#Yukio ended up watching the anime by accident
frobby · 3 months
u see if both rin and Yukio both liked idolish7 rin would be a mitsuki stan and Yukio would be an iori stan and I think that's what's wrong with them
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Please may I have a Blue exorcist headcanons Platonic of when Rin and Yukio somehow ended up having to watch you, permanently (young female reader demon rabbit who took on the form of a little girl..she isn't much older than five if people took one look at her but she's actually older than that and she had the resemblance of Usumaro *the little boy from the Blue exorcist movie* and she is generally his female version..she is actually..Usumaro's little sister and the history was that she was given the rule to make sure that he didn't cause harm but obviously he did it behind her back when he erased the bad memories of the villagers and you can restore bad memories or important ones in that case) and you didn't really like Yukio and you were either so quiet you refused to respond or you just caused him trouble for the sake of it..you actually bit him when he tried putting you in a cage like an animal..you started being nicer when he actually treated you with respect like how you wanted to be respected..you didn't like being treated like a pest..it was cruel. You were really sweet when you were able to be more like a kid despite the type of demon you were..you loved Rin's cooking and You spoke in third person..you were on edge because people could potentially use you as an advantage to make people go through bad things (like making a child go through the trauma of losing her parents again in a car accident). You somehow make flowers bloom around you when you are happy too..
Rin's relationship with you
Yukio's relationship with you..
*It is Platonic mind..*
Hi! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like the headcanons!
Fandom: Blue Exorcist
Characters: Rin Okumura and Yukio Okumura x young! rabbit demon! gn! Reader (platonic)
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Rin is honestly a little surprised that people trust him enough to look after a kid. But at the same time, he’s one of the few people who can really connect with a demon so he supposes it makes sense.
Thinks you’re so funny when you ignore Yukio or cause problems for him, especially since Yukio does kind of deserve it.
Loves cooking for you! He thinks it’s great when people eat his cooking for enjoyment as well as just because they’re hungry. He enjoys listening to you compliment his food and if flowers start blooming due to your enjoyment, he’ll be over the moon.
Rin finds it sad that you’re always so on edge but understands why you’re like that. People are always after him for his powers as well so he can understand what you’re going through.
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Yukio is not pleased when he finds out he has to care for a demon child. He already has to deal with Rin on a daily basis. He really doesn’t have time to deal with another person he has to care for.
It also doesn’t help that you’re not exactly making it easy for him. But as soon as he realises your behaviour is directly linked to how he treats you, he’ll try to be nicer.
The longer he knows you, the more protective he is of you. He knows you’re on edge a lot due to your fear of your powers being used by the wrong people so he’ll do whatever he can to make you feel safe.
He likes seeing flowers bloom around you when you’re feeling joyful. It’s a visual representation that he’s doing the right thing in making you happy.
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emilycollins00 · 4 years
if it's not much of a bother, can i ask for a scenario where izumi has a little sister (reader) and she visits the mankai company one day because she misses her? how would the actors (you can pick who!) react knowing that all the acting genes went to the little sister and how do they find out about it? uwu thank you very much~ ღ
So sorry for the delay! It was really nice to come up with the idea so thank you very much for the prompt sweetie! 💕 
 Hope you like it 
Mankai watching Izumi’s sister! reader acting for the first time
It was Thursday morning and being weekday, everyone was running in and out around the dorm; students were in school, adults were on their jobs and you were about to ring the doorbell for the fifth time, when a man in a green suit with patches came out followed by a talking bird.
“Stupid Matsukawa, stupid, stuuupid!”
You wondered if that was the norm around there.
“Will you shut it!” the man with old clothes scolded the animal as he turned to concentrate on the call. He bowed repeatedly to an invisible person “I’m so sorry sir!, I must have taken it to the opposite place…ugh?! Y-you need it that early?! I-I’m outside now, so I’ll run to-!
Unsure, you tried to catch his attention, seeing he might be gone before you could talk “Uh…” He turned, breathing so heavily that you jumped a bit “Hi, sorry I’m Izumi’s-”
The man didn’t even let you finish, “Director! She has gone to help a fellow theatre so you can wait inside! I need to solve some matters but Kamekichi will show you the way” he pointed to the bird flying over you two. At this point, you were barely following what was going on “Now, if you’ll excuse me!”
Before you could even respond, the manager of Mankai had already sprint to try and fix whatever accident had happened. You scratched your neck. 
