#Yuka Notsuka
white-cat-of-doom · 1 year
A compilation of footage (albeit out of order) of the final show of US Tour 6 in Honolulu, HI (18 June 2023).
The ending has a portion of the final bow and exit-through-the-oven tradition.
With Ibn Snell as Mistoffelees, Taryn Smithson as Rumpleteazer, Brian Craig Nelson as Mungojerrie, Yuka Notsuka as Victoria, and Hank Santos as Rum Tum Tugger, and many more!
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if you’re having a bad day just look at them 🥰
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itsmyregularcat · 2 years
Favorite Platoria moment from the show last night?
Ugggghhfffff there were so many and I was so pleased to be in the audience for the magic that was all of those Platoria interactions.
They are so fucking in love my peeps.
Firstly, I have to say that I absolutely adored Yuka as Victoria. She was just perfect. I would be willing to say that she has completely usurped the top spot of my fave Vic. Her mannerisms and style was so exceptionally graceful and pure like any Victoria should be. The way she acted was exactly in line with how I feel the character would be as well. I was so, so impressed and happy with her. The best part was how much she seemed to be enjoying herself. Yuka spend the entire show smiling and it melted my heart. She is freaking precious.
Sam did great as Plato too, and he certainly gave the impression of a character who loves and is devoted to his little love. The look of adoration in his eyes every time he saw Vic was how I would be honestly. She is his everything.
They were constantly slinking up to one another and sharing smiles and touches as they sat together, or giving looks across the stage. There was so much warmth and fondness in their moments.
Anyway, without going on and on about it, my favourite Platoria moment without a doubt is the lead up to the pas de deux during the Jellicle Ball and then the pas de deux itself.
It is like the world falls away and they are the only two cats that matter. In a way, that is what happens, as in the fervor of the jellicle ball they find one another and stay in the center of the stage. I am not sure if it was just feeling of it, but their dance together leading up to the lift seemed to stretch on longer than I guess I realize it does, but I am not complaining at all. Their time together, the way they regard one another, their touches, their smiles, and the way Plato lifts Vic is all based on so much love and care.
These parts are essentially my favourite part of the musical depending on how I am feeling, but Sam and Yuka made it even more compelling. I am going to mention it again, but the way they both smiled and how excited they seemed when they danced with one another during the lead up to the lift was impeccable and I am not normal about how much it makes me happy.
They were so great together, and I am still riding the high from seeing them.
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mistoveil · 1 year
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Saw Cats yesterday and the cast was so good!! 
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lozeyart · 1 year
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Heres a TON of art I’ve draw over the last couple of months that I’ve completely forgotten to post so instead of making a bunch of posts in a row, I’m just shoving it all in one.
More Cats actors!
Wilson Livingston and Reagan Davidson as Coricopat and Tantomile Cameron Schutza as Old Deuteronomy Marisa Paull Gorst as Victoria Brendan Moran as Tumblebrutus Allyson Duarte as Jellylorum Rachael Haber as Jennyanydots Yuka Notsuka as Victoria Sam Buchanan as Plato
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Audio Gift
CATS - US Tour 6 (Minneappolis, Orpheum Theatre) - October 29th, 2022 (Matinee)
My master (do not share link outside of tumblr)
Sam Bello (Sillabub), Lexy Bittner (Cassandra), John Anker Bow (Gus the Theatre Cat), Samuel Buchanan (Plato/Macavity), Michelle E. Carter (Jennyanydots), Ellie Chancellor (Bombalurina Act 2), Erica Lee Cianciulli (Bombalurina Act 1), Regan Davidson (Tantomile), Nora DeGreen (Demeter), Allyson Duarte (Jellylorum), Dominic Fortunato (Pouncival), Sammy Fossum (Alonzo),Taylor Harris (Grizabella), Wilson Livingston (Coricopat), Brendan Moran (Tumblebrutus),Brian Craig Nelson (Mungojerrie), Yuka Notsuka (Victoria), Hank Santos (Rum Tum Tugger), Cameron Shutza (Old Deuteronomy), Taryn Smithson (Rumpleteazer), Ibn Snell (Mr. Mistoffelees), Kade Wright (Munkustrap), John Zamborsky (Skimbleshanks)
Gracie Anderson, Megan Arseneau, Luke Bernier, Max Craven, Marisa Gorst, Rachel Haber, Clara Hevia,Kieran Macdonald, José Raúl Mangual, Tony Mowatt 
Notes: Untracked. Includes full show to playout. Occasional crackling and rustling can be heard from time to time, particularly in Act 1, but nothing too distracting. Ellie Chancellor replaced Erica Lee Cianciulli as Bombalurina in Act 2.
