#Yo boi anti build different
lemonhemlock · 1 year
sorry I come busting in like this and honestly, you're free to delete this anon if you don't want this rant to clog ur tl and nice blog. <s>-ing it so it takes up less space. this will only be half comprehensive if at all lol can't be bothered sorrz but I'll try to approach it with as much sincerity as I can muster
"you can’t apply real world logic to the fake tv show"
we all unconciously apply "real world logics" to the fiction we read/see/talk about all the time. it's how we make sense of the fiction we read and the millions of opinions thrown at us.
what is implied by "logic"? I'm sure what we understand as our "real world logic" is vastly different from person to person. in my world cousin incest is encouraged. in my world my mother was married of at 15 to a 30 year old. does "logic" mean "modern belief system"? again I'd wager you use your modern belief system to interpret your fiction as well. (hell, historians/academics/anthropologists are trained to refuse the urge of applying modern belief systems and cultural universalism because doing that is so ingrained in us as humans to the point entire belief systems are build on it.) unless you're doing some specific reading feat. your applied academic theory/philosophy/politic/thruline of choice.
if the meaning of "you can’t apply real world logic to the fake tv show" is "oh 10 yos were historically expected to b breeding eager! (again what history are u using? surely not the one grrm is using.... which is barely any. if one at all lol) so don't question it! move on to the next scene - oh look a grown ass man kicking and manhandling an alcoholic child! they dont make them badass lil kids like they used to! oh look the gay man is sad bcs he cant make babies in the pseudo-historical fantasy world :( :D haha surely never happens in our real world! i mean back then, sureeee, but not today!" dont get me wrong. nobody HAS TO be appalled by 10yo aemond just as nobody has to be appalled by 14yo alicent being "groomed" either. because remember that's the "applied-real-life-logic" fallacy! wouldn't want to do that to our precious incest drama. keep ur brain at home when u visit the dragon and incest and child grooming show guys!
is my pointing out that aemond might be written as a character study or perhaps even a cautionary tale abt boys indoctrinated at a young age "applied-real-life-logic"? that's just a reading of a modern text parading as a historical text (!) with a consciousness towards the present modern issue of historical revisionism among young people. grrm loves his dragon, he loves his operatic incest dramas, but he also loves his societal critic. and sometime she mixes them all up for funsies. or is asoiaf and co's anti-war stance smh not "applied-real-world-logic"? or is being appalled by war somehow an acceptable presentist reading and cultural universalist stance but being appalled by a 10 yo groomed by adults around him to fuck good and make pure babies all while spewing supremacist shit is not? or was it the clumsy form and casual tone of a 50 words anon written in maybe 5 min of the latter that's not to ur liking
the characterization of aemond as a 10 yo was not pulled outta thin air either. my pointing out that aemonds speech and behaviour at 10 have much in common with 4channers and lil wannabe hitler youths is not that far fetched. sure you're free to disagree but throwing that "apply real world logic" falacy at someone for a reading you disagree with is just vacant. aemond is not a historical figure in which case I would be deeply averse to presentism and universalism and would be much more cautious in my reaction/tone towards behaviour that I deem deeply disturbing on various levels.
Of course I'm not going to delete your rant; you took great pains to write it and your points are as valid as anyone else's. Thank you for being so open with aspects of your own culture. I do agree with your stance that we are inadvertently influenced by own belief system whenever we interact with a piece of media or a written text. This fictional universe exists in the here-and-now and it would be kind of pointless if we weren't ever allowed to analyse it through a more sophisticated modern lens & just kept everything at "medieval morality" level all the time, so as to not be anachronistic.
However, I do feel like these two views can be reconciled somehow. I honestly think what the anon was trying to convey by the "real-life logic" comment was that 10-year-old Aemond is, in effect, also a prop for the showrunners to introduce narrative or thematic elements that they may want to develop later, not just a random little boy parroting ideology he doesn't fully understand.
Thus, little Aemond can be propagandized by other family members into believing Targaryen hype, including the joys & wonders of targcest, agreed. But, at the same time, he is also a character in a TV show, whose lines are written by someone, with framing decided by someone. There is authorial intent behind his appearances on screen, not everything is naturalistic, so to speak. And sometimes decisions pertaining to characters (especially those with little screen time) tend to be strategic. Meaning that, yes, the show is pointing out the consequences of targcest fascistoid indoctrination. But, it is also possible it wants to lay the building blocks for a future Helaena-Aemond dynamic and is using that scene to shoot two birds with one stone, so to speak.
Which is to say that if the authors (scriptwriters, directors, producers) wanted to introduce the audience to the possibility of helaemond, this is one way to do it. Little Aemond is being directed to stare wistfully at Helaena while imagining how cool it would be to marry her. Grown-up!Aemond is being directed to move his whole-ass chair and stare like a weirdo at his sister dancing with Jace. It's disruptive in the dinner table landscape, especially when compared to Aegon's reaction.
This is where subtext comes into play. And, because we're speaking of cues and innuendo, different people may interpret it differently. This is not to say that helaemond is a certainty, only that various visual storytelling hints have been employed, should they want to pick this thread up again in the future. I doubt that these two actors just so happened to come up with these acting choices on their own in one big coincidence.
If this were real-life and Aemond an actual person pining after his sister, perhaps these interactions wouldn't have occurred in the same manner. He would have looked at Aegon when having a conversation with him. He would have kept an eye on Jace and Helaena without physically moving his chair. These can very well be details added by the show-runners to subtly communicate something to us. Of course we can disagree on the nature of that information, but, from a logistical standpoint, it makes sense that they'd want to keep their options open, test the waters, and only in later seasons commit to a a certain path.
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thetristoneera · 4 months
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            Family X / Ultra X, wanted an ultra family.  Four hundred odd years ago, he was in love with five women.  Because he’s a god, he made five boys; the only thing he controlled was their gender & mixing up their powers to not be derivative.  Outside of that, he never controlled any aspect of their lives.  Was a stand up father, raised five champions of this universe.  Accepted their immortality & have been running around as high elves ever since.  They are feared, highly; across all of the bounty board system.  They keep it extra anti theft, so that people helping out with universal clean up; gets their worth.  Now only if this family could go help Mega Man & Zero out.  🤙🏽
            Space Colony: the Mother / The original space colony of this world is the reason why when they switch dimensions; all the space colonies are still in the solar system.  Magic out the cutlass, I done told yall…  The Mother is as big as Planet Entempt, making it as big as all of the worlds.  Of course it has enough capacity to harness intense magical might.  Kronos is one of their Prime Ministers, as it’s the only domain the gods have no jurisdiction over.  It’s for all of none god kind, their access to it is exclusive; gods have to go through customs sometimes.  Fullwreck & S2X4 are assigned to Kronos personal detail.  Space Art is a famous artist where Kronos serves.  The capital area of the Mother is called Reiker Blockade & that's where Kronos will be serving as Prime Minister.
            Virtus Tenura / Is made up of three princesses, angels.  Of nations Dallas, Gattrin & Iniuss; they are 723 years old.  Been thick as world leaders from an undeterminable time.  Their holy trinity have made a name for themselves to the point they could get a full ride anywhere.  They represent their thrones well but they like to stick together on purpose.  They have inspired many of the 25 25 year olds to act as pods of trio girls.  The group they are attached to is known for helping out all of hero kind, you’ll never know when they’ll be in your city.  They always leave traces behind though, the feathers from their wings can be traced all over history.
            The final row consists of the presidents & owners of the four main venture suppliers of the worlds.  They make all kinds of photon merchandise that is used for militaries, legions & individuals.  From melee weapons to range weapons to mage weapons to bard weapons; all the way over to armor, units, general items, magical items & the ability of upgrading everything through extended photon upgrades.  As well as fashion.  Gholsom is a 687 YO devil who is the owner of Grave Industrialist; it’s a company that specializes in range weaponry.  Ishalli is a 1000 YO devil who is the owner of Black Middle Corporation; it’s a company that specializes in bard weaponry.  Mauvory is a 504 YO elf who is the owner of the Killers Association; it’s a company that specializes in mage weaponry.  & Osetius is a 578 YO devil who is the owner of United Peppermint; it’s a company that specializes in melee weaponry.  The four of them will be seen occasionally through the story.  Their headquarters are on different planes but they have plenty of buildings all around the solar system.
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manguowl · 2 years
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Anti’s Muscle form got me actin up  🥴 🥴 🥴
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sweetchup · 4 years
Three isn’t a Crowd
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Request by @al-shayfield: could you please do a killua x gon x reader little picnic date? if not that’s okay :)
Type: Gon x reader x Killua
Au?: Poly Au. Normal.
Word Count: 3500+
Warnings: Polyamory, The boys are still kids but this is a kid type of date so it’s ok, Hisoka being Hisoka, bullying, cursing
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“Ok! So let’s go through the list before we leave.” You mumble, putting the last of the utensils into the basket. The light from the morning sun shined through the windows and onto the backs of the two boys across the table from you. “Ok, so Sandwiches and chips?”
“Yes!!” Gon chirps in, “On the left.”
You checked that off and moved to the next Item. “Soda and cups?”
“Yeah.” Killua says, bouncing a tennis ball on the floor.
“Chocolate cake?”
“Ye—“ “Definitely!!”
Gon turns to glare at Killua causing the white hair boy to stop bouncing the ball. Oh here we go again. You just ignore them and continue on with your list.
“Hey why did you cut me off?” Gon whined at Killua, who scoffs.
“You were too slow.”
“W-well I think you are trying to impress (y/n).” Gon huffs, pouting a little. While they were arguing you had looked up and down the list and realized you were done and hadn’t forgotten anything. Throwing away the list, you put the red and white plaid picnic blanket on top and closed the basket.
“Hah?! Are you an idiot?” Killua mocks, poking the boy in the head, “If I wanna impress her I would do something like this.”
Killua jumps over the table and gives you a grin. Before you can even rebut, he lifts you easily up onto one of his arms, making it look practically effortless. With his other arm he grabs the basket.
“This is how you impress a girl,” Killua says, very proud of himself. Gon, stubborn, doesn’t back down.
“W-well I can do better!”
You sigh as Gon pulls you off of Killua. This could take a while but then again what did you expect accepting a date with these two idiots.
“How many times do I have to tell you two to be careful? Especially with (y/n).” Kurapika scolds the two boys in front of him. “You're glad Leorio and I stepped in before she got hurt.”
Killua tches, clearly over Kurapika’s Scolding. “Yeah, yeah whatever. Let’s go Gon, (Y/n).”
Killua holds one of your hands while Gon holds the other. They both drag you away from Leorio, who had previously been checking you for any injuries.
“Oh! Umm.. Bye Mr. Kurapika! Mr. Leorio! Thank you very much!” You shout. Your voice growing more and more faded as you're dragged away. The two men wave at the trio until the door shuts close. As soon as they do, Leorio turns to Kurapiks. A pout was on the man’s face.
“Aww come on Kurapika, it’s their first date. you shouldn’t be so hard on them.”
“Of course I do. I mean didn’t you see (y/n)?”
Leorio blinks and scrunches his eyebrows, thinking back. “Hmm… I don’t think I saw anything out of the ordinary about her?”
Kurapika sighs “Leorio you have to remember we are currently staying in the Yorbian Continent. It’s not illegal but it’s very uncommon for polyamory here. It’s not like we are in the Republic of Padokia or the Azian Continent where it is common.”
“Oh. So you mean...”
“Yes, not only is (Y/n) from York New, where it is uncommon, so she knows the amount of ridicule and abuse she could go through but we also have to think about the huge amount of Anti-poly people that are recorded here in this town.”
“Yeah and I’m guessing Gon and Killua probably don’t know about that?” Leorio says, leaning against the wall. He looks out the window and sees the three holding hands, walking in the direction of the busy center of town.
“Most likely” Kurapika sighs, looking at the three as well. “I just hope that no one gets hurt”
“Ok!!” You say excited. You were trying to hide your nervousness. Not only were you on your first date ever with two handsome boys and had also tried on a new dress but you were in the Yorbian Continent on a poly date; not the brightest decision but oh well. You aren’t going to let your worries stop you. You were going to have fun, “So on our way to the park I say we quickly stop by at some fun places!! Does that sound okay?”
The two boys could only nod their heads. It wasn’t them being rude, they just couldn’t talk. You looked so cute as you did a little spin at fun and by getting shy when asking them if it was ok.
You giggled, causing their hearts to jump. “Let’s go then!”
“First stop, The diamond theater!!”
All three of you looked in awe as you looked around the building you just entered. It looked absolutely magical. With trees made out of actual gold and silver, colorful jeweled animals and diamond and glass mural walls.
“Oh wow Killua look at this!”
Killua looks over and sees you pointing at something in a book. “It says right here that this is the biggest location with some of the highest amounts of rare diamonds and fire opals. Even counting red diamonds.”
“Oh wow”
“Ack! Killua!” Gon shouts, sounding concerned and worried.
Killua turns away from you and soon freezes. Looking up from your manual you see three men next to Gon.
“There’s the other one. Me doesn’t recognize girl though” A short man with a skull neck cloth covering his face said. He gave off weird vibes when he looked at you.
“Hey boys! How are you doing?” A man with a long bun on top of his head said, “Oh? Who is this?”
“None of your business old man!!” Killua says, pulling you behind him as Gon moves to stand next to him. As they glared at the two men, you looked towards the third man. He seemed different from the other two especially since with no shirt on and a cross tattoo on his forehead.
Yet you also noticed his eyes were very blank and emotionless compared to the two. It kind of made you sad looking at him. You wished the stranger could be happy. Oh! you know what you would do!
“(Y/n)!!” Killua shouts, his stomach dropping as you walk up to Chrollo. He goes to grab you but is stopped by Nobunaga and Feitan.
You look up at the man. Kind of shy now that you realized he was much taller and probably much stronger than you.
“May I help you? Young lady?” Chrollo says, amused by the fact you just simply walked up to him. The leader of the phantom troupe.
“A-ah, yes! I was wondering what’s your favorite animal?” You say. Quickly, you looked back and saw Gon and Killua waving their hands frantically. Oh, maybe they are cheering you on.
“Hmmm… a spider” Chrollo says after a couple minutes of thinking.
What an interesting choice. Holding out your hands you take a breath before bubbles conjure up around the man. The bubbles slowly start to form cute little bubbly spiders of all sorts of colors which start bouncing on and about chrollo.
Chrollo lets out a small grin as he reaches out and pops one. The boys sigh in relief. Maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as they thought. Chrollo suddenly kneels down to your height and pulls out a handprint book.
“So how does your Nen work, little miss?” Chrollo asks, putting a hand on your shoulder as you look untreated at the book.
“OH HELL NO!!” Killua shouts.
Killua quickly rushes in and grabs you from Chrollo. You looked confused as the two raced away as fast as they could from the scene. Chrollo chuckles as he watches them for a couple of seconds in amusement before standing back up.
“Not going after them Feitan?”
“No, me is.” Feitan grins wickedly up at Chrollo. “Me just giving them a head start. It’s fun that way.”
“Ok, but keep the little girl alive. She interests me.”
“Ok so the Diamond theater didn’t work out….But this should! Ok so we are at…” Your voice trails off at the end as you are stunned at the scene in front of you.
“L-let go of me!! Illumi!!”
“Now why would I do that Killua? As your big brother I’m giving you a sign of affection, a hug. Mother told me it could work to get those silly thoughts out of your head. Though I would pref—“
First off, Killua was currently being hugged, well more like crushed to death, by a man. According to the man’s sentence he was Killua’s older brother? It was weird since they looked so different. You knew Killua was a Zoldyck so maybe they are half or step siblings? Or maybe his family is polyamorous too? Did the man just mention putting a needle into Killua? You had so many questions.
“Oh~~~ Gon!!!”
Now second, … what even was this? A clown like man was moaning over Gon trying to fight him. You think that was the easiest way to explain it so enough is said there.
You look down at your manual. You thought going to the biggest toy store in the world would be fun but you didn’t expect this. Those two men seemed to be having a blast, well of course at the price of Gon and Killua sanity.
“Hmm~~ who’s this?”
Looking back up you see the clown man is right in front of you. You hadn’t realized it now but… but…
“Wow! You are tall sir! Are you a model?” You say, your eyes sparkling. Your favorite shows of all time to watch were ‘Yorbian Next Top Model’ or ‘The Victor Secret Fashion Show’ so you always question handsome or beautiful people if they were models. Hey, you never know when you might accidentally meet one.
The red-haired man laughs and leans down to your height. “Oh aren’t you a sweetheart~~ I’m not, but I’m something even better, a transmitter~. Did you know my Nen, bungee gum, has the properties of both rubber and gum?”
You giggle as you see him using his Nen on a magic trick. “No, I didn’t know that. I think you would make a nice model though! You are very thin and muscular!”
