#takuma tsukiko
dreamer1084 · 4 months
Spoilers of Natsuyuu Ch.129
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Not a summary, just something I think interesting.
Spoilers under cut.
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I think Natori becomes more and more handsome after he solved his family problems.
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'Natori-san you are really awesome' See Natori's face. He seems surprised.
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In the past, Natori often looked for information alone in his warehouse, so he doesn't hate staying in warehouse. He feels that maybe he would find something if he explored here. Like things he should know, or the ways he should go forward.
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Tsukiko was worried that Natori, as an exorcist, would stay away out because their family no longer carried out exorcism missions. But Takuma says that perhaps because Natsume relied on him, Natori came here to ask for advice more often. "I'm a little relieved. Apart from the exorcism works, he also has a friend he can talk to."
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Tsukiko asks her Dad about his exorcism works. I like their father-daughter exchange in this scene.
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Young Takuma.
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Takuma's master Uryuu.
"Even when faced with a paranoid and stubborn old man who is not easy to get along with, he still has the spirit to refuse to give up on learning my skills. People like you who only look down on others, what do you know about my disciple?" "Come on Takuma, don't be slow and catch up. Do your best to show your strength as Uryuu"
He's soooo cool!!
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Wetted Natori.
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He's been cursed so he can't see the gecko on him.
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Even though he was cursed, he still looks handsome.
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Natori is relieved because he can still see the shiki. Even if he can't see them clearly.
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Natsume asks Natori if he should learn some exorcism spells in order to help. "──Natsume, when we first met, I wanted you to learn them as a way to protect yourself. But keep looking at you next to you, now── "──You understand in your heart, too, that if you use too many spells created by the exorcists, somethings will be destroyed. "Keep using them and keep exorcising Youkai, more Youkai will feel the smell. "We are already fighting. But Natsume, "You are still their neighbor."
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The shiki (and Sensei) suspect that it was Iwami Keizou who set up the curse, but Natori seems to have other ideas.
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"Ho ho ho ho"
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gia-xy · 4 months
Shuu's Talk, NatsuYuu on LaLa Manga Magazine July 2024. (Spoiler)
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I will not talk much about it, but Tsukiko is also appear and protested because his dad did not hold Shuu and the others back until she got back. I just realize that there are two people who call Shuu "Shuuichi-san"—Matoba in the past and Tsukiko. I will be happy if Taka also joins the group. AND, I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY TAKUMA-SAN ALWAYS LOOK SO DAMN COOL EVERY DAMN TIME I SEE HIM. SHUU, HOW CAN YOU GOT ALL THE COOL MENTORS ON YOUR SIDE?? 😭 Anyway, they also had a flashback about Takuma-san's mentor, so be sure to check it out. 😉
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Taka said he does not feel at ease inside a storage, but Shuu, in the contrary, said he was used to storage since he always looked onto the document in his house's storage alone, so he did not hate storage. What a hardworking boy he was. 😭 I really like how the main chapter finally mentioned about what Shuu did on the spinoff chapters.
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Nyanko said Shuu was shady because he was counting on his intuition while do his exorcism job. But Shuu just smiled and responded, "I guess you're right." Nyanko, how can you said that while riding in his head?? I seriously love their interaction. 🤧
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Shuu got a curse on him and Taka started to wonder if he should actually learn about spells and stuffs so he can be useful to Shuu. Omg, just remember how he was super uncomfy when Shuu told him to study about spells and way to exorcise ayakashi in the past. I seriously can feel Taka got more and more attached to Shuu lately. Anyway, Shuu said that deep inside Taka should be realized by now that the spells are made by exorcists and the more someone uses it, something will be broken—he did not said what it was, but I think it is connection with ayakashis. The more they exorcises ayakashis, the ayakashis will know just by smelling them and will regards them as an enemy.
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Shuuichi has got into fight with ayakashis since he had exorcised may of them, but in the contrary, Taka is still walking by their side and regarded as someone who lives near them, as their neighbor. Anyway, Shuu wants to said that Taka should just stay as how he is now and keep his connection with ayakashis. I somehow can feel Shuu actually adores Taka's way of dealing wth ayakashis, but he understands that he could not do the same so he wants Taka to keep walking on the path Shuu could not.
Then Shuu was joking that it such a shame since they will be unbeatable duo if they works together. Nyanko responsed that it was coward to think that coward to think that someone won't be unbeatable if they do not get help from other party. Is it just m or Nyanko just want to say that Shuu himself is not that weak even if he does things without people's help? 🤣
It is sper bad of me thinking like this, but I was excited when Shuu got the curse. Omg, another Disney Princess Shuu chapter!! I somehow feel bad if could not see his shikis, but turns out he still could head their voices since he used his paper doll before the curse got onto him.