“Come inside, visitor, it’s too hot outside!” he yelled, “I’m going to get a sunburn!”
You pulled out your phone as you eyed the talking bird. Hadn’t expected your surprise visit to turn out like that. You were thinking about actually calling Izumi but...
You lifted your head “Okay little bird, guess I’ll enter. You’re right that it’s too hot to wait here anyway”
“My name’s Kamekichi, you dumbo!”
The bird turned and you followed him inside the big dorm. Excusing yourself before taking your shoes off, you waited for a response that didn’t come. For being such a big place filled with people, as Izumi always said, it sure was empty.
You roamed around the area, not sure if to stay in the lounge or investigate a bit as you waited. It was spacious and something smelled great over what you guessed was the kitchen “Curry…?”
A happy smile reached your face when you saw it was indeed curry. You had missed Izumi’s cooking so much now that she lived here. But you heard her so happy about the theatre that instead of asking her again to try and make time to go home, you took the first train in the morning to go to Veludo.
Gaining more confidence, you decided to look around some more, finding in no time the big courtyard.
“Everyone lives around the garden!” placing himself on your shoulder, Kamekichi had taken the guide role seriously. The bird had been talking non-stop, pointing with his beak different places and random objects you two found on the way.
…There was an insanely big amount of triangle objects laying around, now that you noticed.
“Mmm?” reaching one of the benches, you found what seemed to be a script. Not surprising, taking into account there was always supposed to be a few plays in motion.
You hesitated, but in the end, you couldn’t help but want to take a short look. You had read such great comments about Mankai, it had been a pity you lived so far to make it between your classes and works “Oh… this is pretty interesting?” flipping the pages, you found yourself needing to know more about how that play would turn out. The characters' dialogues were really good and, at some point, unconsciously, you found yourself reciting the lines out loud, enthusiastically.
So enthusiastically, that you had effectively caught the attention of the few dormant that hadn’t noticed a new person from inside their rooms.
“Thank god we are finally here!” Izumi left the bags on the entrance as Tsumugi held the door so Tasuku could bring some boxes inside “Matsukawa-san…?” she hummed as she opened again her phone. 
“Something wrong?” Tsumugi walked next to her as they both headed towards the living room.
Izumi frowned, her fingers moving around the screen “Yeah, looks like he mistook another… Uh, guys? What are you…? Banri-kun, what are you doing here?!”
The autumn leader rolled his eyes while Citron greeted them with a whisper and Azuma smiled. All three of them were looking at the courtyard in silence.
“We were enjoying the performance. Cute, right?” Azuma pointed at you, moving around in the garden “She has been reading out loud the script someone from the summer troupe must have left. I have to say, I’m impressed”
“Yeah, don’t know who she is but she sure has some freakin’ skills man”
Izumi’s eyes opened wide when she heard your voice. No way that was you. When...?
“Yes, she is very amazing! No matter how much noise Banri or me made when we left the rooms, she did not get distracted!”
It was true. You were so immersed in the script that you had barely paid attention to what surrounded you. That’s how good you thought the script was. You were just about to turn when something grabbed you, making you scream.
“Why are you here? Wait, I’m confused, did we arrange anything? Sorry not being here! I’m usually around the dorm but a fellow theatre asked us to help carry some props and they usually help us so much that-“
You smiled. Your sister was one hell of a bouncing ball since you had memory “We didn’t decide anything! I just really missed you so I decided to drop by”
Izumi gasped and tightened the hug, saying over and over how happy she was to finally see you again and how much she had missed you too. You laughed, squeezing her too and enjoying her warmth and familiar smell.
“Were you here long?”
“For a bit. I think it was the manager who let me in and, uh, the bird showed me around?” 
She nodded, understanding the confusion in your voice “Yes, they are… anyway” releasing you, she looked at you up and down “You look great! I’m so happy you are here. Come, let me present you some of the actors. Others are working and the youngest in high school… well, at least all were supposed too” she glared at Banri.
The crowd that had awaited watching the sibling exchange approached you, still shocked by finding out you two were related.
“So you are director’s sister?”
“Pleased to meet you, Y/N-san”
“It is so happy to meet you, yes! Let us hear stories from young times later!“
“Yo, little director, not bad”
You now understood why Izumi said they had a vast variety of personalities within the dorm “Nice to meet you!” 
“These are Citron, Azuma-san, Banri-kun and… Tsumugi, where’s Tasuku?”