“Well I’m thick and muscular in another area~~ Do you wanna—“ Hisoka is cut off as you see he is suddenly electrocuted. You see Killua still in the arms of the man (though his now long black hair is all poofy) , furious, as he pulls back his yo-yo. Gon quickly picks you and brings you away from Hisoka.
“Go to hell pervert!” Killua shouts as he kicks out of his brother gold. You three run away, again, Gon sticks his tongue out at Illumi as they leave.
“Oh. I want to talk to kill more” Illumi mumbles. He blank faces, even more than usual, as Hisoka lets out a very loud moan.
“Oh~~ Gon! Killua!!”
“Hey Gon. Killua. What’s that bright light over—“
“Don’t ask!!”
“Ah we are down to our final place!”
“I hope this one goes well.” Killua grumbles.
“I’m sorry Killua. I wi—“
Killua cuts you off and squeezes your hand which he was holding. “Don’t apologize idiot, it wasn’t your fault. We just, for some reason, keep on bumping into the wrong people today.”
You feel another squeeze and look at Gon. “Yeah don’t worry (y/n)!!”
“Ok! So our final stop before the picnic is Lucy’s Celestial Palace!” You shout, as you three stop right in front of a crazy looking old factory building.
You give a reassuring squeeze to the boys about to walk into the star filled building. You would try your best to make sure they wouldn’t get recognized by any more—
“Gon! Killua!”
…or not…
“Oh Zushi! Master!” Gon shouts. Master? Oh! You turn around and see a boy and a man with glasses. He must be Master Wing! The one they told you taught them Nen! This couldn’t go bad.
“Hello boys! Oh and who are you young lady?”
“Oh! Nice to meet you I’m—“
“She’s (y/n), our girlfriend!” Gon shouts, cutting you off. You blush a bright red as Killua hits him over the head.
“Don’t cut her off, idiot.”
“Miss (y/n)” You looked up at Mister Wing, a serious look on his face. “If you don’t mind I would like to speak with Gon and Killua for a moment?”
“Y-yes of course”
You watch as Wing drags the two boys a little ways away. You wonder what he needed them for. You are snapped out of your thoughts quickly as you see Zushi turn to look at you before bowing. “Nice to meet you (y/n), Girlfriend of Gon and Killua. My name is Zushi. Osh!”
Still flustered, you turn and bow as well. “N-Nice to meet you as well Zushi!”
You two stop bowing and turn as you hear a loud hush from Wing. Gon’s face was red while Killua had a mischievous grin on his face.
“I wonder what master wanted from Killua and Gon.”
“Y-yeah. I wonder too.”
You two watch as Wing continues talking. Slowly but surely both of the boys faces are soon red as a tomato. How odd.
“AHH! WE DON’T NEED ALL THAT INFO.” Killua shouts walking back over to you. He blushes even more as he looks at you. Looking to the ground he takes your hand and drags you away. Gon follows slightly behind you guys, his face bright red, with steam coming out his ears. You couldn’t exactly hear what Gon was saying, only little bits like ‘how would that work’ and ‘that doesn’t make sense’.
You wanted to ask what Wing told them but decided against it.
“Finally we are here!!” Killua and Gon shout in unison, plopping on the grass. You giggle at the boy's silliness and put the basket under a tree.
As the two exhausted boys get some quick rest, you kneel down and the open the basket. You might as well get started while they calm down. Deciding to set the blanket up first, you pull it out. Holding two of the edges you fluff it out, letting the wind carry it for a bit, and finally laying it lightly down on the slightly dewy green grass. As you are about to set up the other stuff you hear the rustle and crunching of grass.
“Let me help you (y/n)!” Gon says, sticking his hands into the basket. He grabs a whole pile of stuff and starts wobbling over to the blanket. Almost dropping the chocolate cake several times, Killua would be so mad if Gon destroyed it.
“A-ah be careful Gon!”
“Don’t worry I got it!”
After getting everything set up, and thankfully Gon didn’t drop or break anything, you all sit down and finally have lunch. You take small bites of your freshly made sandwich as you watch the boys wolf down their food. It was kind of amazing at how fast they were able to eat and you kind of wonder who would win if it was a competition. Unless they were having one and you didn’t know it.
“Ah that was good~~” Gon says, laying on his back and patting his stomach. You laugh while Killua just rolls his eyes. Grabbing your pudding you go to take a bite of your dessert when you get an idea.
“Killua~” You singsongly say; holding the spoon up to the boy’s face, “Say ahh~”
Killua stutters to say something as he goes bright red. Flustered, he turns his head and lets out a small ‘idiot’ as he tries to compose himself.
“Oh come on Killua!” You whine, slightly pouting.
“I’ll have it (y/n)!” Gon says, quickly sprinting over and sitting in front of you. He opens his mouth wide and points to it causing you to giggle. You were about to feed him when Killua headbuts Gon and eats the pudding instead.
“Hey! What was that for!!” Gon shouts, holding the bump on his head.
“She offered it to me first, idiot!”
Gon was about to stand up and start something with Killua but you pull the boy back down, placing his head on your lap. You sigh as you run your fingers through the blushing boy’s hair; being extra careful in the area of the injury.
“You two need to stop fighting. For crying out loud you two are best friends! This isn’t a competition”
“Sorry (y/n)” They squeak out; clearly embarrassed.
“Now sit still so I can feed you two the rest of the pudding. Gon say ahh~~”
“Man what a little whore.”
You stop dead in your tracks as you hear that. Your hand slightly clenches around the spoon. You kind of expected something like this to happen but it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. You slightly lift your head to see a group of people, one of which had made a comment earlier.
“God how gross!”
“Poor boys, that girl is selfish and can’t pick between them.”
“Wow, only a kid and already likes two at once. What a shame.”
“(Y/n).” You shoot your head to Killua, who puts a hand on your cheek. As he pulls it away you see his hand is wet, you hadn’t realized you were crying.
“Hey!” Gon shouts; standing up and going to fight them. Killua quickly grabs Gon’s arm and stops him, Gon, angrily, spins around and tries to pull his arm away. “Let me go, Killua!! They insulted (y/n)!”
“You idiot. Look around.” Killua whisper-yells. Gon looks around at the other people at the park, who were also starring and muttering. Some of which knew Nen, had weapons or looked overall strong. “Leaving her here is bad. Taking her in the fight is also bad. You know her Nen isn’t made for close combat and she’s not exactly focused right now to do long ranged”
“Well we can’t do anything!”
“I know…,” Killua mutters. The two stand in silence for a while until Killua suddenly has an idea. “Wait... Come here, I have a plan”
As soon as Killua finishes whispering the plan in Gon’s ear the boy gives him a nod. “Understand?”
The two suddenly turn to you and begin to put away the stuff. Your stomach drops, you felt bad that this day got ruined, it seemed nothing had gone right. Tears start to well up in your eyes. Man what a useless crybaby you are—
“(Y/n)” You look up from the ground at the call. Suddenly, your cheeks turn crimson as you feel something on each side of your cheek. Gon and Killua had each given you a kiss on your cheek, with Killua on your left and Gon on the right.
With you being absolutely flustered and steam coming out of your ears, you accidentally activate a Nen bubble around all three of you. Killua and Gon pull away, grinning at each as your brain is practically mush.
“Ready Gon?”
Gon and Killua jumped out of your protected bubble. Since you were practically a puddle you were unaware of the Chaos about to happen. Their plan to get back at the people who made you cry. The two fist bump before going off in opposite directions.
“Lightning Palm!!”
You finally pop your bubble as you come to. But what in the world… happened? You must have missed a lot since the Park was practically destroyed, with trees cut down, people on the ground (some of which were twitching), and the ground uneven.
“(Y/n)!!” You look towards the sunset to see Gon and Killua running towards you, both laughing. As they stop in front of you, they turn to each other, grinning widely, giving each other a high five. This even confused you more, why in the world were they high fiving? Did they do this? Why did they destroy a perfectly good park? Wait, did they do this for—
“(Y/n)...” a voice whispers right next to your ear. You quickly turn and realize Killua had sneaked up on you while you were thinking. While frozen still, Killua leans in and gives you a kiss.
Though it was a small and light kiss, it definitely didn’t feel like one. Once your lips had locked a shock went through all the nerves of your body, causing you to shiver and clutch onto Killua’s shirt. On top of that, the kiss felt like Killua was putting in every bit of love into it. Almost like he was sharing a secret. Huh. A Transmitter’s kiss. You two slowly pull away and give each other a small smile. Killua silver hair blows in the wind under the shaded tree.
“My turn!!”
You quickly turned your head and felt lips crashing onto yours. Stumbling, you can’t hold Gon up and begin to fall back. The kiss was sudden and rushed. Definitely Gon was being impatient. Yet, it was nice. It was simple and straightforward. A very sweet and lovely kiss. Definitely a kiss from an enhancer.
As you're on your back, Gon pulls away and holds himself above you. The light from the sun shines upon him as he gives you a wide grin. You smile back at him until he is suddenly pulled off.
“You idiot!!” Killua shouts, “What did Kurapika say about not hurting her?!”
“I wasn’t!! You could've hurt her too when you sneaked up on her!!”
“I wouldn’t—“
You giggle as you watch the two argue, slightly brushing your fingers across your lips. Maybe today wasn’t so bad after all!
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loverlele · 4 years
Lesbian!Emily Prentiss x Lesbian!Female Reader
Warnings: bad language, a bit of a steamy makeout session ;)
A/N: Hello you lovely people. I only have a few things to say about this one. First of all, I think this is my favourite one shot I’ve written so far. There is a lack of Emily one shots on here and I plan on changing that! Secondly, there will be time skips within this one shot to help with the story telling that will be indicated by the use of ‘-’ between paragraphs. Also, it’s going to be a long one so buckle up folks! So with that said, enjoy :)
Word count: 5669
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Taking a deep breath I raise my hand to the door and knock three times successively.
“Come in” a deep, smooth voice comes from within the office.
Opening the door I smile at the man within, “Agent Hotchner? Hi I’m agent Y/L/N. I’ve just transferred from anti-terrorism, the lovely brightly coloured dressed lady told me I could find you in here.”
“Ahh that’d be Penelope Garcia, our technical analyst. Agent Y/L/N, I’ve been expecting you. Have a seat” the tall man in front of me responded, closing the file in front of him. It didn't take long for my brain to connect the dots and realise it was my file he had been reading.
“I see you got my file” I say, still smiling.
“I did, and its an impressive file at that one. I see you’ve worked with Agent Jareau before, you should get used to the rest of the teams dynamics soon. It’s... an odd dynamic” he says, smiling slightly.
“I’m used to an odd dynamic, I had a complex team to say the least” I reply, chuckling to myself slightly. Agent Hotchner smiles at my reply before standing up.
“You ready to meet the team?”
“Of course, lets go!”
We make our way out of his office and down the hall into what I believe to be a conference room of sorts. As we make our way in my thought were confirmed when I was met by 5 sets of eyes, all trained on me. I recognised Penelope from earlier, I sent her a big smile before moving my eyes onto the other people stood in front of me. I also didn't fail to recognise JJ sat down at the table, as well as another face that I couldn't quite put a name to.
“I wasn't we were getting a transfer Hotch. Who’s this pretty face?” a dark skinned man spoke out, extent ending his hand out to mine.
“I’m Agent Y/L/N, nice to meet you” I reply, shaking his hand and smiling at him.
“Derek” Agent Hotchner says raising his eyebrow, “Team, meet Agent Y/L/N who’s just transferred from anti-terrorism.”
“Y/N? Hi I didn't recognise you!” JJ squeals, standing up and rushing towards me, arms out.
“Hey JJ, it’s nice to see you again. No I had black hair back then and as you can see, I’m a red head now” I laugh, giving her a hug.
“I can see that, nice hair!”
“”Y/N this is Dr. Spence-”
“Dr. Spencer Reid, hi. I was at one of the seminars you and Agent Rossi guest spoke at last year” I say, smiling widely.
“Hi, I thought I recognised you. It’s nice to speak to you again” he replied, with a smile on his face. Something tells me that he didn't get recognised a lot by the expression on his face when I spoke.
“It’s nice to meet you Agent Y/L/N” Agent Rossi says, extending his hand. I accept the invitation and shake his hand. A smile hadn't left my face since I walked into the room.
“Where’s Emily?” Agent Hotchner asks the room.
“I’m here, sorry traffic was a nightmare” a response comes from my left. I move my gaze onto the beautiful brunette that had just walked into the room. All the air from my lungs seemed to be sucked out at the sight of her,
“Prentiss this is Agent Y/L/N, she’s just transferred here from the anti-terrorism team.”
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you” I say, offering her a wide smile. She returns the smile, brow furrowed slightly as if she was having an internal conversation with herself. 
“Please, call me Y/N. Y/L/N makes me feel like my mother” I say, making the team laugh.
“Now introductions are out of the way, shall we Garcia?”
“Of course sir, today we are off to Chicago.”
“You did well today Y/N, not many people would be able to connect the dots as quickly as you could. Well apart from the boy wonder laying on the couch” Derek comments from across the table.
“I heard that Derek” Spencer shoots back, sending a chuckle through the four of us.
“Why thank you, I have a sharp eye” I say, with a semi-flirty tone in my voice.
“So, tell us more about you.”
“Well I joined the FBI 8 years ago now I think, I was bouncing around teams for about a year until I joined anti-terrorism. I stayed their for 7 years until I decided a change of scenery was just what I needed. Luckily Hotch got in contact just after I’d decided I wanted to switch to a different team. And here I am.” My gaze slipping onto the brunette sat next to him.
“Talk about lucky timing” JJ says from besides me.
“You could say that” I reply, winking at Emily.
“Any juicy details we should know about?” Derek says, wiggling his eyebrows.
I chuck the file in my hand down onto the table and lean forwards slightly. “What do you want to know handsome?”
“Well, are you single? Boyfriend? Married?”
Smirking I lean backwards into my seat, “Nope, single for many years now and even if I wasn't, I wouldn't have a boyfriend.”
“You’ve lost me angel face” Derek responds, brows furrowed slightly.
“Well I’m a bit like you Derek. Except for the face I’m not a ladies man, I’m a ladies lady” I reply, smirk on my face. Emily’s face lifts up from the file in her hands, eyes connecting with mine and smirking at me. 
“No fucking way. You’re gay” he says, eyes wide open with shock.
“You say that like its a bad thing Derek.”
“No no no! I didn't mean it like that, I-”
“Yo chill out” I say, reaching my hand out to grab Derek’s arm, “it’s cool. I get the reaction, most people either react like that or even worse. I get it.”
“Please know I didn't mean anything by what I said” Derek says, the panicked tone in his voice prominent.
“Derek, its all good I promise. I know you mean well” I reply, sounding as sincere as I could.
“He had the same reaction when I came out, don't worry about it?” My head snapped up, straight to the source of the voice. My smile quickly turned into a smirk,
“Oh did he now?”
“Yup, then he tried to set me up with one of Penelope’s friends. Unsuccessfully, may I add.” Her smirk now mirrored mine.
“Don’t worry Derek, I won’t need you to set me up with anyone.”
“Oh, and why would that be sweetheart” Derek inquires, a smirk growing on his face as he puts together the pieces. My line of sight swaps from Derek to Emily, my own smirk evident.
“I’ve got this one on my own” I reply, winking at Emily one final time before picking the file back up from the table.
The last few months at the BAU have been some of the best ones in my career. Granted, they’ve been bonkers and the team has been all over America. But overall, I couldn't be happier being here. Actually thinking about that statement, I could be happier. But that’s not the point here. We’ve had some good cases, some bad cases, and some truly hideous cases. But we’ve got through them together. As a team.
Speaking of team, we’d just got back from a pretty straight forward case - well, as straight forward as cases go in this job - and most of the team scattered, having done the paperwork on the plane ride home. I believe the only ones left in the office are myself and Hotch, although I think Emily is around here somewhere as her bags are still at upon her desk. I hadn't got all my paperwork done on the plane as my attention had been elsewhere, but I didn't fancy having a stack of paperwork to do tomorrow so I decided to stay back and get it done. Besides, it wasn't as if I had anyone to go home to. If anything, the person I wanted to go home to might still be in the building with me. I’d call that a win. 
My suspicions about Emily being here were confirmed when Emily sauntered into the office with 2 cups of coffee in her hands, making a beeline straight to my desk.
“Hey gorgeous, is Hotch still here?” I ask, spinning round in my chair to meet her body as she plants herself onto the edge of my desk. She leans down slightly, handing me a cup from her hand.
“Soy milk caramel latte, right?” Emily asks, brow raised. Nodding my head, I reply,
“Perfect. I’m surprised you remembered.” “I remember everything you tell me princess” she replies, her head tilting down a bit to meet my gaze, “and as for Hotch, no he left a few minutes ago. I bumped into him coming out of the elevators. It’s just us here. Speaking of which, why are you still here? You never stay this late.”
“Ahh keeping tabs on me now are we Prentiss?” I ask in a flirty tone.
