stumbles up to Kelly and begs her to run. In response, she holds his hand which, as Dagon notes, is “adorbs.” Kelly's eyes glow yellow and yellow energy zaps into Cas. His eyes glow yellow and, fueled by the power of superbaby, he grabs Dagon's smiting hand and torches the Prince of Hell.
It's a miracle!
Sam and Dean approach warily, asking what happened. It was Cas and the baby, baby! Cas ever so gently heals Dean's broken arm.
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“I've been so lost,” says Cas. “I'm not lost anymore. This child must be born with all of his power.” Ruh roh. “I have faith,” Cas says just so we know something's really wrong. The Winchesters need to trust him, Cas tells them right before he zaps them straight into sleepytown. (Dean’s soft “don’t” before Cas knocks him out just slays me.) Cas and Kelly head off to his truck (thanks for fixing it, Dean-o!) Kelly asks Cas what her baby showed him. “The future,” Cas replies vaguely.
The truck peels away, leaving the Winchesters passed out in the playground. Peace out, bitches.
Boris: Where to begin with this? People have been paralleling this season with season 6, and this episode was a non-stop, flashing lights recall of season 6. Cas once again goes behind the Winchesters for the greater good, to keep them out of trouble, to not bother them with his failings. I couldn’t help but see flashes of Godstiel at the end, right? He’s all powered up, and completely brainwashed for a cause. I would think meeting God would jade you a little, Cas, but I guess hopped up on nephilim mojo will change a guy. Cas is still in one more episode, but I feel like we’re going to be left with serious doubt about the state of Team Free Will by the time May 18th rolls around. Dean and Sam (especially Dean) have made it very clear that Cas belongs with them. I think that Cas is confused about what it means to be an equal with the Winchesters --his whole existence has been to lead or serve or follow orders. He keeps fighting against that free will that comes natural to him. He feels the need to serve and protect the brothers, at great cost to everyone all the time! But once he learns that a true partnership is a give and take, maybe then he’ll give up this constant cycle of misguided actions. CAS!!
WWQD? What Would Quotes Do?
Where the hell have you been and why have you ignored our phone calls?
It's a gift. You keep those.
I needed to come back here with a win for you.
Yes, dumbass, we.
I'll be there right by his side to nurture him, love him, help him to kill everything. You know, like a mother should.
Lucifer – he's just breaking toys.
You're not our babysitter, Cas.
There are kinks, yes.
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alwida10 · 8 years
Spn 12x12 Coda
sooo... this is actually my first own contribiution to tumblr. Please don’t be to hard on me! *blushes*  I thought about adding a second chapter with the explicit part. If you guys like this part, I will try. So here we go: 
Dean, Sam and Cas were home. At last. Yet even though it seemed over, for now, the aftershock lingered.
Though seemingly recovered, Cas still had been in no proper condition to drive himself. At least according to Dean, who had insisted on him riding in the Impala shotgun. Mary had stayed behind taking care of Wally and his belongings. Sam had brought Cas’ pickup back to the base, and disappeared in his room shortly after. Dean also went to his, leaving Castiel alone in the library. Dean had not been wrong. The angel’s physical pain caused by Michael’s lance had vanished, clearly, but the other pain, the one even harder to bear, remained.
Back there, in the barn, he had been ready to die. He didn’t want to, for sure, but he had also been at peace. The was a certain liberation to it, since it allowed him to finally face the truth. “Fallen”, many of his brother called him. He himself however always dismissed it. For wasn’t he still utterly obedient to the oaths of heaven? Indeed, he was. But not in thoughts. The other angels were right, after all, for it was not heaven his last thoughts were directed at while succumbing to the rot, but a man. The one he fell for those eight years ago.
