briankang · 3 months
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when the cuteness aggression really hits 💜🩷 credit
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kittenpawer · 3 months
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erreversible · 4 months
mind reading au [youngpil]
WIP day6 fic young k/wonpil
“What did you just say?” Younghyun asks, over the swooping freefall of his insides. The sound of his own voice, the loud chatter in the restaurant, the sizzle of the meat on the grill between them — all suddenly sound very far away. His skin feels prickly, hot, then cold, then hot again. It feels like a nightmare.
He’s so off kilter it takes him a second to realize Wonpil hadn’t actually spoken out loud.
“Mm?” Wonpil doesn’t seem to notice Younghyun had just read his mind. He’s utterly immersed in looking for the next thing to put on his plate, hands clasped before his chest.
Look up, Younghyun thinks at him.
Of course, Wonpil can’t hear him. After surveying the cluttered table, he finally picks up his glass of beer and stares into it. Tipsy already, going by the pink of his ears.
“Wonpil-ah,” Younghyun says.
“Look here for a second.”
“Why?” Wonpil asks, but he does. Their eyes meet.
Warmth. That’s what hits him first, square in the chest. It’s familiar, the same kind of warmth Younghyun feels on quiet nights when it’s just the two of them and they get talk about the things they never talk about during the day. But underneath that warmth, there’s a current of prickly dread, mirroring Younghyun’s. A thundering heartbeat. Fear and anticipation mixing into a dizzying sludge. Then comes the vague shape of a thought:
Say it again.
“Wonpil-ah,” Younghyun says instinctively. Wonpil blinks in surprise, eyes quickly flicking away, but not before Younghyun catches that — a flush of pleasure crawling liquid down Wonpil’s spine. The shadow of it fades fast, leaving Younghyun cold.
His arm moves on its own, finding his cup of somaek and raising it. “Cheers.”
“Ah. Cheers,” Wonpil murmurs, biting his lip.
Fuck. Younghyun tilts his head back and downs the glass.
to be continued…
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basstokeyboard · 8 months
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Letter with notes x Pilmography
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fall2393 · 6 months
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Late to the party but can i just say i love YoungPil 😍
I have soft spot for wonpil since WIN (bad hair era) thought him to be some rough, kind of delinquent due to bad friend influence but has nice heart kiddo (i judge people on their hair) but he's actually a softie through and through and has remained so until now. Young K is just Young K (too idol for me which i must admit i just learned to appreciate his idolness and work ethics) and I love Day6 as a whole because of their music (like everyone else, i'm sure.. also because i am JYP stan to the core).
Honestly i dont pay too much attention to their contents not only due to the lack of thereof but also because i was preoccupied with different groups (multi tasking is not for me) so i wasnt aware of the group dynamics or the secret politics driven allengiances like some fans gossiping about (cough*the departure of infamous member*cough) but i stumbeld upon Summer Melody while the members on military hiatus and boy i was pleasantly surprised by how soft Young K is towards Wonpil.
Like i said, i have soft spot for Wonpil so to see someone treating him just as softly definitely intrigued me. I am aware of Dowoon x Wonpil mischiveous adventures and Sungjin x Wonpil but Young K and the blatant favoritism he showed throughout the show and later i learned, beyond?? Like how dare HIM?
Some of my favourite (not in any particular order):-
1) The fact that he openly declared he remembers Wonpil's enlistment date and discharge date but has no idea when Dowoon enlisted.
2) He loves to surprise Wonpil.
- lied to Wonpil that he couldnt attend his solo concert
-sing A Journey on a festival that Wonpil attended (pretty excited to surprise him)
- appear on Wonpil's birthday live with a seaweed soup right after his Dekira schedule
3) He attended the last day of Wonpil solo concert since rehearsal and during the concert he served as a backing vocals for Days Gone By (as explained by Wonpil later in the same concert - Wonpil was very pleased) and infamously cried during Wonpil last ment.
4) He remembers the exact days left until Wonpil's official discharge when fans asked in IG live.
5) On Summer Melody he offers to help Wonpil with the rice just because Wonpil said he feels hot (and looked tired).
6) When Dowoon asked for a help with the firewood he offers to help in exchange of looking for the ingredients - which basically just rummaging through the house not like picking things out in the garden (a one man job if you asked me and they have staffs behind the scene) but was quick to offer a hand when Wonpil is the one chopping it - even Dowoon complained that he was doing it alone.
7) Openly defend Wonpil whenever Sungjin complaints about the said man (tough love Sungjin is).
8) On a military radio show quiz he purposely stalled to ensure Wonpil's team win.
9) said he wants to eat whatever Wonpil wants to eat after the same radio show.
10) Wonpil chose him as the one that he talked in the phone the longest - Young K can identify the sound of ships, he is also aware that sometimes Wonpil didnt have signal if he sailed far away.
11) he made pasta for Wonpil in Autumn Break and had to re-do the pasta 2 to 3 times because it wasnt good enough for Wonpil. He was visibly *slightly* upset when Wonpil said the breakfast was good (the next day) but his pasta was only edible.
12) was obviously hyper during Dekira on Wonpil's unofficial discharge day.
13) the infamous phone call during his solo concert. I feel like everyone in the concert hall was third wheeling them LMAO.
... and more. Will probably update the list or maybe i wont.
*I dont know these people personally. These are just my observations.
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youngpils · 1 month
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I love them so much 🥹❤️
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tangerinepocket · 1 month
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feeling so normal about them
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wonpilsbabo · 11 months
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leologs · 14 days
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Read the full review of Welcome To Samdal-ri on the link below:
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marieanneline · 2 months
tddk music artist au where their love language is singing each others songs at their own concert
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briankang · 3 months
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two cuties doing the cutest dance? it's more likely than you think!
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kittenpawer · 30 days
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erreversible · 1 month
fic soundtrack for "kaleidoscopes" 🫧 // youngpil
There comes the vague shape of a thought: Say it again. “Wonpil-ah,” Younghyun says instinctively. Wonpil blinks in surprise, eyes quickly flicking away, but not before Younghyun catches that — a flush of pleasure crawling liquid down Wonpil’s spine. (Younghyun can read minds, but it doesn’t make anything easier.)
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kamil-a · 2 months
btw (air of a diagnoser 5min into the rewatch) miles isnt youngpilled bc hes too ahhh eto bleh failmoe its just that some of his beliefs about computers have a youngpilled air about them
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ilys00ga · 5 months
I've been watching this Welcome To Samdalri kdrama these days, and i really needed to get this off my chest somewhere, so here i go:
- seeing sangdo still clinging to the hope of Samdal liking him back is just– PAINFULLLL. and not like "sad" painful, it's more like an "embarrassed", "frustrated" and "i-wanna-slap-this-person-so-bad" kind of painful. like bro 😭😭 PLEASE move on. ik it's so hard and all but why are u putting yourself in that situation with your own hands 😭😭😭 and like rubbing it off on youngpil's face like that– gosh I'm sorry but second leads must be taken down from the kdrama industry it's so hard to watch them go thru all of that.
- youngpil :((( I love him sm like omg he's just bottling everything up and masking all his true emotions and pain. he's so precious. I wanna hug him and listen to his gut-wrenching rants cuz mans got life so hard frfr like– I love him <3 he needs to be protected <3333
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wonpilsbabo · 6 months
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