#Your favourite character is responsible for several horrible tortures and murders.
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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moonlightdancer26 · 3 years
- He used slurs towards people. He hated all muggleborns and joined a group that murdered, tortured and killed muggleborns by his own choice, yet made an exception for Lily as he 'loved' her. This is so wrong. So many people in real life are horribly stereotypical/racist about one group of people but if they find one of them and become friends with them, they say, "You're not like the rest of them." THE REST OF WHO? PEOPLE WHO ARE BORN LIKE ME? PEOPLE WHO LOOK LIKE ME? SO YOU degrade an entire race of people but because I am your friend, I am above my own? In real life this would be racist behaviour and since these books are meant to carry lessons for us to take into real life, I don't think i would teach my kids to love a character with these kinds of serious red flags. As a person of colour I know the types of people who will say things like "Oh you're better," or "Oh you're not like the rest of them." to try complimenting you but they are being blatantly racist towards an entire community.
- He abused students unreasonably. Neville, whose parents were tortured to insanity, would probably have death eaters as his biggest fear, right? Wrong. Snape mentally abused him and degraded him, treated him so unfairly that Snape was his greatest fear. And Neville wasn't the only one. Snape bullied insecure students to the point where they feared entering his class. He ignored multiple physical and verbal assaults made by his own students towards other innocent victims. I knew a friend of mine suffering from severe anxiety and depression and because we had teachers like Snape who heightened these dark emotions with pressure and verbal abuse in class, she came close to committing suicide. When I read about Neville in the books, every time Snape verbally abused him or degraded him and MULTIPLE other students I remembered my friend and COUNTLESS others like her who suffer like this. You might think I am just angry as I am a Gryffindor, but no. I'm a Slytherin and i don't condone bullies and people who abuse positions of power. Just so you know, I don't condone James Potter's actions either. I don't deny he was a bully towards Snape. I don't set double standards. So you can WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree that James was bullying Snape, yet you can't agree that Snape abused his own students to the point where some had zero self confidence, were bullied by his favourite students in front of him and had crippling anxiety because of him? Fucking double standards or what? At least James had character development and grew out of being a bully. Snape was a bully right to the very end. I don't think an emotional death scene and saying "You have you mother's eyes," is enough of a "redemption" arc.
- He has no valid justifications for his actions. What reason was there for him to abuse students? How do you justify him using slurs? How do you justify him leaving James and Harry to be murdered while only saving Lily? How do you excuse him loving a MARRIED WOMAN? He has no reason or pressure to join a group of murderers. Draco was forced to join the Death Eaters to save the lives of his family. Snape joined them because of his fetish with evil, dark magic. He loved their propaganda and eavesdropped on Dumbledore, getting Lily and James murdered. Darling, in your response to another anon, you said he went to Dumbledore to save the lives of Lily and his childhood bully. No, he did not. Let me explain in simple terms how. He eavesdropped on the prophecy, and not knowing who it was about, went to tell his master as he was a full Death Eater at the time. So he was READY to throw an innocent family to their deaths to begin with, remember this. NOW only when he heard that Lily was going to die, he ran over to Dumbledore like a helpless puppy to get him to save ONLY her because even AFTER SHE MARRIED ANOTHER MAN, he had a gross and creepy obsession with her, a MARRIED WOMAN. Dumbledore called him DISGUSTING for LEAVING a baby boy and his father to die, because he NEVER wanted to save James and his son. He would've happily let them die so he could get back with Lily. HE EVEN ASKED VOLDEMORT TO KILL HARRY BUT SPARE LILY, JUST BECAUSE HE WANTED A LIFE WITH HER. HERE IS A QUOTE FROM THE BOOK IF YOU ARE THAT BLIND.
“The — the prophecy . . . the prediction . . . Trelawney . . .” [Snape said.]
“Ah, yes. How much did you relay to Lord Voldemort?” [Dumbledore said.]
“Everything — everything I heard! That is why — it is for that reason — he thinks it means Lily Evans!” [Snape said.]
“The prophecy did not refer to a woman. It spoke of a boy born at the end of July —” [Dumbledore said.]
“You know what I mean! He thinks it means her son, he is going to hunt her down — kill them all —” [Snape said.]
“If she means so much to you, surely Lord Voldemort will spare her? Could you not ask for mercy for the mother, in exchange for the son?” [Dumbledore said.]
“I have — I have asked him —” [Snape said.]
^^^ so here is the proof that he asked Voldemort that in exchange for murdering a one year old baby and his father, could he save the life of a married woman that he had an obsession with.
“You disgust me.” [Dumbledore said.]
- He had no regard for fairness or justice. Whenever something was reported to him, he always had utter and complete disregard and contempt for the school rules, always removing unfair points or giving unwarranted detentions. Even as a Slytherin myself, I despise his behaviour.