I just think as long as Shuu in problem, Sensei will tell more about him, so I was excited. LOL. Sorry, Shuu. Love you. ❤️
Cannot wait for the next chapter. Wonder how they will take care of the curse. 🤔
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joelletwo · 10 months
HEY WAIT. i have to leave but have we seen the 2024 calendar images yet. did they just come out i forgot to mark the date 😭
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officialnatsuyuuart · 5 months
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dailysmilingnatsume · 2 years
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connandoods · 3 years
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Random old NatsuYuu sketches
From left to right, characters are: Reiko, Taki, little fox, Touko, Hinoe, Kaoru Sonokawa (Vol17Ch68/S6EP71), Tsukiko Takuma (Vol15CH60/S6EP67), nameless tree youkai (Vol4Special2/S3EP30), Sasafune (Vol5CH16/S2EP21), nameless exorcist lady (Vol7CH23/S3EP32), Yuriko Ogata (Vol9Special9/S4EP44), Nyanko, and Sasada!
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treecakes · 3 years
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something abt glasses & exorcists 🤔
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aimeeart3 · 2 years
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Natsume week day 4
"loyalty and Isolation"
"There is, she's worried about you. Just like how Tsukiko-san is trying her best to protect you, that ayakashi is trying to protect this home" natsume Takashi
I thought Ginro suited this prompt. She's the Shiki/familiar who stayed behind to protect her home and master, even after no one could see her anymore. That's really loyal and yet it's so isolating too, especially given that the others left already too. I really enjoyed drawing these characters, it was such a different experience than usual. I really enjoyed the episodes with Takuma aswell, it would be kinda nice if we could see him again someday.
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scorpionatori · 3 years
Forbidden Book of Friends Reveal: Anime vs. Manga
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I don’t know what decision making goes into the ordering of anime episodes when adapting them from the manga, but it’s a shame the scene of Natori telling Natsume about forbidden exorcists techniques was moved around when it was one of the biggest revelations in the series. The anime moving the scene from the arc with Takuma and his shiki to the arc with Matoba’s letter worked, but it took a lot of impact out for Natsume and Natori and the audience. Let’s compare these two arcs and the topics and story elements they deal with:
Matoba’s letter (ch52-54):
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Matoba sends Natsume a lengthy letter that he never opens, and ends up finding him and blackmailing him into helping solve a dilemma for his clan. Earlier Natsume had lost the letter at Natori’s apartment after asking for his help resealing a youkai. Natsume finds out more about exorcist drama and politics with Matoba’s clan. He also learns that Natori is regularly being threatened with curses and that the lizard not going to his left leg may mean he’ll lose it one day. Natori finds the letter Matoba sent to Natsume and sees that he is getting further pulled into the world of exorcism, and he destroys the letter. The main topics this arc deals with are:
Exorcist clan politics and history, Natori being targeted by colleagues, exorcists colluding to sabotage the Matoba clan
Natsume becomes increasingly worried about Natori’s safety due to his colleagues trying to hurt him and the unsettling implications of the lizard avoiding his left leg.
Natori becomes increasingly worried about Natsume’s safety and involvement with exorcists and tries to intervene secretly.
Takuma and his shiki: (ch60-62):
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Natsume finds one of Natori’s paper dolls damaged by rain after watching one of his movies at a downtown cinema. He worries he’s in trouble and heads to the address on the doll where he ends up finding out Tsukiko had hired Natori to investigate something for her. They ultimately find out two of Takuma’s shiki thought they were abandoned by him after he lost his sight, and Tsukiko had put up barriers out of worry, which kept them trapped outside. Natori accidentally overhears about the book of friends from the other shiki, Ginro, who mentions Natsume having something dangerous on him that exorcists shouldn’t even have. Later, Natsume finds out that Taki’s circles and the book of friends are forbidden by exorcists because they’re considered cruel and dangerous. Natsume performs the ritual of release for the shiki. After he and Natori say goodbye to each other, Natori tells Urihime to find out what dangerous item Natsume has been hiding. The topics in this arc are:
Human and youkai relationships, complications from them making contracts with each other, humans losing their ability to see youkai, therefore leaving behind the ones who cared for them.
Humans who can’t see youkai feeling helpless to protect those who do.
Exorcists have rules about what kind of spells and contracts are allowed, and Taki’s circle and Reiko’s book of friends are both forbidden objects.
Continued from the Matoba’s letter arc, Natsume and Natori are both becoming more and more worried about each other’s wellbeing.
Natsume’s ongoing dilemma about wanting to tell Natori about the book of friends but not knowing if he should.
The topic of forbidden techniques does work somewhat in the Matoba letter arc, as it fits in with exorcist politics. However, the arc did NOT deal with what was most important about the revelation: the book of friends.
The book of friends was not a topic in the letter arc. The arc mainly focused on the turmoil in the exorcist community and the history of the clans, Matoba’s desire to acquire Natsume as a powerful ally for his clan, Natsume’s increasing concern for Natori’s wellbeing, and Natori’s increasing anxiety around Natsume getting sucked into the world of exorcism, and his overprotectiveness and attempts at intervening in secret.
There was no room in here to fit in the book of friends revelation in a way that was actually impactful. Natsume didn’t have time to reflect on finding out his grandma’s book is considered too cruel to exist, he was too busy having to help solve a massive problem for Matoba at a large exorcist gathering. Natori knew nothing about Natsume carrying something forbidden at this point and barely noticed his concern. And besides, he was also too busy worrying about Natsume receiving letters from Matoba. The very important revelation about the titular item of the series becomes a fleeting anecdote that isn’t touched on or important for the rest of the arc, and therefore diminishes its impact.
