sugarsweetvirgo · 2 months
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arcadiaisle · 4 days
Chapter 2: Thorn The boy in my card
Word Count: 2,802 Rating: PG Summary: Briar Yui Discovers her card is a boy?!
Briar left the small card shop, her new card tucked safely into her jacket pocket as she wandered out of the town. She glanced around, soaking in her new surroundings, but her thoughts kept drifting back to the simple card she had just purchased. She pulled it out, turning it over in her hands, staring at the single word: "Rose." Curious and unsure of what it could do, Briar stepped to the side of the road and, with a hesitant breath, called out the card’s name.
There was a sudden puff of smoke, and Briar waved her hand in front of her face, coughing as the thick cloud surrounded her. She squinted through the haze, expecting a flower, a perfume bottle, or maybe even some kind of effect to emerge from the card. Instead, a boy appeared. Not a monster, not a spell—an actual boy, about her age, though an inch shorter. Briar blinked in confusion, her eyes widening as the smoke cleared and she got a better look at him.
The boy had jet-black hair, peach-colored skin, and gold eyes that gleamed with an almost mischievous excitement. Briar noticed faint scars scattered across his body and clothes that seemed to fit a peasant's style, with a rose motif woven throughout his outfit. He was looking at her as though he’d just met an old friend. Briar, however, was anything but at ease.
“What the…?” she muttered, stepping back instinctively, her heart racing. She was expecting anything but a human figure to pop out of her card.
The boy smiled brightly, as if completely unfazed by her reaction. “It’s been a while since I’ve been outside. The game’s changed a lot,” he said, his voice filled with awe as he glanced around at the world beyond the card.
Briar frowned, backing up further. “Where did you come from?” she asked nervously. “What are you?”
The boy ignored her questions, continuing to take in his surroundings. Briar’s confusion deepened as she considered the possibility that he might be some kind of deity, a powerful being sealed within the card. Her mind raced with the thought of accidentally summoning something beyond her control.
She scrambled backward, trying to crawl away, but before she could get far, the boy appeared in front of her, his expression playful yet determined. “Where are you going?” he asked, tilting his head.
“Away from you!” Briar replied, her voice shaking. “I didn’t sign up for this! I bought a card, not a—whatever you are.”
He chuckled softly, his gold eyes twinkling with amusement. “You bought me,” he said matter-of-factly. “I’m a powerful spell card, and you’re going to need my help.”
Briar shook her head, her heart pounding in her chest. “No, I didn’t. I bought a card that said ‘Rose,’ not a boy. And I definitely don’t need your help.”
The boy only laughed as Briar turned and ran. She sprinted through the small town and out into the wilds of the island, desperate to distance herself from the strange boy who had emerged from her card. Hours passed, and as the sun began to set, Briar found herself at the edge of a dense forest. She set up camp, sitting down to eat a meager meal, trying to calm her frayed nerves.
“I can just buy a new starter card tomorrow,” Briar muttered to herself. “I’ll forget all about this weird ‘Rose’ card.”
But as she took her first bite of food, the scent of her meal attracted unwanted attention. From the shadows, a group of rough-looking duelists emerged. They were older, tougher, and their intentions were clear. Bandits.
“Hand over your money, girl,” one of them growled, pulling out a jagged, rusted knife.
Briar’s heart dropped as she stood up, backing away slowly. “I don’t want any trouble,” she said, her voice shaking. “Just leave me alone.”
But the bandits weren’t interested in talking. One of them lunged forward, trying to snatch Briar’s bag, and she bolted. Her heart raced as she dodged between trees, but the bandits were faster, and soon she was cornered, trapped against the trunk of an enormous oak.
Just as the lead bandit reached out to grab her, a thunderous roar echoed through the forest. Briar looked up in horror as a massive, grotesque beast burst through the underbrush. It was covered in thick, thorny vines, its body twisting and writhing like a monstrous plant. The creature stood at least ten feet tall, its eyes glowing a deep crimson as it let out a menacing snarl. Its body was composed entirely of dark, thorn-covered branches that coiled and snapped like the tails of serpents.
The bandits froze in terror as the creature towered over them. One of them hesitated, their eyes wide with fear, but the leader sneered and drew a sword, its rusted blade glinting in the dying light. "It’s just a monster card," he muttered, trying to sound brave. "We can take it."
