genmusou · 1 month
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murkyrahh · 1 year
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They are on Mars
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randomhobbyist · 1 year
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kumagorosh · 1 year
mansplain (yousuke) manipulate (vladimir) manwhore (shinjou)
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mimanimum · 1 year
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Fragrant Beast - Ameshiro
(U) Yousuke-chan x (S) Naruichi
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nupogodi · 2 years
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hamsterdads · 1 month
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yotsuba and fatherhood
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53v3nfrn5 · 1 year
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S&M Sniper magazine issues (1999-2002) artist: Ohnishi Yousuke
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x3nn · 10 months
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woodsie · 27 days
Shadow Yosuke’s Symbolism
I recently got a friend to play Persona 4 and we were talking about the symbolism of each of the character’s shadow selves, when we came to the realisation that neither of us really knew what Yosuke’s was meant to represent.
Chie’s represented her relationship with Yukiko. Yukiko’s her desire for freedom but lack of action in taking it. Yosuke has… a ninja frog…?
So I’ve done some digging.
Official Statements
The first thing I did was look at the official concept art sheet for shadow Yosuke. This primarily detailed that as the first of the shadows, they wanted it to be very obvious that their shadow’s and persona’s were the same thing.
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This is done quite well and tells players subtly that they are the same without being obvious.
Jiraiya does look a lot like shadow Yosuke. The main body’s colour is inverted from black (evil) to white (good), the frogs eyes are added to Jiraiya’s head and the frog’s mouth becomes a chest piece, with the frog’s skin pattern carried over to the cuffs of Jiraiya’s clothes.
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Jiraiya is easily the most similar persona to shadow. Important for early game. This idea is also helped by Tomoe looking very similar to shadow Chie, and allows the idea of persona’s and shadow’s being the same to be cemented into the players minds before they meet shadow Yukiko who is visually very different to Konohana-Sakuya.
Jiraiya In Folklore
My next step was to look for any symbolism between Yosuke and the story of Jiraiya himself. Granted, as a white woman™️ my knowledge of Japanese folklore is limited but I will summarise my findings and compare them to Yosuke’s story directly.
[Sorry for the weird formatting, I’m working around the 10 image post limit]
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Both stories open with a character from an influential background and moving to a new area.
Jiraiya’s stance as a robber could be in reference to the fact that Junes is taking business away from local businesses and their families.
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Saki could be taking the place of the woman in the house. Regardless of if she actually likes him, she is kind to him when others are not. This is something Yosuke admires greatly but it still doesn’t prevent Junes from ruining the Konishi’s business.
His shadow self is then a reference to the old man/magic frog. It recognises him from who he is, and although the shadow is hostile its intention is to teach Yosuke about the parts of himself he is trying to hide so he can reconcile with those feelings. This is what allows him to gain his persona, or in other words “teaching him magic”
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Gaining his persona is what helps set Yosuke’s resolve and desire to avenge Saki and the others who have suffered due to the killer. He shows a distinct intelligence and is often the one to piece together vital information. Without him insisting they investigate Saki’s murder, the Investigation Team might not have ever existed. In that sense you could consider him a hero.
A good portion of his social link is devoted to him coming to terms with his situation, both around the murders and his place within Inaba. He frequently talks about feelings of loneliness and a desire to be valued, and he finds comfort in having his persona and being able to do something about what’s going on, it gives him some control over his life which he lost by coming to Inaba in the first place. Overtime though he does come to love Inaba as a whole and recognises that it’s the people around you that really make a place special. He’s not alone anymore and he’s far happier for it.
Other Potential Inspirations
In my attempts at seeing what others online think about potential symbolism for Yosuke’s shadow, I found that most people also did not understand what his shadow was meant to represent. However, I did come across a few older threads of people sharing possible ideas.
One of which was of a Chinese story about a frog in a well. The story related to narrow mindedness and limited perspective as the frog is unaware of life beyond the well and is amazed by it when told what it has to offer. This could be a potential reference to his dismissal of country life and him growing to love the town.
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dreamer1084 · 4 months
Spoilers of Natsuyuu Ch.129
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Not a summary, just something I think interesting.
Spoilers under cut.
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I think Natori becomes more and more handsome after he solved his family problems.
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'Natori-san you are really awesome' See Natori's face. He seems surprised.
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In the past, Natori often looked for information alone in his warehouse, so he doesn't hate staying in warehouse. He feels that maybe he would find something if he explored here. Like things he should know, or the ways he should go forward.
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Tsukiko was worried that Natori, as an exorcist, would stay away out because their family no longer carried out exorcism missions. But Takuma says that perhaps because Natsume relied on him, Natori came here to ask for advice more often. "I'm a little relieved. Apart from the exorcism works, he also has a friend he can talk to."
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Tsukiko asks her Dad about his exorcism works. I like their father-daughter exchange in this scene.
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Young Takuma.
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Takuma's master Uryuu.
"Even when faced with a paranoid and stubborn old man who is not easy to get along with, he still has the spirit to refuse to give up on learning my skills. People like you who only look down on others, what do you know about my disciple?" "Come on Takuma, don't be slow and catch up. Do your best to show your strength as Uryuu"
He's soooo cool!!
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Wetted Natori.
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He's been cursed so he can't see the gecko on him.
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Even though he was cursed, he still looks handsome.
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Natori is relieved because he can still see the shiki. Even if he can't see them clearly.
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Natsume asks Natori if he should learn some exorcism spells in order to help. "──Natsume, when we first met, I wanted you to learn them as a way to protect yourself. But keep looking at you next to you, now── "──You understand in your heart, too, that if you use too many spells created by the exorcists, somethings will be destroyed. "Keep using them and keep exorcising Youkai, more Youkai will feel the smell. "We are already fighting. But Natsume, "You are still their neighbor."
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The shiki (and Sensei) suspect that it was Iwami Keizou who set up the curse, but Natori seems to have other ideas.
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"Ho ho ho ho"
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mcspicey · 1 year
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peace and love on the planet earth
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capsulecom · 2 months
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Yotsuba and her dads :)))
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randomhobbyist · 1 year
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Ojisan (Work in Progress)
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mahoutoons · 2 months
least favourite straight romance trope ever is "guy is an asshole to girl because he likes her". i see this so much in old shojo anime. what happened to showing you like her by, idk, getting her flowers? taking her to the movies? hanging out with her? telling her she's beautiful? why do you gotta insult her to show her that you "like" her?
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steampunkskulls · 22 days
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