#Your art is always a joy- and when it's about the snake gentleman himself I just feel so lucky ;u; <3
yeleltaan · 4 months
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Here we are– you are the first of the 4 in which I completed. MSpaint spooky/thoughtful Cayin doodle. It was fun deciding on what to do. Hope you enjoy, Croc. Hope you don’t mind that I was feeling BB Cayin <3
// AAAAAAAAAAAHHH this is so lovely!! You nail his style perfectly, this came out so cool. Thank you Cat!!
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witherfide · 1 year
Swinger! AU infodump cuz i desperately need to talk about it
so this au isn’t even CLOSE to being fully fleshed out in any way but i would like to write down some of my visions for it just to have them somewhere (this is masons garbage dump after all…)
as always, feel free to add onto these ideas/express your opinions on them :]
here we go!!
—✧ General Info ✧—
the characters are under a copyright license and were bought for the rights to use by an elderly man to try and earn some love back for the art of jazz, and in turn, swing.
Jazz is not as popular as it once was in this futuristic world and the unnamed licensee thinks that using the beloved characters of Fazbear Entertainment will help people to gain an appreciation for swing again.
the animatronic’s casings have been completely redone in favor of a simpler, classy look. Freddy now closely resemble his original counterpart, with the rest of the Glamrocks having their face paint + other accessories removed.
takes place in a separate location from the Mega Pizzaplex. it is not nearly as large, resembling a ballroom + diner (if that makes any sense…). specific areas like the Superstar Swinger’s Club were added onto the original building to provide lessons.
the animatronics have no prior memories and most of the original programming has been completely removed, so their mannerisms and behavior develop from scratch (they used to work at a normal Pizzaplex, but were transferred to this location as there was not enough business to keep it running)
Sun and Moon are the main dancers in the building, with Freddy and the gang still playing shows with more jazz-centered instruments. the licensee is the one who teaches them how to dance, along with the technician, who downloads information about the different types of swing into their drives.
the Superstar Swinger’s Club is where many of the live events/lessons take place, with the main room of the studio being a diner of sorts
dancing is how they build a relationship with someone. the more a duo dances together, the closer they become. you can find out a lot about someone through how they dance.
the animatronics have a tendency to shut down randomly (was an issue at their first location, inadequate battery life)
—✧ Characters ✧—
there isn’t many in this category since i haven’t fully thought out their personality and dance styles yet !!
Unnamed Licensee
he/him pronouns!!
older gentleman with a passion for jazz!
doesn’t have any children/grandchildren who are interested in swing, so he takes it upon himself to teach the robots what he knows.
he learned his best moves from his grandfather, who was around during the height of swing’s popularity.
using simple terms, i would describe him as a short and chubby black man with a heart of gold. still prefers to dress in his patterned button-ups and slacks!
a real joy to be around, so much passion! happiness almost exudes from his body when he gets to teach some newcomers
loves a good joke or tease. has one great laugh
not always at the studio due to having multiple jobs, so the animatronics have their own lists of responsibilities (along with help of the technician who comes by) gotta pay the rights to Fazbear Ent. property somehow…
Charlie (technician)
she/her pronouns!! (nonbinary)
has faded red-dyed hair with a short wolfcut. top layer of her hair is in a ponytail in the back. has snake bite piercings and thick black eyebrows.
past employee at original Mega Pizzplex location (Freddy’s former handler)
heard about the renovations of the animatronics and thought it was the coolest thing ever
absolute shit dancer but tries her best for Sunny
downloads informational books/videos about swing into the animatronic’s hard drives (sneaks in some music)
big ol’ softy!!
feels so at home when she goes to the studio. (living conditions aren’t the greatest)
he/they/she/it/xe/sol/solar pronouns!!