With a blood-curdling roar, the beast lunged at the attackers. Its thorny tendrils lashed out, whipping through the air like razors. The bandits barely had time to react as the first of them was slashed across the chest, his armor offering no protection against the razor-sharp vines. He screamed, dropping to the ground as the thorns tore through his clothing and skin. Another bandit tried to strike at the beast with his sword, but the creature's vines wrapped around the weapon, snapping it in two as if it were nothing more than a twig.
The bandits scrambled backward, their bravado crumbling as the beast unleashed its fury. One by one, they turned and fled into the woods, leaving their fallen comrades behind. The thorny creature didn’t give chase. Instead, it stood tall, its crimson eyes scanning the clearing before turning its gaze to Briar.
Panting, Briar tried to climb up a nearby tree, but her foot slipped, and she fell, hitting her head on a low-hanging branch. Dizzy and disoriented, she called out weakly for help, but before she could hit the ground, she was caught in the monster’s thorny arms. Its jagged exterior softened, the vines retracting as the beast began to shrink and transform.
To Briar’s astonishment, the creature’s body shimmered and morphed, until, standing before her once again, was the boy from before. He held her gently, his expression calm and composed as he lowered her to the ground.
“W-What just happened?” Briar stammered, her heart pounding in her chest. “Who… what are you?”
The boy grinned, brushing a hand gently across the bruise on her forehead. Where his fingers touched, small rose buds bloomed, soothing the pain. “You needed saving,” he said simply. “So I saved you.”
Briar blinked in confusion, still trying to process everything that had just happened. “Why? Why are you helping me?”
The boy smiled softly. “Because you’re my summoner now. And I think we’re going to make a great team.”
Briar stared at him, unsure of what to say. He brushed the dirt off her clothes, dusting her off before stepping back. “Your name’s Briar, right? That’s funny, ‘cause guess what?” He grinned wider. “My name’s Thorn.”
Briar’s cheeks flushed slightly as Thorn’s golden eyes twinkled with amusement. He gave her a small, playful bow, his rose-themed outfit swaying in the evening breeze. “I want to be your spiritual companion,” he declared, his voice full of confidence.
Briar hesitated, still unsure of what she had gotten herself into, but something about Thorn made her feel… safe. Maybe, just maybe, this strange boy could be the ally she never knew she needed.
Chapter 2: A New Bond
Briar and Thorn made their way to a quieter area of the forest to set up camp. Thorn, ever the gentleman, assisted Briar in walking as she was still sore from her earlier encounter. Briar, still in shock, sat down on a log, her cheeks flushed from both embarrassment and the earlier ordeal. Her mind was racing, trying to make sense of everything that had happened.
“How… how did you wind up in the Rose card?” Briar asked, trying to steady her voice. She glanced up at Thorn, who was busy gathering some fallen branches for their campfire. Thorn’s smile faltered slightly, a shadow of reluctance crossing his face.
“This game can get pretty dangerous,” he replied, his tone evasive. “That’s all I can say.”
Briar’s thoughts drifted back to the thorny beast Thorn had morphed into earlier. “And that thing back there,” she began, her voice trembling slightly, “is that what you become?”
Thorn shrugged nonchalantly, plucking some flowers from his skin and removing the vines from his legs. “I can be. That form is known as the Tenebrose Beast. I told you I was a powerful card,” he said with a wink. He began weaving the flowers together, using the petals to gently wipe the blood and dirt from Briar’s face. Briar was still processing everything, and her confusion was palpable.
“Why… why did you say your name was Thorn?” she asked, her curiosity piqued.
“That’s right! Thorn Levy!” Thorn announced proudly, a wide grin on his face.
“Th-Thorn… why do you want to be my…” Briar hesitated, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of red. “Companion?”
Thorn moved closer, gently taking her hands in his. “Because you’re my Rose Princess!” he said with enthusiasm. Then he added more seriously, “Well, I don’t have many options, so I’ll take anyone as my summoner. I just want to be your favorite card, the one you call upon. That way, maybe one day… I can go home.”
Briar’s eyes widened. “Go home?” she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper. “Is… is there anything else?”