- He was a selfish, narcissistic murderer. He condemned a one year old boy and his twenty-one year old father to a death by vicious murder while begging Voldemort to save Lily because he loved her. He abused her son during all his years of schooling because he didn't get the girl. When he wasn't able to convict Sirius into prison wrongly because of petty grudges, he outed a poor man to the entire school community and made him lose his entire livelihood. HE BLABBED REMUS' SECRET TO THE ENTIRE SCHOOL ABOUT HIS CONDITION, landing Remus in poverty an unemployment because of the stereotypes that prevent Remus from getting a job. Even after hearing the truth about Pettigrew, he still wanted to condemn Sirius to have his soul sucked out by dementors. (Didn't you use a 'siriusly' pun in your other post? wow-) I understand that Sirius bullied him, but Snape ended up getting James and Lily murdered, so-
- He ruined people's lives. Harry's parents are dead because of him. If he hadn't eavesdropped on Dumbledore and Trelawney and relayed the prophecy then James and Lily would've still been alive. Sirius Black wouldn't have spent twelve years in Azkaban. Remus would have had a job he desperately needed. Neville and all of his other students would have had better mental health and more confidence. HE RUINED ALL THESE LIVES. And you always use his excuse for bullying for everything. Mentally abused his students and caused them crippling self confidence and anxiety? Oh, he was bullied when he was a kid. Condemned a werewolf to lifelong poverty, stripped him of his job and outed his secret to the whole world to ruin all his opportunities in life? Oh, he was bullied as a child. Murdered a mother and father and would've gladly murdered their one-year old son too if his fetish with a married woman was satisfied? Oh, he was bullied as a child. Used slurs towards muggleborns and thought of them as below him? Oh, he was bullied as a child. Would've gladly condemned an innocent family to death when he thought he was relaying the prophecy? Oh, he WAS BULLIED AS A CHILD. I'm not saying his issues aren't valid. James and Sirius bullied him. They hurt him. It was wrong. BUT they grew. They stopped. They developed. James completely forgave Snape and was going to name his second child's godfather to be Snape. (YES, LILY WAS PREGNANT WITH HER SECOND CHILD WHEN SNAPE GOT HER MURDERED, JUST A SIDE NOTE-)
If you are too cowardly to answer my ask, BECAUSE you know I'm right, then go ahead. To end, every character is flawed. Every human being is flawed. Snape was flawed. But to condone his bullying, narcissistic, obsessive, slur-using, murdering behaviour that has gotten innocent lives taken and ruined, I don't think so.
Anon, what the fuck? Everything you just said is either wrong or blown wayyyy out of proportion.
Let’s do this:
He used slurs towards people.
Nope. Him calling muggleborns Mudbloods is not canon. How come nobody ever accuses him of prejudice, in real time or in retrospect, except Lily, who only finds his prejudice problematic when it’s directed at her, and who in fact, bothers to make excuses for him for years and is surprised that he sees something in Avery and Mulciber?
Like it or not, if Severus threw Mudblood around like confetti (which we don't actually see), he did not use it more than was generally acceptable (Stop reading the books of 2021 standards!). Slurs were simply not a big deal in 1970s UK. We’ve made progress as a society, definitely, but Snape shouldn’t be judged against the norms in his time, never mind that he is a teenage boy. Teenage boys are not a demographic that has ever been known for tact or emotional maturity.
Distantly he heard Snape shout at her in his humiliation and his fury, the unforgivable word: “Mudblood.”
Snape tried to reclaim some dignity, some of his masculinity, even. Sadly, it backfired horrendously.
“I don’t need help from filthy little Mudbloods like her!”
Lily blinked.
“Fine,” she said coolly. “I won’t bother in future. And I’d wash your pants if I were you, Snivellus.”
The key words were “I don’t need help”, not “Mudbloods”.
James was taunting him that he needed her help; from a girl.
“You're lucky Evans was here.”
Snape couldn’t endure being told that he owed his relief to Lily. That a girl had come to his rescue. And he automatically defended himself. This is the 1970’s, when women were considered inferior to men, when sexism was rampant, when a boy needing a girl’s help was the height of embarrassment! Let alone when a boy needs a girl to come to his rescue when he is already angry, humiliated and defenseless. Being rescued by a girl was hardly helpful, it was just another excuse for them to bully Snape. And I’m not at all saying that women are inferior to men, I’m a woman myself. I’m just saying that in the 1970s women were considered inferior to men.
And besides, we always hurt the ones we love the most, and say the most awful things that we don't mean or can't take back when in the heat of anger. This is a universal experience.