“You know I am sweetheart” she says back, with the same flirty tone. This wasn't unusual for us, we flirted all the time. Some might say we are worse than Penelope and Derek but I say we are better than them. It’s never led anywhere though but who knew, tonight could be different.
“Y/N?”A hand comes up to my face and pulls my chin up so I our eyes meet. Her fingers run down my cheeks slightly before pulling away. My cheeks instantly flush at both the contact and the loss of contact.
Coughing slightly and maintaining eye contact, I reply softly “yeah I’m here. Sorry I zoned out for a second. What did you say?”
“I asked why you were still here again.”
“Oh right sorry. I was a bit preoccupied on the plane to finish all the paperwork off and I’d rather not come in tomorrow and see files stacked on my desk. Especially considering we don't know where we’ll be tomorrow” I reply, sarcasm lacing in my voice causing her to chuckle lightly.
“A very wise decision on your part there Y/N” Emily says, voice trailing off at the end. It was my turn to reach up and make skin to skin contact. But since she was sat on my desk her face was too far up for me to reach without me standing up. So I placed my hand on her arm and rubbed it gently.
“You okay Em?”
“Yeah all good” she says, her hand laying on top of mine. It was rare that we had moments like this, so when they did happen it makes me treasure each of them a bit more than the last one. 
“Em, come on. You can talk to me you know.”
“Do you ever think that life is passing you up sometimes?”
“It sure feels like that sometimes” I say with a sigh, “why, what do you think’s passing you up?”
“Any sort of life outside of the BAU. A family. Kids. A partner. Hell, even any sort of stable life. Me and you both know that we don't get any sort of down time with this job” Emily practically yells out “how am I supposed to get any private life stability with this kind of job?” 
Sighing softly I stand up from my seat and walk a few steps closer to Emily’s position on my desk. It’s a bit nerve wracking since we’ve never been this close before. But this wasn't about me and Emily, it was about making sure she would be okay.
“Hey come here” I take her hand into mine, trying to soothe out the anxieties in her, “look I’m not going to stand here and say that this job makes for an easy life outside of it because we both know that’d be a load of bullshit. But what I am going to say is that you can’t lose hope about all of this. Yes this job is practically impossible for stability, but I believe it can be done. You just have to work twice as hard unfortunately. But hey, nothing good in life is ever free, is it?”
The final comment seems to make her laugh, easing the tension in a heartbeat. “Thank you Y/N, you don’t know how much I needed to hear that.”
“Anytime, you know that” I say, a wide smile plastered on my face.
Emily hesitates for a second, unsure if she wants to say anything. “Do I?” she finally replies. I take a step backwards, confused as to what's going on.
“Excuse me?”
“I’m serious Y/N!” Emily yells, finally loosing her temper, “how do I know that you're not just here for the chase, for the game?”
“You don’t Em” I begin. Emily doesn't take well to the start of my speech, getting up and storming over to her desk before turning back round to me.
“That’s not ... how does that-”
“Let me finish Em!” I shout, retracing her steps over to her.
“Okay, sorry.”
“You don’t know that I’m not here for the ‘game” I quote, “because I have only shown you the signs that this is a game to me. I swear this, this thing we have between us, its not a game. Not to me anyway. You have had me under a spell since the day I locked eyes on you four months and 13 days ago.”
“You’ve been counting?” she chuckles, making me laugh with her.
“I wish I could say I have, but Spencer informed me earlier how long I'd been longing after you.He said it was time one of us told the other how we felt.”
“Good old Spencer.”
“No really, without hearing that from Spence earlier I don't think I’d have had the courage to tell you. Not for a while anyway. Here's the thing Emily. You put up all these walls to stop people from coming in, but the higher your walls get the more I want to break them down. No matter what it might cause. Because I am falling for you Emily Prentiss and I need to know you’ll be here to catch me when I fall.”
The room falls silent, my words sinking into Emily. Judging by the air, I put two and two together and realise I’ve just blown my shot. Or any chance I may have had. Spinning round on the balls of my feet I drag myself away from the woman whom I adored and to my desk, gathering up the paperwork and placing it into my bag. I hear footsteps crossing the room but don’t think twice about it, figuring she was running away. Not that I could blame her, I had come on quite suddenly I guess. What I didn’t realise was that the footsteps had been coming my way until a hand grabbed my arm and soft lips smash onto mine. It took a few moments to realise what was happening before my mouth moved at the same pace as the one attached to me did.
Just the thought of kissing Emily made the butterflies in my stomach go crazy; but this, this was a whole new level of butterflies. And fireworks. Lots of fireworks. Like the firework show over the Thames on New Years Eve, but better. So much better. The fireworks only increase when I feel Emily’s tongue run across my lips, asking for permission to enter. Granting her permission, the kiss goes from being controlled and passionate to frenzied and full of lust. The kiss goes on for what feels like simultaneously forever and not long enough (although there will never be enough time to kiss Emily) before I pull back for air. Our eyes open at the same time and become locked on one another, neither of us moving too much. 
Our happy little bubble quickly pops when a text tone alerts us that we’d got an emergency case that we needed to leave for within the hour, giving me and Em very little time to change before we were to meet the rest of the team on the tarmac. Luckily for us I always carried two changes of clothes in each of my go bags meaning we both had a change of clothes and didn't need to go home.
After getting changed and sorted we both headed down to our cars, knowing it'd be incredibly suspicious if we both rolled up in the same car. Even though we know Penelope probably caught our takeout on the CCTV cameras, we knew she wouldn't spill without confronting us first. We share a quick, but passionate, kiss before splitting up and heading to the tarmac separately.
We were met by the eyes of a suspicious Derek Morgan and a half asleep, yet smirking Spencer Reid when we stepped onto the plane. Granted, my ponytail may have been a bit messy but he has no solid proof as to who (or what) caused it. I fell into the seat opposite Spencer, who'd since put his book on the table between us and shoot a wink his way. Spencer chuckles, causing Derek to sulkily say “what, so pretty boy gets to know the 410 but not me.” The conversation unfortunately got put to a halt there as Hotch comes onto the plane with a concrete look on his face, alerting us that the case was more severe than we’d thought.
“I’m so sorry for calling you in so soon after we got back, but you know I wouldn't do it unless it was absolutely necessary. Don’t worry, we have a long flight ahead of us so you can all get some rest before we arrive. Garcia, go ahead.”
“Okay my lovely cherubs, we are off on a not so lovely case to Nashville, Tennessee...”
“Oh it’s been a week too long Quantico” I mutter to myself, pushing the elevator button. I’d had a week of off days to use up so I decided to visit my best friend in sunny Florida. It’d been an odd week that’s for sure. When I flew out I decides to keep my break completely communication free, telling Hotch that unless I’d been fired then everything could wait until when I got back. I even left my phone stuffed in between paperwork inside my desk. In hindsight, definitely not the best move on my behalf. But nothing could’ve ever pointed to what was going to happen within the last week, so I didn't think twice about cutting all contact and communication for a week. I expected everything to be the same as it was before I left. However as the elevator doors opened to the 6th floor, the air became sticky and heavy. I didn't think much of it until I opened the glass doors into the BAU and saw the team all stood near my desk, awaiting my arrival.
“Hey guys! As nice as it was to get away, I’m so glad I’m home” teary eyes all look at me, each of them trying to find the right words to say, “Jesus Christ, who died?”
My apparent attempt to lighten up the mood did the complete opposite, causing Spencer to collapse in a flood of tears. I jerk my eyes quickly from a huddled up genius to a hard faced Hotch. “Hotch, what the hell is going on?”
“I need you to sit down Y/N” he replies, dragging my chair out from under my desk.
“You’re scaring me now Hotch” I reply, taking a seat and gently placing down my bags down before turning slightly to face them all, my eyes finally doing a sweep of who's here. JJ stands the furthest away, in her own little world, with Penelope holding Reid slightly further forwards. Rossi stands with his hand on top of Morgan’s shoulder, his fingers almost massaging Derek’s skin every now and again, soothing the obviously distressed boy. Hotch sits on a chair in front of me, reaching his own hand out to hold mine. It takes my brain a few moments to register that Emily isn't present.
“Where’s Em?” I ask, peering around the empty room to try find the brunette I adored so much.
“Y/N. When you were away, there was a case. A personal case. One that included Emily’s past.” Hotch starts.
“Okay, I still don't understand how that answers my question. What happened on the case? Is Emily okay? Was she hurt” starting to get agitated.
“Emily’s dead Y/N” Derek yells, “the bastard killed her.”
“I’m so sorry Y/N, she was fighting someone named Doyle and he killed her.”
“No, this cant be right” I yell, getting up from my seat in a trance. “You’re lying, she's right here. She’s just in the conference room, look!” I run to the conference room, shouting “Em” as I search the room for her. I hear the footsteps behind me coming into the room as I stop in the middle of the room, feeling sick to my stomach.
“She’s gone Y/N, I was with her on the way to the hospital” Derek says softy, his sentence causing me to fall into a heap on the floor. Bodies rush to my side, but none of them are the body I crave the most. I know Spencer’s the one with his head against mine when I feel the tears fall from his cheeks onto my forehead.
“I’m so sorry Y/N” he whispers, kissing my forehead lightly.
“I- I never got to tell her that I love her” I say, the last bit of my facade crumbling causing me to sob violently into Spencer’s arms. More arms wrap around me as my sobs become more hysterical.
Within minutes my body had become numb from all the pressure being put on it, but I couldn't care less right now. I just want my Emily back. “I want my Emily back.” A sentence, when said aloud, caused the majority of the team to break down. Including the two team members isolated by the door.
“Hotch are you sure it has to be this way?”
“If there was any other way then we’d have done that. You know that JJ.”
“But look at her Hotch, she’s never going to get past this.”
“She has to, the team needs her.”
“I can’t stand here and look at her like that Hotch, I have to get out of here”
Above the cries of the room I could make out JJ and Hotch’s voices having a hushed conversation, one they obviously didn’t want anyone hearing from the tones of their voices. I, however, picked up a bit of the conversation before it was cut short by the small, teary eyes blonde storming out.
I can’t tell you how long it’s been since Emily’s funeral, partly because I’ve completely lost track of time. I wasn't allowed to be on my own for long periods of time, under Hotch’s order, so most nights I’d stayed with Derek. He’s become my rock throughout this all. Him and JJ. If I didn't have them I think I’d still be in complete denial about the whole thing. All I do know is in whatever time had passed, the team managed to get Doyle in their custody. Without much struggle apparently, which I have to admit is a bit odd considering how many years he'd gone under the radar before. I wasn't allowed into the room with him, which is understandable. Hell, I wasn't allowed into the same vicinity as him without at least two other people with me. He murdered the love of my life and, from what I’d been filled in on, the love of his life. I just sat at my desk in autopilot mode, just getting things done. I wasn't much more helpful in the field mind you, so I usually stayed back with Penelope when the team had a more complex case. 
A gentle squeeze of my shoulder jolts me back to reality. It was Rossi. He said Hotch had called a team meeting in the conference room and required all of our presences, specifically mine apparently. Whatever that meant. Derek helped me into the conference room and into a chair closest to the door we’d just walked through. My joints groaning at me from the lack of movement in them recently. Not that I could've helped it. Some comments are passed around the room upon my arrival, not that I could tell you anything that’d been said. 
“Damn Hotch wasn't kidding about needing us all” I mutter under my breath as Hotch files in from the door in front of me. 
“Welcome back” Derek says.
“Thank you” Hotch responds, “Everybody have a seat.”
Glancing at each other in a confused matter, the rest of the team take their seats. Derek stayed standing up, placing himself as close as he could to my seat.
“Why? What’s going on, is everything alright?” Derek asks, taking my hand into his and pressing circles into it. JJ appears in front of us next to Hotch, further confusing the team.
“7 months ago I made a decision that affected the team. Some of us more than others” Hotch started, his gaze flickering to mine. My brows furrowed and I squeezed Derek’s hand slightly tighter as out eyes met. “As you all know Emily had lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle” wait, had? “The doctors were able to stabilise her and she was airlifted from Boston to Birthesta under a covered exploitation.” Everyone’s eyes lifted up, snapping from person to person, wondering if they’d heard right - including me.
“No” I muttered lowly.
“Her identity was strictly on a need to know basis. And she stayed there until she was well enough to travel. She was reassigned to Paris where she was given several identities, one of which we had access to for her security.”
The room fell silent for a minute, everyone starting to process what they'd just been told.
“You’re lying” I say, my voice still low but my eyes moving up to meet JJ’s. Her eyes met mine with an apologetic glint in them. “No fucking way.”
“Sh- she’s alive?” Penelope asks through her tears. Hotch’s slight head tilt gave us our answer.
“But we buried her...” Spencer says, his voice breaking and trailing off at the end.
“As I said, I take full responsibility for the decision. If anyone has any issues they should be directed towards me.”
“Any issues?” Derek says, his voice raising “yeah I got issues. This girl has been a shell of herself since Emily’s funeral and now your telling us Emily was never dead in the first place?!” Footsteps make their way up the corridor and stop a few metres behind me.
I noticed JJ and Hotch’s attention move slowly onto the person behind me. “No” I muttered again slowly standing up, this time loud enough to gain everyone’s attention. As quick as I’d gained the attention, I’d lost it again. Everyone’s faces had a look of pure shock and surprise on them. All of them apart from Hotch and JJ’s. “I knew it” I growled lowly, my gaze pointed directly on JJ.
“Y/N” JJ began, but got cut off by Penelope’s gasp.
“Oh my god.”
I didn't need to look behind me to know who was stood by the door. It was Emily...
“Hi” the soft voice says, “I’m so-”
“I trusted you JJ. I trusted you and all this time you knew she was still alive?!”
“Y/N, I couldn’t-”
“I don't care if you couldn't! I called you up, every single night, for the last 6 and a half month in tears because I couldn't cope with the pain. I had to live at Derek’s apartment because I can’t go home.”
“Y/N, you need to calm down.”
“No Hotch, I won't calm down! I have woken up every morning screaming and with sweat running down my face because I’ve just watched the woman I love die. I don't care that you couldn't tell me. I care about the fact I put all my trust in you only to find out she’s still alive!” I scream, spinning round and pointing at the figure in the doorway.
“Oh my god you're still alive” I say, my voice rough from screaming so loudly.
“Hi Y/N” she replies, a small smile ghosting her lips as she speaks.
“No, I can’t do this” I say, moving around my seat and making my way to where Emily stands. As I try to make my way out, she grabs hold of my arm and pulls me back
“Y/N stop, we need to talk about this-”
I snatch my arm quickly out of her grasp, “No, I have nothing to say to you. And don't you dare think about following me!” I respond, running out of the room and out of the office as quickly as I could.
Emily Prentiss is still alive...
The news about Emily’s not death had spread around quickly. The team had managed to catch the ones hunting for Doyle’s son and Doyle had been shot dead, along with a few others. I wouldn't have known that however, had Derek not shot me a text to tell me what’d happened. vI’d spent every minute since I got home laying in the arm chair I’d sat in when it first clicked that I’d fallen completely in love with Emily. We were sat playing cards one evening after a case and I’d just called her out for cheating, she was defending herself so articulately that it made something just click in my brain. I realised I was in love with her, but I was always too big of a wuss to say it to her face. I think deep down she knew, but if she did she never said anything. 
A gentle, but firm rasp at my door knocked me out of the spell I was in. I knew that rasp anywhere, and I knew that it could only be one person at my door.
“Y/N, I know you're in their. Please, I need to talk to you” the voice said, further confirming who it was. On the other side of the door stood Emily Prentiss, and I was about to come face to face with her since I stormed out of the conference room 4 days ago.
I pad over to the door, unlocking the clasp and walk back to my chair, sitting back down in the position I was in before. I can hear a sign come from behind the wood before the door creaks open. Emily slips into the room and locks the door behind her, taking off her coat and making her way to where I sit.
“Can I?’ she asks tentatively.
Em places herself strategically into the sofa directly opposite from where I sat, knowing this was the best way at getting me to interact with her at all. We sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, both unsure of how to handle this.
“Look, I know you're mad at me-”
“For gods sake I’m not mad at you Emily!” I practically yell, “I’m not mad, I’m fucking hurt. Do you know this is the first time I’ve been here in nearly 8 months? I tried to come here, but I could never get passed the door because the place still smelled like you. Like that stupid perfume we all love so much.. I’ve slept in Derek’s spare room. I spent at least an hour on the phone with JJ every night because of how much my heart hurt, how much it ached for you. Poor Spencer has ripped himself up about not getting to say goodbye to you. On the outside Rossi might look like he’s stable, but these last few months have not been kind to him. If anything, he's taken it the worst out of anyone.. I’m not angry at you. Am I angry at JJ and Hotch? You bet your ass I am. I’m beyond pissed with them. But you? I could never be mad at you Emily.”