In the sea of the silent and dark library, the very last desk was a small island of light illuminated by the reading lamp. Elbows on the table, face buried in his palms Castiel sat between broken red shadows. His confession, a last warm touch of love to comfort himself, now turned into pain. Why didn’t he die? He was at the merge, breaking every oath he had ever taken, falling. And there was no way back now. Once admitted, he could no longer pretend those feelings wouldn’t exist. But the worst part of it was that now Dean knew it as well now. The shame made Cas’ face burn and his entrails tense. Each and every moment his affection for the hunter had endangered their friendship appeared in the angel’s mind: … “Personal space, Cas. We have talked about this” … “I will watch over you.” – “That’s not gonna happen!”, and many-many more. The confession must have been too much for Dean. Castiels close death might have prevented him from direct withdrawing, but too much closeness would sooner or later make Dean retreat. An unbearable thought! A soft but pained groan escaped Castiels lips, and drowned in the bottomless night.
Dean turned to the other side, pulling the blanket right up to his nose. Still no sleep. He growled. Two hours of tossing and rolling, but every time he was about to flake out, a picture of Cas appeared. The bleeding, his friend rotting away, the words of gratitude Dean didn’t deserve painfully forming on the broken lips. The memory was cringy beyond belief. There was however a remedy for this, he knew. Something to blur the memory and to relieve his fear. The fear of losing his angel, and of losing his head, unable to think or act reasonable... Yep, that was it. No way past it now. Annoyed, he pushed the blanket aside. Got up and took the ‘dead guys robe’ from a chair. Stumbled to the kitchen, his steps softly echoing from the dark and silent bunker walls. The Whiskey bottle was still waiting for him on the table, just where he had left it. Dean poured a glass and emptied it in one sip. A soft but pained groan coming from the library startled him when he was right about to pour a second. That sounded like Cas. Did the lance magic still work, all their efforts in vain? Was the rot back? The thoughts made him wince. “Cas, you O.K.?!”, he called, and rushed to the library, bottle and glass still in his hands.
The angel sat at the desk, all huddled and sunk. “Cas?”, Dean called out, again. The angel flinched, then look up confused, as if brought back from a place far away by the sound of his name. “Dean?” He didn’t look in pain, but surprised, with the eyes widened and mouth open, “What’s the matter?” Dean stopped and took a second look. No blood was to be seen, neither any black scars. The deeper lines around Castiels eyes made him look tired. He also appeared somewhat veiled by the dark, the shadows merging with his black suit, coat hanging over a chair.
“Everything ok? I thought I heard something.” “I am fine.” Cas looked down again. “Thank you.” Dean eyed Cas suspiciously for a moment longer, then let himself fall in the chair next to him, put the glass down and finally poured the second drink. Having the angel close also helped against his worries. “Oh man – you had me scared there!” he drank some, looking in the distance. “You know, you shouldn’t act so reckless all the time!”. Castiel looked up again briefly, but returned to staring at the desk the moment his and Dean’s eyes met.
Cas always tried to get the fight away from them. Like that time in the night club, when he risked his life by drawing Lucifers attacks to himself. He had done the same the other time, in the cage, when Dean was too worried about Sam to even notice. Today again, when he had thrown himself in front of Mary, nearly dying due to the demon’s lance. Deans hand tightened around the glass, as he had another drink. Cas remained silent. Dean slowly swirled the Whiskey in the glass. The dim light made the golden liquid seem reddish. When he gazed to Cas again, it felt like the other one had just turned his eyes away. The drink was slowly starting to work and made Deans thoughts slow down. “What you said there, Cas…” Dean started, not knowing how to finish the sentence. Again Cas’ eyes met his, but this time his face looked fearful. His lips moved, but no words came, so Dean proceeded, “… I am happy that you see us as your family, too.” Cas sunk somewhat deeper in his chair and exhaled, making a soft hiss. “Yes, it is good to have family. Nevertheless, I should hurry to find Kelly Kline.” He rose and turned to the war-room. The sudden outburst pierced through Deans comfortable bubble of Whiskey and togetherness. “Woa, woa, Cas! Just wait a minute! Now?” He couldn’t resist to grin a little. “And by the way – you built your board in the kitchen, which is quite the opposite direction.” “Thanks Dean. If I ever need to find the exit, you will be the one I ask for it.” He took the coat and put it on. “I don’t think sitting here will help much. It’s better to take a look around, were I lost her track.”