The Takuma arc, on the other hand, was perfect for this revelation. The main plot of the arc revolves around the messy complications of contracts between humans and youkai. Natsume spent a lot of time thinking on his desire vs hesitation of telling Natori about the book, only for Natori to accidentally overhear about it. And shortly after that, Natsume innocently asks if there’s spells that allow humans without sight to see youkai (thinking of Taki’s spell) and immediately learns that that sort of thing is forbidden. Then he hears that the exact sort of contracts that are in the book of friends are also forbidden and considered cruel.
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There was way more tension here with this scene happening shortly after Ginro mentions the book when Natori walks in. Natsume knows he caught at least part of the conversation, and Natori now knows Natsume has something dangerous on him called the “book of friends”. He doesn’t know what it is at first, but later when he sees Natsume’s reaction to hearing about forbidden contracts, it becomes pretty obvious what kind of thing the book is. This also causes Natori to become very concerned.
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Natori was definitely able to connect the dots between what he heard earlier and Natsume’s face when he finds out about forbidden contracts, which gives him more clear motivation to find out what it is as well. In the anime, all he knows is that Natsume has something called the “book of friends” that is the kind of thing exorcists aren’t supposed to have. In the manga, he hears this and then afterwards sees how scared and worried Natsume is when he hears about forbidden contracts for the first time. It’s safe to assume at this point that something that was titled “the book of friends” is probably a book of forbidden contracts with youkai. This makes the reason behind Natsume’s constant involvement with youkai even more apparent. Not only is he in possession of something outlawed by exorcists (when he was recently dragged into a big dilemma by the leader of the community), if he’s in possession of a large collection of youkai contracts who are bound with their real names, this explains why they go after him so much and why he can not keep a distance from them. Natori knows for sure now that Natsume has a massive target painted on his back for both exorcists and youkai, beyond just his strong spiritual power. He knows full well what his colleagues and Matoba are like, and how dangerous youkai can be. This gives him a much stronger motivation for gathering info on the book of friends when he has a pretty good idea of what it is, as opposed to in the anime when he only had a very vague idea. Even if it was wrong to search for info on it without Natsume’s knowledge anyway, Natori’s fear of the book of friends and urgency in finding out what it is is more understandable in the manga, whereas with how it was framed in the anime, people probably found it easier to read him as suspicious and sneaky more than very genuinely concerned about Natsume’s safety with such a thing.
Again, I don’t know what all goes into the ordering of episodes in anime adaptations, and it doesn’t matter as much in an episodic series such as Natsume Yuujinchou, but there’s still definitely important things that can get altered or left out or taken out of a better context when the order is changed from the manga. Natsume finding out his grandmother’s book is forbidden was a very important reveal for a lot of reasons. It’s very difficult for him to learn that the item he already had a lot of complicated feelings on is considered cruel even by exorcists. This increases his feelings of guilt for having such an item and his love for his grandmother vs his fear that she was a bad person for binding so many youkai (in general this was not touched on enough in the anime, but I could write a whole other essay about that). He’s also been debating whether or not to tell Natori about the book of friends since they first met, only for him to find out on accident. And then shortly after he learns from him that it is forbidden in the exorcist community to bind youkai with their real names when making contracts. Overall, while they made it work with the changes, it wasn’t as impactful for the characters or the audience to move that scene from its original context.
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goodlucktai · 3 years
when the bones are good
@natsumeweek 2021 day 4; sweet/sour
read on ao3
(previous part)
Yousuke Takuma looks like he regrets inviting the Natori brothers into his house. They tend to have that effect on people.
“I shouldn’t be reading these,” he says in a very calm tone. “These are the sacred property of your clan. They shouldn’t even have left your property.”
“It’s not like anyone is going to miss them,” Shuuichi replies plainly. “My grandfather still thinks I can’t get past the locks on the storehouse door. Even Takashi can get past those, and he’s eight.”
“Sometimes I just ask Urihime to get me the keys,” Takashi admits. “She doesn’t get along with grandfather so she likes having an excuse to take stuff from him.”
It’s a nice way of saying ‘she fucking hates him’ but Takashi is a nice person. 
The kid is chronically honest. Always has been. He’ll strive to frame it kindly, but the truth is all you’re getting from him. It can be annoying, but mostly it’s pretty funny, and at the end of the day Shuuichi is glad that Takashi doesn’t feel the need to lie or make up stories. Even about the really unbelievable things. He just says what he’s thinking, because he knows it’s the truth, and his big brother will back him up if anyone gives him any trouble.
Shuuichi doesn’t have a lot in his life to be proud of, but he’s proud of that. 
The right people don’t care if a little kid tells ghost stories, anyway. Hinata thinks they’re great. She keeps threatening to write them all down and adapt them into her first screenplay.
Takuma puts his face in his hands. Across the room, Tsukiko giggles, clearly not as focused on her homework as she would like for the rest of them to believe she is. Ginro sets a tray of tea down on the table and gives Shuuichi a stern look for having the audacity to stress her master out so soon after his injury. Chastened, Shuuichi lifts his hands in apology. 