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theimpossiblescheme · 2 years
Now I get to finally type out the notes I took during the show (and fill in any blanks I might have forgotten to originally write down)--this is my account of the Cats US tour experience!
If you’re a Tussandra, Demelurina, Alonzostrap, or Skimbledots shipper, this is your show.  The first two flirted constantly, especially during Tugger’s song (Bomba actually had to push Cass out of the way to get Tugger’s attention), and the other pairs were basically attached at the hip throughout the show.  Alonzo and Munk were so perfectly in sync at times they really did feel like a singe unit, and there was a cute moment where Skimble and Jenny stood on the car boot during the Jellicle Ball and looked like they were fussing over the kittens.
Nora DeGreen is such a wonderful Demeter who feels like they’re still getting the hang of life in the Junkyard again.  They’re starting to loosen up and have fun, and they’re even quite comfortable around Tugger, but their social battery has a time limit (mood, honestly) and always runs back over to Bomba for comfort.  Bomba really feels like Demeter’s security blanket here, and it’s really sweet.
Plato and Victoria are also adorable--they feel like that couple at prom who are so obviously and obnoxiously in love and find every excuse they can to snuggle.  Yuka Notsuka is an absolutely precious Victoria, and her solo in Act One was lovely.
One of my notes just says “Cryptid!Cassandra.  That’s it--that’s the comment.”  I love Lexy Bittner’s energy as the character.  She almost feels like I would expect a good Mistoffelees to feel--mysterious and aloof, but quirky and unpredictable at the same time.  We also got a fair bit of Protector!Cass, which is always nice.
Hank Santos is a fucking delight as Tugger--some of the best moments in the show for me came from his interactions with the other cats.  This one’s probably my favorite: he briefly gets his number hijacked by a high note from Jellylorum (which got some mid-song applause from the audience, so much that the orchestra stopped), but he kisses her paw during the outro to let her know all is forgiven.  She’s flattered and beaming at him, but she remembers to be Scandalized(TM) when Jennyanydots rejoins her.
Speaking of Jenny, Megan Arseneau played her spacing out before the tap section like she was just staring out the window at something, and at one point she got this big smile on her face like there was a particularly enchanting bird out there.  All oblivious to Misto trying to get her attention, of course.  She’s such a fun Jenny--definitely the Cool Mom of the Junkyard.
Tumblebrutus really felt like Skimbleshanks’ son here.  They had all kinds of cute background interactions, and Skimble had to literally wrestle Tumble away from dancing with Tugger during his song.
Sam Buchanan’s Plato is so adorably earnest, and he has some great “Protector in Training” moments that made my heart grow three sizes.  My favorite was right at the end of Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer’s number--he and Munkustrap make eye contact over grabbing their swag bags, and it’s like Munk’s saying, “All right, just like we practiced...”
Victoria is also shocked--shocked, I tell you!--that Jerrie and Teazer were caught stealing, and she looks like she’s rooting for them to escape.
There were a lot of little... what I can only call moments of reassurance between Skimble and Munk, where they would make eye contact over the other cats’ heads or Skimble would grab Munk’s paw.  I got the impression of Skimble being like a mentor or parental figure to Munk in a way, and it was very sweet.
Kade Wright’s Munk is also a lot gentler than I’ve seen other Revival Style!Munkustraps, and he’s very attentive to the other cats.  He doesn’t shoo Jerrie and Teazer away after the Invitation, instead giving them little back skritches before gently waving them off and taking a second for the others, and he and Tugger have a beautiful moment of connection during the “Old Deuteronomy” duet.  His and Santos’ voices blend together so well (though on the whole I prefer Santos’ voice).