This is not saying slurs are OKAY, obviously not. However, this was in 1970s UK, and Wizarding society is behind Muggle society in every way. Unfortunately, slurs were more common then, meaning it was not just the extremely prejudiced people who used them. Even when Draco used it in the 1990s, nobody started a campaign against slurs.
Y’all love to say that “Snape didn't care about calling others Mudblood.”
Well… then neither did Lily?
They were best friends for 7 years. If he was so anti-muggle-born like everyone claims, why would she (a Muggle-born) stay friends with someone like that until year 5?
Lily contradicts herself. When Snape calls her a Mudblood in SWM ‘She blinks' - she is shocked when Snape said it, whatever she expected from him it was not that. We don’t see in this memory how well they know each other (we figure out later but still), but her surprise shows that it’s something that hasn’t happened before.
The betrayal causes enough of a change in her attitude that she calls him by the name the bullies use and makes her own sexually humiliating and classist observation.
She then says: “You call everyone of my birth Mudblood, why should I be any different?”
Then why be so shocked, Lily, if your friend calls everyone Mudblood?
If he really was throwing Mudblood around, why didn’t she end the friendship sooner? She doesn’t strike me as the type that would let him get away with using that word once, let alone for five years.
So either:
A) He didn’t say it at all, and her besties fed her lies or rumours.
B) He did say it all the time, just like she claims, and… she's a bloody hypocrite and isn’t as righteous as everyone thinks. She didn’t care that he said it until it was made personal and was directed at her. Then she decided that Snape was in the wrong and she should cut ties.
If I were a Muggle-born and I had a friend who was anti-muggle-born and called others Mudblood so willingly, I would’ve ditched them as soon as they first expressed that sentiment. 🤷‍♀️
C) Lily’s friends manipulated her as she was upset. We all know Lily’s friends didn’t like Snape. (“None of my friends can understand why I even talk to you.”) They could see this as the perfect opportunity to dig the knife and twist it. When Snape went to apologise some hours later (it was dark), it might have been after her friends got to tell her some things that weren’t quite true. “Yeah, he’s ALWAYS calling ______ Mudblood, says it all the time.” And also, Lily was proved twice to be easily manipulated (the werewolf incident and James “ChAnGiNg” even though he was still hexing Severus), so it wouldn’t be shocking.
Snape didn’t get a chance to defend himself as she turned and went back into the common room, and with all due respect to “you won’t even deny it,” a boy who had been brutally assaulted mere hours ago and who is in proximity to his assaulters might not have the presence of mind to defend himself against crimes he wasn’t previously on trial for. If someone now walked up to you and accused you of stealing their car, you might be too shocked to deny it too; actually stealing the car might be why you’re so prepared to defend yourself. This might be where he got the idea to join the Death Eaters in the first place
And also, he changed. Nope, not the J*mes Potter version of changed, aka lying and going behind people’s backs and never changing at all, and we ACTUALLY have proof, because… well, read The Prince’s Tale, then you’ll understand. One quote, “Do not use that word”—the reprimand he gave to the portrait when he called Hermione a Mudblood.
He hated all muggleborns
and joined a group
-because he was groomed by future Death Eaters for 7 years straight.
that murdered, tortured and killed muggleborns
The Death Eaters promised a better life for wizards (that’s what Regulus was told, better life and rule over Muggles), Sev would join because any life would have been better than the one he was living. Also, he knew first hand that Muggles could be vicious.
The first thing to remember is that the Death Eaters were a mass movement (400 out of a population of between 3,000 and 10,000); that prospective recruits were told that they were going to “rule over” Muggles and Muggle-borns, not kill them; and that this was a time when many Muggles believed that Muggles were about to end the world in nuclear war. A wizard takeover might have seemed like a good idea. Of course he wouldn’t have joined if he knew that’s what they did. And also, do you allow your friends to dictate your politics?
by his own choice
There’s no proof Snape joined the DEs willingly. It’s just as possible he did it under blackmail. And don’t even bother to mention the reasons, which could range from protecting himself from the DEs and/or the Marauders to just trying to get money or trying to protect Lily because he’s been blackmailed over her safety by DEs, or he joined the Death Eaters in exchange for Lily’s safety and protection. If he did, it’s literally only because he was groomed by future Death Eaters... for 7 years straight.
yet made an exception for Lily as he ‘loved’ her.
Okay, I’m not even gonna say anything. This is just pure—pure—bullshit.
I’m not even gonna bother responding to the rest of the paragraph cause it’s literally bullshit. Blood prejudice is NOT racism. How about you stop making that dumbass and incorrect comparison?
He abused students unreasonably.