Sun is the main face of the Swinger’s Club, being the confident and overly passionate character of the Dance Performer duo.
got the nickname “Kicker” because of their dance style, mainly consisting of Lindy Hop and Charleston moves.
doesn’t matter if you’re good or not, if he asks to dance, you’re dancing!! they take any chance they get to make a new connection through dance
good luck if you’re new, sol can be a bit fast at times.. (dances to songs with higher bpm ~180)
tends to trip themselves up on other people’s shoes (apologizes profusely while sobbing)
can’t sit still to save their life. always bouncing their leg or swaying side to side
sun is aroace and in a QPR with moon. (they are separate beings in this au!!) they have a strong bond thanks to how much they’ve grown/learned from each other. they’ve been side by side since the opening of the club.
you can find the duo practicing their choreography together at any given time
still a neat freak! everything’s got a place when it comes to Kicker
he/they/it/xe/moon/light pronouns!!
the softspoken one of the duo, can still be a little shithead /aff (teases the hell out of sun for little things)
doesn’t like being in the spotlight like Sun but tends to forget about everything else when they are in the zone
almost feels as if they glide across the floor with how quick and light on their feet they can be
got the nickname “Dizzy” after they fell of the stage during a turn and couldn’t stand up straight for an hour (licensee is the one who uses this most, moon absolutely hates it)
does more solo than Sun does, still trying to find a confidence within themselves
likes slower tempos and dance styles like Blues and Balboa (does lindy with sun a LOT)
always trying new moves and dance styles out with Kicker (Sun loves trying things that would definitely get them both hurt)
the story between these two starts at the very beginning, with them bonding through learning everything about swing together. they spread so much love throughout everything they do that it’s almost overwhelming.
if i were to write about them, it would be about how they adjust to their new careers as dancers and how having zilch code to go off of makes it even harder
((just imagining them tripping over each other and making sure the other doesn’t fall as they try their hardest to copy licensee’s moves))
aaand that’s all i’ve got for now! phew boy….
sorry it’s long hehe- i am just so happy to have an au that i hold so close to my heart for once!!
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Hello! Im a big fan of your MK posts. So, I have an idea (albiet cliché, lmao.) Anyway, I had to help my snake shed the other day. It gave me an idea, could you include some of the pets the MKCrew may have? Of course they wouldn't be cannon, but some creatures you could see them having. If you do decide to do it, please include Johnny Cage and Erron. Thank you!
Hi! I’m glad you enjoy my posts! :) And of course! I wrote this on the bus whilst a storm was happening! Rain, Raiden and Fujin must have been arguing! I loved this idea, it was so cute!!! Thank you for the request!I put a cut in because it was a bit long and didn’t want to clog the tags!Warnings; Mentions of Kano but it is a shitpost, when isn’t it? When I die, I want that on my grave ‘Shitposted about Kano a lot’
·        Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang); 110% a penguin. He fucking yeets an ice one at people in Injustice. He thinks their adorable. Plus, they mate for life, loyalty and sweet as fuck. They can live in cold temperatures (well most of them) So that’s perfect for him! And did he mention they are cute as fuck? I have some art of Sub feeding some penguins. Best thing I’ve ever bought.
·        Bi-Han; As Bi-Han he'd want a polar bear. Their soft and fluffy. But also, terrifying. Like, can you picture one of them, with Bi-Han on the back. Magical. Very scenic, enough to be on a card you send your aunt at Christmas. That and it’s better than Kuai’s fucking penguin. Fuck the penguins.
·        Noob; Is Saibot a pet? Potentially. He does lift him up and they do look ready to drop the hottest mix tape of 2019. But on a serious note. A bat. Cliché as fuck. But they like the dark, they hang upside down. Feared but oddly loveable. And they fit his new edgy "It’s not a phase Kuai!!!” aesthetic.
·        Smoke; A snake. Why? Low-key chilled. I imagine something like a ball python. Something that’s going to be chilled. That, and their perceived as scary as fuck, but are actually adorable. Just like he is! Will boop the snoot. It’s called Noodle and you cannot tell me otherwise. Sir Noodle of Noodleton. Would be his full title, has made him a little crown.  Will often bitch about people to it. Mainly about Bi-Han.
·        Kabal; A dog. He 110% has a dog. I agree with the general consensus he adopted a dog. He probably has a staffie. A fat, happy, rescue Staffie. It’s chilled, laidback but can be energetic. Just like him. This’ll only apply to Post-Burn Kabal. Pre-burn wants a dog. But knows he has no time... unless he’s got a cute neighbour who doesn’t mind dog sitting when he’s away. Now I want to write fluff about this HC.