When Grizabella comes back on the second time, Gus gives her a... very curious, sort of coolly reserved look as she passes.  Not like he’s shunning her, but more like he doesn’t know what to make of her.
Speaking of Grizabella, holy hell, does Tayler Harris have a gorgeous voice.  Recordings don’t do it justice--I got chills multiple times listening to her.  She’s a very proud Grizabella, but one who’s also aware of how utterly unfair her situation is and has a lot of quiet righteous anger about her, and she refused to back down any time one of the other cats got in her face.  I wish dearly that I could pick hers and Kade Wright’s brains, too, because the relationship between Griz and Munk was fascinating.
Right at the top of Act Two, Coricopat and Tantomile went directly over to Old Deuteronomy, and it looked like Tanto was almost sitting in his lap as they had a moment regarding Grizabella.
Can John Anker Bow’s Gus adopt me?  He was absolutely lovely--I remember seeing him in a much smaller part the US tour of Ragtime when it came to my university years ago, and it was wonderful to see him again.  He seemed to have taken a cue from Christopher Gurr’s playbook of Gus not particularly wanting to have this song, even no-selling Jelly’s attempts to rib him about his pub habits, but eventually warming to the idea.  His relationship with Allyson Duarte’s Jelly was adorable, too, always taking her paw or her shoulder whenever one of them needed a moment.
The kittens loved Gus, too (except for Tumble, who checked out after Gus’s comments about The Kids These Days)--Sillabub was hanging on his every word, and Pouncival reached out and very cutely touched his paw on the line “I could do it again...”  And right as everyone got up to get ready for “The Pekes and the Pollicles”, Pounce and Sillabub did a little celebratory mirroring dance.
Also, Gus and Demeter, of all cats, had some really sweet background interactions--I can think of at least two moments where Demeter grabbed his shoulder and he reached back and squeezed their paw.
Also also, Gus and Skimble both do this adorable half-hug shoulder clasp thing with Old Deuteronomy at various points.
On Skimble’s “button you cold turn to make a breeze” line, it looked like Misto was trying to play a little prank on Demeter by summoning a cold wind to blow, but when they actually shivered he shrunk back and looked sorry.
I really really love Erica Lee Cianciulli’s voice as Bombalurina.  It has this very distinctive raspiness to it that’s hard to describe, but I could listen to hers and DeGreen’s rendition of “Macavity the Mystery Cat” all day long.
Sillabub spends most of Macavity’s song sitting on the tire and listening to the other queens sing, only getting up for the last chorus.  It felt like this was the first time she’d heard about Macavity in this much detail.
I’m not entirely sure if I caught this right, but it looked like Bomba was the one who helped Munk to his feet after the Macavity fight, even putting her shoulder under his and lifting him upright.  Meanwhile, Tanto had gone to shield Demeter after Macavity let go, and then she helped them to safety once he was gone.
Alonzo’s moment of steeling himself to fight back for Demeter was fantastic, too.  Sammy Fossum plays a really great “gallant and brave, but has his moments of doubt when he’s alone” Alonzo, and it made me wish he could have a shot at playing Goldenlonzo.  Ah, well... all Revival Style!Alonzos are Goldenlonzos at heart to me.
Tugger looked like he was going to cry when Misto brought Old Deut back, and he pointed to himself and looked at everyone around him on “And we all say...” as if to say, “I told you so.”  It really gave off the impression of “I knew it was going to work, but holy shit, it actually worked.”  He also had a little cuddle with Victoria as Misto hugged Old Deut--it was such an adorable moment all around.
Demeter started off “Memory” all curled up on the ground and slowly unfolded as the song went on.  Their reactions to the song were heartbreaking, and I so badly wish I could have met Nora DeGreen to tell them what a beautiful job they did.
Tayler Harris’s crescendo up to “Touch me” was... man, I wish I could bottle that moment.  Again, chills.  I wish I could have met her, too, even if I wouldn’t have been very articulate about it. 😄
Munk also looked like he was going to cry when Griz was chosen, which... same, my guy.  And his earlier tone of awed happiness on “Now Old Deuteronomy just before dawn...” like he still can’t believe he’s back really had me choked up, too.