1. How do you reasonably abuse your students?🤣🤣
2. Do you even know what abuse is? What the fuck did he even do? Ah yes, insulted his students from time to time, was strict and unnecessarily harsh, took 5 points from Gryffindor a couple of times. How the fuck is that abuse? That’s simply bullying and being an asshole. Do not throw around terms like that lightly.
Neville, whose parents were tortured into insanity,
Oh god, not this again.
would probably have death eaters as his biggest fear, right?
Wrong. Neville never really *feared* Death Eaters, at least not until later. He never met them. He never knew them. He doesn’t remember them. Why would he fear them? I mean, it’s like—why didn’t Harry fear Voldemort? Why doesn’t Hermione fear the troll of Halloween, why doesn’t anyone fear the Basilisk?
Do you not fucking understand how Boggarts work? His greatest fear wasn’t Severus. The boggart is what you think of fear, he would have been a lot more scared if he saw Voldy or Bella (or just any other Death Eater) than Severus. I can guarantee that.
Someone’s Boggart wasn’t always rational. Far from it, really. Plus, the Death Eaters were in Azkaban until OoTP… I don’t see why he’d ever fear her in PoA. Of course, he was upset and angry about his parents fate. But he wasn’t afraid. That’s a different story.
Ayoo at least you got one thing right. Congrats, anon!
Snape mentally abused him and degraded him,
Oops, never mind.
What the fuck does he do to Neville that’s so horrible?
He never criticises Neville for anything not related to his classroom performance and punishes the boy far less often and severely than McGonagall does.
Does he send him in the forbidden forest at the age of eleven to help Hagrid catch a killer on the run? Nope.
Does he deliberately humiliate him for weeks by refusing to give him the password to Gryffindor tower and forcing him to stay on the corridor at night when there potentially is a mass murderer in the castle? Nope.
Does he tell him in front of the entire class not to let Durmstrang see how incredibly useless he is? Nope.
The worst thing Severus did to Neville was giving Trevor his potion. And no, he did not want to “murder” the toad like some people claim. Poison does not have to be deadly and he almost certainly had an antidote anyway. Sure, it was extremely harsh and very unnecessary but he tried to motivate Neville (albeit in a pretty twisted way), but he wanted Neville to succeed. Since Trevor means so much to Neville, it was to make him work hard, and next time to not bring his pet toad to the most hazardous class full of dangerous fumes.
A couple of harsh jibes are really comparable to McGonagall sending Neville and the rest into the Dark Forest or making him sit outside the common room when there’s a mass-murderer in the castle? Really?
Not to mention, as tactless as Snape was in the examples you give, his words did always have a kernel of truth. He was warning two teachers, both newer to teaching than he was, that one of their students was prone to causing accidents and should probably be monitored. He just did it in the most prickly way possible because he was prone to being prickly.
Mentally abused my ass. 💀
treated him so unfairly that Snape was his greatest fear.
What Neville is afraid of is figures of authority, more than any one person. Severus had just left the room and was fresh in the mind. Neville himself mentioned that it could have been his grandmother. Does that mean she’s pure evil too? Or does that rule only apply when it’s meanie Snape?
And Neville wasn’t the only one.
Yep. The others were Harry and Hermione. You’re right, anon! Congrats!
Snape bullied insecure students
Oops, I guess not.
Where does it say that?
to the point where they feared entering his class
wtf? I think you mean dreading entering his class.
He ignored multiple physical and verbal assaults made by his own students towards other innocent students.
...where and when??
I knew a friend of mine
You knew your friend? Wow, I’ve never seen a case so rare 🤣🤣
suffering from severe anxiety and depression
Holy shit that’s awful. Hope your friend that you knew (lmfao) is alright.
and because we had teachers like Snape who heightened these dark emotions with pressure and verbal abuse in class
Well, if that’s the case. Then your teachers are not like Snape. All he did was insult them.
And sorry that you and your friend that you knew (*giggle-snort*) went through that.
she came close to committing suicide.
That’s terrible. I sincerely hope your friend that you knew is alright.
When I read about Neville in the books, every time Snape verbally abused him or degraded him
That’s not verbal abuse, you dunderhead. 💀
and MULTIPLE other students
Where did he verbally abuse and/or degrade MULTIPLE students? I’d love to read that part.
I remembered my friend and COUNTLESS others like her who suffer like this.
I don’t see how you’d remember your friend that you knew (🥰) and others because of Sev mocking three of his students.
<< Insert a load of nonsense.