A cold clenched Deans stomach. “Cas, no! We are just back.” Leaving his drink on the desk, he rushed after the angel, put a hand on his shoulder and pulled a little. Cas reluctantly turned around. This time the pain in his eyes was obvious. Dean wished he could ask what the problem was. He wished it would be something easy, and trivial. He wished he wouldn’t already suspect it. Searching for words he just stood there, the hand on Cas’ shoulder. Could Cas’ pain be caused by what he thought? He swallowed, but when he finally spoke it still ached in his throat. “Listen, Cas. What you… what you said there before…” annoyed by his own helplessness, Dean paused, shut his eyes, trying to verbalize.
In the barn, when Cas said these words some of them just sounded deeper, more meaningful then others. For a moment, he had thought Cas might feel something more for him then for the other both. For a moment Dean had felt loved and desired but the memory what his father would have said about these things came just a second afterwards. Suddenly the idea itself had felt ridiculous.
He took a deep breath. “This is about us, isn’t it?” Fearful his stomach tensed. “Yes.” Dean swallowed. So, this was it. He felt a sudden warmth but quickly the fear covered his joy. He had always admired Cas – not only his power, but also his body. But there was a big difference between admiration and real touching. Once more he struggled for words. Cas looked fearful. “Why, Cas? I am nothing but a half functioning wreck with nothing but a car and some bad luck. You know my life. I didn’t even expect to make it this long. And you are a real, actual angel…” Dean broke off, when he saw how hard his words had hit Cas’. The other one’s gaze became unreadable and he turned away. “You are certainly right. I will continue my task.” Self-hate and fear to lose Cas once more competed inside Deans heart “Cas, wait!” Why was his voice so awfully unsteady? Cas hesitated at the foot of the stairs and looked back to him. “No, you are right, Dean. And I certainly don’t want to burden you.” After that he proceeded to the exit. Dean swallowed. His heart beat fast and painful against his ribs. He was such a fool! If Cas left now, he would never be brave again to start this topic again.         But he won’t let that happen. With four strides, he closed up to the angel and gripped his right shoulder, turning them face to face and pressed his lips onto Cas’. For some seconds, he lost himself in the sensation of the kiss. Then his brain caught up. Afraid to have gone too far he backed off a little and sought eye contact. But when their eyes met, he was nearly unable to bear it. The deep blue eyes were filled with painful longing and confusion. He wanted to say something but before he could Cas gripped his right shoulder, pushing him against the wall beside the door. Cas kissed him fiercely, gripping Deans hair with his left hand. Deans blood rushed in his ears and his face burned. Stubbles rubbed Deans face, his body pinned between Cas and the wall. How could something feel so good but also make him that confused? He just realized he had gripped the coats collar with his left hand, resting the other on Cas’ waist.  Cas backed off a little. Dean was breathless, ans his head spun. When his gaze met Cas, the same confusion, pain and longing laid in the other men’s face. Cas’ hand descended from Deans hair to his neck, caressing his skin and moving forward to the collar of the robe. Deans heart skipped a beat. “Wait. Come with me.”, he said and took a small step back, to the stairs. Reluctantly Cas let go of him and let Dean guide him to his room.
Dean locked the door behind them, finally feeling safe enough to turn to Cas again. Trapped between the bed and the desk, Cas stood there, eyes widened. “Dean, I … should not have… I shouldn’t…” he started. “Shhh”, Dean interrupted him, “Sit with me.” His thoughts a mess, Dean however knew how vulnerable Cas was right now. They both needed a safe place to talk this out. His heart was still racing, though. He gently gripped Cas’ coat making him strip it from his shoulders. The touch made Cas shiver. Where was he directing this to? Did he want that? He quickly dismissed this thought. Cas had kissed the demon Meg as well and nothing had become of that, had it? Surely Cas had no real interest in this. His actions could be nothing more than another transient confusion with his adaption to human emotions.
He took Cas by the hand and made him sit down on the edge of the bed, settling himself beside. He struggled to find the right way to thank Cas for staying, but the longing and conflict in the other man’s eyes made him remain silent. Cas gaze wandered to the open space of Deans bed. The covers were a mess. When he spoke, his voice was hoarse: “What am I to you, Dean?”
Deans stomach cringed painfully. It took him way too long to frame an answer, he couldn’t bring himself to use the same words Cas did. After a seemingly endless struggle, he took a deep breath: “You are the one who gripped me tight and raised me from perdition.” 