Tears were streaming down my cheeks at this point, tears I was no longer able to hide. Emily moved from her seat on the couch and crouched in front of me, our faces at the same height. Our bodies were as close to each other as we could get them without sitting on one another laps. Her hand came out and rested itself on my cheek as I subconsciously pressed my cheek further into her hand. We stayed in this position for a few moments, just taking in each other, before Emily’s voice perked up, 
“I begged JJ to tell you I was okay. These past 7 months have been the toughest months of my life. I lost my family. I lost the best people I have ever met. I lost a part of myself that night, a part of myself I’ll never be able to get back. But most heartbreaking, I lost you.. I lost you right as I got the courage to tell you how in love with you I am.”
The tears, whilst still prominent, had calmed down a bit. I hadn't looked at it that way. I may have lost my favourite person, but Emily’s entire life had been swept up from under her feet without any warning. 
I sighed, reaching up with both my hands to cup her face.
“I love you Em, so much. I just.. I need some time to process all of this” I say gently, pulling myself flush into her. She wraps her arms around my body, placing her head against my shoulder.
“Okay, take as much time as you need. I’ll still be here.”
“I promise sweetheart” Emily says softly, “and I never intend to break that promise.”
Maybe we can find a way to work through this after all...
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thepastneverforgets · 3 years
BatFam One-Shot
characters: jason todd & damian wayne plot: damian is separated from the group during a weekend patrol and the nearest person, jason, is called upon to check on him. cue them begrudgingly bonding. note: this fic isn’t anti-bruce but it’s largely written from jason’s bias perspective so it’s not exactly bruce wayne friendly either. also, not all the familiar with damian in current canon, just fyi. cw: smoking
“I told you I knew where the best hole-in-the-wall vegan spot in Gotham was; you should trust me more often...” Jason remarked as he watched Damian practically scarf down his own tin-foil wrapped meal. 
Damian immediately scoffed with food still in his mouth, and then made sure to swallow it all down--’manners, young man. mind them’ they both heard Alfred chastising tone in their head--before he went on to spit out, “trust you, Hood? I’d sooner trust the clown before I did that...”
And didn’t that just make Jason seethe, glaring at Damian’s little smirk and biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself in check. He didn’t want to bite back or smack the kid upside the head, but was strongly feeling the urge to do just that, which he counted back from ten to ignore. After all, he was the adult in this situation, trying to extend an olive branch and show Bruce that he could play nice, even with his legitimate Demon Spawn. It wouldn’t do him any good to sink down to the brat’s level. And frankly, he’s on the verge of just dropping off the rooftop and grappling away to leave Damian to make his way back to the manor on his own, when the younger boy’s next words gave him pause.
“I suppose it’s adequate enough, though. Certainly better than the things father tries to get me to eat.” 
“Puh-lease, Bruce wouldn’t know good taste if it bit him in the ass. All that secondhand smoke while dining out in the 80′s and early 90′s probably ruined his taste buds.” Jason reasoned with a dry laugh.
“You smoke.” Damian went on to point out, jumping in to defend his father even if he was just criticizing him a second ago. Just as Jason bundled up his empty food wrapper and tucked it into his utility belt to throw away later, and so that he could instead pull out a cigarette from the next pocket over. 
“Only after dinner...” He quipped--and also when he couldn’t get the particular iron taste of blood out of his mouth, but he left that part unsaid. His lips curled up in lopsided grin while he held the cigarette between them to light it up, with his favorite lighter, which was shaped to look like a tiny six-shooter . It was only after the first puff of smoke was expelled over the city streets that Jason sagged in relief, legs lazily swinging back and forth over the ledge of the building’s roof. 
“Let me try.” Damian demanded out of nowhere and Jason immediately coughed on his next drag.
“The fuc-- What the hell do I look like to you, brat... your gateway into becoming a damn addict?” 
Damian scowled and moved to snatch the cigarette, but was too slow. Jason’s broad and bulky frame leaned away from the pipsqueak as he pulled a proper drag this time. “Oh, whatever, Hood. I’ll have you know I’m built different from you. I wouldn’t get addicted...”
And didn’t that naïve and childish proclamation just make Jason laugh in delight, his half-smoked cigarette stubbed out against the roof and shoved in the same pocket he had put his trash in earlier.
“Yeah...? Why don’t you go tell that to B and Al the next time you all have a little family movie night; just bring it right up when he tries to get you to watch The Brave Little Toaster or some shit, see what his face says...”
With a scrunch of his nose and a huff, Damian replied, “he already made me watch that with him, I feel asleep on it, on him...”
“Ha, me too, kid, me fucking too...” And this time, Jason’s high and short laugh sounded clogged with too much emotion, nostalgia and resentment all cobbled together and caking his throat. “I get that it’s his favorite animated movie from way back when or whatever, but damn, he couldn’t pick something a little more exciting-- think he just wanted to watch something that he knew would put us to sleep....”
“Oh..” Damian mouthed, looking around for a place to put his trash before he simply followed Jason’s lead and continued on, “I-- I didn’t know that. Do... You don’t think he was insulted that I didn’t pay attention and drooled on him, do you...?” 
For a moment, Jason paused at the honest note of doubt and concern in Damian’s face, the little wannabe Batman finally looking like the child he was. Which had him answering with kneejerk honesty, “No, no I don’t think he cared, even a little. The boss-man is just a quality time kind guy...
     But, I bet you don’t even know what his favorite movies and books actually are, do you? Or what spot in that exclusive study of his that he likes best to read in...?”
Damian scowled, in thought, and then shook his head. As far as he knew, his father didn’t do much of any reading these days, unless it was blaring off the bright screen of the bat-computer. 
Jason sucked on his teeth with a disappointed ‘tsk’ and shook his own head. “Then ask him, when you get back; see what he says... we can compare notes next time and see if he’s done any personal growth in the last decade or more...” he suggested before he finally stood on the very edge of the roof and stretched out his heavy limbs.
All the crime and corruption that filled the city streets was so far below him that it seemed a world away. And it was getting about that time for him to clock out of this little babysitting job and jump back into his swamp. 
“Come with me...” 
Once again, Damian’s unexpected words gave Jason pause and he glanced back at the kid with a raised brow. “Uh... thanks but no thanks. I got some business to attend to and time to kill, before Al makes that insomniac actually sleep and he becomes any sort of tolerable.” 
“You know, you’re not better than him, Todd. He made yo--”
“Whatever you say, brat...” Jason cut off the ‘you should be grateful to him for the rest of your life’ bullshit Damian was likely going to feed him, even after all the trouble he went through to get the kid a decent meal, and pulled out his grapple gun. “Now you go and get home to daddy, yeah... I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around.” And with that, Jason jumped off the roof and worked to put a street of distance between them. 
And although Damian wasn’t happy with not getting the last word in, his mind was quickly pulled to other matters as Batman came in through the coms a moment later, demanding to know where his youngest son was and why he hadn’t returned from patrol, yet. 
“In route as we speak...” was all he said in response, his path taking him back to the manor and opposite Jason.
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Maggie Stiefvater~Rant YA edition pt.2
I know, I know that I had to make a part about world-building but I’m pissed, I failed my exam I am at my friend house and it’s Fourth of July so I must do this.
Joseph Kavinsky.
First of all I don’t condemn his actions and yes, you can like a character but don’t agree with their actions.
My journey with The Dream Thieves was rocky, like really rocky. It was worse than The Raven Boys, I felt psychical pain while reading this one but there was only one good thing that help get through it AND IT WAS KAVINSKY.
From the first scene I liked him, I was intrigued by him and I was curious why Gangsey hates him so much. I mean what M*ggie give us are just rumours, that's when I asked myself “Why such a hate? What did he do to them?”.
And then the yo mama jokes, priceless by the way. Okay, maybe my sense humour sucks but let me tell you in polish translation “twoja stara” is golden I laughed for several minutes.
But the thing went down pretty quickly, like my face went from a happy to grim in a second and stayed that way while reading this, just to cry at the end. After that it was just anger and to this day I’m angry at M*ggie for what she did.
Lets start from beginning.
1. Kavinsky-Description
The first time we see Kavinsky it’s in the chapter 3 where we got rumours about him:
“Of course it was Joseph Kavinsky, fellow Aglionby Academy student and Henrietta’s most notorious recreational forger. Kavinsky’s infamous Mitsubishi Evo was a thing of boyish beauty, moon-white with a voracious black mouth of a grille and an immense splattered graphic of a knife on either side of the body. The Mitsubishi had just been released from a month-long stint in the police impound. The judge had told him that if he was caught racing again, they’d crush the Mitsubishi and make him watch, like they did to the rich punks’ street racers out in California. Rumor had it Kavinsky had laughed and told the judge he’d never get pulled over again. He probably wouldn’t. Rumor had it Kavinsky’s father had bought off Henrietta’s sheriff. To celebrate the Mitsubishi’s release from impound, Kavinsky had just put three coats of anti-laser paint on the headlights and bought himself a new radar detector.“
Right from the bat, characters expressed disdain of him:
“I hate that prick,” Adam said.
Then we get the “description” of him: white sunglasses, golden chain, which already is kinda lacking but then we get the infamous “refugee face”
“He had a refugee’s face, hollow-eyed and innocent.“
Okay okay, so like it wasn't already offensive, we learn later that he’s Bulgarian and as a person also from Slavic group, this description just looks bad and leaves bad taste in my mouth, because I'm fed up with Americans view of Slavs like we are all simple people, still in communist era somewhere in the Europe, who came to America to steal low income jobs.
On the other hand, how does “refugee face” looks like? Yeah, we get the line “hollow-eyed and innocent“ but it still feels offensive to Slavic group.
Luckily, in my translation it was changed to “runaway’s face” which holds the same idea but it isn't offensive and fits Kavinsky’s character better.
“There was nothing about Kavinsky that wasn’t despicable”
Just... ugh why they hate him so much, I asked myself back then but I didn't know that from this point, all went down hill.
“He was unmistakable: the sort of raven boy who was clearly an import from elsewhere.“
Okay first of all, you can import things, not actual people Blue. Second of all, combining this with “refugee face” it made me so angry like M*ggie, why can’t you describe Kavinsky normally without possibly offending half of Europe. He is human, not your new brand German car.
After that we get the rest of description “Like many of the other raven boys, he sported massive sunglasses, spiked hair, a small earring, a chain around his neck, and a white tank top.“ and that’s it. It’s all we get. There might be some things missing, like hair colour but we can forgive that.
2. Backstory
In M*ggie’s now deleted tumblr, she once wrote:
"Kavinsky has a very logical backstory that leads him to this place.”
And what did we know about Kavinsky? Practically, nothing. He’s a son of a Bulgarian mobster from New Jersey, he’s rumoured to kill his father, he’s mother is a drug-addict, he’s rich, Prokopenko is his favourite forgery and he got away with replacing him and possibly his dad. It gives the idea to what shaped him as a person but it doesn’t explained everything, like if he killed his dad, why wasn’t it? How did it ended up with him replacing Prokopenko? Why he is his favourite forgery?
But okay M*ggie say what you want but I and my friend made better backstory for him in ten minutes (like it wasn’t hard really).
3. ”We matter”
“Closing his eyes, Gansey leaned his head back on his seat, chin tilted up, throat green in the dash lights. There was still an unsafe sort of smile about his mouth — what a torment the possibility in that smile was — and he said, “There was never a time when that could’ve been you and me. You know the difference between us and Kavinsky? We matter.“
That said Gansey, the character we are supposed to like, about the kid who is not only his age but also drug addicted and possibly abused. I was furious at him for saying that because who k*rwa he is to say things like that. Is he some frigging higher being to judge someone like that?
And he was smiling while saying that? What an.. and nobody called him out on that?! It only gives the reader the idea that people like Kavinsky don’t matter and to those who relate to him that they don’t matter.
And Blue, who again made me want to throw my phone, later in the book asked  literal a hitman, who offered to go to “talk” with him to “make him feel worthless” while doing it.
It’s the next example when I felt the main characters are lacking a basic human empathy, like again he is just a kid not “H*tler” like Ronan compare him to.
4. That scene
That f*king scene, we all know about.”R*pe of Ronan” as stans like to call it.
I heard the reaction of the fans to this scene even before reading this books. Of course, I was anticipating this scene and when it came:
“After a moment, he heard the hood groan as Kavinsky leaned over him. Then he felt the ridged callus of a finger drag slowly over the skin on his back. A slow arc between his shoulder blades, drawing the pattern of his tattoo. Then sliding down his spine, tensing every muscle it moved over.
But when his eyes slitted, battling sleep, Kavinsky was just doing another line of coke off the roof, body stretched over the windshield. He might have imagined it. What was real?“
I was baffled, because its bad but its nothing like fans making to be. All Kavinsky does is drag his finger on Ronan’s back tattoo, while he is falling asleep but afterwards Ronan said he doesn’t know, if it was even real, so the reader can’t tell if it was. Somebody would argue, that is a molestation but once again, we don’t know if it was real. Maybe if we got K’s PoV we could get information about this situation but now we are left in the dark what really happened that night.
And then, there is “Consent is overrated” scene
This is one of the main argument of stans preaching that K is a r*pist. Yes, that sounds horrible, we don’t have to argue about that but people missed the context of situation in which it was said.
“Ronan replied, “Not such a thief tonight.”
“Some nights,” Kavinsky said, all teeth, “you just take it. Consent is overrated.”“
Ronan and Kavinsky are referring to pulling things out of dreams and how Kavinsky is doing it aka not asking permission to take them out, unlike Ronan. But without this context, the world “consent” is mainly associated with one thing. You know what...
The bottom line is that, if we got K’s PoV, it would shine a light on his intentions and motivations to say and possibly do all of this. We can only thanks the author for that.
5. Relationship with Ronan Lynch
Maybe that will sound scandalous but I don’t think Kavinsky loved Ronan. All of their interaction seem more like obsession to me and after the dreaming of Camaro, it seem desperate.
At the beginning, after main characters expressed disdain of K, only Ronan thought something different:
“Ronan knew he ought to hate him, too.“
And I thought “Okay maybe Ronan know more about him than the rest” but as the chapters went, I wanted the end of it all.
It was toxic. I know, I know but I was hoping for a least little glimpses of possible friendship. Instead of that, I got throwing over cars, punching and exploitation between them. With Kavinsky saving Ronan from the night horror (which fans forget about in their rants how bad K is) and helping Ronan dreaming a new Camaro, I expect at least some decency? gratefulness?? at Ronan side, because nobody forced Kavinsky to do this but when Ronan got what he wanted he just peace out?! Like Kavinsky was doing all of this as a favour?
“He rolled down the window. “I’m going.” For a moment, Kavinsky’s face was perfectly blank, and then Kavinsky flickered back onto it. He said, “You’re shitting me.” “I’ll send flowers.” Ronan revved the engine. Exhaust and dust swirled in a wild torment behind the Camaro. It coughed at twenty-eight-hundred rpm. Just like the Pig. Everything was back the way it was. “Running back to your master?” “This was fun,” Ronan said. “Time for big-boy games now, though.”
““I never lie,” Ronan said. He frowned disbelievingly. This felt like a more bizarre scenario than anything that had happened to this point. “Wait. You thought — it was never gonna be you and me. Is that what you thought?”“
And what was Kavinsky’s reaction after he was “used” by Ronan without even a thank you?
“Kavinsky made a gun of his thumb and finger and put it to Ronan’s temple. “Bang,” he said softly, withdrawing the fake gun. “See you on the streets.”“
Not anger but disbelief about what just happened and then the “he said softly“ just seems sad to me. He got used by the man he, de facto, wanted to befriend. He for sure felt cheated and used but the next thing what he does seems just OOC for me. He kidnapped Matthew, Ronan’s younger brother, to force him to come to the Fourth of July party. Before it looked like he wanted Ronan just to have a fun but after the Camaro something broke in him. But once again, it only my interpretation, because K is the only TRC antagonist that doesn’t get PoV, so I can wonder, what was going on in his head.
I’m tired of this, because most of the things could be explained, if we got his PoV, because without it his actions seems random.
After the text “bring something fun to fourth of july or we’ll see which pill works the best on your brother“, Ronan called K demanding where is Matthew and K responded:
“Ronan demanded, “Where is he?” “You know, I asked nice the first few times. Are you coming to Fourth? Are you coming? Are you coming? Here, have a motherfucking car. Are you coming? You made it ugly. Bring something impressive tonight.”“
It doesn’t sounds that evil to me more like desperate (repetition of “are you coming”) and hurting (”you made it ugly”). It made me feel more curious about what was going in his head and what lead him to kidnapping more than being angry at him for kidnapping Matthew.
Kavinsky was looking someone like Ronan, to share problems and to destroy themselves together. And Ronan was the closest thing to it, dreamer and all. He was looking for connection but in the end, Ronan didn’t want anything to do with him and that ended in tragedy.
6. Fourth of July
Ah yes, the main reason why I’m writing this post. We know how this goes. Gangsey arrives at party. Ronan demands where is his brother. Ronan follow K into a dream.