So you can WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree that James was bullying Snape, yet you can’t agree that Snape abused his own students
what James did to Snape:
*bullied and tortured him relentlessly for no reason whatsoever, choked him with soap (which is the equivalent of waterboarding), sexually assaulted him and stripped him in front of a jeering mob traumatising Sev for life, immobilised Severus, and still bullied Severus even after his best friend (Sirius) tried to use a werewolf (James’s other friend) as a murder weapon to rip their favorite chew toy apart.
what Severus did to his students:
*bullied them, was very strict and unnecessarily harsh, pushed them to do better, mocked them, took a couple of points every now and then.*
Do you see why I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree that Porker bullied Sev but don’t agree that Severus abused his students?
to the point where some had zero self confidence,
Nope. Only Neville. And even then, Neville already had zero self-confidence because of his family.
were bullied by his favourite students in front of him,
…no. It’s literally said in the text that the Slytherins wait until Severus’s back is turned when they want to misbehave.
and had crippling anxiety because of him?
Fucking double standards or what?
Love how YOU’RE accusing ME of double standards.
At least James had character development
Where? When? He’s not even a character to begin with. The dude was a plot device with, like, zero importance to the story.
and grew out of being a bully.
Nope, he literally never did. He still bullied Severus behind Lily’s back, he took time out of fighting Death Eaters to bait two muggles and most likely traumatised them, and he snuck out of the house with his invisibility cloak and endangered his wife and infant child just because he was a childish bitch who wanted to go on silly adventures.
I don’t think an emotional death scene and saying “you have your mother’s eyes,” is enough of a “redemption” arc.
I agree.
Saving the entire Wizarding World, defecting from Lord Voldemort, being a spy for 17 years, and protecting children with no regard for his own life is redemption. Not just a line and a sad death. For once, you’re actually right.
I also don’t think that an emotional death scene and saying “Nice one, James” is enough to overshadow the fact that said person abused kids, his slave, and bullied a poor, Halfblood Slytherin (because he liked the Dark Arts and was “an oddball”, and also because he existed).
He has no valid justifications for his actions.
Yep. He has explanations. And, unlike an immature lunatic and a chocolate-loving werewolf, he never tries to justify his actions. He owns up to them, and punishes himself for it even when he doesn’t deserve it.
What reason was there for him to abuse students?
Again, he didn’t abuse them. Only bullied them.
How do you justify him using slurs?
1. He canonically only said it once and never again.
2. And the one time he did, he said it in a moment of pure humiliation and distress.
How do you justify him leaving Harry and James to be murdered while only saving Lily?
1. Why the fuck should he care about James?
2. He literally warned Dumbledore and said that Voldemort’s gonna hunt them down and kill them all.
3. How are you so sure that he was fine with Harry and James dying? If you’re gonna say that he only asked Voldemort to spare Lily, then you’re a fucking dumbass.
What excuse would he have for James? Like okay, Voldy thought he wanted to fuck Lily, so Sev was probably like “Yeah, there’s this really hot chick and I wanna fuck her. So like, can you spare her?” Do you want him to tell Voldy “Oh yeah um... I wanna fuck him too”?
How do you expect him to ask Voldemort to spare Harry when he’s literally the prophecy child that Voldy’s going after?
How do you excuse him loving a MARRIED WOMAN?
1. There’s no evidence that Sev’s feelings for Lily were ever romantic. It’s just VERY popular fanon.
2. Dude... if he was in love with her... so what? He was in love with her BEFOFE she got married, and when she got married he never acted on it. There’s nothing wrong with being in love with a married person. Yes, it’s bad and you shouldn’t. But the heart wants what it wants, you can’t help it. However, it’s only bad if you act on it. Did he ever act on it? Nope.
He has no reason or pressure to join a group of murderers.
1. He didn’t know they were murderers when he first joined.
2. He was literally groomed by future Death Eaters and was misguided into the Death Eaters, this is literally how cults work.
Draco was forced into joining the Death Eaters to save the lives of his family.
You’re sorta right but also wrong.
Draco bragged about being a Death Eater in the books (although to be fair, he didn’t know what he was getting into at that time. It’s not like he knew he was gonna be killing and torturing people, but he still bragged).
Draco wasn’t forced to join to save the lives of his family. He was forced to kill Dumbledore to save the lives of his family. There’s a difference. He was forced into doing Death Eater stuff, but he wasn’t forced into joining the Death Eaters in the first place. Okay, it’s not like he had a choice, but you dunderheads are under the delusion that Draco joined the Death Eaters kicking and screaming.
Snape joined them because of his fetish with evil, dark magic.
1. Nope. He joined because he was powerless (stated by Rowling herself) and was groomed by people like Lucius Malfoy.
2. “evil, dark magic” boi what? Dark magic is not necessarily evil. In fact, he uses his knowledge of Dark magic to save lives (Draco, Harry, Katie, Dumbledore etc).
He loved their propaganda
Nope. Fanon bullshit.
and eavesdropped on Dumbledore,
He went to get interviewed and just so happened to stumble across Trelawney telling the Prophecy.
getting Lily and James murdered.