“Was she the one acting?” a man the age of Izumi, pretty well built, had appeared from inside, eyeing you with an intense look in his eyes “I could hear from the entrance. Good voice projection”
“This is Y/N, my sister”
“That delivery was indeed really beautiful” the young man with light blue hair smiled at you and you couldn’t help but blush at the compliment “I’m assuming it’s not your first time”
“Fufu we did have fun seeing your acting”
“After deciding you were not a spy, of course!”
…You wanted to hide embarrassed. Just how many people had been watching you? “I’m so sorry! I took this script and read it out loud” you held the script and gave it to Izumi.
Banri whistled, hands inside his pocket “You gave it a good read too. So that’s where all the actin’ from Yukio-san went to, uh”
“We will have a talk later about you being here on a school day, Banri-kun… I wouldn’t be speaking so cheekily”
Tsumugi laughed nervously at the exchange, turning again to you “Do you act, perhaps?”
You considered it “I’m doing theatre but it’s a small club. It’s a hobby rather than the passion Izumi and our father had”
“Don’t say that, you guys are great! You really need to rethink about doing theatre, I could help you with…”
Every one of the actors could already picture just how many times you two must have had that same conversation, judging by your face. Tasuku decided to interfere.
“You know, I wasn’t able to watch you, care if we do an improv here?”
“Ah, as expected of one of our biggest acting addicts” 
“I too want to perform the improv!���
Azuma looked at you, smiling softly when he noticed you fidgeting. Before you could reject anything though, Izumi answered for you “That’s such a great idea!”
Guess you didn’t have a choice.
“We’re back!”
“I can smell curry even from here…”
“Masumi-kun, stop! I’m sure director will be there even if you…!”
“F in the chat, I’m so tired, Tenten…!”
“Why are you looking at me like I should do something about it?!”
“You guys tell me, I still need to get to my part-time job as soon as we finish lunch…”
The summer and spring members entered the dorm chatting with each other, as always, when Sakuya stopped and headed to the garden, hearing the noise “Why is everyone outside?”
The rest followed. There you stood facing Tasuku with a Citron hiding behind in the middle of the courtyard. The others were sitting on the benches listening to you three.
You kicked the floor “What do you mean we can’t go?!” you pointed to yourself and Citron “You promised us!”
“I’m not repeating myself. Work piled up”
The green-haired designer of Mankai raised his eyebrows “Who’s that?” 
“Are they doing a skit?”
“Looks like it”
Tenma crossed his arms, watching your movements… you were actually pretty good.
“...Is it me or she looks like director?”
“That wasn’t half bad” Tasuku smiled when you all finished.  
“I too did enjoy it in the performance of us siblings against a strict father!”
“You are even better than I remembered, Y/N!” you couldn’t help but chuckle when you saw your sister’s happy face. Opening your mouth to call her out, applause followed behind you.
“That was so amazing!!”
When did all those people come from?! You turned to see more actors watching you from the lounge. You glanced at your sister and she smiled “I guess we could take a break and have lunch together, you all deserve it!”
You nodded, entering inside to introduce yourself to the rest of them. You couldn’t wait to see what else was to find out about Mankai.
“So you two are sister...?”
“Never would have guessed it, acting-wise”
“Same! Your acting skills were EPIC! Do you have instablam?” 
“Sister-in-law... need to get her blessing- muhpm!”
“Masumi, don’t!” both Sakuma and Tsuzuru shut him up covering his mouth before you heard anything. You narrowed your eyes, letting it be.
“....anyway, I saw there’s curry? I’m so excited!” you mentioned as you all entered inside.
Izumi gasped beaming as she grabbed your arm “Oh, you just wait to try it, Y/N! I found these spices the other day that…!
You two chatted heatedly about new recipes you both had created as the actors looked at each other with entertained expressions. Maybe you two didn’t share acting genes… but it looked like the curry obsession really ran in your family’s blood. 
Have a wonderful day! 💕
Edit: If interested, here is a kind of sequel to this Sister! reader with the autumn troupe
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Fanfic Recs
I’ve been meaning to make one of these for a long, long while and so here it is! Amazing fics that I’ve read and enjoyed a lot =) I hope you’ll find something that you might enjoy, too, along the way. And feel free to share any fics you’ve read/written, I’d be more than happy to add to the list!