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the answers to all the questions
1: Name: Katya 2: Age: 19yrs old [almost 20] 3: 3 Fears: jump scares, that’s about it 4: 3 things I love: My cat, Music, Math 5: 4 turn-ons: brutality, intelligence, gentleness, independency 6: 4 turn-offs: being an asshole, huge ego, whiny bitch, failure at sexy talk 7: My best friend: My cat. And Kimmy 8: Sexual orientation: BIsexual 9: My best first date: smoked weed, watched Star Trek, stayed up the entire night, even up until going to class the following day. 10: How tall: 5’4” 11: What/Who do I miss?: My cat, because he’s in the other room. 12: What time was I born?: 17:29 13: Favourite colour: Black. Or Blood Red. Or Chartreuse. Or anything that’s not Blue. 14: Do I have a crush?: yes. 15: Favourite quote: The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever…. Jacques Yves-Cousteau 16: Favourite place: The beach 17: Favourite food: Spaghetti. Pasta in general really. 18: Do I use sarcasm?: neeeeveeeerrrr {all the time} 19: What am I listening to right now?: a collection of arias all being sung by Maria Callas – currently on ‘O rendetemi la speme... Qui la voce’ from I puritani. 20: First thing I notice in a new person: Their talking patterns. 21: Shoe size: 7/8? 22: Eye colour: Poop coloured (Brown) 23: Hair colour: Black, and blonde-ish, and some purple, and maybe some red left? 24: Favourite style of clothing: Female office wear. Dresses, Slacks, and Pencil Skirts. 25: Ever done a prank call?: Absolutely not. 26: What’s your most extreme sexual fantasy?: Fucking in a library. 27: Meaning behind my URL: I’m pretty fucking gay – sapphire is adorable in Steven Universe and “Sapphic Sapphire” just sounds really fucking cool – I am apparently able to capture the male gaze in a spell-like manner. 28: Favourite movie: The Lego Movie. 29: Favourite song: There are so fucking many I have no clue. 30: Favourite band: I do not have one. 31: How I feel right now: Stoneeeedddd. And Hungry. 32: Someone I love: My Cat. 33: My current relationship status: Standing on my own in the middle of a party xD 34: My relationship with my parents: Pretty solid. 35: Favourite holiday: Friday the 13th. But if you’re going to say that’s not a viable option, then Halloween. 36: Tattoos and piercings I have: Pi Symbol on my wrist, and a Star Trek tattoo on the back of my left shoulder. Then earrings. 37: Tattoos and piercings I want: Many more tattoos – underboob, spine, thigh, ribcage – nose piercing. 38: The reason I joined Tumblr: It sounded like my kind of place. 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: Nopeeee. 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts?: eh, sometimes. Depends on who I’ve been talking to. 41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: No I have not. 42: When did I last hold hands?: Recently. 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 2mins. Unless I’m doing my makeup, then at least 3 hours xD 44: Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?: ABSOLUTELY NOT. 45: Where am I right now?: Laying on the floor. 46: If I were drunk and can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: Me, Myself, and I, bitch. 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: reasonable level. 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: Only part of the time. 49: Am I excited for anything?: seeing the Book of Mormon in a couple months. 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: yes I do. 51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: looool 52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: like 10mins ago. 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: eh. 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: not really. 55: What is something I disliked about today?: Classes. 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: Dita Von Teese 57: What do I think about most?: My cat. 58: What’s my strangest talent?: Being able to finish a big mac in two/three bites. 59: Do I have any strange phobias?: Nah. 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: Nowhere near it. 61: What was the last lie I told?: “I don’t have any homework to be doing right now” 62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: Video Chatting. 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: BISH YES. 64: Do I believe in magic?: MATH AND SCIENCE ARE MAGIC. 65: Do I believe in luck?: I guess. 