"Kavinsky laughed the word. "Reality! Reality's what other people dream for you."
"Reality's where other people are," Ronan replied. He stretched out his arms. "What's here, K? Nothing! No one!"
"Just us."
There was a heavy understanding in that statement, amplified by the dream. I know what you are, Kavinsky had said. "That's not enough," Ronan replied."
One again K got rejected and it was told to him he "wasn't enough" Okay, Ronan doesn't own him anything but what happened next is more fucked up
Kavinsky dreams fire dragon, Ronan night horror. They fight. Gangsey search for Matthew.
Ronan demands K to tell him where is Matthew and K just said “He’s all yours! You missed my point, man. All I wanted was this —”“ while gesturing at their creations and ONCE AGAIN I REPEAT ONCE AGAIN we are not sure what K meant: dreaming together? fighting? One chapter from his PoV couldn’t hurt Maggie you know?
Matthew got rescued, Ronan shielded him from upcoming dragon then this:
"He shouted to Kavinsky, ”Get down!”
But Kavinsky didn’t look away from the creatures. He said,”The world’s a nightmare”.
Ronan once again shouted to him but Kavinsky didn’t answered and let the dragon to kill him.
“A second later, the fire dragon exploded into Kavinsky. It went straight through him, around him, flame around an object. Kavinsky fell. Not as if he was struck, though. Just like when he’d taken the green pill. He crumpled to his knees and then slumped gracelessly off the car.“
And we know K is dead, because both the dragon and Prokopenko fall asleep.
And that’s all and what was all for? Because they thought he was draining the ley lines (but Adam fixing the lines seems to do the trick) and because Ronan didn't want to come to Fourth of July. After that comes nothing. No reaction from the cast and the dream pack who supposedly were his friends (In later book Jiang talks to Ronan like nothing happened) there is no funeral of which we know and the town is silent. Like K never existed.
What kind of message this sends to a reader? That if you are like Kavinsky in any way nobody will mind if you are gone. You are not even worthless to remember. On one podcast M*ggie said she don’t want to be educational in her books and that’s f*cked up because she is writing YA, young people who are easily influenced and after reading how K is treated the majority will close the book with belief that people like K don’t deserve help and they are goners not worthy of redemption.
While in the same book Gray Man, adult hitman who killed people on pages, was hunting down Ronan, relieved to be murderer behind a Niall's death, beat up and threaten Declan with a gun to tell him where the Greywaren was not only forgiven by everyone (including Ronan) but got redemption arc and love interest. Let me repeat adult man, literal a hitman gets redemption arc but not mentally ill kid. Okay Margaret what the f*ck was that. Where is the logic, where is the lamb sauce?! Does she knows how her writing can influence young people? And it seems most of the fans agree with her.  
Joseph Kavinsky was handled terribly through the whole book. With main cast hating him from the get-go. Narration that tried to make him the great evil (with some fans of TRC calling him the worst villain) and after the book got published the fans and the author themself further demonised him, 17 year old boy with a drug addiction, mental illness and with possible history of abuse.
I can only shake my head every time, I see someone calling him the devil. What Kavisnky needed was rehab and therapy, not death! If she wanted to find solution to stop him from dreaming, why couldn't she just moved him outside of Henrietta or Virginia, not lead him to commit s*icide and public s*icide mind you. He was a bad person but nobody deserved to die like this.
To end this post (I wrote this post so long that in my country is no longer Fourth of July), I still to this day think about Kavinsky and what would happened, if the author didn't choose the easy way to "get rid of him". And do not tell me, it was impossible to end it differently, because it was possible. Ronan just grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him off the car. Sending him to a rehab or just talking with him, instead of assuming from the start, that he wouldn't listen. His only crimes were, he needed help and he wouldn't listen to Gangsey telling him what to do.
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mc-doppomine · 3 years
Day 20 Bonus: Bad Ass Temple vs Matenrou
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I’m just going in order of the battle dates at this point. And I’m just going to go from the music to the character stuff again because I feel it would just get long again. Look, I wanted to go for Bad Ass Temple. Sometimes you want to hope for an underdog. However when it comes to style...I just couldn’t get into BAT as much. Which is a shame because they have the same foundation of their team as MTR and going in the fight a similar way. But in terms of the individual songs, they’re actually pretty even. I didn’t have many songs that I really liked from either side besides One, Two, Law and Black or White. 
I feel this is also the time that I have to say, with music a lot of the time, I’m basing it only as music. It’s lyrics and the like are secondary and mainly used to like inch any song forward if I was truly stuck. So sound wise, it’s been all over the place. Between having flashbacks to high school with Jyushi and feel like I’m being taken to church by Jakurai...it’s been a time. But of course the ones I like are the ones that are ultimately the ones about more mundane stuff I guess? 
And with the group songs...I had to grow to like Kaigen. It’s just a personal thing with slow build up songs, I don’t usually have patience for them which is why I usually like fast paced songs over ballads (there’s always exceptions). But when you get to it though, it is good. I won’t deny that. (Yosh, Jyushi part and then him going off, is such a fuck yeah moment!) Well, Kirei, Kaigen is more fast paced than Tomoshibi, what gives? There’s always exceptions. One is that Tomoshibi doesn’t have as slow a build and that it caught my heart without me knowing what’s going on. Like a lot of my initially crying over Tomoshibi was over how it SOUNDS, not their lyrics. Also it’s slow but not ballad slow. 
Which then brought us to the actual battle. And they would not make us wait. I was gut punched when they let Jakurai and Hitoya go from right out the gate. Anyone else notice how they mirrored each other’s final line of defeating the other with everything they have? Shivers! I initially wondered why these two were put together to fight but it makes sense after Light & Shadow because they have essentially the same ultimate desire of finding safety and growth with their teams but how they go about it is very different. Neither of them are wrong but it’s a matter of the clash between those difference. 
If I had one thing that threw me so thoroughly in this battle though was Hitoya. Like I bet he was the real threat of BAT and I don’t feel I was wrong. But his angle was way different from what I was expecting. Like it seemed like his perspective changed before the 2nd DRB happened. Which ends up coming up really strange, at least for me, in this battle. Because HE is the one that initiated a fight with MTR by challenging Jakurai and was determined to take him down. Not that he still isn’t but he’s already had his chance of reflecting and changed why he’s fighting Jakurai from wanting to drag him down from his high horse to wanting to do this as a challenge against himself. Which isn’t bad, it just makes for a strange dynamic when it felt like it was set up for settling this grudge and he settled it himself before even getting on stage. 
As for the rest of the battle, I don’t have as many memorable lines as they go so fast in this one. It’s a lot easier to lose them but considering this track was designed like a final boss encounter, I guess that’s to be expected. But overall...I just felt like Kuko and Jyushi were too...not that they didn’t take it serious but too green to this kind of scene? Like it reminds me of Jiro and Saburo in War War War except I think Kuko and Jyushi delivered some great lines such as ‘you’ve been so shaved off by society, there’s nothing left of you.’ But they also didn’t seem to hit with me? Although I guess there is a small bias there as like...I feel weird hearing them say ‘middle-aged men’ when I’m not that much younger than Hifumi or Doppo. And know that it’s really not that old...it reminds me of my younger sister.
Lyric wise, it felt like they were fighting two completely different ways and I don’t know how it worked out honestly for me. Like I’m really glad for the sound because a lot of it...wasn’t nonsensical but just didn’t feel like they were going at the same thing. Like MTR didn’t even seem to really focus on beating down on their opponents whereas BAT did. And it makes for such a weird confrontation. So I basically defaulted to what I usually do with the music and go with how I feel from the music and I felt MTR through it. To me, I felt more passion from their delivery and also I’d be lying if I I was living through Hifumi’s haughty laugh, Kuko’s roll of words and Doppo’s screaming (how does Itou-san do it???). 
So yeah, MTR got me with music. 
I said I did the character thing because it’d be shorter to do the music...I didn’t realize I had to so much to say about the music until I was writing. I’m so sorry that this just ends up being super long as I add the character/story aspects...which honestly I guess would be shorter because in the grand scheme both BAT and MTR just have a lot less to lose of going against other teams. Which could be argued is their charm but I don’t know if that alone could save them from future shenanigans to happen in this DRB. But let’s get to the team stuff
BAT vs DH would have to be the most even chance music wise for both teams because they’re new to this battle season. Although I am absolutely terrified of what kind of sound would come from mixing their sounds together. I’m sure all the talented folks behind the DRB music can do it...I just can’t imagine it. I can’t really think of the conflicts here since for the most part they don’t know each other outside of Kuko and Sasara being in MCD for a time. 
BAT vs BB would be a chance to make the ‘koi yo Bad Ass,’ ‘Ou yo Bus Bros’ from Division Battle Anthem+ come true. I’ve hung onto that direct call out since I’ve heard it. There should be answers to their fall out. Ichiro didn’t forget it and feels like Kuko had to have some kind of revelation with it. This would be the chance to resolve this. Meanwhile I also entertain that this iust good hearted fun of like Ichiro, Kuko, Jyushi and Jiro all being around the same age and just being boys having fun. All the while, Hitoya is groaning as he pulls out another set of adoption papers. 
BAT vs FP...I can’t think of anything really since they haven’t had any real connection outside of Ramuda--and I think it was OUR Ramuda--thinking Kuko was too irrelevant for his plans. What a kick that’d be for Kuko to be like ‘so, I heard you were talking shit!’ 
BAT vs MTC, I also have a problem seeing as much of an issue. Outside of Hitoya trying to not have a whole ass conniption. He needs to bring like most of these bastards to court. And also dadtoya because he would not want to drag Kuko and Jyushi around these guys. I fear of Jyuto eating Jyushi alive. Although there could be a slight chance of anger from Samatoki towards Kuko because he’s one of the few people that know the extent of Kuko’s abrupt departure left with Ichiro and even if he doesn’t forgive Ichiro, I don’t think that erases that nasty taste in his mouth. 
And then to reverse around with MTR vs DH, I still think of it being more light-hearted of Hifumi and Doppo being like an accidental rival manzai to Sasara and Rosho. And just ending up petty over it. Watch Hifumi insult Sasara’s suit, ohmygod Hifumi can you not--And meanwhile I’m pretty sure Rei knows that Chuuoku is trying to use Jakurai’s rap ability and I can’t tell if he’s interested in how it goes or if he’d stop it. Because Rei I feel has less hesitance in doing extremes to eliminate what’s in his way. Be that incapacitating Jakurai’s ability or Jakurai himself or ruining Jakurai in a way that he can’t help...that’s all doesn’t seem outside the realm of possibility for Rei to me. 
MTR vs BB would also be a lighter affair as it just seems like bros just going against each other as I don’t know, I think MTR has a softer spot for BB than all the other teams. And to BB it’s like going against dad because I will die on the dadkurai hill. 
MTR vs MTC is rematch REMATCH. DEATH RESPECT PART II. Let’s get it. But yeah outside of sore feelings from last time, I don’t think it’d be as bad as last time. It’s really a ‘nothing personal but you’re in my way’ sort of thing. There is a meeting for the anti-Honobono club that goes on, maybe? Maybe there could be some bad blood if Samatoki knew about Jakurai thinking of helping Chuuoku with perfecting the thing that, at least for a long time in his head, took Nemu from him. 
But unsurprisingly most that would happen is if they did MTR vs FP. Because on one hand, it’s a REMATCH and one I’d personally love because their rap battle was my favorite. But they have the most story threads. I glossed it in the previous but it’s a chance for collaboration or using the other team if Honobono came up. Such as FP throwing MTR at her to distract her from getting Ramuda. They’re cutthroat enough to do it. Or if they could see past their rivalry and work together to save both of their sides from this mutual threat. I think this would be a time for Ramuda and Jakurai to REALLY go at each other. 
Because despite their disdain of each other, I don’t think they hate each other as they like to proclaim. Chuuoku seems to know this feeling on Jakurai’s end as they dangle Ramuda’s well-being in front of him time and time again. Even if he can’t get along with Ramuda, he sure as fuck doesn’t want him DEAD. And it seems to get forgotten but Ramuda IS Jakurai’s MENTOR, the person that taught him to survive in the new direction of the world. Even if this was orchestrated, that bond still exists. And it’s not one-sided because I can’t imagine Ramuda being pleased with Jakurai willingly going with the bitches that made his life hell. He’d be pissed as to how Jakurai could roll over to them (as he might perceive) and his effort to keep Jakurai from them failing. 
Phew...done...with the thing. But yeah in terms of like story/character....mmm, yeah that would have to go to MTR too. I really don’t feel like it’s BAT fault. I just think they’re at a disadvantage for coming new to a battle season. 
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cherryblosblog · 4 years
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After watching that 4 minute teaser for the upcoming episode, the first thing I did was cry, because that is the first emotion that comes to you when see that teaser, the whole backdrop is set for utter doom and despair. 
But Before I divulge in all the the theories that came into my mind after watching the teaser, can we please first give a standing ovation to both KGE and LMH I swear their hugs in this drama are everything, the AMOUNT TENDERNESS and CARE they both show in that hug is out of this world…!!!
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Especially this part, I bawled my eyes out and this is not even the episode,  AND IT IS JUST THE TEASER !!!!!
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now, for those of you who did not observe this part in the teaser, let me tell you this was a very vital part of information; let me explain by observations:
 1. The title of the show always had a we see the hands of the clock go anti-clockwise but see the color, it has slight pink, red tinge of color, alluding to a darker path and more bloodsheed Yikes…
2. The portal through which Gon and Lim enter are completely different, Gon’s one has balloons where as Lim’s one has rocks from what I saw, which basically can allude that the ballons are not a re-set signature instead it is the nature of the holder of the  Manpashikjeok. Their nature sets the atmosphere of their path between the two universes.
3. One very important theory even though it is virtually half backed is that, TE does remember the resets, way before Gon can/did; also it deduces that there so far have been 3 resets, the first being the original timeline, the second being the one we are seeing and the third being what we are about to see. 
4. However In each reset it has become quite clear that Gon will lose TE it is confirmed, because that hug at the end, him running through frozen time to hug her proves it.
The other thing that was lingering on my mind for a really long time is that I feel Lim is portrayed as the villain, However if you think about it Time is the Bigger enemy for our protagonist’s. From Years of watching Kim Eun Sook drama’s the one thing you learn is that the plot is never straightforward, and You can NEVER expect one Villain, there are other factors also playing along with it. 
So even If Gon does manage to defeat Lim in the next episode or two it is TIME both Gon and Tae-eul are fighting against, which why we hear their background comments on their moments.
And most importantly the one theory that I had in my mind from episode one was that It is was Gon who saved himself, which comes true, however the main question is WHAT lead him to that even??, because if he wanted to save TE he could have gone back to the time where she was in eminent danger,as it is obvious that he has cracked the time travel thing by know from the teaser…
Last but not least the teaser has left me with more questions: 
What happens to the Doppelgangers, were just inserted for comic relief and suspense build up??
Was that a ring I saw on TE’s finger when she was Hugging Gon
and last but not least what role does YO YO boy have in all of this with his red string of fate ????
Overall after watching the teaser, my mind brain cells are on overdrive and I cannot sleep any longer, but regardless of all this imepending doom I really really want Gon and TE to be happy their angsty hugs and tears are tearing me apart, I mean this much doom on a single couple is to much 😭😭😭
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lostsoulaltair · 4 years
OnS Theories (13S). First Theory - Demons and their selected weapons. Aspects of their personalities (Long Theory - Part I)
Hello everyone! I hope everyone’s been well!
We’re starting with a new theory season, this theory might be short or long depending on how it goes, but I’d like to talk about something peculiar cursed gears have. therefore, let’s begin!!!
As many might recall, cursed gears take different shapes and the weapons they end up possessing have differences despite focusing on certain attacks such as Close Combat, Illusion, Mid Range and lastly, Long Range Distance Attacks.
Despite this, why do I state demons have a selected weapon and shape?
To begin with, demons, despite losing their memories of who they once were, have certain traits from their previous selves. What do I mean?
For example, Asuramaru formerly known as Ashera Tepes, was a kind vampire, he always cared about Yu from the past and Krul, his sister; despite being turned into a demon, he kept one thing from the past self, and that is his kind nature.
At the beginning he was displayed as any other demon but, he was clearly different from others, how can I say this?
Well, once he introduced to Yuichiro, he told him to be wary of humans, which is something demons don’t really care about; compared to Yoichi and Kimizuki whose demons didn’t tell them about their humanity percentage, Asuramaru was the one that told Yu about it, which implies, a side of Ashera’s nature remained in the new being called Asuramaru.
Of course, with time, the previous nature started to take shape within him until he was able to remember who he once was. But now, why does the theory itself state the demons have a selected weapon?
As an idea that slowly grew, I started seeing how cursed gears were delivered to their respective users, in a way, the nature of the demons, the shape of the weapon the demon is in possession, resembles somehow the nature of the wielder. Therefore, what does this mean?
