#Young Buck Music
tha-wrecka-stow · 3 months
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blackmensuited · 27 days
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Hi Cal 😁😁😁😁 may I request a few sentences please? 🙏🙏
27 for 🌊:
The only complication was the lack of his memories. The way it made Eddie feel that perhaps Buck wasn’t Buck. But he is. And that person is impossible not to love. 
That word settles over Eddie with more ease than he might have expected. Love. He’s in love with Buck. It’s not just attraction or infatuation. It’s not just good sex and good dates and good conversations. He loves him. He wants a future with him, where neither of them are lonely. 
Maddie seems to read Eddie’s thoughts, judging by the knowing smile on her face. 
“As I suspected. You’re good for him.” She winks. “Plus, Christopher is delightful.”
“Thank you,” Eddie smiles back. “I’m lucky, he’s a good kid. And, Genevieve is great, too. She was confident as hell calling my work and asking around until she got me.”
“She’s really come out of her shell here,’ Maddie nods. “Just like my brother, I guess.’
Like Eddie, too, he supposes. 
He doesn’t get to say so, though, because Buck comes back through the door, balancing three wine glasses in his hands like a practiced bartender. 
“Whatcha talking about?” He asks, passing Maddie hers first, then moving to sit next to Eddie.
“You, obviously,” Maddie teases.
18 for 🌌:
Letting Chris think this was nothing more than a dream is dishonest and he hates lying to his son. And yet, thinking about this from a harm reduction standpoint, saying, actually, no, all of that happened and was horrifically upsetting doesn’t seem like a better parenting decision. So Eddie doesn’t contradict Christopher’s completely rational explanation for what he remembers. 
“Yeah, it was. Are you having a fun weekend hanging out with Buck?” 
Right. Because Chris actually thinks Eddie is with Buck, getting over his breakup with Marisol. Because he definitely didn’t tell him the truth about that, either. He couldn’t say it to himself, so he hadn’t figured out how to say it to Chris. He wants to spill right here, on the phone, but that might also be a mistake. He should probably explain it all face-to-face. 
“Uh, yeah,” Eddie replies. “You know, he and I… Well, we’re talking about some big stuff. Stuff that I’m going to talk to you about when I’m home.”
“Okay,” Christopher responds, not sounding too bothered or too interested. Well, at least he’s not worried. “Say hi to Buck for me, then?” 
“You got it,” Eddie promises.
21 for ⚡️:
Eddie smiles softly. “Yeah, I think so too.”
“So, turn down the stress a bit, Eddie,” Bobby advises. “He’s going to be okay. Maybe you can try to enjoy the festivities, too.”
Eddie sighs. “Don’t expect me to be nice to them.’
Bobby smirks, just a little. “I don’t expect me to be nice to them.”
Then they’re at an understanding, Eddie realizes. Who Margaret and Phillip Buckley are, to someone they both love so entirely and without reservation, is abhorrent to them. Eddie wonders, for Bobby, having lost his children, how agonizing it must be to watch others treat their own as disposable. 
“That being said,” Eddie relents. “I think I’ll go refill my drink, and grab him a new one.”
He doesn’t have to wait around for Buck like a security detail. He can let his guard down, just a little. 
“Good idea,” Bobby smiles. 
Eddie stands. “Okay, be back.” As he crosses the yard to the cooler of drinks, Eddie fails to notice a tactical response to his own - maybe overdone - guard dog behavior. Rather than cornering Buck, the Buckleys corner him.
24 for 🚨
That’s the answer, isn’t it? He realizes it with a crash of disappointment. There will be no more boundaries crossed between them this morning. Eddie can’t answer that need until the more important matter is settled. He has work to do.
Hating himself just a tiny bit, Eddie slowly untangles his body from Buck’s. His sore body complains at the movement. As he begins to pull away, Buck makes a small moan of complaint, and clings a bit tighter. It takes everything in Eddie not to fold right then and there. But Eddie persists, slipping away from Buck, grabbing his phone off the nightstand, and disappearing to the bathroom. 