“If you really don’t want to look at them, I’ll put them away,” he says. “But I trust you not to—run off with them and patent them under your name, or whatever it is you think I should think you’re going to do.”
That works a huff of wry laughter out of the man, and he looks up at Shuuichi with a warm expression. It’s the way Shuuichi thinks his dad might have looked at him if he’d been born a proper son.
“Lunch first,” Takuma says, “then we’ll take a look at this paper magic of yours. Though if a couple of little geniuses like yourselves can’t figure it out, I don’t know what you think this old man will be able to do.” 
He adds the last bit with a smile for Takashi, who beams up at him from where he’s been not-so-subtly sneaking Jinbe rice crackers. Jinbe is the most unsettling of Takuma’s three familiars, but he’s also—to Shuuichi’s resignation—Takashi’s complete favorite. It appears to be mutual.
“You’ve kept your promise, haven’t you?” Takuma asks after a moment. “About staying away from those meetings?” 
Shuuichi sighs performatively. “Of course I have. It’s not like I could bring my brother with me, and he’d hardly just stay home. He’s very disobedient.”
Takashi scoffs. “Hinata-neesan says I’m your most redeeming quality.”
“Nowhere in there does she mention ‘obedient,’” Shuuichi replies without missing a beat, and grins when Takashi makes a face at him. 
“Alright, alright,” Takuma says, laughing properly now. “As long as you’re keeping your word, I don’t care about why.” He pushes himself up to his feet, moving a little stiffly, and smiles at his daughter when Tsukiko hurries over to take his arm. “There should be some margherita pizzas in the chest freezer. I bought them on a whim the last time I was at the supermarket. Should we try them?”
Of course they should. Takashi scoops the last of the cookies off the table and piles them neatly in Jinbe’s greedy hands, even though Takuma sighs and makes noises about spoiled shiki. Tsukiko gives the disappearing treats a bit of an odd look, but she seems more fascinated to be in the company of spirits than unnerved.
Shuuichi is beginning to think that his relatives are just bad people. 
“By the way, have you made any progress on,” Takuma starts, and finishes with a nod towards Shuuichi’s arm. 
The lizard is scurrying around in busy little circles, as if it’s feeling restless. Shuuichi covers it with his hand, something that sometimes works in calming it down, like putting a blanket over a bird cage. In this case, it crawls onto his hand instead and resumes scurrying there. Weird little thing.
“I still have no idea what it is,” Shuuichi says ruefully, “but Takashi is trying to teach it tricks.”
Takuma stares at him, and then at his brother. Takashi offers, “It knows ‘roll over’!”
“Go,” Shuuichi’s mentor says firmly, pointing them down the hall. “Kitchen. Lunch. We’ll discuss this later.”
A knock on the door interrupts their noisy exodus, and Takuma frowns. Clearly, he isn’t expecting company. The amiable man’s posture tenses as he gestures for Tsukiko, Shuuichi and Takashi to stay put. Ginro and Benihimo flank him on his way to the front door. 
Exorcists tend to be a paranoid bunch.
But with a dangerous ayakashi on the loose, Shuuichi thinks, with a prickle of unease all his own, maybe it’s better safe than sorry. 
“Urihime, go collect all our scrolls and put them in my bag,” Shuuichi says swiftly. “Sasago, stay right here.”
His shiki both nod, and Urihime disappears. 
Tsukiko is picking up on the atmosphere, even if her eyes aren’t the same as theirs. Even normal humans have a sixth-sense sense for certain things and it’s not to be taken lightly. She shifts nervously, and something in Shuuichi’s chest goes warm when he realizes she’s put her arm around Takashi’s shoulders protectively. 
“Seiji?” Takuma asks. His voice is raised in surprise, carrying from the genkan. “What on earth are you doing here?” 
Relief and dread fight each other in the pit of Shuuichi’s stomach. Dread wins. He’s only encountered Matoba Seiji twice, once at the summit he inadvertently followed Amasaki to, and then again in passing for a few minutes in the woods, but those brief meetings were enough. 
Even normal humans have a sixth-sense for certain things. Usually danger. 
“Tsukiko,” he says casually, “can you and Takashi go get lunch started?” 
To Tsukiko’s eternal credit, she doesn’t hesitate. “Of course. Takashi, will you help me? Dad buys so much weird stuff when he goes shopping that it might be hard to find the pizzas.”
Takashi gives Shuuichi a look that says, very clearly, that he knows when he’s being fobbed off. Shuuichi ruffles his hair in a way that ruins the careful work Sumi-san (the only member of the Natori house staff who will still talk to either of them) put in that morning with half a dozen bobby pins. Now it flops into Takashi’s eyes and he makes an outraged sound, reaching up to shove Shuuichi’s hand away. 
“I’ll fill you in later,” Shuuichi says. “Promise.”
That’s enough for Takashi. Mollified, he trails after Tsukiko without argument, and with only one curious look over his shoulder. Jinbe drifts after them watchfully, and probably only partly in hopes of more snacks. Sasago remains at Shuuichi’s side, a stalwart presence that he’s come to depend on. 