Dude, you’re acting as if he knew it was about them and pranced to Voldy.
Darling, in your response to another anon, you said he went to Dumbledore to save the lives of Lily and his childhood bully.
Darling, I assume you’re referring to this post.
No, he did not.
Darling, that’s literally what he did.
He eavesdropped on the prophecy, not knowing who it was about, went to tell his master as he was a full Death Eater at that time.
So he was READY to throw an innocent family to their deaths to begin with,
Sigh, not this again. A lot of the problem people have with Severus relaying the prophecy to Voldemort is thinking it immediately put a target on the Potters. The other problem is that we see it written. Dumbledore and Snape only heard it, and Snape only heard the first two lines.
“The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...”
Written, there's little ambiguity, but heard? First of all, approaches is a really weird way to say someone's gestating. It immediately brings to mind travel, not pregnancy. And now born. Is it 'born' or 'borne'? Borne makes more sense with approaches. Even with the last lines, if you go with 'borne' then you're thinking of someone coming from far away.
Add in that this prophecy was given in January of 1980, at a point where most pregnant women due in July wouldn't be far enough along to announce anything, and it's odd that anyone thought of a baby yet to be born. Severus was likely thinking it referred to an adult and I'd imagine was fairly well shocked when Voldemort decided it meant a baby.
And it could even be interpreted as a physical object, like a powerful weapon or something with the "approaches" and "borne". Severus didn’t know the prophecy referred to the Potters, or to any baby, or even necessarily to a living thing and not a weapon being borne (conveyed), and when he found out how Voldemort was interpreting it, he tried to save them, at great risk to himself.
NOW only when he heard that Lily was going to die, he ran over to Dumbledore like a helpless puppy to get him to save ONLY her
Uhh no. He literally went to warn Dumbledore about Voldemort. Yes, his main concern was Lily. But he still went to Dumbledore and warned him that Voldy was targeting the Potters.
There. Is. No. Evidence. That. Severus. Ever. Had. Romantic. Feelings. For. Lily.
he had a gross and creepy obsession with her
Gross and creepy? Literally how?
And there’s nothing in the books that states Severus was obsessed with Lily, and his Patronus changed to match hers and Patonuses are light and pure magic, and it would not respond to gross, creepy, and/or obsessive feelings/behaviour from Sev to Lily. So shut the fuck up.
I’m tired of repeating myself.
Dumbledore called him DISGUSTING for LEAVING a baby boy and his father to die.
Dumbledore interrupted him, and it’s clear that Dumbledore was manipulating Severus.
because he NEVER wanted to save James and his son.
Then why did he warn Dumbledore? He could have let Voldemort finish the job (Voldy already agreed to spare her), but instead he decided that he would rather have Lily and her family stay safe and live in peace. He could’ve just trusted the word of his master. But he didn’t.
Proof? Any canon proof? It’s canon that he left her alone and never bothered her again. If that was the case, then he would’ve given her a love potion.
I’m too lazy to write down what you said so I’ll just give you quotes from the book:
“You know what I mean! He thinks it means her son, he is going to hunt her down — kill them all —”
“If she means so much to you,” said Dumbledore, “surely Lord Voldemort will spare her? Could you not ask for mercy for the mother, in exchange for the son?”
Severus's already warning him about them, only Dumbledore decided to interrupt Severus and put words in his mouth. It’s obvious that Dumbles was manipulating Severus. Of course, it is true that Severus's primary concern was Lily, but it's stupid to think that he held any power to bargain with Voldemort for exchange. He didn’t ask Voldemort to kill Harry and James, you’re making shit up. We didn’t get to see/read the scene where Sev asks Voldy to spare Lily, we don’t get to read his perspective either.
How the hell do you expect him to ask for Harry’s life when he’s the damn prophecy child that’s supposed to beat Voldy? That’d be pointless and downright stupid.
He didn’t “literally” say it. Dumbledore implied he did. Severus didn’t get to finish what he’s saying. Yeah, pretty sure he didn’t care about the baby, doesn’t mean he wanted him dead either.
He had no regard for fairness or justice.
Whenever something was reported to him, he always had utter and complete disregard and contempt for school rules,
Literally when? When did that ever happen?
always removing unfair points or giving unwarranted detentions
Okay, him removing unfair points. Sure, fuck him for doing that.
But detentions? Nope. He gives detentions when the trio gets in trouble and when they talk back to him. Those aren’t bad reasons, any teacher would do the same.
He was a selfish, narcissistic murder.
He literally went through hell to save everyone and to bring peace to the Wizarding World with nothing in return. Anon, what the fuck??🤣🤣
He condemned a one year old boy and his twenty-one year old father to a death by vicious murder
Nope. And even if he did, that doesn’t make him a murderer.