Artemis Fowl:
Why One Must Not Attempt to Analyze A Child Genius, fiercejinx - Complete, G. "Artemis Fowl had retired half a dozen counselors from St. Barleby's already this year." Here's how. Six chapters, one for each psychologist losin' it.
Blue Exorcist:
To Be Good, Kizmet - Complete, T. Yukio had always been the good twin, intelligent, studious, disciplined and, most importantly, not a demon. It was obvious that he only wanted what was best for Rin. Yukio's intentions were one thing Rin would never question, no matter what. After Father Fujimoto's death Yukio went quietly insane. No one noticed.
A Farewell to All Futures, Yukari - Complete, Not Rated, Oneshot. One of them in theory belonged to the chosen ones, but still wondered if his life had any meaning.
The other one had a chance to become the chosen one, but still wondered if his decision was right. Basically the first, very brief meeting of Komaeda and Hinata before the world went completely insane, because we probably won't get to see it in the anime.
Bad Poetry of a Lopsided Heart, IcicleWieldingManaic - WIP, T. Komaeda likes to write letters that he never sends. However, one time Hinata accidentally receives one addressed to himself. He also feels a responsibility to watch over Komaeda after the events of the first trial. You know, just so nobody else gets killed.It's a good thing Hinata doesn't know who the letter's from, huh? Komaeda/Hinata, slow burn.
just looking at you i enjoy myself, suitablyskippy - Complete, Mature. “Hm?” says Komaeda, and looks down at the grip he’s still got, cold and clammy and squeezed uncomfortably tight. “Oh – that! Of course! You know, sometimes, Hinata-kun – sometimes I forget, when I’m touching you! Because it feels so natural. Like you and I are one, almost! Like we were always meant to be this close – do you know what I mean? Do you feel it?”
“You’re still holding my wrist,” says Hinata.
Komaeda lets him go, and then he touches his elbow, gently, as though in consolation. “With my luck the way it is,” he says, “no one’s gonna be able to kill me unless I let them.”
(Someone's got to die next, and Komaeda would really, really like it to be him!)
Long Road to North, Urponator - WIP, T. There’s nothing as hopeless as a life being a regular salesman at a regular office. And after waiting for years for his life to change, he can’t contain his excitement as he finds himself threatened by a knife, held by a brown-haired stranger on the run. Komaeda/Hinata, slow burn, AU.
Death Note:
A Forgotten Encounter, Alex Prosper - Complete, T. Light is faced with his first murder case at age nine after meeting a strange, hooded teenager in Harajuku. Dupin becomes the one special thing in his childhood, long forgotten. This is L and Light's true first meeting, but they will never know it.
Genius is a Curse, Bloodshot Eyes - WIP, T. If Light had never touched the Death Note, would he ever have found an escape from the depression and boredom that plagued him? Would he have had a future at all? Undertones of Light/L, dark themes.
Leave the Light On, Ne Quittez Pas - Complete, T. Light had dealt with admirers before, but nothing like this. Between an unknown stalker and a mass-murderer with a God complex, it's unlikely that Light will ever sleep again... unless an insomniac detective can help him put a stop to both. Light/L, dark themes.
Detective Conan:
It's Raining Men, Hallelujah, Asuka Kureru - Complete, Oneshot, T. Conan already has some kind of corpse magnet power, but when Heiji is in his orbit the corpses actively come to them. From above. Witness.
D. Grayman:
Fair Play, liketolaugh - WIP, T.  Cross hated his master. Really. Allen fucking Walker was the most infuriatingly mysterious human being on the planet - but even Cross couldn't say Allen had done a bad job looking after him. Oneshot series.
vertigo, hurryup - WIP, Mature. Los Angeles, 1951. Allen Walker, a private eye of cult celebrity status, has been running from his past for a long time. Howard Link, an LAPD cop rising quickly through the ranks, finds himself caught between that which is lawful and that which is right.
As Sunset Boulevard crackles with caged heat, the thread of their investigations meet. With them, corruption, obsession, and celebrity meet in a game of chess that holds the entire city as its hostage.
The descent into hell is easy. All it takes is a little push.
If We Ever Meet Again, Shitsuren69 - Complete, T. AU. Mikado thought that the biggest event in his life was when the love of his life ran off with his best friend. This was, of course, before Celty invited him to Ikebukuro. Eventual Shizuo/Mikado. Prequel to Operator.