It’s Shuuichi’s job to keep the monsters away. Whatever form they might take. 
Takuma looks irritated as he leads Seiji into the sitting room. With a nod of his head, he invites Shuuichi inside, too. The tea tray from before has vanished, a new one sitting in its stead, and Shuuichi notes with some inward amusement that Ginro didn’t lay out any snacks this time. 
“Well, what do you know,” Seiji says, as enigmatic as ever. “Shuuichi-san, I never would have expected to find you here.”
It’s impossible to tell what this guy is actually thinking. 
“Did you come by to check on Takuma-san, too?” Shuuichi asks. He has to work to keep his tone from biting, but he manages it.
“In a sense,” Seiji replies politely. “I was hoping to find out more about the ayakashi that attacked him. Going after it before it hurts anyone else is an exorcist’s job, don’t you think?” 
It’s bait, as clear and obvious as a cricket dangling from some fishing line. If he were still the bitter brat he used to be, maybe Shuuichi would have risen to it fiercely, like a tide, surging and crashing against Seiji’s unchanging stone facade. He would have said, ‘You don’t care about helping people. You called Takuma-san weak. You’re just looking for someone to use.’
Which is all perfectly true, and perfectly justifiable reasons to not want to drink tea with this guy and discuss the differences in their conventions, but it’s not like calling Seiji out would do any good. It probably wouldn’t even be satisfying. He would just gaze at Shuuichi with that stupid cat-that-caught-the-canary expression and make him feel like an idiot for existing.
He gets enough of that at home, thanks. 
“You’re right,” Shuuichi says mildly, with a smile of his own, “that is an exorcist’s job.”
Takuma eventually tells Seiji what he wants to know, clearly having given up on keeping the teenager away from exorcist summits and dangerous ayakashi, but he does afterword his information with warnings to be careful. 
Urihime sets Shuuichi’s bookbag beside him and he nods his thanks. Seiji clocks the two-second interaction with sharp eyes. 
“Look at that! You have a servant?” His eyes follow her when she moves to stand next to Sasago, next to both of Takuma’s shiki along the side of the room, and he whistles. “Two servants. Pretending to be an exorcist on the sly, are we, Shuuichi-san?”
More bait. Another cricket. Shuuichi sips from his teacup. “They belong to my family. I don’t know why they follow me around. They must be bored.”
All of which is true, technically. Takuma’s eyebrows shoot up toward his hairline, but he doesn’t comment. Sasago turns her head very slowly, and her eyes, hidden beneath their blindfold, seem to bore into the side of his head. Urihime is less subtle and outright hisses at him. 
“Hmm, jury seems to be out on that,” Seiji says, and laughs. 
The sitting room door rattles open and Tsukiko peers through. Shuuichi’s fists clench in his lap, because sure enough, Takashi is right behind her, his brown eyes peeking curiously into the room. 
“Sorry, papa, but is your guest staying for lunch, too? Only, I don’t know how many pizzas to put in.”
“No, no, I couldn’t impose,” Seiji says. “I’ll get going and leave you guys to enjoy the rest of your afternoon. It looks as though you were having a pleasant time before I barged in.”
We were, Shuuichi thinks, but he keeps it to himself. He and Takuma stand up to see Seiji out. Seiji pauses when he spots Takashi behind Tsukiko, and his amicable expression takes on an edge that Shuuichi can’t define. He looks more engaged now than he did during the entire conversation with Takuma. 
“Hello again,” Seiji says in a pleasant tone. 
“Excuse me?” Shuuichi interjects loudly. “‘Again’?”
“Hi,” Takashi replies at length. His gaze is fixed on Seiji’s face as though there’s something interesting happening there. Jinbe drifts like a shark behind him, mask pointed towards Seiji suspiciously.
“As I thought, you have good eyes,” Seiji remarks, whatever that’s supposed to mean. He looks across the room at Urihime and Sasago, down at the bag by Shuuichi’s feet, at the lizard mark curled up on his arm, and then finally up at Shuuichi himself. Smiling widely, he adds, “I look forward to seeing what becomes of the Natori clan.”
Takuma escorts him out properly, and Tsukiko goes back to deal with the pizzas. Alone save for a scattering of trusted ayakashi, Shuuichi kneels and beckons his brother over. 
“C’mere, squirt.”
Takashi crosses the room to him. Standing in front of Shuuichi like this, they’re almost eye-to-eye. 
“Have you met that guy before?” Shuuichi asks. 
“Only once. It was when you had classroom duties and Hinata-neesan took me to the 7-Eleven to get chicken nuggets,” Takashi explains. “We met Matoba-san while we were walking. He said he was your friend.”
“I don’t have any friends.” 
Takashi nods very seriously.
“That’s what Hinata-neesan said. She took out her pepper spray and waved it at him. I think Matoba-san thought that was funny, but he said he didn’t mean to upset her, and he left. It was the right thing to do, probably, because he didn’t have any spirits with him, and Urihime was getting annoyed that he was talking to me.”