He abused her son during all his years of schooling
because he didn’t get the girl
1. There. Is. No. Fucking. Evidence. That. Severus. Had. Romantic. Feelings. For. Lily.
2. Uhh no. He bullied Harry because he looked and acted like James.
When he wasn’t able to convict Sirius wrongly because of petty grudges
1. “wrongly”? Babe, he genuinely believed that Sirius was a mass murderer and betrayed Lily and James. You’re acting as if he knew.
“because of petty grudges”
Sorry... P E T T Y ?
So, Severus is petty for still hating Sirius because Sirius nearly killed him, bullied him relentlessly, immobilised him, and traumatised him? Are you heading/reading yourself?
And no, it’s because Severus genuinely believed that Sirius was a mass-murderer, betrayed Lily and James, was a Death Eater, and was trying to kill Harry.
he outed a poor man to the entire school community and made him lose his entire livelihood
Remus endangered the entire fucking school.
Okay I’m too lazy to write down all the nonsense you just babbled. So I’m just gonna tell you right now: look at this post I made a little while ago about Remus, Severus, and Sirius and PoA, here it is.
Even after hearing the truth about Pettigrew, he still wanted to condemn Sirius to have his soul sucked out by dementors.
Fanon bullshit. @potter-n-potions made a (wonderful) post debunking the fanon claim that Severus knew about Peter and Sirius’s innocence. It’s right here.
(Didn’t you use a ‘siriusly’ pun in your other post? wow-)
Yeah, and what about it?
I understand that Sirius bullied him,
-abused him, tortured him, nearly got him mauled to death by a werewolf. Shall I go on?
but Snape ended up getting James and Lily murdered so-
1. So? Does that justify Sirius literally traumatising him?
2. Uhh no. It’s Peter and Voldy’s fault.
3. Gurl, even if he did. Sirius didn’t know that so-
He ruined people’s lives
Harry’s parents are dead because of him
No. Harry’s parents are dead because of Voldemort and Peter.
then James and Lily would’ve still been alive
Nope. You can’t say that. Severus relayed the prophecy fragment which caused Voldy to target the Potters personally. But according to Remus, Voldemort was winning, according to Moody, Order members were being killed every week, and James and Lily were Order members who defied Voldy Moldy three times. It is EXTREMELY likely they would’ve been killed anyway, and Voldy would’ve won. Harry would either die with his parents, or be raised under Voldy’s iron rule. So shut the fuck up.
Sirius Black wouldn’t have spent twelve years in Azkaban
Uhh no. It’s not Sev’s fault that Peter betrayed them and framed him (Sirius).
Remus would have a job he desperately needed
Lmao no. The DADA position is cursed, so he would still have to leave either way. And it was only because of Severus that Remus was able to have that job he desperately needed (Sev brewed him Wolfsbane potion).
Neville and all of his other students would have better mental health and more confidence.
No fucking proof he did that to any of his other students. Stop making shit up. And, as I’ve already stated, Neville already had zero confidence cause of his family.
And you always use his excuse for bullying for everything.
Lmao what? When?
Mentally abused his students and caused them crippling self confidence and anxiety?
No. Fucking. Proof.
Insulting. Students. From. Time. To. Time. Is. Not. Abuse.
Condemned a werewolf to lifelong poverty, stripped him of his job and outed his secret to the whole world to ruin all his opportunities in life.
Lmao Remus would still have to leave cause the position is cursed, and the ministry was already aware of his lycanthropy so shut the fuck up. Remus nearly ate three children, Remus endangered the entire school, Remus neglected taking his potion and then irresponsibility forgot to take it. He completely deserved to lose his job.
Murdered a mother and father
Nope. Was he the one who cast the killing curse? Cause last time I checked it was Voldemort who did.
and would’ve gladly murdered their one-year old son too
No proof.
if his fetish with a married woman was satisfied.
No. Proof. That. Sev. Had. Romantic. Feelings. For. Lily
Used slurs towards muggleborns and thought of them as below him.
No. Canonical. Proof.
Would’ve gladly condemned an innocent family to death when he thought he was relaying the prophecy.
No. Fucking. Proof.
BUT they (James and Sirius) grew. They stopped. They developed.
They literally never did. James bullied Severus behind Lily’s back and Sirius was still taunting Severus EVEN AS AN ADULT.
James completely forgave Snape.
Sorry... W H A T ?
and was going to name his second child’s godfather to be Snape
Oh god, not THAT again.
That's a completely unfounded fan theory that makes no sense.
Though it was presented as one of J.K. Rowling’s headcanons/unpublished ideas, it did not originate with her.