Eddie takes a long shower. Longer than he would usually take. A water-wasting-ly long shower. He takes care of what he needs to take care of if he is going to have any ability to think today. Even then, his intellectual capacity is probably a little reduced. It’s been a very long time since he’s had sex and he woke up next to his literal dream man. Sue him for being flustered. 
When he’s done in the shower, Eddie spends a good minute looking at his naked body in the mirror. Not for any sort of vanity. Rather, because he looks absolutely beaten. He’s bruised and scraped all over. Places he hadn’t even realized he’d been hurt. Dark, hideous welts from falling and having the earth rain down on him. God, maybe it’s a good thing he didn’t throw himself at Buck this morning. 
30 for 📚
“Hey, speaking of which, I hear fire companies are kind of like a big family. Is that true?” 
Ravi’s stomach drops. He lifts his head to meet his brother’s eyes. Anil is watching for this exact reaction. He knows exactly what he’s saying and exactly how Ravi will take it. He knows exactly what he’s threatening. He always does this. He can’t just let Ravi have anything. Ravi is out of his life, not bothering him at all. What must he need or want to come into Ravi’s home and threaten his stability? Or is it still so abhorrent to Anil that anybody would want Ravi around? 
“It becomes true,” Bobby answers. “In some stations more than others.”
“This one?” Anil asks.
“Yes,” Buck replies tightly. “We’re a family.”
“So you all know a lot about each other?” Anil asks.
Ravi’s throat tightens. 
This can’t be happening. This really can’t be happening. 
“What are you trying to ask?” Eddie narrows his eyes.
“Anil, I’m sure you came to speak with Ravi alone,” Hen interjects. “Not  to be rude, but-”
“We all have station chores to do,” Bobby agrees. 
Buck looks at Ravi very intensely. Like he’s waiting for Ravi’s opinion to chime in. Ravi won’t meet his eyes.
18 for 🩸:
“You see your guy?” Kurt asks, flipping through grainy images of strangers who happened to pass by his houseboat. None of them look like Eddie.
Sophia shakes her head. “No. I don’t.”
“You know this would be a heck of a lot easier if you left me with a photo of him,” Kurt points out as he continues to click. 
Buck bristles at the thought.
“Aw, Kurt, you know why we can’t,” Sophia says gently.
“Yeah, but you can trust me, Sophie,” he protests. “I’d never do you dirty.”
Yes. He would. If the price was right. He’s made a career of opportunism in the midst of crisis. 
“I know that,” Sophia says, squeezing his arm. “But what if you got raided, huh? I don’t want photos of him anywhere.”
They’ve not shown a single person Eddie’s picture.
30 for 🦮:
“Okay,” Maddie says quickly. “What are these dogs trained to do?”
“I don’t exactly know,” Buck admits. “They want me to meet with the trainer.”
Maddie nods. “Well, I think you should. And here me out, okay?” 
“Okay,” Buck sighs. He takes a hefty sip of beer as compensation. 
“Two nights ago, by the time you got home from work, you were too sore to get up and cross the room to grab the remote.” Maddie says. “Using your prosthetic all day wears on you.”
Well… That’s true.
“I’m still getting used to it,” Buck protests. Which is also true. 
“A week ago, you dropped your keys at a certain angle to your left, and struggled to bend over and grab them.” Maddie continues.
“Well, yeah. Okay. I still have some limitations, but won’t having a dog around be more work?” 
Buck has seen the kind of breeds they use in service work. Labs. Goldens. Collies. Shepherds. Poodles. Active, upbeat dogs. Not like a mellow giant or something. 
“And I think you’re lonely,” Maddie adds, holding firm eye contact. 
Buck feels cold. 
21 for 🔮:
“Buck.” Bobby exhales. 
“Uh, hi, Bobby.” Buck replies, a little too quickly. Like he’s trying to speed through an uncomfortable interaction.
“How’re you doing?” Bobby asks.
Because he misses him. He misses him so badly. He misses him more than the others, though he would never say it. He can’t subside on sad little updates from Eddie. He can’t continue to throw small, not very subtle questions Chim’s way. He needs to know. From the horse’s mouth, as it were. 
Buck’s mouth twists with what Bobby knows is frustration. He sighs as he shrugs. 
“I’m fine, Bobby.”