Also, they brought back the big shimmering claw for her ascent to the Heaviside!  I was so happy to see that again!
Cameron Schutza’s voice as Old Deuteronomy was so powerful, and listening to his “Ad-Dressing of Cats” really made it sink in for me.  Hearing that song live is really something special, and I’m so glad I got the chance!
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statisticalcats2 · 1 year
Statcat's official list of favorite Cats performers
(I'm horrible with specific ranking so performers are listed in alphabetical order gfiuedw)
Alonzo: Jason Gardiner, Matt Huet
Bombalurina: Erica Lee Cianiculli, Rosemarie Ford, Chelsea Nicole Mitchell, Christine Cornish Smith
Cassandra: Lexy Bittner, Emily Pynenburg, Mette Towley
Demeter: Nora DeGreen, Kim Faure, Juliann Kuchocki, Aeva May, Madison Mitchell, Cornelia Waibel
Electra: Lili Froehlich
Grizabella: Tayler Harris, Jennifer Hudson, Elaine Paige, Mamie Parris
Gus: Christopher Gurr, John Mills, Tony Mowatt
Jellylorum: Sara Jean Ford, Kayli Jamison
Jemima/Sillabub: Arianna Rosario, Ahren Victory
Jennyanydots: Eloise Kropp, Susie McKenna, Emily Jeanne Phillips
Macavity: Daniel Gaymon
Mistoffelees: Jacob Brent, Tion Gaston
Mungojerrie: Danny Collins, Max Craven, John Thornton, Drew Varley
Munkustrap: Robbie Fairchild, Michael Gruber, Matthew Pike, Kade Wright
Old Deuteronomy: Ken Page
Plato: Daniel Gaymon, Tyler John Logan
Rum Tum Tugger: Jason Derulo, John Partridge, Hank Santos, Siegmar Tonk
Rumpleteazer: Jo Gibb, Shonica Gooden, Bonnie Langford, Taryn Smithson
Skimbleshanks: Jeremy Davis, Geoffrey Garratt, Steven McRae, Christopher Salvaggio
Tumblebrutus: Daymon Montaigne-Jones, Devin Neilson
Victoria: Phyllida Crowley Smith, Francesca Hayward, Yuka Notsuka, Georgina Pazcoguin
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white-cat-of-doom · 1 year
Highlights from the last few shows in Monterrey, MX (29-30 April 2023) for US Tour 6.
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Yuka Notsuka as Victoria received some fan art of "The Prettiest Cat" on top of it being her 200th show! Congratulations Yuka!
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It was also Ibn Snell's 200th show on Saturday. Congratulations Ibn!
Kade Wright celebrated his birthday as a Cat yesterday, and was treated to a very excited audience member (aka someone like me).
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Aside from the celebrations, Taylor James Rosenberger had some time covering Alonzo, and Luke Bernier shows off two friends, Reagan Davidson as Tantomile and John Zamborsky as Skimbleshanks.
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I am going to need to hear about every scrap of US6 Platoria you enjoyed / saw please
sam and yuka platoria my beloveds
i still have to say that Aiden and Hyla are quite possibly the most perfect version of Platoria (and I’m a lil partial to them), but Sam and Yuka's Platoria was just the absolute sweetest and most adorable 😭 their dynamic was 10/10
they were SO cuddly and touchy, whenever they were near each other, they were holding paws and just smiling and giggling
i think @the-cat-at-the-theatre-door mentioned that their Platoria is very much a younger type of Platoria, young love and honeymoon phases, which i absolutely could see, and i loved so much
Like they were so so soft with each other, and whenever they were with each other, it was like no one else existed which SOBBING
they were almost always smiling at each other
their interactions were so genuine and sweet, and it was like they couldn't believe that this was actually happening, and they were so excited!
like their Platoria really made it feel like the Ball was also their wedding!!! which is huge for me bc that a point i'm so big on when discussing the Ball! It's the start of a new life and an end of an old one!!
there's a moment during the Ball where the two of them are sitting downstage in the corner, and the way everyone's angled makes them the focus, and Tumblebrutus is dancing and it's just SO cute, because it's like everyone's performing for them!!!