“No,” Thorn said with a sigh. “I just want to go home. Having a summoner who regards me as a spiritual companion helps.”
Briar swallowed hard, her mind racing with the implications. “Alright, then. If I accept you, will you help me win the game, get cards, duel, and all that?”
“Oh yes! Yes, I will!” Thorn said, standing up enthusiastically before her.
“Alright, what do I have to do?” Briar asked, reaching for her book to check her deck and where to place the card. “Is there a special place for the card?”
“Yes, but there’s something else,” Thorn said, sitting down next to her. He extended his palm, from which a delicate rose began to bloom. He plucked two petals and offered them to her. “If you consume a petal and I consume one, we’ll be bound to each other. This way, I’ll be able to assist you both in and out of battle without you needing to summon my card. I will protect you until the end, and in exchange, I’ll need your help to get home. Sound good?”
Briar hesitated. She didn’t entirely trust Thorn, but he had saved her life, and she was desperate to succeed. “Alright,” she said, “I’ll do it.”
Thorn chuckled softly and ate his petal, and Briar followed suit, swallowing it whole. As soon as she did, she felt a strange sensation. Her black hair began to turn a cloudy white. “What the…? What’s happening?” Briar exclaimed, tugging at her hair in confusion.
Thorn’s hair was changing in a similar fashion, matching hers. “Oh, it’s fine,” he said with a reassuring smile. “It’s just an indication of our bond now.”
Briar looked at him, still bewildered but trying to accept the new reality. “Alright, alright, that’s it, yeah?” she asked nervously. “It… it’ll take some getting used to, but it’s not too bad, I suppose…” She yawned, her exhaustion catching up with her.
Thorn, sensing his summoner’s fatigue, reached out and wrapped her in a blanket made of rose vines. To Briar’s surprise, the blanket was incredibly soft and free of any sharp thorns. “Here you go,” Thorn said gently. “You should get some rest. Don’t worry, I’ll watch over you while you sleep, Rose Princess.”
“H-Hey, don’t call me that,” Briar mumbled as she settled down, her voice barely audible. “It’s just Briar…”
Thorn’s smile widened as he sat nearby, keeping a watchful eye over her. “Goodnight, Briar,” he said softly. As she drifted off to sleep, the events of the day replayed in her mind, but for now, she felt a strange sense of security with Thorn by her side.
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countxcrimson · 1 month
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Chibi Sora ! I wanted them to look like a one coin fig >:}
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twinkleember · 2 months
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Something that would have played out way in the future in Card Keepers AU.
Mist would be using a human disguise. Since you know. Naked ghost is not really common. Snow was going to return home back to astral world on her own, but Mist insists on joining her on her travels to the temple. Sneakily his way of some sort of care. Sorta.
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naomisunny12 · 2 months
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Commission for silvernlock 💙💫. Thank you very much for trusting my work 💕. I loved doing this commission ;w;. Astral is one of my favorite characters and I loved that they gave him a lot of love
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ornela-arts · 2 months
Hopefully, this'll be the last time I redesign her. I'm quite happy with her desing now.
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galaxyqueenarts · 2 months
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After this I’ll be working on the very first animation!
Reference: http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/511261
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blazingstarship · 8 months
Are you done?
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Not even close…
S: Stop it! I have gotten over it! Never gonna buy a du.el mon.ster advent calendar after all those ku.ribohs.
Y: I will never get over it. I never laughed so hard as that day.
S: Figured, you big tease. Allow me to remind you how you tried to restart your computer, you forgot to plug it in.
Y: Yeah yeah. You will never let me forget that one either.
S: grins. So, what did you wanna show me?
Y: Remember this card?
S: Of course I remember that one. Star Mage. smiles. Majestic Soul booster box. We both got some packs, opened them along with vanilla milkshakes and a shared chili cheese fries.
Y: And your “magic trick” to pull out the ultra rare card Star Mage. Twice.
S: I never forget the look on your face. You never thought it would work.
Y: You left quite the impression. Speaking of which, I am invited for the release of the new booster box.
S: A new release again? You should think it will stop somewhere with bringing out new cards.
Y: Its a special release for the WRGP teams. Will you come with me?
S: I dont know. As who should I come?