First of all, Lily wasn't pregnant with a second child and even if she was I highly doubt that she and James would pick Snape as a godfather.
They didn't know that he already was on the good side at the time and probably haven't even seen him for years. And honestly, even if they knew, James most certainly wouldn't pick Snape as a godfather, and I also don't really think that Severus would want that. Lily and James would maybe pick Sirius again.
Or perhaps Peter whom they trusted oh so much?😉😉
As far as we know Snape and Lily never crossed paths once during the war. Even when Snape began operating as a spy for Dumbledore the Order was completely unaware of it.
To even get remotely close to the sort of scenario this fanon idea outlines Snape and Lily would need to have rekindled their friendship. And James and Snape would have needed to make peace with each other.
Both of which would take more than the year/year and and a half between Severus switching sides and the Potters dying if they were saw each other only at Order meetings. Which they did not. James and Lily may not even have attended any Order meetings while in hiding.
If you are too cowardly to answer my ask, BECAUSE you know I’m right, then go ahead.
Lmao, you’re acting as if you gave me a challenge. All of your “arguments” are easily debunked by canon.
Anon, next time, please use canon arguments, m’kay?😘❤️
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I have a DND cast and I will discuss them
Arthur Innozett: Chondathan Human Bard Severe main character syndrome. Stop overworking this dude pls Very loud,,,,, and outspoken,,,, horrible with woman lol Special instrument is his lute. Really enjoys pissing off Silhouette XD Severe workaholic and his spells could be way better if he slept and stopped drinking beer at every single tavern he goes too. The Hamilton to Silhouette's Burr
Plumeria Nikidew: Satyr Monk There's some sap on the trees that turns the friggen goats gay- I love her so much???? Heart, stolen. Says fuck without knowing what it means, someone tells her what it means, and then she still keeps saying it because it's a fun word. Flower crowns galore. People often underestimate her, enemies and allies included until she does an air kick with her goat legs. Wants to try and keep the party's spirits up. Party animal who will drink your ail She also have an unrequited love arc with Narallyn's sister who Narallyn ended up murdering and didn't know her love died until Narallyn told the party,,, so like,,,,,, PLS HUG HER-
Silhouette Faxshein: Changeling Bard LIFE DOESN'T DISCRIMINATE, BETWEEN THE SINNERS AND THE SAINTS, IT TAKES AND IT TAKES AND IT TAKES~ Here's the one with common sense! Widower due to his wife's murder. The resident certified angstlord. Really capable. He's just very traumatized, and in dire need of affection,,,,,,
Destiny Kalkane: Teifling Rogue The trend is skewed moral codes Our other resident edgelord, y'all. Parents were Tiefling crimelords so she got thrown in prison as a young teen and was there for a fucking long time until she escaped. Very touch starved and joined the pary for company~ Professional thief and would probs be the fan favourite
Juelra Arajor: Half-Elf War Cleric Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. Her mum is the general of a kingdom and was used to war as a result. Middle child between two other sisters and ran away from home so she could more then just 'the general's daughter'. Doesn't believe in needless bloodshed, but won't hesitate to cause it if someone gets in her way. She has an axe and isn't afraid to use it. Shaved hairstyle pogggggg
Narallyn Elond: Elf Druid I aM tHe LoRaX, aNd I sPeAk FoR tHe TrEeS- She ended up having to kill her own sister, and ended up being best friends with the girl who fell in love with her who was unaware of the death. Princess. Very delicate, but can kick ass. Still cares for her sister, but refuses to believe that maybe she was responsible for her mental decline, blaming other situations to avoid the guilt. Mum friend. She and Plumeria actively hang out in nature!
Sutha Egemen: Half-Orc Barbarian Friendly screaming to say hello is my aesthetic Probs more innocent then Plumeria. Parents fell into forbidden love and kept her away from society so neither orcs or humans would kill her. However, the two groups eventually found out of the romance and decided to keep them alive, but eft them to captivity and torture instead. However, they didn't find anything about the child. Sutha, unaware of the pain her parent were going through, took this as a chance to leave, with parental permission. Buff nice lady. Giant teddy bear. Like, horrifiyng giant teddy bear XD The best hunter when it comes to killing animals. She and Juelra be good friends. Really doesn't understand why people are so scared of her. Trans woman!
Adryan Toniette: Daraman Human Fighter Middle school kid that regrets his middle school phase, just trying his best If Arthur is Tommy/Hamilton, Adryan is Tubbo/Laurens. Giant weeb who's a very nervous aromantic. The man also keeps jumping out of windows and Juelra is tired of healing him. Parental figures? Wtf is that???? He only knows brotherly or sibling figures,,,, Severe density due to orphan perks,,, Also believes in stereotypes and gossip very easily,,,,
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