Shuuichi feels like he’s aged thirty years in the past three minutes. He digs the heels of his hands into his eyes hard enough that there are spots in his vision when he looks up again. 
“Takashi, listen,” he says, “stay away from him. If he ever approaches you for any reason, tell me about it, okay? Promise?”
He holds out his pinky. Takashi rolls his eyes, much too grown up at eight years old for things like this, but he hooks his finger around Shuuichi’s gamely. 
“Whoever lies has to swallow a thousand needles,” they recite together, and then Shuuichi ruffles Takashi’s hair again just to make him squawk. 
“Sorry about that, boys,” Takuma says when he comes back. 
He pauses in the doorway and his bandaged face creases in a smile to see them rough-housing playfully, Takashi struggling to free himself from Shuuichi’s headlock, the tense atmosphere from before banished like an errant spirit.
“Bring those scrolls with you to the kitchen,” Takuma says warmly, “and I’ll help however I can.”
Seiji can think whatever he wants about Takuma, but the man is clever. By the time Shuuichi and Takashi are ready to leave, packed up with a leftover pizza and some cookies for the road, they’ve puzzled out the array that they were stuck on and Shuuichi managed to make a paperman fly. 
Takuma had looked over the notes he’d taken ruefully. He couldn’t help but absorb some of the practices for himself as he helped the boys study them, and clearly he felt guilty about that. Shuuichi leaned forward across the table and caught his eye. 
I trust you, he wanted to say. You’re the closest thing I’ve ever had to a father. But there was absolutely no way Shuuichi could say something like that. Not out loud, with his mouth, where someone might hear him. 
“Clan trade or not, if you’re ever in danger and any of this paper magic could help you, I want you to use it,” he said instead. “No secret is worth keeping if it means you get hurt. Right, Takashi?” 
“Right,” Takashi piped up, his little voice clear and bright in that sunny kitchen. He was watching intently as his paperman wobbled precariously across the table, trying to carry a note to a delighted Tsukiko, and didn’t bother looking up even as he added, “It’s just paper, ojisan.”
“Yeah, ojisan,” Shuuichi teased laughingly. 
Takuma rolled his eyes, but gave in with a smile, as if he couldn’t help but be charmed by their noisy, obtrusive presence in his home. For a second, even though he was clearly the one who had gone out of his way to help them—wasting an entire day working with them on magic he didn’t fully approve of them studying in the first place, an entire day he should have spent recuperating—Takuma looked as though they were the ones who had done him a favor, just by being there. 
“What did Seiji mean when he said you had good eyes?” Shuuichi will remember to ask his brother a little later, when they’re walking home. 
“Oh, I guess because I noticed the weird mark on his face,” Takashi says. 
“Weird mark? What did it look like?”
Takashi hums thoughtfully, glancing around. He trots off the road a little bit to pick up a stick, then crouches in the dirt and starts drawing a strange, crooked symbol. Shuuichi leans over him to watch.
It’s not a symbol he’s ever seen before. Yokai writing, if he had to guess. 
“What does it mean?” he asks the shiki. 
Sasago drifts over and inspects the drawing, her face giving nothing away. 
“‘Something owed,’” she translates after a moment. “I think the closest human word would be ‘debt’.”
“Huh,” Shuuichi says. He offers Takashi a hand and hauls the kid back upright, frowning thoughtfully. “And you said it was on his face?” 
“Yup, above his right eye. Didn’t you see it?” A thread of anxiety works its way into Takashi’s voice that Shuuichi is quick to smother. 
“I didn’t have my glasses on,” he says smoothly, “so I must have missed it. You know your eyes are better than mine.”
Takashi grins up at him, appeased, and they spend the rest of the walk playing with bits of talisman paper. It’s habit by now to keep their pockets stuffed full of scraps. Shuuichi manages to make a couple of them fly, and Takashi claps his hands together in glee every time.
To anyone who might be watching, it probably looks like the wind is catching the scraps and lifting them out of their hands instead of the shaky first steps of magic it really is. There won’t be anything to question about the sight of two brothers, taking their time getting home to a place where no one is waiting for them, laughing and jumping as they try to catch those floating pieces of paper.
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cherriipi · 4 years
Okay so i came from your old blog, and your OC of kageyama's older sister (the older one, you know the one who cries a lot?) was super cute and i just wanted to ask about "How would either the Shiratorizawa team/Kageyama family react to her water breaking?" Because she seems to be the kind of woman who would be stubborn during her pregnancy despite bein an initial crybaby, anyways i hope you keep on growing and are happy with your blog!
SHINJU OMG 😭😭😭 i love her so much tbh
I totally imagine her as the Shiratorizawa team’s teacher advisor, so this is actually perfect.
i imagine that, with her being the teacher advisor, she greatly cares for all of those boys. and despite them all being WAY taller than her, she’s like their big sister because she’s so sweet and caring to them.
one time, Goshiki accidentally called her “nee-chan” and he was MORTIFIED.
now, almost everyone calls her “nee-chan”.