66: What’s the weather like right now?: cozy. 67: What was the last book I’ve read?: The World’s Greatest Love Letters 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: no 69: Do I have any nicknames?: angel, kat, kitty, kitkat, ketchup, kat-yuh, pika, Pikachu, some more random ones that I can’t think of. 70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?: I sprained my ankle pretty bad and was on crutches for a couple months? Or maybe it was the dog bite? I don’t think the dog bite was that bad, I just got like 27stitches in my lip and all was good. 71: Do I spend money or save it?: I try my best to save it; in order to spend it on high quality expensive things. 72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?: barely. 73: Is there anything pink within 10 ft. from me?: yessss. A yarn spiderweb that I made 74: Favourite animal?: any type of puddy cat 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: Sleeping biatch. 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?: Morningstar. Lucifer Morningstar. 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: Fallin’ by Iration. Honey Bee by Blake Shelton 78: How can you win my heart?: food. 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?: she went out with a bang. 80: What is my favorite word?: Exequies 81: My top 5 blogs on Tumblr: @missmayimurderyou @im-rapemeat @sweartrek @dennys @nerdery-and-nudity 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: I’m sorry 83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: Yes. My Uncle. 84: What superpower would I have?: Talking to animals. 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?: Are you okay? 86: What is my current desktop picture?: A picture of me smiling and holding my cat. 87: Had sex?: yee yee 88: Bought condoms?: yup. 89: Gotten pregnant?: respectfully decline to answer. 90: Failed a class?: All the time. 91: Kissed a boy?: yup 92: Kissed a girl?: yes indeed. 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?: I do not think so? 94: Had job?: Yes I have. 95: Left the house without my wallet?: Many times, I don’t need to take it everywhere with me. 96: Bullied someone on the internet?: never. 97: Had sex in public?: yes indeed. 98: Played on a sports team?: yea. 99: Smoked weed?: Doing that right now. 100: Did drugs?: Nothing other than weed, or prescribed medicine. 101: Smoked cigarettes?: absolutely not. 102: Drank alcohol?: Yes indeed. 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?: Vegetarian. 104: Been overweight?: Nope. 105: Been underweight?: Yes. 106: Been to a wedding?: Yup. 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: Possibly. I have definitely skyped, but I don’t really use the computer that much while doing that. Oh wait – I’ve definitely stayed up all night watching South Park many times before. 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?: Yes definitely. 109: Been outside my home country?: Yes indeed 110: Gotten my heart broken?: Mhm. 111: Been to a professional sports game?: yes I have. 112: Broken a bone?: Never 113: Cut myself?: Nope. 114: Been to prom?: Not really – my high school didn’t have dances. 115: Been in airplane?: Yes, many times. 116: Fly by helicopter?: yup. 117: What concerts have I been to?: Tool, 30 Seconds to Mars, Dierks Bentley, Randy Houser, Carrie Underwood, GRiZ, Steve Aoki, Evanescence, and I think(?) that is everyone. 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?: Duh. 119: Learned another language?: Yes, French. 120: Wore make up?: Yup. 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?: Shhhh, don’t tell on me 122: Had oral sex?: Yes. 123: Dyed my hair?: Duh. 124: Voted in a presidential election?: Nope. 125: Rode in an ambulance?: No. 126: Had a surgery?: I mean, I got my lip stitched up from a dog bite, does that count? 127: Met someone famous?: Yes. Broadway actors. 128: Stalked someone on a social network?: Yes. 129: Peed outside?: Nope. 130: Been fishing?: nope. 131: Helped with charity?: yes. 132: Been rejected by a crush?: no 133: Broken a mirror?: no 134: What do I want for birthday?: a new tattoo 135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?: None. 136: Was I named after anyone?: No. 137: Do I like my handwriting?: Yee boi. 138: What was my favourite toy as a child?: My ocean books. 139: Favourite TV Show?: Star Trek, or Comedy Bang Bang. 140: Where do I want to live when older?: New Zealand. Or Europe. 141: Play any musical instrument?: Multiple. 142: One of my scars, how did I get it?: Bit by my aunt’s dog. 143: Favourite pizza toping?: Pineapple 144: Am I afraid of the dark?: nope. 145: Am I afraid of heights?: nah 146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?: no. 147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?: lol all the time 148: What I’m really bad at: meeting new people 149: What my greatest achievements are: Singing. 150: What I’d do if I won the lottery: Cry.
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