they're so so romantic with each other
I’ve mentioned before about how much i love that the revival choreo added extra solos for Platoria, and Sam and Yuka absolutely killed it, once again, they were just so excited, and were always reaching for each other and making the entire dance about each other, which is how it should be!!!!
their Pas was stupidly cute, the definition of puppy love
they were hesitant at the beginning, but then just kept smiling and there were little giggles before they did the actual dance, and then, when Plato let Victoria down from the lift, they both had the biggest smiles on their faces and were just so soft
they cuddled together while watching the kittens during Gus' song, and they were just so at peace and content with each other
Yeah, i adored their Platoria a lot, and their lil moment during the finale absolutely killed me
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Your service is appreciated 🫡
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itsmyregularcat · 2 years
Who gave the best performance at the show?
So not to cop out within the first sentence, but literally everyone brought their top game in my opinion. It was wholly more impressive than my previous time seeing the former non-equity cast (who were still great), and those who returned (aside from Michelle who was out as Jenny for the show), stepped up their performances as well.
Rather than choose one specific performer, I will go over those who I thought did well enough to be lauded directly, which is going to be most of them.
One of my favourite performers from the last time I saw Cats was Lexy as Cassandra, and she was even better this time around. Her higher energy and unique style as Cass is a good one to begin with, and it was all on full display. Her dancing and range of motion are remarkable. Plus, holy shit she is hot as Cassandra. My God.
Megan Arseneau did a really good job as Jenny during The Old Gumbie Cat, and maybe it was just me, but I feel like she went all out with the tap sequence, and added a bit of extra flair and attitude into it. Definitely would not have know she she was covering by the way she laid it out.
John Anker Bow was absolutely outstanding as Gus, and his vocal clarity still impresses me, even after seeing him twice before Sunday. His blood curdling noises were superb. Definitely the best ones I have heard. His foray as Rumpus Gus was also spectacular, and his Bustopher was amazing as well.
Nora played Demeter as very skittish, upset, and lowkey mad (particularly when Macavity is afoot), and they definitely got the characterization down pat. Their vocal style during Macavity was good, and the way they acted during the Macavity fight was really immersive.
I was not sure what expect from Erica as Bomba given her previous experience as part of the RCCL cast, but you can tell she has played the role it before. Specifically, her movements and mannerisms during Macavity were on the money. Her voice was interesting, and I cannot say it was a bad fit at all, so I am into it. I like when actors end up bringing their own self into a role. Also, definitely looked like how I imagine Bomba would look, so thumbs up for that.
Yuka as Victoria was a big highlight, and I already gushed about her here. I loved her performance, and she is probably my new favourite Victoria. Her smile 💕💕.
Cameron as Old Duet was quite good. You could appreciate that he has a classical training and history in opera. His voice and projection was impressive, and he peaked his mic during Old Deut for how powerful he was.
Taryn as Rumple was perfectly mischievous and bubbly, so she gets a good stamp of approval in my eyes. I do not have anything specific to really comment on, but noticed she liked being silly in background interactions with other cats.
Hank did very well as Tugger, and captured the spirit of the character much better than Zach did (sorry Zach). He played Tugger as sauve and boisterous rather than juvenile, and was the sexy cat he was supposed to be. Also, his energy during the time after the bows was awesome. He flew around that stage.
Sam as Sillabub and Reagan as Tanto were both great, and I was impressed by Sam's voice during the Moments Of Happiness. Much richer than I was expecting.
I guess that is it? Anyone else who performed that I did not mention were exceptional too do not get me wrong. There is SO MUCH going on during the show to pay good attention to everything and everyone.
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burnysbun · 2 years
Cats US Tour 2023
I’m going to go through each Cat I felt was really amazing in this performance and then go through my thoughts on the piece as a whole under the cut :3
TLDR: It was great, see it if you’re able to.
Not going over the parts I didn’t feel as strongly about because it makes me feel bad even though they’ll never see it. 
Bombalurina (ERICA LEE CIANCIULLI) - Amazing, really embodied the sexy, jazzy vibes I think of when I think of Bomba. Really kept her character the entire show and was a joy to watch with Demeter in the Macavity duet. 10/10
Cassandra (LEXY BITTNER) - Slinky, mysterious everything you want in a Cassandra. Loved that she’s lit upas well when she’s Misto’s assistant. 9/10
Demeter (NORA DEGREEN) - She was great, I felt her worry with macavity and her safety with munk and bomba. Loved watching her interact with the kitties. 