With the Kageyama family:
it’s half chaos, half calm
the older ones are typically calmer, Daisuke’s wife has had kids of her own so he’s the perfect image of cool, calm, and collected
Miwa, Naomi, and Rei are all calm but they’re really excited! while all four of them are the same age, Shinju IS the youngest out of the quads, they do not baby her in this moment and she’s so thankful for that
Jirō,,, i’m sorry but this kid is like “your kid’s head is probably the size of a small watermelon, i feel sorry for your 🐱”
Daisuke smacks the back of his head
they’re all freaking the fuck out
Takara “birth??? bIRTH?????” Kageyama
Takuma “oh great, another trip to the hospital” Kageyama
Tsukiko “are you gonna die?” Kageyama
Tobio “oh my god my sister just fucking pissed herself what do i do” Kageyama
the older siblings, minus Jirō, all do their best to reassure them that Shinju will be perfectly fine and to not freak out.
With Shiratorizawa:
they’re all freaking the fuck out tbh
yes, even Ushiwaka but just a teeny tiny bit
she’s doing her best to keep them calm but they’re all so worried
“how are you going to get to the hospital??? we can’t drive!!!”
“you can’t take the train either!!”
“and you can’t drive yourself, nee-chan!!”
Tendō is a little excited though, he’s just “am i gonna be an uncle??”
yes Satori,, you’re gonna be an uncle,,,
Shinju hisses and snaps at them, reminding them that she’s in fucking PAIN
nee-chan,,, nee-chan scary,,,
she calls her husband, because he had the day off that day, and tells him the situation
it isn’t too long before he rushes there and they rush to the hospital
the boys are all so worried about their sensei, Goshiki especially 🥺
“do you think she’ll be okay?”
“of course she will, Fujimori-nee may be a crybaby sometimes but she’s tough as nails.” Semi pats him on the head and they all go back to practice
BONUS (because i can’t help myself):
“Nee-chan! You’re back!” Goshiki cried as Shinju walked through the gym doors, a tiny baby cradled to her chest in a cute little wrap covered with pink polka dots.
“Oh my god, is that the little sugar pea?” Tendō squeals loudly and rushes over, bouncing around Shinju as she giggles at his antics.
“Yup, this is her.” She smiles and gently runs her fingers through the little fluff of strawberry blonde hair. The rest of the team groups around her, desperately wanting to see the little newborn that they’ve gotten unknowingly attached to over the past few months.
“She’s so small,” Ushijima points out bluntly.
“She was only born seven weeks ago, of course she’s small.” Shirabu rolls his eyes before cooing softly at the little bundle of cuteness, Shinju giggles at the change in attitude.
“Aw, you were keeping count of how long I was gone for, Shirabu?” She laughs at his flustered expression, he sputters and fumbles over his retort before deciding to keep his mouth shut to stop from making himself even more embarrassed.
“What’s her name, Fujimori-sensei?” Reon asked, making the other boys nod their heads. She had kept the name a secret from all of them, despite most of their prodding and pleading. Well, the pleading was mainly from Tendō and Goshiki, but all of them were highly curious.
“We decided to name her Sayori,” Shinju smiles and softly rubs Sayori’s little chubby cheeks with a single finger, earning a soft coo from the little newborn.
“Sayori Fujimori.”
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strawberrii-milktea · 4 years
hi it's me again but just imagine the baby of the kageyama's getting bullied (kasumi was her name right?) but she manages to hide it fairly just fine until one day some brat is accusing her of smthng and the mother is egging the brat as well and she just runs home crying, how do you think the family reacts??? (bonus if the brat's brother/sister is actually a member of a rival volleyball team lmao bc that'd be gold) btw my exam is today but yknow what? fuck that i'd rather be here jhdaksjdhajkdha
my poor sweet angel,,, she’s a little 5 year old and the bully is around 7 or 8 and she runs home SOBBING because of what happened, the kid has an older brother that plays volleyball for sure.
also i hope you do well on yer exam!
Daisuke Kageyama
he’s the most mature and has kids of his own, so i feel like he’d try his best to stop her crying first
he’d kneel down to her height and gently brush away her tears while smiling
“it’s alright, ‘sumi. we’ll take care of it, okay?”
Miwa Kageyama
she’d be very upset, how can young children be so cruel to each other?
she’d also try to comfort Kasumi with the promise of a fun spa day!
“hey, let’s go have some fun today. would you like that?”
Naomi Kageyama
Nao-nee is upset, who dares bully her precious baby sister? 😡
She would definitely want to go find the kid’s mom and give her a piece of her mind
“what’s the kid’s name? I just wanna talk to their mom.”
Rei Kageyama
Rei is a little confused, surely Kasumi knows that they were just saying mean things because they’re insecure of themselves, right? (Rei honey,,, no)
She scoops Kasumi into her arms and gently rocks her back and forth as she hums a song she wrote with Kasumi in mind.
“don’t mind them, they’re an absolute fool if they can’t see how wonderful you are.”
Shinju Fujimori
Shinju also is very mature and has kids of her own, but she’s visibly upset by it.
Probably ends up crying too (Shinju please,,) until she remembers! hey! i’m a teacher! and decides to go down to Kasumi’s school and talk to the staff about this.
“k-kids are so mean! don’t worry ‘sumi, i’ll go talk to someone and get this handled.”