Y: As who you may wanna come?
S: Not as “just a friend” thats for sure.
Y: How does “my girlfriend” sound like?
S: shrugs
Y: My date, my chaperone, my blue eyes white dragon, my kuriboh?
S: Are you done?
Y: Not even close. Lays his hand on hip to pull closer.
S: snickers Very smooth. Alright, I will go as your date and your girlfriend. Both. Akkoord?
Y: If that means deal, then yes.
S: And uhm… going to Gracey’s for the good old times? And the extra luck?
Y: If you gonna pull another ultra rare, the Galaxy Cake is on me.
S: You’re on!
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Duel Links Sprites for my lad! Look at this growth! Thebpast couple years has been great for this lil man, and I'm even trying to make his own custom archetype...... im love he sm
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arty-achilles · 1 year
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The first Batch of my attack. Character in order is Mind(AF:truthlocks), Kazue(AF:Foopyearedcat), Fish ( @nixdrewthat ), Gammy (AF:HappyBuddy) Aniketos(AF:rokoisokay), Ancha (@pupbeat)
[Commission] + [Kofi]
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fireloadcorner · 1 year
So which of you is gonna ask the other out first? 😏
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They both a little shy it seems :p
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sugarsweetvirgo · 1 month
Do one where Kaiba is crying! Kinda like a reverse comfort thingy, where tiny Eve tries to comfort him
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It’s very hard to comfort someone who despises sentimentality, though it’s nothing Eve can’t handle.
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aiohon12 · 2 years
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Wip for 2023
This account solely for wips
If want my other social media you find me
DA: Aiohon12
IG: Aiahkra
Twitter: Aio12
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arcadiaisle · 4 days
Chapter 1: Arrival on Dueling Island
Word Count: 1,615 Rating: PG Summary: Briar Yui, a 14-year-old orphan, leaves her foster shelter behind to venture to Dueling Island, where Duel Monsters competitions offer a chance to make a living.
Briar Yui leaned against the rail of the large cruise vessel, gazing out at the endless expanse of ocean. The wind tugged at her long black ponytail, whipping it into the salty air as she tried to focus on the horizon. Her big brown eyes traced the faint outline of land in the distance, knowing that the next few hours would change her life. She felt a nervous excitement stir within her as the ship carried her closer to Dueling Island.
Fourteen years old and on her own, Briar had left her foster shelter months ago after reading an article online about the island—a place where anyone could make a living, legally or illegally, through Duel Monsters. It was the opportunity she needed to survive, to build a life for herself beyond the foster system that had never felt like home. She had saved every penny, skipped meals, and even pawned a few items to afford a ticket to this strange, dangerous place.
As she clutched the metal rail, the boat swayed gently in the waves. The brochure had painted a simple picture: pay a deposit, take a few tests, and you’re in. But rumors hinted at darker possibilities—whispers of duels that could cost players more than just their cards. A chill ran down Briar’s spine as she recalled these warnings. “Losing might mean your life,” she muttered to herself. The thought of her own mortality was unsettling, but she quickly shook her head. No turning back now. She had no family, no safety net. The island was her chance to carve out a future, and she wouldn’t let fear stop her.
As she drifted deeper into thought, the sounds of the ship’s passengers filled her ears. The cruise vessel was massive, carrying over 500 people—men, women, and people of all ages. Some were veterans, seasoned duelists who had mastered their strategies. Others, like Briar, were new, their eyes wide with hope or fear as they prepared to test their luck on the island.
A sudden shout broke her reverie. “The fck you looking at? Mind your fckin’ business!” Briar’s head snapped up as a teenage girl stormed past her, fury etched across her tear-streaked face. The girl, probably around sixteen, had brown hair and pale skin with big, blue eyes that were still wet from crying. She glared at the passengers gawking at her, daring them to say something. Her voice was shaky, but her anger was fierce.
Briar, caught off guard, averted her eyes. She didn’t know what the argument had been about, but she felt a pang of sympathy for the girl as she stomped away. The girl’s outburst was a raw reminder of the vulnerability everyone on this ship shared. No matter how tough they acted, most of them were likely terrified, just like Briar.
