#Yoon Jeong hee
pierppasolini · 1 year
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Poetry (2010) // dir. Lee Chang-dong
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denizeyuruyen · 5 months
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🎬 Şiir / Shi / Poetry (2010)
Şiir temalı, arkaplanında dokunaklı bir hikayenin yer aldığı, güzel bir Kore filmi izledim.
Aşağıya da filmde yer alan bir şiiri bırakıyorum. Tabii filmi izleyip hikayeyi bilen bir insana vereceği hissiyat daha başka olacaktır. Yine de güzel.
Hava nasıl oralarda Issız mı yine? Ateş kırmızısı mı günbatımı? Orman yolunda kuşlar şarkı söylüyorlar mı?
Kabul eder misin Yollamaya cesaret edemediğim mektubu? Dinler misin Söyleyemediğim itiraflarımı? Zaman geçecek, güller solacak mı?
Şimdi elveda deme vakti Esip geçen yel gibi, gölgeler gibi. Tutulmamış sözlere, Sonsuza mühürlenmiş aşklara, Bileklerimi öpen çimenlere Ve beni izleyen küçük adımlara Elveda deme vakti.
Karanlık çöküyor sanki. Mum yeniden yanar mı? Dua ediyorum Kimse ağlamasın diye, Bil diye seni ne çok sevdiğimi bil diye. Sıcak bir yaz gününün ortasında Uzun bir bekleyiş, Babamın yaşlı yüzüne benzeyen Eski bir patika. Yalnızlık da yabani bir çiçek gibi Ürkek, çeviriyor yüzünü.
Nasıl sevdim seni? Sessiz şarkını duyunca Nasıl da titredi kalbim. Dualarım seninle… Kara nehri geçmeden önce Ruhum son nefesiyle, Parlak bir günün hayalini Başlıyorum görmeye. Yine uyandığımda, Işıktan gözlerim kör. Seni buluyorum, Bekliyorsun yanı başımda…
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tee-jay-666 · 2 years
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Rest in Peace Yoon Jeong Hee
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krayonimous · 8 months
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Crash Landing on You (2019) // My Demon (2023)
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mirambles · 1 year
Moving went from:
A high school drama
to superheroes
to spy thriller
to bromance
to slow burn romance
to Kill Bill level action gore
to slice of life showing the most heartwarming moments between the adults and kids,
to the ultimate enemy stand-off,
to tragic backstories of the so called villains,
to found family
to much needed family reunions!
Moving aced all genres and emotions!
Moving has reshuffled my entire all time favourite Kdrama list - Kingdom stays at the Top, Moving comes second, followed by Hot Stove League and Reply 1988.
I have so much to write , so much to unpack - I’m rewatching it and will keep posting my thoughts!
I so love this drama and every single member of the cast! Everyone nailed the role they were given - big or small!
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vallen-bell · 2 months
Multicouples | Somebody to die for
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korean-dreams-girls · 12 days
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YeJu, E.Ji, Joonie, ChoWon, JiYoon, Jackie & ChaeRin (ICHILLIN) - Selcas
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yourmoonandstar · 1 year
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I say perfection
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kahixxi · 2 years
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My fav psychological manhwa:
Distant Sky (Yoon In Wan, Kim Sun Hee)
Bastard (Carnby Kim, Hwang Young Chan)
Trapped (Haemuri)
Chasing Tails (Bashi)
The Horizon (Jeong Ji Hoon)
Flawed Almighty (Carnby Kim, RH Song)
If AI Ruled the World (Pogo, Hoopa)
My Student Can't Be a Psychopath (Pluto)
Surviving Romance (Yone Lee)
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year
'material from script was shortened during editing'?????? 'missing chemistry that only the actors could see'??????? Netflix what is this behavior
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kodrama · 2 years
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pierppasolini · 1 year
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Poetry (2010) // dir. Lee Chang-dong
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namjhyun · 9 months
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In a time when we are suffering from an over-saturation of content and less than mediocre stories, particularly related to people with superpowers, South Korea has released MOVING and proved there's still hope for the genre.
Like its tittle the story is in constant move, not only pushing forward but going back to different timelines to give us context o our main characters and how the things happening in present time are a direct consequence to the past. Technically, MOVING is perfect. One of the strongest points is definitely the editing and this can be seen in the way the story jumps from one year to another but you never lose track of what's happening nor leaves you confused. There are gaps to fill but with other episodes that will give you answers. The score complements the actions and emotions of the characters to perfection.