Correct. The users and their demons along the weapon itself they use to unleash power, is highly based on the nature of both; therefore, let’s talk into depth about the characters that appear the most and their respective cursed gears:
1. Yuichiro Hyakuya and Asuramaru (Ashera Tepes)
Yuichiro Hyakuya is often seen as a reckless boy that faces danger either with a plan or just goes straight to it, of course, that set of thinking changed in a way after the squad left the JIDA, though, eventually he ended up separated after being kidnapped and Mika ended up rescuing him only to face a battle against Guren Ichinose.
But now, what does Yu have in common with Asuramaru?
To begin with, Asuramaru as a demon used to have the same behavior as Yuichiro when they met; he’d offer Yu power or take over his body so he could go and face up stronger vampires; of course, this ceased once Yuichiro acknowledged that he wasn’t able to defeat them alone or by himself which is the part on which a change starts to happen.
Yuichiro and Asuramaru start exchanging words, and slowly, they end up building a strong bond which can be labeled as friendship.
Now, answering the question about the common related aspects; both, Asuramaru and Yuichiro have a kind heart. What do I mean?
Asuramaru before becoming a demon, he was always worried of the well being of his sister Krul Tepes, he cared a lot about her, and once he was rescued and turned into a vampire, his first thought focused on saving his sister, which is something similar to Yuichiro’s mentality or thoughts.
But now, why the title infers a lot the aspect of the weapon?
The fact that Asuramaru took the shape or more likely was infused in a weapon that looked like a katana or a sword speaks a lot about his personality; the fact that he wields a sword implies that Asuramaru/Ashera Tepes is firm with his thoughts, there’s no hesitation; swords were once weapons created to face down enemies, their clean cuts spoke about the will of the warrior itself and its determination.
Therefore, what does that mean?
Easy, that it wasn’t fate Asuramaru ended in a sword, it was his base personality that took shape of it; and the fact that Yu wields it speaks a lot about his will and determination as well.
2. Guren Ichinose and Mahiru no Yo (Noya & Mahiru)
Guren is often seen as the bad guy, as the villian of the story along the antagonist Shikama Doji; of course, this depends a lot on the perspective of the readers.
NOTE: Theories don’t focus on ships. They remain on a neutral view. Nor they focus on attacking characters.
Guren himself is one of the characters that has endured pain alone, but of course, I don’t justify his actions. 
Guren is a character that decided to take down the path of an anti hero in order to restore the world, of course, said path involves hurting those who are dear to him. But asides that, why is Guren’s weapon a sword/katana and harbors two demons?
As I stated before, the sword itself reflects the will of a person and its determination. So far, Guren has displayed a strong will to continue on his path along that determination that despite it’s killing him inside, he’s not wavering nor doubting about it, he’s focused on concluding his goals. 
Despite this, why is Noya’s selected weapon a katana/sword?
It is well said that Noya acts as a merciless character but of course, he has a tsundere demanor which is visible in the Catastrophe; asides that, Noya has a strong determination as well, what do I mean? In the catastrophe, his main goal was to take possession of Guren’s heart, of course, he wasn’t considering that Mahiru Hiragi would end up merging with him.
And again, the fact that they took the shape of a sword speaks of their determination as well but, within this, it is well known that some weapons reflect bloodlust, what do I mean? Noya and Mahiru are somewhat alike in terms of deciding to finish things quickly, even if it means taking someone else’s life
3. Shinoa Hiragi and Shikama Doji (Sika Madu)
These two are rather a complex duo, Shinoa herself is literally a reflection of Shikama Doji due to her looks, mannerism and personality but of course, there are aspects that made them being with each other, what do I mean?
If we talked about Shinoa Hiragi, her at the beginning in the catastrophe was displayed as a girl almost devoid of emotions, a girl that didn’t mind living alone nor minded eating canned food; there were no desires within her, she didn’t look people with utter respect but she acknowledged their strength which is something Shikama does as well.
After few years, she started to mold a personality, said personality started to grow as being caring towards others; which is highly displayed when she trained the squad to enhance their abilities with their cursed gears; furthermore, when they end up fighting Crowley Eusford, she decides whats best for the squad so they can escape alive.
Another emotion she ends up developing with time is “love”.
Many might believe that Shinoa’s emotion or feeling of “love” is related to “lust” just because Shikama Doji stated it; but here’s where line of difference starts, what do I mean?
First of all, Shikama Doji is unaware of Shinoa’s heart, so far, he’s sightly aware of what she feels, though, soft emotions she starts to grow, for him are directly focused to lust, which is a primitive reaction of human beings; in Shinoa’s case, she was secluded of those emotions, the fact that Yuichiro has displayed the positive energy within the squad, it’s something the squad as a whole has learnt from him.
Therefore, Shinoa’s “love” it’s more focused to admiration and respect; it’s focused on learning about other person and seeing what’s good or bad as a human being.
Now, Shikama Doji formerly known as Sika Madu, was possibly the angel Michaela that fell to Earth and from grace as well; his personality can be divided in two; despite him being shown as metriculous, a being that aims to fulfill his dreams no matter the cost nor the sacrifice, he aims to fulfill them even if it takes a lot of years. But, does Shikama have any other emotion despite showing clear signs of pride, arrogance, carefree attitude?
Despite being a facade or perhaps a distraction, it was clear that he gave signs of a well known treatment to the progenitors before he eventually left them.
The progenitors followed him no matter where; the Yu from the past treated with food in no one’s plain sight so was Ashera; Ashera later on got his gift granted which was to rescue his sister.
Now, why did Sika Madu end up taking the form of a Scythe?
Sika Madu and Shinoa share a character which is Shi, and naturally, it means 4 or death. The fact that Shinoa was born on december 25th which was actually the date of the End of the World along the fact that Sika Madu only brings death to those who drink their blood, it’s a natural aspect that he ended up taking the shape of it.
What does a scythe itself reflect?
Scythes are generally associated with Death or more commonly known as the Grim Reaper. In some cultures, Death is often seen as merciless, cold, even cruel, while in others, it can be seen with greatness, a means of making deals making up exchanges for a deal made,
Therefore, it’s a natural and befitting weapon Shinoa wields and so is the accurate shape Shikama Doji takes as well.
Well, this is the end of part I; I didn’t think it’ll end up in a long theory but well, let’s keep up in the next post!
In the meantime, what do you think guys? Do you believe this is accurate or not? 
As always, theories don’t involve ships and there’s a point of neutrality within the theories.
Let me know what you think!!
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gif belongs to hopeymchope
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with-love-anu · 4 years
Desiderata: Little Things
PAIRING: Sirius Black x Reader
SUMMARY:  You had been best friends with James, Remus, Sirius and Peter. Read your journey of love, friendship and jealousy through your wonderful years at Hogwarts. Enjoy!
The following month went in a blur. You worked with the marauders every free time you could put together to plan the club. James had got the permission form from McGonagall and you were currently arguing over the club name.
“Gryffindors are the best”
“Brave Hearts”
“Anti Slytherin”
“Guys stop it!” you shouted. You knew they weren’t doing it intentionally. There was always a bit of house rivalry in the boys but you always managed to tune it down. Right now it really wasn’t helping that Sirius and James were suggesting names which shouted “Gryffindor and Proud”, when you were aspiring for high goals like unity and strong bonds between people of all kind.
James and Sirius glared at you. You glared back.
“Why what is so wrong with these” James asked.
“After all it will always be Gryffindors in the end who would be brave enough to stand up against what is wrong” Sirius said staring at you.
“I want house unity. That is final. If houses don’t stay together I am not going to be a part of this.” You told them, your tone sharp daring them to say anything. This shut them up.
“Fine. You suggest something then.” James huffed.
You looked around and saw Remus rubbing his head, clearly frustrated. You thought about it. You wanted it to be catchy and meaningful.
“The Sheild.” You said out of the blue. (A/n: Avengers fan? Totally!)
“The Sheild?”
“Yes, I mean think about it. We are doing this to build a shield around the people we love.”
“Makes sense” Sirius said scratching his head.
The others pondered over it for a while then gave in their consents. You packed up your things and left with the marauders to submit the form to the very formidable head of house.
“Come in.” McGonagall’s voice came as you knocked the door.
“Professor, we wanted to submit the form for a new club.”
McGonagall looked up through her glasses and studied you all briefly. She laid out her hand and Remus gave her the form. She studied it for a while and then looked up, a small smile playing on her lips.
“Are you all serious about this?”
“Very much professor.”
“Well then! I hope to see your group succeed. I don’t want any kind of disruptions or fights. Keep that in mind.”
You smile widely and saw your boys having similar broad grins.
“Thank you so much Minnie. I knew you love me much to deny anything to me.” Sirius said winking at her giving her his famous flirt expression.
You mentally face-palmed. Did he have to do this? You looked at your deputy headmaster guessing her expression praying she wouldn’t change her mind.
“We are very very sorry Professor. You know how Sirius is. We won’t take much of your time and will be leaving now.” James said saving the situation.
As you all rushed out, you yanked Sirius’s ear (who gave a series of- “ow ow ow ow”) and pulled him to the next corridor. The others followed.
“Damn it woman! My ears hurt and they would probably be red” Sirius pouted.
“Really?” You glared at him. “I know you love me Minnie” you said mimicking his voice.
“I DO NOT talk like that”
“Yes. Yes you do.” You told him. “Oh darling!” you added with a fake drawl. “What is a pretty bird like you doing here? Girl, you’re sweet as honey. Your eyes are so beautiful, I get lost in them.”
The boys sniggered.
“Hey don’t forget the famous- ‘You’re more beautiful than the moon and the stars’ “ James said with a dreamy expression on his face.
“You’re the prettiest creature on the face of earth.” Remus said exaggerating with his hand gestures.
Sirius glared at you all and placed his hands over the right side of his chest.
“Hurt! Right to the heart! How dare you call yourselves friends?” Sirius feigned hurt.
You snorted and moved his hands to the mid of his chest.
“Your heart is in the middle, dumbass! Although I am not sure whether it exists.” You said rolling your eyes.
Sirius narrowed his eyes and puffed his cheeks. Pointing his finger at you he said, “You young lady are a mean… a mean… “ Sirius clenched his fists hunting for the right word. “A mean young lady.” He huffed out.
You rolled out laughing and no one could contain any longer. They all barked out and bent over in laughter.
“A pretty young lady who is cute when she is mean.” Remus said in a flirty tone wriggling his eyebrows. Sirius’s smile faded.
“Aww Remus… such a gentleman” you said with a fake posh accent. You cooed at him and placed a hand on his cheek flirtatiously. You missed the big scowl that formed on Sirius’s face. He interrupted loudly,
“Y/n don’t you have to meet Lily?”
“Right! I completely forgot” you said leaving.
“Ask her whether she would go out with me anytime soon.” James called after you.
“No. Bye.”
Sirius and Peter started going towards the grounds with James and Remus a little behind.
“Do you think he bought it?” Remus asked quietly.
“He looked like someone puked all over him” James whispered back.
“I just hope he realizes it before Y/n loses all hope.” Remus sighed.
You met Lily in the common room. She smiled on seeing you.
“Hey! What are you doing?”
“Just some extra credit work for charms. You know I suck on those” Lily replied. “So, I wanted to ask you; what do I have to bring to the study group today?”
“Just notes from class and personal write ups if you have done any.”
You spent the next hour telling her about the different people from your study group. She might as well catch up; you thought.
“Isn’t Sebastian the hot boy of the Ravenclaw house? The one girls swoon over?”
You giggled. You very well were aware of the fact that Sebastian was good looking and also knew that he hated it. Hated that out of all his qualities, the one people always referred to be his looks. 
“The very same.” You told Lily.
“Well, he’s handsome. Is he dating someone?”
“Not that I know of”
“You know,” Lily said quietly “I always thought you two were a thing.”
“How so?” you asked raising your eyebrows. If it was anyone else you would probably have denied it as soon it was mentioned to wade of any kind of rumors that might be building. But, it was Lily and the two of you were quiet frank with one another. Lily had become a very close friend.
“Well, just the two of you always seemed… I don’t know… close?! Like whenever I see you both you guys are giggling and whispering and doing you know! Coupley things? And I have even seen you two flirt a lot.”
You laughed. “Well, we joke-flirt. Nothing’s ever happened… Okay… so we both kind of have the same sense of humor sometimes even Sirius and the boys don’t get. We also tend to agree on a whole lot of things. He teases me and is affront about his opinions and I happily return the favor. We don’t take offence on one another; which I am certain most people would; if we say things like that to them. That’s just how we’ve always been. I don’t even know what to call this, a weird flirty rude relationship?”
Lily giggled. “I think you two would look cute together.”
“Really? Are you going to play matchmaker?”
“Well look at it my way. It would be a simple relationship. From what you tell me, I think the two of you already know what the other wants in a relationship.” You nodded and Lily continued. “So, it would be nice you know, lesser fights over stupid issues.”
You sighed. “I just don’t think I am ready to see him that way and if it doesn’t work out I don’t wanna lose the friendship.” That was only part of the question why. The main reason was that Sirius had made it difficult for you to like anyone else. You always ended up comparing them with him. It was like he would do things people do when they love loved the person. He would bring you chocolates and trinkets just because he saw them at a shop and thought of you. He would always have an arm around you during classes, breaks, quidditch matches; of course when he wasn’t flirting. He would call you his best girl every now and then; even in front of his girlfriends. It confused you. Not that you didn’t like it but you always ended up wanting more.
You both picked up your things and moved towards the library. Most of them were present and you settled down as Lily introduced herself.
“Am I late?” Sebastian said as he settled down on the chair beside you.
“No. you’re not”
You all talked discussing and completing the week’s essays one by one. This was the benefit of the group. You learnt magic throughout the week and took care of homework on Sundays. It helped you stay free minded and love what you learnt.
“I really can’t do this spell” Sebastian said pouting.
“Yes you can” you said giggling taking in his despaired form.
“I have tried everything and this just doesn’t work” he huffed.
“Lemme…” you took his hand in yours performing the spell on the cup infront of him.
Sebastian’s eyes widened as he saw it transform into a perfect little turtle.
“Oh!” Sebastian said as he noticed the wand movement he missed before.
“Y/n” he called out.
“Seb.” You smiled at his game.
“When did you become so good at transfiguration?”
“James taught me.”
“So basically, you come back to school having this completely new and trendy look; which I love and by the way has caused all the boys have a crush on you; and you better yourself in the one subject you weren’t *perfect* before?”
You raised your eyebrows not sure how to reply. “Not all boys!” you said shaking your head.
“Okay; well a huge portion.”
“And you’re implying that…?”
“It’s only time before you become one of those…” Sebastian said narrowing his eyes putting on a conspiracy face.
“One of what?”
“You know… one of *those*” he said wriggling his eyebrows.
“Ahh…” you drawled. “Strong independent women who no need no man?”
“Exactly!” he said with a sad expression. He was too good an actor. “and then you will not see me, the sweet boy who loves you with all his little heart?”
You stifled a snigger wanting to play along.
“Aww… I will always love my old man!” you cooed.
“Hey! Who are you calling old?”
“Did I say old? I meant a mature wise man who happens to be very handsome and…”
“And?” Sebastian asked raising an eyebrow.
“hot” you said with a low voice.
“There are children here!!!” Alex said loudly earning a shush from the librarian. You all laughed.
“Guys!” you said remembering about the shield. “Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys!” you said until you had everyone’s attention. You told them about the club crossing your fingers that they’ll join. There was silence for a while.
“Count me in!” Ruuhaan spoke out.
“Yeah me too!” Lily said enthusiastically.
Soon enough everyone agreed.
“So, we would really appreciate it if you could bring others too who may be interested. Remember, next week, Friday at 4.” Remus said.
You couldn’t stop smiling when you went to bed that night.
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qveenpoppy · 4 years
z2 thoughts
i wasn't able to watch it live and got distracted on friday night when i tried catching up after the fact so i just compiled all my thoughts into one list rather than a bunch of live blogging posts.. enjoy!
bucky's still anti-zombie, huh? at least there are some zombies on the cheer squad now (including bonzo!!! good for him!!!)
ohhh they got some good choreo over on z-team at cheer camp!
the zombietown theater's main showing is a werewolf movie…. i smell foreshadowing!