But that doesn’t seem like the truth.
“Are you?” Bobby asks. 
Buck’s mouth twitches. “It’s whatever.”
He sounds like May or Harry. 
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yarterhq · 8 months
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hiromusace · 1 year
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finitofreeway · 6 months
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idealuk · 5 months
Am I the only one who sees what JLH did as what it is?
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They've been giving Buddie away too much lately. And, once again, my computer is psychic. It just started playing:
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musictyme · 2 years
G Unit Ft Joe - Wann Get To Know You
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superelitesworld · 1 year
Been having a really weird week. My mood has been low. So to help me lift my mood up..
I watched Young Bucks - being the elite and/or matches…
I watched Supernatural
I read a variety of books
Also listen to Backstreet Boys
I feel a bit better now
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tha-wrecka-stow · 3 months
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mattgetsit · 10 months
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My top 10 albums of 2023!
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⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡
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🌊 🌊
*I only saw this so fast because checking tumblr is a part of my morning routine which…well it’s all of his here so I’m not sure why I’m defending it hah.
Also, very very excited about Buck’s service dog!
Hahaha I get you I obsessively check my gmail for ao3 comments when I wake up.
And THANKS! I'm excited to introduce her.
15 new sentences for⚡:
Eddie tenses his jaw and looks at the ground. He’s not going to apologize for being protective. 
“He’s trying to make sure Maddie and Chim don’t deal with any crap this weekend,” Eddie explains. “I’m trying to make sure he doesn’t deal with any crap.”
Bobby nods. “I know. You’re a good partner.”
Eddie twists his mouth a little. That’s not a label he could always claim. But he’s glad he can hold it for Buck. 
“And I also know,” Bobby continues. “That Buck was in a bad place last year. I think he’s pretty strong right now, though. I think the two of you make each other stronger. Always have.”
12 for 🦮:
He brings it up with Maddie and Chim, which is his first mistake. 
“They want to give you a fully trained service dog?” Maddie asks over dinner. She comes over once or twice a week to eat with him, and drags Chim along when he’s free. He’s never sure how much of it is a genuine desire to see him, from either of them, versus obligation.
“Yeah,” Buck replies, unsure what part of his story didn’t confirm this already.
“Isn’t that, like, tens of thousands of dollars?” Chim asks between forkfuls of takeout. “Like, the value of the dog, the vetting, and the training?”
Buck shrugs. “Never looked into it, obviously.”
“Well, maybe you should.”
9 for 🔮:
He runs into Buck on a Saturday in July, in a tiny specialty grocer that he showed him. Bobby’s favorite place to find quality spices and other ingredients. He shouldn’t be surprised Buck has started to frequent it, too, now that Bobby and him don’t talk about things the other person is missing for meals. 
Buck is near the front of the store, grabbing cinnamon, when Bobby walks through the glass door. It jingles as Bobby swings it open, and as it drifts shut. Bobby stops short, staring at him, as Buck turns his head and notices. His face shifts, expression stiffening. Bobby hates it. He hates that it no longer makes Buck smile to see him.
6 for 🌊:
Eddie's stomach twists at that thought, just a little. He knows about loneliness. He caused a lot of it, for himself. He doesn’t want to cause any of it for anyone anymore.
“He’s easy to choose,” Eddie replies. 
And it’s the truth.
3 for 🌌:
Eddie feels relieved that he doesn’t remember. 
“And I think we talked about Mom, but I don’t know what.” 
“Sounds like a really weird dream, bud.”
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fluttershyweed757 · 11 months
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djevilninja · 1 year
They say I’ve changed man, I’m getting paper, I’m flashy; They like me better when I’m fucked up and ashy. My royalty check’s the rebirth of Liberace; Stunt so hard, everybody got to watch me.
G-Unit - Stunt 101
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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50 Cent Explains Why He Wishes Tony Yayo Blew Up on His Level 50 Cent admitted he wishes Tony Yayo blew up instead of him, and explains what he would've done differently with G-Unit if that had come to pass. https://www.complex.com/music/50-cent-wishes-tony-yayo-blew-up-his-level
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pettybourgeoiz · 2 years
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