The hours crawled by as the ship approached the island, but soon, the distant shape became clearer. Dueling Island loomed ahead, encased in a strange, divine bubble that shimmered like a mirage. The bubble wasn’t just for show—Briar knew it was designed to keep the game’s monsters inside and the outside world safe from the chaos within. It also trapped the players, though, keeping them in until they either won or lost.
As the ship passed through the barrier, Briar felt a sudden surge of energy pulse through her body, sharp and electric. It wasn’t painful, but it made her catch her breath as if the air had grown heavier for just a second. She stared wide-eyed as the ship finally docked, the immense island now stretched before her. The sight was both awe-inspiring and intimidating.
Once on land, Briar joined the line at the registration tent, her heart thudding in her chest. The process was brisk and impersonal. A few signatures, a quick scan of her Duel Monsters knowledge, and then she was in. “Briar Yui,” she said, giving her name as she stepped up to the official in charge.
Before she could process what happened next, a bright flash enveloped her. She was no longer standing at the registration desk but had been teleported to a grassy field, disoriented but still standing. The game had already begun. She glanced down at her left hand, where a silver ring now rested on her finger. It was simple yet elegant, gleaming under the sunlight. She turned it over, examining it closely. This was her key to everything—her deck, her cards, her abilities. Everything was controlled through this ring.
“No tutorial, huh?” she muttered, her lips curling into a slight frown. There had been no explanation, no guide, just instant immersion into the island’s system. She wasn’t even sure what to do next.
She wandered aimlessly for what felt like hours, stumbling through the open fields until she spotted a small town in the distance. Relief washed over her as she made her way toward it. The streets were bustling with activity—shops filled with players buying and selling cards, clothing, food, and even equipment. NPCs manned most of the stalls, their expressions frozen in the same friendly smiles, while the real players, identifiable by their rings, moved through the crowds with determination or desperation.
Briar’s stomach growled, but she ignored it. She had money, but food wasn’t her priority. She needed cards—without them, she was just another lost player.
As she neared the town square, a sudden commotion drew her attention. Two duelists had squared off in the middle of the plaza, and a crowd had gathered to watch. Briar hesitated, then joined the onlookers. The tension between the two players was palpable.
“BOOK—OPEN!” one of them shouted, and Briar’s eyes widened as a large, glowing book materialized in front of him. His deck emerged from its pages, shimmering with energy.
His opponent did the same, summoning their own book, and within moments, the duel was underway. Monsters roared to life, fierce and lifelike, as cards clashed and abilities activated with each turn. It was everything Briar had imagined and more. The power, the stakes—it all felt so real.
The duelists moved with precision, issuing commands as their monsters fought with devastating attacks. Briar watched in awe, taking mental notes of the mechanics and strategies. This was how the game was played on the island. There were no second chances, no do-overs. Each move had to be perfect, or it could cost you everything.
The duel ended with one final, crushing blow, and the defeated player slumped to their knees, their life points drained to zero. Briar let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. “So that’s how it works,” she whispered. The ring… the book… and the monsters.
She felt a mixture of excitement and dread. Could she really handle this? Could she win?
After the duel, Briar wandered into a nearby card shop. She didn’t have a deck yet, and without cards, she couldn’t even participate in a duel. The shop was packed with options—monsters, spells, abilities—but most of the good monster cards were either out of stock or far too expensive for her meager budget. She browsed the shelves, feeling a little overwhelmed.
As she was about to leave, something caught her eye. Tucked away in the corner of a dusty shelf was a card with a single word written on it: Rose.
Curious, Briar picked it up. The card seemed simple enough—no flashy design, no glowing edges like the others. But something about it intrigued her. “Rose?” she muttered, turning it over in her hands. What could a card like this do? Why was it here, hidden among the more powerful cards?
Briar knew she had to start somewhere, and maybe this card was the beginning of her journey. She tucked it into her jacket pocket and walked out of the shop, her mind racing with possibilities.
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twinkleember · 3 months
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Old art.
I tired to make a very early morning/still Night effect.
Snoozin' lil Red Eyes.
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naomisunny12 · 2 months
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Commission for SEzekial38 / Twitter 🐲🧊 Thanks you very much for trusting my work! 🤍 The client sent me a pose of a YGO figure as a reference 🐲
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