"i've decided to be school president" can like zed run just so bucky loses the election
WHO IS IN THE SHRIMP COSTUME, it's bothering me… can it get a luke benward cameo
AW SOFT BOY BONZO I LOVE YOU (also if he wrote her name, does this mean he's learning english? or is there just no zombie version of "bree")
"i thought werewolves were just myths" "yeah like cavities" WHY ARE THESE MOVIES SO FUNNY
"i'm always looking like a snack" god
zed getting down on one knee to ask addison to prawn is so pure
also addison rejecting the promposal… the rapunzel/eugene energy is off the charts
i like that the football coach has a little more to do in this movie, even if he's comic relief
why did i lowkey predict that
i was honestly just wondering why this seemingly bg character suddenly got more screentime
are these werewolves ever gonna go full wolf or is this it
ohhh so they just think addison is the alpha… it's probably gonna be a mistake
yo why does this wolf song slap
wow i also called zed running against bucky… huh. does this violate any monster laws?
it's crazy how easily they agreed to let werewolves in the school
OH THIS SONG ALSO SLAPS, kinds gives me "chillin like a villain" vibes
baby ariel (is she wynter in this movie?) is kind of adorable. reminds me of… brena, is it? jane from descendants. where is the crossover fic where they're girlfriends
(on the subject of crossover ships… carlos/wyatt please. it'd be cool for his dog fear to result in him getting beastie bfs)
pls tell me they actually got new choreographers for this film bc the choreo is so fucking good
(not that it was inherently bad in z1 but i feel like all the non-"BAMM" numbers were meh in terms of choreo, this movie is like that quality choreo but for EVERY NUMBER!!! and we love to see it)
wynter on the football team pls and thank you
i thought bonzo spoke english for a moment ajfhshd, pls let him learn some english, he clearly understands it but why tf can't he speak it
bonzo is taller than zed, pass it on
the aspect ratio is so jarring considering this is a made for TV movie
i recognize that "fired up" music!!!
also bonzo in pink is so good, i have to say
fine smelling wyatt?????? what????? how does he smell good he's half dog??????
bucky is still a prejudice SoB huh
if addison is actually a wolf i'll scream, it doesn't make sense
also can we stop having dcom couples break up in every movie, it's so tired. give us healthy relationships 2k20
"says the girl who wore a wig her whole life" ZED NO
is this actually the same school as the last film, like the gym looks the same but we're suddenly seeing a lot more hallways???? guess they got a bigger budget to build more sets
there are tears in zed's eyes… milo manheim oscar when
why is it bothering me that zed's jacket has one long sleeve and one short
everyone in the bg has pastel clothes but the cheer costumes have hot pink in them… hmm. interesting choice
gotta go my own way has been found dead in 2007 (in other words this duet slaps)
"WE BELONG TOGETHER", i'm gonna cry
are those pink marshmallows in her hot cocoa
wynter is baby
do the werewolves actually just… live in the middle of the woods? they're not actually animals… (or will they actually go full wolf?)
okay how does bree understand bonzo when he speaks zombie
why is the score so intense, i know it's a dramatic scene but it's like theater level intense
they have different connotations of howls……. okay. do the writers realize wolves can communicate other ways, right? growls, hisses, barks?
i guess addison could be a werewolf if her parents adopted her but why would they knowingly raise a werewolf as human if that were the case????
yo this song slaps too
descendants soundtracks found dead in a ditch
this song sounds so summer-y, it's hard to explain. like such a good beach song
wyatt/addison……… cute. can she have two monster boyfriends?
(yes and then wyatt gets dp'd by her and zed during his heats)
i hate addison's alpha look though i have to admit, let her be a cute baby, she ain't no fierce alpha
full zombie zed…… Hot
throw me onto the bed like that bby
we do deserve explanation for the white hair but werewolf just doesn't seen like it, there has to be another explanation
did the wolves always exist while zombies were just created? this universe is wack
this is why you need to plan your trilogies out instead of throwing darts at a board and seeing what sticks
"you like sunsets too, that doesn't mean you're a vampire" DO VAMPIRES EXIST HERE TOO?!
if vamps exist and we get z3 can they cast thomas doherty as one of said vamps for irony
or luke newton so i can write the fanfic where ben and sean are vampire bfs
(anyone else watch the lodge?)
if she's not a werewolf, will that necklace just kill her?
"stay out of our amazing hair" you can't just have a line like that in a dramatic moment
oh zed stole the necklace… Good
a rapping debate… second time disney tries ripping off hamilton. ironic now that they own hamilton.
bucky can't even rap, he automatically loses my vote
"dude, you eat brains" "if i did, you don't have one, so you'd be safe" OHHHHHHHHH
bucky = republicans, zed = democrats
zed's dancing making me nostalgic for milo's dwts season… take me back 😭
this is like the best dcoms wow
i mean sans the wolf addison thing
it feels more like a cw show than a disney movie and for that reason, i fucking love this
this is also the best dcom soundtrack since lemonade mouth, 0 cringe songs so far
saw this comment on twitter but yeah what is the point of the water here, are they just trying to copy d2?
you know this is also a really well-timed movie considering how a bunch of teens are standing up to the adults bc the teens know better… hopefully this is foreshadowing for the election to come later this year
"flesh and bone" is also 100% the best song in the movie, i might have chills
ngl i expected addison's dad to override zed's dad's order but i guess there isn't enough time for more drama in this movie
i lied there is time for more drama lol
explosions in a dcom, that's new
are bucky and the aceys all each other's prom dates??? is disney saying poly rights???
the only valid reprise in dcom history
what's with the earthquake?
oh the moon stone is underground
"you said that perfectly" WYATT/BONZO CRUMBS GOD BLESS
okay now this end number sounds like a fun halloween bop 😅
bucky really wasn't redeemed do the writers realize this
there's still 5 mins left on the dvr… wait
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 5 episode 2
Notes by me
- PREVIOUSLY - they brainwashed my beefcake!!!!
- pls tell me Jack can make him remember with the power of Bros
- he lying aint he
- bratac knew with just a look that he was lying bro he could tell by his goddamn aura omg
- why you take tealcs baby!!!
- tealc needs to remember his friends OR ELSE
- bra'tac please. All of your methods are violent
- but honestly I cant wait to watch it
- 'let him stew in his own filthy brain until he remembers' is basically whats happening
- bratac saying fraiser is one of tealcs friends and she needs to stay to help him ❤❤❤❤❤
- "I am 100% sur-.........99% sure apophis is dead"
- omg apophis literally told tealc that his dad shouldve died at an unwinnable battle and his now torturing him and there are still jaffa that stay loyal to them!!!! What the fuck!!!! They treat all the jaffa like shit and they still- I cant take this
- cure for brainwashing: strap him to a bed and have story time about all the memories of you guys braiding daniels hair or something Idk
- this better not awaken anything in me
- "life for the sake of life means nothing"
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- I dont want bratac to die :(((((
- story time with Daniel and Jack
- akdhdjdb Daniel sitting down and his mind just goes blank. Head empty no thoughts
- "as your best friend-" !!!!!!!❤❤❤
- "that would make you the most ineffective double agent in the history of double agenting"
- seeing tealc without his gold scar and its just a drawing instead
- "Valar?"
"It sounded like Valour"
"The fabric?"
"Sounded like it"
"WHY would he say that"
"Why would he say Valar???"
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- they picked the worse two people to handle this important assignment
- shirtless tealc in the snow???👀
- "I am not blind" but this was a good training thing from bratac bc in one episode you did go blind!!!! So good on bratac for preparing you
- bratac slipping in little anti gods propaganda into his teachings lmfao sneak100
- we love to see my mans building the rebels up from the ground for his father💪
- this is personal for Daniel. He mad
- "do not test my temper, woman" I LEGIT thought he called Daniel a woman for a hot sec
- drey'ac saying how can he not be a god when he can throw balls of light and shit. Imma quote Star Trek on this one sis
"Any sufficiently advanced extraterrestrial intelligence is indistinguishable from god"
- tealc so confused and conflicted and she said you know what you need? Some pussy
- "did he just call me a woman?"
- nooooooo fraiser dont resign youre so sexy aha
- "is it working"
"We talked about fabric briefly"
"He called me a woman"
"So yeah its working"
- love how they do this for him. They just sit and talk with him. My kids are all in love
- when tealc has to kill his friend and the rest of the jaffa are like yeah this is normal. NO
- he used it as a test to see if apophis was all knowing and it worked!!! BITCH my boy is SMART
- can I marry tealc is that possible
- I just realised they put candles everywhere for him. Inside the medical bay. I mean cough fire hazard cough but so aesthetic
- he burned his friend along with a whole village :( my god he has been thru some shit
- bratacs outfit. Work bitch
- "men such as you and I have only the comfort of those times we make a difference.......make a difference"
- flash back of tealc choosing to join sg1 bc he got Good Vibes from them
- I agree with friaser about it being tough to watch but bratac has done this before and its their only option
- "I can save these people!......help me"
"Many have said that.......but you are the first I believe could do it!"
- THE FLASHES OF HIM WITH THE TEAM 💖❤💖❤💖❤💖💖❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖💖❤
- "I choose freedom"
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- is apophis really dead tho. Thats the question for me
- i am crying I am laughing I am singing the clouds are parting the sun is out. I'm so happy we got my hunk back
- thanks bra'tac , your methods were violent but effective none the less.
Whump under the cut
Tealc whump: brainwashed, tied to bed, hospital scene, junior taken out, edge of death, ribbon device to forehead, vivid recall, weak sweating, waking up from nightmare, emotional, lasts through out whole episode
🎶listening to Salt by Bad Suns🎶 this song has many meanings for me but listening to the words made me think of this episode 💖
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Metal Heart [TEXT VER.]
So, this was an AU that I had posted on my Twitter because I hadn’t known how to format it coherently on Tumblr. But it’s here now!
This AU was inspired when I listened to This Audio after having gone through an Astro Boy phase. I left it unfinished, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to write the story out, so you’ll find out the ending and the Ladrien plot later.
OKAY so https://maximilian-alexander.tumblr.com/post/181533777041/bassiter-something-about-us-by-daft-punk-except … this song inspired me to think up a Robot post apocalyptic AU with Marinette working in her little workshop and Chat Noir being the robot she created. A Ladrien ver. happens in the far future, after Mari grows old and dies blah blah blah
Mari makes a Chat Noir robot, but he doesn't have a built in suit or anything like that he just nakey lmao bc I want him to wear street clothes. Mari's in a post-apocalyptic world where machines have taken over and pretty much EVERYTHING is littered with trash and scrap metal.
She's lonely af and hey, turns out she's a genius with technology. (I also wanna point out this is partially inspired by Astro Boy.) She listens to that song while working on creating Chat Noir, stealthily hiding away from the outside world filled with murderous anti-human robots
Her attempt at making Chat Noir is a HUGE success, and she pretty much bawls tears of joy when he wakes up and looks around like an actual human being. He's not really a newborn, she programmed him with a healthy amount of maturity and worldly knowledge.
Chat Noir is very protective almost immediately. He's a robot in a 15 yo boy's body looking at this tiny 13 yo, lonely robotics prodigy, in a world where his kind would typically murder her at first glance. He doesn't understand it. He has human emotions. Mari's so nice.
Frankly, after two years of spending time with Marinette, he doesn't WANT to understand the other robots. He doesn't care. He thinks they're filthy and dumb. Mari's a gift, and if any of them come so much as a 50 foot radius near her he'll take his steel claws and SHRED THEM.
After those first two years of spending time together, Marinette's food supply runs short. She won't be able to make it another year with what they have. She'll be lucky if she'll make it for another month. Chat Noir runs on sunlight. He'll be fine. But... She won't.
Marinette is ready to accept her fate. She's happy her last two years on earth had been filled with childish duets, silly dancing, games, etc... She's glad she spent them with Chat Noir. He, on the other hand, is devastated. He doesn't want to be alone. He CAN'T be without her.
He starts going out frequently, scavenging for food he can find her. He rations out her food to make it last longer, even though she tells him it'll be useless. He's going mad— all the abandoned food marts etc have already been ransacked by other survivors. There's NOTHING.
He goes out farther. He travels into the danger zone, littered with machines and dead bodies. One machine catches sight of him, identifies his human-like body, and nearly destroys him. He comes back to Marinette with half the skin on his face melted off, showing the metal parts.
Despite how absolutely horrified Mari was of that incident, he keeps going out, farther and farther, destroying enemies along the way. He eventually takes out all the robots in the danger zone and is able to move past it— and he finally finds it. He finds what he's looking for.
Seeds. Plants. Soil, too. And unraided markets filled with canned foods. He stuffs as much as he can into a duffel bag he found laying around and comes back home. Marinette is surprised, and touched. She remembers back to when she used to garden with her mother. She teaches him.
Soon they have thriving plants with tomatoes, strawberries, etc. Soon they have a couple of fruit trees growing outside. Chat Noir is ecstatic. Marinette is happy, too, but she doesn't know how to tell him that this can't last. That eventually, she will die.
Be it starvation, dehydration, disease, or even being discovered by one of the machines outside, she will die. She won't make it to old age. She lets him have this moment, though.
She builds a new body for him a year later, this one a couple years older, about 17-18 years old. He loves it, he loves the fact that he'll /technically/ be able to grow with Marinette. She transfers his memories into the new body, and he takes a while trying to get used to it.
More years pass by, Chat Noir upgrades to another body, and things are comfortable. They still listen to that song Marinette was listening to when she first made him. It's her favourite. It's his favourite too, but mostly because it's hers.
Chat Noir starts finding other forms of entertainment, because Marinette is busy working on his next body and he already went on a raid for more nonperishable food. He finds an abandoned library and falls in love with science journals and, most importantly, romance novels.
His typical experience with humanity is almost solely based on Marinette. He had thought that, possibly, they were all the same. That they all were kind and fun and wonderful. Reading helped him realise that his initial presumption was mistaken.
People could be cruel. People had different quirks, and personalities, and different ways of going about certain situations. People even loved differently. There's platonic love, sibling love, parental love, and romantic love. He finds himself very interested in romantic love.
He wasn't all-knowledgable. He wasn't programmed with everything, only with the capacity to learn whatever he wished. He already knew about cuddling and hugs, at least— Marinette had mentioned that she had gone YEARS without being affectionately touched before she had made him.
Kissing was new, though. Holding hands was also new, they certainly never did that unless one of them was trying to drag the other somewhere. Sex was new, and very strange, but the way it's described in romance novels in comparison to health books made it sound intriguing.
It sounded intimate. He's surprised that there's ways to be even closer to someone than he already is with Marinette. He wonders if she'd be interested in a romantic relationship, although considering he was never programmed to know about it, he doubts it. He wishes, though.
Kissing, at least, he knew could be platonic. Pecks on the cheek, or on the forehead. He wants to do anything he could to get even closer to Marinette, to discover things about her that he didn't already know. The first time he kisses her cheek, she's surprised, but happy.
Kissing becomes a regular thing. Chat does it more and more frequently as days go by. Marinette has no idea where he learned it from, but she isn't complaining. A part of her is really happy that he chooses to do it, even though he isn't programmed to.
At some point Chat Noir is almost painfully aware that his feelings for Marinette are not at all platonic. He constantly wants to hold her, to sing to her, to cuddle her and kiss her and he fantasizes the image of her lips on his own. He's absolutely in love with her.
He has no idea what to do about it. He reads even more romance novels in hopes of some advice on how to win her heart. He makes the mistake of reading a shoujo manga. He comes back home and starts flirting with corny jokes and a fake rose and Marinette is dying of laughter
Chat Noir mopes for a long while after that attempt because he tried really hard to win her heart he DID okay, it's not his fault that Marinette obviously does not appreciate the fine art of humour and flirting
She slowly eases him out of his little self pity party by bribing him with video games. She absolutely decimates him in those games but he has to admit that he loves playing with her, especially when they work together on hard mode to defeat the computer AI.
He makes another attempt much later after reading a well-written romance novel. This one details a romantic dinner with a candle-lit atmosphere under the moonlight. He loves the idea, so he gathers up candles and fake flowers and a tablecloth. He finds two unbroken wine glasses.
He looks for a safe place on the surface where he'd be able to spot any danger at night. Marinette rarely ever ventures out in fear of being killed by a wandering machine. He doesn't want her to be scared on his romantic dinner date, so he needs to find the perfect spot.
He finds a place, a little far off but perfect. In the books he's read, it's called the Eiffel Tower. There's an apartment at the very top, and from the looks of it, it's been long abandoned. It used to be in the center of the danger zone, but Chat took care of that years ago.
It's safe and has a magnificent view. Mari would love it. He sets everything up, and even manages to find a bottle of aged wine in the luxury apartment. He also finds some music that he's never heard before, something by some guy named Jagged Stone. The ballad's his favourite.
He comes back home with a really wide grin and Marinette is super suspicious the entire time. He says that he's setting up a surprise for her and she's going to love it. She's wondering if he's read another shitty shoujo manga again and is a bit nervous.
Aaaand this is where I left off. That’s the end, folks! Sorry.
I still remember how this AU ends, which later becomes the beginning of the Ladrien version of this AU. It’s sad, but a happy kind of sad, if that makes sense? Spoiler alert— Both Chat Noir and Marinette live long, happy lives together.
Anyways, for once, I feel like this is an AU I don’t want anyone using without my input. I’ll always be in love with this AU, and I may very well write for it in the future. In fact, I have a clear vision on how I’d write both the Marichat version and the Ladrien version at the same time. It involves Adrien sobbing. Hehehe.