Comments: I just really love the way this one was written. From Mikado getting along with Walker and Erika to the falling out in the beginning with Kida and Anri. It makes when they meet again all the more interesting! And there's this one scene that will always stay in my mind - Mikado jumping off the roof, fully expecting Shizuo to catch him. I know, I know, what is the likelihood of something like that happening in real life, right? Still, I got a kick out of reading Izaya's reactions in this story. In addition, this story gives me the same vibe as the series - it's about different forms of love.
Thirty-Two Steps, Nanimonaimono - Complete, Oneshot, T. He guesses it's time to make Anri fall in love with Mikado like she should've from the start. As he opened his mouth, Masaomi fought the ridiculous, overpowering urge to stop and shout that he's been in love too long for this. Kida/Mikado.
Final Fantasy 7:
Beloved, Sinnatious - Complete, Mature. It all starts when Cloud tries to leave during the middle of a Loveless performance. Genesis/Cloud. Tifa/Cloud.
Dishonorable Discharge, icynovas - Complete, T. Seeking a new career, infantryman Cloud Strife attempts to get fired from ShinRa.
Off the Line, esama - WIP, T.  In which Cloud gets a Virtual Reality Dream Console – ShinRa's latest in virtual reality technology. Aaand everything pretty much goes downhill from there. Vincent/Cloud.
The Fifth Act, Sinnatious - Complete, T. Cloud has an accident with a Time materia. There are people to save, and for that, some people need to die. 
Comments: This is a pretty well-known story in the FFVII fandom, and let me tell ya, it’s worth every second of the read. Even if you haven’t played the game, this sort of storytelling will drag you in and keep your attention. You’ll be left wanting more!
My Hero Academia:
but you gotta get up at least once more, simkjrs - WIP, T. Izuku’s never run into this problem before with anyone else, but it’s still not much of a problem. “Oh, that’s alright,” he says. “I don’t have a Quirk.”
Tsukauchi stares incredulously at him, and then looks at the iron bar that Izuku is currently straightening with his hands.
Midoriya Izuku does not let his lack of a Quirk prevent him from being strong.Also known as that one AU where Izuku follows the ridiculous training regimen of Saitama from One Punch Man and becomes stronger than anyone ever imagined he could be.
Persona 4:
Dare Disturb the Universe, jackdawq - Complete, T, Oneshot.  A creeping, nagging sense of repetition: rewind, replay. Yosuke/Souji, Naoto/Kanji.
Days Without Nights, Angevon - Complete, T. Years after the events of Persona 4, Yosuke Hanamura is married. Then his wife leaves him. Yosuke/Souji, slow burn.
First Impressions (Seventeen Variations), jackdawq - Complete, T, Oneshot.  It sucks to be the new transfer kid. Right?
Reversing Arcana, Sinnatious - Complete, T.  P3, P4. Six months after Souji leaves Inaba, he wakes up to his house on fire. The Investigation Team are the only ones who know he survived. But that's only the beginning of their troubles.
Ten Steps, chisotahn - Complete, T. Written for a prompt over at badbadbathhouse. "Souji never told anyone about being able to enter the TV. So, even though Chie and onward somehow ended up with Souji, Yosuke never wound up knowing about the shadow world. For months on end, Souji has been keeping his otherworldly adventures a secret from his predictably ignorant (yet suspicious) boy [best] friend (though he's still your Magician).
Preferably later in the game, Yosuke appears in a Junes-exclusive interview (bonus if the media was filming Junes without permission), and thus, dungeon time ensues." Only... well, slightly modified. ;) You'll see! Yosuke/Souji.
Psycho Pass:
Unconventional Normality, scorchedtrees - Complete, G. AU: In which Akane joins Division Four to work alongside Inspector Makishima.
Fragile Bonds, Atherin Ashura - WIP, T.  A silent walk home from school can change the outcome of so many paths. Fears arise, secrets that are closely guarded come to light and partnerships can crumble. But if one can survive through it, a brighter, more certain, tomorrow awaits. Kuro + Mahiru, sloth pair friendship.
Honest is Your Only Policy, faecakes - WIP, Explicit.  Being Ex-Lovers can be complicated, especially when your ex happens to be Tsurugi. Mikuni/Tsurugi.
Unmasked, stirlingphoenix - Complete, Explicit, Oneshot. "The smile falls from Mikuni’s lips and he dons a more pensive expression before reaching forward and taking a piece of the paper bag between his fingers.