The performances are top notch and it's not surprise considering this drama is stacked. If you have been watching korean dramas or films for a while, you will recognize even the most random character or one-episode-cameo it's performed by an award winning actor or actress. These people have a reputation for a reason and they deliver in every scene, with a look, a touch, a smile or a punch that will push you through a wall. For some characters in the drama literally speaking.
Zo In Sung hasn't starred in a drama since Dear My Friends (2016) and I am so glad this is his return to the tv format. In MOVING he delivered a nuance, charming and badass performance that in the hands of another would have fell flat. His character's entire existence it's what pushes most of the story forward: a person used as a weapon to kill but all he ever wanted was to live. The big mystery of the drama it's to find out what was his fate after he got separated from those he loves.
Ryoo Seung Ryong remains one of the most compelling actors of his generation, giving us the incredible story of a good man lost in life until he found his purpose and redemption. His storyline, full of gore and violence, was actually a tender love story about how far a man will go to protect his family. Marvelous.
Han Hyo Joo's character could have easily fallen into the Smurfette principle but no. She's an equal to the men who love her and those that want to kill her, with a very strong motivation to keep herself on the top of the game. This character's loneliness comes through every scene she's in, bottling everything up in order to be strong for her family but you can tell she's waiting for a chance to be free and, most importantly, for her son to be able to live freely.
Ko Yoon Jung, Lee Jeong Ha and Kim Do Hoon are really promising actors, particularly considering they hold their own while performance with so many household names. I think Kim Do Hoon and Kim Sun Kyun probably gave one of the most heartbreaking yet beautiful stories in the drama.
Like I mentioned before every single actor in this drama brought their A+ game face but I would be doing a disservice if I didn't mention Kim Hee Won, Cha Tae Hyun, Ryoo Seung Bum, Park Hee Soon, Yang Dong Geun, Jo Bok Rae, Park Kwang Jae, Kim Joong He and, of course, Kwak Sun Young. She in particular was SPECTACULAR.
None of these characters are one-dimensional, they are not defined by the label society wants to put on them. They are all joined together by the experiences, hardships, love, motivations and ambitions they share. At the end of the day, related or not by blood, they are a family. Even the so-called enemies.
MOVING it's absolutely worthy of the hype that surrounds it through all social media and news outlets putting in the category of one of 2023 best tv shows. I only regret I didn't have the time to watch it sooner so I could have add it to mine.
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FanLetter Please 9
Story: 10
Acting: 10
Chemistry: 10
Comparable to: When the Camilla Blooms (kdrama);
Wholesome, beautiful, fluffy, and just top quality. It’s a short kdrama being four episodes with one hrs long each, so it’s very easy to binge right through the whole series. It’s a light fluffy romantic drama that focuses on bullying and healing. The main leads did an outstanding performance in their roles (chemistry is off the charts oof) as did the supporting, the child was so adorable. It’s a very nice hidden gem and definitely a recommendation to romance fans.
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dreamofbona · 2 years
anyone have any kdrama recs? i just finished the drama i was watching (twenty five twenty one, so good, highly recommend) and i need something new lol. stuff i've liked/disliked below for reference
fav shows:
the heirs
crash landing on you
twenty five twenty one
shows i liked:
extraordinary attorney woo
the king: eternal monarch
shows i didn't like (sorry):
vincenzo (i'm just not into spy/action)
abyss (it was okay)
record of youth
forecasting love and weather
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stuff-diary · 6 months
Wedding Impossible
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Wedding Impossible (2024, South Korea)
Director: Kwon Young Il
Writers: Oh Hye Won & Park Seul Ki (based on the webtoon by Song Jung Won)
Well, this drama was entertaining, but nothing more. It was especially funny at the beginning, thanks to that sort of 'rivalry' between the leads. However, once they solved that and started moving into purely romantic territory, the story began to lose steam quickly. Tbh, I kept watching to the very end because of the sizzling chemistry between Jeon Jong Seo and Moon Sang Min. And I guess I wanted to see how in the world they were gonna clear up the mess created by the characters, which was pretty fascinating. I feel like the show would have been better if the director had put more thought into its style, cause the whole thing looked pretty cheap and bland. But still, Wedding Impossible is fun enough, and I can see fans of classic romcoms enjoying it a lot.
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