If you guys want the general outline on how everything turns up, and how the Ladrien spinoff fits in, just ask and I’ll make a separate post about it. I remember crying when I was daydreaming about it the first time I thought of it. It may be a tearjerker for some. 
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When ppl make new egos how do they show up? Do they just arrive in a taxi like yo I'm here now or is it like they just pop into existence and everyone else's memories just like get filled in with information of the new ego?
it's different from ego to ego. with the ipliers, wilford and dark search for the new egos. looking over suspicious news articles, videos mark posts hinting to the creation of a new ego, even while out and about searching. always searching for the same face they all share. those same brown eyes, square chin, and black hair or voice. for some, it's easy. egos like ed edgar and bim trimmer willing went up to the two leaders, musing over how funny it is they look so alike. even comparing little details such as the surgical scar they all share from mark.for some, it's difficult. egos like the host and silver shepherd stayed in hiding. fearing the men who talk like him, who look like him, /who feel like him/. not wanting anything to do with whatever conspiracy they're apart of. wilford and dark usually lure them in with a promise they cant refuse. bim being lead in by a promise of his very own television show, silver shepherd being lead in by a promise of becoming an official superhero by the city, the host being lead in by the promise of being apart of an experiment to see again. they all eventually get trapped and told in detail who they are, what they're apart of, and their options to be killed off or work with them.some egos agreed out of fear, other hardened egos stayed trapped in dark's office for days before giving in. the only ego to surpass this? yandereplier, being adopted by dark and wilford when she was a child and found in an orphanage. that same face, much younger, told the two enough that this ego was one of them. --with the septics, it's schneep and anti. the two, as opposite as they are, always have the same system set up. looking through city records and medical records before they find a match. schneep sends a file their way, explaining everything and even including links to jack's social media and which video they're from. it's up to them to come in. some did with open arms, marvin and dapper delighted they aren't alone. happy to have friends and a new job -- all in one day!! some came in with anger, chase asked if this was some sick joke. damn near ready to punch schneep out before anti stepped in. most came out of curiosity. jackieboy and angus surprised as they were met with the same face staring back. accepting their new role immediately as they asked questions upon questions to the older egos. robbie was a tricky case. the poor zombie had his body beaten and bruised by a superhero (silver? was that his name?) for scaring citizens at a nearby shopping mall. schneep parading as a forensics pathologist to break robbie out of the laboratory he was being held in. anti was no help, snickering as schneep ran out of the building holding robbie bridal style. --the crankiegos sorta found each other. father ethan found blank while out ministering to a local church downtown. the ego laying on the dirty floor of the subway back home. father's godly manners kicking in as he lent a hand, asking if the ego needed shelter and dinner for the night. he didnt stray when he saw the boy's eyes. his heart of gold overruling any fear he had of him. mrs. thompson was found by challenge mcgee and the postman. challenge has volunteered to help post on his route with mail when they stopped by her home. concern washing over them for the poor ego and staying with her for the evenings. from helping her sew to putting tea on -- anything to make her feel at ease after being alone for so long. mad mike was found by blank. blank offering mike a hand as he ran from the police, jacket full of pcp and weed. the two hiding behind father ethan's church until the coast was clear. mad mike relieved as he popped a few pills and asked where he can find a place to lay low for a while. schneep and dark raised an eyebrow when they saw the antics of mad mike on the news, and especially when they saw his warrant, along with another boy who...sorta looked the same as the boy mark and jack...?the two head egos meet up with them all after tracking them down to explain what they are. hell, even if they /count/ as egos. their first ""meeting"" was hell. mad mike convinced postman was a narc for the cops, mrs. thompson shy and shaking from her nerves, father ethan and challenge arguing over the legitimacy of the -- what challenge says-- "bullshit that hot topic wannabe goth and quack of a doctor" said about them as egos. they get along soon enough though. they have to, at least, for the other ego groups' sake.
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bookofdan · 4 years
The Trump-Biden Debate
via Wait But Why (waitbutwhy.com)
In case you missed it, here’s a transcript of the first Trump-Biden Debate:
Chris Wallace: Good evening. I’m Chris Wallace and I welcome you to what I predict will be a very bad personal experience for me. There will be six 15-minute segments, each on a different topic. At the beginning of each segment, both candidates will get two uninterrupted minutes to respond. The remainder of the segment will be open discussion. The audience has agreed not to be trashy. Both campaigns have signed off on these rules, so for sure nothing will go wrong. And with that, let’s welcome the candidates.
Wallace: Let’s start with the Supreme Court. President Trump, you nominated Amy Coney Barrett to succeed the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the court. You say the Constitution is clear about your obligation to nominate someone to the court. Vice President Biden, you’ve called this an abuse of power. To start, why don’t you both explain your positions.
Trump: Amy Coney Barrett is a perfect nominee. Conservatives love her. Liberals love her. Chris Wallace loves her.
Biden: Amy Barrett would repeal the Affordable Care Act. And besides, the new thing is that you have to wait until after the election to nominate someone.
Trump: Not sure what you’re talking about, because last I checked a presidential term is four years, not three. You want to instate Communist medicine.
Biden: I don’t want to instate Communist medicine. I want to expand Obamacare.
Trump: Your party wants to instate Communist medicine, and you’re scared of them.
Biden: I may be scared of them but I am the Democrat Party now, so even if I was and still am scared of them, I’m not anymore. They’ll do what I say now. And how about Covid? The president killed 200,000 people. Roe v. Wade.
Trump: You would have killed 2 million people by not banning China. Not Roe v. Wade.
Wallace: K let’s go back to healthcare for a minute. Mr. President, over the past four years you have promised to replace and repeal Obamacare, but you have never in these four years come up—
Trump: Yes I have.
Wallace: with a plan—
Trump: Of course I have.
Wallace: to—
Trump: Of course I have.
Wallace: replace—
Trump: I got rid of the individual mandate.
Wallace: Oba—
Trump: The individual mandate was a joke.
Wallace: macare.
Trump: The individual mandate was the worst part of Obamacare.
Wallace: I am the moder—
Trump: The individual mandate sucks dick.
Wallace: I AM THE MODERATOR of this debate and I would like to be treated as such. You have never come up with a plan to replace Obamacare. So what is the Trump healthcare plan?
Trump: I’m cutting drug prices. Insulin is like water.
Wallace: Uh huh. How about you Joe? Why do you want to end private insurance?
Biden: I don’t want to end private insurance.
Trump: You’re literally friends with Bernie Sanders.
Biden: No I’m not. I want to—
Trump: You’re a piece of shit Joe.
Biden: I want to make sure—
Trump: A sad little man.
Wallace: Stop picking on Joe, Mr. President.
Trump: You care deeply about Bernie Sanders. You like Communist medicine. Anyway I asked the doctors and they said Obamacare is a disaster.
Biden: He doesn’t have a plan.
Wallace: Changing gears, Joe some of your colleagues are talking about ending the filibuster and packing the court. What’s your stance on that?
Biden: My stance is that voting is good. Americans should vote. It’s easy. You just go to the polling place, you wait in line, and then you go into the booth, and you push the little switch down for the candidate you want to vote for. Sometimes it’s not a switch.
Trump: You gonna pack the court, Joe? Tell us about how you’re gonna pack the court, Joe. The radical Left is pulling your puppet strings Joe. You and I both know it Joe.
Biden: Shut up, man.
Wallace: This is going well. Okay next segment. Covid-19. There have been more than 7 million cases in the United States and more than 200,000 have died. The question is, why should people trust you more than your opponent to handle this public health crisis?
Biden: 40,000 people a day contracting Covid. 200,000 people dead. He has no plan. He knew in February. He lied. He panicked. He complimented China. He has no plan. He’s playing golf.
Trump: I saved lives. It’s China’s fault. You wanted to let Chinese people come here. Dr. Fauci and all the Democrat governors said, “President Trump did a phenomenal job.” And they’re not the only ones. All of the other people said it too. “President Trump did a phenomenal job,” they all said. I did a phenomenal job. The gowns, the masks, the ventilators, you don’t know how to make a ventilator, the vaccine is here, any week now. You could never have done the job I did because you’re a random old man. You couldn’t even do swine flu. Swine flu is a disaster.
Biden: He panicked. People died. And more people are gonna die unless he gets a lot smarter—
Trump: Did you just use the word smart? You lied about going to college at Delaware State. You were the worst student at Delaware State. You’re a dumb fuck Joe. I know it. Chris Wallace knows it don’t you Chris.
Wallace: Mr. President, you have begun to increasingly question the effectiveness of masks. Are you not in favor of masks?
Trump: Masks are tremendous. I have a mask right here in my pocket. I wear masks when needed. Masks have said I’ve done a phenomenal job. Joe wears masks even when it makes no sense. He wears them when he’s 200 feet away from me. He wears a mask when he’s sleeping.
Wallace: Mr. Vice President, is that true?
Biden: If you wanna open a business, you gotta have a plan.
Wallace: Sir, I was asking about masks.
Biden: Oh masks? Sure, you gotta have a mask.
Wallace: Alright next segment. The economy. Mr. Trump, you go first.
Trump: It’s a big dick economy.
Biden: No.
Wallace: Okay how about taxes. Mr. President, apparently you pay $750 a year in taxes. There’s a girl my daughter knows who’s 15 and she works in a movie theater on Sundays and sells the candy. And she pays more than $750 a year in taxes. So is this true, Mr. President? How much did you pay in taxes in 2016 and 2017?
Trump: Miyyons.
Wallace: Miyyons, sir?
Trump: Miyyons and Biyyons. I don’t pay taxes because the Obama administration said I didn’t have to.
Wallace: Joe, what’s your plan for taxes?
Biden: I’m gonna build this economy. I’m gonna make jobs. We’re gonna buy American. We’re gonna buy American ships. American steel. American buildings. We handed him a booming economy and he blew it.
Wallace: But did you actually hand him a booming economy and did he actually blow it?
Biden: Sure, whatever. He talks about the art of the deal. China has perfected the art of the steal.
Trump: China buttered your son’s belly.
Biden: China did no such thing.
Trump: And then, Joe? You know what happened after that? Your son went to Moscow. And you know what happened there Joe? Moscow buttered your son’s belly.
Biden: Nothing happened there.
Trump: Sure did Joe. The mayor of Moscow’s wife. She buttered his belly slick.
Biden: You wanna talk about families Trump? How about your family. With their grease and their shoes. It’s not about families. It’s about the American people. It’s about families.
Trump: Oh and how about Ukraine?
Wallace: You know what? Time to move on to—
Trump: Ukraine buttered the shit out of—
Wallace: Mr. President.
Trump: Ukraine buttered him up real good.
Wallace: Mr. President.
Trump: Shut your mouth Chris. What about Ukraine Joe?
Wallace: Now I’m gonna say something and I want you to listen right to me, Mr. President. I have had it up to here with you. Any more misbehaving and I will put you in timeout.
Trump: And you know what else—
Wallace: I will put you right in timeout, Mr. President. And then you’ll be sorry. Now I want you to stop being a bad boy, is that clear?
Trump: How about him? He should get timeout too.
Wallace: Well frankly, Mr. President, you’ve been the badder boy.
Trump: He’s been plenty bad.
Wallace: For the next segment, we’ll be talking about race. Why should voters trust you to deal with the race issues facing this country? Mr. Vice President, we’ll start with you.
Biden: I’m all for race. It’s about equity. About equality. About equanimity. Equilibrium. Equinox. We need to fix the systemic equity of racism and fragility in this country. And this president has done none of that. He wants to fix the systemic equity of the Nazis.
Trump: The blacks love me. Everyone knows that the blacks love me. I have blacks come up to me on the street all the time and tell me they love me. Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass and I have done more for the blacks than Joe could ever dream of. Joe won’t say law enforcement. Why won’t you say it Joe? Why are you such a puppet Joe? You’re the radical Left’s toy. You’re a yo-yo. The radical Left won’t let you say law enforcement because they bounce you like a yo-yo, Joe.
Wallace: I want to turn to the subject of protests. In many cities, things have turned violent. Portland, for instance, is a certifiable madhouse. Mr. Biden, have you ever called the mayor of Portland or the governor of Oregon and been like, “wtf?”
Biden: I don’t have their numbers. Otherwise I would have. Do you have their numbers Chris? If you do, text them to me. And besides, they’re taking care of things just fine.
Trump: Yeah Joe? They’re fine? They’re literally murdering people in the streets, which is a disaster, and no one in Portland cares.
Wallace: Mr. President do you like or not like white supremacists?
Trump: No of course not. I don’t not like, or don’t not not like any of the people.
Wallace: Mr. President, what is your message to white supremacists?
Trump: Get your guns but don’t fire till I give the word. Anyway the Left is committing 99% of the violence right now.
Biden: Oh baloney. Antifa is an idea, not an organization. I heard it means anti-fascist, in which case heck, sign me up. And anyhow who hasn’t thrown urine at an old lady on a bad day? The Antifas are just like you and me.
Wallace: I’m having an awful time here. I’m really upset and I want to leave and I’m having a bad, bad time. For the next segment, let’s just go with “why should you be president over your opponent?”
Trump: There has never been a leader who has done more than I’ve done. And I don’t mean just U.S. presidents. Mandela. Attila the Hun. Caesar. King Tut. None of them did as much as I’ve done. I unified this country. For the first time in U.S. history, I ended division. I have the first 100% approval rating. And how about judges. I have 300 judges. I have judges up the ass, Chris. You know why? Because Obama and crazy Uncle Joe forgot to fill the seats. Who does that. No one does that. You forget your keys, sure I’ve forgotten my keys, I’m human, we all forget our keys, sometimes I leave my keys. But leaving judges is a disaster.
Biden: This man has made the country weaker, sicker, poorer, fatter, sloppier, and slipperier. When I was Vice President I went head-to-head with Putin, but Trump is Putin’s little puppy. His cuddle-bunny. His bushy-bushy-boo-boo.
Trump: At least Putin’s not my sugar daddy, like he is to your son.
Biden: K speaking of that, fuck off. Second, you talk about the military being losers—my son was in Iraq and he was no loser, he was a patriot.
Trump: Which son, the loser or the dead one?
Trump: I don’t know the dead one, but if I recall, the loser got thrown out of the military, dishonorably discharged for having a nice time with his cocaine, only to then head off on his famous belly-buttering tour.
Biden: His belly is dry!
Wallace: Oh for fuck’s sake. Let’s move on to climate change. Mr. President, what do you believe about the science of climate change, and what is your plan to confront it?
Trump: I want clean water and air. As far as the California fires are concerned, the forest floors are full of dead trees and leaves.
Wallace: Okay but what do you believe about the science of climate change?
Trump: I want clean water and air. I’ve planted a biyyon trees. We’ve got to pick the leaves up in the forest in California. Every year I get the call. California’s burning again. Because again they didn’t pick up the fucking leaves. You know in Europe, they pick up leaves.
Wallace: Joe?
Biden: I want to get rid of fossil fuel plants and invest in renewable energy. I want to transition to electric cars and make green buildings and create millions of new jobs.
Trump: He’s talking about the Green New Deal. The 55 quadrillion dollar Green New Deal.
Biden: The Green New Deal is a plan that’ll pay for itself. It’ll work great.
Wallace: Do you support the Green New Deal?
Biden: Of course not. I’m talking about the Biden Plan. Who said anything about the Green New Deal?
Wallace: Mercifully, we’ve reached the final segment of my extremely awful night. Election integrity. How confident should we be that this will be a fair election?
Biden: There is no evidence that mail-in ballots are problematic. Trump is trying to convince people not to vote. Listen to me America. Get out there and vote. If I get enough votes, this whole thing is over and the bad man can’t hurt you. It doesn’t matter what he says, if I get enough votes he’s legit not in power anymore, how rad is that.
Wallace: Mr. President?
Trump: A squirrel’s ass, Chris. That’s where someone found a ballot the other day. A squirrel shit out a ballot in a park in Philadelphia and a man picked it up and guess what? It said Trump on the ballot. Big shocker there. This is what happens with mail-in ballots. They end up in a trash can in a river in the woods in the backcountry and then eventually the trash can gets caught up in an eddy, we both know how eddies work Chris, and it washes up on the bank, and then a squirrel gets into it and eats the ballots. Half the country’s ballots have already been found in eddies and in squirrels, and all of them were votes for me. Mail-in ballots are a fraud.
Wallace: One thing we all know for sure is that this election is going to be a shitshow. Will you accept the results of the shitshow and tell your supporters to accept the results peacefully?
Trump: If there’s no fraud, yes.
Wallace: Is there any foreseeable outcome where you lose and you don’t say it’s fraud?
Trump: No. I’ve already talked about the squirrels. If I lose, we’ll need to end the country.
Wallace: Biden?
Biden: The country can go on if I lose.
Wallace: And that concludes what will end up as a stain on my career even though it clearly wasn’t my fault. Thank you, and goodnight.
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