'I want this gone,' he says casually, like it’s only a suggestion, and not the demand Jeje knows it is. Once again, he feels as if he’s being pinned down by Mikuni’s gaze, and he can hardly think." Jeje/Mikuni.
The World Ends With You:
Blindsided, R. Seldon - Complete, Oneshot, G. Neku has something to say that Joshua does not particularly want to hear. One-shot. Warnings: spoilers; mild, kinda-sorta one-sided Joshua/Neku. Or just Josh being, um, obsessive. Spoilers for endgame.
Dust, DarkRulerDominica - Complete, M. After surviving three weeks of the Reapers' Game, Neku demands that Joshua return him to the world of the living; Joshua agrees, but there's a catch to the deal…. Dark themes. 
Comments: As a thriller/horror story, this one is damn good. It answers one of the glaring questions from the game: what happens to the bodies of those who are playing the game?
Perfect, Infamousplot - Complete, Oneshot, T. One month. That was all the time he gave Kitanji: four weeks, 28 days- give or take a few. Well, now he's down to three weeks. A whole week wasted. Because SOMEBODY, though he won't name any names -Neku Sakuraba -, just won't freaking DIE! Now, he's sprinting through the RG with a gun, a psycho on his tail, and only one goal in mind: Kill the proxy. Now.
The Red Queen series, Kay (sincere) - Complete, T, unfolds in four parts.  In which someone who has been too long alone finally reaches out, building a bridge between his world and another's. It has been decades in coming, and it isn't easy, but the more difficult the ordeal, the greater the reward -- just like in any Game. 
Tokyo Ghoul:
mamihlapinatapai, sinshine - Complete, T, Oneshot. 
“Hey, babe,” he crooned into the phone. “I know you're thirsty but you can't keep calling me at work like this.”
“Hide.” Came the exasperated sigh and he couldn't help but smile at the sound. “You're not really at work, are you?”
“Nah, I'm just getting something to eat.” Hide took another bite out of the dismembered arm he held and licked a drip of blood up his wrist before it could hit his jacket. “What's up?”
Your Cross, I’ll Bear, PTchan - WIP, T. “You make him sound like the hero of a shonen manga or something,” he couldn’t help but comment.
“Who knows,” Koma replied just as Irimi stood to deliver the order. “Maybe he is,” he winked. “And you would be the sidekick right?”
Kaneki sweatdropped, but chuckled all the same. A story with Hide as the main character, huh… he thought, wringing his cloth in the sink before hanging it on the rail and picking up his notepad. Well, if it’s him… then it would surely be one filled with hope.(Or: that fic where Hide wakes up in the past just in time to prevent the Tragedy that was Kaneki Ken's life... by taking it on himself.
Of course, it doesn't have to be a Tragedy.)
Yuri on Ice:
a glide in your step, Yuu_chi - Complete, T, Oneshot.  Ah, Yuuri thinks as his skates touch down on the ice, and even as Yuuko watches him it’s the weight of Viktor’s eyes he feels on his shoulder blades, I’m not ready to let this go. Victor/Yuri.
fight for you, write for you, third - Complete, T, Oneshot.  The thing is, Yuuri had completely forgotten about his account on Figure Skating! until he sees the email in his inbox. He doesn’t know how he ends up awake at 3 AM defending Victor’s reputation from strangers on the internet. Victor/Yuri.
i see quiet nights poured over ice, ohhotlamb - WIP, T. He’s a despicable man, but what he offers is the truth. I’ll make you a winner, he says. And he knows -
This is one thing that Yuuri can’t refuse.
like your french girls, ebenroot - Complete, T. "Victor," Yuri begins, lowering the eighteenth sketch of the figure skater Victor drew this week, "you have a fucking problem." 
--in which Victor is an artist, Yuuri is his figure skating muse, and Yuri is so done hearing about their stupid love story through Instagram. Victor/Yuri.
stay young (go dancing), ryuuzaou - Complete, Explicit, Oneshot. Victor/Yuri.
“Do you do this with every pretty boy that serves you champagne?” Yuuri asks, finally a touch of humor in his tone.
“I’ll admit, I’m the flirty type,” Viktor says, “but I haven’t asked to kiss any.” Oh, fuck it. Yuuri throws caution to the wind and says, “You won’t have to.”
aka: the one where yu-topia onsen caters a celebration party for viktor nikiforov's fifth world championship win, and viktor takes interest in the super hot waiter.
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