Grizabella (TAYLER HARRIS) - NO NOTES she’s perfect. 10/10
Mungojerrie (BRIAN CRAIG NELSON) - This man kept his character the entire time. Not once when I looked a t him did he not have a stupid ass grin on his face. 10/10
Munkustrap (KADE WRIGHT) - LOVED HIM AS MUNKU. Great presence. He knows who the hell munk is. Would be GLAD to have him as the ~new munk~ in a new movie. 10/10
Peter/Bustopher Jones/Asparagus (JOHN ANKER BOW) - adorable as Gus and hilarious as Bustopher. it’s giving very much rumpus cat. 9/10.
Plato/Macavity (SAM BUCHANAN) - THIS BOY IS HELLA THICK. The fight between him and munk was great. threw him like a rag doll. Didn’t over play it, which is great. Was very cute with Vicky in the Jellicle ball scene. Baby 9/10
Sillabub (SAM BELLO) - beautiful voice and paired excellently with Griz, their short duet give me goose bumps. 9/10
Skimbleshanks (JOHN ZAMBORSKY) - Great, loved him, gave me train cat on a mission, no notes, would trust him to make sure I wasn’t bothered by mice. Also gave me orange cat one braincell.  10/10
Victoria (YUKA NOTSUKA) - Graceful, beautiful, also baby. 10/10
As a whole: I really loved that they went back to most of the original choreography but the changes make a helluva lot of sense and I enjoyed some of them a lot more than the original, tbh. Overall a totally great time and I loved it. If you have a chance I highly suggest you try to see this cast if you can. This cast is amazing. Not once did I hear them out of breath the entire 2 hour show. All of them were SUPERB dancers. Sound production was also excellent and the live band never missed. 
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rice-pudding-slaps · 2 years
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(From Nora DeGreen's Instagram)
Nora DeGreen as Demeter
Sammy Fussom as Alonzo
Tayler Harris as Grizabella
Allyson Duarte as Jellylorum
Samantha Bello as Sillabub
Yuka Notsuka as Victoria
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fluffytuffles · 2 years
if/ when you figure it out would you mind making a list of the new cast instas?
Sure thing, partner
I'll include returning too for the sake of completeness, in case someone new is coming along. Just imagine the #s are @' s.
Gracie Anderson - #gracieanderson___ (3 underscores)
Megan Arseneau - #megskilove
Sam Bello - #bello_sam99
Luke Bernier - #lukebernier
Lexy Bittner - #lexybittner
John Anker Bow - #johnankerbow
Sam Buchanan - #samrbuchanan
Michelle E. Carter - #idtapthat03
Ellie Chancellor - #ellie_chancellor
Erica Lee Cianciulli - #ericaleecianciulli
Max Craven - #maxcraven_
Reagan Davidson - #reagandavidson_
Nora DeGreen - #noradegreen
Allyson Duarte - #abcduarte
Dominic Fortunato - #dominicfortunato_
Sammy Fossum - #sammyfossum
Marisa Gorst - #marisapaullgorst
Rachael Haber - #rachaelehaber
Tayler Harris - #sheistayler
Clara Hevia - #clara.hevia
Wilson Livingston - #wilsonbliving
Kieran Macdonald - #iamkieranmacdonald
José Raúl Mangual (i'm gonna assume this order isn't error) - #joserauliii
Brendan Moran - #brendan_moran_
Tony Mowatt - #baloneytones
Brian Craig Nelson - #clownfish2113
Yuka Notsuka - #yukaaada
Hank Santos - #hanksantos
Cameron Schutza - #heldentexan
Taryn Smithson - #tmsmithson
Ibn Snell - #ibb.ml
Kade Wright - #kadewwright
John Zamborsky - #izamwhoiam
Jonathan Heller - #jonathanhellerj
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white-cat-of-doom · 2 years
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Yuka Notsuka as Victoria and Samuel Buchanan as Plato, US Tour 6.
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