·        Erron Black; either a horse or a deer.  A horse is an obvious shout. But like I don’t know why I’m saying deer. I can just imagine him explaining it to Kabal like “their majestic as fuck” and that’s probably the reason why I say deer. I imagine he’s the type of person to take people camping. Just to look at the fucking deer. He’d be like that vine, were someone sneezes and scars the deer off. “Oh, nice one Kano"
·        Cassie Cage; Going out on a limb here to say, she has a dog. And not a small dog either. I imagine she’s got a German Shepherd, but she gave it a really soft name. Just to psych people out. Like “Oh you wanna meet Snuzzles?” and it’s just this hulking ex-military dog she rescued. Scary on the outside. Soft on the inside.
·        Johnny Cat; Yeah, he’s got a Sphynx Cat. Where did it come from? It was A cat that was used on set for one of his movies. It was meant to be one of the baddies cats, but he could not stop fawning over it. And that’s how Beerus Snagglepuss came to be. He loves that fucking cat. It’s his mascot now. Matching sunglasses as well. Tweets about it loads.
·        Kano; Is an animal himself so doesn’t really have a pet.  I would not trust him with anything. Because I’m pretty sure in one of his taunts, he stabs and eats a lizard. Him and Baraka are similar on that field, but you know, Baraka is more of a gentleman and probably smells better.
·        Takeda; He wanted a rabbit. But Hanzo wasn’t having it. So, Jacqui being the absolute good-hearted princess she is, got him one to keep on the farm. Hoppy the bunny is its name. And it is so fucking soft. He loves it. Best gift ever. Just don’t tell Hanzo… Jax cannot believe he’s been saddled with a fucking rabbit. But he loves it too.
·        Havik; No pets but moths flock to him. Why? Because they are chaotic as fuck too. He is their lamp. Before opening Hotaru’s wardrobe and letting them in, so they can chew holes in his clothes. Chaossss.
·        Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi); Does not own pets. But he has a soft spot for dogs and cats. He doesn’t have time for himself, let alone a pet. But like, when he spies a cat or dog. He kinda sneak pets it. He’ll make sure nobody is looking and BAM pets. Even if anyone saw him petting the cat, are they going to tell someone? No. Because nobody would fucking believe them.
·        Geras; Kronika is the type of person to say ‘I’m allergic to animal hair’ when she’s not. Just so nobody can have their pets around her. Sorry, not fucking sorry. So poor Geras has been lacking in the pet department. His eternal loneliness would be made a lot easier if she allowed him to have a pet. I honestly think he’d like cats, more specifically a quirky looking rescue cat. He’s alone and thinks he needs an equally as quirky companion.
·        Skarlet; I think she’d have a snake. Not a small one either. Like a massive python or a constrictor. She’d be the type to lounge around with her snake. She gives me major villainess vibes, but on a Dark Queen level. And I fucking love it. So yeah, I think a snake fits her aesthetically and personality wise. Scary on the outside but loveable. That is a running theme for most of the Kombat Krew, to be honest.
·        Raiden; He. Is. A. Cat. Person. He loves them. Oh my god look at their lil ears twitching. Legend says Sky Temple is a safe haven for strays. He just loves them. They are calming, cute and little sweethearts. He will never be caught fawning over them in front of others. But, showing him a cute cat is one sure way to get out of trouble. It’s why Kung Lao will bring the cutest one with him, when Raiden has requested a meeting. He can’t shout at him if he’s holding a purring bundle of joy.
·        Fujin; Whilst Fujin likes cats. I imagine he has a pet bird. Something like a Falcon, it’s not really a pet, but more of a wild friend. He respects nature too much. This bird will come constantly to see him, bring him messages and it’s a friendship that was built up over time. He likes birds because they need the wind to fly. They are also free to go anywhere they want and see everything and anything they want. Something he sort of envies. Plus, he loves the sound of them. The Dawn Chorus is the perfect meditation music.
·        Rain; Totally has a tiger or some exotic big cat. He is literally a Disney Princess to me at this point. Something that is intimidating to others but soft and sweet to him. I always imagine rich people have exotic pets and well this is it. I do not promote keeping them as pets. But if we are talking what they would canonically keep, it would be something like a big cat. Or maybe a peacock. Something flamboyant.
·        Jade; Even before the Kotal ship set sail. I always imagined Jade having an affinity with big cats. But unlike Rain, I kind of pictured Jade having more of an alliance and understanding with them. Rather than having one as a pet. Maybe one she rescued as a cub, raised up, set free and it comes and aids her from time to time. She is so perfect and has a heart of gold. It would be hard not to see this. I am getting all soft and fluffy imagining this now.
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