Jirō Kageyama
Oh it’s gonna get handled alright, gonna get handled by Jirō and his fucking squad.
He is so mad, not pissed, but he’s still mad that some kid made his sister cry. he’s on the phone now.
“hey, Oikawa-san, is Seijoh going against (insert school name) yet? yeah? perfect.”
Takara Kageyama
Takara is the most protective out of the (youngest) quadruplets, so she MAD.
THAT’S A BABY. HOW YOU GONNA BE A BULLY TO A BABY???? Takara is pulling some strings, no questions asked. Punish that older brother.
“hey, senpai? we have a code Kasu. yeah. give them hell.”
Takuma Kageyama
He stays unbothered, there’s no point in getting upset over something like this.
He reassures Kasumi that the kid was being mean because they had nothing better to do, that’s all.
“they’re just upset because you’re so much better than them, you’re a Kageyama after all.”
Tsukiko Kageyama
the older brother is fucked. he better not step into Nekoma territory or there will be hell to pay.
Tsukiko gives zero fucks, do you think she cares if she gets in trouble for decking the older brother? hell no.
“what’s their big brother’s name, Kasumi? Tsuki-nee just wants to have a chat with him...”
Tobio Kageyama
he’s so confused, but i can guarantee he’s going to try so much to make her happy again.
“Kasumi... do you wanna go practice your receives?”
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joelletwo · 4 months
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tsukiko begging to hear more about takuma's days as an exorcist now that hes reminiscing since he never told her anything before his retirement. takuma familyyyyyy i love uuuuuuu also theres a matoba clan mention in there /_^
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ymorii · 4 years
i can't stop imagining tobio just bringing kasumi in a training camp one day bc a)everyone else in busy except him b)sumi never behaves and causes chaos whenever she has to stay w a nanny or someone else(so tobio really is the only viable option lmao)and c)sumi will ALWAYS listen to tobio (the rest of the quads are very bitter about it too)and everyone else has either 2 reactions when he does 1)suprised pikachu face and 2)aw thats so cute!bc lets face it tobio trying to be a good bro is v cute
Kasumi knows that if she misbehaves with a nanny, she’ll just get to spend more time with Tobio-nii 😂
oh and the younger quads are ABSOLUTELY salty about it, do not let them fool you into thinking otherwise.
Takara is like,, the most upset because she thinks that she’s the most likable out of all four of them.
Takuma is the least upset because he knows the reason why but it’s not gonna stop him from being slightly sad about it.
Tsukiko “Tobio doesn’t have a personality, i don’t understand how any one can like him, let alone a child.”
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niji-iro-sekai · 7 years
Character Overview
Greetings dear visitor who stumbled over this little blog! Here you’ll find some facts about my Accounts, a list of all my boys as well as other categories I might think of~ (Work in Progress! Links will be provided ASAP)
◆Animal Boyfriend◆
・I own a total of three AB accounts (1.・Ayame・, 2.Yume, 3. Kotori) because I had so many different ideas but couldn’t wait until I had all of my boys from my first Acc graduated 😅 (I still did not make much progress regarding graduation…) ・I did not note down when I created each account (I only know that I started playing AB between the 10th and 20th of August 2014) and I sadly also don’t know the “real” birthdays of my boys TwT shame on me…
(~The boys are listed in the account order~)
1st Generation
Suzuya Shin Takuma Fuyuki
Chihaya Chihiro Natsume Nao
Kaji Yuki Tachibana Shinnosuke Soraru Haruto
2nd Generation
(Since I also installed the japanese AB because I am curious about new stuff):
Tomoya Yuki
◇Dream Boyfriend◇
My Account in DBF is ☆Tsukiko☆
Sora Itsuki Shizuku
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qserasera · 7 years
necle replied to your post “Rewatch: S4E9 The Moon-Splitting Festival & S4E10 The God, Enshrined”
I had similar thoughts about using paper charms for security. But in retrospect to the Takuma arc, Natsume found Natori's note for Tsukiko out on the street. Granted, the rain might have killed whatever concealment it had and the exorcist client could have made it so normal people cant see it. But I wonder if part of it goes back to the technology discussion where older exorcists are too stuck in their methods to risk using any other means of communication (which to some extent includes Natori).
for anyone who is wondering what necle is talking about, the technology post about online curses and natsume yuujinchou is here. that’s probably a good point! about the older exorcists being stuck in their methods...at first i would think most traditional clan houses had too many secret areas and important wards built in to go to the trouble of installing phone lines, but then...cell phones...are a thing, and some exorcists clearly do know how to use at telephone
reminds me a bit of an article i read somewhere about the work environment in japan, and how even though a lot of cool tech stuff is happening in the cities, a lot of offices are still using fax machines to communicate instead of email because the older management was more used to it?? might be an inaccurate impression, but i think that was the gist of it
i still want those fics about matoba seiji’s teen texting adventures if the tiny teen exorcists had cell phones tho
matoba: shuuichi-san. we have not yet received your rsvp for my birthday party invitation. 
matoba: should we expect your presence?
natori: ✔️ read at 12:03 am
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